HP DECset for OpenVMS Code Management System for OpenVMS Release Notes December 2007 These release notes describe important general information, new and changed features, current restrictions, and documentation notes that pertain to the HP Code Management System Version 4.5-2 for OpenVMS software. Operating System Version: OpenVMS Integrity servers Versions 8.2-1 and 8.3 OpenVMS Alpha Versions 7.3-2, 8.2, and 8.3 Software Version: HP DECset Version 12.8 ECO1 for OpenVMS HP Code Management System Version 4.5-2 for OpenVMS Hewlett-Packard Company Palo Alto, California ________________________________________________________________ © Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Intel and Itanium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Java is a US trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Microsoft and Windows are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Printed in the US _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 General Information 1.1 Introduction.................................. 1-1 1.2 Associated Documents.......................... 1-1 1.3 Associated Products........................... 1-2 1.4 Using CMS with DECwindows Motif............... 1-3 1.5 Installation Requirements..................... 1-3 2 New Features 2.1 New Features in CMS Version 4.5-2............. 2-1 2.2 New Features in CMS Version 4.5............... 2-1 3 Problems Fixed 3.1 Problems Fixed in CMS Version 4.5-2........... 3-1 3.2 Problems Fixed in CMS Version 4.5............. 3-2 4 Known Problems 4.1 General....................................... 4-1 4.2 DECwindows Problems........................... 4-12 5 Restrictions iii Tables 1-1 HP CMS Installation Requirements (Minimum)................................. 1-3 1-2 HP CMS Account Quotas..................... 1-4 iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface These release notes describe the HP Code Management System for OpenVMS, Versions 4.5-2 and 4.5 software. These notes contain information that either supplements or supersedes the information in the HP DECset Version 12.8 ECO1 documentation set. Intended Audience These release notes are intended for users and system managers who need information about CMS. Document Structure These release notes are organized as follows: o Chapter 1 contains general information about this release. o Chapter 2 contains a description of the new features. o Chapter 3 describes the problems resolved. o Chapter 4 describes the known problems. o Chapter 5 describes the restrictions. Related Documents For additional information about OpenVMS or DECset products and services, visit the following web address: http://www.hp.com/go/openvms v Reader's Comments HP welcomes your comments on these release notes. Please send comments to either of the following addresses: Internet openvmsdoc@hp.com Mail Hewlett-Packard Company OpenVMS Documentation, ZKO3-4/Y02 110 Spit Brook Rd. Nashua, NH 03062-2698 How To Order Additional Documentation For information about how to order additional documentation, visit the following web address: http://www.hp.com/go/openvms/doc/order Conventions The following conventions are used in these notes: ___________________________________________________________ Convention__________Description____________________________ $ A dollar sign ($) represents the OpenVMS DCL system prompt. Ctrl/x The key combination Ctrl/x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key, for example, Ctrl/Y or Ctrl/Z or a pointing device button. boldface text Boldface text represents the introduction of a new term. monospace boldface Boldface monospace text represents user text input in interactive examples. italic text Italic text represents book titles, parameters, arguments, and information that can vary in system messages (for example, Internal error number). vi ___________________________________________________________ Convention__________Description____________________________ UPPERCASE Uppercase indicates the name of a command, routine, the name of a file, the name of a file protection code, or the abbreviation of a system privilege. lowercase Lowercase in examples indicates that you are to substitute a word or value ____________________of_your_choice.________________________ vii 1 _________________________________________________________________ General Information The information in these release notes pertain to the HP Code Management System for OpenVMS, Versions 4.5-2 and 4.5 software. HP suggests that you upgrade your environment incrementally with each new release, but there is no technical requirement to do so. It is also recommended that you review the release notes for each version of this software since they capture important release-oriented information and advise you of changes between versions. 1.1 Introduction HP Code Management System Version 4.5-2 for OpenVMS is a patch release. 1.2 Associated Documents The following documents contain information related to CMS: o HP DECset for OpenVMS Guide to the Code Management System o HP DECset for OpenVMS Code Management System Reference Manual o HP DECset for OpenVMS Code Management System Callable Routines Reference Manual Also applicable are the general DECset documents: o HP DECset for OpenVMS Installation Guide o HP DECset for OpenVMS Software Product Description o HP DECset for OpenVMS Guide to Detailed Program Design o Using HP DECset for OpenVMS Systems General Information 1-1 In addition to the base CMS documentation, the DECset engineering team has also provided the HP DECset for OpenVMS Cookbook for an Integrated Product Development Environment. This document comprises a series of technical articles that describe how each of the component applications can be used in different programming environments. This document is provided in PostScript (.PS), HTML (.HTML), and ASCII text (.TXT) formats from the following location after installing the product: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DECSET]DECSET_COOKBOOK.* 1.3 Associated Products The HP DECset Clients for CMS and MMS software provides access from a desktop personal computer (PC) to the CMS libraries and MMS features residing on OpenVMS I64 and OpenVMS Alpha Systems. Note that the HP DECset Clients for CMS and MMS software is packaged and distributed separately from the DECset, CMS, and MMS products. HP DECset Clients for CMS and MMS can be used from a personal computer running Microsoft Windows; see the associated Software Product Description for information on supported versions. Connection to a CMS library from the PC is possible once the server software (provided with the client) and the CMS for OpenVMS software are installed at the server site. The main DECset Client windows offer menu access to most of the CMS and MMS functions. DECset Client commands can also be performed by clicking the command buttons on the toolbar. In addition, DECset Client supports drag-and- drop functionality for manipulating data within the DECset Client window. For configuration management, a set of files is stored in a CMS library on the OpenVMS system. These files can be fetched, reserved, and replaced in either the PC environment using the CMS Client or the local OpenVMS environment using CMS. As a result, a common configuration can be maintained regardless of the operating environment. 1-2 General Information 1.4 Using CMS with DECwindows Motif To use CMS with the DECwindows Motif interface, one of the following must be installed: o HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 1.6 o HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3-1 or 1.5 1.5 Installation Requirements Table 1-1 lists the installation requirements for HP CMS. Table_1-1_HP_CMS_Installation_Requirements_(Minimum)_______ Global Disk Space Disk Space Page/PageletGlobal Operating During After Sections System______Installation_Installation_Required____Required_ OpenVMS 25,000 16,000 11,000 24 Integrity pagelets[1] servers OpenVMS 44,000 5,000 3,500 10 Alpha pagelets[1] [1]Plus_the_size_(in_number_of_disk_blocks)_of_the_file____ SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE at installation ___________________________________________________________ Table 1-2 lists the account quotas for HP CMS. General Information 1-3 Table_1-2_HP_CMS_Account_Quotas____________________________ OpenVMS Integrity Resource_Name__servers________OpenVMS_Alpha________________ ASTLM 14 14 BYTLM 14,000 14,000 ENQLM 30 30 FILLM 6 6 TQELM 1 1 PGFLQUOTA______30,000_________30,000_______________________ 1-4 General Information 2 _________________________________________________________________ New Features 2.1 New Features in CMS Version 4.5-2 There are no new features added to CMS Version 4.5-2. 2.2 New Features in CMS Version 4.5 The following enhancement was added to CMS for the Version 4.5 release: Enhancements to the Create Element Command A new qualifier "/binary" for CREATE ELEMENT command. Controls whether CMS has to create an element of type binary or text. When you specify this qualifier, CMS creates the element in binary format irrespective of file properties. If you do not specify this qualifier, CMS decides on its own whether to create binary element or text element depending on file properties. New Features 2-1 3 _________________________________________________________________ Problems Fixed This chapter lists the problems fixed with the CMS software. 3.1 Problems Fixed in CMS Version 4.5-2 The following problems were fixed and restrictions removed in this release of CMS: o WFM:3219666994-323 - On OpenVMS Version 8.3, during the MMS build procedure the following error message is displayed: %system-f-ivtime. o ID:235 - CMS HELP output wraps at the incorrect column on the 80 column terminal. However, works correctly with 132 column terminal. o ID:236 - Invoking the CMS$SHOW_ACL callable interface causes an ACCVIO. o ID:237 - DTM Version 4.4 and CMS Version 4.5 hangs while executing the COMPARE command on DTM. o ID:238 - The EFS images can be used on both ODS-5 or ODS-2 disk without problems. Parsing and case- sensitivity of the file name will depend on both the /PARSE_STYLE and /CASE_LOOKUP qualifiers set with the SET PROCESS command. o ID:239 - MODIFY ELEMENT /NAME=element-name results in verification errors Modifying an element name with Reference Copy results in verification errors for the reference copy file. To repair the reference copy file, VERIFY/REPAIR is set explicitly. Problems Fixed 3-1 This problem has been fixed by recreating the reference copy when modify element name is requested for an element with reference copy. This is in accordance with the HELP documentation. o WFM 1216975070-122 - DECwindows fails to expand the contents of a group when the group has sub-groups, with an ACCVIO error. 3.2 Problems Fixed in CMS Version 4.5 The following problems were fixed and restrictions removed in CMS Version 4.5 (these problems were fixed in CMS Version 4.3 for Integrity servers): o ID:166 - Some legal forms of extended filenames are not allowed by create element and insert element. File names combining spaces and commas in unusual combinations were sometimes not allowed in an element name. o ID:218 - Renaming elements with extended filenames. The MODIFY ELEMENT/NAME command does not work properly with extended filenames. o ID:219 - CREATE ELEMENT does not check for extended filenames correctly. o ID:232 - Escaped percent character not handled correctly in element expressions. o ID:233 - Element names containing Unicode or arbitrary characters are not correctly matched by single-character wildcards. o ID:234 - Illegal characters not handled correctly with Extended File Specifications support. 3-2 Problems Fixed 4 _________________________________________________________________ Known Problems 4.1 General The following known problems exist for CMS Version 4.5-2: o ID:231 - The file name in the CMS error message is displayed with the uppercase letters if the file is not found. For example, when creating the ADFs.d element, the file name is displayed as ADFS.D if the file is not found. $ CMS CREATE ELEMENT ADFs.d "" %CMS-E-NOCREATE, error creating element MMS_NOTES:[TEST.TESTCMS.mylib]ADFS.D -RMS-E-FNF, file not found o ID:232 - The MODIFY LIBRARY command when used with the /NOEXTENDED qualifier fails to modify the library with no extended file names when the library already has elements and extended file name support. However, the command works when the library is empty. For example, $ CMS MODIFY LIBRARY/NOEXTENDED "" %STR-F-ILLSTRCLA, illegal string class The following known problems are continued from CMS Version 4.5: o ID:11 - CMS-E-BADREF, reference copy for element. This problem occurs when an element is created from a file that is either indexed or fixed length with the History attribute set AND a reference copy directory defined. CMS attempts to log the history for the element, but since it is fixed, CMS cannot write to the file. At the time of creation, CMS issues a message that the History is not included in the element, but it fails to reset the attribute. This presents the reference copy as bad when it is not. Known Problems 4-1 To workaround this problem, either set the element attribute to NOHISTORY or NOREFERENCE. o ID:14 - CMS differences on VFC files displays incorrect line numbers. An attempt to perform a comparison of two VFC files using the DIFFERENCES command can generate incorrect line numbering in the differences output. As the files are different, a difference file is created, but the line numbers in the difference file are not correct. Instead of the correct line number, the line number is 36097/1. The problem occurs only with VFC files. o ID:15 - CMS incorrectly reports a conflict during a merge operation. See ID:25. o ID:25 - CMS occasionally performs merge operations incorrectly. There are a number of known problems related to merging. Problems seen include inconsistent reporting of conflicts and incorrect output both with and without conflicts being reported. From Version 4.2, all known examples of incorrect merging report conflicts. In most cases, the following message is also produced: %CMS-W-CANTRESMRG, Cannot resolve merge, marked as conflict The HP DECset for OpenVMS Guide to the Code Management System contains advice on verifying merged changes. It is strongly recommended that the result of a merge operation is manually verified when conflicts are reported. o ID:26 - CMS reports merge conflicts inconsistently. See ID:25. o ID:34 - Problem with FETCH/GENERATION=class and ACLs. Errors may be reported while fetching from a class where the library contains elements that are protected by CMS ACLs. 4-2 Known Problems For example, if an element, BOGUS.DAT, has a CMS ACL that states that the user has no access to the element and no generations of the element are in a class C1, fetching using a wildcard specification that matches BOGUS.DAT and specifying the class C1 in the /GENERATION qualifier results in the following errors: $ CMS FETCH /GENERATION=C1 *.* %CMS-E-NOFETCH, error fetching element DISK:[DIR]BOGUS.DAT -CMS-E-NOACCESS, no FETCH access to element BOGUS.DAT o ID:40 - RMS-E-ISI errors performing wildcard CREATE ELEMENT with mixed files. Wildcarded CREATE ELEMENT commands can fail if non- DDIF files follow DDIF files. The following errors are produced: %RMS-E-ISI, invalid internal stream identifier (ISI) value -RMS-E-EXTNOTFOU, RMS Extension not found %CMS-F-BUG, there is something wrong with CMS ... -CMS-F-SYSFAIL, LIB$FREE_VM system service request failed -LIB-F-BADBLOSIZ, bad block size DDIF files later in the list are created without errors. The only known workaround is to avoid a wildcard CREATE of non-DDIF files after DDIF files. o ID:60 - Review state altered after REPLACE/IF_CHANGED is issued on unchanged elements. The review state of element generations is incorrectly altered after a REPLACE/IF_CHANGED of an unmodified element. o ID:70 - Merging mainline generation into variant produces different result from merging variant into mainline. See ID:25. o ID:71 - CMS cannot parse the /FORMAT string when it contains a plus sign (+). Known Problems 4-3 For example: $ CMS SHOW ELEMENT *.* /FORMAT="$ cms diff #e/gen=1 #e" - _$ /OUTPUT=differ.com ! Works $ CMS SHOW ELEMENT *.* /FORMAT="$ cms diff #e/gen=1+ #e" - _$ /OUTPUT=differ.com ! Fails %CMS-E-ERRPAREXP, error parsing element expression -CMS-E-ILLCHAR, illegal character in group name o ID:72 - /FORMAT splits long lines. CMS splits long output lines. For example: $ CMS SHOW ELEMENT *.* /OUTPUT=sys$scratch:x.tmp - _$ /FORMAT="$ IF F$SEARCH(""#e"") .NES. """" THEN - _$ CMS DIFFERENCE #e/GEN='p1 #e" If the library contains elements with long names, the output lines for these files can also be split by CMS. o ID:73 - CMS ignores commands starting with an at sign (@). CMS ignores any commands that begin with the at sign (@). For example: $ CMS CMS> @x.x CMS> No error messages are returned. o ID:79 - CMS may not be able to parse a /SINCE date-time string containing a plus sign (+). CMS may report an unrecognized keyword error in the /TRANSACTIONS qualifier of the SHOW HISTORY command if a plus sign (+) is used after the date-time string of the /SINCE or /BEFORE qualifier. For example: CMS> SHOW HISTORY - _CMS> /TRANSACTIONS=(CREATE)/BEFORE="15-AUG-1996 + 00:00:00" %CLI-W-IVKEYW, unrecognized keyword - check validity ... \(CREATE)\ Although the problem only occurs when the /TRANSACTIONS keywords are specified within parentheses, it is triggered by the plus sign (+) in the date-time string. 4-4 Known Problems The problem can be avoided by removing the plus sign (+) from the date-time string: CMS> SHOW HISTORY - _CMS> /TRANSACTIONS=(CREATE)/BEFORE="15-AUG-1996 00:00:00" o ID:81 - Quoted generation strings are processed incorrectly. When using /GENERATION=generation-expression, do not enclose the generation expression in quotes. o ID:85 - History and Notes problems on files with MRS attribute. CMS fails to recognize the maximum record size (MRS) attribute for Notes and History. As a result, CMS may add Notes or History to a record beyond its maximum size. On FETCH or RESERVE, CMS fails with the following error. CMS-F-BUG, there is something wrong with CMS ... CMS-F-NOQIO, $QIO failed RMS-F-RSZ, invalid record size o ID:94 - When a group and an element have almost the same name, for example group FOO and element FOO.BAR, the command CMS SHOW HISTORY F*.BAR does not resolve the wildcard correctly. The command shows the history for both the group and element. o ID:95 - If the remark field of the CMS MODIFY GENERATION command contains the exclamation point (!), CMS generates the following message: %CMS-F-BUG, there is something wrong with CMS ... -CMS-F-SYSFAIL, $FAOL system service request failed -SYSTEM-F-BADPARAM, bad parameter value o ID:96 - If CMS is unable to delete the input file after a CREATE ELEMENT or REPLACE operation, no message is issued to inform the user of the problem. The element is created or replaced without the file being deleted. Known Problems 4-5 o ID:97 - When using the SET ACL/DELETE command to delete a list of ACEs from an ACL, the operation terminates if it encounters an identifier that does not exist on the system. o ID:98 - Certain qualifiers that should only accept parameters in their non-negated form are also accepting them in their negated form, and the qualifier is then treated as if it were not negated. For example, the qualifier /NOHISTORY="#H" should be disallowed, but is being treated as /HISTORY="#H". o ID:104 - Using the /BEFORE qualifier on a library that was previously set returns both an error and success status without changing the position of the library in the search list. $ CMS SET LIBRARY [A], [B], [C] %CMS-I-LIBIS, library is DISK$USER:[A] %CMS-I-LIBINSLIS, library DISK$USER:[B] inserted at end of library list %CMS-I-LIBINSLIS, library DISK$USER:[C] inserted at end of library list %CMS-S-LIBSET, library is set $CMS SHOW LIBRARY Your CMS library list consists of: DISK$USER:[A] DISK$USER:[B] DISK$USER:[C] $ CMS SET LIBRARY [C]/BEFORE %CMS-E-LIBALRINLIS, library DISK$USER:[C] is already in the library list %CMS-S-LIBSET, library set Your CMS library list consists of: DISK$USER:[A] DISK$USER:[B] DISK$USER:[C] o ID:113 - CMS Callable Interface mishandles bad boolean values. When a parameter is passed to the Callable Interface whose value should be a boolean, if the value is not 0 or 1, CMS may fail. o ID:141 - CMS$SET_LIBRARY fails if the directory parameter does not contain valid information. 4-6 Known Problems o ID:143 - CMS$SHOW_ELEMENT with a bad parameter in the element name signals a fatal error before calling the output routine. o ID:144 - A call to CMS$SET_LIBRARY without a CMS license in place signals a fatal error before calling the output routine. o ID:145 - Calling CMS$INSERT_ELEMENT with a group_ expression or remark parameter that uses the wrong calling mechanism causes CMS to fail. o ID:149 - RESERVE/NOOUTPUT of a generation does not require RWD access to the element data file. o ID:153 - Spurious characters included in WORD or LONGWORD formatted differences. The output of the DIFFERENCES command formatted as WORD or LONGWORD includes spurious characters at the end of records. Characters are added to round up the record length to a multiple of the data partition size. These characters are repeated from earlier in the record. o ID:154 - Incorrect new_element value in callback from CMS$SHOW_GENERATION. CMS$SHOW_GENERATION, when applied to a library search list, sets the new_element argument of the callback to the value 1 for the first call for a new library in the list. The HP DECset for OpenVMS Code Management System Callable Routines Reference Manual states that the value 1 should only be used for the first call of the output routine. o ID:165 - Long CMS messages are truncated. CMS uses the OpenVMS SYS$PUTMSG routine while processing messages to be displayed. SYS$PUTMSG is hard coded to limit message size to 256 bytes. With the addition of long variants, CMS messages can be much longer than that and the SYS$PUTMSG limitation can cause both Command Line Interface and DECwindows messages to be truncated. o ID:171 - The object field in the history record is truncated to about 237 characters. Known Problems 4-7 o ID:172 - When using extended file name specifications, an element with a name longer than 224 characters may be deleted completely from a CMS library if an attempt is made to MODIFY the element. %CMS-S-MODIFIED, element DATA:[LIB1]1234567890A14A1234567890A28A1234567890A 42A1234567890A56A1234567890A70A1234567890A84A12345 67890A98A1234567890A112A. 1234567890A127A1234567890A141A1234567890A 155A1234567890A169A 1234567890A183A12345a200a123456789 -RMS-E-CRE, ACP file create failed -NONAME-W-NOMSG, Message number 00000000 -RMS-E-CRE, ACP file create failed -SYSTEM-W-BADFILENAME, bad file name syntax This problem can also cause a REPLACE operation to fail with element name longer than 224 characters. The offending element name can be much shorter if it contains escaped sequences. In this case the escapes also count in the length of the name. Also, if you do CREATE element using an element name that is more than 255 characters after the escapes are added the error message says it is an illegal element name. o ID:176 - REPLACE/IF_CHANGED can clear concurrent replacement. Using REPLACE/IF_CHANGED when there are no changes on an element with concurrent replacements can cause the element to no longer be marked as having concurrent replacements. Commands which normally warn about concurrent replacements and request confirmation will subsequently fail to do so. o ID:184 - Corrupt library can cause misleading error messages. A missing element data file can cause CMS to display the following messages: %CMS-F-BADBUG, there is an unrecoverable bug in CMS or something it calls -CMS-F-RBKNULBLK, Rollback block is null 4-8 Known Problems o ID:186 - SHOW GENERATION/FULL does not display MSB Var formatted byte bit. If a file has the MSB Var formatted byte bit set in the record attributes then SHOW GENERATION/FULL does not show this value. o ID:204 - SET ACL/REPLACE does not report errors when ACE does not exist. SET ACL/REPLACE does not report errors when the ACE to be replaced does not exist. The command appears to be successful, but the replacement ACE is not set. o ID:206 - SET ACL allows READ and WRITE access types. The SET ACL command accepts READ and WRITE as valid access types, although they have no meaning in CMS. For a READ access type, CMS grants EXECUTE access type. For a WRITE access type, nothing is granted. o ID:207 - Invalid OPTIONS field in Access Control Entry accepted. The OPTIONS field in an ACE must contain the keyword DEFAULT or NONE, and is only valid for object lists, i.e. CLASS_LIST, ELEMENT_LIST, and GROUP_LIST. CMS incorrectly allows: o A list of options o Various invalid keywords that are valid in OpenVMS ACLs o Defaults to be set on objects that are not object lists o ID:208 - CMS treats creation of action ACEs as an event. When an action Access Control Entry is created, CMS treats the creation as an event and performs the action. For example, the following command causes one event immediately, and a further event whenever a class is created (as this causes a new ACE to be created for the new class), in addition to the expected events when classes are deleted: $ CMS SET ACL/OBJECT=LIBRARY CLASS_LIST /ACL=(NOTIFY=USER, - $_ IDENTIFIER=*, OPTIONS=DEFAULT, ACCESS=DELETE) o ID:216 - Indexed files dependency on disk cluster size. Known Problems 4-9 When an indexed file is created as an output file from a CMS command, for example FETCH, or as a temporary working file, the exact file structure depends on the cluster size of the disk on which it is created. If the cluster size is different from that which applied when the file was originally created, the new and original files may not be identical. When this occurs, if the fetched file is compared to the original file, the OpenVMS DIFFERENCES command reports that the files are identical. However, the CMS DIFFERENCES command reports that the files are different. Another way in which this problem can be seen is if the file is reserved and replaced unchanged with the /IF_ CHANGED qualifier. In this case, a new generation is created when CMS sees the files as different. o ID:222 - Extra error message produced for errors related to file access. If a file access error occurs an additional spurious error message may be produced. For example, if there is no read access to the element data file, an extra -RMS-E_PRV message is produced: $ CMS FETCH TEST.DAT %CMS-E-NOFETCH, error fetching element DISK:[CMS.CMSLIB]TEST.DAT -RMS-E-PRV, insufficient privilege or file protection violation -RMS-E-PRV, insufficient privilege or file protection violation o ID:224 - SET ACL/BEFORE or /AFTER can give wrong error message. If the ACL specified in a /BEFORE or /AFTER qualifier does not exist, the error message may not match the specified ACL, for example: $ CMS SET ACL/AFTER=(ID=CMS_ADMIN) /OBJ=CLASS C - _$ /ACL=(ID=CMS_DEVL, ACCESS=CREATE+CONTROL) %CMS-E-NOMODACL, error modifying access control list for class DK:[LIB]C -CMS-W-NOACE, specified access control entry does not exist -CMS-I-TEXT, (IDENTIFIER=CMS_ADMIN,ACCESS=NONE) The "ACCESS=NONE" part of the error is wrong. o ID:230 - CMS DIFFERENCES/SENTINEL shows wrong line numbers. 4-10 Known Problems When you use the /SENTINEL qualifier to the CMS DIFFERENCES command, the line numbers reported in the output may not match the line numbers of the files being compared. They are wrong by the number of lines that are skipped for the sections of text delimited by the /SENTINEL qualifier. o WFM 1206652249-121 - A JAR file (.JAR) stored in CMS becomes unusable when fetched back. Patch has been provided to the customer to overcome the problem. Work around: a. For files already present in CMS. o Fetch the JAR file from the CMS library. o Create a 'fdl' file using the following command: $anal/rms /fdl This command will create a jar_file_name.fdl file. Then edit 'fdl' file and change the record format to undefined leaving other attributes unchanged and save the file. RECORD FORMAT UNDEFINED o Use jar_file_name.fdl file to create a new jar file using the following command: $convert /fdl=jar_ file_name.fdl o Then change the record format of the file again using the command: $set file/attribute=(RFM=STMLF) jar_file_name b. For inserting new files in CMS. o Before inserting the .JAR file in the CMS change the file record format to undefined using the following command: $ SET FILE/ATTRIBUTE=(RFM:UDF) - then insert into CMS library Known Problems 4-11 o Fetch the .JAR file from CMS library and change the record format of the file using the following command: $ SET FILE/ATTRIBUTE=(RFM:STMLF) 4.2 DECwindows Problems The following known problems exist for the DECwindows interface from CMS Version 4.5: o ID:19 - The DECwindows interface ignores accelerator keys. The DECwindows accelerator keys Ctrl/O (open), Ctrl/C (close view) and Ctrl/E (exit) have no affect in the DECwindows interface. o ID:35 - DECwindows CREATE ELEMENT claims work in progress when it is not. Under certain circumstances, the CMS DECwindows CREATE ELEMENT function displays an erroneous work-in-progress box. It can be ignored. o ID:76 - DECwindows and file specifications greater than 255 characters. The DECwindows interface may produce strange results if the user inputs a file specification that is greater than 255 characters. DECwindows does not check the size and blindly passes this on to the low-level routines, which blindly moves the size into a byte field before processing. Thus, a 256-character file specification, is exactly like providing none. o ID:92 - Can not deselect REPAIR button in VERIFY dialog. Once the REPAIR button has been selected in the VERIFY dialog box from the MAINTENANCE menu, it can not be deselected. o ID:100 - When VIEW RESERVATIONS is selected, and the user double-clicks on a particular reservation then selects CONCURRENT REPLACEMENTS, VIEW, EXPAND, ALL, an incorrect error message is reported. 4-12 Known Problems o ID:105 - RESTRICT ELEMENT dialog box is laid out incorrectly. RESTRICT ELEMENT displays a button on top of a text field. o ID:107 - In the case of virtual memory being exhausted when updating the contents of a CMS View, if the view is iconified, an access violation occurs when CMS attempts to bring up a caution box. If the view is not iconified, after acknowledging the box, the cursor remains in a "watch" shape and attempting to bring up a dialog box can result in an access violation. The problem can be avoided through the use of the Customize Restrict functionality. For example, by default RESTRICT HISTORY displays only the previous 30 days' history. o ID:108 - If message logging has been customized to None, the Cancel Operation button may not be recognized until after the operation has been completed. o ID:109 - Some informational messages resulting from opening or closing libraries appears on the terminal where the CMS DECwindows interface was invoked rather than in the output window. This also occurs when manipulating a reserved element or an element under review. o ID:164 - The DECwindows interface does not display all of the messages that the Command Line Interface does. In general, only the first message in a set is displayed. Known Problems 4-13 5 _________________________________________________________________ Restrictions The following restrictions apply to CMS Version 4.5-2: o Programs that use CMS callables must be recompiled and relinked because of the fetch data block (FDB) structure. At the time of recompilation, change the size of the FDB structure with 12 long words. For example, if the callable program declares the FDB as int fdb[5]; change it to int fdb[12];. o When a CMS library is created with /CASE_ LOOKUP=SENSITIVE, accessing the library from a process with /CASE_LOOKUP=BLIND will not work as expected and using this qualifier should be avoided. o The CMS CLASS and GROUP names are not supported with extended characters and also, does not work in the traditional case-sensitive manner. The following restrictions are continued from CMS Version 4.5: o This restriction does not apply when CMS is in subsystem mode: When using extended file support, 1+ must to be specified within quotes. For example: cms sh gen hello.c/gen="1+" If 1+ is not specified within quotes the following warning is displayed; %DCL-W-NULFIL, missing or invalid file specification - respecify o Programs that use CMS callables have to be recompiled and relinked with regard to the LDB structure. At the time of recompilation you need to change the size of the LDB structure to 60 long words. Restrictions 5-1 For e.g., if the callable program declares the LDB as int lib_db[50]; change it to int lib_db[60]; o Rarely, when using CMS, the following error is encountered: %CMS-F-BUG, there is something wrong with CMS ... -CMS-F-NOMAP, Cannot map the appropriate control structure -CMS-F-TEXT, dynamic buffer space exhausted. Reenter CMS. This error is caused by a design limitation in CMS. Under extreme conditions, CMS does not have enough buffer space allocated to complete an operation, and it cannot deallocate the exhausted buffer and reallocate it again. This error should only occur when using the COPY ELEMENT command, and only for attempts to copy elements with hundreds of generations (typically more than 500-600). This problem has nothing to do with the number of elements being copied, it only depends on the number of generations within any particular element. If the problem is encountered, the primary workaround is to reduce the number of generations in the element that caused the error. Typically, elements with this many generations have been automatically created or altered, and in many cases, the generation history isn't uniformly interesting. Judicious use of DELETE GENERATION could get the number of generations down to a manageable number. o When using CMS library reference copies, certain file system related messages, such as RMS-F-DEV or RMS-E- PRV, may refer to the reference copy directory. The CMS messages do not make this explicit in some cases. When such problems are encountered, check the protections on reference copy directory. o Using VERIFY/RECOVER on a library that does not need recovery, fails with an error diagnostic, RECNOTNEC, stating that the library does not need recovery: 5-2 Restrictions $ CMS VERIFY/RECOVER %CMS-E-NORECOVER, error recovering library -CMS-E-RECNOTNEC, recovery is not necessary; the library is in a safe state o Use of CMS/LSE integration features. To use the CMS/LSE integration features, introduced in CMS Version 3.8, LSE Version 4.3 is required. If an earlier version of LSE is used, the CMS/LSE integration features are not available. No other features are effected by using an earlier version of LSE (prior to Version 4.3). o The following restrictions apply to the CMS DIFFERENCES command when used with a CMS library search list. If both file_1 and file_2 are element generation specifications, then both of the elements must reside in the same library of the library search list. CMS DIFFERENCES emits CMS-E-NOFETCH (or other messages returned by CMS$FETCH_OPEN) if it cannot locate a specified element generation. In a library search list, this may occur if one or both of the specified elements do not exist in the first library. These messages are issued for each library of the library search list in which the element is not found. The exact sequence of such messages depends on the values of the /OCCLUDE qualifier. In such cases, a CMS-E-NOFETCH message may be followed by a CMS-S-IDENTICAL or CMS-W-DIFFERENT message. These messages indicate the actual status of the operation, whereas the intervening CMS-E-NOFETCH messages are a side-effect of the library search list traversal. The same considerations apply to the callable routine CMS$DIFFERENCES. CMS$DIFFERENCES uses the callable fetch routines CMS$FETCH_OPEN, CMS$FETCH_GET, and CMS$FETCH_ CLOSE. Conditions may be signaled from these routines during the operation of CMS$DIFFERENCES. o The DECwindows Options Save_Options feature overwrites the current CMS resource data file in the DECW$USER_ DEFAULTS directory. If a version of the CMS resource data has been placed in this directory for customizing the interface for eXcursion small screen support, it Restrictions 5-3 is overwritten if this option is used. The customized values are not copied into the new version of the resource data file and no longer has any effect on the CMS DECwindows interface. o There have been several reports that CMS is corrupting source files via the use of the /NOTES qualifier. This occurs because CMS is strictly syntax driven when /NOTES is involved. During a CMS Replace, it looks at any information contained at the end of each line and remove this information if it looks like a valid notes field. (A notes field is parsed as a "left part" followed by a generation number followed by a "right part".) A notes field NOT containing any "left part" or "right part" contextual information and containing only a generation number field (most examples supplied with the reports specified that they used the /NOTES="#G" form) is especially vulnerable since the format of the generation number is, for many of its valid forms, exactly the same format as a numeric constant which commonly may show up at the end of a line in most programming languages. CMS does not (and probably cannot, in general) keep track of which specific lines it placed notes on. Thus when CMS replaces a file back into an element, it scans all input lines for notes information to be removed. The problem of remembering which lines had notes placed on them seems simple until you remember that the files have probably been edited so that the original context is relatively hard to recover except for the simplest cases. Even trying to depend on the /POSITION qualifier value to determine the "validity" of a particular string as a note is not trustworthy. To avoid this problem, take full advantage of the complexity allowed in the notes string syntax and define the notes string to have a form that would be very unlikely to be encountered using your normal coding styles. For example: /NOTES="/*--#G--*/" This syntax would probably be acceptable to a C programmer whose coding style did not typically include the double-hyphen prefix and suffix in comments. 5-4 Restrictions A side note: One of the COBOL examples received demonstrates this problem in a more subtle fashion. Specifically, when an element is reserved using /NONOTES, a subsequent REPLACE does not remember that it was reserved using /NONOTES and thus tries to remove the notes it finds (thus corrupting the file for the example received). The unfortunate part of this problem is that if we modify REPLACE to honor the state of the notes qualifier as reserved and NOT try to remove the notes from the file for this case, we now have a time bomb. The next time a RESERVE and REPLACE of the element is done WITH notes, the information will then likely be stripped off. In summary, when using /NOTES be careful when picking the notes prototype string to avoid colliding with otherwise legal syntax in the language being used. o CMS does not perform correctly when run from a detached process where no CLI present. Errors like LIB-F-NOCLI occur. o Callable CMS allows a command string to contain a maximum of 256 characters, where interactive CMS allows a maximum of 1024 characters. The workaround is to provide an input routine and use the continuation line when the library is set up. o The history line sent to the CMS event handler and seen in notification messages contain the letter 'W' after the transaction time field if the transaction resulted from a wildcard operation. This information should be suppressed, as it is by the SHOW HISTORY command. o CMS Version 2.n attempts to operate on a CMS Version 3.n library, despite having incompatible formats. This may result in a corrupted CMS Version 3.n library. Note that this problem does not exist for libraries created by or converted to CMS Version 3.5-5 or later. o A maximum of 65,536 characters can be copied from a CMS view to the DECwindows Clipboard. Restrictions 5-5 o When using CMS with extended filenames from the DCL command line, the DCL parse style must be set to extended filenames. Use the DCL command SET PROCESS/PARSE_STYLE=EXTENDED. For example: $ SET PROCESS/PARSE_STYLE=EXTENDED $ CMS SET LIBRARY DISK1:[PROGRAMS.CMSLIB_EXT] $ CMS DIFFERENCES Parser^[Old_Version^].CPP Parser^[New_Version^].CPP o If an attempt is made to use a version of CMS prior to Version 4.1 for access to a library that has the long variant name attribute set, an error message is displayed. This occurs for any command issued against the library by an older version of CMS until a CMS Version 4.1 or later user successfully restores the /NOLONG_VARIANT_NAMES attribute on the library. This is the exact error displayed for this condition: %CMS-F-BADLIB, there is something wrong with your library * CMS-F-BADTYPSTR, header block type is 145; it should be 17 o While using CMS Version 4.5-2 to VERIFY a library that was created by a version of CMS prior to Version 4.1, errors such as the following may be displayed because the new commands that were added in Version 4.1 have not yet been added to the library control file: %CMS-E-NOTFOUND, command DISK1:[CMS.LIB1]COPY_CLASS not found -CMS-E-USEREPAIR, use VERIFY/REPAIR %CMS-E-NOTFOUND, command DISK1:[CMS.LIB1]COPY_GROUP not found -CMS-E-USEREPAIR, use VERIFY/REPAIR %CMS-E-NOTFOUND, command DISK1:[CMS.LIB1]MODIFY_RESERVATION not found -CMS-E-USEREPAIR, use VERIFY/REPAIR %CMS-E-ERRVERCON, control file verified with errors Use VERIFY/REPAIR, if it is unable to correct the problem, use VERIFY/REPAIR a second time to complete the repair of the library and add the new commands to the library control file. o CMS still restricts directory trees to maximum depth of eight, even though OpenVMS no longer imposes that restriction. 5-6 Restrictions o There is a limitation to the usefulness of the DIFFERENCES command and merge operations when large changes are made to an element. During a REPLACE command, the new file is compared to the reserved generation to determine how to represent the changes. When a change is found, a search is made for a unique matching line to determine the extent of the change. The range of this search is limited so, when a large number of consecutive or nearly consecutive lines are added to or changed in an element, the correct matching lines may not be identified, resulting in a non-optimal representation of the change. The integrity of the element is not affected, and all generations can still be retrieved correctly. However, the DIFFERENCES command and merge operations are unlikely to give useful results, typically indicating that large sections have been deleted and then added later, or reporting conflicts. The risk of future DIFFERENCES and merge failures is primarily dependent on the number of lines changed, but also depends on other factors, such as the number and complexity of changes already made to the element, the average line length, and the degree of repetition of lines. For a typical source file in most programming languages, a change of about 500 lines would usually be successfully tracked, and a change of around 800 lines would usually lead to problems with future merge operations. The problem does not occur if the changes are spread through the element. Restrictions 5-7