%ì Librarian I01-42 ¾gK°*G¾gK° N 5 2 DUMP HELP ² Qualifiers †SHOW  ­*G¾gK°1 HELP=The iSCSI SDA Extension allows you to inspect the contents of@memory as saved in a crash dump or as it exists on a live system?Most commands and data types are implemented for both the iSCSI>port driver and iSCSI transport code - these components can be>selected with the /PORT and /TRANSPORT qualifiers respectivelySupported commands:. DUMP - Snapshot key port or transport data$ SHOW - Show a selected data typeSupported data types:. POOL) RING PTES WTID STATUS TARGET COUNTERS2Command-specific help may be displayed as follows: ISCSI HELP ww­*G¾gK°1 SHOW3Display working data of one of the following types:2 RINGDisplay ring buffer3 /SCSI9Display SCSI-specific ring buffer - valid only with /PORT2 POOL2 PTES2 WTID2 STATUS2 TARGET 2 COUNTERSww­*G¾gK°1 DUMPww­*G¾gK° 1 Qualifiers8The following qualifiers can be applied to most commands2 /PORT1Direct command to the iSCSI port driver (default) 2 /TRANSPORT#Direct command to the iSCSI Execlet2 /OUTPUT=[]<Write command output to the specified file - if no file name<is specified then output will be written to ISCSI$SDA.DAT inthe current default directoryww