Threshold=options Nothreshold The Threshold qualifier can only be used in conjunction with the Full qualifier. If this qualifier is used, an additional Threshold column is added to the display. You can specify the following options with the Threshold qualifier: o Percent=n The value for Percent=n can be an integer value from 0 to 99. The default value for n is 0. If Percent=n is not specified or if a percent value of 0 is specified, any percentage difference from the actual cardinality value is flagged as "*over*" in the output column. If a percent value of 1 to 99 is specified, any percentage difference from the actual cardinality value that is greater than the percent value specified is flagged as "*over*" in the output column. In the report, the Threshold column displays those cardinality values in which the percent difference exceeds the specified value. If the threshold is not exceeded, the column is blank. If the threshold is exceeded, the column shows the string "*over*". o Log={All|Over_Threshold} If Log is not specified or if Log=All is specified, all cardinality values are displayed. If Log=Over_Threshold is specified, only cardinality values that exceed the threshold percentage are flagged as "*over*" in the output column.