ABKEYW, ambiguous qualifier or keyword - supply more characters Explanation: Too few characters were used to truncate a keyword or qualifier name to make the keyword or qualifier name unique. User Action: Reenter the command. Specify at least four characters of the keyword or qualifier name. ABNEXIT, process has exited abnormally Explanation: The process that is being looked at has exited with some exit status. User Action: Check to see why the process exited. ABORT, abort Explanation: A database procedure has unexpectedly aborted or returned an error in an unexpected way. User Action: Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. ABSENT, entity or value absent from command string Explanation: This message indicates that the entity value has not been specified in the command line. User Action: No action is required. ABSTIMREQ, absolute time required - delta time supplied Explanation: A delta time is passed to the routine when an absolute time is required. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. ABVERB, ambiguous command verb - supply more characters Explanation: Too few characters were used to truncate a command name to make the command name unique. User Action: Reenter the command. Specify at least four characters of the command name. ACCESS_ERR, an error was returned by the access function Explanation: An error was returned by the 'access' function. User Action: Please refer to the reference pages for 'access' to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function. Page 2 ACCVIO, access violation Explanation: A readable parameter cannot be read, or a writeable parameter cannot be written. User Action: Pass the appropriate parameters. ACLEMPTY, access control list is empty Explanation: There are no access control entries in the access control list. User Action: Do not perform this command when the access control list is empty. AMBDATTIM, ambiguous date-time Explanation: The date-time input string did not match the specified input format. User Action: Correct the date-time input string and input format for date and time values. ARITH, arithmetic exception Explanation: An 'arithmetic exception' was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. Integer overflow, Integer divide by 0, Floating overflow, Floating divide by 0, Floating underflow, Floating invalid operation, and Floating inexact result are specific conditions producing this signal. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. AUTHNOTOWN, the authentication file is not owned by root Explanation: The authentication file has the wrong owner. User Action: Contact the system or database administrator to verify and/or correct the owner of the /usr/lib/dbs/sql/version /lib/cosi_authenticate program. AUTHWRONGPROT, the authentication file does not have the correct protection set Explanation: The authentication file has the wrong protection. User Action: Contact the system or database administrator to verify and/or correct the protection of the /usr/lib/dbs/sql/version /lib/cosi_authenticate program. Page 3 BADAUTH, there is a problem with the authentication file Explanation: The authentication file does not exist, or it has the wrong owner or protection. User Action: Contact the system or database administrator to verify and/or correct the existence, owner, or protection of the /usr/lib/dbs/sql/version /lib/cosi_authenticate program. BADNODENAME, invalid remote node name specification for network Explanation: You specified a remote node name that contains a quoted string when using TCP/IP transport. User Action: Either check the remote node name for validity, and remove any quoted strings, or change the transport to use DECnet as the network transport. BADPARAM, bad parameter value Explanation: A value specified for a system function is not valid. User Action: This error message indicates a possible error in the use of operating system services by the database system. Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. BADVMSVER, operating system version is not supported Explanation: The current version of Operating System is higher than the version supported by Oracle Rdb. User Action: Contact your Customer service center. There may be a future version of Oracle Rdb that supports your Operating System version. BAD_CODE, corruption in the query string Explanation: An illegal entry was found in the query string. User Action: If you called Rdb, check the query string. Otherwise, contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. BAD_KEY, invalid key specification Explanation: The key field size, position, data type, or order is incorrect within the key definition. Positions start at 1 and cannot be greater than the maximum record size. Record size must be less than or equal to 32,767 for character data; 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 for binary data; and less than or equal to 31 for decimal. User Action: Check the command string key specifiers. Page 4 BAD_LRL, record length () greater than specified longest record length Explanation: While reading the input file, the sort code encountered a record longer than the specified LRL (longest record length specified in bytes). The record will be truncated to the LRL and sorted. User Action: Reexecute the sort command with a longer LRL. BAD_MERGE, number of work files must be between 0 and 10 Explanation: The number of work files used was either less than 0 or greater than 10. User Action: Specify the correct number of work files, and retry the sort/merge operation. BAD_SRL, record length () is too short to contain keys Explanation: A record passed to sort/merge is too short to contain all the keys. The record is discarded, and processing continues. User Action: Check your input records and key specification. BAD_TYPE, invalid sort process specified Explanation: One of the following sort type codes was passed to the routine package: - Less than one or greater than four if file I/O - Not equal to one if record I/O - An invalid key word in command PROCESS Legal values are 1 through 4 for file I/O; 0 for record I/O; and RECORD, TAG, INDEX, or ADDRESS for the PROCESS command parameter. User Action: Specify a different sorting process. BUFFEROVF, output buffer overflow Explanation: The service completed successfully. The buffer length field in an item descriptor specified an insufficient value. The buffer was not large enough to hold the requested data. User Action: Provide a larger buffer, or perform another read request to access the remainder of the message. BUGCHECK, internal consistency failure Explanation: A fatal, unexpected error was detected by the database management system. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. You will need to include any bugcheck dump Page 5 files. CANCEL, operation canceled Explanation: The lock conversion request has been canceled, and the lock has been granted at its previous lock mode. This condition value is returned under the following conditions: a lock request results in queueing a lock conversion request, the request has not been granted yet (it is in the conversion queue), and, in the interim, the unlock service is called to cancel this lock conversion. Note that if the waiting conversion request is granted BEFORE the unlock call can cancel the conversion, the unlock call returns CANCELGRANT, and the conversion request returns NORMAL. User Action: This error message indicates a possible error in the locking protocols. Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. CANCELGRANT, cannot cancel a granted lock Explanation: The service to unlock a lock was called to cancel a pending lock request; however, before the request to unlock could be completed, the lock was granted. User Action: This error message indicates a possible error in the locking protocols. Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. CANNOT_OPEN_LIB, cannot open help library Explanation: The help utility could not open the requested help library. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. CANTASSMBX, error assigning a channel to a mailbox Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to assign a channel to a VMS mailbox. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. CANTCREMBX, cannot create mailbox Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to create a mailbox. Mailboxes are used for interprocess communication by the database management system on VMS. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. Usually, you will have to change one of your quotas (most likely, the buffered I/O byte Page 6 count quota or the open file quota). CANTSPAWN, error creating sub-process Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to spawn a sub-process. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. CAPTIVEACCT, captive account - can't create sub-process Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to enter a SPAWN command from a captive account on VMS. User Action: Do not use the SPAWN command from a captive account. CHOWN_ERR, an error was returned by the chown function Explanation: An error was returned by the 'chown' function. User Action: Please refer to the reference pages for 'chown' to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function. CLOSEERR, cannot close file Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to close the specified file. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. COMMA, requested value is terminated by a comma Explanation: The returned value is terminated by a comma, implying that additional values are in the list. User Action: No action is required. CONCAT, requested value is terminated by a plus sign Explanation: The returned value is concatenated to the next value with a plus sign, implying that additional values are in the list. User Action: No action is required. CONFLICT, illegal combination of command elements - check documentation Explanation: Two or more qualifiers, keywords, or parameters that cannot be used in combination were used in the same command line. Page 7 User Action: Remove the offending element. CONNECFAIL, connect over network timed-out or failed Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to establish a network connection. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. COSI_LAST_CHANCE, In cosi_last_chance handler in image .Unhandled exception code was 0x.Exception occurred at = 0x!. Explanation: An exception occurred which was not handled by another exception handler. Cosi exits the process. User Action: Check the message information and the bugheck dump, if one was written, to determine the cause of the error. If necessary, contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. CREATED, file/section did not exist - was created Explanation: The service completed successfully. The specified global section did not previously exist and has been created. User Action: No action is required. CREATEFILEMAPPINGERR, Error encountered while creating a filemapping object Explanation: A system error was encountered while creating a filemapping object User Action: Examine the secondary message to determine the reason for the failure. CREATEMUTEXERR, Error encountered while creating mutex Explanation: A system error was encountered while creating a mutex object User Action: Examine the secondary message to determine the reason for the failure. CREATERR, cannot create file Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to close the specified file. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. Page 8 CREAT_ERR, an error was returned by the creat function Explanation: An error was returned by the 'creat' function. User Action: Please refer to the reference pages for 'creat' to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function. CSETNOTFOUND, invalid or undefined character set Explanation: The character set specified is not known. User Action: Check the character set name and/or identifier to ensure that they are valid. CVTASSTS, Status from CVTAS routine is Explanation: Actual status value from convert operation. User Action: Examine the program counter (PC) location displayed in the message. Check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly. CVTUNGRANT, cannot convert an ungranted lock Explanation: An attempt was made to convert a lock that is not granted. (Only locks that are granted can be converted to another lock mode.) User Action: This error message indicates a possible error in the locking protocols. Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. DEADLOCK, deadlock detected Explanation: The system detected a set of processes waiting for locks in a circular fashion (deadlock). This lock request is denied in order to break the deadlock. User Action: Recovery from a deadlock is application specific. One common action is for the program to rollback the transaction and retry. Deadlocks should be infrequent in properly designed applications. DECOVF, decimal overflow Explanation: During an arithmetic operation, a decimal value exceeds the largest representable decimal number. The result of the operation is set to the correctly signed least significant digit. User Action: No action is required. DEFAULTED, entity present by default in command string Page 9 Explanation: The specified entity is not explicitly present in the command line, but is present by default. User Action: No action is required. DEFFORUSE, default format used - could not determine user's preference Explanation: Translation of RDB_DT_FORMAT failed, and the native standard representation is used. User Action: Examine and make corrections to the environment variable RDB_DT_FORMAT. DELETERR, error deleting file Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to delete the specified file. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. You may have to change the protection on a file before you can delete it. DESSTROVF, destination string overflow Explanation: The destionation string is shorter than the source string when the string is copied during datatype conversion. User Action: Examine the length of the destination string and make sure the length is at least equal to or longer than the source string. DIFSIZ, different message size received from expected Explanation: The message size set by VMS system when message is put in the buffer and the size computed by the monitor (message header + the message length) are different. This can be caused by a multi- user environment, e.g. 5.1 image tries to attach to 6.1 monitor. User Action: Rollback/Abort DIRECT, invalid directory syntax - check brackets and other delimiters Explanation: The directory name in a file specification entered for a command contains an illegal character, or a command that expects a directory name string did not find a directory delimiter in the specified parameter. User Action: Examine the directory name, correct the directory syntax, and reenter the command. DIRNAME_ERR, an error was returned by the dirname function Page 10 Explanation: An error was returned by the 'dirname' function. User Action: Please refer to the reference pages for 'dirname' to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function. DNF, directory not found Explanation: The specified directory does not exist on the specified device. User Action: Verify that the device and/or directory are specified correctly. Create the directory if necessary, or specify an existing directory. DT_FRACMBZ, fractional seconds precision must be zero for this sub-type Explanation: The date/time data type supplied a sub-type which does not allow a fractional seconds precision to be supplied. User Action: This appears to be an error in the code generated by SQL. Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. You will need to provide the statement that produced this error. DT_PRECMBZ, interval leading field precision must be zero for this sub-type Explanation: The date/time data type supplied a sub-type which does not allow a leading interval field precision to be supplied. User Action: This appears to be an error in the code generated by SQL. Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. You will need to provide the statement that produced this error. DUP_OUTPUT, output file has already been specified Explanation: The output file argument in the routine package was passed more than once. User Action: Check the file arguments, and verify that the output file was specified only once. EF_ALRFRE, event flag already free Explanation: An event flag that is already free is being freed. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. EF_RESSYS, event flag reserved to system Page 11 Explanation: The specified event flag is reserved for system use. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. ENDDIAGS, completed with diagnostics Explanation: The operation completed with diagnostics. User Action: Correct the conditions that resulted in the diagnostics, and retry the operation. ENDOFFILE, end of file Explanation: An end-of-file condition was encountered during an I/O operation. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. ENGLUSED, English used - could not determine user's language Explanation: Translation of the environment variable RDB_LANGUAGE failed. English is being used. User Action: Examine RDB_LANGUAGE. Verify that the environment variable is defined. EOFERR, error determining size of file Explanation: An error occurred when an attempt was made to determine the size of the specified file. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. ERRFOREIGN, error opening foreign command file as input Explanation: An error occurred when a foreign (indirect) command file was read. User Action: Examine the secondary message for more information. EVLWRTERR, error writing to the Event Log Explanation: This general message indicates an error during a write to the NT Event Log. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. Make sure that the EventLog service is running and that the Event Log is not full. EXAIOQUOTA, exceeded aio quota Explanation: The program could not proceed because the AIO quota on Page 12 the system has been exceeded. User Action: Either increase the AIO quota on the system or reduce the AIO quota consumption by Oracle Rdb servers. EXASTQUOTA, exceeded AST quota Explanation: The program could not proceed because the AST quota for the Rdb system has been exceeded. User Action: Increase the maximum number of users allowed on the system by modifying the RDBLCK_MAX_USERS parameter in the rdblck.conf configuration file. EXC_OSF, exception sub facility , code , param(s) (17XA) Explanation: The unrecognized exception with the given sub facilkity number, code and optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or software condition. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. EXC_OSF0, exception Internal, code , param(s) (17XA) Explanation: An 'Internal' exception with the given code and optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or software condition. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. EXC_OSF1, exception Facility End, code , param(s) (17XA) Explanation: A 'Facility End' exception with the given code and optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or software condition. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. EXC_OSF2, exception All, code , param(s) (17XA) Explanation: A 'Wildcard' exception with the given code and optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or software condition. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. EXC_OSF4, exception ADA User, code , param(s) (17XA) Explanation: An 'ADA user' exception with the given code and Page 13 optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or software condition. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. EXC_OSF5, exception PL1 User, code , param(s) (17XA) Explanation: A 'Pl1 user' exception with the given code and optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or software condition. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. EXC_OSF6, exception C++ User, code , param(s) (17XA) Explanation: A 'C++ user' exception with the given code and optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or software condition. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. EXC_OSF7, exception C++ User Exit, code , param(s) (17XA) Explanation: A 'C++ Exit Path' exception with the given code and optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or software condition. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. EXC_OSF8, exception C++ User Other, code , param(s) (17XA) Explanation: A 'C++ Other' exception with the given code and optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or software condition. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. EXC_OSF9, exception C User, code , param(s) (17XA) Explanation: An 'C User' exception with the given code and optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or software condition. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. BASEs 3811-3849 Reserved for future OSF exception types EXDEPTH, exceeded allowed depth Page 14 Explanation: Either a programming error has occurred or the resource name tree does not have enough depth. The lock management services allow a certain depth to the resource name tree. User Action: This error message indicates a possible error in the locking protocols. Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. EXENQLM, exceeded enqueue quota Explanation: The process's ENQLM quota was exceeded. User Action: Increase the ENQLM quota, and retry the operation. EXGBLPAGFIL, exceeded global page file limit Explanation: The attempt to allocate a global section with a page file backing store failed because the systemwide limit on these pages is exceeded. User Action: Delete some similar sections or ask the system manager to increase the SYSGEN parameter GBLPAGFIL. Then, try the operation again. EXLOCKQUOTA, exceeded RDBLCK_LOCK_COUNT quota Explanation: The program could not proceed because the RDBLCK_LOCK_COUNT quota for the Oracle Rdb system has been exceeded. User Action: Increase the lock count on the system by modifying the RDBLCK_LOCK_COUNT parameter in the rdblck.conf configuration file. EXPROCESSQUOTA, exceeded RDBLCK_MAX_PROCESS quota Explanation: The program could not proceed because the RDBLCK_MAX_PROCESS quota for the Oracle Rdb system has been exceeded. User Action: Increase the process count on the system by modifying the RDBLCK_MAX_PROCESS parameter in the rdblck.conf configuration file. EXQUOTA, exceeded quota Explanation: The program could not proceed because a resource quota or limit had been exceeded. User Action: The secondary error message describes the resource that was exceeded. If this occurs consistently, increase the appropriate quota. EXRESOURCEQUOTA, exceeded RDBLCK_RESOURCE_COUNT quota Page 15 Explanation: The program could not proceed because the RDBLCK_RESOURCE_COUNT quota for the Oracle Rdb system has been exceeded. User Action: Increase the resource count on the system by modifying the RDBLCK_RESOURCE_COUNT parameter in the rdblck.conf configuration file. EXTENDERR, error extending file Explanation: An error occurred when the size of the specified file was extended. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. EXUSERSQUOTA, exceeded RDBLCK_MAX_USERS quota Explanation: The program could not proceed because the RDBLCK_MAX_USERS quota for the Oracle Rdb system has been exceeded. User Action: Increase the maximum number of users allowed on the system by modifying the RDBLCK_MAX_USERS parameter in the rdblck.conf configuration file. FATINTERR, fatal internal error Explanation: An unexpected internal error has occurred. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. FCSFOP, file already open Explanation: A file was already opened when it was not expected to be. This indicates a general logic error in the system database code. User Action: Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. FILACCERR, error file Explanation: This general message indicates an error during file access. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. FILEMAPPINGEXISTS, mapping object specified already exists Explanation: The file mapping object specified by a name while creating it, already exists. Page 16 User Action: Change the name of the mapping object to be unique. FILESYN, syntax error parsing file Explanation: This general message indicates an error that occurs during parsing of a file name (local or remote). User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. FILOPENERR, error opening file Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to open the indicated file. User Action: Check the attributes and protection of the relevant file and of the associated directories. Verify that the file exists at the time it is needed. FILREADERR, error reading file Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to read the indicated file. User Action: Check the attributes and protection of the relevant file and of the associated directories. FILWRITEERR, error writing file Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to write to the indicated file. User Action: Check the attributes and protection of the relevant file and of the associated directories. Verify that sufficient disk space is available at the time that the file is written to. FLK, file currently locked by another user Explanation: An attempt to open or create a file failed. Another user has the file open in a mode incompatible with the attempted access. User Action: Wait until the other user has unlocked the file. If the file cannot be shared, modify the program to detect and respond to this condition by waiting. FLTDENORM, conversion to IEEE floating is denormalized Explanation: Conversion to IEEE float is a denormalized value. User Action: You can force a denormalized IEEE output value to zero by passing a CVT_FORCE_DENORM_TO_ZERO parameter to the cosi_cvt_ftof routine. Page 17 FLTDIV, floating point division exception Explanation: An arithmetic exception condition occurred as a result of a floating point division operation. User Action: Modify the query to prevent a possible divide-by-zero operation from occurring. FLTEXC, floating point exception Explanation: An arithmetic exception condition occurred as a result of a floating point operation. This may result from a divide-by-zero operation or a floating point overflow. User Action: Modify the query to prevent a possible floating point divide-by-zero or overflow from occurring. FLTINF, conversion to IEEE floating is infinite Explanation: Conversion to IEEE float is an infinite value. User Action: You can force IEEE infinite to max float value by passing a CVT_FORCE_INF_TO_MAX_FLOAT parameter to the cosi_cvt_ftof routine. This will force a positive IEEE infinite output value to +max_float and force a negative IEEE infinite output value to -max_float. FLTINV, invalid floating conversion Explanation: The float conversion result is either ROP (Reserved Operand), NaN (Not a Number), or the closest equivalent. User Action: Make sure the float conversion routine cosi_cvt_ftof is invoked with the proper range of floating value. FLTINX, Float Inexact Result Explanation: An arithmetic exception condition occurred as a result of a floating point inexact result. User Action: Examine the program counter (PC) location displayed in the message. Check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly. FLTNAN, Float Not a Number Explanation: An arithmetic exception condition occurred as a result of a floating Not-a-Number (NaN) value. User Action: Examine the program counter (PC) location displayed in the message. Check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly. FLTOVF, floating overflow Page 18 Explanation: An arithmetic exception condition occurred as a result of a floating point overflow. User Action: Examine the program counter (PC) location displayed in the message. Check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly. FLTUND, floating underflow Explanation: An arithmetic exception condition occurred as a result of a floating point underflow. User Action: Examine the program counter (PC) location displayed in the message. Check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly. FNF, file not found Explanation: The specified file does not exist. User Action: Check the file specification and verify that the directory, file name, and file type were all specified correctly. FORMAT, invalid or corrupt media format Explanation: The media or disk file is in an invalid format. User Action: This message indicates a media or hardware problem. Check the system error log and consult the hardware support group for further information. Reinstalling Oracle Rdb will resolve the problem. However, if the error regularly occurs, faulty hardware is almost certainly the cause. FORMATERR, error in formatting output Explanation: An error occurred during formatting of output to a terminal or a file. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. GETPWNAM_ERR, an error was returned by the getpwnam function Explanation: An error was returned by the 'getpwnam' function. User Action: Please refer to the reference pages for 'getpwnam' to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function. ILLCOMPONENT, illegal initialization component Explanation: The format for the data and time formatting string for one of the fields is illegal. Page 19 User Action: Check your data and time format string to be used for displaying date and time strings. ILLEFC, illegal event flag cluster Explanation: An event flag number specified in a system service call is greater than 127. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. ILLFORMAT, illegal format - too many or not enough fields Explanation: An invalid date and time format string was given. User Action: Examine the date/time format string, and correct it. ILLINISTR, illegal initialization string Explanation: An incorrect initialization string is passed to date and time formatting services. User Action: Verify that the initialization string begins and ends with the same delimiter character. ILLSTRCLA, illegal string class Explanation: The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a supported string class code. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. ILLSTRPOS, illegal string position Explanation: The service completed successfully. However, one of the character-position parameters to a string manipulation routine pointed to a character-position that is before the beginning of the input string or that is after the end of the input string. User Action: Ensure that any character-position parameter is greater than zero and less than or equal to the length of the input string. ILLSTRSPE, illegal string specification Explanation: The service completed successfully, except that the character-position parameters specifying a substring of a string parameter were inconsistent because the ending character position is less than the starting character position. A null string is used for the substring. User Action: The application program should verify that the starting character positions are less than or equal to the Page 20 ending character positions. IMGABORTED, image aborted at privileged user request Explanation: The current image was aborted by another privileged user, typically the database administrator, in response to some event that required this action. User Action: Consult the database administrator to identify the reason the image was aborted. INCDATTIM, incomplete date-time - missing fields with no defaults Explanation: An incomplete date or time parameter was supplied. User Action: Examine the date/time value and the data and time format string. Correct the input data/ time value. INPCONERR, input conversion error Explanation: There is an invalid character in the input string; or the output value is not within the range of the destination data type. User Action: Correct the input string, or change the destination data type. INP_FILES, too many input files specified Explanation: More than 10 input files were listed. User Action: Reduce the number of input files or combine them so that no more than 10 input files are listed. INSEF, insufficient event flags Explanation: There were insufficient event flags. There were no more event flags available for allocation. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. INSFARG, insufficient call arguments Explanation: An internal coding error (insufficient number of arguments) occurred. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. INSFMEM, insufficient dynamic memory Explanation: A command or image exhausted the system pool of dynamic memory, and the system cannot complete the request. Page 21 User Action: Free the resources you are holding, or increase the existing pool of memory. INSFPRM, missing command parameters - supply all required parameters Explanation: A command cannot be executed because one or more required parameters are missing from the command. User Action: Correct the command by supplying all required parameters. INSFSYSRES, insufficient system resources Explanation: The operating system did not have sufficient resources to process the request. User Action: Examine secondary error message for more information. INTOVF, integer overflow Explanation: Either the library routine or the hardware detected an integer overflow. User Action: Choose a destination data type with a larger range. INT_OVERFLOW, Arithmetic exception: Integer Overflow Explanation: Attempt to use a number which was too great in magnitude to be used in the manner intended. User Action: Review the problem and change the data or data format accordingly. INVARG, invalid argument(s) Explanation: An invalid argument is specified to an internal call. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. INVARGORD, invalid argument order Explanation: The ordering of the arguments is invalid. The caller specified the the data and time values in the wrong order. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. INVCLADSC, invalid class in descriptor Explanation: An unsupported class of descriptor is specified. User Action: Retry the operation specifying a supported class of Page 22 descriptor. INVCLADTY, invalid class data type combination in descriptor Explanation: An unsupported class and data type of descriptor is specified. User Action: Ensure that both the class and data type specified are supported. INVCVT, invalid data type conversion Explanation: 1. source value is negative and destination data type is unsigned, or 2. possible bad parameter, such as invalid input/output type, invalid option value, or 3. float over/under flow (on ALPHA/VMS), or 4. positive/Negative Infinity (on ALPHA/VMS), or 5. reserved operand error. User Action: Ensure that the source value is positive and the destination data type is signed, or the parameters are passed correctly, or contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. INVDTYDSC, invalid data type in descriptor Explanation: An unsupported data type is specified. User Action: Retry the operation specifying a supported data type. INVENTITY, invalid command line entity specified Explanation: An invalid qualifier or parameter was found on the command line. User Action: Reenter the command line using the correct syntax. INVFILNAM, invalid character found in file name Explanation: A non-ASCII character was found in a file name used in a command. User Action: Examine the file name, correct the name, and reenter the command. INVKEY, invalid keyword Explanation: There was an unrecognized keyword in the command string. User Action: Reenter the command using the correct syntax. INVNBDS, invalid numeric byte data string Explanation: There is an invalid character in the input, or the Page 23 value is outside the range that can be represented by the destination, or the numeric byte date string (NBDS) descriptor is invalid. This error is also signaled when the array size of an NBDS is larger than 65,535 bytes or the array is multi-dimensional. User Action: Specify a valid NBDS. INVREQTYP, invalid request type Explanation: This message is associated with an internal status code returned from the command interpreter result parse routine. The message indicates a request to perform an unimplemented function. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. INVSTRDES, invalid string descriptor Explanation: A string descriptor passed to a general library procedure did not contain a valid CLASS field. User Action: Locate the call to the library that caused the error, and initialize the field to the proper class of descriptor. INVWRKBLK, invalid request type Explanation: This message is associated with an internal status code returned from the command interpreter result parse routine. The message indicates that the parser encountered a corrupt internal data structure. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. INV_PRECISION, invalid interval leading field precision for datetime Explanation: The data definition language requested an interval leading field precision which is outside the supported range. User Action: Correct the definition so that the interval leading field precision is within the legal range. INV_SCALE, invalid fractional seconds precision for datetime Explanation: The data definition language requested a fractional seconds precision for a TIME, TIMESTAMP, or INTERVAL definition which is outside the correct range. User Action: Correct the definition so that the fractional seconds precision is within the legal range. Page 24 INV_SUB_TYPE, invalid sub_type in definition Explanation: The data definition language requested a sub-type which was not recognized. User Action: Correct the definition so that the sub-type is within the legal range. IO_ERROR, IO error while reading help file Explanation: An IO error occured while reading a help library. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. IVACL, invalid access control list entry syntax Explanation: You have specified syntax for an access control list entry that is not acceptable. User Action: Specify a valid access control list entry syntax. For RMU, this will typically be of the form: (IDENT = identifier, ACCESS = privilege+privilege+...) IVBUFLEN, invalid buffer length Explanation: The length of the buffer supplied was invalid. The length of the resource name provided to the system service to acquire a lock was more than 31 characters, or an I/O message was too large to handle. User Action: This error message indicates a possible error in the use of operating system services. Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. IVDEVNAM, invalid device name Explanation: A device name contains invalid characters, or no device is specified. User Action: Verify that the device name is specified correctly and is suitable for the requested operation. IVKEYW, unrecognized keyword - check validity and spelling Explanation: There is an unrecognized keyword in the command string. User Action: Reenter the command using the correct syntax. IVLOCKID, invalid lock id Explanation: The lock identification specified in the call to the lock or unlock request is not a valid lock identification for that process. Page 25 User Action: This error message indicates a possible error in the locking protocols. Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. IVLOGNAM, invalid logical name Explanation: A name string exceeds the maximum length permitted or has a length of 0. User Action: Check that the character string descriptors pointing to name strings indicate the correct lengths. IVMODE, invalid mode for requested function Explanation: The caller does not have the privilege to perform the operation. User Action: This error message indicates a possible error in the use of operating system primitives. Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. IVQLOC, invalid qualifier location - place after a parameter Explanation: A qualifier that can be used only to qualify a parameter value in a command is placed following the command name. User Action: Reenter the command. Place the qualifier following the parameter value it qualifies. IVQUAL, unrecognized qualifier - check validity, spelling, and placement Explanation: A qualifier is spelled incorrectly or is improperly placed in the command line. User Action: Correct the command line. IVTILDEUSER, invalid user name found in the file specification Explanation: The user name specified after a ~ (tilde) in the specified file is not a vailid user name, and therefore cannot be used to get to a home directory. User Action: Verify that the user name is specified correctly, and correct any spelling errors. IVTIME, invalid date or time Explanation: A time value specified in a system service call is invalid. Either a delta time is greater than 10,000 days, or a calculated absolute time is less than the system date and time. User Action: Check for a programming error. Verify that the call to Page 26 the service is coded correctly. IVVERB, unrecognized command verb - check validity and spelling Explanation: The first word on the command line is not a valid command. User Action: Check the spelling of the command name and reenter the command. KEYAMBINC, key specification is ambiguous or inconsistent Explanation: Duplicate key parameters were specified for a single KEY qualifier. User Action: Specify each key parameter only once. For multiple keys, use a KEY qualifier for each key. KEYED, mismatch between sort/merge keys and primary file key Explanation: An empty indexed file was created with a primary key that does not match the sort key. The sort operation is less efficient than it is when the two keys match. User Action: For greater efficiency, create a new indexed file or change the sort key. KEY_LEN, invalid key length, key number , length Explanation: The key size is incorrect for the data type, or the total key size is greater than 32,767. User Action: Specify the correct key field size. Size must be less than or equal to 32,767 for character data; 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 for binary data; and less than or equal to 31 for decimal. Also, only ascending or descending order is allowed. LIB_NOT_OPEN, help library not open Explanation: An attempt was made to access a help library without opening it first. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. LM_EXCEEDED, licensed product has exceeded current license limits Explanation: The number of active license units has exceeded the current limits. User Action: Reduce the number of active users of the product. LM_ILLPRODUCER, producer argument isn't DEC Page 27 Explanation: The producer name for the product does not match with the license installed on the system. User Action: Check the license installed on the system. LM_INVALID_DATE, license is invalid for this product date Explanation: The date of the product release does not match with the date of the license installed. User Action: Check the installed license. LM_INVALID_VERS, license is invalid for this product version Explanation: The version of the product does not match with the license on the system. User Action: Check the installed license. LM_NOLICENSE, operation requires software license Explanation: A license for the software does not exist. User Action: Please install the license for the product. LM_NOTINRSRVLIST, not in license reserve list Explanation: This user is not in the list of reserved users (for a user-based license). User Action: Please add the user to the list of reserved users. LM_TERMINATED, license has terminated Explanation: The license for the product has been terminated. User Action: Please renew your license or install a new one. LOADFAILURE, unable to dynamically load or unload image Explanation: The system is unable to dynamically load an executable image. User Action: Ensure that the relevent image is available on your system. LOADINVFILNAM, invalid image filename Explanation: The filename supplied for dynamic image loading was improperly specified or contains illegal characters. User Action: Correct the filename. LOADINVSECFIL, invalid secure image filespec Page 28 Explanation: The file specification supplied for secure EXEC mode logical translation contains illegal characters or does not reference an existing image. User Action: Ensure that the file specification is correct and that the specified image exists. LOADSYMBOL, unable to look up symbol in dynamically loaded image Explanation: The system is unable to look up a symbol in a dynamically loaded image. User Action: Ensure that the relevent image is available on your system and that the image is intact (not corrupt). LOADUNINSTALLED, unable to dynamically load uninstalled image Explanation: The system is unable to dynamically load a shareable image into the process with the main image which is installed execute_only or privileged. The new image must be installed and any associated filespec must reference only /SYSTEM/EXEC logicals. User Action: Ensure that the relevent image is installed on your system and that the proper logicals are used in the related filespec. LOCNEG, entity explicitly and locally negated in command string Explanation: The specified qualifier is present in its negated form (prefixed with no) and is used as a local qualifier. User Action: No action is required. LOCPRES, entity value is locally present in command string Explanation: The specified qualifier is present and is used as a local qualifier. User Action: No action is required. LRL_MISS, longest record length must be specified Explanation: If a record I/O interface subroutine package is selected, the longest record length (LRL) must be passed to sort in the call. User Action: Specify the LRL. MAPVIEWOFFILEERR, Error encountered while mapping a view of the file Explanation: A system error was encountered while mapping a view of the file into the virtual address space. User Action: Examine the secondary message to determine the reason Page 29 for the failure. MAXPARM, too many parameters - reenter command with fewer parameters Explanation: A command contained more than the maximum number of parameters allowed. This error can be caused by leaving blanks on a command line where a special character, for example, a comma or plus sign, is required. User Action: Determine the reason for the error, and correct the syntax of the command. MKDIR_ERR, an error was returned by the mkdir function Explanation: An error was returned by the 'mkdir' function. User Action: Please refer to the reference pages for 'mkdir' to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function. MODIFYERR, error extending or truncating file Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to modify the size of the specified file. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. MSGNOTFND, message not in system message file Explanation: The relevant message was not found in the message file, or the message system was not properly initialized. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. MUTEXEXISTS, mutex object specified already exists Explanation: The mutex object specified while creating already exists. User Action: Change the name of the mutex object to be unique. NAMTOOLON, piece of pathname too long - respecify Explanation: The user-supplied file specification is too long (greater than 255 characters). User Action: Reenter the file name with fewer than 255 characters. NEGATED, entity explicitly negated in command string Explanation: The specified qualifier or keyword is present in its Page 30 negated form (prefixed with NO). User Action: No action is required. NEGSTRLEN, negative string length Explanation: The service completed successfully, except that a length parameter to a string routine had a negative value. Lengths of strings must always be positive or zero; zero is used. User Action: Verify that all parameters containing string lengths do not contain negative numbers. NEGTIM, a negative time was computed Explanation: The computed time was less than the date (17-NOV-1858). User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. NFS, file specification on an NFS mounted device is not allowed Explanation: An NFS mounted device was referenced in the file specification. NFS mounted devices are not supported. User Action: Use a file name that does not reference an NFS mounted device. NOACLSUPPORT, ACLs not supported on selected object Explanation: ACLs are not supported for the specified object. User Action: Make sure that you have correctly specified the object. NOCCAT, parameter concatenation not allowed - check use of plus (+) Explanation: A command that accepts either a single-input value for a parameter or a list of input values separated by commas, contains multiple values concatenated by plus signs ( + ). User Action: Reenter the command with a single file specification. If necessary, enter the command once for each file. NOCOMD, no command on line - reenter with alphabetic first character Explanation: A command begins with a nonalphabetic character. User Action: Reenter the command with an alphabetic character at the beginning. Page 31 NODEVDIR, filename does not include device and/or directory Explanation: The file specification you made did not include a device and directory. User Action: Include a device and/or directory in the file specification. NODUPEXC, equal-key routine and no-duplicates option cannot both be specified Explanation: Both an equal-key routine and the SOR$M_NODUPS option were specified when only one or the other option is allowed. User Action: Specify either the equal-key routine or the no-duplicates option. NOENTRY, access control entry not found Explanation: You have specified an access control entry that does not exist in the access control list. User Action: Add the desired access control entry to the access control list, or specify a different access control entry for your command. NOKEYW, qualifier name is missing - append the name to the delimiter Explanation: A qualifier delimiter is present on a command but is not followed by a qualifier keyword name. User Action: Reenter the command specifying the qualifier or removing the qualifier delimiter. NOLIST, list of parameter values not allowed - check use of comma (,) Explanation: A command that accepts only a single input value for a parameter contains multiple values separated by commas. User Action: Reenter the command. Specify only one file. If necessary, enter the command once for each file specified. NOLOCKID, no lock identification available Explanation: The system's lock identification table is full when a call to acquire a lock is made. User Action: Increase the size of the lock identification table. If the problem persists, contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. Page 32 NOLOGNAM, no logical name match Explanation: A specified logical name does not exist. User Action: Verify the spelling of the logical name. NOMEMRESID, requires rights identifier VMS$MEM_RESIDENT_USER Explanation: Attempt to create a memory-resident global section without having the VMS$MEM_RESIDENT_USER identifier. User Action: Enable the VMS$MEM_RESIDENT_USER identifier for the process. NOMOREACE, access control list is exhausted Explanation: There are no more access control entries in the access control list. User Action: Do not perform this command when there are no more access control entries in the access control list. NOMORELOCK, no more locks Explanation: No lkid argument was specified, or the caller requested a wildcard operation by specifying a value of 0 or -1 for the lkidadr argument. The service that provides information about locks, however, has exhausted the locks about which it can return information. This is an alternate success status. User Action: No action is required. NONAME, file name specified where not permitted NONEXPR, nonexistent process Explanation: The process name or the process identifier specified is invalid. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. NOPAREN, value improperly delimited - supply parenthesis Explanation: A value supplied as part of a parenthesized value list for a parameter, qualifier, or keyword is missing a delimiting parenthesis. User Action: Reenter the command with the missing parenthesis. NOPRIV, no privilege for attempted operation Explanation: You do not have the appropriate privilege to perform Page 33 this operation. User Action: See your database administrator, and request the appropriate privilege for the attempted operation. NOQUAL, qualifiers not allowed - supply only verb and parameters Explanation: A command that has no qualifiers is specified with a qualifier. User Action: Reenter the command. Do not specify any qualifiers. NORECATTRS, missing record specification Explanation: A fatal, internal error has occurred. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. NORECSIZE, record size not specified Explanation: A fatal, internal error has occurred. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. NOSHMEM, operation requires SHMEM privilege Explanation: A command requested a function that requires SHMEM privilege; the current process does not have this privilege. User Action: See your database administrator, and request the SHMEM privilege for the attempted operation. NOSPACE, maximum file size exceeded or file system full Explanation: A file update operation could not be completed. The file system is full, or the file exceeds the system-allowed maximum. User Action: Make space available on the device in question. NOSUCHDEV, no such device available Explanation: The specified device does not exist on the system. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. NOSUCHID, unknown rights identifier Explanation: The rights identifier that you have specified does not exist on this system. Page 34 User Action: Specify only valid (known) rights identifiers. NOSUCHNET, no such network available Explanation: A DECnet connection was attempted on a system that does not support DECnet, or a TCP/IP connection was attempted on a system that does not support TCP/IP. User Action: Do not attempt to use a network that cannot be accessed. NOSUCHNODE, remote node is unknown Explanation: An attempt to make a network access failed because the remote node name does not exist or cannot be accessed. User Action: Check the remote node name for validity. If this error occurs when you use a valid node name, see your network administator. NOSUCHOBJECT, specified object does not exist Explanation: You are trying to get or set the security attributes (probably ACLs) for an object that does not exist. User Action: Make sure that you have correctly specified the object. NOSUCHSEC, named shared memory section does not exist Explanation: An attempt to map a shared memory section failed, because the the shared memory section does not exist. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. NOSUCHSRV, network service is unknown at remote node Explanation: An attempt to make a network access failed, because the service is not registered in the services database. User Action: See your network administator. NOTALLPRIV, not all requested privileges authorized Explanation: You have requested a privilege for which you are not authorized. User Action: Request only privileges for which you are authorized. NOTDISKFILE, file is not a disk file Explanation: A file name was specified which does not reference a disk- oriented device type. User Action: Check the file name for a proper disk device type. Page 35 NOTINITED, COSI facility not initialized Explanation: An internal intialization error occurred. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. NOTNEG, qualifier or keyword not negatable - remove "NO" or omit Explanation: The word "no" preceded a qualifier or keyword, but the qualifier or keyword cannot be specified as a negative. User Action: Reenter the qualifier or keyword in a non-negated form. NOTNETDEV, not a network communication device Explanation: An attempt to be a network service provider has failed, because the process was not started by the DECnet spawner or inetd daemon. User Action: Check for a programming error. Verify that the device specified in the queue I/O request is a valid communications device. NOTQUEUED, request not queued Explanation: The lock request was made with a flag setting indicating that if the request cannot be granted synchronously, it should be ignored. User Action: Wait and retry the operation. NOTSYSCONCEAL, non-system concealed device name in filename Explanation: Concealed device names must be defined in the system logical table. User Action: If the device name has to be concealed, define it in the system logical table (LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE) or in the cluster-wide system logical name table (LNM$SYSCLUSTER_TABLE). NOTYPE, file type specified where not permitted NOVALU, value not allowed - remove value specification Explanation: A qualifier or keyword that does not accept a value is specified with a value. User Action: Reenter the command omitting a value for the qualifier or keyword. NOVER, file version specified where not permitted Page 36 NOWILD, wild card specified where not permitted Explanation: One or more of these filename components was specified in a context in which it is not allowed. User Action: Review the command used and correct it. NO_SUCH_TOPIC, topic does not exist in help library Explanation: Help was asked for a topic that does not exist in the help library. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. NO_WRK, work files required - cannot do sort in memory as requested Explanation: The work-files=0 qualifier is specified, indicating the data would fit in memory, but the data is too large. User Action: Either increase the working set quota, or allow the sort utility to use two or more work files. If this message accompanies the MSGHLP error, SORTERR, see the description of that message for more information. NULFIL, missing or invalid file specification - respecify Explanation: The command interpreter expected a file specification, but no file specification was entered. User Action: Reenter the command. Place the file specification in the proper position. NUMBER, invalid numeric value - supply an integer Explanation: A numeric value is specified for a command that expects values in certain radices or interprets values within a particular context. For example, the number 999 is entered when an octal value is required, or an alphabetic value is specified in a context that requires a numeric value. User Action: Reenter the command using legal values. NUMELEMENTS, number of elements incorrect for component Explanation: An incorrect number of elements were specified for initialization of data and time format. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. NUM_KEY, too many keys specified Page 37 Explanation: Up to 255 key definitions are allowed. Either too many key definitions have been specified or the NUMBER value is wrong. User Action: Check your command string key field specifications. NYI, functionality is not yet implemented Explanation: The functionality has not yet been implemented. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. ONEDELTIM, at least one delta time is required Explanation: The DATE and TIME services require at least one of the inputs to be a delta time. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. ONEVAL, list of values not allowed - check use of comma (,) Explanation: A qualifier, keyword, or parameter that accepts only a single value is specified with multiple values. User Action: Reenter the command specifying only one value. OPENERR, cannot open file Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to open a file. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. OPENFILEMAPPINGERR, Error encountered while opening a file mapping object Explanation: A system error was encountered while opening a filemapping object User Action: Examine the secondary message to determine the reason for the failure. OPENMUTEXERR, Error encountered while opening mutex Explanation: A system error was encountered while opening mutex object User Action: Examine the secondary message to determine the reason for the failure. OPEN_ERR, an error was returned by the open function Explanation: An error was returned by the 'open' function. Page 38 User Action: Please refer to the reference pages for 'open' to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function. OUTCONERR, output conversion error Explanation: The result would have exceeded the fixed-length string. User Action: Increase the length of the fixed-length string, and retry the operation. OUTSTRTRU, output string truncated Explanation: The source and destination strings are character-coded text datum, and the destination string cannot contain all of the output string. The result is truncated. User Action: No action is required. PARMDEL, invalid parameter delimiter - check use of special characters Explanation: A command contains an invalid character following the specification of a parameter, or an invalid character is present in a file specification. User Action: Check the command string for a spelling or grammatical error. Reenter the command. PARNOTGRANT, parent lock must be granted Explanation: A programming error occurred because an attempt was made to create a sublock under a parent lock that was not granted. User Action: This error message indicates a possible error in the locking protocols. Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. PRESENT, entity value is present in command string Explanation: You do not have the appropriate privilege to perform this operation. User Action: See your database administrator, and request the appropriate privilege for the attempted operation. PROTERR, Error encountered during attempt to modify protection of a file Explanation: An error was encountered during an attempt to modify the protection of a file. User Action: Examine the secondary message to determine the reason for the failure. You may not have the necessary Page 39 privileges to modify the protection for that file. PTHTOOLON, file path length too long - respecify Explanation: The user-supplied file specification is too long (greater than 255 characters). User Action: Reenter the file name with fewer characters. PWDEXPIRED, password has expired Explanation: The authentication of the user has failed because a password provided has expired and a new password is required to complete the request. User Action: The password for this user has expired and a new password is required. See your database administrator for help on changing your password. READERR, read error Explanation: An error occurred during a read from a mailbox or socket. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. READ_ERR, an error was returned by the read function Explanation: An error was returned by the 'read' function. User Action: Please refer to the reference pages for 'read' to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function. REMOTE, remote file specification is not allowed Explanation: A node name was found in the file specification. Node names cannot be used. User Action: Use a file name without a node specification. RESINUSE, requested resource already in use Explanation: Specified resource (event flag, message facility, etc.) is in use. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. RETRY, retry operation Explanation: This status is returned if the lock management services are performing some internal re-building of the lock tables when the caller requests a lock. Page 40 User Action: This error message indicates a possible error in the locking protocols. Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. RNF, record not found Explanation: A requested record could not be located. Either the record was never written or it has been deleted. User Action: Modify the program, if necessary, to detect and respond to the condition. RSLOVF, buffer overflow - specify fewer command elements Explanation: The command buffer has overflowed. User Action: Specifiy fewer command elements. RTNERROR, unexpected error status from user-written routine Explanation: A user-written comparison or equal-key routine returned an unexpected error status. User Action: Correct your comparison or equal-key routine. SETEUID_ERR, an error was returned by the seteuid function Explanation: An error was returned by the 'seteuid' function. User Action: Please refer to the reference pages for 'seteuid' to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function. SETREUID_ERR, an error was returned by the setreuid function Explanation: An error was returned by the 'setreuid' function. User Action: Please refer to the reference pages for 'setreuid' to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function. SETUID_ERR, an error was returned by the setuid function Explanation: An error was returned by the 'setuid' function. User Action: Please refer to the reference pages for 'setuid' to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function. SHMATERR, Error encountered during attach to shared memory Explanation: A system error was encountered during an attach to a shared memory segment that is used for concurrency and synchronization operations. Page 41 User Action: Examine the secondary message to determine the reason for the failure. SHMCTLERR, Error encountered while controlling shared memory Explanation: A system error was encountered while controlling a shared memory region that was created for concurrency and synchronization operations. User Action: Examine the secondary message to determine the reason for the failure. SHMDTERR, Error encountered during detach from shared memory Explanation: A system error was encountered during a detach from a shared memory segment that is used for concurrency and synchronization operations. User Action: Examine the secondary message to determine the reason for the failure. SHMGETERR, Error encountered while creating shared memory Explanation: A system error was encountered during creation of a shared memory segment that is used for concurrency and synchronization operation. User Action: Examine the secondary message to determine the reason for the failure. SIGEXIT, process has died due to some signal Explanation: The process that is being looked at has died due to some signal. User Action: Check to see why the process died. SIGNAL, signal number , code Explanation: The unrecognized signal specified by the given number was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL1, signal SIGHUP, code Explanation: A 'hangup' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. Page 42 SIGNAL10, signal SIGBUS, code , PC=!XA Explanation: A 'hardware fault' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL11, signal SIGSEGV, code Explanation: An 'invalid memory reference' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL12, signal SIGSYS, code Explanation: An 'invalid system call' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL13, signal SIGPIPE, code Explanation: A 'write to pipe with no readers' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL14, signal SIGALRM, code Explanation: A 'time out (alarm)' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL15, signal SIGTERM, code Explanation: A 'termination' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL16, signal SIGURG, code Page 43 Explanation: An 'urgent condition' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. SIGIOINT (printer to backend error signal) is another name for this signal. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL17, signal SIGSTOP, code Explanation: A 'stop' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. This exception is not expected to occur since the SIGSTOP signal cannot be caught. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL18, signal SIGTSTP, code Explanation: A 'terminal stop character' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL19, signal SIGCONT, code Explanation: A 'continue stopped process' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL2, signal SIGINT, code Explanation: A 'terminal interrupt character' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL20, signal SIGCHLD, code Explanation: A 'change in status of child' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL21, signal SIGTTIN, code Page 44 Explanation: A 'background read from control tty' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL22, signal SIGTTOU, code Explanation: A 'background write to control tty' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL23, signal SIGIO, code Explanation: An 'asynchronous I/O' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. SIGAIO (base lan i/o), SIGPTY (pty i/o), and SIGPOLL (STREAMS i/o) are other names for this signal. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL24, signal SIGXCPU, code Explanation: A 'CPU time limit exceeded' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL25, signal SIGXFSZ, code Explanation: A 'file size limit exceeded' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL26, signal SIGVTALRM, code Explanation: A 'virtual time alarm' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL27, signal SIGPROF, code Page 45 Explanation: A 'profiling time alarm' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL28, signal SIGWINCH, code Explanation: A ;terminal window size change' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL29, signal SIGINFO, code Explanation: A 'status request from keyboard' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. SIGPWR (Power Fail/Restart) is another name for this signal. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL3, signal SIGQUIT, code Explanation: A 'terminal quit character' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL30, signal SIGUSR1, code Explanation: A 'user defined' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL31, signal SIGUSR2, code Explanation: A 'user defined' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. BASEs 3881-3899 Reserved for future OSF signal types SIGNAL4, signal SIGILL, code , PC=!XA Page 46 Explanation: An 'illegal hardware instruction' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL5, signal SIGTRAP, code , PC=!XA Explanation: A 'hardware fault' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. Decimal overflow, Decimal divide by 0, Decimal invalid operand, Assertion error, Null pointer error, Stack overflow, String length error, Substring error, Range error, and Subscript [n] range error are specific conditions producing this signal. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL6, signal SIGABRT, code Explanation: An 'abnormal termination (abort)' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. SIGIOT (abort (terminate) process) and SIGLOST are other names for this signal. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL7, signal SIGEMT, code Explanation: A 'hardware fault' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SIGNAL8, signal SIGFPE, code , PC=!XA Explanation: An 'arithmetic exception' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. Integer overflow, Integer divide by 0, Floating overflow, Floating divide by 0, Floating underflow, Floating invalid operation, Floating inexact result, and Reserved Operand are specific conditions producing this signal. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. Page 47 SIGNAL9, signal SIGKILL, code Explanation: A 'termination' signal was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by the given code. This exception is not expected to occur since the SIGKILL signal cannot be caught. User Action: Eliminate the cause of the error condition and retry the operation. SSCANF_ERR, an error was returned by the sscanf function Explanation: An error was returned by the 'sscanf' function. User Action: Please refer to the reference pages for 'sscanf' to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function. STABLEEXC, equal-key routine and stable option cannot both be specified Explanation: Both an equal-key routine and the SOR$M_STABLE option was specified when only one or the other is allowed. User Action: Specify either the equal-key routine or the stable option. STAT_ERR, an error was returned by the stat function Explanation: An error was returned by the 'stat' function. User Action: Please refer to the reference pages for 'stat' to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function. STDOUTERR, error writing to stdout Explanation: This general message indicates an error during a write to STDOUT. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. STRTOOLON, string argument is too long - shorten Explanation: A string did not fit into the specified receiving area, resulting in lost trailing characters. User Action: Correct your program to increase the area specified to receive the string. STRTRU, string truncated Explanation: A string did not fit into the specified receiving area, Page 48 resulting in lost trailing characters. User Action: Correct your program to increase the area specified to receive the string. SUBLOCKS, cannot dequeue a lock with sublocks Explanation: A programming error occurred because an attempt was made to unlock a lock that had sublocks under it. User Action: This error message indicates a possible error in the locking protocols. Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. SUPERSEDE, logical name superseded Explanation: The logical name has been created and a previously existing logical name with the same name has been deleted. User Action: No action is required. SYNCH, synchronous successful completion Explanation: This alternate success code indicates that the requested operation completed synchronously and as expected. User Action: No action is required. SYSTEM_ERR, an error was returned by the system function Explanation: An error was returned by the 'system' function. User Action: Please refer to the reference pages for 'system' to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function. TIMETRU, time hundreths of seconds truncated Explanation: A time was specified that had hundreths of seconds. This is not supported on. User Action: Do not specify hundreths of seconds in time literals. TKNOVF, command element is too long - shorten Explanation: The command element buffer has overflowed. User Action: Shorten the command element and retry. TRU, truncation Explanation: An attempt was made to place more characters into a string than it could contain. The value is truncated Page 49 on the right to fit. User Action: Do not exceed the maximum string length. Ignore this error if right truncation is acceptable. TRUNCERR, error truncating file Explanation: An error occurred during truncation of the size of the specified file. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. UNDOPTION, undefined option flag was set Explanation: Only those option flags used by SORT MERGE can be set. All other bits in the longword are reserved and must be zero. User Action: Correct your specification file. UNEXPERR, unexpected system error Explanation: Some unexpected error occurred during execution of the software. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. UNKNOWN_USER, unknown user Explanation: An authentication routine cannot identify the user. User Action: Use the USER and USING clauses to specify a valid user. UNLINK_ERR, an error was returned by the unlink function Explanation: An error was returned by the 'unlink' function. User Action: Please refer to the reference pages for 'unlink' to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function. UNMAPVIEWOFFILEERR, Error encountered while unmapping a view of file Explanation: A system error was encountered while unmapping a view of the file from the virtual address space. User Action: Examine the secondary message to determine the reason for the failure. UNRFORCOD, unrecognized format code Explanation: The format code is not recognized. Page 50 User Action: Examine the format string for invalid format code. The format string may be supplied in the environment variable or it can be hard-coded. UNSUPP_HW_CPUCNT, unsupported hardware CPU count Explanation: The system CPU count (number of processors in the computer) is not supported by this version. User Action: Contact your Customer service center. There may be a version that supports your configuration. UNSUPP_HW_EV6, unsupported hardware DECchip 21264 or variant Explanation: The hardware DECchip 21264 or variant (EV6 microprocessor) is not supported by this version. User Action: Contact your Customer service center. There may be a version that supports your hardware. UNSUPP_HW_EV7, unsupported hardware DECchip 21364 or variant Explanation: The hardware DECchip 21364 or variant (EV7 microprocessor) is not supported by this version. User Action: Contact your Customer service center. There may be a future version that supports your hardware. UNSUPP_HW_EVX, unsupported hardware DECchip variant Explanation: The hardware DECchip variant microprocessor is not supported by this version. User Action: Contact your Customer service center. There may be a version that supports your hardware. UNSUPP_HW_I64, unsupported hardware processor model Explanation: The Intel Itanium processor family or model is not supported by this version. User Action: Contact your Customer service center. There may be a version that supports your hardware. VALNOTVALID, value block is not valid Explanation: This warning message is returned if the caller has specified the VALBLK flag in the flags argument to the service to request locks. Note that the lock has been successfully granted despite the return of this warning message. User Action: This error message indicates a possible error in the locking protocols. Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. Page 51 VALREQ, missing qualifier or keyword value - supply all required values Explanation: A keyword or qualifier that requires a value was specified without a value. User Action: Specify the required value, and retry the command. VASFULL, virtual address space full Explanation: An attempt to map a section of a file or a shared memory region failed because (1) there is not enough address space to map all the bytes, or (2) the specific address range specified is already allocated. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. VIRTUALALLOCERR, Error encountered while reserving/commiting pages Explanation: A system error was encountered while commiting or reserving a block of pages in the virtual address space User Action: Examine the secondary message to determine the reason for the failure. VIRTUALFREEERR, Error encountered while releasing/de-commiting pages Explanation: A system error was encountered while de-commiting or releasing a block of pages in the virtual address space User Action: Examine the secondary message to determine the reason for the failure. WAITPID_ERR, an error was returned by the waitpid function Explanation: An error was returned by the 'waitpid' function. User Action: Please refer to the reference pages for 'waitpid' to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function. WASCLR, normal successful completion Explanation: The specified event flag was previously 0. User Action: No action is required. WASSET, normal successful completion Explanation: The specified event flag was previously 1. User Action: No action is required. WORK_DEV, work file must be on random access local device Page 52 Explanation: Work files must be specified for random access devices that are local to the CPU on which the sort is being performed (that is, not on a node in a network). Random access devices are disk devices. User Action: Specify the correct device. WRITERR, write error Explanation: An error occurred during a write operation to a file, mailbox, or socket. User Action: Examine the secondary messages to determine the reason for the failure. WRITE_ERR, an error was returned by the write function Explanation: An error was returned by the 'write' function. User Action: Please refer to the reference pages for 'write' to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function. WRONGSTATE, invalid state for requested operation Explanation: A software protocol error has occurred. The error might be a value specified for a system function that is not valid at this time or a function that cannot be used at this time. For example, the error could be an attempt to read from an I/O channel that is closed. The identical read call would be valid after the channel was open. User Action: Determine the system call that returned the error. Verify that the service is being called correctly. WRONUMARG, wrong number of arguments, , to Explanation: A string facility entry is called with an incorrect number of arguments. User Action: A user who calls the string facility directly should check the argument list in the call. XVALNOTVALID, extended value block is not valid Explanation: This warning occurs as the result of a programming decision. The program read the Extended Lock Value Block, but the previous writer wrote a Short Lock Value Block. This warning message is returned if the caller has specified the XVALBLK flag in the flags argument to the service to request locks. Note that the lock has been successfully granted despite the return of this warning message. Page 53 User Action: This error message indicates a possible error in the locking protocols. Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance.