% Librarian I01-42xSzfd{f>@??$5ScrEditd{f 1 ScrEdit8=TITLE Overview of Digital Test Manager : Screen Editor 2 About_frame2=TITLE About Digital Test Manager : Screen Editor6 Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.7 Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP5 required for possession, use or copying. Consistent0 with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer/ Software, Computer Software Documentation, and8 Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the4 U.S. G overnment under vendor's standard commercial license.5 Software Version: Digital Test Manager for OpenVMS: Screen Editor Version V4.5=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame2 Overview_frame8=TITLE Overview of Digital Test Manager : Screen Editor5 The Screen Editor is a component of the DTM software/ development tool that automates the process of3 regression testing. More specifically, the Screen1 Editor provides support for testing of X windows applications.! The Screen Ed itor allows you to:8 o Review screen captures (benchmark and result files)1 o Specify areas of screens to be excluded when5 benchmark and result images are compared (masks)$ o Create and/or update mask files2 o Compare screen captures (benchmark and result images)4 For more information about using the Screen Editor,6 managing windows, or using the mouse, double click on2 an item from the list of additional topics below.8 For information about using help, c hoose On Window from the Using Help menu above. =INCLUDE ScrEdit DECbasics_frame=INCLUDE ScrEdit Glossary_frame =INCLUDE ScrEdit OnLineDoc_frame5=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_work_Gobe9=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_controls_Form2 DECbasics_frame=TITLE DECwindows Basics7 Information about using DECwindows, such as how to use5 windows, dialog boxes, and scroll bars, is available5 from Session Manager help. A glossary of DECwindows7 terms is also a vailable. To get Session Manager help:6 1. Move the pointer to the Session Manager icon (the2 icon with your user name and the name of your system) in the Icon Box.8 2. Press mouse button 1 (MB1) twice quickly to display the Session Manager window.6 3. Move the pointer to the Help menu; press and hold MB1 to pull down this menu.3 4. Move the pointer to the Overview menu item and3 release MB1 to display information about using DECwindows.=I NCLUDE ScrEdit About_frame=INCLUDE ScrEdit Glossary_frame =INCLUDE ScrEdit OnLineDoc_frame2 Glossary_frame=TITLE Glossary Benchmark file6 A file containing the expected result screen images for a test execution. Mask6 A specified area of a screen image to be ignored or0 excluded when Result and Benchmark images are compared. Mask file2 A file used to hide (mask) specified areas of a8 screen image during a comparison between a Result and Benchmark file. Masking5 A method used to specify areas in a benchmark file. that are to be hidden during test analysis. Result file4 A file containing the result screen images from a test execution. X Testing2 Testing of software applications employing an X Windows interface.=INCLUDE ScrEdit About_frame=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame =INCLUDE ScrEdit OnLineDoc_frame2 OnLineDoc_frame#=TITLE On-line Documentation Access1 For the latest information concerning the Screen' Editor, see the Release Notes for DTM.=INCLUDE ScrEdit About_frame=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame=INCLUDE ScrEdit Glossary_frame2 ScrEd_MnWind =TITLE Screen Editor Main Window1 The Screen Editor Main Window is comprised of an4 Image/Mask Display and Edit Area, a Message Display Area, and a Controls Area.8 The Image/Mask Display and Edit Area displays Benchmark0 and Results images and is used to define Masks.8 The Controls Area is used to modify the contents of the" Image/Mask Display and Edit Area.6 For more information, on the Screen Editor's Display,8 Message, and Controls, double click on an item from the! list of additional topics below.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame5=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_work_Gobe9=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_controls_Form3 scred_HelpBox=TITLE Screen Editor Help8 For more information on the Screen Editor, Click on one. of the additional topics from the list below.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind,=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar)=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form3 s_menu_MenuBar=TITLE Using Menus and Controls3 The Screen Editor contains the following pull-down menus: File Edit Options Help1 In addition, the Screen Editor window includes a8 variety of push-buttons and controls which allow you to2 display Benchmark and Result images in many ways.1 Using the push-buttons, you may compare and show1 differences between Benchmark and Result images.5 For more information about the Screen Editor's menus7 and controls, double click on an item from the list of additional topics below.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame9=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_controls_Form4 s_file_Cascade=TITLE File Menu5 Use the File menu to open, include, and save a file.2 Also use the File menu to exit the Screen Editor.1 The File menu contains the following menu items: Open Benchmark... Open Result... Open Mask... Save Mask Save Mask As... Quit Exit5 For information about using a File menu item, double4 click on an item from the list of additional topics below.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame,=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar5 s_OpenBmk_Btn=TITLE Open Benchmark...0 To open an existing Benchmark file, choose Open" Benchmark... from the File menu.5 The "DTM :  Open Benchmark File" dialog box appears,4 which displays a list of available Benchmark files.$ To open an existing Benchmark file:5 1. In the Directories list box, double click on the4 directory where your Benchmark file is located.6 2. Click on the Filter push button to list available Benchmark files./ 3. In the Files list box, double click on the% Benchmark file you want to open.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind,=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar;=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar s_file_Cascade5 s_OpenRes_Btn=TITLE Open Result...7 To open an existing Result file, choose Open Result... from the File menu.8 The "DTM : Open Result File" dialog box appears, which+ displays a list of available Result files.! To open an existing Result file:5 1. In the Directories list box, double click on the1 directory where your Result file is located.6 2. Click on the Filter push button to list available Result files.6 3. In the Files list box, double click on the Result file you want to open.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind,=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar;=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar s_file_Cascade5 s_OpenMsk_Btn=TITLE Open Mask...2 To open an existing or new Mask file, choose Open Mask... from the File menu.6 The "DTM : Open Mask File" dialog box appears, which) displays a list of available Mask files. To open an existing Mask file:5 1. In the Directories list box, double click on the/ directory where your Mask file is located.6 2. Click on the Filter push button to list available Mask files.4 3. In the Files list box, double click on the Mask file you want to open. To open a new Mask file:5 1. In the Directories list box, double click on the6 directory where you want the Mask file to reside.5 2. Click on the Selection entry box. Enter the new3 file name with an MXK file type. For example, TESTMASKS.MXK. 3. Click on OK.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind,=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar;=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar s_file_Cascade 5 s_Save_Btn=TITLE Save Mask3 To save Masks into the currently opened Mask File,) choose the Save Mask from the File menu.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind,=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar;=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar s_file_Cascade5 s_SaveMsk_Btn=TITLE Save Mask As...4 To save Masks into a new Mask File, choose the Save Mask As... from the File menu.6 The "DTM : Save Mask File" dialog box appears, which, displays a list of current Mask file names." To replace an existing Mask file:5 1. In the Directories list box, double click on the/ directory where your Mask file is located.6 2. Click on the Filter push button to list available Mask files.4 3. In the Files list box, double click on the Mask file you want to save to. To save a new Mask file:5 1. In the Directories list box, double click on the6 directory where you want the Mask file to reside.5 2. Click on the Selection entry box. Enter the new3 file name with an MXK file type. For example, TESTMASKS.MXK. 3. Click on OK.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind,=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar;=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar s_file_Cascade 5 s_Quit_Btn =TITLE Quit5 To quit the Screen Editor, choose Quit from the File menu.5 If you have made changes to Masks, the Screen Editor4 will ask you to verify that you wish to quit before exiting.- To state your choice, click on OK or Cancel.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind,=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar;=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar s_file_Cascade 5 s_Exit_Btn =TITLE Exit5 To exit the Screen Editor, choose Exit from the File7 menu. Changes to Masks will be saved in the currently opened Mask file.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind,=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar;=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar s_file_Cascade4 s_Edit_Cascade=TITLE Edit Menu2 Use the Edit menu to edit Masks in the Image/Mask Display and Edit Area.1 The Edit menu contains the following menu items: Copy Paste Reset Select All Clear All5 For information about using a Edit menu item, double4 click on an item from the list of additional topics below.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame,=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar 5 s_Copy_Btn =TITLE Copy5 The Copy menu item allows you to copy all Masks from& the Image/Mask Display and Edit Area.7 Copied Masks may be pasted to another screen using the! Paste button from the Edit menu.8 For more information on Copy and Paste of Masks, double4 click on an item from the list of additional topics below.G=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar s_Edit_Cascade s_Paste_Btn;=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar s_Edit_Cascade 5 s_Paste_Btn =TITLE Paste5 The Paste menu item allows you to paste copied Masks, into the Image/Masks Display and Edit Area.8 Masks may be copied using the Copy button from the Edit menu.8 For more information on Copy and Paste of Masks, double4 click on an item from the list of additional topics below.F=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar s_Edit_Cascade s_Copy_Btn;=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar s_Edit_Cascade 5 s_Reset_Btn =TITLE Reset6 The Reset menu item allows you to reset the displayed2 Masks, displaying only those Masks defined in the currently opened Mask file.5 s_SelectAll_Btn=TITLE Select All4 The Select All menu item is not implemented in this release of the Screen Editor. 5 s_Clear_Btn=TITLE Clear All5 The Clear All menu item clears all Mask definitions, removing them from the display.4 s_Options_Cascade=TITLE Options Menu7 The Options Menu is not implemented in this release of the Screen Editor.,=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar 5 s_RestS_Btn5=TITLE Use Last Saved Settings b. The Use Last Saved6 Settings menu item is not implemented in th!is release of the Screen Editor.>=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar s_Options_Cascade5 s_RestSys_Btn=TITLE Use System Defaults8 The Use System Defaults menu item is not implemented in# this release of the Screen Editor.>=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar s_Options_Cascade5 s_RestAs_Btn!=TITLE Use Saved Settings From...1 The Use Saved Settings From... menu item is not2 implemented in this release of the Screen Editor.>=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_me"nu_MenuBar s_Options_Cascade 5 s_SaveS_Btn=TITLE Save Current Settings7 The Save Current Settings menu item is not implemented& in this release of the Screen Editor.>=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar s_Options_Cascade5 s_SaveAs_Btn"=TITLE Save Current Settings As...2 The Save Current Settings As... menu item is not2 implemented in this release of the Screen Editor.>=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar s_Options_Cascade4 s_Help_Cascade=TITLE Help Menu5 T#he Help menu contains the following menu items that& let you display help for each window: On Context On Window On Terms On Version3 For more information about using a Help menu item,4 double click on an item from the list of additional topics below.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame5 s_OnContext_Btn=TITLE On Context6 Context-sensitive help is information about an object in a window or a dialog box.5 To display context-sensitive help, choose On $Context from the Help menu.2 The pointer changes to a question mark. Move the5 question mark to a menu, a button, or another object. and click MB1. Help for that object appears.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame5 s_OnWindow_Btn=TITLE On Window4 To display an overview of the DTM : Screen Editor,7 along with help on how to perform various functions in8 the Screen Editor, choose On Window from the Help menu.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame5 s_OnTerms_Btn=TITLE On Terms%5 To display a Glossary of terms used in DTM : Screen, Editor, choose On Terms from the Help menu.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame5 s_OnVersion_Btn=TITLE On Version6 To display information on the software version of DTM5 Screen Editor, choose On Version from the Help menu.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame 3 s_work_Form'=TITLE Image/Mask Display and Edit Area1 The Image/Mask Display and Edit Area is the main, display and work area of the Screen Editor.5 Benchmark and R&esult images, and differences between6 Benchmark and Results are displayed in the Image/Mask1 Display and Edit Area of the Screen Editor. The1 Image/Mask Display and Edit Area is also used to display and define Masks.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame 4 s_work_Gobe'=TITLE Image/Mask Display and Edit Area1 The Image/Mask Display and Edit Area is the main, display and work area of the Screen Editor.5 Benchmark and Result images, and differences between6 Benchmark and Results are' displayed in the Image/Mask1 Display and Edit Area of the Screen Editor. The1 Image/Mask Display and Edit Area is also used to display and define Masks.8 For more information about using the Image/Mask Display7 and Edit Area double click on an item from the list of additional topics below.9=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_controls_Form=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame5 s_Bmk_Display"=TITLE Displaying Benchmark Images6 To display images of Benchmark screens, you m(ust open an existing Benchmark file.0 To open an existing Benchmark file, choose Open" Benchmark... from the file menu.I=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar s_File_Cascade s_OpenBmk_BtnC=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_WhatScr_Radio s_Bmk_Tgl5 s_Res_Display=TITLE Displaying Result Images6 To display images of Result screens, you must open an existing Result file.7 To open an existing Result file, choose Open Result... from the file menu.I=INCLUDE Scr)Edit ScrEd_MnWind s_menu_MenuBar s_File_Cascade s_OpenRes_BtnC=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_WhatScr_Radio s_Res_Tgl5 s_Mask_define=TITLE Creating New Masks6 A Benchmark image must be displayed and the Screen or6 Global Mask must be activated if you wish to create a Mask. To create a Mask:6 1. In the Image/Mask Display and Edit Area, position5 the cursor in one corner of the area you want to mask and hold down.6 2. Drag the mouse cursor over the area t*hat is to be masked.1 3. Release when you have covered the area to be masked.==INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_MaskOverlay_Radio5 s_Mask_delete=TITLE Deleting Masks8 To delete a Mask, position the cursor over the Mask you! wish to delete and double click.==INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_MaskOverlay_Radio4 s_controls_Form=TITLE Controls Box8 The Controls Box of the Screen Editor window includes a8 variety of push-buttons and controls wh +ich allow you to2 display Benchmark and Result images in many ways.1 Using the push-buttons, you may compare and show1 differences between Benchmark and Result images.9=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_WhatScr_Radio==INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_MaskOverlay_Radio7=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_Compare_Lab5=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_SList_Lab4 s_WhatScr_Lab!=TITLE Display File Radio Buttons4 Display File Radio Buttons allow th ,e user to select2 display of Benchmark, Result, Both and Difference images.C=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_WhatScr_Radio s_Bmk_TglC=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_WhatScr_Radio s_Res_TglC=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_WhatScr_Radio s_Bth_TglC=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_WhatScr_Radio s_Dif_Tgl4 s_WhatScr_Radio!=TITLE Display File Radio Buttons4 Display File Radio Buttons allow the user to select2 display of Benchmark, Result, B-oth and Difference images. 5 s_Bmk_Tgl=TITLE Benchmark Radio Button8 Click on the Benchmark Radio Button to display an image from the Benchmark file.7 The Benchmark Radio Button is one of the image display2 buttons in the set of Display File Radio Buttons.9=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_WhatScr_Radio 5 s_Res_Tgl=TITLE Result Radio Button5 Click on the Result Radio Button to display an image from the Results file.5 The Results Radio Button is one of th.e image display2 buttons in the set of Display File Radio Buttons.9=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_WhatScr_Radio 5 s_Bth_Tgl=TITLE Both Radio Button5 Click on the Both Radio Button to display a combined7 image of the Benchmark and Results file. The combined2 image helps you to locate differences between the Benchmark and Result images.2 The image will be set where either or both of the8 Benchmark and Result files are set and clear where both files are clear.2/ The Both Radio Button is one of the image display2 buttons in the set of Display File Radio Buttons.9=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_WhatScr_Radio 5 s_Dif_Tgl=TITLE Differences Radio Button3 Click on the Differences Radio Button to display a7 combined image of the Benchmark and Results file. The7 combined image helps you to locate differences between! the Benchmark and Result images.7 The image will be clear where the Benchmark and Result6 files are the same, and0 set where they are different.1 The Differences Radio Button is one of the image1 display buttons in the set of Display File Radio Buttons.9=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_WhatScr_Radio4 s_MaskOverlay_Lab=TITLE Mask Overlay Buttons2 The Mask Overlay Buttons allow you to control the6 display of Masks and to select the Masks for editing.K=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_MaskOverlay_Radio s_MaskScr_TglK=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_MaskOver1lay_Radio s_MaskGbl_TglK=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_MaskOverlay_Radio s_MaskNon_Tgl4 s_MaskOverlay_Radio=TITLE Mask Overlay Buttons2 The Mask Overlay Buttons allow you to control the6 display of Masks and to select the Masks for editing.5 s_MaskScr_Tgl=TITLE Mask Screen Button3 Click on the Mask Screen Button to display or edit* Masks associated with the current screen.==INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_MaskOverlay_Radio5=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_M2nWind s_work_Form s_work_Gobe5 s_MaskGbl_Tgl=TITLE Mask Global Button7 Click on the Mask Global Button to display or edit the) global mask associated with all screens.8 Note that the global mask is not saved in the mask file) and is not used when tests are compared./ The purpose of the global mask is to eliminate7 differences which affect several screens when checking4 results of a unsuccessful test. After updating the6 global mask click the Compare All button to determine)3 if any screens have further differences.==INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_MaskOverlay_Radio:=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_CompareAll_Btn5=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_work_Gobe5 s_MaskNon_Tgl=TITLE Mask None Button4 Click on the Mask None Button to hide all masks and disable mask editing.==INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_MaskOverlay_Radio4 s_Compare_Lab=TITLE Compare Push Buttons8 Click on a Compare Push Button to compa4re the Benchmark8 and Results images for the currently selected screen or2 all screens. The screen and global masks will be% applied before comparing the images.2 The result of comparison will be displayed in the Screen List.7=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_Compare_Btn:=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_CompareAll_Btn5=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_SList_Lab4 s_Compare_Btn!=TITLE Compare Screen Push Button2 Click on the Compare Screen Button 5to compare the8 Benchmark and Results images for the currently selected screen.7=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_Compare_Lab:=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_CompareAll_Btn4 s_CompareAll_Btn=TITLE Compare All Push Button/ Click on the Compare All Button to compare the. Benchmark and Results images for all screens.7=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_Compare_Lab7=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_Compare_Btn 4 s_SList_Lab=TITLE Screen Li6st7 The Screen List displays the comparison status of each screen.7 A new screen can be selected by clicking on the screen2 number. If the comparison status of the selected2 screen is unknown, the screen is compared and the display is updated.7 If only one of the Benchmark or Result files are open,6 the Screen List is simply a numbered list of screens.7=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_Compare_Lab4 s_SList_ScrLst=TITLE Screen List7 The Screen List displays the 7comparison status of each screen as follows:2 Unknown - No comparison yet performed or mask# updated since last comparison.5 Successful - Benchmark and Result images are the same.3 Unsuccessful - Benchmark and Result images are different.7 No Result - The is no Result image for the screen.5 No benchmark - The is no Benchmark image for the screen.7 A new screen can be selected by clicking on the screen2 number. If the compari8son status of the selected2 screen is unknown, the screen is compared and the display is updated.7 If only one of the Benchmark or Result files are open,6 the Screen List is simply a numbered list of screens.7=INCLUDE ScrEdit ScrEd_MnWind s_work_Form s_Compare_Lab4 s_msgtext_Lab=TITLE Messages0 The Messages area of the Screen Editor displays7 informational and error messages related to the use of the Screen Editor.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame4 s_messagetext_ScrTxt9=TITLE Messages0 The Messages area of the Screen Editor displays7 informational and error messages related to the use of the Screen Editor.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame2 s_OpenBmkDB_FileSel=TITLE Open Benchmark File$ To open an existing Benchmark file:5 1. In the Directories list box, double click on the4 directory where your Benchmark file is located.6 2. Click on the Filter push button to list available Benchmark files./ 3. In the Files list box, :double click on the% Benchmark file you want to open.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame2 s_OpenResDB_FileSel=TITLE Open Result File! To open an existing Result file:5 1. In the Directories list box, double click on the1 directory where your Result file is located.6 2. Click on the Filter push button to list available Result files.6 3. In the Files list box, double click on the Result file you want to open.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame2 ;s_OpenMskDB_FileSel=TITLE Open Mask File To open an existing Mask file:5 1. In the Directories list box, double click on the/ directory where your Mask file is located.6 2. Click on the Filter push button to list available Mask files.4 3. In the Files list box, double click on the Mask file you want to open. To open a new Mask file:5 1. In the Directories list box, double click on the6 directory where you want the Mask file to reside.5 2. < Click on the Selection entry box. Enter the new3 file name with an MXK file type. For example, TESTMASKS.MXK. 3. Click on OK.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame2 s_SaveMskDB_FileSel=TITLE Save Mask File" To replace an existing Mask file:5 1. In the Directories list box, double click on the/ directory where your Mask file is located.6 2. Click on the Filter push button to list available Mask files.4 3. In the Files list box, double click on =the Mask file you want to save to. To save a new Mask file:5 1. In the Directories list box, double click on the6 directory where you want the Mask file to reside.5 2. Click on the Selection entry box. Enter the new3 file name with an MXK file type. For example, TESTMASKS.MXK. 3. Click on OK.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame2 s_NotSavedDB_Warn=TITLE Quit Screen Editor6 If you want to quit the Screen Editor session without. saving changes >to the Mask file, click on OK.6 If you do not want to quit the Screen Editor session, click on Cancel.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame2 s_UseSetDB_FileSel(=TITLE Use Saved Settings File Selection7 This feature is not implemented in the current release of the Screen Editor.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frame2 s_WriteSetDB_FileSel(=TITLE Use Saved Settings File Selection7 This feature is not implemented in the current release of the Screen Editor.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overvie w_frame 2 s_nyi_Warn2=TITLE Digital Test Manager : Not Yet Implemented7 Selected feature is not implemented in this version of the Screen Editor.=INCLUDE ScrEdit Overview_frameww {f DECSETBLD ScrEdit