% Librarian I01-33p놢놢5dDESTROY,EXITHELP INITIALIZE LIST ,MODIFYQUIT RENEW p놢 1 DESTROY D The DESTROY command is used to destroy a credential cache file. 2 Qualifiers/CACHE& /CACHE=[(cache file)] (default)+ Specifies the cache file to destroy./QUIET /QUIET /NOQUIET (default)/ Specifies whether bell is run on errors. 2 Examples KERBEROS> DESTROY : Destroys the tickets in the default credentials file.ww놢 1 INITIALIZED The INITIALIZE  command is used to initialize a credential cache( file with a ticket granting ticket. 2 Parameters principal_name Specifies the principal name 2 Qualifiers/SERVICE /SERVICE) Specifies the service name to use. /RENEWABLE /RENEWABLE=time /NORENEWABLE (default)+ Specifies the renewable time to use. /PROXIABLE /PROXIABLE /NOPROXIABLE (default)1 Specifies whether the ticket is proxiable.# /FORWARDABLE /FORWARDABLE /NOFORWARDABLE (default)3 Specifies whether the ticket is forwardable./CACHE& /CACHE=[(cache file)] (default)' Specifies the cache file to use./KEYTAB /KEYTAB=[(keytab file)]( Specifies the keytab file to use. /LIFE_TIME /LIFE_TIME=time& Specifies the life time to use. /START_TIME /START_TIME=time' Specifies the start time to use. 2 Examples/ KERBEROS> INITIALIZE /LIFE_TIME=0-24:00:00A Initializes a credentials cache file which contains a ticket1 granting ticket with a lifetime of 24 hours.ww놢1 LISTK The LIST command is used to list the contents of either the credential! cache file or a keytab file. 2 Parameters CACHE< Specifies that the credential cache file is to be listed. KEYTABB Specifies that the contents of the keytab file is to be listed. 2 Qua lifiers/OUTPUT6 /OUTPUT=[(output file)] (default is SYS$OUTPUT)( Specifies the output file to use./FILE# /FILE=[(cache/keytab file)] < Specifies the credential cache or keytab file to use./SHOW /SHOW=(show list)# Specifies the items to show.( Keyword DescriptionG CREDENTIAL_FLAGS Display credential flags (CACHE type only)G ENCRYPTION_TYPES Display encryption types (CACHE type on ly): STATUS Display status only (CACHE type only,0 mutually exclusive)@ DES_KEYS Display encryption keys (KEYTAB type only)< TIMESTAMPS Display timestamps (KEYTAB type only)4 ALL Display all information (All types) 2 Examples# KERBEROS> LIST CACHE /SHOW=ALLB List the default credentials cache file showing all the cache attributes. KERBEROS> LIST KEYTAB= List existing keytab entries in the current keytab file.ww놢 1 MODIFYE The MODIFY command is used to modify the a principal's password. 2 PASSWORDD The MODIFY PASSWORD command is used to modify the a principal's password. 2 Parameters principal_name Specifies the principal name 3 Examples KERBEROS> MODIFY PASSWORD/ Modifies the current principal's password.ww놢1 RENEWI The RENEW command is used to renew a cu rrent ticket granting ticket. 2 Parameters principal_name Specifies the principal name 2 Qualifiers/CACHE& /CACHE=[(cache file)] (default)' Specifies the cache file to use./SERVICE /SERVICE) Specifies the service name to use. 2 Examples KERBEROS> RENEW@ Renews the current credential cache ticket granting ticket.ww놢1 HELPF The HELP command is used to gather help regarding the interactive user facility.ww놢1 EXITD The EXIT command is used to exit the interactive user facility.ww놢1 QUITC The QUIT command can also be used to exit the interactive user facility.ww