HP FMS VERSION 2.5 RELEASE NOTES This manual is supplemental part of the HP FMS document set. Operating Systems: OpenVMS IPF V8.2 Software: HP FMS Version 2.5 NOTE TO THE SYSTEM MANAGER ____ __ ___ ______ _______ ____ __ ___ ______ _______ NOTE TO THE SYSTEM MANAGER This document contains important information that should be distributed to ALL programmers using HP FMS in your facility. i CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 ENHANCEMENTS AND FEATURES FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 1.1 OPENVMS IPF SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.1.1 LMF License required for OpenVMS IPF . . . . . . 1-1 1.1.2 Compatible Form File and Form Library Formats . 1-1 1.1.3 Incompatible Memory Resident and UAR VECTOR Object File Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.1.4 Translating Forms Application to OpenVMS IPF . . 1-2 CHAPTER 2 RESTRICTIONS FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 2.1 CHARACTER SETS ON THE VT200-SERIES TERMINALS . . . 2-1 2.2 FORM AND VIDEO ATTRIBUTES ON THE VT240 SERIES OF TERMINALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 2.3 FMS APPLICATIONS USING DATA MANAGEMENT TOOLS . . . 2-2 2.4 RMS FILE VERSION LIMITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 2.5 FORM EDITOR "AS IS" WIDTH RESTRICTION . . . . . . 2-3 2.6 TYPEAHEAD AND HOSTSYNC TERMINAL SETTINGS WITH HP FMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 2.7 BASIC CTRL/C FUNCTION (CTRLC) AND FORM DRIVER CALLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 2.8 FORMS USING THE MULTINATIONAL CHARACTER SET ON SEVEN BIT TERMINALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 2.9 TERMINAL SETTINGS FOR FORMS GREATER THAN 23 LINES 2-5 CHAPTER 3 DOCUMENTATION NOTES FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 APPENDIX A SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS MADE BY THE HP FMS VERSION 2.5 INSTALLATION. APPENDIX B VERSION 1 FORM DRIVER COMPATIBILITY CALLS APPENDIX C ENGINEERING CHANGE ORDER DETAILS ii CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 1 ENHANCEMENTS AND FEATURES FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 ENHANCEMENTS AND FEATURES FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 1.1 OPENVMS IPF SUPPORT 1.1 OPENVMS IPF SUPPORT HP FMS Version 2.5 now supports the OpenVMS IPF V8.2 Operating System. All current hardware is being tested in this field test release. 1.1.1 LMF License required for OpenVMS IPF To use HP FMS on OpenVMS IPF, you must be registered in the LICENSE database. To register the license, you must have a Paper Authorization Key (PAK) containing the information necessary for the registration. The registered license must then be activated to make it known to the system. 1.1.2 Compatible Form File and Form Library Formats 1.1.2 Compatible Form File and Form Library Formats HP FMS Version 2.5 for OpenVMS IPF makes no changes in the file formats for the .FRM and .FLB files. Existing FMS Version 2.4 files will operate on OpenVMS IPF. 1.1.3 Incompatible Memory Resident and UAR VECTOR Object File 1.1.3 Incompatible Memory Resident and UAR VECTOR Object File Format Format Several changes to the FMS/VECTOR and FMS/OBJECT utilities were necessary because of the different object file formats on OpenVMS IPF, Alpha and VAX. On OpenVMS IPF, the supplied utilities 1-1 ENHANCEMENTS AND FEATURES FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 ENHANCEMENTS AND FEATURES FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 generate the OpenVMS IPF file format by default. No provision is supplied for cross development of an Alpha or VAX VMS object on the IPF platform. As a result, it will be necessary to rebuild and relink your applications on the target platform if you wish to utilize the native HP FMS forms driver. 1.1.4 Translating Forms Application to OpenVMS IPF 1.1.4 Translating Forms Application to OpenVMS IPF For native OpenVMS Alpha applications where relinking on OpenVMS Itanium is not feasible, binary image translation can be used to translate the Alpha images to Itanium. Such translation is made possible by the AEST utility. The Forms driver, FDVSHR.EXE, used by translated applications must also be translated similarly from Alpha to Itanium. The translated Forms driver thus generated should be copied to SYS$SHARE. The translated applications will then automatically use the translated Forms driver. OpenVMS applications, originally developed on the VAX platform and later translated to OpenVMS Alpha, can also be translated to OpenVMS Itanium. The Forms driver made available to such applications must also be similarly translated from VAX to Alpha and hence to Itanium. In the case of applications currently on OpenVMS VAX, such applications should be translated to Itanium in a two-step process; first to OpenVMS Alpha using the VEST utility and hence to OpenVMS Itanium as described in the preceding paragraph. Important Note: At the time of this field test release of FMS for OpenVMS Itanium, the binary translator tool AEST, is in the testing stage, and so it has not been possible at this time to fully test the performance of the translated Forms driver and applications. 1-2 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 2 RESTRICTIONS FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 RESTRICTIONS FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 2.1 CHARACTER SETS ON THE VT200-SERIES TERMINALS 2.1 CHARACTER SETS ON THE VT200-SERIES TERMINALS The following restrictions apply to the use of character sets on the VT200-series terminals. Please refer to your VT200-series terminal documentation for more details. o SET1 and SET2 (optional character sets on the VT100 terminal) are not available on VT200 terminals. Specifying either of these character sets results in the form, text, and/or field being displayed in an unpredictable character set. o The UK character set is available only in VT100 mode on the VT200-series. If you want to run in VT200 mode and use the British pound sign, you should modify your applications and forms to use the DEC multinational character 163 (decimal) and remove the character set attribute from the form, text, and field. o Currently, HP FMS only "designates" character sets as G0 or G1 and only "invokes" these into GL. HP FMS does not designate character sets as G2 or G3 and does not invoke character sets into GR; however, applications should not rely on these facts since future versions of FMS may use G2, G3, and GR. o Use of the "soft" (down-line loadable) character set on VT200 series terminals is not supported by HP FMS. The user must load, designate, and invoke the soft character set outside of FMS and then use forms, fields, and text, with the "AS IS" character set. o If you are having difficulties in getting the desired character sets to appear on the VT200 series terminal, check the SET-UP options on the terminal and verify them with the VT2xx Series Programmer Reference Manual for the correct 2-1 RESTRICTIONS FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 RESTRICTIONS FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 settings. 2.2 FORM AND VIDEO ATTRIBUTES ON THE VT240 SERIES OF TERMINALS 2.2 FORM AND VIDEO ATTRIBUTES ON THE VT240 SERIES OF TERMINALS Because of the bitmap architecture of VT240-series terminals, certain form and video attributes do not perform as well on the VT240-series terminals as on other types of terminals. o The VT240-series terminals have a hardware limitation of 100 blinking characters per screen. o On VT240s, double-wide and double-size lines are displayed and cleared at a significantly slower speed than on VT100 or VT220 terminals. o When the error signaling mode is set to reverse video (Form Driver call FDV$SSIGQ), the VT240 terminal hardware repaints the screen. Although you are not restricted in the use of these attributes, you should be aware of the terminal's performance limitations with these attributes. 2.3 FMS APPLICATIONS USING DATA MANAGEMENT TOOLS 2.3 FMS APPLICATIONS USING DATA MANAGEMENT TOOLS If the FMS application uses callable interfaces to data management tools, such as DATARIEVE, then please verify the availability of such tools and libraries on the Itanium platform. Please contact your support centre for more information. 2.4 RMS FILE VERSION LIMITS 2.4 RMS FILE VERSION LIMITS When using the Form Editor on an existing form, the Form Editor creates the output file when the editor is initially invoked. This is done to prevent you from losing edits if the output file cannot be opened when you exit the Form Editor. This can cause problems for files or directories that have a file version limit set. If that limit is reached when the output file is opened, the operating system deletes the lowest version of the file. If 2-2 RESTRICTIONS FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 RESTRICTIONS FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 you exit the Form Editor without saving the form, there will be one less version of the file available than there was when the Editor was invoked. This is extremely dangerous if the version limit is set to one. If the version limit is set to one, and you exit the Editor without saving the form, no previous version of the form is available. We suggest that when you use the editor, that you set the directory and file version limit to a number greater than one. 2.5 FORM EDITOR "AS IS" WIDTH RESTRICTION 2.5 FORM EDITOR "AS IS" WIDTH RESTRICTION If you create a form with the width defined as "AS IS" in the Form Editor, and the form contains one or more double-size or double-wide lines, the Form Editor outputs the form with a required width of the current terminal width (SET TERMINAL/WIDTH). This can cause problems when editing an "AS IS" form on a terminal that has been set to a width of 132 (SET TERMINAL/WIDTH=132). If the form physically occupies less than 80 columns, the form will still require a 132 column screen for display with the Form Driver. The solution to this problem is to use the Form Editor on a terminal with a width of 80 (SET TERMINAL/WIDTH=80) when editing a form with the "AS IS" width that contains double-size or double-wide lines. The resulting form will then display on either an 80 or 132 column screen. This restriction applies only if the form contains double-size or double-wide lines and the form width is set to "AS IS." 2.6 TYPEAHEAD AND HOSTSYNC TERMINAL SETTINGS WITH HP FMS 2.6 TYPEAHEAD AND HOSTSYNC TERMINAL SETTINGS WITH HP FMS As described in VMS documentation, a terminal can be set to "TYPEAHEAD" or "NOTYPEAHEAD" (See documentation for the VMS SET TERMINAL DIGITAL Command Language (DCL) command). HP FMS and Form Driver applications will run with the terminal set either way. However, the very nature of no typeahead can cause problems such as additional characters entered in fields or lost data. Typeahead accepts unsolicited input: input that you type when there is no outstanding read. No typeahead means that the terminal does not accept input unless the program or system issues a read to the terminal. Characters entered with no outstanding read are discarded. 2-3 RESTRICTIONS FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 RESTRICTIONS FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 The problem with no typeahead arises when the terminal operator presses a key that generates more than one character; for example, an arrow key. Operator presses arrow: [A Time: -----|----|-----> A B In this example, the operator presses the arrow key at time A. However, the read to the terminal was not issued until time B, during the middle of the escape sequence. The result is that the escape character () is considered unsolicited input and is lost. The "[A" is solicited input and is used as data in the field. So the arrow operation that the operator desires is misinterpreted as entering data (garbage) into a field. This is noticeable with applications that use the Form Driver when characters the operator enters are not validated. At that point there is no outstanding read operation until the error message is displayed and the cursor is repositioned in the field. Therefore, we recommend that Form Driver applications be run on terminals set to typeahead. If it is important that the terminal be a dedicated terminal and set up with no typeahead, we recommend that before the Form Driver application issues any read operations (FDV$GETx, FDV$WAIT) that the terminal characteristics be changed to typeahead with the DCL command SET TERMINAL or the required system services calls. When the operator types ahead with keys that generate escape sequences, (for example, arrow keys) it is possible that parts of the sequence will be lost when the typeahead buffer is full. If part of the sequence is lost, the FDV$GET-type call may terminate with a system error notifying the Form Driver application that there has been a data overrun. To avoid this problem, we recommend that the terminal on which Form Driver applications are attached be set to HOSTSYNC. 2.7 BASIC CTRL/C FUNCTION (CTRLC) AND FORM DRIVER CALLS 2.7 BASIC CTRL/C FUNCTION (CTRLC) AND FORM DRIVER CALLS As suggested in the BASIC User's Guide, BASIC's CTRL/C Function (CTRLC) should be used when doing a final cleanup before exiting a program. Form Driver calls interrupted with a CTRL/C (when CTRL/C trapping has been enabled by the BASIC CTRLC function) will corrupt Form Driver internal data structures. All Form Driver calls made after the CTRL/C trapping may yield unpredictable results. This is because variables, including Form 2-4 RESTRICTIONS FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 RESTRICTIONS FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 Driver data structures, may be left in an undefined state as described in the BASIC Reference Manual. 2.8 FORMS USING THE MULTINATIONAL CHARACTER SET ON SEVEN BIT 2.8 FORMS USING THE MULTINATIONAL CHARACTER SET ON SEVEN BIT TERMINALS TERMINALS Forms developed to run on VT200-series terminals that use the multinational character set, may also be run on VT100-series terminals and other 7-bit terminals that do not recognize the multinational character set. In order to get the 8-bit characters translated into 7-bit characters, set the terminal to "/FALLBACK". See the DCL Dictionary for details on the DCL command SET TERMINAL/FALLBACK. Note that this feature may have an impact on overall system performance. 2.9 TERMINAL SETTINGS FOR FORMS GREATER THAN 23 LINES 2.9 TERMINAL SETTINGS FOR FORMS GREATER THAN 23 LINES When FMS forms longer than 23 lines are used with either the Form Driver or the Form Editor, the terminal must be set to at least one line greater than the last line on the form. When using the Form Editor, you must do this by issuing the DCL "SET TERMINAL/PAGE" command prior to invoking the Editor. With the Form Driver, you can do this by issuing the DCL "SET TERMINAL/PAGE" command prior to running the application, or through an IO$_SETMODE QIO. If the FDV$ATERM call has already been issued then a call to FDV$SCR_LENGTH must follow the IO$_SETMODE QIO to inform the Form Driver of the new page setting. To determine a form's required page setting, add one to the Last Line To Clear value specified in the Form Attributes, or to the last line containing either fields or background text (use the greater value). For example, if a form has an Area To Clear of 1 to 30, but there is a field on line 40, the page setting required to display this form will be 41. If a form has an Area To Clear of 1 to 30, and there are no fields or text beyond line 28, then the page setting required to display this form will be 31. 2-5 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 3 DOCUMENTATION NOTES FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 DOCUMENTATION NOTES FOR HP FMS VERSION 2.5 The following manuals have not been revised for HP FMS Version 2.5. o HP FMS Installation Guide o DEC FMS Language Interface Manual Please refer to the earlier versions of these manuals. 3-1 APPENDIX A APPENDIX A SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS MADE BY THE HP FMS VERSION 2.5 INSTALLATION. SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS MADE BY THE HP FMS VERSION 2.5 INSTALLATION. The following is a list of files added on your system by HP FMS Version 2.5 installation: File Name Function ------------- ------------------------------------------------ [SYSHLP] (SYS$HELP) HELPLIB.HLB Module FMS added/replaced in help library HPFMSV025.RELEASE_NOTES Online release notes for HP FMS Version 2.5 [SYSEXE] (SYS$SYSTEM) FMSFAA.EXE FMS Form Application Aids Utility FMSFED.EXE FMS Form Editor Utility FMSFLG.EXE FMS Form Language Translator Utility FMSFLI.EXE FMS Form Librarian Utility FMSFTE.EXE FMS Form Tester Utility FMSFUU.EXE FMS Form Upgrade Utility [SYSLIB] (SYS$SHARE) FDVSHR.EXE Form Driver shareable image [SYSLIB] (SYS$LIBRARY) DCLTABLES.EXE DCL command FMS added/replaced in DCL tables IMAGELIB.OLB Module FDVSHR added/replaced in library STARLET.OLB Module FDV$PLITRM added/replaced in library A-1 SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS MADE BY THE HP FMS VERSION 2.5 INSTALLATION. SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS MADE BY THE HP FMS VERSION 2.5 INSTALLATION. [SYSMGR] (SYS$MANAGER) FMSTARTUP.COM FMS startup procedure [SYSMSG] (SYS$MESSAGE) FDVMSG.EXE Form Driver message file FMSMSG.EXE FMS utilities message file [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.FMS] (FMS$EXAMPLES) FDVDEF.BAS Form Driver symbol definition file for BASIC FDVDEF.FOR Form Driver symbol definition file for FORTRAN FDVDEF.H Form Driver symbol definition file for C FDVDEF.LIB Form Driver symbol definition file for COBOL FDVDEF.PAS Form Driver symbol definition file for PASCAL FDVDEF.REQ Form Driver symbol definition file for BLISS FDVDEFCAL.PLI Form Driver symbol definition file for PL/I FDVDEFFNC.PLI Form Driver symbol definition file for PL/I MESSAGE.DIR Directory for Modifiable Message Procedures In addition, if the system manager requested the Sample Application Programs to be installed, the following files will also exist: [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.FMS] (FMS$EXAMPLES) BISYNC_REGIST.FRM Sample Application REGISTER form to be used with bisync terminals LONG_REGIST.FRM Sample Application REGISTER form to be used with workstations SAMP.BAS BASIC Sample Application source SAMP.DAT Sample Application data file SAMP.EXE BASIC Sample Application executable image SAMP.FLB Sample Application form library SAMPBAS.COM BASIC Sample Application build procedure SAMPBLI.BLI BLISS Sample Application source SAMPBLI.COM BLISS Sample Application build procedure SAMPBLI.EXE BLISS Sample Application executable image (*) SAMPCC.C C Sample Application source SAMPCC.COM C Sample Application build procedure SAMPCC.EXE C Sample Application executable image (*) SAMPCOB.COB COBOL Sample Application source SAMPCOB.COM COBOL Sample Application build procedure SAMPCOB.EXE COBOL Sample Application executable image (*) A-2 SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS MADE BY THE HP FMS VERSION 2.5 INSTALLATION. SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS MADE BY THE HP FMS VERSION 2.5 INSTALLATION. SAMPCOB.LIB COBOL Sample Application library SAMPFOR.COM FORTRAN Sample Application build procedure SAMPFOR.FOR FORTRAN Sample Application source SAMPFOR.EXE FORTRAN Sample Application executable image (*) SAMPPAS.COM PASCAL Sample Application build procedure SAMPPAS.EXE PASCAL Sample Application executable image (*) SAMPPAS.PAS PASCAL Sample Application source SMPACCOM.FOR FORTRAN Sample Application include file SMPCOBUAR.LIB COBOL Sample Application library SMPMEMRES.OBJ Memory resident form module for the Sample Applications SMPREGCOM.FOR FORTRAN Sample Application include file SMPSTATUS.FOR FORTRAN Sample Application include file SMPVECTOR.OBJ UAR vector module for the Sample Applications SMPWORK.FOR FORTRAN Sample Application include file [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.FMS.MESSAGE] COMMSG.MSG Message file common to all FMS utilities FAAMSG.MSG Form Application Aids message file FDVMSG.MSG Form Driver message file FEDMSG.MSG Form Editor message file FIOMSG.MSG File I/O message file FLGMSG.MSG Form Language Translator message file FLIMSG.MSG Form Librarian message file FMSLIT.MSG FMS message file literals FMS_MESSAGE.MEM Guide to modifying FMS message files FTEMSG.MSG Form Tester message file FUUMSG.MSG Form Upgrade Utility message file MSGBLD.COM Message file build procedure (*) - Present only if the language is available on the system. A-3 APPENDIX B APPENDIX B VERSION 1 FORM DRIVER COMPATIBILITY CALLS VERSION 1 FORM DRIVER COMPATIBILITY CALLS The following table lists the VAX FMS Version 1 calls and their associated HP FMS Version 2.5 call and provides a brief explanation of the differences: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1 Version 2 Explanation Calls Calls ---------------------------------------------------------------- FDV$INIT FDV$ATERM FDV$ATERM attaches a terminal to the Form Driver and FDV$AWKSP attaches a workspace (impure area) to the terminal. FDV$ATERM and FDV$AWKSP are automatically invoked by the FDV$INIT call in Version 1 programs. FDV$CLRSH FDV$CDISP FDV$CDISP and FDV$DISP have FDV$SHOW FDV$DISP optional offset arguments that direct the Form Driver to move a form a specified number of lines up or down on the screen. The Version 1 FDV$SHOW and FDV$CLRSH calls have offset arguments that are tied to the Area To Clear form attribute. Version 2 forms allow you to specify lines (0,0) for the Area To Clear, which means that no lines are cleared. Version 1 does not allow this value; if it is used in conjunction with the FDV$CLRSH call the FDV$_LIN error will result. FDV$INLN FDV$GETSC FDV$INLN was renamed so that the name is indicative of the function. B-1 VERSION 1 FORM DRIVER COMPATIBILITY CALLS VERSION 1 FORM DRIVER COMPATIBILITY CALLS FDV$PUT FDV$PUTD FDV$PUTD puts the default value FDV$PUTAL FDV$PUTDA in a field. FDV$PUTDA puts the default values in all fields. FMS Version 1 provided special variations to FDV$PUT (FDV$PUT with a null value) and FDV$PUTAL (FDV$PUTAL with no arguments) to perform the same operation. FDV$OUTLN FDV$PUTSC FDV$OUTLN was renamed to FDV$PUTSC so that the name is indicative of the function. FDV$RETN FDV$RET FDV$RETN was renamed to FDV$RET so that the name is indicative of the function. FDV$IDATA FDV$RETDI FDV$IDATA was renamed to FDV$RETDI so that the name is indicative of the function. FDV$NDATA FDV$RETDN FDV$RETDN is the same as FDV$NDATA except that FDV$RETDN also returns the Named Data index. FDV$GCF FDV$RETFN FDV$GCF was renamed to FDV$RETFN so that the name is indicative of the function. FDV$LEN FDV$RETLE FDV$LEN was renamed to FDV$RETLE so that the name is indicative of the function. FDV$TERM FDV$TCHAN FDV$TERM was renamed to FDV$TCHAN so that the name is indicative of the function. FDV$GET FDV$WAIT FDV$WAIT allows the Form Driver to synchronize the application program with the user. FMS Version 1 provides a special variation of the FDV$GET call (FDV$GET with no field name argument) which performs the same operation, except that FDV$WAIT also returns the field terminator. ---------------------------------------------------------------- B-2 APPENDIX C APPENDIX C ENGINEERING CHANGE ORDER DETAILS ENGINEERING CHANGE ORDER DETAILS This kit includes Engineering Change Order fixes previously in ECOs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. To install this kit please follow the directions given in the DEC FMS Installation Guide of prior FMS versions. C-1