%ì Librarian I01-42@{åêhK°ÁéêhK°÷ü ƒƒƒ øû˜5UFNAbout_backupmgrÁ8 About_commandÞ About_help¥ Apply_optionst0 Backup_defrag‹fBackup_managerMÈBackup_or_copy­ü Bakman_fieldsUòBaselinexL Batch_backups´ Cancel_operaÂþCmd_parametersÄVCmd_qualifiersÈT Cmd_runningÁX Command_lineE°ConceptsÎò Context_help¶Deleteª¼Delete_template¢È Density_6250Vv DifferencesÙ´ Do_operationášE-tmplt-existsš Exit_backup Exit_menuZ(Filespecns­Ü Save_ex04‘z Save_filesyn Save_sets¾2 Save_set_fileª Save_template° Save_volume7R Saving_temps—Æ Show_command{²Snapshot†ô sopera_types96Spec_file_list—ZStart_operationÝìStatusOn Strategies¿ Tape_label  Tape_labelsTasks§0Templates_menu° Template_ex01‰& Template_useàòTroubleshootingBVerify¤D Verify_op;\ Wildcard_use‡ÿÿDeleteåÿÿE-not-right-devöÿÿFilespecÅÿÿ Full_listing¬ÿÿList_boxÿÿ Pros_consÿÿ Save_ex03ÿÿ Wildcard_useY%æRecovering_data,ÚRename«ŠRename_template/FRestore_allvol-Þ Restore_dir5¤ Restore_file•| Restore_files|rRestore_strats“Restore_volumev¤Restoring_files˜t Return_Main¡ Rewind_tape„B ropera_types¹¸Saveset_comment©~Save_as_templt¶ Save_ex01 ü Save_ex02 þ Save_ex03µ–d List_save_set†LogrH Logical_names£Î Log_activityŒMenusÒ€Menu_vs_screenÐì Mouse_support . Moving_aboutѺ Moving_aroundÔü Moving_nextmJ Multi_backup¥Multi_filenamespZ Name_lengthsÍ NavigationÐNew´ New_versionš¢ Ok_cancel#8Open¨â open_templateœ˜ Options_menu²„ Output_device´" Output_dir¼tOutput_save_dev×ÚPauseIè Pros_cons ­0ÅçêhK°1 Tasks Tasks ...E "Tasks ..." produces a list of task-oriented topics you can use to' help you perform a backup operation.C ·-----·C You can scroll through topics if there are more | ^ |C topics than BACKUP Manager can display in a box. | | |I Press the down arrow key to scroll through the ·-----·-----·-----·I list box for any additional topics. Press the | .  | | | . |I up arrow key to scroll back to any topics that | | V | |I have scrolled out of view. ·-----·-----·-----·!ww­0ÅçêhK° 1 Save_ex01 Backing up a disk volume9 To back up a disk volume, perform the following steps:E 1. Choose "Save Volume ..." from the File menu and choose "Save aG volume as a baseline for incremental backups" from the list box.H 2. Fill in the field values on the Save Volume scr een. For example: Input( Device Name : USERS$DISK Output# Save Set Device Name: MUA0:, Save Set File Name : USERS_BASE.BCK Miscellaneous2 Tape Label(s) : USER01,USER02,USER03, Listing File Name : USERS$DISK.LIS8 Save Set Comment : USERS$DISK baseline backup9 3. Choose any options you want from the Options menu.@ 4. Press PF4 or choose "Start Operation" from the File menu.H =========== ==================== NOTE ================================F This example shows how to create a baseline backup of all the filesE on the USER$DISK disk device. If you want to save only files thatC are new or changed since the most recent backup of the USER$DISKH files, choose "Save an incremental backup of a volume" from the "SaveF Volume ..." list box and modify the other field values accordingly.H =====================================================================!ww­ 0ÅçêhK° 1 Save_ex02. Backing up project-related (selected) filesH To back up just your project-related files (for example, all files inC the PROJECT directory and subdirectories), perform the following steps:E 1. Choose "Save Selected Files ..." from the File menu and chooseC "Save selected files as a snapshot image" from the list box.C Note that you will not be able to perform incremental backup@ operations with a snapshot image. If you want to performE subsequent incremental operations, choose "Save selected files. as a baseline for incremental backups".B 2. Fill in the field values on the Save Selected Files screen. For example: Input( Device Name : USERS$DISK= Files to Save : USERS$DISK:[WORK.PROJECT...]*.* Output# Save Set Device Name: MUA0:. Save Set File Name : PROJECT_BASE.BCK Miscellaneous$ Tape Label(s) : PROJ01) Listing File Name : PROJECT.LIS; Save Set Comment : Project files baseline backup9 3. Choose any options you want from the Options menu.@ 4. Press PF4 or choose "Start Operation" from the File menu.!ww­@ìçêhK° 1 Save_ex03 Backing up selected filesC To back up a list of files in a directory, perform the followingE steps. This example backs up all files in the WORK directory that have a .C or a .H file type.E 1. Choose "Save Selected Files ..." from the File menu and chooseC "Save selected files as a snapshot image" from the list box.C Note that you will not be able to perform incremental backup@ operations with a snapshot image. If you want to performE subsequent incremental operations, choose "Save selected files. as a baseline for incremental backups".B 2. Fill in the field values on the Save Selected Files screen. For example: Input( Device  Name : USERS$DISKE Files to Save : Press PF3 to enter, delete or modify...H ============================= NOTE ==============================G The message in the "Files to Save" field indicates that multipleH file names are specified. To enter a list of files in the "FilesG to Save" field, press PF3. In this example, the files listed inF the Multiple File Name Entry Box are [WORK]*.C and [WORK]*.H on separate lines.H ================================================================= Output# Save Set Device Name: MUA0:) Save Set File Name : C_AND_H.BCK Miscellaneous$ Tape Label(s) : PROJ99) Listing File Name : C_AND_H.LIS= Save Set Comment : Project sources baseline backup9 3. Choose any options you want from the Options menu.@ 4. Press PF4 or choose "Start Operation" from the File menu.!ww­@ìçêhK° 1 Save_ex04-  Backing up user directory (selected) filesG To back up all files in your user account, including directories and/ subdirectories, perform the following steps:E 1. Choose "Save Selected Files ..." from the File menu and chooseC "Save selected files as a snapshot image" from the list box.C Note that you will not be able to perform incremental backup@ operations with a snapshot image. If you want to performE subsequent incremental operations, choose "Save selected files. as a baseline for incremental backups".B 2. Fill in the field values on the Save Selected Files screen. For example: Input( Device Name : USERS$DISK6 Files to Save : USERS$DISK:[SMITH...]*.* Output# Save Set Device Name: MUA0:' Save Set File Name : SMITH.BCK Miscellaneous# Tape Label(s) : SMITH' Listing File Name : SMITH.LISA Save Set Comment : Smith account files baseline backup9 3. Choose any options you want from the Options menu.@ 4. Press PF4 or choose "Start Operation" from the File menu.!ww­@ìçêhK°1 Cancel_opera Canceling an operation@ To cancel an operation while it is in progress, press Ctrl/C. ·-----· ·-----· |Ctrl | | C | | | | | ·-----· ·-----·I \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ CAUTION //////////////////////////////I \  /I \ Ctrl/C abruptly terminates a backup operation that is in progress. /I > If you press Ctrl/C during a restore operation, some files may be <I / restored and others may not be restored. \I / \I /////////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\!ww­@ìçêhK°1 Template_ex013 Creating a template for backing up a disk volumeA To create a template for backing up a disk volume, perform the following steps:3 1. Choose "Save Volume ..." from the File menu.D 2. Fill in the field values on the Save Volume operation screen. For example: Input( Device Name : USERS$DISK Output# Save Set Device Name: MUA0:' Save Set File Name : USERS.BCK Miscellaneous2 Tape Label(s) : USER01,USER02,USER03, Listing File Name : USERS$DISK.LIS8 Save Set Comment : USERS$DISK baseline backup9 3. Choose any options you want from the Options menu.4 4. Choose "Save As ..." from the Templates menu.@ 5. Name the template (for example, USERS$DISK_BACKUP) in theG resulting dialog box. Template names can be up to 31 charactersB in length. Choose "OK" to confirm; choose "CANCEL" to exit# without creating a template.!ww­@ìçêhK°1 New7 Creating new vers ions of files while restoring filesG When you restore a save set, you may restore a file into a directoryE in which a file of the same name already exists. If you know thatD the files on the save set are the files you want to be the latest@ version on the disk volume, then turn on the "Create New File Versions" option.D If you do not turn on the "Create New File Versions" option and a= file-name conflict occurs, the file is not restored and an& informational message is displayed.C You can save this attribute in a template. For more informationD about templates, see "Using Templates" in the "Concepts ..." help topic.!ww­@ìçêhK° 1 Delete Deleting a template5 To delete a template, perform the following steps:G 1. Choose "Delete ..." from the Templates menu. A list box appears% containing the template names.D 2. Select the template you want to delete, then press Return. A confirmation box appears.E 3. Confirm the deletion by choosing "OK"; choose "CANCEL" to exit% without deleting the template.!ww­@ìçêhK°1 Log Displaying BACKUP outputF BACKUP Manager displays the file name of each file processed on theG BACKUP Output display screen by default. You must set the "Turn OffD Log Activity" option with the space bar or Return key, to inhibit this display.C You can save this attribute in a template. For more informationD about templates, see "Using Templates" in the "Concepts ..." help topic.!ww­@ìçêhK°1 Full* Displaying file attributes in a listingA To list all of the file attributes of the files being saved or) restored, perform the following steps:G 1. Turn on the "Display Expanded File Format" option on the Options menu.F 2. Specify the name of the listing file in the "Listing File Name" field.C You can save this attribute in a template. For more informationD about templates, see "Using Templates" in the "Concepts ..." help topic.!ww­PèêhK°1 Finding_files0 Finding files and listing files in a save setH If you want to determine the contents of a save set without restoring3 the save set, use the List operation as follows:> 1. Choose "List Save Set Contents ..." from the File menu,H 2. Fill in the field values on the List Save Set Contents screen. ToG have the files displayed on the screen, do not specify a listingF file name. When you specify a listing file name, the output isB sent to the file and not the screen. The following example( displays the files on the screen: Input# Save Set Device Name: MUA0:( Save Set File Name : WEEKLY.BCK Output Listing File Name :H =============================== NOTE ================================G You do not need to know the names of save sets on tape to list theirD contents. BACKUP Manager reads the next save set it finds on theE magnetic tape and stops processing when it reaches the end of thatF save set. However, BACKUP Manager does not automatically rewind toB the beginning-of-tape marker unless you choose the "Rewind TapeF Before Operation" option from the Options menu. Therefore, you can? list the next save set (if one exists) by repeating the listE operation. If no more save sets exist on the tape, BACKUP Manager% displays a message to that effect.H =====================================================================!ww­PèêhK°1 Labeling_tapes Labeling tapesF Label your tapes according to the data contained on the tapes. TheA term tape label refers to the software label name of up to sixD characters you supply for a tape, not to any label you physicallyF attach to the tape. Tape labels allow BACKUP Manager to identify aC tape. The following table shows suggestions for labeling tapes:' Label Type of Backup2 ------ ----------------------------------2 DLY101 Daily, Group 1, Volume Number 012 DLY102 Daily, Group 1, Volume Number 022 WKY101 Weekly, Group 1, Volume Number 012 WKY201 Weekly, Group 2, Volume Number 012 MTH101 Monthly, Group 1, Volume Number 012 YRY101 Yearly, Group 1, Volume Number 01F For more information about tape label processing, see "Tape Labels"$ in !the "Concepts ..." help topic.!ww­PèêhK°1 Moving_aboutK ·-------·-------·-------·-------·K Keypad key bindings: | PF1 | PF2 | PF3 | PF4 |K PF1 Menu/Screen toggle |Menu or|Help on|Display| Start |K PF2 (F15) Help on context |Screen |context|List |Operatn|K PF3 Display list of entry options ·-------·-------·-------·-------·K PF4 Start operation " | 7 | 8 | 9 | - |K Enter Do command, or go to next field | | | | |K | | | | |K Keyboard key bindings: ·-------·-------·-------·-------·K Tab Go to next field | 4 | 5 | 6 | , |K Return Do command, or go to next field | | | | |K Arrows Move cursor | | | | |#K ·-------·-------·-------·-------·K Control key sequence bindings: | 1 | 2 | 3 | Enter |K Ctrl/P Pause scrolling/release pause | | | | |K Ctrl/T Display process status | | | | |K Ctrl/C Terminate abruptly ·---------------·-------· |K Ctrl/Z Exit | 0 | · | |K $ ·---------------·-------·-------·!ww­PèêhK°1 Open Opening a templateH If you want to fill the field values on a Save or Restore screen with@ the values stored in a template, perform the following steps:E 1. Choose "Open ..." from the Templates menu. A list box appears.E 2. Choose a template name from the list box and press Return. TheH values in the template are placed in the fields. If you want, youC can modify these values before s %tarting the backup operation.H =============================== NOTE ================================F You can modify the values that you just selected and save them in aG new template by choosing "Save As ..." from the Templates menu. YouH can also modify the values and save them in the same template name byF choosing "Save ..." from the Templates menu. For more information, see the following topics:9 "Using Templates" in the "Concepts ..." help topic= "Saving &a template for backing up a disk volume" in the "Tasks ..." help topic8 "Saving a template" in the "Tasks ..." help topicH =====================================================================!ww­PèêhK°1 Recovering_data2 Recovering data with multiple backup strategiesH To illustrate a multiple backup strategy, assume you perform baselineG backup operations on the USER$DISK volume on Sundays and incrementalC backup operations on that disk each n 'ight. An event occurred onG Wednesday that requires you to restore the volume to the most recentF backup. To restore the disk volume to its state at the time of theB most recent incremental backup (Tuesday), perform the following steps:E 1. Restore the most recent Sunday baseline backup. Restoring theF volume provides the base onto which you add the new and changed' files since the baseline backup.D a. Choose "Restore Volume ..." from the File menu an(d chooseH the "Restore a volume save set (initializes the output disk)" from the list box.. b. Fill in the following field values: Input, Save Set Device Name: USERS$DISK0 Save Set File Name : USERS_BASE.BCK Output' Device Name : MUA0: Miscellaneous0 Listing File Name : USERS$DISK.LIS= c. Choose any options you want from the Options menu.D d. Pre )ss PF4 or choose "Start Operation" from the File menu.= 2. Restore the Tuesday incremental backup. Restoring theF incremental backup for Tuesday replaces files that were createdD or changed after the Monday incremental backup and before the" Tuesday incremental backup.D a. Choose "Restore Volume ..." from the File menu and chooseD the "Restore an incremental save set" from the list box.. b. Fill in the following field values: I*nput, Save Set Device Name: USERS$DISK/ Save Set File Name : USERS_INC.BCK Output' Device Name : MUA0: Miscellaneous0 Listing File Name : USERS$DISK.LIS= c. Choose any options you want from the Options menu.D d. Press PF4 or choose "Start Operation" from the File menu.H 3. Restore the Monday incremental backup. Restoring the incrementalD backup for Monday replaces files that wer+e created or changed= after the Sunday baseline backup and before the Monday incremental backup.D a. Choose "Restore Volume ..." from the File menu and chooseC the "Restore an incremental save set" from the list box.. b. Fill in the following field values: Input, Save Set Device Name: USERS$DISK/ Save Set File Name : USERS_INC.BCK Output' Device Name : MUA0: Miscell ,aneous0 Listing File Name : USERS$DISK.LIS= c. Choose any options you want from the Options menu.D d. Press PF4 or choose "Start Operation" from the File menu.H =============================== NOTE ================================G BACKUP Manager restores the volume correctly regardless of the orderE in which incremental save sets are restored, but using the reverseC chronological order is most efficient. For example, assume thatF PROJECT.C has b -een updated and saved on Monday and Tuesday. If youG restore Tuesday's version of the PROJECT.C file first, then Monday'sE version of the PROJECT.C file does not have to be restored. If youB restored Monday's version of the PROJECT.C file, then Tuesday'sF version of the file also must be restored, since it was updated and, placed on the later incremental save set.H =====================================================================!ww­PèêhK° 1 Rename Ren.aming a templateF If you want to change the name of a template while retaining all of2 its stored values, perform the following steps:G 1. Choose "Rename ..." from the Templates menu. A list box appears.H 2. Select the template name that you want to rename from the list box. and press Return. A dialog box appears.F 3. Enter a new name, press Return, and choose "OK"; choose "CANCEL", to exit without renaming the template.!ww­PèêhK°1 Restore_dir/( Restoring a directory from a save setC If you need to restore all the files in the USER1:[WORK.PROJECT]F directory from the save set named NIGHTLY.BCK, restore the files by" performing the following steps:I 1. Choose "Restore Selected Files ..." from the File menu. and choose> the "Restore files from a save set" from the list box.* 2. Fill in the following field values: Input# Save Set Device Name: MUAO:) Save Set File Name : NIGHTLY.BC0K/ Files to Restore : [WORK.PROJECT]*.* Output( Device Name : USER$DISK: Miscellaneous* Listing File Name : INVOICES.LIS9 3. Choose any options you want from the Options menu.@ 4. Press PF4 or choose "Start Operation" from the File menu.!ww­`:èêhK°1 Restore_allvol Restoring a disk volume9 To restore a disk volume, perform the following steps:C 1. Choose "Restore Volume ..." from the File menu a1nd choose theD "Restore a volume save set (initializes the output disk)" from the list box.) 2. Fill in the following field values: Input' Save Set Device Name: USERS$DISK& Save Set File Name : USERS.BCK Output" Device Name : MUA0: Miscellaneous, Listing File Name : USERS$DISK.LIS9 3. Choose any options you want from the Options menu.@ 4. Press PF4 or choose "Start Operation" from the File menu.G2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ CAUTION ///////////////////////////G \ /G \ Restoring a volume reinitializes the specified output disk /G \ thereby erasing what currently exists on the output disk. /G \ /G \ If you want to add the contents of a volume to another, larger /G \ disk, choose "Restore Selected Files ..." from the File 3menu /G \ and "Restore files from a save set" in the list box. Specify /G \ specify [*...]*.* in the "Files to Restore" field; the output /G / disk is not erased. For more information, see the following \G / topics: \G / \G / "Using wildcards for specifying files" in the "Tasks ..." \G / help topic 4 \G / "File name format" in the "Concepts ..." help topic \G / "File name wildcards" in the "Concepts ..." help topic \G / \G //////////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\H =============================== NOTE ================================@ If you have a backup strategy consisting of both baseline andE incremental backup operations, and you ne5ed to restore a volume to? the state of the volume when the last incremental backup wasC performed, you can do the following: (a) restore the most recentE weekly baseline backup for the base from which you can build a newE disk, then (b) restore the nightly incremental backups to recreateF the files that changed from when the baseline backup was performed.G Restoring incremental backups in reverse chronological order is mostG efficient. For more information, see "Recovering6 data with multiple4 backup strategies" in the "Tasks ..." help topic.H =====================================================================!ww­`:èêhK°1 Restore_file# Restoring a file from a save setA If you need to restore a single file (FUNCTIONAL_SPEC.TXT, forE example), and you know the save set in which it is placed, restore/ the files by performing the following steps:I 1. Choose "Restore Selected Files ..." from the File menu. and choose> 7 the "Restore files from a save set" from the list box.* 2. Fill in the following field values: Input# Save Set Device Name: MUAO:) Save Set File Name : NIGHTLY.BCK8 Files to Restore : [SMITH]FUNCTIONAL_SPEC.TXT Output( Device Name : USER$DISK: Miscellaneous$ Listing File Name : 9 3. Choose any options you want from the Options menu.@ 4. Press PF4 or choose "Start Operation" from the Fi8le menu.H =============================== NOTE ================================C If you do not know the name of the save set on which the file is@ located, see "Finding and listing files in a save set" in the "Tasks ..." help topic.H =====================================================================!ww­`:èêhK°1 Saving_temps Saving a template@ If you want to save the current Save screen field values in a* template, perform one of the following:G 9 · Choose "Save ..." from the Save screen's Templates menu to chooseE a template name from a list of existing template names. SavingC the screen values to an existing template name overwrites theF values stored in that template name. A confirmation box appearsB to ensure that you do not accidentally overwrite an existingF template. You can choose "CANCEL" to quit the operation withoutB changing the contents of the existing template you selected.H · Ch :oose "Save As ..." from the Save screen's Templates menu to saveG the screen values with a new template name. When you enter a newD name, press Return and then choose "OK" to confirm it; you canB choose "Cancel" to quit the operation without creating a new template.!ww­`:èêhK°1 Spec_file_list Specifying a list of filesH When you want to specify a list of files to process, press PF3 on theH "Files to Save" field. A file list entry screen ap ;pears in which youF can enter up to 14 file names of up to 75 characters each. Enter a9 single file name on each line. You can use wildcards.F When you have specified the files you want to save, press PF3 againB to return to the Save screen. The message "Press PF3 to enter,G delete or modify file names." is placed in the "Files to Save" fieldG to indicate that you have specified more than one file name to save.H You can press PF3 again in the "Files to Save" field to retur<n to the file list entry screen.F For more information about specifying file names, see the following topics:9 "File name format" in the "Concepts ..." help topic< "File name wildcards" in the "Concepts ..." help topicD "Using wildcards for specifying files" in the "Tasks ..." help topic!ww­`:èêhK°1 Wildcard_use' Using wildcards for specifying filesE The following examples show some wildcard specifications and theirG explana =tions. For information about wildcard definitions, see "File= specification wildcards" in the "Concepts ..." help topic.D [SMITH.PROJECT]*.* Indicates all files in the [SMITH.PROJECT]) directory only.D [SMITH...]*.* Indicates all versions of all files in allB directories of user SMITH. For example,F [SMITH.PERSONAL]*.*;*, [SMITH.PROJECT]*.*;*,4 [SMITH.PROJECT.BASE]*.*; >*,? [SMITH.PROJECT.TEST]*.*;*, and so on.D [SMITH.PROJECT...]*.* Indicates all files in the [SMITH.PROJECT]G directory and in all subdirectory files. For; example, [SMITH.PROJECT.BASE]*.*,= [SMITH.PROJECT.TEST]*.*, and so on.D [SMITH...]*.*;0 Indicates all files (highest version only,G indicated by a zero in the version number) inF ? all directories of user SMITH. For example,= [SMITH]*.*;0, [SMITH.PROJECT]*.*;0,4 [SMITH.PROJECT.BASE]*.*;0,? [SMITH.PROJECT.TEST]*.*;0, and so on.C [SMITH...]*.*;-0 Indicates all files (lowest version only,E indicated by a negative zero in the versionG number) in all directories of user SMITH. ForH example, [SMITH]*.*;-0, @[SMITH.PROJECT]*.*;-0,5 [SMITH.PROJECT.BASE]*.*;-0,@ [SMITH.PROJECT.TEST]*.*;-0, and so on.D [SMITH]A*E.* Indicates all files in the SMITH directoryH that begin with the letter A and that end withD the letter E (before the file extension).I For example, ACE.TXT, APPROPRIATE.C, and so on.H [SMITH...]*.% Indicates all files in all directories o Af userA SMITH that have a single-character fileE extension. For example, PROJECT.C, FORM.H,4 and ANYTHING.1, and so on.E [...]*.* Indicates all user files in all directoriesC beginning with whatever directory you areG currently in. For example, if you are in theA [SMITH.PROJECT] directory, the wildcard6 B specification is the same as0 [SMITH.PROJECT...]*.*.F [*...]*.* Indicates all files on the volume, includingG necessary directory files to contain the userB files. This file specification does notF include the special files in the master file7 directory (MFD), or [000000].F [000000...]*.* Indicates all files on the volume, including CG necessary directory files to contain the userF files. This file specification includes theD special files in the master file directory- (MFD), or [000000].!ww­paèêhK° 1 Verify Verifying save set contentsE Sometimes BACKUP Manager cannot copy one of the specified files toC the save set because of a file management conflict (for example,G another user has a fi Dle open). In such a case, the save set may notH contain all the files you specified in the Save operation. To verify@ that what was written to the save set is the same as what youA specified, turn on the "Verify BACKUP Operation" option in theH Options menu of the Save or Restore screen before starting the backup operation.G If you turn on the "Verify BACKUP Operation" option, BACKUP displaysE an error message if it finds a discrepancy between the contents of' the inp Eut and output specifications.H =============================== NOTE ================================G Save sets written to a tape device are verified automatically. Save@ sets written to a disk device are not verified automatically.H =====================================================================E For information about running BACKUP Manager during hours when theD fewest number of files are likely to be open, see "Running BACKUPE Manager when you are not around" in tFhe "Concepts ..." help topic.. See also the "Command Line ..." help topic.!L!---------------------------------------------------------------------------!ww­paèêhK° 1 Concepts Concepts ...G "Concepts ..." produces a list of topics about backup strategies and concepts.C ·-----·C You can scroll through topics if there are more | ^ |C topics than BACKUP Manager can display in a box. G | | |I Press the down arrow key to scroll through the ·-----·-----·-----·I list box for any additional topics. Press the | . | | | . |I up arrow key to scroll back to any topics that | | V | |I have scrolled out of view. ·-----·-----·-----·!ww­paèêhK°1 About_backupmgr About BACKUP ManagerH You can guard against data loss or corruption by using BACKUP ManagerH to create copies of your files, d Hirectories, and disks. In case of aD problem, such as a disk drive failure, you can restore the backup7 copy and continue your work with minimal disruption.B You can perform the following BACKUP Manager backup operations:E · Make copies of disk files into a single file called a save set.9 A save set can be created on disk or magnetic tape.) · Restore disk files from a save set.@ · List the contents of a save set on the screen or write the) contents of a sa Ive set into a file.E For BACKUP Manager to be an effective safeguard against data loss,E you must back up important data on a regular basis. You must alsoF know how to restore the data if necessary. If you practice backingA up and restoring some files, you will be prepared if a problem@ arises. For more information, see "Backup strategies" in theE "Concepts ..." help topic; see also "Recovering data with multiple4 backup strategies" in the "Tasks ..." help topic.H B JACKUP Manager is intended to address the needs of standalone, small,B and medium computer systems. It is not intended for large dataE centers, which sometimes have complex backup strategies and needs.C For more complex backup strategies and a complete description ofE BACKUP concepts, including information about backing up the systemG disk, see the "OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual"- and the "OpenVMS System Manager's Manual".!ww­paèêhK° 1 P Kros_cons< Advantages of snapshot, baseline, and incremental backups: Type of Backup Advantages DisadvantagesC -------------- ------------------------ ----------------------; Snapshot Provides a snapshot Does not allowC of the files you subsequent incremental= specify. Is faster backups from the= than a baseline backup. snapshot backup.A Baseline Backs up a complete s Let Uses more space than< of files that you incremental and> specify. Provides a snapshot backups.+ baseline for incremental% backup operations.D Incremental Takes less space on the Still requires baselineB disk or tape than base- backups. May require= line backups. Saves all repeated restore8 new or changed files operations.+ M since last backup of any type.E For each type of backup, BACKUP Manager restores files to the diskC contiguously. Restoring a volume eliminates disk fragmentation.B For more information, see "Restoring a volume to eliminate disk3 fragmentation" in the "Concepts ..." help topic.B When you formulate a backup strategy, keep in mind the specificH requirements of your site and the advantages and disadvantages of theA different types of backupNs. For more information, see "BackupE strategies" in the "Concepts ..." help topic; see also "RecoveringG data with multiple backup strategies" in the "Tasks ..." help topic.!ww­paèêhK°1 Backup_or_copy) Backing up data rather than copying itG BACKUP Manager stores files and directories in a single special fileF called a save set. BACKUP Manager also records in the save set theF date and time and other information about the files that are backed up. OH If you need to protect only a few files, you might find it easier forE you to simply copy those files to another disk and use the copy ofE the files in the event of a problem. However, BACKUP Manager is aH more efficient solution if you need to protect many files, especiallyF related files, and if you need to store these files offline. (ManyD computer centers store backup media off the local site in case of@ site disaster. This strategy preserves vital information andH oPperations can continue with little interruption even in the event of catastrophic events.)!ww­€ˆèêhK° 1 Strategies Backup strategiesA Whether you need to save all files on a volume, all files in aB directory tree, or a group of files from one or more locations,B BACKUP Manager offers two strategies for backing up your files:H · Snapshot backup strategy - each time you backup your files, all ofI the files are placed in a save set, and the new save set Q supersedes? any previously created save set for the same directories.H · Incremental backup strategy - first you create a baseline save setI that contains of all your files, then during subsequent backups youH create incremental save sets to save files that have been added orF changed. Together the baseline plus all of the incremental save; sets represent the current state of your directories.D To implement the snapshot backup strategy simply use the Snap RshotD backup operation from the "Save Volume ..." or the "Save Selected6 Files ..." submenu each time you backup your files.G To implement the incremental backup strategy, first use the BaselineD backup operation from the "Save Volume ..." or the "Save SelectedI Files ..." submenu. Then on subsequent backups choose the IncrementalG backup operation to save the files that are new or have been changed? since the last baseline or incremental backup was performed.D When yo Su choose a backup strategy, you determine what you want toI back up and how often you want to do it. Your backup strategy $ depends on the following factors:E · The number and size of disks or tapes you can devote to backups · The importance of the data · How often the data changesC For example, if you have a standalone workstation in a "mission-G critical" environment and many files are updated each day, you mightB want to perform a nightly snapshot backup T of all of your files.D However, if you modify only a few files during the course of yourH work day (or week), a daily (or weekly) incremental backup to captureF the changes might be a more efficient method, because it takes lessF time to perform an incremental backup. With either strategy all ofI your files are protected, but it usually takes longer to restore filesE using the incremental method because more save sets are processed.G With either strategy, if unexpected data Uloss occurs (for example, aG disk is damaged or you accidently delete one or more files) you haveG the option of restoring all saved files, or selecting which files toG restore. If you have been performing snapshot backups, then you useC the most recent save set. However, if you have a combination ofD baseline and incremental backup save sets, restore files from theG baseline saveset first, then restore files from the incremental saveA sets next. Note that restoring increVmental backups in reverseI chronological order is more efficient that proceeding in chronologicalC order. For more information, see "Recovering data with multiple4 backup strategies" in the "Tasks ..." help topic.!ww­€ˆèêhK° 1 Baseline Baseline backup operationK Depending on the type of backup, the baseline option does the following: Save Type Description --------- -----------J Volume The baseline type of backup saves the entire voWlume as itG presently exists and allows for incremental backups to5 be performed on the volume save set.I Selected The baseline type of backup saves the specified files asH Files they presently exist and allows for incremental backups? to be performed on the selected-file save set.!ww­€ˆèêhK°1 DifferencesB Differences between snapshot, baseline, and incremental backupsJ The differences between snaps Xhot, baseline, and incremental backups are as follows: Type of backup Description -------------- -----------F Snapshot A snapshot backup saves a snapshot copy of all theA files you specify. The information needed toF rebuild the files is stored in a save set file butD the date and time are not recorded in each file.H This allows for faster backing up of information butF Ydoes not allow for a backup strategy that involves( incremental backups.G Baseline A baseline backup saves a copy of all the files youA specify, providing a baseline for incrementalH backups. Backup dates and times are updated in eachH new or changed file during incremental backups. TheH information needed to rebuild the files is stored in$ a save set file.D IncZremental An incremental backup saves only those files youH specify that have been created or modified since theI most recent baseline or incremental backup operation.E Backup dates and times are updated in each new or< changed file during incremental backups.B Incremental backups save space and are used inE conjunction with baseline backups to recover from) [ unexpected data loss.!ww­€ˆèêhK° 1 Filespec File name formatH A file name is a unique name for a file. It can identify the device,D the directory name, the file name, the file type, and the versionE number under which the file is stored. OpenVMS uses the following format for a file name:- Device:[Directory]Filename.Type;Version For example: USER1:[SMITH]LOGIN.COM;125; The components of the file specification are as follows: \C Device The name of a disk or tape device on which a file isF stored, such as DUA0:, MUA0:, and so on. Physical diskG or tape devices often have logical names associated withG them, such as USER$DISK. See also "Physical and logical> device names" in the "Concepts ..." help topic.F Directory The directory in which a file is listed. The directoryB name can include subdirectories, begins with a leftG ] square bracket ([) or a left angle bracket (<), and endsE with a corresponding right square bracket (]) or right! angle bracket (>).B File name A name for a file. The file name can have up to 39 characters.I File type A name for a type of file. The file type follows a periodJ delimiter and can have up to 39 characters. By convention,H the file type identifies a generic class of file, such as$ ^ .TXT for a text file.G Version The version number of a file is preceded by a semicolon, for example, ;22.A For more information about specifying files, see the following topics:K "Using wildcards for specifying files" in the "Tasks ..." help topic.= "File name wildcards" in the "Concepts ..." help topic.!ww­€ˆèêhK°1 Filespec_wild File name wildcardsD The asterisk (*) wildcard character is used to substitute for a _nyE number of characters in a directory name, file name, or file type.H The asterisk is also used to mean all versions of a file when used in4 the version number field of a file specification.F The percent sign (%) wildcard character is used to substitute for aA single character in a directory name, file name, or file type.= A zero (0) specified in the version number field of a fileG specification means the highest version (most recent version) of the file.G A neg `ative zero (-0) specified in the version number field of a fileG specification means the lowest version (oldest version) of the file.F The ellipsis (...) wildcard in a directory specification is used toB indicate that you want to operate on the files in the directoryF specified and the files in any and all other directory levels below the directory.H =============================== NOTE ================================9 You cannot use wildcards in device namesa.H =====================================================================B For information about using wildcards, see "Using wildcards for3 specifying files" in the "Tasks ..." help topic.!ww­€ˆèêhK°1 Glossary_Menu Glossary of termsA "Glossary of terms" displays a list of terms describing BACKUP Manager features.!ww­€ˆèêhK° 1 Glossary! set left margin to 17 Glossary of termsG Backup A copy of a volume or selected files b that are stored inE a save set for the purpose of recovering the files in" case of data loss.H BACKUP A utility (this program) that provides a screen-orientedC Manager user interface presenting a subset of commonly usedI OpenVMS BACKUP Utility operations without the user havingC to know about BACKUP command syntax and qualifiers.F For more information about the OpenVMS BACKUP Utility,F c see the "OpenVMS System Management Utilities ReferenceB Manual" and the "OpenVMS System Manager's Manual".E BACKUP A listing of files that were processed that is eitherE Output displayed on the screen or stored in a file which you% can display or print.D Baseline A backup copy of a volume or selected files on which5 backup incremental backups can be performed.F Batch mode Running a process in the background while aldlowing you: to continue to interact with the computer.H bpi Bits per inch; refers to the density of data storage for a tape.G Command A way to run BACKUP Manager from the command line or in line batch mode. interface? Context- Online help about BACKUP Manager user interfaceC sensitive features. You can access context-sensitive help by3 help pressing PF2 or the Help key (F15).A Device A ephysical disk or tape machine on which a volumeD resides. A device can be referenced by its physicalH name (such as DUA0) or logical name (such as USER$DISK).< Directory An area on a volume where files are grouped.G File name A character string that identifies a file. A file nameE is segmented into parts for additional identificationG purposes, such as device, directory, subdirectory, file> name, file f type, and version number. For moreI information, see "File name format" in the "Concepts ..." help topic.E Fragmented A disk on which files are stored internally in piecesC disk (though it appears contiguous to the user), causing@ system performance degradation and multiple disk5 searches for the pieces of the files.F Fragmented A disk on which a large percentage of files are storedE disk intern gally in noncontiguous pieces, resulting in fileG system performance degradation when files are accessed.J Incremental Associated with a specific baseline backup, an incrementalF backup backup is a copy of all files that are new or modified* since any previous backup.H Label A software name for a magnetic tape. The label can have% up to six characters.H List box A box that pops up on the screen and that contains ite hmsF that you can choose, such as a device or a help topic.; Listing A file into which BACKUP output is written. fileG Logical An alias or nickname used in place of the real name forE name an object (such as a device). When a logical name isB encountered in a device or file specification, theG equivalence name string defined for the logical name isF substituted for the logical name string. For exam iple,G you might use a logical name USER$DISK when you want toG refer to a device known to the system as KRYTTR$DKA300.@ Multivolume A save set that spans more than one tape volume. save setC Qualifier An option that modifies the behavior of a specifiedG operation. Qualifier names are preceded by a slash (/)D and are used to modify a command on the command line interface.B Restore Load fil jes from a save set onto the specified disk volume.F Save Copy files from a disk volume into a save set file and; store the save set on the specified volume.F In the context of templates, the Save menu item causesF the current screen values to be saved in the currently6 selected template. See also Template.F Save set A special file that contains file data and informationH that is knecessary to restore a volume or selected files.A Snapshot A snapshot copy of all specified files. Does notE backup provide a baseline for incremental backup operations.E Template A record in which BACKUP Manager saves data entry and3 operation attributes for later use.F Volume The logical storage of a disk or magnetic tape device.G Wildcard An asterisk (*) or percent sign (%) character used in aF file specification. l An asterisk represents any stringG of zero or more characters, and percent sign representsD any single character. For example, the name TEST%.*E matches any five character file name that begins withB TEST and has any file type such as TESTA.REPORT or; TEST3.DAT, but does not match TESTPLAN.TXT. !ww­¯èêhK°1 Incremental Incremental backup operationB Depending on the type o mf save operation you are performing, the) incremental option does the following: Save Type Description --------- -----------F Volume The incremental type of backup saves the new or changedI files on the volume since the last baseline or incremental9 backup operation on the same set of files.F Selected The incremental type of backup saves the new or changedB Files files that are specified since the last baseline orE n incremental backup operation on the same set of files.!ww­¯èêhK°1 Multi_backup Multivolume save setH When you save information with BACKUP Manager, the save set sometimesD spans more than one tape volume, creating a multivolume save set.F When this occurs, BACKUP Manager fits as much data as it can on the. first volume and then dismounts the volume.H Depending on whether you specified more than one drive or whether youC are using a tape loader, BACK oUP Manager then does the following:H · If you specified only one drive in the Output save set device-nameC field on the Save Volume screen, and you are not using a tapeI loader or operator assistance, BACKUP Manager prompts you to removeF the tape that is in the drive and insert another one. After youJ insert and load the second volume (or after an operator fulfills theI mount request), BACKUP Manager continues writing data to the second volume.H · p If you specified multiple drives, BACKUP Manager continues writing# data to the second volume if: - The drive is loaded. - The drive is on line.1 - The drive has the correct volume label.G BACKUP Manager unloads the first volume and resumes the operation on volume 2.? · If you are using an automatic tape loader, BACKUP ManagerG continues writing data to the tape in the next slot, assuming theE tape loader has an adequate supplqy of correctly labeled tapes.H BACKUP Manager rewinds and unloads the first tape and resumes the operation on volume 2.H As a safeguard against initializing or writing the wrong tape, BACKUPC Manager compares the label that you specify in the Tape label(s)/ field to the label of the tape in the drive.!ww­¯èêhK°1 Name_lengths Name Lengths? You can supply the following names in the following lengths:. Physical device name : up to 15 char racters. Save set comment : up to 53 charactersI Save set name on disk : up to 53 characters ([directory]filename.type)> Save set name on tape : up to 17 characters (filename.type)> Tape label : up to 6 characters for each label;H up to 53 characters in a comma-separated list. Template name : up to 31 charactersB File name : up to 53 characters on function screen;H : up to 75 characters on the Musltiple File Name% Entry Box!ww­¯èêhK°1 Logical_names$ Physical and logical device namesF You can use both physical and logical device names to refer to tapeG drives and disks. The physical device name is the hardware name for/ the device, such as DUA0:, MUA0:, and so on.F A logical name is a name you associate with a device. For example,C you might associate the logical name USER$DISK with the hardwareI device name DUA0. tYou create a logical name with a DCL command before( running BACKUP Manager. For example: $ DEFINE USER$DISK DUA0:F Using logical names provides two advantages. First, you can pick aE name that is meaningful to you. Second, you can change the device$ associated with the logical name.E How might this be helpful? Assume that the logical name USER$DISKG was associated with DUA0. You and other system users could then useG USER$DISK in file names, command proced uures, and so on. If you thenE move the data from DUA0 to a larger disk, for example, named DUA1,G you only need to associate USER$DISK with the larger DUA1 disk. TheH system users could continue to use the USER$DISK logical name without$ having to be aware of the change.!ww­ ÖèêhK°1 Backup_defrag5 Restoring a volume to eliminate disk fragmentationG During the course of creating, deleting, and modifying files, a diskE can have sections of files scattere vd across it. The files, thoughF scattered, are linked by software so that a file appears contiguous@ when it is displayed for you. Eventually the disk can become7 severely fragmented, and system performance suffers.F When a disk stores files contiguously, system performance improves,D and the wear and tear on the disk mechanisms is minimized because; fewer searches are performed for the sections of a file.< When you restore a volume from a save set, BACKUP Manager@ pla wces the files contiguously on the disk. To eliminate diskF fragmentation, you can perform a backup of the disk and restore the backup copy.!ww­ ÖèêhK°1 Restoring_files" Restoring files from a save setF Restore a save set when you need to return the data in the save setD to its original format. For example, you might need to perform aF restore operation if you have deleted an important file and need toH replace it, or if a disk has become corrupted and you x need to replace it with an uncorrupted copy.D When you restore files, BACKUP Manager places the contents of the- save set in the location that you specify.F If your save set is stored on more than one tape or sequential diskG volume, you can begin restore and compare operations with any volume of the save set.C You can monitor the files as they are restored by turning on theB "Verify BACKUP Operation" option on the Options menu. For moreD information, see "Ver yifying save set contents" in the "Tasks ..." help topic.!ww­ ÖèêhK°1 Batch_backups1 Running BACKUP Manager when you are not aroundE When deciding on a backup strategy, think about whether the backupH operation requires someone to physically change tapes or disks duringH operation. Ideally, the backup operation can be performed unassistedD by a batch job that runs late at night or at some other time when> interactive use of the system is likely to be at a zminimum.H You might not have to change tapes or disks during a backup operation$ if any of the following are true:> · All of the files fit on a single piece of storage media.# · Your site uses a tape loader.5 · You have several disk or tape drives available.? For more information, see the "Command Line ..." help topic.!ww­ ÖèêhK° 1 Save_sets Save setsF When you save files with BACKUP Manager, the files are written to a* single, special file {called a save set.E Save set names on tape can have up to 17 characters, including theF period delimiter (.) and file type; save set names on disk can haveC up to 53 characters, including the period delimiter (.) and fileH type. (Note: BACKUP Manager allows you to enter file names of only up@ to 53 characters.) The following example is a valid save set specification: WKLY27JUN1994.BCKH =============================== NOTE ================================F Do |not specify a directory name for the save set; save sets use the [000000] directory.H =====================================================================!ww­ ÖèêhK° 1 Snapshot Snapshot backup operationB Depending on the type of save operation you are performing, the& snapshot option does the following: Save Type Description --------- -----------J Volume The snapshot type of backup saves the entire volume as itE prese }ntly exists, but you cannot perform incrementalJ backups using a snapshot backup as the baseline save set.I Selected The snapshot type of backup saves the specified files asI Files they presently exist, but you cannot perform incrementalJ backups using a snapshot backup as the baseline save set.!ww­ ÖèêhK°1 Restore_strats$ Strategies for restoring a volumeG \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ CAUTION ////////////////////~/////////G \ /G \ When you restore a volume, BACKUP Manager reinitializes the /G \ specified output disk, erasing what currently exists on the /G / output disk and writing the save set contents onto the newly \G / initialized disk. \G / \G ////////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\F If you saved a volume from a diskette, for example, and you want toC add the save set contents to your files on a larger disk, chooseB "Selected Files from a Save Set" from the File menu and specifyD [*...]*.* in the "Files to Save" field. This action prevents you' from reinitializing the output disk.D Specify the directory into which you want to restore the disketteD volume (for example, USER$DISK:[WORK.PROJECT.HOMEWORK]*.*). This@ way, the rest€ of the output disk (USER$DISK, in this example)G contents are preserved, and the files from the save set are added to the output disk.!ww­ ÖèêhK°1 Tape_labels Tape label(s) fieldE The term tape label refers to the software label name of up to sixH characters you supply for a tape. The term does not apply to a labelF you physically attach to the tape. Tape labels allow BACKUP Manager8 to identify a tape and determine its characteristics.F Label you r tapes according to the data contained on the tapes. The= following table shows some suggestions for labeling tapes:( Label Type of Backup2 ------ ----------------------------------2 DLY101 Daily, Group 1, Volume Number 012 DLY102 Daily, Group 1, Volume Number 022 WKY101 Weekly, Group 1, Volume Number 012 WKY201 Weekly, Group 2, Volume Number 012 MTH101 Monthly, Group 1, Volume Number 012 YRY101 Yearly, G ‚roup 1, Volume Number 01H After mounting a tape, BACKUP Manager processes information stored in< the tape-volume header record before writing to the tape.3 Specifically, BACKUP Manager does the following:F · Checks the tape-volume protection information to ensure that youF have the right to access the volume in the manner you requested.H · Checks the tape expiration date to prevent you from initializing a$ tape that has not yet expired.C · Compares the tape vo ƒlume label you specify to the tape volumeF label of the tape to ensure that you do not create a save set onH the wrong tape. BACKUP Manager uses the following guidelines when processing tape labels:D - If you specify a label that is longer than six characters,H BACKUP Manager truncates (shortens) the label to the first six characters.G - If the volume label is fewer than six characters long, BACKUPF Manager adds spaces to lengt „hen the label to six characters.C - The first four characters of the tape volume label eitherC (a) must match the first four characters of the label youL specified, or (b) must end with one or more underscore characters.B For example, the volume label ABN_ matches the ABN label: specification but does not match the ABNE label.H - If the fifth and sixth characters of the tape volume label areH numbers between 0 and 9, BACKUP Manage …r does not compare theseC characters with corresponding characters in the label youF specified. Otherwise, the fifth and sixth characters in theF tape volume label must match the corresponding characters inA the label specified in the BACKUP Manager command line.!ww­ ÖèêhK°1 ropera_types Types of restore operationsD The following restore operations are available by choosing eitherE "Restore Volume ..." or "Restore Selected Fil †es ..." from the file@ menu. Select these menu items and press PF2 for the specific) operations that are available to each.C Restore a volume save set (initializes the output disk) - ThisB option writes the save set data onto the output disk after itD erases the existing data on the output disk. You are prompted to confirm this operation.D Restore file(s) from a save set - This option reinstates one orA more files from a save set to a specified location ‡on outputC disk. You can use this option to add the contents of a volume save set to a larger disk.C Restore an incremental save set - This reinstates files copied( from an incremental save operation.!ww­°ýèêhK°1 sopera_types Types of save operationsG The following save operations are available by choosing either "SaveG Volume ..." or "Save Selected Files ..." from the file menu. SelectF these menu items and press PF2 for the specific ˆ operations that are available to each.C Save a volume as a snapshot image - This creates a copy of theB disk you specify but subsequent incremental backups cannot be done on a snapshot backup.? Save a volume as a baseline for incremental backups - ThisB creates a copy of the disk files and records the file data so9 that incremental backup operations can be performed.D Save an incremental backup of a volume - This creates a copy of@ files from a ‰volume that were created or modified since theD previous incremental or the previous baseline backup operation.D Save selected files as a snapshot of the files - This creates aD copy of the file you specify but subsequent incremental backups) cannot be done on a snapshot backup.E Save selected files as a baseline for incremental backups - ThisF creates a copy of the files you specify and records the file dataC so that incremental backup operations can be perforŠmed on that same group of files.F Save an incremental backup of selected file - This creates a copy> of files that were created or modified since the previousA incremental or the previous baseline backup operation of the selected group of files.!ww­°ýèêhK°1 Template_use Using templatesB A template is a set of BACKUP Manager operation values that youG supply once and save with a template name. Templates are useful for< operations th ‹at you intend to perform on a regular basis.F To create a template, fill in the fields on the BACKUP Manager SaveG screen, then choose "Save As ..." from the Templates menu. A dialogA box appears and asks you to supply a template name of up to 31 characters.G To use the values you supplied, choose "Open ..." from the TemplatesE menu. Select the name that contains the values from the resultingA list box. BACKUP Manager inserts the template values into the operationŒ screen.!K!--------------------------------------------------------------------------ww­°ýèêhK°1 Backup_manager Features ...A "Features ..." produces of list of topics about BACKUP Manager features.C ·-----·C You can scroll through topics if there are more | ^ |C topics than BACKUP Manager can display in a | | |I box. Press the down arrow key to scroll ·-----·-----·-----·I through the list box for any additional topics. | . | | | . |I Press the up arrow key to scroll back to any | | V | |I topics that have scrolled out of view. ·-----·-----·-----·!ww­°ýèêhK°1 Menus BACKUP Manager MenusG BACKUP Manager menus organize your tasks by function. The following menus are available: Menu FunctionF --------- --------------------------------------------------Ž----: File Perform various BACKUP Manager operations.C Templates Select, create, modify, rename, or delete templatesF that contain default values for backup operations that! you perform most.9 Options Choose options for your backup operation.C Help Display topics of information about BACKUP Manager.!ww­°ýèêhK° 1 List_box# Choosing an item from a list boxH To choose an item, highlight the item and press Return. To close the4 list box without choosing and item, press Ctrl/Z.C When you choose an item, the item will automatically fill in theD field to which the item refers. If you are choosing a help topicE item, information about the topic you choose is displayed when you press Return.!ww­°ýèêhK° 1 File_menu File menuD The File menu lets you perform various BACKUP Manager operations.G For more information about the BACKUP Manager operations on the File@ menu, select a menu item and press PF2 or the Help key (F15).D Additionally, use the File menu to exit from BACKUP Manager, exitE from the menu itself, or return to the main screen when you are on one of the operation screens.!ww­°ýèêhK° 1 Exit_menu Exit This MenuA Choose "Exit This Menu" to close the menu. You can also press Ctrl/Z to exit the menu.!ww­°ýèêhK°1 Save_volume Save Volume ...F Choose "Save Volume ‘ ..." when you want to perform backup operationsG on an entire disk and not a subset of the disk. The disk from whichD you are saving files must be locally accessible. There are threeH volume operations from which you can choose. A list box displays the following choices:C Save a volume as a snapshot image - This creates a copy of theB disk you specify but subsequent incremental backups cannot be done on a snapshot backup.? Save a volume as a baseline for i’ncremental backups - ThisB creates a copy of the disk files and records the file data so9 that incremental backup operations can be performed.D Save an incremental backup of a volume - This creates a copy of@ files from a volume that were created or modified since theD previous incremental or the previous baseline backup operation.!ww­°ýèêhK° 1 Save_files Save Selected Files ...C Choose "Save Selected Files ..." when you want to perform backup “H operations on a group of files and not an entire disk. The disk fromE which you are saving files must be locally accessible. There areJ three selected-file operations in a list box from which you can choose:D Save selected files as a snapshot of the files - This creates aD copy of the file you specify but subsequent incremental backups) cannot be done on a snapshot backup.E Save selected files as a baseline for incremental backups - ThisF creates a copy of” the files you specify and records the file dataC so that incremental backup operations can be performed on that same group of files.F Save an incremental backup of selected file - This creates a copy> of files that were created or modified since the previousA incremental or the previous baseline backup operation of the selected group of files.!ww­°ýèêhK°1 Restore_volume Restore Volume ...F Choose "Restore Volume ..." when you want t •o reinstate the contentsH of a disk with a volume save set. The disk on which the files are to@ be restored must be locally accessible. There are two volumeA operations from which you can choose. A list box displays the following choices:C Restore a volume save set (initializes the output disk) - ThisB option writes the save set data onto the output disk after itD erases the existing data on the output disk. You are prompted to confirm this operation.C – Restore an incremental save set - This reinstates files copied( from an incremental save operation.!ww­°ýèêhK°1 Restore_files Restore Selected Files ...H Choose "Restore Selected Files ..." when you want to reinstate one orE more files from a save set. The disk on which the files are to beH restored must be locally accessible. There are two volume operations@ from which you can choose. A list box displays the following choices:D Restore f—ile(s) from a save set - This option reinstates one orA more files from a save set to a specified location on outputC disk. You can use this option to add the contents of a volume save set to a larger disk.C Restore an incremental save set - This reinstates files copied( from an incremental save operation.!ww­°ýèêhK°1 List_save_set List Save Set Contents ...D Choose "List Save Set Contents ..." and fill in the fields on theH associated ˜screen to list the contents of a save set on the screen or in a file.!ww­°ýèêhK°1 Start_operation Start Operation? Choose "Start Operation" to begin the save, restore, or listG operation you specify on the screen form. You can also press PF4 to to start the operation.A If you do not specify all required fields, an error message is5 displayed and the backup operation is not started.!ww­°ýèêhK°1 Show_command Show BACKUP Comma™ndG Choose "Show BACKUP Command" to display the generated BACKUP utility@ command. After the command is displayed, you can perform the operation by pressing Return.A For a complete description of BACKUP Utility concepts, see theA "OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual" and the% "OpenVMS System Manager's Manual".!ww­À$éêhK°1 Return_Main Return to Main ScreenF Choose "Return to Main Screen" to return to the BACKUP Manager main s šcreen.G \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ CAUTION ///////////////////////////G \ /G \ All data on the current screen and in the associated Options /G \ menu is lost when you leave the current screen. However, you /G \ can retain the data on a save screen before leaving the screen /G / by creating a template and recalling the template when you \G / return. For more information, see "Creating a› Template" in \G / the "Tasks ..." help topic. \G / \G //////////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\!ww­À$éêhK°1 Exit_backup Exit BACKUP ManagerH Choose "Exit BACKUP Manager" to exit BACKUP Manager and return to the DCL prompt.!ww­À$éêhK° 1 Ok_cancel OK/CANCEL Box( Choose "OK" to confirm the operation.œD Choose "CANCEL" to exit from the operation without performing it.G In either case, the box disappears when you choose "OK" or "CANCEL".!ww­À$éêhK° 1 Help_menu Help menuF The Help menu displays topics about BACKUP Manager on which you can obtain more information.G · For information about BACKUP Manager, select a menu item (such asD "Tasks ..." or "Concepts ...") and press Return, then select a( topic from the resulting list box.H · For an explanation of the types of information contained in onlineC help, select a menu item and press PF2 or the Help key (F15).!ww­À$éêhK°1 Options_menu Options menuG The Options menu displays options that you can turn on for the save,1 restore, or list operation you are performing.F To turn on an option, open the menu and select the options you wantE by pressing the space bar or Return; you turn off options the sameE way. Choose "Apply Options ž" to save the options and return to theF operation screen. For more information about each option, select a1 menu item and press PF2 or the Help key (F15).!ww­À$éêhK°1 New_version Create New File VersionsA When you turn on the "Create New File Versions" option, BACKUPC Manager creates a new version of a file if the same file alreadyE exists in the output directory. When the option is turned off andF the same file name already exists in the directory,Ÿ the file is not6 restored and an informational message is displayed.B For more information, see "Creating new versions of files while2 restoring files" in the "Tasks ..." help topic.!ww­À$éêhK°1 Full_listing Display Expanded File FormatH When you turn on the "Display Expanded File Format" option for a SaveH or Restore operation and enter a file name in the "Listing File Name"H field, BACKUP Manager writes file attribute information for each file' in  the save set to the listing file.D When you turn off the "Display Expanded File Format" option for aG Save or Restore operation, and you enter a file name in the "ListingD File Name" field, BACKUP Manager writes file name, date, and sizeC information for each file in the save set to the specified file.!ww­À$éêhK° 1 INIT_TAPE Initialize TapeB Turn on the "Initialize Tape" option to intialize a tape volume' before beginning the Save operation.G \\\\\ ¡\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ CAUTION ///////////////////////////G \ /G > INITIALIZING A TAPE ERASES WHAT CURRENTLY EXISTS ON A TAPE. <G / \G //////////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\H If you want to save files to a tape by adding to the tape's contents,B and without erasing any existing data, make sure this option is¢ turned off.!ww­À$éêhK°1 Rewind_tape Rewind Tape Before OperationC Turn on the "Rewind Tape Before Operation" option to specify the> following, depending on which operation you are performing: Operation Description --------- -----------F Save BACKUP Manager rewinds the tape to which the save set isE written to the beginning-of-tape marker and initializesF the tape before writing the save set. When you turn offH £ this option, the tape is placed at the logical end-of-tapeG (the end of the last save set, if any) before writing the new save set.F Restore BACKUP Manager rewinds the tape on which the save set isF written to the beginning-of-tape marker before searchingH for the save set; else, the search for the save set begins+ at the current tape position.!ww­À$éêhK°1 Density_6250 Set Tape Densit¤y to 6250 bpiD Turn on this option if you have a tape device that can operate atG 6250 bits per inch. "Bits per inch" refers to the format density of data storage for a tape.!ww­À$éêhK°1 Log_activity Turn Off BACKUP OutputF BACKUP Manager displays the file name of each file processed in theG BACKUP Output display screen by default. You must set the "Turn Off2 BACKUP Output" option to turn off this display.> For more information, see "Displayi¥ng BACKUP Output" in the "Tasks ..." help topic.!ww­À$éêhK° 1 Verify_op Verify BACKUP OperationH When you turn on the "Verify BACKUP Operation" option by pressing theF space bar or Return, BACKUP Manager compares the input file name to? the output file specification. If the comparison produces a6 mismatch, BACKUP Manager displays an error message.F For more information about backup verification, see "Verifying save/ set contents" in the "Tasks ..." he¦lp topic.!ww­À$éêhK°1 Apply_options Apply OptionsH Choose "Apply Options" to exit the Options menu and apply the optionsG that you turned on to the current Save, Restore, or List screen when you start the operation.!ww­À$éêhK°1 Multi_filenames Multiple File Names Entry BoxG Specify one file specification on each line. You can use wildcards.F When you have specified the files you want to save, press PF3 againB to return to th §e Save screen. The message "Press PF3 to enter,F delete or modify file names" is placed in the "Files to Save" fieldB to indicate that you have specified more than one file to save.F For more information about specifying file names, see the following topics:8 "File name format" in the "Concepts ..." help topic; "File name wildcards" in the "Concepts ..." help topicI "Using wildcards for specifying files" in the "Tasks ..." help topic? "Specifying a list of files¨" in the "Tasks ..." help topic!ww­À$éêhK°1 Templates_menu Templates menuG The Templates menu displays template operations. Templates are used+ differently, depending on the operation: Operation Description --------- -----------H Save Use the Templates menu to open, save, delete, and rename aC template. A template contains screen values that are) saved with a template name.G Restore Use the Templates me©nu to choose existing template values4 or List for the operation you want to perform.D For more information about the Template menu items, select a menu, item and press PF2 or the Help key (F15).!ww­À$éêhK°1 open_template Open ...G Choose "Open ..." to display a list of available backup templates byH name. When you choose a template name from the list, values from theF template are placed in the Save, Restore, or List screen from which! you openeªd the Templates menu.D For more information, see "Opening a template" in the "Tasks ..." help topic.!ww­À$éêhK°1 Save_as_templt Save As ...G Choose "Save As ..." to save the values that are currently displayedF on the Save screen. You name the new template in a dialog box that< is displayed when you choose the "Save As ..." menu item.G For more information, see "Creating a template for backing up a disk) volume" in the "Tasks ..." help topic.«!ww­ÐKéêhK°1 Save_template Save ...G Choose "Save ..." to save the current screen values with an existing@ template name. You receive a confirmation message before theB template is modified. Choose "OK" to confirm the modification;C choose "CANCEL" to exit without modifying the existing template.F For more information, see "Modifying a template" in the "Tasks ..." help topic.!ww­ÐKéêhK°1 Delete_template Delete ...H Choose ­"Delete ..." to delete a template name from a list of existingF templates. Select the template name from a list that is displayed,? then choose "OK" from the resulting dialog box to delete theH template. Choose "CANCEL" to quit the operation without deleting the template.E For more information, see "Deleting a template" in the "Tasks ..." help topic.!ww­ÐKéêhK°1 Rename_template Rename ...G Choose "Rename ..." to change the name of a template whilÆ`xGlossary`Ø Glossary_Menu›¤ Help_menukž IncrementalŸP INIT_TAPE°, Input_deviceºJInput_save_devÛ. Key_summarytLabeling_tapes¸² Listing_fileŠList_box®e retainingG all of its attributes. Select the template name from a list that is9 displayed, then rename it in the resulting dialog box.E For more information, see "Renaming a template" in the "Tasks ..." help topic.!ww­ÐKéêhK°1 Bakman_fields# BACKUP Manager Screen ComponentsH ·--------------------------------------------------------------------·H |------· Title Bar |H | Menu | Menu Menu ¯ |H ·--------------------------------------------------------------------·H | Menu Item | |H | Menu Item | |H |-----------· |H | Field : _________________________________________ |H | Field : _________________________________________ |H | ° |H | ·-----------------------------· |H | Field : ____| list box topic |______ |H | Field : ____| list box topic |______ |H | | list box topic | |H | ·-----------------------------· |H | |H ·------- ±-------------------------------------------------------------·H | Hint messages and status bar that changes on context |H | |H ·--------------------------------------------------------------------·!ww­ÐKéêhK°1 Input_device Input Device Name fieldB Specify the name of the disk on which the files to be saved areB located. You can specify either a logical device name (such as@ USER$ ²DISK) or a physical device name (such as DKA0). For more> information, see "Physical and logical device names" in the "Concepts ..." help topic.E The default device name is your current disk. The device must not" be allocated by any other user.E Press PF3 to display a box that lists known disk devices. Use theG arrow keys to scroll through the list of devices and press Return orH Enter to choose a device. Choosing a device from this box places theG list entry in the³ Device Name field. If you do not want to select a> disk device, press PF3 again (or Ctrl/Z) to cancel the box.!ww­ÐKéêhK°1 Output_device Output Device Name fieldD Specify the name of the disk volume to which the save set will beC restored. You can specify either a logical device name (such as7 USER$DISK) or a physical device name (such as DKA0).A The device must not be allocated by any other user and must beH different than the input device name wh ´en you are saving or restoringD a volume. For more information, see "Physical and logical device+ names" in the "Concepts ..." help topic.E Press PF3 to display a box that lists known disk devices. Use theG arrow keys to scroll through the list of devices and press Return orH Enter to choose a device. Choosing a device from this box places theG list entry in the Device Name field. If you do not want to select a? disk device, press PF3 again (or Ctrl/Z) to cause the box tµo disappear.!ww­ÐKéêhK° 1 Output_dir Directory fieldB Specify the name of the directory to which the save set will beG restored. For example, to restore files to the PROJECT subdirectoryH of the SMITH account, specify [SMITH.PROJECT] in the directory field.!ww­ÐKéêhK°1 Files_to_save Files to Save fieldF Specify the file (such as file-name.ext) or directory tree (such asE [username.subdirectory]*.*) that you want to save in the ¶save set.E Press PF3 to enter several file specifications (including wildcardG specifications). When you have specified the files you want to save,H press PF3 again to return to the Save screen. The message "Press PF3D to enter, delete or modify file names" is placed in the "Files toE Save" field to indicate that you have specified more than one file name to save.C For more information about file names, see the following topics:8 "File name format" in the "Concep·ts ..." help topic; "File name wildcards" in the "Concepts ..." help topicI "Using wildcards for specifying files" in the "Tasks ..." help topic? "Specifying a list of files" in the "Tasks ..." help topic!ww­ÐKéêhK°1 Files_2_restore Files to Restore fieldF Specify the file (such as file-name.ext) or directory tree (such asH [username.subdirectory]*.*) that you want to restore from a save set.E Press PF3 to enter several file specifications (inclu ¸ding wildcardA specifications). When you have specified the files you want toA restore, press PF3 again to return to the Restore screen. TheF message "Press PF3 to enter, delete or modify file names" is placedH in the "Files to Save" field to indicate that you have specified more! than one file name to restore.C For more information about file names, see the following topics:8 "File name format" in the "Concepts ..." help topic; "File name wildcards" in the "Conce ¹pts ..." help topicI "Using wildcards for specifying files" in the "Tasks ..." help topic? "Specifying a list of files" in the "Tasks ..." help topic!ww­ÐKéêhK°1 Listing_file Listing File Name fieldF Specify the full file specification into which is written a list ofI files processed by the save, restore or list operations. For example,F DKB0:[SMITH.REPORTS]BACKUP.LIS. If you do not specify a device andG directory, the file name will be created inº the directory from whichD you invoked BACKUP Manager. The listing contains additional fileC information that is not displayed on the screen during a save or restore operation.F If you do not specify a file name for a list operation, the listing* information is displayed on the screen.A For more information about file names, see "File specification, format" in the "Concepts ..." help topic.!ww­ÐKéêhK°1 Saveset_comment Save Set Comment fieldH » Specify a summary of the save set contents. A comment can contain up: to 53 characters. Some sample comments are as follows:) · Backup of the USERS$DISK accounts0 · Baseline backup of project-related files3 · Incremental backup of project-related files · Nightly backup of DKA0:!ww­ÐKéêhK°1 Input_save_dev# Input Save Set Device Name fieldG Use the "Save Set Device Name" field to specify the name of the diskC or tape device on which t ¼he save set is located. This must be aE different device than the output device when you are restoring an entire volume.D You can specify either a logical device name or a physical deviceG name. The device must not be allocated by any other user. Press PF3E to display a box that lists available devices. Selecting a deviceD from this box places the list entry in the "Save Set Device Name"D field; if you do not want to select a device, press PF3 again (orC Ctrl/Z). F ½or more information, see "Physical and logical device+ names" in the "Concepts ..." help topic.!ww­ÐKéêhK°1 Output_save_dev$ Output Save Set Device Name fieldG Use the "Save Set Device Name" field to specify the name of the diskD or tape onto which the save set will be created. You can specifyH either a logical device name (such as USER$DISK) or a physical deviceE name (such as DKA0). The device must not be allocated by any otherE user and must be a diff ¾erent device than the input device when you$ are saving or restoring a volume.F Press PF3 to display a box that lists known devices. Use the arrowB keys to scroll through the list of devices, and press Return toD choose a device. Choosing a device from this box places the listD entry in the "Save Set Device Name" field. If you do not want toB select a device, press PF3 again (or Ctrl/Z) to cancel the box.G For more information, see "Physical and logical device names" in th¿e "Concepts ..." help topic.!ww­àréêhK°1 Save_set_file Save Set File Name fieldF Specify the name of the save set file for the following operations: Operation Description --------- -----------F Save Specify the save set file into which the volume or files will be stored.F Restore Specify the save set file from which the volume or files! are to be restored.F List Specify the save set file from wÀhich you want a listing.I Tape devices can have a save set name of up to 17 characters including@ file name, the period delimiter, and file type, (for example,I WKLY27JUN1994.BCK). Disk devices can have a save-set name of up to 53I characters, including directory, file name, period delimiter, and file= type (for example, [SMITH.PROJECT.WORK]WKLY27JUN1995.BCK).!ww­àréêhK° 1 Tape_label Tape Label(s) fieldF Specify the label of the tape on which the save Á set will be stored.G You can specify a tape label of up to six characters. This field is+ ignored for save sets created on a disk.G You can enter a comma-separated list of tape labels if you need moreH than one tape; do not use spaces. If you need more labels during theE save operation than are supplied, BACKUP Manager generates defaultC names by putting sequentially increasing numbers in the last two: character positions; for example, ACCNTS,ACCN02,ACCN03.!O!-------Â-----------------------------------------------------------------------!ww­àréêhK°1 Command_line Command Line ...B "Command Line ..." produces a list of topics about using BACKUPC Manager from the DCL command line and from command procedures in batch mode.!ww­àréêhK°1 About_command2 About the BACKUP Manager command line interfaceE After you have become familiar with BACKUP Manager operations, youA may decide to use BACKUP Manager Ãnoninteractively from the DCLC command line. You can use the DCL command line interface to run BACKUP Manager.A When you supply the command, the command line instructs BACKUPG Manager what to do and when to do it, using an existing template forF input and output values. You can perform only Save operations from the command line interface.B To use the BACKUP Manager command line interface, see the other6 topics listed in the "Command Line ..." help topic.!wwÄ­àréêhK°1 Cmd_parameters Command line parametersD After you have defined a foreign command to run BACKUP Manager inF batch mode, you can run BACKUP Manager in noninteractive mode. ForC more information, see "Setting up to use BACKUP Manager in batch. mode" in the "Command Line ..." help topic.F The foreign command requires one of the following parameter values: Parameter Description --------- -----------: SAVE_FILES Indicates a Save Selected ÆFiles operation.2 SAVE_VOLUME Indicates a Save Volume operation.!ww­àréêhK°1 Cmd_qualifiers( Command line parameter and qualifiersD After you have defined a foreign command to run BACKUP Manager inF batch mode, you can run BACKUP Manager in noninteractive mode. ForC more information, see "Setting up to use BACKUP Manager in batch. mode" in the "Command Line ..." help topic.F The foreign command accepts several options that are specified with8 one o–]~ Filespec_wild¶îFiles_2_restore´< Files_to_saveŽJ File_menul Finding_filesÊœForeign_commandTFullžÒ Full_listing Çr more of the following command line qualifiers:' Qualifier Description' --------- -----------@ /BASELINE Indicates that BACKUP Manager shouldB perform a baseline backup of the files6 specified by the template.@ /INCREMENTAL Indicates that BACKUP Manager shouldC perform a backup of the files specifiedC by the templat Èe that have changed sinceE the previous incremental backup operation+ on those files.F /SNAPHOT is assumed, if you do not specify6 /INCREMENTAL or /BASELINE.H /SNAPSHOT Indicates that BACKUP Manager should performF a snapshot backup of files, and should notG record the date and time fields because theD É save set will not be used for subsequent: incremental backup operations.F /TEMPLATE=template-name Indicates the name of an existing templateC from which backup values are retrieved.9 This is a required qualifier.!ww­àréêhK°1 Cmd_running2 Running BACKUP Manager from a command procedureC The following example uses the command procedure DKA300_SAVE.COM: to illust Êrate the use of the foreign command interface:4 $ BAKMAN == "$SYS$SYSTEM:BACKUP$MANAGER.EXE"@ $ BAKMAN SAVE_VOLUME /INCREMENTAL /TEMPLATE=DKA300_DAILYE You can run this command procedure using the DCL command SUBMIT toH execute BACKUP Manager in batch mode to perform an incremental backup of the DKA0 disk, as follows:- $ SUBMIT/AFTER=03:00 DKA0300_SAVE.COME For more information about the SUBMIT command, type HELP SUBMIT atA the DCL prompt ($). For moËre information about BACKUP ManagerA command line qualifiers, see "Command line qualifiers" in the! "Command Line ..." help topic.!ww­àréêhK°1 Foreign_command% Using BACKUP Manager in batch modeH To run BACKUP Manager in batch mode, you must first define a "foreignG command." A foreign command is a command that you define and is not@ supplied by the operating system or layered product software.A To define a foreign command to run BACKUP Manager, perfÌorm the following steps:< 1. Add the following command line to your LOGIN.COM file:2 $ BAKMAN == "$SYS$SYSTEM:BACKUP$MANAGER.EXE"G You can also type this command line at the DCL prompt ($), or youD can add it to command procedures before running BACKUP Manager@ (see "Running BACKUP Manager from the command line" in the% "Command Line ..." help topic).B 2. Invoke your LOGIN.COM file so your system recognizes the new* BAKMAN command from your defÍinition: $ @LOGIN.COMH =============================== NOTE ================================F You can specify a different command name instead of BAKMAN, but youF should choose a name whose first four characters are different fromD existing system commands, or you will get a command-name conflict error message.H =====================================================================!K!--------------------------------------------------------------------------!ww έàréêhK° 1 Navigation Screen Navigation ...F "Screen Navigation ..." produces a list of topics about moving fromB field to field and through the menus of the BACKUP Manager user interface.C ·-----·C You can scroll through topics if there are more | ^ |C topics than BACKUP Manager can display in a | | |I box. Press the down arrow key to scroll ·-----·-----·-----·I Ï through the list box for any additional topics. | . | | | . |I Press the up arrow key to scroll back to any | | V | |I topics that have scrolled out of view. ·-----·-----·-----·!ww­àréêhK°1 Context_helpJ Displaying context-sensitive help ·-----· ·-----·-----·-----·-----·J |Help | | ··· | PF2 | ··· | ··· |J Press PF2 or the Help key (F15) |(F15)| | | | | |J tÐo display help about any part ·-----· ·-----·-----·-----·-----·J of the BACKUP Manager user | · | · | · | · |J interface on which the cursor | | | | |J is positioned. This includes ·-----·-----·-----·-----·J menus and menu items, text entry | · | · | · | · |J fields, list boxes, and dialog | | | | |J boxes. ·---- Ñ-·-----·-----·-----·J | · | · | · | ····|J | | | | |J ·-----------·-----· |J | · | · | |J | | | |J ·-----------·-----·-----·!ww­àréêhK°Ò1 Mouse_support Mouse SupportD BACKUP Manager supports only limited mouse support which includes= menus (when the cursor is in the menu bar) and list boxes.!ww­àréêhK°1 Moving_around Moving the cursorB Use the Tab, Return, and Enter Use the arrow keys to moveE keys to move the cursor from the cursor or to move through. one field to the next field. menus.9 ·--------· ·--------· ·-----· ·-----·9 | Tab | Ó| Return | |Enter| | ^ |9 | | | | | | | | |? ·--------· ·--· | | | ·-----·-----·-----·? | | | | | <-- | | | --> |? | | | | | | V | |? ·-----· ·-----· ·-----·-----·-----·!ww­àréêhK°1 Menu_vs_screenB Moving to menus and screen fields ·-----·-----·-----·-----·B Ô | PF1 | ··· | ··· | ··· |B Press PF1 to move the cursor to | | | | |B the menu from the fields on the ·-----·-----·-----·-----·B screen. Press PF1 again to move | · | · | · | · |B the cursor back to the fields on | | | | |B the screen. ·-----·-----·-----·-----·B | · | · | · | · |B | | Õ | | |B ·-----·-----·-----·-----·B | · | · | · |·····|B | | | | |B ·-----------·-----· |B | · | · | |B | | | |B ·-----------·-----·-----·!ww­ Öð™éêhK°1 Moving_nextG Moving to the next field ·-----·-----·-----·-----·G | ··· | ··· | ··· | ··· |G To move the cursor to the next field, | | | | |G use Tab, Return, up and down arrow ·-----·-----·-----·-----·G keys, or the Enter key. | · | · | · | · |G | | | | |G ·--------· ·--------· × ·-----·-----·-----·-----·G | Tab | | Return | | · | · | · | · |G | | | | ·-----· | | | | |G ·--------· ·--· | | ^ | ·-----·-----·-----·-----·G | | | | | | · | · | · |Enter|G | | ·-----·-----·-----· | | | | |G ·-----· | · | | | · | ·-----------·-----· |G Ø | | V | | | · | · | |G ·-----·-----·-----· | | | |G ·-----------·-----·-----·!ww­ð™éêhK°1 Pause< Pausing and unpausing a screen display ·-----· ·-----·< |Ctrl | | P |< When BACKUP Manager lists the file | | | |< status on the Output Display screen ·-----· ·-----·& as it process Ùes a save set, you can@ pause the screen display by pressing ·-----·-----·-----·@ Ctrl/P. You can resume displaying | · |Prev |Next |@ output by pressing Ctrl/P again. | |Scrn |Scrn |@ ·-----·-----·-----·: You can use the up and down arrow keys | ^ |: and the Prev Screen and Next Screen | | |@ keys to scroll through the paused ·-----·-----·-----·@ display. Ú | · | | | · |@ | | V | |@ ·-----·-----·-----·!ww­ð™éêhK°1 Do_operationB Performing an operation ·-----·-----·-----·-----·B | ··· | ··· | ··· | ··· |B For menu operations, highlight a | | | | |B menu command and press the Return ·-----·-----·-----·-----·B key to perform the Ûcurrent command | · | · | · | · |B operation. | | | | |B ·--------· ·-----·-----·-----·-----·B | Return | | · | · | · | · |B | | | | | | |B ·--· | ·-----·-----·-----·-----·B | | | · | · | · |Enter|B | | | | Ü | | |B ·-----· ·-----------·-----· |B | · | · | |B | | | |B ·-----------·-----·-----·!ww­ð™éêhK°1 Key_summary, Summary of BACKUP Manager navigation keys@ You can use the following keys to navigate the BACKUP Manager screens: Key Description --- - Ý----------. Help (F15) Display context-sensitive help.7 PF1 Move between menu and screen operations.. PF2 Display context-sensitive help.> PF3 Display data entry field options in a list box." PF4 Start an operation. Arrow keys Move the cursor.1 Tab Move the cursor to the next field.I Ctrl/P Pause and unpause an interactive display of BACKUP output.5 Ctrl/T Display BACKUP Manager process status.G Ctrl/Z Exit meÞnus and list boxes without performing operations.? Return For menu operations, execute the current commandA or operation. For screen operations, move the cursor! Enter to the next field.!ww­ð™éêhK° 1 Status( Viewing BACKUP Manager process status< To view the status of the BACKUP ·-----· ·-----·< Manager process, press Ctrl/T (the |Ctrl | | T |< Control key and the T key at the same | | | |< time). ß ·-----· ·-----·!K!--------------------------------------------------------------------------!ww­ð™éêhK° 1 About_help Online HelpH For an explanation of a user interface object, such as a menu item orD data entry field, use context-sensitive help pressing PF2 or Help (F15).F For an explanation of BACKUP Manager concepts, how to perform tasksF using BACKUP Manager, how to navigate through the interface, and soB on, choos àe one of the Help menu items. Some of the menu items> display a list box with topics about which you can get more; information when you highlight a topic and press Return.0 You can scroll through topics by pressing theA down arrow key. Press the up arrow key to scroll ·-----·A back through topics that have that have scrolled | ^ |A out of view. | | |G ·-----·-----·---á--·G | . | | | . |G | | V | |G ·-----·-----·-----·!ww­ð™éêhK°1 Troubleshooting Error Messages ..."G "Error Messages ..." displays a list of topics about troubleshooting errors.C ·-----·C You can scroll through topics by pressing the â | ^ |C down arrow key. Press the up arrow key to scroll | | |I back through topics that have that have scrolled ·-----·-----·-----·I out of view. | . | | | . |I | | V | |I ·-----·-----·-----·!ww­ð™éêhK°1 E-tmplt-existsJ Duplicate name. A template already exists with the name yoãu specified.H Meaning: You are attempting to create a new template having the same* name as an existing template.2 Action: Enter a unique name for the template.F To see the names of existing templates, choose "Open ..."C from the Templates menu. Press PF3 or Ctrl/Z to closeI the list of existing templates without opening the template.!ww­ð™éêhK°1 E-dev-not-disk@ Device must be a disk. Enter a disk device (su äch as, DKA0:).E Meaning: You entered a valid device but it was not a disk device.F Action: Specify a valid disk device. Press PF3 to display a listE box of known disk devices. Use the arrow keys to scrollG through the selection options and press Return to select aA device. Selecting a device from this box places the) selection in the name field.G If you do not want to select a disk device press PF3 again+ æ (or Ctrl/Z) to cancel the box.!ww­ð™éêhK°1 E-not-right-devB Device must be a disk or tape. On the device field, press PF3.H Meaning: You entered a device name other than a disk or tape device.G Action: Specify a valid disk or tape device. Press PF3 to displayE box of known disk devices. Use the arrow keys to scrollG through the selection options and press Return to select aA device. Selecting a device from this box€ª¼Delete_template¢È Density_6250Vv DifferencesÙ´ Do_operationèr E-cmd-too-bigâ¦E-dev-not-diskë¸E-internl-errorìÐE-inv-dev-specîVE-inv-file-specïÈE-inv-tmpl-charïžE-inv-tmpl-lenðn E-label-charñžE-label-over-6õT E-need-numberòr E-no-helpç€ E-no-nodeõE-NO-SUCH-TEMPLóHE-no-templatesä4E-not-right-devsæ E-unknown-devš Exit_backup Exit_menuë„ F-need-24êJ F-need-80Z(Filespecç places the) selection in the name field.G If you do not want to select a disk device press PF3 again+ (or Ctrl/Z) to cancel the box.!ww­ð™éêhK°1 E-unknown-devH Device is not known to local system. On the device field, press PF3.H Meaning: You entered a device name of a device that is not connected to your system.E Action: Select a device that is connected to your system. PressG PF3 to displaèy a box of known disk devices. Use the arrowD keys to scroll through the selection options, and pressE Return to select a device. Selecting a device from this8 box places the selection in the name field.G If you do not want to select a disk device press PF3 again+ (or Ctrl/Z) to cancel the box.!ww­ð™éêhK° 1 E-no-nodeK Device name cannot contain a node name. On the device field, press PF3.H Meaning: Yéou included the name of a node in the "Device Name" field.B BACKUP Manager does not use the node names or access@ string portions of a specification field. For moreF information, see "File name format" in the "Concepts ..." help topic.< Action: Specify only a device in the device name field.!ww­ð™éêhK°1 E-cmd-too-big8 Generated BACKUP command line exceeds maximum length.B Meaning: BACKUP Manager uses the inputs êyou supply to generateG a command line for the BACKUP utility. The BACKUP commandE line that was generated was longer than 1024 characters,1 which is the DCL command line limit.: Action: Perform one or more of the following actions:D (1) Specify files using wildcard characters. See "FileD specification wildcards" in the "Concepts ..." helpE topic, and "Using wildcards for specifying files" in, ë the "Tasks ..." help topic.B (2) Shorten the comment you supplied in the "Save Set Comment" field.C (3) Turn off one or more options that you do not need./ (4) Shorten output specifications.. (5) Do not select a listing file.!ww­ÁéêhK° 1 F-need-80L Minimum screen size is 24 rows; use the DCL command SET TERMINAL/WIDTH=80I Meaning: The terminal screen size is too small to run BACKUP Manìager.H Action: Run BACKUP Manager on a terminal screen set to 24 rows x 80 columns or larger.!ww­ÁéêhK° 1 F-need-24K Minimum screen size is 24 rows; use the DCL command SET TERMINAL/PAGE=24I Meaning: The terminal screen size is too small to run BACKUP Manager.H Action: Run BACKUP Manager on a terminal screen set to 24 rows x 80 columns or larger.!ww­ÁéêhK°1 E-internl-error Internal error: ...H If íyou receive any of the following internal errors, please submit anC SPR along with the specific error and behavior that produced the error.F Internal error: BACKUP options are not available for this screen.+ Internal error: Invalid function code., Internal error: Message stack is empty.A Internal error: No more message ID stack space is available.@ Internal error: Too many text display lines for pop-up box.!ww­ÁéêhK°1 E-inv-dev-spec> Inval îid device name. Enter a device name (such as, DKB0:).G Meaning: You entered a device name that is not a valid device name.H Action: Reenter a valid device name. Press PF3 to display a box ofF known disk devices. Use the arrow keys to scroll throughH the selection options, and press Return to select a device.E Selecting a device from this box places the selection in the name field.G If you do not want to select a diskï device press PF3 again+ (or Ctrl/Z) to cancel the box.!ww­ÁéêhK°1 E-inv-file-spec? Invalid file name. Enter a file name (such as, "name.ext").D Meaning: You entered a file name that is not a valid OpenVMS file name.E Action: Reenter a valid file name. See the following help topics; for more information about file specifications:? "File name format" in the "Concepts ..." help topicB "File name wðildcards" in the "Concepts ..." help topicE "Using wildcards for specifying files" in the "Tasks ..." help topic!ww­ÁéêhK°1 E-inv-tmpl-lenE Invalid template name. Enter a name 1 to 31 characters in length.H Meaning: You entered a template name with more than 31 characters or with a null string.? Action: Reenter the template name with 1 to 31 characters.!ww­ÁéêhK°1 E-inv-tmpl-charP Invalid templñate name. Only alphanumeric, $, _ and - characters are allowed.E Meaning: You entered a template name with characters that are not' for use in template names.F Action: Reenter the template name with only letters, numbers, theB dollar sign ($), the underscore (_), and the dash (-) characters."!ww­ÁéêhK°1 E-label-char8 One or more tape labels contain an invalid character.D Meaning: You entered a tape label with a chaòracter other than an- alphabetic or numeric character.F Action: Reenter the tape label with characters and numbers, only.!ww­ÁéêhK°1 E-label-over-6; One or more tape labels exceed six characters in length.= Meaning: A tape label contained more than six characters.B Action: Reenter the tape labels with six or fewer characters.E See the following help topics for information about tape labels:: "Tape laóbels" in the "Concepts ..." help topic: "Labeling tapes" in the "Tasks ..." help topic!ww­ÁéêhK° 1 E-no-helpJ The BACKUP Manager help file, SYS$HELP:BKM$HELP.HLB, is not accessible.F Meaning: The SYS$HELP:BKM$HELP.HLB file may have been deleted from the system.A Action: Check to ensure that BKM$HELP.HLB is in SYS$HELP andD accessible to you. If BKM$HELP.HLP was deleted from theD system, restore a backup copy of thôe file if the system" files were backed up.!ww­ÁéêhK°1 E-no-templatesP No templates are defined. Use Save As ... from Templates menu to create one.+ Meaning: The Template listing is empty.E Action: Create one or more templates. For more information, see' the following help topics:? "Using templates" in the "Concepts ..." help topicB "Creating a template for backing up a disk volume" in+ tõhe "Tasks ..." help topicC "Creating new versions of files while restoring files". in the "Tasks ..." help topic!ww­ÁéêhK°1 E-TMPL-REQUIREDG Template name required. Specify /TEMPLATE=name on the command line.B Meaning: You specified a command without a valid value for the! /TEMPLATE qualifier.E Action: Reenter the command with the /TEMPLATE qualifier and the7 name of an existing template as its value.÷!ww­ÁéêhK°1 E-NO-SUCH-TEMPLN Template name specified on command line was not found in the template file.? Meaning: You specified a template name that does not exist.F Action: Check to see if the template you specified exists. Also,5 check the spelling of the template name.!ww­ÁéêhK°1 E-need-number8 Value entered is not a number. Enter a numeric value/ Meaning: A numeric field value is required. Action: Supply a ô E-TMPL-REQUIREDášE-tmplt-existsæ E-unknown-devš Exit_backup Exit_menuë„ F-need-24êJ F-need-80Z(Filespecnumber.wwùº«‚@*1ëhK°ƒ EVMSBUILD Tasks Save_ex01 Save_ex02 Save_ex03 Save_ex04 Cancel_opera Template_ex01NewDeleteLogFull Finding_filesLabeling_tapes Moving_aboutOpenRecovering_dataRename Restore_dirRestore_allvol Restore_file Saving_tempsSpec_file_list Wildcard_useVerifyConceptsAbout_backupmgr Pros_consBackup_or_copy StrategiesBaseline DifferencesFilespec Filespec_wild Glossary_MenuGlossary Incremental Multi_backup Name_lengths Logical_names Backup_defragRestoring_files Batch_backups Saúve_setsSnapshotRestore_strats Tape_labels ropera_types sopera_types Template_useBackup_managerMenusList_box File_menu Exit_menu Save_volume Save_filesRestore_volume Restore_files List_save_setStart_operation Show_command Return_Main Exit_backup Ok_cancel Help_menu Options_menu New_version Full_listing INIT_TAPE Rewind_tape Density_6250 Log_activity Verify_op Apply_optionsMulti_filenamesTemplates_menu open_templateSave_as_templt Save_templateDelete_templateRename_template Bakman_fields Inpuût_device Output_device Output_dir Files_to_saveFiles_2_restore Listing_fileSaveset_commentInput_save_devOutput_save_dev Save_set_file Tape_label Command_line About_commandCmd_parametersCmd_qualifiers Cmd_runningForeign_command Navigation Context_help Mouse_support Moving_aroundMenu_vs_screen Moving_nextPause Do_operation Key_summaryStatus About_helpTroubleshootingE-tmplt-existsE-dev-not-diskE-not-right-dev E-unknown-dev E-no-node E-cmd-too-big F-need-80 F-need-24E-internl-errorE-inv-dev-specE-inv-file-specE-inv-tmpl-lenE-inv-tmpl-char E-label-charE-label-over-6 E-no-helpE-no-templatesE-TMPL-REQUIREDE-NO-SUCH-TEMPL E-need-number