The RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINT_FLDS system table lists the columns that participate in unique, primary, or foreign key declarations for table-specific constraints. There is one row for each column that represents all or part of a unique, primary, or foreign key constraint. The following table provides information on the columns of the RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINT_FLDS system table. Data Column Name Type Summary Description RDB$CONSTRAINT_NAME char(31) The name of a constraint for which the specified column participates. RDB$FIELD_NAME char(31) The name of the column that is all or part of the specified constraint. The value in this column is the same as that stored in the RDB$RELATION_FIELDS system table. RDB$FIELD_POSITION integer The ordinal position of the specified column within the column list that declares the unique, primary or foreign key constraint. For column-level constraints, there will always be only one column in the list. The first column in the list has position value 1, the second has position value 2, and so on. RDB$FLAGS integer Reserved for future use. RDB$SECURITY_CLASS char(20) Reserved for future use.