% Librarian I01-42pOfK fK<54MCHANGEzCLEAR|.COPY~DEFINEDELETE.EXITZFILL(FINDHELPINCLUDE8INSERTJOURNALKEYPADbMOVE.PRINTVQUITTRANGEREPLACE RESEQUENCESETSHOW SUBSTITUTETABTYPE6WRITE0$fK1 HELP&You can get help on a topic by typing: & HELP topic subtopic subsubtopic... ,A topic can have one of the following forms: A 1. An alphanumeric string (e.g. a command name, option, etc.)+ 2. The match-all or wildcard symbol (*) Examples: HELP SUBSTITUTE NEXT HELP CHANGE SUBCOMMAND HELP CH EIf a topic is abbreviated, HELP displays the text for all topics thatmatch the abbreviation.ww0$fK1 KEYPADB Enter the keypad editor through the CHANGE command with the keypadEoption set (see SET KEYPAD command). See HELP CHANGE KEYPAD for more information.2 VT100Wlqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqk]x ^ x DOWN x x x x x x FNDNXT x DEL L x[x x x x x x x  GOLD x HELP x x xmx x x x x LEFT x RIGHT x x [ mx x FIND x UND L xTx UP x v x x x tqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqquXmqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqj x PAGE x SECT x APPEND x DEL W xRDELETE Delete character x x x x xvLINEFEED Delete to beginning of word x COMMANDx FILL x REPLACEx UND W xRBACKSPACE Backup to beginning of line tqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqq qqqqquZCTRL/A Compute tab level x ADVANCEx BACKUP x CUT x DEL C xRCTRL/D Decrease tab level x x x x xvCTRL/E Increase tab level x BOTTOM x TOP x PASTE x UND C xRCTRL/K Define key tqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqquXCTRL/R Refresh screen x WORD x  EOL x CHAR x xTCTRL/T Adjust tabs  x x x x ENTER xmCTRL/U Delete to beginning of line xCHNGCASEx DEL EOLx SPECINSx xRCTRL/W Refresh screen tqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqu xVCTRL/Z Exit to line mode x LINE  x SELECT x xY x x x SUBS xkPress a key for help on that key. x OPEN LINE x RESET x xbTo exit, press the spacebar. mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqj3 127DELETE PDeletes the character preceding the cursor and stores it in the delete characterMbuffer. When the cursor is at the leftmost character position on a line, thePline terminator to the left is deleted and the text on that line is moved to the$right of the text in the line above.3 300LINE - (0) HMoves the cursor forward o r backward to the nearest beginning of a line,<depending on the current direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP).  OPEN LINE - (GOLD 0) MBreaks the current line into two lines. The break is placed after the cursorNand leaves the cursor position unchanged. Pressing the OPEN LINE key when the>cursor is at the beginning of a line creates a new blank line.3 301WORD - (1)HMoves the cursor forward or backward by a word, depending on the current#direction (see ADVANCE and B ACKUP). CHNGCASE - (GOLD 1)5Changes the case of a range of characters as follows: L 1. If the select range is active, the case of each letter in the select range is changed.N 2. If 1 does not apply and the cursor is positioned on the current searchH string, the case of each letter in the search string is changed.F This does not apply if a repeat count greater than 1 is given.H 3. If 1 and 2 do not apply, then the case of one letter is changed.I If the current direction is ADVANCE, the cursor moves forward oneO character after the change of case occurs. If the current direction isN BACKUP, the cursor moves backward one character before the case change occurs.3 302EOL - (2) MMoves the cursor forward or backward to the nearest end of line, depending on+current direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP).  DEL EOL - (GOLD 2) PDeletes all characters to the right of the cursor in the current line, includingMthe character on which the cursor is positioned, up to, but not including theline terminator.3 303CHAR - (3) LMoves the cursor forward or backward one character, depending on the current#direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP).  SPECINS - (GOLD 3) KInserts any character from the DEC Multinational Character Set by using itsPdecimal value. Press the GOLD key, enter the code for the character in decimal,=press the GOLD key again, and press SPECINS (special insert).3 304ADVANCE - (4) PSets the current direction to forward for the CHAR, WORD, LINE, EOL, PAGE, SECT,PSUBS, FIND, and FNDNXT keys. ADVANCE means that movement will be toward the end.of the buffer; that is, to the right and down.  BOTTOM - (GOLD 4) 3Positions the cursor at the end of the text buffer.3 305BACKUP - (5) PSets the cursor direction to backward for the CHAR, WORD, LINE, EOL, PAGE, SECT,KSUBS, FIND, and FNDNXT keys. BACKUP means that movement will be toward the5beginning of the buffer; that is, to the left and up.  TOP - (GOLD 5) 9Positions the cursor at the beginning of the text buffer.3 306CUT - (6) MMoves the select range to the PASTE buffer. The select range is all the textObetween the selected position (see SELECT) and the current cursor position. IfJno SELECT has been made and the cursor is positioned on the current searchPstring, that string is cut. Each time CUT is used, the previous contents of thePASTE buffer are discarded.  PASTE - (GOLD 6) LInserts the contents of the PASTE buffer directly to the left of the cursor.3 307PAGE - (7) PMoves the cursor to the top of a page. A page is defined by a delimiter string,Nwhich can be set by the SET ENTITY command. The default page delimiter is theformfeed character (CTRL/L).  COMMAND - (GOLD 7) KAllows you to enter a line mode command to be executed without exiting fromJkeypad mode. The command is processed when you press the ENTER key on thekeypad.3 308SECT - (8) MMoves the cursor 16 lines (one section) forward or backward, depending on theGcurrent direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP). The cursor is moved to the"beginning of the appropriate line.  FILL - (GOLD 8) PPerforms a word fill on the select range. A word fill reformats a block of textPso that as many full words as possible are placed on each line without exceedingNthe right margin. You can set the right margin with the SET WRAP command. IfOit is not set, the default is the terminal width - 1. For purposes of the FILL1command, only spaces are used as word delimiters.3 309APPEND - (9) OMoves the select range to the end of the PASTE buffer. The select range is allJthe text between the selected position (see SELECT) and the current cursorIposition. If no SELECT has been made and the cursor is positioned on the/current search string, that string is appended.  REPLACE - (GOLD 9) ODeletes the select range and replaces it with the contents of the PASTE buffer.3 310HELP - (PF2) 6Use the HELP key to obtain help on the editing keypad.3 311FNDNXT - (PF3) MSearches for the next occurrence of the search string previously entered withIthe FIND key. The direction of the search is the current one (ADVANCE orBACKUP).  FIND - (GOLD PF3) NSearches for an occurrence of a string. Press the FIND key and then enter theNstring using the main keyboard. End the string by pressing either the ADVANCEOor BACKUP key to set the direction of the search, or the ENTER key to search inthe current direction.3 312UP-ARROW =The ^ (up-arrow) key moves the cursor to the character above.3 313DOWN-ARROW ?The v (down-arrow) key moves the cursor to the character below.3 314RIGHT-ARROW AThe --> (right-arrow) key moves the cursor to the next character.3 315LEFT-ARROW EThe <-- (left-arrow) key moves the cursor to the preceding character.3 316SELECT - (.) LMarks one end of a select range. A select range is a block of text on whichPvarious operations (such as CUT, APPEND, or FILL) can be performed. To create a select range: F 1. Move the cursor to either the beginning or end of the text you wish to select. 2. Press the SELECT key.8 3. Move the cursor to the opposite end of the text. 8You can then perform the desired operation on the range.  RESET - (GOLD .) JCancels the effect of the GOLD key if it was pressed by mistake, cancels aIselect range, or cancels any partly entered command string. Also sets thecurrent direction to forward.3 317DEL L - (PF4) ODeletes text from the cursor position to the end of the current line, includingMthe line terminator. If the cursor is positioned at the beginning of a line,Ithe entire line is deleted. The deleted text is saved in the delete linebuffer.  UND L - (GOLD PF4) JInserts the contents of the delete line buffer directly to the left of thecursor.3 318DEL W - (-) PDeletes text from the cursor to the beginning of the next word, storing the textin the delete word buffer.  UND W - (GOLD -) JInserts the contents of the delete word buffer directly to the left of thecursor.3 319DEL C - (,) KDeletes the character on which the cursor is positioned and saves it in thedelete character buffer.  UND C - (GOLD ,) OInserts the contents of the delete character buffer directly to the left of thecursor.3 320GOLD - (PF1) OLets you use the lower (alternate) function of the editing keys. Press the GOLD"key, then the key you wish to use. LYou can also use the GOLD key to enter counts. Pres s GOLD and then the mainKkeyboard numeric keys, followed by the key to which the count should apply.NThe DELETE key and CTRL/U can be used to edit the number, and thus cannot haveLa count applied to them in this manner. The SPECINS key treats the count as(the code for a character to be inserted. NThe GOLD key is used with main keyboard keys for additional editing functions.PFor help on "GOLD character" (for example, GOLD A), press the character's key onthe main keyboard.3 321 ENTER@Sends information to EDT for functions such as FIND and COMMAND.  SUBS - (GOLD ENTER)MDeletes the search string, replaces it with the contents of the PASTE buffer,5and finds the next occurrence of the string. To use:  1. Press SELECT. 2. Type the new text. 3. Press CUT. 4. Press FIND.+ 5. Enter the text you wish to replace. GEach time you press SUBS, EDT makes one substitution and finds the nextIoccurrence of the search string. You can use a repeat count for multiplesubstitutions.3 001TAB COMPUTE - (CTRL/A) PSets the indentation level count to the value obtained from dividing the currentNcursor column position by the SET TAB number. If the cursor position is not aMmultiple of the SET TAB number, an error results. You must have a SET TAB ineffect to use CTRL/A.3 004TAB DECREASE - (CTRL/D) KUsed to decrease the indentation level counter. You must have a SET TAB ineffect to use CT RL/D.3 005TAB INCREASE - (CTRL/E) KUsed to increase the indentation level counter. You must have a SET TAB ineffect to use CTRL/E.3 0081BEGINNING OF LINE - (CTRL/H or BACKSPACE) PMoves the cursor to the beginning of the current line. If the cursor is alreadyKat the beginning of a line, it moves to the beginning of the previous line.3 009$TAB INSERT - (CTRL/I or TAB) $Moves the cursor in one of two ways: M 1. If the tab size has not be !en set with SET TAB or if the cursor is notO at the beginning of the line, a tab character is inserted at the cursor position. L 2. If the tab size has been set with SET TAB or if the cursor is at theH beginning of the line, a number of tab characters and spaces areK inserted to move the cursor to the column position that is equal to< the SET TAB value times the indentation level count.3 010:DELETE TO BEGINNING OF WORD - (CTRL/J or LINEFEED ") NUsed to delete all characters from the cursor position to the beginning of theOword containing the cursor. If the cursor is on the first character of a word,the previous word is deleted.3 011DEFINE KEY - (CTRL/K) PUsed to define a new keypad function for an editing key. You are prompted firstMto press the key to be defined, then to enter the definition. You can defineMthe key either in terms of other editing keys or with nokeypad mode commands.OIf you press an #editing key, its definition appears at the bottom of the screenin the definition line.3 012"INSERT FORMFEED - (CTRL/L) ;Inserts a formfeed character () at the cursor position.3 018REFRESH - (CTRL/R) ORefreshes the screen display. The screen becomes blank and then the charactersMin the buffer reappear, minus extraneous characters, such as system messages.(The cursor remains in the same location.3 020TAB ADJUST - (CTRL/T) *Indents the sele $ct range. To use the key: = 1. Create a select range of the text you wish to adjust.D 2. Enter a level count using the GOLD key. To decrease the tabL indentation level, precede the count with a minus sign. The default level count is 1. 3. Use the tab adjust key. LThe effect of CTRL/T is to increase or decrease the indentation level of theOselect range by the number of tabs specified in the level count. You must have(a SET TAB value in effect to use CTR%L/T.3 021.DELETE TO BEGINNING OF LINE - (CTRL/U) PUsed to delete all characters in the current line to the left of the cursor. IfKthe cursor is on the first character of a line, the entire previous line isdeleted.3 023REFRESH - (CTRL/W) ORefreshes the screen display. The screen becomes blank and then the charactersMin the buffer reappear, minus extraneous characters, such as system messages.(The cursor remains in the same location.3 026EXIT - (CTRL/&Z) Shifts EDT to line editing.3 065TAB COMPUTE - (GOLD A) HSets the indentation level count to the value obtained from dividing theMcurrent cursor column position by the SET TAB number. If the cursor positionOis not a multiple of the SET TAB number, an error results. You must have a SET"TAB value in effect to use GOLD A.3 068TAB DECREASE - (GOLD D) NUsed to decrease the indentation level counter. You must have a SET TAB valuein effect to use GOLD 'D.3 069TAB INCREASE - (GOLD E) NUsed to increase the indentation level counter. You must have a SET TAB valuein effect to use GOLD E.3 082REFRESH - (GOLD R) ORefreshes the screen display. The screen becomes blank and then the charactersMin the buffer reappear, minus extraneous characters, such as system messages.(The cursor remains in the same location.3 084TAB ADJUST - (GOLD T) *Indents the select range. To use the key: = 1. Create ( a select range of the text you wish to adjust.D 2. Enter a level count using the GOLD key. To decrease the tabL indentation level, precede the count with a minus sign. The default level count is 1. 3. Use the tab adjust key. LThe effect of GOLD T is to increase or decrease the indentation level of theOselect range by the number of tabs specified in the level count. You must have(a SET TAB value in effect to use GOLD T.3 085.DELETE TO BEGINNING OF LINE) - (GOLD U) PUsed to delete all characters in the current line to the left of the cursor. IfKthe cursor is on the first character of a line, the entire previous line isdeleted.3 087REFRESH - (GOLD W) ORefreshes the screen display. The screen becomes blank and then the charactersMin the buffer reappear, minus extraneous characters, such as system messages.(The cursor remains in the same location.3 090EXIT - (GOLD Z) Shifts EDT to line editing.3 42*8 HELP  6Use the HELP key to obtain help on the editing keypad.3 429 DO*Processes the command that was just given.  3 401 FIND NSearches for an occurrence of a string. Press the FIND key and then enter theNstring using the main keyboard. End the string by pressing either the ADVANCEPor BACKUP key to set the direction of the search, or the DO key to search in thecurrent direction.3 402INSERT HERE LInserts the contents of the PAST+E buffer directly to the left of the cursor.3 403REMOVE MMoves the select range to the PASTE buffer. The select range is all the textKbetween the selected position (see SELECT) and the current cursor position.MIf no SELECT has been made and the cursor is positioned on the current searchLstring, that string is cut. Each time REMOVE is used, the previous contents"of the PASTE buffer are discarded.  3 404SELECT LMarks one end of a select range. A select r,ange is a block of text on whichJvarious operations (such as REMOVE, APPEND, or FILL) can be performed. Tocreate a select range: F 1. Move the cursor to either the beginning or end of the text you wish to select. 2. Press the SELECT key.8 3. Move the cursor to the opposite end of the text. 8You can then perform the desired operation on the range.  3 405PREVIOUS SCREEN MMoves the cursor 16 lines (one section) backward. The cursor is moved t-o the"beginning of the appropriate line.  3 406NEXT SCREEN LMoves the cursor 16 lines (one section) forward. The cursor is moved to the"beginning of the appropriate line.  3 424!BEGINNING OF LINE - (F12) PMoves the cursor to the beginning of the current line. If the cursor is alreadyKat the beginning of a line, it moves to the beginning of the previous line.3 425+DELETE TO BEGINNING OF WORD - (F13) NUsed to delete all characters fr .om the cursor position to the beginning of theOword containing the cursor. If the cursor is on the first character of a word,the previous word is deleted.2 VT52QHJ +--------+--------+--------+--------+M | | | DEL L | UP |MDELETE Delete character | GOLD | HELP | | |MLINEFEED Delete to beginning of word | | | UND L |REPLACE |MBACKSPACE B/ackup to beginning of line +--------+--------+--------+--------+M | PAGE | FNDNXT | DEL W | DOWN |MCTRL/A Compute tab level | | | | |MCTRL/D Decrease tab level |COMMAND | FIND | UND W | SECT |MCTRL/E Increase tab level +--------+--------+--------+--------+MCTRL/F Fill text |ADVANCE | BACKUP | DEL C | RIGHT |MCTRL/K Define key 0 | | | | |MCTRL/R Refresh screen | BOTTOM | TOP | UND C |SPECINS |MCTRL/T Adjust tabs +--------+--------+--------+--------+MCTRL/U Delete to beginning of line | WORD | EOL | CUT | LEFT |MCTRL/W Refresh screen | | | | |MCTRL/Z Exit to line mode |CHNGCASE|DEL EOL | PASTE | APPEND |M +--------+--------+----- 1---+--------+M | LINE | SELECT | ENTER |M | | | |M | OPEN LINE | RESET | SUBS |M*** For help on a key, press the key. +-----------------+--------+--------+ *** To exit, press the spacebar.3 127DELETE------?Deletes the character preceding the cursor and stores it in theOdelete character buffer. When the cursor is o2n the leftmost character positionOon a line, the line terminator to the left is deleted and the text on that line4is moved to the right of the text in the line above.3 300 LINE (0)----HMoves the cursor forward or backward to the nearest beginning of a line,<depending on the current direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP).  OPEN LINE (GOLD 0) ---------IInserts a carriage return/linefeed after the cursor and leaves the cursorIposition unchanged. Pressing the OPEN LINE key when t3he cursor is at the/beginning of the line creates a new blank line.3 301 WORD (1)----HMoves the cursor forward or backward by a word, depending on the current#direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP). CHNGCASE (GOLD 1)--------5Changes the case of a range of characters as follows: L 1. If the select range is active, the case of each letter in the select range is changed.N 2. If 1 does not apply and the cursor is positioned on the current searchH string, 4the case of each letter in the search string is changed.F This does not apply if a repeat count greater than 1 is given.H 3. If 1 and 2 do not apply, then the case of one letter is changed.I If the current direction is ADVANCE, the cursor moves forward oneO character after the change of case occurs. If the current direction isN BACKUP, the cursor moves backward one character before the case change occurs.3 302EOL (2)---MMoves the cursor forwa5rd or backward to the nearest end of line, depending on/the current direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP).  DEL EOL (GOLD 2)-------PDeletes all characters to the right of the cursor in the current line, includingMthe character on which the cursor is positioned, up to, but not including theline terminator.3 303CUT (3)---LMoves the select range to the PASTE buffer. The select range is all the textObetween the selected position (see SELECT) and the current cursor position. I6fJno SELECT has been made and the cursor is positioned on the current searchPstring, that string is cut. Each time CUT is used, the previous contents of thePASTE buffer are discarded.  PASTE (GOLD 3)-----LInserts the contents of the PASTE buffer directly to the left of the cursor.3 304 ADVANCE (4)-------PSets the current direction to forward for the CHAR, WORD, LINE, EOL, PAGE, SECT,PSUBS, FIND, and FNDNXT keys. ADVANCE means that movement will be toward the end.of the7 buffer; that is, to the right and down.  BOTTOM (GOLD 4)------3Positions the cursor at the end of the text buffer.3 305 BACKUP (5)------PSets the cursor direction to backward for the CHAR, WORD, LINE, EOL, PAGE, SECT,KSUBS, FIND, and FNDNXT keys. BACKUP means that movement will be toward the5beginning of the buffer; that is, to the left and up.  TOP (GOLD 5)---9Positions the cursor at the beginning of the text buffer.3 306 DEL C (6)-----KDeletes the 8character on which the cursor is positioned and saves it in thedelete character buffer.  UND C (GOLD 6)-----OInserts the contents of the delete character buffer directly to the left of thecursor.3 307 PAGE (7)----PMoves the cursor to the top of a page. A page is defined by a delimiter string,Nwhich can be set by the SET ENTITY command. The default page delimiter is theformfeed character (CTRL/L).  COMMAND (GOLD 7)-------KAllows you to enter a line mode 9command to be executed without exiting fromJkeypad mode. The command is processed when you press the ENTER key on thekeypad. 3 308 FNDNXT (8)------MSearches for the next occurrence of the search string previously entered withIthe FIND key. The direction of the search is the current one (ADVANCE orBACKUP).  FIND (GOLD 8)----NSearches for an occurrence of a string. Press the FIND key and then enter theNstring using the main keyboard. End the string by pressing eith:er the ADVANCEOor BACKUP key to set the direction of the search, or the ENTER key to search inthe current direction.3 309 DEL W (9)-----PDeletes text from the cursor to the beginning of the next word, storing the textin the delete word buffer.  UND W (GOLD 9)-----JInserts the contents of the delete word buffer directly to the left of thecursor.3 310 HELP (RED)----6Use the HELP key to obtain help on the editing keypad.3 311 DEL L (GRAY)-----ODeletes te;xt from the cursor position to the end of the current line, includingMthe line terminator. If the cursor is positioned at the beginning of a line,Ithe entire line is deleted. The deleted text is saved in the delete linebuffer.  UND L (GOLD GRAY)-----JInserts the contents of the delete line buffer directly to the left of thecursor.3 312UP (UP-ARROW)--=The ^ (up-arrow) key moves the cursor to the character above.  REPLACE (GOLD UP-ARROW)-------ODeletes th<e select range and replaces it with the contents of the PASTE buffer.3 313DOWN (DOWN-ARROW)----?The v (down-arrow) key moves the cursor to the character below.  SECT (GOLD DOWN-ARROW)----MMoves the cursor 16 lines (one section) forward or backward, depending on theGcurrent direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP). The cursor is moved to the"beginning of the appropriate line.3 314RIGHT (RIGHT-ARROW)-----AThe --> (right-arrow) key moves the cursor to the next character.=  SPECINS (GOLD RIGHT-ARROW)-------KInserts any character from the DEC Multinational Character Set by using itsPdecimal value. Press the GOLD key, enter the code for the character in decimal,=press the GOLD key again, and press SPECINS (special insert).3 315LEFT (LEFT-ARROW)----EThe <-- (left-arrow) key moves the cursor to the preceding character.  APPEND (GOLD LEFT-ARROW)------OMoves the select range to the end of the PASTE buffer. The select range is allJ >the text between the selected position (see SELECT) and the current cursorIposition. If no SELECT has been made and the cursor is positioned on the/current search string, that string is appended.3 316 SELECT (.)------LMarks one end of a select range. A select range is a block of text on whichPvarious operations (such as CUT, APPEND, or FILL) can be performed. To create a select range: N 1. Move the cursor to either the beginning or end of the text you wish to select?. 2. Press the SELECT key.8 3. Move the cursor to the opposite end of the text. 8You can then perform the desired operation on the range.  RESET (GOLD .)-----JCancels the effect of the GOLD key if it was pressed by mistake, cancels aJselect range, or cancels any partly entered command string. Also sets thecurrent direction to forward.3 320 GOLD (BLUE)----OLets you use the lower (alternate) function of the editing keys. Press the GOLD"key, then the key you @wish to use. LYou can also use the GOLD key to enter counts. Press GOLD and then the mainKkeyboard numeric keys, followed by the key to which the count should apply.NThe DELETE key and CTRL/U can be used to edit the number, and thus cannot haveLa count applied to them in this manner. The SPECINS key treats the count as(the code for a character to be inserted. NThe GOLD key is used with main keyboard keys for additional editing functions.PFor help on "GOLD character" (for example, GOLD AA), press the character's key onthe main keyboard.3 321ENTER-----@Sends information to EDT for functions such as FIND and COMMAND. SUBS (GOLD ENTER)----MDeletes the search string, replaces it with the contents of the PASTE buffer,5and finds the next occurrence of the string. To use:  1. Press SELECT. 2. Type the new text. 3. Press CUT. 4. Press FIND.+ 5. Enter the text you wish to replace. GEach time you press SUBS, EDT makes one substituBtion and finds the nextIoccurrence of the search string. You can use a repeat count for multiplesubstitutions.3 001TAB COMPUTE (CTRL/A) -----------PSets the indentation level count to the value obtained from dividing the currentNcursor column position by the SET TAB number. If the cursor position is not aMmultiple of the SET TAB number, an error results. You must have a SET TAB ineffect to use CTRL/A.3 004TAB DECREASE (CTRL/D) ------------KUsed to decrease the indentatiCon level counter. You must have a SET TAB ineffect to use CTRL/D.3 005TAB INCREASE (CTRL/E) ------------KUsed to increase the indentation level counter. You must have a SET TAB ineffect to use CTRL/E.3 006FILL (CTRL/F)----PPerforms a word fill on the select range. A word fill reformats a block of textPso that as many full words as possible are placed on each line without exceedingNthe right margin. You can set the right margin with the SET WRAP command. IfOit is not se Dt, the default is the terminal width - 1. For purposes of the FILL1command, only spaces are used as word delimiters.3 008(BEGINNING OF LINE (CTRL/H or BACKSPACE)-----------------PMoves the cursor to the beginning of the current line. If the cursor is alreadyKat the beginning of a line, it moves to the beginning of the previous line.3 009TAB INSERT (CTRL/I or TAB) ----------$Moves the cursor in one of two ways: P 1. If the tab size has not been set with SET TAB or if th Ee cursor is not atL the beginning of the line, a tab character is inserted at the cursor position.L 2. If the tab size has been set with SET TAB or if the cursor is at theH beginning of the line, a number of tab characters and spaces areO inserted to move the cursor to the column position that is equal to the8 SET TAB value times the indentation level count.3 0101DELETE TO BEGINNING OF LINE (CTRL/J or LINEFEED)---------------------------NUsed t Fo delete all characters from the cursor position to the beginning of theNword containing the cursor. If the cursor is on the first character of a wordthe previous word is deleted.3 011DEFINE KEY (CTRL/K) ----------PUsed to define a new keypad function for an editing key. You are prompted firstMto press the key to be defined, then to enter the definition. You can defineMthe key either in terms of other editing keys or with nokeypad mode commands.OIf you press an editing key, its dGefinition appears at the bottom of the screenin the definition line.3 012INSERT FORMFEED (CTRL/L)----------------;Inserts a formfeed character () at the cursor position.3 018REFRESH (CTRL/R)-------ORefreshes the screen display. The screen becomes blank and then the charactersMin the buffer reappear, minus extraneous characters, such as system messages.(The cursor remains in the same location.3 020TAB ADJUST (CTRL/T) ----------*Indents the select range. To us He the key: = 1. Create a select range of the text you wish to adjust.D 2. Enter a level count using the GOLD key. To decrease the tabL indentation level, precede the count with a minus sign. The default level count is 1. 3. Use the tab adjust key. LThe effect of CTRL/T is to increase or decrease the indentation level of theOselect range by the number of tabs indicated by the level count. You must have(a SET TAB value in effect to use CTRL/T.3 021%DEILETE TO BEGINNING OF LINE (CTRL/U)---------------------------PUsed to delete all characters in the current line to the left of the cursor. IfKthe cursor is on the first character of a line, the entire previous line isdeleted.3 023REFRESH (CTRL/W)-------ORefreshes the screen display. The screen becomes blank and then the charactersMin the buffer reappear, minus extraneous characters, such as system messages.(The cursor remains in the same location.3 026EXIT (CTRL/Z)--J--Shifts EDT to line editing. 3 065TAB COMPUTE (GOLD A) -----------HSets the indentation level count to the value obtained from dividing theMcurrent cursor column position by the SET TAB number. If the cursor positionOis not a multiple of the SET TAB number, an error results. You must have a SET"TAB value in effect to use GOLD A.3 068TAB DECREASE (GOLD D) ------------NUsed to decrease the indentation level counter. You must have a SET TAB valuein effect to use GOLD D. K3 069TAB INCREASE (GOLD E) ------------NUsed to increase the indentation level counter. You must have a SET TAB valuein effect to use GOLD E.3 070FILL (GOLD F)----PPerforms a word fill on the select range. A word fill reformats a block of textPso that as many full words as possible are placed on each line without exceedingNthe right margin. The right margin can be set by the SET WRAP command. If itLis not set, the default is the terminal width - 1. For purposes of the FILL1Lcommand, only spaces are used as word delimiters.3 082REFRESH (GOLD R)-------ORefreshes the screen display. The screen becomes blank and then the charactersMin the buffer reappear, minus extraneous characters, such as system messages.(The cursor remains in the same location.3 084TAB ADJUST (GOLD T) ----------GAdjusts the tab level of the select range. The key is used as follows: = 1. Create a select range of the text you wish to adjust.D 2. Enter a level count Musing the GOLD key. To decrease the tabL indentation level, precede the count with a minus sign. The default level count is 1. 3. Use the tab adjust key. LThe effect of GOLD T is to increase or decrease the indentation level of theOselect range by the number of tabs indicated by the level count. You must have(a SET TAB value in effect to use GOLD T.3 085%DELETE TO BEGINNING OF LINE (GOLD U)---------------------------PUsed to delete all characters in the curNrent line to the left of the cursor. IfKthe cursor is on the first character of a line, the entire previous line isdeleted.3 087REFRESH (GOLD W)-------ORefreshes the screen display. The screen becomes blank and then the charactersMin the buffer reappear, minus extraneous characters, such as system messages.(The cursor remains in the same location.3 090EXIT (GOLD Z)----Shifts EDT to line editing. ww`fK1 CHANGEGThe CHANGE command puts EDT in chang Oe mode. Use change mode to edit at/the character level rather than the line level. -Format: CHANGE [range] [;nokeypad command(s)] FThe optional range specifies the cursor position when you enter change7mode. If you omit range, the current position is used. GThere are three submodes of change mode. Which submode you use dependsHon the type of terminal you are using and whether or not you wish to useFthe auxiliary (numeric) keypad for editing commands. These modes are:  P1. Hardcopy mode 2. Keypad mode 3. Nokeypad mode DIf the CHANGE command contains a semicolon (;) it may be followed byFnokeypad commands. If the last nokeypad command is EX, EDT returns toBline mode for the next command line. This is the only form of theCCHANGE command that may be used in a startup command file or macro. 2 ENTITIESBEntities are used in nokeypad mode commands to specify the text onBwhich a command will operate. Each entity represents a portion ofEtext, wh Qich may be anything from a single character to an entire textFbuffer. Most entities can be preceded by a count, which indicates the"number of entities to be affected. 3 CHARACTERGThe character entity is specified by the letter C. It selects a singlecharacter of text.3 WORD@A word consists of a string of characters terminated by a set ofCdelimiter characters. The default delimiter characters are spaces,Dtabs, carriage returns, line terminators, line feeds, formfeeds, and?vertical tab Rs. Spaces are handled in a special way: all spacesHfollowing a word up to the first non-space character are considered partFof a word. Other delimiters are not considered part of the word theyBterminate. Rather, they are considered to be words by themselves,Funless SET WORD NODELIMITER in in effect. If SET WORD NODELIMTER is inAeffect, delimiters are not considered words by themselves but areHconsidered part of the word they terminate. The three word entities are: D W Specifies th Se entire word in which the cursor is positioned.I BW Specifies all characters preceding the cursor up to the beginning of the word.G EW Specifies all characters from the cursor through the end of the word. ?You can change the word delimiters with the SET ENTITY command.3 LINEThe line entities are: D L Specifies the entire line in which the cursor is positioned.I BL Specifies all characters preceding the cursor up to the beginningH of a lin Te. (When the cursor is positioned at the beginning of a> line, the BL entity selects the entire previous line.)F EL Specifies all characters from the cursor to the end of a line,B including the character on which the cursor is positioned.G (If the cursor is on a line terminator, the entire next line is selected.)H NL Specifies all characters from the cursor to the beginning of theA next line, including the character on which the cursor is Upositioned.3 RANGEHThe range entities specify all text in the buffer either before or after(the cursor. The two range entities are: G BR Specifies the text from the cursor position to the beginning of the buffer.E ER Specifies the text from the cursor position to the end of the buffer. 3 SENTENCEHA sentence consists of a string of characters terminated by one of a setEof single character delimiters. The default sentence delimiters are:Eperiod (.), questi Von mark (?), and exclamation point (!). A sentenceGdelimiter is considered to be a delimiter only if it is at the end of aFline or if it is followed by a space. The line terminator or trailingGspaces are considered a part of the sentence. There are three sentence entities: J SEN Specifies the entire sentence in which the cursor is positioned,I including the delimiter and trailing spaces or line terminator.F BSEN Specifies all characters preceding the cursor in the c Wurrent sentence.J ESEN Specifies all characters in the current sentence from the cursor9 to (but not including) the delimiter character. AThe sentence delimiters can be changed by the SET ENTITY command.3 PAGEFA page consists of all the text between two page delimiters, includingHthe trailing page delimiter. The default page delimiter is the formfeed'character. The three page entities are: , PAGE Specifies all of the current page.I BPAGE Specifies al Xl characters in the current page from the character< preceding the cursor to the beginning of the page.I EPAGE Specifies all characters in the current page from the cursor to1 (but not including) the page delimiter. >You can change the page delimiter with the SET ENTITY command. 3 PARAGRAPHFA paragraph consists of all the text between two paragraph delimiters,Gincluding the trailing paragraph delimiter, and if SET PARAGRAPH WPS isFin effect, any adjacent delimiters Y. The default paragraph delimiter isCtwo consecutive line terminators. The three paragraph entities are: 1 PAR Specifies all of the current paragraph.D BPAR Specifies all characters in the current paragraph from theK character preceding the cursor to the beginning of the paragraph.K EPAR Specifies all characters in the current paragraph from the cursor9 to (but not including) the paragraph delimiter. CYou can change the paragraph delimiter with the SET ZENTITY command.3 SELECTGThe select entity consists of all characters between the cursor and theFselect mark. The select mark must have been specified previously by aHSEL command. The select range entity is specified by SR. Some commandsCuse the search string when the SR entity is specified but no selectrange has been created. 3 VERTICALHThe vertical entity is the same as the line entity, except that with theHV entity, the cursor stays in the same column. You specify the verticalen [tity with V.3 STRINGGThe string entity consists of all the characters between the cursor andEthe next occurrence of a specified search string. Specify the stringAentity by enclosing the desired search string in single or doubleCquotation marks. If the string is null (specified by '' or ""), the%previous search string is used again. FFor key definitions, you may use the null character (character code 0)Bin place of the quotation marks to avoid conflicts with the searchstring. 2 HA\RDCOPY6On a hardcopy terminal, change mode operates this way: @When you enter change mode, EDT displays the current line on theFterminal. The cursor position is marked by bracketing the character on>which the cursor is positioned. EDT will then prompt with the characters:  C* FIn response, you type a series of nokeypad mode commands terminated byDpressing return. EDT will execute the commands and type the currentline.2 KEYPAD@You enter the keypad mode of change mode when ]your terminal is aHVT100-type or VT52 and the keypad option is set. (This option is set byGdefault for these terminals.) In this mode the terminal screen is usedFto view the text buffer. Characters typed using the main keyboard areCinserted into the buffer at the cursor position. You enter editingAcommands by using keys on the auxiliary keypad, function keys, or"control keys on the main keyboard. FFor more help on keypad mode, type CHANGE to enter that mode. Use the keypad HELP faci ^lity as follows: J 1. If your terminal is a VT100-type, press the keypad key marked PF2.= 2. If your terminal is a VT52, press the red keypad key.I 3. If your terminal has function keys, press the function key marked HELP. 2 NOKEYPAD@You enter the nokeypad mode of change mode if your terminal is aEVT100-type or VT52 and the SET NOKEYPAD command has been used to turnDoff the keypad option. The screen is used as a window into the textEbuffer. You type nokeypad mode c _ommands at the keyboard; they echo onEthe bottom line of the screen. EDT executes the commands and updates1the text on the screen whenever you press return. 2 SUBCOMMANDS@When EDT is in change mode and SET NOKEYPAD is in effect or yourCterminal is set to HARDCOPY, EDT accepts a distinct set of commandsCcalled the nokeypad mode commands. You may concatenate a string of6these commands with or without spaces separating them. CNokeypad commands take one of the following forms, depending` on theparticular command:  1. command 2. [+|-][count]command= 3. [+|-][count][command][+|-][count][+|-]entity[=buffer] @Whenever a sign can appear in more than one place, the last sign#specified determines the direction.3 ADVEThe ADV (advance) command sets the cursor direction to advance. Many@nokeypad commands use the current direction to determine whetherFentities to the left or to the right of the cursor are to be affected.BWhen the direction is forward, naokeypad commands affect the cursor&character and characters to the right. Format: ADV3 APPENDEThe APPEND command works in the same way as the CUT command (see CUT)Cexcept that it adds the new text to the end of the alternate buffer"instead of replacing its contents. :Format: [+|-][count]APPEND[+|-][count][+|-]entity[=buffer]3 ASCFThe ASC nokeypad command inserts a specified character into the bufferDat the cursor position. Use the count field to indicate the decimalEcode of thbe character you want to insert. Characters are coded usingCthe DEC Multinational Character Set; codes 0 to 127 are the same asASCII. Format: [count]ASC DThe ASC command is the only way to insert a carriage return into theEmiddle of a line of text; otherwise, insert commands always treat theBcarriage return as a line terminator. The following command wouldinsert a carriage return: 0 13ASC (13 is the code for carriage return)3 BACKFThe BACK command sets the cursor direcction to backward. Many nokeypadGcommands use the current direction to determine whether entities to the@left or to the right of the cursor are to be affected. When theFdirection is backward, nokeypad commands affect characters to the leftof the cursor. Format: BACK3 BELLGThe BELL command rings the bell on the terminal. There is no effect onthe text buffer. Format: BELL3 CHGCBThe CHGC command changes the case of every letter in the specifiedDnumber of entities: lowercase le dtters become uppercase and uppercasebecome lowercase. /Format: [+|-][count]CHGC[+|-][count][+|-]entity HCHGCSR (change case of select region) works differently: If there is noGselect range and the cursor is in the search string, CHGCSR changes theGcase of every letter in the search string. If there is no select rangeFand the cursor is not in the search string, CHGCSR changes the case ofFthe character under the cursor, if it is letter. If the [count] field;is two or more, CHGCSR iegnores the search string condition.3 CHGL>The CHGL command forces every letter in the specified range to lowercase. /Format: [+|-][count]CHGL[+|-][count][+|-]entity 4CHGLSR has the same special contingencies as CHGCSR.3 CHGU>The CHGU command forces every letter in the specified range to uppercase. /Format: [+|-][count]CHGU[+|-][count][+|-]entity 4CHGUSR has the same special contingencies as CHGCSR.3 CLSS1The CLSS command clears the search string buffer. Format: CLSS3 fCUTHThe CUT command deletes a specified number of entities and saves all theDdeleted text in an alternate text buffer. The command works exactly6like the DELETE command except that the text is saved. 7Format: [+|-][count]CUT[+|-][count][+|-]entity[=buffer] ?If you do not specify a buffer, the buffer named PASTE is used. "Ex: CUTSR Cut the selected range( CUTPAGE Cut the current page of text3 D>The D nokeypad command deletes a specified number of entities. ,Format: [+|- g][count]D[+|-][count][+|-]entity HIf the entity is C, W, BW, EW, L, BL, EL, or NL, the last entity deletedGby the command is saved in the delete buffer associated with the entityBand can be restored with the UNDC, UNDW, or UNDL nokeypad command. ;Ex: D15C Deletes 15 characters in the current direction.% DSR Deletes the select range.3 DBR Deletes to the beginning of the buffer.3 DATEBThe DATE command inserts the current date and time string into the&buffer at the cu hrrent cursor position. EThe form of the string is: dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss . Note the trailingEspace. Before the tenth of the month the dd is a space followed by aHsingle digit. If you prefer the month abbreviation to be in lower case,Byou can change it by backing up to the month and using CHGL. This>command always uses the English abbreviations for month names. Format: DATE3 DEFKCThe DEFK command can be used to reassign the define key function to-another redefinable keypad mode ifunction key. Format: DEFK3 DESELHThe DESEL command cancels the current select range if one is active. If4no select range is active the command has no effect. Format: DESEL3 DLWCHThe DLWC (default lowercase) command sets the motion state to lowercase.HWith this as the motion state moving the cursor over a lower case letter-changes it to upper case. See DUPC and DMOV. Format: DLWC3 DMOVEThe DMOV command returns the default motion state to unchanged. WithHthis as the motijon state moving the cursor over a letter does not changeits case. See DLWC and DUPC. Format: DMOV3 DUPCHThe DUPC (default uppercase) command sets the motion state to uppercase.HWith this as the motion state moving the cursor over a lower case letter-changes it to upper case. See DMOV and DLWC. Format: DUPC3 EX:The EX (exit) command exits from change mode to line mode. Format: EX3 EXTFThe EXT (extend) command executes a line mode command while you are inHchange mode. kEDT interprets the remainder of the command line as a line<mode command, executes the command, and reenters change modeBautomatically. The EXT command may not be used inside parentheses. Format: EXT line mode command3 FILLCThe FILL command reformats a block of text so that as many completeEwords as possible are placed on each line without exceeding the right?margin. It sets the right margin to the terminal width minus 1@character by default. The margin can be changed by the SET WRAPlcommand. /Format: [+|-][count]FILL[+|-][count][+|-]entity3 HELPEThe HELP command can be used to reassign the help function to another%redefinable keypad mode function key.3 IDThe I command inserts new text into the buffer at the current cursor position. Format: Itext to be inserted^Z or: I text to be inserted ^Z HIf you plan to insert only a few characters, use the first form of the IHcommand. If you plan to insert several lines use the second form. WithBthe msecond form you can insert lines until you type control Z. OnFVT100-type terminals the I command remains at the bottom of the screenHto remind you that you are inserting text. Only the first form of the IAcommand can be used in a key definition or after C; in a macro orstartup command file. 3 KSBThe KS command modifies the cursor position after a PASTE command. EAfter a PASTE command, the cursor is on the character to the right ofGthe pasted text. If PASTE is followed by KS, howe nver, the cursor movesGto the last pasted character if the current direction is forward and toDthe first pasted character if the direction is backward. You should:only use the KS command immediately after a PASTE command. Format: PASTE KS GSuch cursor positioning affects a subsequent string search. KS is usedHin the definition of the keypad SUBS function so that the character thatHfollows the pasted text in the current direction is included in the nextstring search.3 MOVEFThe "M oOVE" command moves the cursor a specified number of entities. IfFDLWC is in effect, all letters encountered are forced to lowercase. IfFDUPC is in effect, all letters encountered are forced to uppercase. IfBDMOV is in effect, no text is changed. The "MOVE" command uses no command word. Format: [+|-][count][+|-]entity GIf you use an explicit sign, the direction of the move is determined byAthat sign (+ for forward, - for backward); otherwise, the currentHdirection mode (set by the ApDV or BACK command) is used to determine the direction. -Ex: +3W Moves the cursor 3 words forward.= L Moves the cursor 1 line in the current direction.: -PAGE Moves the cursor backward to a page delimiter.3 PASTEEThe PASTE command copies the contents of an alternate buffer into the&current buffer at the cursor position. Format: [count]PASTE[=buffer] 6If you omit the buffer name, the PASTE buffer is used.3 QUITLThe QUIT nokeypad command leaves the editor wiqthout saving any text buffers.EThis will cause you to lose any editing you have done in this sessionCunless you used the WRITE command to save the text before quitting. Format: QUIT3 RHThe R (replace) command deletes the specified entities and leaves you inGthe insert state so you can enter the text that you want to replace thedeleted text with. ,Format: [+|-][count]R[+|-][count][+|-]entity3 REF%The REF command refreshes the screen. Format: REF3 SCThe S command replraces occurrences of one string of characters withanother. (Format: [+|-][count]S/string-1/string-2/ HThe slashes represent any non-alphanumeric character used to delimit theGtwo strings. S searches in the specified direction from the cursor andAfinds an occurrence of string-1. It deletes string-1 and insertsstring-2 in its place. Ex: S/1988/1989/3 SELHThe SEL command marks a portion of text that will be one end of a selectArange. You create a select range by positioning to s one end of theGdesired text (either end will do), executing the SEL command, moving toHthe other end of the desired text, and performing an operation on the SRC(select range) entity. On VT100-type terminals the select range isdisplayed in reverse video. Format: SEL3 SHIFTDUse the SHL (shift left) and SHR (shift right) commands to alter theHleft margin when in change mode. The left margin is the position of theFfirst character in each line on the screen. Normally, the left marg tinAis 0, which means all characters are displayed. If you use a SHLDcommand, the left margin can be changed by an integral number of tabHstops (8 characters). If SHL is used once, the first 8 columns will notHbe displayed on the screen. This shifts the screen window horizontally. 1Format: countSHL (Shift left by count tab stops)2 countSHR (Shift right by count tab stops)3 SSELEThe SSEL (search and select) command searches for the occurrence of aHstring and places the stringu in the select range. The cursor remains atthe far end of the string. Format: SSEL"string"3 SNGThe SN (substitute next) command performs a substitution using the sameBsearch and replacement strings as the previous substitute command. Format: [+|-][count]SN3 TABEUse the TAB nokeypad command when the line mode SET TAB command is inFeffect. The TAB command inserts the correct number of tabs and blanksFto position the cursor to the current tab level. When SET NOTAB is inBeffect v, or when the cursor is not at the beginning of a line, thisHcommand inserts an HT character, thus positioning the cursor to the next-tab stop. Tab stops are every eight columns. Format: TAB3 TADJGThe TADJ command adjusts the tab level for the specified range of text.GThe SET TAB value determines the tab size. The tab level is adjusted by>the value of count; it is incremented for a positive count andDdecremented for a negative count. A count not preceded by + or - isFassumed positi wve. The TADJ tab setting is the product of the tab sizeand the count. *Format: [+|-][count]TADJ[+|-][count]entity HNote that the + or - that precedes the first count is not used to modifyHthe direction of entity selection. Its function in this command differsGin this way from all other nokeypad commands that use a similar format.3 TCFThe TC nokeypad command computes the tab level from the current cursorAposition. This command has meaning only if SET TAB is in effect. Format: xTC3 TDHThe TD nokeypad command decreases the tab level count. This command has%meaning only if SET TAB is in effect. Format: TD3 TGSELHThe TGSEL command allows you to toggle select. When the select range isGactive, TGSEL will cancel it, and when no select range is active, TGSEL,will enable it, acting like the SEL command. Format: TGSEL3 TIFThe TI nokeypad command increases the tab level counter. This command)has meaning only if SET TAB is in effect. Format: TI3 TOyPHThe TOP command forces the line on which the cursor is positioned to theHtop of the screen. If there is less than a full screen of lines between?the current line and the end of the buffer, TOP has no effect.  Format: TOP 3 UNDELETEAThe UNDELETE commands restore the last entity deleted by a deletecommand. "Format: UNDC (undelete character) UNDW (undelete word) UNDL (undelete line)3 XLATEDThe XLATE command allows calling back to the caller of callable ED zT. Format: XLATEtext^Z DThe text is passed to the XLATE routine, which returns some NOKEYPADHcommands for EDT to execute. This command is an error except on VAX/VMSGwhen EDT is being called from a program. See the EDT Editor Manual for more details.3 ()FA sequence of nokeypad commands can also be enclosed in parentheses toFform a single unit. A number preceding the left parenthesis indicatesDthe number of times to repeat the entire sequence. The EXT nokeypad)command cannot app{ear inside parentheses.3 ^FThis command provides for the insertion of control characters in text.GEDT accepts a circumflex (^) followed by a letter from A to Z, an @, [,H\, ], ^ or _. Each of these 32 characters is transformed into a controlHcharacter by subtracting 32 from its ASCII code, thus ^@ becomes NUL, ^Abecomes SOH, etc. Format: [count]^[character]wwfK1 CLEAR4The CLEAR (abbreviated CL) command deletes a buffer. Format: CLEAR buffer HThe buff|er no longer appears on the list printed by SHOW BUFFER. If theIbuffer was a macro, it is no longer a macro. If the buffer contained anyGtext, that text is deleted. If that buffer was the current buffer, theJcurrent buffer becomes MAIN. There are two exceptions to these rules: theLbuffers PASTE and MAIN. The CLEAR command does not delete these buffers butNjust deletes their text. Note that the argument is a buffer name, not a rangeIspecification: CLEAR PASTE is valid, while CLEAR =PASTE} and CLEAR BUFFERPASTE are not.wwfK1 COPYBThe COPY (abbreviated CO) command copies text from one location toEanother within a buffer or between buffers. When text is copied, thesource text remains intact. ;Format: COPY [range-1] TO [range-2] [/QUERY] [/DUPLICATE:n] HThe lines specified by range-1 are copied above the first line specifiedHby range-2. Either range defaults to the current line. Either range mayinclude a buffer specification. AIf the desti ~nation is not the current buffer, put the name of theFreceiving buffer immediately after TO (=buffer). Give the full name of=the buffer. To copy text from an external file, see INCLUDE. 2 /DUPLICATEFormat: /DUPLICATE:n CWhen you use the /DUPLICATE (abbreviated /DUP) qualifier, the lines,specified by range-1 are duplicated n times.2 /QUERYFormat: /QUERY HWhen you use the /QUERY (abbreviated /Q) qualifier, EDT prompts you with5a question mark (?) to verify each line to be copied. Responses are:  Y Yes, copy this line! N No, do not copy this lineA Q Quit, do not copy any of the remaining lines in the range+ A All, copy all the rest of the lineswwfK1 DEFINEDThe DEFINE command (abbreviated DEF) defines either editing keys for$keypad mode or macros for line mode.2 KEYBThe DEFINE KEY (abbreviated DEF K) command creates definitions forCediting keys for use in keypad mode. You can redefine keypad keys,Ccontrol key sequences and GOLD control key sequences. You can also3define function keys, for terminals that have them. 'Format: DEFINE KEY key-name AS 'string' 3 KEY-NAME'Format: DEFINE KEY key-name AS 'string' !Key-name is one of the following:  [GOLD] [FUNCTION] number [GOLD] CONTROL character [GOLD] CONTROL "character" [GOLD] CONTROL 'character' [GOLD] DELETE GOLD character GOLD "character" GOLD 'character' CNumber refers to keypad and func tion keys. CONTROL character namesBspecific control keys (upper- and lowercase letters are consideredGequivalent). A character following CONTROL is limited to @, A to Z, [,G\, ], ^ and _. DELETE refers to the delete key, which is not a controlCcharacter. Character not following CONTROL can be any keyboard keyFexcept 0-9, though - is not useful. Characters !, %, ', and " must be5enclosed in quotation marks; other characters can be.3 STRING 'Format: DEFINE KEY key-name AS 'string'  @The string is a string of nokeypad mode commands that define theEfunction of the key. If you want the command to be executed when theDkey is struck, the definition must end with a period. Otherwise, EDTGwill accumulate definitions until the user types a key whose definition7ends with a period, and then execute them all together.4 ?FYou can use a question mark (?) or question mark and asterisk (?*), inGkey definitions to prompt the user for input. The ? is replaced by theDcharacte rs read from the terminal before the command is executed. AEprompt string enclosed in single quotation marks may follow the ?. ACresponse to an input request generated by a ? must be terminated byDpressing a keypad or function key, whereas a response to a ?* can beFterminated by pressing a keypad key, a function key or the return key.4 RESETDIf you define a key as 'RESET' (must be exactly five characters) theDkey will perform the RESET keypad function. RESET is not a nokeypad;command. Do not put a period at the end of the definition.4 GOLDBIf you define a key as 'GOLD' the key will perform the GOLD keypadFfunction. GOLD is not a nokeypad command. Do not put a period at theend of the definition. 3 EXAMPLESDTo define the key CTRL/A to move 3 lines, use the following command:  DEFINE KEY CONTROL A AS '3L.' GTo define the GOLDed function of the up-arrow key to mean "go to top of#buffer," use the following command:  DEFINE KEY GOLD 12 AS 'BR.' DTo def ine the key CTRL/D to write your COBOL identification division*header for you, use the following command: J DEFINE KEY CONTROL D AS 'iIDENTIFICATION DIVISION.^Z^MiPROGRAM-ID. ?^Z.' 0(After pressing the key, type the program name.) DTo define the CTRL/R key to prompt for the name of a BLISS routine,4which it will then find, use the following commmand: ? DEFINE KEY CONTROL R AS "BR ADV 'ROUTINE ?'Routine name: ''."3 VT529 +-------+-------+-------+-------+ 9This diagram shows | | | | |9the numbers of the | 20 | 10 | 11 | 12 |9keypad keys on VT52 | | | | |9terminals for use in +-------+-------+-------+-------+9the DEFINE KEY | | | | |9command. | 7 | 8 | 9 | 13 |9 | | | | |9 +-------+-------+-------+-------+9 | | | | |9 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 14 |9 | | | | |9 +-------+-------+-------+-------+9 | | | | |9 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 15 |9 | | | | |9 +-------+-------+-------+-------+9 | | | |9 | 0 | 16 | 21 |9 | | | |9 +---------------+-------+-------+3 VT100I+-------+-------+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+-------+-------+I| | | | | | | | | |I| 12 | 13 | 15 | 14 | | 20 | 10 | 11 | 17 |I| | | | | | | | | |I+-------+-------+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+-------+-------+I | | | | |IThe diagram to the right shows the | 7 | 8 | 9 | 18 |Inumbers of the keypad keys on VT100 | | | | |Iterminals for use in the DEFINE KEY +-------+-------+-------+-------+Icommand. Above are the numbers for | | | | |Ithe arrow keys, for terminals that | 4 | 5 | 6 | 19 |Ido not have function keys. | | | | |I +-------+-------+-------+-------+I | | | | |I | 1 | 2 | 3 | |I | | | | |I +-------+-------+-------+ 21 |I  | | | |I | 0 | 16 | |I | | | |I +---------------+-------+-------+3 FUNCTION-KEYSI +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+-----+--+--+--+--+--+I |17|18|19|20|21| |23|24|25|26| |28| 29 | |31|32|33|34|I +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+-----+ --+--+--+--+--+ :The diagram above and right shows the numbers +--+--+--+:of the function keys. When used with the | 1| 2| 3|:DEFINE KEY command these numbers must be +--+--+--+:preceeded by the word FUNCTION. | 4| 5| 6|: +--+--+--+7The diagram to the right shows how the arrow +--+7keys are numbered on terminals which have |12|:function keys. These keys do not use the word +--+--+--+:FUNCTION when defined using the DEFINE KEY |15|13|14|:command. +--+--+--+ 2 MACROFThe DEFINE MACRO (abbreviated DEF M) command defines a line mode macrocommand. Format: DEFINE MACRO name EThe name is the name of the text buffer in which the macro is stored.GThe macro itself is a series of EDT line mode commands. You invoke the=macro by giving its name in response to the line mode prompt.wwfK1 DELETELThe DELETE (abbreviated D) command deletes the lines specified by the range. Format: DELETE [range] [/QUERY] AIf you do not specify the range, the default is the current line.2 /QUERYFormat: /QUERY IWhen you use the QUERY (abbreviated /Q) qualifier, EDT prompts you with a4question mark (?) to verify each line to be deleted. Responses are:  Y Yes, delete this line# N No, do not delete this lineC Q Quit, do not delete any of the remaining lines in the range- A All, delete all the rest of the lineswwfK1 EXITEThe EXIT (abbreviated EX) command terminates all action in the editor<and saves a copy of the MAIN text buffer in the output file. 8Format: EXIT [file-spec] [/SEQUENCE:[init:incr]] [/SAVE] AIf you omit the file specification, the output file name from theGcommand line that invoked EDT is used. If no output file name has beenHspecified, and if /READ_ONLY and /NOOUTPUT have not been specified, thenthe input file name is used.2 /SAVEAWhen you use the /SAVE qualifier, the journal file is saved. TheEjournal file is called 'name.JOU', where name is the output file nameFfrom the command line. For information about the journal facility, see HELP JOURNAL. 2 /SEQUENCEFormat: /SEQUENCE[:init:incr] FWhen you use the /SEQUENCE option, the output file is in VFC (variableGwith fixed control) format, and line numbers are written in the controlDfield. The values of both 'init' and 'incr' must be less than 65 536. IIf you set init and incr, the file is renumbered starting with the numberDyou choose for init, and the lines are incremented by the number youJchoose for incr. Otherwise, the line numbers assigned by EDT are written.EThese line numbers are truncated to integers and taken modulo 100000,with a maximum value of 65535.wwfK1 FILLDThe FILL (abbreviated FIL) command reformats a block of text so thatHthere are as many full words on a line as possible without exceeding the right margin. Format: FILL [range] FThe lines in the range must be contiguous. If you omit the range, theselect range is assumed. GThe right margin can be set by the SET WRAP command. If the margin has8not been set, the default is the terminal width minus 1.wwfK1 FINDDThe FIND (abbreviated F) command places the cursor at the first linespecified by range. Format: FIND [range] GThe located line is not displayed. To find and display a line, use the TYPE command. HEx: F=X. Returns EDT to buffer X, to the line EDT was on when you lastH left buffer X. Note the dot (.) after the buffer name. ThisG specifies the line that EDT was on when you last left buffer X.wwfK 1 INCLUDEEThe INCLUDE (abbreviated INC) command copies external files into textbuffers. !Format: INCLUDE file-spec [range] EThe specified file is copied to the location before the first line ofHthe range. Note that range specifies the position to which the file willEbe copied; it does not restrict the portion of the file which will beCincluded. To include part of a file, first INCLUDE the file into aCbuffer; then COPY the desired portion of the included text into theappropriate buffer.wwfK1 INSERT?The INSERT (abbreviated I) command inserts new text into a textbuffer. +Format: INSERT [range] ;line to be inserted Or: INSERT [range] text to be i nserted ^Z EThe new text is inserted above the first line specified by range. If<you omit range, new text is inserted above the current line. HIf you choose the first form of the INSERT command, the text on the lineHfollowing the semicolon is inserted and the editor does not enter insertFmode. This is the only form of the INSERT command that should be used#in a startup command file or macro. GIf you choose the second form, EDT enters insert mode. In insert mode,Fyou ca n enter as many lines of text as you wish, terminating each line>by pressing return. Terminate insert mode by pressing CTRL/Z. CThe line following the last line inserted becomes the current line.wwЪfK 1 JOURNALDEDT saves all input from the terminal during an editing session in aDfile called the journal file. The journal file is deleted when youHexit the editor with an EXIT or QUIT command (without the /SAVE option).?If the editor is left involuntarily, the journal fil e is saved. EThe journal file can be used to redo all the operations of an editingEsession. The edited file is thereby recreated. Type the same commandFline used previously with the addition of the /RECOVER qualifier. AllDinput files used in the original session must be available under the(same names as when they were first read. EUnless explicitly overridden by the /JOURNAL qualifier on the commandBline, the journal file will have the same name as the output file,Eexcept that the file type will be JOU and the file will be written inthe current default directory.wwЪfK1 MOVE@The MOVE (abbreviated M) command moves text from one location to0another, deleting it from the original location. ,Format: MOVE [range-1] TO [range-2] [/QUERY] BThe lines specified by range-1 are moved to a location immediatelyFabove the first line specified by range-2. The lines are deleted fromGthe original location. If you omit either of the range specifications,Dthe current line is used. The first line of range-2 becomes the newDcurrent line. To move lines of text without deleting them from the(original location, see the COPY command.2 /QUERYFormat: /QUERY GWhen you use the QUERY (abbreviated /Q) qualifier, EDT prompts you with4a question mark (?) to verify each line to be moved. Responses are:  Y Yes, move this line." N No, do not move this line.A Q Quit, do not move any of the remaining lines in the range, A All, move all the rest of the lines.wwЪfK1 PRINTAThe PRINT (abbreviated P) command creates a listing file with thespecified file name. Format: PRINT file-spec [range] EThe lines selected by range are written to a listing format file withFpage headers. If the NUMBERS option is set (see SET NUMBERS), the EDTGline numbers will appear on the listing. If you omit range, the entireGcurrent buffer is printed. Print does not alter the current line. UseFPRINT only to create a listing. If you wish to create a file, use theWRITE command.wwЪfK1 QUITDThe QUIT command exits the editor without saving the contents of the MAIN buffer. Format: QUIT [/SAVE] GUse the QUIT command only if you have made no changes to the buffer youFare editing or if you have decided you do not wish to save the changesByou have made. All edits will be discarded when you QUIT from theeditor.2 /SAVECThe SAVE qualifier specifies that the journal file should be saved.4Normally, the journal file is deleted when you QUIT.wwЪfK1 RANGEERange specifications select the exact lines of text on which the lineediting command will operate. :There are several general classes of range specifications: 9 1. Single line ranges specify a single line of text.M 2. Multiple line ranges specify blocks of text, such as an entire bufferD or all lines from the current line to the end of the buffer.L 3. Compound ranges combine single line ranges with operators to specify multiple lines of text.L 4. Noncontiguous ranges specify multiple lines that are not necessarily adjacent to one another.2 ALL<The ALL range further refines a general range specification. Format: [range] ALL 'string' EWhile range can be a single, multiple, or compound range, the commandEbeing performed will only apply to those lines of text containing theGgiven string. This string can be enclosed in single or double quotationmarks. FEx: TYPE ALL 'EDT' When ALL is used, the default for range isH WHOLE. This command will type all the linesG in the current buffer containing the string" 'EDT'. F SUBS/A/B/50:100 ALL '1' Substitute B for A in all lines from 50 to; 100 which include the string 1.2 AND.The AND range selects a group of single lines. *Format: range-1 AND range-2 AND range3 ...& Or: range-1 , range-2 , range3 ... CEach of the ranges must be a single line range. Each of the singlelines is operated on. @Ex: TYPE 4 AND 7 Lines 4 and 7 are displayed on the terminal B TYPE BEGIN,END-1 The first and last lines are displayed on the terminal2 BEGINEThe BEGIN range (abbreviated B) is a single line range that specifiesthe first line in the buffer.2 BEFORE@The BEFORE range (abbreviated BEF) is a multiple line range thatAspecifies all the lines in the buffer preceding the current line.2 BUFFEREThe BUFFER (abbreviated BU) specification may precede any other rangeFspecification and indicates that the range is to be applied to a namedbuffer. Format: BUFFER name [range] Or: =name [range] FThe two forms are equivalent. Name is the name of the buffer in whichCthe text resides. If you leave out the range, the entire buffer is selected.2 DOTEThe dot (.) is a singl e line range that refers to the current line ofEtext. For many commands, dot is the default range. See the help text/for a command if you are unsure of the default. 'Ex: TYPE . Display the current line.2 ENDGThe END (abbreviated E) range specifies an imaginary line following theClast line in the buffer. END does not specify the last line in theCbuffer. The last line can be referred to by E-1 (that is, the line;preceding END). When the END line is typed, it looks like: [EOB]2 FORFThe FOR range is a multiple line range that selects a specified number*of lines starting at a specified location. Format: [range] FOR n Or: [range] # n @The two forms are equivalent. Range is a single line range thatFspecifies the starting position, and n is an integer number. If range6is omitted, the current line is the starting position. EEx: TYPE . FOR 5 Display 5 lines, starting with the current line 8 TYPE #5 Equivalent to the previous example > TYPE BEGIN FOR 10 Display the first 10 lines in the buffer2 LASTHThe LAST (abbreviated L) range is a single line range that refers to theHline in the previous buffer which was the current line when you switchedto the current buffer.2 MINUSFThe minus sign (-) in ranges selects a single line that is a specified(number of lines before a specified line. Format: [range] - [n] HRange is a single line range, and n is an integer. The line selected isDthe line that is n lines before the line specified by range. If you?omit range, the current line is used; if you omit n, 1 is used. GEx: TYPE 15 - 3 Display the third line before the line numbered 15. 8 TYPE END -1 Display the last line in the buffer. . TYPE - Display the previous line.2 NUMBERGA line number is a single line range that refers to the line having the?specified number. The line number may contain a decimal point. 'Ex: TYPE 10 Display line number 10.  ' INSERT 65.3 Insert above line 65.3. HThe maximum allowable line number is 2814749767. A line number may have4up to five digits to the right of the decimal point. ?You can change the line number with the RESEQUENCE command. InGaddition, the INSERT and INCLUDE commands will automatically change theGnumbers of existing lines if necessary to make each line in a buffer to1have a line number larger than the previous line. AWhen lines are read from the primary input file and that file hasFsequence numbers, the line number assigned is the sequence number fromDthe file, plus N*100000, where N is large enough to ensure that eachCline in the buffer has a line number larger than the previous line.5File sequence numbers range in value from 0 to 65535. 2 ORIGINALFormat: ORIGINAL n FThe ORIGINAL (abbreviated O) range is no longer a feature of EDT. TheHkeyword ORIGINAL is ignored; the number specified is taken as an editing9line number. See HELP RANGE NUMBER for more information.2 PLUSCThe plus sign selects, in ranges, a single line that is a specified'number of lines after a specified line. Format: [range] + [n] HRange is a single line range, and n is an integer. The line selected isHthe line that is n lines after the line specified by range. If you omit;range, the current line is used. If you omit n, 1 is used. FEx: TYPE 15 + 3 Display the third line after the line numbered 15. : TYPE BEGIN +1 Display the second line in the buffer. @ TYPE + Display the line following the current line. C TYPE 'string'+2 Display the second line following the next line( continaing 'string'.2 RESTFThe REST (abbreviated R) range is a multiple line range that refers to7the current line and all lines following in the buffer.2 SELECTAThe SELECT range is a multiple line range that contains all linesHbetween the current line and the SELECT mark. The SELECT mark is set byCthe change mod e SEL nokeypad command or the keypad SELECT function.2 STRINGDA quoted string specifies a single line that contains the specifiedGstring. You can enclose the string in either single or double quotationBmarks (' or "). When you use a string as a range, EDT will searchEforward, starting with the current line, until it locates a line withCthe specified string. If a minus sign (-) precedes the string, thesearch will be backward. GEx: TYPE 'abc' Locate and display the first line forward that contains! the string 'abc'. 9 TYPE -"abc" Same, except the search will be backward.2 THRUGThe THRU range is a compound range that specifies all lines between twosingle line ranges. Format: range-1 THRU range-2 Or: range-1 : range-2 FBoth forms are equivalent. Starting with range-1, EDT selects all the8lines up to and including the line specified by range-2. FEx: TYPE 15:30 Display all lines with numbers between 15 and 30. B TYPE 'glorp':END Display all lines from the first line forward3 containing 'glorp' to the end.2 WHOLEAThe WHOLE (abbreviated W) range refers to the entire text buffer.wwљfK 1 REPLACEHThe REPLACE (abbreviated R) command deletes the specified range of lines#and then places EDT in INSERT mode. 'Format: REPLACE [range] ;text to insert Or: REPLACE [range] text to insert ^Z EWhen you do not specify a range, replace deletes the c urrent line and&inserts the new text at that location. FIf you use the first form of the REPLACE command, EDT inserts the textCin the command line following the semicolon and the editor does notEenter insert mode. This is the only form of the REPLACE command that3should be used in startup command files and macros. GIf you use the second form, EDT enters insert mode. In insert mode youGcan enter as many lines of text as you wish, terminating each line withAa carriage return. You terminate insert mode by pressing CTRL/Z. CThe line following the last line inserted becomes the current line.wwљfK 1 RESEQUENCEFThe RESEQUENCE (abbreviated RES) command assigns new line numbers to arange of lines. 0Format: RESEQUENCE [range] [/SEQUENCE:init:incr] HThe specified range of lines must be contiguous. When you do not specifyFa range, all lines in the current buffer are resequenced. If the newEnumbers assigned would cause duplicate or nonsequential line numbers,AEDT will either disallow the command or renumber lines beyond thespecified range. GNote that the total count of lines resequenced (which is displayed upon?completion of the command), may differ from the number of linesBoriginally specified in the range, due to the possibility of extra renumbering. 2 /SEQUENCECThe SEQUENCE (abbreviated /SEQ) qualifier specifies the sequence ofAnumbers to be assigned. The init parameter specifies the initial<number, and incr specifies the number by which the lines areEincremented. If you do not use the SEQUENCE qualifier, init and incrboth default to 1. <The maximum allowable line number is 2814749767. If, duringEresequencing, a line number plus 'incr' would exceed this value, thatEline and all remaining lines will be numbered 2814749767. You shouldGcorrect this immediately by resequencing with a different 'init' and/orsmaller 'incr'.wwљfK1 SETGThe SET (abbreviated SE) command sets option s that control other editorHoperations. Once set, these options are in effect throughout the rest of5the edit session or until changed by the SET command. 2 AUTOREPEATHThe SET AUTOREPEAT (abbreviated SE AUTOREPEAT) command enables EDT's useDof the DECARM VT100 control sequence to prevent keypad, function andHarrow keys from repeating faster than EDT can update the screen. If youEdo not want EDT to manipulate the VT100's autorepeat feature, use SET@NOAUTOREPEAT (abbreviated SE NOAUTOREPEAT) . On some VT100-classHterminals, SET AUTOREPEAT can cause the arrow keys to repeat at the rate>of 2 per second rather than the usual 30 per second. With SETHNOAUTOREPEAT the arrow keys repeat faster, but the screen is not updatedFfor each repeat of the arrow key, since EDT skips intermediate updatesif it gets behind. Format: SET [NO]AUTOREPEAT2 CASE)Format: SET CASE { UPPER | LOWER | NONE } CUse the SET CASE (abbreviated SE CA) command on terminals which areHcapable of displaying uppercase characters only. SET CASE instructs EDTHto flag with a preceding apostrophe either the uppercase characters, theDlowercase characters, or neither. The default for SET CASE is NONE,&which means no characters are flagged. +You can abbreviate the keywords as follows:  CASE CA UPPER U LOWER L NONE N 2 COMMAND&Format: SET COMMAND file-specification EThe SET COMMAND (abbreviated SE COMMAND) command is used in a startupDcommand file to specif y the name of the next startup command file toFread. EDT provides a default file type of ".EDT". If the file is notBpresent this command does nothing; otherwise it causes the currentEcommand file to be abandoned and the new one to be read in its place. 3 STARTUPEWhen EDT starts up, it reads the installation default startup commandFfile. The name of the file is always EDTSYS. The default name varies$depending on the system, as follows:  Default Name$ -----------------#VAX/VMS SYS$LIBRARY:.EDTRSX-11M & M-PLUS LB:[1,2].EDTRSTS/E LB:.EDT AWhen opening the file, EDT combines the name and the default nameGtogether into a complete file specification. On VAX/VMS, therefore, ifEthe logical name EDTSYS is defined, EDT will read from it rather thanfrom SYS$LIBRARY:EDTSYS.EDT. EThe installation default startup command file should have SET COMMANDFEDTINI at its end, so that the user's initialization file will be readFafter the installation default initialization file. If EDTSYS is notHfound, EDT will try again using the name EDTINI, so there is no need forBan installation-default initialization file that just contains SETCOMMAND EDTINI.2 CURSORFormat: SET CURSOR top:bottom EThe SET CURSOR (abbreviated SE CU) command, used with screen editing,Bsets the limits within which the cursor is allowed to move withoutscrolling the screen. DTop and bottom are the line numbers at the top of the screen and theHbottom of the screen. The line numbers must be in the range of 0 to 21,Gwith 0 specifying the top of the screen and 21 the bottom. The defaultGsetting is 7:14, allowing the cursor to move within the middle third ofGthe screen. If SET LINES is used to decrease the number of lines shownEon the screen, the top and bottom of the cursor limits must be within"the number of lines on the screen.2 ENTITY1Format: SET ENTITY entity-type 'delimiter string' *Where entity -type is one of the following:  WORD (abbreviated W) SENTENCE (abbreviated S)! PAGE (abbreviated PAG)! PARAGRAPH (abbreviated PAR) FThe SET ENTITY (abbreviated SE EN) command sets the delimiters for theGuser-defined change mode entities. For the WORD and SENTENCE entities,Gthe delimiter string is a set of single character delimiters. For PAGEDand PARAGRAPH, the delimiter is a character string that delimits theCentity. See HELP CHANGE ENTITIES fo r explanations of the entities.2 FNFFormat: SET [NO]FNF DThe SET FNF option controls whether or not an informative message isFdisplayed when you attempt to edit a non-existing file. NOFNF opens anew file but gives no message.2 HELP%Format: SET HELP [file-specification] FThe SET HELP (abbreviated SE H) option lets you define which help fileHwill be accessed when you either give the HELP command or press the HELPCkey in keypad mode. The default device and directory are always a sGlisted below unless overriden by an explicit device and directory. SETEHELP without a file specification returns you to the original default help file. AThe following are default specifications for the various systems: 5 File specification Name Type5 ------------------ ---- ----5VAX/VMS SYS$HELP: .HLB EDTHELP .HLB5RSX-11M & M-PLUS LB:[1,2] .HLP EDTHELP .HLP5RSTS/E LB: .HLP EDTHE L .HLP 2 KEYPADFormat: SET [NO]KEYPAD DThe SET KEYPAD (abbreviated SE K) option controls whether or not theHediting keypad is to be used when you are in CHANGE mode. KEYPAD is setBby default for VT100 and VT52 terminals, which means the alternateAkeypad is used to enter change mode commands. For terminals withAfunction keys, the function keys can also be used in KEYPAD mode.2 LINESFThe SET LINES (abbreviated SE L) command controls the number of screenElines used in either o f the screen versions of change mode. Use thisCoption to reduce the time it takes to refresh the screen image whenediting on slow terminals. Format: SET LINES n Gwhere n is the number of lines to use. n must be between 1 and 22. ByHdefault, n is set to 22 lines. If the cursor limits are larger than n-1)they are reduced to n-1. See SET CURSOR.2 MODEHThe SET MODE (abbreviated SE M) command determines which mode of editingAshould be entered after all initial processing is complete. This3command is useful only in the startup command file. "Format: SET MODE { LINE | CHANGE } ?By default, EDT enters line mode when the startup processing isHcomplete. Use SET MODE CHANGE in your startup command file to cause EDT9to enter change mode when startup processing is complete. 2 NUMBERSFormat: SET [NO]NUMBERS HThe SET NUMBERS (abbreviated SE NU) command controls the display of lineHnumbers on the terminal. Numbers are set on by default. If you want to9suppress numbers, use SET NONUMBERS (abbreviated SE NON). 2 PARAGRAPHFormat: SET PARAGRAPH [NO]WPS HThe SET PARAGRAPH (abbreviated SE PARA) command specifies a paragraph asEthe text between two delimiters and including any adjacent delimiters2(WPS), or the text between two delimiters (NOWPS).2 PROMPT'Format: SET PROMPT prompt-type 'string' EWhere prompt-type is either LINE, KEYPAD, NOKEYPAD, HCCHANGE, INSERT,INSERTN, or QUERY. GThe SET PROMPT command allows redefinition of the prompt string that isEdisplayed in line mode, in keypad mode, in nokeypad mode, in hardcopyEchange mode, in line mode when inserting, in line mode when inserting.with NONUMBERS, and with the /QUERY qualifier. EEDT will become confused if the new string for the keypad or nokeypadDprompt causes a net motion of the cursor. If a pair is notEincluded in the new string for any prompt which has it in the defaultEprompt, these characters will be inserted at the beginning of the new string.2 QUIETDThe SET QUIET (abbreviated SE Q) command controls whether or not the5bell will sound when an error is made in change mode. Format: SET [NO]QUIET AThe quiet option is off (meaning the bell will sound) by default.2 REPEATGThe SET REPEAT (abbreviated SE REP) command enables you to use the GOLDDkey followed by digits to represent a count. If you do not want theBability to use counts, use SET NOREPEAT (abbreviated SE NOREP). ACwarning bell sounds if you attempt to use counts with NOREPEAT set. Format: SET [NO]REPEAT By default, REPEAT is enabled.2 SCREENFThe SET SCREEN (abbreviated SE SC) command specifies the width of your terminal. Format: SET SCREEN w Fwhere w is the width of the screen line. By default, the screen widthCis set to the terminal's width, as reported to EDT by the operatingHsystem. On VT100-type terminals you can set the width to 80 or 132, andGEDT will adjust the terminal appropriately. On other CRT terminals youCshould only use the terminal's fixed width: 80 for VT52s and 84 forVK100s.2 SEARCHCThe SET SEARCH (abbreviated SE SE) command controls several optionsrelated to string searching. ,Format: SET SEARCH { GENERAL | EXACT | WPS |, CASE INSENSITIVE | CI |3 DIACRITICAL INSENSITIVE | DI }" { [UN]BOUNDED }" { BEGIN | END } 3 GENERALEThe GENERAL option will cause the case of letters and the presence orFabsenc e of diacritical marks to be ignored in search strings. GENERALis the default.3 EXACTHThe EXACT option will require all characters to match exactly, includingDthe case of letters and the presence of diacritical marks, in searchstrings.3 WPSGThe WPS option will cause a case-independent string match for lowercaseFletters in the search string, and a case-dependent match for uppercaseletters in the search string.3 CIDThe CI option will cause the case of letters to be ignored in sear ch=strings, but not the presence of diacritical marks. CI is an"abbreviation for CASE INSENSITIVE.3 DIFThe DI option will cause diacritical marks on letters to be ignored inHstring searches, but not the case of the letters. DI is an abbreviationfor DIACRITICAL INSENSITIVE. 3 BOUNDEDGThe BOUNDED (abbreviated BO) option will cause the search to be boundedFby a page delimiter. By default, the search is unbounded, which meansHthat the entire buffer will be searched. This option has effe ct only in change mode. HThe UNBOUNDED (abbreviated U) option causes the search not to be bounded?by a page delimiter, which means that the entire buffer will beFsearched. This is the default. This option has effect only in changemode.3 BEGINDThe BEGIN (abbreviated B) option causes the cursor to be left at theEbeginning of the search string when it is found. This is the default.+This option has effect only in change mode.3 ENDFThe END (abbreviated E) option causes the cursor t o be left at the endHof the search string when it is found. By default, the cursor is left at:the beginning. This option has effect only in change mode. 2 SUMMARYGThe SET [NO]SUMMARY command controls whether or not summary informationGabout a file written with the WRITE or EXIT commands will be typed out.FThe default is SUMMARY, which means that summary information is typed. Format: SET [NO]SUMMARY 2 TABBThe SET TAB (abbreviated SE TA) command enables the structured tab&feature and sets the logical tab size. Format: SET [NO]TAB n 7where n is the number of columns in a logical tab stop. FWith the structured tab feature, EDT keeps a counter of the tab level,Fwhich is set to 1 when the SET TAB command is issued. When you use theEtab key in change mode at the beginning of a line, EDT inserts enoughGtabs and spaces to move the cursor to the column defined by the level nKtimes the tab size. Change mode nokeypad commands can alter the tab level.2The structur ed tab feature is disabled by default. CThe tab size set by the tab command is also used by the TABS ADJUSTcommand. 2 TERMINAL,Format: SET TERMINAL { HCPY | VT100 | VT52 }* { SCROLL | NOSCROLL }& { EDIT | NOEDIT }. { EIGHTBIT | NOEIGHTBIT } GThe SET TERMINAL (abbreviated SE TE) command identifies to EDT the typeGof terminal you are using. Normally, EDT will set the terminal type byFasking the operating system what type it is. If it does not appear toEhave set the type correctly, you can use the SHOW TERMINAL command toDsee what EDT thinks your terminal is and the SET TERMINAL command toGcorrect it if necessary. If your terminal is not a VT100 or a VT52, it!should be set to HCPY (hardcopy).3 HCPYEHCPY stands for hardcopy. EDT considers a terminal hardcopy if it isFnot a VT100 or a VT52. On such terminals change mode does not use theFscreen as a window onto your buffer, but instead shows you the current Hline with the cursor position indicated. You type NOKEYPAD commands andBEDT will keep you informed by printing the current line after eachcommand.3 VT100CThe VT100 is a family of terminals, all based on the original VT100Cterminal. This class of terminals includes the VT101, VT102, VT125,VT131 and VT132.3 VT52FThe VT52 terminal is the predecessor of the VT100 family. It does not5have reverse video, and has fewer keys in its keypad.3 SCROLLFThis option indicates that your termin al has scrolling regions and EDT<may use them. This is the default for most VT100 terminals. 3 NOSCROLLGThis option indicates that either your terminal does not have scrollingAregions or EDT should not use them. This is the default for VT52 terminals.3 EDITHThis option indicates that your terminal has the screen editing featuresHof the VT102. These are IL (insert line), DL (delete line), ICM (insert,character mode) and DCH (delete characters).3 NOEDITAThis option indicates that your terminal does not have the screenediting features of the VT102. 3 EIGHTBITGThis option indicates that your terminal contains the DEC MultinationalFCharacter Set, which extends ASCII to include letters with diacritical*marks and other characters used in Europe. 3 NOEIGHTBITAThis option indicates that your terminal does not contain the DECHMultinational character set. On such a terminal characters which cannot-be displayed directly are displayed using <>.2 TEXT$Format: SET TEXT text-type 'string' "Text-type is one of the following:  PAGE END AThe SET TEXT command allows you to define the displayed string toGindicate a formfeed character (SET TEXT PAGE), and the displayed stringEto indicate the end of the buffer (SET TEXT END). The string can not%contain control or escape characters. 2 TRUNCATEEThe SET TRUNCATE (abbreviated SE TR) command controls the handling oflong lines in change mode. Format: SET [NO]TRUNCATE @By default, truncate mod e is set, which means long lines will beGtruncated on the display (the actual text is not altered). If you turnHoff truncate mode by using SET NOTRUNCATE, long lines will be wrapped toAas many screen lines as are necessary to display the entire line.2 VERIFYAThe SET VERIFY (abbreviated SE V) command controls the listing ofBcommands that are executed from the startup command file or from amacro. Format: SET [NO]VERIFY FVerify is off by default, which means the lines are not typed. If you9turn it on, each command line is typed as it is executed.2 WORDFormat: SET WORD [NO]DELIMITER GThe SET WORD (abbreviated SE W) command enables you to specify that theCword delimiters be considered words by themselves (NODELIMITER), orHconsidered as part of the word they delimit (DELIMITER). The default is DELIMITER. 2 WRAPFormat: SET [NO]WRAP n AThe SET WRAP (abbreviated SE W) command enables word wrapping andCspecifies the right margin. Word wrapping is a feature of EDT thatBautomatically insert carriage returns when the text you are typingDexceeds the right margin. Word wrapping is in effect in change mode4only and only if you have used the SET WRAP command. EThe SET WRAP command also sets the right margin for the nokeypad modeFILL commmand. CSET NOWRAP (abbreviated SE NOW) disables the word wrapping feature.wwfK1 SHOWFormat: SHOW parameter FThe SHOW (abbreviated SH) command displays selected information on theGcurrent state of the editor. Parameter is one of the additional topics listed below. 2 AUTOREPEATFormat: SHOW AUTOREPEAT >The SHOW AUTOREPEAT command displays whether EDT is allowed toFmanipulate the Autorepeat feature of VT100-type terminals or not. See$SET AUTOREPEAT for more information.2 BUFFERFormat: SHOW BUFFER HThe SHOW BUFFER (abbreviated SH BU) command lists the buffers being usedFduring the edit session, including the number of lines of text in eachFbuffer. The curr ent buffer is marked by an equal sign (=) before theGname. If an asterisk follows the number of lines, it indicates that anFinput file is connected to the buffer and that there are more lines to<be read from the file. Thus, the line count is not accurate.2 CASEFormat: SHOW CASE HThe SHOW CASE (abbreviated SH CA) command shows the current case setting(upper, lower, or none). 2 COMMANDFormat: SHOW COMMAND GThe SHOW COMMAND (abbreviated SH COMMAND) command shows the name of the>last specified startup command file. For more information seeHELP SET COMMAND.2 CURSORFormat: SHOW CURSOR HThe SHOW CURSOR (abbreviated SH CU) command shows the current setting of*the cursor region. EDT will respond with: t:b Fwhere t and b are integer numbers indicating the top and bottom of theDcursor region. See HELP SET CURSOR for an explanation of the cursorregion.2 ENTITYFormat: SHOW ENTITY entity-type *where entity-type is one of the following:  WORD (abbreviated W) SENTENCE (abbreviated S) PAGE (abbreviated PAG) PARAGRAPH (abbreviated PAR) @The SHOW ENTITY (abbreviated SH EN) command displays the current*delimiter string for the specified entity.2 FILESFormat: SHOW FILES CThe SHOW FILES (abbreviated SH FI) command displays the name of theHinput and output files which were specified in the EDT command line. IfFno output file was specified, then the input file name is also used asFthe output file name. If /NOOUTPUT or /READ_ONLY was specified in theEcommand line, then this will be indicated in place of the output filename.2 FNFFormat: SHOW FNF CThe SHOW FNF command displays whether the file not found message isenabled or disabled.2 HELPFormat: SHOW HELP CThe SHOW HELP (abbreviated SH H) command shows the currently activeEdefault help file specification and help file name. Use the SET HELP'command to redefine the help file name.2 KEYGThe SHOW KEY (abbrevia ted SH K) command displays the current definition%of a keypad, function or control key. Format: SHOW KEY key-name GWhere key-name is one of the following: (alternatives separated by "|") 9[GOLD] number |[GOLD] CONTROL char |[GOLD] CONTROL "char"7[GOLD] CONTROL 'char' |GOLD character |GOLD "character"8GOLD 'character' |[GOLD] DELETE |[GOLD] FUNCTION number @Number refers to keypad and function keys and CONTROL char namesEspecific control keys Char is limited to @, A to Z, [, \, ], ^ and _,?but the case of letters is ignored. DELETE refers to the deleteEcharacter, which is not a control character. Character refers to anyFkeyboard key except 0-9, though - is not useful. Upper and lower caseDletters are considered equivalent. Characters !, %, ', and " must beenclosed in quotation marks. GFor the meaning of the string printed by the SHOW KEY command, see HELP DEFINE KEY.2 KEYPADFormat: SHOW KEYPAD GThe SHOW KEYPAD (abbreviated SH KEYP) command show s the current settingCfor the option of using keypad editing when you are in change mode.HKEYPAD is the default for VT100 and VT52 terminals, which means that theGalternate keypad is used to enter change mode commands. The option can/be changed by using the SET [NO]KEYPAD command.2 LINESFormat: SHOW LINES EThe SHOW LINES (abbreviated SH L) command shows the current number ofDscreen lines displayed in change mode. Use the SET LINES command tomodify this setting.2 MODEFormat: SHOW MODE EThe SHOW MODE (abbreviated SH M) command shows the current setting ofHthe default editing mode. It indicates the editing mode that is enteredDafter all startup processing. By default, EDT enters line mode whenDstartup processing is complete. Use SET MODE CHANGE in your startupDcommand file to cause EDT to enter change mode at the end of startup processing. 2 NUMBERSFormat: SHOW NUMBERS FThe SHOW NUMBERS (abbreviated SH NU) command shows the current settingGfor the op tion of displaying line numbers on the terminal. Numbers areFdisplayed by default. Use SET NONUMBERS to suppress the line numbers. 2 PARAGRAPHFormat: SHOW PARAGRAPH BThe SHOW PARAGRAPH (abbreviated SH PARA) command shows the currentEsetting for delimiting paragraphs. By default a new paragraph beginsGafter two successive linefeeds. Use SET PARAGRAPH WPS to indicate thatDa new paragraph begins at the first non-linefeed character after twosuccessive linefeeds.2 PROMPTFormat: SH OW PROMPT prompt-type FWhere prompt-type is one of: LINE, KEYPAD, NOKEYPAD, HCCHANGE, INSERT,INSERTN, or QUERY. @The SHOW PROMPT command shows the current string to be used whenGprompting in line mode, in keypad change mode, in nokeypad change mode,Gin hardcopy change mode, in line mode when inserting, in line mode whenBinserting with NONUMBERS, and in response to /QUERY, respectively.2 QUIETFormat: SHOW QUIET FThe SHOW QUIET (abbreviated SH Q) command shows the current setting ofHthe option that controls whether or not the bell sounds when you make anHerror in change mode. You can change this option with the SET [NO]QUIETcommand.2 REPEATFormat: SHOW REPEAT HThe SHOW REPEAT (abbreviated SH REP) command shows whether or not countsHare allowed. The default is to allow counts. To disable counts use SET NOREPEAT.2 SCREENFormat: SHOW SCREEN EThe SHOW SCREEN (abbreviated SH SC) command shows the current setting.for the maximum length of a line EDT displays.2 SEARCHFormat: SHOW SEARCH DThe SHOW SEARCH (abbreviated SH SE) command shows the current searchDparameters. See HELP SET SEARCH for a description of search options. 2 SUMMARYFormat: SHOW SUMMARY DThe SHOW SUMMARY command shows whether the file summary on WRITE andEXIT is enabled or disabled.2 TABFormat: SHOW TAB GThe SHOW TAB (abbreviated SH TA) command shows the current settings forDthe structured tab feature. If structured tabs are enabled, the tab)size and indentation level are displayed. FFor additional information on the structured tab feature, see HELP SETTAB and HELP TAB. 2 TERMINALFormat: SHOW TERMINAL GThe SHOW TERMINAL (abbreviated SH TE) command shows your terminal type:HVT100, VT52 or Hardcopy. It also shows whether or not your terminal hasEscrolling regions, eight-bit graphics and the advanced screen editing1features. See SET TERMINAL for more information.2 TEXTFormat: SHOW TEXT text-type (where text-type is one of the following: END PAGE HThe SHOW TEXT command shows the current string to be used for displayingformfeeds or the end of buffer. 2 TRUNCATEFormat: SHOW TRUNCATE GThe SHOW TRUNCATE (abbreviated SH TR) command shows the current settingGof the option for displaying long lines in change mode. The default isATRUNCATE, which means that lines longer than the screen width areGtruncated on the display (the actual text is not altered). If you turnHoff this option by entering SET NOTRUNCATE, long lines are wrapped to as@many screen lines as are necessary to display the entire screen.2 VERIFYFormat: SHOW VERIFY BThe SHOW VERIFY (abbreviated SH VERI) command displays the currentAsetting of the option to list commands that are executed from theGstartup command file or a macro. By default, verify is off, which meansFthat the lines are not typed. If you turn it on, each such command istyped as it is executed. 2 VERSIONFormat: SHOW VERSION HThe SHOW VERSION (abbreviated SH VE) command displays the version numberFand copyright statement of EDT. You should write the full text of the)version number on any EDT problem report.2 WORDFormat: SHOW WORD GThe SHOW WORD (abbreviated SH WO) command shows the current setting for@the handling of word delimiters. The default is to consider allEdelimiters with the exception of a space a word. To disable this useSET WORD NODELIMITER.2 WRAPFormat: SHOW WRAP EThe SHOW WRAP (abbrevi ated SH W) command shows the current setting of#the right margin for word wrapping. EWord wrapping is a feature of EDT that automatically inserts carriageHreturns when the text you are typing exceeds the right margin. The sameGmargin is used for the nokeypad mode FILL command. Word wrapping is inBeffect in change mode only and only, if you have used the SET WRAPcommand.ww fK 1 SUBSTITUTEBThe SUBSTITUTE (abbreviated S) command replaces occurrences of one)string of characters with another string. MFormat: SUBSTITUTE/string-1/string-2/ [range] [/BRIEF[:n]] [/QUERY] [/NOTYPE] HAny nonalphanumeric character except % can be used as string delimiters. HAll occurrences of string-1 within the specified range are replaced withBstring-2. If you do not specify range, a single occurrence in the@current line is substituted. The line in which the substitution*occurred is typed after each substitution. 2 /BRIEF[:n]EWhen you select the /BRIEF (abbreviated /BR) option, only the first nHcharacters of the line are displayed. If you omit n, the default is 10. 2 /NOTYPE>When you specify /NOTYPE (abbreviated /NOT) the lines in which%substitutions occurred are not typed.2 NEXTHThe SUBSTITUTE NEXT (abbreviated N) command replaces the next occurrenceof string-1 with string-2. /Format: [SUBSTITUTE] NEXT [/string-1/string-2/] GThe search for string-1 is made forward from the current location. WhenFa substitution is made, the line where the substitution occurs becomesEthe current line. When the optional strings are omitted, the strings@used in the last SUBSTITUTE or SUBSTITUTE NEXT command are used.2 /QUERYFormat: /QUERY GWhen you use the QUERY (abbreviated /Q) qualifier, EDT prompts you with0a question mark (?) to verify each substitution. Responses are: ! Y Yes, do the substitution.' N No, do not do the substitution.$ Q Quit, terminate the command.< A All, do the rest of the substitutions without query.ww fK1 TABCThe TAB ADJUST (abbreviated TA A) command shifts each of a range of.lines a specified number of logical tab stops. Format: TAB ADJUST [-] n [range] Fwhere n is the number of tab stops to shift. You must use the SET TABGcommand to set the logical tab size in order for this command to work.DIf you omit range, the select range is assumed. If a minus sign (-)Hprecedes the count n, the text shifts to the left. Otherwise, it shifts to the right.ww fK1 TYPEFThe TYPE (abbreviated T) command displays the specified range of lineson the terminal. )Format: TYPE [range] [/BRIEF[:n]] [/STAY] ?The first line in the specified range becomes the current line. EIf the range specification starts with a nonalphabetic character, the'keyword TYPE may be omitted completely.2 /BRIEFFormat: /BRIEF[:n] EWhen you select the /BRIEF (abbreviated /BR) option, only the first nBcharacters of the line are displayed. If you omit n, the defaultis 10.2 /STAY Format: /STAY GWhen you select the /STAY (abbreviated /ST) option, the cursor positionEis not changed by the TYPE command. This enables you to look at textBelsewhere in the buffer (or in another buffer) without losing your position.ww fK1 WRITEHThe WRITE (abbreviated WR) command creates a file from a specified range of lines. 7Format: WRITE file-spec [range] [/SEQUENCE[:init:incr]] FWhen you specify a r ange, the text contained in that range becomes theGfile. When you do not specify a range, the contents of the current textHbuffer becomes the new file. The cursor position is not affected by theWRITE command. 2 /SEQUENCEFormat: /SEQUENCE[:init:incr] FWhen you use the /SEQUENCE option, the output file is in VFC (variableGwith fixed control) format, and line numbers are written in the controlDfield. The values of both 'init' and 'incr' must be less than 65536. IIf you set init and incr, the file is renumbered starting with the numberDyou choose for init, and the lines are incremented by the number youJchoose for incr. Otherwise, the line numbers assigned by EDT are written.EThese line numbers are truncated to integers and taken modulo 100000,with a maximum value of 65535.ww