Beginning in Peek/Spy Version 4.6, more than one watcher is allowed to watch the same terminal, all at the same time. The first watcher who starts watching a particular terminal is designated the primary watcher. Any and all additional watchers who then start watching that same terminal are designated secondary watchers. A primary watcher has all of the normal Peek/Spy capabilities and hot-keys etc which a Peek/Spy watcher has always had in the past. Secondary watchers are passive. They may watch and end watching, but other hot-keys are disabled and keyboard control is not usually allowed, except via PERMIT_INPUT and REQUEST_INPUT. (See the top-level PEEK Subtopic: Permit-Input|Request-Input.) If there are additional (secondary) watchers also watching when a primary watcher ends watching, then the earliest secondary watcher becomes the new primary watcher. Any hot-keys, keyboard control, etc, which were disabled for the watcher as a secondary watcher, become functional when a secondary watcher becomes the new primary watcher.