% Librarian I01-29@ȧȧjk50N@3ADD7ANALYZE:ATTACH<DEFINEFEXIT File_Info > Init_File MessagesGDMODIFYOverviewJPURGELREMOVE XRunning_DCE$UAFMSETNSHOWWSPAWNgVERIFY Їȧ 1 Overview0Integrated Login allows you to do the following:D o Obtain DCE credentials when you interactively login to OpenVMS./ There is no need for a separate dce_login. D o Enter either the DCE principal name and password or the OpenVMSH username and password at the OpenVMS username and password prompt. @ (Using the DCE principal name and password is recommended.)I o Automatically synchronize DCE and OpenVMS passwords on every system 8 t hroughout the cell that supports Integrated Login.@ o Use local login if the DCE security service is unavailable.CSee Chapter 7 in the Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha 7Product Guide for more information on Integrated Login.5See the Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AlphaDReference Guide for more information on the Integrated Login DCE$UAFcommands and error messages.ww Їȧ 1 File_Info>The DCE UAF utility is shipped as an OpenVMS executable  image Bnamed DCE$UAF.EXE. The image resides in the SYS$SYSTEM directory. ww Їȧ1 Running_DCE$UAF=Integrated Login provides two methods of running the DCE$UAF utility, as follows.=o By invoking the DCE$UAF utility using a predefined symbol. $ DCE$UAF DCEUAF> CYou can also specify a single DCE$UAF command on the command line. 5Control returns to DCL after the command is executed. $ DCE$UAF commandDSYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]DCE$DEFINE_REQUIRED_COMMA NDS.COM defines the DCE Esymbol DCE$UAF, which is used to invoke the DCE$UAF utility. If this Esymbol is not defined in your environment, you can define the symbol as follows:$ $ DCE$UAF :== $SYS$SYSTEM:DCE$UAFo By issuing the RUN command.  $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DCE$UAF DCEUAF> ww0ȧ 1 Init_FileCThe Integrated Login DCE$UAF utility has the capability to execute Han initialization file. By default the file is called DCE$UAF_INIT.COM.@The DCE$UAF initialization file is a command procedure that the BDCE$UAF utility automatically executes at startup. Every time you Bstart the DCE$UAF utility, the commands contained in the file are automatically executed.CAn initialization file contains any command lines you might always Benter when you start the DCE$UAF utility. For example, you might 7include DEFINE/KEY commands in the initialization file.EIf you use a file other than DCE$UAF_INIT.COM as your DCE$UAF utility@initialization fil e (for example, START.COM), define it with thefollowing command: +$ DEFINE DCE$UAF_INIT WORK:[SMITH]START.COMFIf you include your startup commands in DCE$UAF_INIT.COM, there is no need to separately define it.ww0ȧ 1 MessagesAYou can receive Integrated Login messages from the following two 8sources. The prefix of the message denotes the source. = o The Integrated Login procedure messages (IL_messagetext) B o The DCE User Authorization (DCE$UAF) utility (UAF_messagetext)2 IL_Messages3 IL_BADVMSPWD ;your DCE password is not a valid OpenVMS password; OpenVMS password not synchronized Explanation:F The user logged in specifying a DCE password. The user's DCE passwordA and OpenVMS password are different. The OpenVMS password was notC sucessfully synchronized to match the DCE password because the DCE+ password is not a valid OpenVMS password. User Action:B Set the DCE password to a value that is a valid Ope!nVMS password. 3 IL_DCECERT>certified DCE login for as principal "" Explanation:D The user successfully logged in to OpenVMS and DCE. The credentials are certified. User Action: None.3 IL_DCENOCERT Bnon-certified DCE login for as principal "" Explanation:4 User successfully logged in to OpenVMS and DCE. The credentials are not certified. User Action: None.3 IL_DCEPWDEXP/your DCE password has expired and must be reset Explanation:  The DCE password has expired. User Action:9 Change your DCE password by entering the CHPASS command.3 IL_ERRVMSPWD 6error synchronizing OpenVMS password with DCE password Explanation:F The user logged in specifying a DCE password. The user's DCE passwordA and OpenVMS password are different. The OpenVMS password was not< sucessfully synchronized to match the DCE password because * an error occurred during synchronization. User Action: B Set the DCE password to a value that is a valid OpenVMS password.3 IL_INVPWDLEN3password must be between 'number' and 32 characters Explanation:D Your DCE password could not be set to the same value as your8 OpenVMS password because its length was invalid. User Action:A Set your DCE password to a value that is the length range of the error message.3 IL_NOCREDMOD0unable to modify owner field of credential files Explanation:= The credential files could not be set up correctly. The user will not see this message. User Action:) Submit a Quality Assurance Report (QAR).3 IL_NONETCRED network credentials not obtained Explanation:C A problem in the network prevented Integrated Login from obtainingB information about the principal from the DCE registry; therefore,$ network credentials were not given. User Action:G Try logging in later with DCE_LOGIN. If you still receive this error,9 ask your cell administrator to troubleshoot the network.3 IL_RGYNOTTHEREunable to access DCE registry Explanation:@ The DCE registry was not available when you logged in. You do < not have DCE credentials; you are logged into OpenVMS only. User Action:0 Ask your system manager to correct the problem. 3 IL_VMSONLY=DCE login as principal "" failed, OpenVMS login to successful Explanation:H The DCE login failed but the OpenVMS login was successful. This occurs F when the user's DCE and OpenVMS passwords are different and the user 7 specifies the OpenVMS password at the password prompt. User Action:B No action is required if you want to be logged into OpenVMS only.@ If you want to be logged into DCE as well as OpenVMS, perform a8 manual DCE login using the DCE_LOGIN command or log out> and then log in specifying your DCE password at the password prompt. 3 IL_VMSPWDSYNC/OpenVMS password synchronized with DCE password Explanation:F The user logged in specifying a DCE password. The user's DCE password> and OpenVMS password are different. The OpenVMS password was 4 sucessfully synchronized to match the DCE password. User Action:  None.2 UAF_Messages 3 UAF_ADDED4created entry , principal is "" Explanation: ( The ADD command completed successfully. User Action:   None.3 UAF_ANOTADDEDerror creating entry  Explanation: 9 The ADD command could not be performed. The accompanying$ error messages explains the reason. User Action: : Make sure the command is correct, or take action based on/ an accompanying message of the following form: .SEVERITY ERROR .BASE 38003 UAF_CONNREG#connecting to registry "" Explanation:@ Indicates that the DCEUAF utility is establishing a connection B to the specified DCE registry. (A connect'ion to the DCE registry $ is made only for a VERIFY command). User Action: None.3 UAF_CREDCEUAF created new DCE$UAF file Explanation: 2 A new DCE$UAF file has been successfully created. User Action:  None.3 UAF_DCECHKBEG starting scan of DCE$UAF file Explanation: > The ANALYZE command is starting the scan of the DCE$UAF file. User Action:  None.3 UAF_DCECHKENDcompleted scan of DCE$UAF file Explanation: @ The ANALYZE command has completed the scan of the DCE$UAF file. User Action:  None.3 UAF_DCEERR  Explanation:D Secondary message that is displayed after another message and that - provides more information about the problem. User Action:; Take action based on the User Action for the main message.3 UAF_DCENAMEREQ #DCE name required for this function Explanation: : While modifying an existing DCE$UAF record, the "NO_DCE" 4 attribute was cleared, but a DCE principal name was not specified. User Action: A Enforce the "NO_DCE" attribute, or specify a DCE principal name.3 UAF_DELETED deleted entry 9 Explanation: The DELETE command completed successfully. User Action: None.3 UAF_ERRATTACH error attaching to process Explanation: A User issued an ATTACH command with no parameters or qualifiers, ; which means attach to parent. The current process is not a5 subprocess so there is no parent to which to attach. User Action: 7 Use the spawn command to access the DCL prompt without exiting DCE$UAF.3 UAF_ERRCLSOUT error closing /OUTPUT file Explanation: ? The RMS file system returned an error when attempting to close4 the output file specified by the /OUTPUT qualifier. User Action: 3 Take action based on the accompanying RMS message.3 UAF_ERRCREUAF%error creating DCE authorization file Explanation: 0 An attempt to create a new DCE$UAF file failed.! User Action: 3 Take action based on the accompanying RMS message.3 UAF_ERRDCEUAF &error accessing DCE authorization file Explanation: ( The DCE$UAF file could not be accessed. User Action: 3 Take action based on the accompanying RMS message.3 UAF_ERRDEFKEY error defining key Explanation: ? User issued a DEFINE/KEY command which could not be performed. User Action: 6 Take action based on the accompanying error message.3 UAF_ERRDKEY #error deleting key definition Explanation: ? User issued a DELETE/KEY command which could not be performed. User Action: 5 Take action based on the accompanying error message.3 UAF_ERROPNCMF %error opening command file  Explanation: 1 The command file specified could not be opened.  User Action: 5 Take action based on the accompanying error message.3 UAF_ERROPNOUT error opening /OUTPUT file Explanation: > The RMS file system returned an error when attempting to open4 the output file specified by the /OUTPUT qualifier. User Action: 3 Take action based on the accompanying RMS message.3 UAF_ERRSPAWN error spawning subprocess Explanation: ) Unable to create the spawned subprocess. User Action: > Check the qualifier values to make sure they are valid. Check/ whether the process quotas have been exceeded.3 UAF_ERRSYSUAF )error accessing SYSTEM authorization file Explanation: 1 The SYSTEM authorization file could not be read. User Action: 3 Take action based on the accompanying RMS message.3 UAF_ERRWRTOUT error writing to /OUTPUT file Explanation: ? The RMS file system returned an error when attempting to write7 to the output file specified by the /OUTPUT qualifier. User Action: 3 Take action based on the accompanying RMS message.3 UAF_FILEXISTSfile already exists Explanation: 8 An attempt was made to create DCE$UAF.DAT, but the file already exists.  User Action: > If a new file is desired, the old file must be deleted before attempting to create a new one.3 UAF_ILLCELLNAME cell name lexically invalid Explanation: C A DCE cell name was specified that contained illegal characters or' exceeded a length 0f 1024 characters.  User Action: > Specify a name containing any ASCII printable character that / is within the length limit of 1024 characters.3 UAF _ILLPRINCNAME principal name lexically invalid Explanation:  E A DCE principal name was specified that contained illegal characters* or exceeded a length 0f 1024 characters.  User Action: > Specify a name containing any ASCII printable character that / is within the length limit of 1024 characters. 3 UAF_ILLVMSNAME OpenVMS name lexically invalid Explanation: G AN OpenVMS username was specified that contained illegal characters or$! exceeded a length of 32 characters. User Action: 9 Specify a name containing only alphanumeric characters, G dollar-sign ('$') or underscore ('_') that is within the length limit  of 32 characters.3 UAF_INTERROR ,internal error , please submit a QAR Explanation: , An error in the software has been detected. User Action:  Submit a QAR.3 UAF_INVALIDCTX invalid READ_ALL context Explanation: G The context ID exchanged between user applications "and the DCE$UAF.DAT? file-control library was ill-formed, or superseded by a newer D instance of that ID. This message usually indicates a programming error. User Action: ' Exit the application and run it again.3 UAF_KEYDEFD !key has been successfully defined Explanation: / The DEFINE/KEY command completed successfully. User Action:  None.3 UAF_KEYDEL %key definition has been deleted Explanation: / The DELETE/KEY command completed su#ccessfully. User Action:  None.3 UAF_KEYNOTF key definition not found Explanation: < An attempt was made to use the SHOW/KEY command to show the) definition of a key that is not defined. User Action:  None.3 UAF_MAXDEPEXC #maximum command file depth exceeded  Explanation: : Command files can only be nested to a maximum depth of 8. User Action: ? Change the structure of your command files so as not to exceed the maximum nested depth $of 8. 3 UAF_MODED modified entry  Explanation: + The MODIFY command completed successfully. User Action:  None.3 UAF_NODCEUAF %unable to open DCE authorization file Explanation: = The DCE$UAF file does not exist. The user will be asked if a$ new DCE$UAF file should be created. User Action: 9 If a DCE$UAF file that you want to use exists in another< directory, exit the DCE$UAF utility and SET DEFAULT to thatF directory or define the logic%al name DCE$UAF to point to the required3 DCE$UAF file and then restart the DCE$UAF utility.3 UAF_NODELETEunable to delete record Explanation:> A REMOVE command was issued, but the delete operation failed.: The accompanying message explains the reason the command  failed. User Action:/ Take action based on the accompanying message.3 UAF_NOFREECTX no free READ_ALL context Explanation: H The DCE$UAF_READ_ALL_INIT function was unable to find a free &context toD return to the application. This may be a result of an error in theA user application with regard to freeing a context when no longer needed.  User Action: * Exit the application and run it again. 3 UAF_NOKEYF no key definition found Explanation: 6 A SHOW/KEY * command was issued but there are no keys currently defined. User Action:  None.3 UAF_NOMODIFY unable to modify record Explanation: , The MODIFY command could not be comp'leted. User Action: 5 Take action based on the accompanying error message.3 UAF_NOPARENT %there is no parent to which to attach Explanation: A User issued an ATTACH command with no parameters or qualifiers, ; which means attach to parent. The current process is not a5 subprocess so there is no parent to which to attach. User Action: 7 Use the spawn command to access the DCL prompt without exiting DCE$UAF.3 UAF_NOSUCHUSER*username !AS does not exist (in the DCE$UAF Explanation:6 The specified OpenVMS username does not exist, so the) requested action could not be performed. User Action:9 Specify a username that exists in the DCE$UAF file. Use2 the SHOW command to see the entries if necessary.3 UAF_NOSUCHPRIN-principal "!AZ" does not exist in the DCE$UAF Explanation:3 The specified DCE principal does not exist, so the) requested action could not be performed. User Action:: Specify a principal that ex )ists in the DCE$UAF file. Use2 the SHOW command to see the entries if necessary.3 UAF_NOSHOW unable to display record Explanation: ) The SHOW command could not be completed. User Action: 5 Take action based on the accompanying error message.3 UAF_NOTADDED error creating entry  Explanation:  The ADD command failed. User Action: 5 Take action based on the accompanying error message.3 UAF_NOTDELETED error deleting entry  Explanation:  The DELETE command failed. User Action: 5 Take action based on the accompanying error message.3 UAF_NOTMODED error modifying entry  Explanation:  The MODIFY command failed. User Action: 5 Take action based on the accompanying error message.3 UAF_NOVERIFYunable to verify account Explanation:; A VERIFY command could not be completed. The accompanying  message explains the reason. User Action:5 Take action+ based on the accompanying error message.3 UAF_NOVREC no version record found in file Explanation: 8 Each DCE$UAF.DAT file contains a special version recordF that is added when the file is created and read each time the file isF opened. If no version record is found, then the file-control library< will abort any attempt to read or write authorization data E from or to the file. This message indicates a possible problem in C the way that the file was created, or possible da,mage to the file  after it was created.  User Action: / Delete the current file and create a new one. 3 UAF_NYI #this feature is not yet implemented Explanation: 6 The specified command (or part of the command) is not8 implemented in this field test version of the software. User Action: < This feature will be implemented in an update to the field  test software.3 UAF_RECEXISTSrecord already exists Explanation: ; The ADD command cannot be per-formed because the specified : username or principal already exists in the DCE$UAF file. User Action: 5 Check username and principal and re-enter command if incorrect.3 UAF_SYSCHKBEG starting scan of SYSUAF file Explanation: = The ANALYZE command is starting the scan of the SYSUAF file. User Action:  None.3 UAF_SYSCHKEND completed scan of SYSUAF file Explanation: ? The ANALYZE command has completed the scan of the SYSUAF file. User Action.:  None.3 UAF_VERSIONSKEW )version skew between library and UAF file Explanation: F Each DCE$UAF.DAT file contains a special version record that is addedD when the file is created and read each time the file is opened. IfF the version information in the file record is not compatible with theC internal version of the file-control library, then this message isD returned, and any attempt to read or write authorization data from : or to the file will be aborted. The message /indicates anB incompatibility between the DCE$UAF.DAT file and the file-controlB library. This can only happen as a result of the installation of? newer software on a system with an existing DCE$UAF.DAT file.  User Action: = Convert the older-format file to the format required by the  new software. 3 UAF_VERUSERERRerror accessing registry Explanation:? An error occurred while attemping to access the DCE registry. ? The accompanying messages explains the reason. (0A connection 8 to the DCE registry is made only for a VERIFY command.) User Action:5 Take action based on the accompanying error message.3 UAF_VRECFAIL write of version record failed Explanation: F Each DCE$UAF.DAT file contains a special version record that is addedB when the file is created. This message indicates that the recordG could not be written to the file, in which case the newly created fileF is deleted. This message indicates a possible problem with the1 file = system, the file device, or other low-level problem that is 4 generally not within the user's power to correct.  User Action: E If multiple attempts to create the file correctly fail, then furtherE diagnostic work by the system administrator may be necessary to find the source of the problem. wwȧ1 @-Executes a DCE$UAF utility command procedure. Format:! @ FILE-SPEC /OUTPUT=file-spec$ Qualifiers Defaults/ /O2UTPUT=output /OUTPUT=SYS$OUTPUT: 2 Parameters file-spec2 Specifies the command procedure to be executed.A A command procedure is a file containing a sequence of DCE$UAFA commands. When the command procedure is executed, the commandsA in the file are processed in order as if each command had been9 entered individually from the terminal or workstation. F If you do not specify a file type, the system uses the default file type of .COM.@ No wildcard c3haracters are allowed in the file specification. 2 Qualifiers/OUTPUT=file-spec /OUTPUT=file-spec# /OUTPUT=SYS$OUTPUT: (default)H Requests that all output directed to the logical device SYS$OUTPUT beG written to the file or device specified. System responses and errorF messages are written to SYS$COMMAND as well as to the specified file.( The default output file type is .LIS.G No wildcard characters are allowed in the output file specification.4wwȧ1 ADD 9Adds new records to the DCE Authorization file (DCE$UAF). Format: ADD [USERNAME] [DCE-NAME]$ Qualifiers Defaults" /[NO]ALL /NOALL& /FLAGS=flags /FLAGS=DCE /[NO]LOG /LOG 2 ParametersusernameA Specifies the name of the OpenVMS account that is to be added.D This parameter is not required if /ALL is specified. In all other cases it is required.dce-5name= Specifies the DCE principal name to be associated with theC OpenVMS account username. If the principal exists in a differentB DCE cell from the current DCE cell then specify the DCE name in the format principal@cell.A If the DCE name contain lowercase characters, spaces, or other; special characters, enclose the entire string is quotes.7 This parameter is not required if /ALL is specified.@ If /ALL is not specified, then this parameter is optional. IfC i6t is not supplied then username, converted to lowercase, is the default. 2 Qualifiers/ALL /ALL /NOALL (default)C If present, specifies that a DCE authorization record be createdB for all accounts in the system authorization file (SYSUAF) thatD do not currently have one. In this case the username and dce-name@ parameters should not be specified as the DCE name is derivedB from the OpenVMS username. Refer to the description of dce-name for more detail7s.< If not present the record to be added is specified by the username parameter./FLAGS /FLAGS=([NO]keyword[,...])> Specifies special attributes that are to be stored with the4 DCE$UAF record. The keywords you can specify are: Keyword DescriptionF DCE Specifies that the OpenVMS account being defined has6 a corresponding DCE account. This is the default.G NO_DCE Specifies that the OpenVMS account being defined doesD 8 not have a corresponding DCE account. In this case& dce-name is ignored./LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGD Controls whether or not a message is displayed after a record has been added.wwȧ 1 ANALYZE >Checks the continuity between the OpenVMS system authorization8file (SYSUAF) and the DCE Authorization file (DCE$UAF). ANALYZE$ Qualifiers Defaults$ /[NO]DCE$UAF /DCE$UAF/ /OUT9PUT=output /OUTPUT=SYS$OUTPUT:# /[NO]SYSUAF /SYSUAF( /[NO]VERBOSE /[NO]VERBOSE 2 Qualifiers/DCE$UAF /DCE$UAF (default) /NODCE$UAFE Specifies that the DCE system authorization file (DCE$UAF) be read< record by record and any record found that doesn't have aA matching account in the OpenVMS authorization file (SYSUAF) be reported.@ Any discrepancies found can be fixed using the PURGE command. /OUTPUT /O:UTPUT=outputF Determines where the output is written. The default is SYS$OUTPUT:./SYSUAF /SYSUAF (default) /NOSYSUAFD Specifies that the OpenVMS system authorization file (SYSUAF) be C read account by account and any account found that does not have? a matching record in the DCE Authorization file (DCE$UAF) be reported.> Any discrepancies found can be fixed using the ADD command. /VERBOSE /VERBOSE /NOVERBOSE (default)D Specifi;es that all accounts/records be displayed. By default only9 those without matching records/accounts are displayed.ww/ȧ 1 ATTACHFSwitches control of your terminal from your current process to another process. Format:/ ATTACH [PROCESS-NAME] /IDENTIFICATION=pid $ Qualifiers Defaults- /IDENTIFICATION=pid /NOIDENTIFICATION 2 Parameters process-nameB Specifies the name of a parent process or spawned subprocess to <@ which control passes. The process must already exist, be part? of your current job, and share the same input stream as yourH current process. However, the process cannot be your current process 6 or a subprocess created with the /NOWAIT qualifier.B Process names can contain from 1 to 15 alphanumeric characters.> If a connection to the specified process cannot be made, an error message is displayed.5 The process-name argument is incompatible with the /IDENTIFICATION= qualifier. 2 Qualifiers/IDENTIFICATION  /IDENTIFICATION ! /NOIDENTIFICATION (default)? Specifies the process identification (PID) of the process to@ which terminal control will be transferred. Leading zeros canA be omitted. The /IDENTIFICATION qualifier is incompatible with the process-name argument.@ If you omit the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, you must specify a process name.ww/ȧ 1 DEFINE@Associates equivalence names w>ith a logical name. If you specify?an existing logical name, the new equivalence names replace the?existing equivalence name. The DEFINE command can be used with the /KEY qualifier:Ao The /KEY qualifier associates an equivalence string and a set @ of attributes with a key on the terminal keyboard (see /KEY). Format:. DEFINE logical-name equivalence-name[,...]2 /KEYFAssociates an equivalence string and a set of attributes with a key onthe terminal keyboard. +? DEFINE/KEY KEY-NAME EQUIVALENCE-STRING% Qualifiers Defaults" /[NO]ECHO /ECHO% /[NO]ERASE /NOERASE( /IF_STATE=(state-name) /NOIF_STATE* /[NO]LOCK_STATE /NOLOCK_STATE! /[NO]LOG /LOG) /SET_STATE=(state-name)/NOSET_STATE) /[NO]TERMINATE /NOTERMINATE 3 Parameterskey-nameA Specifies the name of the OpenVMS account that is to be added.E Specifies the name of the @ key that you are defining. All definable? keys on VT52 terminals are located on the numeric keypad. On= VT100-series terminals, you can define the left and right @ arrow keys as well as all the keys on the numeric keypad. On I terminals with LK201 keyboards, the following three types of keys can  be defined:& o Keys on the numeric keypadJ o Keys on the editing keypad (except the up and down arrow keys)G o Keys on the function key row across the Atop of the keyboardA (Note that you cannot define function keys F1 to F5.)? Some definable keys are enabled for definition all the time.@ Others, including KP0 to KP9, Period, Comma, and Minus, must A be enabled for definition purposes. You must enter either the B SET TERMINAL/APPLICATION or the SET TERMINAL/NONUMERIC command  before using these keys.I On LK201 keyboards, you cannot define keys or function keys F1 to F5. I The left and right arrow keys and tBhe F6 to F14 keys are reserved for H command line editing. You must enter the SET TERMINAL/NOLINE_EDITING D command before defining these keys. You can also press Ctrl/V to F enable keys F7 to F14. Note that Ctrl/V will not enable the F6 key.equivalence-string@ Specifies the character string to be processed when you press< the key. Enclose the string in quotation marks (" ") to , preserve spaces and lowercase characters. 3 Qualifiers/ECHO /ECHO (default)C /NOECHO? Displays the equivalence string on your screen after the key? has been pressed. You cannot use the /NOECHO qualifier with  the /NOTERMINATE qualifier./ERASE /ERASE /NOERASE (default)? Determines whether the current line is erased before the key translation is inserted. /IF_STATE /IF_STATE=(state-name,...) /NOIF_STATE@ Specifies a list of one or more states, one of which must be = in effect for the key definitio Dn to work. The /NOIF_STATE H qualifier has the same meaning as /IF_STATE=current_state. The state C name is an alphanumeric string. States are established with the H /SET_STATE qualifier or the SET KEY command. If you specify only one B state name, you can omit the parentheses. By including several F state names, you can define a key to have the same function in all  the specified states./LOCK_STATE  /LOCK_STATE /NOLOCK_STATE (default)< SpecifiesE that the state set by the /SET_STATE qualifier ? remain in effect until explicitly changed. (By default, the I /SET_STATE qualifier is in effect only for the next definable key you D press or the next read-terminating character that you type.) Can 3 only be specified with the /SET_STATE qualifier./LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG= Displays a message indicating that the key definition has  been successfully created. /SET_STATE /SET_STATE=state-name F /NOSET_STATE (default)= Causes the specified state name to be set when the key is H pressed. (By default, the current locked state is reset when the key B is pressed.) If you have not included this qualifier with a key= definition, you can use the SET KEY command to change the I current state. The state name can be any alphanumeric string; specify ? the state as a character string enclosed in quotation marks. /TERMINATE /TERMINATE /NOTERMINATE (default)G< Specifies whether the current equivalence string is to be? processed immediately when the key is pressed (equivalent to@ entering the string and pressing the Return key). By default,@ you can press other keys before the definition is processed. C This allows you to create key definitions that insert text into = command lines, after prompts, or into other text that you  are entering.wwVȧ1 EXIT 8Exits the DCE$UAF utility. You can also exit DCE$UAF"H by entering . Format: EXITwwVȧ 1 MODIFY 9Modifies an existing record in the DCE Authorization file (DCE$UAF). Format: MODIFY USERNAME [DCE-NAME]$ Qualifiers Defaults /FLAGS=flags None /[NO]LOG /LOG 2 Parametersusername7 Specifies the DCE$UAF record that is to be modified.dce-name= Specifies the new DCE principal name to be associated withA usernamIe. If the principal exists in a different DCE cell from? the current DCE cell then specify the DCE name in the format principal@cell.A If the DCE name contain lowercase characters, spaces, or other; special characters, enclose the entire string is quotes.C If this parameter is not specified then the DCE principal is not changed. 2 Qualifiers/FLAGS /FLAGS=([NO]keyword[,...]): Changes the special attributes that are stored with theD DCE$UAF record.J There is no default value. The keywords you can  specify are: Keyword DescriptionF DCE Specifies that the OpenVMS account being defined has" a corresponding DCE account. G NO_DCE Specifies that the OpenVMS account being defined doesD not have a corresponding DCE account. In this case& dce-name is ignored.C Only those flags that are specified are changed; all other flagsF remain unchanged. In order tKo remove a flag, use the negated form.? If you specify the DCE flag, you must specify a DCE name for this entry in dce-name./LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGD Controls whether or not a message is displayed after a record has been modified.ww}ȧ 1 PURGE 9Removes entries from the DCE Authorization file (DCE$UAF)Bthat do not have a matching entry in the System Authorization fileF(SYSUAF). Note that the ANALYZE/DCEUAF command lists the recordLs thatare candidates for purging.  PURGE$ Qualifiers Defaults& /[NO]CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM /[NO]LOG /LOG$ /[NO]WARNING /WARNING 2 Qualifiers/CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)D Controls whether or not the user is asked for confirmation before a DCE$UAF record is deleted. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGC Controls whether or not a message is displayed after each recordM has been deleted./WARNING /WARNING (default) /NOWARNING< Controls whether or not the user is asked the following: @ "Do you really want to delete entries from the DCE$UAF file?"ww}ȧ 1 REMOVE ;Deletes a record from the DCE Authorization file (DCE$UAF).;The specified user then can no longer use Integrated Login. Format: REMOVE USERNAME$ Qualifiers Defaults& /[NO]CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM /[NNO]LOG /LOG 2 ParameterusernameD The OpenVMS username of the DCE$UAF record that is to be deleted.' Full OpenVMS wildcarding is allowed. 2 Qualifiers/CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)D Controls whether or not the user is asked for confirmation before the deletion occurs./LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGB Controls whether or not a message is displayed after the record has been deleted.ww}ȧO 1 SET VERIFYCControls whether command lines in command procedures are displayed 2at the terminal or are printed in a batch job log. Format: SET [NO]VERIFY wwउȧ1 SHOW =Displays records from the DCE Authorization file (DCE$UAF). @The SHOW command can also be used with the following qualifiers:= o SHOW/KEY displays the key definitions created with the $ DEFINE/KEY command (see /KEY).> o SHOW/VERSION displays the version number of the PDCE$UAF  utility (see /VERSION). Format: SHOW NAME$ Qualifiers Defaults /DCENAME None /FORMAT=ADD_COMMAND  /FORMAT=REMOVE_COMMAND / /OUTPUT=output /OUTPUT=SYS$OUTPUT:$ /VMSNAME /VMSNAME! /[NO]WILD /WILD 2 Parametername@ The OpenVMS username or the DCE name of the DCE$UAF record(s)8 to be displayed. Full OpenVMS wildcarding is allowed.? By default thQe name is assumed to be an OpenVMS username. IfD name is to be interpreted as a DCE name then specify /DCENAME. InB addition if the DCE name contains lowercase characters, spaces,D or other special characters, enclose the entire string is quotes. 2 Qualifiers/DCENAME /DCENAME: Specifies that name is to be interpreted as a DCE name./FORMAT=ADD_COMMAND  /FORMAT=ADD_COMMAND @ When used with the /OUTPUT=output qualifier, produces output @ that can Rlater be entered into DCE$UAF as valid ADD commands./FORMAT=REMOVE_COMMAND  /FORMAT=REMOVE_COMMAND @ When used with the /OUTPUT=output qualifier, produces output C that can later be entered into DCE$UAF as valid REMOVE commands.? You can use this qualifier and a command procedure to removeF wildcarded entries from the DCE$UAF file. (The REMOVE command doesI not support wildcards.) For example, to delete all of the entries thatG belong to server accounts in Syour DCE$UAF file, enter the following:@ DCE$UAF> SHOW *SERVER* /FORMAT=REMOVE_COMMAND /OUTPUT=REM.COM DCE$UAF> @REM /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=outputF Determines where the output is written. The default is SYS$OUTPUT:./VMSNAME /VMSNAME (default)A Specifies that name is to be interpreted as an OpenVMS account name. This is the default./WILD /WILD (default) /NOWILD= Specifies whether or not standard VMS wildcarding is to be> appTlied to name. The default is /WILD which means a name of@ "SM*" is interpreted as meaning "match any name starting SM".: If /NOWILD is specified the name "SM*" is searched for.2 /KEYADisplays the key definitions created with the DEFINE/KEY command. Format: SHOW/KEY [KEY-NAME] $ Qualifiers Defaults /ALL" /[NO]BRIEF /BRIEF /DIRECTORY# /[NO]FULL /NOFULL$ /STATE=(state-name) /NOSTATE 3 ParUameterskey-nameE Specifies the name of the key whose definition you want displayed.= For a list of valid key names, see the DEFINE/KEY command. 3 Qualifiers/ALL /ALL< Displays all key definitions in the current state (or the> state specified with the /STATE qualifier). If you use the - /ALL qualifier, do not specify a key name./BRIEF /BRIEF (default) /NOBRIEF> Displays only the key definition and state. The /BRIEF and % /NOFULL qVualifiers are equivalent. /DIRECTORY= Displays the names of all states for which keys have been I defined. If you have not specified a state with a key definition, the = SHOW KEY/DIRECTORY command displays DEFAULT for the state.A You cannot use the /DIRECTORY qualifier with any of the other  SHOW/KEY qualifiers./FULL /FULL /NOFULL (default)< Displays all qualifiers associated with a definition. By G default, only the state of the definition aWnd the definition itself C are displayed. The /FULL and /NOBRIEF qualifiers are equivalent./STATE /STATE=(state-name[,...]) /NOSTATE8 Displays the key definitions for the specified state.3 If you specify only one state name, you can omit6 the parentheses. State names can be any appropriate8 alphanumeric string. State names are created with the DEFINE/KEY command.8 If you omit the /STATE qualifier or use the /NOSTATE A qualifier, key definitions in tXhe current state are displayed. 2 /VERSION4Displays the version number of the DCE$UAF utility. Format: SHOW/VERSION wwˉȧ1 SPAWN<Creates a subprocess of the current process. Portions of the5current process context are copied to the subprocess. Format: SPAWN [COMMAND-STRING]$ Qualifiers Defaults /[NO]CARRIAGE_CONTROL  /[NO]CLI /INPUT=filespec# /[NO]KEYPAD /KEYPAD /[NO]LOG Y /LOG* /[NO]LOGICAL_NAMES /LOGICAL_NAMES% /[NO]NOTIFY /NONOTIFY /OUTPUT=filespec /PROCESS=subprocess_name /PROMPT=string$ /[NO]SYMBOLS /SYMBOLS /TABLE=command_table! /[NO]WAIT /WAIT 2 Parameterscommand-stringE Specifies a DCL command string of less than 132 characters that is@ to be executed in the context of the created subprocess. WhenA the command completes execution, the subproZcess terminates andB control returns to the parent process. If both a command string@ and the /INPUT qualifier are specified, the specified command@ string executes before additional commands are obtained from  the /INPUT qualifier. 2 Qualifiers/CARRIAGE_CONTROL /CARRIAGE_CONTROL /NOCARRIAGE_CONTROLB Determines whether carriage-return and line-feed characters are@ prefixed to the subprocess's prompt string. By default, SPAWN4 copies the current sett[ing of the parent process./CLI /CLI=cli-filespec /NOCLIC Specifies the name of a command language interpreter (CLI) to be> used by the subprocess. The default CLI is the same as the I parent process (defined in SYSUAF). If you specify the /CLI qualifier,: the attributes of the parent process are copied to the  subprocess. A The CLI you specify must be located in SYS$SYSTEM and have the file type EXE./INPUT /INPUT=filespec> Speci\fies an input file containing one or more DCL commands? to be executed by the spawned subprocess. File type defaultsA to COM and no wildcards are allowed in the file specification.A Once processing of the input file is complete, the subprocess D is terminated. If both a command string and the /INPUT qualifier ? are specified, the specified command string executes before L additional commands are obtained from the /INPUT qualifier. If neither is@ specified, SYS$INPUT is assumed ] (in which case a SPAWN/NOWAITE command is aborted if Ctrl/Y is pressed to abort something running in your parent process).> You cannot explicitly specify non-record-oriented, process-= permanent files (NRO PPFs) with the /INPUT qualifier. The I system displays an error message when it encounters such a file as the" value for the /INPUT qualifier.@ Note that when NRO PPFs are used as implicit input (that is, F the /INPUT qualifier is not specified and SYS$INPUT is a NR^O PPF), B the SPAWN command can succeed, as shown in the following table:- Process Type SYS$INPUT Implicit Input* Interactive NRO PPF SYS$COMMAND* Noninteractive NRO PPF Null device( Any Any other SYS$INPUT D If SYS$INPUT is a terminal, it cannot have an associated terminal mailbox./KEYPAD /KEYPAD (default) /NOKEYPADB Copies keypad key definitions and the current keypad state from> the parent process. By _default, if you have established key< definitions or states with the DEFINE/KEY or the SET/KEY J command, these settings are copied to the subprocess. Use the /NOKEYPAD> qualifier if you do not want the key settings to be copied./LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG: Displays the assigned subprocess name and any messages 4 indicating transfer of control between processes./LOGICAL_NAMES /LOGICAL_NAMES (default) /NOLOGICAL_NAMES> Copies process logical `names and logical name tables to the@ subprocess. By default, all process logical names and logical9 name tables are copied to the subprocess except those D explicitly marked CONFINE or created in executive or kernel mode./NOTIFY /NOTIFY /NONOTIFY (default)< Controls whether a message is broadcast to your terminal E notifying you that your subprocess has completed or aborted. This J qualifier should not be used unless you specify the /NOWAIT qualifier. F a The /NOTIFY qualifier cannot be specified when the SPAWN command is1 executed from within a noninteractive process.@ Note that messages broadcast as a result of using the /NOTIFYA qualifier are considered to be DCL messages. Therefore, if SET@ BROADCAST=NODCL is in effect, all such notification messages  are suppressed./OUTPUT /OUTPUT=filespec> Specifies the output file to which the results of the SPAWN> operation are written. No wildcards can be used in the bfile8 specification. (Do not specify SYS$COMMAND as a file M specification for the /OUTPUT qualifier when using the /NOWAIT qualifier; F both parent and subprocess output will be displayed simultaneously  on your terminal.)> You cannot explicitly specify non-record-oriented, process-D permanent files (NRO PPFs) with the /OUTPUT qualifier. The systemB displays an error message when it encounters such a file as the# value for the /OUTPUT qualifier.A Note that when NRO cPPFs are used as implicit output, the SPAWN8 command can succeed, as shown in the following table:0 Process Type SYS$OUTPUT Implicit OutputA Any NRO PPF Mailbox transmitting records for! parent to write to its current SYS$OUTPUT device+ Any Any other SYS$OUTPUT> If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, output is written to the current SYS$OUTPUT device./PROCESS /PROCESS=subprocess-nameB Specifies the name of the d subprocess to be created. If you omitA the /PROCESS qualifier, a unique process name is assigned withA the same base name as the parent process and a unique number. E The default subprocess name format is username_n. If you specify a9 process name that already exists, an error message is M displayed. If the /LOG qualifier has been specified, the assigned name of  the subprocess is displayed./PROMPT /PROMPT[=string]A Specifies the prompt string for DCL to us ee in the subprocess. 3 The default is the prompt of the parent process.? The string can consist of more than one character. All validA ASCII characters can be used in the string. The string must be= enclosed in quotation marks (" ") if it contains spaces, F special characters, or lowercase characters. Otherwise, letters areA automatically converted to uppercase, and leading and trailing spaces are removed.B If no string is specified, the DCL default prompt string " f$ "  is used for the subprocess./SYMBOLS /SYMBOLS (default) /NOSYMBOLS@ Determines whether global and local symbols (except $RESTART,B $SEVERITY, and $STATUS) are passed to the subprocess. $RESTART,: $SEVERITY, and $STATUS symbols are never passed to the  subprocess./TABLE /TABLE=command-tableE Specifies the name of an alternate command table to be used by the subprocess./WAIT /WAIT (default) /NOWAIT@ Requires th gat you wait for the subprocess to terminate beforeB you enter another DCL command. The /NOWAIT qualifier allows youB to enter new commands while the subprocess is running. (Use the9 /OUTPUT qualifier with the /NOWAIT qualifier to avoid @ displaying both parent and subprocess output on the terminal  simultaneously.)@ Note that specifying the /NOWAIT qualifier causes both input A and output to be shared with the parent process. If the input F device is a terminal, control chharacters, such as CTRL/T or CTRL/Y,> also affect all subprocesses sharing the input device. The > CTRL/Y control character, for example, interrupts all such F subprocesses. This problem may be avoided by specifying /INPUT=NL:.wwȧ 1 VERIFY 0Verifies that DCE accounts referenced by the DCE=Authorization file (DCE$UAF) still exist in the DCE registry. VERIFY NAME$ Qualifiers Defaults /DCENAME None/ /OUTPUT=outpiut /OUTPUT=SYS$OUTPUT:$ /VMSNAME /VMSNAME! /[NO]WILD /WILD 2 Parametername@ The OpenVMS username or the DCE name of the DCE$UAF record(s)? that is to be verified. Full OpenVMS wildcarding is allowed.? By default the name is assumed to be an OpenVMS username. IfD name is to be interpreted as a DCE name then specify /DCENAME. InB addition if the DCE name contains lowercase characters, spaces,D or other special characters, enjclose the entire string is quotes. 2 Qualifiers/DCENAME: Specifies that name is to be interpreted as a DCE name./OUTPUT /OUTPUT=outputF Determines where the output is written. The default is SYS$OUTPUT:. /VMSNAME /VMSNAME (default)A Specifies that name is to be interpreted as an OpenVMS account name. This is the default./WILD /WILD (default) /NOWILD= Specifies whether or not standard VMS wildcarding is to be> applied to name. The default is /WILD which means a name of@ "SM*" is interpreted as meaning "match any name starting SM".: If /NOWILD is specified the name "SM*" is searched for.ww