Factory Installed Software Release Notes This file contains information about the HP OpenVMS for Integrity servers (OpenVMS I64) Factory Installed Software contained in this system. April 11, 2011 Hewlett-Packard Company Palo Alto, California ______________________________________________________________ © Copyright 2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information in this document is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is subject to change without notice. The warranties for HP products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements accompanying such products. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP service tool software, including associated documentation, is the property of and contains confidential technology of Hewlett-Packard Corporation. Service customer is hereby licensed to use the software only for activities directly relating to the delivery of, and only during the term of, the applicable services delivered by HP or its authorized service provider. Customer may not modify or reverse engineer, remove, or transfer the software or make the software or any resultant diagnosis or system management data available to other parties without HP's or its authorized service provider's consent. Upon termination of the services, customer will, at HP's or its service provider's option, destroy or return the software and associated documentation in its possession. Java is a US trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Kerberos is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. OSF and Motif are trademarks of The Open Group in the US and other countries. Contents Page _________________________________________________________________ Preinstalled Software Information Sheet.........................v 1 Introduction.............................................1 1.1 References to Documents........................2 2 Enabling the SYSTEST and FIELD accounts..................3 3 Standalone Backup........................................3 4 Customizing the System...................................3 5 Registering Product Authorization Keys...................4 6 DECnet for OpenVMS I64...................................4 7 Configuring HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS I64...........5 8 HP Secure Web Browser (SWB) for OpenVMS I64 (based on SeaMonkey)...............................................5 9 Testing the System.......................................6 10 Decompressing the System Libraries.......................6 11 Backing Up the Customized System Disk....................6 12 Running AUTOGEN..........................................7 13 CDSA: Common Data Security Architecture for OpenVMS I64..7 14 DWMOTIF: HP DECwindows Motif[TM] for OpenVMS I64.........8 15 Kerberos[TM] for OpenVMS I64.............................8 16 TDC_RT: The Performance Data Collector (runtime kit) for OpenVMS I64..............................................8 17 DCPS: HP DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS I64.............9 18 DCE: Distributed Computing Environment for OpenVMS I64...9 19 HP Secure Web Server (SWS) for OpenVMS I64..............10 20 JAVA[TM]: HP J2SE Development Kit (JDK) for the OpenVMS I64 Operating System, for the Java Platform.............10 21 SSL: HP Secure Sockets Layer for OpenVMS I64............10 22 Web Management Agents...................................11 23 HP Availability Manager Data Collector for OpenVMS I64 (Requires HAOE License)..................................11 iii Contents (cont'd) Page _________________________________________________________________ 24 OSAK: HP DECnet-Plus Open System Application Kernel for OpenVMS I64.............................................12 25 FTAM: HP DECnet-Plus OSI File Transfer, Access, and Management for OpenVMS I64..............................12 26 VT: HP DECnet-Plus Virtual Terminal for OpenVMS I64.....13 27 VMSI18N: HP OpenVMS Internationalization Data Kit.......13 28 WBEMPROVIDERS: HP Web-Based Enterprise Management Providers...............................................13 29 WBEMCIM: HP Web-Based Enterprise Management Services....14 30 HP Reliable Transaction Router (RTR) for OpenVMS I64 (Requires HAOE License).................................15 31 Compaq's Safety and Comfort Guide.......................15 iv Preinstalled Software Information Sheet The following software has already been installed on this system: OpenVMS I64 KERBEROS Availability Manager (Base) OpenSSL Availability Manager (Collector)* RMSjournaling* C/C++ I18N Libraries Performance Data Collector (Base: TDC_RT) CDSA RTR (Reliable Transaction Router)* DCE (runtime) JDK for Java DCPS (DECprint Supervisor) Secure Web Browser DECram Secure Web Server DECnet Phase IV (Optional) TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS DECnet-Plus (Optional) Volume Shadowing* DECnet-Plus FTAM (Optional) Web Management Agents DECnet-Plus OSAK (Optional) Web-Based Enterprise Management Providers DECnet-Plus VT (Optional) Web-Based Enterprise Management Services DECwindows Motif Only use this software with the relevant Product Authorization Keys (PAKs). Failure to adhere to this will result in an infringement of Hewlett-Packard's software licensing and control procedures. The following patches have been factory installed on this system. If you re-install OpenVMS from the media kit you must apply these patches. Please contact your local customer support center for a copy of these patches or see our Web Page at: http://www1.itrc.hp.com/service/patch/mainPage.do (New users must register, then log in.) I64VMS_MGAGPAT-V0304-2-4 VMS84I_PCSI-V0200 VMS84I_UPDATE-V0500 HP-I64VMS-TCPIP-V0507-13ECO2-1 I64_DPLUSECO01 VMS84I_IPC-V0100 TCPIP_NTP_PAT-V0507-ECO1B-4 VMS84I_RMS-V0200 You can obtain detailed information on the products and patches that have been installed on this system by consulting their release notes, which are located in the directory SYS$HELP on the system disk. To verify installed products and patches, use the following commands: $ PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY $ TYPE SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Additional Information: o Media and documentation kits for any of the products specified above can be ordered separately through your Hewlett-Packard sales representative. Media and documentation kits are not supplied as part of Factory Installed Software. o Field and Systest accounts have been created. o For further information, please consult the Factory Installed Software release notes which are located on the system disk in the file: SYS$HELP:FIS.RELEASE_NOTES o The OpenVMS home page is at: http://www.hp.com/go/openvms _____________________________ * Requires HAOE License PAK © Copyright 2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. OpenVMS I64 V8.4 R05 v (This page intentionally left blank.) vi 1 Introduction Your system has been supplied with OpenVMS for Integrity servers (OpenVMS I64) Factory Installed Software (FIS). This software is loaded onto the system disk before it is shipped. The version of the FIS image is OpenVMS I64 V8.4 R05. Included in this release are the following products: _______________________________________________________________ Product Full Name _______________________________________________________________ OpenVMS I64 HP OpenVMS I64 DECnet_PLUS HP DECnet-Plus (formerly DECnet/OSI) OSAK HP DECnet-Plus Open System Application Kernel FTAM HP DECnet-Plus OSI File Transfer, Access, and Management VT HP DECnet-Plus Virtual Terminal TCPIP HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS DECnet Phase IV (optional) HP DECnet Phase IV DWMotif HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS I64 CDSA Common Data Security Architecture KERBEROS Kerberos for OpenVMS [based on MIT Kerberos] TDC_RT The Performance Data Collector (runtime kit) CSWB HP Secure Web Browser (based on SeaMonkey) CSWS HP Secure Web Server DCE HP Distributed Computing Environment DCPS HP DECprint Supervisor JAVA150 HP J2SE Development Kit (JDK) for the OpenVMS I64 Operating System, for the Java Platform SSL HP Secure Sockets Layer MGMTAGENTS HP Insight Management Agents for OpenVMS VMSI18N HP OpenVMS Internationalization (I18N) Kit AVAIL_MAN_BASE HP Availability Manager (Base) 1 (cont'd) _______________________________________________________________ Product Full Name _______________________________________________________________ AVAIL_MAN_COL HP Availability Manager Data Collector (Requires HAOE License) WBEMPROVIDERS HP Web-Based Enterprise Management Providers WBEMCIM HP Web-Based Enterprise Management Services RTR HP Reliable Transaction Router (Requires HAOE License) _______________________________________________________________ To list the version numbers of all installed products, use the DCL command: $ PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY OpenVMS FIS must be modified to accommodate customized passwords and system environment particulars. You make these modifications using the FIS interface, executed when OpenVMS FIS is started for the first time. Different procedures must be followed depending on whether the system is to be used with other computers or not. The system can be configured in the following ways: o As a standalone system that does not communicate with other systems o As an independent system communicating with other OpenVMS systems in a computer network. A system can be reconfigured from a single system to an independent system communicating in a network. OpenVMS software includes command procedures that configure the system as a member of a network. These command procedures can only be used if the appropriate software licenses and Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) have been obtained. During the installation of the OpenVMS system in the factory certain options were taken, and these are described in this document. 1.1 References to Documents This document makes frequent references to other OpenVMS documents for more detailed information. If you do not have these documents and wish to obtain them please contact your HP sales representative. For additional information about OpenVMS products and services, access the HP OpenVMS World Wide Web site. Use the following URL: http://www.hp.com/go/openvms 2 2 Enabling the SYSTEST and FIELD accounts During the installation dialogue the user is asked whether they want to enter password information for the SYSTEST and FIELD accounts. If the user answers "No" to this question, then these accounts can be enabled manually as follows. Log into a privileged account (for example, the SYSTEM account) and issue the following commands: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> MODIFY FIELD/FLAG=NODISUSER/ACCESS - _UAF> /PASSWORD=new_password/PWDEXP UAF> MODIFY SYSTEST/FLAG=NODISUSER - _UAF> /ACCESS/PASSWORD=new_password/PWDEXP UAF> EXIT $ SET DEF SYS$LOGIN Where "new_password" is a password of your choice for that account. Note that the default minimum password length for privileged accounts is 8 characters. 3 Standalone Backup As of Version 6.1 of OpenVMS Alpha, Standalone Backup is no longer available. You must use the Standalone User Environment instead. Once you have created a Standalone User Environment it is recommended that you back up your system disk. For complete information on these operations, see the OpenVMS Upgrade and Installation Manual for your computer. 4 Customizing the System You can customize the system to meet your site-specific needs. For instructions on customizing the system, read the following documentation (in the order given): a. Read the appendix on booting in the HP OpenVMS Upgrade and Installation Manual. This appendix explains the different 3 ways to boot the system. It also tells you how to shut down the system. b. Read the OpenVMS System Managers' Manual for instructions on customizing and using your system. You will find information on the following tasks: o Editing the template files SYCONFIG.COM, SYLOGICALS.COM, SYLOGIN.COM, and SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM o Setting up user accounts o Adjusting system parameters c. Read the section of this document that pertains to DECnet- Plus and HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS I64. d. Read the OpenVMS Upgrade and Installation Manual sections on Postinstallation and Postupgrade Tasks for instructions on initializing or configuring optional products that are installed as part of OpenVMS FIS. 5 Registering Product Authorization Keys The installation dialogue prompts you to enter Product Authorization Keys (PAKs). However, you can also enter these at any time, using the command procedure VMSLICENSE.COM from a privileged account such as SYSTEM as follows: $@SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE You will then be prompted for information which allows you to enter and otherwise manipulate the PAK database on your system. For more information refer to the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual. HP recommends that you enter the Product Authorization Key for your Operating Environment: Base or High Availability, before configuring layered products or proceeding with any system customization 6 DECnet for OpenVMS I64 DECnet-Plus (formerly DECnet/OSI) has been installed on this system. DECnet Phase IV applications are supported by DECnet- Plus. DECnet Phase IV can be installed during the FIS configuration process. Support addendum to DECnet Phase IV service contract is required. (Please see the release notes for additional information.) 4 If you plan to run DECnet Phase IV you must register your DECnet license (if not already done so), and invoke the DECnet interactive configuration procedure with: @SYS$MANAGER:NETCONFIG If you plan to run DECnet-Plus you must register your DECnet license (if not already done so), and invoke the DECnet-Plus interactive configuration procedure with: @SYS$MANAGER:NET$CONFIGURE BASIC or @SYS$MANAGER:NET$CONFIGURE ADVANCED Please consult the DECnet-Plus release notes in SYS$HELP. This document will give you instructions on configuring and starting DECnet-Plus for your system. For complete configuration information, see the HP DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration manual. 7 Configuring HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS I64 HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS has been installed on this system. The HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS product is HP's implemen- tation of the TCP/IP protocol suite and internet services for OpenVMS I64 systems. If you plan to use HP TCP/IP Services you must register your TCP/IP license (if not already done so), and invoke the HP TCP/IP Service interactive configuration procedure: @SYS$MANAGER:TCPIP$CONFIG Please consult the release notes in SYS$HELP for details of this procedure. For complete configuration information, see the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration Guide, and HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS User's Guide manuals. 8 HP Secure Web Browser (SWB) for OpenVMS I64 (based on SeaMonkey) The HP Secure Web Browser for OpenVMS I64 (based on SeaMonkey) is installed on this system. An icon has been placed on the desktop control panel under Personal Applications. SYS$COMMON:[CSWB]INSTALL.COM has already been run to install the Secure Web Browser images. 5 The FILLM quota for the system account has been increased to 200 because of an SWB requirement. This will need to be set for any additional user accounts that will run SWB. Please review the Secure Web Browser Installation Guide and Release Notes, especially the account quotas section. Also installed on this system is the J2SE Development Kit (JDK) for the OpenVMS I64 Operating System, for the Java Platform. If you are using Java via the JDK for the Java Platform with the Secure Web Browser, you must adjust account quotas. Please review the HP Secure Web Browser for OpenVMS I64 Installation Guide and Release Notes for account quota information and instructions on using the Java plug-in with the Secure Web Browser. 9 Testing the System HP recommends that you run the User Environment Test Package (UETP) to verify the installation. For complete information about using UETP, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. 10 Decompressing the System Libraries All System Libraries on this system have been decompressed. 11 Backing Up the Customized System Disk After you have spent time installing and customizing the operating system, protect your work by making a backup copy of the system disk. For complete information on these operations, see the HP OpenVMS Upgrade and Installation Manual for your computer, and the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. Once you have made a backup image copy of the system disk, install any software products that you have purchased. Follow the directions given in the software product installation manuals. 6 12 Running AUTOGEN As part of the FIS installation routine, AUTOGEN has been run on your machine. The output from this run of AUTOGEN has been placed in a special file called SYS$MANAGER:AUTOGEN.REPORT, and this may contain pointers to yet other files which were produced by the AUTOGEN run. After 24 hours of operation, run AUTOGEN in feedback mode and reboot the system. Run AUTOGEN in this way again two workdays later. An example of how to run AUTOGEN in feedback mode is: $@SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN SAVPARAMS SETPARAMS FEEDBACK AUTOGEN sets the values of system parameters and the sizes of the page and swap files according to the system's workload. HP recommends that you run AUTOGEN from SAVPARAMS through TESTFILES on a weekly basis and examine AGEN$PARAMS.REPORT to determine the need for additional changes. Hard coded values in MODPARAMS.DAT affect AUTOGEN's calcu- lations of the feedback parameters. For AUTOGEN to properly calculate values, you should replace the hard coded values in MODPARAMS.DAT with MIN_ values. A number of entries have already been made in the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file on your system disk. This is to ensure that, for example, any windowing software will start up correctly on your system. For complete information on using AUTOGEN, please refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Tuning, Monitoring and Complex Systems. 13 CDSA: Common Data Security Architecture for OpenVMS I64 The Common Data Security Architecture for OpenVMS I64 has been installed on this system. The Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA) is a multiplat- form, industry-standard security infrastructure. HP provides CDSA as a part of the OpenVMS I64 operating system. CDSA provides a stable, standards-based programming interface that enables applications to access operating system security services. With CDSA, developers can create cross-platform, security-enabled applications. Release notes for CDSA are provided on this system as file SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]CDSA*.RELEASE_NOTES. Refer to them for post-installation tasks and for a pointer to further documentation. 7 14 DWMOTIF: HP DECwindows Motif[TM] for OpenVMS I64 HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS I64 has been installed on this system as part of the OpenVMS I64 operating system. For configuration information, corrections, known problems and restrictions related to DECwindows Motif, refer to the release notes which are installed on this system as file SYS$HELP:DECW$MOTIF*.RELEASE_NOTES . 15 Kerberos[TM] for OpenVMS I64 Kerberos for OpenVMS I64 has been installed on this system. HP provides Kerberos as a part of the OpenVMS I64 operating system. Kerberos, based on MIT Kerberos, is a network authentication protocol designed to provide strong authentication for client/server applications by using secret-key cryptography. Release notes for Kerberos have been installed on this system in SYS$HELP:KERBEROS*.RELEASE_NOTES . Please refer to them for version information and a pointer to additional documentation for this kit. 16 TDC_RT: The Performance Data Collector (runtime kit) for OpenVMS I64 The Performance Data Collector Runtime-only kit (TDC_RT) for OpenVMS I64 has been installed on this system. Runtime- only kit variants contain the files required for use of the Performance Data Collector by application software. The Performance Data Collector gathers performance data for Alpha systems running OpenVMS Version 7.3-2 or above or for systems running OpenVMS I64 Version 8.2 or above. By default, TDC periodically collects and stores data in a file. Subsequently, user applications can retrieve data from the file. Refer to the TDC_RT readme-before-starting file which is installed on this system at: SYS$COMMON:[TDC]TDC_README.TXT for a description of kit variants, contents, prerequisites and installation instructions. This file contains a pointer to Usage Instructions which are also installed on this system 8 17 DCPS: HP DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS I64 HP DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS I64 has been installed on this system. Both plain text (DCPS*.RELEASE_NOTES) and postscript (DCPS*_RELEASE_NOTES.PS) versions of the DCPS Release Notes have been installed on this system in SYS$HELP:. Refer to the DCPS Release Notes as well as to the HP DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS Software Installation Guide for explicit version changes, printer-specific information, restrictions, related software and post-installation tasks. 18 DCE: Distributed Computing Environment for OpenVMS I64 Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) for OpenVMS I64 has been installed on this system. HP DCE for OpenVMS serves as the basis for an open computing environment in which networks of multi-vendor systems appear as a single system to the user. HP DCE makes the underlying networks and operating systems transparent, enabling application developers to easily build portable, interoperable client-server applications. Release notes for DCE have been provided in the file DCE*.RELEASE_NOTES located on this system in SYS$HELP:. Please review this document for a description of DCE services provided, contents of the kit and for detailed configuration information. During installation, a default account, [363,363], was created for the DCE$SERVER. If this is not suitable for your installation you may remove and re-install the DCE product. During installation, HP's TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS was selected as the TCP/IP product to use, since it is already installed on this system. If you intend to use a different TCP/IP product, you should remove and re-install the DCE product. Refer to the release notes as well as the HP DCE for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 Installation and Configuration Guide for additional information. 9 19 HP Secure Web Server (SWS) for OpenVMS I64 The HP Secure Web Server for OpenVMS I64, has been installed on this system. The Secure Web Server is a powerful, flexible, HTTP/1.1 compliant web server that includes Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) through mod_ssl and OpenSSL. Release notes for Secure Web Server are located in SYS$HELP:CSWS*.RELEASE_NOTES and contain a pointer to addi- tional product documentation. Post-installation tasks are required for the HP Secure Web Server. Detailed directions as well as configuration instructions are included in the Secure Web Server for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration Guide. Pay particular attention to the section which references checking whether SYLOGIN.COM or LOGIN.COM writes any output to SYS$OUTPUT:. 20 JAVA[TM]: HP J2SE Development Kit (JDK) for the OpenVMS I64 Operating System, for the Java Platform The J2SE Development Kit (JDK) for the OpenVMS I64 Operating System for the Java Platform has been installed on this system in root directory SYS$COMMON:[JAVA$150]. IMPORTANT: Please make sure you understand the Copyright (COPYRIGHT.HTML, installed file) and License (LICENSE.HTML, installed file) information before using this release. These files are stored in SYS$COMMON:[JAVA$150]. Refer to the Release Notes and the User Guide for information on setting up and using this product in an OpenVMS environ- ment. Local copies of the Release Notes and the User Guide have been installed on this system at SYS$COMMON:[JAVA$150.DOCS] as files RELEASE_NOTES.HTML and USER_GUIDE.HTML, respectively. 21 SSL: HP Secure Sockets Layer for OpenVMS I64 HP Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for OpenVMS I64 has been installed on this system. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the open standard security protocol for the secure transfer of sensitive information over the Internet. SSL provides three things: privacy through encryption, server authentication, and message integrity. 10 For information about post-installation activities that should be performed, and for a pointer to additional OpenVMS SSL documentation, refer to the SSL Release Notes which have been installed as file: SYS$HELP:SSL*.RELEASE_NOTES on this system. 22 Web Management Agents HP Insight Management Agents for OpenVMS I64 has been installed on this system. For further information and for details of op- eration, local copies of the Release Notes and the User Guide have been stored on this system at SYS$SYSROOT:[WBEM.DOCUMENTATION]*_REL_NOTES.TXT and SYS$SYSROOT:[WBEM.DOCUMENTATION]*_USER_GUIDE.TXT, respec- tively. Since HP's TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS is also installed on this system, the following informational message was generated during installation of HP Insight Management Agents: "A current version of TCPIP was found. If you have not enabled SNMP, please enable it now." Instructions on enabling SNMP as well as detailed installation instructions for Insight Management Agents are included on the web pages at the following URL: http://h71000.www7.hp.com/openvms/products/mgmt_agents/ 23 HP Availability Manager Data Collector for OpenVMS I64 (Requires HAOE License) The HP Availability Manager Data Collector for OpenVMS I64 has been installed on this system. Use of this product requires the High Availability Operating Environment (HAOE) License. HP Availability Manager is a system management tool that, from an OpenVMS Alpha or I64, or a Windows node, enables you to monitor one or more OpenVMS nodes on an extended local area network (LAN). This tool helps system managers and analysts target a specific node or process for detailed analysis. HP Availability Manager supports data collection from OpenVMS Alpha, VAX, and I64 nodes. It supports the Data Analyzer on OpenVMS Alpha and I64 nodes. 11 The release notes for the Availability Manager have been in- stalled on this system as file SYS$HELP:AMDS$AM*.RELEASE_NOTES. Additional documentation for the Availability Manager can be found on the web pages at the following URL: http://h71000.www7.hp.com/openvms/products/availman/ 24 OSAK: HP DECnet-Plus Open System Application Kernel for OpenVMS I64 HP Open System Application Kernel (OSAK) has been installed on this system. OSAK is the DECnet-Plus implementation of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) upper layers. It provides OSI Session, Presentation, and Application services. The release notes for the OSI applications, including OSAK, are provided as part of the DECnet-Plus release notes. Since DECnet-Plus is installed, this file is located in SYS$HELP:, named DECNET-PLUS-V*.RELEASE_NOTES. For information on configuring OSAK, as well as detailed installation and de-installation instructions, refer to the HP DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration manual. 25 FTAM: HP DECnet-Plus OSI File Transfer, Access, and Management for OpenVMS I64 HP DECnet-Plus OSI File Transfer, Access, and Management has been installed on this system. DECnet-Plus FTAM is an OSI product that implements the OSI File Transfer, Access, and Management standard ISO 8571 developed by the International Organization for Standards (ISO). Using FTAM, you can copy, append, delete, rename, and inspect the file attributes of local files, remote files, or both. The release notes for the OSI applications, including FTAM, are provided as part of the DECnet-Plus release notes. This file is located in SYS$HELP:, and is named DECNET-PLUS-*.RELEASE_NOTES. 12 During the installation of FTAM, informational messages were issued listing system resources used by FTAM. For information on configuring FTAM, as well as detailed installation and de- installation instructions, refer to the HP DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration manual. 26 VT: HP DECnet-Plus Virtual Terminal for OpenVMS I64 HP DECnet-Plus Virtual Terminal has been installed on this system. DECnet-Plus Virtual Terminal is the DECnet-Plus implementation of the OSI Virtual Terminal standard. Virtual Terminal enables applications and systems supporting different types of terminals to interoperate with each other. The release notes for the OSI applications, including Virtual Terminal, are provided as part of the DECnet-Plus release notes. This file is located in SYS$HELP:, and is named DECNET-PLUS-*.RELEASE_NOTES. 27 VMSI18N: HP OpenVMS Internationalization Data Kit The HP OpenVMS Internationalization (I18N) data kit (VMSI18N) has been installed on this system. The release notes for this product have been installed on this system as file SYS$HELP:VMSI18N*.RELEASE_NOTES . For more information, please see the C Run-Time Library Utilities Reference Manual in the OpenVMS documentation set. 28 WBEMPROVIDERS: HP Web-Based Enterprise Management Providers The HP Web-Based Enterprise Management Providers for OpenVMS kit (WBEMPROVIDERS) has been installed on this system. WBEM Providers for OpenVMS enables (along with WBEM Services for OpenVMS) HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM Version 5.2 or later) management of the operating system. HP SIM uses WBEM providers to perform such functions as identifying the operating system on the managed system, associating the virtual or physical instances to their respective containers, providing inventory and reports on hardware and software configurations, and monitoring the system remotely for hardware faults. 13 The release notes for this product have been installed on this system in the SYS$COMMON:[WBEMPROVIDERS.DOCUMENTATION] directory as file: WBEMPROVIDERS_REL_NOTES.TXT. To configure WBEM Providers for OpenVMS, follow the directions provided in the HP WBEM Providers Instal- lation and Adminstrator's Guide, available in the SYS$COMMON:[WBEMPROVIDERS.DOCUMENTATION] directory on your OpenVMS system disk. For the latest information, see the fol- lowing website: http://h71000.www7.hp.com/openvms/system_management.html 29 WBEMCIM: HP Web-Based Enterprise Management Services The HP Web-Based Enterprise Management Services for OpenVMS kit (WBEMCIM) has been installed on this system. Web-Based Enterprise Managment (WBEM) Services for OpenVMS is an industry standard for monitoring and controlling resources. It is available and installed automatically with OpenVMS on Integrity server systems. WBEM Services for OpenVMS is required and must be configured for use of such features as Instant Capacity (iCAP), Temporary Instant Capacity (TiCAP), and Pay per use (PPU), and for products such as Global Workload Manager (gWLM) and HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM Version 5.2 or later). WBEM Services for OpenVMS is based on the OpenPegasus 2.6.1 code stream of The OpenGroup's Pegasus Open Source project. The release notes for this product have been installed on this system as file SYS$HELP:WBEM_SERVICES*.RELEASE_NOTES . For information about configuring WBEMCIM, see the OpenVMS Version 8.4 for Integrity Servers Upgrade and Installation Manual. For the latest information about WBEM Services for OpenVMS, see the following website: http://h71000.www7.hp.com/openvms/system_management.html 14 30 HP Reliable Transaction Router (RTR) for OpenVMS I64 (Requires HAOE License) HP Reliable Transaction Router for OpenVMS I64 has been installed on this system. Use of this product requires the High Availability Operating Environment (HAOE) License. HP Reliable Transaction Router (RTR) is fault tolerant transactional messaging middleware used to implement large, distributed applications using client/server technology. This version of Reliable Transaction Router enables enterprises to deploy distributed applications on OpenVMS Alpha Systems and OpenVMS Integrity servers. HP Reliable Transaction Router enables distributed applica- tions to run in heterogeneous environments, allowing client and server applications to interoperate on the supported Linux, Windows, and OpenVMS platforms. The release notes for RTR have been installed on this system as file SYS$HELP:RTR_RELNOTES.TXT. Additional information about Reliable Transaction Router can be found on the web at the following URL: http://www.hp.com/go/rtr 31 Compaq's Safety and Comfort Guide Compaq has released a document that promotes a safe and comfortable work environment. The Safety and Comfort Guide explains and demonstrates the proper way to setup the computer workstation, and arrange the work area to be comfortable. The Safety and Comfort Guide helps the user recognize the early signs of a problem so that corrective action can be taken. Studies have shown that long periods of typing, incorrect work habits, incorrect workstation setup and improper lighting can lead to personal health problems or injury. Typical symptoms that may be felt during typing or while using a mouse can include numbness, soreness, tightness or stiffness in the hands, wrist, arms, shoulders, neck, or back. The default bookmark in Secure Web Browser has been set for Compaq's Safety and Comfort Guide. file:/sys$sysdevice/vms$common/cswb/comfort/contents.html 15