DATATRIEVE____________________________________ Release Notes Order Number: AA-QN5UA-TE September 2004 This manual contains release notes for HP[TM]DATATRIEVE [TM] Version 7.3. Operating System: OpenVMS VAX[TM] Version 5.5-2, 6.2, 7.1 or higher OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 or higher hp OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Operating System Version 8.2 or higher Software Version: DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. September 2004 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. or an authorized sublicensor. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. conducts its business in a manner that conserves the environment and protects the safety and health of its employees, customers, and the community. While Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © 2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. . The following are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. :CDA, Compaq, DATATRIEVE, DEC, DEC Fortran, DECdecision, DECdesign, DECforms, DECnet, DECpresent, DECwindows, DECwrite, DIGITAL, FMS, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, PDP, ReGIS, VAX, VAX BASIC, VAX COBOL, VAX MACRO, VAX Pascal, VAX Rdb/ELN, VAXcluster, VIDA, VMS, VMS RMS, WPS-PLUS, and the Compaq logo. The following are third-party trademarks: DB2 is a trademark and IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp. LOTUS 1-2-3 is a registered trademark of Lotus Development Corp. Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. ORACLE is a registered trademark, and Oracle CDD/Repository, Oracle CODASYL DBMS, Oracle Expert, Oracle Rdb, SQL/Services, Oracle Rdb Transparent Gateway, Oracle TRACE are trademarks of Oracle Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Corp. SYBASE is a registered trademark of SYBASE Inc. Windows is a trademark, and Excel, Microsoft, MS-DOS, Visual Basic, Visual C++ are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. !This document is available on CD-ROM. -3 ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. vii 1 New Features for DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 1.1 Hyphens ("-") now allowed in dictionary entries and file names ...................... 1-1 2 Restrictions and Known Problems 2.1 Restrictions................................. 2-1 2.1.1 Client/Server incompatibility with previous versions........................ 2-1 2.1.2 Incorrect Edit Strings Generated by Oracle CDD/Repository.................... 2-2 2.1.3 Incorrect Formatting of CDA Format Reports.................................. 2-2 2.2 Known Problems............................... 2-2 2.2.1 DATATRIEVE SET GUIDE command causes an ACCVIO or hang........................... 2-2 2.3 Solutions.................................... 2-2 2.3.1 SHOW ALL PROBLEM with CDD................ 2-3 2.3.2 BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)..... 2-3 3 Upward Incompatibilities Between DATATRIEVE-11 and DATATRIEVE 3.1 Incompatibility in the Handling of Negative Representation of Zero....................... 3-1 3.2 Incompatibility Assigning COMP-2 Values to Integer Fields............................... 3-2 v ________________________________________________________________ Preface These release notes describe new features, corrections to software, restrictions, workarounds, and known problems for DATATRIEVE Version 7.3. They cover both DATATRIEVE for OpenVMS Alpha operating systems and DATATRIEVE for OpenVMS VAX operating systems, which are referred to by their abbreviated name DATATRIEVE. New features for DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 are also described in the online help. To read a description of the new features from within DATATRIEVE, enter the following command: DTR> HELP New_Features Intended Audience This manual is intended for all DATATRIEVE users. It assumes that you understand the concepts and terminology of the OpenVMS operating system. Operating System Information Information about the versions of the operating system and related software that is compatible with this version of DATATRIEVE is included in the DATATRIEVE media kit, in either the DATATRIEVE Installation Guide or the DATATRIEVE Before You Install Letter. For information on the compatibility of other software products with this version of DATATRIEVE, refer to the Software Product Description (SPD). You can use the SPD to verify which versions of your operating system are compatible with this version of DATATRIEVE. vii Related Documents For further information on the topics covered in this manual, you can refer to: o DATATRIEVE Installation Guide Describes the installation procedure for DATATRIEVE. The manual also explains how to run User Environment Test Packages (UETPs), which test DATATRIEVE product interfaces, such as the interface between DATATRIEVE and Oracle Rdb[TM]. o DATATRIEVE User's Guide Describes how to use DATATRIEVE interactively. o DATATRIEVE Guide to Interfaces Includes information on using DATATRIEVE to manipulate data with forms, relational databases, and database management systems. o DATATRIEVE Reference Manual Contains reference information for DATATRIEVE. o DATATRIEVE Guide to Programming and Customizing Explains how to use the DATATRIEVE Callable Interface. The manual also describes how to create user-defined keywords and user-defined functions to customize DATATRIEVE and how to customize DATATRIEVE help and message text. o Getting Started with DATATRIEVE Client for Windows Describes basic DATATRIEVE Client for Windows[TM] functions. Conventions In this manual, every use of OpenVMS VAX indicates the OpenVMS VAX operating system, every use of OpenVMS Alpha indicates the OpenVMS Alpha operating system, and every use of OpenVMS indicates both the OpenVMS VAX operating system and the OpenVMS Alpha operating system. The following conventions are also used in this manual: { } (braces) Braces enclose a clause from which you must choose one alternative. viii [ ] (brackets) Brackets enclose optional clauses from which you can choose one or none. ... (horizontal A horizontal ellipsis indicates you can repeat ellipsis) the part of the clause, statement, command, or expression immediately to the left of the ellipsis. . A vertical ellipsis indicates you can repeat . (vertical the line of the clause, statement, command, or . ellipsis) expression immediately above the ellipsis. Bold type Bold type is used for terms being defined for the first time. Bold type in examples indicates user input. References to Products The DATATRIEVE documentation to which this manual belongs often refers to products by their abbreviated names. DATATRIEVE was formerly known as DEC DATATRIEVE. All DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 documentation refers to this product as DATATRIEVE. o DATATRIEVE refers to both DATATRIEVE for OpenVMS Alpha and DATATRIEVE for OpenVMS VAX software. o Oracle Rdb refers to both Oracle Rdb for OpenVMS Alpha and Oracle Rdb for OpenVMS VAX software. o Oracle CODASYL DBMS[TM] refers to both Oracle CODASYL DBMS for OpenVMS Alpha and Oracle CODASYL DBMS for OpenVMS VAX software. o HP Fortran[TM] refers to both HP Fortran for OpenVMS Alpha and HP Fortran for OpenVMS VAX software. o HP C refers to both HP C for OpenVMS Alpha and HP C for OpenVMS VAX software. o DEC TPU refers to both DEC TPU for OpenVMS Alpha and DEC TPU for OpenVMS VAX software. o DEC DB Integrator Gateway refers to DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DB2[TM] Client, DEC DB Integrator Gateway for ORACLE[R], and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for SYBASE[R]. o RMS[TM] refers to the OpenVMS Record Management Services. ix This manual uses the terms relational database and relational source to refer to all three of these products: o VAX Rdb/ELN[TM] o Oracle Rdb o DEC DB Integrator Gateway ___________________________Note ___________________________ DEC DB Integrator Gateway is now owned by Oracle Corporation and has been renamed Oracle Rdb Transparent Gateway[TM]. ___________________________________________________________ x 1 ________________________________________________________________ New Features for DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 This chapter describes the new features for DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 1.1 Hyphens ("-") now allowed in dictionary entries and file names DATATRIEVE now allows hyphens in dictionary entries and file names. This feature is turned off by default. In order to allow hyphens in dicitionary entries and file names the DTR$FILE_PARSE logical name needs to be defined as follows: $ define/system DTR$FILE_PARSE 1 New Features for DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 1-1 2 ________________________________________________________________ Restrictions and Known Problems This chapter describes the restrictions, known problems, and solutions for DATATRIEVE Version 7.3. 2.1 Restrictions This section describes restrictions applying to DATATRIEVE Version 7.3. 2.1.1 Client/Server incompatibility with previous versions The DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 Client/Server protocol is not compatible with previous versions of DATATRIEVE. This means when running the DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 client, it is not now possible to ready a remote domain on another node that is running an older version. This also means running a DATATRIEVE V7.2 (or older) client, it is not now possible to ready a remote domain on another node running DATATRIEVE Version 7.3. For Client/Server compatibility, you must upgrade all systems to DATATRIEVE V7.2A or Version 7.3. The DATATRIEVE windows client also needs to be updated to handle this protocol change. This kit includes an updated version of DTRAPI.DLL. If you accept the default answers for all questions or if you ask for the optional material to be installed, this file is copied to SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]DTRAPI.DLL. This file should be copied to the system directory on the user's PC, over-writing the old version of DTRAPI.DLL. The windows client will then be able to connect to the updated DATATRIEVE servers. Restrictions and Known Problems 2-1 Restrictions and Known Problems 2.1 Restrictions 2.1.2 Incorrect Edit Strings Generated by Oracle CDD/Repository In previous versions, DATATRIEVE did not correctly compute the length of packed-decimal fields contained in records that had been converted from DMU to CDO format, using the CDO CONVERT command. Although this problem has been fixed, a problem still exists with incorrect edit strings generated by Oracle CDD/Repository. To resolve this last problem, edit the converted record and remove the incorrect edit strings. 2.1.3 Incorrect Formatting of CDA Format Reports The NEW_PAGE clause of the REPORT statement does not process correct CDA (DDIF and PS) reports, when it appears in a print list following an inner print list and it's itself followed by other print elements. The following example produces an incorrect report: READY CDD$TOP.DTR$LIB.DEMO.FAMILIES ; REPORT FIRST 3 FAMILIES ON CDA_NEWPAGE_LIST.PS FORMAT PS PRINT ALL KID_NAME OF KIDS , NEW_PAGE, MOTHER END-REPORT; 2.2 Known Problems This section describes the known problems for DATATRIEVE Version 7.3. 2.2.1 DATATRIEVE SET GUIDE command causes an ACCVIO or hang The SET GUIDE command will cause either an access violation or compute bound hang on Alpha and IA64. This problem is under investigation. 2.3 Solutions This section describes software problems corrected in DATATRIEVE Version 7.3. 2-2 Restrictions and Known Problems Restrictions and Known Problems 2.3 Solutions 2.3.1 SHOW ALL PROBLEM with CDD This kit fixes a problem in DATATRIEVE where a SHOW ALL or READY would result in an ACCVIO when an Oracle CDD repository is used. 2.3.2 BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) This kit fixes a problem where the DECWindows interface would issue a: $ DATATRIEVE X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 18 (X_ChangeProperty) Resource id in failed request: 0x2200d6 Serial number of failed request: 566 Current serial number in output stream: 569 %XLIB-E-ERROREVENT, error event received from server Restrictions and Known Problems 2-3 3 ________________________________________________________________ Upward Incompatibilities Between DATATRIEVE-11 and DATATRIEVE This section discusses problems that can result when applica- tions developed using DATATRIEVE-11 are run with DATATRIEVE. 3.1 Incompatibility in the Handling of Negative Representation of Zero Some data types (such as PACKED or NUMERIC strings) allow two representations of 0. These are +0 and -0. Although +0 is usually the result of an arithmetic operation, both DATATRIEVE and DATATRIEVE-11 store a value of -0 in the following case: DTR> DECLARE ABC PIC 999 USAGE PACKED. DTR> ABC = -1000 In this case, the two DATATRIEVE products display the result differently. The following example illustrates DATATRIEVE-11 results: DTR> PRINT ABC USING ++999 -000 The next example illustrates DATATRIEVE results: DTR> PRINT ABC USING ++999 000 The reason for the incompatibility is that DATATRIEVE manip- ulates the data before editing and changes the sign in the process. Upward Incompatibilities Between DATATRIEVE-11 and DATATRIEVE 3-1 Upward Incompatibilities Between DATATRIEVE-11 and DATATRIEVE 3.2 Incompatibility Assigning COMP-2 Values to Integer Fields 3.2 Incompatibility Assigning COMP-2 Values to Integer Fields When a COMP-2 real number is stored in an integer field, DATATRIEVE rounds the value and DATATRIEVE-11 truncates it. DTR> DECLARE I USAGE INTEGER. DTR> DECLARE X USAGE COMP-2. DTR> X = 1.7 DTR> I = X Loss of precision during arithmetic calculation. DTR> PRINT I DATATRIEVE rounds the number to 2. DATATRIEVE-11 truncates the number to 1. To correct this incompatibility, use the FN$FLOOR function in DATATRIEVE to store the truncated COMP-2 value in the integer field: DTR> DECLARE I USAGE INTEGER. DTR> DECLARE X USAGE COMP-2. DTR> X = 1.7 DTR> I = FN$FLOOR(X) DTR> PRINT I I 1 3-2 Upward Incompatibilities Between DATATRIEVE-11 and DATATRIEVE