CDO_errors AMBIG, syntax error, ambiguous keyword abbreviation AMBIG, syntax error, ambiguous keyword abbreviation Explanation: An ambiguous abbreviation for a keyword was specified. User Action: Reenter the command, specifying more letters in the keyword. ATTACHING, entity attached ATTACHING, entity attached Explanation: The specified entity was successfully attached. User Action: None. BADSEG, invalid segment specification BADSEG, invalid segment specification Explanation: An invalid segment record was specified in the DEFINE RMS_DATABASE command. You may have specified less than 2 within names, or perhaps you did not specify a field within [field-name within...] record. User Action: Correct the segment reference. BAD_NAME, protocol name contains wildcard characters BAD_NAME, protocol name contains wildcard characters Explanation: A protocol name contains wildcard characters. As a result, the name cannot be properly resolved to a single type. User Action: Specify the protocol name without wildcard characters. BAD_QUAL, illegal value assigned to a command qualifier BAD_QUAL, illegal value assigned to a command qualifier Explanation: The value assigned to a command qualifier is illegal. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. BUFOVRFLO, output buffer overflow BUFOVRFLO, output buffer overflow Explanation: An error occurred copying into a static output descriptor during a call to CDO$EXPRESSION_SYNTAX_TO_BUFFER or CDO$EXPRESSION_BUFFER_TO_SYNTAX. User Action: Increase the buffer size and make the call again. BUGCHK, internal user interface error BUGCHK, internal user interface error 1 Explanation: This error message is caused by an internal software error in the user interface. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. CABORT, CTRL/C entered to abort command CABORT, CTRL/C entered to abort command Explanation: You typed CTRL/C to abort the command. User Action: Reenter the command or continue. CAPTIVE, action not allowed from a captive account CAPTIVE, action not allowed from a captive account Explanation: The specified action is not allowed from a captive account. For example, you cannot spawn a subprocess from a captive account. User Action: Try this action from another account, or talk to the System Manager. CIRCULAR_DEFINE, invalid circular definition CIRCULAR_DEFINE, invalid circular definition Explanation: A field or record that was specified in a based on clause or included as a part of this definition is the definition itself. User Action: Change the definition so that it will not be circular. CNTCVT, DMU attribute cannot be converted to CDO CNTCVT, DMU attribute cannot be converted to CDO Explanation: Portions of the DMU definition cannot be converted to the CDD/Repository protocol. User Action: Display the record through DMU to determine those portions of the record that were not converted. CONSTRAINING, entity constrained CONSTRAINING, entity constrained Explanation: The specified entity was successfully constrained. User Action: None. CTRLZ, CTRL/Z entered to abort command CTRLZ, CTRL/Z entered to abort command Explanation: CTRL/Z was typed at the CDO continuation prompt to abort the command. User Action: None. CTXUNDEF, context variable undefined CTXUNDEF, context variable undefined 2 Explanation: A context variable was specified that was not defined in a record selection expression. User Action: Check the syntax of your aggregrate expression. DBMBR, database may need to be integrated DBMBR, database may need to be integrated Explanation: The entity you have changed is part of the named database. User Action: Use the RDO INTEGRATE command to integrate this change into the database. DENSELYPACKED, area is not incrementally adjacent to last area DENSELYPACKED, area is not incrementally adjacent to last area defined defined Explanation: An area number was specified that is not one more than the last area defined. User Action: Define your RMS_DATABASE with a correct area number. DETACHING, entity detached DETACHING, entity detached Explanation: The specified entity was successfully detached. User Action: None. DICDEL, dictionary deleted DICDEL, dictionary deleted Explanation: The dictionary specified by the message was successfully deleted. User Action: None. DICMOVE, dictionary moved to DICMOVE, dictionary moved to Explanation: The dictionary specified by the message was successfully moved to the location specified. User Action: None. DICTVER, Internal Major Version Internal Minor Version DICTVER, Internal Major Version Internal Minor Version Explanation: This messages is used by the SHOW VERSION command to display the version of CDD/Repository. User Action: None. DIRDEL, directory deleted DIRDEL, directory deleted 3 Explanation: The specified directory was successfully deleted. User Action: None. ENTDEL, entity deleted ENTDEL, entity deleted Explanation: The specified entity was successfully deleted. User Action: None. ENTDELDESC, entity and its descendants were deleted ENTDELDESC, entity and its descendants were deleted Explanation: The specified entity and its descendants were successfully deleted. User Action: None. ERRATTACH, error attaching to process ERRATTACH, error attaching to process Explanation: An error occurred during the ATTACH command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRATTACHCOL, error attaching object to collection ERRATTACHCOL, error attaching object to collection Explanation: An error occurred during the ATTACH TO COLLECION command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRCHANGE, error changing an object ERRCHANGE, error changing an object Explanation: An error occurred during the CHANGE command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRCHGPROT, error changing a protection ERRCHGPROT, error changing a protection Explanation: An error occurred during the CHANGE PROTECTION command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRCHKMSG, error checking notices ERRCHKMSG, error checking notices Explanation: An error occurred during the CHECK NOTICES command. 4 User Action: See accompanying message for more information about the error. ERRCLEAR, error clearing an object ERRCLEAR, error clearing an object Explanation: An error occurred during the CLEAR NOTICES command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRCLOSE, error closing file element ERRCLOSE, error closing file element Explanation: An error occurred during the CLOSE command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRCONSTRAIN, error constraining object ERRCONSTRAIN, error constraining object Explanation: An error occurred during the CONSTRAIN command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRCONVERT, error converting object ERRCONVERT, error converting object Explanation: An error occurred during the CONVERT command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRCOPY, error copying an object ERRCOPY, error copying an object Explanation: An error occurred during the COPY command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDEFINE, error defining an object ERRDEFINE, error defining an object Explanation: An error occurred during the DEFINE command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDEFPROT, error defining a protection ERRDEFPROT, error defining a protection Explanation: An error occurred the DEFINE PROTECTION command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about 5 the error. ERRDELETE, error deleting an object ERRDELETE, error deleting an object Explanation: An error occurred during the DELETE command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDELHIST, error deleting history entries ERRDELHIST, error deleting history entries Explanation: An error occurred during the DELETE HISTORY command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDELPROT, error deleting a protection ERRDELPROT, error deleting a protection Explanation: An error occurred during the DELETE PROTECTION command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDEMOTE, error demoting object ERRDEMOTE, error demoting object Explanation: This message is reserved for future use. User Action: None. ERRDETACH, error detaching object from collection ERRDETACH, error detaching object from collection Explanation: An error occurred during the DETACH FROM COLLECTION command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDIRE, error displaying a directory ERRDIRE, error displaying a directory Explanation: An error occurred during a DIRECTORY command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDUMP, error dumping an object ERRDUMP, error dumping an object Explanation: An error occurred during a DUMP command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. 6 ERREADACL, error reading an ACL ERREADACL, error reading an ACL Explanation: An error occurred while reading the access control list (ACL) attribute of an entity. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRENTER, error entering an object ERRENTER, error entering an object Explanation: An error occurred during the ENTER command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERREPLACE, error replacing an object ERREPLACE, error replacing an object Explanation: An error occurred during the REPLACE command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRESERVE, error reserving an object ERRESERVE, error reserving an object Explanation: An error occurred during the RESERVE command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERREXTRACT, error extracting an object ERREXTRACT, error extracting an object Explanation: An error occurred during the EXTRACT command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRFETCH, error fetching file element ERRFETCH, error fetching file element Explanation: An error occurred during the FETCH command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRINHNDLR, error handling an error ERRINHNDLR, error handling an error Explanation: An internal error occurred. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. ERRMCSLIST, error manipulating a list ERRMCSLIST, error manipulating a list 7 Explanation: An internal error occurred. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. ERRMERGE, error merging objects ERRMERGE, error merging objects Explanation: An error occurred during the MERGE command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRMODACL, error modifying an ACL ERRMODACL, error modifying an ACL Explanation: An error occurred while modifying the ACL attribute of an entity. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRMOVE, error moving a repository ERRMOVE, error moving a repository Explanation: An error occurred during the MOVE command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERROPEN, error opening file element ERROPEN, error opening file element Explanation: An error occurred during the OPEN command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRPROMOTE, error promoting object ERRPROMOTE, error promoting object Explanation: An error occurred during the PROMOTE command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRPURGE, error purging an object ERRPURGE, error purging an object Explanation: An error occurred during the PURGE command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRREM, error during remove ERRREM, error during remove Explanation: An error occurred during the REMOVE command. 8 User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSETCTX, error setting context ERRSETCTX, error setting context Explanation: An error occurred during the SET CONTEXT command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSETDEF, error setting a default directory ERRSETDEF, error setting a default directory Explanation: An error occurred during the SET DEFAULT command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSHOW, error displaying an object ERRSHOW, error displaying an object Explanation: An error occurred during the SHOW command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSHOWDEF, error displaying a default directory ERRSHOWDEF, error displaying a default directory Explanation: An error occurred during the SHOW DEFAULT command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSHOWPROT, error displaying an ACL ERRSHOWPROT, error displaying an ACL Explanation: An error occurred during the SHOW PROTECTION command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSIGNOUT, error ending a session ERRSIGNOUT, error ending a session Explanation: An error occurred during the EXIT command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRUPDATE, error updating collection ERRUPDATE, error updating collection Explanation: An error occurred during the UPDATE COLLECTION command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about 9 the error. ERRVERIFY, error verifying an object ERRVERIFY, error verifying an object Explanation: An error occurred during the VERIFY command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERUNRESERVE, error unreserving an object ERUNRESERVE, error unreserving an object Explanation: An error occurred during the UNRESERVE command. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. EXCMAXCTX, exceded maximum number of context variables EXCMAXCTX, exceded maximum number of context variables Explanation: More than 255 context variables were used in a record selection expression. User Action: Rewrite the expression, using views to minimize the use of context variables. EXPREQ, variant must have an expression EXPREQ, variant must have an expression Explanation: One variant has an expression, therefore, they all must. User Action: Add an expression. FIELD_IN_CON, field used in record constraint FIELD_IN_CON, field used in record constraint Explanation: The field could not be deleted because it is used in a constraint. User Action: Remove the field from the constraint before you delete it. FLDNOTINREC, field used in an expression is not part of the FLDNOTINREC, field used in an expression is not part of the record record Explanation: The field could not be used in an expression because it is not part of the record. User Action: Reformat the expression and define the field again. HISTORY1U, History entered by HISTORY1U, History entered by ILLCHAR, Illegal character in input ILLCHAR, Illegal character in input 10 Explanation: The command contained an illegal character. User Action: Reenter the command without the illegal character. ILLQUAL, illegal qualifier ILLQUAL, illegal qualifier Explanation: The command contained an illegal qualifier. User Action: See the documentation or online help for a list of legal qualifiers, then enter the command again. INVBUF, invalid metadata buffer INVBUF, invalid metadata buffer Explanation: An internal error occurred. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. INVCSETATT, invalid character set name; found identifier, INVCSETATT, invalid character set name; found identifier, Explanation: An invalid character set name was specified. User Action: Define using a valid character set name. INVCSETNAM, character set name, is invalid INVCSETNAM, character set name, is invalid Explanation: An invalid character set name was specified. User Action: Define using a valid character set name. INVDTYP, invalid datatype for RMS index key INVDTYP, invalid datatype for RMS index key Explanation: The field that was chosen for the RMS index has a datatype that is not supported by RMS. User Action: Redefine your RMS_DATABASE. INVEDIT_STRING, invalid edit string INVEDIT_STRING, invalid edit string Explanation: An invalid edit string was passed to the repository. User Action: Check your input buffer. If you were using CDO, contact your Oracle support representative. INVEXP, invalid expression INVEXP, invalid expression Explanation: A simple constant was used as a VARIANT expression. This is not allowed. User Action: Change the expression to one that is not a simple constant. 11 INVNAME, name is invalid INVNAME, name is invalid Explanation: The specified name is a logical name; the logical name translates to an invalid CDD/Repository name. User Action: Specify the name with a leading underscore, delete the logical name, or specify a different name. INVNUM, value is invalid, must be greater than zero INVNUM, value is invalid, must be greater than zero Explanation: The command contains an illegal number. User Action: Reenter the command without the illegal number, or specify a number greater than zero. INVPATH, no path can be found to INVPATH, no path can be found to Explanation: The specified directory path to the named object does not exist. User Action: Check the directory path and enter the command again. INVPOS, position is invalid, must be greater than zero INVPOS, position is invalid, must be greater than zero Explanation: The command contains an illegal number. User Action: Reenter the command without the illegal number, or specify a number greater than zero. INVSEGFLD, invalid field name specified in RMS_DATABASE key INVSEGFLD, invalid field name specified in RMS_DATABASE key segment segment Explanation: An invalid field name or path was specified for a key segment in the RMS_DATABASE. User Action: Check field names and path names in each RMS_DATABASE key segment to make sure they are valid for the record they are contained within. INVTIMSCALE, invalid time scale INVTIMSCALE, invalid time scale Explanation: The scale specified for CURRENT_TIME or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is not in the range of 0 to 2. User Action: Change the definition so that the scale is within the legal range of values. INVVBUF, invalid version buffer INVVBUF, invalid version buffer Explanation: An internal error occurred. 12 User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. INVVER, buffer version not known INVVER, buffer version not known Explanation: An internal error occurred. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. INVVERSKIP, buffer version not known, skipped bytes parsing INVVERSKIP, buffer version not known, skipped bytes parsing buffer buffer Explanation: An internal error occurred. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. KWSYNEND, syntax error in command line KWSYNEND, syntax error in command line Explanation: An invalid keyword was specified, a required keyword was not specified, or a keyword was misspelled. User Action: Reenter the command with the appropriate keyword. KWSYNTAX, syntax error in command line at or near KWSYNTAX, syntax error in command line at or near Explanation: An invalid keyword was specified, a required keyword was not specified, or a keyword was misspelled. User Action: Enter the command with the appropriate keyword. LENINV, length size is invalid for this character set LENINV, length size is invalid for this character set Explanation: Octet-base size definition is invalid for current character-set User Action: Define valid size of length MESSAGES, entity has notices MESSAGES, entity has notices Explanation: The entity just displayed has notices associated with it. User Action: Use the SHOW NOTICES command to display the notices. Use the CLEAR NOTICES command to clear the notices. MISMATCH, entity is of protocol type , not MISMATCH, entity is of protocol type , not Explanation: There was a protocol mismatch. The entity matched a protocol type that is not the type you specified. User Action: Reenter the command with the appropriate protocol type. 13 MISMATCH_DICT, verifying protocol information against but MISMATCH_DICT, verifying protocol information against but current default is current default is Explanation: The command requires information about a specific protocol. The dictionary used to locate the needed information and the current default dictionary are different. This may cause protocol types to be reported as invalid or nonexistant. User Action: Reinvoke CDO, using the needed dictionary as the default. MULSPECATR, attribute is specified redundantly MULSPECATR, attribute is specified redundantly Explanation: An attribute was specified more than once. User Action: Reenter the definition, specifying each attribute only one time. MUL_SEG_TXT, all segments must be text datatype MUL_SEG_TXT, all segments must be text datatype Explanation: In a multi-segment RMS index, all segments must have a datatype of TEXT. User Action: Redefine the index to either use one non-text key or to use all text keys. MUSTREPALONE, CDD$METADATA must not be replaced using wildcards MUSTREPALONE, CDD$METADATA must not be replaced using wildcards Explanation: CDD$METADATA must not be replaced using wildcards. User Action: CDD$METADATA must be replaced by itself, without other objects. NEEDSEG, at least one segment must be defined for each key NEEDSEG, at least one segment must be defined for each key Explanation: A valid RMS key definition did not specify at least one segment. User Action: Specify a key segment. NEGALEN, length must be positive value NEGALEN, length must be positive value Explanation: Negative value was specified for length attribute of field User Action: Define positove value for length attribute NOACE, specified ACE does not exist NOACE, specified ACE does not exist 14 Explanation: The specified access control entry (ACE) does not match any entries in the entity's access control list (ACL). User Action: Specify an ACE that exists. NOACL, ACL on entity has not been set NOACL, ACL on entity has not been set Explanation: An access control list (ACL) was not defined on the specified entity. User Action: Do not try to delete an ACL that does not exist. NOACLATT, protocol type does not allow ACLs NOACLATT, protocol type does not allow ACLs Explanation: Am access control list (ACL) attribute cannot be placed on entities of the specified type. User Action: Modify the protocol type to support the ACL attribute, or Do not attempt to change ACLs on entities of the specified protocol type. NOAREA, area is not defined NOAREA, area is not defined Explanation: The specified area has not been defined in a key definition. User Action: Define your RMS_DATABASE with this area or refer to a defined area. NOAUDIT, audit information is not allowed by protocol definition NOAUDIT, audit information is not allowed by protocol definition Explanation: This element does not have audit information defined as part of its protocol. User Action: Use the CHANGE protocol command to add the CDD$HISTORY_LIST relationship to this element. NOBATCH, editor cannot be used in batch mode NOBATCH, editor cannot be used in batch mode Explanation: The CDO editor was invoked while output was directed to an unknown or hardcopy device. User Action: Invoke the CDO editor from a terminal only. NOCDOSYNTAX, there is no CDO syntax to support a portion of this NOCDOSYNTAX, there is no CDO syntax to support a portion of this definition definition Explanation: You were displaying an entity through the EXTRACT command and there is no CDO syntax to support a piece of the definition. 15 User Action: None, this entity cannot be extracted. NOCONTEXT, no context set; use the SET CONTEXT command NOCONTEXT, no context set; use the SET CONTEXT command Explanation: A command was issued that requires a controlled environment, but no context is set. User Action: Issue the SET CONTEXT command, then issue the command that generated the error message. NOCONV, already in CDO; no need for conversion NOCONV, already in CDO; no need for conversion Explanation: This message appears after converting an entity. User Action: None. NOCTXSET, context cannot be set NOCTXSET, context cannot be set Explanation: The specified entity was not updated. User Action: None. NODMUINFO, in DMU; no information on DMU node available NODMUINFO, in DMU; no information on DMU node available Explanation: You tried to do pieces tracking on a DMU object, such as issuing a SHOW UNUSED command. User Action: None. NOEXP, variant cannot have expressions NOEXP, variant cannot have expressions Explanation: An expression was specified on a variant when other variants do not have expressions. User Action: Remove the variant expression. NOMESSAGES, has no notices NOMESSAGES, has no notices Explanation: The entity does not have any notices. That is, it hasn't changed, and none of its dependents have changed. User Action: None. NOPRONAM, protocol does not exist in dictionary NOPRONAM, protocol does not exist in dictionary Explanation: The specified protocol name does not exist. User Action: Check the spelling of the protocol name or execute the SHOW PROTOCOL command for a list of valid protocols. 16 NOPROTAG, protocol does not exist in dictionary NOPROTAG, protocol does not exist in dictionary Explanation: The specified tag does not exist. User Action: Check the value of the tag or execute the SHOW PROTOCOL command for a list of valid protocols. NOSPSCSET, this session character set is not supported in the NOSPSCSET, this session character set is not supported in the current product version current product version Explanation: CDD/Repository V7.0A supports only DEC_MCS or DEC_KANJI as a session character-set. User Action: Define valid session character set NOTCHANGED, not changed NOTCHANGED, not changed Explanation: The specified entity, dictionary, or directory was not changed. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. NOTCREATED, not created NOTCREATED, not created Explanation: The specified entity, dictionary, or directory was not created. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. NOTDELETED, not deleted NOTDELETED, not deleted Explanation: The specified entity, dictionary, or directory was not deleted. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. NOTFOUND, entity not found in dictionary NOTFOUND, entity not found in dictionary Explanation: Either the specified entity does not exist, or it exists but its protocol type does not match what was specified. User Action: Make sure the specified protocol type matches the type of the entity, and that the entity exists. NOTSHOWN, not displayed NOTSHOWN, not displayed 17 Explanation: The entity cannot be displayed. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. NOTWITHIN, entity not found in dictionary or is not within NOTWITHIN, entity not found in dictionary or is not within start entity start entity Explanation: The entity specified on an ENTER command does not exist, or it exists but not within the named record or database. User Action: Make sure both named entities exist and that the first named entity is legitimately contained within the second. NOTYET, feature not yet implemented NOTYET, feature not yet implemented Explanation: The command you entered is reserved for future use. User Action: None. NOUPDATE, entity is not reserved to this context and will NOUPDATE, entity is not reserved to this context and will not be updated not be updated Explanation: The specified entity was not updated. User Action: Reserve the entity to a context and try the update operation again. ODDOCTLEN, odd octets length is invalid for multibyte character ODDOCTLEN, odd octets length is invalid for multibyte character set set Explanation: Character length can not be decided from odd octets length. User Action: Define by even octets length ONECHAR, only one character allowed for NULL_VALUE ONECHAR, only one character allowed for NULL_VALUE Explanation: Only one character is allowed for a NULL_VALUE in a DEFINE RMS_DATABASE key. User Action: Reenter the command with one character. ONLEVL, invalid use of ON command ONLEVL, invalid use of ON command Explanation: The ON command was issued during an interactive CDO session. 18 User Action: Use the ON command only within command procedures. OPNOVRFLO, operand stack overflow OPNOVRFLO, operand stack overflow Explanation: An internal error has occurred. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. OSOVRFLO, operator stack overflow OSOVRFLO, operator stack overflow Explanation: An internal error has occurred. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. PROMOTING, entity promoted PROMOTING, entity promoted Explanation: The specified entity was successfully promoted. User Action: None. PSOVRFLO, parse stack overflow PSOVRFLO, parse stack overflow Explanation: An internal error has occurred. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. PURGETHING, entity purged PURGETHING, entity purged Explanation: The specified entity was successfully deleted or purged. User Action: None. READERR, error reading command line READERR, error reading command line Explanation: An error was encountered while reading the command line. This may be due to a hardware error. User Action: Report this problem to your System Manager. RECSIZ, cannot determine record size RECSIZ, cannot determine record size Explanation: The record has an overlay or structure in it. User Action: Manually specify the record size in the RMS definition. REPLACING, entity replaced REPLACING, entity replaced Explanation: The specified entity was successfully replaced. 19 User Action: None. RESERVING, entity reserved RESERVING, entity reserved Explanation: The specified entity was successfully reserved. User Action: None. RMS_ONLY, this operation can be performed only with RMS databases RMS_ONLY, this operation can be performed only with RMS databases Explanation: The command is valid only for RMS databases. User Action: For Rdb/VMS databases, use SQL. SPELLCORR, identifier replaced with SPELLCORR, identifier replaced with Explanation: A keyword was misspelled, but the error has been corrected by CDO. User Action: None. SSYNTAX, string missing close quotation mark SSYNTAX, string missing close quotation mark Explanation: The command string does not have a close quotation mark. User Action: Place a close quotation mark at the end of the string, and reenter the command. STARTATZERO, area numbers must start at zero, found STARTATZERO, area numbers must start at zero, found Explanation: An area was specified with a starting number other than zero. User Action: Define your RMS_DATABASE with an area number of zero. TROVRFLO, operand stack memory pool overflow TROVRFLO, operand stack memory pool overflow Explanation: An internal error has occurred. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. UNMPAREN, unmatched parenthesis in value expression UNMPAREN, unmatched parenthesis in value expression Explanation: A single open or close parenthesis was found in a value expression. User Action: Check that all expressions have matching pairs of parenthesis. 20 UNRESERVING, entity unreserved UNRESERVING, entity unreserved Explanation: The specified entity was successfully unreserved. User Action: None. USE_EXPORT_IMPORT, upgrade repository using REPOSITORY EXPORT/IMPORT USE_EXPORT_IMPORT, upgrade repository using REPOSITORY EXPORT/IMPORT command command Explanation: A major version upgrade can be done only with the REPOSITORY EXPORT/IMPORT command. User Action: Use the EXPORT/IMPORT commands or the SYS$LIBRARY:CDD$UPGRADE.COM procedure. VERMISMTCH, expected protcocol version found version VERMISMTCH, expected protcocol version found version Explanation: CDO does not handle this version of the protocol correctly. User Action: If you made an incompatable change to a protocol, none. Otherwise, install the latest version of CDO. VF_ALL_NOFIX, VERIFY/ALL no longer includes /FIX VF_ALL_NOFIX, VERIFY/ALL no longer includes /FIX Explanation: The default for VERIFY/ALL is now /NOFIX unless the logical CDD$VERIFY_ALL_FIX is defined or the user specifies /FIX. User Action: None. WRONGREC, specified segment record does not match RMS record WRONGREC, specified segment record does not match RMS record Explanation: The segment record in the DEFINE RMS_DATABASE command is invalid. User Action: Correct the segment reference or record reference in the RMS definition. XTRVAR, more VARIANT in command than in record XTRVAR, more VARIANT in command than in record Explanation: The command contains more variant members than are specified in the record definition. User Action: Look at the record definition and change the command accordingly. 21 MCS_errors ALRINCOLL, another version of already exists in the ALRINCOLL, another version of already exists in the collection collection Explanation: An attempt was made to attach a version of an object to the collection while a previous version already existed in the collection. User Action: Detach the other version and try again. ALRMERGED, object has already been merged ALRMERGED, object has already been merged Explanation: Cannot have more than one merged-from version. User Action: Create a new version. ANOTHERCOLLOPEN, another collection is open ANOTHERCOLLOPEN, another collection is open Explanation: A collection is already open. Only one collection can be open at a time. User Action: Close the current collection and try again. ARGNOTFOUND, argument not found ARGNOTFOUND, argument not found Explanation: A required argument was not found. User Action: Make sure all required arguments are inserted into the argument list. BADARGUMENT, invalid argument specified BADARGUMENT, invalid argument specified Explanation: You specified an invalid argument to this method. User Action: Remove the argument from the dispatch argument list. BADCERR, an unknown C run-time error occurred: BADCERR, an unknown C run-time error occurred: Explanation: A C run-time error occurred for which no error message exists. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. BADCLOS, closure value not supported for this operation BADCLOS, closure value not supported for this operation Explanation: You specified a closure argument with a message that does not support the closure operation. 22 User Action: Change the value of the closure argument. BADCLOSEDIR, error closing a directory BADCLOSEDIR, error closing a directory Explanation: An error occurred while trying to close a directory. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. BADCOMMENT, 'comment' argument must be a string BADCOMMENT, 'comment' argument must be a string Explanation: The 'comment' parameter to an MCS call was not passed as a string. User Action: Pass all comments as strings. BADDELETE, error deleting file BADDELETE, error deleting file Explanation: File journal rollback or recovery code was unable to delete a file that was created or modified. User Action: Check the protection on the file. BADDIRNAME, value for property ( ) is not a valid BADDIRNAME, value for property ( ) is not a valid directory name directory name Explanation: The name provided cannot be used to construct a valid directory name. User Action: Specify a syntactically correct simple name, which does not contain any directory delimiter characters. BADEXEC, external program method returned failure status BADEXEC, external program method returned failure status Explanation: An external program method did not exit with a success status (i.e. zero). The program's exit status is displayed with the message text. User Action: See documentation for the external program being executed. BADFILENAME, value for property ( ) is not a valid file BADFILENAME, value for property ( ) is not a valid file name name Explanation: The name provided cannot be used to construct a valid file name. User Action: Specify a syntactically correct, simple file name, which does not contain any directory delimiter characters or version number information. 23 BADJNLWRT, error writing file operation journal BADJNLWRT, error writing file operation journal Explanation: An error occurred while trying to write to the file operation journal. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. BADMALLOC, error allocating virtual memory BADMALLOC, error allocating virtual memory Explanation: An error was detected while trying to allocate virtual memory. User Action: Have the system manager try increasing VIRTUALPAGECNT or PGFLQUOTA. BADMKDIR, error creating directory BADMKDIR, error creating directory Explanation: An error occurred while trying to create a directory. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. BADOPENDIR, error opening a directory BADOPENDIR, error opening a directory Explanation: An error occurred while trying to open a directory. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. BADPARAM, parameter not valid BADPARAM, parameter not valid Explanation: The supplied parameter is illegal. User Action: Make sure the parameter is passed properly and has a correct value. BADPROPDEF, user tried to access an illegal property definition BADPROPDEF, user tried to access an illegal property definition Explanation: The user tried to access an illegal property definition. User Action: Delete the property definition and create a legal one. BADPROT, unable to set the protection of the binary element BADPROT, unable to set the protection of the binary element Explanation: Unable to set the protection on the element representing a file in the file system to read-only. User Action: Check the access to the directory. 24 BADREADDIR, error reading a directory BADREADDIR, error reading a directory Explanation: An error occurred while trying to read a directory. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. BADRENAME, error renaming file BADRENAME, error renaming file Explanation: An error occurred trying to rename a BINARY element. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the errpr. BADRMDIR, error deleting directory BADRMDIR, error deleting directory Explanation: An error occurred while trying to delete a directory. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. BADSTAT, unable to retrieve file attributes BADSTAT, unable to retrieve file attributes Explanation: Unable to retrieve file attributes. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. BADSTORETYPE, illegal storeType value has been specified BADSTORETYPE, illegal storeType value has been specified Explanation: An illegal value for the storeType property has been specified. User Action: Specify either MCS_STORETYPE_EXTERNAL or MCS_STORETYPE_INTERNAL. BADSYMLNK, unable to create symbolic link BADSYMLNK, unable to create symbolic link Explanation: Unable to create a directory entry pointing to a file in another directory. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. BADVERLIMIT, unable to set the version limit to one BADVERLIMIT, unable to set the version limit to one Explanation: When opening an object, unable to set the version limit to one. User Action: Check the access to the directory. 25 BAD_LITERAL_START_TOKEN, literal start token seen where delimiter was BAD_LITERAL_START_TOKEN, literal start token seen where delimiter was expected expected Explanation: The dispatcher was attempting command substitution on an input string. A token delimiter was seen which the dispatcher determined to be a literal start token. User Action: Specify a legal token string for substitution. BAD_SEPARATOR_TOKEN, token string was illegally terminated with a BAD_SEPARATOR_TOKEN, token string was illegally terminated with a separator token separator token Explanation: The dispatcher was attempting command substitution on an input string. A token string for substitution was isolated which terminated in a separator token. User Action: Supply a legal token string. BAD_START_TOKEN, start token not followed by a legal keyword BAD_START_TOKEN, start token not followed by a legal keyword Explanation: The dispatcher was attempting command substitution on an input string. A valid start token for substitution was found but it was not followed by one of the legal keywords. User Action: Supply a legal start token. BAD_TOKEN_DATATYPE, datatype of currently substituted value does not BAD_TOKEN_DATATYPE, datatype of currently substituted value does not permit further substitution permit further substitution Explanation: The dispatcher was attempting command substitution on an input string. The value substituted thus far is of a datatype for which no further substitution is possible, and the token string contains further components. User Action: Specify a legal token string for substitution. BAD_TOKEN_LIST_FIELD, invalid field name for an MCS_LIST structure BAD_TOKEN_LIST_FIELD, invalid field name for an MCS_LIST structure substitution was specified substitution was specified Explanation: The dispatcher was attempting command substitution on an input string. The value thus far was of datatype MCS_LIST. In this case, the current token names a piece of information (field) in the memblock structure. The value seen does not correspond to any of the legal field names for an MCS_LIST structure. User Action: Specify the name of a legal field for the MCS_LIST datatype. 26 BAD_TOKEN_MEMBLOCK_FIELD, invalid field name for an MCS_MEMBLOCK BAD_TOKEN_MEMBLOCK_FIELD, invalid field name for an MCS_MEMBLOCK structure substitution was specified structure substitution was specified Explanation: The dispatcher was attempting command substitution on an input string. The value thus far was of datatype MCS_MEMBLOCK. In this case, the current token names a piece of information (field) in the memblock structure. The value seen does not corresponds to any of the legal field names for an MCS_MEMBLOCK structure. User Action: Specify the name of a legal field for the MCS_MEMBLOCK datatype. BAD_TOKEN_SCAN_FIELD, invalid field name for an MCS_SCAN structure BAD_TOKEN_SCAN_FIELD, invalid field name for an MCS_SCAN structure substitution was specified substitution was specified Explanation: The dispatcher was attempting command substitution on an input string. The value thus far was of datatype MCS_SCAN. In this case, the current token names a piece of information (field) in the scan structure. The value seen does not correspond to any of the legal field names for an MCS_SCAN structure. User Action: Specify the name of a legal field for the MCS_SCAN datatype. BINARYALREADYOPEN, the binary element is already open BINARYALREADYOPEN, the binary element is already open Explanation: You tried to open a binary object that was already open. User Action: None. BINARYNOTOPEN, the binary element is not open BINARYNOTOPEN, the binary element is not open Explanation: You tried to close a binary object that was not open. User Action: None. BREXISTS, a version with name already exists BREXISTS, a version with name already exists Explanation: There is already a version with the specified name in the same line of descent. This error is also returned when you try to replace a version in a branch where a non-concurrent reservation exists. User Action: Supply a different branch name. BUGCHK, a fatal error has occurred BUGCHK, a fatal error has occurred 27 Explanation: The repository is in an inconsistent state. User Action: Collect information, including a reproducible test case, and contact your Oracle support representative. CANTFREEZE, object cannot be frozen CANTFREEZE, object cannot be frozen Explanation: On a reserve operation, the element status was found to be MCS$K_STS_GHOST or MCS$K_STS_RO. User Action: Methods such as replace can make the object available for a freeze operation. CERROR, C run-time error: CERROR, C run-time error: Explanation: A C run-time error occurred. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. CNTCREDIC, cannot create a repository CNTCREDIC, cannot create a repository Explanation: An error occurred while creating a new database. User Action: Check the specified directory and process quotas. CNTREMREQD, cannot remove a required attribute CNTREMREQD, cannot remove a required attribute Explanation: The user tried to set a required attribute with the status value MCS$_MISSING. User Action: The property must have a value. COLLALREADYOPEN, collection is already open COLLALREADYOPEN, collection is already open Explanation: This collection is already open. User Action: None. COLLISION, inherited definitions for from different COLLISION, inherited definitions for from different supertypes supertypes Explanation: An element type inherited different definitions for the same property or message from different supertypes. User Action: Either remove the conflicting definition from one of the supertypes, or specify different supertypes. COLLNOTCHILD, collection is not in hierarchy defined by top property COLLNOTCHILD, collection is not in hierarchy defined by top property 28 Explanation: The specified collection is not under the hierarchy tree currently defined by the current context's top property. User Action: Attach the desired collection to the current collection hierarchy, or change the top property to the collection hierarchy containing the desired collection. COLLNOTOPEN, the collection is not open COLLNOTOPEN, the collection is not open Explanation: You tried to close a collection that was not open. User Action: None. COLLNOTRESERVED, one or more parents are not reserved in this context COLLNOTRESERVED, one or more parents are not reserved in this context Explanation: An attached parent was not found to be in a reserved state. User Action: Check that all parent objects owning a COMPOSITE_PART relationship with this version object are reserved. COMMIT_OR_ABORT, must commit or abort transaction COMMIT_OR_ABORT, must commit or abort transaction Explanation: An incompatible change to the metadata has been made in the current transaction, but the transaction has not been committed or aborted. This situation may result in an inconsistent metadata cache. Consequently, messages may not be dispatched until the cache is refreshed. The cache will be refreshed only after the current transaction is commited or aborted. User Action: Commit or abort the current transaction before trying to perform more repository operations. CONCNOTALL, this element cannot have concurrent reserved version CONCNOTALL, this element cannot have concurrent reserved version Explanation: You attempted to create a concurrent ghost for an element that cannot have concurrent reservations. User Action: Reserve into a branch. CONTEXT_ALREADY_OPEN, the specified context is already open CONTEXT_ALREADY_OPEN, the specified context is already open Explanation: An attempt was made to open a context that is already open. User Action: Check that the correct context was specified. CONTEXT_NOT_OPEN, the specified context is not open CONTEXT_NOT_OPEN, the specified context is not open 29 Explanation: An attempt was made to close a context that was not open. User Action: Check that the correct context was specified. CYCLE, operation would create a cycle CYCLE, operation would create a cycle Explanation: An attempt was made to create a cycle in the collection graph. User Action: Check the collection graph for cycles. DBNOTEXIST, database ' ' does not exist DBNOTEXIST, database ' ' does not exist Explanation: The specified database name does not exist. User Action: Verify the name of the database. DBNOTOPEN, database ' ' not open DBNOTOPEN, database ' ' not open Explanation: The database name specified is not open. User Action: Verify the name specified for the database. DEBUG_DISPATCH1, dispatching message to object DEBUG_DISPATCH1, dispatching message to object Explanation: This message is used when cdd$debug_flags M is defined and is used to output the method trace. User Action: Turn off cdd$debug_flags if you do not want to see this message. DEBUG_DISPATCH2, executing method DEBUG_DISPATCH2, executing method Explanation: This message is used when cdd$debug_flags M is defined and is used to output the method trace. User Action: Turn off cdd$debug_flags if you do not want to see this message. DEBUG_DISPATCH3, dispatching message to a relationship DEBUG_DISPATCH3, dispatching message to a relationship Explanation: This message is used when cdd$debug_flags M is defined and is used to output the method trace. User Action: Turn off cdd$debug_flags if you do not want to see this message. DEMFROMBASE, object cannot be demoted from the base partition DEMFROMBASE, object cannot be demoted from the base partition 30 Explanation: An attempt was made to demote an object residing in the base partition. User Action: Check the partition hierarchy. DEVNOTDISK, file copy not supported on non-disk devices DEVNOTDISK, file copy not supported on non-disk devices Explanation: An attempt was made to copy a file where either the source or target file was not on a disk. User Action: Check that you specified the correct device for the source or target of the copy operation. DICTNOTOPEN, repository is not open DICTNOTOPEN, repository is not open Explanation: You tried to close a repository that was not open. User Action: None. DIREXISTS, directory already exists DIREXISTS, directory already exists Explanation: If you are performing an upgrade when this error occurs, it means that during a previous upgrade attempt the upgrade procedure failed to delete the temporary context it created at the beginning of the upgrade (CDD$CI_CONTEXT.DIR) in the [.CONTEXTS] subdirectory of the repository being upgraded. Now, during this new upgrade attempt, when the upgrade procedure tries to create this temporary context, the file already exists. Otherwise, this error occurs when you try to create a PARTITION or CONTEXT, or you try to set the value of the contextDir property and the PARTITION or CONTEXT directory already exists. User Action: If this error occurs at the beginning of an upgrade, EXIT, check for the presence of the file CDD$CI_CONTEXT.DIR in the [.CONTEXTS] subdirectory of the repository being upgraded. If it exists, then delete it and try the upgrade again. If you tried to create a PARTITION or CONTEXT, or you tried to set the value of the contextDir property, specify a different directory name. DIRNOTEMPTY, directory is not empty DIRNOTEMPTY, directory is not empty Explanation: An attempt was made to delete a directory that still contains elements. User Action: Ensure that the directory is empty before trying to delete it. 31 DIRTOODEEP, creating a directory for this collection breaks the VMS DIRTOODEEP, creating a directory for this collection breaks the VMS limit limit Explanation: The directory being created or attached will cause a filepath that is too deep for the OpenVMS directory limit. User Action: Attach the collection at a higher level in the directory hierarchy. DIR_BADNAM, bad name DIR_BADNAM, bad name Explanation: An error occurred while parsing a name. User Action: Define the name properly. DIR_PATH_IN_NAME, object contains directory component not DIR_PATH_IN_NAME, object contains directory component not allowed for objects of type allowed for objects of type Explanation: Metadata objects are placed in specific directories. The user attempted to define a metadata object and specified an inappropriate directory path for the name property. User Action: Remove the directory path component of the name property value. DUPDATATYPES, duplicate datatype values were specified on the new DUPDATATYPES, duplicate datatype values were specified on the new PROPERTY_TYPE PROPERTY_TYPE Explanation: The user specified MCS$R_PROP_DATATYPE and either CDD$DATATYPE or CDD$SUBTYPE. User Action: Use only MCS$R_PROP_DATATYPE or CDD$DATATYPE formats to decsribe the datatype of the new property. DUPMETHOD, a method which implements is already defined for DUPMETHOD, a method which implements is already defined for Explanation: An attempt was made to connect a method to an element type. However, a method which implements the same message is already defined for this type. User Action: Implement only one method for each of the type's messages. DUPPROP, property already defined by type DUPPROP, property already defined by type Explanation: An attempt was made to define a property on an element type that already defines the property. 32 User Action: A property can only be defined once on an element type. ENDFIND, no more elements to return ENDFIND, no more elements to return Explanation: There are no more elements in the scan. User Action: None. ERRACTTXN, operation cannot be performed during a transaction ERRACTTXN, operation cannot be performed during a transaction Explanation: A transaction was active, and an operation was requested which must function outside of a transaction. User Action: Close the transaction and retry the operation. ERRARGLIST_ADD, error calling MCS$arglist_addArg ERRARGLIST_ADD, error calling MCS$arglist_addArg Explanation: An error occurred while adding an argument to an argument list. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRARGLIST_BUILD, error building arglist ERRARGLIST_BUILD, error building arglist Explanation: An error occurred while trying to build an argument list. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRARGLIST_FIND, error calling MCS$arglist_findArg ERRARGLIST_FIND, error calling MCS$arglist_findArg Explanation: An error occurred while trying to find an argument in an argument list. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRARGLIST_FREE, error freeing arglist ERRARGLIST_FREE, error freeing arglist Explanation: An error occurred while trying to free an argument list. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRARGLIST_GET, error calling MCS$arglist_getArg ERRARGLIST_GET, error calling MCS$arglist_getArg Explanation: An error occurred while trying to return an argument in 33 an argument list. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRARGLIST_SETINDX, error calling MCS$arglist_setIndexValue ERRARGLIST_SETINDX, error calling MCS$arglist_setIndexValue Explanation: An error occurred while trying to modify the value and status of an argument at a specified index location in an argument list. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRARGLIST_SETNAME, error calling MCS$arglist_setNameValue ERRARGLIST_SETNAME, error calling MCS$arglist_setNameValue Explanation: An error occurred while modifying the value and status of an argument in an argument list. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRATTACH, error attaching object ERRATTACH, error attaching object Explanation: An error occurred while trying to attach the element. User Action: Check subsidiary messages. ERRCHKMSG, error checking notices ERRCHKMSG, error checking notices Explanation: An error occurred while trying to get notices on an object. User Action: Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRCLOSECTX, error closing context ERRCLOSECTX, error closing context Explanation: An error occurred while trying to close a context. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRCLOSURE, cycle detected in closure. unprocessed ERRCLOSURE, cycle detected in closure. unprocessed elements elements Explanation: A cycle was detected while performing a topological sort of a closure. Since cycles are supposed to be detected and avoided, this is an internal consistency error. 34 User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. ERRCLRMSG, error clearing notices ERRCLRMSG, error clearing notices Explanation: An error occurred while trying to clear notices from an object. User Action: Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRCONTROL, error putting element under work flow control ERRCONTROL, error putting element under work flow control Explanation: An error occurred while trying to put an element under work flow control. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDEFINE, error dispatching the new message ERRDEFINE, error dispatching the new message Explanation: An error occurred while trying to create an element. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDELFIRST, error deleting element which is first on a line of ERRDELFIRST, error deleting element which is first on a line of descent descent Explanation: You cannot delete an element that is the first version on a main or branch line of descent until all subsequent versions have been deleted. User Action: Delete all accompanying versions before trying to delete this element. ERRDELTALIB, error creating deltaLib ERRDELTALIB, error creating deltaLib Explanation: An internal routine that generates the deltaLib filename found an error. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDEMOTE, error demoting object ERRDEMOTE, error demoting object Explanation: This message is reserved for future use. User Action: None. ERRDESCENDEXIST, a descendent of element already exists on the ERRDESCENDEXIST, a descendent of element already exists on the 35 same line of descent same line of descent Explanation: An attempt was made to reserve a version that already has one or more descendents on the same line of descent. User Action: In order to reserve this version, a branch name must be specified. ERRDETACH, error detaching object ERRDETACH, error detaching object Explanation: An error occurred while trying to detach the element. User Action: Check subsidiary messages. ERRDIR_CREATE, error creating directory ERRDIR_CREATE, error creating directory Explanation: An error occurred while trying to create a directory. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDIR_DEFINE_ENTRY, error defining directory entry ERRDIR_DEFINE_ENTRY, error defining directory entry Explanation: An error occurred while trying to define a directory entry. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDIR_DELETE, error deleting directory ERRDIR_DELETE, error deleting directory Explanation: An error occurred while trying to delete a directory. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDIR_ERASE_ENTRY, error erasing directory entry ERRDIR_ERASE_ENTRY, error erasing directory entry Explanation: An error occurred while trying to erase a directory entry. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDIR_SET_DEFAULT, error setting default directory ERRDIR_SET_DEFAULT, error setting default directory Explanation: An error occurred while trying to set the default directory. 36 User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDISPATCH, error during dispatch operation ERRDISPATCH, error during dispatch operation Explanation: An error occurred while trying to send a message to an element. User Action: See following errors for more information. ERRDTYPECOMPARE, error calling MCS$datatype_compare ERRDTYPECOMPARE, error calling MCS$datatype_compare Explanation: An error occurred while trying to compare the data values contained in two value structures. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRDTYPECOPY, error calling MCS$datatype_copy ERRDTYPECOPY, error calling MCS$datatype_copy Explanation: An error occured while trying to copy a value structure and the data stored in it. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRDTYPEDTYPE, error calling MCS$datatype_datatype ERRDTYPEDTYPE, error calling MCS$datatype_datatype Explanation: An error occurred while trying to return the name of the datatype stored in a value structure. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRDTYPEFREE, error calling MCS$datatype_free ERRDTYPEFREE, error calling MCS$datatype_free Explanation: An error occurred while tyring to free the memory occupied by data pointed to by a value strucutre. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRDTYPELOAD, error accessing value structure ERRDTYPELOAD, error accessing value structure Explanation: An error occurred while trying to access the data in a value structure. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRDTYPENEW, error calling MCS$datatype_new ERRDTYPENEW, error calling MCS$datatype_new Explanation: An error occurred while trying to create a value structure. 37 User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRDTYPLEN, error calling MCS$datatype_length ERRDTYPLEN, error calling MCS$datatype_length Explanation: An error occurred while trying to return the length in bytes of the data stored in a value structure. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRDTYPREAD, error calling MCS$datatype_read ERRDTYPREAD, error calling MCS$datatype_read Explanation: An error occurred while trying to return the data from a value structure. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRENGINE, error returned by database engine: ' ' ERRENGINE, error returned by database engine: ' ' Explanation: The underlying database engine returned an error. User Action: Check the reported error for more details. ERRFETCHTYPE, cannot get object's type ERRFETCHTYPE, cannot get object's type Explanation: The dispatcher's attempt to get an object's type has failed. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. ERRFRCMSG, error forcing notices ERRFRCMSG, error forcing notices Explanation: An error occurred while trying to force notices. User Action: Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRFREE, error dispatching the free message ERRFREE, error dispatching the free message Explanation: An error occurred while trying to delete an element. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRFREECTX, error freeing context object ERRFREECTX, error freeing context object Explanation: An error occurred while trying to free the element. User Action: Check subsidiary messages. ERRFREENOTICE, error freeing the notice structure ERRFREENOTICE, error freeing the notice structure 38 Explanation: An error occurred while trying to free the notice structure. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRFREESCAN, error freeing the scan ERRFREESCAN, error freeing the scan Explanation: An error occurred while freeing the scan handle and associated memory. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRFREEVER, error freeing element of type VERSION ERRFREEVER, error freeing element of type VERSION Explanation: An error occurred while trying to free the element. User Action: Check the subsidiary messages. ERRFREEZE, error freezing element ERRFREEZE, error freezing element Explanation: An error occurred while trying to freeze an element. User Action: Check the value of the status property. ERRGETBYNAME, error calling MCS$scan_getByName ERRGETBYNAME, error calling MCS$scan_getByName Explanation: An error occurred while trying to return the current element in a scan. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRGETCURRENT, error calling MCS$scan_getCurrent ERRGETCURRENT, error calling MCS$scan_getCurrent Explanation: An error occurred while trying to return the current element in a scan. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRGETFIRST, error calling MCS$scan_getFirst ERRGETFIRST, error calling MCS$scan_getFirst Explanation: An error occurred while trying to return the first element in a scan. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRGETPROP, error dispatching the getProp message ERRGETPROP, error dispatching the getProp message Explanation: An error occurred while trying to return the value of an element's property. 39 User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRINHNDLR, error in MCS exception handler ERRINHNDLR, error in MCS exception handler Explanation: An error occurred while trying to handle an error. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRINITIATE, error opening a database ERRINITIATE, error opening a database Explanation: An error was encountered while trying to execute the MCS$initiate_database routine. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRLISTFREE, error freeing the list ERRLISTFREE, error freeing the list Explanation: An error occurred during a call to MCS$list_free. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRLISTGET, error getting the list item ERRLISTGET, error getting the list item Explanation: An error occurred during a call to MCS$list_get. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRLISTGETSIZE, error getting the list's size ERRLISTGETSIZE, error getting the list's size Explanation: An error occurred during a call to MCS$list_getSize. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRLISTINSERT, error inserting into a list ERRLISTINSERT, error inserting into a list Explanation: An error occurred during a call to MCS$list_insert. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRLISTNEW, error creating a new list ERRLISTNEW, error creating a new list Explanation: An error occurred during a call to MCS$list_new. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRLISTREMOVE, error removing an item from a list ERRLISTREMOVE, error removing an item from a list 40 Explanation: An error occurred during a call to MCS$list_remove. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRLISTSET, error setting the value of a list ERRLISTSET, error setting the value of a list Explanation: An error occurred during a call to MCS$list_set. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRMISSPROP, property missing from arglist ERRMISSPROP, property missing from arglist Explanation: A property that is need by the method is missing from the argument list. User Action: Specify the missing property. ERRMSGARG_ADD, error calling MCS$MSGARG_ADDARG ERRMSGARG_ADD, error calling MCS$MSGARG_ADDARG Explanation: This message is no longer used. User Action: None. ERRMSGARG_BUILD, error calling MCS$MSGARG_BUILDARG ERRMSGARG_BUILD, error calling MCS$MSGARG_BUILDARG Explanation: This message is no longer used. User Action: None. ERRMSGARG_FIND, error calling MCS$MSGARG_FINDARG ERRMSGARG_FIND, error calling MCS$MSGARG_FINDARG Explanation: This message is no longer used. User Action: None. ERRMSGARG_FREE, error calling MCS$MSGARG_FREEARG ERRMSGARG_FREE, error calling MCS$MSGARG_FREEARG Explanation: This message is no longer used. User Action: None. ERRMSGARG_GET, error calling MCS$MSGARG_GETARG ERRMSGARG_GET, error calling MCS$MSGARG_GETARG Explanation: This message is no longer used. User Action: None. ERRMSGARG_SETINDX, error calling MCS$MSGARG_SETINDEXVALUE ERRMSGARG_SETINDX, error calling MCS$MSGARG_SETINDEXVALUE Explanation: This message is no longer used. 41 User Action: None. ERRMSGARG_SETNAME, error calling MCS$MSGARG_SETINDEXNAME ERRMSGARG_SETNAME, error calling MCS$MSGARG_SETINDEXNAME Explanation: This message is no longer used. User Action: None. ERRNEWCTX, error creating context object ERRNEWCTX, error creating context object Explanation: An error occurred while trying to create the CONTEXT element. User Action: Check subsidiary messages. ERRNEWPART, error creating PARTITION object ERRNEWPART, error creating PARTITION object Explanation: An error occurred while trying to create the PARTITION element. User Action: Check subsidiary messages. ERRNEWVER, error creating an element of type VERSION ERRNEWVER, error creating an element of type VERSION Explanation: An error occurred while trying to create the VERSION element. User Action: Check the subsidiary messages. ERROPENCTX, error opening context ERROPENCTX, error opening context Explanation: An error occurred while trying to open a context. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERROPENNOTINCTX, cannot open element; it is not in the current context ERROPENNOTINCTX, cannot open element; it is not in the current context Explanation: An attempt was made to open an element that is not in the current context. User Action: Attach the element to a collection in the current context or open a different context. ERROR, error - check errorstack for details ERROR, error - check errorstack for details Explanation: An error occurred. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. 42 ERRPROMOTE, error promoting element ERRPROMOTE, error promoting element Explanation: An error occurred while trying to promote an element. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRREADNOTICE, error reading the notice structure ERRREADNOTICE, error reading the notice structure Explanation: An error occurred while reading the notice structure. User Action: Verify that the value structure passed to the routine contains a notice structure. Check the errorstack for more details. ERRREPLACE, error replacing element ERRREPLACE, error replacing element Explanation: An error occurred while trying to replace an element. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRRESERVE, error reserving element ERRRESERVE, error reserving element Explanation: An error occurred while trying to reserve an element. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRRESET, error calling MCS$scan_reset ERRRESET, error calling MCS$scan_reset Explanation: An error occurred while trying to reset the scan to the beginning. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRSCAN, Unknown error ERRSCAN, Unknown error ERRSCANDIR, error calling MCS$scan_dir ERRSCANDIR, error calling MCS$scan_dir Explanation: An error occurred while returning a scan of elements based on their name. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRSCANFREE, error calling MCS$scan_free ERRSCANFREE, error calling MCS$scan_free Explanation: An error occurred while freeing a scan and its associated memory. 43 User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRSCANINS, error calling MCS$scan_insert ERRSCANINS, error calling MCS$scan_insert Explanation: An error occurred while inserting an element into a scan. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRSCANNEW, error calling MCS$scan_new ERRSCANNEW, error calling MCS$scan_new Explanation: An error occurred while creating an new scan. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRSCANNEXT, error calling MCS$scan_getNext ERRSCANNEXT, error calling MCS$scan_getNext Explanation: An error occurred while returning the next element in a scan. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRSCANQUERY, error calling MCS$scan_query ERRSCANQUERY, error calling MCS$scan_query Explanation: An error occurred while dynamically creating a scan. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRSCANREMOVE, error calling MCS$scan_remove ERRSCANREMOVE, error calling MCS$scan_remove Explanation: An error occurred while removing an element from a scan. User Action: Check the errorstack for more details. ERRSETCTX, error setting property on context object ERRSETCTX, error setting property on context object Explanation: An error occurred while trying to set the value of a property on the given element. User Action: Check subsidiary messages. ERRSETPROP, cannot set a computed property ERRSETPROP, cannot set a computed property Explanation: A computed property was specified as the target of the setProp message. Computed properties cannot be set. User Action: Remove the computed property from the argument list. ERRSTACK_CLEAR, error calling MCS$errorstack_clear ERRSTACK_CLEAR, error calling MCS$errorstack_clear 44 Explanation: An error occurred while removing an entry from the error stack. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSTACK_CLEARALL, error calling MCS$errorstack_clearAll ERRSTACK_CLEARALL, error calling MCS$errorstack_clearAll Explanation: An error occurred while removing all entries from the error stack. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSTACK_FORMAT, error calling MCS$errorstack_format ERRSTACK_FORMAT, error calling MCS$errorstack_format Explanation: An error occurred while formatting a message from an error strack entry. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSTACK_GETCURSIZE, error calling MCS$errorstack_getCurrentSize ERRSTACK_GETCURSIZE, error calling MCS$errorstack_getCurrentSize Explanation: An error occurred while returning the number of entries on the error stack. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSTACK_GETMAXSIZE, error calling MCS$errorstack_getMaxSize ERRSTACK_GETMAXSIZE, error calling MCS$errorstack_getMaxSize Explanation: An error occurred while returning the maximum number of entries the error stack may hold. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSTACK_GETSTATUS, error calling MCS$errorstack_getStatus ERRSTACK_GETSTATUS, error calling MCS$errorstack_getStatus Explanation: An error occurred while returning the status code for an error stack entry. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSTACK_SET, error calling MCS$errorstack_set ERRSTACK_SET, error calling MCS$errorstack_set Explanation: An error occurred while adding an entry to the error stack. 45 User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSTACK_SETMAXSIZE, error calling MCS$errorstack_setMaxSize ERRSTACK_SETMAXSIZE, error calling MCS$errorstack_setMaxSize Explanation: An error occurred while setting the maximum number of entries an error stack may hold. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSTARTSES, error starting a session ERRSTARTSES, error starting a session Explanation: An error was encountered while trying to start a session. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSTARTTXN, error starting a transaction ERRSTARTTXN, error starting a transaction Explanation: An error was encountered while trying to start a transaction. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRTERMINATE, error closing database ERRTERMINATE, error closing database Explanation: An error was encountered while trying to close a database. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRTERMINATETXN, error terminating a transaction ERRTERMINATETXN, error terminating a transaction Explanation: An error was encountered while trying to terminate a transaction. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRUNFREEZE, error unfreezing element ERRUNFREEZE, error unfreezing element Explanation: An error occurred while trying to unfreeze an element. User Action: Check the value of the status property. You cannot unfreeze an element if it is reserved or read-only. 46 ERRUNRESERVE, error unreserving element ERRUNRESERVE, error unreserving element Explanation: An error occurred while trying to unreserve an element. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERR_BAD_DTYPE, unknown datatype stored in value struct ERR_BAD_DTYPE, unknown datatype stored in value struct Explanation: Cannot determine the datatype stored in a value structure. User Action: The value struct might not be initialized. ERR_INST_NOT_TYPE, specified object is not an instance of TYPE ERR_INST_NOT_TYPE, specified object is not an instance of TYPE Explanation: New objects must be instances of an existing type. The client tried to create a new object of an unknown type. User Action: Specify a legal type. ERR_LIST_NOT_OF_ELMID, Entries in list must be objects of type elmId ERR_LIST_NOT_OF_ELMID, Entries in list must be objects of type elmId Explanation: Client called an MCS$dispatch_* routine with a list of objects to dispatch but the input list did not contain objects of datatype MCS_ELEMENTID. User Action: Reissue call with valid arguments. ERR_NOT_INSTANTIABLE, trying to define an instance of a ERR_NOT_INSTANTIABLE, trying to define an instance of a non-instantable object non-instantable object Explanation: The user tried to create a new instance of a non-instantiable type. User Action: Do not attempt to instantiate this type. ERR_NO_ACTIVE_TXN, there is no active MCS transaction ERR_NO_ACTIVE_TXN, there is no active MCS transaction Explanation: The user tried to execute a call which can be executed only in the context of a transaction. User Action: Use the MCS$session_transaction_init call to open a transaction. ERR_OBJ_NOT_OPEN, object has not been opened yet ERR_OBJ_NOT_OPEN, object has not been opened yet Explanation: The object must be opened before methods can be invoked. 47 User Action: Open the object. ERR_RELATIONSHIP_REQUIRED, tried to connect objects without ERR_RELATIONSHIP_REQUIRED, tried to connect objects without relationship relationship Explanation: The user tried to create a relationship between two objects but did not specify the type of relationship to be created. User Action: Check input arguments and specify the type of the relationship. ERR_TYPE_NOT_INSTANTIABLE, specified type not instantiable ERR_TYPE_NOT_INSTANTIABLE, specified type not instantiable Explanation: The user tried to create a new instance of a non-instantiable type. User Action: Do not attempt to instantiate this type. ERR_TYPE_NOT_SUPERTYPE, specified type is not a supertype of input ERR_TYPE_NOT_SUPERTYPE, specified type is not a supertype of input object object Explanation: The client issued an MCS$dispatch_superOp call. Messages may be dispatched to supertypes of the object's type. The input type did not meet this criteria. User Action: Specify a valid supertype type of the object. ERR_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE, attempted to dispatch to a message which is not ERR_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE, attempted to dispatch to a message which is not defined for specified type defined for specified type Explanation: A dispatch request was issued to a type that did not have a message to support the request. User Action: Define a message and connecting method for the type, then reissue the dispatch operation. FILECONFLICT, files conflict: , FILECONFLICT, files conflict: , Explanation: Two file specifications had different file id's when not expected. User Action: Remove one of the offending files, and restart the verification operation. FILEEXISTS, file already exists FILEEXISTS, file already exists Explanation: You tried to set the fileName property on a reserved file, and another file by that name was found in the 48 collection directory. User Action: Specify a different file name. FILEIOERR, file I/O error during copy FILEIOERR, file I/O error during copy Explanation: A file I/O error occurred during a file copy. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. FILEISDIR, cannot copy a directory file FILEISDIR, cannot copy a directory file Explanation: An attempt was made to copy a directory file. User Action: Do not do this. FILENOTDIR, file specification is not for directory FILENOTDIR, file specification is not for directory Explanation: The file specification provided is not for a directory or subdirectory. User Action: Specify a directory or subdirectory specification. FILE_OPEN, a file for the element is open in this context FILE_OPEN, a file for the element is open in this context Explanation: The requested operation cannot be performed because a file for the element is open in the current context. User Action: Close the file and repeat the operation. FROZEN, element cannot be reserved because it is frozen FROZEN, element cannot be reserved because it is frozen Explanation: The user tried to reserve an element that is frozen. User Action: The element must be unfrozen first. GHOSTEXISTS, was already created by a previous reserve GHOSTEXISTS, was already created by a previous reserve operation operation Explanation: There is already a ghost version in the same line of descent having the same name. User Action: Reserve on a branch. GHOSTHASDESC, internal consistency error - a ghost has descendents GHOSTHASDESC, internal consistency error - a ghost has descendents Explanation: Internal inconsistency error. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. 49 HASCHECKOUTS, context has versions checked out HASCHECKOUTS, context has versions checked out Explanation: Version elements are currently checked out by the context. User Action: Replace all reserved elements. ILLDATATYPE, datatype is illegal for routine ILLDATATYPE, datatype is illegal for routine Explanation: The datatype routine called does not support this datatype. User Action: Use another datatype or use a datatype-specific call. ILLDEPDIR, illegal combination of direction and dependency ILLDEPDIR, illegal combination of direction and dependency Explanation: An attempt was made to define a relation property with an illegal combination of direction and dependency. User Action: If defining a relation property based on a relation type that is not a DEPENDS_ON subtype, specify MCS_DIRECTION_NONE. Otherwise, specify MCS_DIRECTION_TO_OWNER or _TO_MEMBER. ILLPARENTCNT, illegal number of parents in context ILLPARENTCNT, illegal number of parents in context Explanation: The object is attached to more than one collection. User Action: Detach the object from all but one collection. ILLPRODEF, illegal property definition ILLPRODEF, illegal property definition Explanation: A relation property must be either an element ID or a scan. User Action: Redefine your property definition. INDEXTOOLARGE, index is too large INDEXTOOLARGE, index is too large Explanation: The index is larger than the list it is used on in one of the MCS_list_* calls. User Action: Make sure the index is never larger than the list. INUSE, element is the member of a relationship; it cannot be INUSE, element is the member of a relationship; it cannot be deleted deleted Explanation: You tried to delete an object that is the member of a relationship. 50 User Action: Delete the owner of the relationship or remove the relationship between the two elements before deleting the member element. INVALID_COMMAND_STRING, command substitution could not be completed. INVALID_COMMAND_STRING, command substitution could not be completed. Remainder of input invocationString is: Remainder of input invocationString is: Explanation: The dispatcher has received a dispatch request which is to sent to an external program method. Before executing the method, the dispatcher attempts to perform any required command substitution on the method's invocation string. In this case, the invocation string contained components that prevented substitution from succeeding. The portion of the input invocation string following and including the component which triggered the error is displayed. User Action: See following message and correct the invocation string value. INVATTACH, invalid value for defaultAttachment INVATTACH, invalid value for defaultAttachment Explanation: The specified value for the defaultAttachment property is invalid. User Action: Specify one of the enumerated values for this property: MCS_ATTACH_SPEC_VERSION, MCS_ATTACH_LAST_CHKIN, or MCS_ATTACH_LATEST. INVBRSYN, invalid branch name syntax INVBRSYN, invalid branch name syntax Explanation: The name is not a valid name for the operation. User Action: Check the syntax of the name. INVCLOSUREREL, invalid closure relation type specified on arglist INVCLOSUREREL, invalid closure relation type specified on arglist Explanation: A cycle was detected while performing a topological sort of a closure. Since cycles are supposed to be detected and avoided, this is an internal consistency error. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. INVCOLLDIR, invalid collDir value for requested operation INVCOLLDIR, invalid collDir value for requested operation Explanation: You attempted to perform an operation which required a collection to have a collection directory. User Action: Try this operation again with a different collection, 51 or give the collection a collection directory. INVDATACOMP, cannot compare datatype with datatype INVDATACOMP, cannot compare datatype with datatype Explanation: The compare operation is not allowed for datatypes stored in the specified value structures. User Action: Read the datatypes as stored and use a system or user-supplied comparison routine. INVDATAREAD, cannot read stored datatype as a datatype INVDATAREAD, cannot read stored datatype as a datatype Explanation: The datatype cannot be converted to the requested datatype. User Action: Read the datatype as stored and use a system or user-supplied conversion routine. INVMEMBER, relationships of type may not have elements of INVMEMBER, relationships of type may not have elements of type as members type as members Explanation: Relations of the specified type may not have members of the specified type. User Action: Specify elements of the legal element types as members of the relationship. INVNAMESYN, invalid name syntax INVNAMESYN, invalid name syntax Explanation: A name does not have the proper syntax. It begins with or contains an invalid character. User Action: Ensure that the name has the proper syntax. INVOWNER, relationships of type may not have elements of INVOWNER, relationships of type may not have elements of type as owners type as owners Explanation: Relations of the specified type may not have owners of the specified type. User Action: Specify elements of the legal element types as owners of the relationship. INVSTORETYPE, invalid store type for requested operation INVSTORETYPE, invalid store type for requested operation Explanation: You attempted to perform an operation which requires the object to be stored in the repository in a particular way. User Action: Do not attempt this operation with this object. 52 INVVERS, internal consistency error - invalid version string INVVERS, internal consistency error - invalid version string format format Explanation: The system is unable to store the version number supplied. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. INV_INIT, property cannot be specified for new element INV_INIT, property cannot be specified for new element Explanation: A property cannot be specified in the list of initial property values passed with the new message. User Action: Remove the invalid property from the argument list, and allow the default initialization to take place. ISCONTROLLED, element is already under control ISCONTROLLED, element is already under control Explanation: You attempted to control an element that is already under control. User Action: Check the value of controlled property before trying to control an element. ISINREVIEW, element is in review ISINREVIEW, element is in review Explanation: This message is reserved for future use. User Action: None. ISRESERVED, element is reserved ISRESERVED, element is reserved Explanation: The given element is already reserved, and the operation cannot succeed. User Action: Replace, unreserve, or unfreeze the object, then try again. JNLCORRUPT, file operation journal has been corrupted JNLCORRUPT, file operation journal has been corrupted Explanation: A file operation journal file contains unexpected data. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative; provide all the journal files for the repository. KEEPHIST_TRUE, keepHist property must be true KEEPHIST_TRUE, keepHist property must be true Explanation: The keepHist property must be set to TRUE when defining or replacing a method which implements the replace message. 53 User Action: Set the keepHist property to TRUE. LISTINCRTOOSMALL, MCS_list_new increment parameter must be greater LISTINCRTOOSMALL, MCS_list_new increment parameter must be greater than 0 than 0 Explanation: An attempt was made to insert an element into a list that is full and has an increment value of 0. User Action: Specify a value greater than 0 when calling MCS_list_new. LISTSIZETOOSMALL, parameter must be greater than or equal to 0 : LISTSIZETOOSMALL, parameter must be greater than or equal to 0 : specified specified Explanation: The size or increment parameter to MCS$list_new was less than 0. Only values greater than or equal to zero are allowed. User Action: Choose some value greater than or equal to zero for the parameter. MALLOCNULL, malloc could not allocate memory MALLOCNULL, malloc could not allocate memory Explanation: A NULL pointer was returned by the malloc system call because the requested memory could not be allocated. User Action: Request a smaller number of bytes or free some allocated memory. MERGEANCSRC, merge version is a direct ancestor of source version MERGEANCSRC, merge version is a direct ancestor of source version Explanation: You tried to merge a version with a direct descendent of itself. User Action: Check that you have specified the correct versions to merge. MESSAGEHASMETHODS, message object is still connected to method objects MESSAGEHASMETHODS, message object is still connected to method objects Explanation: An attempt was made to free a message object which is still connected to one or more method objects. A message object may be freed only when it is connected to no method objects. User Action: Delete the relationships between the message and its methods, then free the message. METATOP, top not the metadata collection METATOP, top not the metadata collection Explanation: You attempted to reserve, replace, or promote metadata 54 without having the top property pointing to the metadata collection. User Action: Set the top property to the CDD$METADATA collection. METHODHASTYPES, method object is still connected to element type METHODHASTYPES, method object is still connected to element type objects objects Explanation: An attempt was made to free a method object which is still connected to one or more element type objects. A method object may only be freed when it is connected to no element type objects. User Action: Delete the relationships between the method and the element types, then free the method object. METHOD_BAD_FUNCTYPE, method object has illegal functype value METHOD_BAD_FUNCTYPE, method object has illegal functype value Explanation: As a result of an MCS$dispatch_op or MCS$dispatch_superOp call, the dispatcher located a method object to execute. The method's function type was not a legal value. The dispatcher could not execute the dispatch request. User Action: If this a user-supplied method, check that the method specifies a legal function type value. If it was a method supplied by Oracle CDD/Repository, contact your Oracle support representative. METHOD_DISALLOWED, method has been disallowed METHOD_DISALLOWED, method has been disallowed Explanation: As a result of an MCS$dispatch_op or MCS$dispatch_superOp call, the dispatcher located a method object to execute. The method has been specified as disallowed. No method may be executed in response to this request. User Action: Do not issue this dispatch request. MISSING, property missing MISSING, property missing Explanation: The requested property was not defined. User Action: Do not depend on the property being there. MISSING_ARGUMENT, missing required argument: MISSING_ARGUMENT, missing required argument: Explanation: On a dispatch request, a required argument was missing from the input argument list. 55 User Action: Specify all required arguments for the message object. MSGARGNOTFOUND, message argument not found MSGARGNOTFOUND, message argument not found Explanation: The client specified a message that does not exist in the list. User Action: Check the content of the list or supply a correct name. MSGNULL, method object does not implement a message MSGNULL, method object does not implement a message Explanation: An attempt was made to connect a method to an element type. However the value of the implementsMessage property is null. User Action: Before a method can be attached to an element type, a message must be specified. MULTSES, multiple sessions not allowed MULTSES, multiple sessions not allowed Explanation: Only one session may be active at a time. User Action: Close any open sessions before starting another. MULTTRANS, multiple simultaneous transactions are not allowed MULTTRANS, multiple simultaneous transactions are not allowed Explanation: Only one transcation can be active at a time. User Action: Close any open transaction before starting another. MUSTABORT, previous errors require transaction abort MUSTABORT, previous errors require transaction abort Explanation: An error occurred during the current transaction which required that the transaction be aborted. Instead of aborting, another call to the MCS interface was made. User Action: Abort transactions that modify the repository immediately after an error is detected. MUSTATTACHCOLLECTION, element may only be attached to COLLECTIONs MUSTATTACHCOLLECTION, element may only be attached to COLLECTIONs Explanation: You tried to attach a BINARY element, a COLLECTION element, or one of their subtypes to an element that was not a COLLECTION element or one of its subtypes. User Action: BINARY elemnts, COLLECTION elements, and their subtypes may be attached onto to a COLLECTION or a subtye of COLLECTION. MUSTBENOTICE, the input value structure must be of datatype MUSTBENOTICE, the input value structure must be of datatype 56 MCS_NOTICE MCS_NOTICE Explanation: The input parameter to the routine must be a notice. User Action: Verify that the value structure passed to the routine contains a notice structure. Check the errorstack for more details. NAMEXISTS, this name already exists NAMEXISTS, this name already exists Explanation: You tried to create a new version of a non-versionable element. User Action: Specify a different directory name. NEEDCONTROL, element is not controlled NEEDCONTROL, element is not controlled Explanation: An attempt was made to perform a controlled operation, such as promote, on an uncontrolled element. User Action: Make the element controlled, or abandon the operation. NEGATIVEINDEX, index must not be negative : specified NEGATIVEINDEX, index must not be negative : specified Explanation: A negative index was specified. User Action: Specify a positive value for the index. NOAVAILVERSION, no availVersion on this line of descent NOAVAILVERSION, no availVersion on this line of descent Explanation: The value of the availVersion property was requested for an element that is the first version on a line of descent and is also reserved. A line of descent has an availVersion only if it has at least one replaced version. User Action: Specify a different line of descent, or replace the element and try again. NOBASEPART, cannot find basePartition NOBASEPART, cannot find basePartition Explanation: The current opened context defines no base partition. User Action: Open a context having the basePartition property defined. NOBRMETA, you cannot create branches on metadata objects NOBRMETA, you cannot create branches on metadata objects Explanation: The user tried to reserve a metadata object on a branch. 57 User Action: Reserve it on the mainline. NOCOLLCTXT, no collection element is found in the current context NOCOLLCTXT, no collection element is found in the current context Explanation: There is no collection in the current context. User Action: Reserve a COLLECTION element. NOCONTEXT, no context has been opened NOCONTEXT, no context has been opened Explanation: An operation has been attempted that requires a context, such as reserve or replace, but the user has not opened a context. User Action: Open a context and repeat the operation. NOCURSCAN, there is no current scan NOCURSCAN, there is no current scan Explanation: You called MCS$scan_getCurrent with a scan handle that does not have a current object set. User Action: Call MCS$scan_getNext or MCS$scan_getByName to get a current object setting before calling MCS$scan_getCurrent. NODATA, value structure contains no data NODATA, value structure contains no data Explanation: A value structure with a null data value was passed to a routine that expects data in the value structure. User Action: Be sure the value structure is initialized with data, and call the routine again. NODISPATCH, attempted superOp with no dispatch in progress NODISPATCH, attempted superOp with no dispatch in progress Explanation: MCS_dispatch_superOp was called before MCS_dispatch_op was called. User Action: MCS_dispatch_superOp can be called only from a method invoked as a result of MCS_dispatch_op. NOHISTOBJ, no object to associate with history record NOHISTOBJ, no object to associate with history record Explanation: The dispatcher tried to connect the history record to an object, but could not find the object. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. NOINSELM, the scan has no elements to insert NOINSELM, the scan has no elements to insert 58 Explanation: There are no elements to insert on setProp. User Action: Call MCS$scan_insert before calling the setProp method. NONAME, element has no name NONAME, element has no name Explanation: The client requested the name of an element that has no name property. User Action: None. NONOTICE, no notices NONOTICE, no notices Explanation: There are no notices on the object. User Action: None. NOPROPDEF, unknown property NOPROPDEF, unknown property Explanation: The specified property is unknown. User Action: Check the spelling of the property name. NORENDIR, you cannot change the name of a directory NORENDIR, you cannot change the name of a directory Explanation: It is illegal to change the name of a directory object either with rename or setProp. User Action: Do not rename a directory. NOSCANINS, there are no properties to set in the scan NOSCANINS, there are no properties to set in the scan Explanation: User called setProp without calling MCS_scan_insert. User Action: Call MCS_scan_insert, then call setProp. NOSESSION, specified session not found NOSESSION, specified session not found Explanation: The specified session handle does not point to an open session. User Action: Verify that the correct session handle is being passed to the routine and that it is being passed correctly. NOSETPROP, attempted setProp on property marked no setProp NOSETPROP, attempted setProp on property marked no setProp Explanation: The argument list contained a value for a property that cannot be set. User Action: Remove the argument from the argument list. 59 NOSUCHNAME, no element with the given name found NOSUCHNAME, no element with the given name found Explanation: There was no element with the given name. User Action: Make sure the object exists and the name is correct. NOSUPERTYPE, attempted superOp with no super type NOSUPERTYPE, attempted superOp with no super type Explanation: MCS_dispatch_superOp was called from a method on a type which has no supertype or there is no method for the message defined on the supertype. User Action: Call MCS_dispatch_superOp only if the element type has a supertype and the message being dispatched is defined on the supertype. NOTABOOLEAN, value for MCS_BOOLEAN value structure must be 0 or 1 NOTABOOLEAN, value for MCS_BOOLEAN value structure must be 0 or 1 Explanation: MCS_datatype_new was called to create an MCS_BOOLEAN value structure containing a value other than 0 or 1. User Action: Supply an appropriate value. NOTADATATYPE, error : unknown datatype NOTADATATYPE, error : unknown datatype Explanation: The specified datatype name is not a valid MCS datatype. User Action: Supply a valid MCS datatype name. NOTAGMAPPING, no tag mapping for property NOTAGMAPPING, no tag mapping for property Explanation: You requested a property that could not be mapped to a tag. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. NOTAPPLICABLE, property not applicable NOTAPPLICABLE, property not applicable Explanation: The requested property is not a valid property. User Action: Check the spelling of the property name. NOTARGLIST, the given value is not an arglist NOTARGLIST, the given value is not an arglist Explanation: An MCS routine was expecting an argument list and found something else. User Action: Make sure argument lists are passed to all routines that expect them. 60 NOTATTCH, object is not attached to the given composite NOTATTCH, object is not attached to the given composite Explanation: The specified composite does not have the object as a child. User Action: Check the parameter of the composite's element ID. NOTBOTTOM, free accepts closure of TO_BOTTOM and TO_NONE NOTBOTTOM, free accepts closure of TO_BOTTOM and TO_NONE Explanation: The free method will accept a closure value of either MCS$K_TO_BOTTOM or MCS$K_TO_NONE. User Action: Check the value of the closure argument being sent to the free method. NOTCLOSED, context is not closed NOTCLOSED, context is not closed Explanation: The context is not closed and cannot be freed. User Action: Close the context. NOTCOLL, object is not subtype of COLLECTION NOTCOLL, object is not subtype of COLLECTION Explanation: An message defined by COLLECTION or one of its subtypes was requested for an object of another type. User Action: Supply an object of type COLLECTION, or request a valid message for the type. NOTCOLLECTION, element is not a collection NOTCOLLECTION, element is not a collection Explanation: The client tried to set the top property of an element that is not a COLLECTION or one of its subtypes. User Action: Specify a COLLECTION as the value for this property. NOTCONTEXT, partition is not a user context NOTCONTEXT, partition is not a user context Explanation: The user attempted to open a partition that is not a user context. Only partitions at the leaves of the partition hierarchy can be user contexts. User Action: Open a context at the leaf of the partition hierarchy. NOTCONTROLLED, element is not controlled NOTCONTROLLED, element is not controlled Explanation: An operation, such as promote, was requested on an element that is not under work flow control. User Action: Control the element and try again. 61 NOTELMTYPE, element is not of type ELEMENT_TYPE NOTELMTYPE, element is not of type ELEMENT_TYPE Explanation: An attempt was made to send a message to an object which doesn't respond to this message. User Action: Supply an object of type ELEMENT_TYPE. NOTEQUAL, element IDs do not point to the same object NOTEQUAL, element IDs do not point to the same object Explanation: The element IDs do not point to the same object. User Action: None. NOTFROZEN, element is not in a frozen state NOTFROZEN, element is not in a frozen state Explanation: The given element state is other than MCS$K_STS_FROZEN and cannot be unfrozen. User Action: None. NOTICE, object has notices NOTICE, object has notices Explanation: There are notices on the object. User Action: Use MCS$check_notices to find out what the notices are. Use MCS$clear_notices to clear the notices. NOTINPATH, partition is not in the partition hierarchy NOTINPATH, partition is not in the partition hierarchy Explanation: The specified partition is not found in the visible part of the partition hierarchy. User Action: Supply a partition in the chain between the current partition and the root partition. NOTLIST, the given value is not a list NOTLIST, the given value is not a list Explanation: An MCS routine was expecting a list and found something else. User Action: Make sure lists are passed to all routines that expect them. NOTMOD, element cannot be modified in this context NOTMOD, element cannot be modified in this context Explanation: The element cannot be manipulated from the current context. User Action: It may be modifiable within another context. 62 NOTMSGARG, the given value is not message argument NOTMSGARG, the given value is not message argument Explanation: An MCS routine was expecting a message argument and found something else. User Action: Make sure message arguments are passed to all routines that expect them. NOTNULL, element ID is not null NOTNULL, element ID is not null Explanation: The element ID is not null. User Action: None. NOTPARENT, collection hierarchy does not include existing "top" NOTPARENT, collection hierarchy does not include existing "top" Explanation: The top property was not set because the element specified as the new value is not the root of a collection hierarchy which contains the collection which is the existing value of the top property, and the context has binary elements open. User Action: Close all binary elements opened by this context, or specify a collection whose hierarchy contains the existing value of this property. NOTPART, object is not subtype of PARTITION NOTPART, object is not subtype of PARTITION Explanation: The requested operation is defined by PARTITION or one of its subtypes, but the specified element is not of that type. User Action: Supply an object of type PARTITION. NOTRANSACTION, specified transaction not found NOTRANSACTION, specified transaction not found Explanation: The specified transaction handle does not point to an open transaction. User Action: Verify that the correct transaction handle is being passed to the routine and that it is being passed correctly. NOTRESERVED, element is not reserved to this context NOTRESERVED, element is not reserved to this context Explanation: The element is not reserved by this user to the current context and cannot be unreserved. User Action: Set the context properly, or check that the correct element is being named. 63 NOTSAMEBR, element is not in the same branch NOTSAMEBR, element is not in the same branch Explanation: Cannot find element in the same branch. User Action: Check syntax and name. NOTSUBTYPE, elementid is not a subtype of the other elementid NOTSUBTYPE, elementid is not a subtype of the other elementid Explanation: The element ID is not a subtype of the other element ID. User Action: None. NOTUNDERTOP, an element to be reserved is not under "top" NOTUNDERTOP, an element to be reserved is not under "top" Explanation: A reserve operation with closure was issued by the user, but there was an element of the closure which was not under the top collection. User Action: Change the top collection to include the element. NOTVERS, object is not subtype of VERSION NOTVERS, object is not subtype of VERSION Explanation: The requested operation is allowed only for objects that are subtypes of VERSION. User Action: Supply an object that is a subtype VERSION. NOTVERSIONED, element exists NOTVERSIONED, element exists Explanation: An attempt was made to reserve, replace, or promote an unversioned element. Unversioned elements are changed directly. User Action: Change the element without reserving it. NOTVISIBLE, element is not visible NOTVISIBLE, element is not visible Explanation: The element being returned is not in a collection pointed to by the current context. This makes the element invisible. User Action: Change the current context to one that points to the collection containing the element. If no elements are reserved, set the context's top collection to one that contains the element. NOTYET, this feature is not implemented yet NOTYET, this feature is not implemented yet Explanation: You should not recieve this message. 64 User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. NOWRITEPROP, attempted setProp on a read-only or write-once property NOWRITEPROP, attempted setProp on a read-only or write-once property Explanation: The argument list to setProp specified a property whose accessType was read-only, or either write-create or write-once and the property had already been set. User Action: Properties whose accessType is read-only can never have their value set. Properties whose accessType is write-create can have their values set only by the new message. Properties whose accessType is write-once cannot be set more than once. NO_METHOD_ROUTINE, method object does not have a method implementation NO_METHOD_ROUTINE, method object does not have a method implementation Explanation: As a result of an MCS$dispatch_op or MCS$dispatch_superOp call, the dispatcher located a method object to execute. The dispatcher then tried to locate the routine that implements the method and failed to find it. User Action: If this was a user-supplied method, check that the method correctly references the routine. If it was a method supplied by Oracle CDD/Repository, contact your Oracle support representative. NO_TOKEN_ARGUMENT, specified argument does not exist in arglist NO_TOKEN_ARGUMENT, specified argument does not exist in arglist Explanation: The dispatcher was attempting command substitution on an input string. The argument keyword was seen, but the dispatcher could not find the specified argument. User Action: Ensure that specified argument is in the argument list. NO_TOKEN_CONTEXT, context object could not be substituted for keyword, NO_TOKEN_CONTEXT, context object could not be substituted for keyword, currContext currContext Explanation: The dispatcher was attempting command substitution on an input string. The token string contained the currContext keyword, so the dispatcher attempted to substitute the element ID of the current context object. However, either there was no open context object or the substituted value was not an element ID. User Action: Check that currContext is the desired keyword. If so, supply an element ID or open a context. NO_TOKEN_DB, database object could not be substituted for keyword, NO_TOKEN_DB, database object could not be substituted for keyword, currDbElement currDbElement 65 Explanation: The dispatcher was attempting command substitution on an input string. The token string contained the currDbElement keyword, so the dispatcher attempted to substitute the element ID of the current database object. However, the substituted value was not an element ID. User Action: Check that currDbElement is the desired keyword. If so, supply an element ID. NO_TOKEN_OBJECT, specified object does not exist NO_TOKEN_OBJECT, specified object does not exist Explanation: The dispatcher was attempting command substitution on an input string. The type keyword was seen. The next two token components represent the names of objects in the repository. The first is an instance of type ELEMENT_TYPE; the second is an instance of the type of the first component. However, one of these components did not name an object which could be found in the repository. User Action: Ensure that the specified objects exist. NO_TOKEN_PP, PERSISTENT_PROCESS object could not be substituted for NO_TOKEN_PP, PERSISTENT_PROCESS object could not be substituted for keyword, currPersistentProcess keyword, currPersistentProcess Explanation: The dispatcher was attempting command substitution on an input string. The token string contained the currPersistentProcess keyword, so the dispatcher attempted to substitute the element ID of the current PERSISTENT_PROCESS object. However, either there was no open PERSISTENT_PROCESS object or the value substituted thus far is not an element ID. User Action: Check that currPersistentProcess is the desired keyword. If so, supply an element ID or open a persistent process. NO_TOKEN_PROPERTY, specified property was not found NO_TOKEN_PROPERTY, specified property was not found Explanation: The dispatcher was attempting command substitution on an input string. The value substituted thus far was an element ID. In this case, the current token component names a property defined on that object. However, either the property is not defined for the type in question or is not instantiated on this object. User Action: Ensure that the specified property is defined and has a value. 66 NULLPROP, property may not have a null value NULLPROP, property may not have a null value Explanation: You specified a null value for the specified property. User Action: Specify a non-null value. OBJNOTAVAIL, object element is not available for reserve OBJNOTAVAIL, object element is not available for reserve Explanation: During a reserve operation, the element status was found to have a value other than MCS$K_STS_AVAIL. User Action: Methods such as freeze or unreserve can make an object available for a reserve operation. ONEINSONLY, you can perform only one insert on a single-valued scan ONEINSONLY, you can perform only one insert on a single-valued scan Explanation: You tried to do more that one MCS$scan_insert on a single-valued scan. User Action: Remove all but one call to MCS$scan_insert. OPENEDFILES, current collection hierarchy contains opened files OPENEDFILES, current collection hierarchy contains opened files Explanation: An attempt was made to remove the directory structure for a collection hierarchy containing opened files. This could happen while setting the top collection on a context, freeing a context, unreserving a collection, or invoking any other method that has to remove an existing collection directory structure. User Action: Close all binary elements opened by this context. OVERFLOW, data value overflow OVERFLOW, data value overflow Explanation: A data value was changed to a datatype too limited in range to hold it. You may have specified a value structure storing a datatype that could not be converted to the specified datatype. User Action: Use a smaller attribute value, or change the requested datatype on the call to MCS$datatype_read. OWNEDBYBRANCH, object is owned by another version in another branch OWNEDBYBRANCH, object is owned by another version in another branch Explanation: You cannot delete an object that is a member of a merge-from link. User Action: Delete the owner first. OWNINGBRANCH, object is owning another version in another branch OWNINGBRANCH, object is owning another version in another branch 67 Explanation: You cannot delete an object that has previous versions in a different line of descent unless it is the last version in the branch. User Action: Delete the next versions first. OWNSRESERVED, element owns reserved elements OWNSRESERVED, element owns reserved elements Explanation: The element owns reserved elements, so it cannot be replaced. User Action: Either replace the owned elements individually, or replace the original element TO_BOTTOM or TO_BOTH. PARNOTRESERVED, one or more parents are not reserved in this context PARNOTRESERVED, one or more parents are not reserved in this context Explanation: An attached parent was not found to be in a reserved state. User Action: Check that all parents owning a COMPOSITE_PART relationship with this version object are reserved. PARTNOTEMPTY, partition is not empty PARTNOTEMPTY, partition is not empty Explanation: An attempt was made to free a partition having objects residing in it. User Action: Remove those objects first. PP_ALREADY_OPEN, a persistent process is already open PP_ALREADY_OPEN, a persistent process is already open Explanation: An attempt was made to open a persistent process while another is open. User Action: Close the open persistent process. PP_NOCOLL, a persistent process does not have any collection open PP_NOCOLL, a persistent process does not have any collection open Explanation: An attempt was made to get the current collection of a persistent process. User Action: Open a collection on the current persistent process. PP_NOCONTEXT, a persistent process cannot be opened without a context PP_NOCONTEXT, a persistent process cannot be opened without a context Explanation: An attempt was made to open a persistent process when the user had no current context and the persistent process had no associated context. User Action: Open a context or set the currContext property on the 68 persistent process. PP_NOT_OPEN, the specified persistent process is not open PP_NOT_OPEN, the specified persistent process is not open Explanation: An attempt was made to close a persistent process that was not open. User Action: Check that the correct persistent process was specified. PP_OPEN, the specified persistent process is open and may not be PP_OPEN, the specified persistent process is open and may not be deleted deleted Explanation: An attempt was made to delete an open persistent process. User Action: Close the persistent process, then delete it. PROFROROO, cannot promote element from root partition PROFROROO, cannot promote element from root partition Explanation: An attempt was made to promote a version of the given element that was already in the root partition. User Action: Choose some other version to promote. PROPACTIVE, PROPERTY_TYPE object is still attached to an PROPACTIVE, PROPERTY_TYPE object is still attached to an ELEMENT_TYPE object ELEMENT_TYPE object Explanation: An attempt was made to free a PROPERTY_TYPE object that is still attached to one or more ELEMENT_TYPES objects. User Action: A PROPERTY_TYPE object may be freed only when it is not connected to any ELEMENT_TYPE objects. RELIMPPROP, relation type implements a relation property RELIMPPROP, relation type implements a relation property Explanation: An attempt was made to free a RELATION_TYPE object that still implements one or more relation properties. User Action: A RELATION_TYPE object may be freed only when it implements no relation properties. RELNOTFND, specified relationship not found RELNOTFND, specified relationship not found Explanation: The relationship member does not exist in the repository. User Action: Specify an existing repository definition. RELORLINK, this operation is legal only for relation and link RELORLINK, this operation is legal only for relation and link 69 properties properties Explanation: You tried to set a computed property. User Action: Remove the call from your code. RELPROPONLY, this operation is legal only for relation properties RELPROPONLY, this operation is legal only for relation properties Explanation: You tried to perform an operation on a normal or computed property that is valid only on relation properties. User Action: Specify a relation property or request a different operation. RENAME_NAMED, cannot rename an element with more than one directory RENAME_NAMED, cannot rename an element with more than one directory name name Explanation: An attempt was made to rename an object with more than one directory name. User Action: Create a new directory entry to refer to the object. REQATTMIS, required attribute not specified REQATTMIS, required attribute not specified Explanation: You have not specified all the required attributes for the object you are changing or defining. User Action: Specify all the required attributes for the object. REQUIRED_PROP, user must specify a value for the property REQUIRED_PROP, user must specify a value for the property because value specified for the property because value specified for the property Explanation: The user specified a value for one property which made a second property's value required. User Action: Add a value for the indicated property to the input argument list. RMSERROR, an RMS error occurred RMSERROR, an RMS error occurred Explanation: An RMS error occurred when accessing the file User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. SETPROPFAILED, setProp failed SETPROPFAILED, setProp failed Explanation: You cannot set a property specified in the property list. 70 User Action: Check the status of each property argument. SOMEFAILED, one or more requested properties could not be returned SOMEFAILED, one or more requested properties could not be returned Explanation: The getProp message encountered errors getting one or more of the requested properties. The status of the properties' argspecs indicate the error. User Action: None. SOURCESBRANCH, element has one or more branches descending from it SOURCESBRANCH, element has one or more branches descending from it Explanation: An element from which one or more branches descend may not be deleted. User Action: Delete all the branches which descend from this object first. STACKFULL, global errorstack is full STACKFULL, global errorstack is full Explanation: No more entries available for stack. User Action: Use MCS$errorstack_setMaxSize to increase the number of slots, then try again. STACKINIT_FAILED, error stack initialization failed STACKINIT_FAILED, error stack initialization failed Explanation: The global error stack could not be initialized. User Action: Make sure the message catalog file is accessible. STRINGORLONG, value must be of type longword or string STRINGORLONG, value must be of type longword or string Explanation: An illegal value type was found in the argument list. User Action: Specify a legal value. STRINGORNUMBER, value substituted in error message must be string or STRINGORNUMBER, value substituted in error message must be string or numeric numeric Explanation: A value supplied to MCS_errorstack_set for substitution in an error message was not a string or number. User Action: Be sure the appropriate types are supplied for substitution in error messages. SUBERR, error reading subtypes SUBERR, error reading subtypes Explanation: An error occurred during a call to MCS$element_getSubTypeList. 71 User Action: Read the error stack for additional messages. SUPERERR, error reading supertypes SUPERERR, error reading supertypes Explanation: An error occurred during call to MCS$element_getSuperTypeList. User Action: Read the error stack for additional messages. TOKEN_BAD_SCAN, not a valid scan TOKEN_BAD_SCAN, not a valid scan Explanation: The dispatcher was attempting command substitution on an input string. The value substituted thus far should be of datatype MCS_SCAN. When the dispatcher tried to read the scan, it discovered that the scan structure was not good. User Action: Specify a legal token string for substitution. TOKEN_OUT_RANGE, value out of range for list TOKEN_OUT_RANGE, value out of range for list Explanation: The dispatcher was attempting command substitution on an input string. The substitution required that a specify entry in a list be required. However, the entry number specified was out of range for the list. User Action: Specify a legal token string for substitution. TOKEN_VALUE_NOT_STRING, a substitution value was found for a token TOKEN_VALUE_NOT_STRING, a substitution value was found for a token string but value cannot be represented as text string string but value cannot be represented as text string Explanation: The dispatcher was attempting command substitution on an input string. A token string for substitution was isolated and a value substituted. The dispatcher then attempted to turn the value into a text string and insert it into the command line being formed. However, the value could not be converted to a text string. User Action: Supply a legal token string. TOOFEWPAR, user did not specify all required parameters TOOFEWPAR, user did not specify all required parameters Explanation: User did not specify all required parameters. User Action: Specify all required parameters. TOPNOTCOLL, top is not a collection TOPNOTCOLL, top is not a collection Explanation: The top of the current context is not a subtype of COLLECTION. 72 User Action: Set the CONTEXT's top property to a valid value. TOPNOTRESERVED, top collection is not reserved to this context TOPNOTRESERVED, top collection is not reserved to this context Explanation: The top of the current collection is not reserved by this user to the current context. The user cannot make modifications to it. User Action: Reserve the top collection. TOPNOTSET, top collection is not set TOPNOTSET, top collection is not set Explanation: An error occurred while creating a COMPOSITE_PART relationship to connect an element to a collection. User Action: Set the CONTEXT's top property. TRUNCATED, truncated TRUNCATED, truncated Explanation: You got a value back, but it was truncated. User Action: None. TXT_FALSE, false TXT_FALSE, false Explanation: Text for internationalization. TXT_NAME, Name TXT_NAME, Name Explanation: Text for internationalization. TXT_STATUS, Status TXT_STATUS, Status Explanation: Text for internationalization. TXT_TRUE, true TXT_TRUE, true Explanation: Text for internationalization. TXT_VALUE, Value TXT_VALUE, Value Explanation: Text for internationalization. TYPEHASINSTANCES, instances of element type exist TYPEHASINSTANCES, instances of element type exist Explanation: An attempt was made to free an ELEMENT_TYPE object that still has one or more instances. User Action: Delete all instancs of the ELEMENT_TYPE, then delete the ELEMENT_TYPE object. 73 TYPEHASSUBTYPES, subtypes of element type exist TYPEHASSUBTYPES, subtypes of element type exist Explanation: An attempt was made to free an ELEMENT_TYPE object that still has one or more existing subtypes. User Action: Delete all subtypes of the ELEMENT_TYPE, then delete the ELEMENT_TYPE object. UNDERFLOW, data value underflow UNDERFLOW, data value underflow Explanation: A data value was changed to a datatype too limited in range to hold it. User Action: Change the specified datatype to one with more precision. USER_ERROR, USER_ERROR, Explanation: Generic message USER_INFORMATION, USER_INFORMATION, Explanation: Generic message USER_SEVERE, USER_SEVERE, Explanation: Generic message USER_SUCCESS, USER_SUCCESS, Explanation: Generic success message USER_WARNING, USER_WARNING, Explanation: Generic message VMSEXTREQ, VMS requires that fileName has an extension (or VMSEXTREQ, VMS requires that fileName has an extension (or trailing ".") trailing ".") Explanation: On OpenVMS, an extension, or at least a trailing "." is required for the fileName property. User Action: Try the method again with a corrected fileName property. WRONG_DIC_CREATE, tried to create an object in one repository using WRONG_DIC_CREATE, tried to create an object in one repository using the type definition from a different repository the type definition from a different repository Explanation: The user dispatched the new message. The input argument list contained a name property whose value 74 included a repository anchor. The input type element ID came from a different repository than that identified by the name property's anchor. Since it is illegal to use the type and method definitions from one repository to create an object in a second repository, an error results. User Action: Retrieve the element ID of the object's element type from the same repository in which you want to create the new instance, then reissue the dispatch request. 75 CDDX_errors BADLOC, repository has self-reference of BADLOC, repository has self-reference of Explanation: The repository has an invalid external location pointer that prevents objects from being exported. User Action: Use the VERIFY/LOCATION/FIX command to correct the location pointer. CDD$SELF, repository anchor already provided by repository CDD$SELF, repository anchor already provided by repository Explanation: This repository anchor already exists in the repository. User Action: None. CNTEXPRTPROP, cannot export property on CNTEXPRTPROP, cannot export property on Explanation: The EXPORT utility encountered an error while reading a property value on an instance. User Action: Check that the exported repository is not corrupted and make sure the property value is valid. CNTEXPRTREL, cannot export relation, no owner or member CNTEXPRTREL, cannot export relation, no owner or member Explanation: The EXPORT utility failed to export a relationship becuase it could not access an owner or member. User Action: Check that the exported repository is not corrupt. CNTEXPRTRELM, cannot export relation with owner , no CNTEXPRTRELM, cannot export relation with owner , no member member Explanation: The EXPORT utility failed to export a relationship because it could not access the member. User Action: Check that the exported repository is not corrupt. CNTEXPRTRELO, cannot export relation with member , no CNTEXPRTRELO, cannot export relation with member , no owner owner Explanation: The EXPORT utility failed to export a relationship because it could not access the owner. User Action: Check that the exported repository is not corrupt. CNTEXPRTTIM, exporting default time-date stamp for CNTEXPRTTIM, exporting default time-date stamp for 76 Explanation: The EXPORT utility encountered an error while reading a time-date valued property of the given object. A default time-date stamp has been exported instead. User Action: Check that the exported repository is not corrupt and that the property value is valid. CNTIMPRTBP, cannot import directory backpointer for CNTIMPRTBP, cannot import directory backpointer for Explanation: The IMPORT utility could not store a backpointer in the directory system for this named object. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. CNTIMPRTOBJ, cannot IMPORT , error was detected CNTIMPRTOBJ, cannot IMPORT , error was detected Explanation: The IMPORT utility encountered an error while importing an object. The object may already exist in the target repository, or the exported object may be corrupt. User Action: Check that the exported repository is not corrupt. Examine the target repository for the presence of the object. CNTIMPRTPROP, cannot set property on CNTIMPRTPROP, cannot set property on Explanation: The IMPORT utility encountered an error while importing the property value of an instance. User Action: Check that the exported repository is not corrupt and that the property value is valid. CNTIMPRTREL, cannot import relation from to CNTIMPRTREL, cannot import relation from to Explanation: The IMPORT utility failed to import a relationship. User Action: Check that the exported repository is not corrupt. Examine the target repository for the presence of the object. CNTXLATE, external references of type will be corrupt CNTXLATE, external references of type will be corrupt Explanation: The given type is cloned in another repository, but the external reference information cannot be translated because the type information was not present in the export file. This will cause external references to become invalidated when the exported repository is a V4 dictionary. User Action: Export the repository again using the /SCHEMA 77 qualifier. CVT_PROMPT, Are you satisfied with the backup of your repository? CVT_PROMPT, Are you satisfied with the backup of your repository? [Y/N] (N): [Y/N] (N): Explanation: User prompt for the UPGRADE procedure. User Action: Enter Y if you are satisfied with the backup; enter N to stop the UPGRADE procedure. CVT_SUCCESS, repository converted CVT_SUCCESS, repository converted Explanation: The repository was successfully converted to Version 4.3. It can now be exported. User Action: None. DATA, DATA, Explanation: This message displays information when the /LOG qualfier is used. User Action: None. DDISERROR, error reading EXPORT file DDISERROR, error reading EXPORT file Explanation: An error occurred when reading the EXPORT file. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. DICTMISSING, syntax error, repository file specification is missing DICTMISSING, syntax error, repository file specification is missing Explanation: A repository file specification was not included in the command line. User Action: Enter the command again, including the repository file specification. ELEXISTS, element already provided by repository ELEXISTS, element already provided by repository Explanation: The element being defined already exists in the repository User Action: None. ERRENDSESS, error terminating Oracle CDD/Repository session ERRENDSESS, error terminating Oracle CDD/Repository session Explanation: An error occurred when the IMPORT or EXPORT utility tried to end a session. 78 User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERREXPCVT, error converting repository ERREXPCVT, error converting repository Explanation: An error occurred while executing the REPOSITORY EXPORT/CONVERT command or while using the CDD$UPGRADE.COM command procedure. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERREXPIMPRT, error exporting or importing repository ERREXPIMPRT, error exporting or importing repository Explanation: An error occurred while executing the REPOSITORY EXPORT or IMPORT command or while executing the CDD$UPGRADE.COM command procedure. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERREXPRT, error exporting repository ERREXPRT, error exporting repository Explanation: An error occurred while executing REPOSITORY EXPORT command or while executing the CDD$UPGRADE.COM command procedure. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRIMPRT, error importing repository ERRIMPRT, error importing repository Explanation: An error occurred while executing the REPOSITORY IMPORT command or while executing the CDD$UPGRADE.COM command procedure. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSTARTSESS, error starting an Oracle CDD/Repository session ERRSTARTSESS, error starting an Oracle CDD/Repository session Explanation: An error occurred when the IMPORT or EXPORT utility tried to start a session. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. EXPRTCNT, exported schema objects, entities, and EXPRTCNT, exported schema objects, entities, and relationships relationships 79 Explanation: The specified number of objects have been exported. This information is displayed when the /LOG qualifier is used with the EXPORT command. User Action: None. EXPRTORPH, exporting for an orphaned object EXPRTORPH, exporting for an orphaned object Explanation: The object has an invalid name. A name has been generated for it, and it has been placed in the repository directory named CDD$ORPHANS. User Action: Rename or delete orphan objects after they are imported. EXPRTSCHMA, Exporting repository schema... EXPRTSCHMA, Exporting repository schema... Explanation: The repository schema is being exported. User Action: None. EXPRTTYPE, exporting instances of type EXPRTTYPE, exporting instances of type Explanation: Instances of the specified type are being exported. This information is displayed when the /LOG qualifier is used. User Action: None. FILEMISSING, syntax error, export file specification is missing FILEMISSING, syntax error, export file specification is missing Explanation: The file specification of a repository anchor directory is missing in the REPOSITORY EXPORT command. User Action: Enter the command again, including the file specification. HEADERINFO1, EXPORT of repository HEADERINFO1, EXPORT of repository Explanation: This message is used as text in the header of the export file. This information is displayed by the IMPORT utility. User Action: None. HEADERINFO2, , repository major: , repository minor: HEADERINFO2, , repository major: , repository minor: , MAX index: !#(XL) , MAX index: !#(XL) Explanation: This message is used as text in the header of the export file. It is displayed by the IMPORT utility. 80 User Action: None. HEADERINFO2A, MAX index: HEADERINFO2A, MAX index: Explanation: This message is used as text in the header of the export file. It is displayed by the IMPORT utility. User Action: None. IMPRTCNT, imported schema objects, entities, and IMPRTCNT, imported schema objects, entities, and relationships relationships Explanation: The specified number of objects have been imported. This information is displayed when the /LOG qualifier is used with the IMPORT command. User Action: None. IMPRTTYPE, importing instances of type IMPRTTYPE, importing instances of type Explanation: Instances of the specified type are being imported. This information is displayed when the /LOG qualifier is used with the IMPORT command. User Action: None. INVBUF, error reading export file - invalid buffer INVBUF, error reading export file - invalid buffer Explanation: An internal error has occurred. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative. INVEXPFIL, error reading export file; invalid file header INVEXPFIL, error reading export file; invalid file header Explanation: An error occurred when reading the export file header. User Action: Check that the file specified on the IMPORT command was an export file. NOALIAS, cannot create alternateName for , multiple names NOALIAS, cannot create alternateName for , multiple names not supported not supported Explanation: Alternate names or aliases are in the export file, but they will not be created for this object because aliases are not supported for this type of object. User Action: None. NOCVT, cannot convert the repository; operation not supported NOCVT, cannot convert the repository; operation not supported for this version for this version 81 Explanation: The /CONVERT qualifier cannot be used with this repository. It is supported only when the /VERSION=V4 qualifier is also used. User Action: Use the appropriate version qualifier or check the version of the repository you are converting. NODICIMPRT, cannot import the repository; operation not supported NODICIMPRT, cannot import the repository; operation not supported for this version for this version Explanation: An error trying to import a repository to inappropriate version. User Action: Use the appropriate version qualifier or check the version of the repository you are importing into. NONAME, UNKNOWN NONAME, UNKNOWN Explanation: This message generates the text 'UNKNOWN' which is used in error messages for unnamed objects. User Action: None. NONOSCHMA, /NOSCHEMA is ignored for this dictionary NONOSCHMA, /NOSCHEMA is ignored for this dictionary Explanation: When upgrading a dictionary to Version 5, schema information is required. The /NOSCHEMA qualifier was used in the command line; it is being ignored. User Action: None. NOOBJPROP, cannot import values of on type , property NOOBJPROP, cannot import values of on type , property not defined on type not defined on type Explanation: The IMPORT utility is skipping the specified property values because they cannot be defined on this type of object. User Action: Modify the repository schema before running the IMPORT utility. NOSUCHPROP, cannot import values of , property not found NOSUCHPROP, cannot import values of , property not found Explanation: The IMPORT utility is skipping the specified property types because they are not defined in the repository. User Action: Define the property types in the repository before running the IMPORT utility. NOSUCHTYPE, cannot import instances of type , type not found NOSUCHTYPE, cannot import instances of type , type not found 82 Explanation: The IMPORT utility is skipping over the specified element types because they do not exist in the repository. User Action: Define the element types in the repository before running the IMPORT utility. OKEXPRTOBJ, successfully exported OKEXPRTOBJ, successfully exported Explanation: The specified object has been exported. This information is displayed when the /LOG qualfier is used. User Action: None. OKEXPRTREL, successfully exported relation from to OKEXPRTREL, successfully exported relation from to Explanation: The specifieid relationship has been exported. This information is displayed when the /LOG qualifier is used. User Action: None. OKIMPRTOBJ, successfully imported OKIMPRTOBJ, successfully imported Explanation: The specified object has been imported. This information is displayed when the /LOG qualifier is used with the IMPORT command. User Action: None. OKIMPRTREL, successfully imported relation from to OKIMPRTREL, successfully imported relation from to Explanation: The specified relationship has been imported. This information is displayed when the /LOG qualifier is used with the IMPORT command. User Action: None. RMSERROR, error accessing export file RMSERROR, error accessing export file Explanation: An error occurred when accessing the export file. User Action: See accompanying messages for more information about the error. SKIPTYPE, skipping instances of type SKIPTYPE, skipping instances of type 83 Explanation: Instances of the specified type are being skipped intentionally by the IMPORT utility. User Action: None. STARTEXPRT, exporting repository to STARTEXPRT, exporting repository to Explanation: The first repository is being exported to the second repository specified by the message. This information is displayed when the /LOG qualifier is used with the EXPORT command. User Action: None. STARTIMPRT, importing into repository STARTIMPRT, importing into repository Explanation: The first repository is being imported into the second repository specified by the message. This information is displayed when the /LOG qualifier is used with the IMPORT command. User Action: None. STMP, file exported on STMP, file exported on Explanation: The specified file has been exported. This information is displayed with the /LOG qualifier is used with the EXPORT command. User Action: None. 84 ACLADDED, ACL entry added *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* An access control entry was successfully added to an access control list. *User Action:* None. ACLDELETD, ACL entry(s) deleted *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* An access control entry was successfully deleted from an access control list. *User Action:* None. ACLNOTFND, access control list entry not found *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The particular access control list entry specified does not exist. Perhaps the POSITION number specified when setting or modifying an ACL was greater than the number of entries in the list. *User Action:* Reenter the command line. ALLFAILED, no attributes were found *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} ALLPATFND, all given names on the path were found *Facility:* CDD 85 *Severity:* success *Explanation:* When following a path, all the directories and elements in the path were found. *User Action:* None. ALREXI, !AF already exists in the DMU dictionary *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to define an entity with the same name as an entity that already exists in the DMU dictionary. *User Action:* Either rename the new entity or delete the old one. AMBIG, syntax error, ambiguous keyword abbreviation *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An ambiguous abbreviation for a keyword was specified. *User Action:* Reenter the command, specifying more letters in the keyword. ASYNCTRAP, synchronous entry point entered asynchronously *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* An attempt was made to call the DMU dictionary while another call was active. *User Action:* Do not call the DMU dictionary while another call is active, or from AST level. ATTACHED_TO, Attached to repository !AS *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* This message is used for SHOW VERSION. 86 *User Action:* None. ATTACHING, entity !AS attached *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The specified entity was successfully attached. *User Action:* None. ATTALREXI, attribute already exists *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt has been made to add an attribute to a DMU dictionary entity that already owns it. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ATTERROR, I/O error while modifying the attributes of file !AS *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Oracle CDD/Plus could not modify the files it uses to maintain dictionaries. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ATTEXISTS, an attribute with protocol tag value !SL already exists *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You attempted to create a new attribute type with a protocol tag value duplicating the tag value of an attribute type in the dictionary. *User Action:* Use unique tag values for each attribute type. ATTNOTAPP, attribute !AS is not applicable to object protocol !AS *Facility:* CDDplus 87 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* One of the given attributes is not applicable to the type of entity or relationship being created or modified, or it is used in a dictionary query buffer on a relationship which may not own it, or its value is requested on an entity or relationship which may not own it. The signal vector's first parameter is the attribute type in question; the second is the type of the entity or relationship. *User Action:* Only attempt to set or read the values of attributes the entity or relationship is allowed to own. ATTNOTFND, attribute not found *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt has been made to read a non-existent attribute from an entity. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ATTPROUSE, attribute protocol !SL V!UL.!UL in use *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to delete an attribute protocol which is being used by some object type. *User Action:* Delete the entity or relationship protocol first, or delete the entire set of related protocols in one call. ATTVALFAIL, invalid value, attribute !AS failed validation !AS *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A validation failed while checking an attribute value. The current operation was aborted. *User Action:* Each validation checks for a different constraint. Use the name of the validation to find out what it requires, and make sure that the attribute value meets the constraint. 88 ATTVALWARN, potentially invalid value, attribute !AS failed validation !AS *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* A validation failed while CDD/Plus checked an attribute value. The current operation was aborted. *User Action:* Determine why the attribute value was illegal and respecify it. BADANCHOR, invalid dictionary anchor directory !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given dictionary anchor specification is illegal. *User Action:* Using rooted, concealed devices as dictionary anchor specification is not supported. Check dictionary anchor and respecify. BADATTTYP, the attribute type does not exist in the dictionary:!/!_!SL V!UL.!UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You specified an attribute type that does not exist in the dictionary. The signal parameter is the attribute type. *User Action:* Use only defined attribute types. BADBKPTR, the backpointer !AS does not correspond to a directory name *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given backpointer does not refer to a valid, existing directory name. *User Action:* Use VERIFY/FIX/ORPHAN to fix the backpointer. 89 BADCHKSUM, page has incorrect checksum *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The checksum of a dictionary page failed. The information on the page is corrupt. *User Action:* Use CDDV VERIFY on the bad dictionary. BADCLN, !AS has an invalid clone *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The object is the current dictionary has a clone which is not accessible. *User Action:* Use VERIFY/ALL/FIX to make this a standalone object. BADCLUSEQ, page has incorrect cluster sequence number -- cluster is invalid *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A previous modification failed to write all affected pages to the dictionary. The dictionary is corrupt. *User Action:* Use CDDV VERIFY on the dictionary in question. BADDBVERS, could not read database version; assuming V!UL.!UL!AD *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* Could not read database information and interpret version information. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. BADDICREF, invalid external reference to !AS!AS *Facility:* CDDplus 90 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The dictionary has a reference to a dictionary which cannot be accessed. *User Action:* Use VERIFY/FIX/ORPHAN to remove any references to this dictionary. directory. BADDIRACL, the directory acl for !AF is corrupt *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The directory has a corrupt access control list. *User Action:* Use VERIFY/FIX/DIRECTORY to fix the ACL. BADDTYPE, datatype not supported by CDD/Plus: !UB *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to give an attribute a datatype not supported by CDD/Plus. Supported datatypes are: *User Action:* Use only the supported datatypes to specify attribute values. BADENTTYP, entity type does not exist in dictionary: !SL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The entity type specified does not exist. The message parameter is the entity type. *User Action:* Use only defined entity types. BADEXTREF, external reference to !AF in !AF!AF is bad *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The pointer from the second dictionary to the first is wrong. The first dictionary may have been moved or may have had the name of its containing directory or disk changed. 91 *User Action:* Use VERIFY/FIX to fix the pointer in the second dictionary to refer to the current location of the first. BADFL, entity !AS has an invalid first last version links *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given entity has an invalid version link. *User Action:* Use VERIFY/ALL/FIX to correct the link. See the following message for additional information. BADGRPSEQ, page has incorrect group sequence number -- cluster is invalid *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A previous modification failed to write all affected pages to the dictionary. The dictionary is corrupt. *User Action:* Use CDDV VERIFY on the dictionary in question. BADHND, handle is not valid *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A bad handle was passed to the dictionary. Either it has been corrupted, or it is not a handle to the correct type of dictionary object. *User Action:* Make sure handles passed to CDD/Plus are valid. Make sure fetch handles are passed to fetch loops, element handles are passed to GET_ELEMENT, etc. BADLINNUM, incorrect page line number *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Information in the dictionary was not found at the expected location. 92 *User Action:* Use CDDV VERIFY on the dictionary in question. BADLNKTYP, link type not found in dictionary: !SL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A link type was specifed that does not exist in the appropriate dictionary. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. BADLOC, dictionary !AF has self-reference of !AC *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The dictionary's own pointer indicating its directory name is wrong. The dictionary may have been moved or may have had the name of its containing directory or disk changed. NOTE: This message is copied to CDDX-W-BADLOC and should contain the same fao args. *User Action:* Use VERIFY/FIX to fix the self-reference. BADMEMBER, this type of entity may not be a member of this relationship.!/!_Entity type: !AD!/!_Relationship type: !AD *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to create a relationship of the given type with an entity of the given type as owner. However, the dictionary protocol does not declare the entity type as a legal owner of the relationship type. *User Action:* Only specify relationship members that are allowed by the relationship. BADNAME, the name !AF does not correspond to a dictionary element *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error 93 *Explanation:* The given name does not refer to a valid, existing dictionary element. *User Action:* Use VERIFY/FIX/DIRECTORY to remove the name from the directory. BADNOD, dictionary node name !AF, anchor name !AF has self-reference node name !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The dictionary's own pointer indicating its node name is wrong. The dictionary may have been moved or may have had the name of its containing node changed. This error happened on the server node after the client was able to successfully open the repository. This error DOES NOT happen when the nodes are in the same cluster. *User Action:* Use VERIFY/FIX/LOC on the server repository to fix the self-reference. BADOBJTYP, this is not a valid entity or relationship type in this dictionary: !SL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An entity or relationship type was specified which does not exist in the dictionary. The signal parameter contains the invalid type. *User Action:* Only refer to protocols that are defined in the given dictionary. BADORF, entity !AS is orphaned *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given object has no owner and no directory name. *User Action:* Use VERIFY/FIX/ORPHAN to enter a name for the object in the directory. 94 BADOWNER, this type of entity may not own this relationship. !/!_Entity type: !AD!/!_Relationship type: !AD *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to create a relationship of the given type with an entity of the given type as owner. However, the dictionary protocol does not declare the entity type as a legal owner of the relationship type. *User Action:* Only specify relationships that an element is allowed to own. BADPART, entity !AS lives in an invalid partition *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given entity is in a non-existent partition. *User Action:* Use VERIFY/ALL/FIX to make the object uncontrolled. See the following message for additional information. BADPATH, syntax error in pathname *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You specified an invalid pathname. *User Action:* See the Oracle VAX Common Data Dictionary User's Guide for the correct syntax of pathnames. BADPRIORVER, entity !AS has an invalid prior version *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given entity has no prior version. *User Action:* Use VERIFY/ALL/FIX to prune the link from the repository. See the following message for additional information. BADREFCOU, bad lock reference-count in PCB 95 *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The dictionary software is trying to release a lock that it never acquired. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. BADREL, relationship !AS has no owner or member *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given relationship has no member or owner. *User Action:* Use VERIFY/FIX/ORPHAN to prune the object from the repository. BADRELMEM, relationship !AS owned by element !AS has no member *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given relationship has no member. *User Action:* Use VERIFY/FIX/ORPHAN to prune the object from the repository. BADRELOWN, relationship !AS with member element !AS has no owner *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given relationship has no owner. *User Action:* Use VERIFY/FIX/ORPHAN to prune the object from the repository. BADRELTYP, relationship type does not exist in dictionary: !SL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The relationship type specified does not exist. The message parameter is the relationship type. 96 *User Action:* Only use relationships types that are defined in the dictionary. BADRTVERS, entity !AS has an invalid root version link *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given entity has an invalid version link. *User Action:* Use VERIFY/ALL/FIX to correct the link. See the following message for additional information. BADSEG, invalid segment specification *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An invalid segment record was specified in the DEFINE RMS_DATABASE command. You may have specified less than 2 within names, or perhaps you did not specify a field within [field-name within...] record. *User Action:* Correct the segment reference. BADSTREAM, context stream is corrupt and cannot be used *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The context stream used to access the dictionary is corrupt. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. BADSUBOBJ, element !AS has corrupt subobjects *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The named object has bad subobjects. *User Action:* Delete the named object and try the operation again. 97 BADUIC, syntax error in UIC parameter *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A user identification code (UIC) was entered incorrectly. *User Action:* See the Oracle VAX Common Data Dictionary User's Guide for the correct syntax of UICs. BADUSAGE, bad entity usage: protocol !UL is expected to be of kind !UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The buffer provided for directory information to be stored in was not long enough to hold the information in its entirety. defined as an entity, or vice versa. "protocol " is the protocol causing the problem; "kind " is the kind of object that was expected. 7 indicates that a relationship was expected, 2 that an entity was expected. *User Action:* Allocate more space for the directory information and call again. IGNORE OFF IGNORE ON BTS BADUSRCNX, user provided invalid context pointer *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository routine was passed a context pointer that was not valid. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. BADVERNUM, version number is out of range *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error 98 *Explanation:* A version number greater than 32,767 or less than -32,766. The largest possible version number is 32,767. *User Action:* Specify a valid version number. BADVERPRO, protocol of new object does not match that of prior version *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt has been made to store a new version of an Oracle CDD/Repository object using a different protocol than that used to store the prior version. *User Action:* Use a different name for the new object. BAD_BYTECOUNT, byte count !UL does not match trubuflen !UL for directory file !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The byte count for the named directory file does not match the calculated true buffer length. *User Action:* Use the VERIFY/DIRECTORY/FIX command. BAD_METHOD_TYPE, A method object with an illegal funcType value exists *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Explanation A method object with an illegal functype exists, thus, the dispatch cannot build the proper data structures. User Action Since this should be caught on method creation, contact an Oracle support representative. *User Action:* {TBS} BAD_NAME, protocol name contains wildcard characters *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A protocol name contains wildcard characters. As a result, the name cannot be properly resolved to a single type. 99 *User Action:* Specify the protocol name without wildcard characters. BAD_QUAL, illegal value assigned to a command qualifier *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The value assigned to a command qualifier is illegal. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. BLKALREXI, hash key X'!XL !XL' already in table *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. BLKNOTFIT, block won't fit on requested page *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. BLKNOTFND, hash key not in table *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. BLKTOOBIG, internal block request too big *Facility:* CDD 100 *Severity:* success *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. BLRBADCTX, context references unknown relation *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The BLR buffer passed to the DSRI call interface contained a field that referenced an unknown context. *User Action:* Check relation context numbers in the BLR buffer. BLRFIELDID, dictionary cannot interpret BLR field ids *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The BLR buffer passed to the DSRI call interface contained a BLR$K_FIELD_ID in a view's computed field which cannot be interpreted by the dictionary. *User Action:* Remove the reference to the BLR field id. BLRIGNOREINFO, unsupported entity - omitted at blr offset !UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The object has been omitted because of unrecognized BLR. *User Action:* None. BLRSYNERR, syntax error in BLR buffer *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A syntax error was discovered in a BLR buffer passed to CDD/Plus's DSRI call interface. This error is used only as a trap. It is not actually displayed. 101 *User Action:* None BLRSYNINFO, unsupported entity - marked Incomplete *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The object has been marked Incomplete. *User Action:* None. BLRVARIABLE, dictionary cannot interpret BLR variables *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A syntax error was discovered in a BLR buffer passed to CDD/Plus's DSRI call interface. The BLR buffer contained a BLR$K_VARIABLE which cannot be interpreted by the dictionary. *User Action:* Remove the reference to the BLR variable. BOGLOBAL, global field !AF based on global field !AF in same database *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to define a global field based on a global field in the same database. This is not allowed. *User Action:* Define database global fields based on fields that are not used in databases, or define fields local to relations based on global fields. BOGUS_DB_HANDLE, the DB Handle passed is not a DB Handle *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You passed an incorrect database handle. *User Action:* Correct the program calling this routine to pass a proper database handle. If you were using RDO, SQL, or Oracle RALLY when you received this error message, contact an Oracle support representative. 102 BOGUS_TXN_HANDLE, the Transaction Handle passed is not a Transaction Handle *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You passed an incorrect transaction handle. *User Action:* Correct the program calling this routine to pass a proper transaction handle. If you were using RDO, SQL, or Oracle RALLY when you received this error message, contact an Oracle support representative. BUFOVRFLO, output buffer overflow *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred copying into a static output descriptor during a call to CDO$EXPRESSION_SYNTAX_TO_BUFFER or CDO$EXPRESSION_BUFFER_TO_SYNTAX. *User Action:* Increase the buffer size and make the call again. BUGCHK, internal user interface error *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This error message is caused by an internal software error in the user interface. *User Action:* Contact your Oracle support representative. BUGEXP, reason: !AC *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An internal error occurred during the operation of CDD/Plus. This string explains the particular problem that was discovered. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. Report the error message you received. 103 CABORT, CTRL/C entered to abort command *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You typed CTRL/C to abort the command. *User Action:* Reenter the command or continue. CANNOTVF, error encountered verifying object !AS *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The given object could not be verified. *User Action:* See following message for details and contact an Oracle support representative. CANTTRANS, error translating CDO element to DMU format *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Oracle CDD/Repository is unable to translate an element from CDO to DMU format. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. CANTUSE, cannot use entity !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You specified an entity by name that does not exist. *User Action:* Make sure all entities used in a call to CDD/Plus exist. CANT_INHERIT, record !AF inheritance too complicated for Oracle Rdb relation *Facility:* DSRI 104 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The record structure has both data elements (fields) and an inheritance link to another relation. CDD/Plus does not know how to inherit from this kind of structure. *User Action:* Create a record structure without inheritance. CAPTIVE, action not allowed from a captive account *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The specified action is not allowed from a captive account. For example, you cannot spawn a subprocess from a captive account. *User Action:* Try this action from another account, or talk to the System Manager. CCBWASACT, tried to release active CCB *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. CDDNOTINS, Oracle CDD/Repository is not installed on your system *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* Oracle CDD/Repository is not installed on your system. *User Action:* Have your system manager install Oracle CDD/Repository. CDDONLY, you cannot perform this call on an element in a CDO repository *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error 105 *Explanation:* An operation was attempted on an Oracle CDD/Repository node through DMU that is only supported through CDO. *User Action:* Use the CDO user interface, the Oracle CDD/Plus call interface, the MCS call interface, or callable CDO to accomplish this operation. CDD_DIC, DMU format *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* dictionary type displayed in dir/full display only *User Action:* N/A CDOONLY, you cannot perform this call on an element in a DMU dictionary *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An operation was attempted on an Oracle CDD/Repository node through CDO that is only supported through DMU. *User Action:* Use the DMU user interface or the Oracle CDD/Plus call interface to accomplish this operation. CDOVERSION, Installed version of Oracle CDD/Repository is V7.0A *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* This message is used for SHOW VERSION. *User Action:* None. CELNOTEMP, cell is not empty *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Internal software error. 106 *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. CELTOOBIG, cell number is greater than the list size *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. CIRCULAR_DEFINE, invalid circular definition *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A field or record that was specified in a based on clause or included as a part of this definition is the definition itself. *User Action:* Change the definition so that it will not be circular. CLOSEPER, character following the close parenthesis is not a period *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The period in a path name specification has been omitted. The period belongs to the right of a protected directory specification. *User Action:* Check the Oracle VAX Common Data Dictionary User's Guide for proper use of passwords in dictionary path names. CLOSERROR, I/O error while closing file !AS *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Oracle CDD/Repository was unable to close a file. An accompanying message may explain the problem. *User Action:* If the second message is an OpenVMS system message, refer to the OpenVMS documentation. If the second message is an Oracle CDD/Repository message, refer to the explanation of that 107 message. If no other message appears, contact an Oracle support representative. CNTCVT, DMU attribute !AS cannot be converted to CDO *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Portions of the DMU definition cannot be converted to the CDD/Repository protocol. *User Action:* Display the record through DMU to determine those portions of the record that were not converted. CNTSETPROP, Cannot set attribute !AS because the access type is !AC *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to illegally set a property whose access type is either readonly, write-once-at-create, or write-once with the property being previously set. *User Action:* Check the access type of the property. COMPLEX_CNST, constraint is too complex for use in an Oracle Rdb database *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Constraints must depend on a data value which depends on a single level of records using a field. You cannot use more complex structures. *User Action:* Define your constraints with RDO. COMPLEX_REL, record too complex for an Oracle Rdb relation: nested structure or variants *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This record contains either a nested structure or record variants. Neither of these are allowed in an Oracle Rdb relation. 108 *User Action:* Oracle Rdb relations can only contain elementary fields. Redefine this record to create a flat record structure. CONSECPER, path name contains two or more consecutive periods *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Each given name in a path name must be separated from adjacent given names by a single period. The path name entered contains two or more consecutive periods. *User Action:* Enter the command with a valid pathname. CONSTRAINING, entity !AS constrained *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The specified entity was successfully constrained. *User Action:* None. CONSTRAINT_KW, CONSTRAINT *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* Used to display a NOT NULL relation constraint Display only *User Action:* N/A CONSTRAINT_T, constraint *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* User-visible text. *User Action:* None. CONVERNUM, conflicting version numbers specified for same object *Facility:* CDD 109 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. CORDATSTR, corrupt data structure or bad pointer value *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. CORRSUBOBJ, !AS has corrupt subobjects - optimization will not be used *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The object's subobjects are corrupt. *User Action:* None. Subobjects are a "read" optimization. This message indicates read of this object will be slower. COULDNOTABORT, could not commit or abort *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt to commit your transaction failed, an attempt to roll back the failure failed, secondary status is why original operation failed. *User Action:* Exit your application and allow automatic rollback to occur. CPYERRIN, error opening input file !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A create or move dictionary operation failed to open one of the files associated with the input dictionary. 110 *User Action:* Examine the following error messages for the reason. CPYERROUT, error opening output file !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A create or move dictionary operation failed to open one of the files associated with the output dictionary. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages for the reason. CREATEACC, Created *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CREDIFVER, attempted to give different version numbers to new object *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. CREDIR, the backpointer !AS is being used to create a new directory *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The given backpointer is being used to create a new directory file. *User Action:* None. CREINIVER, created initial version - previous version not found *Facility:* CDD 111 *Severity:* success *Explanation:* The first version of a new entity was created. *User Action:* None. CRENEWVER, a version of the object already existed -- created new version *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* An object with the same name and type existed. A new version of the object was created. *User Action:* None. CSET_DEC_HANYU, DEC_HANYU *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_DEC_HANZI, DEC_HANZI *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_DEC_KANJI, DEC_KANJI *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_DEC_KOREAN, DEC_KOREAN 112 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_DEC_MCS, DEC_MCS *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_DEC_SICGCC, DEC_SICGCC *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_DTSCS, DTSCS *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_HANYU, HANYU *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_HANZI, HANZI 113 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_ISOLATIN1, ISOLATIN1 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_ISOLATIN2, ISOLATIN2 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_ISOLATIN3, ISOLATIN3 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_ISOLATIN4, ISOLATIN4 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_ISOLATIN5, ISOLATIN5 114 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_ISOLATIN6, ISOLATIN6 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_ISOLATINARA, ISOLATINARABIC *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_ISOLATINCYR, ISOLATINCYRILLIC *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_ISOLATINGRE, ISOLATINGREEK *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_ISOLATINHEB, ISOLATINHEBREW 115 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_KANJI, KANJI *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_KATAKANA, KATAKANA *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_KOREAN, KOREAN *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_SDK, Super-DEC-Kanji *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} CSET_STDL_KANJI, STDL_Kanji 116 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* *User Action:* {TBS} CTRLZ, CTRL/Z entered to abort command *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* CTRL/Z was typed at the CDO continuation prompt to abort the command. *User Action:* None. CTXMISMATCH, context and handle are not from a common session *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Both a CDD context and a CDD/Plus handle were specified, but they don't belong to the same session. *User Action:* Use the context and handle that were used together in the call to CDD$ATTACH. CTXMISSING, context parameter is missing *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The handle passed belongs to a common session, but the context parameter was not passed to CDD$DETACH, CDD$START_SESSION or CDD$END_SESSION. *User Action:* Pass the context parameter. CTXUNDEF, context variable !AD undefined *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error 117 *Explanation:* A context variable was specified that was not defined in a record selection expression. *User Action:* Check the syntax of your aggregrate expression. CVT_NOTALL, some DTR attributes could not be converted *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* This message appears when some DTR attributes in the DMU record could not be translated to the new CDO record. The new record was created without them. *User Action:* Check the new record definition and change it appropriately. DATABASE_ERROR, unexpected error from underlying database engine *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error has occurred accessing the repository's database manager. *User Action:* Check the secondary status. If the error is not deadlock or lock conflict, contact an Oracle support representative. DBMBR, database !AS may need to be integrated *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The entity you have changed is part of the named database. *User Action:* Use the RDO INTEGRATE command to integrate this change into the database. DB_EXISTS, database, !AS, already exists in this directory *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error 118 *Explanation:* You tried to create a database using a pathname that already exists. *User Action:* Retry, using another name. DB_HNDL_ZERO, database handle is zero *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You passed a database handle of zero where a non-zero handle was expected. *User Action:* Return the handle from ATTACH/CREATE DATABASE. DB_IN_TXN, database, !AF, cannot be detached because it is active in a transaction *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to detach a database that is currently involved in an active transaction. This error is usually caused by a bug in the product using the dictionary. *User Action:* Roll back or commit the transaction before you detach from the database. If that does not help, contact an Oracle support representative. DEADLOCK, node temporarily locked by another user -- try again later *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You and another user are attempting to access the same dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object and are blocking each other. *User Action:* For CDDPI users, try again. If you still get a DEADLOCK error, try again later. For callable interface users, abort the current session and retry the operation. Check the host program for multiple sessions that may be locking against each other. DEFCHAR, Character set of default value and field do not match 119 *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* DEBUGGING MESSAGES EXTEND /FAO=3/INFO IGNORE OFF NADpi messages *User Action:* {TBS} DEFERRABLE_KW, DEFERRABLE *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* Used to display a relation constraint Display only *User Action:* N/A DELEXTREF, external references prevent dictionary deletion *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Relationships to or from other dictionaries prevent a dictionary from being deleted. *User Action:* Delete the relationships before deleting the dictionary. DENIED, node temporarily locked by another user -- try again later *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Another user has locked the dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object that you are trying to access. This lock will be released with that user finishes the operation. *User Action:* Wait a few moments and try again. DENSELYPACKED, area !UL is not incrementally adjacent to last area defined *Facility:* CDO 120 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An area number was specified that is not one more than the last area defined. *User Action:* Define your RMS_DATABASE with a correct area number. DETACHING, entity !AS detached *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The specified entity was successfully detached. *User Action:* None. DEX, directory !AF!AF exists *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You attempted to create a directory that already exists. *User Action:* Do not attempt to recreate existing directories. DICDEL, dictionary !AS deleted *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The dictionary specified by the message was successfully deleted. *User Action:* None. DICINVALID, dictionary is corrupt *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* A call to VERIFY revealed problems with the dictionary. 121 *User Action:* Use VERIFY/FIX to fix the dictionary. DICMISMATCH, dictionary at !AF has an invalid dictionary pointer to dictionary !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given dictionary contains a bad pointer to the second dictionary. It tried to access the second dictionary using the given directory and did not find it. *User Action:* Determine the current location of the second dictionary and execute the VERIFY/FIX/EXTERNAL_REFERENCES command on the dictionary. DICMOVE, dictionary !AS moved to !AS *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The dictionary specified by the message was successfully moved to the location specified. *User Action:* None. DICREC, dictionary awaiting recovery of transaction on !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* VERIFY determined that a transaction on the given dictionary needs to be recovered. The database name above is the name of the primary database for the transaction; it cannot be committed or rolled back until the primary database becomes available. Until the transaction is recovered, some definitions in the dictionary will be locked. *User Action:* None. When the primary database becomes available, the dictionary will be recovered automatically. DICTVER, !_Internal Major Version !UL!/!_Internal Minor Version !UL *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational 122 *Explanation:* This messages is used by the SHOW VERSION command to display the version of CDD/Repository. *User Action:* None. IGNORE ON DIFKIND, entity is not of specified kind *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You specified either an entity or relationship, but supplied a protocol tag that indicated the other type of element. *User Action:* Use the tag CDD$K_ENTITY to refer to entities and the tag CDD$K_RELATIONSHIP to refer to relationships. DIFTYPE, entity type is different from previous version *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to create a new version of an entity with a different type than the previous version. This is illegal. *User Action:* Never change the type when defining new versions of entities. DIRDEL, directory !AS deleted *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The specified directory was successfully deleted. *User Action:* None. DIRERRABT, fetch stream aborted because of directory error *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A fetch stream cannot continue after an attempt to change the directory fails. 123 *User Action:* End the fetch stream and restart it from scratch. DIRNAMDEL, directory name has been deleted *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The preceding name has been deleted from the directory. *User Action:* None. DIRNOOBJ, entity specified by directory, !AF, is not in dictionary *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A name in the directory does not correspond to an existing entity in the dictionary, so the directory name has been deleted. This error indicates a synchronization error between the dictionary and directory. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. DIRREC, dictionary awaiting recovery with directory *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* VERIFY determined that a transaction on the given dictionary needs to be recovered according to directory changes. *User Action:* None. This recovery takes place automatically. DIRSESSACT, directory session active *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A directory system operation requiring that no session be active was attempted while a session was active. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. DIRSTART, directory session started 124 *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* A directory session was started while a directory session was active. *User Action:* None. DIR_DEADLOCK, deadlock on repository directory *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A deadlock occured while accessing an Oracle CDD/Repository directory. node. *User Action:* Abort current transaction and retry. DIR_FSYNCH, directory files in !AF are corrupt *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The directory system's file structure is corrupt. The structure may be recoverable from the dictionary. *User Action:* Use the CDO VERIFY command to restore the repository to a useable state. If that is unsuccessful, contact an Oracle support representative. DIR_SYNCH, directory data structures corrupt *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Two objects have been discovered with the same index value. The dictionary database is corrupt. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. IGNORE OFF IGNORE ON DUPINDEX DLK, directory !AF!AF is locked 125 *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Another dictionary user has the CDO directory locked, preventing it from being opened for write access. *User Action:* Wait, and try again. This error should rarely appear, since CDD/Plus will retry the operation several times before returning the error to you. DMCS_IN_DIR, multinational characters are not supported in directory names *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Multinational characters are not supported in directory names. They can be used in element names. *User Action:* Use another name that does not contain multinational characters. DNE, directory not empty *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A CDO directory deletion operation failed because the directory was not empty. *User Action:* Delete the contents of the directory and try again. DNF, dictionary directory !AF!AF not found *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A CDO directory specified in a path does not exist. *User Action:* Check that all directories in the path exist. DTM, directory type mismatch on !AF!AF *Facility:* CDDplus 126 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The same attribute type was specified twice as legal on the object type. than the one supplied. *User Action:* Specify an attribute only once on an object. IGNORE OFF IGNORE ON DUPATT /FAO_COUNT=2 DTYPE_REQUIRED, field !AF must have a datatype for inclusion in an Oracle Rdb database *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to include a field with no data type into an Oracle Rdb database. *User Action:* Give the field a valid Oracle Rdb data type and try again. DUPGLOBAL, global field with name !AS already exists *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to define a global field with the same processing name as a different global field already in this database. This is not allowed. *User Action:* Make the processing name of this field unique in this database. DUPLINK, link !SL is already owned by object type !SL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The same link type was specified twice as legal on the object type. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. DUPPROTNAM, a protocol with the name !AF already exists 127 *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The same relationship type was specified twice as either the owner or member of the entity type. *User Action:* Change your protocol operation to be valid. IGNORE OFF IGNORE ON DUPREL /FAO_COUNT=2 DUPVER, !AF already exists *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to make the named object the next version of itself. *User Action:* None. EDIT_NODEF, definition failed, see diagnostic messages *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* Editor informational message. Never signalled. *User Action:* Examine diagnostic messages for cause of definition failure. EDIT_NODEF2, definition failed, value not supplied for all required items *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* Editor informational message. Never signalled. *User Action:* Examine diagnostic messages for cause of definition failure. ELEXISTS, element !AF already exists 128 *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The element being defined already exists. *User Action:* Reserve and replace existing elements to create new versions. EMPTYCELL, cell is empty *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. EMTCONTEXT, Current context has not been set *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* Used when the user does a SHOW CONTEXT Display only *User Action:* N/A ENDFIND, end of fetch stream *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* There are no more objects in the current fetch stream. *User Action:* Call CDD$FETCH_END to dispose of the fetch stream. ENDGROUP, end of fetch stream group *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* There are no more objects in the current fetch stream group. 129 *User Action:* If this message is ever returned or signalled, contact an Oracle support representative. ENDOFATT, end of attributes *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ENDOFDIR, end of directory *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ENDSESS, error ending session *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An unexpected error occurred while ending a session. *User Action:* The following error messages explain why the error occurred. ENTDEL, entity !AS deleted *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The specified entity was successfully deleted. *User Action:* None. ENTDELDESC, entity !AS and its descendants were deleted *Facility:* CDO 130 *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The specified entity and its descendants were successfully deleted. *User Action:* None. IGNORE ON ENTITYEXISTS, entity type !SL already exists *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The tag value given for a new entity protocol is in use in the dictionary. *User Action:* Use unique tag values across all entity and relationship protocols in the dictionary. ENTPROUSE, entity protocol !SL V!UL.!UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to delete an entity protocol that is the member of a relationship. *User Action:* Delete the owning relationship protocol first, or delete all related protocols in one call. ERRACCFIL, Error accessing file !AS!AS *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The directory file called out in the error message was not accessible (either missing or no priv to look at it, etc.). *User Action:* Check additional errors for cause of problem and either restore this directory and it's contents, if any, from a backup or fix any other file access problem with this directory file. ERRATTACH, error attaching to process 131 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the ATTACH command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRATTACHCOL, error attaching object to collection *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the ATTACH TO COLLECION command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRBLDEPEND, error building dependency information *Facility:* CDDLIBSHR messages of severity error *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred building dependency information in CDDLIBSHR. *User Action:* See following error messages for specific information on the error that occurred. 4000 and up reserved to utilities. ERRCDDPROT, DMU definition cannot be translated *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to translate a DMU definition that has no equivalent in CDO. *User Action:* Refer to the definition only through DMU entry points. ERRCHANGE, error changing an object 132 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the CHANGE command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRCHGDIR, an error occurred while changing the directory *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The entry level routine returned an error from the call to CHANGE_DIRECTORY. *User Action:* See the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRCHGELE, error in the CHANGE_ELEMENT call *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The entry level routine returned an error from the call to CHANGE_ELEMENT. *User Action:* See the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRCHGPROT, error changing a protection *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the CHANGE PROTECTION command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRCHKMSG, error checking notices *Facility:* CDO 133 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the CHECK NOTICES command. *User Action:* See accompanying message for more information about the error. ERRCLEAR, error clearing an object *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the CLEAR NOTICES command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRCLOSE, error closing file element *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the CLOSE command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRCLRMSG, error clearing messages *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while CDD/Plus attempted to clear messages from an entity. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRCONSTRAIN, error constraining object *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the CONSTRAIN command. 134 *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRCONVERT, error converting object *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the CONVERT command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRCOPY, error copying an object *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the COPY command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRCREDIC, error creating dictionary *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while CDD/Plus attempted to create a new dictionary file. *User Action:* Examine the ACLs on the anchor directory file using the OpenVMS DCL DIRECTORY/SECURITY command. Determine which ACL is invalid and correct it using the DCL SET ACL command. Examine the following error messages for additional information. ERRCREDIR, an error occurred while creating the directory *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The entry level routine returned an error from the call to CREATE_DIRECTORY. 135 *User Action:* See the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRCVT, error during convert *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the conversion of a dictionary. *User Action:* Correct the error specified by the following messages and try again. ERRDDL, error updating dictionary metadata *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An invalid parameter was supplied to the call. DSRI call interface. *User Action:* Check values of all parameters passed. Check also for including an invalid combination of optional parameters. IGNORE OFF INVBUF ERRDEFDE, error defining directory entry *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while CDD/Plus attempted to define a directory entry. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRDEFELE, an error occurred while defining element *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while defining new dictionary elements. 136 *User Action:* See the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRDEFINE, error defining an object *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the DEFINE command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDEFPRO, an error occurred while defining protocol *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while defining a new protocol. *User Action:* See the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRDEFPROT, error defining a protection *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred the DEFINE PROTECTION command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDELDE, error erasing directory entry *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while CDD/Plus attempted to remove a directory entry. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRDELDIC, error deleting dictionary from CDD/Plus Translator 137 *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while deleting a dictionary. *User Action:* See the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRDELETE, error deleting an object *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the DELETE command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDELHIST, error deleting history entries *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the DELETE HISTORY command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDELPROT, error deleting a protection *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the DELETE PROTECTION command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDEMOTE, error demoting object *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error 138 *Explanation:* This message is reserved for future use. *User Action:* None. ERRDETACH, error detaching object from collection *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the DETACH FROM COLLECTION command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDIRE, error displaying a directory *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during a DIRECTORY command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRDISPATCH_BUIL, error building internal data structures *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Explanation An error occurred while building dictionary data structures used for method dispatching. User Action Contact an Oracle support representative. *User Action:* {TBS} ERRDUMP, error dumping an object *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during a DUMP command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. 139 IGNORE ON ERREADACL, error reading an ACL *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while reading the access control list (ACL) attribute of an entity. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRENDSESS, error terminating a session *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the EXIT command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. IGNORE OFF ERRENTER, error entering an object *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the ENTER command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERREPLACE, error replacing an object *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the REPLACE command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. 140 ERRERASE, could not delete entity *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An unexpected error occurred while CDD/Plus attempted to delete an entity. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRESERVE, error reserving an object *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the RESERVE command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERREXTRACT, error extracting an object *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the EXTRACT command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRFETCH, error fetching file element *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the FETCH command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRFETEND, error ending fetch stream *Facility:* CDDplus 141 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while CDD/Plus attempted to end a fetch stream. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRFETNEX, error during FETCH_NEXT from CDD/Plus Translator *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during a call to FETCH_NEXT. *User Action:* See the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRFETNEXT, error fetching next stream entity *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The next entity in a fetch stream could not be retrieved. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRFETSTART, error starting fetch stream *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A fetch stream could not be started. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRFETSTR, error during FETCH_START from CDD/Plus Translator *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during a FETCH_START call. 142 *User Action:* See the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRFRCMSG, error forcing messages *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while CDD/Plus attempted to force messages. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRGET, can't retrieve requested entities *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while CDD/Plus attempted to retrieve entities you requested. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRGETELE, error during GET_ELEMENT from CDD/Plus Translator *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the GET_ELEMENT call. *User Action:* See the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRIMAGE, error locating image !AD in file !AD *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL failed to find a shareable image. *User Action:* The following error messages explain the exact nature of the error. 143 ERRINBUF, error in buffer *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred dumping a buffer. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages for the reason. ERRINHNDL, an error occurred in the CDDPI error handler *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while recovering from another error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ERRINHNDLR, error handling an error *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An internal error occurred. *User Action:* Contact your Oracle support representative. ERRMCSLIST, error manipulating a list *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An internal error occurred. *User Action:* Contact your Oracle support representative. ERRMERGE, error merging objects *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the MERGE command. 144 *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRMODACL, error modifying an ACL *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while modifying the ACL attribute of an entity. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRMODIFY, error modifying entities *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while CDD/Plus attempted to modify entities in the dictionary. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRMODPROT, error modifying dictionary protocols *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while CDD/Plus tried to modify protocols. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRMOVDIC, error moving dictionary *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The dictionary could not be moved. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. 145 ERRMOVE, error moving a repository *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the MOVE command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERROPEN, error opening file element *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the OPEN command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRPROMOTE, error promoting object *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the PROMOTE command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRPURGE, error purging an object *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the PURGE command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRREM, error during remove *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error 146 *Explanation:* An error occurred during the REMOVE command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSETCSET, error setting session character-set *Facility:* CDDplus Utilities *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while CDD/Plus attempted to set the session character-set. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRSETCTX, error setting context *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the SET CONTEXT command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSETDEF, error setting a default directory *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the SET DEFAULT command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSHOW, error displaying an object *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the SHOW command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. 147 ERRSHOWDEF, error displaying a default directory *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the SHOW DEFAULT command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSHOWPROT, error displaying an ACL *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the SHOW PROTECTION command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRSIGNIN, error signing in *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while signing in. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRSIGNOUT, error ending a session *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the EXIT command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. IGNORE ON ERRSINOUT, error signing out from CDD/Plus Translator 148 *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while signing out of the dictionary. *User Action:* See the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRSTARTSESS, error starting a session *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while starting a CDD/Repository session. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. IGNORE OFF ERRSTRSES, error during START_SESSION from CDD/Plus Translator *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during a START_SESSION call. *User Action:* See the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRTRANS, error during name translation *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while a name was translated. *User Action:* The following error messages tell why the error occurred. If you are not using the callable interface, contact an Oracle support representative. ERRUPDATE, error updating collection 149 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the UPDATE COLLECTION command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRVER, error during VERIFY from CDD/Plus Translator *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while verifying the dictionary. *User Action:* See the following error messages to determine the reason. ERRVERIFY, error verifying an object *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the VERIFY command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. ERRVERSION, error determining version *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while CDD/Plus attempted to determine the version number. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERR_DELDIC, error deleting dictionary *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error 150 *Explanation:* An error occurred while CDD/Plus tried to delete a dictionary file. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. ERUNRESERVE, error unreserving an object *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the UNRESERVE command. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. EXCENQLIM, your process has exceeded its authorized ENQLM *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The operation you are attempting requires more lock resources than you have been allocated in your process enqueue limit (ENQLM). *User Action:* The DCL command SHOW PROCESS/QUOTA displays your current limit. If it is insufficient, check with your system manager about getting it increased. EXCMAXCTX, exceded maximum number of context variables *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* More than 255 context variables were used in a record selection expression. *User Action:* Rewrite the expression, using views to minimize the use of context variables. EXCVERLIM, exceeded version limit for object *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error 151 *Explanation:* Only 32,767 versions of an object may be created. An attempt was made to create the 32,768th. *User Action:* Start again with a new object. There is no way to reset the version number. EXPECTED, expected value was !SL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Returned after a syntax error, indicates that the given byte value would have been legal at the point where an error was returned. The list of expected byte values is not exhaustive; it ignores any optional clauses. *User Action:* Examine the buffer passed to CDD/Plus to determine the reason for the syntax error. EXPREQ, variant must have an expression *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* One variant has an expression, therefore, they all must. *User Action:* Add an expression. EXSTINDB, dictionary database already contains !AS *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The dictionary database contains the referenced entity. *User Action:* Check the entity name supplied. Generally entities are sought by matching the processing name to the name supplied. EXTENDERR, I/O error while extending file !AS *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error 152 *Explanation:* Oracle CDD/Repository tried unsuccessfully to extend a file. An accompanying message explains the problem. *User Action:* If the second message is an OpenVMS system message, refer to the OpenVMS documentation. If the second message is an Oracle CDD/Repository message, refer to the explanation of that message. Otherwise, contact an Oracle support representative. FDLK, directory !AF!AF is locked *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Another dictionary user has the CDD/Plus directory locked, preventing it from being opened for write access. *User Action:* Wait, and try again or determine who has an extended lock on this directory. CDD/Plus has retried this directory several times without success. If this error is returned from CDD$FETCH_NEXT, the fetch stream must be ended before this directory may be retried. FETANDCOPY, can't copy within a fetch stream *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The file system directory specified as an anchor was not found. *User Action:* Specify a valid CDO dictionary. IGNORE OFF FSDNF /FAO_COUNT=2 FIELD_IN_CON, field !AF used in record constraint *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The field could not be deleted because it is used in a constraint. *User Action:* Remove the field from the constraint before you delete it. FIELD_T, field 153 *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* User-visible text. *User Action:* None. FILALRACC, another subdictionary directory already points to this file *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to create two subdictionary directories that point to the same subdictionary file. Oracle CDD/Repository only supports a strict hierarchy of dictionary directories. *User Action:* Specify a unique subdictionary file for each subdictionary directory created. FILALRINH, file !AS already inhibited *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. FILALROPN, file !AS already open *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. FILJNLRECERR, file operation journal recovery error *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while recovering a file operation journal. An accompanying message will explain the problem. 154 *User Action:* See recovery procedure for accompanying message. FILNOTCOR, FCB pointer doesn't match PCB$A_FCB value *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. FILREC, dictionary awaiting recovery with file system *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* VERIFY determined that a transaction on the given dictionary needs to be recovered according to file system changes. *User Action:* None. This recovery takes place automatically. FIRSTVERSION, there is no prior version of this entity *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The dictionary was asked for the prior version of an entity, but there was none. *User Action:* None. FIXBKPTR, the backpointer !AS is being used to generate a new directory name *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The given backpointer is being used to enter a name for the object. *User Action:* None. FIXBKPTRDEL, the backpointer !AS has been removed *Facility:* CDDplus 155 *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The given backpointer is invalid and has been removed. *User Action:* None. FIXCLN, !AS is now a standalone object *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The object in the current repository has a clone that is not accessible. *User Action:* This object is no longer cloned in other repositories. FIXDICREF, external references to !AS!AS have been removed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* References to the specified dictionary have been removed. *User Action:* None. FIXDIR, a directory object for !AF is being created *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The given directory does not have an associated directory object. Create a directory object for the existing directory file. *User Action:* None. FIXDIRACL, a directory acl for !AF is being created *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The given directory's ACL was corrupt. The ACL is being re-created. 156 *User Action:* None. FIXED, dictionary was corrupt, has been fixed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* Using VERIFY/FIX successfully fixed some problems with a dictionary. *User Action:* None. FIXEXTREF, external reference to !AF from !AF is being fixed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The pointer from the second dictionary to the first is being fixed to point to the first dictionary's current location. *User Action:* None. FIXFL, first last version links for !AS have been fixed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The bad version links for the given entity have been fixed. *User Action:* None. FIXLOC, fixing self-reference of dictionary !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The dictionary's own pointer indicating its directory name is being fixed to point to its current location. *User Action:* None. FIXNAME, the name !AF is being deleted 157 *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The given name does not refer to a valid, existing dictionary element; it is being removed from the directory. *User Action:* None. FIXNODIR, the backpointer !AS is being deleted *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The given backpointer does not have an associated directory file. The directory object is therefore being deleted. *User Action:* None. FIXORF, name !AS being entered for orphaned object *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The given object has no owner and no directory name; the given name is being entered for it in the directory. *User Action:* None. FIXORFDEL, !AS unnamed object is an orphan and is being deleted *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The given object has no owner and cannot have a directory name. The object is therefore being deleted. *User Action:* None. FIXPART, !AS is now uncontrolled *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The given entity has been removed from an invalid partition. 158 *User Action:* None. FIXPRIORVER, prior version for !AS has been fixed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The bad prior version pointer for the given entity has been fixed. *User Action:* None. FIXREL, !AS relationship has been removed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* A relationship has been pruned. *User Action:* None. FIXRELMEM, relationship !AS owned by element !AS has been removed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The given relationship had no member and has been deleted. *User Action:* None. FIXRELOWN, relationship !AS with member element !AS has been removed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The given relationship has no owner and has been deleted. *User Action:* None. FIXRTVERS, invalid root version link for !AS has been fixed *Facility:* CDDplus 159 *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The bad version link for the given entity has been fixed. *User Action:* None. FIXSNP, dictionary !AF snapshot file size has been reset *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The snapshot file has been reduced to zero bytes to maximize free disk space. *User Action:* None. IGNORE ON FIXUNUSEDCLN, !AS clone of type !AS has been removed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* A clone has been pruned. *User Action:* None. FIX_BYTECOUNT, byte count for directory file !AF has been fixed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The byte count for a given directory file has been changed to match the calculated trubuflen. *User Action:* FLDNOTINREC, field !AF used in an expression is not part of the record *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The field could not be used in an expression because it is not part of the record. 160 *User Action:* Reformat the expression and define the field again. FNDDIRNOD, found directory node *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* The requested directory node was found. *User Action:* None. FNDLATVER, found latest version of dictionary object *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* The latest version of a dictionary object was found. *User Action:* None. FNDTOPNOD, found CDD$TOP node *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* The root of the repository hierarchy was found. *User Action:* None. FNDWRGVER, requested version of object not found - found another version *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The requested version of an object did not exist - instead, another version of that object was found. *User Action:* None. FNF, RMS subdictionary file not found *Facility:* CDD 161 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The subdictionary is gone or is inaccessible to RMS. *User Action:* Recreate the subdictionary. FORFILDIR, found subdictionary directory *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* The requested subdictionary directory was found. *User Action:* None. FSDCH, file system directory contains a hierarchy *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The file system directory that you specified as an Oracle CDD/Plus anchor directory already contains a directory hierarchy. *User Action:* Make sure the OpenVMS directory is empty before you create a dictionary in it. FSDNF, file system directory !AF not found *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The file system directory specified as an anchor was not found. *User Action:* Specify a valid CDD/Plus dictionary anchor. FSERR, file system error *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A file system call produced an unexpected error. 162 *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. GVAGG, group value outside of aggregate expression context *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A group-value expression was encountered in a context where no aggregate stream has been defined to give it meaning. *User Action:* Correct the BLR and try again. HADTOABORT, could not commit transaction, had to roll back *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error during a commit, caused an automatic rollback of your operation; secondary status is why original operation failed. *User Action:* Reattempt your operation. HAS_DIMENSION, Oracle Rdb field !AF cannot have dimension *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A dictionary field contains either an ARRAY or OCCURS clause. *User Action:* Use a field that does not have dimension. HAS_POINTER, Oracle Rdb field !AF may not use POINTER datatype *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A dictionary field has the POINTER datatype, which cannot be represented in the Oracle Rdb database. *User Action:* Choose another field. 163 HIST_DDL_DB, modified via RDO DDL *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This text is used for the history entry that accompanies the modification of an Oracle Rdb CDD$DATABASE entity that results from RDO DDL. *User Action:* None. HIST_DDL_SCH, new version created via RDO DDL from database !AF *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This text is used for the history entry that accompanies the new version of a schema that results from RDO DDL. *User Action:* None. HIST_INTEG_FROM, integrate from dictionary to database *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* Used by CDO to display a history list entry. *User Action:* None. HIST_INTEG_TO, integrate to dictionary from database *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* Used by CDO to display a history list entry. *User Action:* None. HIST_INT_FROM, integrated from dictionary to database !AF *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error 164 *Explanation:* This text is used for the history entry that records an INTEGRATE FROM operation. *User Action:* None. HIST_INT_TO, integrated to dictionary from database !AF *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This text is used as the history entry that records an INTEGRATE TO operation. *User Action:* None. HNDNOTZER, handle not zero *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An invalid directory deletion operation was attempted. *User Action:* Call the proper directory deletion routine next time. IGNORE OFF IGNORE ON IDD IDPC, invalid directory path component in name '!AF' *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A path component in a path given to the directory system was too long, or contained illegal characters. *User Action:* Make sure all components of directory names contain only the characters A-Z, 0-9, dollar sign ($), or underscore (_), and that each component is less than 32 characters long. IGNOREINFO, unsupported entity - omitted at mblr offset !UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational 165 *Explanation:* The object has been omitted because of unrecognized MBLR. *User Action:* None. SMS, 8/8/94 ILLATTOPR, illegal attribute operation *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ILLBRANCH, !AF contains branch information *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* You (or the utility you are using) called the CDD/Plus V4.0 Callable Interface with a directory information buffer specifying a version lower than Version 3.0. The entity you tried to read has branch information, which is not supported in that version of the directory_info buffer. *User Action:* Change your code to use Version 3.0 or later directory information buffer format, or contact a support representative for the utility you are using. ILLCH, illegal character in directory name *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A illegal character was used in a path name. *User Action:* Make sure all components of directory names contain only the characters A-Z, 0-9, dollar sign ($), or underscore (_), and that each component is less than 32 characters long. ILLCHAR, Illegal character in input *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error 166 *Explanation:* The command contained an illegal character. *User Action:* Reenter the command without the illegal character. ILLCHRVER, illegal character in version number *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A version number includes a character that is not allowed. Only numbers, an asterisk (*), or a minus sign (-) are allowed in version number specifications. *User Action:* Try again with a legal version number. ILLCONTXT, invalid context for CDD/Plus dependency tracking routine *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The context parameter passed to a CDD/Plus library dependency tracking routine was invalid. *User Action:* Call CDD$LIB_START_DEPENDENCY to set up a valid context. ILLDATTYP, illegal datatype *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ILLDLM, illegal use of delimiters *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The name contains special characters that were not properly placed. *User Action:* Review the syntax for directory names and adhere to it. 167 ILLEGALMETHODPAI, Type !AF, specifies that it uses method !AF, but method specifies that type !AF uses it *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* User attempted to replace system metadata collection. On replacement the system validates that methods defined on types in the CDD$METADATA collection are not the members of has_method relationships to types other than the type defining the method. If this error occurs, this illegal connection has been found. *User Action:* Modify the method object such that it is not the member of has_method and has_default_method relationships to different objects. ILLELL, illegal use of ellipses *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Ellipses were embedded in the directory name illegally. *User Action:* Make sure that all ellipses contain exactly three periods. There must not be an extra period acting as a delimiter between the ellipses and the name on either side. ILLENCSTR, illegally encoded string found in ACLC block *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ILLINTVER, attempted use of illegal version number *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. 168 *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ILLLOCCON, illegal lock conflict *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ILLLOCREQ, illegal lock request *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ILLNAMCHR, a given name contains a character other than A - Z, 0 - 9, $, _ *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A name with illegal characters has been specified. Only the characters A-Z, 0-9, $, and _ are legal in a given name. *User Action:* Reenter the command with a legal name. ILLNAMSIZ, a given name's length is zero or greater than 31 *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A given name has been specified with more than 31 characters. Names are limited to 31 characters. *User Action:* Reenter the command with a shorter name. ILLPSS, illegal use of password delimiters *Facility:* CDDplus 169 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A password was placed at the wrong point in the directory name, or the '(' and ')' characters were improperly matched. *User Action:* Review the syntax for directory names and adhere to it. ILLPURTYP, illegal purge request-flag set *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ILLQUAL, illegal qualifier *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The command contained an illegal qualifier. *User Action:* See the documentation or online help for a list of legal qualifiers, then enter the command again. ILLSEMICO, illegal use of semicolon (;) in path name *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A semicolon is only legal with used after the given name of an object as part of the version number. It cannot be used elsewhere in the path name. *User Action:* Reenter the command without the illegal semicolon. ILLSIBLNG, illegal sibling for this block *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. 170 *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ILLSP, illegal spaces in directory name *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* There were spaces embedded in a directory name. *User Action:* Make sure all components of directory names contain only the characters A-Z, 0-9, dollar sign ($), or underscore (_), and that each component is less than 32 characters long. ILLUIC, this is not a valid UIC *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ILLVALSIZ, illegal value size parameter *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ILLVERLIM, CDD$VERSION_LIMIT cannot be converted to valid number *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The logical CDD$VERSION_LIMIT is not a number. *User Action:* Define CDD$VERSION_LIMIT to be a number, or deassign it. ILLVERNUM, illegally used or specified version number *Facility:* CDD 171 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A relative version number was used with a command that does not allow relative versions. *User Action:* Check the documentation on the command entered for the version number specification allowed by that command. ILLVERSION, illegal version number: !AS *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An illegal version number was specified in a name. The FAO parameter contains the string CDD/Plus is trying to interpret as a version number. *User Action:* The legal syntax for a version number is a semicolon followed by a signed integer. Change the version number passed to CDD/Plus to this format. INCFLDATT, incompatible field attributes *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A field with attributes that cannot be simultaneously specified in an Oracle Rdb database was used in an Oracle Rdb database. For example, Oracle Rdb computed fields may not have a directory name because Oracle Rdb computed fields must be local to a relation, whereas fields with directory names must be global. *User Action:* Redefine the field. INCOMPVER, object has incompatible version number: !UW.!ZW!ZW *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The repository file you are trying to access is incompatible with the version of Oracle CDD/Repository running on your system. *User Action:* Install the latest version of Oracle CDD/Repository on your system. 172 INCPROT, protocol is incomplete: !SL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A protocol being defined was not completed. *User Action:* Make sure that all entity, relationship, and attribute protocols referenced in a DEFINE_PROTOCOL call are defined by the end of the call. INDEXRECREATE, index !AS is being dropped and recreated *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* An index is being deleted and receated to allow a field to be changed. *User Action:* None. INDEX_T, index *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The record you specified was not found in the dictionary. *User Action:* Specify a constraint in the database, or integrate your database to the dictionary to bring dictionary metadata up to date. IGNORE OFF DB_CNST_NOT_FOUND - /fao=1 INSFILNAM, subdictionary filespec is missing device or directory name *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Subdictionary file specifications must include both a device and a directory. System logical names may be used for the specification, but they must translate to a valid device and directory. Either a device, a directory, or both was missing from the subdictionary file specification entered. 173 *User Action:* Reenter the command with a full specification. INTCOMROLL, You must commit or roll back the previous INTEGRATE command *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} INTFAIL, integration failed *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The integration from the database to dictionary (or dictionary to database) failed. *User Action:* See the following messages to find out why. INT_CONT, integrate continuing with next object *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* Integrate is continuing without making update reported in last error. *User Action:* None. INT_CREATE_CONF, Create a repository element with the given pathname? *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* This message appears when the following conditions are TRUE: Oracle Rdb database repository path name that does not exist in the repository. The message is used to ask you whether the path name recorded in the database should be created in the repository. *User Action:* Answer YES (true) if you want INTEGRATE to create the element with the path name. Answer NO (false) if you do not want INTEGRATE to store the directory information. 174 INT_DELETE, object !AS will be deleted -- data may be lost *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* This message appears when the following conditions are TRUE: information in the dictionary that is not described by metadata in the dictionary This message warns you that data will be lost if this object is deleted. *User Action:* Answer YES (true) if INTEGRATE may perform the operation. Answer NO (false) if INTEGRATE may not delete the object. Your response depends on your user to INTEGRATE. If you are using an interactive utility like RDO, you should consult the RDO documentation. If you are using the CDD/Plus call interface, you should refer to the CDD/Plus Call Interface manual. INT_DELETE_CONF, object will be deleted -- data may be lost. Continue? *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* This message appears when the following conditions are TRUE: CDD/Plus dictionary by metadata in the CDD/Plus dictionary The message warns you that data will be lost if this object is deleted. *User Action:* Answer YES (true) if INTEGRATE may perform the operation. Answer NO (false) if INTEGRATE may not delete the object. Your response depends on your interface to INTEGRATE. If you are using an interactive utility like RDO, consult the RDO documentation. If you are using the CDD/Plus call interface, refer to the CDD/Plus Call Interface manual. INT_ERROR, error during integrate caused by !AS *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The named object caused integrate to fail. *User Action:* Check following error messages, fix, and try integrate again. INT_USERABORT, integration aborted by user 175 *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You answered "NO" to the INT_DELETE_CONF message, which caused the RDO INTEGRATE command to abort. *User Action:* Answer "YES" to INT_DELETE_CONF, and this error will not occur. INUSE, element is the member of a relationship; it cannot be deleted *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to delete an entity that is the member of a relationship. This is not legal. *User Action:* Delete the owner of the relationship, or remove the relationship between the two elements, before deleting the member element. INV1STCHR, the first character of given name is not A - Z *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The first character of a name must be a letter. *User Action:* Use a name with a letter in the first character. INVALIDCSET, invalid character set name; found identifier, !SL *Facility:* CDDplus Utilities *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An invalid character set name was specified. *User Action:* Define using a valid character set name. INVALID_CASE_BLR, invalid CASE BLR *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error 176 *Explanation:* Oracle CDD/Repository expects the BLR$K_IF blr tag to follow the BLR$K_CASE blr tag. Otherwise, Oracle CDD/Repository cannot parse the CASE expression. In order for Oracle CDD/Repository to parse the SQL CASE expression you must specify the following format: CASE WHEN value-expr THEN value-expr {ELSE value-expr} END *User Action:* Redefine the CASE expression using the format described above. INVALID_CDD_DATE, date-time datatype of field is not supported by Oracle CDD/Repository *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A repository field contains a date-time datatype that is not valid in an Oracle CDD/Repository field. *User Action:* Redefine the field using a valid Oracle CDD/Repository date-time datatype. INVALID_COL_SEQ, field !AF contains an invalid COLLATING SEQUENCE *Facility:* CDDplus Utilities *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A dictionary field contains a collating sequence that cannot be represented as a text string. *User Action:* Enter a valid collating sequence in the field definition. INVALID_EDIT_STR, field !AF contains an invalid EDIT STRING *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The edit string for this field is not valid for an Oracle Rdb DATATRIEVE edit string. *User Action:* Redefine the field using valid attributes, and include that field in the database. INVALID_INIT_VAL, field !AF contains an invalid INITIAL VALUE 177 *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The field contains an initial value clause that cannot be represented in the Oracle Rdb database. *User Action:* Redefine the field using valid attributes, and include that field in the database. INVALID_LENGTH, field !AF contains an invalid LENGTH *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A dictionary field contains a length that cannot be represented as a word value. This message is usually caused by a change to the field protocol. *User Action:* If you did not modify the field protocol, contact your support representative. INVALID_MISSING, field !AF contains an invalid MISSING VALUE *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A dictionary field contains a missing value that cannot be represented in the Oracle Rdb database. *User Action:* Oracle Rdb allows only literal values. If the field contains an expression, it must be simplified into a literal. INVALID_QRY_HDR, field !AF contains an invalid QUERY HEADER *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A dictionary field contains a query header that cannot be represented as a text string. *User Action:* If you did not modify the field protocol, contact an Oracle support representative. INVALID_QRY_NAM, field !AF contains an invalid QUERY NAME 178 *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A dictionary field contains a query name that cannot be represented as a text string. *User Action:* Enter a valid query name in the field definition. INVALID_RDB_ATT, field !AF contains an invalid Oracle Rdb attribute *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A dictionary field contains an attribute that is not valid in an Oracle Rdb field. This is either a justification or digits attribute. *User Action:* Redefine the field using valid attributes, and include that field in the database. INVALID_RDB_DATE, date-time datatype of field !AF is not supported by Oracle Rdb *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A dictionary field contains a date-time datatype that is not valid in an Oracle Rdb field. *User Action:* Redefine the field using a valid Rdb date-time datatype, and include that field in the database. INVALID_RDB_DIM, record !AF has dimension and cannot be used by Oracle Rdb *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The record that caused this error message has an array or dimension. Oracle Rdb cannot support the record. *User Action:* Use only simple records with Oracle Rdb. INVALID_RDB_DTYP, datatype of field !AF is not supported by Oracle Rdb 179 *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A dictionary field contains an datatype that is not valid in an Oracle Rdb field. *User Action:* Redefine the field using a valid Oracle Rdb datatype, and include that field in the database. INVALID_RDB_REL, record contains invalid attributes for an Oracle Rdb relation *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The record structure is either a computed record or has dimension. Neither of these can be represented in an Oracle Rdb relation. *User Action:* In the case of records with dimension, normalize the data. In the case of computed records, define a view in the Oracle Rdb database. INVALID_RDB_RSE, RSE expression is not valid for Oracle Rdb *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The record selection expression in a CDD/Plus expression buffer could not be mapped onto a valid Oracle Rdb record selection expression. *User Action:* Change the record selection expression so that each relation reference is a valid relation name or relation id. INVALID_SCALE, field !AF contains an invalid SCALE *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A dictionary field contains a scale that cannot be represented as a word value. *User Action:* If you did not modify the field protocol, contact an Oracle support representative. 180 INVALID_SEG_LEN, field !AF contains an invalid SEGMENT LENGTH *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A dictionary field contains a segment length that cannot represented as a word value. *User Action:* If you did not modify the field protocol, contact an Oracle support representative. INVALID_SEG_SUBT, field subtype is not understood by Oracle Rdb *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The field specified for use as an Oracle Rdb field has a subtype that Oracle Rdb does not understand. *User Action:* Specify fields with subtypes that Oracle Rdb understands. INVALID_SEG_TYPE, field contains an invalid SEGMENT SUBTYPE *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A dictionary field contains a segment subtype that cannot be represented as a word value. *User Action:* If you did not modify the field protocol, contact an Oracle support representative. INVARGOPT, invalid argument validation option *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. INVATTNAM, invalid attribute name *Facility:* CDD 181 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. INVBLKTYP, invalid block type *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. INVBUF, invalid metadata buffer *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An internal error occurred. *User Action:* Contact your Oracle support representative. INVBUFSIZ, invalid buffer size *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. INVCELNUM, invalid cell number *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. INVCHANUM, invalid channel number !UL *Facility:* CDD 182 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. INVCLOPAR, path name contains an invalid close parenthesis *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The path name entered contains an invalid close parenthesis. Parenthesis are legal in pathnames only when they are used to enclose passwords. *User Action:* Reenter the command with a good pathname. INVCONPTR, invalid context pointer *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. INVCPYPR, invalid copy pair *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The source and target patterns you specified are not legal. You must reenter the COPY command with valid wild cards and valid source and target patterns. *User Action:* Check documentation of the COPY command for the valid input and output wild card combinations. INVCSETATT, invalid character set name; found identifier, !SL *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An invalid character set name was specified. 183 *User Action:* Define using a valid character set name. INVCSETNAM, character set name, !AS is invalid *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An invalid character set name was specified. *User Action:* Define using a valid character set name. INVCVT, invalid conversion, from: !UB to: !UB *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The dictionary was not able to convert a data value to the necessary type. You may have specified an attribute value using a datatype that could not be converted to the datatype of the attribute; or the problem could have been caused by incompatible changes to protocols. *User Action:* If the error was returned when defining elements, use attribute values compatible with the declared datatype of the attributes. If the error was returned when reading elements, the element protocol has been changed so that old attribute values can no longer be read. They can be made available again by changing them back. INVDELLOC, invalid DELETE lock encountered during release operation *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. INVDICVS, invalid dictionary version; expected !UL.!UL, found !UL.!UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The format of this repository is not compatible with the version of Oracle CDD/Repository that you are running. 184 *User Action:* Either upgrade the repository, recreate it with the current version, or use a compatible version of Oracle CDD/Repository to perform the command that is failing. INVDTYP, invalid datatype for RMS index key !UB *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The field that was chosen for the RMS index has a datatype that is not supported by RMS. *User Action:* Redefine your RMS_DATABASE. INVDTYPE, invalid datatype conversion: from !UB to !UB *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You cannot convert from the first datatype to the second. *User Action:* Use attribute values compatible with the declared datatype of the attributes. If this error is returned to you by your own program, contact an Oracle support representative. INVEDIT_STRING, invalid edit string *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An invalid edit string was passed to the repository. *User Action:* Check your input buffer. If you were using CDO, contact your Oracle support representative. INVEXP, invalid expression *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A simple constant was used as a VARIANT expression. This is not allowed. 185 *User Action:* Change the expression to one that is not a simple constant. INVHISCIB, invalid history list cluster pointer *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. INVHYPHEN, path name contains an invalid hyphen *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A hyphen in a path name indicates a directory one level up. If you use one or more hyphens in a path name, they must be the first elements in the name, and they must precede all specified given names. A path name was specified with a hyphen following a given name. *User Action:* Reenter the command with a valid path name. INVLCKTYP, invalid lock type *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. INVLOCTYP, invalid lock found during recovery *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. INVLSTCHR, the last character of given name is not A - Z or 0 - 9 186 *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The last character of a given name must be A-Z or 0-9. The name entered does not meet this requirement. *User Action:* Reenter the command with a legal given name. INVMAJOR, invalid major version number. Expected: !UL Found: !UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The major version number in a CDD/Plus buffer did not match that expected by CDD/Plus. The first signal parameter is the major version number expected by CDD/Plus; the second is the major version number that you supplied. *User Action:* Specify buffers using version numbers expected by the release of CDD/Plus you are using. INVMINOR, invalid minor version number. Expected: !UL Found: !UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The minor version number in a CDD/Plus buffer was greater than that expected by CDD/Plus. The first signal parameter is the largest minor version number acceptable to CDD/Plus; the second is the minor version number that you supplied. *User Action:* Specify buffers using version numbers expected by the release of CDD/Plus you are using. INVNAME, name !AS is invalid *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The specified name is a logical name; the logical name translates to an invalid CDD/Repository name. *User Action:* Specify the name with a leading underscore, delete the logical name, or specify a different name. 187 INVNODNAM, you cannot specify both a location code and a full pathname *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An object was specified both by location code and by path name on the same call. *User Action:* INVNUM, value !SL is invalid, must be greater than zero *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The command contains an illegal number. *User Action:* Reenter the command without the illegal number, or specify a number greater than zero. INVOPNPAR, path name contains an invalid open parenthesis *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A path name was entered containing an open parenthesis in an illegal position. Parentheses are valid in path names only when they enclose a password associated with a particular directory, subdictionary, or object. Parentheses cannot be nested, and each open parentheses must be matched by a corresponding close parenthesis. *User Action:* Reenter the command with a good path name. INVPARAM, invalid parameter *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. INVPARM, invalid parameter supplied 188 *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An invalid parameter (or combination or of parameters) was supplied to the call. *User Action:* Check that you passed correct values for all parameters, and that you have not included an invalid combination of optional parameters. INVPARNCB, invalid parent NCB pointer *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. INVPATH, no path can be found to !AD *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The specified directory path to the named object does not exist. *User Action:* Check the directory path and enter the command again. INVPERIOD, path name contains an invalid period *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given path anem contains a period where one is not allowed. Given names must be separated by single periods. *User Action:* Reenter the command without consecutive periods. INVPOOTYP, invalid pool type *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error 189 *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. INVPOS, position !SW is invalid, must be greater than zero *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The command contains an illegal number. *User Action:* Reenter the command without the illegal number, or specify a number greater than zero. IGNORE ON INVPROT, protocol type !SL is invalid, must be less than zero *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A positive protocal type was specified. User-defined protocol types must be less than zero; positive protocol types are reserved to DIGITAL. *User Action:* Specify a negative protocol type, or do not specify the type and let CDO supply a default type, using the next available value. IGNORE OFF INVREC, DMU record is not translatable to CDO format *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The DMU record is not translatable to CDO format. *User Action:* Delete the DMU definition and use CDO to enter the equivalent definition directly into a CDO dictionary. INVRLSOPT, invalid release locks options *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. 190 *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. INVRMU, invalid logical name specification for RMU *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to redefine RMU. *User Action:* RMU can only be redefined as a system logical. INVSEGFLD, invalid field name specified in RMS_DATABASE key segment *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An invalid field name or path was specified for a key segment in the RMS_DATABASE. *User Action:* Check field names and path names in each RMS_DATABASE key segment to make sure they are valid for the record they are contained within. INVSESCSET, invalid session character_set !AF *Facility:* CDDplus Utilities *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Specified character-set is invalid for the session character-set *User Action:* Specify valid session character-set INVTIMSCALE, invalid time scale *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The scale specified for CURRENT_TIME or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is not in the range of 0 to 2. *User Action:* Change the definition so that the scale is within the legal range of values. INVVBUF, invalid version buffer 191 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An internal error occurred. *User Action:* Contact your Oracle support representative. INVVER, buffer version not known *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* An internal error occurred. *User Action:* Contact your Oracle support representative. INVVERSKIP, buffer version not known, skipped !UL bytes parsing buffer *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* An internal error occurred. *User Action:* Contact your Oracle support representative. INV_BOOL_EXP, boolean expression not valid for Oracle Rdb *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The boolean expression for an entity contained an operator that does not have an Oracle Rdb equivalent. *User Action:* Rewrite the boolean expression using only valid Oracle Rdb operators. INV_CTX_NAME, unknown relation context for field in expression *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A field reference contained a context name for a relation that was not defined within the scope of this field's usage. For example, the expression referenced a field from another record. 192 *User Action:* Exclude this field from this record, or create a view using both relations. INV_EXP_VTB, VIA TABLE not supported in Oracle Rdb *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An expression contained a VIA TABLE expression which cannot be represented in Oracle Rdb. *User Action:* Do not include DATATRIEVE domain definitions in Oracle Rdb databases. INV_FLD_EXP, field contains more than one field name *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You made a field reference that contained more than one field segment; for example, "FOO IN BAR", which is not legal in Oracle Rdb. This type of reference can only occur in records with nested structures, which are invalid in Oracle Rdb. *User Action:* Remove the structure declarations, and then include the record in Oracle Rdb. INV_FUN_EXP, function expressions are invalid for Oracle Rdb *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Oracle Rdb cannot handle function expressions. *User Action:* Use DATATRIEVE. INV_LOG_EXP, logical expression contained an operator not valid in Oracle Rdb *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The logical expression operator MISSING is not supported by Oracle Rdb. 193 *User Action:* Do not use MISSING as a logical expression operator. INV_MATH_EXP, arithmetic expression contained an operator not valid in Oracle Rdb *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The arithmetic expression contained either a ASL, ASR or ONES COMPLIMENT operator, none of which are valid Oracle Rdb operators. *User Action:* Do not use any of these operators in a definition that will be included in an Oracle Rdb database. INV_RDB_REL_EXP, relational expression contained an operator not valid in Oracle Rdb *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The CDD$K_EXP_INT (in table) relational operator is invalid in Oracle Rdb. *User Action:* Do not use any of these operators in a definition that will be included in an Oracle Rdb database. INV_STAT_EXP, statistical expression contained an operator not valid in Oracle Rdb *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The expression contained a CDD$K_EXP_SDV, CDD$K_EXP_RCT or CDD$K_EXP_RTT operator, or it did not contain a record selection expression for operators where Oracle Rdb requires one. *User Action:* Do not use any of these operators in a definition that will be included in an Oracle Rdb database. INV_STR_OP, string expression contained an operator not valid in Oracle Rdb *Facility:* DSRI 194 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* CDD$K_EXP_AS2, CDD$K_EXP_ASK, CDD$K_EXP_CO2, CDD$K_EXP_CO3, and CDD$K_EXP_FORMAT are not supported by Oracle Rdb. *User Action:* Do not use any of these operators in a definition that will be included in an Oracle Rdb database. INV_VAL_EXP, value expression contained an operator not valid in Oracle Rdb *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The expression contained an operator that does not have an Oracle Rdb equivalent. *User Action:* Use only operators that have Oracle Rdb equivalents in definitions that will be included in an Oracle Rdb database. ISCONTROLLED, object !AF is under version control, copy is not supported *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to perform a copy operation on an object under version control. A simple copy cannot be used to move objects that are under version control from place to place. *User Action:* An extract and redefine or define must be done to move objects from one place to another. Copying directories containing objects that are under version control is an unsupported feature. IS_COMPUTED, Oracle Rdb field !AF cannot be COMPUTED BY *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A dictionary field includes a COMPUTED BY clause. These cannot be directly stored into an Oracle Rdb database. *User Action:* Use another field. 195 JNLBADSIZE, journaled size of object does not match real size!/!_protocol: !UL V!UL.!UL, real size: !UL, journalled size: !UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Oracle CDD/Plus is trying to recover from a corrupt journal file. An object definition has been journaled. The size of that definition does not match the size of objects of that type in this dictionary. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. JNLCORRUPT, journal file !AF is corrupt *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The named journal file is corrupt. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. List the actions that produced this journal file and provide the journal file itself if possible. Delete the journal file and use VERIFY/FIX to return the dictionary to a known state. JNLNOTOTHER, recovery of single-dictionary object *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This is an internal Oracle CDD/Plus function box bug. The only objects that need to be journaled are the ones split across databases. In this case, Oracle CDD/Plus tried to journal an object that is not split. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. KWSYNEND, syntax error in command line *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An invalid keyword was specified, a required keyword was not specified, or a keyword was misspelled. 196 *User Action:* Reenter the command with the appropriate keyword. KWSYNTAX, syntax error in command line at or near !AD *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An invalid keyword was specified, a required keyword was not specified, or a keyword was misspelled. *User Action:* Enter the command with the appropriate keyword. LABDUPDEF, duplicate definition of label: !UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given label was defined more than once in a metadata buffer. *User Action:* Each label value may be defined only once per buffer. LABUNRES, unresolved label: !UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given label was used but not defined in a metadata buffer. *User Action:* Define the label to refer to one of the elements in the buffer. LASTVERSION, this is the most recent version *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* An attempt was made to get the next more recent version of an entity, but there is none. *User Action:* None. LCCNOTAVL, location code not available 197 *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. LCCNOTFND, location code not in hash table *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. LCKNOTGRA, lock not granted *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Oracle CDD/Repository tried unsuccessfully to acquire a lock from OpenVMS. An accompanying message explains the problem. *User Action:* If the second message is a system message, refer to the OpenVMS documentation. If the second message is an Oracle CDD/Repository message, refer to the explanation of that message. Otherwise, contact an Oracle support representative. LCKNOTREL, lock not released *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. LENINV, length size is invalid for this character set *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error 198 *Explanation:* Octet-base size definition is invalid for current character-set *User Action:* Define valid size of length LISALRACT, temporary lock list was not empty *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. LISTOOBIG, list size too big *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. LNKNOTAPP, link not applicable. Link type: !SL Object type: !SL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A need was discovered for a dictionary that is not part of the current transaction. of link. The link and object types are in the signal parameters. This error indicates a bug in the dictionary software. *User Action:* Close all fetch streams and try the operation again. IGNORE OFF NEEDDIC /FAO_COUNT=2 LOCK_CONFLICT, operation failed because resource was locked *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You are attempting to access a locked dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object that another user has locked. 199 User Action Try again. If you still get a LOCK_CONFLICT error, try again later. *User Action:* {TBS} LOCNOTREL, lock not released *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. LOCTOOLOW, lock too low to fetch cluster *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. MAPRECREATE, storage map !AF is being dropped and will be recreated *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* A storage map that uses an index is being changed to not use that index while the index is being recreated. The storage map will then be changed back to using the index. *User Action:* None. MBLRSYNERR, syntax error in MBLR buffer *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A syntax error was discovered in a MBLR buffer passed to CDD/Plus's DSRI call interface. This error is used only as a trap. It is not actually displayed. *User Action:* None 200 MBLRSYNINFO, unsupported entity - marked Incomplete at mblr offset !UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The object has been marked Incomplete. *User Action:* None. SMS, 6/3/94 MEMINSRC, element !AF is owned by elements in the source partition *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given element is owned by elements in the source partition, so it cannot be demoted. *User Action:* Demote the owning elements first. MEMOACC, Memo entered *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} MESS, entity has messages *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* There are messages on the entity. *User Action:* Use CDD$CHECK_MESSAGES to find out what the messages are. Use CDD$CLEAR_MESSAGES to clear the messages. MESSAGES, entity has notices *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The entity just displayed has notices associated with it. 201 *User Action:* Use the SHOW NOTICES command to display the notices. Use the CLEAR NOTICES command to clear the notices. IGNORE ON MISMATCH, entity is of protocol type !AS, not !AS *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* There was a protocol mismatch. The entity matched a protocol type that is not the type you specified. *User Action:* Reenter the command with the appropriate protocol type. MISMATCH_DICT, verifying protocol information against !AS but current default is !AS *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The command requires information about a specific protocol. The dictionary used to locate the needed information and the current default dictionary are different. This may cause protocol types to be reported as invalid or nonexistant. *User Action:* Reinvoke CDO, using the needed dictionary as the default. MORE_TO_COME, there is more of the definition to come *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* You requested the definition of an object, but the buffer provided is too small; as much of the definition as would fit has been returned, but another call with the same entity handle should be made to return the rest. *User Action:* Call the same routine again with a new buffer. If the second call returns normally, the two buffers should be concatenated before being interpreted. If the second call returns MORE_TO_COME again, repeat the process. Do not call any other CDD/Plus routine while attempting to retrieve the entire buffer. 202 MOVEPRIV_ABORT, MOVE REPOSITORY requires SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* MOVE REPOSITORY command has been issued without SYSPRV or BYPASS. *User Action:* Set privileges to SYSPRV or BYPASS and reissue the MOVE REPOSITORY command. If you are not authorized to set either of these privileges, check with your system manager about obtaining authorization or about arranging for the MOVE REPOSITORY command to be run from an account with these privileges MULSPECATR, attribute is specified redundantly *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attribute was specified more than once. *User Action:* Reenter the definition, specifying each attribute only one time. MULTIVALUE, multivalued expression used in single value context *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An value expression of the form was used where only a single value is legal, and the within expression contained more than one element. *User Action:* Make sure the within expression specifies a unique element when you use value expressions of this form. MUL_SEG_TXT, all segments must be text datatype *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* In a multi-segment RMS index, all segments must have a datatype of TEXT. 203 *User Action:* Redefine the index to either use one non-text key or to use all text keys. MUSTABORT, previous errors require that session abort *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A user of the CDD/Plus call interface specified that one read/write transaction was to span the entire session. An error occurred during that session, requiring that it be aborted. Instead of aborting, another call to CDD/Plus was made. *User Action:* Abort sessions with long transactions immediately after an error. MUSTREPALONE, CDD$METADATA must not be replaced using wildcards *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* CDD$METADATA must not be replaced using wildcards. *User Action:* CDD$METADATA must be replaced by itself, without other objects. MUTLIMETHODSPERM, Mutiple method implementations of message !AF have been specified on type !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* User attempted to replace system metadata collection. On replacement the system validates that there is only one method defined per message for each of the types in the CDD$METADATA collection. If this error occurs, this illegal condition has been found. *User Action:* Modify the type definition such that it only contains one method implementation of each message. NAD_DICT_PATH, /CDD$protocolS/CDD$SELF *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success 204 *Explanation:* Pathname of dictionary object. Used by protection code. *User Action:* None NAMCONFLICT, entity version name conflicts with previous version's name *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Two versions of the same entity have different names. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. This situation should not occur. NEEDAST, AST's are disabled *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The dictionary detected that user mode AST's were disabled. *User Action:* Enable user mode AST's when you access the dictionary. NEEDCONTROL, element !AF is not controlled *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to perform an operation on an element that requires it be controlled, such as PROMOTE or DEMOTE. *User Action:* Make the element controlled, or abandon the operation. NEEDDIRNAME, need directory name on define element *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* CDD$DEFINE_ELEMENT was called with a metadata buffer version 1.1 or below and no directory name. 205 *User Action:* Always specify a directory name for the top level element being defined when metadata buffer 1.0 or 1.1 is used. NEEDSEG, at least one segment must be defined for each key *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A valid RMS key definition did not specify at least one segment. *User Action:* Specify a key segment. NEGALEN, length must be positive value *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Negative value was specified for length attribute of field *User Action:* Define positove value for length attribute NEWTXN, a new transaction has been started, fetch cannot continue *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A new transaction was started during a fetch stream; that fetch stream is no longer valid. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NIU, name in use in the directory - anchor !AF, path !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A directory entry with the same name as provided exists, and has a different type than the type you specified. *User Action:* Make sure that new versions of elements have the same types as the previous version. NMD, no more directories 206 *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A search for directories is completed. There are no more directories. *User Action:* None. NMH, no more hierarchies *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A search-listed anchor has found no more hierarchies *User Action:* None. NNF, name not found *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The name you asked the directory system to look up does not exist in the directory system. *User Action:* None. NOACE, specified ACE does not exist *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The specified access control entry (ACE) does not match any entries in the entity's access control list (ACL). *User Action:* Specify an ACE that exists. NOACL, ACL on entity !AS has not been set *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An access control list (ACL) was not defined on the specified entity. 207 *User Action:* Do not try to delete an ACL that does not exist. NOACLATT, protocol type !AS does not allow ACLs *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Am access control list (ACL) attribute cannot be placed on entities of the specified type. *User Action:* Modify the protocol type to support the ACL attribute, or Do not attempt to change ACLs on entities of the specified protocol type. NOAREA, area !UL is not defined *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The specified area has not been defined in a key definition. *User Action:* Define your RMS_DATABASE with this area or refer to a defined area. NOATTACH, unable to attach to dictionary database *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* CDD/Plus was unable to attach one of the databases it needed. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the cause of the problem. NOAUDIT, audit information is not allowed by protocol definition *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This element does not have audit information defined as part of its protocol. *User Action:* Use the CHANGE protocol command to add the CDD$HISTORY_LIST relationship to this element. 208 NOBATCH, editor cannot be used in batch mode *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The CDO editor was invoked while output was directed to an unknown or hardcopy device. *User Action:* Invoke the CDO editor from a terminal only. NOCDD, there is no CDD/Plus definition for this entity *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This message appears when the following conditions are TRUE: information in the dictionary database that is not described by metadata in the dictionary This message warns you that data will be lost if this object is deleted. *User Action:* Answer YES (true) if INTEGRATE may perform the operation. Answer NO (false) if INTEGRATE may not delete the object. Your response depends on your interface to INTEGRATE. If you are using an interactive utility like RDO, consult the RDO documentation. If you are using the CDD/Plus call interface, you should refer to the CDD/Plus Call Interface manual. NOCDDCTX, context CDD$CONTEXT was not found and will not be used as the default context *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The user specified a context in the CDD$CONTEXT logical that does not exist. *User Action:* None. IGNORE ON NOCDDCTXU, context CDD_CONTEXT was not found and will not be used as the default context *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The user specified a context in the CDD_CONTEXT logical (Ultrix only) that doesn't exist. 209 *User Action:* None. IGNORE OFF NOCDDFLD, the field !AF is not defined in the dictionary *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A field defined in a database is not defined in the dictionary metadata for that database. If the database is changed to match the dictionary, data associated with this field will be lost. See the documentation of the NOCDD error message for more details. *User Action:* Answer YES if the field and data associated with it should be deleted from the database. NOCDDREL, the relation !AF is not defined in the dictionary *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A relation defined in a database is not defined in the dictionary metadata for that database. If the database is changed to match the dictionary, data associated with this relation will be lost. See the documentation of the NOCDD error message for more details. *User Action:* Answer YES if the relation and data associated with it should be deleted from the database. NOCDOSYNTAX, there is no CDO syntax to support a portion of this definition *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You were displaying an entity through the EXTRACT command and there is no CDO syntax to support a piece of the definition. *User Action:* None, this entity cannot be extracted. NOCOMPAT, you attempted a CDO dictionary operation on a DMU dictionary node !AF *Facility:* CDDplus Translator 210 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to perform a CDO dictionary operation on an entity that is stored in the DMU dictionary. *User Action:* Use DMU to operate on DMU entities. NOCONEXP, no constraint expression *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* There is no BLR expression associated with a constraint. *User Action:* Define your constraints with RDO. NOCONTEXT, no context set; use the SET CONTEXT command *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A command was issued that requires a controlled environment, but no context is set. *User Action:* Issue the SET CONTEXT command, then issue the command that generated the error message. NOCONTROL, no privilege to control !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to read or change the protection on an element for which you do not have CONTROL privilege. *User Action:* Have the owner of the element set its protection so that you have the desired access privileges. NOCONV, !AS already in CDO; no need for conversion *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* This message appears after converting an entity. 211 *User Action:* None. NOCRECOMPAT, you do not have the priv to create a compatibility directory in CDD *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} NOCTXSET, context cannot be set *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The specified entity was not updated. *User Action:* None. NOCVT, convert not attempted, repository already attached *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* Requested conversion was not performed because the repository has already been accessed. *User Action:* Attempt conversion as the first operation on the repository. NODALREXI, directory or object already exists *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to create two repositories with the same name, or two entities with the same name and version number, within the same dictionary directory or subdictionary. *User Action:* Specify unique names for each directory, and unique version numbers for versions of each entity. NODDTM, DEC DTM not started on your node or A DTM journal file does not exist 212 *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* DEC Distributed Transaction Manager is not started on your node. *User Action:* Start DEC DTM or create a DTM log file. NODEFINE, no privilege to define new version !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You do not have sufficient privilege to define a new version of this element. *User Action:* Have the owner of the element set its protection so that you can define a new version. NODELBKPTR, the backpointer !AS is invalid and could not be removed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The given backpointer is invalid but could not be removed. *User Action:* See following error for details. Contact an Oracle support representative. NODELETE, no privilege to delete !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to delete an element you do not have the privilege to delete. *User Action:* Have the owner of the element set its protection so that you can delete it. NODELROOT1, refusing to delete root directory in !AF *Facility:* CDDplus 213 *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} NODELROOT2, deletion refused to prevent dictionary corruption *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* Two dictionary databases refer to each other, and one of them is being deleted. The other is not available at this time; it is on a remote node that is down, or on a device that is not mounted. The deletion of the dictionary will succeed, but the dictionary that is not available will still refer to it. *User Action:* When the dictionary becomes available, VERIFY/FIX/LOCATION will remove the reference. NODHASCHI, directory not deleted because it has descendants *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to delete directories that contain data definitions or other directories. *User Action:* Delete the contents of the directory first, then delete the directory. NODICNODE, no dictionary node in remote dictionary !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* CDD/Plus tried to access a remote dictionary that has no node information in its self reference. This may happen if a dictionary is created on a machine that is not attached to a network, and the machine and dictionary are subsequently attached to a network. *User Action:* Use VERIFY/FIX/LOCATION on the offending dictionary. NODICT, CDD$DICTIONARY not defined as a system executive mode logical 214 *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The logical CDD$DICTIONARY is not defined in the system logical name table, so Oracle CDD/Repository could not find the dictionary file. *User Action:* Have your system manager run the startup procedure, CDDSTRTUP.COM. NODICTUPLE, no dictionary entry in database *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The database has not been set up as a dictionary. *User Action:* Specify a valid CDO dictionary anchor. NODIRSESS, no directory session started *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A directory operation requiring a directory session was attempted without a session being started *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NODMUINFO, !AS in DMU; no information on DMU node available *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* You tried to do pieces tracking on a DMU object, such as issuing a SHOW UNUSED command. *User Action:* None. informational NODNOTFND, directory or object not found *Facility:* CDD 215 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The requested directory or entity was not found, either because it does not exist or because the current default directory is not properly set. *User Action:* Check spelling of the name and the current default; then try again. NODNOTLOC, directory or object not locked as required *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Oracle CDD/Repository could not put the necessary type of lock on a node. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOERASE, no privilege to erase !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to delete an element you do not have erase privilege for. *User Action:* Have the owner of the element set its protection so that you can erase it. NOEXP, variant cannot have expressions *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The user has not set the location for CDD/Repository to place the directory system information. *User Action:* Issue the SET ANCHOR command to define the CDD/Repository anchor. IGNORE OFF This message has been removed NOANCHOR NOEXTERNAL, COBOL EXTERNAL VALUES cannot be translated to CDO format 216 *Facility:* CDDplus Utilities *Severity:* error *Explanation:* COBOL EXTERNAL VALUES are not supported in CDO format *User Action:* Either use the DMU definition or remove the COBOL EXTERNAL VALUES clause prior to converting the DMU definition to CDO format. NOFIXBKPTR, the backpointer !AS could not be used to generate a name *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The given backpointer could not be used to generate a name. *User Action:* See following error for details. Contact an Oracle support representative. NOFIXCLN, !AS has an invalid clone and could not be fixed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The object in the current repository has a clone that is not accessible. Attempts to fix this have failed. *User Action:* See following message for details and contact an Oracle support representative. NOFIXDICREF, cannot fix invalid external reference to !AS!AS *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The dictionary has a reference to a dictionary which cannot be accessed. *User Action:* The reference cannot be fixed. See secondary message for details and contact an Oracle support representative. NOFIXENT, !AS could not be removed 217 *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* An object was invalid but could not be removed. *User Action:* See following error for details. Contact an Oracle support representative. NOFIXEXTREF, external reference to !AF in !AF!AF is bad and could not be fixed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The pointer from the second repository to the first is wrong. The first repository may have been moved or may have had the name of its containing directory or disk changed. VERIFY attempted to correct this problem but could not. *User Action:* See following message for details. Contact an Oracle support representative. NOFIXFL, entity !AS has an invalid first last version links and could not be fixed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The given entity has an invalid version link. *User Action:* VERIFY/FIX failed to fix this corruption. See following message and contact an Oracle support representative. NOFIXLOC, cannot fix self-reference of dictionary !AS *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The repository's own pointer indicating its anchor directory cannot be fixed to point to its current location. *User Action:* See following error message for details. Contact an Oracle support representative. NOFIXNAME, the name !AF is not a dictionary element and could not be fixed 218 *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The given name does not refer to a valid, existing repository element, but it could not be removed from the directory. *User Action:* See following messages. Contact an Oracle support representative. NOFIXORF, !AS is an orphan and could not be fixed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The given object has no owner or a directory name. Attempts to fix this have failed. *User Action:* See following error for details. Contact an Oracle support representative. NOFIXPART, entity !AS lives in an invalid partition and could not be fixed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The given entity is in a non-existent partition. *User Action:* VERIFY/FIX failed to fix this corruption. See following message and contact an Oracle support representative. NOFIXPRIORVER, entity !AS has an invalid prior version and could not be fixed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The given entity has no prior version. *User Action:* VERIFY/FIX failed to fix this corruption. See following message, and contact an Oracle support representative. NOFIXREL, !AS relationship could not be removed 219 *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* A relationship was invalid but it could not be removed. *User Action:* See following error for details. Contact an Oracle support representative. NOFIXRTVERS, entity !AS has an invalid root version link and could not be fixed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The given entity has an invalid version link. *User Action:* VERIFY/FIX failed to fix this corruption. See following message and contact an Oracle support representative. NOFREEPAG, dictionary file is full *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You have reached the maximum size of repository files. *User Action:* Delete obsolete directories and objects, then use subdictionaries to make more repository space available. NOHISTORY, no history record associated with session *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A method attempted to perform a journaled file operation, and keepHist was set to false. *User Action:* keepHist must be set to true for any method that performs journaled file operations. NOJNLCRE, cannot create journal file in anchor !AF *Facility:* CDDplus 220 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* CDD/Plus was unable to create the journal file in the given anchor. *User Action:* Examine the following error messages to determine the reason. NOLCKTBL, Oracle CDD/Repository is unable to use the OpenVMS lock manager *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Oracle CDD/Repository tried unsuccessfully to use the OpenVMS lock manager. An accompanying message explains the problem. *User Action:* If the second message is a system message, refer to the OpenVMS documentation. If the second message is an Oracle CDD/Repository message, refer to the explanation of that message. Otherwise, contact an Oracle support representative. NOLINK, objects are not linked *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The dictionary system expected to find two objects linked (expected to find a member object linked to a relationship, for instance), but did not. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. Use the VERIFY command on the dictionary. IGNORE ON NOLOGIN, tried to purge non-existent login node *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. 221 NOMASTER, no master dictionary *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Obsolete. IGNORE OFF *User Action:* {TBS} NOMESS, no messages *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* There are no messages on the entity. *User Action:* None. NOMESSAGES, !AS has no notices *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The entity does not have any notices. That is, it hasn't changed, and none of its dependents have changed. *User Action:* None. NOMESSAGESPECIFI, On metadata replacement, method !AF, defined on, type !AF, must implement a message *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* User attempted to replace system metadata collection. On replacement the system validates that all methods defined on types in the CDD$METADATA collection implement messages. A method was found which did not implement any message. *User Action:* Modify the method object to indicate which message it implements. NOMETHODTYPE, Type !AF, specifies that it uses method !AF as a default method, but the method does not specify it is associated 222 with the type *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* User attempted to replace system metadata collection. On replacement the system validates that methods defined as default methods for a type (via the methods property or has_def_method relationship) indicate that they are associated with the type (via the methodtype property or has_method relationship). *User Action:* Modify the method object such that it has a has_method relationship to the appropriate type. NOMOD, entity or relationship is not being defined or modified *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to set an attribute, modify an attribute or link another object to an object which is not being defined or modified. This is an internal bug. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOMODIFY, no privilege to modify !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to modify an element you do not have the privilege to modify. *User Action:* Have the owner of the element set its protection so that you can modify it. NOMOREIDS, no more reserved ids available for this dictionary *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The repository can no longer support additional dictionary provided types. Insufficient reserved IDs. 223 *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. Users will never see this error. NOMOREUNQ, dictionary is full, no more unique IDs available *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Explanation The repository's supply of unique element IDs has been exhausted. No more objects can be created in the current repository. User Action Start using a new physical repository. *User Action:* {TBS} NONAME_ONELEMENT, ** NO NAME AVAILABLE FOR THIS ELEMENT ** *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* Used when an element has no name in SHOW REPOSITORIES/FULL Display only *User Action:* N/A NONMMATCH, relation name must match pathname *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You specified unmatched names. *User Action:* Reenter the command using the same name for the relation being defined as in the path name. NOOPENFET, fetch streams cannot be open during this operation *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A scan or fetch stream was open in the current session during the current operation. *User Action:* End fetch streams or scans before performing the operation. 224 NOOWNER, sub-object has no owner *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to read a sub-object that has no owner. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOPAGES, requested to write cluster with no writable pages *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOPRIMARY, no primary database *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The dictionary has not yet determined a primary database for this transaction. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. This should never happen. NOPRIMARYKEY, no matching primary key constraint for !AF foreign key constraint *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* There is no matching primary key constraint. *User Action:* Using CDO or SQL, create a primary key constraint to match the foreign key constraint. NOPRIV, you do not have sufficient privilege to perform this operation *Facility:* CDD 225 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You do not have the privilege(s) required for the operation you want to perform. *User Action:* Refer to the documentation for the required privileges, and check with your system manager if you need privileges that you do not currently have. NOPROMOD, cannot modify CDD/Plus object of protocol type !SL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You attempted to modify a CDD/Plus protocol using DEFINE_ELEMENT or CHANGE_ELEMENT. This is illegal. *User Action:* Call the proper routine to manipulate the given protocol; DEFINE_PROTOCOL to change protocols, FORCE or CLEAR_MESSAGES to operate on messages, or DEFINE_ENTRY for changing names. NOPRONAM, protocol !AD does not exist in dictionary !AD *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The specified protocol name does not exist. *User Action:* Check the spelling of the protocol name or execute the SHOW PROTOCOL command for a list of valid protocols. NOPRONAME, protocol name must be supplied *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* When defining entity, attribute, or relationship types, the CDD$PROCESSING_NAME attribute must be supplied. *User Action:* Always specify the CDD$PROCESSING_NAME attribute when defining protocols. IGNORE ON NOREMOTE Obsolete. IGNORE OFF 226 NOPROTAG, protocol !SL does not exist in dictionary !AD *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The specified tag does not exist. *User Action:* Check the value of the tag or execute the SHOW PROTOCOL command for a list of valid protocols. IGNORE ON NOPROTOCOL, requested protocol not found *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The protocol you requested was not found. Since that protocol must be a CDD$DATA_ELEMENT or CDD$DATA_AGGREGATE, this is a severe error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOPROTPRV, error using protocol definition, no privilege for attempted operation *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You were denied access to an element because the element's protocol protects elements of that type from that access by your UIC or UIC class. *User Action:* Get the protection on the element type changed to allow the access desired. NOREAD, no privilege to read !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to read an element you do not have the privilege to read. *User Action:* Have the owner of the element set its protection so that you can read it. 227 NOREADCONTROL, no privilege to read or control !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to read an element for which you have neither SHOW nor CONTROL privilege. *User Action:* Have the owner of the element set its protection so that you have the desired access privileges. NOREBUILDDIR, the backpointer !AS could not be used to rebuild a directory *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The given backpointer could not be used to recreate the directory it represents. *User Action:* See following messages. Contact an Oracle support representative. NORECOVER, dictionary does not need recovery *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* VERIFY determined that the given dictionary did not need to be recovered. *User Action:* None. NORECOVERY, decision whether to recover has not been made *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* CDD/Plus is trying to recover from a corrupt journal file. Certain operations are never the first to be journaled. They depend on the previous operations to determine whether to recover or not. In this case, such an operation was the first encountered in the journal file. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. 228 NORELFORCONST, no table referred to by constraint !AF *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A constraint has been found for which there is no table definition. *User Action:* Check the integrity of your database definition. If necessary, contact an Oracle support representative. NORELFORGLOCONST, no table constraint for global constraint !AF *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The Oracle CDD/Repository internal symbol table for constraints is incorrect. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOREMOTE, operation not supported to a remote node *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to perform an operation on a remote node which is not supported through Oracle CDD/Repository. *User Action:* Perform the operation locally. NORENAME, cannot rename protocols *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The names of CDD/Plus protocols may not be changed. *User Action:* Define a new protocol with a unique name. NOREPOSITORIES, There are no repositories referenced *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success 229 *Explanation:* Used when the user does a SHOW REPOSITORIES Display only *User Action:* N/A NORESERVATIONS, There are no elements reserved *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* Used when the user does a SHOW RESERVATIONS Display only *User Action:* N/A NORLSENCB, illegal attempt to release default directory's NCB *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOSETSYS, can't set system attributes, attribute !AS is a system attribute *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You attempted to set the value of a system attribute. This cannot be done; their value is set by the system and cannot be changed by users. *User Action:* Repeat the operation without setting the system attributes. NOSHOW, no privilege to show !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to read an element you do not have show privilege for. 230 *User Action:* Have the owner of the element set its protection so that you can read it. NOSIGN_IN, you are already signed in *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried signing in to CDD/Repository more than once. *User Action:* End your CDD/Repository session and sign out; you will then be allowed to sign in again. NOSIGN_OUT, you are already signed out *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried signing out of CDD/Repository more than once. *User Action:* Sign in if you want, then you can sign out. NOSPSCSET, this session character set is not supported in the current product version *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* CDD/Repository V7.0A supports only DEC_MCS or DEC_KANJI as a session character-set. *User Action:* Define valid session character set NOSTART_SESS, session already started *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried starting more than one CDD/Repository session; the UI only supports one session. *User Action:* Stop your session, then you can start another. 231 NOSTOP_SESS, session already stopped *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried stopping your session twice. *User Action:* Start a new session, then you can stop it. NOSTORDIR, tried to store non-system attribute on directory *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOSTRTEHND, no start element handle in within query *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A call to fetch start was made without a directory_info buffer and with a dictionary query buffer that does not specify a start element handle. *User Action:* Correct the coding of dictionary query buffer. NOSUCHLIN, no line index points to block *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOSUCHLOC, tried to remove non-existent lock *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. 232 *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOSUCHOBJ, specified object not found *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The dictionary expected to find an object, but the object was not there. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOSUPDMU, you cannot supercede a DMU dictionary node *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} NOSUPER, you cannot supercede a CDO dictionary node *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} NOTADIC, Does not contain a CDO dictionary: !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The named file does not contain a CDO dictionary. *User Action:* Specify a valid CDO dictionary. NOTAREL, object is not a relationship *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error 233 *Explanation:* You tried to treat an entity as a relationship. For example, you tried to give an entity an owner or member. *User Action:* Check the operation for entity types that appear where relationship types are required. NOTASTREE, Oracle CDD/Repository is not AST reentrant *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to call Oracle CDD/Repository from AST level. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOTAVAIL, dictionary !AF not available; dangling references in that dictionary *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* Two dictionary databases refer to each other, and one of them is being deleted. The other is not available at this time; it is on a remote node that is down, or on a device that is not mounted. The deletion of the dictionary will succeed, but the dictionary that is not available will still refer to it. *User Action:* When the dictionary becomes available, VERIFY/FIX/LOCATION will remove the reference. NOTCHANGED, !AS not changed *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The specified entity, dictionary, or directory was not changed. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. NOTCONTEXT, partition !AF is not a context *Facility:* CDDplus 234 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given partition is not a context and cannot be opened. *User Action:* Choose a context to open. NOTCREATED, !AS not created *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The specified entity, dictionary, or directory was not created. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. NOTDELETED, !AS not deleted *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The specified entity, dictionary, or directory was not deleted. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. NOTDICENTRY, this is not a dictionary entity *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* Indicates that the element of a fetch stream being returned is a directory entry that does not name a dictionary entity; the entity handle is left zero. *User Action:* The directory information buffer contains the name of the directory entry. Do not attempt to use the entity handle in another CDD/Plus call. NOTDICFIL, existing file was found, but it is not a CDD dictionary file *Facility:* CDD 235 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The file named for use as a subdictionary file already exists and is not a dictionary file. *User Action:* Try again with the proper file specification. NOTDIRNOD, tried to use an object as a directory *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A dictionary entity has been used in a place (such as part of a path) where only directories can be used. *User Action:* Reenter the command with a directory name. NOTEMPLATE, no template dictionary available *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The dictionary template, CDD$TEMPLATE, did not exist or could not be used. A dictionary was created by from scratch. *User Action:* Determine why the template could not be used. If there are no special protocols in the template, the dictionary that has been created is usable. NOTEXSTINDB, the element !AS does not exist in the database *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You specified an element that does not exist in the database. *User Action:* Specify an existing element. NOTFOUND, entity !AS not found in dictionary *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error 236 *Explanation:* Either the specified entity does not exist, or it exists but its protocol type does not match what was specified. *User Action:* Make sure the specified protocol type matches the type of the entity, and that the entity exists. NOTINDB, dictionary database does not contain !AS *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The database does not contain the referenced entity. *User Action:* Check the entity name supplied. Generally entities are sought by matching the processing name to the name supplied. NOTLASTV, element is not the last version of !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to create the next version of an element on a branch by reserving an element that was not the last version on that branch. *User Action:* Reserve the last version, or create a variant. NOTLIST, location code does not reference a list *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOTMANIP, element !AF may not be manipulated *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to modify an object that is not manipulatable because it is in a frozen state. 237 *User Action:* Try the action on another version of the object. NOTNODE, location code does not belong to a directory or object *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOTOWNER, another subdictionary directory already points to this file *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to create two subdictionary directories that point to the same subdictionary file. Oracle CDD/Repository only supports a strict hierarchy of dictionary directories. *User Action:* Specify a unique subdictionary file for each subdictionary directory created. NOTPORPAG, tried to release non-portal page *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to create two subdictionary directories that point to the same subdictionary file. Oracle CDD/Repository only supports a strict hierarchy of dictionary directories. *User Action:* Specify a unique subdictionary file for each subdictionary directory created. NOTRANLOG, internal error while translating CDD$WAIT logical name *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to create two subdictionary directories that point to the same subdictionary file. Oracle CDD/Repository only supports a strict hierarchy of dictionary directories. 238 *User Action:* Specify a unique subdictionary file for each subdictionary directory created. NOTRECORD, not a record *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} NOTREQACC, you cannot deny yourself CONTROL or PASS-THRU access *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* As a safeguard against inadvertent denial of privileges, Oracle CDD/Repository does not permit you to add any access control list entries that deny you control or PASS_THRU. The ACL entry you have entered denies you one or both of these privileges, so Oracle CDD/Repository refused to accept the privilege specification. *User Action:* None. NOTSHOWN, !AS not displayed *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The entity cannot be displayed. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. NOTSIGN_IN, you are not signed in, sign in first *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried starting a session without being signed in to CDD/Repository. *User Action:* Sign in to CDD/Repository first, then start the session. IGNORE OFF 239 NOTSUBDIC, directory is not a subdictionary pointer *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to use a directory like a subdictionary. *User Action:* Reenter the command with a subdictionary. NOTSYSLOG, dictionary filespec must use system logical names *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The specification of a dictionary file may only use system logical names. *User Action:* Respecify the dictionary file using system logical names. NOTSYSNAM, not system defined attribute *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOTWITHIN, entity !AS not found in dictionary or is not within start entity *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The entity specified on an ENTER command does not exist, or it exists but not within the named record or database. *User Action:* Make sure both named entities exist and that the first named entity is legitimately contained within the second. NOTYET, feature not yet implemented *Facility:* CDO 240 *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The command you entered is reserved for future use. *User Action:* None. IGNORE ON NOT_A_DB, !AS, is not the name of database in the repository *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The name is not the name of a database in the repository for the pathname that was specified. *User Action:* Reissue the command with the correct database name and the correct repository pathname. NOT_A_SESSION, cannot end a transaction with a call to CDD$END_SESSION *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to end a transaction (started with a call to CDD$RDB_START_TRANSACTION) with a call to CDD$END_SESSION. *User Action:* End the transaction with a call to CDD$RDB_COMMIT_TRANSACTION or CDD$RDB_ROLLBACK_TRANSACTION. NOT_A_TXN, cannot end a session with COMMIT or ROLLBACK transaction *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* CDD$RDB_COMMIT_TRANSACTION or CDD$RDB_ROLLBACK_TRANSACTION was called with a session handle and not a transaction handle. *User Action:* Correct the code to pass the proper handle to the proper routine. If you were using RDO, SQL, or Oracle RALLY, contact an Oracle support representative. NOT_DEFER_KW, NOT DEFERRABLE *Facility:* CDO 241 *Severity:* success *Explanation:* Used to display a relation constraint Display only *User Action:* N/A NOT_FIXED, VERIFY could not fix a problem found in this repository *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* A problem with this repository could not be fixed by the verify command and caused the verify to abort. *User Action:* Look at the additional messages accompanying this message to see the cause of the problem and take steps to correct it before re-issuing the verify command. NOT_FOUND_1, !AS !AS not found in dictionary *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An entity of the given type with the given dictionary path name was not found in the dictionary. *User Action:* Specify an existing entity in the dictionary. NOT_FOUND_2, !AS !AS not found in !AS !AS *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An entity of the first type with the first processing name is not owned by the entity of the second type and second path name. *User Action:* Specify an existing entity. NOT_FOUND_3, !AS !AS not found in !AS !AS within !AS !AS *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An entity of the first type with the first processing name is not owned by the entity of the second type and 242 second processing name within the entity of the third type with the third path name. *User Action:* Specify an existing entity. IGNORE ON NOT_IN_TXN, database not in this transaction *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The database handle you passed on the call was not part of the active transaction. *User Action:* Include this database as one of the databases in the START_TRANSACTION call. NOT_NULL, !ASNOT NULL *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* Used to display a relation constraint Display only *User Action:* N/A NOT_NULL_CONST, !AS!AS!AS!AS!AS *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* Used to display a NOT NULL relation constraint Display only *User Action:* N/A NOT_NULL_KW, NOT NULL *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* Used to display a NOT NULL relation constraint Display only 243 *User Action:* N/A NOT_VALID_TYPE, Invalid entity type requested *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You supplied a type of entity that cannot be described. The type being asked for is a DSRI type (e.g. MBLR$K_FIELD_DEF) as opposed to a CDD/Plus entity type. This message can also mean that the type of database object you specified cannot be returned. *User Action:* This message is caused by an internal CDD/Plus error. Contact an Oracle support representative. NOUPDATE, entity !AS is not reserved to this context and will not be updated *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The specified entity was not updated. *User Action:* Reserve the entity to a context and try the update operation again. NOUPGRADE, use DICTIONARY IMPORT/EXPORT or CONVERT/DICTIONARY to upgrade to protocol version !UL.!UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The target dictionary is an older protocol version than the software currently supports. *User Action:* Upgrade the dictionary. If you are upgrading from a Version 4.n dictionary to a 5.n and later repository, use the DICTIONARY EXPORT/IMPORT commands or the SYS$LIBRARY:CDD$UPGRADE.COM procedure. If you are upgrading a Version 5.n repository to a higher version, use the CDO CONVERT/REPOSITORY command. NOUSRCNTX, user context not established 244 *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOVALUE, directory entry does not refer to a dictionary element *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to read the dictionary element associated with a directory name that has no dictionary element. This error message usually occurs when the name you specified for a definition is already used as a directory name. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOVERSION, the given object type does not have versions *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Another version of an object has been requested, but only one version of the object exists, and CDD/Plus does not allow you to define new versions of the object. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NOVFANC, error encountered verifying repository anchors *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* An error occured while attempting to verify the repository or one of its external references. *User Action:* See following message for details. Contact an Oracle support representative. NOWILD, both group and member must be specified *Facility:* CDD 245 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A UIC was specified with a wildcard for either the group or member. In this situation, both must be specified. *User Action:* Respecify the UIC with group and member. NOWILDCARD, wild cards in '!AF' not allowed for attempted operation *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to use wild cards for an operation for which wild card processing is not performed. *User Action:* Specify a specific name for the element. NOWITHIN, no entities match within clause *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You used a within clause to specify the target of a CHANGE command or the member of a new relationship, but no entities in the dictionary matched the entity in the within clause. *User Action:* Make sure that the within clause specifies an existing element. NOWRITE, no privilege to write !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to write an element of a type you do not have the privilege to write. *User Action:* Have the dictionary maintainer set the protection of the element type to allow you to create elements of that type. NOXFND, protocol not supported by translator: !AS *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error 246 *Explanation:* You tried to access a DMU entity though the CDO interface. The DMU entity was not a CDD$RECORD. *User Action:* Access the entity through DMU. NOXREQ, requested protocol not supported by translator: !SL *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You asked for a DMU entity other than a record or field through the CDO interface. *User Action:* Access the entity through DMU. NO_ATT_DB, error attaching to database *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An unforeseen error occurred while trying to attach to the dictionary's representation of the Oracle Rdb database. *User Action:* See the following messages for additional information that may help you correct the problem. NO_AUTOMATIC_UPG, upgrade protocols for !AF using SYS$LIBRARY:CDD$UPGRADE.COM or REPOSITORY EXPORT/IMPORT *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The repository requires a major version upgrade. *User Action:* Use the SYS$LIBRARY:CDD$UPGRADE.COM procedure or the REPOSITORY EXPORT/IMPORT commands. NO_COM_TXN, error committing transaction *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An unforeseen error occurred while trying to commit the dictionary's Oracle Rdb Call Interface transaction. 247 *User Action:* See the following messages for additional information that may help you correct the problem. NO_CRE_DB, error creating database definition in dictionary *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An unforeseen error occurred during the creation of the dictionary's representation of the Oracle Rdb database. *User Action:* See the following messages for additional information that may help you correct the problem. NO_DB_NAME, no (or a null) database filename was specified *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You did not supply or supplied a null database pathname during a CREATE/DEFINE DATABASE command. This error is usually caused by a bug in the product using the dictionary. *User Action:* Contact your support representative for the product being used when you received this message. NO_DEL_DB, error deleting database *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An unforeseen error occurred during the deletion of the dictionary's representation of the Oracle Rdb database. *User Action:* See the following messages for additional information that may help you correct the problem. NO_DESCRIPTION, error returning description of dictionary entity *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred during the retrieval of a dictionary entity. This unexpected error is returned in the following message. 248 *User Action:* Consult the following message, correct the problem and retry the operation. NO_DET_DB, error detaching from database *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An unforeseen error occurred while trying to detach from the dictionary's representation of the Oracle Rdb database. *User Action:* See the following messages for additional information that may help you correct the problem. NO_PATH, no (or a null) database pathname was specified *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You supplied a database pathname that was either null or not specified. This error is usually caused by a bug in the product using the dictionary. *User Action:* Contact your support representative for the product being used when you received this message. NO_ROL_TXN, error rolling back transaction *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An unforeseen error occurred while trying to roll back the dictionary's Oracle Rdb Call Interface transaction. *User Action:* See the following messages for additional information that may help you correct the problem. NO_ST_TXN, error attaching to database *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An unforeseen error occurred while trying to attach to the dictionary's representation of the Oracle Rdb database. 249 *User Action:* See the following messages for additional information that may help you correct the problem. NO_VAL_FOR_METHO, Method was refined on type !AS but no validation was created *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* If a method is refined through the MCS interface and a corresponding validation is not written, access to objects of the type on which the refinement occurred will be disallowed from the callable interface. *User Action:* Create validation object. NTL, name longer than !UL characters *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given name contains a component longer than the maximum. *User Action:* Make sure all name components are under the maximum length. NULNODNAM, given name is null *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. NVCLONE, !AF is not the primary copy of this object *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to create a new version of the non-primary copy of an object. *User Action:* Access the master of the clone set and create a new version of the master. 250 NVREC, new-version messages need to be sent to dictionary at !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* VERIFY determined that a new version of an entity was created and new version messages need to be sent to users of the entity in the named dictionary. *User Action:* None. When that dictionary becomes available the messages will be sent automatically. OBJDEL, object has been deleted *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to use the handle of an object which has been deleted. *User Action:* Once an object is deleted, handles you may have to the deleted object are rendered invalid. Do not attempt to use these handles in later calls. OBSDIRPAR, directory parameter is obsolete *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* CDD$DEFINE_ELEMENT was called with metadata buffer version 1.2 or higher and the directory parameter specified. *User Action:* The directory parameter is obsolete on metadata buffers version 1.2 or higher. Instead, directory names should be defined in the metadata buffer itself. ODDOCTLEN, odd octets length is invalid for multibyte character set *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Character length can not be decided from odd octets length. *User Action:* Define by even octets length 251 OKEXTREF, external reference to !AF in !AF!AF is okay *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The pointer from the second dictionary to the first is accurate. Had the first dictionary been moved or had the name of its containing directory or disk been changed, the pointer might have been wrong. *User Action:* None. OKLOC, dictionary !AF location self-reference is okay *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The dictionary's own pointer indicating its directory name is accurate. It might have been wrong had it been moved or had the name of its containing directory or disk been changed. *User Action:* None. OKNAME, the name !AF corresponds to a dictionary element *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The given name refers to a valid, existing dictionary element. *User Action:* None. OK_BYTECOUNT, byte count for directory file !AF is ok *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The byte count for a given directory file matches the calculated true buffer length. *User Action:* None. ONECHAR, only one character allowed for NULL_VALUE 252 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Only one character is allowed for a NULL_VALUE in a DEFINE RMS_DATABASE key. *User Action:* Reenter the command with one character. ONEPRIMARY, transaction modifying multiple databases *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A CDD/Plus transaction allows you to make changes to objects in only one database. Two ways you could have caused this message are: that you wanted to change elements in three or more dictionaries. and you tried to update more than one dictionary in the session. *User Action:* If you caused this message in some other way, contact an Oracle support representative. ONLEVL, invalid use of ON command *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The ON command was issued during an interactive CDO session. *User Action:* Use the ON command only within command procedures. ONLYNAME, cannot remove the only name from element !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to remove the only name associated with the original copy of an element (the one that was first created by the user). *User Action:* To remove the last name, explicitly delete the element. If you create a name for an element in another dictionary anchor with ENTER, it is legal to remove it with REMOVE. It is only illegal to remove a name if the element was created with DEFINE. 253 OPENSESS, number of open sessions at sign-out: !UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* There was at least one dictionary session open when you called CDD$SIGN_OUT. The number of such sessions is in the FAO parameter. These sessions were aborted, and the sign-out was successful. *User Action:* None. If you end all sessions before you call CDD$SIGN_OUT, you will prevent this status from being returned. IGNORE ON OPNOVRFLO, operand stack overflow *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An internal error has occurred. *User Action:* Contact your Oracle support representative. ORGREF, cannot convert original to copy *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* CDD/Plus attempted to convert an original copy of an element to a subsidiary copy of that element. This is not allowed. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ORPHAN, metadata buffer would create orphans *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The metadata buffer specified on define or modify would create entities that are neither owned by another entity nor are members of any relationships. *User Action:* Make sure that when all changes in a call to CDD/Plus are made, all elements have either a name or an owning 254 element. OSOVRFLO, operator stack overflow *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An internal error has occurred. *User Action:* Contact your Oracle support representative. IGNORE ON OVERFLOW, data value overflow *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A data value was changed to a datatype too limited in range to hold it. You may have specified an attribute value using a datatype that could not be converted to the datatype of the attribute. Incompatible changes to protocols could also cause this problem. *User Action:* Use a smaller attribute value, or change the the protocol back to the way it was. OWNINSRC, element !AF owns elements in the source partition *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The given element owns elements in the source partition, so it cannot be replaced or promoted. *User Action:* Replace or promote the owned elements first. OWNSUNC, element !AF owns uncontrolled elements *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The element owns elements that are uncontrolled, so it cannot be made controlled. 255 *User Action:* Make all owned elements controlled first. PAGFULL, tried to allocate line on full page *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. PAGNOTFND, page not in hash table *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. PAGNOTMAP, page !UL not in bitmap for file !AS *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. PASTTOP, you used too many hyphens in a path name *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* There were too many hyphens at the front of a path name, which caused Oracle CDD/Repository to try to back up past CDD$TOP in the directory hierarchy. *User Action:* Check the syntax of the path name and reenter it. PERINPASS, password contains a period *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error 256 *Explanation:* The specified password contains a period. Periods and parentheses are not legal characters in passwords. *User Action:* Change the password and reenter the command. PRINOTORG, prior version not original *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to create a new version of an element where the prior version was not the original. This usually happens when a directory entry is created for an element in an anchor other than the one where it was originally created, and then a new definition is specified for that directory name. *User Action:* Make sure that wherever a new version of an element is created, it is created in the same dictionary that the original version of the element was created in. PROEXISTS, protocol !SL exists in dictionary *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to define a new protocol with the same tag value as an existing protocol. *User Action:* Each new protocol must have a unique tag value. PROFROROO, can't promote element !AF from root partition *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to promote a version of the given element that was already in the root partition. *User Action:* Choose some other version to promote. PROLATER, a version of protocol !SL already exists *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error 257 *Explanation:* You attempted to define a protocol that already exists in the dictionary. *User Action:* Make sure you specify a unique tag value for each protocol. PROMOTING, entity !AS promoted *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The specified entity was successfully promoted. *User Action:* None. PRONAMEX, protocol name !AF exists *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The name for the new protocol already exists in the dictionary. *User Action:* Give each different protocol in the dictionary a different name. PROPUSE, invalid propertyType usage *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* User attempted to use a propertyType as both a simple and relation or computed property. *User Action:* Specify one type of has_property relation to a particular propertyType, for every type is it defined on. PROTDEFCRE, protocol definition created *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* Indicates that the definition was not found, so a forward reference was created. 258 *User Action:* None. PROTINUSE, protocol !AF uses a protocol being deleted; deletion not allowed *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to delete a protocol that is being used by other protocols. For example, CDD/Plus does not allow you to delete an attribute type that is used by entity or relationship types. *User Action:* Delete all related protocols on a single call, or modify the using protocol to not use the protocol to be deleted. PROTOCOL_NAME_DI, MCS_DATABASE *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* This is used to lookup the protocol name for the dictionary object. *User Action:* None PRPCASGNERR, error assigning channel to node !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Establishing a communications link to the dictionary server on the indicated node failed because assigning the I/O channel failed. *User Action:* The message that follows this one describes the cause of the failure. Correct that condition and try the operation again. PRPCBADFUNC, server rejected PRPC function code *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The remote repository server does not support the function that was requested. 259 *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. PRPCCONERR, error connecting to server on node !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The attempt to connect to the repository server on the indicated node failed. *User Action:* The message that follows this one describes the cause of the failure. Correct that condition and try the operation again. PRPCCONRERR, read error while connecting to node !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A read error occurred while estabilshing communications with the dictionary server on the indicated node. *User Action:* The message that follows this one describes the cause of the failure. Correct that condition and try the operation again. PRPCCONXERR, write error while connecting to node !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A write error occurred while establishing communications with the repository server on the indicated node. *User Action:* The message that follows this one describes the cause of the failure. Correct that condition and try the operation again. PRPCDISCERR, error disconnecting link to !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while disconnecting the link to the repository server on the indicated node. 260 *User Action:* The message that follows this one describes the cause of the failure. Correct that condition and try the operation again. PRPCIVVER, invalid version message from !AF; length was !UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The RPC protocol version message from the repository server on the indicated node was badly formatted. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. PRPCRERR, error reading from node !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while reading a message from the repository server on the indicated node. *User Action:* The message that follows this one describes the cause of the failure. Correct that condition and try the operation again. PRPCUNSVER, PRPC version mismatch with !AF; received (!UL,!UL); support (!UL,!UL) *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The repository server on the indicated node does not support a compatible version of the remote repository communications protocol. *User Action:* Make sure that compatible versions of Oracle CDD/Repository are installed on the local and remote systems. PRPCXERR, error writing to node !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while sending a message to the repository server on the indicated node. 261 *User Action:* The message that follows this one describes the cause of the failure. Correct that condition and try the operation again. PRSERROR, error reading element from dictionary *Facility:* CDDplus Utilities *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This error is returned by the generic parser when a message vector is returned for an element. *User Action:* Examine the message vector to determine why the error occurred. PRSMISSING, attribute value is missing *Facility:* CDDplus Utilities *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This error is returned by the generic parser when you request an attribute value that is not in the buffer. *User Action:* None. PRSNODIR, there is no directory information *Facility:* CDDplus Utilities *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This error is returned by the generic parser when you request directory information and there is none in the buffer. *User Action:* None. PRSNOENT, no entity of the given type is defined *Facility:* CDDplus Utilities *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This error is returned by the generic parser when you request an entity of a type not defined in the buffer. *User Action:* None. 262 PRSNOERR, the element does not have an associated error *Facility:* CDDplus Utilities *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This error is returned by the generic parser when you request the error associated with an element but the element was returned successfully. *User Action:* None. PRSNOHNDL, no handle was returned for the element *Facility:* CDDplus Utilities *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This error is returned by the generic parser when you request the handle associated with an element but none was defined the buffer. *User Action:* None. PRSNOKIND, no element kind is available for the element *Facility:* CDDplus Utilities *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This error is returned by the generic parser when you request the element kind but there is an associated error or only a handle is available. *User Action:* None. PRSNONAME, no directory name available for this entity *Facility:* CDDplus Utilities *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This error is returned by the generic parser when you request a directory name but there is none specified in the buffer. *User Action:* None PRSNOTARG, there is no target for the relationship 263 *Facility:* CDDplus Utilities *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This error is returned by the generic parser when you request the target of a relationship but no target is available in the buffer. *User Action:* None. PRSNOTYPE, no element type is available for the element *Facility:* CDDplus Utilities *Severity:* error *Explanation:* This error is returned by the generic parser when the you request the element type but there is an associated error or only a handle is available. *User Action:* None. PSOVRFLO, parse stack overflow *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An internal error has occurred. *User Action:* Contact your Oracle support representative. PURGETHING, entity !AS purged *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The specified entity was successfully deleted or purged. *User Action:* None. IGNORE ON RDB_ERROR, element !AF caused Oracle Rdb - Oracle CDD/Repository operation to abort *Facility:* DSRI 264 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The named element caused the operation to abort. *User Action:* Check the other status. RDB_INFO, error in reading element !AF, operation continuing, attribute maybe deleted *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The named element produced an error. *User Action:* Check the other status. SMS, 4/1/94 READERR, error reading command line *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error was encountered while reading the command line. This may be due to a hardware error. *User Action:* Report this problem to your System Manager. READERROR, error reading or validating VBN !UL in file !AS *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A repository file is corrupt. An accompanying message explains the problem. *User Action:* If the second message is a system message, refer to the OpenVMS documentation and restore the file from an OpenVMS BACKUP copy. If the second message is an Oracle CDD/Repository message, run CDDV. READONLY, dictionary file is open for read-only access *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error 265 *Explanation:* You do not have write access to the dictionary file you want to update. *User Action:* See your system manager. REAONLATT, user tried to create a read only attribute *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Some attributes are automatically created by Oracle CDD/Repository, and may not be created by users or other software. In this case you attempted to specify a value for one of these attributes. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. REBUILD, rebuilding directory structure for !AF *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The directory system is being rebuilt for the given anchor. *User Action:* None. RECNOTOTHER, recovery of single-dictionary object *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* CDD/Plus is trying to recover from a corrupt journal file. The only objects that need to be journaled are the ones split across databases. The object that was journaled in this case was not split across databases. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. RECNOTREL, journaled object is not relationship: protocol !UL V!UL.!UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error 266 *Explanation:* Oracle CDD/Plus is trying to recover from a corrupt journal file. Journaled objects are always relationships, because only relationships get split across databases. This journaled object was not a relationship. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. RECREATE_CONST, error recreating constraint !AF *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An unexpected error occured recreating a constraint. *User Action:* Look at the named constraint definition and try to determine the problem with recreating the constraint. Otherwise, contact an Oracle support representative. RECRECDIR, recovery record contains directory operation *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* CDD/Plus is trying to recover from a corrupt journal file. A journal file should contain either directory recovery operations or dictionary recovery operations, but not both. In this case, after doing some dictionary recovery, a journal record journaling a directory operation was encountered. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. RECSIZ, cannot determine record size *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The record has an overlay or structure in it. *User Action:* Manually specify the record size in the RMS definition. REFREF, cannot make a copy of a copy *Facility:* CDDplus 267 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* CDD/Plus attempted to make a subsidiary copy of an element from another subsidiary copy. This is not allowed. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. RELATION_T, relation *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* User-visible text. *User Action:* None. RELEXISTS, relationship type !SL already exists *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The tag value given for a new relationship protocol is in use in the dictionary. *User Action:* Provide a unique tag for the new protocol. RELNOTFND, relationship member not found in dictionary *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You are calling CDD$LIB_CREATE_SIMPLE_REL and the relationship member specified does not exist in the dictionary. *User Action:* Specify an existing dictionary definition. RELPROUSE, relationship protocol !SL V!UL.!UL is in use *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You tried to delete a relationship protocol that is used by object types, or that is a member of a relationship. *User Action:* Delete all related protocols in a single call, or delete the protocols using the protocol to be deleted first. 268 RENINCTYP, object being renamed is a different type from previous version *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* When attempting to rename an object, Oracle CDD/Repository discovered another object with the same name and a different type in the same directory. To create a new version of an object, the type must be the same as the type of the existing version. *User Action:* Use a different given name for the new object. RENTOCDO, A CDO dictionary entity already exists with this name *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* {TBS} *User Action:* {TBS} RENTOTOP, you cannot rename a directory or object to CDD$TOP *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. REPLACING, entity !AS replaced *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The specified entity was successfully replaced. *User Action:* None. REPOSITORIES, The following REPOSITORIES are referenced: *Facility:* CDO 269 *Severity:* success *Explanation:* Used when the user does a SHOW REPOSITORIES Display only *User Action:* N/A REPOS_VERS_J51, Repository Version J5.1 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* This message is used for SHOW VERSION. *User Action:* None. REPOS_VERS_V50, Repository Version V5.0 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* This message is used for SHOW VERSION. *User Action:* None. REPOS_VERS_V51, Repository Version V5.1 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* This message is used for SHOW VERSION. *User Action:* None. REPOS_VERS_V52, Repository Version V5.2 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* This message is used for SHOW VERSION. *User Action:* None. REPOS_VERS_V53, Repository Version V5.3 270 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* This message is used for SHOW VERSION. *User Action:* None. REPOS_VERS_V61_V, Repository Version V6.1 / V7.0A *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* This message is used for SHOW VERSION. *User Action:* None. REQATTMIS, required attribute !AS not specified *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You have not specified all the required attributes for the object you are changing or defining. *User Action:* Specify all the required attributes for the object. REQEXCLU, operation requires exclusive access *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A non-exclusive transaction was already started. This operation requires exclusive access to the repository. *User Action:* Enter the following command at the DCL level prompt: $ Define CDD$WAIT EXCLUSIVE Then, restart the operation. REQPARAM, required parameter !UL missing *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You omitted a required parameter on a call to CDD/Plus. 271 *User Action:* Make the call again with all the required parameters. RESERVATIONS, The following elements are reserved: *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* Used when the user does a SHOW RESERVATIONS Display only *User Action:* N/A RESERVING, entity !AS reserved *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The specified entity was successfully reserved. *User Action:* None. RETRY, retry operation *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Indicates that the attempted operation failed due to a temporary condition. *User Action:* Abort the current transaction and try the operation again in a new transaction. The most common reason for this message is a deadlock reported by Oracle Rdb. RMSERROR, RMS error while opening dictionary file *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* See accompanying messages for more information about the error. RMS_ONLY, this operation can be performed only with RMS databases 272 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The command is valid only for RMS databases. *User Action:* For Rdb/VMS databases, use SQL. RSERR, error on remote node *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error in the remote server caused termination of the call. *User Action:* Examine the message vector to determine the cause of this error. RTLERR, run-time library error *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred while CDD/Plus was accessing the OpenVMS Run-Time Library. *User Action:* See the following messages to determine the cause of the error. SCHEMA_T, database *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The record you specified was not found in the dictionary. *User Action:* Specify a relation in the database. SEGSTRINFO, invalid segemented string info *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error 273 *Explanation:* The dictionary could not find out important information about segmented strings it uses. *User Action:* The dictionary is corrupt. Contact an Oracle support representative. SESSACTIVE, session still active *Facility:* CDDplus Translator *Severity:* error *Explanation:* CDD$END_SESSION was not called to end a common session before calling CDD$DETACH. *User Action:* Call CDD$END_SESSION before calling CDD$DETACH. SHOW_CONSTRAINT, !ASConstraint !AS !AF !AS *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* Used to display a relation constraint Display only *User Action:* N/A SKIPTYPE, skipping protocol type !AS *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The operation is not being performed on the given type. *User Action:* None. SOMFAILED, some attributes were not found *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. SPBALREXI, security preservation block already exists 274 *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. SPELLCORR, identifier !AF replaced with !AF *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* A keyword was misspelled, but the error has been corrected by CDO. *User Action:* None. IGNORE ON SSERR, system service error *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A system service produced an unexpected error. *User Action:* The following messages from the system service provide detail about the error. SSYNTAX, string missing close quotation mark *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The command string does not have a close quotation mark. *User Action:* Place a close quotation mark at the end of the string, and reenter the command. STARTATZERO, area numbers must start at zero, found !UL *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error 275 *Explanation:* An area was specified with a starting number other than zero. *User Action:* Define your RMS_DATABASE with an area number of zero. STARTSESS, error starting session *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An error occurred starting a session. *User Action:* The following messages tell what caused the error. STWONE, protocols must start with 1.0 *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The dictionary found itself trying to create a new protocol with a protocol version number other than 1.0. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. ST_TXN_BAD_ARGS, number of databases does not match arglist in start transaction *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The actual number of arguments supplied to a start transaction does not match what is expected from the sum of the fixed arguments and the number of databases being passed. *User Action:* Correct the caller of this function. If you were using RDO, SQL, or Oracle RALLY, contact an Oracle support representative. SUPREQ, required supertype is missing *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt was made to replace a type that did not have a supertype into the metadata partition. 276 *User Action:* Specify a supertype on the creation of types. SYNOFF, syntax error in description buffer at offset !UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A syntax error was discovered in a description buffer passed to CDD/Plus. The signal parameter has the offset of the error from the start of the buffer. *User Action:* Examine the buffer to determine the reason for the syntax error. SYNTAX, syntax error in description buffer at !XL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A syntax error was discovered in a description buffer passed to CDD/Plus. The signal parameter has the absolute address of the error. *User Action:* If the address is in a buffer you provided, examine the buffer to determine the reason for the syntax error. Otherwise, contact an Oracle support representative. TOOFEWPAR, too few parameters *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository routine was called with too few parameters; some required parameters were not specified. There is an error in the code that calls Oracle CDD/Repository. *User Action:* If the software is a program that calls Oracle CDD/Repository, check the calls to Oracle CDD/Repository in that program to ensure that all required parameters are passed. Contact your support representative for the software you are using. TOOMANFIL, you tried to access too many dictionary files *Facility:* CDD 277 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. TOOMANLCC, too many location codes in one stream *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. TOOMANPAR, too many/conflicting parameters *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository routine was called with too many parameters, or with parameters that conflict. Either more parameters were specified than are allowed on the call, or an illegal combination of parameters was specified. *User Action:* If the software is a program that calls Oracle CDD/Repository, check the calls to Oracle CDD/Repository in that program to ensure that only the necessary parameters are passed, and that any restrictions on combinations of parameters are observed. Contact your support representative for the software you are using. TOPNOTDEL, you cannot delete CDD$TOP *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt to delete the root dictionary directory has been made. *User Action:* Do not attempt to delete the root dictionary directory. TOPNOTREN, you cannot rename CDD$TOP *Facility:* CDD 278 *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An attempt to rename the root dictionary directory has been made. *User Action:* Do not attempt to rename the root dictionary directory. TROVRFLO, operand stack memory pool overflow *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An internal error has occurred. *User Action:* Contact your Oracle support representative. TRUNC, output value truncated *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* A string value was moved to a block of memory too small to hold it all, and some characters were lost. This error usually occurs when a text attribute is assigned a value it is too small to hold. This error may also occur if a protocol modification reduces the size of a text attribute. *User Action:* Specify a shorter string, or increase the size of the attribute in the protocol. TXN_HNDL_ZERO, transaction handle is zero *Facility:* DSRI *Severity:* error *Explanation:* You passed a transaction handle of zero where a non-zero handle was expected. *User Action:* Return the handle from START_TRANSACTION. ULTERRNO, errno = !UL *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error 279 *Explanation:* errno value from a failed system call on Ultrix *User Action:* See the intro(2) section of the Ultrix doc set for a description of the error code and the action to be taken. ULTSRVERR, error from !AF system call *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* the indicated Ultrix system call returned an error. The errno value will be in the next error message. *User Action:* depends on the errno value UNDERFLOW, data value underflow *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* A data value was changed to a datatype too limited in range to hold it. You specified an attribute value using a datatype that could not be converted to the datatype of the attribute, or you may have made incompatible changes to protocols. *User Action:* Change the datatype of the attribute to one with more precision. IGNORE ON UNMPAREN, unmatched parenthesis in value expression *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* A single open or close parenthesis was found in a value expression. *User Action:* Check that all expressions have matching pairs of parenthesis. IGNORE ON UNRESERVING, entity !AS unreserved *Facility:* CDO 280 *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The specified entity was successfully unreserved. *User Action:* None. UNUSEDCLN, !AS clone of type !AS is unused *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* The object is a clone that can be removed. *User Action:* Use the VERIFY/EXTERNAL/FIX command to remove this unused object. UPGRDPRIV_ABORT, CONVERT/REPOSITORY requires SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* CONVERT/REPOSITORY command has been issued without SYSPRV or BYPASS. *User Action:* Set privileges to SYSPRV or BYPASS and reissue CONVERT/REPOSITORY command. If you are not authorized to set either of these privileges, check with your system manager about obtaining authorization or about arranging for the CONVERT/REPOSITORY command to be run from an account with these privileges USE_EXPORT_IMPOR, upgrade repository using REPOSITORY EXPORT/IMPORT command *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A major version upgrade can be done only with the REPOSITORY EXPORT/IMPORT command. *User Action:* Use the EXPORT/IMPORT commands or the SYS$LIBRARY:CDD$UPGRADE.COM procedure. USRCONTEXT, Current context is !AS 281 *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* success *Explanation:* Used when the user does a SHOW CONTEXT Display only *User Action:* N/A USRREQABORT1, user requested abort *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* You requested CDD/Plus to abort by setting debug flag 1. *User Action:* None. USRREQABORT2, user requested abort *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* You requested CDD/Plus to abort by setting debug flag 2. *User Action:* None. IGNORE OFF V5_SERVER, connected to a remote server which supports the V5 protocol *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* success *Explanation:* A connection was made to a remote server which supports the V5 extended remote protocols *User Action:* None. VALDEFFAIL, entity !AS definition failed validation !AS *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A validation failed while checking the definition of an entity and any relationships or attributes it may have created, causing the define to be aborted. 282 *User Action:* Determine what condition the validation is checking for, and change the definition to conform. VALDEFWARN, entity !AS definition failed validation !AS *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* A validation failed while checking the definitions of an entity and any relationships or attributes it may have defined. *User Action:* Change the attribute value to meet the constraints of the validation. VALMODFAIL, entity !AS modification failed validation !AS *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A validation failed while checking the modifications to an entity and any relationships or attributes it may have modified, causing the modify to be aborted. *User Action:* Determine what condition the validation is checking for, and change the definition to conform. VALMODWARN, entity !AS modification failed validation !AS *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* A validation failed while checking the modifications to an entity and any relationships or attributes it may have modified. *User Action:* Examine the modification to see why it failed the validation, and change it accordingly. VALTOOLONG, unstructured value is too long *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An unstructured value exceeds CDD/Plus's limit of 4,294,967,295 bytes. The dictionary information has been tampered 283 with by some other facility than CDD/Plus. The dictionary is now corrupt. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. VALTRUNC, value truncated *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* success *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. VERINC, verification incomplete due to errors *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Errors prevented all checks from being made. Some inconsistencies may have been found and corrected, but some may still exist. *User Action:* Error messages printed during the course of the verification will explain the precise problems. If the problems are transient, such as other dictionary databases being unreachable, try again later. VERMISMTCH, expected protcocol version !UL found version !UL *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* CDO does not handle this version of the protocol correctly. *User Action:* If you made an incompatable change to a protocol, none. Otherwise, install the latest version of CDO. VERNOTALL, version number not allowed with a directory name *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A version number has been used as part of the given name of a directory. Only repository objects can have multiple 284 versions. *User Action:* Reenter the command without specifying a version number for the directory. VERNUMREQ, version number required on object name *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. VERSION_INCOMPA, Repository version incompatible with installed version *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The format of this repository is not compatible with the version of Oracle CDD/Repository that you are running. *User Action:* Either upgrade the repository, recreate it with the current version, or use a compatible version of Oracle CDD/Repository to perform the command that is failing. E errors are those errors which do not require our client to end his fetch stream if returned from FETCH_NEXT. Calling FETCH_NEXT again after one of these errors will advance the fetch stream and will return the next entity. VFALL, VERIFY checking location, internal, and external references... *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* User specified the VERIFY/ALL command. *User Action:* None. VFEXTREF, VERIFY checking external references... *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational 285 *Explanation:* User specified the VERIFY/EXTERNAL_REFERENCES command. *User Action:* None. VFLOC, VERIFY checking location... *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* User specified the VERIFY/LOCATION command. *User Action:* None. VFNAME, VERIFY checking path names... *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* User specified the VERIFY/DIRECTORY commmand. *User Action:* None. VFORPH, VERIFY checking internal references... *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* User specified the VERIFY/ORPHANS command. *User Action:* None. VFPRIV_ABORT, VERIFY/FIX and /REBUILD require SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* VERIFY/FIX or VERIFY/REBUILD has been issued without SYSPRV or BYPASS. *User Action:* Set privileges to SYSPRV or BYPASS and reissue the VERIFY command. If you are not authorized to set either of these privileges, check with your system manager about obtaining authorization or about arranging for the VERIFY command to be run from an account with these privileges when /FIX or /REBUILD 286 qualifiers are needed. Refer to the documentation (HELP VERIFY) for further explanation. VFREBLD, VERIFY rebuilding directory system... *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* User specified the VERIFY/REBUILD_DIRECTORY command. *User Action:* None. VFRECVR, VERIFY recovering journaled changes... *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* VERIFY/RECOVER not a valid command. *User Action:* None. VFSHRNK, VERIFY compressing repository database... *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* User specified the VERIFY/COMPRESS command. *User Action:* None. VF_ALL_NOFIX, VERIFY/ALL no longer includes /FIX *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* informational *Explanation:* The default for VERIFY/ALL is now /NOFIX unless the logical CDD$VERIFY_ALL_FIX is defined or the user specifies /FIX. *User Action:* None. VF_REBUILD, dictionary corrupt please run VERIFY/REBUILD *Facility:* CDDplus 287 *Severity:* warning *Explanation:* One or more dictionary directory files are missing. This may cause random errors during a VERIFY operation. *User Action:* Use the VERIFY/REBUILD_DIRECTORY command. WITHINAMB, within expression is ambiguous *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A within expression was used to specify the target of a relationship, but more than one entity will satisfy it. *User Action:* Make sure that within expressions specifying relationship targets specify exactly one element. WRITERROR, I/O error writing VBN !UL in file !AS *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* Oracle CDD/Repository was unable to update the named repository file. An accompanying message should explain the problem. *User Action:* If the second message is a system message, refer to the OpenVMS documentation. If the second message is an Oracle CDD/Repository message, refer to the explanation of that message. Otherwise, contact an Oracle support representative. WRITTOINH, attempting to write to inhibited file !AS *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. WRODATTYP, attribute has the wrong datatype *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error 288 *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. WRONGBUF, wrong description buffer for this call. !/!_Expected: !UL!/!_Found: !UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The description buffer passed as a parameter to CDD/Plus had the wrong type value in its block header. *User Action:* Pass the buffer expected by the call. WRONGENTTYP, wrong entity type for description buffer!/!_Expected: !SL V!UL.!UL!/!_Found: !SL V!UL.!UL *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The description buffer indicating what parts of an entity should be returned specifies another type of entity than the one given. *User Action:* Specify an entity type in the buffer that matches the entity type of the entity. WRONGPAGE, copy of page in dictionary file has the wrong page number *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The repository file is corrupt. *User Action:* Use CDO VERIFY to determine the extent of the problem. WRONGREC, specified segment record does not match RMS record *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The segment record in the DEFINE RMS_DATABASE command is invalid. 289 *User Action:* Correct the segment reference or record reference in the RMS definition. WROPAGPTR, PCB block doesn't match page number *Facility:* CDD *Severity:* error *Explanation:* An Oracle CDD/Repository internal error. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. cddpi messages follow: XREF, external reference missing *Facility:* CDDplus *Severity:* error *Explanation:* A local copy of an element defined in another dictionary has no pointer back to the original element. The dictionary is now corrupt. *User Action:* Contact an Oracle support representative. Use VERIFY to fix the corrupt dictionary. XTRVAR, more VARIANT in command than in record *Facility:* CDO *Severity:* error *Explanation:* The command contains more variant members than are specified in the record definition. *User Action:* Look at the record definition and change the command accordingly. 290