% Librarian I01-42*BfZGfn=5?Q aboutmuSoverviewtermsRuse_helpCf1 mu =TITLE mu=TITLE DTM Menus7 The DTM DECwindows interface uses menus, dialog boxes,2 and other screen objects to access its functions.4 You can use DTM menus to create and open libraries,3 record and execute tests, review test results, and perform other DTM operations.2 The main DTM window contains the following menus: o File o View o Maintenance o Testing o Help 2 l_mu =TITLE l_mu=TITLE File Menu7 Use the File menu to  perform these library operations:, o Choosing a library for current reference5 o Verifying that a library is valid and uncorrupted7 o Modifying the attributes of the current DTM library o Creating a library5 You can also manipulate active tasks, close DTM view& windows, and exit DTM from this menu. 3 l_lm =TITLE l_lm=TITLE Library Menu Item7 Choose the Library menu item, which produces a submenu7 of the functions you can perform on DTM libraries. The submenu contains these items: o Open... o Verify... o Modify... o Create... 4 l_lm_om=TITLE l_lm_om=TITLE Open Library Menu Item6 Choose the Open... menu item to establish an existing2 DTM library as the current library. The resulting7 dialog box enables you to enter the file specification and open a DTM library. 5 l_oldb =TITLE l_oldb=TITLE Open Library Dialog Box6 Use the Open Library dialog box to choose an existing) DTM library for use with DTM op erations.8 The chosen library is the current library until you set& another library or until you log out.8 This dialog box also enables you to verify that the DTM library is uncorrupted. 6 l_oldb_lb=TITLE l_oldb_lb=TITLE Library Field5 Use the Library field to enter the name of a OpenVMS4 directory that has been previously defined as a DTM library.2 The directory specification cannot be the current5 default directory, even if this directory is a valid DTM library. 6 l_oldb_vr=TITLE l_oldb_vr=TITLE Verify Button3 Click on the Verify button in one of the following ways:6 Enabled DTM is to verify that the chosen library is button intact when opened.7 Disabled DTM is not to verify that the chosen library! button is intact when opened. 6 l_oldb_ok=TITLE l_oldb_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates tha t it is the2 default choice. You can choose it by pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 l_oldb_cn=TITLE l_oldb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 l_lm_vm=TITLE l_lm_vm=TITLE Verify Library Menu Item8 Choose the Verify... menu item to have DTM confirm that7 the library's structure and files are in a valid form.5 You can also use the resulting dialog box to correct8 any errors that DTM may find or to reclaim loose blocks/ and delete illegal files found in the library. 5 l_vldb =TITLE l_vldb =TITLE Verify Library Dialog Box4 The Verify Library dialog box enables you to choose8 operations that detect errors in the library structure, files, and collections.3 The DTM library can become invalid if a process or5 job aborts, or the system fails while a command that" changes the library is executing.7 You can also use this dialog box to correct the errors8 that DTM may find or to reclaim loose blocks and delete$ illegal files found in the library. 6 l_vldb_rk=TITLE l_vldb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library./ You can selectively display and delete history entries. 6 l_vldb_in=TITLE l_vldb_in=TITLE Inspect Button8 Click on the Inspect button to evaluate the current DTM library structure and files.0 If the library is valid, the operation executes4 successfully. Otherwise, DTM informs you to use the. Recover operation to attempt library repairs. 6 l_vldb_rr=TITLE l_vldb_rr=TITLE Recover Button6 Click on the Recover button to correct library errors& found by DTM in an Inspect operation.8 If the Recover operation does not return the library to7 a valid state, restore the library from a backup tape. 6 l_vldb_rp=TITLE l_vldb_rp=TITLE Repair Button/ Click on the Repair button to have DTM reclaim5 loose blocks and delete illegal files in the current library. 6 l_vldb_ok=TITLE l_vldb_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the2 default choice. You can choose it by pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 l_vldb_cn=TITLE l_vldb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 l_lm_mm=TITLE l_lm_mm=TITLE Modify Library Menu Item5 Choose the Modify menu item to display or modify the- current library attributes of the following: o Benchmark directory o Template directory o Default collection prologue o Default collection epilogue 5 l_mldb =TITLE l_mldb =TITLE Modify Library Dialog Box7 Use the Modify Library dialog box to display or modify the current library attributes. 6 l_mldb_rk=TITLE l_mldb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library./ You can selectively display and delete history entries. 6 l_mldb_m=TITLE l_mldb_m=TITLE Modify Buttons=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_dir4 Click on the following modify buttons to change the' corresponding settings in the library: o Benchmark directory o Template directory o Prologue o Epilogue6 DTM displays any current settings in the four fields. 6 l_mldb_bk=TITLE l_mldb_bk+=TITLE Benchmark Directory Button and Field=INCLUDE terms benchmark_dir=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file5 DTM stores benchmark files in the DTM library. Click5 on the Benchmark directory button to specify another1 directory (for example, a Code Management System7 library) into which DTM can place the benchmark files.6 To change the benchmark directory, first click on the5 Benchmark directory button. Then replace the current3 directory name in the field with the new directory name.5 An empty field with an enabled button indicates that5 you want to clear any library default directory that you previously specified. 6 l_mldb_tp=TITLE l_mldb_tp*=TITLE Template Directory Button and Field=INCLUDE terms templ_dir=INCLUDE terms templ_file1 DTM stores template files in the current default2 directory. Click on the Template directory button2 to specify another directory (for example, a Code4 Management System library) into which DTM can place the template files.5 To change the template directory, first click on the4 Template directory button. Then replace the current3 directory name in the field with the new directory name.5 An empty field with an enabled button indicates that5 you want to clear any library default directory that you previously specified. 6 l_mldb_pg=TITLE l_mldb_pg =TITLE Prologue Button and Field=INCLUDE terms coll_prol_file=INCLUDE overview prol_use1 Click on the Prologue button to create a default3 collection prologue file. All subsequently created8 collections will invoke this file whenever DTM executes0 them, unless you explicitly specify a different4 collection prologue when you create the collection.8 To change the default prologue file, first click on the8 Prologue button. Then replace the current prologue name) in the field with the new prologue name.5 An empty field with an enabled button indicates that8 you want to cancel any default collection prologue that you previously specified. 6 l_mldb_eg=TITLE l_mldb_eg =TITLE Epilogue Button and Field=INCLUDE terms coll_epilog_file=INCLUDE overview prol_use1 Click on the Epilogue button to create a default3 collection epilogue file. All subsequently created8 collections will invoke this file whenever DTM executes1 the collections, unless you explicitly specify a2 different collection epilogue when you create the collection.8 To change the default epilogue file, first click on the8 Epilogue button. Then replace the current epilogue name) in the field with the new epilogue name.5 An empty field with an enabled button indicates that8 you want to cancel any default collection epilogue that you previously specified. 6 l_mldb_ok=TITLE l_mldb_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 l_mldb_cn=TITLE l_mldb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 l_lm_cm=TITLE l_lm_cm=TITLE Create Library Menu Item =INCLUDE overview set_up des_lib8 Choose the Create... menu item to create a DTM library.4 The newly created library automatically becomes the+ referenced library for any DTM operations. 5 l_cldb =TITLE l_cldb =TITLE Create Library Dialog Box =INCLUDE overview set_up des_lib2 Use the Create Library dialog box to create a DTM( library and set the library attributes.2 You can specify the following library attributes: o Benchmark directory o Template directory o Default collection prologue o Default collection epilogue 6 l_cldb_lb=TITLE l_cldb_lb=TITLE Library Field =INCLUDE overview set_up des_lib4 Use the library field to enter the name of an empty7 directory that you created with the DCL CREATE command6 with the /DIRECTORY qualifier or, with the DECwindows FileView Utility menu.0 The directory specification must follow OpenVMS$ specifications for directory names.2 Do not specify the current default directory or a directory that contains files. 6 l_cldb_rk=TITLE l_cldb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library./ You can selectively display and delete history entries. 6 l_cldb_bk=TITLE l_cldb_bk =TITLE Benchmark Directory Field=INCLUDE terms benchmark_dir=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file8 To specify a benchmark directory, specify the directory' name in the benchmark directory field.5 DTM stores benchmark files in a DTM library. Use the7 Benchmark directory field to specify another directory5 (for example, a Code Management System library) into) which DTM can place the benchmark files. 6 l_cldb_tp=TITLE l_cldb_tp=TITLE Template Directory Field=INCLUDE terms templ_dir=INCLUDE terms templ_file1 DTM stores template files in the current default7 directory. Use the Template directory field to specify2 another directory (for example, a Code Management6 System library) into which DTM can place the template files.5 To specify a template directory, enter the directory& name in the template directory field. 6 l_cldb_pg=TITLE l_cldb_pg=TITLE Prologue Field=INCLUDE terms coll_prol_file=INCLUDE overview prol_use7 Use the Prologue field to specify a default collection4 pro logue file. All subsequently created collections0 will invoke this file whenever DTM executes the7 collections, unless you explicitly specify a different collection prologue. 6 l_cldb_eg=TITLE l_cldb_eg=TITLE Epilogue Field=INCLUDE terms coll_epilog_file=INCLUDE overview prol_use7 Use the Epilogue field to specify a default collection4 epilogue file. All subsequently created collections0 will invoke this file whenever DTM executes the7 collections, unless you explicitly sp!ecify a different collection epilogue. 6 l_cldb_ok=TITLE l_cldb_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 l_cldb_cn=TITLE l_cldb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the" selection. 3 l_tm =TITLE l_tm=TITLE Tasks Menu Item1 Choose the Tasks... menu item to list the active) processes that DTM is currently running.7 The resulting dialog box enables you to stop or delete a process. 4 l_tmdb =TITLE l_tmdb=TITLE Tasks Dialog Box8 The Tasks dialog box displays the active processes that7 DTM is currently running. This box enables you to stop or delete a process. 5 l_tmdb_dt=TITLE l_tmdb_dt=TITLE Delete Task Button7 W#hen you click on (highlight) a process name and click5 on the Delete Task button, DTM stops the process and0 dismisses any windows associated with the task. 5 l_tmdb_st=TITLE l_tmdb_st=TITLE Stop Task Button7 When you click on (highlight) a process name and click8 on the Stop Task button, DTM stops the process but does2 not dismiss the windows associated with the task. 5 l_tmdb_dms=TITLE l_tmdb_dms=TITLE Dismiss Button0 The Dismiss button removes the Task dialog bo$x. 5 l_tmdb_tl=TITLE l_tmdb_tl=TITLE Tasks in Progress List3 The Tasks in Progress list box displays the active5 processes that are running on DTM. When you click on8 (highlight) a process name, you can then stop or delete the process. 3 l_cm =TITLE l_cm=TITLE Close View Menu Item4 Choose the Close menu item to close the active view4 window when more than one view window is open. This7 enables you to close the active window without leaving DTM.4 You must ch%oose this menu item from the active view window.7 This menu item is inactive if only one window is open. 3 l_xm =TITLE l_xm=TITLE Exit Menu Item2 Choose the Exit menu item to end the DTM session. 2 v_mu =TITLE v_mu=TITLE View Menu=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE terms view7 Pull down the View menu to create, delete, modify, and update views.8 The following table lists the view types and the levels of expansion: View Type Expansion9 Collect&ion Collection attributes and result descriptions1 (preceded by an icon), which expand to2 benchmark, result, and difference files Test Test attributes3 Group Subgroups, tests within groups, and test attributes Variable Variable attributes History History records 3 v_upm =TITLE v_upm=TITLE Update Menu Item1 Choose the Update menu item to obtain the latest" generation of the view structure.7 DTM automatically updates a view when' you collapse and8 then expand a view. However, DTM does not automatically5 update a view to reflect changes made to the library database. 3 v_xm =TITLE v_xm=TITLE Expand Menu Item=INCLUDE overview views exp_vu1 Choose the Expand menu item to display in a view2 the children or attributes of objects preceded by4 icons. Children and attributes represent additional1 information or levels of detail about an object.5 To expand a view object preceded by an icon, perform the( following steps:7 1. Use MB1 to select and highlight the specific object in the view 2. Choose the Expand menu item4 3. Choose either the Children or Attributes submenu item8 Optionally, double click on a display line (preceded by8 an icon) in the view. This causes the line to expand or* collapse, depending on its current state. 4 v_xcd =TITLE v_xcd=TITLE Children Submenu Item=INCLUDE overview views exp_vu=INCLUDE overview views clps_vu0 Choose the Childr)en submenu item to display the/ children of a selected object you are viewing.6 Children, denoted in a view by an icon, are descended directly from the object.1 For example, tests are children of a collection.7 Similarly, subgroups are children of a group and tests are children of subgroups. 4 v_xat =TITLE v_xat=TITLE Attributes Submenu Item=INCLUDE overview views exp_vu=INCLUDE overview views clps_vu2 Choose the Attributes submenu item to display the1 attributes of a* selected object you are viewing.7 Attributes lack an icon when displayed in a view; they3 characterize an object. For example, variables and. filters are attributes of a test description. 3 v_cm =TITLE v_cm=TITLE Collapse Menu Item=INCLUDE overview views exp_vu=INCLUDE overview views clps_vu4 Choose the Collapse menu item to remove the display/ children or attributes of an object in a view.2 To collapse the displayed children or attributes:3 1. Use MB1 to select an+d highlight in the view the object you want to collapse! 2. Choose the Collapse menu item4 3. Choose either the Children or Attributes submenu3 item, as appropriate, from the Collapse submenu8 Optionally, double click on a display line (preceded by8 an icon) in the view. This causes the line to expand or) collapse depending on its current state. 4 v_ccd =TITLE v_ccd=TITLE Children Submenu Item=INCLUDE overview views exp_vu=INCLUDE overview views clps_vu1 Choos,e the Children submenu item to collapse the/ children of a selected object you are viewing./ Children, denoted in a view by an icon, have a6 hierarchical relationship to an object; that is, they( are descended directly from the object.1 For example, tests are children of a collection.7 Similarly, subgroups are children of a group and tests are children of subgroups. 4 v_cat =TITLE v_cat=TITLE Attributes Submenu Item=INCLUDE overview views exp_vu=INCLUDE overview views -clps_vu3 Choose the Attributes submenu item to collapse the1 attributes of a selected object you are viewing.7 Attributes lack an icon when displayed in a view; they3 characterize an object. For example, variables and. filters are attributes of a test description. 3 v_qtm =TITLE v_qtm"=TITLE Query Test System Menu Item2 Choose the Query Test System... menu item to view3 objects within a DTM library. The resulting dialog7 box enables you to select the objects for view by type. and name wildcards. 4 v_qtdb =TITLE v_qtdb#=TITLE Query Test System Dialog Box7 Use the Query Test System dialog box to select objects6 for view within DTM View windows. Click on the object4 to specify the type of display required and use the7 name field with a name or a partial wildcard to refine the display.7 The following object types may be selected for display within a DTM View window: o Collections o Groups o Tests o Variables5 In addition/ to selecting display by object type, you4 may restrict the display of objects by specifying a7 partial wildcard name in the Name text entry field and clicking on the Name button. 3 v_clsm =TITLE v_clsm=TITLE Close View Menu Item=INCLUDE overview views clos_vu4 Choose the Close View menu item to close the active4 view window when more than one view window is open.4 This enables you to close the active window without leaving DTM.4 You must choose this menu item from the0 active view window.8 The Close View menu item is inactive if only one window is open. 2 m_mu =TITLE m_mu=TITLE Maintenance Menu=INCLUDE overview views3 Choose the Maintenance menu to directly manipulate4 objects (tests, collections, groups, variables, and% history records) in the DTM library.6 After you choose an operation from the menu or one of7 its submenus, use the resulting dialog box to view and specify options.8 Operations in the Maintenance menu apply 1to the current% selection in the active view window.8 Before beginning an operation, click on (highlight) the6 selection on which you want to perform the operation.3 Then choose the operation you want to perform from5 the menu. DTM automatically fills in the name of the4 selection in the text field of the resulting dialog box.4 If you do not make a selection from the active view1 when you begin an operation, you must enter your8 selection in the text field in the dialog box. Multip2le entries are generally accepted. 3 m_cm =TITLE m_cm=TITLE Create Menu Item=INCLUDE overview views6 Choose the Create menu item, which produces a submenu0 of the objects that you can create. The submenu contains these objects: o Test o Collection o Group o Variable o History 4 m_ctm =TITLE m_ctm=TITLE Test Submenu Item=INCLUDE terms test_desc!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests. Choose the Test submenu item to create a test description3 in the DTM library.5 A test description is all the information associated3 with a specific test. DTM uses this information to execute the test. 5 m_ct_dw=TITLE m_ct_dw=TITLE DECwindows Submenu Item=INCLUDE terms test_desc!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests2 Choose the DECwindows... submenu item to create a0 DECwindows test description in the DTM library.5 A DECwindows test description is all the information5 associated with a specific DECwindows test. DTM uses& this in4formation to execute the test. 6 m_ct_dwdb=TITLE m_ct_dwdb(=TITLE Create DECwindows Test Dialog Box=INCLUDE terms test_desc!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests6 Use the Create DECwindows Test dialog box to create a0 DECwindows test description in the DTM library. 7 m_ct_dwdb_tf=TITLE m_ct_dwdb_tf=TITLE Test Field=INCLUDE terms test_desc!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests7 Use the Test field to enter the name of the DECwindows test description.3 The test name is 5the unique identifier of the test6 description and is the only means of access to a test description.4 A test name can have a maximum of 39 characters and7 must follow the same OpenVMS syntax as for file names.3 You cannot use wildcards to specify the test name. 7 m_ct_dwdb_rem=TITLE m_ct_dwdb_rem=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in6 the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 7 m_ct_dwdb_tem=TITLE m_ct_dwdb_tem=TITLE Template Field=INCLUDE terms templ_file=INCLUDE terms templ_dir=INCLUDE overview create8 Use the Template field to specify the command file that6 runs a test, the file that is the test itself, or the( file containing the DECwindows session.7 DTM supplies a template file name of test_name.SESSION for DECwi7ndows tests.7 If you include a directory specification with the file2 name, DTM ignores the default template directory. 7 m_ct_dwdb_ben=TITLE m_ct_dwdb_ben=TITLE Benchmark Field=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_dir*=INCLUDE overview examine open_coll update7 Use the Benchmark field to specify the file to contain/ the expected output from the test's execution.0 DTM supplies a file name and file type of test_ name.BMK.7 If you include a directory sp8ecification with the file3 name, DTM ignores the default benchmark directory. 7 m_ct_dwdb_pro=TITLE m_ct_dwdb_pro=TITLE Prologue Field!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests=INCLUDE overview prol_use7 Use the Prologue field to add a specific prologue file3 to the test description; otherwise, no prologue is& associated with the test description.3 DTM runs the test prologue file immediately before" executing the test template file./ This prologue is independent of the collect9ion prologue. 7 m_ct_dwdb_epi=TITLE m_ct_dwdb_epi=TITLE Epilogue Field!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests=INCLUDE overview prol_use7 Use the Epilogue field to add a specific epilogue file3 to the test description; otherwise, no epilogue is& associated with the test description.2 DTM runs the test epilogue file immediately after" executing the test template file./ This epilogue is independent of the collection epilogue. 7 m_ct_dwdb_var=TITLE m_ct_dwdb_var=T:ITLE Variables Field=INCLUDE terms variable=INCLUDE overview var_use0 Use the Variables field to specify variables to3 associate with the test description; otherwise, no4 variables are associated with the test description.0 Valid variable names must be defined in the DTM4 library. A variable specified in this field becomes local in scope.8 You cannot use wildcards to specify variable names. Use0 commas to separate more than one variable name.8 If you do not specify a value for t;he variable, it uses7 the value defined when the variable is created. If you7 specify an optional variable value, the variable takes. on that value for this test description only. 7 m_ct_dwdb_comm=TITLE m_ct_dwdb_comm=TITLE Command Field6 Use the Command field to invoke an application or run6 a command file at the start of a DECwindows recording session.8 For example, the following generic command would run an application undergoing testing:+ RUN sys$system<:my$application 7 m_ct_dwdb_comp=TITLE m_ct_dwdb_comp=TITLE Comparison Type Buttons=INCLUDE overview compare5 Choose one of the Comparison Type buttons to specify5 how you want DTM to compare the result and benchmark files.2 The table below defines the selectable comparison types. Type Meaning2 Screens Compares marked screen images only. The- default type for DECwindows tests.4 Default No local override, uses test type default3 If not sele=cted, the default is no local override.4 The result file is compared based on the collection3 comparison type if set, otherwise the default test comparison type is used. 7 m_ct_dwdb_ok=TITLE m_ct_dwdb_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 7 m_ct_dw>db_cb=TITLE m_ct_dwdb_cb=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 5 m_ct_tt=TITLE m_ct_tt=TITLE Terminal Submenu Item=INCLUDE terms test_desc!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests0 Choose the Terminal... submenu item to create a. terminal test description in the DTM library.3 A terminal test description is all the information5 associated with a specific terminal (character cell)5 test.? DTM uses this information to execute the test. 6 m_ct_ttdb=TITLE m_ct_ttdb&=TITLE Create Terminal Test Dialog Box=INCLUDE terms test_desc!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests4 Use the Create Terminal Test dialog box to create a. terminal test description in the DTM library. 7 m_ct_ttdb_tf=TITLE m_ct_ttdb_tf=TITLE Test Field=INCLUDE terms test_desc!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests6 Use the Test field to enter the name for the terminal test description.3 The tes@t name is the unique identifier of the test6 description and is the only means of access to a test description.7 A test name has a maximum of 39 characters and follows6 the same OpenVMS syntax as for file names. You cannot( use wildcards to specify the test name. 7 m_ct_ttdb_rem=TITLE m_ct_ttdb_rem=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged inA the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 7 m_ct_ttdb_tem=TITLE m_ct_ttdb_tem=TITLE Template Field=INCLUDE terms templ_file=INCLUDE terms templ_dir=INCLUDE overview create8 Use the Template field to specify the command file that6 runs a test, the file that is the test itself, or the2 file containing the interactive terminal session.7 DTM supplies a template file name of test_name.SESSION B for interactive terminal tests.7 If you include a directory specification with the file2 name, DTM ignores the default template directory. 7 m_ct_ttdb_ben=TITLE m_ct_ttdb_ben=TITLE Benchmark Field=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_dir*=INCLUDE overview examine open_coll update7 Use the Benchmark field to specify the file to contain/ the expected output from the test's execution.0 DTM supplies a file name and file type of test_ name.BMK.7 If you inCclude a directory specification with the file3 name, DTM ignores the default benchmark directory. 7 m_ct_ttdb_pro=TITLE m_ct_ttdb_pro=TITLE Prologue Field!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests=INCLUDE overview prol_use7 Use the Prologue field to add a specific prologue file3 to the test description; otherwise, no prologue is& associated with the test description.3 DTM runs the test prologue file immediately before" executing the test template file./ This prologue is indepeDndent of the collection prologue. 7 m_ct_ttdb_epi=TITLE m_ct_ttdb_epi=TITLE Epilogue Field!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests=INCLUDE overview prol_use7 Use the Epilogue field to add a specific epilogue file3 to the test description; otherwise, no epilogue is& associated with the test description.2 DTM runs the test epilogue file immediately after" executing the test template file./ This epilogue is independent of the collection epilogue. 7 m_ct_ttdb_var=TITELE m_ct_ttdb_var=TITLE Variables Field=INCLUDE terms variable=INCLUDE overview var_use0 Use the Variables field to specify variables to3 associate with the test description; otherwise, no4 variables are associated with the test description.0 Valid variable names must be defined in the DTM4 library. A variable specified in this field becomes local in scope.8 You cannot use wildcards to specify variable names. Use0 commas to separate more than one variable name.8 If you do not sFpecify a value for the variable, it uses7 the value defined when the variable is created. If you7 specify an optional variable value, the variable takes. on that value for this test description only. 7 m_ct_ttdb_comp=TITLE m_ct_ttdb_comp=TITLE Comparison Type Buttons=INCLUDE overview compare5 Choose one of the Comparison Type buttons to specify5 how you want DTM to compare the result and benchmark files.2 The table below defines the selectable comparison types. TGype Meaning2 Screens Compares marked screen images only. The. default type for interactive tests.. Records Compares the files record by record5 Characters Compares the files character by character4 Default No local override, uses test type default3 If not selected, the default is no local override.4 The result file is compared based on the collection3 comparison type if set, otherwise the default test comparison type is used. 7 m_ct_ttdb_fil=TITLE m_ct_Httdb_fil=TITLE Filter Buttons=INCLUDE overview filt_use6 DTM does not automatically associate any filters with4 the test description. You must click on one or more7 of the Filter buttons to apply the filters to the test description's results.6 The filters remove run-time variables from the result% file produced by the collection run.8 The buttons of applied filters become enabled after you choose them. 8 m_ct_ttdb_dt=TITLE m_ct_ttdb_dt=TITLE Date Button=INCLUDE o Iverview filt_use4 Where the date form is abbreviated, the Date button4 replaces date stamps by substituting a "d" for each5 displayed number of the day of the month, an "m" for7 each displayed letter of the month, and a "y" for each5 displayed number of the year. Where the date form is4 spelled out, the month name is replaced by "month",6 the numeric day is replaced by "day", and the year is replaced by "year".3 The following list shows some examples of the date5 filtering functions; Jthis list is not all inclusive. 17-OCT-1998 with dd-mmm-yyyy 17 OCT 98 with dd mmm yy 98.OCT.17 with yy.mmm.dd 10/17/98 with mm/dd/yy 1998/10/17 with yyyy/mm/dd) October 17, 1998 with month day, year& Oct. 17, 1998 with month day, year' 17.October.1998 with day.month.year% 98-October-17 with year-month-day 8 m_ct_ttdb_dr=TITLE m_ct_ttdb_dr=TITLE Directory Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use0 When enabled, the Directory button replaces the8K directory specification field in the file specification with DISK:[DIRECTORY] 8 m_ct_ttdb_tm=TITLE m_ct_ttdb_tm=TITLE Time Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use8 When enabled, the Time button replaces time stamps with the following forms:" 15:37:53.22 with hh:mm:ss.xxxx 15:37:53 with hh:mm:ss 15:37 with hh:mm 3:37 PM with hh:mm xm 15H37m with hhHmmm 15H37' with hhHmm' 15.37 h with hh.mm h" 15 h 37"53 s with hh h mm"ss s 15 h 37 min with hLh h mm min kl 15.37 with kl hh.mm h 15.37 with h hh.mm 8 m_ct_ttdb_tk=TITLE m_ct_ttdb_tk=TITLE Traceback Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use3 When enabled, the Traceback button replaces 32-bit1 memory addresses with xxxxxxxx and 64-bit memory" addresses with xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx. 8 m_ct_ttdb_fn=TITLE m_ct_ttdb_fn=TITLE File names Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use6 When enabled, the File names Button replaces the file names with FILENAME.EXT. 8 m_ct_Mttdb_vrs=TITLE m_ct_ttdb_vrs=TITLE Version Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use8 When enabled, the Version button replaces file versions with VERSION. 7 m_ct_ttdb_ok=TITLE m_ct_ttdb_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 7 m_ct_ttdb_cb=TITLE m_ct_Nttdb_cb=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 5 m_ct_ni=TITLE m_ct_ni"=TITLE Noninteractive Submenu Item=INCLUDE terms test_desc!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests6 Choose the Noninteractive... submenu item to create a4 noninteractive test description in the DTM library.- A noninteractive test description is all the6 information associated with a specific noninteractive4 (character ceOll) test. DTM uses this information to execute the test. 6 m_ct_nidb=TITLE m_ct_nidb,=TITLE Create Noninteractive Test Dialog Box=INCLUDE terms test_desc!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests8 Use the Create Noninteractive Test dialog box to create6 a noninteractive test description in the DTM library. 7 m_ct_nidb_tf=TITLE m_ct_nidb_tf=TITLE Test Field=INCLUDE terms test_desc!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests- Use the Test field to enter the name for the! noninteraPctive test description.3 The test name is the unique identifier of the test6 description and is the only means of access to a test description.7 A test name has a maximum of 39 characters and follows6 the same OpenVMS syntax as for file names. You cannot( use wildcards to specify the test name. 7 m_ct_nidb_rem=TITLE m_ct_nidb_rem=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current oQperation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 7 m_ct_nidb_tem=TITLE m_ct_nidb_tem=TITLE Template Field=INCLUDE terms templ_file=INCLUDE terms templ_dir=INCLUDE overview create8 Use the Template field to specify the command file that/ runs a test, the file that is the test itself.7 DTM supplies a template file name of test_name.COM for noninteractive tests.R7 If you include a directory specification with the file2 name, DTM ignores the default template directory. 7 m_ct_nidb_ben=TITLE m_ct_nidb_ben=TITLE Benchmark Field=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_dir*=INCLUDE overview examine open_coll update7 Use the Benchmark field to specify the file to contain/ the expected output from the test's execution.0 DTM supplies a file name and file type of test_ name.BMK.7 If you include a directory specification Swith the file3 name, DTM ignores the default benchmark directory. 7 m_ct_nidb_pro=TITLE m_ct_nidb_pro=TITLE Prologue Field!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests=INCLUDE overview prol_use7 Use the Prologue field to add a specific prologue file3 to the test description; otherwise, no prologue is& associated with the test description.3 DTM runs the test prologue file immediately before" executing the test template file./ This prologue is independent of the collection proloTgue. 7 m_ct_nidb_epi=TITLE m_ct_nidb_epi=TITLE Epilogue Field!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests=INCLUDE overview prol_use7 Use the Epilogue field to add a specific epilogue file3 to the test description; otherwise, no epilogue is& associated with the test description.2 DTM runs the test epilogue file immediately after" executing the test template file./ This epilogue is independent of the collection epilogue. 7 m_ct_nidb_var=TITLE m_ct_nidb_var=TITLE VariablUes Field=INCLUDE terms variable=INCLUDE overview var_use0 Use the Variables field to specify variables to3 associate with the test description; otherwise, no4 variables are associated with the test description.0 Valid variable names must be defined in the DTM4 library. A variable specified in this field becomes local in scope.8 You cannot use wildcards to specify variable names. Use0 commas to separate more than one variable name.8 If you do not specify a value for the variable,V it uses7 the value defined when the variable is created. If you7 specify an optional variable value, the variable takes. on that value for this test description only. 7 m_ct_nidb_comp=TITLE m_ct_nidb_comp=TITLE Comparison Type Buttons=INCLUDE overview compare5 Choose one of the Comparison Type buttons to specify5 how you want DTM to compare the result and benchmark files.2 The table below defines the selectable comparison types. Type Meaning3 Records CWompares the files record by record. The1 default type for noninteractive tests.5 Characters Compares the files character by character4 Default No local override, uses test type default3 If not selected, the default is no local override.4 The result file is compared based on the collection3 comparison type if set, otherwise the default test comparison type is used. 7 m_ct_nidb_fil=TITLE m_ct_nidb_fil=TITLE Filter Buttons=INCLUDE overview filt_use1 DTM does noXt associate any filters with the test3 description unless you click on one or more of the0 Filter buttons to apply the filters to the test description's results.6 The filters remove run-time variables from the result" file the collection run produces.8 The buttons of applied filters become enabled after you choose them. 8 m_ct_nidb_dt=TITLE m_ct_nidb_dt=TITLE Date Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use4 Where the date form is abbreviated, the Date button4 replaces date sta Ymps by substituting a "d" for each5 displayed number of the day of the month, an "m" for7 each displayed letter of the month, and a "y" for each5 displayed number of the year. Where the date form is4 spelled out, the month name is replaced by "month",6 the numeric day is replaced by "day", and the year is replaced by "year".3 The following list shows some examples of the date5 filtering functions; this list is not all inclusive. 17-OCT-1998 with dd-mmm-yyyy 17 OCT 98 with dZd mmm yy 98.OCT.17 with yy.mmm.dd 10/17/98 with mm/dd/yy 1998/10/17 with yyyy/mm/dd) October 17, 1998 with month day, year& Oct. 17, 1998 with month day, year' 17.October.1998 with day.month.year% 98-October-17 with year-month-day 8 m_ct_nidb_dr=TITLE m_ct_nidb_dr=TITLE Directory Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use0 When enabled, the Directory button replaces the8 directory specification field in the file specification with DISK:[DIRECTORY] 8 [ m_ct_nidb_tm=TITLE m_ct_nidb_tm=TITLE Time Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use8 When enabled, the Time button replaces time stamps with the following forms:" 15:37:53.22 with hh:mm:ss.xxxx 15:37:53 with hh:mm:ss 15:37 with hh:mm 3:37 PM with hh:mm xm 15H37m with hhHmmm 15H37' with hhHmm' 15.37 h with hh.mm h" 15 h 37"53 s with hh h mm"ss s 15 h 37 min with hh h mm min kl 15.37 with kl hh.mm h 15.37 with h hh.mm 8 m_ct_nidb_tk\=TITLE m_ct_nidb_tk=TITLE Traceback Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use3 When enabled, the Traceback button replaces 32-bit1 memory addresses with xxxxxxxx and 64-bit memory" addresses with xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx. 8 m_ct_nidb_fn=TITLE m_ct_nidb_fn=TITLE File names Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use6 When enabled, the File names Button replaces the file names with FILENAME.EXT. 8 m_ct_nidb_vrs=TITLE m_ct_nidb_vrs=TITLE Version Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use8 When ]enabled, the Version button replaces file versions with VERSION. 7 m_ct_nidb_ok=TITLE m_ct_nidb_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 7 m_ct_nidb_cb=TITLE m_ct_nidb_cb=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 wit^hout applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 m_c_cl =TITLE m_c_cl=TITLE Collection Submenu Item=INCLUDE overview run2 Choose the Collection... submenu item to create a3 set of files that DTM uses to run the tests in the collection./ A collection can contain noninteractive tests,4 interactive terminal tests, and DECwindows tests in any combination.2 DTM constructs the set of tests in the collection5 by taking a "snapshot" of the test descriptions when6 you c_reate the collection. If you subsequently change5 any of the test descriptions, you must re-create the collection.6 Changes made to files referenced by the collection do# affect the collection at run time. 5 m_ccdb =TITLE m_ccdb#=TITLE Create Collection Dialog Box=INCLUDE overview run8 Use the Create Collection dialog box to create a set of% files for running one or more tests.5 This dialog box enables you to specify the tests and4 groups in the collection. Use the Cre`ate Collection1 Options dialog box to choose the options for the collection. 6 m_ccdb_cl=TITLE m_ccdb_cl=TITLE Collection Field7 Use the Collection field to enter the collection name.5 This name uniquely identifies a set of tests to run.6 A collection name can have a maximum of 39 characters7 and follows the same OpenVMS syntax as file names. You- cannot use wildcards in the collection name. 6 m_ccdb_rk=TITLE m_ccdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_aup history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.8 You can selectively display and delete history entries. See under additional topics. 6 m_ccdb_tst=TITLE m_ccdb_tst=TITLE Tests Field=INCLUDE terms test_desc7 Use the Tests field to enter test description names or8 wildcard forms of these names into the test collection.! Separate test names with bcommas. 6 m_ccdb_gp=TITLE m_ccdb_gp=TITLE Groups Field=INCLUDE terms group6 Use the Groups field to enter group names or wildcard/ forms of these names into the test collection." Separate group names with commas. 6 m_ccdb_vtb=TITLE m_ccdb_vtb=TITLE Verify Button=INCLUDE terms test_desc5 When you click on the Verify button, you perform one8 of the following operations, depending on the status of the button:6 Enabled DTM verifies that all files associated cwith2 button all test descriptions in the collection6 exist. If a referenced file does not exist,. DTM will not create the collection.7 Disabled DTM creates the collection without verifying" button the existence of files. 6 m_ccdb_ap=TITLE m_ccdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choosed the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 m_ccdb_o=TITLE m_ccdb_o=TITLE Options Button5 Click on the Options... button to specify values for4 additional collection fields. These options are not! required to create a collection.' You can specify the following options: o Prologue file o Epilogue file o Variables o Benchmark directory o Benchmark class o Template directory o Template class o Comparison type o Differeneces format o Ignore options o Skip text delimiters 7 m_cco_db=TITLE m_cco_db+=TITLE Create Collection Options Dialog Box8 Use the Create Collection Options dialog box to specify4 values for collection fields. These options are not! required to create a collection. 8 m_cco_pg=TITLE m_cco_pg=TITLE Prologue Field=INCLUDE overview prol_use7 Use the Prologue field to specify a prologue file that$ DTM associates with the collection.3 The collection prologuef is independent of any test* prologues associated with specific tests. 8 m_cco_eg=TITLE m_cco_eg=TITLE Epilogue Field=INCLUDE overview prol_use4 Use the Epilogue field to specify epilogue file DTM associates with the collection.3 The collection epilogue is independent of any test* prologues associated with specific tests. 8 m_cco_vr=TITLE m_cco_vr=TITLE Variables Field=INCLUDE overview var_use2 The collection uses the default values for global/ variables. gUse the Variables field to override1 the values of specific global variables for this collection.2 Valid variable names are the names for the global2 variables you want to override. The variable must" already exist in the DTM library.4 You must include a variable value for each variable& name. Separate variables with commas. 8 m_cco_bkd=TITLE m_cco_bkd =TITLE Benchmark Directory Field=INCLUDE terms benchmark_dir=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file6 The directory that DTM uses tho locate benchmark files8 depends on the directory you specify in this collection5 Benchmark directory field and the Benchmark field in$ the Create Test Options dialog box. 8 m_cco_bkc=TITLE m_cco_bkc=TITLE Benchmark Class Field=INCLUDE terms benchmark_dir=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file6 Use the Benchmark class field to specify the optional7 Code Management System (CMS) class for benchmark files stored in a CMS library.5 If you do not specify a class and the file is storedi8 in a CMS library, DTM uses the latest generation on the main line of descent. 8 m_cco_tpd=TITLE m_cco_tpd=TITLE Template Directory Field=INCLUDE terms templ_dir=INCLUDE terms templ_file5 The directory that DTM uses to locate template files8 depends on the directory you specify in this Collection7 Template Directory field and the Template field in the Create Test Options dialog box. 8 m_cco_tpc=TITLE m_cco_tpc=TITLE Template Class Field5 Use the Template clasjs field to specify the optional6 Code Management System (CMS) class for template files stored in a CMS library.5 If you do not specify a class and the file is stored8 in a CMS library, DTM uses the latest generation on the main line of descent. 8 m_cco_tp=TITLE m_cco_tp=TITLE Compare Button=INCLUDE overview compare=INCLUDE overview examine=INCLUDE terms res_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms diff_file5 Click on the Compare button to determine whetkher DTM8 compares the results of each test to its benchmark file" after the collection is executed.3 If the Compare button is enabled, DTM compares all tests.8 A collection must be compared before you can review it.5 DTM records any differences in a difference file for that test.4 DTM compares tests without benchmarks, but it marks4 these tests with a new test status. When you review3 these tests, you can generate benchmarks for them. 8 m_cco_tprb=TITLE m_cco_tprbl=TITLE Comparison Type Buttons=INCLUDE terms res_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms diff_file=INCLUDE overview compare6 Click on one of the following Comparison type buttons# to specify the type of comparison:6 o Test Default button causes DTM to keep the setting0 you chose for each test when you created it.0 o Screens button to produce a screen by screen4 comparison (default for interactive terminal and DECwindows tests)0 o Records button to producme a record by record2 comparison (default for noninteractive tests).2 o Characters to produce a character by character comparison.. By clicking on either the Screens, Records or1 Characters button, DTM compares all tests in the0 collection using the specified comparison type,5 regardless of the individual test comparison setting might be. 8 m_cco_df=TITLE m_cco_df=TITLE Differences Format>=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_cm m_c_cl m_ccdb m_ccdb_o m_cco_db m_cco_fl?=INCLUDE mnu m_mu m_cm m_c_cl m_ccdb m_ccdb_o m_cco_db M_cco_par>=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_cm m_c_cl m_ccdb m_ccdb_o m_cco_db m_cco_wd=INCLUDE terms res_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms diff_file=INCLUDE overview compare5 Click on the Full and Parallel buttons to modify the4 content and format of a printed difference file for5 noninteractive tests. Use the Width field to specify+ the width of the difference file's output. 8 m_cco_fl=TITLE m_cco_fl=TITLE Full Button=INCoLUDE terms res_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms diff_file=INCLUDE overview compare5 Click on the Full button to modify the contents of a/ printed difference file for interactive tests.4 When the Full button is enabled DTM includes in the4 difference file a complete listing of the text that5 is identical as well as a listing of the differences7 DTM encounters when it compares the result file to the benchmark file.5 When the Full button is disabled DTM includes opnly a listing of differences. 8 m_cco_par=TITLE m_cco_par=TITLE Parallel Button=INCLUDE terms res_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms diff_file=INCLUDE overview compare7 Click on the Parallel button to modify the format of a2 printed difference file for noninteractive tests.5 An enabled button causes DTM to place the lines that8 do not match from the result and benchmark file side by side in the difference file.4 A disabled button causes DTM to placeq the benchmark8 lines above and the corresponding result lines below in the difference file. 8 m_cco_wd=TITLE m_cco_wd=TITLE Width Field=INCLUDE terms res_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms diff_file=INCLUDE overview compare0 Use the Width field to specify the width of the difference file's output.6 The minimum width is 48 columns, the maximum width is- 511 columns, and the default is 132 columns. 8 m_cco_ig=TITLE m_cco_ig=TITLE Ignore Burttons=INCLUDE overview compare=INCLUDE terms res_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms diff_file6 The Ignore buttons enable you to specify that various8 aspects of benchmark and result files are to be ignored during comparison.1 The following buttons and their effects apply to5 noninteractive and interactive terminal tests, only. Button Result8 Case Ignores any differences between the case: of alphabetic characters (A,a,B,b, . .s . ), Form-feeds Ignores form-feed characters4 Spacing Treats multiple blanks and tabs as a single space/ Leading Ignores leading blanks and tabs blanks0 Trailing Ignores trailing blanks and tabs blanks/ The following button and its effect applies to DECwindows tests only. Button Result/ Mask Ignores masked areas defined on+ DECwindows benchmark images 8 m_cco_se=TITLE m_cco_se=TITLE Skitp Text Fields4 Use the Skip Text fields to enter a pair of strings2 to delimit a section of text to be ignored during1 the comparison of result and benchmark files for2 noninteractive tests. The delimiters can be up to6 256 characters per line, and must be unique. Any text3 between and including the delimiters is ignored by DTM. 8 m_cco_ok=TITLE m_cco_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 Tuhe border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 8 m_cco_cn=TITLE m_cco_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 6 m_ccdb_cn=TITLE m_ccdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 m_cgpm =TvITLE m_cgpm=TITLE Group Submenu Item=INCLUDE terms group'=INCLUDE overview set_up grouping_tests7 Choose the Group submenu item to create an empty group in the DTM library.4 Once created, you can insert tests and other groups1 into the newly created group by using the Insert% function under the Maintenance menu.8 A group enables you to manipulate a set of tests as one entity. 5 m_cgpdb=TITLE m_cgpdb=TITLE Create Group Dialog Box=INCLUDE terms group'=INCLUDE overvwiew set_up grouping_tests3 Use the Create Group dialog box to create a group.7 This dialog box contains fields for the group name and an associated remark. 6 m_cgpdb_g=TITLE m_cgpdb_g=TITLE Group Field4 Use the Group field to enter the name of the group.5 A group name can have a maximum of 39 characters and3 follows the same OpenVMS syntax as for file names.4 You cannot use wildcards to specify the group name. 6 m_cgpdb_rk=TITLE m_cgpdb_rk=TITLE Remark Fielxd =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 m_cgpdb_ap=TITLE m_cgpdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it iys the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 m_cgpdb_cn=TITLE m_cgpdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 m_cvm =TITLE m_cvm=TITLE Variable Submenu Item=INCLUDE terms variable=INCLUDE overview var_use0 Choose the Variable... submenu item to define a% variable in the current DTM library.7 You can only include varizables in test descriptions or5 collections after defining variables in the library. 5 m_cvdb =TITLE m_cvdb!=TITLE Create Variable Dialog Box=INCLUDE terms variable=INCLUDE overview var_use8 Use the Create Variable dialog box to create a variable in the current DTM library.1 When you define a variable, you must specify the) following information in the dialog box: o The variable's value+ o Whether the variable is local or global6 o Whether the variable is a {symbol or a logical name7 o Whether the variable value is a string or a numeric' value (if the variable is a symbol) 6 m_cvdb_vr=TITLE m_cvdb_vr=TITLE Variable Field6 Use the Variable field to enter a unique name for the3 variable. A variable name can have a maximum of 393 characters and must follow OpenVMS syntax for file names.7 You cannot use wildcards to specify the variable name.5 You cannot use the variable names P1 through P8, nor0 can you use variable na|mes beginning with DTM$. 6 m_cvdb_rk=TITLE m_cvdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 m_cvdb_vl=TITLE m_cvdb_vl=TITLE Value Field=INCLUDE overview var_use5 Use the Value field to specify the defaul}t value for this variable.7 DTM uses the default value unless you override it when6 you create a specific test description or collection. 6 m_cvdb_sp=TITLE m_cvdb_sp=TITLE Scope Buttons=INCLUDE overview var_use7 Click on either the Local or Global buttons to specify the scope of the variable.5 A local variable is accessible only to an individual. test that references the variable in its test description.4 A global variable is accessible to all tests in all col~lections. 6 m_cvdb_us=TITLE m_cvdb_us=TITLE Usage Buttons=INCLUDE overview var_use2 You must specify the defined variable as either a symbol or logical name.7 Click on the Symbol button to define the variable as a8 OpenVMS symbol. If you define the variable as a symbol, you must also specify its type.8 Click on the Logical button to define the variable as a OpenVMS logical name. 6 m_cvdb_tp=TITLE m_cvdb_tp=TITLE Type Buttons=INCLUDE overview var_use6 If you have defined the variable's usage as a symbol,3 you must also define its type. The following table shows your options: Button Description4 Default Causes DTM to define the symbol type as5 a numeric value if the variable value is5 not enclosed in quotation marks (") and7 as a string value if the variable value is) enclosed in quotation marks.8 Numeric Defines the symbol type as a numeric value.1 String Defines the symbol type as a string. 6 m_cvdb_ap=TITLE m_cvdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 m_cvdb_cn=TITLE m_cvdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 m_chym =TITLE m_chym=TITLE History Submenu Item =INCLUDE overview set_up history6 Choose the History... submenu item to add a remark to the DTM history file.8 Use this operation to record an unusual occurrence or a testing milestone.8 DTM provides remark fields for most operations in their6 dialog boxes. DTM logs these remarks with a record of# the operation in the history file. 5 m_chydb=TITLE m_chydb'=TITLE Create History Remark Dialog Box =INCLUDE overview set_up history2 Use the Create History Remark dialog box to add a) specific remark to the DTM history file.7 Use the text entry field to enter the remark text that) you want to add to the DTM history file. 6 m_chydb_ok=TITLE m_chydb_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 m_chydb_cn=TITLE m_chydb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 3 m_mdm =TITLE m_mdm=TITLE Modify Menu Item4 Choose the Modify menu item to produce a submenu of0 previously created objects that you can modify.& You can modify the following objects:- o Test description field values and options o Group remarks o Variable definitions 4  m_mdtm =TITLE m_mdtm=TITLE Test Submenu Item!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests7 Choose the Test... submenu item to change field values, and options for selected test descriptions.6 You can modify all field values except the test name. 5 m_mtdb =TITLE m_mtdb=TITLE Modify Test Dialog Box!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests3 Use the Modify Test dialog box to change the field' values and options for selected tests.4 Changes that you make affect all the tests that you specify.8 You can specify tests by first selecting (highlighting)2 them in an active test or group view window or by0 explicitly specifying them in the Test field by/ specifying a test name, group name, a wildcard5 character, a wildcard character combined with a test7 or group name, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 m_mtdb_sl=TITLE m_mtdb_sl=TITLE Selected List Box=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE overview views sel_vu4 The Selected list box displays tests or groups that8 you first select (highlight) in an active test or group view window.3 All the tests represented by the selected list are5 affected by changes you make to fields in the Modify8 Test dialog box and its Modify Test Options dialog box.5 Optionally, you can explicitly specify test names or* group names in the Test and Group fields. 6 m_mtdb_tg=TITLE m_mtdb_tg=TITLE Test and Group Fields=INCLUDE terms group=INCLUDE overview views8 Use the Test and Group fields to specify the test names% whose attributes you want to change.8 You can specify tests by first selecting (highlighting)3 them as tests or groups in an active test or group7 view window, or explicitly specifying them in the Test7 field or Group field by test or group name, a wildcard8 character, a wildcard character combined with a test or4 group name, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 m_mtdb_rk=TITLE m_mtdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 m_mtdb_crk=TITLE m_mtdb_crk'=TITLE Creation Remark Button and Field'=INCLUDE overview set_up history remark4 Use the Creation remark button and field to replace8 the current remark associated with the test description with a new remark.3 Click on the button and then enter the replacement remark text in the field. 6 m_mtdb_cf=TITLE m_mtdb_cf=TITLE Confirm Button2 If you specify multiple tests for change (through3 selection or wildcards), use the Confirm button to2 confirm the changes for each test, one at a time.5 When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a7 dialog box that enables you to acknowledge changes for each selected test. 6 m_mtdb_oth=TITLE m_mtdb_oth=TITLE Other Field Buttons. Click on the field button to modify the field o Template file o Benchmark file o Test prologue file o Test epilogue file o Variables o Novariables2 Active buttons cause DTM to change the associated8 option. Buttons should be inactive if no changes are to7 be made to an option; an inactive button with an empty5 option field causes DTM to disassociate a previously, specified option from the test description.6 For example, to change only the test epilogue for two6 selected tests, enable only the epilogue button. Then6 enter the name of a new epilogue file in the epilogue2 field (or leave it blank to have no test epilogue associated with the tests). 6 m_mtdb_tp=TITLE m_mtdb_tp =TITLE Template Button and Field=INCLUDE terms templ_file=INCLUDE terms templ_dir7 Use the Template field to change the command file that6 runs a test, the file that is the test itself, or the7 file containing the interactive terminal or DECwindows  session.1 To change the template file, enable the Template3 button. Then specify the new template file name in the template field.7 DTM supplies a template file name of test_name.SESSION/ for interactive terminal and DECwindows tests.7 If you include a directory specification with the file2 name, DTM ignores the default template directory. 6 m_mtdb_bk=TITLE m_mtdb_bk!=TITLE Benchmark Button and Field=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_dir1 Use the Benchmark field to enter the name of the4 file to receive the expected output from the test's execution.3 To change the benchmark file, enable the Benchmark0 button. Then enter the new benchmark file name.4 DTM supplies a file name of the form test_name.BMK.7 If you include a directory specification with the file3 name, DTM ignores the default benchmark directory. 6 m_mtdb_pg=TITLE m_mtdb_pg =TITLE Prologue Button and Field=INCLUDE overview prol_use. To change the prologue file for selected test5 descriptions, enable the Prologue button. Then enter6 the new prologue file name (or leave it blank to have- no test prologue associated with the tests).3 DTM runs the test prologue file immediately before" executing the test template file./ This prologue is independent of the collection prologue. 6 m_mtdb_eg=TITLE m_mtdb_eg =TITLE Epilogue Button and Field=INCLUDE overview prol_use. To change the epilogue file for selected test5 descriptions, enable the Epilogue button. Then enter6 the new epilogue file name (or leave it blank to have- no test epilogue associated with the tests).2 DTM runs the test epilogue file immediately after" executing the test template file./ This epilogue is independent of the collection epilogue. 6 m_mtdb_vr=TITLE m_mtdb_vr!=TITLE Variables Button and Field=INCLUDE terms variable=INCLUDE overview var_use8 Use the Variables field to associate existing variables3 with the test description or change the values for0 variables associated with the test description.8 To associate one or more local variables solely for the8 selected tests, enable the Variables button. Then enter the new variable definitions.0 Valid variable names must be defined in the DTM4 library. A variable specified in this field becomes local in scope.8 You cannot use wildcards to specify variable names. Use0 commas to separate more than one variable name.4 If you do not specify a value for the variable, DTM6 uses the value defined when the variable was created.8 If you specify an optional variable value, the variable6 takes on that value for these test descriptions only. 6 m_mtdb_nvr=TITLE m_mtdb_nvr$=TITLE No Variables Button and Field=INCLUDE terms variable=INCLUDE overview var_use4 Use the No Variables field to disassociate existing% variables from the test description.7 To disassociate one or more local variables solely for4 the selected tests, enable the No Variables button.! Then specify the variable names.8 You cannot use wildcards to specify variable names. Use0 commas to separate more than one variable name. 6 m_mtdb_com=TITLE m_mtdb_com=TITLE Comparison Type Button=INCLUDE overview compare8 Enable the Comparison type button if you want to modify5 the comparison characteristics of selected tests. If5 default is selected, there is no local override, the# default type for the test is used.0 Select the comparison change by clicking on the0 Screens, Characters, Records or Default button.7 If you selected more than one test, this button allows2 you to change the comparison type on all selected tests.2 The following table defines the comparison types. Comparison Type Meaning- Screens Compares marked screen images only. Records Compares the files record by record5 Characters Compares the files character by character6 Default No local override. Compares the files based,  on the collection comparison type7 The following table lists the comparison types and the allowed test types. Comparison Type Allowable test types+ Screens DECwindows and Interactive tests/ Records Interactive and Noninteractive tests0 Characters Interactive and Noninteractive tests 6 m_mtdb_ap=TITLE m_mtdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 m_mtdb_op=TITLE m_mtdb_op=TITLE Options Button4 Click on the Options... button to change values for other test description fields.& You can change the following options: o DECWindows option - Command1 o Terminal and Noninteractive options - Filters 7 m_mtop_db=TITLE m_mtop_db%=TITLE Modify Test Options Dialog Box!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests8 Use the Modify Test Options dialog box to change values for test options.2 Active buttons cause DTM to change the associated8 option. Buttons should be inactive if no changes are to7 be made to an option; an inactive button with an empty5 option field causes DTM to disassociate a previously, specified option from the test description. 8 m_mtop_db_com=TITLE m_mtop_db_com=TITLE Command Field2 Use the Command field to invoke an application or5 specify a command action to be executed at the start# of a DECwindows recording session.8 For example, the following generic command would run an application undergoing testing:+ RUN sys$system:my$application 8 m_mtop_db_fl=TITLE m_mtop_db_fl=TITLE Filters Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use/ Enable the Filters button to modify the filter5 characteristics of a specified test; the button must be active to change a filter.7 If you selected more than one test, enable the Filters7 button to explicitly denote that filter changes are to be applied to all tests.7 You then indicate the filter change by clicking on one# or more of the six filter options. Type Filter Options Date Replaces date strings* Directory Replaces directory strings with DISK:[DIRECTORY] Time Replaces time strings8 Traceback Replaces memory addresses with pattern of xxx0 Filename Replaces file names with FILENAME.EXT. Version Replaces file versions with VERSION1 DTM does not associate any filters with the test3 description unless you click on one or more of the7 filter buttons to change the filters that apply to the test description's results.6 The filters remove run-time variables from the result% file produced by the collection run.2 The Filter buttons become enabled after you apply them. 9 m_mtop_db_dt=TITLE m_mtop_db_dt=TITLE Date Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use4 Where the date form is abbreviated, the Date bu tton4 replaces date stamps by substituting a "d" for each5 displayed number of the day of the month, an "m" for7 each displayed letter of the month, and a "y" for each5 displayed number of the year. Where the date form is4 spelled out, the month name is replaced by "month",6 the numeric day is replaced by "day", and the year is replaced by "year".3 The following list shows some examples of the date5 filtering functions; this list is not all inclusive. 17-OCT-1998 with dd-mmm-yyyy 17 OCT 98 with dd mmm yy 98.OCT.17 with yy.mmm.dd 10/17/98 with mm/dd/yy 1998/10/17 with yyyy/mm/dd) October 17, 1998 with month day, year& Oct. 17, 1998 with month day, year' 17.October.1998 with day.month.year% 98-October-17 with year-month-day 9 m_mtop_db_dr=TITLE m_mtop_db_dr=TITLE Directory Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use0 When enabled, the Directory button replaces the8 directory specification field in the file specification with DISK:[DIRECTORY] 9 m_mtop_db_tm=TITLE m_mtop_db_tm=TITLE Time Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use8 When enabled, the Time button replaces time stamps with the following forms:" 15:37:53.22 with hh:mm:ss.xxxx 15:37:53 with hh:mm:ss 15:37 with hh:mm 3:37 PM with hh:mm xm 15H37m with hhHmmm 15H37' with hhHmm' 15.37 h with hh.mm h" 15 h 37"53 s with hh h mm"ss s 15 h 37 min with hh h mm min kl 15.37 with kl hh.mm h 15.37 with h hh.mm 9 m_mtop_db_tk=TITLE m_mtop_db_tk=TITLE Traceback Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use3 When enabled, the Traceback button replaces 32-bit1 memory addresses with xxxxxxxx and 64-bit memory" addresses with xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx. 9 m_mtop_db_fn=TITLE m_mtop_db_fn=TITLE File names Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use6 When enabled, the File names Button replaces the file names with FILENAME.EXT. 9 m_mtop_db_vrs=TITLE m_mtop_db_vrs=TITLE Version Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use8 When enabled, the Version button replaces file versions with VERSION. 8 m_mtop_db_ok=TITLE m_mtop_db_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 8 m_mtop_db_cn=TITLE m_mtop_db_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 6 m_mtdb_cn=TITLE m_mtdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 m_mgpm =TITLE m_mgpm=TITLE Group Submenu Item=INCLUDE terms group =INCLUDE overview set_up history5 Choose the Group submenu item to replace the remarks! associated with existing groups.1 The remark is the only item you can modify for a group. 5 m_mgpdb=TITLE m_mgpdb=TITLE Modify Group Dialog Box=INCLUDE terms group =INCLUDE overview set_up history6 Use the Modify Group dialog box to specify the groups# whose remarks you want to replace.* You can specify groups by first selecting3 (highlighting) them in an active group view window4 or by explicitly specifying them in the Group field4 by specifying a group name, a wildcard character, a4 wildcard character combined with a group name, or a# list of these separated by commas.6 You also use this dialog box to enter the remark text( that you want to replace existing text. 6 m_mgpdb_sl=TITLE m_mgpdb_sl=TITLE Selected List Box=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE overview views sel_vu5 The Selected list box displays groups that you first3 select (highlight) in an active group view window.8 The groups on the selected list are affected by changes4 you make to remarks in the Modify Group dialog box.6 Optionally, you can explicitly specify group names in the Group field. 6 m_mgpdb_g=TITLE m_mgpdb_g=TITLE Group Field=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE terms group5 Use the Group field to specify the group names whose fields you want to change.* You can specify groups by first selecting3 (highlighting) them in an active group view window4 or explicitly entering the names in the Group field0 by group name, a wildcard character, a wildcard3 character combined with a group name, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 m_mgpdb_rk=TITLE m_mgpdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 m_mgpdb_cf=TITLE m_mgpdb_cf=TITLE Confirm Button3 If you specify multiple groups for change (through3 selection or wildcards), use the Confirm button to3 confirm the changes for each group, one at a time.5 When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a7 dialog box that enables you to acknowledge changes for each selected group. 6 m_mgpdb_crk=TITLE m_mgpdb_crk'=TITLE Creation Remark Button and Field=INCLUDE terms remark =INCLUDE overview set_up history5 Use the Creation remark button and field to create a5 new remark to replace the existing remark associated with the group.. Click on the Remark button and then enter the- replacement remark text in the Remark field. 6 m_mgpdb_ap=TITLE m_mgpdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 m_mgpdb_cn=TITLE m_mgpdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 m_mvrm =TITLE m_mvrm=TITLE Variable Submenu Item=INCLUDE terms variable=INCLUDE overview var_use4 Choose the Variable submenu item to change variable information in the DTM library.7 This information includes variable values, scope, use, and type. 5 m_mvrdb=TITLE m_mvrdb!=TITLE Modify Variable Dialog Box=INCLUDE terms variable=INCLUDE overview var_use8 Use the Modify Variable dialog box to change the value,& scope, and use of existing variables.5 Changes that you enter affect all the variables that you specify.- You can specify variables by first selecting6 (highlighting) them in an active variable view window4 or by explicitly entering the names in the Variable0 field by specifying a variable name, a wildcard0 character, a wildcard character combined with a7 variable name, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 m_mvrdb_sl=TITLE m_mvrdb_sl=TITLE Selected List Box=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE overview views sel_vu8 The Selected list box displays variables that you first6 select (highlight) in an active variable view window.4 All the variables on the selected list are affected6 by changes you make to fields in the Modify Variables dialog box.6 Optionally, you can explicitly specify variable names in the Variable field. 6 m_mvrdb_v=TITLE m_mvrdb_v=TITLE Variable Field"=INCLUDE overview var_use vue_vars5 Use the Variable field to specify the variables that you want to modify.2 The variable expression can be a variable name, a8 wildcard character, a wildcard combined with a variable. name, or a list of these separated by commas.8 Optionally, you can first select the variables that you2 want to modify in an active variable view window. 6 m_mvrdb_rk=TITLE m_mvrdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 m_mvrdb_cf=TITLE m_mvrdb_cf=TITLE Confirm Button6 If you specify multiple variables for change (through3 selection or wildcards), use the Confirm button to6 confirm the changes for each variable, one at a time.5 When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a7 dialog box that enables you to acknowledge changes for each selected variable. 6 m_mvrdb_crk=TITLE m_mvrdb_crk'=TITLE Creation Remark Button and Field'=INCLUDE overview set_up history remark8 Use the Creation remark button and field to replace the8 current remark associated with the variables with a new remark.5 Click on the Creation Remark button and then specify3 the replacement remark text in the Creation Remark field. 6 m_mvrdb_vu=TITLE m_mvrdb_vu=TITLE Value Button and Field=INCLUDE overview var_use5 Use the Value button and field to change the default, values for the variables that you selected.1 Click on the Value button and then enter the new" default value in the Value field. 6 m_mvrdb_sp=TITLE m_mvrdb_sp=TITLE Scope Buttons=INCLUDE overview var_use6 To change the scope of a variable, click on the Scope4 button and then click on either the either Local or5 Global buttons to specify the scope of the variable.5 A local variable is accessible only to an individual. test that references the variable in its test description.4 A global variable is accessible to all tests in all collections. 6 m_mvrdb_u=TITLE m_mvrdb_u=TITLE Usage Buttons=INCLUDE overview var_use4 To change the use of a variable, click on the Usage6 button and then click on either the Symbol or Logical button.5 The Logical button defines the variable as a OpenVMS logical name.4 The Symbol button defines the variable as a OpenVMS6 symbol. If you redefine the variable as a symbol, you1 must also specify its type as numeric or string. 6 m_mvrdb_tp=TITLE m_mvrdb_tp=TITLE Type Buttons=INCLUDE overview var_use5 If you redefined the variable's use as a symbol, you must also define its type.5 To define the type for a variable, click on the Type6 button and then click on either the Numeric or String button.8 The Numeric button defines the symbol type as a numeric value.7 The String button defines the symbol type as a string. 6 m_mvrdb_ap=TITLE m_mvrdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 m_mvrdb_cn=TITLE m_mvrdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 3 m_rcm =TITLE m_rcm=TITLE Re-create Menu Item=INCLUDE overview run1 Choose the Re-create... menu item to re-create a collection.0 If you change a test, a variable definition, or4 something else in the library since you created the1 collection originally, the re-created collection reflects the changes.3 DTM deletes the old collection and all its related4 files except the benchmark file, then creates a new5 collection with the latest versions of each required file. 4 m_rcdb =TITLE m_rcdb&=TITLE Re-create Collection Dialog Box=INCLUDE overview run7 Use the Re-create Collection dialog box to specify the6 collections that you want to re-create and to specify7 any remark to be associated with this operation in the DTM history file. 5 m_rcdb_sl=TITLE m_rcdb_sl=TITLE Selected List Box=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE overview views sel_vu4 The Selected list box displays collections that you6 first select (highlight) in an active collection view window.6 All the collections on the selected list are affected by the re-create operation.6 Optionally, you can explicitly enter collection names in the Collection field. 5 m_rcdb_c=TITLE m_rcdb_c=TITLE Collection Field=INCLUDE overview views3 Use the Collection field to enter the names of the# collections you want to re-create.0 You can specify collections to DTM by selecting1 (highlighting) them in the active view window or4 explicitly entering them in the Collection field by collection name. 5 m_rcdb_rk=TITLE m_rcdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library./ You can selectively display and delete history entries. 5 m_rcdb_cf=TITLE m_rcdb_cf=TITLE Confirm Button8 If you specify multiple collections for change (through3 selection or wildcards), use the Confirm button to5 confirm the re-create operation for each collection, one at a time.5 When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a3 dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the re-/ create operation for each selected collection. 5 m_rcdb_ap=TITLE m_rcdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 5 m_rcdb_cn=TITLE m_rcdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 3 m_dm =TITLE m_dm=TITLE Delete Menu Item4 Choose the Delete menu item to delete the following objects from the DTM library: o Collections o Tests o Groups o Variables o History 4 m_dtm =TITLE m_dtm=TITLE Test Submenu Item8 Choose the Test... submenu item to produce a dialog box* for listing the tests you want to delete. 5 m_dtdb =TITLE m_dtdb=TITLE Delete Test Dialog Box4 Use the Delete Test dialog box to specify the tests3 you want to delete and to specify any remark to be6 associated with this operation in DTM's history file. 6 m_dtdb_sl=TITLE m_dtdb_sl=TITLE Selected List Box=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE overview views sel_vu4 The Selected list box displays tests that you first2 select (highlight) in an active test view window.6 All the tests on the selected list will be deleted by the delete operation.7 Optionally, you can explicitly enter test names in the test field. 6 m_dtdb_t=TITLE m_dtdb_t=TITLE Test Field=INCLUDE overview views7 Use the test field to enter the names of the tests you want to delete.0 You can specify tests to DTM by first selecting2 (highlighting) them in an active test view window3 or by explicitly specifying them in the Test field3 by specifying a test name, a wildcard character, a7 wildcard combined with a test name, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 m_dtdb_rk=TITLE m_dtdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 m_dtdb_cf=TITLE m_dtdb_cf=TITLE Confirm Button0 If you specify multiple tests for DTM to delete2 (through selection or wildcards), use the Confirm6 button to confirm the delete operation for each test.5 When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a6 dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the delete" operation for each selected test. 6 m_dtdb_ap=TITLE m_dtdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box. 6 m_dtdb_cn=TITLE m_dtdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 m_dcm =TITLE m_dcm=TITLE Collection Submenu Item3 Choose the Collection... submenu item to produce a8 dialog box for listing the collections that you want to delete. 5 m_dcdb =TITLE m_dcdb#=TITLE Delete Collection Dialog Box4 Use the Delete Collection dialog box to specify the7 collections that you want to delete and to specify any7 remark to be associated with this operation in the DTM history file. 6 m_dcdb_sl=TITLE m_dcdb_sl=TITLE Selected List Box=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE overview views sel_vu4 The Selected list box displays collections that you6 first select (highlight) in an active collection view window.8 All the collections on the selected list are deleted by the delete operation.6 Optionally, you can explicitly enter collection names in the Collection field. 6 m_dcdb_c=TITLE m_dcdb_c=TITLE Collection Field=INCLUDE overview views3 Use the Collection field to enter the names of the collections you want to delete.6 You can specify collections to DTM by first selecting8 (highlighting) them in an active collection view window7 or by explicitly entering them in the Collection field7 by specifying a collection name, a wildcard character,6 a wildcard combined with a collection name, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 m_dcdb_rk=TITLE m_dcdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 m_dcdb_cf=TITLE m_dcdb_cf=TITLE Confirm Button7 If you specify multiple collections for DTM to delete,2 (through selection or wildcards), use the Confirm0 button to confirm the delete operation for each collection.5 When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a6 dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the delete( operation for each selected collection. 6 m_dcdb_ap=TITLE m_dcdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box. 6 m_dcdb_cn=TITLE m_dcdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 m_dgpm =TITLE m_dgpm=TITLE Group Submenu Item5 Choose the Group... submenu item to produce a dialog4 box for listing the groups that you want to delete. 5 m_dgpdb=TITLE m_dgpdb=TITLE Delete Group Dialog Box6 Use the Delete Group dialog box to specify the groups3 that you want to delete, and to specify any remark6 to be associated with this operation in DTM's history file. 6 m_dgpdb_sl=TITLE m_dgpdb_sl=TITLE Selected List Box=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE overview views sel_vu5 The Selected list box displays groups that you first3 select (highlight) in an active group view window.7 All the groups on the selected list will be deleted by the delete operation.8 Optionally, you can explicitly enter group names in the group field. 6 m_dgpdb_g=TITLE m_dgpdb_g=TITLE Group Field=INCLUDE overview views5 Use the group field to enter the names of the groups you want to delete.1 You can specify groups to DTM by first selecting3 (highlighting) them in an active group view window2 or by explicitly entering them in the Group field4 by specifying a group name, a wildcard character, a8 wildcard combined with a group name, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 m_dgpdb_rk=TITLE m_dgpdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 m_dgpdb_cf=TITLE m_dgpdb_cf=TITLE Confirm Button1 If you specify multiple groups for DTM to delete2 (through selection or wildcards), use the Confirm7 button to confirm the delete operation for each group.5 When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a6 dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the delete# operation for each selected group. 6 m_dgpdb_ap=TITLE m_dgpdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box. 6 m_dgpdb_cn=TITLE m_dgpdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 m_dvm =TITLE m_dvm=TITLE Variable Submenu Item8 Choose the Variable... submenu item to produce a dialog2 box for listing the variables you want to delete. 5 m_dvdb =TITLE m_dvdb!=TITLE Delete Variable Dialog Box2 Use the Delete Variable dialog box to specify the6 variables that you want to delete, and to specify any5 remark to be associated with this operation in DTM's history file. 6 m_dvdb_sl=TITLE m_dvdb_sl=TITLE Selected List Box=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE overview views sel_vu8 The Selected list box displays variables that you first6 select (highlight) in an active variable view window.7 All the variables on the selected list will be deleted by the delete operation.7 Optionally, you can explicitly enter variable names in the variable field. 6 m_dvdb_v=TITLE m_dvdb_v=TITLE Variable Field=INCLUDE overview views1 Use the variable field to enter the names of the variables you want to delete.4 You can specify variables to DTM by first selecting6 (highlighting) them in an active variable view window5 or by explicitly entering them in the Variable field5 by specifying a variable name, a wildcard character,7 a wildcard combined with a variable name, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 m_dvdb_rk=TITLE m_dvdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 m_dvdb_cf=TITLE m_dvdb_cf=TITLE Confirm Button4 If you specify multiple variables for DTM to delete2 (through selection or wildcards), use the Confirm0 button to confirm the delete operation for each variable.5 When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a6 dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the delete& operation for each selected variable. 6 m_dvdb_ap=TITLE m_dvdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in- the dialog box and to remove the dialog box. 6 m_dvdb_cn=TITLE m_dvdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 m_dhm =TITLE m_dhm=TITLE History Submenu Item =INCLUDE overview set_up history7 Choose the History... submenu item to produce a dialog7 box for indicating those history records that you want to delete. 5 m_dhdb =TITLE m_dhdb =TITLE Delete History Dialog Box =INCLUDE overview set_up history5 Use the Delete History dialog box to specify by time6 those history records you want to delete from the DTM library.7 You can specify remark text to be associated with this6 operation in the DTM history file and a file name for$ the output of the delete operation. 6 m_dhdb_rk=TITLE m_dhdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 m_dhdb_bf=TITLE m_dhdb_bf=TITLE Before Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history0 Use the Before field to specify a date that DTM6 references when eliminating history records. DTM will1 delete all history information before this date.3 You can specify the time as an absolute, delta, or1 combination time value. You can also specify the( keywords TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY.' An absolute date entry takes the form:" 1-Jan-19906 If you do not specify a time, DTM deletes all history4 entries logged before the time you begin the delete operation. 6 m_dhdb_ot=TITLE m_dhdb_ot=TITLE Output File Field8 To specify a file to contain the output from the delete5 history operation, enter the file name in the Output file field.. By default, DTM writes the output to the file. HISTORY.OUT in the current default directory. 6 m_dhdb_cf=TITLE m_dhdb_cf=TITLE Confirm Button3 If you specify multiple history records for DTM to5 delete, use the Confirm button to confirm the delete* operation for each record, one at a time.5 When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a6 dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the delete$ operation for each selected record. 6 m_dhdb_ok=TITLE m_dhdb_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box. 6 m_dhdb_cn=TITLE m_dhdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 3 m_im =TITLE m_im=TITLE Insert Menu Item7 Choose the Insert menu item to enter test descriptions or groups into existing groups. 4 m_itm =TITLE m_itm=TITLE Test Submenu Item'=INCLUDE overview set_up grouping_tests/ Choose the Test... submenu item to insert test descriptions into a group. 5 m_itdb =TITLE m_itdb=TITLE Insert Test Dialog Box'=INCLUDE overview set_up grouping_tests3 Use the Insert Test dialog box to specify the test1 descriptions and group for the insert operation. 6 m_itdb_sl=TITLE m_itdb_sl=TITLE Selected List Box=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE overview views sel_vu4 The Selected list box displays tests that you first2 select (highlight) in an active test view window.3 All the test descriptions on the selected list are5 inserted into the group or groups you specify in the Group field.5 Optionally, you can explicitly specify test names in the Test field. 6 m_itdb_t=TITLE m_itdb_t=TITLE Test Field=INCLUDE overview views8 Use the Test field to specify the test descriptions you' want to insert into a group or groups.5 You can specify test descriptions by first selecting3 (highlighting) them in an active test view window,3 or by explicitly specifying them in the Test field3 by specifying a test name, a wildcard character, a8 wildcard character combined with a test name, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 m_itdb_g=TITLE m_itdb_g=TITLE Group Field'=INCLUDE overview set_up grouping_tests7 Use the Group field to specify the group or groups you' want to receive the test descriptions.4 You enter groups in the Group field by specifying a7 group name, a wildcard character, a wildcard character/ combined with a group name, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 m_itdb_rk=TITLE m_itdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 m_itdb_cf=TITLE m_itdb_cf=TITLE Confirm Button0 If you specify multiple test descriptions to be3 inserted (through selection or wildcards), use the8 Confirm button to confirm the insert operation for each! test description, one at a time.5 When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a6 dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the insert. operation for each selected test description. 6 m_itdb_ap=TITLE m_itdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 m_itdb_cn=TITLE m_itdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 m_igm =TITLE m_igm=TITLE Group Submenu Item=INCLUDE terms group'=INCLUDE overview set_up grouping_tests2 Choose the Group... submenu item to insert groups3 into another group. The inserted groups are called subgroups. 5 m_igdb =TITLE m_igdb=TITLE Insert Group Dialog Box=INCLUDE terms group'=INCLUDE overview set_up grouping_tests4 Use the Insert Group dialog box to specify both the4 groups to be inserted (subgroups) and the receiving groups to DTM. 6 m_igdb_sl=TITLE m_igdb_sl=TITLE Selected List Box=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE overview views sel_vu5 The Selected list box displays groups that you first3 select (highlight) in an active group view window.6 All the groups on the selected list are inserted into4 the group or groups you specify in the Group field.6 Optionally, you can explicitly specify group names in the Subgroup field. 6 m_igdb_sg=TITLE m_igdb_sg=TITLE Subgroup Field=INCLUDE overview views8 Use the Subgroup field to enter the names of groups you7 want to insert into another group. The inserted groups are called subgroups./ You can specify groups to be inserted by first6 selecting (highlighting) them in an active group view8 window or by explicitly specifying them in the Subgroup8 field by specifying a group name, a wildcard character,6 a wildcard character combined with a group name, or a# list of these separated by commas. 6 m_igdb_g=TITLE m_igdb_g=TITLE Group Field=INCLUDE overview views8 Use the Group field to specify the group or groups that) you want to receive the inserted groups.4 You enter groups in the Group field by specifying a7 group name, a wildcard character, a wildcard character/ combined with a group name, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 m_igdb_rk=TITLE m_igdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 m_igdb_cf=TITLE m_igdb_cf=TITLE Confirm Button7 If you specify multiple groups to be inserted (through3 selection or wildcards), use the Confirm button to7 confirm the insert operation for each subgroup, one at a time.5 When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a6 dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the insert" operation for each selected test. 6 m_igdb_ap=TITLE m_igdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in- the dialog box and to remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 m_igdb_cn=TITLE m_igdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 3 m_rm =TITLE m_rm=TITLE Remove Menu Item=INCLUDE terms group'=INCLUDE overview set_up grouping_tests6 Choose the Remove menu item to remove tests or groups from other groups. 4 m_rtm =TITLE m_rtm=TITLE Test Submenu Item=INCLUDE terms group'=INCLUDE overview set_up grouping_tests5 Choose the Test... submenu item to remove tests from other groups. 5 m_rtdb =TITLE m_rtdb=TITLE Remove Test Dialog Box=INCLUDE terms group'=INCLUDE overview set_up grouping_tests8 Use the Remove Test dialog box to specify the tests and groups for a remove operation. 6 m_rtdb_sl=TITLE m_rtdb_sl=TITLE Selected List Box=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE overview views sel_vu4 The Selected list box displays tests that you first2 select (highlight) in an active test view window.8 All the tests on the selected list are removed from the0 group or groups you specify in the Group field.5 Optionally, you can explicitly specify test names in the Test field. 6 m_rtdb_t=TITLE m_rtdb_t=TITLE Test Field=INCLUDE overview views6 Use the Test field to specify the tests that you want" to remove from a group or groups.8 You can specify tests by first selecting (highlighting)5 them in an active test view window, or by explicitly2 specifying them in the Test field by specifying a6 test name, a wildcard character, a wildcard character8 combined with a test name, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 m_rtdb_g=TITLE m_rtdb_g=TITLE Group Field=INCLUDE overview views8 Use the Group field to specify the group or groups from$ which you want to remove the tests.4 You enter groups in the Group field by specifying a7 group name, a wildcard character, a wildcard character/ combined with a group name, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 m_rtdb_rk=TITLE m_rtdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 m_rtdb_cf=TITLE m_rtdb_cf=TITLE Confirm Button5 If you specify multiple tests to be removed (through3 selection or wildcards), use the Confirm button to5 confirm the remove operation for each test, one at a time.5 When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a6 dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the remove" operation for each selected test. 6 m_rtdb_ap=TITLE m_rtdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in- the dialog box and to remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 m_rtdb_cn=TITLE m_rtdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 m_rgm =TITLE m_rgm=TITLE Group Submenu Item=INCLUDE terms group'=INCLUDE overview set_up grouping_tests2 Choose the Group... submenu item to remove groups( (known as subgroups) from other groups. 5 m_rgdb =TITLE m_rgdb=TITLE Remove Group Dialog Box'=INCLUDE overview set_up grouping_tests/ Use the Remove Group dialog box to specify the- subgroups and groups for a remove operation. 6 m_rgdb_sl=TITLE m_rgdb_sl=TITLE Selected List Box=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE overview views sel_vu8 The Selected list box displays subgroups that you first3 select (highlight) in an active group view window.8 All the subgroups on the selected list are removed from4 the group or groups you specify in the Group field.6 Optionally, you can explicitly specify subgroup names in the Group field. 6 m_rgdb_sg=TITLE m_rgdb_sg=TITLE Subgroup Field=INCLUDE overview views5 Use the Subgroup field to specify the subgroups that+ you want to remove from a group or groups.- You can specify subgroups by first selecting4 (highlighting) them in an active group view window,4 or by explicitly specifying them in the Group field4 by specifying a group name, a wildcard character, a4 wildcard character combined with a group name, or a# list of these separated by commas. 6 m_rgdb_g=TITLE m_rgdb_g=TITLE Group Field=INCLUDE overview views8 Use the Group field to specify the group or groups from( which you want to remove the subgroups.4 You enter groups in the Group field by specifying a7 group name, a wildcard character, a wildcard character/ combined with a group name, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 m_rgdb_rk=TITLE m_rgdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 m_rgdb_cf=TITLE m_rgdb_cf=TITLE Confirm Button0 If you specify multiple subgroups to be removed2 (through selection or wildcards), use the Confirm0 button to confirm the remove operation for each subgroup, one at a time.5 When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a6 dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the remove& operation for each selected subgroup. 6 m_rgdb_ap=TITLE m_rgdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 m_rgdb_cn=TITLE m_rgdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 2 t_mu =TITLE t_mu=TITLE Testing Menu=INCLUDE overview views2 Choose the Testing menu to access operations that6 relate directly to DTM's testing functions; recording3 tests, executing tests as part of collections, and reviewing test results.6 After you choose an operation from the menu or one of5 its submenus, use the resulting dialog boxes to view and specify options.6 Operations in the Testing menu apply to the selection in the active view window.6 When you begin an operation, DTM fills in the name of8 the selection from the active view in the text field of7 the dialog box. DTM also dims (disables) the selection in the active view.7 If you do not make a selection in the active view when8 you begin an operation, you must enter the selection in" the text field of the dialog box. 3 t_rvm =TITLE t_rvm=TITLE Review Menu Item=INCLUDE overview compare=INCLUDE overview examine2 After running and comparing a collection, use the7 Review menu item to place a selected collection in the7 review state (locks the database), to update benchmark( files, and to access Display functions.6 The Review menu item produces a submenu that contains( the Open, Update, and Close operations.2 Initially, the Update and Close submenu items are6 disabled; you cannot access their functions until you open a collection for review. 4 t_rom =TITLE t_rom=TITLE Open Submenu Item=INCLUDE overview examine3 Choose the Open submenu item to place a previously4 selected collection, from an active collection view window, into the review state.5 The resulting dialog box enables you to choose to be5 either a primary or read-only reviewer. As a primary2 reviewer, only you are able to update benchmarks,0 a procedure that locks the database. As a read-3 only reviewer, you can display the contents of the, collection; DTM does not lock the database.6 You must use the Open submenu item before you can use/ the Update submenu item and Display functions. 5 t_rodb =TITLE t_rodb#=TITLE Review Collection Dialog Box=INCLUDE overview examine1 Use the Review Collection dialog box to review a7 collection that you previously selected from an active collection view window.5 The dialog box enables you to choose to be a primary6 or read-only reviewer. As a primary reviewer, you are6 able to update benchmarks, a procedure that locks the3 database. As a read-only reviewer, you can display6 the contents of the collection; DTM does not lock the database.5 You must choose the Open submenu item before you can3 use the Update submenu item and Display functions. 6 t_rodb_sl=TITLE t_rodb_sl=TITLE Selected Field=INCLUDE overview examine=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE overview views sel_vu7 The Selected field lists the collection that you first8 select (highlight) in an active collection view window.5 For the collection that you select, DTM can make its2 result files available for updating (or creating)5 benchmarks. This collection's result, benchmark, and1 difference files are also available for display.4 Optionally, you can explicitly specify a collection name in the Collection field. 6 t_rodb_cl=TITLE t_rodb_cl=TITLE Collection Field=INCLUDE overview examine2 Use the Collection field to enter the name of the8 collection whose benchmarks you want to update or whose4 result, benchmark, and difference files you want to display.7 You can specify a collection to DTM by first selecting7 (highlighting) it in an active collection view window,4 or explicitly specifying its name in the Collection field. 6 t_rodb_rk=TITLE t_rodb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 t_rodb_rd=TITLE t_rodb_rd=TITLE Read Only Button=INCLUDE overview examine2 If you do not want to be a primary reviewer for a4 selected collection, click on the Read only button.5 As a read-only reviewer, you and other reviewers can5 display the contents of the collection; DTM does not lock the database.5 You must choose the Open submenu item before you can6 choose the Update submenu item and Display functions. 6 t_ro_ok=TITLE t_ro_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 t_ro_cn=TITLE t_ro_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 t_rupm =TITLE t_rupm=TITLE Update Submenu Item=INCLUDE overview examine3 Choose the Update submenu item to update benchmark files.4 Use this submenu item to create the first benchmark1 file for a noninteractive test or to replace the2 existing benchmark with the current test results.6 You can create a new benchmark file from the existing. result file for selected result descriptions.1 To update a benchmark file, a result description5 must have a comparison status of comparison aborted,4 unsuccessful, or new. DTM automatically deletes the" result file for successful tests. 5 t_rupmdb=TITLE t_rupmdb=TITLE Update Dialog Box6 The Update dialog box enables you to update benchmark files./ You can select the result description from the4 collection view and choose the Update submenu item;3 this places the result description in the Selected3 list. If you do not select any result descriptions6 from the collection view, you must specify the result description you want to update. 6 t_rupmdb_sel=TITLE t_rupmdb_sel=TITLE Selected List5 When you click on the OK button, the result file for4 the selected result description becomes the updated benchmark file for the test.6 This field is disabled if no result descriptions were# selected from the collection view. 6 t_rupmdb_test=TITLE t_rupmdb_test=TITLE Test Field6 Use the Test field to specify the result descriptions to be updated.0 This field is disabled if you selected a result3 description from the collection view for updating. 6 t_rupmdb_rem=TITLE t_rupmdb_rem=TITLE Remark Field3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that+ becomes associated with the updated files.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 t_rupmdb_cnf=TITLE t_rupmdb_cnf=TITLE Confirm Button- When Confirm button is enabled, DTM requests1 confirmation before updating the benchmark files( associated with the result description. 6 t_rupmdb_ok=TITLE t_rupmdb_ok=TITLE OK button8 Click on the OK button to update the selected files (or' the file specified in the Test field).3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 t_rupmdb_can=TITLE t_rupmdb_can=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 t_rclm =TITLE t_rclm=TITLE Close Submenu Item=INCLUDE overview examine5 Choose the Close submenu item to remove a collection7 from the review state. When you open a collection, the5 database is locked, enabling the primary reviewer to7 update benchmarks. Read-only reviewers can display the contents of the collection.1 The Close submenu item is accessible only when a3 collection within the active view is in the review state. 3 t_dm =TITLE t_dm=TITLE Display Menu Item=INCLUDE overview examine =INCLUDE overview run exec_tests=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms res_file=INCLUDE terms diff_file7 Choose the Display menu item to view information about8 a specific test's benchmark, result, or difference file, that you selected in an active view window./ DTM provides display control boxes to help you3 navigate through displays for interactive terminal8 and DECwindows tests. The control boxes vary, depending+ on the type of file you choose to display.4 No control boxes are necessary for displaying files2 associated with noninteractive tests. Scroll bars4 provided in the display window let you move through the selected files. 4 t_d_bkdb=TITLE t_d_bkdb8=TITLE Display Control Box for Result or Benchmark Files=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms res_file4 Use the Display dialog box for interactive tests to3 navigate through the screen displays for result or benchmark files. 5 t_d_bkdb_sn=TITLE t_d_bkdb_sn=TITLE Screen Number3 The Screen number button toggles the screen number display. 5 t_d_bkdb_pb=TITLE t_d_bkdb_pb =TITLE Screen Navigation Buttons7 The following table shows the four buttons that enable8 you to navigate from one screen to the next in a result or benchmark file. Button Description3 Next Enables you to display the next screen1 in the file. The border on this push4 button indicates that it is the default7 choice; you can also choose the default by6 pressing the RETURN or ENTER key, as well. as clicking on it with the mouse.7 First Enables you to display the first screen in the file.7 Previous Enables you to display the previous screen in the file.% Dismiss Removes the control box. 4 t_d_nidb=TITLE t_d_nidb3=TITLE Display Window for Noninteractive Test Files7 Use the Display dialog box for noninteractive tests to8 navigate through the test output for result, benchmark, or difference files. 5 t_d_nidb_txt=TITLE t_d_nidb_txt=TITLE Text Window* The text window displays the test output. 5 t_d_nidb_dmsb=TITLE t_d_nidb_dmsb=TITLE Dismiss Button/ The Dismiss button removes the display window. 4 t_d_dfdb=TITLE t_d_dfdb5=TITLE Display Control Box for Difference Information=INCLUDE terms diff_file3 Use the Display Control dialog box for interactive7 tests to navigate and display differences information.8 The Display Control box enables you to move from screen8 to screen and provides options for how DTM displays the difference information. 5 t_d_dfdb_sn=TITLE t_d_dfdb_sn=TITLE Screen Number3 The Screen number button toggles the screen number display. 5 t_d_dfdb_d=TITLE t_d_dfdb_d=TITLE Shift Display6 The Shift Display button shifts the screen display to/ enable parts not initially visible to be seen. 5 t_d_dfdb_fo=TITLE t_d_dfdb_fo!=TITLE Differences Format Options2 By clicking on the options field and dragging the7 mouse to one of the buttons, you can choose the format4 for highlighting differences between the result and benchmark files.7 o Bold: DTM highlights differences by bolding them in the result file.8 o Underline: DTM highlights differences by underlining) and flashing them in the result file.5 Note that once a screen is displayed, the difference* format for that screen cannot be changed. 5 t_d_dfdb_npb=TITLE t_d_dfdb_npb =TIT LE Screen Navigation Buttons7 The following table shows you four buttons that enable1 you to navigate from one screen to the next when displaying differences. Button Description3 Next Enables you to display the next screen1 in the file. The border on this push4 button indicates that it is the default7 choice; you can also choose the default by6 pressing the RETURN or ENTER key, as well. as clicking on it with the mouse.7 First Enables you to display the first screen in the file.7 Previous Enables you to display the previous screen in the file.% Dismiss Removes the control box. 3 t_sbm =TITLE t_sbm=TITLE Submit Menu Item=INCLUDE overview run#=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_cm m_c_cl m_ccdb3 Choose the Submit menu item to specify an existing1 collection for DTM to submit to the batch queue.2 You can execute collections in batch that combine6 all three types of tests: noninteractive, interactive terminal, and DECwindows tests. 4 t_sbdb =TITLE t_sbdb=TITLE Submit Dialog Box=INCLUDE overview run5 Use the Submit dialog box to specify collections for" DTM to submit to the batch queue.7 This dialog box also provides standard OpenVMS options" for submission of the collection. 5 t_sbdb_c=TITLE t_sbdb_c=TITLE Collection Field=INCLUDE overview views2 Use the Collection field to enter the name of the collection you want to execute.7 You can specify a collection to DTM by first selecting7 (highlighting) it in an active collection view window,4 or explicitly specifying its name in the Collection field. 5 t_sbdb_rk=TITLE t_sbdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library./ You can selectively display and delete history entries. 5 t_sbdb_cfm=TITLE t_sbdb_cfm =TITLE Confirm Submission Button3 When the Confirm Submission button is enabled, DTM2 requests confirmation that you want to submit the) specified collection to the batch queue. 5 t_sbdb_nf=TITLE t_sbdb_nf"=TITLE Notify on Completion Button3 Enable the Notify on Completion Button to indicate6 that you want to receive a message on any terminal on8 which you are logged in, notifying you that your job is completed or aborted. 5 t_sbdb_q=TITLE t_sbdb_q=TITLE Queue Settings& You can specify three queue settings:7 o Name field: Use this field to enter the name of the batch queue.4 o Hold until field: Use this field to specify when8 the job is to be executed; you can specify either an8 absolute time or a combined absolute and delta time.1 o Hold until released button: Use this field to1 control when the job is to made available for5 processing. You must specifically release the job3 using the OpenVMS command, SET QUEUE/ENTRY with- either the /NOHOLD or /RELEASE qualifier. 5 t_sbdb_jb=TITLE t_sbdb_jb=TITLE Job Settings0 The following table identifies the Job settings available: Setting Use8 Name Specifies a string to be used as the job name8 User name Enables you to submit a job on behalf of7 another user (requires CMKRNL privilege+ and read access to t he UAF)5 Priority Specifies the job scheduling priority6 (0 to 255) (requires OPER or ALTPRI to8 raise the priority of the default SYSGEN parameter)5 CharacteristicsSpecifies one or more characteristics7 desired for the job; codes can be names6 or values and are installation-defined5 CPU time Defines a CPU time limit for the job;5 limit use a delta time, the value 0, or the( keyword NONE or INFINITE5 Working set Overrides the base queue value if you7 default want to set a lower value than that set7 by the system manager or that exists in your UAF5 Working set Overrides the base queue value if you7 extent want to set a lower value than that set7 by the system manager or that exists in your UAF5 Working set Overrides the base queue value if you7 quota want to set a lower value than that set7 by the system manager or that exists in your UAF 5 t_sbdb_lf=TITLE t_sbdb_lf=TITLE Log File Settings5 The following table identifies the Log file settings available: Setting Use7 Log file When active, creates a log file for the job button6 Name Specifies a name for the log file; the log4 field file is written to a file in the default5 directory with the same name as the first0  command file with a file type of LOG0 Print When active, queues the log file for button printing8 Queue Specifies the printer queue for the log file name field3 Delete When active, deletes the log file after after printing printing button 5 t_sbdb_ok=TITLE t_sbdb_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 5 t_sbdb_cn=TITLE t_sbdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 3 t_rm =TITLE t_rm=TITLE Run Menu Item- Choose the Run menu item to run a collection interactively.6 You should execute large collections in batch, unless1 you need to see the test output displayed on the screen.  4 t_rdb =TITLE t_rdb=TITLE Run Dialog Box2 The Run dialog box enables you to specify options4 for running a collection interactively. DTM creates7 a terminal emulator and runs the collection as a task.4 You can direct DTM to create a log file for the run operation.6 You can also specify where DTM is to display or write! the output of the run operation. 5 t_rdb_cl=TITLE t_rdb_cl=TITLE Collection Field=INCLUDE overview views2 Use the Collection field to enter the n ame of the collection you want to run.7 You can specify a collection to DTM by first selecting7 (highlighting) it in an active collection view window,4 or explicitly specifying its name in the Collection field. 5 t_rdb_rk=TITLE t_rdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library./ You can selecti vely display and delete history entries. 5 t_rdb_cf=TITLE t_rdb_cf=TITLE Confirm Button1 When the Confirm button is enabled, DTM requests0 confirmation that you want to run the specified collection. 5 t_rdb_lf=TITLE t_rdb_lf =TITLE Log File Button and Field7 When the Log file button is enabled, DTM creates a log file for the collection./ The log file contains output that the test run6 generates other than the output from the test itself.5 Use the Log f ile field to enter a file specification for the created log file.2 If the button is enabled with an empty field, DTM/ writes the log file to the task output window. 5 t_rdb_op=TITLE t_rdb_op=TITLE Output Button and Field=INCLUDE terms res_file=INCLUDE overview examine3 When the Output button is enabled, DTM displays or7 writes a copy of the output of the run operation (that is, the test result files).4 When the button is disabled, DTM suppresses output.6 Use the  Output field to specify the file or device to3 which DTM directs the output of the run operation.2 If the button is disabled with an empty field DTM. directs the output to the task output window. 5 t_rdb_ok=TITLE t_rdb_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 5 t_rdb_cn=TITLE t_rdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 3 t_cm =TITLE t_cm=TITLE Compare Menu Item=INCLUDE overview compare6 Choose the Compare menu item to manually compare test results to benchmark files.- DTM will not complete the comparison process0 automatically for any of the following reasons:8 o You chose the option not to compare when you created  the collection2 o A test in the collection is only partially run2 o Some of the tests in the collection do not run4 In any of these cases, you need to compare the test4 results manually before you can review the results. 4 t_cdb =TITLE t_cdb=TITLE Compare Dialog Box=INCLUDE overview compare6 Use the Compare dialog box to specify the collections6 you want to compare and to choose comparison options. 5 t_cdb_c=TITLE t_cdb_c=TITLE Collection Field=INCLUDE overview views3 Use the Collection field to enter the names of the! collections you want to compare.6 You can specify collections to DTM by first selecting1 (highlighting) them in an active collection view0 window, or by explicitly specifying them in the2 Collection field by specifying a collection name. 5 t_cdb_tp=TITLE t_cdb_tp=TITLE Comparison Type Buttons=INCLUDE terms res_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms diff_file=INCLUDE overview compare7 Use the Comparison Type buttons to control the type of! comparison that DTM carries out.0 The Default button causes DTM to default to the4 comparison setting you chose for each test when you created it.6 The remaining three buttons produce a comparison that6 is screen by screen (default for interactive terminal5 and DECwindows tests), record by record (default for1 noninteractive tests) or character by character.3 By clicking on one of the remaining three buttons,5 you cause DTM to compare all tests in the collection8 using the specified comparison type, no matter what the- individual test comparison setting might be. 5 t_cdb_df=TITLE t_cdb_df=TITLE Differences Format$=INCLUDE mu t_mu t_cm t_cdb t_cdb_fl$=INCLUDE mu t_mu t_cm t_cdb t_cdb_pl$=INCLUDE mu t_mu t_cm t_cdb t_cdb_wd=INCLUDE terms res_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms diff_file=INCLUDE overview compare0 Use the Full and Parallel buttons and the Width4 field to modify the content and format of a printed* difference file for noninteractive tests. 5 t_cdb_fl=TITLE t_cdb_fl=TITLE Full Button=INCLUDE terms res_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms diff_file=INCLUDE overview compare5 Click on the Full button to modify the contents of a2 printed difference file for noninteractive tests.0 When the button is enabled, DTM includes in the4 difference file a complete listing of the text that6 is identical, as well as a listing of the differences7 DTM encounters when it compares the result file to the benchmark file.1 When the button is disabled, DTM includes only a listing of differences. 5 t_cdb_pl=TITLE t_cdb_pl=TITLE Parallel Button=INCLUDE terms res_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms diff_file=INCLUDE overview compare2 Use the Parallel button to modify the format of a2 printed difference file for noninteractive tests.4 When the Parallel button is enabled, DTM places the6 lines that do not match from the result and benchmark+ files side by side in the difference file.5 When the Parallel button is disabled, DTM places the3 benchmark lines above and the corresponding result$ lines below in the difference file. 5 t_cdb_wd=TITLE t_cdb_wd=TITLE Width Field=INCLUDE terms res_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms diff_file=INCLUDE overview compare0 Use the Width field to specify the width of the difference file's output.6 The minimum width is 48 columns, the maximum width is- 511 columns, and the default is 132 columns. 5 t_cdb_ig=TITLE t_cdb_ig=TITLE Ignore Buttons=INCLUDE overview compare=INCLUDE terms res_file=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms diff_file6 The Ignore buttons enable you to specify that various8 aspects of benchmark and result files are to be ignored during comparison.1 The following buttons and their effects apply to5 noninteractive and interactive terminal tests, only. Button Result8 Case Ignores any differences between the case: of alphabetic characters (A,a,B,b, . . . ), Form-feeds Ignores form-feed characters4 Spacing Treats multiple blanks and tabs as a single space/ Leading Ignores leading blanks and tabs blanks0 Trailing Ignores trailing blanks and tabs blanks/ The following button and its effect applies to DECwindows tests only. Button Result/ Mask Ignores masked areas defined on+ DECwindows benchmark images 5 t_cdb_se=TITLE t_cdb_se=TITLE Skip Text Fields4 Use the Skip Text fields to enter a pair of strings7 used to delimit a section of text to be ignored during1 the comparison of result and benchmark files for2 noninteractive tests. The delimiters can be up to6 256 characters per line, and must be unique. Any text3 between and including the delimiters is ignored by DTM. 5 t_cdb_ap=TITLE t_cdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 5 t_cdb_cn=TITLE t_cdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 3 t_sm =TITLE t_sm=TITLE Stop Menu Item5 Choose the Stop menu item to stop the execution of a7 collection that has been submitted to the batch queue.7 The batch job stops and is removed from the queue; DTM/ cleans up the database and displays a message./ You can compare and review all tests that were- completed before you stopped the collection.7 Click on the Delete task button in the Task dialog box4 to stop a collection that is running interactively. 4 t_stdb =TITLE t_stdb=TITLE Stop Dialog Box7 Use the Stop dialog box to specify collections for DTM to remove from the batch queue. 5 t_stdb_c=TITLE t_stdb_c=TITLE Collection Field=INCLUDE overview views2 Use the Collection field to enter the name of the collection you want to stop.6 You can specify collections to DTM by first selecting1 (highlighting) them in an active collection view0 window, or by explicitly specifying them in the2 Collection field by specifying a collection name. 5 t_stdb_rk=TITLE t_stdb_rk=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library./ You can selectively display and delete history entries. 5 t_stdb_cf=TITLE t_stdb_cf=TITLE Confirm Button0 Click on the Confirm button to confirm the stop operation for the collection.5 When you click on the Confirm button, DTM produces a4 dialog box that enables you to acknowledge the stop' operation for the selected collection. 5 t_stdb_ap=TITLE t_stdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 5 t_stdb_cn=TITLE t_stdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 3 t_rcm =TITLE t_rcm=TITLE Record Menu Item=INCLUDE overview create=INCLUDE terms inp_file5 Choose the Record menu item to produce a submenu for6 recording an interactive terminal or DECwindows test.6 The DTM Record functions let you run applications and5 record all input and output generated on the screen.7 The input goes into a template file (.SESSION) and the# output goes into a benchmark file.2 If an input file is associated with the test, DTM4 records from the input file; otherwise, DTM records# interactive input from the screen., You must create a test description for each8 interactive terminal and DECwindows test before you can6 successfully use the Record functions (see additional topics). 4 t_rcm_dw=TITLE t_rcm_dw=TITLE DECwindows Submenu Item8 Choose the DECwindows Test... submenu item to record an6 interactive DECwindows test. The resulting dialog box7 enables you  to specify recording options for the test. 5 t_rcm_dwdb=TITLE t_rcm_dwdb(=TITLE DECwindows Record Test Dialog Box=INCLUDE overview create5 Use the Record DECwindows Test dialog box to specify4 the test name and options for the record operation.1 DTM creates a task when you record a test with a5 prologue file, epilogue file, filters, or variables. 6 t_rcm_dwdb_test=TITLE t_rcm_dwdb_test=TITLE Test Field=INCLUDE overview create7 Use the Test field to enter the n!ame of the DECwindows test you want to record.2 This field accepts only a single test description object.7 Optionally, you can first select the test in an active test view window. 6 t_rcm_dwdb_rem=TITLE t_rcm_dwdb_rem=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and" delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 t_rcm_dwdb_disp=TITLE t_rcm_dwdb_disp=TITLE Display Field3 The display field specifies the workstation screen3 on which the test will be recorded. The default is DECW$display. 6 t_rcm_dwdb_keysym=TITLE t_rcm_dwdb_keysym=TITLE Keysym Field1 Use the Keysym field to specify a new DECwindows' command key to replace the default F9. 6 t_rcm_dwdb_ifbf=TITLE t_rcm_dwdb_ifbf"=TITLE Input File Button and Field8# Click on the Input file button and specify a DECwindows6 input file to be used in recording a DECwindows test. 6 t_rcm_dwdb_pb=TITLE t_rcm_dwdb_pb=TITLE Prologue Button=INCLUDE overview prol_use. Click on the Prologue button to direct DTM to6 execute the test prologue file, specified in the test2 description, before interactive recording begins. 6 t_rcm_dwdb_eb=TITLE t_rcm_dwdb_eb=TITLE Epilogue Button=INCLUDE overview prol_use6 Click on the Epilogue button to direct $DTM to execute6 the test epilogue command file, specified in the test/ description, when interactive recording stops. 6 t_rcm_dwdb_pmb=TITLE t_rcm_dwdb_pmb=TITLE Pointer Motion Button4 Click on the Pointer Motion button to direct DTM to4 record all pointer motion events. If this button is8 not selected, when the test is played, the pointer will4 move directly to the location of button presses and releases. 6 t_rcm_dwdb_vb=TITLE t_rcm_dwdb_vb=TITLE Variables Button6% Click on the Variables button to direct DTM to define8 symbols and logical names as specified by the variables2 associated with the test before recording starts. 6 t_rcm_dwdb_log=TITLE t_rcm_dwdb_log=TITLE Log Button3 Click on the Log button to direct DTM to place the3 messages pertaining to the test recording in a log file. 6 t_rcm_dwdb_ok=TITLE t_rcm_dwdb_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the d&ialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 t_rcm_dwdb_can=TITLE t_rcm_dwdb_can=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 t_rcm_tt=TITLE t_rcm_tt=TITLE Terminal Submenu Item6 Choose the Terminal Test... submenu item to record an4 interactive terminal test. The resultin'g dialog box7 enables you to specify recording options for the test.+ DTM creates a task when you record a test. 5 t_rcm_ttdb=TITLE t_rcm_ttdb&=TITLE Terminal Record Test Dialog Box=INCLUDE overview create7 Use the Record Terminal Test dialog box to specify the0 test name and options for the record operation.1 DTM creates a task when you record a test with a5 prologue file, epilogue file, filters, or variables. 6 t_rcm_ttdb_test=TITLE t_rcm_ttdb_test=TITLE Tes(t Field=INCLUDE overview create8 Use the Test field to enter the name of the interactive' terminal test that you want to record., This field accepts only a single test name.7 Optionally, you can first select the test in an active test view window. 6 t_rcm_ttdb_rem=TITLE t_rcm_ttdb_rem=TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE overview set_up history3 Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that/ becomes associated with the current operation.2 The text is logged in the his)tory file of the DTM library.7 You can selectively display and delete history entries (see additional topics). 6 t_rcm_ttdb_term=TITLE t_rcm_ttdb_term"=TITLE Termination Character Field4=INCLUDE overview create rec_inter_term rec_commands1 Use the Termination character field to specify a1 new termination character to replace the default termination character, CTRL/P.1 Specify a different termination character if the/ application you are testing interprets CTRL/P./* You use the termination character to suspend a1 recording session. You can then issue Record key sequences.6 For example, you can mark screens for comparison, you5 can add wait values to applications that take a long8 time to respond, or you can abort the recording session8 without saving the session file and without creating or modifying the test description. 6 t_rcm_ttdb_ac=TITLE t_rcm_ttdb_ac=TITLE Auto Compare Button=INCLUDE overview compare4=INCLUDE overview create+ rec_inter_term rec_commands2 Click on the Auto Compare button to automatically8 compare screens at the start of an interactive terminal recording session.8 An active button indicates that you want DTM to compare screens automatically.1 Each time you are prompted during an interactive7 terminal recording session, DTM can automatically mark1 the screen for comparison in the benchmark file.8 DECwindows recording sessions do not automatically mark screens for comparison. 6 , t_rcm_ttdb_iff=TITLE t_rcm_ttdb_iff"=TITLE Input File Button and Field2=INCLUDE overview create rec_inter_term cre_inp_fl=INCLUDE mu t_mu t_xtm6 Enable the Input File button to direct DTM to use the/ specified file as input to the test recording.0 Use the Input file field to enter the name of a5 file that contains a text representation of all user6 input, nonprintable control characters, and recording functions in a session file.5 You can use an input file to record the session- file6 rather than recording the session file interactively.7 You must create the input file by extracting it from a" previously recorded session file. 6 t_rcm_ttdb_app=TITLE t_rcm_ttdb_app=TITLE Append Button5 Click on the Append button to direct DTM to continue8 recording a test after the input from a specified input file is exhausted. 6 t_rcm_ttdb_real=TITLE t_rcm_ttdb_real=TITLE Realtime Button7 Click on the Realtime button to instruct DTM to record7 and f.orward key presses to the application as they are5 entered, and not when the application requests them.3 This button is intended for use in recording tests5 where an application will not read from the terminal1 until data appears in its terminal input buffer. 6 t_rcm_ttdb_pb=TITLE t_rcm_ttdb_pb=TITLE Prologue Button=INCLUDE overview prol_use. Click on the Prologue button to direct DTM to6 execute the test prologue file, specified in the test2 description, before interactive/ recording begins. 6 t_rcm_ttdb_eb=TITLE t_rcm_ttdb_eb=TITLE Epilogue Button=INCLUDE overview prol_use6 Click on the Epilogue button to direct DTM to execute6 the test epilogue command file, specified in the test/ description, when interactive recording stops. 6 t_rcm_ttdb_vb=TITLE t_rcm_ttdb_vb=TITLE Variables Button/ Click on the Variables button to direct DTM to4 apply the variables that were specified in the test( description to the test being recorded. 6 0 t_rcm_ttdb_fb=TITLE t_rcm_ttdb_fb=TITLE Filters Button7 Click on the Filters button to direct DTM to apply the7 filters that were specified in the test description to the test being recorded. 6 t_rcm_ttdb_ok=TITLE t_rcm_ttdb_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or 1ENTER key. 6 t_rcm_ttdb_can=TITLE t_rcm_ttdb_can=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 3 t_plm =TITLE t_plm=TITLE Play Menu Item=INCLUDE terms sess_file6 Choose the Play... menu item to replay an interactive" terminal test or DECwindows test.8 The Play operation executes the specified session file.6 The file is not part of a collection and DTM does not compare the results.25 For terminal session files, DTM executes the session1 file as if it were being run on the same type of8 display device on which it was recorded. If the display8 device characteristics are different than those for the7 recording display device, the output may not appear as expected. 4 t_pldw =TITLE t_pldw=TITLE DECwindows Menu Item=INCLUDE terms sess_file 5 t_pldwdb=TITLE t_pldwdb!=TITLE DECwindows Play Dialog Box=INCLUDE terms sess_file2 Use the DECwindow3s Play dialog box to specify the7 DECwindows test whose session file you want to replay.8 The dialog box also provides options for specifying the5 device and provides the file that receives a copy of the output.) DTM creates a task when you play a test. 6 t_pldwdb_ff=TITLE t_pldwdb_ff=TITLE File Field=INCLUDE overview views7 Use the File field to enter the name of the test whose! session file you want to replay.6 Optionally, you can first select (highlight) the test4 in an active test view window. 6 t_pldwdb_dis=TITLE t_pldwdb_dis=TITLE Display Button and Field5 For terminal tests, DTM displays the output from the5 session file to the task output window. To specify a4 different terminal for display, click on the Output3 button and specify the device in the Output field.5 For DECwindows tests, DTM displays the output to the1 device defined by the logical name DECW$DISPLAY. 6 t_pldwdb_res=TITLE t_pldwdb_res#=TITLE Result 5File Button and Field5 Enable the result file button to indicate a specific4 file to receive a copy of the output of the replay.0 Use the Result file field to name the file that% receives the output from the replay.3 If you enable the Result File button but leave the6 field blank, DTM places the output into the file that has a file type of .RES. 6 t_pldwdb_comm=TITLE t_pldwdb_comm=TITLE Command Button and Field6 Use the Command field to invoke an application or run6 a c6ommand file at the start of a playing a DECwindows session file.8 For example, the following generic command would run an application undergoing testing:+ RUN sys$system:my$application 6 t_pldwdb_ok=TITLE t_pldwdb_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or 7ENTER key. 6 t_pldwdb_cb=TITLE t_pldwdb_cb=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 t_pltt =TITLE t_pltt=TITLE Terminal Menu Item=INCLUDE terms sess_file 5 t_plttdb=TITLE t_plttdb=TITLE Terminal Play Dialog Box=INCLUDE terms sess_file0 Use the Terminal Play dialog box to specify the8 interactive test whose session file you want to replay.8 The dialog box also p8rovides options for specifying the5 device and provides the file that receives a copy of the output.) DTM creates a task when you play a test. 6 t_plttdb_ff=TITLE t_plttdb_ff=TITLE File Field=INCLUDE overview views7 Use the File field to enter the name of the test whose! session file you want to replay.6 Optionally, you can first select (highlight) the test in an active test view window. 6 t_plttdb_dis=TITLE t_plttdb_dis=TITLE Display Button and Field59 For terminal tests, DTM displays the output from the5 session file to the task output window. To specify a4 different terminal for display, click on the Output3 button and specify the device in the Output field.5 For DECwindows tests, DTM displays the output to the1 device defined by the logical name DECW$DISPLAY. 6 t_plttdb_res=TITLE t_plttdb_res#=TITLE Result File Button and Field5 Enable the result file button to indicate a specific4 file to receive a copy of the outpu:t of the replay.0 Use the Result file field to name the file that% receives the output from the replay.3 If you enable the Result File button but leave the6 field blank, DTM places the output into the file that has a file type of .RES. 6 t_plttdb_ok=TITLE t_plttdb_ok=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose t;he default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 t_plttdb_cb=TITLE t_plttdb_cb=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 3 t_xtm =TITLE t_xtm=TITLE Extract Menu Item'=INCLUDE overview create cre_inter_term4 Choose the Extract... menu item to extract an input7 file from a terminal session file without changing the session file.3 You can use an input file to create a new termina<l, session file from an existing session file. 4 t_xmdwsi=TITLE t_xmdwsi=TITLE DECwindows Submenu Item0 Choose the DECwindows submenu item to create an6 DECwindows Input file from a DECwindows session file. 5 t_xmdwdb=TITLE t_xmdwdb$=TITLE DECwindows Extract Dialog Box5 Use the DECwindows Extract dialog box to specify the8 DECwindows session file from which DTM creates an input file. 6 t_xmdwdb_ses=TITLE t_xmdwdb_ses=TITLE Session File Field4 Use the= Session File field to enter the name of the3 session file from which DTM creates an input file. 6 t_xmdwdb_in=TITLE t_xmdwdb_in=TITLE Input File Field- Use the Input file field to specify the file" specification for the input file.4 If you leave this field blank, DTM uses the session& file name with the file type of .INP. 6 t_xmdwdb_au=TITLE t_xmdwdb_au=TITLE Auto Synchronize Button To be supplied. 6 t_xmdwdb_ap=TITLE t_xmdwdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click> on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 t_xmdwdb_cn=TITLE t_xmdwdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 4 t_xm =TITLE t_xm=TITLE Terminal Submenu Item6 Choose the Terminal submenu? item to create a terminal) Input file from a terminal session file. 5 t_xmdwdb=TITLE t_xmdwdb"=TITLE Terminal Extract Dialog Box=INCLUDE terms inp_file'=INCLUDE overview create cre_inter_term3 Use the Terminal Extract dialog box to specify the6 terminal session file from which DTM creates an input file./ The dialog box also enables you to specify the3 termination character for the session file, if you/ used something other than the default, CTRL/P. 6 t_xmttdb_@ses=TITLE t_xmttdb_ses=TITLE Session File Field=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE terms sess_file4 Use the Session file field to enter the name of the3 session file from which DTM creates an input file. 6 t_xmttdb_in=TITLE t_xmttdb_in=TITLE Input File Field'=INCLUDE overview create cre_inter_term=INCLUDE terms inp_file- Use the Input file field to specify the file" specification for the input file.4 If you leave this field blank, DTM uses the session& file name witAh the file type of .INP. 6 t_xmttdb_trm=TITLE t_xmttdb_trm=TITLE Termination Character=INCLUDE terms term_char1 Use the Termination character field to specify a6 termination character other than the default, CTRL/P.2 DTM interprets the character in this field as the7 termination character when the input file is extracted from the session file.5 If you did not use the default termination character8 when you recorded the session file, specify the correct character in thBis field. 6 t_xmttdb_ap=TITLE t_xmttdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 t_xmdb_cn=TITLE t_xmdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 3 t_resC =TITLE t_res=TITLE Restore Menu Item4 Choose the Restore menu item to create a DECwindows+ session file from a DECwindows Input file. 4 t_resdwsi=TITLE t_resdwsi=TITLE DECwindows Submenu Item/ Choose the DECwindows... menu item to create a6 DECwindows session file from a DECwindows Input file. 5 t_resdwdb=TITLE t_resdwdb$=TITLE DECwindows Restore Dialog Box5 Use the DECwindows Extract dialog box to specify the8 DECwindows session file from which DTM creates an inputD file. 6 t_resdwdb_in=TITLE t_resdwdb_in=TITLE Input File Field6 Use the Input file field to specify the input file to( which DTM translates to a session file. 6 t_resdwdb_ses=TITLE t_resdwdb_ses=TITLE Session File Field4 Use the Session File field to enter the name of the2 session file that DTM is to create from the input file. 6 t_resdwdb_ap=TITLE t_resdwdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box Eand remove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 6 t_resdwdb_cn=TITLE t_resdwdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 3 t_memi =TITLE t_memi=TITLE Mask Menu Item=INCLUDE overview6 Choose the Mask... menu item to invoke the DTM Screen/ Editor, which enaFbles you to define areas on a5 DECwindows benchmark image that DTM will not compare3 against the test results when the test is run in a collection.8 You can automatically read a DECwindows benchmark image7 (if it exists) into the Screen Editor by clicking on a6 DECwindows test in the view window, then pulling down5 the Testing menu and choosing the Mask... menu item./ The Screen Editor operates on DDIF files only. 3 t_ftm =TITLE t_ftm=TITLE Filter Menu Item=INCLUDE oveGrview filt_use=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms res_file. Choose the Filter... menu item to run filters# interactively on a specified file.6 The filters provided by DTM mask data in result files8 that varies from one test run to the next. You can also7 use the filters on files that are not provided by DTM.7 The filter operation enables you to prepare benchmarks6 for association with tests or to see how result files( would look if filters were run on them.4 Be aware thHat when you use filters, DTM deletes the2 original unfiltered result file, leaving only the7 filtered file. Using some filters on interactive tests6 that contain escape sequences can cause DTM to delete+ information that is essential to the test. 4 t_ftdb =TITLE t_ftdb=TITLE Filter Dialog Box=INCLUDE overview filt_use=INCLUDE terms benchmark_file=INCLUDE terms res_file7 Use the Filter dialog box to specify the file that you want to filter.6 The dialog box provides butItons that let you indicate- which filters you want to apply to the file. 5 t_ftdb_fi=TITLE t_ftdb_fi=TITLE File Field=INCLUDE overview views8 Use the File field to enter the name of a file that you want to filter.3 Optionally, you can first select (highlight) in an6 active test view window the test whose benchmark file you want to filter. 5 t_ftdb_ftb=TITLE t_ftdb_ftb=TITLE Filter Buttons=INCLUDE overview filt_use8 Click on one or more of the Filter buttonJs to apply the filters to the selected file.5 The filters remove run-time variables from the file.7 The buttons of applied filters become active after you choose them. 6 t_ftdb_dt=TITLE t_ftdb_dt=TITLE Date Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use4 Where the date form is abbreviated, the Date button4 replaces date stamps by substituting a "d" for each5 displayed number of the day of the month, an "m" for7 each displayed letter of the month, and a "y" for each5 displayed numbeKr of the year. Where the date form is4 spelled out, the month name is replaced by "month",6 the numeric day is replaced by "day", and the year is replaced by "year".3 The following list shows some examples of the date5 filtering functions; this list is not all inclusive. 17-OCT-1998 with dd-mmm-yyyy 17 OCT 98 with dd mmm yy 98.OCT.17 with yy.mmm.dd 10/17/98 with mm/dd/yy 1998/10/17 with yyyy/mm/dd) October 17, 1998 with month day, year& Oct. 17, 1998 withL month day, year' 17.October.1998 with day.month.year% 98-October-17 with year-month-day 6 t_ftdb_tm=TITLE t_ftdb_tm=TITLE Time Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use8 When enabled, the Time button replaces time stamps with the following forms:" 15:37:53.22 with hh:mm:ss.xxxx 15:37:53 with hh:mm:ss 15:37 with hh:mm 3:37 PM with hh:mm xm 15H37m with hhHmmm 15H37' with hhHmm' 15.37 h with hh.mm h" 15 h 37"53 s with hh h mm"ss s 15 h 37 Mmin with hh h mm min kl 15.37 with kl hh.mm h 15.37 with h hh.mm 6 t_ftdb_fn=TITLE t_ftdb_fn=TITLE File names Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use6 When enabled, the File names Button replaces the file names with FILENAME.EXT. 6 t_ftdb_dr=TITLE t_ftdb_dr=TITLE Directory Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use0 When enabled, the Directory button replaces the8 directory specification field in the file specification with DISK:[DIRECTORY] 6 t_ftdb_tk=TITLE t_fNtdb_tk=TITLE Traceback Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use3 When enabled, the Traceback button replaces 32-bit1 memory addresses with xxxxxxxx and 64-bit memory" addresses with xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx. 6 t_ftdb_vrs=TITLE t_ftdb_vrs=TITLE Version Button=INCLUDE overview filt_use8 When enabled, the Version button replaces file versions with VERSION. 5 t_ftdb_ap=TITLE t_ftdb_ap=TITLE OK Button8 Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in* the dialog box and Oremove the dialog box.3 The border on this button indicates that it is the3 default choice. You can also choose the default by" pressing the RETURN or ENTER key. 5 t_ftdb_cn=TITLE t_ftdb_cn=TITLE Cancel Button4 Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box7 without applying any of the settings to the selection. 2 h_mu =TITLE h_mu=TITLE Help Menu7 Use the Help menu for information about using help and- to access task-oriented help text about DTM.5 The HelPp menu also gives access to a glossary of DTM terms.5 To view DTM's context-sensitive help, press and hold7 the Help key while clicking on screen objects, such as' menus, menu items, buttons, and so on. 3 h_ov =TITLE h_ov=TITLE Overview Menu Item4 Choose the Overview menu item to gain access to the) task-oriented topics of the help system.7 From the Overview help screen, you can double click on task-oriented topics. 3 h_us =TITLE h_us=TITLE Using DTM HelQp Menu Item7 Choose the Using DTM Help menu item to find out how to access context-sensitive help. 3 h_ab =TITLE h_ab=TITLE About Menu Item8 Choose the About menu item to see copyright and version- information for DTM and its operating system 3 h_gl =TITLE h_gl=TITLE Glossary Menu Item6 Choose the Glossary menu item to view an alphabetized# glossary of terms specific to DTM.6 These terms are generally cross-referenced to related topics in the help system.RwwFf1 about =TITLE about-=TITLE About Digital Test Manager for OpenVMS=INCLUDE overview0 Copyright 2015 VMS Software, Inc and1 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P./ HP CONFIDENTIAL. This software is confidential1 proprietary software licensed by Hewlett-Packard4 Development Company, L.P., and is not authorized to7 be used, duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the prior written permission of HP.6 2015 Copyright Hewlett-Packard SDevelopment Company, L.P.2 VMS SOFTWARE, INC. CONFIDENTIAL. This software is2 confidential proprietary software licensed by VMS2 Software, Inc., and is not authorized to be used,4 duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the prior) written permission of VMS Software, Inc.# 2015 Copyright VMS Software, Inc.4 Software Version: Digital Test Manager for OpenVMS, version V4.5 wwFf 1 use_help=TITLE use_help=TITLE Using DTM Help=INCLUDE overview YTou can get help in two ways:5 o To get help about DTM tasks, choose Overview from the Help menu.0 The Overview topic describes the application3 and lists additional topics that explain common7 tasks. Double click on an additional topic for more information.8 o To get help about screen objects such as menu names,5 menu items, dialog boxes, and buttons, select the8 object with the mouse or keyboard and press the HELP key. wwFf 1 U overview=TITLE overview-=TITLE Overview of Digital Test Manager (DTM)4 DTM organizes and automates the software regression testing process.5 After you install a DTM system and create tests, you can : o Organize tests o Select and run tests7 o Compare current test results to previously verified results or benchmarks o Save test results# o Display test results for review7 For information about using Help, choose the Using DTM& Help... menu item from Vthe Help menu.6 For further information about using DTM, double click$ on an item under additional topics. 2 basics =TITLE basics=TITLE DECwindows Basics3 Information about using DECwindows, such as how to7 manage windows, and how to use dialog boxes and scroll. bars, is available from Session Manager help.3 To get Session Manager help, perform the following steps:4 o Pull down the Help menu from the Session Manager window.4 o Choose the Overview menu item. TWhe Overview help2 topic provides details about using DECwindows. 2 getting_started=TITLE getting_started=TITLE Getting Started=INCLUDE terms=INCLUDE overview invoke=INCLUDE overview exit=INCLUDE overview inv_com_box=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE overview set_up=INCLUDE overview create=INCLUDE overview run=INCLUDE overview compare=INCLUDE overview examine=INCLUDE overview prol_use=INCLUDE overview var_use6 You must create a DTM library and create tests beXfore7 you can use DTM for organizing, running, and reviewing test results.8 For more information on DTM features, double click on a& topic listed under additional topics. 2 invoke =TITLE invoke=TITLE Invoking DTM4 To invoke DTM, choose one of the following methods:5 o Invoke the DTM DECwindows interface by specifying2 the DTM command with the /INTERFACE=DECWINDOWS qualifier at DCL level.8 o Invoke the DTM DECwindows interface by selecting the6 DTM verb froYm within the FileView window. You must0 place the verb in one of the FileView menus.4 o Enter the DTM command at DCL level. This invokes8 the DTM subsystem shown by the prompt DTM>). Once in8 subsystem mode, you can execute commands by entering6 subcommands, keywords, parameters, and qualifiers. 2 exit =TITLE exit=TITLE Exiting DTM=INCLUDE mu l_mu l_xm5 To exit DTM from the DECwindows environment, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the Library menu.Z 2. Choose the Exit menu item.8 To exit DTM from a terminal environment, enter the EXIT command at the DTM> prompt. 2 inv_com_box=TITLE inv_com_box=TITLE Entering Commands5 The DTM DECwindows interface enables you to directly6 access all functions by choosing menu items, clicking5 on screen objects, and specifying text entry fields. 2 views =TITLE views=TITLE Using Views8 A view is a window containing a hierarchical display of1 a DTM library object and any associ[ated objects.7 You can display the information with various levels of5 detail. The following table shows view types and the% levels to which you can expand them: View Type Expansion0 Collection Collection attributes and result1 descriptions (preceded by icons),6 which expand to benchmark, result, and difference files Test Test attributes8 Group Subgroups, tests within groups, and test at\tributes# Variable Variable attributes History History records 3 cre_nvu=TITLE cre_nvu=TITLE Creating a New View=INCLUDE mu v_mu5 To replace the current view with a new view, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the View menu.8 2. Choose the type of view menu item (Collection, Test,! Group, Variable, or History).1 To create an additional view window, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Choose the New menu item].8 3. Choose the type of view menu item (Collection, Test,! Group, Variable, or History). 3 exp_vu =TITLE exp_vu$=TITLE Expanding an Object in a View=INCLUDE mu v_mu v_xm1 To expand an object in a view, double click on a0 display line that is preceded by an icon). Note5 that this causes the line to expand or collapse both2 children and attributes, depending on its current3 state. Children and attributes represent levels of detail about an object.2 Alternatively, yo^u can expand an object in a view4 by clicking on the object, then choosing the Expand7 menu item to display the children or attributes of the object.4 For example, after using a test view to display the8 tests in the current library, you can expand a specific5 test to display its attributes. Attributes of a test4 include the following: a template file, a benchmark4 file, a prologue file, an epilogue file, variables,4 groups, type of test, filters, and comparison type. 3 clps_vu_=TITLE clps_vu%=TITLE Collapsing an Object in a View=INCLUDE mu v_mu v_cm7 To collapse an expanded object in a view, double click2 on a display line that is preceded by an icon. By4 collapsing view objects, you hide the next level of6 detail (children and attributes) being displayed in a view.0 Alternatively, you can collapse the children or2 attributes of an object by clicking on the object6 you want to collapse, then choosing the Collapse menu item. 3 sel_vu =TITLE sel_v`u$=TITLE Selecting an Object in a View2 To select a single object in a view, click on the8 object. You can select more than one object by pressing6 the Shift key while you click on objects in the list. 3 clos_vu=TITLE clos_vu=TITLE Closing a View=INCLUDE mu v_mu v_clsm=INCLUDE mu l_mu l_cm8 To close the active view window when more than one view4 window is open (without exiting DTM), pull down the/ View menu and choose the Close View menu item.5 The Close View menu item ais accessible from both the3 Library and View menus. It is inactive if only one window is open. 2 set_up =TITLE set_up=TITLE Setting Up a DTM System6 To set up a DTM system to run tests, you must perform the following steps:! 1. Create or open a DTM library.0 2. Identify each test and related files to DTM. 3 des_lib=TITLE des_lib=TITLE Opening a DTM Library=INCLUDE terms library7 You can open an existing or new DTM library from which3 to reference and contbrol information by one of the following methods:# o Choose an existing DTM library.0 o Create a DTM library, which then becomes the referenced library. 4 create_lib=TITLE create_lib=TITLE Creating a DTM Library6 To create a new DTM library, you must first create an6 empty OpenVMS directory for the library, then perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the Library menu.# 2. Choose the Create... menu item.5 The Create Library dialog box enables you to cspecify4 all the attributes for the new library. The created7 library automatically becomes the current DTM library. 4 choose_lib=TITLE choose_lib'=TITLE Choosing an Existing DTM Library7 To open the current DTM library, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the Library menu.! 2. Choose the Open... menu item.1 The Open Library dialog box contains a field for entering the DTM library name. 3 history=TITLE history=TITLE DTM History1 When you created a DTM library, a history becomes4 associated with that library. Whenever you initiate3 an operation that alters the library, DTM logs the6 operation and its associated remark into the history.8 You can view history entries and add and delete remarks from the history. 4 vue_history=TITLE vue_history!=TITLE Displaying History Records=INCLUDE overview views=INCLUDE mu v_mu6 To display the history records, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the View menu.! 2. eChoose the History menu item. 4 remark =TITLE remark%=TITLE Adding a Remark to the History=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_cm m_chym3 To add a remark to the history, perform one of the following actions:2 o Enter text in remark fields (usually part of a5 dialog box for DTM operations). DTM logs the text you enter and the operation.4 o Log information about an unusual event using the* Create History dialog box, as follows:' - Pull down the Maintenance menu.6 f- Choose the Create menu item and the History... submenu item. 4 del_history=TITLE del_history0=TITLE Deleting History Records from the History=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_dm m_dhm8 To delete a specified range of history entries from the& history, perform the following steps:# 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.2 2. Choose the Delete menu item and the History... submenu item. 3 id_tests=TITLE id_tests =TITLE Identifying a Test to DTM=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_cm m_gctm/ DTM recognizes noninteractive, interactive and- DECwindows tests by their test descriptions.2 You must create a test description before you can5 execute a noninteractive test or record a DECwindows/ or interactive terminal test. To create a test* description, perform the following steps:# 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.4 2. Choose the Create menu item and the Test submenu item.7 3. Choose the type of test you want to create from the! submenu off the Test submehnu.7 The resulting dialog box contains text entry fields to specify the test attributes. 3 grouping_tests=TITLE grouping_tests=TITLE Creating a Test Group=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_cm m_cgpm=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_im m_itm6 You can organize tests into groups so that many tests# can be treated as a single entity.7 To create an empty group in the DTM library into which4 you subsequently place tests, perform the following steps:# 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.8 2. Chooise the Create menu item and the Group... submenu item.1 To place a test or group into an existing group, perform the following steps:# 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.6 2. Choose the Insert menu item and either the Test... or Group... submenu item. 2 create =TITLE create=TITLE Creating a Test!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests8 A test exercises a software application by supplying it7 with valid and invalid data to determine the integrity5 of the software. jYou must plan and create the tests.6 You can create three types of tests, depending on the needs of the application: o Noninteractive test o Interactive terminal test o DECwindows test- You must identify each test to DTM in a test4 description. After creating a test description, you4 can place the test into a collection for execution. 3 cre_noninter=TITLE cre_noninter%=TITLE Creating a Noninteractive Test!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests=INCLUDE mu m_muk m_cm m_ctm7 A noninteractive test is a test whose template file is a DCL command file.7 To create a noninteractive test, perform the following steps:' 1. Write the test using a text editor.7 2. Write the template file, which can be the test file6 itself or a OpenVMS command file that executes the specified test. 3. Create the test description. 3 cre_inter_term=TITLE cre_inter_term,=TITLE Creating an Interactive Terminal Test!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_ltests'=INCLUDE overview create rec_inter_term=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_cm m_ctm=INCLUDE mu t_mu t_rm4 To create an interactive terminal test, perform the following steps:- 1. Create the test description for the test.1 2. Record the test by running an application and. generating input and output interactively.5 With interactive terminal tests, you can also run an2 application with a previously created input file. 3 rec_inter_term=TITLE rec_inter_term-=TITLE Recordingm an Interactive Terminal Test4 To record an interactive terminal test, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the Testing menu.3 2. Choose the Record menu item and the Terminal... submenu item.3 3. Fill in the appropriate fields and press the OK button.4 DTM begins the recording session by creating a task7 and displaying the DCL prompt. Every action during the5 session is then recorded until you end the recording session by typing CTRL/P twice.7 The Record nfunctions record and place the input into a7 template file (filename.SESSION) and the output into a benchmark file (filename.BMK). 4 rec_commands=TITLE rec_commands#=TITLE Record Control Key Sequences=INCLUDE mu t_mu t_rm2 Use the default termination character (CTRL/P) to2 suspend a recording session. You can then issue a Record control key sequence.4 The following table contains the Record control key sequences. Key Sequence Function4 CTRL/P B Starts an a outomatic screen comparison and8 ends a manual screen comparison for terminal-6 based tests. This control key sequence does) not apply to DECwindows tests.6 CTRL/P ! Invokes a text editor so that you can enter3 a comment into the session file. You end7 the comment by pressing CTRL/Z. This control7 key sequence is not available for DECwindows testing.2 CTRL/P E Ends an automatic screen comparison and0 begin ps a manual screen comparison for1 terminal-based tests. This control key7 sequence does not apply to DECwindows tests.1 CTRL/P Ends the recording session and returns6 CTRL/P control to the previous command level. When6 you terminate a recording session this way,5 DTM saves the session and benchmark files.6 CTRL/P ? Displays the current screen comparison mode7 and lists the available recording functions.5 This control key qsequence is not available" for DECwindows testing.6 CTRL/P I Inserts an input file into the session file5 you are recording. DTM prompts you for the4 input file specification. Input files are3 available for interactive terminal tests only.5 CTRL/P C Marks a screen for comparison. This is the2 only way to mark screens for DECwindows3 tests. You must mark the specific screen2 that you want to compare for DE rCwindows8 tests. DTM automatically compares all screens5 for terminal-based tests. This control key8 sequence is used in terminal-based tests when, automatic comparison is disabled.7 CTRL/P Terminates an interactive recording session,8 CTRL/Z saves the session file, creates (or modifies)6 the test description, but does not save the benchmark file.5 CTRL/P W Invokes a prompt for you to specify a wait4 time. You isssue this control key sequence7 at the place in a session file that you want6 the wait to occur. When the session file is4 subsequently played or executed, the wait0 time is included in the session file.2 CTRL/P Aborts an interactive recording session5 CTRL/C without saving any of the generated files. 4 cre_inp_fl=TITLE cre_inp_fl=TITLE Creating an Input File=INCLUDE mu t_mu t_xtm=INCLUDE mu t_mu t_rm4 An input file is a text ftile that you can edit. DTM8 translates and writes all input, commands, and comments$ in a session file to an input file.2 You can use an input file to create a new session6 file from an existing session file for an interactive terminal test only.6 To create an input file, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the Testing menu.$ 2. Choose the Extract... menu item.4 To use the input file to create a new session file, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the Testing umenu.3 2. Choose the Record menu item and the Terminal... submenu item.7 The Record dialog box contains an Input file field for' use with an interactive terminal test. 3 cre_decw=TITLE cre_decw.=TITLE Creating an Interactive DECwindows Test!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests4=INCLUDE overview create rec_inter_term rec_commands$=INCLUDE overview create rec_dw_test=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_cm m_ctm=INCLUDE mu t_mu t_rm6 To create an interactive DECwindows test, perform tvhe following steps:- 1. Create the test description for the test./ 2. Record the test by running applications and. generating input and output interactively. 3 rec_dw_test=TITLE rec_dw_test"=TITLE Recording a DECwindows Test4 To record an interactive terminal test, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the Testing menu.5 2. Choose the Record menu item and the DECwindows... submenu item./ 3. Fill in the fields and press the OK button.7 You begin twhe recording session by pressing Compose/S.6 DTM then starts the specified application and records2 every action during the session until you end the6 session by pressing Compose/P. You mark screen images& for comparison by pressing Compose/M.6 DTM records and places the input into a template file4 (test_name.SESSION) and the output into a benchmark file (test_name.BMK). 2 run =TITLE run(=TITLE Running Tests within a Collection3 Before you can execute tests, you must make them ax8 part of a collection. Then you can execute the tests in8 batch mode or interactively as part of the collections.3 A collection is a "snapshot" of the specified test5 descriptions and their related files at the time the5 collection is created, Therefore, you must re-create8 the collection if you change a test description, group, or their contents. 3 cre_coll=TITLE cre_coll=TITLE Creating a Collection=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_cm m_c_cl5 To create a collection, perform the folloywing steps:# 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.5 2. Choose the Create menu item and the Collection... submenu item.5 The Collection dialog box enables you to place tests7 and groups of tests into a collection. It also enables8 you to specify options, such as collection prologue and) epilogue files and collection variables. 3 recre_coll=TITLE recre_coll=TITLE Recreating a Collection=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_rcm8 To re-create a collection, perform the following steps:z# 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.% 2. Choose the Recreate... menu item.4 If you change a test description or the contents of5 a group after including it in a collection, you must1 re-create the collection to include the changes. CAUTION3 Before recreating a collection, be sure that the2 prologue and epilogue files associated with the2 collection and template, prologue, and epilogue4 files associated with the tests in the collection3 exist i{n their proper directories. If DTM cannot1 find the template, prologue, or epilogue files4 specified in the original CREATE TEST_DESCRIPTION4 command, the original collection is deleted but a! new collection is not created. 3 del_colls=TITLE del_colls=TITLE Deleting a Collection=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_dm m_dcm5 To delete a collection, perform the following steps:# 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.5 2. Choose the Delete menu item and the Collection... submenu it|em. 3 exec_tests=TITLE exec_tests=TITLE Executing a Collection&=INCLUDE overview examine disp_results=INCLUDE overview views cre_nvu=INCLUDE mu t_mu t_sbm=INCLUDE mu t_mu t_rm4 When you execute a test collection, DTM sets up the3 test environment and executes all the tests in the2 collection. Each test in a collection generates a0 separate result file, which contains the output generated by the template file.0 DTM automatically compares the result file to a6 test's }benchmark file and logs any discrepancies in a8 difference file. After DTM compares the collection, you5 can view test results using DTM's Review and Display functions./ To execute an existing collection, perform the following steps: 1. Create a Collection view.3 2. Click on (highlight) the collection you want to execute. 3. Pull down the Testing menu.- 4. Choose the Submit... or Run... menu item.3 The Submit... menu item enables you to execute the8 selected co~llection in batch mode; the Run... menu item5 enables you to execute the collection interactively. 3 test_steps=TITLE test_steps=TITLE Steps in Test Execution=INCLUDE overview var_use=INCLUDE overview prol_use=INCLUDE overview user_filt=INCLUDE overview filt_use=INCLUDE overview compare8 DTM performs the following steps when it executes tests within a collection:3 1. Defines the DTM$COLLECTION_NAME variable as the collection name8 2. Defines any global variables with values as assigned# when the collection was created1 3. Executes the collection prologue file, if any perform the6 4. Calls a generic command file in the DTM library to" following tasks for each test: a. Defines local variables6 b. Defines the DTM$TEST_NAME variable as the test! name for the current test* c. Executes the test prologue, if any" d. Executes the test template3 e. Defines the DTM$RESULT variable as the test' result name of the current test* f. Executes the test epilogue, if any) g. Executes any user-defined filters( h. Executes filters provided by DTM! i. Undefines local variables) j. Undefines the DTM$RESULT variable4 5. Compares the result file with the benchmark file1 6. Executes the collection epilogue file, if any 3 stop_coll=TITLE stop_coll=TITLE Stopping a Collection=INCLUDE mu t_mu t_sm7 To terminate a collection running interactively, click2 on the Delete Task button in the Task dialog box.3 To terminate a collection executing in batch mode, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the Testing menu.! 2. Choose the Stop... menu item. 2 compare=TITLE compare+=TITLE Comparing Test Results to Benchmarks7 For every completed test in a collection, DTM performs the following steps:6 1. Compares the result file to the benchmark file, if any, 2. Saves the comparison status for the test. 3. Saves any differences in a difference file7 4. Deletes the result file if it matches the benchmark3 DTM will not automatically complete the comparison2 process if any of the following conditions exist:8 o You chose the option not to compare when you created the collection2 o A test in the collection is only partially run2 o Some of the tests in the collection do not run6 In each of these cases, you need to manually initiate5 the comparison of test results before you can review the results. 3 man_compare=TITLE man_compare&=TITLE Manually Comparing Test Results=INCLUDE mu t_mu t_cm8 To manually compare test results, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the Testing menu.$ 2. Choose the Compare... menu item.6 The Compare dialog box enables you to choose the type8 of test comparison, the differences format, and special7 characters that DTM should ignore during a comparison. 3 compare_status=TITLE compare_status=TITLE Test Comparison Status7 DTM reports one of the following comparison states for a test in a view window: Comparison Status Meaning1 Comparisons Comparison could not be completed aborted+ New test Test lacks a benchmark file7 Not run Test did not run during a partially run collection0 Successful Benchmark and result files match7 Unsuccessful Benchmark and result files do not match0 Updated Benchmark file updated after the+ comparison for a collection 2 examine=TITLE examine=TITLE Reviewing Test Results2 After running and comparing a collection, you can5 review the test results with DTM's Review functions.5 These functions include updating test benchmarks and Display functions.8 If DTM finds differences during the comparison process,7 it creates and stores result and difference files. You8 can display these files; the benchmark file can also be displayed. 3 open_coll=TITLE open_coll/=TITLE Making a Collection Available for Review=INCLUDE overview views cre_nvu&=INCLUDE overview examine disp_results=INCLUDE mu t_mu t_rm5 To review a collection, perform the following steps: 1. Create a Collection View.4 2. Click on (highlight) the specific collection you want to review. 3. Pull down the Testing menu.4 4. Choose the Review menu item and the Open submenu item.7 Once you open a collection, the database is locked. As2 primary reviewer, only you can update benchmarks.4 However, by clicking on the Read only button in the1 Review Collection dialog box, you become a read-3 only reviewer; you can display the contents of the. collection, but you cannot update benchmarks. 4 update =TITLE update'=TITLE Creating and Updating Benchmarks=INCLUDE overview views cre_nvu=INCLUDE mu t_mu t_rm2 To create or update a benchmark file, perform the following steps: 1. Create a Collection View.8 2. Click on (highlight) the collection whose benchmarks! you want to create or update. 3. Pull down the testing menu.4 4. Choose the Review menu item and the Open submenu item.2 5. Click on the OK button in the resulting Review Collection dialog box.4 6. In the collection view, expand the collection by+ double clicking on the collection name./ 7. Click on (highlight) the result description5 (preceded by an icon) whose benchmark you want to create or update. 8. Pull down the testing menu.1 9. Choose the Review menu item and the Update... submenu item.4 DTM automatically creates the first benchmark files7 from the recorded session's output for both DECwindows and terminal interactive tests./ For noninteractive tests, you create the first# benchmark file from a result file.4 You update the benchmark file using the result file6 when results do not match the previous benchmark file) but are the expected results for a test. 3 disp_results=TITLE disp_results;=TITLE Displaying Test Results, Differences, and Benchmarks=INCLUDE overview views cre_nvu=INCLUDE mu t_mu t_dm4 To display a result, difference, or benchmark file, perform the following steps: 1. Create a Collection View.7 2. Click on (highlight) the collection whose files you want to display. 3. Pull down the Testing menu.4 4. Choose the Review menu item and the Open submenu item.2 5. Click on the OK button in the resulting Review Collection dialog box.4 6. In the collection view, expand the collection by+ double clicking on the collection name.7 7. Expand the result description (preceded by an icon) by double clicking on it.1 8. Double click on (highlight) the specific file4 (result, difference, or benchmark) that you want to display. 2 prol_use=TITLE prol_use$=TITLE Using Prologues and Epilogues =INCLUDE overview run test_steps8 Prologue files and ep ilogue files enable you to control6 the DTM test environment. Both are command files that5 you create and associate with tests and collections.8 You use prologue files to set up test conditions before5 recording a test, running a test in a collection, or6 executing the collection as a whole. You use epilogue4 files to clean up or filter files after recording a7 test, running a test in a collection, or executing the collection as a whole.5 Tests, prologue files, and epilogue files execute in the following order: 1. Collection prologue file 2. Test1 prologue file 3. Test1 4. Test1 epilogue file 5. Test2 prologue file 6. Test2 7. Test2 epilogue file . . . 8. Collection epilogue file 3 cre_coll_prols=TITLE cre_coll_prols2=TITLE Creating a Collection Prologue and Epilogue3 You create prologue and epilogue files with a text1 editor. You must then identify the files to DTM.0 You can specify default collection prologue and5 epilogue files. All subsequently created collections8 invoke this file whenever DTM executes the collections./ You can override the default specifications by6 explicitly specifying a different collection prologue6 or epilogue file when you create the collection. When1 you override the default collection prologue and5 epilogue files, you do so only for the newly created collection. 4 cre_coll_def_pro=TITLE cre_coll_def_pro:=TITLE Creating Default a Collection Prologue and Epilogue4 To specify default collection prologue and epilogue7 files when you create a library, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the Library menu.# 2. Choose the Create... menu item.4 To specify default collection prologue and epilogue5 files when the library exists, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the Library menu.# 2. Choose the Modify... menu item./ In both cases, enter the names for the default7 collection prologue and epilogue files in the Prologue and Epilogue fields. 4 cre_coll_spec_pro=TITLE cre_coll_spec_pro<=TITLE Overriding a Default Collection Prologue and Epilogue#=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_cm m_c_cl m_ccdb5 You can override the default collection prologue and2 epilogue files for a specific collection when you4 create the collection. Enter a new file name in the5 Prologue and Epilogue fields to override the default( collection prologue and epilogue files.0 To associate prologue and epilogue files with a2 specific collection, perform the following steps:# 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.5 2. Choose the Create menu item and the Collection... submenu item.# 3. Click on the Options... button. 3 cre_test_prols=TITLE cre_test_prols,=TITLE Creating Test Prologues and Epilogues$=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_mdm m_mdtm m_mtdb5 To associate a test prologue or epilogue file with a3 test when you create a test description, enter the5 Prologue or Epilogue directory and filename into the field.5 To associate a test prologue or epilogue file with a3 test when the test description exists, perform the following steps:/ 1. From the Test View, click on the test to be modified.# 2. Pull down the Maintenance menu.7 3. Choose the Modify menu item and the Test... submenu item.1 4. Click the button for Prologue and/or Epilogue6 5. Type the directory and file name into the Prologue and/or Epilogue box7 Test prologue and epilogue files are executed whenever" DTM records or executes the test. 2 var_use=TITLE var_use=TITLE Using Variables0 You can create both global and local variables,& depending on the needs of your tests.8 DTM defines all global variables in the current library7 at the beginning of every test recording or collection5 run. Local variables are only defined while the test4 with which they are associated is being recorded or run.& DTM also supplies built-in variables.2 You can use both the variables you add to the DTM5 library and built-in variables in a test's template,/ prologue, or epilogue file. You can use global5 variables in collection prologue and epilogue files. 3 cre_vars=TITLE cre_vars=TITLE Creating Variables=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_cm m_cvm2 To create global and local variables, perform the following steps:# 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.3 2. Choose the Create menu item and the Variable... submenu item.3 The Variable dialog box enables you to specify the) value, scope, use, and type of variable.1 All tests can use global variables. However, you6 must explicitly associate local variables with a test description. 4 ass_lvar=TITLE ass_lvar5=TITLE Assigning Local Variables to Test Descriptions4 To assign a previously defined local variable to an2 existing test or to a test that you are creating, perform the following steps:/ 1. From the Test View, click on the test to be modified.# 2. Pull down the Maintenance menu.7 3. Choose the Modify menu item and the Test... submenu item. 4. Click the Variables button6 5. Enter the local variable into the Variables field.5 If you are creating a test, enter the local variable into the Variables field. 3 vue_vars=TITLE vue_vars)=TITLE Displaying Current Variable Values4 To change the active view window to an unrestricted, variable view, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the View menu.% 2. Choose the Variable... menu item.2 To create a new view window displaying variables, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the View menu.5 2. Choose the New menu item and the Variable submenu item. 3 mod_vars=TITLE mod_vars"=TITLE Modifying Current Variables=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_mdm m_mvrm8 To modify current default variables in the DTM library, perform the following steps:# 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.3 2. Choose the Modify menu item and the Variable... submenu item. 3 over_vars=TITLE over_vars)=TITLE Overriding Variable Default Values=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_mdm m_mdtm=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_cm m_ctm=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_cm m_c_cl5 To override a default variable for an existing test, perform the following steps:# 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.7 2. Choose the Modify menu item and the Test... submenu item.# 3. Click on the Options... button.5 Most tests use a variable's default value. For tests2 that require special handling or special variable- values, you can override existing variables.6 You can also override a variable's default value when2 you create the test by clicking on the Options...4 button in the Create Test dialog box, then entering8 the variable and a replacement value into the Variables field.4 You can override a global variable for a collection2 when you create the collection by clicking on the7 Options... button in the Create Collection dialog box. 3 del_vars=TITLE del_vars=TITLE Deleting Variables=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_dm m_dvm7 To delete a variable from the DTM library, perform the following steps:# 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.3 2. Choose the Delete menu item and the Variable... submenu item. 3 control_vars=TITLE control_vars*=TITLE Using Variables to Control Commands7 The following logical variables can be used to control1 the behavior of certain commands. They are fully6 described in the manual Guide to DIGITAL Test Manager5 for OpenVMS Systems or in the product Release Notes. o DTM$DATE_FILTER_FIRST o DTM$DATE_FILTER_MAX_YEAR o DTM$DATE_FILTER_MIN_YEAR o DTM$DATE_FILTER_STRING o DTM$DATE_MASK_MAX_YEAR o DTM$DATE_MASK_MIN_YEAR o DTM$DELAY_TIMEOUT o DTM$IGNORE_PROLOGUE_ERRORS o DTM$OMIT_PRINTABLE_SCREENS o DTM$RETAIN_RESULTS o DTM$TIME_FILTER_NO_SPACE 2 filt_use=TITLE filt_use=TITLE Using Filters7 You can mask data that varies in test results from one5 test run to the next using DTM filters. You can also6 mask data during the recording of a test to produce a filtered benchmark file.3 DTM filters change specified data types (like time6 stamps) to ASCII characters of a standard format. For6 example, a OpenVMS time stamp of 13:20:23.0002 can be changed to hh:mm:ss.xxxx.1 The following table lists the available filters: Keyword Filter3 ALL Specifies that all the filters in  this table be used4 DATE Where the date form is abbreviated, the0 date filter replaces date stamps by2 substituting a "d" for each displayed3 number of the day of the month, an "m"4 for each displayed letter of the month,7 and a "y" for each displayed number of the6 year. Where the date form is spelled out,7 the month name is replaced by "month", the6 numeric day is replaced by "day", and the( year is replaced by "year".6 The following list shows some examples of7 the date filtering functions; this list is not all inclusive.- 17-OCT-1998 with dd-mmm-yyyy) 17 OCT 98 with dd mmm yy) 98.OCT.17 with yy.mmm.dd' 10/17/98 with mm/dd/yy+ 1998/10/17 with yyyy/mm/dd6 October 17, 1998 with month day, year3  Oct. 17, 1998 with month day, year4 17.October.1998 with day.month.year2 98-October-17 with year-month-day4 TIME Replaces time stamps with the following forms:/ 15:37:53.22 with hh:mm:ss.xxxx' 15:37:53 with hh:mm:ss! 15:37 with hh:mm& 3:37 PM with hh:mm xm# 15H37m with hhHmmm# 15H37' with hhHmm'% 15.37 h with hh .mm h/ 15 h 37"53 s with hh h mm"ss s- 15 h 37 min with hh h mm min' kl 15.37 with kl hh.mm% h 15.37 with h hh.mm6 FILE_NAMES Replaces the file names with FILENAME.EXT1 DIRECTORIES Replaces the directory specification1 field in the file specification with DISK:[DIRECTORY]2 TRACE_BACK Replaces 32-bit memory addresses with6 xxxxxxxx and 64-bit memory addresses with xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx0 VERSION Replaces file versions with VERSION 3 cre_filt=TITLE cre_filt!=TITLE Applying Filters to a Test=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_cm m_ctm=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_mdm m_mdtm=INCLUDE mu t_mu t_ftm =INCLUDE overview run recre_coll=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_rcm5 To apply a filter to result files when you create or8 modify a test description, perform the following steps:# 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.7 2. Choose the Create or Modify menu item (depending on7 whether this a new or existing test) and choose the7 Test... submenu item from either resulting submenu.# 3. Click on the Options... button.4 4. Enable the filters you want applied to the test.2 To apply filters to any file, including files not2 associated with DTM, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the Testing menu.# 2. Choose the Filter... menu item.5 You must re-create any test collections that include modified tests. 3 del_filt=TITLE del_filt#=TITLE Deleting Filters from a Test=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_mdm m_mdtm =INCLUDE overview run recre_coll=INCLUDE mu m_mu m_rcm8 To delete a filter from a test description, perform the following steps:# 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.7 2. Choose the Modify menu item and the Test... submenu item.# 3. Click on the Options... button.6 4. Disable a filter by clicking on the filter name or button.5 You must re-create any test collections that include modified tests. 2 user_filt=TITLE user_filt=TITLE User Defined Filters=INCLUDE overview var_use=INCLUDE overview run6 The user defined filter facility provides a mechanism7 whereby filters written as DEC Text Processing Utility8 (DECTPU) programs are automatically executed when tests8 are run. These filters are referred to as user filters.6 The implementation enables users to solve easily many6 filtering problems, often with a single-line program,8 whilst allowing full access to the facilities of DECTPU to solve more complex cases.1 To implement a new filter, a file containing the1 required DECTPU commands is created. There are a3 number of predefined patterns and a global replace2 procedure provided which can be used to build the2 commands. For example, the following command will3 replace device names that precede a directory with the string "DEVICE":4 global_replace( identifier + ':[' , 'DEVICE:[' )7 Procedure global_replace is similar to the TPU pattern7 style feature of Language-Sensitive Editor and filters& can be developed using that facility.2 To associate a user filter with a test, a logical0 variable starting with the characters "DTM$UF_"2 is created. The value of the variable is the file0 specification of the file containing the DECTPU commands.5 The variable is then associated with the test in the usual way.3 When the test is run, as part of a collection, the filter will be applied. 3 uf_variables=TITLE uf_variables !=TITLE Variables for User Filters=INCLUDE overview var_use8 Variables with names beginning with the string "DTM$UF_4 " are used to control user filters. These variables6 must be logical variables but can be global or local.8 When tests are run that have associated variables whose6 names begin with the string "DTM$UF_", DTM will apply6 the user filters contained in the files referenced by8 the value of those variables. Only a single file may be referenced by each variable.8 The spe cified files are executed by DEC Text Processing8 Utility (DECTPU). If more than one user filter variable5 is associated with a test, the files are executed in8 the lexicographic order of the variable names. The user5 filters are applied before any built-in filters that! are also specified for the test.3 User filter files can be located either in OpenVMS/ directories or in Code Management System (CMS)6 libraries. Files may be specified using logical names3 including logical names that specify search lists.6 Wildcards cannot be used. For files in CMS libraries,7 the most recent generation on the main line of descent is used.1 Before the first file is executed the file to be1 filtered is read into the DECTPU buffer "filter_1 buffer". Next, the file specified by the logical+ name DTM$UFDEFINES is executed. The system/ logical name DTM$UFDEFINES references the file. SYS$LIBRARY:DTM$UFDEFINES.TPU, which contains7 definitions of a global replace procedure and pattern s8 which can be used in building filters. This logical can( be redefined to point to a custom file.1 Any errors in accessing the user filter files or3 in executing the DECTPU commands will be reported.5 However, they will not cause the filter operation to7 fail, and any remaining user and built-in filters will be applied.7 After all the user filters have been applied, the file4 being filtered will be written out. If any built-in4 filters are also specified, they are applied to the7 newly created file, resulting in a second new version.2 In order to disable a user filter that is defined5 with a global variable for a particular test, define3 the value of the variable for the test as a string containing only spaces. 3 uf_record=TITLE uf_record'=TITLE User Filters with Terminal Tests'=INCLUDE overview create rec_inter_term5 When using the FILTER option to filter the benchmark4 produced by recording an interactive terminal test,7 user filters associated with the test will be applied,1 provided that the VARIABLES option is also used. 3 uf_global_rep=TITLE uf_global_rep=TITLE Procedure global_replace0 The supplied file SYS$LIBRARY:DTM$UFDEFINES.TPU8 contains a global replace procedure and some predefined0 patterns that can be used to build filters. The0 specification of procedure global_replace is as follows:0 PROCEDURE global_replace ( pattern_to_replace,0 replacement_string;)  search_mode,2 evaluate_replacement,/ convert_linefeeds) DESCRIPTION:5 Replace all occurrences of a given pattern with a/ given string in the buffer "filter_buffer". PARAMETERS:9 pattern_to_replace The pattern to be replaced.; replacement_string The string to be substituted.: search_mode (optional) The mode of pattern matching7 to be used when sear ching8 for the pattern. Should be% one of:2 NO_EXACT (default)% EXACT1 TPU$K_SEARCH_CASE8 TPU$K_SEARCH_DIACRITICAL? evaluate_replacement Specifies whether the replacement8 (optional) string is to be evaluated./ Should be one of:0  OFF, 0 (default)% ON, 16 If specified as ON or 1,7 the replacement string is; evaluated before use. This is7 needed if the replacement9 string contains any partial8 pattern variables. In this7 case, any string literals7  in the replacement string9 must be specified as nested9 strings and partial pattern< variables converted to strings: using the TPU procedure STR.< convert_linefeeds Specifies whether any linefeed; (optional) characters in the replacement8 string are to be converted/ into line breaks./ Should be one of:0 OFF, 0 (default)% ON, 1 3 uf_examples=TITLE uf_examples=TITLE Examples of User Filters+ The user filter examples are listed below. 4 uf_example1=TITLE uf_example18=TITLE Example 1: Simple Use of procedure global_replace7 The following example assumes that the disks are named4 UDISK{n} where {n} is a number, for example UDISK1,7 UDISK13. This filter replaces such disk names with the string "DISK_NAME":3 global_replace ( 'UDISK' + number, 'DISK_NAME')6 The pattern to replace is built from a string literal2 ('UDISK'), the concatenation operator (+) and the6 pattern "number" included in the supplied definitions1 file. The pattern "number" matches a sequence of digits.4 The replacement string is the string literal 'DISK_ NAME'. 4 uf_example2=TITLE uf_example2(=TITLE Example 2: Using the Null Pattern3 This example uses the supplied "null" pattern with7 the DECTPU alternation operator to include an optional element in a pattern.5 Supposing that, in the previous example, some of the7 disk names do not include the leading "U", for example8 DISK7. The following filter replaces disk names with or without the leading "U":2 global_replace ( ("U"|null) + "DISK" + number,! "DISK_NAME") 4 uf_example3=TITLE uf_example3)=TITLE Example 3: Using Pattern Variables8 The following e xample filters dates in the form DD-MMM-7 YYYY, for example 11-OCT-1999. Because it only filters7 this one form of date, it is quicker than the built-in7 date filter which filters many different date formats.4 It is also not the exact equivalent of the built-in5 date filter in other respects, for example it treats4 37-NOV-0999 as a date, but should be sufficient for most purposes. day := any(" 123") + digit;, month := "JAN" | "FEB" | "MAR" | "APR" |, "MAY" | "JUN" | "JUL" | "AUG" |+ "SEP" | "OCT" | "NOV" | "DEC"; year := any(digits,4);+ date := day + "-" + month + "-" + year;) global_replace( date, "dd-mmm-yyyy");1 This filter defines the pattern variables "day",5 "month" and "year" which are then used to define the4 pattern variable "date" used in the call to global_ replace.4 The "day" pattern uses the DECTPU function "any" to7 match either a space or one of the characters "1", "2" or "3", followed by a digit.8 The "month" pattern uses the DECTPU pattern alternation5 operator "|" to specify a list of alternative string literals.2 The "year" pattern uses the DECTPU function "any"6 with the supplied pattern "digits". The "4" parameter3 indicates that exactly 4 digits are to be matched.3 The "date" pattern concatenates these patterns and linking punctuation. 4 uf_example4=TITLE uf_example4&=TITLE Example 4: Removing Blank Lines1 This filter removes blank lines using the DECTPU" keywords LINE_BEGIN and LINE_END./ global_replace( LINE_BEGIN + LINE_END, '');+ The LINE_END keyword absorbs the new line.3 The above filter only replaces lines containing no5 characters. The following filter also replaces lines+ containing only spaces and tab characters:5 global_replace( LINE_BEGIN + (white_space|null) + LINE_END, ''); 4 uf_example5=TITLE uf_example5C=TITLE Example 5: Using Partial Pattern Variables to Retain Context1 This example demonstrates how to use surrounding6 text to identify a string to be replaced without also replacing the surrounding text.0 The following filter replaces the month part of/ a date with the string "mmm". For example, the4 string "14-OCT-1999" will be replaced by the string "14-mmm-1999": day := any(" 123") + digit;, month := "JAN" | "FEB" | "MAR" | "APR" |, "MAY" | "JUN" | "JUL" | "AUG" |+ "SEP" | "OCT" | "NOV" | "DEC"; year := any(digits,4);B da te := (day + "-"@day_part) + month + ("-" + year@year_part);H global_replace( date, 'str(day_part) + "mmm" + str(year_part)',,ON);3 The day part of the date and the "-" character are6 assigned to the partial pattern variable day_part and5 the year part of the date and preceding "-" assigned7 to year_part. These partial pattern variables are then$ included in the replacement string.. When partial pattern variable are used in the. replacement string they must be evaluated for0 each re placement. To do this, set the parameter, evaluate_replacement to ON, as shown above.7 When the replacement string is to be evaluated, string4 literals must be nested inside further quotes. This3 is most easily done by using single quotes for the5 outer string and double quotes for any nested string3 literals, or vice-versa. Also, any partial pattern8 variables must be converted to strings using the DECTPU procedure STR.4 Note that including LINE_END in the definition of a2 partial pattern variable does not have the effect1 of retaining the line break. See example 6 for a resolution of this problem. 4 uf_example6=TITLE uf_example6,=TITLE Example 6: Using LINE_END for Context5 If the search pattern contains LINE_END, the matched5 line break will be removed, causing the next line to4 be appended to the current line. To use LINE_END to4 only provide context for the search, the line break5 must be reinserted. This is done using the parameter convert_linefeeds.7 If the convert_linefeeds parameter is specified as ON,5 any linefeed characters appearing in the replacement5 string are removed and the built-in DECTPU procedure2 SPLIT_LINE is called at the point of the linefeed character.7 The following filter replaces any numbers that are the/ last characters on a line with the string "x":1 global_replace (number+LINE_END, "x"+lf,,,ON)7 The "lf" pattern is defined as a linefeed character in the supplied definitions file./ I f a LINE_END is included in a partial pattern7 variable, the line break can be retained by specifying0 the second optional parameter to the DECTPU STR0 procedure as a linefeed character, for example:* global_replace (number+(LINE_END@sep),* '"x"+STR(sep,lf)',,ON,ON)6 The second parameter to STR specifies the string that7 line breaks occurring in the first parameter should be5 converted to. Line breaks are retained by specifying1 the linefeed character and setting the parameter convert_linefeeds to ON. 4 uf_example7=TITLE uf_example74=TITLE Example 7: Using UNANCHOR to Replace Sections3 The DECTPU keyword UNANCHOR can be used to replace5 sections of text delimited by specified strings. The5 following replaces all text between the strings "/*"8 and "*/" with the string "/* Text deleted */". The text may run across line boundaries:, global_replace ( "/*" + UNANCHOR + "*/",* "/* Text deleted */")7 Note that while a similar effect is possible using the4 COMPARE/SENTINEL command, the filter can be applied5 to individual tests, whereas the /SENTINEL qualifier applies only to collections. 4 uf_example8=TITLE uf_example8-=TITLE Example 8: Using Other DECTPU Commands2 The global_replace procedure can be used for many4 filtering tasks. However any DECTPU commands can be7 used to build filters. The file being filtered is read8 into the buffer "filter_buffer" before the user filters( are applied and written out afterwards.7 The following filter uses the DECTPU EDIT procedure to& convert all characters to upper case:$ EDIT( filter_buffer, UPPER, OFF)7 Note that while a similar effect is possible using the7 COMPARE/IGNORE=CASE command, the filter can be applied2 to individual tests, whereas the IGNORE qualifier applies only to collections.7 The following filter searches for numbers and replaces, them only if they are in a specified range:, POSITION (BEGINNING_OF (filter_buffer)); LOOP8 found_range := SEARCH_QUIETLY (number, FORWARD); EXITIF found_range = 0;' POSITION (END_OF(found_range)); MOVE_HORIZONTAL(1);' value := INT(STR(found_range));& IF (value>350) AND (value<570) THEN COPY_TEXT ("XXX"); ERASE (found_range); ENDIF; ENDLOOP;4 The initial POSITION is required to ensure that the5 whole of the filter_buffer is processed, because the8 editing point is undefined at the start of each filter.8 Then, as each number is processed, the editing point is4 moved to the end of the number. The MOVE_HORIZONTAL1 procedure call is necessary because the previous8 POSITION leaves the editing point at the last character8 of the number, which would result in an immediate match$ on the next call to SEARCH_QUIETLY. wwZGf1 terms =TITLE terms=TITLE Glossary for DTM Terms5 DTM has many terms specific to its own use. For more7 information, double click on any of the terms provided under additional topics. 2 acl =TITLE acl =TITLE Access Control List (ACL)2 A OpenVMS System protection scheme that grants or6 denies access to files based on a list of users. With8 ACLs, you can specify access for a set of users who are8 not in the same UIC group. See also User identification code (UIC). 2 benchmark_dir=TITLE benchmark_dir=TITLE Benchmark Directory*=INCLUDE overview examine open_coll update6 A OpenVMS directory or Code Management System library" that is used for benchmark files. 2 benchmark_file=TITLE benchmark_file=TITLE Benchmark File*=INCLUDE overview examine open_coll update4 A file that contains the expected output of a test.4 DTM automatically creates a benchmark file when you3 record an interactive terminal or DECwindows test.6 You create a benchmark file for a noninteractive test2 by pulling down the Testing menu and choosing the4 Review menu item and the Update submenu item during a Review session. 2 collection=TITLE collection=TITLE Collection=INCLUDE overview run0 One or more tests you select to run as a set. A8 collection is a "snapshot" of its tests and the library' at the time you create the collection.3 A collection can have prologue and epilogue files,+ filters, and variables associated with it./ To change a collection, you must re-create it.5 You can execute a test only as part of a collection. 2 coll_epilog_file=TITLE coll_epilog_file=TITLE Collection Epilogue File=INCLUDE terms test_epilog=INCLUDE overview prol_use4 Created with a text editor, the collection epilogue6 file contains the commands that enable you to control, the environment in which the tests are run.2 The collection epilogue file is associated with a3 collection; it is executed after the collection is( executed and is the last file executed.3 Typically, you use the collection epilogue file to8 delete directories created specifically for the process$ or for other clean up requirements. 2 coll_prol_file=TITLE coll_prol_file=TITLE Collection Prologue File=INCLUDE terms test_prolog=INCLUDE overview prol_use4 Created with a text editor, the collection prologue6 file contains the commands that enable you to control, the environment in which the tests are run.2 The collection prologue file is associated with a3 collection; it is executed whenever the collection, is executed, after the global variables and6 DTM$COLLECTION_NAME are defined, but before any tests are executed. 2 comm_file=TITLE comm_file=TITLE Command File=INCLUDE overview create7 Created with a text editor, the command file is a test6 file that contains the commands to run an application! in a noninteractive environment. 2 Comparison_status=TITLE Comparison_status=TITLE Comparison status4 The result description status of a test: Comparison6 Aborted, New Test, Not Run, Successful, Unsuccessful, Updated. 2 diff_file=TITLE diff_file=TITLE Difference File=INCLUDE overview compare7 A file created by DTM after comparing the results file2 to the benchmark file. DTM generates a difference3 file only if the result file and benchmark file do not match. 2 Display_device=TITLE Display_device=TITLE Display device- A terminal or DECwindows workstation screen. 2 dtm$coll=TITLE dtm$coll=TITLE DTM$COLLECTION_NAME5 A global symbol DTM assigns to a collection and uses4 as it executes prologue and epilogue files and test command files. 2 dtm$init=TITLE dtm$init=TITLE DTM$INIT7 A logical name that you assign to a DTM initialization file. 2 dtm$lib=TITLE dtm$lib=TITLE DTM$LIB/ A logical name that DTM assigns to the current library. 2 dtm$result=TITLE dtm$result=TITLE DTM$RESULT7 A logical name that DTM assigns to the result file for a specific test.0 DTM uses the logical name when it runs the test epilogue file. 2 dtm$test_name=TITLE dtm$test_name=TITLE DTM$TEST_NAME3 A local OpenVMS symbol that DTM assigns to a test., DTM uses the symbol when it runs that test. 2 dtm$decw$display=TITLE dtm$decw$display=TITLE DTM$DECW$DISPLAY8 A local OpenVMS symbol that DTM assigns to a DECwindows display.6 DTM uses the symbol when it records, runs, or plays a test. 2 DTM$DELAY_TIMEOUT=TITLE DTM$DELAY_TIMEOUT!=TITLE DTM$DELAY_TIMEOUT Variable7 A local OpenVMS symbol that DTM assigns to a specified4 standard OpenVMS delta time. You can use DTM$DELAY_1 TIMEOUT to specify your own delay timeout value. 2 DTM$OMIT_PRINTABLE_SCREENS!=TITLE DTM$OMIT_PRINTABLE_SCREENS*=TITLE DTM$OMIT_PRINTABLE_SCREENS Variable8 A local OpenVMS symbol that DTM assigns a boolean value3 that enables or disables the creation of printable8 versions of the result (.RES_SCREENS) and the benchmark (.BMK_SCREENS) files. 2 field =TITLE field =TITLE Field=INCLUDE terms test_desc=INCLUDE terms field_val5 A test description element that you use to associate. specific information with a test description.5 The test description fields are test name, template,2 benchmark, prologue, epilogue, variables, groups, filters, and remark. 2 field_val=TITLE field_val=TITLE Field Value=INCLUDE terms field=INCLUDE terms test_desc& A value for a test description field.6 When you supply a value for a test description field,5 you associate specific files, variables, filters, or+ other attributes with the associated test. 2 filter =TITLE filter =TITLE Filter=INCLUDE overview filt_use1 A means for substituting constant values for the following run-time variables: o Directory names o File names o Version numbers o Date o Time o Traceback information 2 group =TITLE group =TITLE Group'=INCLUDE overview set_up grouping_tests6 A set of tests that are gathered under a single group0 name so that they can be manipulated as a unit.8 Tests of similar functions are generally organized into a group.6 Groups simplify the testing procedure by enabling you4 to group tests that test specific functions without running unrelated tests. 2 history=TITLE history=TITLE History =INCLUDE overview set_up history6 A historical record of operations that change the DTM library.5 For example, CREATE and DELETE operations are logged3 in the history records; DISPLAY operations are not logged. 2 inp_file=TITLE inp_file=TITLE Input File2=INCLUDE overview create rec_inter_term cre_inp_fl8 A file you can edit that contains a text representation4 of all user input, nonprintable control characters,1 and recording functions in a session file for an interactive terminal test. 2 init_fil=TITLE init_fil=TITLE Initialization File2 A DTM command file to be executed whenever DTM is invoked as a subsystem. 2 inter_term_tst=TITLE inter_term_tst =TITLE Interactive Terminal Test'=INCLUDE overview create cre_inter_term7 A test that includes recorded input and output from an- application in a terminal-based environment.5 You create an interactive terminal test by using the Record functions of DTM.8 The template file for an interactive terminal test is a session file. 2 inter_dw_test=TITLE inter_dw_test"=TITLE Interactive DECwindows Test!=INCLUDE overview create cre_decw7 A test that includes recorded input and output from an) application in a DECwindows environment.1 You create a DECwindows test by using the Record functions of DTM.3 The template file for a DECwindows-based test is a session file. 2 Keypad_key=TITLE Keypad key=TITLE Keypad key0 The editing and numeric keypads, as well as the3 function keys. These keys are user-definable using the DEFINE/KEY command. 2 Keysym =TITLE Keysym =TITLE Keysym3 A value associated with a key on the keyboard. The6 key values are translated by means of the KEYSYMDEF.H1 translation table file and enable DTM to use any keyboard. 2 library=TITLE library=TITLE Library =INCLUDE overview set_up des_lib3 A OpenVMS directory containing the information DTM needs to manage a test system.6 The DTM library contains the control file, collection5 subdirectories, result files, difference files, and,) optionally, benchmark and session files. 2 Local_variable=TITLE Local_variable=TITLE Local variable8 A DCL symbol or logical name that is defined only while7 the test with which it is associated is running. Local5 variables can be used by the prologue, template, and* epilogue files associated with this test. 2 Mask =TITLE Mask =TITLE Mask4 A user-defined area on a DECwindows benchmark image8 that is ignored when the results of a test are compared8 against the benchmark image. Mask are created using the DTM Screen Editor. 2 noninter_test=TITLE noninter_test=TITLE Noninteractive Test%=INCLUDE overview create cre_noninter1 A test where the template is a DCL command file. 2 Panning=TITLE Panning=TITLE Panning2 Moving a DECwindows workstation screen image with4 the pointer; the image remains in the same position relative to the pointer. 2 Primary_reviewer=TITLE Primary_reviewer=TITLE Primary reviewer3 A person who enters the REVIEW command without the7 /READ_ONLY qualifier. Only one person at a time can be8 the primary reviewer of a collection. This reviewer can6 use all Review subsystem commands. See also Read-only reviewer. 2 Read_only_reviewer=TITLE Read_only_reviewer=TITLE Read-only reviewer7 A person who enters the REVIEW command with the /READ_4 ONLY qualifier. A read-only reviewer can peruse the5 result descriptions and print files, but cannot make4 any changes to the result descriptions. A read-only5 reviewer cannot issue the UPDATE or INSERT commands. 2 reg_test=TITLE reg_test=TITLE Regression Testing/ A testing method to ensure that software being1 developed or modified runs consistently and that4 new features do not affect the correct execution of previously tested features.5 In regression testing, you run established tests and5 compare the results with the successful results from6 previous test runs. If the new results do not conform5 to the previously verified results, the software may4 contain errors. When errors exist, the software has regressed. 2 remark =TITLE remark =TITLE Remark =INCLUDE overview set_up history7 A comment associated with a DTM operation and recorded in the history file. 2 res_desc=TITLE res_desc=TITLE Result Description=INCLUDE overview views5 A summary of test results, which are accessible with the view functions of DTM.2 DTM generates a result description for every test description in a collection. 2 res_file=TITLE res_file=TITLE Result File&=INCLUDE overview examine disp_results =INCLUDE overview run exec_tests8 A file containing the results of a test's execution; it8 is accessible using the Review and Display functions of DTM. 2 Screen_Editor=TITLE Screen Editor=TITLE Screen Editor. A utility for viewing benchmark, results, and5 differences screens and creating masks for benchmark images. 2 Scrolling=TITLE Scrolling=TITLE Scrolling2 Moving a DECwindows workstation screen image with0 sliders or increment arrows in the scroll bars. 2 sess_file=TITLE sess_file=TITLE Session File'=INCLUDE overview create cre_inter_term!=INCLUDE overview create cre_decw0 A file with the file type .SESSION containing a3 recording of an interactive terminal or DECwindows session., A session file contains the following data:8 o A description of the type of display device on which you recorded the test6 o A record of all input during the recording session- o Additional control and timing information 2 templ_dir=TITLE templ_dir=TITLE Template Directory=INCLUDE overview create6 A OpenVMS directory or Code Management System library4 used for template files in the current DTM library. 2 templ_file=TITLE templ_file=TITLE Template File=INCLUDE overview create, A OpenVMS command procedure that executes a4 noninteractive test, or a session file containing a5 recorded Interactive terminal or DECwindows session.6 Template files exist for the following types of tests DTM can process: Test Template Noninteractive Command file6 Interactive Session file produced when you record' Terminal an interactive session8 DECwindows Session file produced when you record a# DECwindows session 2 Tc_block=TITLE Tc_block%=TITLE Terminal characteristics block/ The first 12-byte record in a session file; it5 describes the type of terminal on which the terminal5 session was recorded and the characteristics of that terminal. 2 term_char=TITLE term_char=TITLE Termination Character4=INCLUDE overview create rec_inter_term rec_commands5 The character that is entered twice to terminate the3 recording of an interactive terminal or DECwindows6 session. The default termination character is CTRL/P. 2 Test =TITLE Test =TITLE Test2 A command procedure or recorded session file that4 executes applications for the purpose of regression testing. 2 test_desc=TITLE test_desc=TITLE Test Description=INCLUDE terms field=INCLUDE terms field_val!=INCLUDE overview set_up id_tests7 A set of fields for which you supply values that point4 to the files and other entities associated with the test.4 A test description contains all the information DTM6 needs to run a particular test. Each test must have a corresponding test description. 2 test_epilog=TITLE test_epilog=TITLE Test Epilogue File=INCLUDE terms coll_epilog_file=INCLUDE overview prol_use7 Created with a text editor, the optional test epilogue6 file contains the commands that enable you to control5 the environment in which DTM records and runs tests.8 A test epilogue file is associated with a specific test4 description; it is executed after the test template7 is recorded or executed and DTM$RESULT is defined, but5 before DTM-provided filters are applied to the test.8 Typically, you use the test epilogue file to modify the8 results file of record-dependent and run-dependent data or other clean up operations.1 Output from an execution of a test epilogue file0 appears in the test results and can affect test results. 2 test_prolog=TITLE test_prolog=TITLE Test Prologue File=INCLUDE terms coll_prol_file=INCLUDE overview prol_use7 Created with a text editor, the optional test prologue6 file contains the commands that enable you to control5 the environment in which DTM records and runs tests.3 A test prologue file is associated with a specific4 test description; it is executed before the session5 file is recorded or before the test is executed in a collection.4 Typically, you use the test prologue file to set up8 any special environment that the test requires, such as6 setting up constants, defining versions and logicals, or creating directories.8 Output from a test prologue file does not appear in the test results. 2 UIC =TITLE UIC=TITLE User identification code3 A code that determines a user's access rights to a$ file. See also Access Control List. 2 variable=TITLE variable=TITLE Variable=INCLUDE overview var_use/ A user-defined OpenVMS symbol or logical name.4 DTM stores variables in its library for use when it2 executes tests. There are two types of variables:8 Global Once created, global variables are accessible0 by any test in all collections if the6 test's template, prologue, or epilogue file# references the variable.3 Local Local variables are accessible only to a7 single test if the variable is referenced in5 the test's template, prologue, or epilogue file. 2 CMS =TITLE CMS=TITLE Code Management System5 A software library system that stores files, records6 changes made to the files, and records user access of the files. 2 pca =TITLE pca.=TITLE Performance and Coverage Analyzer (PCA)6 A software development tool that collects performance2 and coverage data on a program and enables you to! interactively analyze that data.3 When you use DTM with the Performance and Coverage5 Analyzer, DTM invokes the Collector of PCA to gather7 performance and coverage data while tests are running. 2 view =TITLE view =TITLE View=INCLUDE overview views7 A window that contains a hierarchical display of a DTM+ library object and any associated objects.6 You can request that DTM present the information with various levels of detail.ww9z*Hf DECSETBLD muaboutuse_helpoverviewterms