%μ Librarian I01-42ΎΊΜgBv¨’²ΠgBv¨”•5G g` DEFAULT_USERKEYPAD  ­&ΘΟgBv¨1 KEYPAD2 VT100Z)0lqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqk]x ^ x Down x x x x x x Fndnxt x Del xfx x x Entry x x x  Gold x Help x x Und xhx Up x x x Left x Right x x x x Find x Entry xXx Entry x v x Char x Char x tqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqquXmqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqj x Move x Sect x Show x Del xb x x x Def x Und x] xShow Keyx x User x Field xRDelete Rubout character tqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqquZLinefeed Rubout field x Advancex Backup x Cut x Del x[Tab Move to next field x x x x Und xoBack space Backup to prior field x Bottom x Top x Paste x Char xRCTRL/W Refresh screen tqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqquXCTRL/Z Return to DMU command level, x Field x  PW  x Char x xT modify access control list x x x x Enter x[GOLD Z Return to DMU command level, x x[7m Del PW x x xR do not modify ACL tqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqu xT x Entry x Select x xYType a key for help on that key. x x x xkTo exit, type a space. x Open Entry x Reset x xP mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqj=On VT200 ke yboards, Type F17 for help on VT200 keys. 3 VT200_KEYSR(B)0lqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqkJx x x Delete x x x x xPx x Prev x Prev x x x Help x Exit & save xNx x Col x Col x x x x changes xHmqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqj mqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqjH lqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqkH x x x xN x Find x Insert x Delete xL x x Entry x Entry xH tqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqquH x x x xN x Select xSection xSection xL  x xForward xBackwardxH mqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqj? x xA x Up xA x Entry xH lqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqkO For help on a key, press the key. x x x xU To return to editing, type a space. x Back x Down x Right xN x Char x Char x Char xH mqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqj3 NO_HELP_AVAILABLE'No HELP text is available for that key.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 ALL_PRIVILEGEFThe asterisk key (*) may be used to fill in all thirteen privileges0into t he grant, deny or banish privilege fields.FAn asterisk will fill in all privileges not in one of the fields toFthe left of the current field, and will clear all the privileges inthe fields to its right.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 C_PRIVILEGEFThe C key may be used to insert CONTROL privilege into the currentprivilege mask.FCONTROL privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masks in!the current ACL entry.FCONTROL privilege is required to view and modify the access controlClist of a dictionary directory, object or sub-dictionary directory.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 D_PRIVILEGEFThe D key may be used to insert LOCAL_DELETE privilege into thecurrent privilege mask.FLOCAL_DELETE privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masksin the current ACL entry.FLOCAL_DELE"TE privilege is required to delete dictionary objects. ItFalso enables you to delete dictionary directories and sub-dictionary)directories that do not own any children.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 E_PRIVILEGEFThe E key may be used to insert VAX DATATRIEVE's EXECUTE privilege.(DTR_EXECUTE) into the current privilege mask.FDTR_EXECUTE privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masksin the c#urrent ACL entry.%DTR_EXECUTE privilege is required to:, o Execute a VAX DATATRIEVE procedure./ o Use a VAX DATATRIEVE table definition.9 o Ready a VAX DATATRIEVE domain for EXTEND access.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 F_PRIVILEGEFThe F key may be used to insert FORWARD privilege into the currentprivilege mask.FFORWARD privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masks$ inthe current ACL entry.BFORWARD privilege is required to create subdictionary directories.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 G_PRIVILEGEFThe G key may be used to insert GLOBAL_DELETE privilege into thecurrent privilege mask.FGLOBAL_DELETE privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masksin the current ACL entry.FGLOBAL_DELETE privilege is required to delete dictionary directoriesFand s%ubdictionary directories that own children. It also enables youto delete dictionary objects.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 H_PRIVILEGEFThe H key may be used to insert HISTORY privilege into the currentprivilege mask.FHISTORY privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masks inthe current ACL entry.AHISTORY privilege is required to create new history list entries.3To display help &on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 M_PRIVILEGEFThe M key may be used to insert VAX DATATRIEVE's MODIFY privilege-(DTR_MODIFY) into the current privilege mask.FDTR_MODIFY privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masks inthe current ACL entry.FDTR_MODIFY privilege is required to ready a VAX DATATRIEVE domain formodify access.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space 'bar. 3 P_PRIVILEGEFThe P key may be used to insert PASS_THRU privilege into the currentprivilege mask.FPASS_THRU privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masks inthe current ACL entry.FPASS_THRU privilege is required to reference a dictionary directory,#object or sub-dictionary directory.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 R_PRIVILEGEFThe R key may be used to insert VAX DATATRIEV(E's READ privilege+(DTR_READ) into the current privilege mask.FDTR_READ privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masks inthe current ACL entry.FDTR_READ privilege is required to ready a VAX DATATRIEVE domain for read access.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 S_PRIVILEGEFThe S key may be used to insert SEE privilege into the currentprivilege mask.FSEE privilege will be cleared from) the other privilege masks in thecurrent ACL entry.FSEE privilege is required to access the attributes of a dictionaryFobject. In general, you should grant SEE access to any objects yougrant PASS_THRU access to.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 U_PRIVILEGEFThe U key may be used to insert UPDATE privilege into the currentprivilege mask.FUPDATE privilege will be cleared from the other privileg*e masks in thecurrent ACL entry.FUPDATE privilege is required to create or modify the attributes of adictionary object.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 W_PRIVILEGEFThe W key may be used to insert VAX DATATRIEVE's WRITE privilege,(DTR_WRITE) into the current privilege mask.FDTR_WRITE privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masks inthe current ACL entry.FDTR_WRITE privilege is required +to ready a VAX DATATRIEVE domain for write access.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 X_PRIVILEGEFThe X key may be used to insert EXTEND privilege into the currentprivilege mask.FEXTEND privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masks in thecurrent ACL entry.BEXTEND privilege is required to create a new dictionary directory.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to, editing, press the space bar.3 BSFThe backspace key is used to move the cursor to the beginning of the prior field.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 COMMA7The DEL CHAR key (comma) is used to delete a character.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 DASHFThe DEL FIELD key (dash) is used to delete the contents of the currentfield -of the current ACL entry.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 DELETEFThe DELETE key is used to rubout the character to the left of thecursor.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 DOWNFThe DOWN ENTRY key (DOWN ARROW) is used to move to the current fieldof the following ACL entry.3To display help on another key, press that key..-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 ENTER'This key (ENTER) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 LEFTFThe LEFT CHAR key (LEFT ARROW) is used to move the cursor to the next character.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 LFFThe linefeed key is used to delete the contents of the fieldpreceeding/ the current field.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 PERIODFThe SELECT key is used to mark the entry that is to start a selectrange.FThe CUT key can be used to delete all the entries in the current select range.7The RESET key can be used to cancel a select operation.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 PF20The HELP key (PF02) is used to display HELP text.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 PF3:The FINDNXT key (PF3) is used to initiate string searches.FFINDNXT searches for the next occurrence of the last search string.@If no searches have been done, FINDNEXT moves to the next field.CThe search direction is the same as the default movement direction.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, pr1ess the space bar.3 PF41The DEL ENTRY key is used to delete an ACL entry.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 RETURNFThe RETURN key is used to create an empty ACL entry before the current ACL entry.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 RIGHTFThe RIGHT COL key (RIGHT ARROW) is used to move the cursor to the next character.3To2 display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 TAB.The TAB key is used to move to the next field.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 UPFThe UP ENTRY key (UP ARROW) is used to move to the current field ofthe preceeding ACL entry.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 0FThe LINE key (0) i3s used to move to the beginning of the next ACLentry.FThe direction of movement is as set by the most recent use of theADVANCE and BACKUP keys.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 14The FIELD key (1) is used to move to the next field.FThe direction of movement is as set by the most recent use of theADVANCE and BACKUP keys.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to edi4ting, press the space bar.3 2FThe PW (2) key is used to move to the PASSWORD field (the last field)of an ACL entry.FThe direction of movement is as set by the most recent use of theADVANCE and BACKUP keys.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 3CThe CHAR key (3) is used to move the cursor one character position.FThe direction of movement is as set by the most recent use of theADVANCE and BA5CKUP keys.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 4FThe ADVANCE key (4) is used to set the default movement and search directions.EThis key sets the default direction to be towards the end of the ACL.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 5FThe BACKUP key (5) is used to set the default movement and search directions.FThis key sets 6the default direction to be towards the beginning of theACL.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 6FThe CUT key (6) is used to cut the selected ACL entries out of theACL.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 7DThe MOVE key (7) is used to move to the beginning or end of the ACL.FThe direction of movement is as set by the last use of the A7DVANCE or BACKUP keys.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 8EThe SECT key (8) is used to move the cursor forward five ACL entries.FThe direction of movement is as set by the last use of the ADVANCE or BACKUP keys.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 9FThis SHOW USER key (9) is used to display the current sample user'sFaccess rights. 8 The current entry becomes the first entry in the ACL/that matches the sample user's characteristics.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_COMMAFThe UND CHAR key (GOLD COMMA) is used to re-insert the last character)deleted from this field of any ACL entry.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_DASHFThe UND FIELD key (GOLD dash) is use9d to replace the contents of theFcurrent field of the current ACL entry with the value most recently)deleted from this field of any ACL entry.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_DOWN2This key (GOLD DOWN ARROW) is currently undefined.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_ENTER,This key (GOLD ENTER) is not currently used.3:To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_LEFT2This key (GOLD LEFT ARROW) is currently undefined.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_PERIODFThe RESET key (GOLD PERIOD) is used to cancel the current selectrange.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_PF1FThe GOLD k ;ey (PF1) lets you use the lower function of the editing;keys. Press the GOLD key and then the key you wish to use.FYou can also use the GOLD key to enter repeat counts. Press GOLD andFthen the main keyboard numeric keys, followed by the key to beFrepeated. The DELETE key and CTRL/U may be used to edit the repeat2count, and thus cannot be repeated in this manner.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GO<LD_PF20The HELP key (PF2) is used to display HELP text.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_PF31The FIND key is used to initiate string searches.FFIND prompts for a string. The cursor is set to the first field thatcontains that string.FThe search string prompt is terminated by striking any keypad key. IfFthe ADVANCE key is struck, the search direction is forward. If theFBACKUP key is struck, the se=arch direction is backwards. The defaultFmovement direction will also be set by either of these keys. IfFneither of these keys is used to terminate the search string, theFdefault search direction is the same as the default movement direction.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_PF4FThe UND ENTRY key (PF4) is used to recover a deleted ACL entry. TheFmost recently deleted ACL entry is ins>erted before the current entry in the ACL.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_RIGHT3This key (GOLD RIGHT ARROW) is currently undefined.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_UP0This key (GOLD UP ARROW) is currently undefined.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 ?GOLD_ZFThis key (GOLD Z) is used to stop editing the current ACL. It returns/to DMU command level without modifying the ACL.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_0FThe OPEN ENTRY key is used to create an empty ACL entry before thecurrent ACL entry.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_1(This key (GOLD 1) is not currently used.@3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_2FThe DEL PW key (GOLD 2) is used to delete the contents of all theFfields of the current ACL entry from the current field to the PASSWORD$field (the last field in the entry).3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_3(This key (GOLD 3) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, prAess that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_4?The BOTTOM key (GOLD 4) moves the cursor to the end of the ACL.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_5FThe TOP key (GOLD 5) moves the cursor to the start of the first ACLentry.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_6FThe PASTE key (GOLD 6) is used to copy theB ACL entries in the pasteFbuffer to the ACL. The new entries are inserted before the currententry.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_7FThe SHOW KEY (GOLD 7) is used to display the current definition of akey.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_8(This key (GOLD 8) is not currently used.3To display help on another kCey, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_9FThe DEFINE USER (GOLD 9) key is used to change the characteristics ofthe current sample user.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 PREV5The PREVIOUS SCREEN key is used to move back 5 lines.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 NEXT4The NEXT SCREEN key is used to m Dove forward 5 lines.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.2 VT52M +--------+--------+--------+--------+MLF Delete prior field | | | DEL | UP |M | GOLD | HELP | ENTRY | ENTRY |MTAB Move to next field | | | UND | SECTION|M +-------E-+--------+--------+--------+MBACK SP Move to prior field | MOVE | FNDNXT | DEL | DOWN |M | | | FIELD | ENTRY |MCTRL/W Repaint screen | SHOW | FIND | UND | SECTION|M +--------+--------+--------+--------+MCTRL/Z Return to DMU command level, | ADVANCE| BACKUP | DEL | RIGHT |M modify access control list | | | CHAR | CHARF |M | BOTTOM | TOP | UND |DEF USER|MGOLD Z Return to DMU command level, +--------+--------+--------+--------+M do not modify ACL | FIELD | PW | CUT | LEFT |M | | | | CHAR |M | | DEL PW | PASTE |SHOW USR|M +--------+--------+--------+--------+M G | MOVE ENTRY | SELECT | ENTER |M | | | |M*** For help on a key, press the key | OPEN ENTRY | RESET | |M*** To return to editing, type a space. +-----------------+--------+--------+3 NO_HELP_AVAILABLE'No HELP text is available for that key./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 ALL_PRIVILEGEFThe asterisk key (H*) may be used to fill in all thirteen privileges0into the grant, deny or banish privilege fields.FAn asterisk will fill in all privileges not in one of the fields toFthe left of the current field, and will clear all the privileges inthe fields to its right./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 C_PRIVILEGEFThe C key may be used to insert CONTROL privilege into the currentprivilege mask.FCONTROL privilege wiIll be cleared from the other privilege masks inthe current ACL entry.FCONTROL privilege is required to view and modify the access controlClist of a dictionary directory, object or sub-dictionary directory./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 D_PRIVILEGEFThe D key may be used to insert LOCAL_DELETE privilege into thecurrent privilege mask.FLOCAL_DELETE privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masJksin the current ACL entry.FLOCAL_DELETE privilege is required to delete dictionary objects. ItFalso enables you to delete dictionary directories and sub-dictionary)directories that do not own any children./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 E_PRIVILEGEFThe E key may be used to insert VAX DATATRIEVE's EXECUTE privilege.(DTR_EXECUTE) into the current privilege mask.FDTR_EXECUTE privilege will be cleared from tKhe other privilege masksin the current ACL entry.%DTR_EXECUTE privilege is required to:, o Execute a VAX DATATRIEVE procedure./ o Use a VAX DATATRIEVE table definition.9 o Ready a VAX DATATRIEVE domain for EXTEND access./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 F_PRIVILEGEFThe F key may be used to insert FORWARD privilege into the currentprivilege mask.FFORWARD privilege will be cleared fromL the other privilege masks inthe current ACL entry.BFORWARD privilege is required to create subdictionary directories./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 G_PRIVILEGEFThe G key may be used to insert GLOBAL_DELETE privilege into thecurrent privilege mask.FGLOBAL_DELETE privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masksin the current ACL entry.FGLOBAL_DELETE privilege is required to delete dictionary M directoriesFand subdictionary directories that own children. It also enables youto delete dictionary objects./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 H_PRIVILEGEFThe H key may be used to insert HISTORY privilege into the currentprivilege mask.FHISTORY privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masks inthe current ACL entry.AHISTORY privilege is required to create new history list entries./To displNay help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 M_PRIVILEGEFThe M key may be used to insert VAX DATATRIEVE's MODIFY privilege-(DTR_MODIFY) into the current privilege mask.FDTR_MODIFY privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masks inthe current ACL entry.FDTR_MODIFY privilege is required to ready a VAX DATATRIEVE domain formodify access./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space Obar. 3 P_PRIVILEGEFThe P key may be used to insert PASS_THRU privilege into the currentprivilege mask.FPASS_THRU privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masks inthe current ACL entry.FPASS_THRU privilege is required to reference a dictionary directory,"object or subdictionary directory./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 R_PRIVILEGEFThe R key may be used to insert VAX DATATRIEVE's READ priPvilege+(DTR_READ) into the current privilege mask.FDTR_READ privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masks inthe current ACL entry.FDTR_READ privilege is required to ready a VAX DATATRIEVE domain for read access./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 S_PRIVILEGEFThe S key may be used to insert SEE privilege into the currentprivilege mask.FSEE privilege will be cleared from the other privilege Qmasks in thecurrent ACL entry.FSEE privilege is required to access the attributes of a dictionaryFobject. In general, you should grant SEE access to any objects yougrant PASS_THRU access to./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 U_PRIVILEGEFThe U key may be used to insert UPDATE privilege into the currentprivilege mask.FUPDATE privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masks in thecurrent ACL enRtry.FUPDATE privilege is required to create or modify the attributes of adictionary object./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 W_PRIVILEGEFThe W key may be used to insert VAX DATATRIEVE's WRITE privilege,(DTR_WRITE) into the current privilege mask.FDTR_WRITE privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masks inthe current ACL entry.FDTR_WRITE privilege is required to ready a VAX DATATRIEVE domain forS write access./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 X_PRIVILEGEFThe X key may be used to insert EXTEND privilege into the currentprivilege mask.FEXTEND privilege will be cleared from the other privilege masks in thecurrent ACL entry.BEXTEND privilege is required to create a new dictionary directory./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 BS@The backTspace key is used to move the cursor to the prior field./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 DELETEFThe DELETE key is used to rubout the character to the left of thecursor.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 DOWNFThe DOWN ENTRY key (DOWN ARROW) is used to move to the current fieldof the following ACL entry./To display help on another keyU, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 ENTER'This key (ENTER) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 LEFTFThe LEFT COL key (LEFT ARROW) is used to move the cursor to theprevious character./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 LFFThe linefeed key is used to delete the contents of the fieldprVeceeding the current field./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 PERIODFThe SELECT key (PERIOD) is used to mark the entry that is to start a select range.FThe CUT key can be used to delete all the entries in the current select range.7The RESET key can be used to cancel a select operation./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 PF20The HELP key (PFW2) is used to display HELP text./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 PF37The DEL ENTRY key (PF3) is used to delete an ACL entry./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 RETURNFThe RETURN key is used to create an empty ACL entry before the current ACL entry./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 RIGHTXFThe RIGHT COL key (RIGHT ARROW) is used to move the cursor to the next character./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 TAB.The TAB key is used to move to the next field./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 UPFThe UP ENTRY key (UP ARROW) is used to move to the current field ofthe preceeding ACL entry./To display help on another key, press that key.Y*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 0FThe LINE key (0) is used to move to the beginning of the next ACLentry.FThe direction of movement is as set by the most recent use of theADVANCE and BACKUP keys./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 14The FIELD key (1) is used to move to the next field.FThe direction of movement is as set by the most recent use of theADVANCE and BACKUP keys./To dZisplay help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 2FThe PW (2) key is used to move to the PASSWORD field (the last field)of an ACL entry.FThe direction of movement is as set by the most recent use of theADVANCE and BACKUP keys./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 3FThe CUT key (3) is used to cut the selected ACL entries out of theACL./To display help on another[ key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 4FThe ADVANCE key (4) is used to set the default movement and search directions.EThis key sets the default direction to be towards the end of the ACL./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 5FThe BACKUP key (5) is used to set the default movement and search directions.FThis key sets the default direction to be towards the beginning of the\ACL./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 6=The DEL CHAR key (6) is used to delete the current character./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 7DThe MOVE key (7) is used to move to the beginning or end of the ACL.FThe direction of movement is as set by the last use of the ADVANCE or BACKUP keys./To display help on another key, press that key.*To retur]n to editing, press the space bar.3 8=The FINDNXT key (GOLD 8) is used to initiate string searches.FFINDNXT searches for the next occurrence of the last search string.@If no searches have been done, FINDNEXT moves to the next field.CThe search direction is the same as the default movement direction./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 9FThe DEL FIELD key (9) is used to delete the contents of the currentfiel^d of the current ACL entry./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_DOWNFThe FORWARD SECTION key (GOLD DOWN) is used to move the cursor forwardfive ACL entries./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_ENTER,This key (GOLD ENTER) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD__LEFTFThis SHOW USER key (GOLD LEFT ARROW) is used to display the currentFsample user's access rights. The current entry becomes the first@entry in the ACL that matches the sample user's characteristics./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_PERIODFThe RESET key (GOLD PERIOD) is used to cancel the current selectrange./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the sp`ace bar. 3 GOLD_PF1FThe GOLD key (PF1) lets you use the lower function of the editing;keys. Press the GOLD key and then the key you wish to use.FYou can also use the GOLD key to enter repeat counts. Press GOLD andFthen the main keyboard numeric keys, followed by the key to beFrepeated. The DELETE key and CTRL/U may be used to edit the repeat2count, and thus cannot be repeated in this manner./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, apress the space bar. 3 GOLD_PF20The HELP key (PF2) is used to display HELP text./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_PF3FThe UND ENTRY key (PF3) is used to recover a deleted ACL entry. TheFmost recently deleted ACL entry is inserted before the current entry in the ACL./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_RIGHTFThe DEFINE USER (GOLD RIGHTb ARROW) key is used to change the+characteristics of the current sample user./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_UPFThe BACK SECTION key (GOLD UP) is used to move the cursor backwardsfive ACL entries./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_0FThe OPEN ENTRY key (GOLD 0) is used to create an empty ACL entrybefore the current ACL entryc./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_1(This key (GOLD 1) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_2FThe DEL PW key (GOLD 2) is used to delete the contents of all theFfields of the current ACL entry from the current field to the PASSWORD$field (the last field in the entry)./To display help on another key, press that key.*dTo return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_3FThe PASTE key (GOLD 3) is used to copy the ACL entries in the pasteFbuffer to the ACL. The new entries are inserted before the currententry./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_4?The BOTTOM key (GOLD 4) moves the cursor to the end of the ACL./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_5FThe TOeP key (GOLD 5) moves the cursor to the start of the first ACLentry./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_6FThe UND CHAR key (GOLD 6) is used to re-insert the last character)deleted from this field in any ACL entry./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_7FThe SHOW KEY (GOLD 7) is used to display the current definition of akey./To displayf help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_85The FIND key (8) is used to initiate string searches.FFIND prompts for a string. The cursor is set to the first field thatcontains that string.FThe search string prompt is terminated by striking any keypad key. IfFthe ADVANCE key is struck, the search direction is forward. If theFBACKUP key is struck, the search direction is backwards. The defaultFmovement direction will also be g set by either of these keys. IfFneither of these keys is used to terminate the search string, theFdefault search direction is the same as the default movement direction./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_9FThe UND FIELD key (GOLD 9) is used to replace the contents of theFcurrent field of the current ACL entry with the value most recently)deleted from this field of any ACL entry./To display h help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.ww­’²ΠgBv¨1 DEFAULT_USER2 VT100Z)0lqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqkYx ^ x Down x x x x x x x x]x x x Line x x x x  Gold x Help x x xYx Up x x x x x x x x x ixTx Line x v x x x tqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqquRmqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqj x x x x Del xP x x x x xR x x x x Line xRDelete Rubout character tqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqquVTab Move to next line x Advancex Backup x x j xRBack space Backup to prior line x x x x xdCTRL/W Refresh screen x Bottom x Top x x xR* Insert all privileges in mask tqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqquRCTRL/Z Return to ACL edit level, x x x x xT modify sample user x x x x Enter xRGOLD Z Return to ACL edit, x x k x x xR do not modify sample user tqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqu xP x x x xR x Next Line x x xYType a key for help on that key. x x x xYTo exit, type a space. mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqj3 NO_HELP_AVAILABLE'No HELP text is avlailable for that key.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 BSFThe BACK SPACE key is used to move to the preceeding line. If the9cursor is already on the top line, move to the last line.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 COMMA'This key (COMMA) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to emditing, press the space bar.3 DASH@The DASH key is used to delete the contents of the current line.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 DELETEFThe DELETE key is used to rubout the character to the left of thecursor.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 DOWNFThe DOWN ARROW key is used to move to the next line. If the cursor is1alnready at the last line, move to the first line.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 ENTERFThe ENTER key is used to return to the access control list edit mode.&It is identical in function to CTRL/Z.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 LEFT,This key (LEFT ARROW) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-Too return to editing, press the space bar.3 LF+This key (LINE FEED) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 PERIOD(This key (PERIOD) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 PF20The HELP key (PF2) is used to display HELP text.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to edipting, press the space bar.3 PF3%This key (PF3) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 PF4%This key (PF4) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 RETURNFThe RETURN key is identical to the DOWN ARROW key. Both are used toFmove to the next line. If the cursor is already at the last line,qmove to the first line.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 RIGHT-This key (RIGHT ARROW) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 TABFThe TAB key is identical to the DOWN ARROW key. Both are used to moveFto the next line. If the cursor is already at the last line, move tothe first line.3To display help on anothrer key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 UPFThe UP ARROW key is used to move to the preceeding line. If the9cursor is already on the top line, move to the last line.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 0FThe NEXT LINE key (0) is used to move the cursor to the next orFprevious line on the screen. If the default movement direction of theFcursor is ADVANCE, the cursor sis moved to the next line on the screenF(same as DOWN ARROW key). If the default movement direction of theFcursor is BACKUP, the cursor is moved to the previous line on thescreen (same as UP ARROW key).3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 1#This key (1) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 2#This key (2) is nott currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 3#This key (3) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 4FThe ADVANCE key (4) is used to set the default movement direction ofFthe cursor when the keypad 0 key is struck. The default movementCdirection is set to move the cursor to the next line on the screen.u3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 5FThe BACKUP key (5) is used to set the default movement direction ofFthe cursor when the keypad 0 key is struck. The default movementFdirection is set to move the cursor to the previous line on thescreen.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 6#This key (6) is not currently used.3To dvisplay help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 7#This key (7) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 8#This key (8) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 9#This key (9) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.w-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_COMMA,This key (GOLD COMMA) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_DASH+This key (GOLD DASH) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_DOWN1This key (GOLD DOWN ARROW) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press xthat key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_ENTER,This key (GOLD ENTER) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_LEFT1This key (GOLD LEFT ARROW) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_PERIOD-This key (GOLD PERIOD) is not currently used.3To display help on anothyer key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_PF1*This key (GOLD PF1) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_PF25The HELP key (PF2) is used to display this help text.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_PF3*This key (GOLD PF3) is not currently used.3To display help on aznother key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_PF4*This key (GOLD PF4) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_RIGHT2This key (GOLD RIGHT ARROW) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_UP/This key (GOLD UP ARROW) is not currently used.3To display h{elp on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_ZFThis key (GOLD Z) is used to abort editing the sample user'sFcharacteristics. It returns to the access control list editor mode3without changing the sample user's characteristics.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_0(This key (GOLD 0) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press |that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_1(This key (GOLD 1) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_2(This key (GOLD 2) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_3(This key (GOLD 3) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To retur}n to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_4FThe BOTTOM key (GOLD 4) is used to move the cursor to the line whichFcontains the last given name in the pathname of the target directoryFor object. The pathname area of the screen is scrolled if necessary'to bring the last given name into view.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_5FThe TOP key (GOLD 5) is used to move the cursor to the beginning of9th~e top line (the username line) in the sample user form.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_6(This key (GOLD 6) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_7(This key (GOLD 7) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_8(This key (GOLD 8) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_9(This key (GOLD 9) is not currently used.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 CNTL_ZFThe Control Z key is used to return to the ACL editor, saving changesto the sample user.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the sp €ace bar.2 VT52M +--------+--------+--------+--------+M | | | | UP |M | GOLD | HELP | | LINE |MCR Move to next line | | | | |M +--------+--------+--------+--------+MBACK SP Move to prior line | | | DEL | DOWN |M  | | | LINE | LINE |MCTRL/W Repaint screen | | | | |M +--------+--------+--------+--------+MCTRL/Z Return to ACL editor level, | | | | |M modify sample user | | | | |M | | | | |MGOLD Z Return to ACL editor‚ level, +--------+--------+--------+--------+M do not modify sample user | | | | |M | | | | |M | | | | |M +--------+--------+--------+--------+M | | | ENTER |M | NEXT LINEƒ | | |M*** For help on a key, press the key | | | |M*** To return to editing, type a space. +-----------------+--------+--------+3 NO_HELP_AVAILABLE'No HELP text is available for that key./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 BSFThe BACK SPACE key is identical in operation to the UP ARROW key. ItFmoves the cursor to the prevous line. If the cursor is already on the6„first line, then the cursor is moved to the last line./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 DELETEFThe DELETE key is used to rubout the character to the left of thecursor.3To display help on another key, press that key.-To return to editing, press the space bar.3 DOWNFThe DOWN ARROW key is used to move to the next line. If the current3line is the last line, then move to the first line./To displ…ay help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 ENTERFThe ENTER key is used to return to the access control list editor.FThe modifications you've made to the sample user's characteristics are remembered./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 LEFT,This key (LEFT ARROW) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space †bar.3 LF+This key (LINE FEED) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 PERIOD(This key (PERIOD) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 PF20The HELP key (PF2) is used to display HELP text./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 PF3%This key (PF3) is no‡t currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 RETURNFThe RETURN key is identical in operation to the DOWN ARROW key. ItFmoves the cursor to the next line. If the cursor is already on the6last line, then the cursor is moved to the first line./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 RIGHT-This key (RIGHT ARROW) is not currently used./To displayˆ help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 TABFThe TAB key is identical in operation to the DOWN ARROW key. It movesFthe cursor to the next line. If the cursor is already on the last1line, then the cursor is moved to the first line./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 UPFThe UP ARROW key is used to move the cursor to the previous line. IfFthe cursor is already on the fir‰st line, then the cursor is moved tothe last line./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 0FThe NEXT LINE key (0) is used to move the cursor to the next orFprevious line on the screen. If the default movement direction of theFcursor is ADVANCE, the cursor is moved to the next line on the screenF(same as DOWN ARROW key). If the default movement direction of theFcursor is BACKUP, the cursor is moved to the previous Š line on thescreen (same as UP ARROW key)./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 1#This key (1) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 2#This key (2) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 3#This key (3) is not currently used./To display help ‹on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 4FThe ADVANCE key (4) is used to set the default movement direction ofFthe cursor when the keypad 0 key is struck. The default movementCdirection is set to move the cursor to the next line on the screen./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 5FThe BACKUP key (5) is used to set the default movement direction ofFthe cursor when the Œkeypad 0 key is struck. The default movementFdirection is set to move the cursor to the previous line on thescreen./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 6#This key (6) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 7#This key (7) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 8#This key (8) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 9@This key (9) is used to delete the contents of the current line./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_DOWN1This key (GOLD DOWN ARROW) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 ŽGOLD_ENTER,This key (GOLD ENTER) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_LEFT1This key (GOLD LEFT ARROW) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_PERIOD-This key (GOLD PERIOD) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_PF1*This key (GOLD PF1) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_PF20The HELP key (PF2) is used to display HELP text./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_PF3*This key (GOLD PF3) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_RIGHT2This key (GOLD RIGHT ARROW) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar. 3 GOLD_UP.This key (GOLD UP ARROW) is current undefined./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_0(This key (GOLD 0) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_1(This key (GOLD 1) is not currently used./To‘ display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_2(This key (GOLD 2) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_3(This key (GOLD 3) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_4FThe BOTTOM key (GOLD 4) is used to move the cursor to the line whichFcontains the last ’given name in the pathname of the target directoryFor object. The pathname area of the screen is scrolled if necessary'to bring the last given name into view./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_5FThe TOP key (GOLD 5) is used to move the cursor to the beginning of9the top line (the username line) in the sample user form./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.“3 GOLD_6(This key (GOLD 6) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_7(This key (GOLD 7) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_8(This key (GOLD 8) is not currently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_9(This key (GOLD 9) is not cur”rently used./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 CNTL_ZFControl Z is used to return to the ACL editor, saving any changes tothe sample user./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.3 GOLD_ZFGOLD Z is used to return to the ACL editor without saving any changesto the sample user./To display help on another key, press that key.*To return to editing, press the space bar.ww