HP DECset for OpenVMS HP Digital Test Manager for OpenVMS Release Notes December 2007 These release notes describe important general information, new and changed features, current restrictions, and documentation notes that pertain to the HP Digital Test Manager Version 4.4-1 for OpenVMS software. Operating System Version: OpenVMS Integrity servers Versions 8.2-1 and 8.3 OpenVMS Alpha Versions 7.3-2, 8.2, and 8.3 Software Version: HP DECset Version 12.8 ECO1 for OpenVMS HP Digital Test Manager Version 4.4-1 for OpenVMS Hewlett-Packard Company Palo Alto, California ________________________________________________________________ © Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Intel and Itanium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Java is a US trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Microsoft and Windows are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Printed in the US _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 General Information 1.1 Introduction.................................. 1-1 1.2 Associated Documents.......................... 1-1 1.3 Using HP DTM with DECwindows Motif............ 1-2 1.4 Installation Requirements..................... 1-2 2 New Features 2.1 New Features in HP DTM Version 4.4-1.......... 2-1 2.2 New Features in HP DTM Version 4.4............ 2-1 2.2.1 Extended File Specifications.............. 2-1 3 Problems Fixed 3.1 Problems Fixed in HP DTM Version 4.4-1........ 3-1 3.2 Problems Fixed in HP DTM Version 4.4.......... 3-1 4 Known Problems 4.1 General....................................... 4-1 4.2 DECwindows Interface.......................... 4-5 5 Restrictions iii 6 Documentation Errata and Addenda 6.1 Errata........................................ 6-1 Tables 1-1 HP DTM Installation Requirements (Minimum)................................. 1-2 1-2 HP DTM Account Quotas..................... 1-3 iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface These release notes characterize the HP Digital Test Manager for OpenVMS (HP DTM), Versions 4.4-1 and 4.4 software. These notes contain information that either supplements or supersedes the information in the HP DECset Version 12.8 ECO1 for OpenVMS (DECset) documentation set. Intended Audience These release notes are intended for users and system managers who need information about HP DTM. Document Structure These release notes are organized as follows: o Chapter 1 contains general information about this release. o Chapter 2 contains a description of the new features. o Chapter 3 describes the problems resolved. o Chapter 4 describes the known problems. o Chapter 5 describes the restrictions. Related Documents For additional information about OpenVMS or DECset products and services, visit the following web address: http://www.hp.com/go/openvms v Reader's Comments HP welcomes your comments on these release notes. Please send comments to either of the following addresses: Internet openvmsdoc@hp.com Mail Hewlett-Packard Company OpenVMS Documentation, ZKO3-4/Y02 110 Spit Brook Rd. Nashua, NH 03062-2698 How To Order Additional Documentation For information about how to order additional documentation, visit the following web address: http://www.hp.com/go/openvms/doc/order Conventions The following conventions are used in these notes: ___________________________________________________________ Convention__________Description____________________________ $ A dollar sign ($) represents the OpenVMS DCL system prompt. Ctrl/x The key combination Ctrl/x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key, for example, Ctrl/Y or Ctrl/Z or a pointing device button. boldface text Boldface text represents the introduction of a new term. monospace boldface Boldface monospace text represents user text input in interactive examples. italic text Italic text represents book titles, parameters, arguments, and information that can vary in system messages (for example, Internal error number). vi ___________________________________________________________ Convention__________Description____________________________ UPPERCASE Uppercase indicates the name of a command, routine, the name of a file, the name of a file protection code, or the abbreviation of a system privilege. lowercase Lowercase in examples indicates that you are to substitute a word or value ____________________of_your_choice.________________________ vii 1 _________________________________________________________________ General Information The information in these release notes pertains to the HP Digital Test Manager for OpenVMS (HP DTM), Version 4.4- 1 and 4.4 software. HP suggests that you upgrade your environment incrementally with each new release but there is no technical requirement to do so. It is recommended that you review the release notes for each version because they capture important release-oriented information and advise you of changes between versions. 1.1 Introduction HP DTM Version 4.4-1 is a patch release. 1.2 Associated Documents The following documents contain information related to HP DTM. The documents associated with HP DTM are: o HP DECset for OpenVMS Guide to DIGITAL Test Manager o HP DECset for OpenVMS DIGITAL Test Manager Reference Manual Also applicable are the general DECset documents: o HP DECset for OpenVMS Installation Guide o HP DECset for OpenVMS Software Product Description o HP DECset for OpenVMS Guide to Detailed Program Design o Using HP DECset for OpenVMS Systems In addition to the base HP Digital Test Manager documentation, the DECset engineering team has also provided the HP DECset for OpenVMS Cookbook for an Integrated Product Development Environment. This document comprises a series of technical articles that describe how General Information 1-1 each of the component applications can be used in different programming environments. This document is available in PostScript (.PS), HTML (.HTML), and ASCII text (.TXT) formats from the following location after installing the product: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DECSET]DECSET_COOKBOOK.* 1.3 Using HP DTM with DECwindows Motif To use HP DTM with the DECwindows Motif interface, one of the following product must be installed: o HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 1.6 o HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3-1 or 1.5 1.4 Installation Requirements Table 1-1 lists the installation requirements for HP DTM. Table_1-1_HP_DTM_Installation_Requirements_(Minimum)_______ Global Disk Space Disk Space Page/PageletGlobal Operating During After Sections System______Installation_Installation_Required____Required_ OpenVMS 27,000 16,000 6,300 11 Integrity pagelets[1] servers OpenVMS 25,000 16,500 3,000 10 Alpha pagelets[1] [1]Plus_the_size_(in_number_of_disk_blocks)_of_the_file____ SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE at installation. ___________________________________________________________ Table 1-2 lists the account quotas for HP DTM. 1-2 General Information Table_1-2_HP_DTM_Account_Quotas____________________________ OpenVMS Integrity Resource_Name__servers____________OpenVMS_Alpha____________ ASTLM 100 100 BYTLM 60,000 60,000 ENQLM 30 30 FILLM 20 20 PRCLM 4 4 PGFLQUOTA______20,000_____________20,000___________________ ________________________ Note ________________________ DECwindows testing might require different quotas for other applications being tested. ______________________________________________________ A minimum required page file quota for using HP DTM varies depending on the application under test. If you encounter unexplained exceeded quota errors, increase your page file quota. One approach to determine an appropriate value is to observe the resources consumed at peak system usage. Then set the page file quota to a value somewhat beyond that required at peak usage. General Information 1-3 2 _________________________________________________________________ New Features 2.1 New Features in HP DTM Version 4.4-1 No new features have been added to HP DTM for Version 4.4- 1. 2.2 New Features in HP DTM Version 4.4 2.2.1 Extended File Specifications DTM now supports creation and use of DTM library on ODS-5 disk. It provides support for longer file names and has a greater range of legal characters than the previous version of OpenVMS. DTM can now preserve the case of file names, test names, and collection names. Group names and variable names will always be in upper-case. The length of expression name is increased to 228 characters from 39 characters. DTM also provides support for deep directories. For more information on the supported characters and limit for long file names, refer to OpenVMS Guide to Extended File Specifications. New Features 2-1 3 _________________________________________________________________ Problems Fixed 3.1 Problems Fixed in HP DTM Version 4.4-1 The following problems are fixed and restrictions removed in HP DTM Version 4.4-1: o HP DTM displays diagnostic messages while running some commands. o An ACCVIO error occurs when DTM calls CMS by passing the CMS Library Data Block. o /PARSE_STYLE and /CASE_LOOKUP qualifiers are not supported on DTM. The EFS version of DTM Version 4.4-1 supports the SET PROCESS command with the /PARSE_STYLE and /CASE_LOOKUP qualifiers and its associated parameters to process the file, group, and collection names. 3.2 Problems Fixed in HP DTM Version 4.4 The following problems are fixed and restrictions removed in HP DTM Version 4.4: o DTM supports execution of tests in a Captive Account. DTM does not support SPAWN command with captive accounts. Problems Fixed 3-1 4 _________________________________________________________________ Known Problems 4.1 General The following known problems exist in HP DTM Version 4.4-1: o ID:1009 - DTM secondary messages (-DTM-E-ALPHACHAR) While creating, accessing or modifying a DTM expression, if the correct syntax is not used DTM displays secondary error messages. For example: $ DTM create group "" "try a null group name" %DTM-E-NOCREATE, error creating group "" -DTM-E-ALPHACHAR, the first character in "" must be alphanumeric o ID:1011 - "-CMS-E-NOTFOUND" error message While creating a DTM library or a test, if you have mentioned that the template or the benchmark files are in the CMS library, ensure that the files are located in the respective libraries. If the files are not present in the CMS library and if you try to create a DTM collection using those tests, CMS checks for the availability of the files and displays the following error message: %DTM-S-CREATED, collection ac1 created -CMS-E-NOTFOUND, Element A1.BMK not found However, when the /NOVERIFY qualifier is used, DTM will not verify the existence of the files and will not display the error message. The following known problems exist from HP DTM Version 4.4: o ID:645 - Rooted logical names cause failures when tests are compared. Known Problems 4-1 Rooted logical names are not valid in the specification of test benchmark files. If used, the test executes successfully but the comparison of the test result file and the benchmark file fails. The test benchmark file can be amended using the commands: CREATE, MODIFY TEST /BENCHMARK and SET BENCHMARK_DIRECTORY. An example of a rooted logical definition is DISK$:[USER.]. o ID:671 - Drawing using REGIS causes HP DTM to hang. Using the interactive terminal record function to record tests of applications which perform drawing using REGIS causes HP DTM to hang. This occurs due to a buffer limit inside HP DTM. o ID:744 - DTM STOP command can delete the wrong batch job. If a collection is submitted to batch and the batch job terminates abnormally, the HP DTM library indicates the collection is still running. If the DTM STOP command is specified for this collection, the batch job is deleted using the entry number for the job. However, the job created for the collection no longer exists, which then allows the queue manager to reuse the entry number. The result is that the wrong batch job can be deleted. The DCL commands SHOW QUEUE and/or SHOW ENTRY should be used to verify that the collection is still executing, before using the DTM STOP command. If the collection is not currently executing, the VERIFY /RECOVER command should be used to correct the inconsistency in the HP DTM library. o ID:835 - Using /REALTIME qualifier with RECORD/INPUT can result in slow test execution. Specifying the /REALTIME qualifier on the RECORD /INPUT command to record an interactive terminal test, where the input file contains WAIT records, results in duplication of wait records in the new session file. This causes substantially slower test execution. The work around is to remove unwanted WAIT records from the session file. See the HP DECset for OpenVMS Guide to DIGITAL Test Manager for information about these topics. o ID:952 - SHOW/BENCHMARK for interactive test fails in batch job 4-2 Known Problems If the benchmark for an interactive test is held in a CMS library, a SHOW/BENCHMARK command issued from a batch job fails with the error message: %DTM-E-NOSHOW, error showing file DISK:[DIRECTORY]FILENAME.EXT -RMS-E-FNF, file not found The file does not get fetched from CMS. o ID:962 - Treatment of errors accessing epilogue files There can be a failure to read the epilogue file for a test if the collection was created /NOVERIFY, if the epilogue was read protected or if it existed when the collection was created, but was subsequently moved or deleted. If the epilogue file cannot be read then the only indication is a message in the log file. The test is considered to have completed so the result and the benchmark will be compared and the test may pass. Tests are shown as successful or unsuccessful but the epilogue file has not been run. The work around is to correct the problem with the test epilogue and rerun the collection. o ID:973 - The "Hold until" field on the Submit window does not work. The "Hold until" field on the Submit window does not work correctly. If a time is specified, the wrong date is used. If only a date is specified, the time part defaults to the current time rather than midnight. The work around is to submit collections using the DCL command $ SUBMIT/AFTER o ID:988 - T records acted on when the collection /REALTIME qualifier is not set Specifying T records when the /REALTIME qualifier is not set can result in tests running very slowly. The work around is to remove the T record from the session file. o ID:989 - RUN and SUBMIT of test can produce different results Known Problems 4-3 When run under DTM RUN, the output from the template command file is directed to a mailbox and from there sent to the result file. When run under DTM SUBMIT, the output goes directly to the result file. For example, consider a non_interactive test that writes output to sys$output using the C fwrite command: fwrite ("message", 1, 7, stdout) When run under the DTM RUN command, this routine writes 1 character per line. When run under the DTM SUBMIT command, this routine writes "message" on 1 line. o ID:990 - Stop of interactive run can terminate a batch job If you use RUN to run a collection, use CTRL/C to interrupt the run, and finally use DTM STOP to try and stop the collection, DTM erroneously tries to stop a batch job using the process number as the job number. Note that only on a system not in a cluster are you likely to get a process number that could be mistaken for a job number. o ID:993 - Problems running interactive test with concealed logical name If an interactive test has a concealed logical name in the template then the test does not play correctly. Non-interactive tests do not have the problem. o ID:994 - Missing lines in interactive screen review When reviewing differences in an interactive test in the default horizontal split mode and using KP3 to move between screen halves, 1 or 2 lines are missing in the lower display. o ID:995 - Interactive screen review can put blinking cursor at random position If an interactive test screen ends with the blinking cursor for the DCL prompt and the screen is larger than the top half of the review display then the blinking cursor appears in a "random" position in the lower screen. 4-4 Known Problems 4.2 DECwindows Interface The following known problems exist for the DECwindows interface HP DTM Version 4.4: o ID:398 - "^P W" and "^P !" commands for interactive terminal tests do not work. When recording interactive terminal tests using the DECwindows interface, the "^P W" and "^P !" commands to enter wait records and comments do not work. If these capabilities are required, record interactive terminal tests from the DCL interface. o ID:893 - DECwindows testing problems repositioning windows. A test recording containing an action to reposition a window causes the test to hang and the mouse pointer to change to the plus sign (+) with arrowheads. The test will only continue, from the original reposition action, if the window is repositioned manually and MB1 clicked. A similar problem occurs if windows are resized, except the mouse pointer changes to a resize cursor. The work around to the repositioning problem is to set the Workspace Options to "When moving a window, show the entire window" rather than showing the outline only. This works whichever option was applicable when the test was recorded. There is no equivalent work around for the resizing problem. o ID:965 - DECterm positioning information ignored by DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.2-6 and 1.3. The DECterm created by RECORD, PLAY and RUN operations is incorrectly positioned. Also, the logical names DTM_DECTERM_X and DTM_DECTERM_Y have no effect on the position. This is caused by a problem in DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.2-6 and 1.3 which ignores the positioning information. o ID:972 - DECwindows failure expanding a collection that is running. Known Problems 4-5 Expanding a collection, either using the expand attributes item on the View menu or by double clicking on the collection, causes a failure if the collection is running. This problem only occurs if the windows are being displayed on a PC using Digital eXcursion. If HP DTM has been started with a DCL command, the following messages are displayed on the terminal where the command was issued: %DTM-F-BUG, There is a bug in Digital Test Manager or something it calls -DTM-F-LIBLOCKED, cannot lock the library; already locked The HP DTM windows disappear and the above messages are produced. The work around is to use the DCL command: $ DTM SHOW COLLECTION o ID:980 - Missing messages playing DECwindows tests on Alpha and Integrity server systems. When playing DECwindows tests, either with the PLAY command or as part of a collection, some messages relating to synchronization are not displayed. If the text in a WaitForText record is not matched within the timeout period, the messages %DTM-I-FORCESYNCH and %DTM-W-TIMEOUTFIRED should be displayed, but are not. In addition, if the "generalVerboseFlag" resource is set to "1", the message %DTM-I-SYNCHMATCH is not displayed when text is successfully matched. o ID:981 - Details wrong in messages for DECwindows tests on Alpha and Integrity server systems. When recording or playing a DECwindows test on Alpha and Integrity server systems, some details in the informational messages are incorrect. The %DTM-I-XTRAPVERSION message displays the wrong version number for XTrap. Also, the %DTM-I-RECORDING and %DTM-I-PLAYING messages display "at line 0" rather than the correct line number. o ID:996 - Incorrect SetScreen statement in DECwindows session file 4-6 Known Problems On a dual-screen configuration, recording a DECwindows test with the display set to screen 1 inserts a SetScreen(0) statement in the session file. It should be SetScreen(1). It does get the correct screen number information in the header information. The work around is to edit the session file to insert the correct screen number. o ID:999 - NOMSGBLK when playing DECwindows session file When attempting to play a DECwindows session to a system from which the session had enabled access from the user, but was not logged in, the following messages may be incorrectly displayed: $ DTM PLAY TEST_DECW.SESSION/DECWINDOWS %DTM-I-XTRAPVERSION, Display :0.1 is running XTrap V0.3-0 (null) %DTM-F-NOMSGBLK, CheckStatus could not create a Message Block o ID:1006 - DECwindows Modify Test Comparison Type defaults set incorrectly When modifying a test, if the comparison type is modified, then whether the change is saved or not, when the next test is displayed, the comparison type is not reset correctly. It is set to the comparison type of the previous test or change. The workaround is to update the display from the View Menu before selecting another test. Known Problems 4-7 5 _________________________________________________________________ Restrictions The following restrictions exist for HP DTM Version 4.4-1: o HP DTM supports all the special characters in an expression, except apostrophe('), semicolon(;), comma(,), and blank space( ). o DTM is links to the XLIBSHR image, and hence the DECwindows Motif needs to be installed while using the character interface. o When you create a DTM library, test, or a collection with the /PARSE_ STYLE=EXTENDED and /CASE_ LOOKUP=SENSITIVE qualifiers, accessing these from a process with the /CASE_LOOKUP=BLIND qualifier does not work as expected. The test and collection names are supported with extended characters and are also case- preserved based on the process parameters set. However, the variable and group names are always in uppercase. The following restrictions exist from HP DTM Version 4.4: o Use of multiple versions of HP DTM. If different versions of HP DTM are used on the same HP DTM library, collections should only be run using the version which last created or recreated a collection. When switching to a different version of HP DTM, always create a collection before any collections are run. Do not create any collections with a different version until all collections have been run to completion. o DTM cannot preserve the case for variable name. Restrictions 5-1 6 _________________________________________________________________ Documentation Errata and Addenda The following section describes the documentation updates and errata for HP DECset for OpenVMS documentation. 6.1 Errata In the HP DECset for OpenVMS Guide to HP DIGITAL Test Manager (on pages 3-11 and 3-15), the /NONINTERACTIVE command must be read as /NOINTERACTIVE. Documentation Errata and Addenda 6-1