% Librarian I01-42ƫr±ƫr±L M  5$. About File_OptionsSettings  ƫr±1 About< The Disk File Optimizer for OpenVMS V3.3 software reducesC file fragmentation on a device while that device remains on line to users.C This software is compatible with any Files-11 structure levels 2C and 5 (ODS-2, ODS-5) formatted volume including single volumes, 3 bound volume sets, stripe sets, and shadow sets.7 Operating OpenVMS IA64 Version 8.4-1H1 or newer System and Version1 Software Disk File Optimizer Version 3.3 Version 2 Disclaimer= The information herein is subject to change without notice9 and should not be construed as a commitment by DigitalB Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes noB responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.A The software described herein is furnished under a license andB may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.@ No responsibility is assumed for the use of or reliability ofB software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment+ Corporation or its affiliated companies.A The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: CDA DDIF DEC DECnet DECUS DECwindows DIGITAL LN03 MASSBUS PrintServer 40 Q-bus ReGIS ULTRIX ULTRIX-11 ULTRIX-32 UNIBUS VAX VAXcluster VAX RMS VAXstation  VMS VT XUI ULTRIX Workstation, and: the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporationwwƫr± 1 SettingsA The DECwindows interface provides the option for you to retainB the size of the various windows you use. The Settings pull-downB menu, available on both variants of Defrag software, allows you4 to capture the size and position of the displays.* Follow these steps to use this feature:: 1. Choose t he window you want to change and display it.A 2. Resize the window and position it to a suitable location on the screen.@ 3. Select the Settings pull-down menu from the initialization1 window and choose the Save Settings option.? If you do not like the changes you made, you can restore the> previous settings by selecting the Restore Settings option.@ If you want to restore the default sizes and locations of the7 displays, select the Restore System Settings option. wwƫr±1 File_Options : These options allow you to perform the following tasks:. o Abort a Defrag process currently runningD o Create defragmentation scripts by file specification or volume name& o Delete scripts from the database o Modify scripts) o Monitor defragmentation of a volume$ o Schedule scripts for operation) o Show scripts and volume information 2 Script_Actions_SelectionA The DECwindows interface includes a feature that allows you toC take action on scripts appearing in any script selection window.> Select a script name from the script list, then press mouse8 button 3. A pop-up menu appears, listing the actions.' Figure 1 Script Actions Pop-Up Menu 2 Aborting_a_ScriptA Use this option to abort a script that is currently executing. "3 Procedure_for_Aborting_a_Script@ Use the following procedure to abort an active Defrag script:9 1. Select the Abort option of the File pull-down menu.. 2. Select the scripts from the Script List.A Point to any one or more of the scripts listed, clicking on! each one you want to abort.& 3. Finish the abort action. Select:C o OK to abort the selected scripts and exit the Abort Script optionD o Apply to abort the selected scripts and remain in the Abort Script optionC o Cancel to leave the Abort Script option without taking any  action@ 4. You can also abort a script by double-clicking on a single script entry. 2 Creating_a_ScriptC The DECwindows interface provides you with the ability to create@ a script and examine all its settings before committing it to8 the Disk File Optimizer database. You have the option@ of creating scripts to defragment specified files or creating9 scripts to defragment all files on a specified volume.? When you select the pull-down menu option to create a volume@ script, you must specify a volume. By default, the DECwindowsB interface lists all mounted disk volumes. Select the volume for' which you want to create the script.A After you select the volume, the DECwindows interface presents" the script creation dialog box.0 You have two options for creating the script:7 o Inheriting script information from another script o Scheduling the script "3 Procedure_for_Creating_a_Script= The following proce dure lists steps for creating a script.? Use this procedure for creating either a file or disk volume defragmentation script:A 1. Select the Create Script option of the File pull-down menu./ 2. Select to create a file or volume script.A IF you want to create a file script, select the name of the@ files you want to target for defragmentation from the file list, and select OK.> IF you select to create a volume script, choose the diskC volume you want to target for defragmentation from the volume$ selection list, and select OK.? 3. Choose to apply the script settings of another script, or create all new settings.B IF you want to create all new script settings, continue with the next step.A IF you want to apply the script settings of another script,A use the Options pull-down menu Inherit option to bring up a? Script List, then select the script with the settings you want.; 4. Fill in the fields of the script creation dialog box.2 5. Choose to schedule the newly created script.C IF you want to schedule the script, use the Options pull-downB menu Schedule option, or the Schedule Script button to bring" up the Scheduler dialog box.% 6. Finish script creation. Select:% o Apply to complete the script> o OK to complete the script and leave the Create Script option3 o Cancel to quit and not create a new script, Table 1 Script Creation Dialog Box Fields Field Description Script The script name. Name5 If a duplicate script-name is selected,@ defragmentation software issues a duplicate scriptB name error message and does not enter the new script? into the database-no defragmentation takes place.D A script name may be up to 64 characters in length and: may contain any of the following characters:+ o Any alphanumeric character! o Underscore ( _ ) o Hyphen ( - )" o Dollar sign ( $ )? Observe the following rules when naming a script:= o You can use any combination of uppercase and# lowercase letters.? o You cannot begin script names using the dollarA sign, but you can include the dollar sign withinB the script name. (The dollar sign is reserved for? special use by Digital Equipment Corporation.)@ o You should not end a script name with a hyphen,; because the hyphen is the DCL continuation character.C The VMS DCL Concepts Manual contains more information$ on naming conventions.A File List The File List option will show the active file list) associated with the script.< Log File The Lo g File option causes the defragmentation? process to create a file containing a list of all= its operations. The information in the log fileB varies with the presence of the Full or Brief option selections:< o The Full option lists all files analyzed by> the defragmentation process and reports theirB disposition during each phase of defragmentation.C o The Brief option lists only the statistics of eachC phase, such as number of files analyzed and number' of files defragmented.< Dormant The Dormant Files option indicates files to beD Files considered dormant when final file placement decisionsA are made. Dormant files are placed on the volume toB allow placing other files in optimum disk locations.D In general, they are placed further away from the ODS-A 2 data structures than Frequent files and files not' classified in any manner.< If a file is indicated in both the DORMANT and7 FREQUENT lists, it is considered dormant.D If a file is indicated in both the EXCLUDE and DORMANT$ lists, it is excluded.- NOTE/ (PLACEMENT_NOTE), (WILDCARDS_ALLOWED)< Exclude The Exclude Files option specifies files to beC Files excluded from processing. The defragmentation processD ignores files matching the listed file specifications.B Any file indicated in the EXCLUDE list and in either< the FREQUENT or DORMANT lists is excluded from processing., (WILDCARDS_ALLOWED)@ The defragmentation process always excludes systemC files, open files, files excluded in an options file, !9 and files excluded using the Ignore option.= Frequent The Frequent Files option indicates files to be< Files considered frequently accessed when final file> placement decisions are made. Frequent files are. placed to optimize access speed.= If a file is indicated in both the FREQUENT and6 DORMANT lists, it is considered dormant.= If a file is indicated in both the FREQUENT and, EXCL "UDE lists, it is excluded.- NOTE/ (PLACEMENT_NOTE), (WILDCARDS_ALLOWED)B Options The Options File option provides an alternate methodB File for associating files with the Dormant File, ExcludeB File, or Frequent File options. If the list of filesA for any of these options is large, you can create a; separate file that contains this informa#tion.@ Each record of the options file consists of a file5 name followed by one of these keywords:- o /EXCLUDE-File to be excludedD o /FREQUENT-File to be considered frequently accessed7 o /DORMANT-File to be considered dormantD The following example shows the contents of an optionsA file called MYOPTFILE.OPT. This file specifies thatA all files on the target device called $FILE1.EXE areB frequent files, all files in the [ARCHIVE] directoryA are to be excluded, and all files in the [OLDSTUFF]; directory and its subdirectories are dormant.$ FILE1.EXE/FREQUENT( [ARCHIVE]*.*;*/EXCLUDE, [OLDSTUFF...]*.*;*/DORMANTD Prologue The Prologue File option identifies a DCL command fileB File that Defrag executes just before the DEFRAGMENT FILE operation %starts.D Epilogue The Epilogue File option identifies a DCL command fileD File that Defrag executes upon completion of the DEFRAGMENT FILE operation.A Ignore The Ignore option requests that the defragmentation4 process ignore certain types of files.6 The following list explains the options:= o Selecting the Indexed button-Ignores all RMS indexed filesB o Turning off the Indexed& button-May defragment RMS indexed filesC o Selecting the Placed button-Ignores all files with> explicit placement flags set in their headersC o Turning off the Placed button-May defragment files. with explicit placement flagsC Files indicated by the Ignore option are added to the EXCLUDE list.A The default value (Ignore option and Placed buttonsD sele 'cted) indicates that files with explicit placementC control should be ignored, and that RMS indexed files> should be defragmented and placed in appropriate& locations on the volume.; Level The defragmentation process selects files for= defragmentation (from among those not excluded)@ based on the Level option. Once a file is selectedB as a candidate, the defragmentation process attempts@ to f (ully defragment that file (make it 100 percentA contiguous). Specify the level number as an integer' ranging from one to five:9 o Level 1-Any file that is not 100 percent@ contiguous, or can be selected using levels twoB through four, is a candidate for defragmentation.D o Level 2-Any file whose extents cannot be completely= mapped by the mapping window, or that can beD ) selected using levels three or four, is a candidate% for defragmentation.A The default window value is seven and can be set@ for a given volume using the following command:: $ SET VOLUME {device-spec}/WINDOWS=[n]A o Level 3-Any file with retrieval pointers in moreD than one file header, or that can be selected using@ level four, is a candidate for defragmentation.@ * o Level 4-The defragmentation process for level 4C processing performs only free space consolidation.; This level is used in conjunction with the. Consolidate Freespace option.D o Level 5-This level requests a volume analysis only;C no defragmentation occurs. The statistical resultsA are available in the log file, which is requiredB when Level 5 is selected (see the Log o +ption). IfC level five is selected, the level 2 candidate file@ specifications are listed in the full log file.; ConsolidateThe Consolidate Freespace qualifier tells the7 Disk File Optimizer to use its free space& Freespace consolidation algorithm.A Hotfile The Hotfile option causes the defragmenter to queryB the appropriate hotfile database and append the listC of hotfiles to the defragmenter's frequent f ,ile list.< Mail The Mail option requests that brief status and< termination messages regarding defragmentationC processes be mailed to the distribution list provided+ in the DFG$MAIL_ADDRESS file.= OpCom The OpCom option requests that brief status and< termination messages regarding defragmentation) processes be sent to OPCOM.@ Write The Write Check option requests that a read-after-= Check - write check be performed on all defragmented or@ placed files. This qualifier significantly extends> the execution time of a defragmentation process.A Schedule The Schedule Script option schedules the script for Script operation. Figure 2 Schedule Definition 0 Table 2 Schedule Definition Dialog Box Fields Field Description@ Script Identifies the name of the script to be scheduled. Name:? PredecessorNames the scri .pt that will run before the current? script will be executed. The script must exist inC the database. A selection list is displayed when this! button is selected.A Interval: Specifies the delta time expressing the interval at0 which the script will be executed.= Time Specifies the delta time expressing the maximumA Limit: elapsed time for a given defragmentation operation.D Node Limits the defragmentation to on /ly those nodes listed.? List: A selection list is displayed when this button is selected.C Continuous Causes the script to run continuously. When selected,B the defragmentation script used for the process must; be aborted or canceled when no longer needed.A Cancel Cancels the next scheduled execution of the script.9 Start Starts execution of the script immediately.@ Start Starts execution of the script after the specifi0ed /After time. 2 Deleting_a_Script> This option allows you to delete scripts from the database. "3 Procedure_for_Deleting_a_Script2 Use the following procedure to delete a script:A 1. Select the Delete Script option of the File pull-down menu.. 2. Select the scripts from the Script List.A Point to any one or more of the scripts listed, clicking on" each one you want to delete.' 3. Finish the delete action. Select:D o OK to delete 1the selected script and exit the Delete Script option? o Apply to delete the selected scripts and remain in the Delete Script optionD o Cancel to leave the Delete Script option without taking any action 2 Modifying_a_Script9 This section describes how to modify existing scripts. #3 Procedure_for_Modifying_a_Script2 Use the following procedure to modify a script:A 1. Select the Modify Script option of the File pull-down me2nu.- 2. Select the script from the Script List.A Point to any one of the scripts listed, clicking on the one you want to modify.< 3. Select the OK option at the bottom of the Script List.A 4. Modify any of the script fields you need to. The fields are: the same as those in the script creation dialog box.1 5. Leave the script Modify dialog box. Select:D o OK to apply the modifications made and leave the dialog box@ o Apply to apply the mo3dification made and return to make more modifications? o Cancel to quit and not retain any of the modifications made .2 Monitoring_Allocated_Space_on_a_Disk_VolumeB This section describes how to monitor defragmentation on a disk volume.D When selecting the Monitor option, Defrag software displays three windows:A o A process statistics window showing process information for@ the defragmentation process running on the named volume or 4 script.B o A process activities window showing the file defragmentation activities on the volume.@ o A monitor map window illustrating free space and allocated space on the volume. +3 Procedure_for_Monitoring_Allocated_SpaceB Use the following procedure to monitor the allocated space on a disk volume:; 1. Select the Monitor option of the File pull-down menu.D 2. Select the means by which you want to monitor allocated space.@ IF you w 5ant to identify the volume by a script, select the@ Script option, then select the script name from the ScriptB List. IF you want to identify the volume by name, select the@ Volume option, then select the volume name from the Volume List.C 3. To view the entire volume map, use the arrows and scroll bars> around the map on the Defragmentation Volume Map window.A 4. To view more detailed information about the allocated spaceA shown on the Defragmentation6 Volume Map, press mouse button@ 1 and drag the cursor over the area of the map you want toC examine. A pop-up window identifies the files taking space on that area of the volume.B Volume Map File Information shows the files occupying the space$ shown in the volume map viewport.( Figure 3 Volume Map File Information 2 Scheduling_a_ScriptA This section describes how to schedule a Defrag script. ScriptC Scheduling Actions describes the options for sche7duling scripts.$ Table 3 Script Scheduling Actions Option Description3 Script Name of script for scheduling action. NameC Cancel Cancels the next scheduled execution of the specified> script. Normal scheduling resumes after the next" scheduled execution.= Disable This option disables the script from execution.D Enable This option enables a previously disabled script. Once4 enabled, the script operates norma8lly.8 Start Starts execution of the script identified.? Start Starts execution of the script when the specifiedD /After time is reached. Enter the time in the field below the option. *3 Procedure_for_Managing_Script_SchedulesD Use the following procedure to schedule scripts and manage script schedules:C 1. Select the Schedule Script option of the File pull-down menu.@ 2. Select the script you want for scheduling actions from the 9Script list.> 3. Take any of the actions on the script outlined in Script Scheduling Actions.+ 4. Finish the scheduling action. Select:@ o OK to apply the modifications and leave the dialog box.@ o Apply to apply the scheduling options selected. You mayB take action on another script by entering the name of the) script in the Script Name field.B o Cancel to quit and not take any scheduling actions on the named script. 2 : Showing_a_ScriptA The Show dialog box provides three ways of sorting the scripts you would like to show:A o Scripts that apply to specific nodes, either exclusively or shared by other nodes1 o Scripts that apply to specific disk volumes! o All scripts in the databaseC You also have the option of creating an output file for selected scripts. 3 Procedure_for_Showing_Scripts/ Use the following procedure to show scripts:A 1. Select the Sho;w option of the File pull-down menu, and then select Script.' 2. Choose if you want screen output.A IF you select the Output File option, enter the name of the% output file you want to create.A IF you do not select the output file option, your output is+ visible only while using this option.A 3. If you want to sort scripts by volume, proceed with Step 4,2 otherwise, continue to show scripts by node.D Select to limit the scripts to show by< clicking on the Limited option.D IF you select the Limited option, you limit the candidate list? of scripts to those that apply ONLY to the selected node.B IF you do not select the Limited option, the list of scripts> includes all those that run on the node as well as other nodes.> Select the script in the Node field, and the script name/ becomes highlighted in the Scripts field. Proceed with Step 5.D 4. To show the scripts that a =pply to a volume, select the volume.@ Scripts that apply to the volume are listed in the Scripts field.@ Select the script in the Volume field, and the script name/ becomes highlighted in the Scripts field.> 5. To show a script, double click on the script name in theC Scripts field. The contents of the script appear in the field under the script name.A To show additional scripts, select their name. This feature8 allows you to show more than> one script at a time./ 6. Finish the show script operation. Select:? o OK to produce the output file named in the Output File fieldA o Apply to leave the Show Script dialog box and optionally? produce the output file named in the Output File field: o Cancel to quit and not produce any further output 2 Showing_the_State_of_a_Volume= This option allows you to review the current state of disk5 volumes to determine if defragmentation i ?s needed.4 Table 4 Show Volume Option and Field Descriptions Field Description; Free List The Free List option is used when showing the= fragmentation state of the volume. It lists the@ location and size of all the free space extents on the volume.; Histogram The Histogram option is used when showing the? fragmentation state of a volume. It generates two= histograms. The first plots the number of fi @lesA against the number of extents per file and providesA information about how many files are fragmented andA how badly they are fragmented. The second histogramD plots the number of free space extents (holes) against? the size of these free space extents. It providesB information about how many free space extents are on) the volume and their sizes.C Statistics The Statistics option is used when A showing the volumeD fragmentation state. It provides a summary of the file: and free space fragmentation for the volume.; File List The File List option is used when showing theA fragmentation state of a volume. It lists all filesA on the volume that have min_extents or more extents@ (fragments). By default, the number of file window= mapping pointers set for the volume (INITIALIZEC {volume}/WIN BDOW=n) plus one is used. This value lists@ all files that require at least one window turn to completely map.C Use the field to specify the files for which you want) to show the window mapping.? Location The Location option shows the extents (fragments)> associated with all files specified in the fieldA next to this option. If no files are specified, theA Location option appends location inf Cormation to allD files listed with File List option. The supplied file-C spec may contain wildcards in place of the directory,6 file name, extension, or version fields.A Output The Output File option may be used when showing theD File volume fragmentation state or when showing informationD from the scheduling database. It directs the output ofB the SHOW subcommand to a file. By default, output is% diDrected to SYS$OUTPUT. 3 Procedure_for_Showing_Volumes: Use the following procedure to show volume information:A 1. Select the Show option of the File pull-down menu, and then select Volume.0 The Show Volume options dialog box appears@ 2. Select any of the disk volumes from list at the top of the% Show Volume options dialog box.D 3. Select any of the options for showing volume information. ShowA Volume Option and Field Descriptions describes the oEptions./ 4. Finish the show volume operation. Select:? o OK to show the volume report and optionally create theA output file you named in the Output File field. The Show. Volume options dialog box disappears.B o Apply to show the volume report and optionally create theA output file you named in the Output File field. The Show+ Volume options dialog box remains.0 o Cancel to leave the Show Volume option. 2 Options_Menu>F This pull-down menu option allows you to set and show these* Disk File Optimizer process parameters: o I/O limit o Process limit o CPU usage 2 Setting_Parameters< This option allows you to set the defragmentation process? parameters for the defragmentation processes on the nodes inB your system. These parameters define how much of your computingA resources you want to dedicate to the defragmentation process.D Set Parameters Dialog Box describes G the fields and buttons of the Set Parameters dialog box.$ Table 5 Set Parameters Dialog Box Field DescriptionC CPU: Enter into this field the percentage of CPU usage forA any one defragmentation process. The CPU percent is* the percent of a single CPU.D IO: Enter into this field the maximum direct I/O rate (per9 second) of any one defragmentation process.9 MAX PROC: Enter into this field the maximum number of H1 defragmentation processes per node.A Include All Nodes button to select all nodes on the system. in list:> Only those in DB to select only nodes which have) process parameter settings.C Node list This list presents all nodes in the VMScluster systemB from which you select nodes to change Defrag process parameters. #3 Procedure_for_Setting_Parameters9 Use the following procedure to set Defrag PLUS prIocess parameters:? 1. Select the Options pull-down menu option Parameters, then select Set.) 2. Select the node from the node list.# 3. Enter the process parameters: o CPU o IO o MAX PROC? 4. Select the node on which the Defrag process to be changed runs.: IF you are setting process parameters for a node not? previously addressed, use the All Nodes option to include nodes on the list.= IF you are sJetting process parameters for a node in theA database, you can use either option to include nodes on the list.D 5. Exit the Set Parameters option by selecting the Cancel button. 3 Procedure_for_Removing_NodesD Removing a node from the database has the effect of unrestrictingA defragmentation processes with the process parameters. Use the( following procedure to remove a node:? 1. Select the Options pull-down menu option Parameters, then select Set.KA 2. Set the list to include only those nodes in the database by, selecting the Only those in DB option.? 3. Select the node which is to be removed from the database.D 4. Exit the Set Parameters option by selecting the Cancel button. $2 Showing_Defrag_Process_Parameters= This option allows you to show the defragmentation processB parameters in effect on all nodes in the VMScluster system. You@ also have the capability to produce and output file reporting thiLs information. #3 Procedure_for_Showing_ParametersA Use the following procedure to show Defrag process parameters:? 1. Select the Options pull-down menu option Parameters, then select Show.' 2. Select to produce an output file.= IF you do not want an output file, proceed with Step 3.D IF you want an output file, select the Output File option, and enter the file name.0 3. Finish the Show Parameters option. Select:C o OK to leave the Show Parameters dialog box, and optionally! produce the output file.D o Apply to produce and output file. The dialog box remains so1 you can produce additional output files.4 o Cancel to leave the Show Parameters option.ww