Skip=n Noskip Ignores the first n data records in the input file. Use this qualifier in conjunction with the Commit_Every qualifier when restarting an aborted load operation. An aborted load operation displays a message indicating how many records have been committed. Use this value for n. If you specify a negative number, you receive an error message. If you specify a number greater than the number of records in the file, you receive an error message stating that no records have been stored. If you do not specify a value, you receive an error message stating that there is a missing keyword value. Using the Skip qualifier to restart an aborted parallel load operation is rarely useful. Because records are sorted by the controller for each executor involved in the parallel load, there are usually multiple sections of loaded and unloaded records in the input file. Unless you are very familiar with the data you are loading and how it is sorted by the controller, you risk loading some records twice and not loading other records at all, if you use the Skip qualifier when restarting an aborted parallel load operation. The default is the Noskip qualifier.