% Librarian I01-42'BvFѼBv&'5GGCOMPRESS EXITFIX!ZHELP"\SHOW"VERIFY  6Bv 1 COMPRESSF Use the COMPRESS command to reorganize the contents of a dictionaryF file. The new dictionary file will probably be smaller than the oldF file, since only the directories and data definitions are copied, notF the unused free space. Only valid dictionary files may beF compressed. You must use the FIX command to repair a corrupt, dictionary file before you can compress it.F To compress the main dictionary file, you need VMS SYSPRV or VMSF BYPASS privilege. To compress a subdictionary file, you need only be the owner of the file. Command Syntax:< COMPRESS input-file-specification output-file-specification 2 parameters input-file-specificationF Names the dictionary file you want to copy. It is a standard VMSF file specification. Wildcards are not permitted. The default file extension is .DIC. output-file-specificationF Names the new dictionary file. It is a standard VMS fileF specification. Wildcards are not permitted. The default fileF extension is .DIC. You can use the same name for the output file andF the input file. If you do, CDDV creates an output file with a7 version number one higher than that of the input file.ww6Bv1 EXIT? Use the EXIT command or CTRL/Z to return to DCL command level. Command Syntax: EXIT or CTRL/Z ww6Bv1 FIXF Use the FIX command to repair d amaged dictionary files. FIXF describes any errors it finds and places this output in a listingF file. FIX also modifies the dictionary to repair the damage in the following ways:F o By reconstructing corrupt dictionary directories and restoring their children to themF o By preserving internally consistent dictionary directories and2 objects whose parents are irreparably damagedF o By pruning off inconsistent dictionary objects, history lists,, and directories that cannot be repaired% o By rebuilding the free page listF To fix the main dictionary file, you need VMS SYSPRV or BYPASSF privilege. To fix a subdictionary file, you need only be the owner of the subdictionary file.1 The default dictionary file is SYS$DISK:CDD.DIC. Command Syntax:$ FIX [qualifiers] file-specification 2 parameters file-specificationF Names the dictionary file you want to fix. It is a standard VMS fileF specification. Wildcards are not permitted. The default file extension is .DIC. 2 qualifiers/BITMAP Syntax: /[NO]BITMAPF Use /BITMAP to tally all of the pages in the directory hierarchy, andF to modify the dictionary's free page list by marking all untallied pages as free.4 /BITMAP also reconstructs a corrupt free page list.; /NOBITMAP prevents the modification of the free page list. /COMPLETE Syntax: /[NO]COMPLETEF Use /COMPLETE to scan a dictionary file for corrupt dictionary/ directories and to make the following repairs:F o When possible, rebuild corrupt directories. The CDDV can do thisF when the parent and children of a corrupt directory are intact in the dictionary.F o Reinsert internally consistent directories and objects into! repaired parent directories.F o Insert internally consistent directories and objects whoseF parents cannot be repaired into a special directory named CDD$TOP.CDD$LOST_NODES.F Corrupt dictionary objects and history lists cannot be repaired, so+ the CDDV deletes them from the dictionary.F If you have also specified /BITMAP, the CDDV modifies the free pageF list after it completes the repair of the hierarchy. You cannot6 specify /COMPLETE and /FAST in the same command line.B /NOCOMPLETE prevents the scanning and repair of dictionary files./FAST Syntax: /[NO]FASTF Use /FAST to locate corrupt directories, object s, or history listsF and to delete them from a dictionary file. With /FAST, you can alsoF generate a listing of the corrupt directories, objects, and history lists, and of the action taken.F If you have also specified /BITMAP, the CDDV modifies the free pageF list after it finishes pruning the hierarchy. You cannot specify. /COMPLETE and /FAST in the same command line.F /NOFAST prevents the deletion of corrupt directories, objects, and& history lists from a dictionary fil!e./LISTING Syntax:$ /LISTING [= file-specification] /NOLISTINGF Use /LISTING to specify a file into which the results of the scan areF written. The file specification is a standard VMS fileF specification. The default file type is .LIS. If you do not include= a file specification, the results are written to SYS$OUTPUT.F /NOLISTING suppresses the report of the results. The default is /NOLISTING./OUTPUT Syntax:" /OUTPUT [=file-specif"ication] /NOOUTPUT/ DMU accepts /OUTPUT as a synonym for /LISTING.wwFѼBv1 HELPF The VAX Common Data Dictionary's Verify/Fix Utility (CDDV) scans aF physical dictionary file for inconsistencies and reorganizesF dictionary files to enhance efficiency. The operator can examine orF alter dictionary files with any of three commands. The VERIFYF command merely generates an error report, while the FIX commandF generates an error report and# repairs the dictionary. The COMPRESS' command reorganizes a dictionary file.wwFѼBv1 SHOW VERSIONC The SHOW VERSION command displays the current CDDV version number. Command Syntax: SHOW VERSIONwwFѼBv1 VERIFYF Use the VERIFY command to scan a dictionary file for damagedF dictionary directories, objects, and history lists. You can have aF report of the scan written to a listing file or to your terminal. ToF verify the main d$ictionary file, you must have VMS SYSPRV or BYPASSF privilege. To verify a subdictionary file, you need only be the owner of the file.1 The default dictionary file is SYS$DISK:CDD.DIC. Command Syntax:' VERIFY [qualifiers] file-specification 2 parameters file-specificationF Names the dictionary file you want to verify. Wildcards are notF permitted. The file specification is a standard VMS file2 specification, and the default file type is .DIC. 2 qu%alifiers /COMPLETE Syntax: /[NO]COMPLETEF Use /COMPLETE to scan a dictionary file for corrupt dictionary/ directories and to display a report including:= o Corrupt dictionary directories that can be reconstructedF o Dictionary directories or objects whose corrupt parent% directories can be reconstructedF o Valid, uncorrupted dictionary directories or objects whose7 corrupt parent directories cannot be reconstructedF /NOCOMPLE&TE generates a list of corrupt dictionary directories and& objects. /NOCOMPLETE is the default./LISTING Syntax:$ /LISTING [= file-specification] /NOLISTINGF Use /LISTING to specify a file into which the results of the scan areF written. If you do not include a file specification, the results areF written to SYS$OUTPUT. /NOLISTING suppresses the report of the results.F The file specification is a standard VMS file specification, and the default file type i s .LIS. The default is /NOLISTING./OUTPUT Syntax:" /OUTPUT [=file-specification] /NOOUTPUT0 CDDV accepts /OUTPUT as a synonym for /LISTING.ww