% Librarian I01-42*fKƐfK%& 5Abstract ADD.DELETEEXITHELPINVOKE &MODIFY Operation!QUIT"SET%`VIEW xfK 1 AbstractB The Edit/FDL utility helps you create, maintain and tune large,C complex OpenVMS RMS files, particularly indexed files. Using theB Edit/FDL utility, you can add, modify or delete file attributesD explicitly or you can invoke scripts that ask questions which the; Edit/FDL utility uses to make file attributes decisions.? The output from the Edit/FDL utility is an FDL file which isA used as a model for the data file you wish to create. The file B describes in ASCII text the attributes of the file that it will? be used to create. There are several methods of creating FDLD files but it is preferable to use the Edit/FDL utility because it enforces the FDL syntax.= FDL files are divided into logical sections labeled with aC primary attribute such as SYSTEM, FILE, DATE, KEY, and so forth.B Most primary attributes use secondary attributes to specify the. file attributes for the resultant RMS file.C For example, if the ALLOCATION secondary attribute has the valueC 20000 under the AREA 3 primary attribute, then the third area ofB the file will have 20,000 disk blocks when the file is created. You specify this as follows: AREA 3, ALLOCATION 20000D After you create an FDL file, you can create the RMS file modeled@ on the FDL file using the DCL commands CREATE/FDL and CONVERT4 /FDL, or the callable FDL$CREATE library routine.A Complete in formation about the Edit/FDL utility and the Create= /FDL utility can be found in the OpenVMS Record Management? Utilities Reference Manual, which also includes descriptions? of the Analyze/RMS_File utility, the Convert utility and theC Convert/Reclaim utility. The callable FDL$CREATE library routine7 is described in the OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual. wwxfK 1 Operation@ You interact with the Edit/FDL utility by answering questionsD that control th e execution of the editor and determine the valuesC of variables. These variables may be used in calculating variousB file parameters or indirectly setting FDL attribute values. YouC terminate your answers by pressing the Return key. Additionally,D there are a number of special characters which are significant to the Edit/FDL utility. 2 FilesD The Edit/FDL utility produces a new version of the input FDL file? as its output file unless you explicitly specify a different = output file using the /OUTPUT=file-spec qualifier with the@ EDIT/FDL command. Unlike the input FDL file, which may or may? not be found, any Analysis file which is specified (with the? /ANALYSIS=file-spec qualifier) must be found or the Edit/FDL utility terminates. 2 Prompt-levelC The prompt-level of the Edit/FDL utility depends upon whether anA OpenVMS-supported video terminal is being used or not. If yourA terminal is, in fact, a terminal which is supported b y OpenVMSA systems, verify that the terminal driver supports it using the$ DCL command SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE.A On foreign, slow baud rate, or hardcopy terminals, the defaultC mode of the Edit/FDL utility is BRIEF. On terminals running at aC speed of 2400 baud or greater which are classified as "Video" by; the SHOW TERMINAL DCL command, the default mode is FULL.? Refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for complete information( about SHOW TERMINAL and SET TERMINAL.9 T he special character "?" can be used to retrieve more@ information (or possibly display a Menu) about any particular question.= The prompt-level of an editing session can be set with the1 /PROMPT qualifier on the DCL EDIT/FDL command. 2 Question-format= Every question that the Edit/FDL utility asks has the sameB structure. (The exception to this rule is the Help-topic prompt8 you see while in the Help Function. The structure is:J Question-text (answer -range)[default-answer] : your-answer= Some questions require you to choose among several keyword? options. These options are listed either in the accompanying? menu (if present) or in an option list, which is enclosed by parentheses, such as below:" (Option1 Option2 Option3 ...)J Question-text (Keyword)[default-answer] : your-answerC The (:) may be placed on the next line to allow for long-stringA answers. A "2Giga" in an (answer-range) stand s for the maximumA allowable signed 32-bit integer. An "Abs" in an (answer-range)C means Absolute value. A [default-answer] of [-] means that there is no default. 2 Control_Characters= Ctrl/Z may be used to exit the Edit/FDL utility if you are? currently at the main level. At lower levels, Ctrl/Z returns you to the main level.> You can use Ctrl/C to exit from the Edit/FDL utility at anyA time. Avoid using Ctrl/Y to abort the Edit/FDL utility becauseB tha t may leave the scrolling region of a DEC_CRT terminal in an@ undetermined state. If this happens, use the DCL EXIT command@ to restore the terminal to its original state. This action isB unnecessary if the next DCL command issued invokes a new image.B To get more information about any particular question, type "?"D and press the Return key. When an invalid response is made to oneC of the FDL Editor's questions, the action taken is equivalent to the ? command. wwfK1 ADD> This command allows you to add one or more lines to the FDL? file. If the line already exists, you can optionally replaceD it with the new line. After you insert a line, you can optionallyB continue to add lines under that particular primary section. IfB no primary section exists to hold the secondary attribute being' added, one is automatically created. Format ADD 2 Example/ Main Editor Function (Keyword)[Help] : ADDD T his command allows you to add lines to your existing FDL file.A When you enter the ADD command, the Edit/FDL utility prompts! you with the following menu.6 Legal Primary AttributesG ACCESS attributes set the run-time access mode of the fileH AREA x attributes define the characteristics of file area x? CONNECT attributes set various RMS run-time optionsB DATE attributes set the date parameters of the fi le> FILE attributes affect the entire RMS data fileH JOURNAL attributes set the journaling parameters of the fileB KEY y attributes define the characteristics of key yE RECORD attributes set the non-key aspects of each recordH SHARING attributes set the run-time sharing mode of the fileG SYSTEM attributes document operating system-specific items7 TITLE is the header line for the FDL file5 Enter desired primary (Keyword)[FILE] :@ After you enter the name of the primary attribute, the EditA /FDL utility provides another menu showing all the secondaryB attributes for the primary attribute and asks which secondary( attribute value you want to change. wwfK 1 DELETEC This command allows you to delete one or more lines from the FDLC file. If the line is the only remaining secondary attribute in aD primary section, the primary attribute is also removed. After youC remove a line, you can optionally continue to delete lines under the affected primary section. Format DELETE 2 Example2 Main Editor Function (Keyword)[Help] : DELETE? This command allows you to delete lines from your existing> FDL file. When you enter the DELETE command, the Edit/FDLC utility prompts you with a menu displaying the current primary? attributes of your FDL file. After you enter the name of a=  primary attribute, the Edit/FDL utility prompts you with= another menu displaying the current secondary attributes@ for the selected primary attribute and asks which secondary( attribute value you want to change. wwfK1 EXIT? This command ends the the Edit/FDL utility session. The EXITA command causes the new FDL file to be created. This command isA equivalent to pressing Ctrl/Z. If the definition file is emptyB when you exit, no FDL file is created. Refer to the online helpA topic Operation for more information on the Edit/FDL utility's* relationship to input and output files. Format EXIT 2 Example0 Main Editor Function (Keyword)[Help] : EXIT@ This command allows you to leave the Edit/FDL utility after> creating or modifying your FDL file. It displays the fileA specification of the FDL file it has created or modified and' then returns you to the DCL level. wwfK1 HELP? Invokes an interactive help session, which describes the the> Edit/FDL utility commands and the File Definition Language.9 Information is available on the following commands and definitions:/ Abstract ADD DELETE EXIT HELP INVOKE& Operation MODIFY QUIT SET VIEWC To exit help and return to the main level menu, press the Return* key in response to the "Topic?" prompt. Format HELP 2 Example0 Main Editor Function (Keyword)[Help] : HELP Information available:B Abstract Add Delete Exit Help Invoke Modify) Operation Quit Set View Topic?B This command allows you to request information about the EditD /FDL utility while you are editing your FDL file. It displays aA menu of the various topics about which you can request help. wwfK 1 INVOKEC This command prompts you for a script and initi ates your choice.A The scripts guide you through the design and optimization of aA data file to ensure that complex operations are completed in aA logical fashion. If a script is aborted, script operations and? calculations are discarded, except for clearing the previousA definition. All scripts assume that the files you are desiging reside on a Files-11 disk. ADD_KEY9 Modeling and addition of a new index's parameters. See@ documentation under the "INDEXED" script for more information. about the design modes used in this script. DELETE_KEY- Removal of the highest index's parameters. INDEXED@ The Edit/FDL utility asks several questions and then enters aB graphical design mode that allows modeling of the file indexes.B Two such modes are available: Line_plot and Surface_plot modes.A These refer to the type of graph on which the Edit/FDL utility@ will display its calculated design choices. The basic goal ofC these  plots is to allow you to choose the best trade-off between@ index bucket size versus index depth. While many of the otherA file parameters have a significant effect on file performance,$ these two are the most important.@ o Line_plot - This design mode uses a graph that responds toC adjustments in the file design parameters. The current valuesA of the parameters are shown at the bottom of the screen andD you set them to new values to see their effect on the depth of the index.? o Surface_plot - This design mode will graph a surface that? indicates index depth versus bucket size versus one other> parameter, which is swept through a range of values. TheD choice of the 'other parameter' which is swept through a rangeB is: Load Fill Percent, Key Length, Record Size, Initial Load0 Record Count, and Additional Record Count.A To aid in selecting an optimal bucket size for a particularB value of 'other parame ter', a Recommended Range is delimited? on the surface plot. Bucket size values within this rangeB should provide a reasonably good trade-off between a flatter@ index (less I/O) and larger buckets (more RMS processing).@ Depending on your terminal's capabilities, the Recommended> Range is delimited either with "/"s on either side or by> the lightest or green shading. The left-most edge of theB Recommended Range will produce the flattest file for a given?  bucket size, but if you're not very sure of the real-life= accuracy of all the answers given about the applicationD environment, it is better to be more conservative and choose aD value somewhere closer to the middle of the Recommended Range.B The default answer to the bucket size question is equivalent5 to the left-most edge of the Recommended Range. OPTIMIZEB This script is basically a Redesign of a particular index, withB the additional feature of using actual file structure data. The> ANALYZE/RMS_FILE utility can gather the required statistics> with the DCL ANALYZE/RMS/FDL command (which produces an FDL? file containing Analysis_of_area and Analysis_of_key Primary sections).C The /ANALYSIS=file-spec qualifier of the DCL EDIT/FDL command is< used to input that information into the Edit/FDL utility. RELATIVE. Selection of parameters for a Relative file SEQUENTIAL0 Selection of parameters for a Sequential file TOUCHUPC This script allows the modification of one index's parameters atC a time. Only those FDL attributes pertaining to the chosen index@ are changed. See documentation under the "INDEXED" script for? more information about the design modes used in this script. Format INVOKE 2 Example2 Main Editor Function (Keyword)[Help] : INVOKE5 Script Title SelectionG Add_key modeling and addit ion of a new index's parameters? Delete_key removal of the highest index's parametersG Indexed modeling of parameters for an entire Indexed fileB Optimize tuning of all indices' parameters using file statisticsA Relative selection of parameters for a Relative fileC Sequential selection of parameters for a Sequential fileE Touchup remodeling of parameters for a particular index1 Editing !Script Title (Keyword)[-] :D This command allows you to select which script you want to helpB you design your FDL file. After you enter the INVOKE command,B the Edit/FDL utility prompts you with another menu displaying! the possible script choices. wwƐfK 1 MODIFY@ This command allows you to change an existing line in the FDL definition. Format MODIFY 2 Example2 Main Editor Function (Keyword)[Help] : MODIFY= " This command allows you to modify lines in your existing> FDL file. When you enter the MODIFY command, the Edit/FDLC utility prompts you with a menu displaying the current primary< attributes of your FDL file. After you select a primaryB attribute, the Edit/FDL utility prompts you with another menuA displaying the secondary attributes for the selected primaryC attribute and asks which secondary attribute value you want to change. wwƐfK#1 QUIT@ This command causes an abrupt end to the the Edit/FDL utility@ session. The new FDL file is not created. The QUIT command is! equivalent to pressing Ctrl/C. Format QUIT 2 Example0 Main Editor Function (Keyword)[Help] : QUIT> This command returns you to the DCL command level without' creating or modifying an FDL file. wwƐfK1 SETA This command allows you to establish defaults or to select anyA of the FD$L editor characteristics you forgot to specify on theC command line. For further information about these options, enter. "@HELPLIB EDIT/FDL" at the "Topic?" prompt. Format SET 2 Example/ Main Editor Function (Keyword)[Help] : SET The SET options include:2 FDL Editor SET Function1 ANALYSIS filespec of FDL Analysis file, DISPLAY type of graph to display6 EMPHASIS of default bucketsize calcul %ations4 GRANULARITY number of areas in Indexed files3 NUMBER_KEYS number of keys in Indexed files/ OUTPUT filespec of FDL output file4 PROMPTING Full or Brief prompting of menus9 RESPONSES usage of default responses in scripts6 Editor characteristic to set (Keyword)[-] :@ This command allows you to establish defaults and to reduceD the number of questions you are asked by the scripts. After youC enter the SET command, the Edit/FDL utility displays a menu of& Edit/FDL utility characteristics. wwƐfK1 VIEWD This command displays the attributes contained in the current FDLD definition. This offers a preview of what the contents of the FDL6 file would be if it were to be output at this time. Format VIEW 2 Example0 Main Editor Function (Keyword)[Help] : VIEW@ This command displays your current FDL file one screen at a time.ww