% Librarian I01-424 RBvTBvD5GBACKUP!&COPY1CREATE8DELETEIEXITJEXTRACTRHELPSLIST_MEMOcPURGEf\RENAMEtRESTORE:SETTSHOWspecify  dRBv1 BACKUPF The BACKUP command copies portions of the directory hierarchy and3 their related data definitions into a backup file.F With the BACKUP command, you can keep a backup copy of your directoryF hierarchy, complete with history lists and access control lists. YouF specify the dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objects youF want backed up and whether you want to record the backup in theirF history lists. You can also create a log of the given names of theF dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objects in the backup file. Command Syntax:E BACKUP [qualifiers] [path-name [, path-name]]... file-specification 2 parameters path-nameF Specifies the dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objectsF you want copied into the backup file. The path name is optional ifF the /LIST qualifier is the only one used. You can use the wildcardsF % and * in the last given name of the path name, and you can useF either > or .> at the end of the chain. You cannot use @. If youF are using a terminal of the VT200 family, you can use 8-bit characters in path names.6 DMU assumes a > at the end of the chain as a default.7 Type "HELP specify path-name" for further information. file-specificationF Names the backup file. Use the standard VMS file specification. The default file type is .BAK. 2 privilegesF o You need PASS_THRU and SEE at each dictionary directory,. subdictionary, or object to be backed up.E o You need HISTORY at these directories and objects to use /AUDIT.F o You need CONTROL at these directories and objects to use /PROTECTION. 2 qualifiers/AUDIT Syntax:4 /AUDIT [= (quoted-string [, quoted-string]...)] /AUDIT = file-specification /NOAUDITF Use /AUDIT to create history list entries auditing the backup of each0 dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object.F You can include  explanatory text in history list entries in three ways:F o By specifying the /AUDIT qualifier. If you include no quotedF string or file-specification, DMU provides a default history list% entry describing your operation.F o By including quoted strings. Enclose each quoted string inF double quotation marks, and enclose the series of strings inF parentheses. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one quoted string.F o By specifying a file whose contents are to be included in theF history list entry. The file specification is a standard VMSF file specification, and the default file type is .DAT. You canF include no more than 64 input strings in a history list entry. DMU ignores any excess.F With /NOAUDIT, no history list entries are created. The default is /NOAUDIT./HISTORY Syntax: /[NO]HISTORYF Use /HISTORY to copy history lists into the backup file. UseF /NOHISTORY to exclude history lists from the information copied into the backup file. The default is /NOHISTORY./LIST Syntax: /LIST [=file-specification] /NOLISTF Use /LIST to create a listing of the dictionary directories andF objects in a backup file. If you specify a path name and a backupF file, BACKUP/LIST creates the backup file and the listing file. IfF you do not specify a path name, BACKUP/LIST creates a listing from a) specified, already existing backup file.F The listing file contains a sentence indicating whether protectionF and history list information is part of the backup file. The rest of? the listing file resembles the output of a LIST/BRIEF command.F Specify a standard VMS file name for the listing file. The defaultF file type is .LIS. If you do not specify a listing file, DMU sends the output to SYS$OUTPUT.F Use /NOLIST to prevent the creation of a listing file. /NOLIST is the default. F Do not use /LIST with /LOG if the output for both is sent to7 SYS$OUTPUT. If you do, DMU produces confusing output./LOG Syntax: /LOG [= file-specification] /NOLOGF Use /LOG to create a list of the given names of all of the dictionary5 directories, subdictionaries, and objects backed up.F The file specification is a standard VMS file specification namingF the file into which the log is written. The default file type isF .LOG. If you use /LOG wi!thout specifying a file, DMU writes the log to SYS$OUTPUT.9 With /NOLOG, no list is created. The default is /NOLOG.F Do not use /LOG with /LIST if the output for both is sent to7 SYS$OUTPUT. If you do, DMU produces confusing output. /PROTECTION Syntax: /[NO]PROTECTIONF Use /PROTECTION to include access control lists in the backup file.F Use /NOPROTECTION to exclude access control lists from the) information copied into the backup file. The " default is /NOPROTECTION.wwRBv1 COPYF Use the COPY command to copy portions of the directory hierarchy andD their related data definitions from one area of the CDD to another.F With the COPY command, you specify the dictionary directories,F subdictionaries, and objects you want copied, and you specify theF dictionary directory or subdictionary to which you want the copyF appended. In addition to portions of the directory hierarchy, youF can copy hi#story and access control lists. You can also create a logF of the given names of each copied dictionary directory, subdictionary, and object. Command Syntax:; COPY [qualifiers] source-path-name [,source-path-name]...A destination-path-name 2 parameters source-path-nameF Identifies the source of the copy. You can use the wildcards % and *F in the last given name of the source path name, and you can use > orF .> at the$ end of the chain. You cannot use @. If you are using aF terminal of the VT200 family, you can use 8-bit characters in path names.4 DMU assumes a > at the end of the chain by default.7 Type "HELP specify path-name" for further information.F Type "HELP specify versions" for further information about specifying versions of dictionary objects. destination-path-nameF Locates the dictionary directory or subdictionary into which theF specified portions of the directory h%ierarchy are copied. You cannotF use any wildcards in the destination path name. If you do notF specify a destination path name, DMU uses your current default directory.7 Type "HELP specify path-name" for further information. 2 privilegesF o You need PASS_THRU and SEE at the dictionary directories,3 subdictionaries, and objects you want to copy.F o You need PASS_THRU and EXTEND at the destination directories andF subdictionaries, and you need U &PDATE at dictionary objects as you create them.F o You need HISTORY at both the source and destination to use the /AUDIT qualifier.F o You need PASS_THRU, SEE, and UPDATE at the highest existingF version of an object in the destination directory to create a new version with /VERSION.F o You need CONTROL at both the source and destination directoriesF to use the /PROTECTION qualifier. If you are using /VERSION, youF need CONTROL at the highe'st existing version of the object in theF destination directory in order to copy the access control list of( the object in the source directory. 2 qualifiers/AUDIT Syntax:4 /AUDIT [= (quoted-string [, quoted-string]...)] /AUDIT=file-specification /NOAUDITF Use /AUDIT to create history list entries auditing the copy in theF history lists of both source and destination dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objects.F You can include explanatory t (ext in history list entries in three ways:F o By specifying the /AUDIT qualifier. If you include no quotedF string or file-specification, DMU provides a default history list% entry describing your operation.F o By including quoted strings. Enclose each quoted string inF double quotation marks, and enclose the series of strings inF parentheses. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one quoted string.F o By specifying a fil)e whose contents are to be included in theF history list entry. The file specification is a standard VMSF file specification, and the default file type is .DAT. You canF include no more than 64 input strings in a history list entry. DMU ignores any excess.F With /NOAUDIT, no history list entries are created. The default is /NOAUDIT./HISTORY Syntax /[NO]HISTORYF Use /HISTORY to copy history lists. Use /NOHISTORY to excludeF histo*ry lists from the information that is copied. When you useF /NOHISTORY with /VERSION, the copied object receives the history listF of the highest existing version of the object in the destination directory. The default is /NOHISTORY./LOG Syntax: /LOG [= file-specification] /NOLOGF Use /LOG to create a list of the given names of all of the dictionary2 directories, subdictionaries, and objects copied.F The file specification is a standard VMS file spe+cification namingF the file into which the log is written. The default file type isF .LOG. If you use /LOG without specifying a file, DMU writes the log1 to SYS$OUTPUT. With /NOLOG, no list is created. The default is /NOLOG. /PROTECTION Syntax: /[NO]PROTECTIONF Use /PROTECTION to copy access control lists. Use /NOPROTECTION toF exclude access control lists from the information that is copied. IfF you use /NOPROTECTION with /VERSION, the object receives the ,accessF control list of the highest existing version of the object in the destination directory. The default is /NOPROTECTION./STAGE Syntax: /[NO]STAGEF Use /STAGE to withhold committing changes in the CDD until the entireF copy is completed. Use /NOSTAGE to make changes in the CDD as each: dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object is copied.F Using /STAGE assures that no changes remain in the dictionary if aF command is interrupted. However, with- /STAGE, execution timeF increases exponentially with the number of directories,% subdictionaries, and objects copied.F With /NOSTAGE, execution time increases linearly with the number ofF directories, subdictionaries, or objects copied. However, if youF interrupt an unstaged COPY command, some of the changes remain in the dictionary. The default is /NOSTAGE./VERSION Syntax: /[NO]VERSIONF Use /VERSION to copy objects to a directory where an obje .ct with theF same name already exists. The new objects in the destinationF directory have the same version numbers as the original objects fromF which they were copied, regardless of whether you specified versionF numbers in the source path names. Unless there is an object in theF destination directory with the same name as an object you are+ copying, there is no need to use /VERSION.F Use /NOVERSION to guarantee that the destination directory does notF already co /ntain an object with the same name as the object you are% copying. /NOVERSION is the default.F The results of using the /VERSION qualifier vary depending on the+ existing children of the target directory.F o COPY/VERSION copies an object to a destination directory if theF destination directory does not already contain an object with theF same name and same version number as the source object. In thisF case, DMU copies the specified version of the object in t 0heF source path name to the destination directory. The new object6 has the same version number as the source object.F o COPY/VERSION copies an object to a destination directory andF issues an informational message if the destination directoryF already contains an object with the same name and a higherF version number. For example, you specify TEST_REC;2 and theF destination directory contains TEST_REC;3. In this case DMUF creates 1 the object with the same name and version number as the: source object, then issues the informational message.F o COPY/VERSION does not copy an object if the destination directoryF contains an object with the same name and version number as theF source object. For example, you specify TEST_REC;2 and the7 destination directory already contains TEST_REC;2.F By default, a new version of an object has the same access controlF list and history list as the hi 2ghest existing version of the objectF in the destination directory. You can copy the access control listF from the source by using the /PROTECTION qualifier with /VERSION. ToF copy the access control list, you must have CONTROL (C) privilege atF the highest existing version of the object in the destinationF directory. You can copy the history list from the source by using /HISTORY with /VERSION.wwRBv1 CREATEF Use the CREATE command to create dictio3nary directories and subdictionaries.F You can also create access control lists and history lists for theF new directories and subdictionaries. If any ancestors of theF directory or subdictionary to be created do not exist, the CDD creates them automatically. Command Syntax: CREATE [qualifiers] path-name 2 parameters path-nameF Specifies the name and ancestry of the directory or subdictionary youF are creating. You cannot use any wildcards in the path4 name. If youF are using a terminal of the VT200 family, you can use 8-bit characters in path names.7 Type "HELP specify path-name" for further information. 2 privilegesF o You need PASS_THRU and EXTEND at the parent of a dictionary directory to be created.F o You need PASS_THRU and FORWARD at the parent of a subdictionary to be created.F o You need PASS_THRU and EXTEND at the parent of any ancestors= implicitly created for a new subd5ictionary or directory. 2 qualifiers/ACL Syntax: /[NO]ACLF Use /ACL to create a directory or subdictionary with the defaultF access control list. /ACL is the default. Use /NOACL to create a8 directory or subdictionary with no access control list./AUDIT Syntax:0 /AUDIT [= (quoted-string [, quoted-string]...)] /AUDIT=file-specification /NOAUDITF Use /AUDIT to create a history list entry auditing the creation of a' dictionary directory or subdictiona 6ry.F You can include explanatory text in history list entries in two ways:F o By including quoted strings. Enclose each quoted string inF double quotation marks, and enclose the series of strings inF parentheses. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one quoted string.F o By specifying a file whose contents are to be included in theF history list entry. The file specification is a standard VMSF file specification, and the def7ault file type is .DAT. You canF include no more than 64 input strings in a history list entry. DMU ignores any excess.F With /NOAUDIT, no history list entries are created. The default is /NOAUDIT./HISTORY Syntax: /[NO]HISTORYF Use /HISTORY to facilitate the creation of history lists forF dictionary directories and subdictionaries as you create them.F /HISTORY is the default. Use /NOHISTORY to create a dictionaryF directory or su8bdictionary with no history list. If you useF /NOHISTORY, you can still create history list entries later, but it will take slightly longer./SUBDICTIONARY Syntax:( /SUBDICTIONARY = file-specification /NOSUBDICTIONARYF Use /SUBDICTIONARY to create a subdictionary. Subdictionary filesF allow you to store portions of the dictionary on different devicesF and to augment CDD protection with VMS file security mechanisms. TheF file specification is a standard 9VMS file specification, and you mustF include device and directory names for this file. The default fileF name is CDD.DIC. You can use a system logical name as any part ofF the subdictionary file specification. You cannot use a group or process logical name.F Use /NOSUBDICTIONARY to create a dictionary directory in the main3 dictionary file. /NOSUBDICTIONARY is the default.wwRBv1 DELETEF Use the DELETE command to delete dictionary direct:ories,F subdictionaries, and objects, as well as their history lists and access control lists.F Because the children of a dictionary directory or subdictionary areF always deleted with their parent, the command has qualifiers toF determine whether directories or subdictionaries with children should be deleted. Command Syntax:1 DELETE [qualifiers] path-name [, path-name]... 2 parameters path-nameF Specifies the subdictionaries, dictionary directories, or objec ;ts toF be deleted. You can use the wildcards % and * in the path name. IfF you use *, DMU deletes every directory and object in the directory,F including all versions of an object. You cannot use > or @ exceptF with /HISTORY and /PROTECTION. If you are using a terminal of the: VT200 family, you can use 8-bit characters in path names.7 Type "HELP specify path-name" for further information. 2 privilegesF o To use the DELETE command, you need PASS_THRU and EXTEND at theF < parents of the target dictionary directories, subdictionaries, or objects.F o To use /ALL or /NOCHECK, you need GLOBAL_DELETE at the target/ dictionary directories or subdictionaries.F o If you do not use /ALL or /NOCHECK, you need either GLOBAL_DELETEF or LOCAL_DELETE at the target dictionary directories," subdictionaries, and objects.F o If you specify /HISTORY, you need PASS_THRU, LOCAL_DELETE, andF SEE privileges on the target sub-d=ictionaries, dictionaries, and objects.F o If you specify /PROTECTION, you need PASS_THRU and CONTROLF privileges on the sub-dictionaries, dictionary directories, and9 objects whose access control lists are to be purged. 2 qualifiers/ALL Syntax: /ALLF Use /ALL to delete the specified dictionary directory orF subdictionary and all its descendants. Note that /ALL and /CHECK areD opposites. If you do not specify /ALL, then /CHECK is th>e default./CHECK Syntax: /[NO]CHECKF If you specify /CHECK, a dictionary directory or subdictionary isF deleted only if it has no children. /CHECK is the default. UseF /NOCHECK to delete the specified dictionary directory orF subdictionary and all its descendants. Note that /ALL and /CHECK are opposites./LOG Syntax: /LOG [= file-specification] /NOLOGF Use /LOG to create a list of the given names of the dictionaryF dir ?ectories, subdictionaries, and objects deleted. However, if youF specify /ALL or /NOCHECK to delete a dictionary directory orF subdictionary with children, /LOG does not list the names of the deleted children.F The file specification is a standard VMS file specification namingF the file into which the log is written. The default file type isF .LOG. If you use /LOG without specifying a file, DMU writes the log1 to SYS$OUTPUT. With /NOLOG, no list is created. T@he default is /NOLOG./SUBDICTIONARY Syntax: /[NO]SUBDICTIONARYF Use /SUBDICTIONARY to delete a subdictionary pointer and theF directories and objects in the subdictionary file. UseF /NOSUBDICTIONARY to delete a subdictionary pointer, but not the8 directories and objects in the file to which it points.F The subdictionary files themselves are never deleted. If youF recreate a subdictionary you deleted earlier with theF /ANOSUBDICTIONARY qualifier, the new subdictionary again points to theF file, and the dictionary directories and objects in the file again( become part of the directory hierarchy.! The default is /NOSUBDICTIONARY./TYPE Syntax:; /TYPE = (type-specification [, type-specification]...)F Use /TYPE to specify a particular type of dictionary directory or5 object to be deleted. Other types remain undeleted.F A type specification names a type, such as DTR$DOMAIN or CDD$RECBORD,F to be deleted. You can use the wildcard characters % and * in a typeF specification. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one type.F Note that when you delete a subdictionary or dictionary directory,! you also delete its descendants. 2 /HISTORYF Use the DELETE/HISTORY command to purge history lists. You have theF option of specifying the number of entries or the creation date of% the earliest entry you wish to save. Command Syntax:8 DELETE/HISTORCY [qualifiers] path-name [,path-name]... 3 privilegesF You need PASS_THRU, LOCAL_DELETE, and SEE at the target dictionary* directories, subdictionaries, or objects. 3 qualifiers/BEFORE Syntax:! /BEFORE = time-specificationF Use /BEFORE to specify the creation time of the oldest history listF entry you want to save. All entries made before that time are deleted.F Time is specified as the VAX standard time of day: dd-mmm-yyyyF hh:mm:ss.ss. You D may omit any of the fields, but you must includeF the punctuation (hyphen, colon, period) following any leading field> you omit. Omitted fields default to the current time of day.D You cannot specify both /BEFORE and /KEEP in the same command line./KEEP Syntax: /KEEP = numberF Use /KEEP to specify how many history list entries you want to save.F DMU then deletes all but that number of the most recent history list entries.F You cannot specify both /BEFORE and /KEEEP in the same command line.F If you do not specify either /BEFORE or /KEEP, the default is /KEEP =- 0, and all history list entries are deleted./TYPE Syntax:; /TYPE = (type-specification [, type-specification]...)F Use /TYPE to specify a particular type of dictionary directory or. object whose history lists you want to purge.F A type specification names a type, such as DTR$DOMAIN or CDD$RECORD,F whose history list entries are to be deleted. You can use theFF wildcard characters % and * in a type specification. The parentheses+ are optional if you specify only one type. 2 /PROTECTIONF Use DELETE/PROTECTION to delete access control list entries. You can: delete the entire list or only those entries you specify.F You can also use the SET PROTECTION/EDIT command to delete access control list entries. Command Syntax:< DELETE/PROTECTION [qualifiers] path-name [, path-name]... 3 privilegesF You need PASS_THRU and CONTROL at tGhe target dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object. 3 qualifiers/AUDIT Syntax:4 /AUDIT [= (quoted-string [, quoted-string]...)] /AUDIT=file-specification /NOAUDITF Use /AUDIT to create history list entries auditing the purge of the access control lists.F You can include explanatory text in history list entries in two ways:F o By including quoted strings. Enclose each quoted string inF double quotation marks, and enclose the series o Hf strings inF parentheses. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one quoted string.F o By specifying a file whose contents are to be included in theF history list entry. The file specification is a standard VMSF file specification, and the default file type is .DAT. You canF include no more than 64 input strings in a history list entry. DMU ignores any excess.F With /NOAUDIT, no history list entries are created. The default is I /NOAUDIT. /POSITION Syntax:' /POSITION = position-specificationF Use /POSITION to specify the relative position or positions of the entries you want to delete.8 The position specification can be any of the following:2 ALL Indicates all entries.5 number Indicates only one entry.6 (number [,number]...) Indicates several entries.F You may specify a maximum of 64 entries with the /POSITION qualifier./TYPE Syntax:J; /TYPE = (type-specification [, type-specification]...)F Use /TYPE to specify a particular type of dictionary directory or; object whose access control list entries are to be purged.F A type specification names a type, such as DTR$DOMAIN or CDD$RECORD,F whose access control lists are to be deleted. You can use theF wildcard characters % and * in a type specification. The parentheses+ are optional if you specify only one type.wwSBv1 EXITC K Use the EXIT command or CTRL/Z to return to DCL command level. Command Syntax: EXIT or CTRL/ZwwSBv 1 EXTRACTFUse the EXTRACT command to copy source text of dictionary objects fromFthe CDD into a file, or to create and insert into a file CDDL text$that describes existing CDD records.Command Syntax:F EXTRACT [qualifiers] path-name [, path-name]... file-specification 2 parameters path- LnameF Specifies the dictionary objects you want to extract. You can useF the wildcards % and * in the path name. If you are using a terminalA of the VT200 family, you can use 8-bit characters in path names.7 Type "HELP specify path-name" for further information. file-specificationF Names the file into which the source text is copied. The fileF specification is a standard VMS file specification naming the output@ file. The default file type is .LIS. You must specifyM a file. 2 privilegesF o You need PASS_THRU and SEE privileges on the dictionary directory* or object to extract the source text.F o You need HISTORY privilege on the dictionary directory or object! to use the /AUDIT qualifier. 2 qualifiers/AUDIT Syntax:4 /AUDIT [= (quoted-string [, quoted-string]...)] /AUDIT=file-specification /NOAUDITF Use /AUDIT to create history list entries auditing the extraction of each dictionary object.F You can inc Nlude explanatory text in history list entries in three ways:F o By specifying the /AUDIT qualifier. If you include no quotedF string or file-specification, DMU provides a default history list% entry describing your operation.F o By including quoted strings. Enclose each quoted string inF double quotation marks, and enclose the series of strings inF parentheses. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one quoted string.F o BOy specifying a file whose contents are to be included in theF history list entry. The file specification is a standard VMSF file specification, and the default file type is .DAT. You canF include no more than 64 input strings in a history list entry. DMU ignores any excess.F With /NOAUDIT, no history list entries are created. The default is /NOAUDIT./RECORD Syntax: /RECORDB Use /RECORD to convert record descriptions into CDDL source text.PF If you specify this qualifier, DMU creates CDDL source text thatF describes any CDD records you specify. You can use this text toF recompile record descriptions, or see a CDDL description of a record" not originally created with CDDL.F This qualifier has no effect on dictionary objects that are not CDD. records. The opposite of /RECORD is /SOURCE./SOURCE Syntax: /SOURCEF Use /SOURCE to copy the source text of dictionary objects into the specified file.QF If you specify /SOURCE, DMU copies the source text of the specifiedF dictionary objects into the file. If the dictionary object does notF contain source text, DMU does not create it. If you want DMU to4 create source text, use /RECORD instead of /SOURCE.F You should not use /SOURCE with the /RECORD option. If you do, DMU ignores /SOURCE. /SOURCE is the default. /TEMPLATE Syntax: /[NO]TEMPLATEF Use /TEMPLATE to expand into CDDL source text any fields thRat copy template records.F If you specify /TEMPLATE, DMU extracts any template records that theF specified CDD records copy. DMU places CDDL source text for theF template records into the file before the CDD records that copy them.4 You must also specify /RECORD to specify /TEMPLATE.F /NOTEMPLATE copies the record definition without including theF definitions of template records at the top of the listing. The default is /NOTEMPLATE./TYPE Syntax:; /STYPE = (type-specification [, type-specification]...)F Use /TYPE to specify a particular type of dictionary object to be extracted.F A type specification names a type, such as DTR$DOMAIN or CDD$RECORD,F to be extracted. You can use the wildcard characters % and * in aF type specification. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one type.wwSBv1 HELPF The Dictionary Management Utility enables you to create and maintainF the directory hierarchTy and to manage the dictionary's history lists and access control lists.F You can use abbreviations for any of DMU command words. The onlyF restriction is that you must specify enough characters to avoidF ambiguity. You can interrupt the execution of DMU commands by typing CTRL/C.F An exclamation point (!) occurring anywhere except within a quoted string is a comment delimiter.wwSBv1 LISTF Use the LIST command to display information about U dictionaryF directories, subdictionaries, and objects. This information includes8 sources, history lists, access control lists, and text. Command Syntax:/ LIST [qualifiers] [path-name [, path-name]...] 2 parameters path-nameF Specifies the dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objectsF you want to list. You can use the wildcards %, *, >, and @ in theF path name. If you are using a terminal of the VT200 family, you canF use 8-bit characters in path names. VIf you do not specify a pathF name, the default path name is *. If you specify an object withoutC specifying a version number, DMU lists all versions of the object.7 Type "HELP specify path-name" for further information.F Type "HELP specify versions" for further information about specifying versions of dictionary objects. 2 privilegesF o You need PASS_THRU and SEE at the target dictionary directory,F subdictionary, or object to list any information except the W access control list.F o You need PASS_THRU and CONTROL at the target dictionary< directory, subdictionary, or object to use /PROTECTION. 2 qualifiers/ACCESS Syntax:3 /ACCESS = (quoted-string [, quoted-string]...)F Use /ACCESS to display only those history list entries containing one of the quoted access strings.F You may enclose the strings in either single or double quotationF marks. DMU does not differentiate between uppercase and lowercase.=X The parentheses are optional if you specify only one string.F You need only enough characters in the quoted access string to avoidF ambiguity. DMU compares the access string to the correspondingB number of characters at the beginning of each history list entry.= To use /ACCESS, you must also specify /AUDIT_TRAIL or /FULL. /AUDIT_TRAIL Syntax: /[NO]AUDIT_TRAILF Use /AUDIT_TRAIL to include history list entries in the listing./ /AUDIT_TRAIL displays the followiYng ten items:% ACCESS_TIME PROGRAM! EXPLANATION UIC" FACILITY USER PROCESS F Use /NOAUDIT_TRAIL if you do not want to display any history list entries./BRIEF Syntax: /BRIEFF Use /BRIEF to list only the name and type of each dictionaryF directory, subdictionary, or object. In the case of subdictionaries,F the file name is also listed. The type name "DIRECTORY" is not lZisted.F DMU indents ancestors and descendants to show the relationships within the family tree./ /BRIEF produces the shortest possible listing. /BRIEF is the default./FULL Syntax: /FULLF Use /FULL to display the name, type, description, source, and historyF list of each specified dictionary directory, subdictionary, and object.F /FULL lists all of the information that you can list with the /ITEM qualifier.F You can suppress the listing of any[ particular item by specifying theF negation of that item in the /ITEM option. (For example,A LIST/FULL/ITEM=NOTYPE prevents the display of dictionary types.)/ITEM Syntax:; /ITEM = (item-specification [, item-specification]...)F Use /ITEM to specify particular items you want to list. The itemF specification can include one or more of the item options below. If9 you specify only one item, you can omit the parentheses.F The specification of "NO" for an it\em overrides the specification ofF the item. Therefore, if you specify /ITEM=(TYPE,NOTYPE), NOTYPE takes precedence.F [NO]ACCESS_TIME [NO]CREATOR [NO]DESCRIPTION [NO]EXPLANATIONL [NO]FACILITY [NO]PROCESS [NO]PROGRAM [NO]SOURCE H [NO]TIME_STAMP [NO]TYPE [NO]UIC [NO]USER D [NO]VERSION ([NO]PROTOCOL_VERSION is a synonym for [NO]VERSION.)/LISTING Syntax:$ /LISTING [= file-specification]F Use /LISTING to] write the listed information into an output file.F The file specification is a standard VMS file specification naming3 the /LISTING file. The default file type is .LIS.F If you do not specify a /LISTING file, the output is written to SYS$OUTPUT./ORIGIN Syntax: /[NO]ORIGINF Use /ORIGIN to display information about the creation of dictionaryE objects. /ORIGIN displays the following four items (see Table 5-1):$ CREATOR SOURCE. ^ TIME_STAMP PROTOCOL_VERSIONF Use /NOORIGIN if you do not want to display the creation information./OUTPUT Syntax:" /OUTPUT [=file-specification]/ DMU accepts /OUTPUT as a synonym for /LISTING. /POSITION Syntax:' /POSITION = position-specificationF Use /POSITION with /PROTECTION to indicate the access control list entries you want to list.8 The position specification can be any of the following:2 ALL Indicates all _entries.5 number Indicates only one entry.6 (number [,number]...) Indicates several entries.F The entries are listed in the order specified. /POSITION=ALL is the7 default if you do not specify the /POSITION qualifier. /PROTECTION Syntax: /[NO]PROTECTIONF Use /PROTECTION to include access control lists in the listing. Use3 /NOPROTECTION to exclude the access control lists./TYPE Syntax:; /TYPE = (type-specification [, type-speci`fication]...)F Use /TYPE to specify a particular type of dictionary directory orF object to be listed. When you use LIST/BRIEF for specific types ofF dictionary directories and objects, DMU displays the parents of these! directories and objects as well.F A type specification names a type, such as DTR$DOMAIN or CDD$RECORD,F to be listed. You can use the wildcard characters % and * in a typeF specification. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one type.wwaDSBv1 MEMOF Use the MEMO command to create new history list entries for theF specified dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objects. YouF supply the explanation that is to be placed in the entry. All other information is supplied by DMU. Command Syntax:& MEMO/AUDIT path-name [, path-name]... 2 parameters path-nameF Specifies a dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object for whichF you want to add a history list entry. You can use the wildcbards %F and * in the path name. You cannot use > and @. If you are using aF terminal of the VT200 family, you can use 8-bit characters in path names.7 Type "HELP specify path-name" for further information. 2 privilegesF You need PASS_THRU and HISTORY at the target dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objects. 2 qualifiers/AUDIT Syntax:0 /AUDIT=(quoted-string [, quoted-string]...) /AUDIT=file-specification0 You must /AUDIT to create history list centries.F You supply explanatory text in history list entries in either of two ways:F o By including quoted strings. Enclose each quoted string inF double quotation marks, and enclose the series of strings inF parentheses. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one quoted string.F o By specifying a file whose contents are to be included in theF history list entry. The file specification is a standard VMSF file specification,d and the default file type is .DAT. You canF include no more than 64 input strings in a history list entry. DMU ignores any excess.3 You cannot specify /NOAUDIT with the MEMO command.wwDSBv1 PURGEF The PURGE command deletes all but the highest versions of specifiedF dictionary objects. You specify the objects with a full or relativeF path name. If you do not enter a path name with PURGE, DMU purgesF the objects in your default directeory. Because dictionaryF directories cannot have multiple versions, PURGE does not affect them. Command Syntax:0 PURGE [qualifiers] [path-name [,path-name]...] 2 parameter path-nameF Specifies the objects you want to purge or the directory orF subdictionary that contains the objects you want to purge. You canF use the wildcards *, %, and > in the path name specification. If youF are using a terminal of the VT200 family, you can use 8-bitF charactfers in path names. If you specify an object, the path nameF cannot contain a version number or a semicolon. If you do notF specify a path name, PURGE operates the objects in your default directory. 2 privilegesF You need DELETE (D) or GLOBAL_DELETE (G) privilege at each object that PURGE deletes. 2 qualifiers/KEEP Syntax: /KEEP=nF You use /KEEP=n to specify the number of versions of each object youF want to keep. The number must be greater thgan zero. The default is /KEEP=1./LOG Syntax: /LOG [=file-specification] /NOLOGF You use /LOG if you want DMU to generate a message for eachF dictionary object deleted by the PURGE command. If you do notF specify a file, the messages are sent to the terminal. The default is /NOLOG.wwDSBv1 RENAMEF Use the RENAME command to change the given name of any dictionaryF directory, subdictionary, or object in the CDD. You cahn also useF RENAME to change the version number of an object. CDD$TOP cannot be renamed. Command Syntax:) RENAME [qualifiers] path-name given-name 2 parameters path-nameF Identifies the dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object youF want to rename. You can use the wildcard * only in place of theF version number of an object. Otherwise, you cannot use any wildcards in the path name.7 Type "HELP specify path-name" for further information.F Type "HELP sp iecify versions" for further information about specifying versions of dictionary objects. given-nameF Specifies the new name you give the dictionary directory,F subdictionary, or object. You can use the wildcard * only in placeF of the version number of an object. Otherwise, you cannot use anyF wildcards in the given name. If you are using a terminal of theF VT200 family, you can use 8-bit characters in given names. YouE cannot use a relative version numbejr in the given name of an object.8 Type "HELP specify given-name" for further information.F Type "HELP specify versions" for further information about specifying versions of dictionary objects. 2 privilegesF o You need PASS_THRU and EXTEND at the parent of the dictionary< directory, subdictionary, or object you want to rename.F o You need PASS_THRU and LOCAL_DELETE at the target dictionary) directory, subdictionary, or object.F o To use /AUDIT, you neked HISTORY at the target dictionary) directory, subdictionary, or object.F o To use /VERSION, you need SEE, PASS_THRU, UPDATE and CONTROLE privileges at the highest existing version of the target object.F o To use /SUBDICTIONARY, you need LOCAL_DELETE or GLOBAL_DELETE atF the target subdictionary directory, and PASS_THRU and FORWARD at its parent directory. 2 qualifiers/AUDIT Syntax:4 /AUDIT [= (quoted-string [, quoted-string]...)] /AUlDIT=file-specification /NOAUDITD Use /AUDIT to create a history list entry auditing the name change.F You can include explanatory text in history list entries in three ways:F o By specifying the /AUDIT qualifier. If you include no quotedF string or file-specification, DMU provides a default history list% entry describing your operation.F o By including quoted strings. Enclose each quoted string inF double quotation marks, and enclose the se mries of strings inF parentheses. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one quoted string.F o By specifying a file whose contents are to be included in theF history list entry. The file specification is a standard VMSF file specification, and the default file type is .DAT. You canF include no more than 64 input strings in a history list entry. DMU ignores any excess.F With /NOAUDIT, no history list entries are created. The defaultn is /NOAUDIT./SUBDICTIONARY Syntax:3 /SUBDICTIONARY = file-specification path-nameF Use /SUBDICTIONARY to change the file specification to which aF subdictionary directory points. You set the directory to point to a8 VMS subdictionary file that you are moving or renaming.F Use the standard VMS file specification. You must include device andF directory names for the file. You can use system logical names toF define the device, the directory, and the file name o. You cannot useC group or process logical names. The default file name is CDD.DIC.F You can use a full or relative path name. You cannot use wildcards in the path name.F Use RENAME/SUBDICTIONARY to avoid having to delete a subdictionaryF directory before you create a new one pointing to the file's newF location. /SUBDICTIONARY both deletes the old pointer and creates the new one.F Before you reset the directory to point to the file, use the DCL COPY: command to chpange the location of the subdictionary file./VERSION Syntax: /VERSION /NOVERSIONF Use /VERSION to rename an object when an object with the specifiedF given name already exists. For example, you would need /VERSION toF rename TEST_REC;1 to SAMPLE_REC if the directory already contained anF object named SAMPLE_REC. Directories cannot have versions, so you5 cannot use this qualifier when renaming directories.F Use /NOVERSION to guarantee that the directory does qnot contain anF object with the same given name as the one you specified. /NOVERSION is the default.F The results of using /VERSION vary depending on the way in which youF specify the objects to be renamed. For more information about3 specifying versions, type "HELP specify versions".6 o RENAME/VERSION successfully renames an object if:F - You do not specify the version number of the new name of theF object. For example, you want to rename TEST_REC; r1 toF SAMPLE_REC. If you do not specify a version number forF SAMPLE_REC, DMU renames TEST_REC;1 to SAMPLE_REC and gives itF a version number one greater than the highest existing version of SAMPLE_REC.F - You specify the version number of the new name and theF version number is higher than the version number of anyF object with the same name. For example, you renameF TEST_REC;1 to SAMPLE_ sREC;2. If the directory contains onlyF SAMPLE_REC;1, DMU renames TEST_REC;1 and gives it the version, number you specified, SAMPLE_REC;2.F o RENAME/VERSION renames an object and gives a warning message ifF you specify the version number of the new name of the object, andF that version number is lower than the version number of any otherF version of the object. For example, you rename TEST_REC;1 toF SAMPLE_REC;2 and the directory already contain ts an objectF SAMPLE_REC;3. It does not contain an object SAMPLE_REC;2,F however. DMU renames the object, gives it the version number you- specified, and issues a warning message.F o RENAME/VERSION does not rename an object if the directoryF contains an object with the name and version number you specify.F For example, you attempt to rename TEST_REC;1 to SAMPLE_REC;2 and= an object SAMPLE_REC;2 already exists in that directory.F When you re uname an object, it retains the access control list andF history list it had under its old name, even if the object becomes an& additional version of another object.wwkSBv 1 RESTOREF Use the RESTORE command to copy portions of the directory hierarchyD and their related data definitions from a backup file into the CDD.F You specify where to restore the information in the CDD. If theF backup file contains history lists, access control lists, or both,F DMU resvtores them also. With the RESTORE command you have the following options:F o To generate history list entries in the CDD to audit the restorationF o To generate a log of the restored dictionary directories,! subdictionaries, and objects) o To restore files for subdictionaries Command Syntax:4 RESTORE [qualifiers] file-specification [path-name] 2 parameters file-specificationF Names the backup file. Use the standard VMS file swpecification. The default file extension is .BAK. path-nameF Specifies the dictionary directory or subdictionary into which youF are restoring the information. If you are using a terminal of theF VT200 family, you can use 8-bit characters in path names. You cannot$ use any wildcards in the path name.F If you omit the path name, the information is added to your current default directory.7 Type "HELP specify path-name" for further information. 2 privilegesF o Youx need PASS_THRU and EXTEND at each dictionary directory and% subdictionary as it is restored.F o You need PASS_THRU and UPDATE at each dictionary object as it is restored.F o You need HISTORY at each dictionary directory, subdictionary, or) object for which you specify /AUDIT.F o To restore access control lists included in the backup file, youF need CONTROL at each restored dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object. 2 qualifiersy/AUDIT Syntax:4 /AUDIT [= (quoted-string [, quoted-string]...)] /AUDIT=file-specification /NOAUDITF Use /AUDIT to create history list entries auditing the restoration ofF a portion of the CDD directory hierarchy. Entries are made in theF history lists of each restored dictionary directory, subdictionary, and object.F You can include explanatory text in history list entries in three ways:F o By specifying the /AUDIT qualifier. If you include no qu zotedF string or file-specification, DMU provides a default history list% entry describing your operation.F o By including quoted strings. Enclose each quoted string inF double quotation marks, and enclose the series of strings inF parentheses. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one quoted string.F o By specifying a file whose contents are to be included in theF history list entry. The file specification is a standard VMS{F file specification, and the default file type is .DAT. You canF include no more than 64 input strings in a history list entry. DMU ignores any excess.F With /NOAUDIT, no history list entries are created. The default is /NOAUDIT./LOG Syntax: /LOG [= file-specification] /NOLOGF Use /LOG to create a list of the given names of all restored6 dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objects.F The file specification is a standard VMS | file specification namingF the file into which the log is written. The default file type isF .LOG. If you use /LOG without specifying a file, DMU writes the log1 to SYS$OUTPUT. With /NOLOG, no list is created. The default is /NOLOG./STAGE Syntax: /[NO]STAGEF Use /STAGE to withhold committing changes in the CDD until the entireF restoration is completed. Use /NOSTAGE to make changes in the CDD asF each dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object is res }tored. /NOSTAGE is the default.F Using /STAGE assures that no changes remain in the dictionary if aF command is interrupted. However, with /STAGE, execution timeF increases exponentially with the number of directories,' subdictionaries, and objects restored.F With /NOSTAGE, execution time increases linearly with the number ofF directories, subdictionaries, or objects restored. However, if youF interrupt an unstaged RESTORE command, some of the changes rema~in in the dictionary./SUBDICTIONARY Syntax: /[NO]SUBDICTIONARYF Use /SUBDICTIONARY to restore subdictionaries as subdictionaries withF their original file names. Use /NOSUBDICTIONARY to restore subdictionaries as directories.! /NOSUBDICTIONARY is the default./VERSION Syntax: /[NO]VERSIONF Use /VERSION to restore an object to a directory in which there is anF object with the same name. If you do not use the /VERSION qualifier,F DMU will no t restore an object whose name is the same as the name of an already existing object.F Use /NOVERSION to guarantee that you are not creating an additionalF version of an object when you do not intend to do so. /NOVERSION is the default.F The results of using the /VERSION qualifier vary depending on the0 existing children of the destination directory.F o RESTORE/VERSION restores an object to a destination directory ifF the destination directory does not already contain an object withF the same name and same version number as the object in the backupF file. The restored object has the same version number as the object in the backup file.F o RESTORE/VERSION restores an object to a destination directory andF issues an informational message if the destination directory doesF not already contain an object with the same name and same versionF number as the object in the backup file, but it does contain anF object with the s ame name and a higher version number. ForF example, the backup file contains TEST_REC;2 and the destinationF directory contains only TEST_REC;3. DMU restores the object,F giving it the same name and version number as the object in the6 backup file, and issues an informational message.F o RESTORE/VERSION does not restore an object if the destinationF directory contains an object with the same name and versionF number as an object in the backup file. For example, DMU doesF not restore TEST_REC;2 if the destination directory already) contains an object named TEST_REC;2.F By default, a restored version of an object has the same accessF control list and history list as the highest existing version of theF object in the destination directory. If the access control list isF included in the backup file, it will be restored with the object ifF you have CONTROL privilege at the highest existing version of the% object in the destination directory.wwԒSBv1 SET7 You can use any of four variations of the SET command:= SET DEFAULT temporarily sets your default CDD directory.2 SET PROTECTION modifies access control lists.F SET ABORT and SET NOABORT control whether a series of DMUC commands executes to completion after CDD or DMU errors occur. Command Syntax: SET DEFAULT path-nameF SET PROTECTION uic- or rights-specification  [qualifiers] path-name [,path-name]... SET [NO]ABORT2 ABORTF Use the SET ABORT command to ensure that execution of a series of DMUD commands aborts when one of the commands causes a DMU or CDD error.F If you specify SET ABORT, DMU stops processing a command file as soon2 as one of the commands causes a DMU or CDD error.F Use the SET NOABORT command to ensure that execution of a commandF file of DMU commands continues to completion, despite CDD or DMU errors. SET NOABORT is the default. Command Syntax: SET [NO]ABORT 2 DEFAULTF Use the SET DEFAULT command to temporarily set your default CDDF directory. Only dictionary directories or subdictionaries can be used as default directories. Command Syntax: SET DEFAULT path-name 3 parameters path-nameF Specifies the default directory. You cannot use wildcards in theF path name. If you are using a terminal of the VT200 family, you can$ use 8-bit characters in path names.7 Type "HELP specify path-name" for further information. 3 privilegesF You need PASS_THRU at the target dictionary directory orF subdictionary and all of its ancestors in order to set the default directory. 2 PROTECTIONF Use the SET PROTECTION command to add entries to the access controlF list of each specified dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object.F You can also use the SET PROTECTION/EDIT command to add, delete, and$ modify access control list entries. Command Syntax:F SET PROTECTION uic- or rights-specification [qualifier] path-name [,path-name]... 3 parameters uic-specificationF Identifies the user identification criteria of the user[s] whoseF access control list entry you are modifying. You must specify at least one of the following: o /PASSWORD o /TERMINAL o /UIC o /USERNAME o /RIGHTS path-nameF Identifies the dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object owningF the access control list you want to change. You cannot use anyF wildcards in the path name. If you are using a terminal of the VT2004 family, you can use 8-bit characters in path names.7 Type "HELP specify path-name" for further information. 3 privilegesF You need PASS_THRU and CONTROL at the target dictionary directory,, subdictionary, or object to set protection. 3 qualifiers/AUDIT Syntax:4 /AUDIT [= (quoted-string [, quoted-string]...)] /AUDIT=file-specification /NOAUDITF Use /AUDIT to create history list entries auditing the creation of! new access control list entries.F You can include explanatory text in history list entries in two ways:F o By including quoted strings. Enclose each quoted string inF double quotation marks, and enclose the series of strings inF parentheses. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one quoted string.F o By specifying a file whose contents are to be included in theF history list entry. The file specification is a standard VMSF file specification, and the default file type is .DAT. You canF include no more than 64 input strings in a history list entry. DMU ignores any excess.F With /NOAUDIT, no history list entries are created. The default is /NOAUDIT./BANISH Syntax: /[NO]BANISH = privilegesF /BANISH enumerates the privileges denied to the specified use r(s) atF the current dictionary directory or subdictionary and all of itsF descendants. /NOBANISH specifies the privileges that are notF banished. The specification of a privilege in /NOBANISH overrides4 the specification of the same privilege in /BANISH.F The most common use for the combination of the two qualifiers is inF an example like "/BANISH=ALL/NOBANISH=(PASS,SEE)", where it is easierF to enumerate the privileges that are not to be banished than to do the opposite.F Once banished, privileges cannot be granted further down in the hierarchy.8 Type "HELP specify privileges" for further information./DENY Syntax: /[NO]DENY = privilegesF /DENY enumerates the privileges denied to the specified user(s) atF the current dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object. InF addition, denied privileges extend to descendants, but they can beF granted again at lower levels in the hierarchy. /NODENY specifiesF the privileges that are not denied. The specification of a privilegeF in /NODENY overrides the specification of the same privilege in /DENY.F The most common use for the combination of the two qualifiers is inF an example like "/DENY=ALL/NODENY=(PASS,SEE)", where it is easier toF enumerate the privileges that are not denied than to do the opposite.8 Type "HELP specify privileges" for further information./GRANT Syntax: /[NO]GRANT = privilegesF /GRANT enumerates the p rivileges granted to the specified user(s).F /NOGRANT specifies the privileges that are not granted. TheF specification of a privilege in /NOGRANT overrides the specification! of the same privilege in /GRANT.F The most common use for the combination of the two qualifiers is inF an example like "/GRANT=ALL/NOGRANT=(CONTROL,FORWARD,GLOBAL_DELETE)",F where it is easier to enumerate the privileges that are not granted than to do the opposite.8 Type "HELP specify privileges" for further information. /PASSWORD Syntax: /PASSWORD = quoted-stringF Use /PASSWORD to include a password in the user identificationF criteria of an access control list entry. The quoted string can beF any string of printable characters other than open parenthesis [(],F close parenthesis [)], or period [.]. DMU translates lowercaseF characters to uppercase. Enclose the string in double quotation marks. /POSITION Syntax: /POSITION = numberF Use /POSITION to specify the relative position within the accessF control list where you want to place the new entry. If you do not< specify the /POSITION qualifier, the default position is 1./RIGHTS Syntax:+ /RIGHTS = uic- or rights-specificationF Use /RIGHTS to include user identification codes with the userF identification criteria of an ACL entry. You can specify any ofF three alternative types of user identification code: a numeric UIC,- an alphanumeric UIC, or a rights identifier.F A numeric UIC consists of an octal group number and an octal memberF number separated by a comma and enclosed by either square brackets ([]) or angle brackets (<>).F You can use the wildcard * in place of the group number to identifyF all group numbers, and in place of the member number group toF identify all member numbers. A /UIC specification of [*,*] matches all user identification codes.F An alphanumeric UIC consists of a single text string within brackets.F A rights identifier consists of a single text string which the systemF manager has defined in the rights database to indicate all members of a particular group., /RIGHTS performs the same function as /UIC. /TERMINAL Syntax:' /TERMINAL = terminal-specificationF Use /TERMINAL to include information about the terminal(s) in the> user identification criteria of an access control list entry.8 The terminal specification can be any of the following:0 o TTcn or TXcn -- a specific terminal number.$ For example: /TERMINAL = TTA7.0 o LOCAL -- terminals hardwired to the system.% For example: /TERMINAL = LOCAL.F o NON_LOCAL -- dial-up and remote terminals, and terminals' processing batch and network jobs.) For example: /TERMINAL = NON_LOCAL.. o BATCH -- terminals processing batch jobs.% For example: /TERMINAL = BATCH.2 o NETWORK -- terminals processing network jobs.' For example: /TERMINAL = NETWORK./UIC Syntax:( /UIC = uic- or rights-specificationF Use /RIGHTS to include user identification codes with the userF identification criteria of an ACL entry. You can specify any ofF three alternative types of user identification code: a numeric UIC,- an alphanumeric UIC, or a rights identifier.F A numeric UIC consists of an octal group number and an octal memberF number separated by a comma and enclosed by either square brackets ([]) or angle brackets (<>).F You can use the wildcard * in place of the group number to identifyF all group numbers, and in place of the member number group toF identify all member numbers. A /UIC specification of [*,*] matches all user identification codes.F An alphanumeric UIC consists of a single text string within brackets.F A rights identifier consists of a single text string which the systemF manager has defined in the rights database to indicate all members of a particular group., /RIGHTS performs the same function as /UIC. /USERNAME Syntax: /USERNAME = stringF Use /USERNAME to include a specific username with the user9 identification criteria of an access control list entry.3 /EDIT Syntax:. SET PROTECTION/EDIT [qualifier] path-nameF Use the SET PROTECTION/EDIT command to invoke the access control list keypad editor.F Instead of using the SET PROTECTION command and typing the c ommandF qualifiers for each access control list entry, you can edit theF access control list with the SET PROTECTION/EDIT command. ThisF allows you to see and test changes before you commit access control list modifications.F The editor displays the access control list for the specifiedF dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object. You use the numericF keypad to move the cursor and to modify access control list entries.F You may use the PF2 key (next to the GOLD key on the numeric keypad)< to display HELP text once you're in the screen editor mode.F NOTE: You may use this command only on VT52, VT100, and VT200@ compatible terminals. You cannot use it on hardcopy terminals.F /AUDIT is the only qualifier you can specify in the command line of SET PROTECTION/EDIT.wwSBv1 SHOWF The SHOW command displays the current default directory in the CDD,F the current CDD version number, or the user's access rights to? specified dictionary directories, subdictionaries, or objects. Command Syntax: SHOW DEFAULT  or SHOW VERSION or - SHOW PROTECTION path-name [, path-name]... 2 parameters path-nameF Specifies the dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object to whichF you want to display your privileges. You can use any of the wildcardF characters in the path name. If you are using a terminal of the: VT200 family, you can use 8-bit characters in path names.7 Type "HELP specify path-name" for further information. 2 privilegesF o You need PASS_THRU privilege on the default directory to use the SHOW DEFAULT command.F o You need PASS_THRU on the target subdictionary or dictionary2 directory to use the SHOW PROTECTION command.2 logical-namesF You can use logical names to save keystrokes if you work in severalF dictionary directories with long path names. With the DCL commandsF DEFINE and ASSIGN, you can defi ne logical names for CDD path namesF you use often. Use either of the following formats in response to the DCL dollar-sign prompt:0 DEFINE logical-name "_CDD$TOP . . . given-name"0 ASSIGN "_CDD$TOP . . . given-name" logical-nameF Once you have defined logical names, you can use them in place ofF path names in utility command lines. The CDD attempts to translateF the first given name of any path specification as a logical name.F For example, if you specified the path name SALES.JONES, the CDDF would make one attempt to translate SALES. If SALES were not definedF as a logical name, the translation would fail, and the CDD utility1 would process the directory CDD$TOP.SALES.JONES.F If, however, SALES were defined as a logical name, the translationF would succeed, and the CDD utility would attempt to process a path/ name beginning with SALES' translation string.F To prevent logical name translation, prefix the path specificationF with a n underscore (_). The CDD would make no attempt to translate4 SALES if you specified the path name, _SALES.JONES.3 Instead, the CDD would process CDD$TOP.SALES.JONES 2 minus-signF The minus sign or hyphen (-) in place of a given name in any pathF name indicates a name one generation back. This substitution isF valid only for the first given names in the specification. Once youF have specified a given name, you may not use any hyphens further down8 in the chain: the hyphens must be first in the string.F For example, if your default directory is CDD$TOP.SALES.JONES, youF can specify the CORPORATE directory by typing -.-.CORPORATE. NoteF that -.SALES.-.PRODUCTION is not a legal usage because the sequence SALES.- is not allowed. 2 given-nameF A given name is a string of up to 31 characters. The legalF characters in a given name are A-Z, 0-9, _, and $. The firstF character must be a letter from A-Z, and the last character cannot be @ _ or $. The DMU translates all lowercase letters to uppercase.F For example, SALES and CDD$TOP are legal given names. S{L?S,F however, is not a legal given name because it contains the illegal characters { and ?. 2 passwordsF Within any type of path specification, each dictionary directory,F subdictionary, and object can have a password associated with it. ToF use a password in a path specification, enclose the password inF parentheses and place it immedi ately after the given name of theF directory, subdictionary, or object with which it is associated. DoF not type a space between the given name and the password. If you areF using the > at the end of a path name, the wild card follows anyF password associated with the last given name in the chain. If youF specify the version number of an object, the password should' immediately follow the version number.F Passwords contain from 1 to 64 printable ASCII characters, inclu dingF space and tab. If you are using a terminal of the VT200 family, youF can use 8-bit alphabetic characters. DMU translates lowercaseF letters to uppercase. The only forbidden characters in a passwordF are open parenthesis [(], close parenthesis [)], and period [.]. The0 following are legal given names with passwords: PERSONNEL(SEMI_SECRET) SERVICE(SECRET)3 The following is a legal path name with passwords:? CDD$TOP.PERSONNEL(SEMI_SECRET).SERVICE(SECRET).SALARY_RECORD;1 2 path-nameF A path name consists of a string of given names separated by periods.F It uniquely identifies a dictionary directory, subdictionary, or2 object through its line of ancestry from CDD$TOP.F For example, you can specify the dictionary directory STANDARDS in4 the sample dictionary with the following path name: CDD$TOP.PERSONNEL.STANDARDSF The following is not a legal path name because a path name cannot contain consecutive periods: CDD$TOP..PERSONNEL2 path-specification4 A path-name can be specified in either of two ways:F 1. By enumerating the chain of given names from CDD$TOP to theF target dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object explicitly.F 2. By enumerating the chain of given names from the defaultF directory to the target dictionary directory, subdictionary, orF object (not including the name of the default directory in the chain). 2 privileges Privileges can be specified as:# 1. One of the following keywords.F 2. A group of the following keywords in parentheses and separated by commas.B 3. A group of the following key letters delimited by < > (do not7 include any separators or blanks between letters)./ Keyword Key Letter Privilege/ ------- ---------- ---------> CONTROL C may control access control lists.F DTR_EXTEND E may extend DATATRIEVE table or procedur e.D DTR_MODIFY M may ready DATATRIEVE domain for modify.B DTR_READ R may ready DATATRIEVE domain for read.C DTR_WRITE W may ready DATATRIEVE domain for write.; EXTEND X may create directory children.8 FORWARD F may create subdictionaries.E GLOBAL_DELETE G may delete subdictionaries, directories,0 and their children.> HISTORY H may add entries to hist ory lists.E LOCAL_DELETE D may delete subdictionaries, directories,) and objects.@ PASS_THRU P may pass through a subdictionary or2 dictionary directory.@ SEE S may see (read) a dictionary object.< UPDATE U may update a dictionary object.. ALL all of the above. 2 versionsD You can specify the version of a dictionary object in several ways:, Specification Result Example2 Absolute DMU operates on SALARY_RANGE;2 version the object with number+ the specified version number3 Relative DMU operates on SALARY_RANGE;-1 version the object a! number+ specified number of versions below the highest version3 Wildcard DMU operates on SALARY_RANGE;_* version all versions of number+ the object1 Semicolon DMU operates on SALARY_RANGE; without a the highest version version of the number+ object0 No semicolon DMU operates on SALARY_RANGE or version the highest number++ version of the object4 + You cannot use this specification with DMU PURGE.D ++ If you use this specification with DMU LIST, DMU operates on all children in the directory. 2 wildcardsA With some c ommands in the Dictionary Management Utility, you canF specify a path by using its proper path name or by including wildcard characters in the path name.9 o The % replaces any single character in a given name.B o The * replaces any number of characters, and its use is legalC even if there is no corresponding character to replace. The *? can also replace the version number of an object. Used by7 itself, the * refers to all versions of an object.B o The > as the last character in a path name indicates that youD want to include all the descendants of the specified dictionaryE directory or subdictionary. If you end a path name with .>, the< wild card indicates that only the descendants are to beE processed. If you end a path name with >, the wild card withoutF the preceding period, DMU processes the last specified dictionaryB directory or subdictionary as well as all of its descendants.B o The @ prefixed to the given name of a dictionary directory orD subdictionary signifies that the directory or subdictionary and6 all of its named descendants are to be processed.wwTBv 1 specify2 logical-namesD You can use logical names to save keystrokes if you work in severalD dictionary directories with long path names. With the DCL commandsC DEFINE and ASSIGN, you can define logical names for CDD path namesC you use often. Use either of the following formats in response to the DCL dol lar-sign prompt:0 DEFINE logical-name "_CDD$TOP . . . given-name"0 ASSIGN "_CDD$TOP . . . given-name" logical-nameB Once you have defined logical names, you can use them in place ofD path names in utility command lines. The CDD attempts to translateB the first given name of any path specification as a logical name.A For example, if you specified the path name SALES.JONES, the CDDF would make one attempt to translate SALES. If SALES were not definedC as a logical name, the translatio n would fail, and the CDD utility1 would process the directory CDD$TOP.SALES.JONES.C If, however, SALES were defined as a logical name, the translationC would succeed, and the CDD utility would attempt to process a path/ name beginning with SALES' translation string.C To prevent logical name translation, prefix the path specificationD with an underscore (_). The CDD would make no attempt to translate4 SALES if you specified the path name, _SALES.JONES.3 Instead, the CDD would proc ess CDD$TOP.SALES.JONES 2 minus-signB The minus sign or hyphen (-) in place of a given name in any pathA name indicates a name one generation back. This substitution isE valid only for the first given names in the specification. Once youF have specified a given name, you may not use any hyphens further down8 in the chain: the hyphens must be first in the string.C For example, if your default directory is CDD$TOP.SALES.JONES, youC can specify the CORPORATE directory by typing -.-.COR PORATE. NoteD that -.SALES.-.PRODUCTION is not a legal usage because the sequence SALES.- is not allowed. 2 given-name< A given name is a string of up to 31 characters. The legal> characters in a given name are A-Z, 0-9, _, and $. The firstF character must be a letter from A-Z, and the last character cannot be@ _ or $. The DMU translates all lowercase letters to uppercase.> For example, SALES and CDD$TOP are legal given names. S{L?S,C however, is not a legal given name because it contains the illegal characters { and ?. 2 passwordsB Within any type of path specification, each dictionary directory,F subdictionary, and object can have a password associated with it. To@ use a password in a path specification, enclose the password inA parentheses and place it immediately after the given name of theE directory, subdictionary, or object with which it is associated. DoF not type a space between the given name and the password. If you areA using the > at the end of a path name, the wild card follows anyC password associated with the last given name in the chain. If you= specify the version number of an object, the password should' immediately follow the version number.E Passwords contain from 1 to 64 printable ASCII characters, includingD space and tab. DMU translates lowercase letters to uppercase. TheB only forbidden characters in a password are open parenthesis [(],F close parenthesis [)], and period [.]. The following are legal given names with passwords: PERSONNEL(SEMI_SECRET) SERVICE(SECRET)3 The following is a legal path name with passwords:? CDD$TOP.PERSONNEL(SEMI_SECRET).SERVICE(SECRET).SALARY_RECORD;1 2 path-nameF A path name consists of a string of given names separated by periods.A It uniquely identifies a dictionary directory, subdictionary, or2 object through its line of ancestry from CDD$TOP.C For example, you can specify the dictionary directory STANDARDS in4 the sample dictionary with the following path name: CDD$TOP.PERSONNEL.STANDARDSB The following is not a legal path name because a path name cannot contain consecutive periods: CDD$TOP..PERSONNEL2 path-specification4 A path-name can be specified in either of two ways:@ 1. By enumerating the chain of given names from CDD$TOP to theF target dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object explicitly.= 2. By enumerating the chain of given names from the defaultD directory to the target dictionary directory, subdictionary, orC object (not including the name of the default directory in the chain). 2 privileges Privileges can be specified as:# 1. One of the following keywords.F 2. A group of the following keywords in parentheses and separated by commas.B 3. A group of the following key letters delimited by < > (do not7 include any separators or blanks between letters)./ Keyword Key Letter Privilege/ ------- ------- --- ---------> CONTROL C may control access control lists.F DTR_EXTEND E may extend DATATRIEVE table or procedure.D DTR_MODIFY M may ready DATATRIEVE domain for modify.B DTR_READ R may ready DATATRIEVE domain for read.C DTR_WRITE W may ready DATATRIEVE domain for write.; EXTEND X may create directory children.8 FORWARD F may create subdictionaries.E GLOBAL_DEL ETE G may delete subdictionaries, directories,0 and their children.> HISTORY H may add entries to history lists.E LOCAL_DELETE D may delete subdictionaries, directories,) and objects.@ PASS_THRU P may pass through a subdictionary or2 dictionary directory.@ SEE S may see (read) a dictionary object.< UPDATE U may update a dictionary object.. ALL all of the above. 2 versionsD You can specify the version of a dictionary object in several ways:, Specification Result Example2 Absolute DMU operates on SALARY_RANGE;2 version the object with number+ the specified version number3 Relative DMU operates on SALARY_RANGE;-1 version the object a! number+ specified number of versions below the highest version3 Wildcard DMU operates on SALARY_RANGE;_* version all versions of number+ the object1 Semicolon DMU operates on SALARY_RANGE; without a the highest version version of the number+ object0 No semicolon DMU operates on SALARY_RANGE or version the highest number++ version of the object4 + You cannot use this specification with DMU PURGE.D ++ If you use this specification with DMU LIST, DMU operates on all children in the directory. 2 wildcardsA With some commands in the Dictionary Management Utility, you canF specify a path by using its proper path name or by including wildcard characters in the path name.9 o The % replaces any single character in a given name.B o The * replaces any number of characters, and its use is legalC even if there is no corresponding character to replac e. The *? can also replace the version number of an object. Used by7 itself, the * refers to all versions of an object.B o The > as the last character in a path name indicates that youD want to include all the descendants of the specified dictionaryE directory or subdictionary. If you end a path name with .>, the< wild card indicates that only the descendants are to beE processed. If you end a path name with >, the wild card withoutF the preceding period, DMU processes the last specified dictionaryB directory or subdictionary as well as all of its descendants.B o The @ prefixed to the given name of a dictionary directory orD subdictionary signifies that the directory or subdictionary and6 all of its named descendants are to be processed.ww