LogMiner for Rdb appends several output fields to the data fields, creating an output record. The output record contains fixed-length fields in a binary data format (that is, integer fields are not converted to text strings). The data fields correspond to the extracted table columns. This information may or may not be required by all applications and readers of the data. There is currently no available method to restrict or reorder the output fields. Extracted data field contents are the fields that are actually stored in the Oracle Rdb database. COMPUTED BY fields are not extracted because they are not stored in the database or in the after-image journal file. Segmented string (BLOB) contents are not extracted. Output Fields describes the output fields and data types of an output record. Table 23 Output Fields Byte Field Name Data Type LengthDescription ACTION CHAR (1) 1 Indicates record state. "M" indicates an insert or modify action. "D" indicates a delete action. "E" indicates stream end-of-file (EOF) when a callback routine is being used. "P" indicates a value from the command line Parameter qualifier when a callback routine is being used (see Parameter qualifier). "C" indicates transaction commit information when the Include=Action=Commit qualifier is specified. RELATION_ CHAR (31) 31 Table name. Space padded to 31 NAME characters. RECORD_TYPE INTEGER 4 The Oracle Rdb internal (Longword) relation identifier. DATA_LEN SMALLINT 2 Length, in bytes, of the data (Word) record content. NBV_LEN SMALLINT 2 Length, in bits, of the null (Word) bit vector content. DBK BIGINT 8 Records logical database key. (Quadword) The database key is a 3-field structure containing a 16- bit line number, a 32-bit page number and a 16-bit area number. START_TAD DATE VMS 8 Date-time of the start of the (Quadword) transaction. COMMIT_TAD DATE VMS 8 Date-time of the commitment of (Quadword) the transaction. TSN BIGINT 8 Transaction sequence number of (Quadword) the transaction that performed the record operation. RECORD_ SMALLINT 2 Record version. VERSION (Word) Record Data Varies Actual data record field contents. Record NBV BIT VECTOR Null bit vector. There is (array of one bit for each field in the bits) data record. If a bit value is 1, the corresponding field is NULL; if a bit value is 0, the corresponding field is not NULL and contains an actual data value. The null bit vector begins on a byte boundary. Any extra bits in the final byte of the vector after the final null bit are unused.