% Librarian I01-390Ű llll5=vN About_LSE*HALIGN-:ATTACH.vBALANCE_WINDOWS.BOTTOM/^BOX_COPY1zBOX_CUT0 BOX_CUT_PAD2BOX_DRAW4` BOX_LOWERCASE6J BOX_PASTE5BOX_PASTE_OVERSTRIKE7 BOX_UPPERCASE9" CAPITALIZE: CENTER_LINE: CHANGE_CASE;CHECK_LANGUAGE_DEFINITIONS>CHECK_LANGUAGE_HELP?CLIBCLOSE@ CLOSE_BUFFERECBCOLLAPSEFCOMPILEDCOMPILE_REVIEWICOPYH COPY_APPENDKZCUTJF CUT_APPENDPatternsAL CLOSE_FILECBCOLLAPSE<7Commands_for_Compiling_Source_Code_and_Reviewing_Errors.&Commands_for_Tailoring_the_EnvironmentCommand_DefinitionsFCOMPILEDCOMPILE_REVIEWICOPYH COPY_APPENDLCross_Reference_CommandsCursor_Movement_CommandstCustomizing_Command_LanguageKZCUTJF CUT_APPENDLPDELETE_ADJUSTMENTN$ DELETE_ALIASP DELETE_BUFFERLANGUAGET DELETE_MARKUDELETE_MENU_ENTRYVHDELETE_MENU_LABELternsl CLOSE_BUFFER DELETE_BUFFER9DELETE_MENU_LABELENLARGE_WINDOWERASE_NEXT_WORDEXPAND EXTRACT_TOKEN INDENT_LEFTMOVE_UP NEXT_CHARACTER PLSE REPLACE SET_ADJUSTMENT_CURRENTSET_BUFFER_AUTO_ERASESET_BUFFER_WRAPSET_LANGUAGE_COMPILE_COMMANDSET_LANGUAGE_LINE_COMMENTSMITSET_NUMBER_OF_WINDOWSSSET_PLACEHOLDER_HELP_TOPICbSET_PROMPT_DIALOGpSET_SEARCH_PATTERNICNLIVEWDELETE_MENU_SEPARATORXPDELETE_PACKAGEY&DELETE_PLACEHOLDER[zDELETE_ROUTINE[DELETE_SELECTION_MARK\ DELETE_TAB] DELETE_TOKEN^ DELETE_WINDOW_2DISABLE_GRAMMAR_PREFIX`F DISABLE_VMS_INTEGRATION_COMMANDS* Editing_Session_Control_CommandsaXENABLE_GRAMMAR_PREFIXbENABLE_VMS_INTEGRATION_COMMANDSc END_OF_LINEdENLARGE_WINDOWENTER_PSEUDOCODEl, ENTER_SPACEm ENTER_SPECIALn ENTER_TABo: ENTER_TEXTPatternsjEntering_CommandseF ENTER_COMMENTi ENTER_LINEjENTER_PSEUDOCODEl, ENTER_SPACEm ENTER_SPECIALn ENTER_TABo: ENTER_TEXTpNERASE_CHARACTERqD ERASE_COMMENTqERASE_END_OF_LINErERASE_END_OF_WORDs ERASE_LINEt:ERASE_NEXT_CHARACTERvERASE_NEXT_LINEvERASE_NEXT_PLACEHOLDERwERASE_NEXT_WORDz ERASE_PREVIOUS_CHARACTER{ERASE_PREVIOUS_LINE|ERASE_PREVIOUS_PLACEHOLDER|ERASE_PREVIOUS_WORDPatternsby&ERASE_PLACEHOLDERz ERASE_PREVIOUS_CHARACTER{ERASE_PREVIOUS_LINE|ERASE_PREVIOUS_PLACEHOLDER|ERASE_PREVIOUS_WORD~2ERASE_SELECTION~ERASE_START_OF_LINELERASE_START_OF_WORD& ERASE_WORDEXACT_SUBSTITUTEFEXECUTE_BUFFER_LSEEXECUTE_BUFFER_PLSEPEXECUTE_BUFFER_TPU`EXITHEXPANDEXTENDEXTRACT_ADJUSTMENT EXTRACT_ALIASEXTRACT_LANGUAGEEXTRACT_NEW_ADJUSTMENTPatternseEXTENDEXTRACT_ADJUSTMENT EXTRACT_ALIASEXTRACT_LANGUAGEEXTRACT_NEW_ADJUSTMENTZEXTRACT_NEW_ALIASEXTRACT_NEW_LANGUAGEEXTRACT_NEW_PACKAGEEXTRACT_NEW_PLACEHOLDER@EXTRACT_NEW_ROUTINEzEXTRACT_NEW_TOKENEXTRACT_PACKAGEEXTRACT_PLACEHOLDEREXTRACT_ROUTINE~ EXTRACT_TOKENFETCHtFILL8FIND_OCCURRENCESFOCUSP GOTO_BUFFER GOTO_COMMAND&GOTO_DECLARATIONPatternsFETCHB%File_and_Buffer_Manipulation_CommandstFILL8FIND_OCCURRENCESFOCUS23Getting_Started_with_Portable_LSE_for_OpenVMS_UsersP GOTO_BUFFER GOTO_COMMAND&GOTO_DECLARATION GOTO_MARKL GOTO_REVIEW GOTO_SOURCE4HELP Help_and_Status_CommandsHELP_INDICATED$HELP_KEY HELP_KEYPAD, INCLUDE_FILE INDENT_LEFTLINE LOWERCASEtLSE MOVE_DOWNzMOVE_UP_LEARN_KEYPatternszpNEW_ADJUSTMENT NEW_ALIAS NEW_BUFFER New_FeaturesNEW_FILENEW_KEY NEW_LANGUAGEP NEW_LEARN_KEYNEW_MARKNEW_MENU_ENTRYNEW_MENU_LABELNEW_MENU_SEPARATOR NEW_PACKAGENEW_PLACEHOLDER NEW_ROUTINENEW_SELECTION_MARK| NEW_TOKENl NEW_WINDOW NEXT_BUFFERNEXT_CHARACTERLINE NEXT_ERRORl NEXT_PAGENEXT_PLACEHOLDER NEXT_SCREENNEXT_START_OF_LINEPatternsxNEXT_END_OF_LINE NEXT_ERRORl NEXT_PAGENEXT_PLACEHOLDER NEXT_SCREENNEXT_START_OF_LINE NEXT_WINDOW NEXT_WORD ONE_WINDOW@ OPEN_FILEOPEN_SELECTED_FILEOVERVIEW_SOURCEE0Parameter_GlossaryPASTEPatternsPATTERN_EXACT_SUBSTITUTE@PATTERN_SEARCHBPATTERN_SUBSTITUTEPLSE~PREVIOUS_CHARACTERPREVIOUS_END_OF_LINEJPREVIOUS_ERROR( PREVIOUS_PAGEPREVIOUS_PLACEHOLDERPREVIOUS_BUFFER~PREVIOUS_CHARACTERPREVIOUS_END_OF_LINEJPREVIOUS_ERROR( PREVIOUS_PAGEPREVIOUS_PLACEHOLDERtPREVIOUS_SCREENjPREVIOUS_START_OF_LINE$PREVIOUS_WINDOW PREVIOUS_WORD&Program_Design_Commands,QUITQUOTE QUOTE_KEYNAMERECOVER_BUFFER<REDOREFRESH Release_NotesREPEAT4REPLACEVIEW_BUFFER> REVIEW_FILExSAVE_ASVSAVE_ENVIRONMENTSAVE_ENVIRONMENT_CHANGES(Repository_CommandsRESERVERESTOREREVIEW REVIEW_BUFFER> REVIEW_FILExSAVE_ASVSAVE_ENVIRONMENTSAVE_ENVIRONMENT_CHANGES& SAVE_FILEV SAVE_SECTIONSAVE_SELECTION SAVE_VISIBLE)&Screen_Manipulation_CommandsvSEARCHSELECTH SELECT_ALL>SET_ADJUSTMENT_COMPRESS4SET_ADJUSTMENT_COUNTSET_ADJUSTMENT_CURRENTSET_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN SET_ADJUSTMENT_PREFIX_ADJUSTMENT_SET_ADJUSTMENT_INHERITSET_ADJUSTMENT_OVERVIEWSET_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN SET_ADJUSTMENT_PREFIX_ADJUSTMENT!SET_ADJUSTMENT_PREFIX_INDENTATIONSET_ADJUSTMENT_SUBSEQUENTzSET_ADJUSTMENT_UNIT SET_ALIAS_EXPAND_TEXT SET_BALANCE_WINDOWS  SET_BELL_ALL lSET_BELL_BROADCAST 8SET_BUFFER_AUTO_ERASESET_BUFFER_CLOSESET_BUFFER_DIRECTIONxSET_BUFFER_INDENTATIONSET_BUFFER_JOURNALINGSET_BUFFER_LANGUAGE^SET_BUFFER_CLOSESET_BUFFER_DIRECTIONxSET_BUFFER_INDENTATIONSET_BUFFER_JOURNALINGSET_BUFFER_LANGUAGE>SET_BUFFER_LEFT_MARGINSET_BUFFER_MODIFIABLESET_BUFFER_OUTPUT_FILESET_BUFFER_OVERVIEW^SET_BUFFER_RIGHT_MARGINSET_BUFFER_TAB_INCREMENT~SET_BUFFER_TEXTzSET_BUFFER_WRAP~ SET_CLIPBOARDSET_COMMAND_LANGUAGE SET_CURSORHSET_DIRECTORY_DEFAULTXSET_DIRECTORY_READONLY!tSET_DIRECTORY_SOURCEU~ SET_CLIPBOARDSET_COMMAND_LANGUAGE SET_CURSORHSET_DIRECTORY_DEFAULTXSET_DIRECTORY_READONLY!tSET_DIRECTORY_SOURCE"SET_FONT#P SET_HEIGHT# SET_KEYPAD$ SET_LANGUAGE_ANSI_FORTRAN%SET_LANGUAGE_BRACKETED_COMMENTS&d SET_LANGUAGE_COMMENT_ASSOCIATION'SET_LANGUAGE_COMPILE_COMMAND(SET_LANGUAGE_ESCAPES*SET_LANGUAGE_EXPAND_CASE+PSET_LANGUAGE_FILE_TYPES,SET_LANGUAGE_FIXED_COMMENTS-JSET_LANGUAGE_FORTRAN^(SET_LANGUAGE_ESCAPES*SET_LANGUAGE_EXPAND_CASE+PSET_LANGUAGE_FILE_TYPES,SET_LANGUAGE_FIXED_COMMENTS-JSET_LANGUAGE_FORTRAN.SET_LANGUAGE_HELP_LIBRARY/<SET_LANGUAGE_HELP_TOPIC0"SET_LANGUAGE_IDENTIFIER_CHARACTERS1SET_LANGUAGE_INITIAL_STRING2SET_LANGUAGE_LEFT_MARGIN3SET_LANGUAGE_LINE_COMMENTS4dSET_LANGUAGE_OPTIONAL_DELIMIT5>"SET_LANGUAGE_OPTIONAL_LIST_DELIMIT6&#SET_LANGUAGE_OVERVIEW_MINIMUM_LINEST4dSET_LANGUAGE_OPTIONAL_DELIMIT5>"SET_LANGUAGE_OPTIONAL_LIST_DELIMIT6&#SET_LANGUAGE_OVERVIEW_MINIMUM_LINES7SET_LANGUAGE_OVERVIEW_TAB_RANGE9SET_LANGUAGE_PSEUDOCODE_DELIMIT:#SET_LANGUAGE_PUNCTUATION_CHARACTERS<SET_LANGUAGE_QUOTES= SET_LANGUAGE_REQUIRED_DELIMIT>"SET_LANGUAGE_REQUIRED_LIST_DELIMIT?SET_LANGUAGE_RIGHT_MARGIN@SET_LANGUAGE_TAB_INCREMENTASET_LANGUAGE_TAG_TERMINATORSB:SET_LANGUAGE_TRAILING_COMMENTSS?SET_LANGUAGE_RIGHT_MARGIN@SET_LANGUAGE_TAB_INCREMENTASET_LANGUAGE_TAG_TERMINATORSB:SET_LANGUAGE_TRAILING_COMMENTSC.SET_LANGUAGE_VERSIONCSET_LANGUAGE_WRAPD,SET_MAXIMUM_WINDOWSFV SET_MAX_UNDOGSET_MENU_LABELHSET_MENU_MNEMONICSISET_MINIMUM_WINDOW_LENGTHKXSET_NUMBER_OF_WINDOWSL(SET_PACKAGE_HELP_LIBRARYLSET_PACKAGE_HELP_TOPICNSET_PACKAGE_LANGUAGENjSET_PACKAGE_PARAMETER_EXPANDPSET_PACKAGE_ROUTINE_EXPANDҰ 1 PatternsC The three pattern styles VMS, ULTRIX and TPU can be used in searchD and substitute commands. The pattern style is set by the SET SEARCH PATTERN command. 1. VMS style patternsE The VMS pattern style enables the special interpretation of wildcardC characters and a quote character in the search-string parameter as shown below: VMS-Style Wildcards Wildcard Matches? * One or more characters of any kind on a line.D ** One or more characters of any kind crossing lines.% % A single character.& \< Beginning of a line. \> End of a line. \[set-of-characters]B Any character in the specified set. For example,@ \[abc] matches any letter in the set "abc" andB \[c-t] matches any letter in the set "c" through "t." \[~set-of-characters]B Anything n ot in the specified set of characters.C \ Lets you specify the characters \,*,% or ] withinC wildcard expressions. For example, \\ matches the* backslash character (\).B \. Repeats the previous pattern zero or more times,) including the original.= \: Repeats the previous pattern at least once,D including the original; that is, a null occurrence! does not match.A \w Any empty space created by the space bar or tab? stops, including no more than one line break.$ \d Any decimal digit." \o Any octal digit.( \x Any hexadecimal digit.> \a Any alphabetic character, including accented@ letters, other marked letters, and non-English letters.- \n Any alphanumeric character.= \s Any character that can be used in a symbol:< alphanumeric, dollar sign, and underscore.' \l Any lowercase letter.' \u Any uppercase letter., \p Any punctuation character.A \f Any formatting characters: backspace, tab, lineE feed, vertical tab, form feed, and carriage return.( \^ Any control character.F \+ Any character with bit 7 set; that is, ASCII decimal.  values from 128 through 255.D For example the following command will find a line starting with an uppercase letter: PATTERN SEARCH "\<\u" 2. ULTRIX style patterns? The ULTRIX pattern style enables the special interpretation of? wildcard characters and a quote character in the search-string parameter as shown below: ULTRIX-Style Wildcards Wildcard Matches% . A single character.& ^ Beginning of a line. $  End of a line. [set-of-characters]B Any character in the specified set. For example,E [abc] matches any letter in the set "abc" and [c-t]@ matches any letter in the set "c" through "t." [^set-of-characters]B Anything not in the specified set of characters.E \ Lets you specify the characters \,.,^,$,[,],or * inC wildcard expressions. For example, \\ matches the*  backslash character (\).B * Repeats the previous pattern zero or more times,) including the original.= + Repeats the previous pattern at least once,D including the original; that is, a null occurrence! does not match.A For example the following command will find a line starting with a, b or c: PATTERN SEARCH "^[abc]" 3. TPU style patterns@ The TPU pattern style enables the use of TPU patterns. For fullD details of TPU patterns see the DEC Text Processing Utility Manual. 3.1 Simple examplesA The first example searches for abc or def and the second example2 substitutes all occurrences of abc or def by ghi:# PATTERN SEARCH "'abc' | 'def'"4 PATTERN SUBSTITUTE "'abc' | 'def'" "'ghi'" ALL/ In the examples 'abc', 'def' and 'ghi' are TPU7 strings and | is the TPU pattern alternation operator.5 The outermost quotes in the examples must be omitted9 if the parameters are prompted for or if a dialog box is used. 3.2 Search string> The search string is a TPU expression that must evaluate to a TPU pattern. 3.3 Replace string? The replace string is a TPU expression that must evaluate to a TPU string.* 3.4 Partial pattern assignment variables: Partial pattern assignment variables allow a substitution' to be a function of the found pattern.: For example, the following command replaces a date of the1 form yyyy/mm/dd with one of the form dd/mm/yyyy: PATTERN SUBSTITUTE -6 "(_year@_v1)+'/'+(_month@_v2)+'/'+(_day@_v3)" -, "str(_v3)+'/'+str(_v2)+'/'+ str(_v1)"8 when applied to: 1998/04/21 generates: 21/04/19984 In the above example _year, _month and _day are TPU6 variables holding patterns that match the year, month6 and day parts of a date, for details of how to set up! these variables see Section 3.8.: @ is the TPU partial pattern assignment operator and _v1,: _v2 and _v3 are partial pattern assignment variables that) are set to the found year, date and day.8 A partial pattern assignment variable holds a TPU range: and when used in the replacement string must be converted) to a string using the TPU procedure STR.9 For example, the following command will prefix any lines9 that start with any three characters from ABCDEFGHI with XYZ_ : PATTERN SUBSTITUTE -0 "LINE_BEGIN + (ANY('ABCDEFGHI',3)@_v1)" - "'XYZ_'+ str(_v1)" - ! ALL before substitution abc 012 defghi after substitution XYZ_abc 012 XYZ_defghi6 In the above example LINE_BEGIN is a TPU keyword that9 matches the beginning of a line and ANY is a TPU pattern8 procedure that matches a specified number of characters$ from a specified set of characters. 3.5 New line: A new line will be generated for each line feed character8 in the replacement string, a line feed character can be8 intro"duced by means of the TPU procedure ASCII with the value 10 as a parameter.8 For example, to replace any numbers at the end of lines8 with the string 'xxx' (a line feed is necessary because2 the search pattern includes the end of the line): PATTERN SUBSTITUTE - "_n + LINE_END" - "'xxx' + ASCII(10)" - ALL before substitution 123 456 789 after substitution 123 xxx xxx4 In the above example LINE_END is a TPU keyword #that; matches the end of a line and _n is TPU variable holding a pattern that matches a number.8 When a partial pattern assignment variable is converted8 to a string by the TPU procedure STR an optional second3 parameter can be set to ASCII(10) to cause any end6 of lines in the range described by the variable to be9 converted to line feed characters (without the parameter7 they are represented by the null string). For example: PATTERN SUBSTITUTE -; "(LINE_BEGIN + _n + LIN$E_END + _n + LINE_END)@_v1" -4 "STR(_v1, ASCII(10)) + STR(_v1, ASCII(10))" - ALL before substitution 123 456 after substitution 123 456 123 456< Carriage return characters adjacent to line feed characters' in the replacement string are ignored. 3.6 Errors3 The search and replace strings are TPU expressions8 which have to be evaluated and may generate various TPU) compilation / evaluation error messages.7% The following error messages are generated for invalid search or replace strings: Error in search pattern Error in replacement string8 These messages will normally be preceded by various TPU8 error messages. For example, the search string "'aaa' +3 bbb" would result in the following error messages: Undefined procedure call BBB4 Operand combination STRING + INTEGER unsupported Error in search pattern 3.7 Global variables; Partial pattern assignment vari&ables and pattern variables8 (such as _year in an earlier example) need to be global9 and must not clash with any TPU global variables used by8 LSE. This can be achieved by starting any such variable$ names with an underscore character. 3.8 Pattern variables9 Any complicated search or substitution is likely to need7 various pattern variables to have already been set up.& This can be achieved in various ways.6 The definitions can be setup by issuing TPU commands, for example:' TPU "_digits:='0123456789'" TPU "_digit:=any(_digits)" TPU "_year:=any(_digits,4)"$ TPU "_month:=any('01',1)+_digit"$ TPU "_day:=any('0123',1)+_digit" TPU "_n:=span(_digits)"7 The file LSE$PATTERNS.TPU in the LSE$EXAMPLE directory9 contains some examples of patterns which can be added to( LSE by means of the following commands:* OPEN FILE LSE$EXAMPLE:LSE$PATTERNS.TPU EXTEND *" TPU "LSE$PATTERNS_MODULE_INIT") 3.9 Use for developing DTM user filt(ers; The user defined filters global replace feature introduced5 in Digital Test Manager for OpenVMS version V4.0 can8 be simulated using the PATTERN SUBSTITUTE command. This0 allows DTM user defined filters to be developed interactively using LSE.8 For example, to replace any numbers at the end of lines with the string 'xxx': global_replace( _n + LINE_END, 'xxx' + ASCII(10), NO_EXACT, OFF, ON);5 The LSE equivalent (assuming that) the current search+ attributes are equivalent to NO_EXACT) is: PATTERN SUBSTITUTE - "_n + LINE_END" - "'xxx' + ASCII(1O)" - ALL7 The LSE equivalent of the pattern to replace parameter7 (first parameter of the global_replace routine) is the4 same except that the parameter has to be in quotes.7 The LSE equivalent of the replacement string parameter; (second parameter) is the same if the evaluate replacement5 parameter (fourth parameter) is set to ON and i *s the6 same except that the parameter has to be in quotes if2 the evaluate replacement parameter is set to OFF.7 The LSE equivalent of the search mode parameter (third8 parameter) is the setting of the search options (set by the SET SEARCH command).: LSE does not have equivalents of the evaluate replacement6 parameter (fourth parameter) or the convert linefeeds5 parameter (fifth parameter). It always evaluates the4 replacement string parameter and it always converts: linefeed charac+ters (and ignores adjacent carriage return characters).wwAӰ 1 ALIGN Syntax: ALIGN column< Aligns trailing comments within the current selected range.B This command operates on each line in the range in sequence. ForF each line, LSE checks to see whether the line has a trailing comment.C Note that the buffer must be associated with a language. LSE uses9 the language definitions to determine what are comments.D If a line does not have a trailing comment, it ,proceeds to the nextB line. If there is a trailing comment, then LSE either inserts orE deletes spaces or tabs as necessary to get the comment to align. If> there is no room for the comment on the line (that is, if the? noncommented text extends beyond the comment column), then theE comment is aligned one space after the end of the noncommented text.E The default column number is determined from the language associated with the buffer.2 The following text is a sample of commented c-ode:> -- This is the first line of comments. if a:=b:6 -- This is the second line of comments.I -- This is the third line of comments. --D If the default column number is associated with the first commented8 line, the ALIGN command rearranges the text as follows:> -- This is the first line of comments. if a:=b:? -- This is t.he second line of comments.> -- This is the third line of comments. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 FILL 9 SET LANGUAGE TRAILING 9 COMMENTS wwAӰ 1 ATTACH Syntax: ATTACH process_nameB Allows you to switch control of your terminal to another process.E If you do not specify a process name, LSE connects you to the p/arent process. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SPAWN wwhӰ 1 BALANCE_WINDOWS Syntax: BALANCE WINDOWS9 Resizes all user windows on the screen to the same size. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET BALANCE WINDOWS SET MINIMUM WINDOW LENGTH9 SET MAXIMUM WINDOWS SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTES wwhӰ 1 BOTTOM Syntax: BOTTOM3 Moves the cursor to the end of the current buffer. R0ELATED COMMANDS: 9 TOP wwhӰ 1 BOX_COPY Syntax: BOX COPY; Copies the selected box to buffer $PASTE or the clipboard.> This command copies the currently selected box to the defaultE location (the DECwindows clipboard or paste buffer). The diagonally? opposite corners of the box are given by the beginning and end$ positions of the current selection. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 BOX CUT BO1X PASTE 9 BOX CUT PAD BOX PASTE OVERSTRIKE 9 BOX DRAW BOX UPPERCASE 9 BOX LOWERCASE SET CLIPBOARD wwhӰ 1 BOX_CUT_PAD Syntax: BOX CUT PAD: Moves the selected box to buffer $PASTE or the clipboard.F This command moves the currently selected box to the default locationC (the DECwindows clipboard or paste buffer), the box is replaced byE spaces. The diagonally opp2osite corners of the box are given by the6 beginning and end positions of the current selection. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 BOX COPY BOX PASTE 9 BOX CUT BOX PASTE OVERSTRIKE 9 BOX DRAW BOX UPPERCASE 9 BOX LOWERCASE SET CLIPBOARD wwhӰ 1 BOX_CUT Syntax: BOX CUT: Moves the selected box to buffer $PASTE or the clipboard.F This command move3s the currently selected box to the default locationE (the DECwindows clipboard or paste buffer). The diagonally oppositeC corners of the box are given by the beginning and end positions of the current selection. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 BOX COPY BOX PASTE 9 BOX CUT PAD BOX PASTE OVERSTRIKE 9 BOX DRAW BOX UPPERCASE 9 BOX LOWERCASE SET CLIPBOARD wwh4Ӱ 1 BOX_DRAW Syntax: BOX DRAW Draws a box.F This command draws a box in overstrike mode. The diagonally oppositeC corners of the box are given by the beginning and end positions ofD the current selection. The box is drawn using '+' for the corners,2 '|' for the sides and '-' for the top and bottom. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 BOX COPY BOX PASTE 9 BOX CUT BOX PASTE OVERSTRIKE 9 BOX CUT PAD BOX 5UPPERCASE 9 BOX LOWERCASE wwhӰ 1 BOX_LOWERCASE Syntax: BOX LOWERCASE< Changes the case of the text in the currently selected box.D This command changes the case of the text in the currently selectedB box. The diagonally opposite corners of the box are given by the6 beginning and end positions of the current selection. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 BOX COPY BOX PASTE 9 BO6X CUT BOX PASTE OVERSTRIKE 9 BOX CUT PAD BOX UPPERCASE 9 BOX DRAW SET CLIPBOARD wwhӰ 1 BOX_PASTE_OVERSTRIKE Syntax: BOX PASTE OVERSTRIKED Copies the contents of the default location to a box at the current location.@ This command copies the contents from the default location (theA DECwindows clipboard or paste buffer) to a box with its top left< corner at the current locatio7n. The contents are copied in overstrike mode. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 BOX COPY BOX LOWERCASE 9 BOX CUT BOX PASTE 9 BOX CUT PAD BOX UPPERCASE 9 BOX DRAW SET CLIPBOARD wwӰ 1 BOX_PASTE Syntax: BOX PASTED Copies the contents of the default location to a box at the current location.@ This command copies the contents from t8he default location (theA DECwindows clipboard or paste buffer) to a box with its top leftC corner at the current location. The contents are copied in insert mode. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 BOX COPY BOX LOWERCASE 9 BOX CUT BOX PASTE OVERSTRIKE 9 BOX CUT PAD BOX UPPERCASE 9 BOX DRAW SET CLIPBOARD wwӰ 1 BOX_UPPERCASE Syntax: BOX UPPERCASE 9< Changes the case of the text in the currently selected box.D This command changes the case of the text in the currently selectedB box. The diagonally opposite corners of the box are given by the6 beginning and end positions of the current selection. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 BOX COPY BOX LOWERCASE 9 BOX CUT BOX PASTE 9 BOX CUT PAD BOX PASTE OVERSTRIKE 9 BOX DRAW SET CL:IPBOARD wwӰ 1 CAPITALIZE Syntax: CAPITALIZEF Capitalizes the first letter of the current word, or all words in the selected range.D If a word is in uppercase letters, this command changes all but theF first letter to lowercase. The cursor then moves to the first letter9 of the word following the target word or selected range. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 CHANGE CASE UPPERCASE 9 LOWERCASE ; wwӰ 1 CENTER_LINE Syntax: CENTER LINE= Centers the current line between the left and right margins. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET BUFFER LEFT MARGIN SET BUFFER RIGHT MARGIN wwӰ 1 CHANGE_CASE Syntax: CHANGE CASEF Changes the case of the letter(s) in the selected range and moves the cursor to the next character.B If no range is selected, the current character's case is changed. RELATED COMMANDS: <9 CAPITALIZE NEW SELECTION MARK 9 LOWERCASE UPPERCASE wwӰ 1 CHECK_LANGUAGE_DEFINITIONS5 Syntax: CHECK LANGUAGE DEFINITIONS defined_language@ Analyzes the definitions associated with a language and reports errors.> This command detects and reports the following informa- tion:G o Undefined tokens-An undefined token appears in a menu# placeholder body.I = o Undefined placeholders-An undefined placeholder appearsG in the body of a token, or a nonterminal or menu-typeC placeholder; or it is referenced by an alias-typeE placeholder or token; or it appears as the value of6 the token or placeholder help topic.B o Unreferenced placeholders-A placeholder has beenH defined that does not appear in the body of any token,B nor is i >t referenced by any alias type tokens or placeholders.D o Routines with the same name as tokens-A token nameE conflicts with the name of one of the routines in a7 package associated with the language.A o Parameters with the same name as placeholders-AG placeholder name conflicts with the name of a routineF parameter in a package associated with the language.G ? o Routines and parameters defined with the same name inA multiple packages associated with the language. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 CHECK LANGUAGE HELP wwӰ 1 CHECK_LANGUAGE_HELP. Syntax: CHECK LANGUAGE HELP defined_languageF Detects and reports invalid topic strings associated with a language.F By default, LSE uses the language associated with the current buffer.D A topic string is invalid if there is n@o corresponding HELP text in8 the HELP library for the language for the topic string. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 CHECK LANGUAGE 9 DEFINITIONS wwӰ 1 CLI Syntax: CLI cli_commandB Executes a Command Language Interpreter (CLI) command from within your editing session.F LSE spawns a subprocess for the CLI command you specify and creates aE buffer named $CLI to contain the output fArom the command. If you doE not specify a command, LSE prompts for one. The command is executedB in your current command-line interpreter; this is usually DCL for OpenVMS users.( LSE> CLI DIRECTORY *.TXTwwӰ 1 CLOSE_BUFFER" Syntax: CLOSE BUFFER buffer_name Writes and deletes a buffer.F If the specified buffer is writable and has been modified, LSE writesF it to its associated file, and then deletes the buffer. If a file isE not associaBted with the buffer, LSE prompts you for a file name. If4 no buffer is specified, the current buffer is used. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 CLOSE SAVE FILE 9 CLOSE FILE SET BUFFER CLOSE 9 SAVE AS wwӰ 1 CLOSE_FILE Syntax: CLOSE FILE file_spec1 Writes a file and deletes the associated buffer.E If the buffer associated with the specified file is writaCble and hasE been modified, LSE writes the file out. It then deletes the buffer. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 CLOSE SAVE FILE 9 SAVE AS SET BUFFER CLOSE wwӰ 1 CLOSE Syntax: CLOSED Writes the current buffer to its associated file, if it is writable4 and has been modified, and then deletes the buffer. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 CLOSE BUFFER SAVE AS 9 CLDOSE FILE SAVE FILE wwӰ 1 COLLAPSE Syntax: COLLAPSE depth? Compresses text and displays an overview at the current cursor position.D Low-level detail lines are replaced by a single overview line. TheF cursor position is recorded before the text is collapsed for use withE future EXPAND commands. The editor determines the relative level ofC detail of a line by comparing the indentation of the line with the; indentation of other Elines. The editor's treatment of the> indentation of a line is influenced by indentation adjustment@ definitions. For more information, see the ADJUSTMENT command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXPAND SET ADJUSTMENT commands 9 FOCUS SET BUFFER OVERVIEW 9 NEW ADJUSTMENT VIEW SOURCE wwӰ 1 COMPILE_REVIEW( Syntax: COMPILE REVIEW compile_command@ Compile the contents of the current buffeFr, and then review any errors.E When you enter this command, LSE writes the current buffer. It then@ forms a command line by appending the file specification of theC current buffer to the specified compile command. If no command isA specified, the one associated with the current language is used.D The language of the current buffer must have diagnostics capabilityE and you must specify the diagnostics switch for the compiler you are using. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COMPILE G SET LANGUAGE COMPILE 9 GOTO REVIEW SET SAVE RELATED BUFFERS 9 REVIEW wwӰ 1 COMPILE! Syntax: COMPILE compile_command? Lets you compile the contents of a buffer without leaving LSE.E When you enter this command, LSE writes the current buffer. It then@ forms a command line by appending the file specification of theC current buffer to the command string given on the COMPILE H command.: The default compile command is determined by the languageC definitions. If no compile command is specified, then the compile? command associated with the current buffer's language is used.C If you want to generate a diagnostics file for use with the REVIEWE command and the current language has diagnostics capability, specifyD the appropriate diagnostics switch in either the language's default4 compile command or in your (user-supplied) command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ICOMPILE REVIEW REVIEW FILE 9 GOTO REVIEW SET LANGUAGE COMPILE 9 REVIEW SET SAVE RELATED BUFFERS 9 REVIEW BUFFER wwӰ 1 COPY_APPEND' Syntax: COPY APPEND user_paste_buffer@ Copies the selected text to the end of the buffer or clipboard.? This command appends the currently selected text to either theE designated buffer or to a default location (the DJECwindows clipboard or paste buffer). RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COPY PASTE 9 CUT SET CLIPBOARD 9 CUT APPEND wwӰ 1 COPY Syntax: COPY user_paste_bufferF Copies the selected text to the indicated buffer or to the clipboard.< This command copies the currently selected text to either aE designated buffer or to a default location (the DECKwindows clipboard? or paste buffer). The old contents of the paste buffer or the clipboard are lost. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COPY APPEND PASTE 9 CUT SET CLIPBOARD 9 CUT APPEND wwӰ 1 CUT_APPEND& Syntax: CUT APPEND user_paste_buffer? Moves the selected text to the end of the designated buffer or clipboard.? This command appends the cuLrrently selected text to either theD indicated buffer or to a default location (the DECwindows clipboard or paste buffer). RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COPY PASTE 9 COPY APPEND SET CLIPBOARD 9 CUT wwӰ 1 CUT Syntax: CUT user_paste_buffer> Moves the selected text to the indicated buffer or clipboard.F This command moves the currently seMlected text to either a designatedC buffer or to a default location (the DECwindows clipboard or paste buffer). RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COPY PASTE 9 COPY APPEND SET CLIPBOARD 9 CUT APPEND wwӰ 1 DELETE_ADJUSTMENTC Syntax: DELETE ADJUSTMENT adjustment_name_wild language_name_wildF Deletes the definition of one or more adjustments associated Nwith the specified lannguage(s).C Wildcards are accepted for both adjustment and language names. If@ you do not specify an adjustment or language name, LSE uses theE current adjustment and language. If the adjustment you are deletingF is the current adjustment, then the current adjustment element is setC to UNSPECIFIED. Otherwise, neither the current adjustment nor the6 current language are set as a result of this command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW ADJUSTMENT SHOWO ADJUSTMENT ww԰ 1 DELETE_ALIAS9 Syntax: DELETE ALIAS alias_name_wild language_name_wildB Deletes the definition of one or more aliases associated with the specified language(s).A This command removes the specified name from the list of aliasesD associated with the specified language. Wildcards are accepted for both alias and language names.F If you do not specify an alias or language name, LSE uses the currentB alias and language. If the alias yPou are deleting is the current= alias, then the current alias element is set to UNSPECIFIED.F Otherwise, neither the current alias nor the current language are set as a result of this command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT ALIAS SET ALIAS EXPAND TEXT 9 NEW ALIAS SHOW ALIAS ww԰ 1 DELETE_BUFFER_OVERVIEW' Syntax: DELETE BUFFER OVERVIEW unusedF This command deletes the overview information for the current bQuffer.A This command gets rid of all the overview lines in a buffer, and0 makes all the real lines in the buffer visible. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COLLAPSE FOCUS 9 EXPAND VIEW SOURCE ww԰ 1 DELETE_BUFFER# Syntax: DELETE BUFFER buffer_name Deletes a buffer.D By default, LSE deletes the current buffer. If the buffer is beingB displayed, LSE replaces it with another buffer. If theR indicatedC buffer has been modified and is not read- only, LSE prompts you to0 make sure you really want to delete the buffer. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 CLOSE BUFFER NEW BUFFER 9 CLOSE FILE SHOW BUFFER 9 GOTO BUFFER ww԰ 1 DELETE_EXPAND Syntax: DELETE EXPAND+ Reverses the effect of the EXPAND command.B This command deletes the text inserted as part Sof the last EXPAND> command. The text entered by the last EXPAND command must beB unchanged. It restores the token or placeholder that appeared at5 that position before the EXPAND command was entered. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXPAND ww԰ 1 DELETE_KEY" Syntax: DELETE KEY user_key_name Deletes a user key definition.D If the key is a printing key, LSE restores the original function of? inserting a printing characTter at the current cursor position;! otherwise, the key is undefined. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW KEY SHOW KEY ww԰ 1 DELETE_LANGUAGE, Syntax: DELETE LANGUAGE language_name_wild. Deletes the indicated language definition(s).C LSE does not actually delete the tokens, placeholders, and aliasesE associated with the language, but it makes them unavailable for use.> If you subsequently enter a NEW LANGUAGE command for the saUmeC language name, then LSE reassociates all of the previously definedD tokens, placeholders, and aliases with the new language definition.E Thus, you can use this command as a step in modifying the properties of a language definition. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SET LANGUAGE commands 9 NEW LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE ww԰ 1 DELETE_MARK Syntax: DELETE MARK mark_name Deletes the indicated marker.E If Vyou do not specify a name for the marker, LSE deletes all markers at the current cursor position.A The marker name can be abbreviated or wildcarded, but it must be6 unambiguous (that is, you can only match one marker.)D This example deletes the marker named 1 from the list of markers in your current buffer:" LSE> DELETE MARK 1 RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW MARK SHOW MARK ww ,԰ 1 DELETE_MENU_ENTRY0 Syntax:W DELETE MENU ENTRY menu_name menu_entry> Deletes an entry from a pull-down menu or from a pop-up menu.9 The label associated with the menu entry is not deleted. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE MENU commands SAVE SECTION 9 NEW MENU commands SET MENU commands ww ,԰ 1 DELETE_MENU_LABEL& Syntax: DELETE MENU LABEL menu_label Deletes a menu label.? The menu label must be removed from all menus before it can be deletedX. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE MENU commands SAVE SECTION 9 NEW MENU commands SET MENU commands ww ,԰ 1 DELETE_MENU_SEPARATOR0 Syntax: DELETE MENU SEPARATOR menu_name numberA Deletes a separator from a pull-down menu or from a pop-up menu.F To determine which separator to delete, beginning with one, count the separators from the top down. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE MENU commands SAVE SECTION Y 9 NEW MENU commands SET MENU commands ww ,԰ 1 DELETE_PACKAGE* Syntax: DELETE PACKAGE package_name_wild" Deletes the package(s) specified.@ The routines and parameters associated with the package are notD deleted, but they are no longer available for use. If a subsequentC NEW PACKAGE command is entered for the same package name, then allF the previously defined routines and parameters become associated withB the new package definition. ThZus, you can use the DELETE PACKAGE< command, followed by the NEW PACKAGE command, to modify the$ properties of a package definition. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT PACKAGE SET PACKAGE commands 9 NEW PACKAGE SHOW PACKAGE ww ,԰ 1 DELETE_PLACEHOLDERE Syntax: DELETE PLACEHOLDER placeholder_name_wild language_name_wildC Deletes the definition of one or more placeholders associated with the specified language.D Wil [dcards are accepted for both placeholder and language names. If@ you do not specify a placeholder or language name, LSE uses the> current placeholder and language. If the placeholder you areB deleting is the current placeholder, then the current placeholder? element is set to UNSPECIFIED. Otherwise, neither the currentA placeholder nor the current language are set as a result of this command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT NEW PLACEHOLDER SET PLACEHOLDER commands 9 EXTRAC\T PLACEHOLDER SHOW PLACEHOLDER 9 NEW PLACEHOLDER ww ,԰ 1 DELETE_ROUTINE< Syntax: DELETE ROUTINE routine_name_wild package_name_wildB Deletes the definition of one or more routines from the specified package(s). RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT ROUTINE SET ROUTINE commands 9 NEW ROUTINE ww0S԰ 1 DELETE_SELECTION_MARK Synta]x: DELETE SELECTION MARK> Cancels the selected range of the NEW SELECTION MARK command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW SELECTION MARK ww0S԰ 1 DELETE_TAB Syntax: DELETE TABB Erases blanks and tabs to the left of the cursor, which moves the! cursor to the previous tab stop.F This command moves the cursor to the previous tab stop set by the SET@ BUFFER TAB INCREMENT command. If no tabs or blanks immediately@ precede the cur^sor, this command has no effect. If nonblank orF nontab characters are present in the column positions at or after theA previous tab stop, LSE removes the blanks and tabs between thoseA characters and the cursor, and then repositions the cursor after+ those characters, but not at the tab stop. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENTER TAB SET BUFFER TAB INCREMENT ww0S԰ 1 DELETE_TOKEN9 Syntax: DELETE TOKEN token_name_wild language_name_wild? Deletes the_ definition of one or more tokens associated with a specified language(s). RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW TOKEN SHOW TOKEN ww0S԰ 1 DELETE_WINDOW Syntax: DELETE WINDOW Deletes the current window.@ The remaining windows are enlarged to occupy the entire screen. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 BALANCE WINDOWS SET BALANCE WINDOWS 9 NEW WINDOW TWO WINDOWS 9 ONE WINDOW ` ww0S԰ 1 DISABLE_GRAMMAR_PREFIX' Syntax: DISABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX prefixA Disables a prefix associated with a customized command language.B LSE keeps the enabled grammar prefixes in a stack in the order inF which they were defined. This command deletes a prefix from anywhereE in the stack. If the prefix is the only one in the stack, no action; is taken. The default is to delete the prefix at the top. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 a ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX ww0S԰ "1 DISABLE_VMS_INTEGRATION_COMMANDS* Syntax: DISABLE VMS INTEGRATION COMMANDSD Disables Source Code Analyzer for OpenVMS (SCA) and Code Management1 System for OpenVMS (CMS) integration on OpenVMS.C Disables the VMSSCA_ and VMSCMS_ grammar prefixes, and SCA and CMS key bindings. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DISABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX 9 ENABLE VMS INTEGRATION b 9 COMMANDS ww0S԰ 1 ENABLE_GRAMMAR_PREFIX3 Syntax: ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX prefix help_library= Enables a prefix for use with a customized command language.? This command allows you to create your own command language byC defining a prefix that is attached to the name of a TPU procedure.D This example enables a prefix "USER_" and associates a help libraryF with it. Note that LSE uses exactly the characcters you type. If you: wish to use an underscore, it must be entered explicitly.> LSE> ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX user_ user_help.hlp7 As a result, if you have defined a TPU procedure named: USER_LIST_FILES, you can execute it by typing the command LSE> LIST FILES RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DISABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX HELP ww@z԰ !1 ENABLE_VMS_INTEGRATION_COMMANDS) Syntax: ENABLE VMS INTEGRATION COMMANDSC Ednables Source Code Analyzer for OpenVMS (SCA) and Code Management1 System for OpenVMS (CMS) integration on OpenVMS.@ Enables the VMSSCA_ and VMSSCA_ grammar prefixes, which provideF commands to integrate with SCA and CMS, and enables Version 3.1 style+ SCA-related key bindings and menu entries. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DISABLE VMS INTEGRATION ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX 9 COMMANDS ww@z԰ 1 END_OF_LINE Syntax: ENeD OF LINE1 Moves the cursor to the end of the current line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEXT END OF LINE PREVIOUS START OF LINE 9 NEXT START OF LINE START OF LINE 9 PREVIOUS END OF LINE ww@z԰ 1 ENLARGE_WINDOW Syntax: ENLARGE WINDOW number> Enlarges the current window by the specified number of lines.7 LSE shrinks the other window (or windows) accordingly. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 f NEW WINDOW SHRINK WINDOW ww@z԰ 1 ENTER_COMMENT$ Syntax: ENTER COMMENT comment_type> Converts pseudocode into comments using block or line format.D If the cursor is on a pseudocode placeholder, the command moves theD placeholder's text into a comment and replaces the placeholder withC the LSE$GENERIC placeholder. The cursor is then positioned on the generic placeholder.= If the cursor is in a comment, the LSE editor finds a nearby gE pseudocode placeholder and converts its content into a comment. The@ LSE$GENERIC placeholder is inserted in its place and the cursor$ remains on the generic placeholder.@ If the cursor is not on a placeholder or a comment, the commandF inserts a new comment and puts the LSE$GENERIC placeholder inside theD comment. The cursor is then positioned on the generic placeholder.A If there is a sequence of pseudocode placeholders and a selectedD range is active, all text in the selected rangeh is converted into a; comment and the placeholders are replaced with LSE$GENERICA placeholders accordingly. The cursor is positioned on the first placeholder after the comment.F The following example converts pseudocode to comments in line format:/ This is something interesting.B Entering the ENTER COMMENT LINE command causes LSE to convert the0 pseudocode placeholder to a comment as follows:5 {tbs} ! This is something interesting.? The follo iwing example converts pseudocode to comments in block format:D We will move the third item from the left to be theC next to the last item from the right in this case.A If there is a selected range active for both lines, entering theA ENTER COMMENT BLOCK command causes LSE to convert the pseudocode% placeholder to comments, as follows:D --We will move the third item from the left to be theC --next to the last item from thje right in this case. {tbs} RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENTER commands ERASE commands ww@z԰ 1 ENTER_LINE Syntax: ENTER LINE( Enters a new comment line or text line.@ If the cursor is positioned within a comment (as defined in theC current language) and wrapping is set for the buffer, then the new@ line will be a comment line otherwise, it will be a blank line.E If the cursor is at the end of a line, the ENTER LINE commaknd adds a+ new blank line following the current line.E If the cursor is at the beginning of a line, this command adds a new$ blank line before the current line.C If the cursor is positioned within a line, that line is split into+ two lines at the original cursor position. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENTER commands SET BUFFER WRAP 9 ERASE commands wwP԰ 1 ENTER_PSEUDOCODE Syntax: ENTER PSEUDOCODEl+ Inserts pseudocode placeholder delimiters.F This command positions the cursor on the first character of the rightD delimiter. You must define the placeholder delimiters before using this command.3 The following are examples of entering pseudocode: IF {expression}F Entering the ENTER PSEUDOCODE command causes LSE to insert pseudocode# placeholder delimiters as follows: IF {statement} . . .F Entering the ENTER PSEUDOmCODE command causes LSE to insert pseudocode# placeholder delimiters as follows: [statement] . . . RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENTER commands SET LANGUAGE PSEUDOCODE 9 ERASE commands DELIMIT wwP԰ 1 ENTER_SPACE Syntax: ENTER SPACE? Inserts or overstrikes a space at the current cursor position.B If the cursor is past the right margin and wrap mode is set, this> command perfonrms an ENTER LINE operation on the current line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENTER commands SET BUFFER RIGHT MARGIN 9 ERASE commands SET BUFFER WRAP wwP԰ 1 ENTER_SPECIAL" Syntax: ENTER SPECIAL ascii_codeC Causes LSE to enter the character specified by the ASCII code into the current buffer.A The following example causes LSE to insert a form-feed character (Ctrl/L):$ LSE> ENTER SPECIAL 12 RELATEDo COMMANDS: 9 ENTER commands QUOTE 9 ERASE commands SET BUFFER TEXT wwP԰ 1 ENTER_TAB Syntax: ENTER TAB@ Inserts indentation and moves to the current indentation level.? This command inserts blanks and tabs to move the cursor to theC current indentation level (if at the beginning of the line), or to& move the cursor to the next tab stop.E If the current indentation level is set to the beginning ofp the lineF and the cursor is at the beginning of the line, the ENTER TAB commandE inserts enough blank space to move the cursor to the first tab stop. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE TAB ERASE commands 9 ENTER commands SET BUFFER TAB INCREMENT wwP԰ 1 ENTER_TEXT Syntax: ENTER TEXT text_string, Enters text at the current cursor position. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENTER commands TOGGLE INSERT OVERSTRIqKE 9 ERASE commands ww`԰ 1 ERASE_CHARACTER Syntax: ERASE CHARACTERB Erases a single character from the current cursor position in the current direction.E This command erases the next or previous character, depending on theE current direction. (Note that the "next character" is the character$ on which the cursor is positioned.) RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ERASE NEXT CHARACTER RESTORE 9 rERASE PREVIOUS CHARACTER SET BUFFER DIRECTION ww`԰ 1 ERASE_COMMENT Syntax: ERASE COMMENT1 Reverses the effect of an ENTER COMMENT command.B This command deletes the comments created from pseudocode with an> ENTER COMMENT command and restores the text to the pseudocodeD placeholders. The buffer cannot have been modified since the ENTER COMMENT command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENTER COMMENT wws`԰ 1 ERASE_END_OF_LINE Syntax: ERASE END OF LINEE Erases text from the current cursor position to the end of the line.C This command does not erase the carriage control at the end of the line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENTER LINE ERASE PREVIOUS LINE 9 ERASE LINE ERASE START OF LINE 9 ERASE NEXT LINE RESTORE ww`԰ 1 ERASE_END_OF_WORD Syntax: ERASE END OF WORDE Eratses text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the next word.C For more information about the definition of a word, see the ERASE WORD command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENTER TEXT ERASE START OF WORD 9 ERASE NEXT WORD ERASE WORD 9 ERASE PREVIOUS WORD RESTORE ww`԰ 1 ERASE_LINE Syntax: ERASE LINE6 Erases a line of text at the current cursor position.C This coummand erases the entire line at the current cursor position including the carriage control. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENTER LINE ERASE PREVIOUS LINE 9 ERASE END OF LINE ERASE START OF LINE 9 ERASE NEXT LINE RESTORE ww`԰ 1 ERASE_NEXT_CHARACTER Syntax: ERASE NEXT CHARACTER Erases the next character.D Note that the "next character" is the character on which the cursorF is currently posi vtioned. A line terminator or ASCII tab character isD considered one character. In either insert or overstrike mode, theF remainder of the line moves left one character to close up the space.A When the cursor is at the end of a line, the carriage control isF erased, and the text from the following line moves up to the right of the text in the current line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENTER TEXT ERASE PREVIOUS CHARACTER 9 ERASE CHARACTER RESTORE w ww`԰ 1 ERASE_NEXT_LINE Syntax: ERASE NEXT LINEE Erases text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the next line.A This command erases the carriage control at the end of the line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENTER LINE ERASE PREVIOUS LINE 9 ERASE END OF LINE ERASE START OF LINE 9 ERASE LINE RESTORE wwp԰ 1 ERASE_NEXT_PLACEHOLDER9 Syntax:x ERASE NEXT PLACEHOLDER next_placeholder_boolean@ Erases the text of a placeholder and related punctuation in the forward direction.9 For more information, see the ERASE PLACEHOLDER command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ERASE PLACEHOLDER EXPAND 9 ERASE PREVIOUS RESTORE 9 PLACEHOLDER wwp԰ 1 ERASE_NEXT_WORD Syntax: ERASE NEXT WORD& Erases the word fol ylowing the cursor.F When the cursor is positioned on a space, this command erases all theC spaces before and after the deleted word except one space. If theA cursor is at the end of a line, the next line is appended to theE current line. If the cursor is on a word, that word is erased. ForD more information about the definition of a word, see the ERASE WORD command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ERASE END OF WORD ERASE START OF WORD 9 ERASE PREVIOUS WORD ERzASE WORD wwp԰ 1 ERASE_PLACEHOLDER4 Syntax: ERASE PLACEHOLDER next_placeholder_boolean/ Erases a placeholder in the current direction.E If the cursor is on a placeholder, the deletion occurs in place. IfF no placeholder is found, LSE returns an error message. After erasing? the placeholder and any leading tabs or blanks, LSE erases anyD leading separator text or leading and trailing punctuation. If theC resulting line or line segment is now empty{, LSE erases the entire line or line segment. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ERASE NEXT PLACEHOLDER RESTORE 9 ERASE PREVIOUS 9 PLACEHOLDER wwp԰ 1 ERASE_PREVIOUS_CHARACTER" Syntax: ERASE PREVIOUS CHARACTER Erases the previous character.D This command erases the character to the left of the current cursorD position. For more infformation, see the descripti|on for the ERASE NEXT CHARACTER command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ERASE CHARACTER RESTORE 9 ERASE NEXT CHARACTER wwp԰ 1 ERASE_PREVIOUS_LINE Syntax: ERASE PREVIOUS LINE> Erases text from the cursor back to the previous end of line.D This command erases the carriage control at the end of the previous line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ERASE END OF LINE ERASE START OF LINE 9 } ERASE LINE RESTORE 9 ERASE NEXT LINE wwp԰ 1 ERASE_PREVIOUS_PLACEHOLDER= Syntax: ERASE PREVIOUS PLACEHOLDER next_placeholder_boolean/ Erases a placeholder in the reverse direction.9 For more information, see the ERASE PLACEHOLDER command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ERASE NEXT PLACEHOLDER RESTORE 9 ERASE PLACEHOLDER ww~հ 1 ERASE_PREVIOUS_WORD Syntax: ERASE PREVIOUS WORD# Erases the word before the cursor.F When the cursor is in the middle of a word, the entire word is erasedE and the cursor moves to the first letter of the next word. For more? information about the definition of a word, see the ERASE WORD command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ERASE END OF WORD ERASE WORD 9 ERASE NEXT WORD RESTORE 9 ERASE START OF WORD wwհ 1 ERASE_SELECTION Syntax: ERASE SELECTION+ Erases the text within the selected range. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW SELECTION MARK RESTORE wwհ 1 ERASE_START_OF_LINE Syntax: ERASE START OF LINE= Erases the text from the current cursor position back to the beginning of the line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ERASE END OF LINE ERASE PREVIOUS LINE  9 ERASE LINE RESTORE wwհ 1 ERASE_START_OF_WORD Syntax: ERASE START OF WORDE Erases text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the previous word.C For more information about the definition of a word, see the ERASE WORD command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ERASE END OF WORD ERASE WORD 9 ERASE NEXT WORD RESTORE 9 ERASE PREVIOUS WORD  wwհ 1 ERASE_WORD Syntax: ERASE WORD. Erases a word at the current cursor position.D This command erases the entire word the cursor is on, regardless ofB the cursor's position within that word. You can terminate a word> with tabs or characters not specified for language identifierF characters. A word can consist of identifier characters and trailing> blanks, or it can consist of a single nonblank, nonidentifier character. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ERASE END OF WORD ERASE START OF WORD 9 ERASE NEXT WORD RESTORE 9 ERASE PREVIOUS WORD wwհ 1 EXACT_SUBSTITUTE7 Syntax: EXACT SUBSTITUTE search_string replace_string substitute_typeE Replaces occurrences of the search string with the exact form of the replace string.E This command ignores the case of characters in the search string andD replaces it exactly with the specified replace string. It searches> for the string in the current direction. LSE prompts you for- confirmation before the replacement is made. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 PATTERN EXACT SUBSTITUTE SET SEARCH commands 9 SEARCH SUBSTITUTE wwհ 1 EXECUTE_BUFFER_LSE( Syntax: EXECUTE BUFFER LSE buffer_name3 Directs LSE to execute LSE commands from a buffer.B LSE interprets the commands based on the command language that is? currently established in the editing session. If a command isB executed that changes the current command language, the remainingF commands are interpreted using the new command language setting. TheC new command language setting will remain in effect when the script has finished executing. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE SET COMMAND LANGUAGE 9 EXECUTE BUFFER TPU ww=հ 1 EXECUT E_BUFFER_PLSE) Syntax: EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE buffer_name3 Directs LSE to execute LSE commands from a buffer.B LSE interprets the commands based on the command language that is? currently established in the editing session. If a command isB executed that changes the current command language, the remainingF commands are interpreted using the new command language setting. TheC new command language setting will remain in effect when the script has finished executing. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXECUTE BUFFER TPU SET COMMAND LANGUAGE ww=հ 1 EXECUTE_BUFFER_TPU( Syntax: EXECUTE BUFFER TPU buffer_name= Directs LSE to execute text processing utility (TPU) program statements from a buffer. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE ww=հ 1 EXIT Syntax: EXIT? Ends an LSE editing session and returns control to the calling' process or the command-line interface.F The contents of buffers that are associated with files are written toD those files if they have been modified. Buffers with the READ_ONLY on attribute are not written. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ATTACH SET BUFFER CLOSE 9 QUIT SPAWN ww=հ 1 EXPAND Syntax: EXPAND depthB Replaces tokens, placeholders, overview lines, or show lists with appropriate text.@ Replaces placeholders, token names, alias names, routine names,B overview lines, or show list lines at the current cursor position> with the appropriate body of text or code associated with the+ overview line down to the specified depth. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COLLAPSE SET ADJUSTMENT commands 9 DELETE EXPAND SET BUFFER OVERVIEW 9 FOCUS VIEW SOURCE 9 NEW ADJUSTMENT ww=հ 1 EXTEND Syntax: EXTEND procedure_name3 Compiles one or more TPU procedures to extend LSE.F Using this command without specifying the procedure name compiles the> procedure in which the cursor is located. To save a compiledF procedure in a section file for future editing sessions, use the SAVE SECTION command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SAVE SECTION TPU ww=հ 1 EXTRACT_ADJUSTMENTD Syntax: EXTRACT ADJUSTMENT adjustment_name_wild language_name_wildD Extracts the definition of an adjustment and formats it as portable commands.@ LSE inserts the indicated definitions at the end of the currentD buffer in a form that lets them be executed with the EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE ADJUSTMENT SET ADJUSTMENT commands 9 EXTRACT NEW ADJUSTMENT SHOW ADJUSTMENT 9 NEW ADJUSTMENT ww=հ 1 EXTRACT_ALIAS: Syntax: EXTRACT ALIAS alias_name_wild language_name_wild4 Extracts the definition of the specified alias(es).@ LSE inserts the indicated definitions at the end of the currentD buffer in a form that lets them be executed with the EXECUTE BUFFER LSE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE ALIAS SET ALIAS EXPAND TEXT 9 EXTRACT NEW ALIAS SHOW ALIAS 9 NEW ALIAS wwdհ 1 EXTRACT_LANGUAGE- Syntax: EXTRACT LANGUAGE language_name_wild6 Extracts the definition of the specified language(s).@ LSE inserts the indicated definitions at the end of the currentD buffer in a form that lets them be executed with the EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE LANGUAGE SET LANGUAGE commands 9 EXTRACT NEW LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE wwdհ 1 EXTRACT_NEW_ADJUSTMENT5 Syntax: EXTRACT NEW ADJUSTMENT adjustment_name_wild language_name_wildC Extracts the definition of the specified adjustment defined during the current editing session.@ LSE inserts the indicated definitions at the end of the currentD buffer in a form that lets them be executed with the EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE ADJUSTMENT SET ADJUSTMENT commands 9 EXTRACT ADJUSTMENT SHOW ADJUSTMENT 9 NEW ADJUSTMENT wwdհ 1 EXTRACT_NEW_ALIAS> Syntax: EXTRACT NEW ALIAS alias_name_wild language_name_wild> Extracts the definition of the specified alias(es) created or- modified during the current editing session.@ LSE inserts the indicated definitions at the end of the currentD buffer in a form that lets them be executed with the EXECUTE BUFFER LSE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE ALIAS  SET ALIAS EXPAND TEXT 9 EXTRACT ALIAS SHOW ALIAS 9 NEW ALIAS wwdհ 1 EXTRACT_NEW_LANGUAGE1 Syntax: EXTRACT NEW LANGUAGE language_name_wildD Extracts the definition of the specified language(s) defined during the current editing session.@ LSE inserts the indicated definitions at the end of the currentD buffer in a form that lets them be executed with the EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE LANGUAGE SET LANGUAGE commands 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE wwdհ 1 EXTRACT_NEW_PACKAGE/ Syntax: EXTRACT NEW PACKAGE package_name_wildC Extracts the definition of the specified package(s) defined during this editing session.@ LSE inserts the indicated definitions at the end of the currentD buffer in a form that lets them be executed with the EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE PACKAGE SET PACKAGE commands 9 EXTRACT PACKAGE SHOW PACKAGE 9 NEW PACKAGE wwdհ 1 EXTRACT_NEW_PLACEHOLDER7 Syntax: EXTRACT NEW PLACEHOLDER placeholder_name_wild language_name_wild@ Extracts the definition of the specified placeholder(s) defined during this editing session.@ LSE inserts the indicated definitions at the end of the currentD buffer in a form that lets them be executed with the EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER SET PLACEHOLDER commands 9 NEW PLACEHOLDER SHOW PLACEHOLDER wwհ 1 EXTRACT_NEW_ROUTINEA Syntax: EXTRACT NEW ROUTINE routine_name_wild package_name_wildF Extracts the definition of the routine(s) defined during this editing session.@ LSE inserts the indicated definitions at the end of the currentD buffer in a form that lets them be executed with the EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE ROUTINE NEW ROUTINE 9 EXTRACT ROUTINE SET ROUTINE commands 9 EXTRACT ROUTINE wwհ 1 EXTRACT_NEW_TOKEN> Syntax: EXTRACT NEW TOKEN token_name_wild language_name_wildF Extracts the definition of the specified token(s) defined during this editing session.@ LSE inserts the indicated definitions at the end of the currentD buffer in a form that lets them be executed with the EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE TOKEN SET TOKEN commands 9 EXTRACT TOKEN SHOW TOKEN 9 NEW TOKEN wwհ 1 EXTRACT_PACKAGE+ Syntax: EXTRACT PACKAGE package_name_wild5 Extracts the definition of the specified package(s).@ LSE inserts the indicated definitions at the end of the currentD buffer in a form that lets them be executed with the EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE PACKAGE SET PACKAGE commands 9 EXTRACT NEW PACKAGE SHOW PACKAGE 9 NEW PACKAGE wwհ 1 EXTRACT_PLACEHOLDERF Syntax: EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER placeholder_name_wild language_name_wild9 Extracts the definition of the specified placeholder(s).@ LSE inserts the indicated definitions at the end of the currentD buffer in a form that lets them be executed with the EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT NEW PLACEHOLDER SET PLACEHOLDER commands 9 NEW PLACEHOLDER SHOW PLACEHOLDER wwհ 1 EXTRACT_ROUTINE= Syntax: EXTRACT ROUTINE routine_name_wild package_name_wild5 Extracts the definition of the specified routine(s).@ LSE inserts the indicated definitions at the end of the currentD buffer in a form that lets them be executed with the EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE ROUTINE NEW ROUTINE 9 EXTRACT NEW ROUTINE SET ROUTINE commands wwհ 1 EXTRACT_TOKEN: Syntax: EXTRACT TOKEN token_name_wild language_name_wild3 Extracts the definition of the specified token(s).@ LSE inserts the indicated definitions at the end of the currentD buffer in a form that lets them be executed with the EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE TOKEN SET TOKEN commands 9 EXTRACT NEW TOKEN SHOW TOKEN 9 NEW TOKEN wwհ 1 FETCH. Syntax: FETCH element_name element_id remark6 Retrieve the element without causin g version changes.E The element is retrieved from the source repository into the workingD directory and read into a buffer. The element_ id parameter allowsD version specification other than the latest. On OpenVMS systems, aD remark may be recorded. When options or settings are needed beyond% those provided, use "cli ". RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DISABLE VMS INTEGRATION REPLACE 9 COMMANDS RESERVE 9 ENABLE VMS INTEGRATION UNRESERVE 9 COMMANDS wwհ 1 FILL Syntax: FILL column, Reformats the text within a selected range.B The FILL command reformats a block of text or program comments in> order that as many words as possible fit on each line withoutF exceeding the right margin. Reformatted text is indented to the leftF margin for the buffer. Comments are indented to the column specifiedC or the current co lumn if none is specified. LSE treats the spaces% defined placeholders as whole words.C If you do not provide a selected range, this command reformats theC current paragraph. The current paragraph includes the text on allF previous and subsequent lines until LSE encounters a completely blank2 line. LSE preserves any blank lines in the text.D If the buffer is associated with a language, and comment delimiters@ have been defined for the language, LSE reformats the commentedC segments of the lines in the selected range. If the buffer is notD associated with a language, or there are no comment delimiters, LSE performs a text fill. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ALIGN SET BUFFER LEFT MARGIN 9 SELECT SET BUFFER RIGHT MARGIN wwհ 1 FIND_OCCURRENCES Syntax: FIND OCCURRENCESD Sends a message to the cross-reference server, asking the server to0 display the occurences of the indicated symbol. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DISABLE VMS INTEGRATION GOTO DECLARATION 9 COMMANDS 9 ENABLE VMS INTEGRATION 9 COMMANDS wwհ 1 FOCUS Syntax: FOCUS@ Displays an overview of the buffer around the current position.F This command displays the current line and its surrounding text. TheF rest of the lines in the buffer are collapsed as mu ch as possible and represented by overview lines.@ The editor determines the relative level of detail of a line byD comparing the indentation of the line with the indentation of other? lines. The editor's treatment of the indentation of a line is< influenced by indentation adjustment definitions. For more. information, see the SET ADJUSTMENT commands. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COLLAPSE VIEW DEBUGGING SOURCE 9 EXPAND VIEW SOURCE  9 SET ADJUSTMENT commands wwհ 1 GOTO_BUFFER! Syntax: GOTO BUFFER buffer_name2 Moves the specified buffer to the current window.B This command moves the cursor to the last editing position in the specified buffer. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW BUFFER PREVIOUS BUFFER 9 NEXT BUFFER wwհ 1 GOTO_COMMAND" Syntax: GOTO COMMAND lse_command Displays the LSE> prompt.? When you specify this command and supply an LSE command as its? argument, LSE parses and executes that command. If you do notD specify a command name, LSE displays the LSE> prompt in the command% region for you to specify a command.wwհ 1 GOTO_DECLARATION Syntax: GOTO DECLARATION= Displays the source for the primary declaration of a symbol.D This commmand sends a message to the cross-reference server, askingD the server to display the source for the primary declaration of the< indicated symbol. A primary declaration is the declarationD interpreted as the most significant for a symbol. For example, theD primary declaration of a routine describes the body of the routine. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DISABLE VMS INTEGRATION FIND OCCURRENCES 9 COMMANDS 9 ENABLE VMS INTEGRATION 9 COMMANDS  wwհ 1 GOTO_MARK Syntax: GOTO MARK mark_name) Moves the cursor to a user-defined mark.F If the marker you specify is not in the current buffer, LSE maps that buffer to a window. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW MARK wwհ 1 GOTO_REVIEW Syntax: GOTO REVIEW8 Moves the cursor to the currently active review buffer.E LSE maps the review buffer to the screen and positions the cursor to* the last current position in that buffer. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 REVIEW REVIEW FILE 9 REVIEW BUFFER wwհ 1 GOTO_SOURCE Syntax: GOTO SOURCED Displays the source corresponding to the current diagnostic or show list entry.> This command moves the current editing position to the sourceD associated with the diagnostic, or to the buffer or mark indicated.@ When a diagnostic is selected in this manner, LSE may display a: suggested error correction and prompt for a confirmation.D When the cursor is located on a diagnostic in a review buffer or anE entry in a show list of marks or buffers, LSE highlights the current list entry or diagnostic. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COMPILE SHOW BUFFER 9 REVIEW SHOW MARK 9 SET DIRECTORY SOURCE wwհ 1 HELP_INDICATED Syntax: HELP INDICATED: Displays the help text associated with the current token, placeholder, or routine.> The help text comes from the HELP library associated with the@ specified language or package for which the token, placeholder," routine, or parameter is defined. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 HELP SET LANGUAGE HELP LIBRARY9 HELP KEYPAD SET LANGUAGE HELP TOPIC wwհ 1 HELP_KEYPAD Syntax: HELP KEYPAD1 Displays help on the key binding for the keypad.B This command builds the keypad diagram by using legends specified2 with the legend parameter of the NEW KEY command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 HELP HELP INDICATED wwհ 1 HELP_KEY Syntax: HELP KEY user_key_name1 Displays help information for the indicated key.E The help text describes the functionality bound to that key. If youB enter HELP KEY CTRL/E, fo r example, you get the help text for the EXPAND command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 HELP SET LANGUAGE HELP LIBRARY9 HELP INDICATED SET LANGUAGE HELP TOPIC 9 HELP KEYPAD wwְ 1 HELP Syntax: HELP help_topic_wild4 Displays information about LSE commands and topics.E The HELP command also displays help from user-defined help libraries+ associated with an enabled grammar prefix.A In this example, LSE retrieves all help topics and commands that contain the string "token":! LSE> HELP *token* RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX HELP KEYPAD 9 HELP INDICATED SHOW ATTRIBUTES wwְ 1 INCLUDE_FILE Syntax: INCLUDE FILE file_spec= Includes the specified file at the current editing position.F This command inserts the file's contents into the receiving buffer at? the current position. After inserting the file, the cursor is8 positioned on the first character of the inserted text. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 OPEN FILE wwְ 1 INDENT_LEFT Syntax: INDENT LEFTA Removes leading blanks and tabs from lines to move one tab stop.D If a selected range is active, this command removes blanks and tabsF from each line of text in the selected range. If you do not select a2 range, this command operates on the current line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 INDENT RIGHT SHIFT RIGHT 9 SHIFT LEFT wwְ 1 INDENT_RIGHT Syntax: INDENT RIGHT< Adds leading blanks and tabs to lines to move one tab stop.D If a selected range is active, this command adds blanks and tabs toA each line of text in the selected range. If you do not select a2 range, this command operates on the current line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 INDENT LEFT SHIFT RIGHT 9 SHIFT LEFT wwְ 1 LINE$ Syntax: LINE number procedure_name2 Moves the cursor to the specified line number. .E When you specify a line number, LSE moves the cursor to that line in@ the current buffer. If you specify the name of a TPU procedureF defined in the current buffer as well, LSE moves to the specfied line number in that procedure.D If the specified line is hidden, then overview records are expandedD to the source level and the cursor is placed on the requested line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 WHAT LINE wwְ 1 LOWERCASE Syntax: LOWERCASE= Changes the current word or the selected range to lowercase.B If the word contains both uppercase and lowercase characters, LSEC changes all letters to lowercase. If the cursor is between words,E LSE changes the following word to lowercase. If a selected range isB active, all the words within that range are changed to lowercase.> The cursor then moves to the start of the next word after the selected range. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 CAPITALIZE UPPERCASE 9 CHANGE CASE ww'ְ 1 LSE Syntax: LSE lse_command4 Directs LSE to execute a portable language command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 PLSE TPU 9 SET COMMAND LANGUAGE ww'ְ 1 MOVE_DOWN Syntax: MOVE DOWN Moves the cursor down one line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 MOVE UP PREVIOUS CHARACTER 9 NEXT CHARACTER ww'ְ 1 MOVE_UP Syntax: MOVE UP Moves the cursor up one line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 MOVE DOWN  PREVIOUS CHARACTER 9 NEXT CHARACTER ww'ְ 1 NEW_ADJUSTMENT9 Syntax: NEW ADJUSTMENT adjustment_name defined_languageA Creates a new adjustment associated with the specified language.E This command defines the behavior of the LSE overviewing commands onC individual lines of a source file. You can modify the behavior of0 overviews to match your formatting conventions.? This command creates and establishes the characteristics of anC adjustment for use with a particular language. LSE prompts you toD specify an adjustment name. If you do not specify a language name,= LSE uses the currently defined language. These language andC adjustment names become the defaults for subsequent SET ADJUSTMENT commands. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE ADJUSTMENT SET ADJUSTMENT commands 9 EXTRACT ADJUSTMENT SHOW ADJUSTMENT ww'ְ 1 NEW_ALIAS/ Syn tax: NEW ALIAS alias_name defined_language< Creates a new alias associated with the specified language.A An alias is an abbreviated series of characters that represent aE longer string of text. You can specify an identifier at the currentE cursor position as the text you want to generate using the SET ALIASB EXPAND TEXT command. After you define an alias name with the NEWE ALIAS command and added text with the SET ALIAS EXPAND TEXT command,C you can type the alias and expand it to its full context using the EXPAND command.C LSE prompts you to specify an alias name. If you do not specify aA language to be associated with the alias, LSE uses the currentlyF defined language. These language and alias names become the defaults# for subsequent SET ALIAS commands. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE ALIAS SET ALIAS EXPAND TEXT 9 EXTRACT ALIAS SHOW ALIAS 9 EXTRACT NEW ALIAS ww'ְ 1 NEW_BUFFER$ Syntax: NEW BUFFER new_buffer_name, Creates a new buffer in the current window.? LSE copies the attributes from the $DEFAULTS buffer to the new buffer. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 GOTO BUFFER OPEN FILE 9 NEW FILE PREVIOUS BUFFER 9 NEXT BUFFER SHOW BUFFER ww'ְ 1 NEW_FILE Syntax: NEW FILE file_spec( Creates a new file and positions to it.F If the file specified already exists, LSE reads in that file to a newF buffer. If the file is already in a buffer, LSE positions it to that buffer.: If the file specification contains no directory or deviceE information, the source searchlist is used to locate the file and/or create the buffer. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 GOTO BUFFER OPEN FILE 9 NEW BUFFER VIEW FILE wwOְ 1 NEW_KEYD Syntax: NEW KEY user_key_name lse_command help_topic remark legend tpu_command Binds an LSE command to a key.A In most cases, you can bind commands to control keys, to numericC keypad keys, and to the arrow keys on all keyboards. You may alsoF bind a command to the sequence of a meta key followed by any keyboard key.D The effect of a key can vary with the editing context. The NEW KEY@ command provides definitions for keys that are used in the user buffers.E The name of the special keys to be defined may be entered in keywordC format or may be entered literally with the use of the GOLD-CTRL/V0 key. (see the Parameter Glossary for details).C If you change the definition of a key that was previously defined,+ LSE does not save the previous definition.? In this example, the key sequence ctrl/B issues a TOP command:* LSE> NEW KEY CTRL/B TOPB In this example, the key sequence ctrl/B issues a BOTTOM command.D The help topic (Bottom), remark, and legend that appear in SHOW KEY MAP is "BOT":Y LSE> NEW KEY GOLD-CTRL/B BOTTOM Bottom "My position in the bottom" BOTD In this example, F7 is bound to the LSE command GOTO SOURCE through its TPU procedure name:= LSE> NEW KEY F7 "" "" "" "" LSE_GOTO_SOURCEC In this example, NEXT_SCREEN or E6 is bound to the user procedure,3 WC_NEXT_SCREEN (WC_ is an enabled grammar prefix):E LSE> NEW KEY NEXT_SCREEN "" "" "" "" WC_NEXT_SCREEND In this example, ENTER is bound to the LSE standard key binding for RETURN:? LSE> NEW KEY ENTER "" "" "" "" lse$key_return RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE KEY SHOW KEY wwOְ 1 NEW_LANGUAGE$ Syntax: NEW LANGUAGE language_name Creates a new language.E This command specifies a language so that LSE can properly recognizeD language-specific constructs in the text. Specific characteristicsC can be set for the language with the SET LANGUAGE commands. Also,@ tokens, placeholders, and other language objects can be created within the language. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE LANGUAGE SET LANGUAGE commands 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE wwOְ 1 NEW_LEARN_KEY% Syntax: NEW LEARN KEY user_key_name) Binds a sequence of keystrokes to a key.@ Type the keystroke sequence (called a learn sequence) after theE command and indicated key. To end the learn sequence, press the key) for which you are defining the sequence.F When executing the learn sequence, LSE includes your responses to all; prompts but does not prompt you again. (For example, such1 information as the string for a SEARCH command.) RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW KEY wwOְ 1 NEW_MARK Syntax: NEW MARK mark_name: Marks the current cursor position with the supplied name.F This command tells LSE to remember the current cursor position by the supplied name. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE MARK GOTO MARK wwvְ 1 NEW_MENU_ENTRY? Syntax: NEW MENU ENTRY menu_name menu_label before_menu_entry> Adds an entry to the specified pull-down menu or pop-up menu.D When this entry is selected, the text processing utility (TPU) codeA associated with the menu label will be executed.  The menu label* specified must have already been defined.F The new entry will be added to the menu location before the specifiedF existing entry; if no existing entry is specified, the new entry will! be added to the end of the menu. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE MENU commands SAVE SECTION 9 NEW MENU commands SET MENU commands wwvְ 1 NEW_MENU_LABELB Syntax: NEW MENU LABEL menu_label tpu_command mnemonic_characterD D efines a new menu label that can be added to a pull-down or pop-up menu.? The definition of the label is a text processing utility (TPU)A statement that is executed when a menu entry using this label isB selected from a menu. The character used as a mnemonic must be a4 single character that occurs within the label name.D You can use any command from LSE's Portable command language withinA the definition of a menu label. To view a list of all availableE Portable commands, either choos e the "On Commands" entry in the Help@ pull-down menu, or enter the command PLSE HELP. To transform aF Portable command into a TPU procedure, prefix the command with "LSE_"B and substitute underscores for any spaces. Add parameters withinE parentheses, and separate them with commas. View the existing label6 definitions in the Menus... dialog box for examples.A On OpenVMS systems, VMSLSE commands may also be used within menuE label definitions by calling the LSE$DO_ COMMAND procedure, with the' VMSLSE command enclosed within quotes. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE MENU commands SAVE SECTION 9 NEW MENU commands SET MENU commands wwvְ 1 NEW_MENU_SEPARATOR8 Syntax: NEW MENU SEPARATOR menu_name before_menu_entry5 Adds a separator to a pull-down menu or pop-up menu.F You can specify the name of an existing entry that the separator willD precede. If you do not specify an entry, the separator is added to the bottom of the menu. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE MENU commands SAVE SECTION 9 NEW MENU commands SET MENU commands wwvְ 1 NEW_PACKAGE" Syntax: NEW PACKAGE package_nameE Creates a subroutine package for which subroutine-call templates are automatically generated.B Packages can contain routine definitions, which describe calls toF subroutines, and parameter definitions, which describe parameters for subroutine calls. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE PACKAGE NEW ROUTINE 9 EXTRACT PACKAGE SHOW PACKAGE wwvְ 1 NEW_PLACEHOLDER; Syntax: NEW PLACEHOLDER placeholder_name placeholder_type defined_language; Creates a placeholder for use with the specified language.> This command creates and establishes the characteristics of aD placeholder for use with a particular language. LSE prompts you to@ specify a placeholder name and placeholder type. If you do notB specify a language name, LSE uses the currently defined language.= These language and placeholder names become the defaults for% subsequent SET PLACEHOLDER commands. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE PLACEHOLDER HELP INDICATED 9 EXPAND NEW TOKEN 9 EXTRACT NEW PLACEHOLDER SET PLACEHOLDER commands 9 EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER SHOW PLACEHOLDER ww ְ 1 NEW_ROUTINE2 Syntax: NEW ROUTINE routine_name defined_packageE Creates a new routine template for the specified subroutine package.@ The routine and package names specified become the defaults for! subsequent SET ROUTINE commands. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE ROUTINE EXTRACT ROUTINE 9 EXTRACT NEW ROUTINE SET ROUTINE commands ww ְ 1 NEW_SELECTION_MARK Syntax: NEW SELECTION MARK1 Marks a position as one end of a selected range.? This command marks a position as one end of the selected rangeF between the select marker and the current cursor position. The rangeC is denoted by reverse video display. This command is not valid if( the select marker has already been set. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE SELECTION MARK SELECT ww ְ 1 NEW_TOKEN: Syntax: NEW TOKEN token_name token_type defined_language6 Creates an token for use with the specified language.A When you enter the EXPAND command while the cursor is positionedA immediately after the token name or an abbreviation of the token> name, LSE replaces the token name with the body of the token.F If you do not specify a language name, LSE uses the currently definedB language. These language and token names become the defaults for subsequent SET TOKEN comands. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE TOKEN EXTRACT TOKEN 9 EXPAND  SET TOKEN commands 9 EXTRACT NEW TOKEN SHOW TOKEN ww ְ 1 NEW_WINDOW Syntax: NEW WINDOW number5 Divides the current window into two or more windows.A This command divides the current window into two or more windowsB depending on the number of windows you specify. LSE displays the+ current buffer in each of the new windows. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE WINDOW TWO WINDOWS ww ְ 1 NEXT_BUFFER Syntax: NEXT BUFFERD Moves the next buffer in the list of buffers to the current window.B This command allows you to cycle through all user buffers without having to type their names. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 GOTO BUFFER SHOW BUFFER 9 PREVIOUS BUFFER ww ְ 1 NEXT_CHARACTER Syntax: NEXT CHARACTER- Moves the cursor one character to the right.= If the cursor is at the end of a line, it moves to the first character of the next line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 MOVE DOWN PREVIOUS CHARACTER 9 MOVE UP ww ְ 1 NEXT_END_OF_LINE Syntax: NEXT END OF LINE) Moves the cursor to the end of the line.E Moves the cursor to the next end of line if the cursor is already at the end of the line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 END OF LINE PREVIOUS START OF LINE 9 NEXT START OF LINE START OF LINE 9 PREVIOUS END OF LINE ww0ְ 1 NEXT_ERROR Syntax: NEXT ERROR? Selects the next diagnostic in the current set of diagnostics.@ This command positions the cursor at the next diagnostic in theB review buffer, which contains the current set of diagnostics. If) necessary, LSE remaps the review buffer. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 GOTO REVIEW  REVIEW 9 PREVIOUS ERROR ww0ְ 1 NEXT_PAGE Syntax: NEXT PAGEA Moves the cursor to the next page of text in the current buffer.E If there is no next page, the cursor moves to the end of the buffer., A page is defined by a form-feed character. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 PREVIOUS PAGE ww0ְ 1 NEXT_PLACEHOLDER Syntax: NEXT PLACEHOLDER* Moves the cursor to the next placeholder. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 PREVIOUS PLACEHOLDER ww0ְ 1 NEXT_SCREEN Syntax: NEXT SCREEN- Moves the cursor to the next screen of text.A A screen of text is the number of lines displayed in the current window. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 PREVIOUS SCREEN ww0ְ 1 NEXT_START_OF_LINE Syntax: NEXT START OF LINE0 Moves the cursor to the start of the next line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 END OF LINE PREVIOUS START OF LINE 9 NEXT END OF LINE START OF LINE 9 PREVIOUS END OF LINE ww0ְ 1 NEXT_WINDOW Syntax: NEXT WINDOW= Moves the cursor from the current window to the next window. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE WINDOW PREVIOUS WINDOW 9 ENLARGE WINDOW SHRINK WINDOW 9 NEXT WINDOW TWO WINDOWS 9 ONE WINDOW ww0ְ 1 NEXT_WORD Syntax: NEXT WORD: Moves the cursor to the first character of the next word.@ A word is a string of letters and numbers with tabs, spaces, or> punctuation separating the string from the surrounding words. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 PREVIOUS WORD ww@ְ 1 ONE_WINDOW Syntax: ONE WINDOW5 Removes all but the current window from your screen. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE WINDOW PREVIOUS WINDOW 9 ENLARGE WINDOW SHRINK WINDOW 9 NEXT WINDOW TWO WINDOWS ww@ְ 1 OPEN_FILE Syntax: OPEN FILE file_spec> Moves the cursor to the buffer containing the specified file.B This command moves the cursor to its last editing positio n in theE buffer containing the specified file. If the file is not already inB a buffer, LSE reads the file into a new buffer. When LSE reads aE file, it uses the list of source directories if you do not specify aE directory in the file specification and if it cannot be found in the default directory.< If the file is found in a read-only directory, LSE sets its? modifiable state to off. If the file is found in a read/write. directory, its modifiable state is set to on. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW BUFFER SET DIRECTORY SOURCE 9 NEW FILE VIEW FILE ww@ְ 1 OPEN_SELECTED_FILE Syntax: OPEN SELECTED FILEE Uses the current primary selection information to determine the file to open.? This command uses the OPEN FILE command when opening the file. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW BUFFER OPEN FILE 9 NEW FILE VIEW FILE  ww@ְ 1 OVERVIEW_SOURCE Syntax: OVERVIEW SOURCE$ Displays an overview of the buffer.E This command displays the top level of detail for the entire buffer.C LSE determines the relative level of detail of a line by comparingF the indentation of the line with the indentation of other lines. TheD editor's treatment of line indentation is influenced by indentation adjustment definitions. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COLLAPSE NEW LANGUAGE  9 EXPAND SET ADJUSTMENT commands 9 FOCUS SET BUFFER OVERVIEW 9 NEW ADJUSTMENT SET LANGUAGE commands ww@ְ 1 PASTE! Syntax: PASTE user_paste_buffer@ Copies the contents of the specified buffer or clipboard to the current location.> This command copies text from a specified buffer or a defaultC location (the DECwindows clipboard or paste buffer) to the current cursor location. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COPY CUT APPEND 9 COPY APPEND SET CLIPBOARD 9 CUT ww@ְ 1 PATTERN_EXACT_SUBSTITUTE8 Syntax: PATTERN EXACT SUBSTITUTE pattern_search_string+ replace_string substitute_typeD Searches for a string that matches the wildcard string and replaces= it with the text exactly as specified in the replace string.D T his command enables you to specify wildcard patterns in the searchA string, then replace the string of characters meeting the searchF criteria with exactly the characters specified in the replace string.D Use the SET SEARCH PATTERN command to specify the style of wildcard patterns (VMS, ULTRIX or TPU).E LSE prompts you for confirmation before the replacement is made. IfD you specify the parameter value all at the confirmation prompt, all? occurrences of the search string are replaced with the replace string.= For the TPU pattern style the pattern_search_string is a TPUF expression which must evaluate to a TPU pattern (for example: "'abc'@ | 'def'") and the replace_string is a TPU expression which must2 evaluate to a TPU string (for example: "'xyz'").A For details of the pattern styles use the command HELP PATTERNS. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXACT SUBSTITUTE SEARCH commands 9 PATTERN SEARCH SET SEARCH commands 9 PATTERN SUBSTITUTE SUBSTITUTE wwPװ 1 PATTERN_SEARCH5 Syntax: PATTERN SEARCH pattern_search_string noundoE Enables the use of wildcard patterns in a search string and searches7 the current buffer for all occurrences of that string.E This command enables the special interpretation of wildcard patternsE in a search string. LSE ignores any occurrence of the search stringE that begins at the current cursor position and displays a message ifD the the string cannot be found. Use the SET SEARCH PATTERN command@ to specify the style of wildcard patterns (VMS, ULTRIX or TPU).= For the TPU pattern style the pattern_search_string is a TPUF expression which must evaluate to a TPU pattern (for example: "'abc' | 'def'").A For details of the pattern styles use the command HELP PATTERNS. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 PATTERN SUBSTITUTE SET SEARCH commands 9 QUOTE SHOW SEARCH ATTRIBUTES 9 SEARCH SUBSTITUTE wwPװ 1 PATTERN_SUBSTITUTEA Syntax: PATTERN SUBSTITUTE pattern_search_string replace_string substitute_typeA Replaces any string matching the given string, which may contain wildcards.D This command enables you to specify wildcard patterns in the searchD string. LSE replaces any string of characters meeting the wildcardE search criteria with the replace string. Use the SET SEARCH PATTERNB command to specify the style of wildcard patterns (VMS, ULTRIX or TPU).E By default, this command performs case matching when replacing text.D For example, if a word in a search string is all uppercase, all theC letters in the corresponding replace string become uppercase. LSEE prompts you for confirmation before the replacement is made. If you@ specify the parameter value all at the confirmation prompt, all? occurrences of the search string are replaced with the replace string.= For the TPU pattern style the pattern_search_string is a TPUF expression which must evaluate to a TPU pattern (for example: "'abc'@ | 'def'") and the replace_string is a TPU expression which must2 evaluate to a TPU string (for example: "'xyz'").A For details of the pattern styles use the command HELP PATTERNS. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXACT SUBSTITUTE SEARCH 9 PATTERN EXACT SUBSTITUTE SET SEARCH commands 9 PATTERN SEARCH SUBSTITUTE  wwPװ 1 PLSE Syntax: PLSE lse_command4 Directs LSE to execute a portable language command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET COMMAND LANGUAGE TPU wwPװ 1 PREVIOUS_BUFFER Syntax: PREVIOUS BUFFER@ Moves the previous buffer in the list of buffers to the current window.B This command allows you to cycle through all user buffers without having to type their names. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 GOTO BUFFER SHOW ATTRIBUTES 9 NEXT BUFFER wwPװ 1 PREVIOUS_CHARACTER Syntax: PREVIOUS CHARACTER, Moves the cursor one character to the left.D If the cursor is at the beginning of a line, it moves to the end of the previous line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 MOVE DOWN NEXT CHARACTER 9 MOVE UP ww`9װ 1 PREVIOUS_END_OF_LINE Syntax: PREVIOUS END OF LINE2 Moves the cursor to the end of the previous line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 END OF LINE PREVIOUS START OF LINE 9 NEXT END OF LINE START OF LINE 9 NEXT START OF LINE ww`9װ 1 PREVIOUS_ERROR Syntax: PREVIOUS ERRORC Selects the previous diagnostic in the current set of diagnostics.D This command positions the cursor at the previous diagnostic in theB review buffer, which contains the current set of diagnostics. If) necessary, LSE remaps the review buffer. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 GOTO REVIEW REVIEW 9 NEXT ERROR ww`9װ 1 PREVIOUS_PAGE Syntax: PREVIOUS PAGEE Moves the cursor to the previous page of text in the current buffer.C If there is no previous page, the cursor moves to the beginning of9 the buffer. A page is defined by a form-feed character. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEXT PAGE ww`9װ 1 PREVIOUS_PLACEHOLDER Syntax: PREVIOUS PLACEHOLDER. Moves the cursor to the previous placeholder. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEXT PLACEHOLDER ww`9װ 1 PREVIOUS_SCREEN Syntax: PREVIOUS SCREEN? Moves the cursor to the previous screen of text in the current buffer. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEXT SCREEN ww`9װ 1 PREVIOUS_START_OF_LINE Syntax: PREVIOUS START OF LINE+ Moves the cursor to the start of the line.F Moves the cursor to the previous line if the cursor is already at the start of the line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 END OF LINE PREVIOUS END OF LINE 9 NEXT END OF LINE START OF LINE 9 NEXT START OF LINE  wwp`װ 1 PREVIOUS_WINDOW Syntax: PREVIOUS WINDOWA Moves the cursor from the current window to the previous window. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE WINDOW ONE WINDOW 9 ENLARGE WINDOW SHRINK WINDOW 9 NEXT WINDOW TWO WINDOWS 9 NEXT WINDOW wwp`װ 1 PREVIOUS_WORD Syntax: PREVIOUS WORDA Moves the cursor to the first character of the word to the left.D Moves the cursor to the previous word if the cursor is on the first: character, or to the first character of the current word. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEXT WORD wwp`װ 1 QUIT Syntax: QUIT: Ends an LSE session without saving modified user buffers.F If you have modified any buffers, LSE warns you that you have changes4 that will be lost and asks if you want to continue. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ATTACH SPAWN 9 EXIT wwp`װ 1 QUOTE_KEYNAME Syntax: QUOTE KEYNAMEB Accepts keypad and function keys to enter a control code or other) character as text in the current buffer.- For more information, see the QUOTE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 QUOTE wwp`װ 1 QUOTE Syntax: QUOTE2 Enters a control code or other character as text.A If you use the NEW KEY command to define a printing key (letter,E number, or punctuation mark) or a control key, you can use the QUOTEF command to enter the character or control code normally bound to that key.A The following example shows how you can use the QUOTE command to1 enter strings for SEARCH or SUBSTITUTE commands:9 1. Enter the SEARCH or SUBSTITUTE command.H  2. Press the key defined for the QUOTE command (Ctrl/V by default).; 3. Press Ctrl/J for the line-feed character. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 QUOTE KEYNAME wwp`װ 1 RECOVER_BUFFER" Syntax: RECOVER BUFFER file_specC Reconstructs the contents of a buffer from a buffer-change journal file.E You can specify either of the following files: the source file thatF was in the buffer or th e full name of the buffer-change journal file.E The RECOVER BUFFER command tries to rebuild the contents of a bufferE by using the latest available generation of the file that was in theF buffer, and a journal file that contains a description of the changes to that buffer.D Before LSE tries to recover a buffer, information about the journalC file is displayed. When you specify an asterisk (*), LSE displaysF information about each available journal file in succession. You canF choose not to recover a buffer if the information describes a journal" file other than the one you want.; For example, this command recovers the buffer message.txt:/ LSE> RECOVER BUFFER message.txt RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET BUFFER JOURNALING wwװ 1 REDO Syntax: REDO' Reverses the most recent UNDO command.F A followup command to UNDO, the REDO command reverses the most recentB function that was undone and replaces the original function. TheF REDO replaces any LSE function except for the UNDO and REDO commands. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 REDO SHOW MAX UNDO 9 SET MAX UNDO wwװ 1 REFRESH Syntax: REFRESH" Clears and redisplays the screen.A This command preserves all valid text, including messages in theD message window. The cursor returns to its current position without any extraneous characters.wwװ 1 REPEAT# Syntax: REPEAT number lse_command/ Repeats a command a specified number of times.E The LSE keypad equivalent of the REPEAT command is PF1. To repeat a> single key command, press the PF1 key followed by a number toF indicate how many times you want the key to be executed. Then, press the key to be executed.F You can use the REPEAT command in conjunction with PF1+n (Gold+n) for repeating a keystroke n times.A In the following example, the F12 key is defined to ENTER LINE 3 times:4 LSE> NEW KEY F12 REPEAT 3 ENTER LINEC By using the single keystroke, this example executes the F12 key 4; times so that the ENTER LINE command is executed 12 times:  <4> wwװ 1 REPLACE0 Syntax: REPLACE element_name element_id remark= Return an element, to its source control area creating a new revision.= The buffer containing element_name is wri tten to the currentE directory then returned to its source control area creating the nextC version. The element_id resolves multiple versions of an element.D When options or settings are needed beyond those provided, use "cli ". RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DISABLE VMS INTEGRATION FETCH 9 COMMANDS RESERVE 9 ENABLE VMS INTEGRATION UNRESERVE 9 COMMANDS  wwװ 1 RESERVE0 Syntax: RESERVE element_name element_id remark3 Retrieve element from the repository for revision.? The specified element, element_id is retrieved from the sourceC control area and read into a buffer to edit the next revision. OnF OpenVMS systems, remark can be recorded within the element's revisionE history. When options or settings are needed beyond those provided, use "cli ". RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DISABLE VMS INTEGRATION FETCH 9 COMMANDS REPLACE 9 ENABLE VMS INTEGRATION UNRESERVE 9 COMMANDS wwװ 1 RESTORE Syntax: RESTORE restore_option; Restores the text deleted by the most recent ERASE commandB LSE inserts the restored text before the current cursor position,? except for RESTORE placeholder, which restores the text to its@ original position. If you do not specify a restore option, LSE; restores the text erased by the most recent ERASE command, RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ERASE commands wwװ 1 REVIEW_BUFFER# Syntax: REVIEW BUFFER buffer_nameF Displays a set of diagnostic messages resulting from a compilation of the specified buffer.F LSE tries to read a set of diagnostics from a file. It uses the nameD of the file associated with the buffer, but with a unique file type (for example, .DIA). RELATED COMMANDS: 9 CLOSE BUFFER PREVIOUS ERROR 9 GOTO REVIEW REVIEW 9 GOTO SOURCE REVIEW FILE 9 NEXT ERROR wwװ 1 REVIEW_FILE Syntax: REVIEW FILE file_specF Displays a set of diagnostic messages, from the specified diagnostics$ file, resulting from a compilation. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 CLOSE BUFFER REVIEW 9 COMPILE REVIEW BUFFER 9 GOTO REVIEW wwװ 1 REVIEW Syntax: REVIEWF Displays a set of diagnostic messages resulting from a compilation of the current buffer. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 CLOSE BUFFER PREVIOUS ERROR 9 GOTO REVIEW REVIEW BUFFER 9 GOTO SOURCE REVIEW FILE 9 NEXT ERROR wwװ 1 SAVE_AS Syntax: SAVE AS file_spec1 Writes the current buffer to the specified file.E LSE prompts for a file name if you do not specify one. This command? works like the SAVE FILE command when you use the default file specification. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXIT SAVE VISIBLE 9 QUIT SET BUFFER OUTPUT FILE 9 SAVE FILE SET DIRECTORY READONLY 9 SAVE SELECTION wwװ 1 SAVE_ENVIRONMENT_CHANGES, Syntax: SAVE ENVIRONMENT CHANGES file_specE Saves language definitions (including placeholders, tokens, aliases,E and packages) that were defined in the current editing session in an environment file.? Definitions that were read in from an environment file are not written. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SAVE ENVIRONMENT SAVE SECTION wwװ 1 SAVE_ENVIRONMENT$ Syntax: SAVE ENVIRONMENT file_spec@ Saves all language definitions, including placeholders, tokens,E aliases, routines, adjustments, and packages in an environment file.A This command reduces the startup time for LSE over executing the@ language definitions in an initialization file each time LSE is invoked. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SAVE ENVIRONMENT CHANGES SAVE SECTION wwװ 1 SAVE_FILE Syntax: SAVE FILE file_spec1 Writes the current buffer to the specified file.F LSE defaults to the current buffer's output file if you specified oneC with the SET BUFFER OUTPUT FILE command. If an output file is notD present, LSE defaults to the current buffer's input file (specifiedF when you enter an OPEN FILE command). If LSE cannot find an input or- output file, it prompts you for a file name.A LSE displays an informational message or prompts for informationA before writing the buffer under any of the following conditions:H o If you have not specified an input or output file nameC o If you have not modified the buffer (not made any6 changes during your editing session); o If the buffer's close status is read-only6 o If the output directory is read-onlyF You may use this command and supply a file name at any time while youE are in an editing session, thereby creating a new file that containsE the output up to that point in your editing session. However, usingC this command to write the data to a different file does not changeE the file association of the buffer; that is, LSE still creates a newC version of the file with the same name as that associated with theC buffer when you exit from that editing session or subsequently useC this command without specifying a file name. To change the output: file association, use the SET BUFFER OUTPUT FILE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXIT SAVE SELECTION 9 OPEN FILE SAVE VISIBLE 9 QUIT SET BUFFER OUTPUT FILE 9 SAVE AS SET DIRECTORY READONLY wwװ 1 SAVE_SECTION Syntax: SAVE SECTION file_spec= Writes the binary form of all current key definitions, learnF sequences, and text processing utility (TPU) procedures and variables to a section file.C This command writes state information to a section file so that itD can be restored efficiently at a later time. The default file type8 of the saved section file is operating system-specific.F TPU saves key definitions, learn sequences, TPU proce- dures, and TPU variable namesE LSE saves the following global attributes over and above those saved by TPU:$ o Directory Readonly" o Directory Source o Bell All o Bell Broadcast o Cursor" o Command Language) o Primary Selection Model o Keypad o Clipboard o Pending Delete o Tabs Visible& o Save Related Buffers. o Grammar prefix, Help Library$ o Prompt Terminators& o Prompt Alterminators ! o Prompt Abort o Prompt Dialog o Prompt Keypad# o Prompt Expandmenu% o Search Auto Reverse' o Search Case Sensitive $ o Search Diacritical o Search Pattern# o Search Span Space! o Balance Windows! o Font Attributes! o Maximum Windows' o Minimum Window Length o Scroll Margins o Height o Width RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SAVE ENVIRONMENT wwװ 1 SAVE_SELECTION" Syntax: SAVE SELECTION file_spec5 Writes the contents of the selected range to a file. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 CLOSE FILE SAVE VISIBLE 9 SAVE FILE wwװ 1 SAVE_VISIBLE Syntax: SAVE VISIBLE file_spec2 Writes the visible lines in the buffer to a file.E Visible lines are those source lines and any overview lines that are1 not compressed by the COLLAPSE or FOCUS command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 CLOSE FILE SAVE SELECTION 9 SAVE FILE wwװ 1 SEARCH% Syntax: SEARCH search_string noundoC Searches the current buffer for the specified string and positions the cursor at that string.C LSE ignores any occurrence of the search string that begins at theD current cursor position and displays a message if the string cannot be found.E If you do not specify a search string, LSE searches for the previousD search string. If there was no previous search string, LSE prompts you to specify a string. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 PATTERN SEARCH SHOW SEARCH ATTRIBUTES 9 QUOTE SUBSTITUTE commands 9 SET SEARCH commands wwװ 1 SELECT_ALL Syntax: SELECT ALL3 Selects the entire contents of the current buffer.E This command places the entire contents of the current buffer in theF selected range. Any operations that LSE performs on a selected rangeF then apply to all the contents of the buffer. The SELECT ALL command' automatically disables pending delete. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW SELECTION MARK SET PENDING DELETE wwװ 1 SELECT Syntax: SELECT Toggles the select mark.F This command acts as a toggle to set the select mark if it is not set* and deletes the select mark if it is set. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE SELECTION MARK NEW SELECTION MARK wwװ 1 SET_ADJUSTMENT_COMPRESS< Syntax: SET ADJUSTMENT COMPRESS boolean defined_adjustment defined_languageA Indicates whether groups of matching lines should be compressed.D With the parameter value set on by default, this tells LSE to avoidF compressing groups and override indentation. The parameter value off. specifies that the group is never compressed. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW ADJUSTMENT SHOW ADJUSTMENT ww#ذ 1 SET_ADJUSTMENT_COUNT9 Syntax: SET ADJUSTMENT COUNT boolean defined_adjustment defined_languageC Determines whether the adjusted line contributes to a group's line count.F When determining whether to form a group, LSE compares the line count/ with the MINIMUM_LINES value for the language. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW ADJUSTMENT SHOW ADJUSTMENT ww#ذ 1 SET_ADJUSTMENT_CURRENT4 Syntax: SET ADJUSTMENT CURRENT current_indentation0 defined_adjustment defined_language- Adjusts the indentation of the current line.D If a buffer line matches the adjustment named in this command, then@ LSE adjusts the indentation of the buffer line by the number of> columns specified in the command. Negative values adjust the indentation to the left. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW ADJUSTMENT SHOW ADJUSTMENT ww#ذ 1 SET_ADJUSTMENT_INHERITC Syntax: SET ADJUSTMENT INHERIT inherit_keyword defined_adjustment defined_languageF Specifies that the indentation for the current line is taken from the& adjusted indentation of another line.F Which line's indentation is inherited is determined by the paramenter value. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW ADJUSTMENT SHOW ADJUSTMENT ww#ذ 1 SET_ADJUSTMENT_OVERVIEW< Syntax: SET ADJUSTMENT OVERVIEW boolean defined_adjustment defined_languageF Indicates whether or not the text of the line is used as the overview line.@ With the parameter value on, LSE uses the text of a line as the@ overview line. The parameter value off specifies that the text8 cannot be used; text from a later line is used instead. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW ADJUSTMENT SHOW ADJUSTMENT ww#ذ 1 SET_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN3 Syntax: SET ADJUSTMENT PATTERN adjustment_pattern0 defined_adjustment defined_language& Defines the pattern of an adjustment.E This command specifies a string that LSE compares against the source? lines. Pattern strings match any string that can be specifiedD directly on the command line. Strings with special characters mustC be enclosed in quotes (" "). Whether the string is quoted or not,< the comparison is case-insensitive. You must use the "$()". convention to enclose named pattern elements.B Definitions with literal strings take precedence over definitions with predefined patterns. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW ADJUSTMENT SHOW ADJUSTMENT wwJذ "1 SET_ADJUSTMENT_PREFIX_ADJUSTMENT; Syntax: SET ADJUSTMENT PREFIX ADJUSTMENT adjustment_value0 defined_adjustment defined_languageD Lets you skip a pattern at the beginning of a line to determine the adjustment.! There are two adjustment values:H o CURRENT-Tells LSE to use the adjustment of the current definition.C o FOLLOWING-Tells LSE to use the adjustment for theD definition that matches the text after the prefix.D If there is no text after the prefix, LSE uses theD adjustment for a blank line. If the text after theH prefix has the adjustment value FOLLOWING, LSE ignores: other action commands on the definition. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE ADJUSTMENT SET ADJUSTMENT commands 9 EXTRACT ADJUSTMENT SHOW ADJUSTMENT wwJذ #1 SET_ADJUSTMENT_PREFIX_INDENTATION= Syntax: SET ADJUSTMENT PREFIX INDENTATION indentation_value0 defined_adjustment defined_languageD Lets you skip a pattern at the beginning of a line to determine the indentation value. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW ADJUSTMENT SHOW ADJUSTMENT wwJذ 1 SET_ADJUSTMENT_SUBSEQUENT: Syntax: SET ADJUSTMENT SUBSEQUENT subsequent_indentation0 defined_adjustment defined_language9 Adjusts the indentation of lines after the current line.F If a buffer line matche s an adjustment defined with this command, LSEF adjusts the indentation of all lines after that line by the number ofD columns given in the command. Negative values move the indentationC to the left. You cannot use this command after the SET ADJUSTMENT INHERIT command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW ADJUSTMENT SHOW ADJUSTMENT wwJذ 1 SET_ADJUSTMENT_UNIT8 Syntax: SET ADJUSTMENT UNIT boolean defined_adjustment defined_language 7 Tells LSE to treat consecutive lines as a single unit.C If consecutive lines in a buffer match adjustments defined in thisE command and have the same indentation, then the sequence of lines isF treated as one group with the first line serving as an overview line.A Note that all the lines do not have to match the same adjustmentB definition; you only need to use this command on all definitions. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW ADJUSTMENT SHOW ADJUSTMENT ww Jذ 1 SET_ALIAS_EXPAND_TEXT9 Syntax: SET ALIAS EXPAND TEXT text_string defined_alias defined_language' Defines the expanded text of an alias.F When an EXPAND command is executed on an alias, the text of the alias5 name is replaced in the buffer with the expand text. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW ALIAS SHOW ALIAS 9 SET LANGUAGE IDENTIFIER 9 CHARACTERS   wwJذ 1 SET_BALANCE_WINDOWS% Syntax: SET BALANCE WINDOWS booleanD Automatically balances window length whenever you change the number of windows.E The parameter value off disables window balancing and allows windows to have unequal lengths. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 BALANCE WINDOWS SET MINIMUM WINDOW LENGTH9 SET MAXIMUM WINDOWS SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTES wwqذ 1 SET_BELL_ALL Syntax: SET BELL ALL boolean @ Sets the state that determines whether or not the terminal bell8 sounds when messages are written to the message window.D LSE prompts you for a value. Specify the parameter value on to set@ the bell on for all messages. By default, the bell is set off. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET BELL BROADCAST SHOW ATTRIBUTES wwqذ 1 SET_BELL_BROADCAST$ Syntax: SET BELL BROADCAST booleanC Sets the state that determines whether or not terminal bell sounds; when broadcast messages are written to the message window.A LSE prompts you for a value. Specify the parameter value off toF disable the bell for broadcast messages. By default, the bell is set on. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET BELL ALL SHOW ATTRIBUTES wwqذ 1 SET_BUFFER_AUTO_ERASE' Syntax: SET BUFFER AUTO ERASE booleanF Enables or disables automatic erasing of placeholders for the current buffer.A LSE erases the placeholder that the cursor is on when you type aF character over that placeholder. By default, this feature is active. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET PLACEHOLDER commands SHOW BUFFER wwqذ 1 SET_BUFFER_CLOSE' Syntax: SET BUFFER CLOSE close_option$ Sets the buffer's read/write state.E The parameter value read_only prevents LSE from writing the contentsB of the current buffer to a file upon exiting LSE or compiling the contents of the buffer. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW BUFFER SHOW BUFFER 9 SET BUFFER MODIFIABLE wwqذ 1 SET_BUFFER_DIRECTION( Syntax: SET BUFFER DIRECTION direction6 Sets the direction of a buffer to forward or reverse. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ERASE CHARACTER PATTERN SEARCH 9 ERASE LINE PATTERN SUBSTITUTE 9 ERASE PLACEHOLDER SEARCH commands 9 ERASE WORD SHOW BUFFER 9 PATTERN EXACT SUBSTITUTE SUBSTITUTE wwqذ 1 SET_BUFFER_INDENTATION& Syntax: SET BUFFER INDENTATION levelD Sets the indentation level for the current buffer, without changing the current line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE TAB INDENT LEFT 9 ENTER TAB INDENT RIGHT 9 EXPAND wwذ 1 SET_BUFFER_JOURNALING' Syntax: SET BUFFER JOURNALING booleanE Enables or disables buffer-change journaling for the current buffer.A This command does not enable buffer-change journaling for system: buffers. By default, buffer-change journaling is active. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 RECOVER BUFFER SHOW BUFFER wwذ 1 SET_BUFFER_LANGUAGE+ Syntax: SET BUFFER LANGUAGE language_name/ Associates a language with the current buffer.@ By default, LSE uses a file-type specification to determine theD language to associate with a buffer. To disassociate a buffer with; any language, use this command with a blank language name. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SHOW BUFFER wwذ 1 SET_BUFFER_LEFT_MARGIN' Syntax: SET BUFFER LEFT MARGIN columnE Sets the left margin for the current buffer to the column number you specify.E By default, LSE s ets the indicated buffer's left margin at column 1.E The column number you specify must be an integer less than the value set for the right margin.@ If you specify column number 0, LSE uses the indentation of the? current line to determine the left margin when you use the SETB LANGUAGE WRAP command. Having set the left margin to 0, when youE enter the FILL command LSE uses the indentation of the first line of6 each selected paragraph to determine the left margin. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 FILL SET LANGUAGE WRAP 9 SET BUFFER RIGHT MARGIN SHOW BUFFER wwذ 1 SET_BUFFER_MODIFIABLE' Syntax: SET BUFFER MODIFIABLE boolean; Changes the buffer modifiable state of the current buffer.C The parameter value on sets the buffer state to modifi- able. TheD parameter value off sets the the buffer state to unmodifiable. See= the documentation for the SET DIRECTORY READONLY command for4 information about how this state is set by default. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET BUFFER SET DIRECTORY READONLY 9 SET BUFFER CLOSE wwذ 1 SET_BUFFER_OUTPUT_FILE* Syntax: SET BUFFER OUTPUT FILE file_spec3 Associates an output file with the current buffer.C This command associates an output file to a buffer for writing theD buffer out to a file. This command does not cause the buffer to beD written to a file. You can disassociate the current buffer from anF output file by specifying this command with a blank output file name.B In this case, LSE asks you to supply a file name when you request that the buffer be written out. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 CLOSE BUFFER SAVE AS 9 CLOSE FILE SAVE FILE 9 DELETE BUFFER SET BUFFER CLOSE 9 EXIT SHOW BUFFER commands wwذ 1 SET_BUFFER_OVERVIEW% Syntax: SET BUFFER OVERVIEW boolean? Enables or disables overview operations in the current buffer.E This command enables or disables the source elision commands and theE EXPAND command on an overview line. By default, overview operationsE are allowed in a buffer when it is created. The parameter value off disables overview operations. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COLLAPSE SHOW BUFFER 9 EXPAND VIEW SOURCE 9 FOCUS wwذ 1 SET_BUFFER_RIGHT_MARGIN( Syntax: SET BUFFER RIGHT MARGIN column. Sets the right margin for the current buffer.C LSE sets the buffer's right margin to column 80, by default, or toF the column number you specify. If the SET BUFFER WRAP command is on,8 this command affects the FILL and ENTER SPACE commands. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENTER SPACE SET BUFFER WRAP  9 FILL SHOW BUFFER 9 SET BUFFER LEFT MARGIN wwذ 1 SET_BUFFER_TAB_INCREMENT) Syntax: SET BUFFER TAB INCREMENT number= Specifies the logical tab stop length in the current buffer.C This command specifies the number of columns between the tab stopsD for the current buffer. Tab stops are set beginning with column 1.$ All previous tab stops are cleared. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENTER TAB SHOW BUFFER 9 SET BUFFER INDENTATION wwذ 1 SET_BUFFER_TEXT% Syntax: SET BUFFER TEXT text_option< Sets the text-entry mode of the current buffer to insert or overstrike. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SHOW BUFFER TOGGLE INSERT OVERSTRIKE wwذ 1 SET_BUFFER_WRAP! Syntax: SET BUFFER WRAP boolean9 Enables or disables line wrapping in the current buffer.@ This command enables the ENTER SPACE and ENTER LINE commands toE perform a wrap operation in the current buffer. Initially, wrappingD is disabled unless the language associated with the buffer has wrap set on. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENTER LINE SHOW BUFFER 9 ENTER SPACE wwذ 1 SET_CLIPBOARD Syntax: SET CLIPBOARD boolean; Changes the default behavior for the DECwindows clipboard.< This command determines whether the default setting for the? DECwindows clipboard is on or off for the COPY, CUT, and PASTEF commands. The parameter value on sets the DECwindows clipboard. The= parameter value off sets the PASTE buffer for character-cell terminals. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COPY CUT APPEND 9 COPY APPEND PASTE 9 CUT SHOW ATTRIBUTES wwذ 1 SET_COMMAND_LANGUAGE/ Syntax: SET COMMAND LANGUAGE command_language1 Sets the command language to Portable or VMSLSE.E The parameter keywords Portable and PLSE enable the portable parser.A The parameter keywords VMSLSE and LSE enable the OpenVMS Command# Language Interpreter (CLI) parser. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SHOW ATTRIBUTES wwذ 1 SET_CURSOR" Syntax: SET CURSOR cursor_option. Sets free or bound cursor motion in a buffer.B When the cursor motion is bound, LSE restricts the cursor to thatF part of the buffer occupied by text. When the cursor motion is free,< the cursor can be positioned anywhere in the buffer window. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SHOW ATTRIBUTES wwذ 1 SET_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT. Syntax: SET DIRECTORY DEFAULT directory_spec: Changes your default device and directory specifications.C This command applies the  new default device and directory names toE all subesequent file specifications that do not explicitly include aE device or directory name. The default set in an LSE editing session7 remains in effect after you terminate the LSE session. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SHOW ATTRIBUTES wwذ 1 SET_DIRECTORY_READONLY: Syntax: SET DIRECTORY READONLY directory_spec add_remove1 Sets the indicated directory's read/write state.D This !command adds the directory or removes it from the list of read only directories.= LSE does not look at a directory's file-system protection toF determine whether or not it should be set to read- only. As such, ifD a file is read from a directory that is write-protected by the fileC system, it is not set to read-only. If you modify the buffer, LSEE will attempt to write the file out and you will get an error message from the operating system. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET BUFFER C"LOSE SET DIRECTORY DEFAULT 9 SET BUFFER MODIFIABLE SHOW ATTRIBUTES wwذ 1 SET_DIRECTORY_SOURCE- Syntax: SET DIRECTORY SOURCE directory_spec7 Specifies a directory to be used to find source files.E This command specifies the directories LSE uses to find source filesF when you issue commands that read files. You can specify one or moreB directory specifications. To remove a list of directories, enter3 this command with a blank dir#ectory specification. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 GOTO SOURCE OPEN FILE 9 INCLUDE FILE SHOW ATTRIBUTES 9 OPEN FILE ww ٰ 1 SET_FONT! Syntax: SET FONT font_attributeC Sets the screen font size to big or little and the font spacing to normal or condensed.? This command allows you to set the font size in the DECwindows environment only. RELATED COMMAND$S: 9 SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTES ww ٰ 1 SET_HEIGHT Syntax: SET HEIGHT number( Sets the number of lines on the screen. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET WIDTH SHOW ATTRIBUTES ww ٰ 1 SET_KEYPAD Syntax: SET KEYPAD keypad_name+ Sets the keypad definitions to EDT or EVE., LSE defaults to the EDT keypad definitions. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SHOW ATTRIBUTES SHOW KEY% ww ٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_ANSI_FORTRAN< Syntax: SET LANGUAGE ANSI FORTRAN boolean defined_language/ Specifies special processing for ANSI Fortran.F Note that some commands behave differently when you use this command.? Specifying off, the default, causes LSE to insert templates in non-ANSI (tab) format. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 SET LANGUAGE FORTRAN w&w ٰ !1 SET_LANGUAGE_BRACKETED_COMMENTSA Syntax: SET LANGUAGE BRACKETED COMMENTS begin_string end_string( add_remove defined_language? Specifies the character sequences of comments in the language.@ This command defines the character sequences that start and end> bracketed comments. A bracketed comment begins and ends withB explicit comment delimiters. (Note that the beginning and ending5 comment delimiters can be the same but need not be.)F Bracketed c'omments are recognized by the formatting commands (see theC ALIGN and FILL commands) and placeholder operations (see the ERASEB PLACEHOLDER command and the SET PLACEHOLDER DUPLICATION command). RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SET LANGUAGE commands 9 NEW LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE ww ٰ "1 SET_LANGUAGE_COMMENT_ASSOCIATION> Syntax: SET LANGUAGE COMMENT ASSOCIATION comment_association defined_languageD S(pecifies whether comments are associated with the next or previous identifier. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SET LANGUAGE commands 9 NEW LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE ww05ٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_COMPILE_COMMAND6 Syntax: SET LANGUAGE COMPILE COMMAND compile_command defined_language> Specifies the default command string for the COMPILE command.E This string is the command used to compile a buffer when the )COMPILEE command is used. If the language has diagnostic capability, and youE want a diagnostics file created for use with the REVIEW command, youE must specify the diagnostics switch in the command. For example, on OpenVMS systems:& SET LANGUAGE COMPILE COMMAND "CC/DIA" RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COMPILE SET LANGUAGE commands 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE ww *05ٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_ESCAPES@ Syntax: SET LANGUAGE ESCAPES character_string defined_languageD Describes the syntax of certain language elements, such as strings,: that require special handling for proper text formatting.C The value must be a quoted string containing the escape charactersB for quoted items. Some languages use escape characters to insertF quote characters into strings. For example, C uses the backslash (\)B as an escape character. If you do not supply an escape, +then LSEC assumes that the language inserts quote characters into strings by doubling them. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SET LANGUAGE commands 9 NEW LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE ww05ٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_EXPAND_CASE= Syntax: SET LANGUAGE EXPAND CASE case_type defined_language; Specifies the case of expanded text of inserted templates. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SET LANGUAGE command,s 9 NEW LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE ww05ٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_FILE_TYPES8 Syntax: SET LANGUAGE FILE TYPES text_string add_remove defined_languageD Specifies a file type that is valid for the language being defined.C When LSE reads a file into a buffer, it sets the language for thatE buffer automatically if it recognizes the file type. For example, aF Fortran file type (.FOR) sets the language to Fortran. Note that the6 perio-d character must be included with the file type. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE ww05ٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_FIXED_COMMENTSC Syntax: SET LANGUAGE FIXED COMMENTS text_string column add_remove defined_languageE Specifies the character sequences of fixed comment delimiters in the language.E This command is used for languages requiring that a specific .commentE delimiter be placed in a specific column, such as SET LANGUAGE FIXEDE COMMENTS "*" 1 ADD COBOL, since COBOL requires comment delimiters to be in column 1. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SET LANGUAGE commands 9 NEW LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE ww@\ٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_FORTRAN7 Syntax: SET LANGUAGE FORTRAN boolean defined_language* Specifies special processing for Fortran.F Note that some commands behave /differently when you use this command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SET LANGUAGE ANSI FORTRAN9 NEW LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE ww@\ٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_HELP_LIBRARY> Syntax: SET LANGUAGE HELP LIBRARY file_spec defined_language< Specifies the HELP library where you can find help text for2 placeholders and tokens defined in this language.> On OpenVMS systems, LSE uses the default file specifica- tion7 SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.0HLB. On Ultrix, it uses /usr/lib/lse? /env/language_name.hlp. If you want to access some other HELP2 library, you must supply an explicit device name. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE NEW LANGUAGE 9 HELP INDICATED SHOW LANGUAGE ww@\ٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_HELP_TOPIC> Syntax: SET LANGUAGE HELP TOPIC text_string defined_languageA Specifies a prefix string to be concatenated in a placeholder or< token definit1ion before LSE looks up the help text for that placeholder or token. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE NEW LANGUAGE 9 HELP INDICATED SHOW LANGUAGE ww@\ٰ $1 SET_LANGUAGE_IDENTIFIER_CHARACTERSB Syntax: SET LANGUAGE IDENTIFIER CHARACTERS identifier_characters defined_languageE Specifies the characters that may appear in token and alias names in the language.E The list of identifier charac2ters also determines what LSE considers> to be a word. A word is a sequence of identifier characters,@ possibly followed by one or more blanks, tabs, or nonidentifierF characters. All nonblank, nonidentifier characters are considered to be distinct words. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE ww@\ٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_INITIAL_STRINGB Syntax: SET LANGUAGE INITIAL STRIN3G text_string defined_language@ Specifies the initial text that is to appear in a newly created buffer. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE ww@\ٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_LEFT_MARGIN: Syntax: SET LANGUAGE LEFT MARGIN column defined_languageA Specifies the default left margin setting to be used for buffers associated with language./ By default the left margin is set4 at column 1. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SET BUFFER LEFT MARGIN 9 FILL SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE wwPٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_LINE_COMMENTS; Syntax: SET LANGUAGE LINE COMMENTS text_string add_remove defined_languageC Specifies the character sequences of the line comment delimiter in the language.> Line comments require that the comment deli5miter be the firstE character that is not blank on the line. Trailing and line commentsE are recognized by the formatting commands and placeholder operations just as bracketed comments are. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 NEW LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 SET LANGUAGE commands wwPٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_OPTIONAL_DELIMIT? Syntax: SET LANGUAGE OPTIONAL DELIMIT begin_string end_string defined_language< S6pecifies starting and ending strings that delimit optional placeholders.B Note that you cannot use any character that you used as a comment delimiter. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE wwPٰ $1 SET_LANGUAGE_OPTIONAL_LIST_DELIMITD Syntax: SET LANGUAGE OPTIONAL LIST DELIMIT begin_string end_string defined_languageA Specifies starting and ending s7trings that delimit optional list placeholders.B Note that you cannot use any character that you used as a comment delimiter. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE wwPٰ %1 SET_LANGUAGE_OVERVIEW_MINIMUM_LINESE Syntax: SET LANGUAGE OVERVIEW MINIMUM LINES number defined_languageA Specifies the minimum number of lines an overview line must hideF For example, 8if the value is 5, then a line hides other lines only ifB there are at least five lines to hide. This command helps you to> avoid having very small source-line groups, which avoids many; expansion levels. The default minimum lines to hide is 1. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE VIEW SOURCE wwPٰ !1 SET_LANGUAGE_OVERVIEW_TAB_RANGE= Syntax: SET LANGUAGE OVERVIEW TAB RANGE min_ 9value max_value defined_language; Indicates the range of tab values for which the adjustment definitions are valid.C The default is (4,8). The second value must be at least twice theD first value; both values must be positive. For example, if the tabF range is (4,8), then LSE assumes that the adjustment definitions willC work for any SET LANGUAGE TAB value from 4 to 8 inclusive. If you> specify a tab increment value outside the tab range, then LSE5 recomputes indent:ation to make the adjustments work.E For best performance, it is recommended that you avoid recomputation@ by choosing a range that covers reasonable values. The numbersB specified for the SET ADJUSTMENT CURRENT and NEW GRAMMAR commands8 must work for any tab increment value in the tab range. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SET ADJUSTMENT 9 NEW LANGUAGE ww`ٰ !1 SET_LANGUAGE_PSEUDOCODE_DELI;MITA Syntax: SET LANGUAGE PSEUDOCODE DELIMIT begin_string end_string defined_language> Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit pseudocode placeholders.C Note that you cannot use any characters that you used as a comment delimiter. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE ww`ٰ %1 SET_LANGUAGE_PUNCTUATION_CHARACTERS> Syntax: SET LANGUA<GE PUNCTUATION CHARACTERS character_string defined_languageC Specifies the characters that are considered punctuation marks, or delimiters, in the language.D When a placeholder name and its enclosing brackets are deleted, the? preceding white space is also deleted if there are punctuation. characters to delimit the program constructs. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE = ww`ٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_QUOTES? Syntax: SET LANGUAGE QUOTES character_string defined_languageD Describes the syntax of certain language elements, such as strings,: that require special handling for proper text formatting.A LSE uses this command to detect comments properly. LSE does notF recognize comment strings that occur within quoted items, nor does it6 recognize quoted elements that occur within comments.C The value must be a string denoting all of the quot>e characters inE the language. LSE assumses that quoted items begin and end with the same character. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE ww`ٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_REQUIRED_DELIMIT? Syntax: SET LANGUAGE REQUIRED DELIMIT begin_string end_string defined_language< Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit required placeholders.B Note that y?ou cannot use any character that you used as a comment delimiter. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE ww`ٰ $1 SET_LANGUAGE_REQUIRED_LIST_DELIMITD Syntax: SET LANGUAGE REQUIRED LIST DELIMIT begin_string end_string defined_languageA Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit required list placeholders.B Note that you cannot use any charac@ter that you used as a comment delimiter. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE wwpٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_RIGHT_MARGIN; Syntax: SET LANGUAGE RIGHT MARGIN column defined_languageB Specifies the default right margin setting that is to be used for& buffers associated with the language.2 By default, the right margin is set at column 80. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENATER SPACE NEW LANGUAGE 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SET BUFFER LEFT MARGIN 9 FILL SHOW LANGUAGE wwpٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_TAB_INCREMENT< Syntax: SET LANGUAGE TAB INCREMENT number defined_language< Specifies the increment of tab stops to be used for buffers associated with the language. The default tab increment is 4. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENTER TAB SET BUFFER TAB B 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE wwpٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_TAG_TERMINATORSB Syntax: SET LANGUAGE TAG TERMINATORS character_string add_remove defined_language? Specifies a list of characters that you can use to terminate a comment tag.# The default tag terminator is ":". RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUACGE wwpٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_TRAILING_COMMENTS? Syntax: SET LANGUAGE TRAILING COMMENTS text_string add_remove defined_languageE Specifies the character sequences of trailing commment delimiters in the language.E A trailing comment begins with a special character sequence and ends at the end of the line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE D wwpٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_VERSION; Syntax: SET LANGUAGE VERSION text_string defined_language= Specifies a string that represents the version number of the language. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE 9 NEW LANGUAGE wwٰ 1 SET_LANGUAGE_WRAP4 Syntax: SET LANGUAGE WRAP boolean defined_languageD Specifies whether text shouldE be wrapped to a new line when you areA typing beyond the right margin of the current line in any buffer associated with the language. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT LANGUAGE SET BUFFER WRAP 9 NEW LANGUAGE SHOW LANGUAGE wwٰ 1 SET_MAXIMUM_WINDOWS$ Syntax: SET MAXIMUM WINDOWS number? Specifies the maximum number of windows that LSE automatically creates.> This command specifies the maximum number of wi Fndows that LSE4 automatically creates when it displays information.C LSE uses this command and the SET MINIMUM WINDOW LENGTH command to? determine whether to add a window to the screen or to reuse anD existing window. LSE checks both settings and creates a new window! only if both conditions are met. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 BALANCE WINDOWS SET MINIMUM WINDOW LENGTH9 HELP commands SHOW commands 9 REVIEW SHOW WINDOW ATGTRIBUTES 9 SET BALANCE WINDOWS wwٰ 1 SET_MAX_UNDO Syntax: SET MAX UNDO number@ Sets the maximum number of commands you can undo for a specific buffer.E Specify the maximum number of commands you can undo in the "number".C qualifier. In the "buffer name" qualifier, specify the buffer forF which you want to set the maximum number. If you omit a value in theA optional "number" qualifier, LSE displays a default maximum UndHoB number of [100]. Press Return to accept the default or specify a different value. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 REDO UNDO 9 SHOW MAX UNDO wwٰ 1 SET_MENU_LABELB Syntax: SET MENU LABEL menu_label tpu_command mnemonic_character! Modifies an existing menu label.D This command lets you change the text processing utility (TPU) codeB that is bound to a menu label. You can also Imodify the character" used as a mnemonic for the label. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE MENU commands SAVE SECTION 9 NEW MENU commands SET MENU commands wwٰ 1 SET_MENU_MNEMONICS$ Syntax: SET MENU MNEMONICS boolean# Sets the menu mnemonics on or off.D The parameter value off allows all Alt key combinations to be used,A since mnemonics consume some Alt key combinations. The new menuD mnemonics state will not take effecJt until you enter a SAVE SECTION3 command and invoke LSE with that new section file. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE MENU commands SAVE SECTION 9 NEW MENU commands SET MENU commands wwڰ 1 SET_MINIMUM_WINDOW_LENGTH* Syntax: SET MINIMUM WINDOW LENGTH numberC Specifies the minimum length of the windows that LSE automatically creates.E This command specifies a lower bound on the size of the windows thatC LSE automatic Kally creates. When you map a window to a buffer, LSEE creates a new window if the window is not shorter than the parameter@ value n. LSE uses the this command and the SET MAXIMUM WINDOWSA setting to determine whether to add a window to the screen or toF reuse an existing window. LSE checks both settings and creates a new( window only if both conditions are met. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 BALANCE WINDOWS SET MAXIMUM WINDOWS 9 HELP commands SHOW commandLs 9 SET BALANCE WINDOWS SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTES wwڰ 1 SET_NUMBER_OF_WINDOWS& Syntax: SET NUMBER OF WINDOWS number1 Sets a specific number of windows on the screen.E This command immediately sets the number of windows on the screen to the number that you specify. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE WINDOW SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTES 9 NEW WINDOW TWO WINDOWS 9 ONE WINDOW M wwڰ 1 SET_PACKAGE_HELP_LIBRARY< Syntax: SET PACKAGE HELP LIBRARY file_spec defined_packageE Specifies the HELP file (.HLB file) where you can find help text for2 routines and parameters defined for this package.> If omitted, then no HELP file is associated with the package. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE PACKAGE HELP INDICATED 9 EXTRACT PACKAGE SHOW PACKAGE wwڰ N1 SET_PACKAGE_HELP_TOPIC< Syntax: SET PACKAGE HELP TOPIC text_string defined_packageE Specifies a prefix string to be concatenated to the TOPIC_STRING for1 routines and parameters defined for the package.B This string is added to the front of rountine and parameter topicB strings before LSE looks up the topic string in the help library. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE PACKAGE HELP INDICATED 9 EXTRACT PACKAGE SHOW PACKAGE wwOڰ 1 SET_PACKAGE_LANGUAGE: Syntax: SET PACKAGE LANGUAGE defined_language add_remove defined_package@ Specifies the languages for which package routines are defined. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE PACKAGE SHOW PACKAGE 9 EXTRACT PACKAGE wwFڰ 1 SET_PACKAGE_PARAMETER_EXPANDB Syntax: SET PACKAGE PARAMETER EXPAND text_string defined_package@ Prefix of a text processing P utility (TPU) routine to define the) expansion of parameters in this package.? When you expand a parameter in a language associated with thisC package, LSE uses a TPU procedure named by this string followed by@ the language name to generate a placeholder for this parameter.C Be default, this value is LSE$PKG_EXPAND_PARM. LSE provides a TPUE parameter expansion routine for the languages shipped with LSE. ForE example, LSE$PKG_EXPAND_ PARM_COBOL is provided to expand parameters forQ COBOL routines. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE PACKAGE SHOW PACKAGE 9 EXTRACT PACKAGE wwFڰ 1 SET_PACKAGE_ROUTINE_EXPAND@ Syntax: SET PACKAGE ROUTINE EXPAND text_string defined_packageE Sets the prefix of a text processing utility (TPU) routine to define+ the expansion of routines in this package.F When you expand a routine in a language associated with this package,F LSE uses a TPU procedure Rnamed by this string followed by the languge+ name to generate a token for this routine.B By default, this value is LSE$PKG_EXPAND_ROUT_. LSE provides TPUD routine expansion routines for the languages shipped with LSE. ForD example, LSE$PKG_EXPAND_ROUTE_ADA is provided to expand Ada routine definitions. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE PACKAGE SHOW PACKAGE 9 EXTRACT PACKAGE wwFڰ 1 SET_PENDING_DETLETE$ Syntax: SET PENDING DELETE booleanF Specifies whether or not a selection in a user buffer is deleted when a user inserts text.C By default, this command is disabled (the parameter value is off).C To delete selected text when you insert text, specify this commandE with the parameter value on. This command is automatically disabled2 for a selection made with the SELECT ALL command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 RESTORE SELECT ALL ww_L(SET_PACKAGE_HELP_LIBRARYLSET_PACKAGE_HELP_TOPICNSET_PACKAGE_LANGUAGENjSET_PACKAGE_PARAMETER_EXPANDPSET_PACKAGE_ROUTINE_EXPANDQSET_PENDING_DELETERSET_PLACEHOLDER_AUTO_SUBSTITUTETSET_PLACEHOLDER_BODY_LINEV\SET_PLACEHOLDER_DESCRIPTIONWzSET_PLACEHOLDER_DUPLICATIONXSET_PLACEHOLDER_HELP_TOPICZSET_PLACEHOLDER_INHERIT[SET_PLACEHOLDER_LEADING]8SET_PLACEHOLDER_MENU_LINE_SET_PLACEHOLDER_PSEUDOCODEUFڰ !1 SET_PLACEHOLDER_AUTO_SUBSTITUTEE Syntax: SET PLACEHOLDER AUTO SUBSTITUTE boolean defined_placeholder defined_languageE Specifies whether to replace the next occurrence of this placeholder* with the text typed over the current one. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER SET PLACEHOLDER commands 9 NEW PLACEHOLDER SHOW PLACEHOLDER wwFڰ 1 SET_PLACEHOLDER_BODY_LINE; Syntax: SET PLACEHOLDER BODY V LINE body_string indent_typeA indent_column tab_or_space same_next_line add_remove1 defined_placeholder defined_language9 Specifies a body line of a nonterminal type placeholder.E The body of a nonterminal placeholder is the text of the placeholder; expansion; when a nonterminal placeholder is expanded, theE placeholder name and enclosing delimiters are replaced with the textE of the placeholder body. This command is valid only for nonterminal type placehWolders.C The parameters for this command allow you to specify the format of@ the body when it is expanded. See the parameter glossary for a( detailed explanation of how these work. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER SHOW PLACEHOLDER 9 NEW PLACEHOLDER wwmڰ 1 SET_PLACEHOLDER_DESCRIPTIONE Syntax: SET PLACEHOLDER DESCRIPTION description defined_placeholder defined_language. SpeciXfies text for a placeholder description.? Specifies a single line of text to be displayed along with theD placeholder name when the placeholder name appears in a menu during& expansion of a menu type placeholder. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER SHOW PLACEHOLDER 9 NEW PLACEHOLDER wwmڰ 1 SET_PLACEHOLDER_DUPLICATIONE Syntax: SET PLACEHOLDER DUPLICATION duplication defined_placeholder Y defined_languageC Specifies whether a list placeholder is duplicated horizontally or vertically.F A list placeholder is duplicated when you type over it. This commandF specifies whether the duplicated placeholder appears on the same lineC as the current one, the next line, or either depending on context. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER SET PLACEHOLDER commands 9 NEW PLACEHOLDER SHOW PLACEHOLDER wwmڰ 1 SET_PLAC ZEHOLDER_HELP_TOPICC Syntax: SET PLACEHOLDER HELP TOPIC help_topic defined_placeholder defined_language6 Sets the help topic string for the given placeholder.B This command specifies a string that LSE uses to to retrieve helpB text for a placeholder. The help topic string is appended to theD string you specify with the SET LANGUAGE HELP TOPIC command to formD the complete string of topics that LSE uses for looking up the help text for this placeholder. RELATED COMMAND[S: 9 EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER SET LANGUAGE HELP TOPIC 9 NEW PLACEHOLDER SHOW PLACEHOLDER wwmڰ 1 SET_PLACEHOLDER_INHERIT2 Syntax: SET PLACEHOLDER INHERIT placeholder_name1 defined_placeholder defined_language: Causes a placeholder to inherit the definition of another placeholder.E The placeholder specified for the defined_placeholder parameter will< inherit the definition of the placeholder specified for theF place\holder_name parameter. This command is valid only on alias-typeA placeholders. Since placeholders of this type inherit all their< attributes from the specified defined placeholder, no other@ attributes can be set on them. A placeholder defined with this9 command may not be used to define any other placeholder. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER SHOW PLACEHOLDER 9 NEW PLACEHOLDER wwmڰ 1 SET_PLACEH]OLDER_LEADINGA Syntax: SET PLACEHOLDER LEADING text_string defined_placeholder defined_language= Identifies leading text to be associated with a placeholder.; LSE recognizes this text and erases it when the associatedD placeholder is erased. The leading text must not have any trailingE blank spaces because the ERASE PLACEHOLDER command always skips over such spaces. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER SHOW PLACEHOLDER 9 NEW PLACEHOL^DER wwڰ 1 SET_PLACEHOLDER_MENU_LINE; Syntax: SET PLACEHOLDER MENU LINE body_string description3 menu_line_type list_boolean add_remove1 defined_placeholder defined_language< Specifies a line of menu that is displayed when a menu-type placeholder is expanded.E Each line of the body of a menu placeholder represents one option inC the menu. When you expand a menu-type placeholder, you can select@ o _ne option from the menu. An option can be a string of text, aA token, or a placeholder name. If a text option is selected, theD placeholder will be replaced by that text. If a placeholder optionD is selected, the selected name, enclosed in placeholder delimiters,E will be substituted. If a token is selected, the token name will be substituted.A If the menu option given is a placeholder, then you can indicate< whether it should be expanded as a list placeholder or not. RELATED COM`MANDS: 9 EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER SHOW PLACEHOLDER 9 NEW PLACEHOLDER wwڰ 1 SET_PLACEHOLDER_PSEUDOCODE@ Syntax: SET PLACEHOLDER PSEUDOCODE boolean defined_placeholder defined_language@ Specifies whether you can enter pseudocode at this placeholder. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENTER PSEUDOCODE NEW PLACEHOLDER 9 EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER SHOW PLACEHOLDER wawڰ 1 SET_PLACEHOLDER_SEPARATORC Syntax: SET PLACEHOLDER SEPARATOR text_string defined_placeholder defined_language< Specifies the string that separates each duplication of the placeholder.A LSE recognizes this text and erases it when the place- holder is3 erased, as it does with leading and trailing text. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER SHOW PLACEHOLDER 9 NEW PLACEHOLDER cwwڰ 1 SET_PLACEHOLDER_TERMINAL_LINE> Syntax: SET PLACEHOLDER TERMINAL LINE body_string add_remove1 defined_placeholder defined_language1 Specifies a line of a terminal-type placeholder.D This body of a terminal placeholder appears in a separate temporaryA buffer when the placeholder is expanded. The placeholder is not@ replaced in the current buffer. This command is valid only for terminal-type placeholders. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT PLACOZSET_PLACEHOLDER_INHERIT[SET_PLACEHOLDER_LEADING]8SET_PLACEHOLDER_MENU_LINE_SET_PLACEHOLDER_PSEUDOCODE`SET_PLACEHOLDER_SEPARATORa SET_PLACEHOLDER_TERMINAL_LINEctSET_PLACEHOLDER_TRAILINGdSET_PRIMARY_SELECTION_MODELefSET_PROMPT_ABORTeSET_PROMPT_ALTERMINATORfSET_PROMPT_DIALOGgSET_PROMPT_EXPANDMENUhSET_PROMPT_KEYPADj\SET_PROMPT_TERMINATORkSET_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTIONlSET_ROUTINE_HELP_TOPICdEHOLDER SHOW PLACEHOLDER 9 NEW PLACEHOLDER wwڰ 1 SET_PLACEHOLDER_TRAILINGB Syntax: SET PLACEHOLDER TRAILING text_string defined_placeholder defined_languageC Specifies any trailing text to be associated with the placeholder.? This command recognizes this text and erases it along with the@ placeholder. The trailing text must not have any leading blankB spaces or tabs because the ERASE PLACEHOLeDER command always skips over such spaces. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER SET PLACEHOLDER commands 9 NEW PLACEHOLDER SHOW PLACEHOLDER wwлڰ 1 SET_PRIMARY_SELECTION_MODEL5 Syntax: SET PRIMARY SELECTION MODEL selection_modelD Lets you choose between a focus-based primary selection model and a) selection-based primary selection model.C See the DECwindows Companion to the OSF/Motif Style Guide for more informationf. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SHOW ATTRIBUTES wwлڰ 1 SET_PROMPT_ABORT3 Syntax: SET PROMPT ABORT user_key_name add_remove$ Defines keys for aborting a prompt.? Using a prompt abort key at any prompt, aborts that prompt andA prevents the command from executing. The default abort keys are Ctrl/C, Ctrl/Z and F10. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET PROMPT commands SHOW PROMPT ATTRIBUTES wwлڰ 1 gSET_PROMPT_ALTERMINATOR: Syntax: SET PROMPT ALTERMINATOR user_key_name add_removeC Defines keys for terminating a prompt that are executed in only in the current buffer.E The default key binding is KP4, KP5. Simple terminator keys are not) executed but signal the end of a prompt. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET PROMPT commands wwлڰ 1 SET_PROMPT_DIALOG) Syntax: SET PROMPT DIALOG prompt_dialog Sets dialog box prompting.hD By default, LSE uses message window (character-cell) prompting whenC using keys and a dialog box when using the mouse. You can specifyF the parameter value CCT to always use message window prompting or the3 parameter value window to always use a dialog box.: This command is ignored when SET PROMPT KEYPAD is VMSLSE. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET PROMPT commands SHOW PROMPT ATTRIBUTES wwлڰ 1 SET_PROMPT_EXPANDMENU- Syntax: SET PROMPT EXPANDMENU promipt_keypadA Specifies the available key bindings for the expand menu prompt.F This command allows you to specify which set of key bindings you want@ available at the expand menu prompt: VMSLSE style key bindingsE (compatible with LSE Version 3.1), the default editing (standard EDTF or EVE) key bindings, or user customized key bindings as used in your regular editing buffers. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET PROMPT commands SHOW PROMPT ATTRIBUTES wwڰ  j1 SET_PROMPT_KEYPAD) Syntax: SET PROMPT KEYPAD prompt_keypad4 Specifies the available key bindings for prompting.F This command allows you to specify which set of key bindings you wantF available at prompts: VMSLSE style key bindings (compatible with LSEF Version 3.1), the default editing (standard EDT or EVE) key bindings,@ or user customized key bindings as used in your regular editing buffers.F When using user-defined or default key bindings, LSE stores responsesC to prompts ink a special buffer. The prompt area (at the bottom ofB the screen) is essentially its own special buffer. As such, someD keys act differently than in VMSLSE key bindings because that style6 of prompting is not implemented as a separate buffer. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET PROMPT commands SHOW PROMPT ATTRIBUTES wwڰ 1 SET_PROMPT_TERMINATOR8 Syntax: SET PROMPT TERMINATOR user_key_name add_remove( Specifies which key completes a prompt.F Using a promplt terminator key, tells LSE you are done supplying inputE and to proceed. The default prompt terminators are ENTER, FIND, DO, and RETURN. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET PROMPT commands SHOW PROMPT ATTRIBUTES wwڰ 1 SET_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTION= Syntax: SET ROUTINE DESCRIPTION description defined_routine defined_package1 Sets the description string for a given routine. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT ROUTINE NEW ROUTINE m wwڰ 1 SET_ROUTINE_HELP_TOPIC; Syntax: SET ROUTINE HELP TOPIC help_topic defined_routine defined_package2 Sets the help topic string for the given routine.E The help topic string is appended to the help topic prefix specifiedF in the SET PACKAGE HELP TOPIC command to form a valid topic in a help library file. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT ROUTINE NEW ROUTINE wwڰ 1 SET_ROUTINE_PARAME nTERC Syntax: SET ROUTINE PARAMETER parameter_name optional_or_requiredA mechanism add_remove defined_routine defined_package, Specifies a parameter to the given routine.F When a routine is expanded, its parameters will appear in the routine@ call template as placeholders, which can be substituted just as regular placeholders.C You can specify the passing mechanism or the parameter, as well asF whether or not the parameter is required; the text processing utilityC (TPU)o routine, which generates the placeholder for this parameter,@ uses these attributes to determine the form of the placeholder.A Routine parameters are positioned by the order in which they are> defined. Consider the following example to define a routine: F (A, X, Y) Enter the following commands:? SET ROUTINE PARAMETER A REQUIRED VALUE ADD [ ] [ ] SET ROUTINE? PARAMETER X OPTIONAL VALUE ADD [ ] [ ] SET ROUTINE PARAMETER Y OPTIONAL VALUE ADD [ ] [ ] RELATED COMMANDS: 9 q EXTRACT ROUTINE SET PACKAGE PARAMETER 9 NEW ROUTINE EXPAND ww ۰ 1 SET_SAVE_RELATED_BUFFERS* Syntax: SET SAVE RELATED BUFFERS booleanB Determines if related modified buffers are written out on COMPILE commands.E If this attribute is on, all modified buffers with the same languageD as the buffer being compiled are written out before the compilationF takes place. If this attribute is off, any modified buffers wiSgSET_PROMPT_EXPANDMENUhSET_PROMPT_KEYPADj\SET_PROMPT_TERMINATORkSET_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTIONlSET_ROUTINE_HELP_TOPIClSET_ROUTINE_PARAMETERoSET_SAVE_RELATED_BUFFERSqSET_SCROLL_MARGINSsSET_SEARCH_AUTO_REVERSEtzSET_SEARCH_CASE_SENSITIVEtSET_SEARCH_DIACRITICALuvSET_SEARCH_PATTERNvSET_SEARCH_SPAN_SPACEwr SET_TABS_HARDxSET_TABS_VISIBLEy SET_TOKEN_BODY_LINE{BSET_TOKEN_DESCRIPTION|pSET_TOKEN_HELP_TOPICrth the# same language are not written out. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COMPILE SET BUFFER LANGUAGE 9 COMPILE REVIEW SHOW ATTRIBUTES ww ۰ 1 SET_SCROLL_MARGINS5 Syntax: SET SCROLL MARGINS top_margin bottom_marginE Specifies the lines at the top and bottom of the buffer at which the cursor triggers scrolling.F This command sets the scroll lines at which scrolling is triggered byD moving the cursor to these line ss. The scroll margins you set apply@ to all windows in the current editing session. You specify theF number of lines up from the top of the window or down from the bottom= of the window at which you want scrolling to begin. You can? optionally specify scroll margins as percentages of the window height.D The following example sets the scroll margins at two lines from theB top and three lines from the bottom of all windows in the current editing session: LSE> SET SCROLL MARGINS 2 3tF This example sets the scroll margins at 10% from the top and 15% from: the bottom of all windows in the current editing session: LSE> SET SCROLL MARGINS 10% 15% RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTES ww ۰ 1 SET_SEARCH_AUTO_REVERSE) Syntax: SET SEARCH AUTO REVERSE booleanE Specifies that LSE search in the opposite direction if the string is$ not found in the current direction. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SEARCHu SUBSTITUTE commands 9 SHOW SEARCH ATTRIBUTES ww ۰ 1 SET_SEARCH_CASE_SENSITIVE+ Syntax: SET SEARCH CASE SENSITIVE booleanE Specifies whether or not LSE matches case exactly when searching for text. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SEARCH SUBSTITUTE commands 9 SHOW SEARCH ATTRIBUTES ww1۰ 1 SET_SEARCH_DIACRITICAL( Syntax: SEvT SEARCH DIACRITICAL boolean= Specifies whether or not LSE exactly matches characters with/ diacritical markings when performing a search.> The diacritical marks include the acute accent, grave accent,> circumflex, tilde, macron, breve, hacek, umlaut, and cedilla. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SEARCH SHOW SEARCH ATTRIBUTES ww1۰ 1 SET_SEARCH_PATTERN0 Syntax: SET SEARCH PATTERN search_pattern_nameD Sets whether LSE uses ULTRIX, VMS or TPU stwyle pattern matching for search strings.A For details of the pattern styles use the command HELP PATTERNS. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 PATTERN SEARCH SUBSTITUTE commands 9 SHOW SEARCH ATTRIBUTES ww1۰ 1 SET_SEARCH_SPAN_SPACE' Syntax: SET SEARCH SPAN SPACE boolean= Determines how LSE matches blank space in the search string.C This command instructs LSE to allow each blank space in the search? string to matxch sequences of one or more characters containingE blanks, tabs, and, at most, a single line break. By default, spaces> are not spanned. Not applicable to PATTERN SEARCH or PATTERN SUBSTITUTE commands. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 PATTERN SEARCH SHOW SEARCH ATTRIBUTES 9 SEARCH SUBSTITUTE ww1۰ 1 SET_TABS_HARD Syntax: SET TABS HARD booleanB Specifies whether tab or blank characters are used for tabulationyC By default, tab characters are used for indentation and tabulationD (the parameter value is on). To stop using tab characters, specify+ this command with the parameter value off. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTES ww1۰ 1 SET_TABS_VISIBLE" Syntax: SET TABS VISIBLE boolean5 Specifies whether or not visible tab symbols appear.C By default, this command hides tab symbols (the parameter value isE off). To make tabsz visible, specify this command with the parameterB value on. The tabs appear as a combination of the HT (horizontal- tab) symbol and dots (for example, HT.....). RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTES ww1۰ 1 SET_TOKEN_BODY_LINEC Syntax: SET TOKEN BODY LINE body_string indent_type indent_columnA tab_or_space same_next_line add_remove defined_token defined_language" Specifies a body line of a to{ken.F The body of a terminal type token is the text of the token expansion;B when a terminal token is expanded, the token is replaced with the text of the token body.F The parameters to this command allow you to specify the format of theE body when it is expanded. See the parameter glossary for a detailed explanation of how these work. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE TOKEN SET TOKEN commands 9 EXPAND SHOW TOKEN 9 EX|TRACT TOKEN wwX۰ 1 SET_TOKEN_DESCRIPTION9 Syntax: SET TOKEN DESCRIPTION description defined_token defined_language( Specifies text for a token description.E Specifies a single line of text to be displayed along with the tokenA name when the token is an option in the menu body of a menu-type placeholder. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE TOKEN SET TOKEN commands 9 EXPAND } SHOW TOKEN 9 EXTRACT TOKEN wwX۰ 1 SET_TOKEN_HELP_TOPIC7 Syntax: SET TOKEN HELP TOPIC help_topic defined_token defined_language0 Sets the help topic string for the given token.D This command specifies a string that LSE uses to retrieve help text@ for the token. The help topic string is appended to the stringF specified by the SET LANGUAGE HELP TOPIC command to form the completeD top~ic string that LSE uses to look up the help text for this token. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT TOKEN SET LANGUAGE HELP TOPIC 9 NEW TOKEN SHOW TOKEN wwX۰ 1 SET_TOKEN_INHERIT: Syntax: SET TOKEN INHERIT placeholder_name defined_token defined_languageE Specifies the name of a defined placeholder that expands in place of the token.? When you expand an alias-type token, the body of the specifiedE placeholder is substituted for the token name. Since tokens of this= type inherit all their attributes from the specified definedD placeholder, no other attributes may be set for them. This command% is valid only for alias-type tokens. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXPAND NEW TOKEN 9 EXTRACT TOKEN SHOW TOKEN wwX۰ 1 SET_UNDO Syntax: SET UNDO boolean5 Specifies whether or not UNDO processing isdvSET_SEARCH_SPAN_SPACEwr SET_TABS_HARDxSET_TABS_VISIBLEy SET_TOKEN_BODY_LINE{BSET_TOKEN_DESCRIPTION|pSET_TOKEN_HELP_TOPIC}SET_TOKEN_INHERIT~SET_UNDO  SET_WIDTHn SHIFT_LEFT SHIFT_RIGHTSHOW_ADJUSTMENTr SHOW_ALIASzSHOW_ATTRIBUTESH SHOW_BUFFERSHOW_KEY SHOW_LANGUAGESHOW_LANGUAGE_ROUTINE SHOW_MARK SHOW_MAX_UNDO SHOW_PACKAGEVSHOW_PACKAGE_ROUTINE"SHOW_PLACEHOLDER"SET_LANGUAGE_REQUIRED_LIST_DELIMITSET_NUMBER_OF_WINDOWSSSET_PLACEHOLDER_HELP_TOPICbSET_PROMPT_DIALOGpSET_SEARCH_PATTERN SHOW_LANGUAGESPELL WHAT_LINECEING_SOURCE1SET_LANGUAGE_LINE_COMMENTS WHAT_LINECEING_SOURCEIKE enabled.D By default, UNDO processing is enabled (the parameter value is on).D To disable UNDO processing, specify this command with the parameter value off. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTES ww ۰ 1 SET_WIDTH Syntax: SET WIDTH number Specifies the screen width.A This command specifies the number of characters on each input orC output line. The screen width parameter must be an integer in the range 1 through 252. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET HEIGHT SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTES ww ۰ 1 SHIFT_LEFT Syntax: SHIFT LEFT numberD Shifts the window to the left or text to the right by the specified number of columns.1 By default, LSE shifts the window by one column. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SHIFT RIGHT ww ۰ 1 SHIFT_RIGHT Syntax: SHIFT RIGHT numberD Shifts the window to the right or text to the left by the specified number of columns.1 By default, LSE shifts the window by one column. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SHIFT LEFT ww ۰ 1 SHOW_ADJUSTMENT? Syntax: SHOW ADJUSTMENT adjustment_name_wild defined_language> Displays the definitions and characteristics of the indicated adjustments.C If you specify an adjustment name, LSE displays all the attributes< associated with that adjustment. If you specify a wildcardB adjustment name, LSE displays a list with brief information aboutA each matching adjustment. If no name is specified, LSE displaysF brief information about all the adjustments defined for the language.D You can navigate through the list using Ctrl/F (forward) and Ctrl/BD (reverse). Ctrl/E (expand) lets you display full information aboutD the indicated adjustment. The COLLAPSE command reverts back to the brief display. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT ADJUSTMENT SET ADJUSTMENT commands 9 NEW ADJUSTMENT ww ۰ 1 SHOW_ALIAS5 Syntax: SHOW ALIAS alias_name_wild defined_languageE Displays the definitions and characteristics of one or more aliases.> If you specify an alias name, LSE displays all the attributesC associated with that alias. If you specify a wildcard alias name,F LSE displays a list with brief information about the matching aliases in the language.D You can navigate through the list using Ctrl/F (forward) and Ctrl/BD (reverse). Ctrl/E (expand) lets you display full information aboutE the indicated alias. The COLLAPSE command reverts back to the brief display. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE ALIAS NEW ALIAS 9 EXTRACT ALIAS ww ۰ 1 SHOW_ATTRIBUTES Syntax: SHOW ATTRIBUTES( Displays the current system attributes.= These attributes include the status of warning bells, keypad> emulation, cursor binding, clipboard use, tab appearance, andC deletion. It also displays the name of the default directory, the1 source directory(s), and read-only directory(s). RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SHOW SEARCH ATTRIBUTES SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTES ww0۰ 1 SHOW_BUFFER& Syntax: SHOW BUFFER buffer_name_wildA Displays information about the indicated buffer or user buffers.C LSE displays full information for o ne buffer and brief informationE for multiple user buffers. If you do not specify a buffer name, LSE- displays information for the current buffer.D Ctrl/F key and Ctrl/B let you move through the list of buffers, and> the E3 key (Remove key) deletes a buffer. The EXPAND commandD displays full information for the indicated buffer and the COLLAPSEC command displays brief information. From the list of buffers, you= can go to a particular buffer using the GOTO SOURCE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COLLAPSE NEW BUFFER 9 EXPAND SET BUFFER commands 9 GOTO SOURCE ww0۰ 1 SHOW_KEY% Syntax: SHOW KEY user_key_name_wild2 Displays the definitions of the specified key(s).E This command displays the key definitions bound to the specified setC of keys, both the default key bindings and key bindings you createD with the DEFINE KEY command. If yo u do not specify a key name, LSE prompts for one.C If you specify a keyname, LSE displays full information about thatF key. If you specify a wildcard keyname, LSE displays a brief list of> all keys matching that name. Use Ctrl/F (forward) and Ctrl/BF (reverse) to navigate through the list of keys. Ctrl/E (expand) letsC you display full information on any one key. The COLLAPSE command# reverts back to the brief display. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COLLAPSE HELP KEY 9 DELETE KEY NEW KEY 9 EXPAND ww0۰ 1 SHOW_LANGUAGE_ROUTINEB Syntax: SHOW LANGUAGE ROUTINE routine_name_wild defined_languageD Displays the characteristics of the specified routine(s) associated with the given language.A If you specify one routine name, LSE displays all the attributesA associated with that routine. If you specify a wildcard routineA name,  LSE displays brief information about each matching routineA associated with the language. You can navigate through the listC using Ctrl/F (forward) and Ctrl/B (reverse). Ctrl/E (expand) letsD you display full information the indicated routine and the COLLAPSE@ command reverts back to the brief display. The E3 key (Remove) deletes the indicated routine. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT ROUTINE SET ROUTINE commands 9 NEW ROUTINE  ww0۰ 1 SHOW_LANGUAGE* Syntax: SHOW LANGUAGE language_name_wild; Displays the characteristics of the specified language(s).@ If you specify a language name, LSE displays all the attributesC associated with that language. If you specify a wildcard languageC name, LSE displays brief information about each matching language.F You can navigate through the language list using Ctrl/F (forward) andE Ctrl/B (reverse). Ctrl/E (expand) lets you display full informationE on the indicated language. The COLLAPSE command reverts back to the brief display. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET LANGUAGE commands ww0۰ 1 SHOW_MARK" Syntax: SHOW MARK mark_name_wild4 Displays information for the indicated user marker.F LSE displays the name, associated buffer, and associated text for theE specified marker, or a list of markers and their associated buffers.< To obtain a list of markers, use wildcard  characters in the marker_name_wild parameter.D Ctrl/F and Ctrl/B let you move through the list of markers, and theC E3 key (Remove key) deletes a marker. The EXPAND command lets youC display the associated text for the selected marker, while the theB COLLAPSE command returns you to the marker list. From the markerE list, you can go to a selected marker its associated buffer by using the GOTO SOURCE command. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COLLAPSE GOTO SOURCE  9 DELETE MARK NEW MARK 9 EXPAND ww@۰ 1 SHOW_MAX_UNDO# Syntax: SHOW MAX UNDO buffer_nameF Shows the maximum number of commands that you can undo for a specific buffer.D If you have not set a maximum number with the SET MAX UNDO command,? the SHOW MAX UNDO command displays the default value of [100]. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 REDO UNDO  9 SET MAX UNDO ww@۰ 1 SHOW_PACKAGE_ROUTINE@ Syntax: SHOW PACKAGE ROUTINE routine_name_wild defined_packageD Displays the characteristics of the specified routine(s) associated with the given package.A If you specify one routine name, LSE displays all the attributesA associated with that routine. If you specify a wildcard routineD name, LSE displays a list with brief information about the matchingB routines in the package. You can navigate through the list usingA Ctrl/F (forward) and Ctrl/B (reverse). Ctrl/E (expand) lets you@ display full information the indicated routine and the COLLAPSE@ command reverts back to the brief display. The E3 key (Remove) deletes the indicated routine. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT ROUTINE SET ROUTINE commands 9 NEW ROUTINE ww@۰ 1 SHOW_PACKAGE( Syntax: SHOW PACKAGE pac kage_name_wild6 Displays the characteristics of one or more packages.? If you specify a package name, LSE displays all the attributesA associated with that package. If you specify a wildcard packageE name, LSE displays a list with brief information about each matching@ package. If you specify no package, LSE displays a list of all packages.D You can navigate through the list using Ctrl/F (forward) and Ctrl/BD (reverse). Ctrl/E (expand) lets you display full information aboutA the indicated package. The COLLAPSE command reverts back to theA brief display. The E3 key (Remove) deletes the indicated token. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT PACKAGE SET PACKAGE commands 9 NEW PACKAGE ww@۰ 1 SHOW_PLACEHOLDERA Syntax: SHOW PLACEHOLDER placeholder_name_wild defined_language< Displays the definitions and characteristics of one or more placeholders.C If you specify a placeholder na me, LSE displays all the attributes= associated with that placeholder. If you specify a wildcardE placeholder name, LSE displays brief information about each matching placeholder.D You can navigate through the list using Ctrl/F (forward) and Ctrl/BD (reverse). Ctrl/E (expand) lets you display full information aboutE the indicated placeholder. The COLLAPSE command reverts back to the brief display. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER SET PLACEHOLDER commands 9 NEW PLACEHOLDER ww@۰ 1 SHOW_PROMPT_ATTRIBUTES Syntax: SHOW PROMPT ATTRIBUTES Displays the prompt attributes. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET PROMPT commands wwP۰ 1 SHOW_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTES Syntax: SHOW SEARCH ATTRIBUTES, Displays the status of text-search options. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET SEARCH commands SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTES 9 SHOW ATTXSHOW_LANGUAGE_ROUTINE SHOW_MARK SHOW_MAX_UNDO SHOW_PACKAGEVSHOW_PACKAGE_ROUTINE"SHOW_PLACEHOLDERJSHOW_PROMPT_ATTRIBUTESSHOW_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTES< SHOW_SUMMARYSHOW_SYSTEM_BUFFER SHOW_TOKEN SHOW_VERSIONSHOW_WINDOW_ATTRIBUTESn SHRINK_WINDOWlSPAWN`SPELLR START_OF_LINE SUBSTITUTEhTOGGLE_INSERT_OVERSTRIKETOPxTPU^ TWO_WINDOWSUNDO: UNRESERVE UPPERCASERIBUTES wwP۰ 1 SHOW_SUMMARY Syntax: SHOW SUMMARY2 Shows statistics and other information about LSE.F This information is useful for TPU programming or in case you need to, submit a software performance report (SPR). RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SHOW VERSION wwP۰ 1 SHOW_SYSTEM_BUFFER- Syntax: SHOW SYSTEM BUFFER buffer_name_wild4 Displays information about the indicated buffer(s).E Behaves just like SHOW BUFFER except system buffers are displayed in the multiple buffer case. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 GOTO SOURCE SHOW BUFFER 9 SET BUFFER commands wwP۰ 1 SHOW_TOKEN5 Syntax: SHOW TOKEN token_name_wild defined_languageD Displays the definitions and characteristics of one or more tokens.= If you specify a token name, LSE displays all the attributesC ass ociated with that token. If you specify a wildcard token name,F LSE displays a list with brief information about each matching token.D You can navigate through the list using Ctrl/F (forward) and Ctrl/BC (reverse). Ctrl/E (expand) lets you dislay full information aboutE the indicated placeholder. The COLLAPSE command reverts back to the brief display. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXTRACT TOKEN SET TOKEN commands 9 NEW TOKEN  wwP۰ 1 SHOW_VERSION Syntax: SHOW VERSION% Displays the current version of LSE. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SHOW SUMMARY wwP۰ 1 SHOW_WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES Syntax: SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTES( Displays the current window attributes. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 BALANCE WINDOWS SET MINIMUM WINDOW LENGTH9 SET FONT SET WIDTH 9 SET HEIGHT  SHOW ATTRIBUTES 9 SET MAXIMUM WINDOWS SHOW SEARCH ATTRIBUTES wwP۰ 1 SHRINK_WINDOW Syntax: SHRINK WINDOW number Shrinks the current window.8 LSE enlarges the other window (or windows) accordingly. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ENLARGE WINDOW NEW WINDOW ww`ܰ 1 SPAWN Syntax: SPAWN cli_commandD Creates a subprocess running a command interpreter and suspends the editing session .@ This command suspends the current LSE session and connects your0 terminal to a new process at the command level.D If you specified a command to execute, the command will be executedD at the command line interpretter and you will immediately return toE LSE. If you don't specify a command, LSE will remain at the commandC level until you terminate the process. This command is useful forC running screen- oriented programs and utilities without ending the current editing session. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 ATTACH CLI ww`ܰ 1 SPELL Syntax: SPELLF Runs DECspell on OpenVMS systems to check the currently selected text* or the entire buffer for spelling errors. To run DECspell:I 1. Select the text you want to check. If you do not select; any text, SPELL checks the entire buffer.G 2. Enter the SPELL command. If you have less than a fullE  line, LSE extends the selected range to include theE beginning and end of the line containing the range.C If the selected range (or the entire buffer) contains any overview< records, a message informs you that the operation cannot be performed.C LSE spawns a subprocess to run DECspell and writes out the currentC buffer or selected range to a temporary file in SYS$SCRATCH. (The@ name of the temporary file uses the subprocess PID.) When SPELLA finishes, LSE replaces the buffer or selected range with the newE version of the temporary file (with corrections) and deletes any old: versions of the temporary file. You then resume editing.E Do not use Ctrl/Y with SPELL. Ctrl/Y deletes lines in the temporaryB output file, which destroys the selected range or current buffer.ww`ܰ 1 START_OF_LINE Syntax: START OF LINE7 Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 END OF LINE  PREVIOUS END OF LINE 9 NEXT END OF LINE PREVIOUS START OF LINE 9 NEXT START OF LINE ww`ܰ 1 SUBSTITUTEA Syntax: SUBSTITUTE search_string replace_string substitute_type6 Replaces occurrences of one text string with another.@ This command replaces an occurrence of a search string with theE specified replace string. It searches for the string in the current direction.C LSE performs case matchin g when replacing text. For example, if aA word in a search string is all uppercase, all the letters in theD corresponding replace string become uppercase. LSE prompts you forA confirmation before the replacement is made. If you specify the@ parameter value all in response to the confirmation prompt, all? occurrences of the search string are replaced with the replace string. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 EXACT SUBSTITUTE SEARCH 9 PATTERN EXACT SUBSTITUTE SET SEARCH commands 9 PATTERN SUBSTITUTE ww`ܰ 1 TOGGLE_INSERT_OVERSTRIKE" Syntax: TOGGLE INSERT OVERSTRIKEF Switches the text-entry mode in the current buffer between insert and overstrike.6 The status line displays the current text-entry mode. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 SET BUFFER TEXT wwpBܰ 1 TOP Syntax: TOP9 Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current buffer. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 BOTTOM wwpBܰ 1 TPU Syntax: TPU tpu_command= Directs LSE to execute text processing utility (TPU) program statments. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 PLSE wwpBܰ 1 TWO_WINDOWS Syntax: TWO WINDOWS, Splits the current window into two windows. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DELETE WINDOW  ONE WINDOW 9 ENLARGE WINDOW PREVIOUS WINDOW 9 NEW WINDOW SHRINK WINDOW 9 NEXT WINDOW wwpBܰ 1 UNDO Syntax: UNDO1 Reverses the most recently executed LSE command.B The UNDO command reverses any LSE command except for the UNDO and REDO commands. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 REDO SHOW MAX UNDO 9 SET MAX UNDO wwpBܰ 1 UNRESERVE2 Syntax: UNRESERVE element_name element_id remark. Cancels a previous reservation of an element.C Cancels a previous reservation for an element, the element_id, andE deletes the buffer containing the element. When options or settings7 are needed beyond those provided, use "cli ". RELATED COMMANDS: 9 DISABLE VMS INTEGRATION FETCH 9 COMMANDS  REPLACE 9 ENABLE VMS INTEGRATION RESERVE 9 COMMANDS wwpBܰ 1 UPPERCASE Syntax: UPPERCASE= Changes the current word or the selected range to uppercase.B If the word contains both uppercase and lowercase characters, LSEC changes all letters to uppercase. If the cursor is between words,E LSE changes the following word to uppercase. If a selected range is< active, all the characters within that range are changed toA uppercase. The cursor then moves to the start of the next word. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 CAPITALIZE LOWERCASE 9 CHANGE CASE wwiܰ 1 VIEW_DEBUGGING_SOURCE Syntax: VIEW DEBUGGING SOURCE3 Displays the source code with adjustments applied.D This command generates a copy of the source buffer, indented as LSEE views the indentation (i.e., wi th adjustments applied to lines whichD should be adjusted). LSE displays the result with all source linesC visible. At the beginning of each line of the display appears, inE order, the number of the adjustment applied to the line, the runningD total for SUBSEQUENT indentations, and the effective indentation ofE the line with the adjustment applied. At the end of the buffer is a> list of all the adjustments defined for the current language.> This command use useful for debugging adjustment definitions. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 FOCUS SET ADJUSTMENT commands 9 NEW ADJUSTMENT VIEW SOURCE wwiܰ 1 VIEW_FILE Syntax: VIEW FILE file_specD Moves the cursor to a read-only, unmodifiable buffer containing the specified file. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 GOTO BUFFER NEW FILE 9 NEW BUFFER OPEN FILE wwiܰ 1 VIEW+R START_OF_LINE SUBSTITUTE8TText_Manipulation_CommandshTOGGLE_INSERT_OVERSTRIKETOPxTPU^ TWO_WINDOWSUNDO: UNRESERVE UPPERCASEVIEW_DEBUGGING_SOURCE VIEW_FILE VIEW_SOURCE VMSLSE_Command_Translation_TableF WHAT_LINE_SOURCE Syntax: VIEW SOURCE depth1 Displays the top levels of detail in the buffer.A Lower levels of detail are collapsed and represented by overviewA lines. LSE determines the relative level of detail of a line byD comparing the indentation of the line with the indentation of other= lines. The treatment of the indentation of a line by LSE is2 influenced by indentation adjustment definitions. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 COLLAPSE FOCUS 9  EXPAND VIEW DEBUGGING SOURCE wwiܰ 1 WHAT_LINE Syntax: WHAT LINE? Shows the current line number and total number of lines in the buffer.C This command also shows what percentage of the lines in the buffer$ are located above the current line. RELATED COMMANDS: 9 LINE wwiܰ 1 Command_Definitions@ The following is an alphabetized list of LSE commands and their definitions: ALIGND Aligns trailing comments within the current selected range. ATTACHA Allows you to switch control of your terminal to another process. BALANCE WINDOWSA Resizes all user windows on the screen to the same size. BOTTOM; Moves the cursor to the end of the current buffer. BOX COPYC Copies the selected box to buffer $PASTE or the clipboard. BOX CUTB Moves the selected box to buffer $PASTE or the clipboard. BOX CUT PADB Moves the selected box to buffer $PASTE or the clipboard. BOX DRAW Draws a box. BOX LOWERCASED Changes the case of the text in the currently selected box. BOX PASTED Copies the contents of the default location to a box at the current location. BOX PASTE OVERSTRIKED Copies the contents of the default location to a box at the current location. BOX UPPERCASED Changes the case of the text in the currently selected box. CAPITALIZEA Capitalizes the first letter of the current word, or all% words in the selected range. CENTER LINEE Centers the current line between the left and right margins. CHANGE CASED Changes the case of the letter(s) in the selected range and0 moves the cursor to the next character. CHECK LANGUAGE DEFINITIONS@ Analyzes the definitions associated with a language and reports errors. CHECK LANGUAGE HELPD Detects and reports invalid topic strings associated with a language. CLIC Executes a Command Language Interpreter (CLI) command from% within your editing session. CLOSEC Writes the current buffer to its associated file, if it isE writable and has been modified, and then deletes the buffer. CLOSE BUFFER% Writes and deletes a buffer. CLOSE FILE9 Writes a file and deletes the associated buffer. COLLAPSE@ Compresses text and displays an overview at the current cursor position. COMPILEB Lets you compile the contents of a buffer without leaving LSE. COMPILE REVIEWD Compile the contents of the current buffer, and then review any errors. COPYC  Copies the selected text to the indicated buffer or to the clipboard. COPY APPEND= Copies the selected text to the end of the buffer or clipboard. CUTF Moves the selected text to the indicated buffer or clipboard. CUT APPENDD Moves the selected text to the end of the designated buffer or clipboard. DELETE ADJUSTMENTE Deletes the definition of one or more adjustments associated)  with the specified lannguage(s). DELETE ALIASF Deletes the definition of one or more aliases associated with# the specified language(s). DELETE BUFFER Deletes a buffer. DELETE BUFFER OVERVIEWF This command deletes the overview information for the current buffer. DELETE EXPAND3 Reverses the effect of the EXPAND command. DELETE KEY' Deletes a user key definition. DELETE LANGUAGE6 Deletes the indicated language definition(s). DELETE MARK& Deletes the indicated marker. DELETE MENU ENTRYF Deletes an entry from a pull-down menu or from a pop-up menu. DELETE MENU LABEL Deletes a menu label. DELETE MENU SEPARATORC Deletes a separator from a pull-down menu or from a pop-up menu. DELETE PACKAGE* Deletes the package(s) specified. DELETE PLACEHOLDERF Deletes the definition of one or more placeholders associated% with the specified language. DELETE ROUTINE@ Deletes the definition of one or more routines from the specified package(s). DELETE SELECTION MARKF Cancels the selected range of the NEW SELECTION MARK command. DELETE TABF Erases blanks and tabs to the left of the cursor, which moves- the cursor to the previous tab stop. DELETE TOKENE Deletes the definition of one or more tokens associated with! a specified language(s). DELETE WINDOW$ Deletes the current window. DISABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX? Disables a prefix associated with a customized command language.% DISABLE VMS INTEGRATION COMMANDSA Disables Source Code Analyzer for OpenVMS (SCA) and CodeD Management System for OpenVMS (CMS) integration on OpenVMS. ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIXE  Enables a prefix for use with a customized command language.$ ENABLE VMS INTEGRATION COMMANDS@ Enables Source Code Analyzer for OpenVMS (SCA) and CodeD Management System for OpenVMS (CMS) integration on OpenVMS. END OF LINE9 Moves the cursor to the end of the current line. ENLARGE WINDOWF Enlarges the current window by the specified number of lines. ENTER COMMENTF Converts pseudocode into comments using block or line format. ENTER LINE0 Enters a new comment line or text line. ENTER PSEUDOCODE3 Inserts pseudocode placeholder delimiters. ENTER SPACE= Inserts or overstrikes a space at the current cursor position. ENTER SPECIALF Causes LSE to enter the character specified by the ASCII code! into the current buffer. ENTER TABA Inserts indentation and moves to the current indentation  level. ENTER TEXT4 Enters text at the current cursor position. ERASE CHARACTERF Erases a single character from the current cursor position in the current direction. ERASE COMMENT9 Reverses the effect of an ENTER COMMENT command. ERASE END OF LINEC Erases text from the current cursor position to the end of the line. ERASE END OF WORDF Erases text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the next word. ERASE LINE> Erases a line of text at the current cursor position. ERASE NEXT CHARACTER# Erases the next character. ERASE NEXT LINEF Erases text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the next line. ERASE NEXT PLACEHOLDERD Erases the text of a placeholder and related punctuation in the forward direction. ERASE NEXT WORD. Erases the word following the cursor. ERASE PLACEHOLDER7 Erases a placeholder in the current direction. ERASE PREVIOUS CHARACTER' Erases the previous character. ERASE PREVIOUS LINEF Erases text from the cursor back to the previous end of line. ERASE PREVIOUS PLACEHOLDER7 Erases a placeholder in the reverse direction. ERASE PREVIOUS WORD+ Erases the word before the cursor. ERASE SELECTION3 Erases the text within the selected range. ERASE START OF LINEE Erases the text from the current cursor position back to the beginning of the line. ERASE START OF WORDF Erases text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the previous word. ERASE WORD6 Erases a word at the current cursor position. EXACT SUBSTITUTEF Replaces occurrences of the search string with the exact form of the replace string. EXECUTE BUFFER LSE; Directs LSE to execute LSE commands from a buffer. EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE; Directs LSE to execute LSE commands from a buffer. EXECUTE BUFFER TPUE Directs LSE to execute text processing utility (TPU) program" statements from a buffer. EXIT? Ends an LSE editing session and returns control to the7 calling process or the command-line interface. EXPANDE  Replaces tokens, placeholders, overview lines, or show lists with appropriate text. EXTEND; Compiles one or more TPU procedures to extend LSE. EXTRACT ADJUSTMENTC Extracts the definition of an adjustment and formats it as portable commands. EXTRACT ALIAS< Extracts the definition of the specified alias(es). EXTRACT LANGUAGE> Extracts the definition of the specified language(s). EXTRACT NEW ADJUSTMENTD Extracts the definition of the specified adjustment defined, during the current editing session. EXTRACT NEW ALIASF Extracts the definition of the specified alias(es) created or5 modified during the current editing session. EXTRACT NEW LANGUAGEE Extracts the definition of the specified language(s) defined, during the current editing session. EXTRACT NEW PACKAGED Extracts the definition of the specified package(s) defined% during this editing session. EXTRACT NEW PLACEHOLDER@ Extracts the definition of the specified placeholder(s)- defined during this editing session. EXTRACT NEW ROUTINEF Extracts the definition of the routine(s) defined during this editing session. EXTRACT NEW TOKENB Extracts the definition of the specified token(s) defined% during this editing session. EXTRACT PACKAGE= Extracts the definition of the specified package(s). EXTRACT PLACEHOLDERA Extracts the definition of the specified placeholder(s). EXTRACT ROUTINE= Extracts the definition of the specified routine(s). EXTRACT TOKEN; Extracts the definition of the specified token(s). FETCH> Retrieve the element without causing version changes. FILL4 Reformats the text within a selected range. FIND OCCURRENCESB Sends a message to the cross-reference server, asking theB server to display the occurences of the indicated symbol. FOCUS> Displays an overview of the buffer around the current position. GOTO BUFFER: Moves the specified buffer to the current window. GOTO COMMAND" Displays the LSE> prompt. GOTO DECLARATIONE Displays the source for the primary declaration of a symbol. GOTO MARK1 Moves the cursor to a user-defined mark. GOTO REVIEW@ Moves the cursor to the currently active review buffer. GOTO SOURCED Displays the source corresponding to the current diagnostic or show list entry. HELP< Displays information about LSE commands and topics. HELP INDICATEDB Displays the help text associated with the current token,! placeholder, or routine. HELP KEY9 Displays help information for the indicated key. HELP KEYPAD9 Displays help on the key binding for the keypad. INCLUDE FILEE Includes the specified file at the current editing position. INDENT LEFTC Removes leading blanks and tabs from lines to move one tab stop. INDENT RIGHTD Adds leading blanks and tabs to lines to move one tab stop. LINE: Moves the cursor to the specified line number. . LOWERCASEE Changes the current word or the selected range to lowercase. LSE< Directs LSE to execute a portable language command. MOVE DOWN( Moves the cursor down one line. MOVE UP& Moves the cursor up one line. NEW ADJUSTMENT? Creates a new adjustment associated with the specified language. NEW ALIASD Creates a new alias associated with the specified language. NEW BUFFER4 Creates a new buffer in the current window. NEW FILE0 Creates a new file and positions to it. NEW KEY' Binds an LSE command to a key. NEW LANGUAGE Creates a new language. NEW LEARN KEY1 Binds a sequence of keystrokes to a key. NEW MARKB Marks the current cursor position with the supplied name. NEW MENU ENTRYF Adds an entry to the specified pull-down menu or pop-up menu. NEW MENU LABELE Defines a new menu label that can be added to a pull-down or pop-up menu. NEW MENU SEPARATOR= Adds a separator to a pull-down menu or pop-up menu. NEW PACKAGE? Creates a subroutine package for which subroutine-call/ templates are automatically generated. NEW PLACEHOLDERC Creates a placeholder for use with the specified language. NEW ROUTINED Creates a new routine template for the specified subroutine package. NEW SELECTION MARK9 Marks a position as one end of a selected range. NEW TOKEN> Creates an token for use with the specified language. NEW WINDOW= Divides the current window into two or more windows. NEXT BUFFERD Moves the next buffer in the list of buffers to the current window. NEXT CHARACTER5 Moves the cursor one character to the right. NEXT END OF LINE1 Moves the cursor to the end of the line. NEXT ERROR: Selects the next diagnostic in the current set of diagnostics. NEXT PAGEA Moves the cursor to the next page of text in the current buffer. NEXT PLACEHOLDER2 Moves the cursor to the next placeholder. NEXT SCREEN5 Moves the cursor to the next screen of text. NEXT START OF LINE8 Moves the cursor to the start of the next line. NEXT WINDOWE Moves the cursor from the current window to the next window. NEXT WORDB Moves the cursor to the first character of the next word. ONE WINDOW= Removes all but the current window from your screen. OPEN FILEF Moves the cursor to the buffer containing the specified file. OPEN SELECTED FILED Uses the current primary selection information to determine  the file to open. OVERVIEW SOURCE, Displays an overview of the buffer. PASTED Copies the contents of the specified buffer or clipboard to the current location. PATTERN EXACT SUBSTITUTEC Searches for a string that matches the wildcard string andF replaces it with the text exactly as specified in the replace string. PATTERN SEARCHD Enables the use of wildcard patterns in a search string and@  searches the current buffer for all occurrences of that string. PATTERN SUBSTITUTEA Replaces any string matching the given string, which may contain wildcards. PLSE< Directs LSE to execute a portable language command. PREVIOUS BUFFER@ Moves the previous buffer in the list of buffers to the current window. PREVIOUS CHARACTER4 Moves the cursor one character to the left. PREVIOUS END OF LINE: Moves the cursor to the end of the previous line. PREVIOUS ERROR> Selects the previous diagnostic in the current set of diagnostics. PREVIOUS PAGEE Moves the cursor to the previous page of text in the current buffer. PREVIOUS PLACEHOLDER6 Moves the cursor to the previous placeholder. PREVIOUS SCREEN? Moves the cursor to the previous screen of text in the current buffer. PREVIOUS START OF LINE3 Moves the cursor to the start of the line. PREVIOUS WINDOWA Moves the cursor from the current window to the previous window. PREVIOUS WORDC Moves the cursor to the first character of the word to the left. QUITB Ends an LSE session without saving modified user buffers. QUOTE: Enters a control code or other character as text. QUOTE KEYNAMED Accepts keypad and function keys to enter a control code or7 other character as text in the current buffer. RECOVER BUFFERC Reconstructs the contents of a buffer from a buffer-change journal file. REDO/ Reverses the most recent UNDO command. REFRESH* Clears and redisplays the screen. REPEAT7 Repeats a command a specified number of times. REPLACEE Return an element, to its source control area creating a new revision. RESERVE; Retrieve element from the repository for revision. RESTOREC Restores the text deleted by the most recent ERASE command REVIEW? Displays a set of diagnostic messages resulting from a+ compilation of the current buffer. REVIEW BUFFER? Displays a set of diagnostic messages resulting from a- compilation of the specified buffer. REVIEW FILEB  Displays a set of diagnostic messages, from the specified8 diagnostics file, resulting from a compilation. SAVE AS9 Writes the current buffer to the specified file. SAVE ENVIRONMENT@ Saves all language definitions, including placeholders,C tokens, aliases, routines, adjustments, and packages in an environment file. SAVE ENVIRONMENT CHANGESD Saves language definitions (including placeholders, tokens,@  aliases, and packages) that were defined in the current0 editing session in an environment file. SAVE FILE9 Writes the current buffer to the specified file. SAVE SECTIONE Writes the binary form of all current key definitions, learnD sequences, and text processing utility (TPU) procedures and% variables to a section file. SAVE SELECTION= Writes the contents of the selected range to a file. SAVE VISIBLE: Writes the visible lines in the buffer to a file. SEARCHA Searches the current buffer for the specified string and- positions the cursor at that string. SELECT! Toggles the select mark. SELECT ALL; Selects the entire contents of the current buffer. SET ADJUSTMENT COMPRESS= Indicates whether groups of matching lines should be compressed. SET ADJUSTMENT COUNTF Determines whether the adjusted line contributes to a group's line count. SET ADJUSTMENT CURRENT5 Adjusts the indentation of the current line. SET ADJUSTMENT INHERITE Specifies that the indentation for the current line is taken7 from the adjusted indentation of another line. SET ADJUSTMENT OVERVIEWE Indicates whether or not the text of the line is used as the overview line. SET ADJUSTMENT PATTERN. Defines the pattern of an adjustment.% SET ADJUSTMENT PREFIX ADJUSTMENT> Lets you skip a pattern at the beginning of a line to" determine the adjustment.& SET ADJUSTMENT PREFIX INDENTATION> Lets you skip a pattern at the beginning of a line to) determine the indentation value. SET ADJUSTMENT SUBSEQUENTA Adjusts the indentation of lines after the current line. SET ADJUSTMENT UNIT? Tells LSE to treat consecutive lines as a single unit. SET ALIAS EXPAND TEXT/ Defines the expanded text of an alias. SET BALANCE WINDOWSE Automatically balances window length whenever you change the number of windows. SET BELL ALLC Sets the state that determines whether or not the terminalE bell sounds when messages are written to the message window. SET BELL BROADCASTD Sets the state that determines whether or not terminal bellB sounds when broadcast messages are written to the message window. SET BUFFER AUTO ERASEF Enables or disables automatic erasing of placeholders for the current buffer. SET BUFFER CLOSE, Sets the buffer's read/write state. SET BUFFER DIRECTION> Sets the direction of a buffer to forward or reverse. SET BUFFER INDENTATIONC Sets the indentation level for the current buffer, without# changing the current line. SET BUFFER JOURNALINGE Enables or disables buffer-change journaling for the current buffer. SET BUFFER LANGUAGE7 Associates a language with the current buffer. SET BUFFER LEFT MARGINB Sets the left margin for the current buffer to the column number you specify. SET BUFFER MODIFIABLEC Changes the buffer modifiable state of the current buffer. SET BUFFER OUTPUT FILE;  Associates an output file with the current buffer. SET BUFFER OVERVIEW? Enables or disables overview operations in the current buffer. SET BUFFER RIGHT MARGIN6 Sets the right margin for the current buffer. SET BUFFER TAB INCREMENTE Specifies the logical tab stop length in the current buffer. SET BUFFER TEXTD Sets the text-entry mode of the current buffer to insert or overstrike. SET BUFFER WRAPA Enables or disables line wrapping in the current buffer. SET CLIPBOARDC Changes the default behavior for the DECwindows clipboard. SET COMMAND LANGUAGE9 Sets the command language to Portable or VMSLSE. SET CURSOR6 Sets free or bound cursor motion in a buffer. SET DIRECTORY DEFAULTB Changes your default device and directory specifications. SET DIRECTORY READONLY9 Sets the indicated directory's read/write state. SET DIRECTORY SOURCE? Specifies a directory to be used to find source files. SET FONT@ Sets the screen font size to big or little and the font( spacing to normal or condensed. SET HEIGHT0 Sets the number of lines on the screen. SET KEYPAD3 Sets the keypad definitions to EDT or EVE. SET LANGUAGE ANSI FORTRAN7 Specifies special processing for ANSI Fortran.$ SET LANGUAGE BRACKETED COMMENTS= Specifies the character sequences of comments in the language.% SET LANGUAGE COMMENT ASSOCIATIONC Specifies whether comments are associated with the next or previous identifier.! SET LANGUAGE COMPILE COMMANDF Specifies the default command string for the COMPILE command. SET LANGUAGE ESCAPESC Describes the syntax of certain language elements, such as? strings, that require special handling for proper text formatting. SET LANGUAGE EXPAND CASEC Specifies the case of expanded text of inserted templates. SET LANGUAGE FILE TYPESC Specifies a file type that is valid for the language being defined. SET LANGUAGE FIXED COMMENTSF Specifies the character sequences of fixed comment delimiters in the language. SET LANGUAGE FORTRAN2 Specifies special processing for Fortran. SET LANGUAGE HELP LIBRARYD Specifies the HELP library where you can find help text for: placeholders and tokens defined in this language. SET LANGUAGE HELP TOPICF Specifies a prefix string to be concatenated in a placeholderB or token definition before LSE looks up the help text for# that placeholder or token.' SET LANGUAGE IDENTIFIER CHARACTERSD Specifies the characters that may appear in token and alias  names in the language. SET LANGUAGE INITIAL STRING@ Specifies the initial text that is to appear in a newly created buffer. SET LANGUAGE LEFT MARGINA Specifies the default left margin setting to be used for* buffers associated with language. SET LANGUAGE LINE COMMENTS> Specifies the character sequences of the line comment# delimiter in the language." SET LANGUAGE OPTIONAL DELIMITD Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit optional placeholders.' SET LANGUAGE OPTIONAL LIST DELIMITD Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit optional list placeholders.( SET LANGUAGE OVERVIEW MINIMUM LINESD Specifies the minimum number of lines an overview line must hide$ SET LANGUAGE OVERVIEW TAB RANGEC Indicates the range of tab values for which the adjustment definitions are valid.$ SET LANGUAGE PSEUDOCODE DELIMITF Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit pseudocode placeholders.( SET LANGUAGE PUNCTUATION CHARACTERSA Specifies the characters that are considered punctuation/ marks, or delimiters, in the language. SET LANGUAGE QUOTESC Describes the syntax of certain language elements, such as? strings, that require special handling for proper text formatting." SET LANGUAGE REQUIRED DELIMITD Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit required placeholders.' SET LANGUAGE REQUIRED LIST DELIMITD Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit required list placeholders. SET LANGUAGE RIGHT MARGINF Specifies the default right margin setting that is to be used2 for buffers associated with the language. SET LANGUAGE TAB INCREMENTD Specifies the increment of tab stops to be used for buffers& associated with the language.! SET LANGUAGE TAG TERMINATORSE Specifies a list of characters that you can use to terminate a comment tag.# SET LANGUAGE TRAILING COMMENTS? Specifies the character sequences of trailing commment$ delimiters in the language. SET LANGUAGE VERSIONE Specifies a string that represents the version number of the language. SET LANGUAGE WRAPD Specifies whether text should be wrapped to a new line whenF you are typing beyond the right margin of the current line in1 any buffer associated with the language. SET MAX UNDO? Sets the maximum number of commands you can undo for a specific buffer. SET MAXIMUM WINDOWS9 Specifies the maximum number of windows that LSE automatically creates. SET MENU LABEL) Modifies an existing menu label. SET MENU MNEMONICS+ Sets the menu mnemonics on or off. SET MINIMUM WINDOW LENGTH= Specifies the minimum length of the windows that LSE automatically creates. SET NUMBER OF WINDOWS9 Sets a specific number of windows on the screen. SET PACKAGE HELP LIBRARYD Specifies the HELP file (.HLB file) where you can find helpC text for routines and parameters defined for this package. SET PACKAGE HELP TOPIC<  Specifies a prefix string to be concatenated to theA TOPIC_STRING for routines and parameters defined for the package. SET PACKAGE LANGUAGE? Specifies the languages for which package routines are defined.! SET PACKAGE PARAMETER EXPANDD Prefix of a text processing utility (TPU) routine to define5 the expansion of parameters in this package. SET PACKAGE ROUTINE EXPANDF Sets the prefix of a text processing utility (TPU) routine to: define the expansion of routines in this package. SET PENDING DELETEA Specifies whether or not a selection in a user buffer is* deleted when a user inserts text.$ SET PLACEHOLDER AUTO SUBSTITUTEA Specifies whether to replace the next occurrence of this> placeholder with the text typed over the current one. SET PLACEHOLDER BODY LINEA Specifies a body line of a nonterminal type placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER DESCRIPTION6 Specifies text for a placeholder description. SET PLACEHOLDER DUPLICATION; Specifies whether a list placeholder is duplicated$ horizontally or vertically. SET PLACEHOLDER HELP TOPIC> Sets the help topic string for the given placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER INHERITB Causes a placeholder to inherit the definition of another placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER LEADINGE  Identifies leading text to be associated with a placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER MENU LINED Specifies a line of menu that is displayed when a menu-type! placeholder is expanded. SET PLACEHOLDER PSEUDOCODE; Specifies whether you can enter pseudocode at this placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER SEPARATORD Specifies the string that separates each duplication of the placeholder." SET PLACEHOLDER TERMINAL LINE9  Specifies a line of a terminal-type placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER TRAILING> Specifies any trailing text to be associated with the placeholder. SET PRIMARY SELECTION MODELF Lets you choose between a focus-based primary selection model7 and a selection-based primary selection model. SET PROMPT ABORT, Defines keys for aborting a prompt. SET PROMPT ALTERMINATORC Defines keys for terminating a prompt that are executed in$ only in the current buffer. SET PROMPT DIALOG# Sets dialog box prompting. SET PROMPT EXPANDMENUA Specifies the available key bindings for the expand menu prompt. SET PROMPT KEYPAD< Specifies the available key bindings for prompting. SET PROMPT TERMINATOR0 Specifies which key completes a prompt. SET ROUTINE DESCRIPTION9 Sets the description string for a given routine. SET ROUTINE HELP TOPIC: Sets the help topic string for the given routine. SET ROUTINE PARAMETER4 Specifies a parameter to the given routine. SET SAVE RELATED BUFFERSB Determines if related modified buffers are written out on COMPILE commands. SET SCROLL MARGINSC Specifies the lines at the top and bottom of the buffer at- which the cursor triggers scrolling. SET SEARCH AUTO REVERSEC Specifies that LSE search in the opposite direction if the6 string is not found in the current direction. SET SEARCH CASE SENSITIVE? Specifies whether or not LSE matches case exactly when searching for text. SET SEARCH DIACRITICALE Specifies whether or not LSE exactly matches characters with7 diacritical markings when performing a search. SET SEARCH PATTERN? Sets whether LSE uses ULTRIX, VMS or TPU style pattern% matching for search strings. SET SEARCH SPAN SPACEE Determines how LSE matches blank space in the search string. SET TABS HARD? Specifies whether tab or blank characters are used for tabulation SET TABS VISIBLE= Specifies whether or not visible tab symbols appear. SET TOKEN BODY LINE* Specifies a body line of a token. SET TOKEN DESCRIPTION0 Specifies text for a token description. SET TOKEN HELP TOPIC8 Sets the help topic string for the given token. SET TOKEN INHERITD Specifies the name of a defined placeholder that expands in place of the token. SET UNDO= Specifies whether or not UNDO processing is enabled. SET WIDTH$ Specifies the screen width. SHIFT LEFTB Shifts the window to the left or text to the right by the% specified number of columns. SHIFT RIGHTB Shifts the window to the right or text to the left by the% specified number of columns. SHOW ADJUSTMENTF Displays the definitions and characteristics of the indicated adjustments. SHOW ALIASD Displays the definitions and characteristics of one or more aliases. SHOW ATTRIBUTES0 Displays the current system attributes. SHOW BUFFER@ Displays information about the indicated buffer or user buffers. SHOW KEY: Displays the definitions of the specified key(s). SHOW LANGUAGEC Displays the characteristics of the specified language(s). SHOW LANGUAGE ROUTINEA Displays the characteristics of the specified routine(s), associated with the given language. SHOW MARK< Displays information for the indicated user marker. SHOW MAX UNDOE Shows the maximum number of commands that you can undo for a specific buffer. SHOW PACKAGE> Displays the characteristics of one or more packages. SHOW PACKAGE ROUTINEA Displays the characteristics of the specified routine(s)+ associated with the given package. SHOW PLACEHOLDERD Displays the definitions and characteristics of one or more placeholders. SHOW PROMPT ATTRIBUTES( Displays the prompt attributes. SHOW SEARCH ATTRIBUTES4 Displays the status of text-search options. SHOW SUMMARY: Shows statistics and other information about LSE. SHOW SYSTEM BUFFER< Displays information about the indicated buffer(s). SHOW TOKEND Displays the definitions and characteristics of one or more tokens. SHOW VERSION- Displays the current version of LSE. SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTES0 Displays the current window attributes.  SHRINK WINDOW$ Shrinks the current window. SPAWN? Creates a subprocess running a command interpreter and& suspends the editing session. SPELL@ Runs DECspell on OpenVMS systems to check the currently@ selected text or the entire buffer for spelling errors. START OF LINE? Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line. SUBSTITUTE> Replaces occurrences of one text string with another.  TOGGLE INSERT OVERSTRIKEC Switches the text-entry mode in the current buffer between insert and overstrike. TOPA Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current buffer. TPUE Directs LSE to execute text processing utility (TPU) program statments. TWO WINDOWS4 Splits the current window into two windows. UNDO9 Reverses the most recently executed LSE command. UNRESERVE6  Cancels a previous reservation of an element. UPPERCASEE Changes the current word or the selected range to uppercase. VIEW DEBUGGING SOURCE; Displays the source code with adjustments applied. VIEW FILE= Moves the cursor to a read-only, unmodifiable buffer' containing the specified file. VIEW SOURCE9 Displays the top levels of detail in the buffer. WHAT LINEC Shows the current line number and total number of lines in the buffer.ww ݰ 91 Commands_for_Compiling_Source_Code_and_Reviewing_Errors COMPILEB Lets you compile the contents of a buffer without leaving LSE. COMPILE REVIEWD Compile the contents of the current buffer, and then review any errors. GOTO REVIEW@ Moves the cursor to the currently active review buffer. GOTO SOURCED Displays the source corresponding to the current diagnostic or show list entry. NEXT ERROR: Selects the next diagnostic in the current set of diagnostics. PREVIOUS ERROR> Selects the previous diagnostic in the current set of diagnostics. REVIEW? Displays a set of diagnostic messages resulting from a+ compilation of the current buffer. REVIEW BUFFER? Displays a set of diagnostic messages resulting from a-  compilation of the specified buffer. REVIEW FILEB Displays a set of diagnostic messages, from the specified8 diagnostics file, resulting from a compilation. SET SAVE RELATED BUFFERSB Determines if related modified buffers are written out on COMPILE commands.ww0ް 1 Cross_Reference_Commands FIND OCCURRENCESB Sends a message to the cross-reference server, asking theB server to display the occurences of the indicated symbol. GOTO DECLARATIONE Displays the source for the primary declaration of a symbol.ww0ް 1 Cursor_Movement_Commands BOTTOM; Moves the cursor to the end of the current buffer. DELETE MARK& Deletes the indicated marker. END OF LINE9 Moves the cursor to the end of the current line. GOTO MARK1 Moves the cursor to a user-defined mark. LINE:  Moves the cursor to the specified line number. . MOVE DOWN( Moves the cursor down one line. MOVE UP& Moves the cursor up one line. NEW MARKB Marks the current cursor position with the supplied name. NEXT CHARACTER5 Moves the cursor one character to the right. NEXT END OF LINE1 Moves the cursor to the end of the line. NEXT PAGEA Moves the cursor to the next page of text in the current buffer. NEXT PLACEHOLDER2 Moves the cursor to the next placeholder. NEXT SCREEN5 Moves the cursor to the next screen of text. NEXT START OF LINE8 Moves the cursor to the start of the next line. NEXT WORDB Moves the cursor to the first character of the next word. PATTERN SEARCHD Enables the use of wildcard patterns in a search string and@ searches the current buffer for all occurrences of that string. PREVIOUS CHARACTER4 Moves the cursor one character to the left. PREVIOUS END OF LINE: Moves the cursor to the end of the previous line. PREVIOUS PAGEE Moves the cursor to the previous page of text in the current buffer. PREVIOUS PLACEHOLDER6 Moves the cursor to the previous placeholder. PREVIOUS SCREEN? Moves the cursor to the previous screen of text in the  current buffer. PREVIOUS START OF LINE3 Moves the cursor to the start of the line. PREVIOUS WORDC Moves the cursor to the first character of the word to the left. SEARCHA Searches the current buffer for the specified string and- positions the cursor at that string. SET CURSOR6 Sets free or bound cursor motion in a buffer. SET SEARCH AUTO REVERSEC Specifies that LSE search in the opposite direction if the6 string is not found in the current direction. SET SEARCH CASE SENSITIVE? Specifies whether or not LSE matches case exactly when searching for text. SET SEARCH DIACRITICALE Specifies whether or not LSE exactly matches characters with7 diacritical markings when performing a search. SET SEARCH PATTERN? Sets whether LSE uses ULTRIX, VMS or TPU style pattern% matching for search strings. SET SEARCH SPAN SPACEE Determines how LSE matches blank space in the search string. START OF LINE? Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line. TOPA Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current buffer.ww@>ް "1 Editing_Session_Control_Commands ATTACHA Allows you to switch control of your terminal to another process. CLIC Executes a Command Language Interpreter (CLI) command from% within your editing session. EXIT? Ends an LSE editing session and returns control to the7 calling process or the command-line interface. GOTO COMMAND" Displays the LSE> prompt. LSE< Directs LSE to execute a portable language command. PLSE< Directs LSE to execute a portable language command. QUITB Ends an LSE session without saving modified user buffers. REPEAT7 Repeats a command a specified number of times. SET BUFFER JOURNALINGE Enables or disables buffer-change journaling for the current buffer. SET FONT@ Sets the screen font size to big or little and the font( spacing to normal or condensed. SPAWN? Creates a subprocess running a command interpreter and& suspends the editing session. TPUE Directs LSE to execute text processing utility (TPU) program statments.ww@>ް '1 File_and_Buffer_Manipulation_Commands CLOSEC Writes the current buffer to its associated file, if it isE writable and has been modified, and then deletes the buffer. CLOSE BUFFER% Writes and deletes a buffer. CLOSE FILE9 Writes a file and deletes the associated buffer. DELETE BUFFER Deletes a buffer. INCLUDE FILEE  Includes the specified file at the current editing position. NEW BUFFER4 Creates a new buffer in the current window. NEW FILE0 Creates a new file and positions to it. OPEN FILEF Moves the cursor to the buffer containing the specified file. OPEN SELECTED FILED Uses the current primary selection information to determine the file to open. RECOVER BUFFERC Reconstructs the contents of a buffer from a buffer-change journal file. SAVE AS9 Writes the current buffer to the specified file. SAVE FILE9 Writes the current buffer to the specified file. SAVE SELECTION= Writes the contents of the selected range to a file. SAVE VISIBLE: Writes the visible lines in the buffer to a file. SET BUFFER AUTO ERASEF Enables or disables automatic erasing of placeholders for the current buffe r. SET BUFFER CLOSE, Sets the buffer's read/write state. SET BUFFER DIRECTION> Sets the direction of a buffer to forward or reverse. SET BUFFER INDENTATIONC Sets the indentation level for the current buffer, without# changing the current line. SET BUFFER LANGUAGE7 Associates a language with the current buffer. SET BUFFER LEFT MARGINB Sets the left margin for the current buffer to the column  number you specify. SET BUFFER MODIFIABLEC Changes the buffer modifiable state of the current buffer. SET BUFFER OUTPUT FILE; Associates an output file with the current buffer. SET BUFFER RIGHT MARGIN6 Sets the right margin for the current buffer. SET BUFFER TAB INCREMENTE Specifies the logical tab stop length in the current buffer. SET BUFFER TEXTD Sets the text-entry mode of the current buffe r to insert or overstrike. SET BUFFER WRAPA Enables or disables line wrapping in the current buffer. SET DIRECTORY READONLY9 Sets the indicated directory's read/write state. SET DIRECTORY SOURCE? Specifies a directory to be used to find source files. SHOW BUFFER@ Displays information about the indicated buffer or user buffers. SHOW SYSTEM BUFFER< Displays information about the indi cated buffer(s). VIEW FILE= Moves the cursor to a read-only, unmodifiable buffer' containing the specified file.wwPeް 1 Help_and_Status_Commands HELP< Displays information about LSE commands and topics. HELP INDICATEDB Displays the help text associated with the current token,! placeholder, or routine. HELP KEY9 Displays help information for the indicated key. HELP KEYPAD 9 Displays help on the key binding for the keypad. SET DIRECTORY DEFAULTB Changes your default device and directory specifications. SHOW ADJUSTMENTF Displays the definitions and characteristics of the indicated adjustments. SHOW ATTRIBUTES0 Displays the current system attributes. SHOW KEY: Displays the definitions of the specified key(s). SHOW LANGUAGEC Displays the characteristics of the specified language(s). SHOW MARK< Displays information for the indicated user marker. SHOW PACKAGE> Displays the characteristics of one or more packages. SHOW PROMPT ATTRIBUTES( Displays the prompt attributes. SHOW SEARCH ATTRIBUTES4 Displays the status of text-search options. SHOW SUMMARY: Shows statistics and other information about LSE. SHOW TOKEND Displays the definitions and characteristics of one or more tokens. SHOW VERSION- Displays the current version of LSE. SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTES0 Displays the current window attributes. WHAT LINEC Shows the current line number and total number of lines in the buffer.ww`ް 1 Language_Modification_Commands CHECK LANGUAGE DEFINITIONS@ Analyzes the definitions associated with a language and reports errors. CHECK LANGUAGE HELPD Detects and reports invalid topic strings associated with a language. DELETE ADJUSTMENTE Deletes the definition of one or more adjustments associated) with the specified lannguage(s). DELETE ALIASF Deletes the definition of one or more aliases associated with# the specified language(s). DELETE LANGUAGE6 Deletes the indicated language definition(s). DELETE PACKAGE* Deletes the package(s) specified. DELETE PLACEHOLDERF Deletes the definition of one or more placeholders associated% with the specified language. DELETE TOKENE Deletes the definition of one or more tokens associated with! a specified language(s). EXTRACT ADJUSTMENTC Extracts the definition of an adjustment and formats it as portable commands. EXTRACT ALIAS< Extracts the definition of the specified alias(es). EXTRACT LANGUAGE> Extracts the definition of the specified language(s). EXTRACT NEW ADJUSTMENTD Extracts the definition of the specified adjustment defined, during the current editing session. EXTRACT NEW ALIASF Extracts the definition of the specified alias(es) created or5 modified during the current editing session. EXTRACT NEW LANGUAGEE Extracts the definition of the specified language(s) defined, during the current editing session. EXTRACT NEW PACKAGED Extracts the definition of the specified package(s) defined% during this editing session. EXTRACT NEW PLACEHOLDER@ Extracts the definition of the specified placeholder(s)- defined during this editing session. EXTRACT NEW TOKENB Extracts the definition of the specified token(s) defined% during this editing session. EXTRACT PACKAGE= Extracts the definition of the specified package(s). EXTRACT PLACEHOLDERA Extracts the definition of the specified placeholder(s). EXTRACT TOKEN; Extracts the definition of the specified token(s). NEW ADJUSTMENT? Creates a new adjustment associated with the specified language. NEW ALIASD Creates a new alias associated with the specified language. NEW LANGUAGE Creates a new language. NEW PACKAGE? Creates a subroutine package for which subroutine-call/ templates are automatically generated. NEW PLACEHOLDERC Creates a placeholder for use with the specified language. NEW TOKEN> Creates an token for use with the specified language. SAVE ENVIRONMENT@ Saves all language definitions, including placeholders,C tokens, aliases, routines, adjustments, and packages in an  environment file. SAVE ENVIRONMENT CHANGESD Saves language definitions (including placeholders, tokens,@ aliases, and packages) that were defined in the current0 editing session in an environment file. SET ADJUSTMENT COMPRESS= Indicates whether groups of matching lines should be compressed. SET ADJUSTMENT COUNTF Determines whether the adjusted line contributes to a group's line count. SET ADJUSTMENT CURRENT5 Adjusts the indentation of the current line. SET ADJUSTMENT INHERITE Specifies that the indentation for the current line is taken7 from the adjusted indentation of another line. SET ADJUSTMENT OVERVIEWE Indicates whether or not the text of the line is used as the overview line. SET ADJUSTMENT PATTERN. Defines the pattern of an adjustment.& SET ADJUSTMENT PREFIX INDENTATION> Lets you skip a pattern at the beginning of a line to) determine the indentation value. SET ADJUSTMENT SUBSEQUENTA Adjusts the indentation of lines after the current line. SET ADJUSTMENT UNIT? Tells LSE to treat consecutive lines as a single unit. SET ALIAS EXPAND TEXT/ Defines the expanded text of an alias. SET LANGUAGE ANSI FORTRAN7 Specifies special processing for ANSI Fortran.$ SET LANGUAGE BRACKETED COMMENTS= Specifies the character sequences of comments in the language.% SET LANGUAGE COMMENT ASSOCIATIONC Specifies whether comments are associated with the next or previous identifier.! SET LANGUAGE COMPILE COMMANDF Specifies the default command string for the COMPILE command. SET LANGUAGE ESCAPESC Describes the syntax of certain language elements, such as? strings, that require special handling for proper text formatting. SET LANGUAGE EXPAND CASEC Specifies the case of expanded text of inserted templates. SET LANGUAGE FILE TYPESC Specifies a file type that is valid for the language being defined. SET LANGUAGE FIXED COMMENTSF Specifies the character sequences of fixed comment delimiters in the language. SET LANGUAGE FORTRAN2 Specifies special processing for Fortran. SET LANGUAGE HELP LIBRARYD Specifies the HELP library where you can find help text for: placeholders and tokens defined in this language. SET LANGUAGE HELP TOPICF Specifies a prefix string to be concatenated in a placeholderB or token definition before LSE looks up the help text for# that placeholder or token.' SET LANGUAGE IDENTIFIER CHARACTERSD Specifies the characters that may appear in token and alias names in the language. SET LANGUAGE INITIAL STRING@ Specifies the initial text that is to appear in a newly created buffer. SET LANGUAGE LEFT MARGINA Specifies the default left margin setting to be used for* buffers associated with language. SET LANGUAGE LINE COMMENTS> Specifies the character sequences of the line comment# delimiter in the language." SET LANGUAGE OPTIONAL DELIMITD Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit optional placeholders.' SET LANGUAGE OPTIONAL LIST DELIMITD Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit optional list placeholders.( SET LANGUAGE OVERVIEW MINIMUM LINESD Specifies the minimum number of lines an overview line must hide$ SET LANGUAGE OVERVIEW TAB RANGEC Indicates the range of tab values for which the adjustment definitions are valid.$ SET LANGUAGE PSEUDOCODE DELIMITF Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit pseudocode placeholders.( SET LANGUAGE PUNCTUATION CHARACTERSA Specifies the characters that are considered punctuation/ marks, or delimiters, in the language. SET LANGUAGE QUOTESC Describes the syntax of certain language elements, such as? strings, that require special handling for proper text formatting." SET LANGUAGE REQUIRED DELIMITD  Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit required placeholders.' SET LANGUAGE REQUIRED LIST DELIMITD Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit required list placeholders. SET LANGUAGE RIGHT MARGINF Specifies the default right margin setting that is to be used2 for buffers associated with the language. SET LANGUAGE TAB INCREMENTD Specifies the increment of tab stops to be used for buffers&   associated with the language.! SET LANGUAGE TAG TERMINATORSE Specifies a list of characters that you can use to terminate a comment tag.# SET LANGUAGE TRAILING COMMENTS? Specifies the character sequences of trailing commment$ delimiters in the language. SET LANGUAGE VERSIONE Specifies a string that represents the version number of the language. SET LANGUAGE WRAPD Specifies whether text shou!ld be wrapped to a new line whenF you are typing beyond the right margin of the current line in1 any buffer associated with the language. SET PACKAGE HELP LIBRARYD Specifies the HELP file (.HLB file) where you can find helpC text for routines and parameters defined for this package. SET PACKAGE HELP TOPIC< Specifies a prefix string to be concatenated to theA TOPIC_STRING for routines and parameters defined for the " package. SET PACKAGE LANGUAGE? Specifies the languages for which package routines are defined.! SET PACKAGE PARAMETER EXPANDD Prefix of a text processing utility (TPU) routine to define5 the expansion of parameters in this package. SET PACKAGE ROUTINE EXPANDF Sets the prefix of a text processing utility (TPU) routine to: define the expansion of routines in this package.$ SET PLACEHOLDER AUTO SUBSTITUTE#A Specifies whether to replace the next occurrence of this> placeholder with the text typed over the current one. SET PLACEHOLDER BODY LINEA Specifies a body line of a nonterminal type placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER DESCRIPTION6 Specifies text for a placeholder description. SET PLACEHOLDER DUPLICATION; Specifies whether a list placeholder is duplicated$ horizontally or vertically. SET PLACEHOLDER HELP TOPIC$> Sets the help topic string for the given placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER INHERITB Causes a placeholder to inherit the definition of another placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER LEADINGE Identifies leading text to be associated with a placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER MENU LINED Specifies a line of menu that is displayed when a menu-type! placeholder is expanded. SET PLACEHOLDER PSEUDOCODE; Specifies whether y%ou can enter pseudocode at this placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER SEPARATORD Specifies the string that separates each duplication of the placeholder." SET PLACEHOLDER TERMINAL LINE9 Specifies a line of a terminal-type placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER TRAILING> Specifies any trailing text to be associated with the placeholder. SET TOKEN BODY LINE* Specifies a body line of a token. SET TOKEN DES&CRIPTION0 Specifies text for a token description. SET TOKEN HELP TOPIC8 Sets the help topic string for the given token. SET TOKEN INHERITD Specifies the name of a defined placeholder that expands in place of the token. SHOW ALIASD Displays the definitions and characteristics of one or more aliases. SHOW PLACEHOLDERD Displays the definitions and characteristics of one or more placeho'lders.wwް 1 Program_Design_Commands COLLAPSE@ Compresses text and displays an overview at the current cursor position. DELETE BUFFER OVERVIEWF This command deletes the overview information for the current buffer. ENTER COMMENTF Converts pseudocode into comments using block or line format. ENTER PSEUDOCODE3 Inserts pseudocode placeholder delimiters. ERASE COMMENT9 ( Reverses the effect of an ENTER COMMENT command. EXPANDE Replaces tokens, placeholders, overview lines, or show lists with appropriate text. FOCUS> Displays an overview of the buffer around the current position. OVERVIEW SOURCE, Displays an overview of the buffer. SET BUFFER OVERVIEW? Enables or disables overview operations in the current buffer. VIEW DEBUGGING SOURCE; ) Displays the source code with adjustments applied. VIEW SOURCE9 Displays the top levels of detail in the buffer.ww߰ 1 Repository_Commands FETCH> Retrieve the element without causing version changes. REPLACEE Return an element, to its source control area creating a new revision. RESERVE; Retrieve element from the repository for revision. UNRESERVE6 Cancels a previous re*servation of an element.ww߰ 1 Screen_Manipulation_Commands BALANCE WINDOWSA Resizes all user windows on the screen to the same size. DELETE MENU ENTRYF Deletes an entry from a pull-down menu or from a pop-up menu. DELETE MENU LABEL Deletes a menu label. DELETE MENU SEPARATORC Deletes a separator from a pull-down menu or from a pop-up menu. DELETE WINDOW$ Deletes the curre+nt window. ENLARGE WINDOWF Enlarges the current window by the specified number of lines. GOTO BUFFER: Moves the specified buffer to the current window. NEW WINDOW= Divides the current window into two or more windows. NEXT BUFFERD Moves the next buffer in the list of buffers to the current window. NEXT WINDOWE Moves the cursor from the current window to the next window. ONE WINDOW= , Removes all but the current window from your screen. PREVIOUS BUFFER@ Moves the previous buffer in the list of buffers to the current window. PREVIOUS WINDOWA Moves the cursor from the current window to the previous window. REDO/ Reverses the most recent UNDO command. REFRESH* Clears and redisplays the screen. SET BALANCE WINDOWSE Automatically balances window length whenever y-ou change the number of windows. SET HEIGHT0 Sets the number of lines on the screen. SET MAX UNDO? Sets the maximum number of commands you can undo for a specific buffer. SET MAXIMUM WINDOWS9 Specifies the maximum number of windows that LSE automatically creates. SET MINIMUM WINDOW LENGTH= Specifies the minimum length of the windows that LSE automatically creates. SET N.UMBER OF WINDOWS9 Sets a specific number of windows on the screen. SET SCROLL MARGINSC Specifies the lines at the top and bottom of the buffer at- which the cursor triggers scrolling. SET WIDTH$ Specifies the screen width. SHIFT LEFTB Shifts the window to the left or text to the right by the% specified number of columns. SHIFT RIGHTB Shifts the window to the right or text to the left by the%/ specified number of columns. SHOW MAX UNDOE Shows the maximum number of commands that you can undo for a specific buffer. SHRINK WINDOW$ Shrinks the current window. TWO WINDOWS4 Splits the current window into two windows. UNDO9 Reverses the most recently executed LSE command.ww(߰ (1 Commands_for_Tailoring_the_Environment DELETE KEY' Deletes a user key definition0. DELETE ROUTINE@ Deletes the definition of one or more routines from the specified package(s). DISABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX? Disables a prefix associated with a customized command language.% DISABLE VMS INTEGRATION COMMANDSA Disables Source Code Analyzer for OpenVMS (SCA) and CodeD Management System for OpenVMS (CMS) integration on OpenVMS. ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIXE Enables a prefix for use with a cus1tomized command language.$ ENABLE VMS INTEGRATION COMMANDS@ Enables Source Code Analyzer for OpenVMS (SCA) and CodeD Management System for OpenVMS (CMS) integration on OpenVMS. EXECUTE BUFFER LSE; Directs LSE to execute LSE commands from a buffer. EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE; Directs LSE to execute LSE commands from a buffer. EXECUTE BUFFER TPUE Directs LSE to execute text processing utility (TPU) program" state2ments from a buffer. EXTEND; Compiles one or more TPU procedures to extend LSE. EXTRACT NEW ROUTINEF Extracts the definition of the routine(s) defined during this editing session. EXTRACT ROUTINE= Extracts the definition of the specified routine(s). NEW KEY' Binds an LSE command to a key. NEW LEARN KEY1 Binds a sequence of keystrokes to a key. NEW MENU ENTRYF Adds an entry3 to the specified pull-down menu or pop-up menu. NEW MENU LABELE Defines a new menu label that can be added to a pull-down or pop-up menu. NEW MENU SEPARATOR= Adds a separator to a pull-down menu or pop-up menu. NEW ROUTINED Creates a new routine template for the specified subroutine package. SAVE SECTIONE Writes the binary form of all current key definitions, learnD sequences, and text pro4cessing utility (TPU) procedures and% variables to a section file.% SET ADJUSTMENT PREFIX ADJUSTMENT> Lets you skip a pattern at the beginning of a line to" determine the adjustment. SET BELL ALLC Sets the state that determines whether or not the terminalE bell sounds when messages are written to the message window. SET BELL BROADCASTD Sets the state that determines whether or not terminal bellB sounds wh5en broadcast messages are written to the message window. SET CLIPBOARDC Changes the default behavior for the DECwindows clipboard. SET COMMAND LANGUAGE9 Sets the command language to Portable or VMSLSE. SET KEYPAD3 Sets the keypad definitions to EDT or EVE. SET MENU LABEL) Modifies an existing menu label. SET MENU MNEMONICS+ Sets the menu mnemonics on or off. SET PENDING DELETEA6 Specifies whether or not a selection in a user buffer is* deleted when a user inserts text. SET PRIMARY SELECTION MODELF Lets you choose between a focus-based primary selection model7 and a selection-based primary selection model. SET PROMPT ABORT, Defines keys for aborting a prompt. SET PROMPT ALTERMINATORC Defines keys for terminating a prompt that are executed in$ only in the current buffer. SET7 PROMPT DIALOG# Sets dialog box prompting. SET PROMPT EXPANDMENUA Specifies the available key bindings for the expand menu prompt. SET PROMPT KEYPAD< Specifies the available key bindings for prompting. SET PROMPT TERMINATOR0 Specifies which key completes a prompt. SET ROUTINE DESCRIPTION9 Sets the description string for a given routine. SET ROUTINE HELP TOPIC: Sets the help topic str8ing for the given routine. SET ROUTINE PARAMETER4 Specifies a parameter to the given routine. SET TABS HARD? Specifies whether tab or blank characters are used for tabulation SET TABS VISIBLE= Specifies whether or not visible tab symbols appear. SET UNDO= Specifies whether or not UNDO processing is enabled. SHOW LANGUAGE ROUTINEA Displays the characteristics of the specified routine(s), : associated with the given language. SHOW PACKAGE ROUTINEA Displays the characteristics of the specified routine(s)+ associated with the given package. TOGGLE INSERT OVERSTRIKEC Switches the text-entry mode in the current buffer between insert and overstrike.wwO߰ 1 Text_Manipulation_Commands ALIGND Aligns trailing comments within the current selected range. BOX COPYC Copies OfDELETE_BUFFER_OVERVIEWQ^ DELETE_EXPANDR2 DELETE_KEYSDELETE_LANGUAGET DELETE_MARKUDELETE_MENU_ENTRYVHDELETE_MENU_LABEL;the selected box to buffer $PASTE or the clipboard. BOX CUTB Moves the selected box to buffer $PASTE or the clipboard. BOX CUT PADB Moves the selected box to buffer $PASTE or the clipboard. BOX DRAW Draws a box. BOX LOWERCASED Changes the case of the text in the currently selected box. BOX PASTED Copies the contents of the default location to a box at the current location. BOX PASTE OVE<RSTRIKED Copies the contents of the default location to a box at the current location. BOX UPPERCASED Changes the case of the text in the currently selected box. CAPITALIZEA Capitalizes the first letter of the current word, or all% words in the selected range. CENTER LINEE Centers the current line between the left and right margins. CHANGE CASED Changes the case of the letter(s) in the select=ed range and0 moves the cursor to the next character. COPYC Copies the selected text to the indicated buffer or to the clipboard. COPY APPEND= Copies the selected text to the end of the buffer or clipboard. CUTF Moves the selected text to the indicated buffer or clipboard. CUT APPENDD Moves the selected text to the end of the designated buffer or clipboard. DELETE EXPAND3> Reverses the effect of the EXPAND command. DELETE SELECTION MARKF Cancels the selected range of the NEW SELECTION MARK command. DELETE TABF Erases blanks and tabs to the left of the cursor, which moves- the cursor to the previous tab stop. ENTER LINE0 Enters a new comment line or text line. ENTER SPACE= Inserts or overstrikes a space at the current cursor position. ENTER SPECIALF ? Causes LSE to enter the character specified by the ASCII code! into the current buffer. ENTER TABA Inserts indentation and moves to the current indentation level. ENTER TEXT4 Enters text at the current cursor position. ERASE CHARACTERF Erases a single character from the current cursor position in the current direction. ERASE END OF LINEC Erases text from the current cursor position to the@ end of the line. ERASE END OF WORDF Erases text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the next word. ERASE LINE> Erases a line of text at the current cursor position. ERASE NEXT CHARACTER# Erases the next character. ERASE NEXT LINEF Erases text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the next line. ERASE NEXT PLACEHOLDERD Erases the text of a plAaceholder and related punctuation in the forward direction. ERASE NEXT WORD. Erases the word following the cursor. ERASE PLACEHOLDER7 Erases a placeholder in the current direction. ERASE PREVIOUS CHARACTER' Erases the previous character. ERASE PREVIOUS LINEF Erases text from the cursor back to the previous end of line. ERASE PREVIOUS PLACEHOLDER7 Erases a placeholder in the reverse direction.B ERASE PREVIOUS WORD+ Erases the word before the cursor. ERASE SELECTION3 Erases the text within the selected range. ERASE START OF LINEE Erases the text from the current cursor position back to the beginning of the line. ERASE START OF WORDF Erases text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the previous word. ERASE WORD6 Erases a word at the current cursor position.C EXACT SUBSTITUTEF Replaces occurrences of the search string with the exact form of the replace string. FILL4 Reformats the text within a selected range. INDENT LEFTC Removes leading blanks and tabs from lines to move one tab stop. INDENT RIGHTD Adds leading blanks and tabs to lines to move one tab stop. LOWERCASEE Changes the current word or the selected range to lowercase. NDEW SELECTION MARK9 Marks a position as one end of a selected range. PASTED Copies the contents of the specified buffer or clipboard to the current location. PATTERN EXACT SUBSTITUTEC Searches for a string that matches the wildcard string andF replaces it with the text exactly as specified in the replace string. PATTERN SUBSTITUTEA Replaces any string matching the given string, which may conEtain wildcards. QUOTE: Enters a control code or other character as text. QUOTE KEYNAMED Accepts keypad and function keys to enter a control code or7 other character as text in the current buffer. RESTOREC Restores the text deleted by the most recent ERASE command SELECT! Toggles the select mark. SELECT ALL; Selects the entire contents of the current buffer. SPELL@ Runs DECsFpell on OpenVMS systems to check the currently@ selected text or the entire buffer for spelling errors. SUBSTITUTE> Replaces occurrences of one text string with another. UPPERCASEE Changes the current word or the selected range to uppercase.wwН߰ 1 Parameter_Glossary add_remove- Adds or removes entries from a list.C Specify the parameter keyword add to add entries to a list2 and remove to rGemove entries form a list. adjustment_name= Represents the name of the adjustment being defined.E Names containing spaces, tabs, or special characters must be enclosed in quotes. adjustment_name_wild? Indicates all adjustments in the language matching the specified string.B LSE accepts the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character that@ matches 0 to n characters, or the percent sign (%) that' matchHes exactly one character.F Defaults to the adjustment most recently created or modified. adjustment_patternF Represents the string that LSE compares against source lines.F If no pattern is used, the adjustment_name parameter is used.6 The following list shows predefined patterns:Q o COLUMN=(first-column[,last-column]) - Limits the column6 in which the text may start.M I You can specify either the first column or both theO first column and the last column. If you specify bothQ the first and last columns, you must enclose the columnO values in parentheses. If you do not specify the lastM column, it takes its default from the first column.G o IDENTIFIER - Matches a sequence of identifier% characters.O J o LINE_END - Matches the end of a line. The end-of-lineD may optionally be preceded by white space.M o OPTIONAL_SPACE - Matches any sequence of spaces and tabs.C o FORMFEED - Matches a form-feed character.O o FORTRAN_COMMENT - Matches only FORTRAN comment lines.J o FORTRAN_FUNCTION - Matches the first line of anyM K FORTRAN function subprogram, which is defined to beF any line that matches the following pattern:1 type [*number] FUNCTION where. type :== BYTE% | LOGICAL% | INTEGER" | REAL. | DOUBLE PRECISION% | COMPLEX, L | DOUBLE COMPLEX' | CHARACTER3 NUMBER :== {DIGIT}...! | (*)Q o PREFIX - The preceding part of the pattern is a prefix. N o NUMBER - Matches any sequence of digits. White spaceI may not appear between digits. In the case of aM match with both NUMBER and IDENTIFIER, NUMBER taMkes% precedence. adjustment_valueA Represents the value for a prefix adjustment definition.< This parameter takes one of the following keywords:Q o Current - Specifies that LSE use the adjustment values: given on the current definition.L o Following - Specifies that LSE use the adjustmentJ values from the definition that matches thNe textM following the prefix. If no text follows the prefixP on the current line, LSE uses the qualifier values for' a blank line. alias_name8 Represents the name of the alias to be defined.F The characters in an alias name must be identifier charactersB defined for the language as specified in the SET LANGUAGEA IDENTIFIER CHARACTERS command. Names containing spaces,O@ tabs, or special characters must be enclosed in quotes. alias_name_wildA Indicates all aliases in the given language matching the specified string.B LSE accepts the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character thatA matches 0 to n characters, and the percent sign (%) that' matches exactly one character.A Defaults to the alias most recently created or modified. ascii_codeF Is a decimal number from 0 Pto 255 representing the ASCII code for a character. before_menu_entryD Identifies the existing entry before which the new entry or separator is placed.- Menu entry names are case sensitive. begin_stringE Represents the first string of a matched pair of delimiters.F Delimiters can be strings of up to 8 characters. Placeholder? and comment delimiters defined for a language must not conflict.Q body_stringD The string that will appear in the body of a placeholder or token. boolean4 Specifies: Yes-No, True-False, On-Off, 1-0> Causes an attribute to be set on or off for the given element. bottom_marginF Indicates the bottom scroll margin as a percent of the window height.D Enter an integer as the percent. LSE takes the percent youF specify and determines the nuRmber of lines up from the bottom6 of a window at which upward scrolling begins. buffer_name) Represents the name of a buffer.D You can specify a buffer name with a character string valueA of up to 255 alphanumeric or special characters. If youE begin the buffer name with special characters, such as thoseA accessed on the top row of your keyboard by pressing theA Shift key, you must enclose the buffer name in quotationSD marks. Similarly, to specify a name that contains embeddedD blanks (spaces), or quotation marks and spaces, enclose theB entire string in quotation marks. You can abbreviate theD buffer name or use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character;C if more than one buffer name matches, LSE will give you an@ options list of all the matching buffer names. You canE select the one on which to perform the operation. If you doD not speciTfy a buffer name, LSE will use the current buffer. buffer_name_wild; Indicates all buffers that match the given string.B LSE accepts the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character thatA matches 0 to n characters, and the percent sign (%) that@ matches exactly one character. If you do not specify aF buffer name, LSE assumes you entered an asterisk (*) to match all buffer names. case_typeA Indicates the case of tUhe text of the inserted template.D Use the parameter value as_is to indicate that the insertedC template be expanded according to the case in the token orF placeholder definition. The parameter values lower and upperD specify that the inserted template be expanded to lowercase$ or uppercase, respectively. character_string> Represents a string containing a series of individual characters.F This parameter diffVers from the text_string parameter in that= it is not treated as a whole string, but rather eachF character in the given string is treated as a separate value.F Order does not matter, and characters should not be repeated. cli_commandB A command to be executed at the command line interpreter.F A string representing a command to be executed at the currentD command line intrepreter on the system you are using. (ForE exampleW, a DCL command on a VMS system or a shell command on an Ultrix system.) close_optionC Indicates whether or not a buffer should be saved when you exit from LSE.F Specify the parameter value readonly to keep LSE from writingF the buffer contents to a file when you exit from LSE or enterE a COMPILE command. The parameter value write indicates thatD LSE writes the buffer contents to a file. If you are goingD X to an existing buffer, the read-write status of that buffer is not changed. column$ Represents a column number.= Most commands prompt you to supply a number for thisB parameter. The ALIGN and FILL commands default to column zero without prompting. command_languageB Indicates either the VMSLSE or PORTABLE command language.A Use the parameter value VMSLSE or LSE to set the command> language toY the LSE Version 3.1 VMS-specific commandsD (available only on VMS) and the parameter value PORTABLE orF PLSE to set the command language to LSE Version 4 open-system Portable commands. comment_association< Indicates with which identifiers comments should be associated.C Specify the parameter value Next to indicate that commentsF should be associated with the next identifier. The parameterD value Previous indiZcates that comments should be associated' with the preceding identifier. comment_type> Indicates in what format a comment should be entered.A Use the parameter value block to indicate that a commentE should be entered above the cursor (or selected text range),< formatting the comment according to the placeholder LSE$BLOCK_COMMENT.@ Use the parameter value line to indicate that a commentF should be entered a[t the end of the current line (or selected= text range), formatting the comment according to the& placeholder LSE$LINE_COMMENT. compile_commandA Is the system command used to compile files of the given language.F If you do not specify a command, LSE uses the default compileD command in the language definition template. The following rules apply:Q 1. If the COMPILE command begins with the dolla \r sign ($),F LSE substitutes the default COMPILE command.Q 2. If the COMPILE command contains the string "'lse$file'"Q (including single quotation marks), LSE substitutes the: file name of the current buffer.F If the compiler has diagnostics capabilities, and you want toD generate diagnostics, you must specify the necessary switch? in the compile command. (For example], on VMS systems, "CC/DIAGNOSTICS".) current_indentationF Represents an integer indentation value for the current line.B Lines matched by the given adjustment are indented by the specified value. cursor_option. Represents the cursor-motion setting.@ Use the parameter value bound to restrict the cursor toC positioning on a character, end-of-line, or end-of-buffer.D The parameter value free lets^ the cursor move anywhere in a> window, including past the end-of-line, past the end-F of-buffer, in the middle of a tab, or to the left of the left margin. defined_adjustment@ Represents the name of a previously defined adjustment.F Defaults to the adjustment most recently created, defined, or modified. defined_alias3 Is the name of a previously defined alias.A Defaults to the alias most recent_ly created or modified. defined_language6 Is the name of a previously defined language.B Defaults to the language used in the most recent languageC modification command entered. If no language modification> command has been entered, it defaults to the language, associated with the current buffer. defined_package= Represents the name of a previously defined package.C Defaults to the most recently created` or modified package. defined_placeholderA Represents the name of a previously defined placeholder.: Defaults to the most recently created or modified placeholder. defined_routine= Represents the name of a previously defined routine.C Defaults to the most recently created or modified routine. defined_token; Represents the name of a previously defined token.A Defaults to the most recentaly created or modified token. depth; Indicates how many levels of detail are displayed.E Use the parameter value all to display all levels of detail.@ Enter a positive number to display a specific number of levels. description; Represents a string describing a language element. direction9 Sets the buffer direction to forward or reverse.< Specify the parameter keywords forward or reverse .b directory_spec@ Represents an operating system-specific directory name.? This value may be a directory search list if those are+ supported by the operating system. duplication8 Indicates how a list placeholder is duplicated.7 The following keyword values may be specified:+ o CONTEXT_DEPENDENTP If the placeholder is the only item within its segmentK c (that is, if it is either the only item before orL the only item within a trailing comment), then LSEO duplicates it vertically (see the VERTICAL keyword inP this list). Otherwise, LSE duplicates it horizontally.L White space may precede or follow the placeholder.$ o HORIZONTALN LSE places the duplicate immediately to the right ofK d the original. If you specify a separation string,L LSE places the string between the original and the$ duplicate." o VERTICALP LSE places the duplicate on the next line, immediatelyG under the original. If a separation string isQ specified, LSE places it at the end of the original. IfN the origineal placeholder is in the commented segmentK of the line, then LSE also duplicates the commentN delimiters directly underneath the delimiters in theM original line. If necessary, LSE adds close commentN delimiters to the original line to close a bracketed/ comment on that line. element_id, Specifies the version of an elementE The elemefnt on which to operate. For cms, the "/generation": option is used; for sccs the "-r" option is used. element_name= Represents the name of an element in the repository.F Delimiters can be string from 1 to 8 characters. Comment andA placeholder delimiters defined for a language should not conflict. end_stringD Represents the last string of a matched pair of delimiters.F Delimiters can be strings of upg to 8 characters. Placeholder? and comment delimiters defined for a language must not conflict. file_specD Represents an operating system-specific file specification.9 If you do not specify a value, LSE uses the file- specification of the current buffer. font_attributeE Indicates whether the font should be condensed, normal, big, or little.E The font attributes can be set to either condensehd or normal( , and to either big or little . help_library4 Represents the file name of a help library.C See the file_spec parameter for more specific information. help_topicC Represents the string that LSE uses to retrieve help text.F LSE searches the default or specified help libraries for help* text associated with this string. help_topic_wildC Represents the string that LSE uses to retriieve help text.F LSE searches the default or specified help libraries for help* text associated with this string.E The topic may contain one or more wildcard (*) characters in9 order to match a set of topics, e.g., "*topic*". identifier_charactersC A string containing all the characters which can appear in( identifier names in a language.; The default identifier characters are: abcdefghi-A jklmnopqrstuvwxjyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ%$_0123456789 indent_columnF Specifies the column adjustment for expansion of placeholders and tokens.D If the body line indent_type has been specified as "FIXED",E this number indicates the column in which the placeholder orA token should be expanded. The number must be a positiveA integer. For other values of indent_ type this value is= added to the position determined as described in thke4 indent_type parameter, and may be negative. The default value is 0. indent_typeE Indicates how LSE determines the indentation of the expanded template.F The following parameter values are used to determine in which5 column a token or placeholder should expand.Q __________________________________________________________ ParameterQ Value_______Descripti lon___________________________________P EXPAND Indents the string to the column of the firstO character of the placeholder being expanded.O CURRENT Indents the string to the indentation of theL line containing the placeholder or token.K PREVIOUS Indents the string to the indentation ofJ the line before the linme containing the8 placeholder or token.P FIXED Indents the string to the column specified inQ ____________the_indent_column_parameter.__________________ indentation_valueA Represents the value for an adjustment definition prefix indentation< This parameter takes one of the following keywords:M o CURRENT -Specifies that LSE use the indentatinon ofN the first text in the pattern - the beginning of the! prefix.L o FOLLOWING -Specifies that LSE use the indentationM of the text that follows the prefix. If there is noO text following the prefix, use the indentation of the! prefix. inherit_keywordA Indicates from which nearby line the current line should! o inherit its indentation.? Specify one of the following keywords to determine the) indentation of the current line:Q o MAXIMUM - The visible indentation for the current lineN is taken from the adjusted indentation of either theN previous line or the next line, whichever is larger.Q o MINIMUM - The visible indentation for the current lineN is t paken from the adjusted indentation of either theO previous line or the next line, whichever is smaller.Q o NEXT - The visible indentation for the current line isO taken from the adjusted indentation of the next line.M o PREVIOUS - The visible indentation for the currentL line is taken from the adjusted indentation of the( previous line.K q o NONE - There is no inheritance; cancels previous2 inheritance assignments. keypad_nameC Indicates whether the key definitions should be similar to EDT or EVE.F Use the parameter value EDT to specify the EDT keypad and theF parameter value EVE to specify the EVE keypad. Note that EVEF key definitions do not use the numeric keypad on VT200-seriesE terminals; numeric keypads on VrT200-series terminals emulateF EDT key definitions regardless of the keypad mode you choose. language_name# Is the name of a language.D The name must be enclosed in quotation marks if it contains- spaces, tabs, or special characters. language_name_wild? Indicates all the defined languages matching the given string.B LSE accepts the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character that@ matches 0 to n charsacters, or the percent sign (%) that' matches exactly one character.B Defaults to the language used in the most recent language? modification command entered, or if none, the language, associated with the current buffer. legendC Represents the text that appears in the keypad diagram for this key.= The string is centered in the figure for the key, or< truncated if the string is too long for the figure.t level> Indicates the level to set the buffer indentation to./ Specify one of the following keywords:O o CURRENT -Sets the level to the beginning of the text- in the current lineI o CURSOR -Sets the level to the column currently0 occupied by the cursorQ o LEFT -Decreases the level by the current tab incrementH o uRIGHT -Increases the level by the current tab# increment list_booleanA Indicates whether a placeholder type menu line should be( expanded as a list placeholder.E See the boolean parameter for details. Default value is off . lse_command. Represents an LSE command to execute. mark_name) Represents the name of a marker.C A marker name may be from 1 to 132 characvters. It may notE contain any spaces or symbols except the dollar sign and the underscore. mark_name_wildC Indicates all the defined marks matching the given string.B LSE accepts the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character thatA matches 0 to n characters, and the percent sign (%) that' matches exactly one character. max_valueC Indicates the maximum value in the range of acceptable tab incrementws.E This value must be at least twice the minimum value and must2 be a positive integer. The default is 8. mechanismD Indicates the mechanism by which a parameter is passed to a routine.= This parameter accepts the following keyword values:D o VALUE - The parameter is passed by value.L o REFERENCE - The parameter is passed by reference.N o DESCRIPTOR - Thxe parameter is passed by descriptor.J o UNKNOWN - The passing mechanism is unspecified.' The default value is unknown . menu_entry% Is the name of a menu entry.- Menu entry names are case sensitive. menu_label% Is the name of a menu label.( Label names are case sensitive. menu_line_type@ Indicates whether a menu line is the name of a token or& placeholder, yor regular text.D The default value is text . You can specify placeholder toD indicate that the given menu line is a placeholder name, or. token to indicate that it is a token. menu_name3 Is the name of a pop-up or pull-down menu.E The menu name appears on the menu bar, and at the top of the% menu when it is pulled down.B Menu names are case sensitive (that is, "Menu" is not the same as "MENU"). z min_valueC Indicates the minimum value in the range of acceptable tab increments.B This value must be a positive integer. The default is 4. mnemonic_character? A character to be used as a mnemonic for a menu label.F The character must appear in the menu label name. Menu labelD names and mnemonic characters are case sensitive. That is,= the character "T" is not contained in the menu label "Options". { new_buffer_name9 Represents the name of the buffer to be created.E LSE always prompts you for a buffer name. You can specify a? buffer name with a character string value of up to 255E alphanumeric or special characters. If you begin the bufferD name with special characters, such as those accessed on theE top row of your keyboard by pressing the Shift key, you mustC enclose the buffer name in quotation marks. Simila|rly, toB specify a name that contains embedded blanks (spaces), orA quotation marks and spaces, enclose the entire string in quotation marks. next_placeholder_booleanD Indicates whether or not the cursor should move to the next placeholder.D This parameter specifies whether LSE should move the cursorE to the next placeholder after the completion of the command.F This parameter accepts all boolean values: } Yes - No , True -' False , On - Off , and 1 - 0 . number' Represents a positive integer. optional_or_requiredB Indicates whether a parameter to a routine is optional or required.@ Specify the keyword value required to indicate that theF parameter is required, or the value optional to indicate that= it is not required. The default value is required . package_name2 Is the name of ~the package being defined.D The name must be enclosed in quotation marks if it contains- spaces, tabs, or special characters. package_name_wildB Indicates all defined packages matching the given string.B LSE accepts the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character thatA matches 0 to n characters, and the percent sign (%) that' matches exactly one character.C Defaults to the package used in the most recent package or2  routine creation or modification command. parameter_name, Is the name of a routine parameter. pattern_search_stringA Is the search string pattern, which may contain wildcard characters.D For details on pattern matching strings, see the SET SEARCH PATTERN command. placeholder_name& Is the name of a placeholder.E Names containing spaces, tabs, or special characters must be% enclosed in quotation marks. placeholder_name_wildD Indicates all defined placeholders in the language matching the given string.B LSE accepts the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character thatA matches 0 to n characters, and the percent sign (%) that' matches exactly one character.: Defaults to the most recently created or modified placeholder. placeholder_type= Indicates the type of the placeholder  being created.= This parameter accepts the following keyword values:L o NONTERMINAL - When a nonterminal type placeholderO is expanded, the body lines defined for the token (byL the SET PLACEHOLDER BODY LINE command) replace the4 placeholder in the buffer.M o MENU - When a menu type placeholder is expanded, aO list of options appear in a menu; the user may selectO one of the options, and the text associated with thatH option replaces the placeholder in the buffer.I o TERMINAL - When a terminal type placeholder isQ expanded, the terminal body defined for the placeholderP (by the SET PLACEHOLDER TERMINAL LINE command) appearsQ as descriptive text in a separate temporary buffer. TheG placeholder is not replaced by the expansion.I o ALIAS - An alias type placeholder inherits itsQ attribute definitions (including the body) from anotherO placeholder, specified by the SET PLACEHOLDER INHERIT" command.0 The default token type is nonterminal . prefixB Is a string that is prefixed to the names of a set of TPU procedures.D A set of TPU procedures are grouped together by attaching aE prefix string to the beginning of the name of each procedureA in the set. The prefix string may contain any character@ valid in a TPU identifier. example: prefix is "foo_",, routines are foo_open() foo_close() procedure_name> Is the name of a TPU procedure in the current buffer.C The procedure name is valid only in buffers containing TPU> source files. You can abbreviate the procedure name. process_name4 Is the name of an operating system process., LSE defaults to the parent process. prompt_dialog> Specifies character cell terminal or DECwindows/Motif prompting.; This parameter uses one of the following keywords:L o CCT - Prompts a user with character cell terminalO prompting using the the one line LSE> or LSE command:L prompt at the bottom of the screen, just above the) message window.O o WINDOW - Prompts a user using a dialog box. This can@ be used with DECwindows/Motif and LSE.J o DEFAULT - If you invoked the prompting with theN keyboard, use CCT. If he invoked the prompting using; the menu items, use a dialog box. prompt_keypad< Specifies which key bindings to use when prompting.; This parameter uses one of the following keywords:7 o VMSLSE - LSE V3.1 compatibleP o DEFAULT - EDT or EVE bindings. Some standard keys areP not compatible with the portable prompting. These keys3 issue an error when used.L o USER - Use the key bindings of the user's editing! buffer. remarkF Is a text string containing a comment about the specified key or repository action. replace_stringC Represents the string to substitute for the search string.B See the text_string parameter for additional information. restore_option< Restores the most recently deleted character, line,) placeholder, word, or selection.8 Indicate one of the following parameter values:# CHARACTER LINE% PLACEHOLDER# SELECTION WORD routine_name2 Is the name of the routine to be created. routine_name_wildE Indicates all routines in the package matching the specified string.B LSE accepts the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character thatA matches 0 to n characters, and the percent sign (%) that' matches exactly one character.C Defaults to the most recently created or modified routine. same_next_lineE Indicates whether the body line should expand on the same or next line.F If the parameter value next is specified, this body line willE expand on a new line following the previous line in the bodyF of the placeholder or token. If the value same is specified,C the line will expand on the same line in the buffer as theB previous line in the body line list of the placeholder or, token. The default value is next . search_pattern_nameE Indicates VMS-style or ULTRIX-style patterns that enable the7 special interpretation of wildcard characters.E Specify the parameter keyword vms for VMS-style patterns and* ultrix for ULTRIX-style patterns. search_string- Represents the string to search for.B See the text_string parameter for additional information. selection_modelC Indicates whether a focus-based or selection-based primary( selection model should be used.F Specify keyword value focus to select a focus-based selection8 model or selection for a selection-based model.A See the DECwindows/Motif documentation for more informa- tion. subsequent_indentationC Represents an integer indentation value for the subsequent lineF LSE takes the indentation number you specify and indents that3 number of columns for the subsequent line. substitute_typeC Indicates whether to replace one or all occurrences of the search string.E Specify the parameter keyword all to replace all occurrences< of the search string and single to replace only oneD  occurrence. When you replace all occurrences, LSE performs< the substitutions without prompting you for further instructions. tab_or_spaceE Indicates whether token and placeholder expansion should use( tabs or spaces for indentation.E Specifying spaces indicates that the value specified for the> indentation_column parameter should be interpreted as? specifying the number of spaces by which to adjust theF  indentation. Specifying tabs indicates that the value shouldF be interpreted as the number of tabs; the actual value of theF adjustment is arrived at by multiplying this value by the tabA increment set for the buffer. If indentation_column was= specified as "FIXED", this parameter has no meaning.& The default value is spaces . text_optionA Indicates insert mode or overstrike mode for text entry.A Specify the parameter keyword insert for insert mode and( overstrike for overstrike mode. text_string; Is a string of from 1 to 255 printable characters.@ If the string contains spaces, tabs, lowercase letters,F quotation marks, or any special characters the string must be6 enclosed in single or double quotation marks. token_name. Is the name of a token to be defined.E The token name must not contain any leading white space. IfD the token name contains spaces, tabs, or special characters0 it must be enclosed in quotation marks. token_name_wildD Indicates all tokens in the language matching the specified string.B LSE accepts the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character thatA matches 0 to n characters, and the percent sign (%) that' matches exactly one character.A Defaults to the most recently created or modified token.  token_type/ Specifies the type of token to create.= This parameter accepts the following keyword values:Q o TERMINAL - When a terminal type token is expanded, theQ body lines defined for the token (by the SET TOKEN BODYH LINE command) replace the token in the buffer.M o ALIAS - An alias type token inherits its attributeN definitions (including the body) from a placeholder,E specified by the SET TOKEN INHERIT command.- The default token type is terminal . top_marginC Indicates the top scroll margin as a percent of the window height.D Enter an integer as the percent. LSE takes the percent youE specify and determines the number of lines down from the top8 of a window at which downward scrolling begins. tpu_command)  Is a TPU command to be executed.D Multiple TPU commands may be executed by separating them in) the string with semi-colons (;). user_key_name@ Is a keyword that represents a key or metakey sequence.= Regular printing keys such as alphabetic and numericC characters, and punctuation are specified by simply typingD the desired characters. You can specify control charactersE as Ctrl/x, where x is a printing character. You can specifyE shifted (gold) keys by specifying GOLD- x. Control and gold8 keys may be combined by specifying GOLD-CTRL/x.C Nonprinting keys, such as special editing keys and keys onA the auxiliary keypad can be entered by name. The tablesA below list the key names for editing keys, the auxiliary4 keypad, and nonprinting main keyboard keys.J Table 1 LSE Key Names for the Editing and AuxiliaryQ  ________Keypad____________________________________________Q Key_name_________VT200-type________VT100-type_____________= PF1 PF1 PF1= PF2 PF2 PF2= PF3 PF3 PF3= PF4 PF4 PF4N KP0,KP1, . . . KP0,KP1, . . . KP0, KP1, . . . ,KP9,  ,KP9 ,KP9K PERIOD Keypad period Keypad period (.)+ (.)J COMMA Keypad comma Keypad comma (,)+ (,)J MINUS Keypad minus Keypad minus (-)+ (-)? ENTER Enter Enter; UP ^ ^; DOWN v v= LEFT < - < -= RIGHT - > - >Q (continued on next page) H Table 1 (Cont.) LSE Key Names for the Editing andQ ________________Auxiliary_Keypad__________________________Q Key_name_________VT200-type________VT100-type_____________/ E1 Find/E16 E2 Insert Here/E21 E3 Remove/E31 E4 Select/E46 E5 Prev Screen/E56 E6 Next Screen/E60 HELP Help/F15. DO  Do/F168 F7,F8, . . . F7,F8 . . . ,F20Q ,F20______________________________________________________Q Table_2_LSE_Key_Names_for_Keys_on_the_Main_Keyboard_______Q Key_name_________VT200-type_______VT100-type______________< TAB_KEY Tab Tab? RET_KEY Return Return? DEL_KEY  DeleteB LF_KEY LF/F13 Line feedB BS_KEY BS/F12 BackspaceB SPACE_KEY Space bar Space bar? Ctrl_A_KEY Ctrl/A Ctrl/A? Ctrl_B_KEY Ctrl/B Ctrl/B: . . .: . . .:  . . .Q (continued on next page) I Table 2 (Cont.) LSE Key Names for Keys on the MainQ ________________Keyboard__________________________________Q Key_name_________VT200-type_______VT100-type______________? Ctrl_Z_KEY Ctrl/Z Ctrl/ZG NULL_KEY Ctrl/Space bar Ctrl/Space bar? FS_KEY Ctrl/\ Ctrl/\? GS_KEY Ctrl/] Ctrl/]? RS_KEY Ctrl/~ Ctrl/~Q US_KEY___________Ctrl//___________Ctrl//__________________B You can enter nonprinting keys, control keys, and metakeyC sequences literally by using the GOLD-CTRL/V key, and thenE typing the key or  keys you want entered. LSE will translate: these keys into the keyword format defined above.F If you want to define a key to be lowercase, you must put theE key name in lowercase and in quotation marks. However, GOLDA and Ctrl sequences are not case sensitive. For example,E Ctrl/A and Ctrl/a produce the same results. Also, GOLD-A is the same as GOLD-a.D Some combinations of the Ctrl key and keyboard keys on some9 sys tems can be defined, but unless your terminalD characteristics are set up correctly for the system you areB using, you cannot execute your definitions of these keys.D For instance, on ULTRIX and VMS, both Ctrl/S and Ctrl/Q are reserved by the system.C If the following combinations of the Ctrl key and keyboard@ keys are redefined, the new definition also affects theF keyboard key corresponding to that combination. For example,C  if Ctrl/I is redefined, then the Tab key also assumes that new definition." Ctrl/I Tab . Ctrl/M Carriage return( Ctrl/J Line feed( Ctrl/H Backspace user_key_name_wild> Specifies all the keys matching the specified string.E Accepts an asterisk (*) wildcard character that matches 0 toA n characters in the keyword that indicates the key to beA defined. See the user_key_name parameter for additional information. user_paste_buffer> Indicates the buffer to receive the text being moved.E Accepts an asterisk (*) wildcard character that matches 0 toF n characters or the percent sign (%) that matches exactly one& character in the buffer name.wwK 1 New_FeaturesA o Java and HTLM Language Templates have been added to LSE.D o A new version of the COBOL Language Template has been added to LSE.wwK 1 Customizing_Command_LanguageE LSE's portable command language provides a one-to-one correspondenceK between an LSE command and a TPU procedure called to execute that command.C For example, the command ERASE WORD is translated into a procedure named LSE_ERASE_WORD.= The LSE command parser can support multiple sets of grammar,= which exist in layers. Initially , the LSE layer is enabled.B When you enable a new layer, it is stacked on top of the existingE layer. LSE searches first for routines in the top layer before going to the next layer.= The standard portable LSE routines all have the LSE_ prefix.C You can group a set of routines into a grammar by adding a prefix.@ When you define a routine and enable a prefix for that routine,@ your new grammar is placed at the top of the stack. The prefixB may be any string of valid TPU identifier characters: alphabetic,! a dollar sign, or an underscore.2 For example, you can define a command as follows:G 1. Enable the routine with the ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX USER_ command.C 2. Define a routine USER_SET_BUFFER_CUSTOM (), which may or may not have arguments.A When you type SET BUFFER CUSTOM, LSE first looks for a procedure named USER_SET_BUFFER_CUSTOM.A Thereafter, if you type an ambiguous command such as SET BUFFER,; you will see CUSTOM listed as one of the possible choices.D In the next example, you can customize an existing command, such as CREATE FILE, as follows:E 1. Enable the routine with the ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX MY_ command.< 2. Define a routine MY_CREATE_FILE (), which you want toC take precedence over an existing routine LSE_CREATE_FILE ().D The MY_CREATE_FILE routine is now at the top of the stack. The LSEH parser will look first for MY_CREATE_FILE and then for LSE_CREATE_FILE.C See the ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX a nd DISABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX commands.wwK 51 Getting_Started_with_Portable_LSE_for_OpenVMS_Users$ I. Portable Command Language SyntaxH LSE uses a new Portable command language that has a platform indepedentK syntax. On OpenVMS, both the old V3.1 compatible command language (VMSLSE), and the new command language are available.I The main syntactic difference between the old VMSLSE grammar and the newK Portable grammar is that the Portable grammar does not use qualifiers . InE some cases, commands that previously used qualifiers to do differentG things are now separate commands; in others, the parameters direct the action of the command.D When entering commands, you can leave off parameters. If you don'tI provide values for optional parameters, LSE will use the default values.G LSE will prompt you for required parameters, supplying the defaults inH brackets; hitting return at these prompts without specifying a value isK equivalent to entering the va lue in the brackets. If you want the use theF default value for a required parameter without being prompted, give a; parameter value of a null string ("") on the command line. II. Command LineI New prompting allows you to use all the standard editing key bindings atG the command line by default, including navigation, deletion and searchI keys. However, some keys are reserved as prompt terminators; by default,K the key is a prompt terminator. To allow you to use the ke yF as you would in a normal editing buffer, enter the command SET PROMPT TERMINATOR FIND REMOVE.F You can specify instead that LSE should use user defined editing keys; rather than default keys by saying SET PROMPT KEYPAD USER.I If you prefer, you can set prompting so that any key you type works justG as it did in V3.1 (VMSLSE style prompting) by saying SET PROMPT KEYPAD VMSLSE.I LSE provides command completion. If you type in a partial command whichJ matches more than one possi ble command, LSE will give you an options menuK with all the commands starting with the string you entered. Normal bufferI navigation keys work on these prompt lists; you may scroll through them,H search for strings, etc. Position the cursor on the option you want andG hit . For example, if you enter SET and then hit , you will beI given a list of all the commands which set editor attributes and you can" scan through them and select one.J As an additional aid, EXPAND is now avail able at the command line. If youB enter a partial command (such as set) and then hit the EXPAND keyG (CTRL/E), LSE will provide a menu, as with command completion. If youI select an option (or if only one valid command matches what you entered)K LSE will provide a template for the command, with the parameters appearingJ as placeholders. These placeholders may be expanded as well, to get help@ on the possible parameter values, or typed over just as regular placeholders in text buffers.I  Similarly, for most commands which accept a specified parameter (such asG GOTO BUFFER) if you specify a parameter with a wildcard ("*") LSE willI present an options menu of all the options matching the given string (in> the case of GOTO BUFFER, a list of all the matching buffers.)F You can can exit from any options menu without selecting an option byH hitting any of the prompt abort keys. SHOW PROMPT will list which keys these are. III. Frequently used commandsF A table consistin g of all the old grammar commands and their Portable2 Grammar equivalents is available by entering HELP= VMSLSE_Command_Translation_Table (or HELP VMSLSE for short.) A. Navigating Files and buffers8 GOTO FILE is now OPEN FILE .> GOTO FILE/CREATE is now NEW FILE .= GOTO FILE/READ is now VIEW FILE . WRITE is now SAVE FILE.L GOTO BUFFER works as before, except that if you specify a wildcard nameG  (the default value is "*") LSE will present you with a list ofJ matching buffers. You can select the buffer you want by position@ the cursor and hitting return (as with an expand menu.)E GOTO BUFFER/CREATE is now NEW BUFFER * SHOW BUFFER shows the current buffer.K SHOW BUFFER * shows a brief list of all the buffers. As with all SHOWB lists, you may EXPAND an entry on the brief list for moreG information on that i tem. Double clicking with the mouse on aK buffer name in the list now does an EXPAND (that is, give you moreI information on the buffer) rather than a GOTO SOURCE (moving you to that buffer.) B. Editing environmentK SET LANGUAGE is now SET BUFFER LANGUAGE language-name.K (SET LANGUAGE sets the attribute on the given orI current language. Therefore SET LANGUAGE FORTRAN sets the currentG language to do Fortran style processing, rather than setting the+ current buffer language to Fortran.)K All commands that modify the attibutes of the current buffer take the form# of SET BUFFER .A SET READ (and SET NOWRITE) are now SET BUFFER CLOSE READONLY> SET WRITE (and SET NOREAD) are now SET BUFFER CLOSE WRITE+ SET MODIFY is now SET BUFFER MODIFY ON C. Miscellaneous' DCL is now CLI IV. HelpG Portable grammar HELP o utput is displayed in a buffer, so that you canH move through the buffer, and search for topics or keywords of interest,+ just as you would through a normal buffer.F HELP also accepts wildcard arguments, so that you can get help on all= matching topics. HELP HELP lists all available help topics. V. Language DefinitionE To convert VMSLSE language definitions to Portable grammar, set yourG command language to the portable grammar with the SET COMMAND LANGUAGEK COMMAND, and then extract all of the language definitions and save them to a file.J All commands to modify the attributes of language elements takes the formF SET D The output from the portable command language's EXTRACT command canI be executed from within either command language; however, the the outputE from the VMSLSE EXTRACT command may only be executed from the VMSLSE command language. VI. CustomizationK There are some customizat ions you may wish to make working on Portable LSE more like VMSLSE.J To redefine MB1 double click to do GOTO SOURCE in a SHOW BUFFER LIST (ie:K select that buffer) rather than to expand the buffer, edit the LSE$KEY.TPU> file in the unsupported directory. Find the following lines:I ! Uncomment the following to make double click do GOTO SOURCE in the) ! SHOW BUFFER and SHOW MARK buffers.B Do what it says, EXTEND the procedure, and save the section file.K You can write TPU procedures to mimic VMSLSE commands in Portable LSE. IfH you wanted to implement a GOTO FILE command, write a TPU procedure in a% new buffer similar to the following:& procedure my_goto_file (the_file)) return lse_open_file(the_file); endprocedure; Then do the following commands: ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX my_ EXTENDI Then save the section file, or save the TPU procedure to a command file.F You can then type GOTO FILE on the command line to call the OPEN FILE command.5 VII. Using the Portable Command Language on OpenVMSI While the old VMSLSE command language is still available on OpenVMS, you3 may want to use the new Portable command language.I To use VMSLSE enter the command SET COMMAND LANGUAGE VMSLSE. To use theI Portable Command Language say SET COMMAND LANGUAGE PORTABLE. Both these( commands are the same in both grammars.K SCA and CMS calls are available from the Portable Command Language as theyD are from VMSLSE by doin g ENABLE VMS INTEGRATION. This also enables0 V3.1 SCA-related key bindings and menu entries.I When using the VMSLSE Command Language, you can execute Portable CommandA Language commands by preceding the command with "LSE" or "PLSE".wwr 1 Entering_CommandsH To execute only one command, enter command mode by pressing the Do key,> which is bound to GOTO COMMAND. Type the command at the LSE>> prompt and press the Return key. The command executes and LSEG returns to ke{ INDENT_RIGHTJLanguage_Modification_CommandsLINE LOWERCASEtLSE MOVE_DOWNzMOVE_UP ypad mode. In DECwindows LSE, you can also enter command, mode by clicking MB1 below the status line.J LSE provides multiple command recall; by using the up and down arrow keysC at the LSE Command> prompt, you can recall any of the commands you, issued during your current editing session.J LSE also provides continuation lines; by using a hyphen, "-", as the lastG character on the line LSE's command may be continued on the next line.I To execute several commands, enter command mode by pressing CTRL/Z. TypeI the first command at the LSE> prompt and terminate the command string byP pressing the Return key. You will still be at the LSE> prompt after the commandL executes. Enter a null command (carriage return) to return to keypad mode.? To cancel a command, press CTRL/C in response to a prompt. ForK example, pressing CTRL/C in response to the Search for: prompt cancels theD SEARCH command. Enter a null command (carriage return) to the LSE>! prompt to return to keypad mode.ww 1 Release_Notes1 Release notes for LSE are contained in the file:! SYS$HELP:LSEvvu.RELEASE_NOTESG The product name is followed by the version number (vvu). For example,@ the following is the release notes file for Version 4.6 of LSE.! SYS$HELP:LSE046.RELEASE_NOTESww 1 About_LSE4 Language-Sensitive Editor for OpenVMSB Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.C Confidential com puter software. Valid license from HP requiredA for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 andH 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation,C and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S.8 Government under vendor's standard commercial license.G The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.G The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in theF express warranty statements accompanying such products and services.B Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additionalG warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Software Version:8 Language-Sensitive Editor for OpenVMS, version V5.1-01ww 1 Help? Displays information about LSE commands. In response to the; Topic? prompt, you can also display such information as:0 o New features in the update ("New_Features")8 o Definition for each command ("Command_Definitions"), o Brief introduction to LSE ("About_LSE")B o Customizing command language ("Customizing_Command_Language") TOPICS  About_LSE Entering_Commands: Getting_Started_with_Portable_LSE_for_OpenVMS_Users Command_Definitions Parameter_Glossary New_Features# Customizing_Command_Language' VMSLSE_Command_Translation_Table Release_Notes  9 Commands for Compiling Source Code and Reviewing Errors < COMPILE PREVIOUS ERROR < COMPILE REVIEW REVIEW < GOTO REVIEW REVIEW BUFFER < GOTO SOURCE REVIEW FILE < NEXT ERROR SET SAVE RELATED BUFFERS   Cross Reference Commands < FIND OCCURRENCES GOTO DECLARATION   Cursor Movement Commands < BOTTO M PREVIOUS CHARACTER < DELETE MARK PREVIOUS END OF LINE < END OF LINE PREVIOUS PAGE < GOTO MARK PREVIOUS PLACEHOLDER < LINE PREVIOUS SCREEN < MOVE DOWN PREVIOUS START OF LINE < MOVE UP PREVIOUS WORD < NEW MARK SEARCH < NEXT CHARACTER  SET CURSOR < NEXT END OF LINE SET SEARCH AUTO REVERSE < NEXT PAGE SET SEARCH CASE SENSITIVE< NEXT PLACEHOLDER SET SEARCH DIACRITICAL < NEXT SCREEN SET SEARCH PATTERN < NEXT START OF LINE SET SEARCH SPAN SPACE < NEXT WORD START OF LINE < PATTERN SEARCH TOP  " Editing Session Control Co mmands < ATTACH QUIT < CLI REPEAT < EXIT SET BUFFER JOURNALING < GOTO COMMAND SET FONT < LSE SPAWN < PLSE TPU  ' File and Buffer Manipulation Commands < CLOSE SET BUFFER DIRECTION < CLO SE BUFFER SET BUFFER INDENTATION < CLOSE FILE SET BUFFER LANGUAGE < DELETE BUFFER SET BUFFER LEFT MARGIN < INCLUDE FILE SET BUFFER MODIFIABLE < NEW BUFFER SET BUFFER OUTPUT FILE < NEW FILE SET BUFFER RIGHT MARGIN < OPEN FILE SET BUFFER TAB INCREMENT < OPEN SELECTED FILE SET BUFFER TEXT < RECOVER BUFFE R SET BUFFER WRAP < SAVE AS SET DIRECTORY READONLY < SAVE FILE SET DIRECTORY SOURCE < SAVE SELECTION SHOW BUFFER < SAVE VISIBLE SHOW SYSTEM BUFFER < SET BUFFER AUTO ERASE VIEW FILE < SET BUFFER CLOSE   Help and Status Commands < HELP SHOW MARK  < HELP INDICATED SHOW PACKAGE < HELP KEY SHOW PROMPT ATTRIBUTES < HELP KEYPAD SHOW SEARCH ATTRIBUTES < SET DIRECTORY DEFAULT SHOW SUMMARY < SHOW ADJUSTMENT SHOW TOKEN < SHOW ATTRIBUTES SHOW VERSION < SHOW KEY SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTES < SHOW LANGUAGE WHAT LINE   Language Modification Commands < CHECK LANGUAGE SET LANGUAGE LINE < DEFINITIONS COMMENTS < CHECK LANGUAGE HELP SET LANGUAGE OPTIONAL < DELETE ADJUSTMENT DELIMIT < DELETE ALIAS SET LANGUAGE OPTIONAL < DELETE LANGUAGE LIST DELIMIT < DELETE PACKAGE SET LANGUAGE OVERVIEW < DELETE PLACEHOLDER  MINIMUM LINES < DELETE TOKEN SET LANGUAGE OVERVIEW < EXTRACT ADJUSTMENT TAB RANGE < EXTRACT ALIAS SET LANGUAGE PSEUDOCODE < EXTRACT LANGUAGE DELIMIT < EXTRACT NEW ADJUSTMENT SET LANGUAGE PUNCTUATION < EXTRACT NEW ALIAS CHARACTERS < EXTRACT NEW LANGUAGE SET LANGUAGE QUOTES < EXTRACT NEW PACKAGE SET LANGU AGE REQUIRED < EXTRACT NEW PLACEHOLDER DELIMIT < EXTRACT NEW TOKEN SET LANGUAGE REQUIRED < EXTRACT PACKAGE LIST DELIMIT < EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER SET LANGUAGE RIGHT MARGIN< EXTRACT TOKEN SET LANGUAGE TAB < NEW ADJUSTMENT INCREMENT < NEW ALIAS SET LANGUAGE TAG < NEW LANGUAGE TERMINATORS  < NEW PACKAGE SET LANGUAGE TRAILING < NEW PLACEHOLDER COMMENTS < NEW TOKEN SET LANGUAGE VERSION < SAVE ENVIRONMENT SET LANGUAGE WRAP < SAVE ENVIRONMENT CHANGES SET PACKAGE HELP LIBRARY < SET ADJUSTMENT COMPRESS SET PACKAGE HELP TOPIC < SET ADJUSTMENT COUNT SET PACKAGE LANGUAGE < SET ADJUSTMENT CURRENT SET PACKAGE PARAMETER <  SET ADJUSTMENT INHERIT EXPAND < SET ADJUSTMENT OVERVIEW SET PACKAGE ROUTINE < SET ADJUSTMENT PATTERN EXPAND < SET ADJUSTMENT PREFIX SET PLACEHOLDER AUTO < INDENTATION SUBSTITUTE < SET ADJUSTMENT SUBSEQUENT SET PLACEHOLDER BODY LINE< SET ADJUSTMENT UNIT SET PLACEHOLDER < SET ALIAS EXPAND TEXT DESCRIPTION < SET L ANGUAGE ANSI FORTRAN SET PLACEHOLDER < SET LANGUAGE BRACKETED DUPLICATION < COMMENTS SET PLACEHOLDER HELP < SET LANGUAGE COMMENT TOPIC < ASSOCIATION SET PLACEHOLDER INHERIT < SET LANGUAGE COMPILE SET PLACEHOLDER LEADING < COMMAND SET PLACEHOLDER MENU LINE< SET LANGUAGE ESCAPES SET PLACEHOLDER < SET LANGUAGE EX PAND CASE PSEUDOCODE < SET LANGUAGE FILE TYPES SET PLACEHOLDER SEPARATOR< SET LANGUAGE FIXED SET PLACEHOLDER TERMINAL < COMMENTS LINE < SET LANGUAGE FORTRAN SET PLACEHOLDER TRAILING < SET LANGUAGE HELP LIBRARY SET TOKEN BODY LINE < SET LANGUAGE HELP TOPIC SET TOKEN DESCRIPTION < SET LANGUAGE IDENTIFIER SET TOKEN HELP TOPIC < CHARACTERS  SET TOKEN INHERIT < SET LANGUAGE INITIAL SHOW ALIAS < STRING SHOW PLACEHOLDER < SET LANGUAGE LEFT MARGIN   Program Design Commands < COLLAPSE FOCUS < DELETE BUFFER OVERVIEW OVERVIEW SOURCE < ENTER COMMENT SET BUFFER OVERVIEW < ENTER PSEUDOCODE VIEW DEBUGGING SOURCE <  ERASE COMMENT VIEW SOURCE < EXPAND   Repository Commands < FETCH RESERVE < REPLACE UNRESERVE   Screen Manipulation Commands < BALANCE WINDOWS SET BALANCE WINDOWS < DELETE MENU ENTRY SET HEIGHT < DELETE MENU LABEL SET MAX UNDO <  DELETE MENU SEPARATOR SET MAXIMUM WINDOWS < DELETE WINDOW SET MINIMUM WINDOW LENGTH< ENLARGE WINDOW SET NUMBER OF WINDOWS < GOTO BUFFER SET SCROLL MARGINS < NEW WINDOW SET WIDTH < NEXT BUFFER SHIFT LEFT < NEXT WINDOW SHIFT RIGHT < ONE WINDOW SHOW MAX UNDO < PREVIOUS BUFFER SHRINK WINDOW < PREVIOUS WINDOW TWO WINDOWS < REDO UNDO < REFRESH  ( Commands for Tailoring the Environment < DELETE KEY SET BELL BROADCAST < DELETE ROUTINE SET CLIPBOARD < DISABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX SET COMMAND LANGUAGE < DISABLE VMS INTEGRATION SET  KEYPAD < COMMANDS SET MENU LABEL < ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX SET MENU MNEMONICS < ENABLE VMS INTEGRATION SET PENDING DELETE < COMMANDS SET PRIMARY SELECTION < EXECUTE BUFFER LSE MODEL < EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE SET PROMPT ABORT < EXECUTE BUFFER TPU SET PROMPT ALTERMINATOR < EXTEND SET PROMPT DI ALOG < EXTRACT NEW ROUTINE SET PROMPT EXPANDMENU < EXTRACT ROUTINE SET PROMPT KEYPAD < NEW KEY SET PROMPT TERMINATOR < NEW LEARN KEY SET ROUTINE DESCRIPTION < NEW MENU ENTRY SET ROUTINE HELP TOPIC < NEW MENU LABEL SET ROUTINE PARAMETER < NEW MENU SEPARATOR SET TABS HARD < NEW ROUTINE SET TABS VISIBLE  < SAVE SECTION SET UNDO < SET ADJUSTMENT PREFIX SHOW LANGUAGE ROUTINE < ADJUSTMENT SHOW PACKAGE ROUTINE < SET BELL ALL TOGGLE INSERT OVERSTRIKE   Text Manipulation Commands < ALIGN ERASE NEXT PLACEHOLDER < BOX COPY ERASE NEXT WORD < BOX CUT ERASE PLACEHOLDER < BOX CUT PAD  ERASE PREVIOUS CHARACTER < BOX DRAW ERASE PREVIOUS LINE < BOX LOWERCASE ERASE PREVIOUS < BOX PASTE PLACEHOLDER < BOX PASTE OVERSTRIKE ERASE PREVIOUS WORD < BOX UPPERCASE ERASE SELECTION < CAPITALIZE ERASE START OF LINE < CENTER LINE ERASE START OF WORD < CHANGE CASE ERASE  WORD < COPY EXACT SUBSTITUTE < COPY APPEND FILL < CUT INDENT LEFT < CUT APPEND INDENT RIGHT < DELETE EXPAND LOWERCASE < DELETE SELECTION MARK NEW SELECTION MARK < DELETE TAB PASTE < ENTER LINE PATTERN EXACT S UBSTITUTE < ENTER SPACE PATTERN SUBSTITUTE < ENTER SPECIAL QUOTE < ENTER TAB QUOTE KEYNAME < ENTER TEXT RESTORE < ERASE CHARACTER SELECT < ERASE END OF LINE SELECT ALL < ERASE END OF WORD SPELL < ERASE LINE SUBSTITUTE < ERASE NEXT CHARACTER UPPERCASE < ERASE NEXT LINE   COMMAND SUMMARY CATEGORIES > Commands_for_Compiling_Source_Code_and_Reviewing_Errors Cross_Reference_Commands Cursor_Movement_Commands' Editing_Session_Control_Commands, File_and_Buffer_Manipulation_Commands Help_and_Status_Commands% Language_Modification_Commands Program_Design_Commands Repositor y_Commands# Screen_Manipulation_Commands- Commands_for_Tailoring_the_Environment! Text_Manipulation_Commandsww "1 VMSLSE_Command_Translation_TableD The translation table in Table 1 maps VMSLSE commandsH (LSE V3.1) to their equivilant portable command (LSE V4.0D and later). Commands that are unchanged from LSE V3.1E are indentified by "No change" in the portable column.F Commands th at are unsupported in LSE V4.0 and later butF listed in this table for the convience of OpenVMS usersH are identified by "Not supported" in the portable column.< In addition, the following conventions apply:I __________________________________________________________I Convention__________Description___________________________I Uppercase Command names appear in uppercase. ForG  OpenVMS CLI, command qualifiers alsoE appear in uppercase, preceded by a- backslash.G Lowercase TPU statements appears in lowercase,E as well as informational text (forI ____________________example,_"No_change").________________I Table_1_VMSLSE_to_Portable_Translation_Table______________I VMSLSE_Comman ds_________________Portable_Grammar_Commands_8 ALIGN No change; ALIGN/COMMENT_COLUMN=column ALIGN columnC ANALYZE OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_6 ANALYZEG ATTACH process_name No change- Not available<  in DECwindowsI CALL procedure_name param_list TPU procedure_name( param_5 list )I CANCEL MARK user_mark_name DELETE MARK user_mark_nameD CANCEL SELECT_MARK DELETE SELECTION MARK9 CAPITALIZE WORD CAPITALIZE8 CENTER LINE No change8 CHANGE CASE  No change8 CHANGE DIRECTION No change! CHANGE INDENTATIONK /CURRENT if current_direction=forwardD then lse_indent_5 right;I else lse_indent_left;: endif;; /FORWARD  INDENT RIGHT@ /HOLD INDENT RIGHT|LEFT@ /NOHOLD INDENT RIGHT|LEFTD DELETE SELECTION MARK: /REVERSE INDENT LEFTA CHANGE TEXT_ENTRY_MODE lse$key_insert_or_9 overstrikeD CHANGE WINDOW_MODE lse$key_split_or_one_5  windowC CHECK CALLS OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_: CHECK CALLS+ CHECK LANGUAGE language_nameI /DEFINITIONS CHECK LANGUAGE DEFINITIONS< language_nameB  /HELP_INTERFACE CHECK LANGUAGE HELP< language_name8 CLOSE BUFFER No changeC CMS OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSCMS_2 CMS8 COLLAPSE No change1  orD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_7 COLLAPSE= /DEPTH=depth COLLAPSE depthE COMPILE command_string COMPILE command_stringH (No asynchronous support)E /REVIEW COMPILE command_string<  REVIEW BUFFER< /NOREVIEW Not Supported< CONTINUE Not SupportedC CONVERT OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_> CONVERT LIBRARYC CREATE OpenVMS syste ms onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_= CREATE LIBRARY8 CUT No changeG /APPEND CUT APPEND [buffer_name]> /BUFFER=buffer_name CUT buffer_nameE /CLIPBOARD saved_clipboard := setA  (lse$clipboard,> lse$system,7 on )B Appropriate commandB set (lse$clipboard,? lse$system,E saved_clipboard )@ /ERASE CUT [buffer_name]A  /NOERASE COPY [buffer_name]H /NOERASE/APPEND COPY APPEND [buffer_name]K /REPLACE lse$key_cut_replace[(buffer_5 name)]N /SUBSTITUTE lse$key_cut_substitute[(buffer_5 name)]? DCL command_line CLI command_lineI DEFIN E ADJUSTMENT adjustment_ NEW ADJUSTMENT adjustment_C name [pattern] name [language_name]E SET ADJUSTMENT PATTERNG pattern [adjustment_name? [language_name]]F /COMPRESS SET ADJUSTMENT COMPRESSB on [adjustment_name?  [language-name]]F /NOCOMPRESS SET ADJUSTMENT COMPRESSC off [adjustment_name? [language-name]]C /COUNT SET ADJUSTMENT COUNTB on [adjustment_name? [language-name]]C /NOCOUNT S ET ADJUSTMENT COUNTC off [adjustment_name? [language-name]]E /CURRENT=integer SET ADJUSTMENT CURRENTG integer [adjustment_name? [language-name]]I /INHERIT=inherit_keyword SET ADJUSTMENT INHERIT in-I herit_key word [adjustment_D name [language-name]]E /NOINHERIT=inherit_ SET ADJUSTMENT INHERITC keyword off [adjustment_name? [language-name]]I /LANGUAGE=language_name NEW ADJUSTMENT adjustment_A name language_nameF /OVERVIEW SET ADJUSTM ENT OVERVIEWB on [adjustment_name? [language-name]]F /NOOVERVIEW SET ADJUSTMENT OVERVIEWC off [adjustment_name? [language-name]]D /PREFIX= (indentation_ SET ADJUSTMENT PREFIXG value, adjustment_value) INDENTATION indentation_E  value [adjustment_name? [language-name]]D SET ADJUSTMENT PREFIXE ADJUSTMENT adjustment_E value [adjustment_name? [language-name]]< /NOPREFIX Not supportedH /SU BSEQUENT=number_of_ SET ADJUSTMENT SUBSEQUENT@ columns number_of_columns? [adjustment_name? [language_name]]B /UNIT SET ADJUSTMENT UNITB on [adjustment_name? [language_name]]B /NOUNIT SET A DJUSTMENT UNITC off [adjustment_name? [language_name]]C DEFINE ALIAS alias_name string NEW ALIAS alias_name> [language_name]D SET ALIAS EXPAND TEXTA string [alias_name? [language_name]]G  /INDICATE SET ALIAS EXPAND TEXT ""E [alias_name [language_5 name]]C /LANGUAGE=language_name NEW ALIAS alias_name< language_nameD SET ALIAS EXPAND TEXTA string [alias_name?  [language_name]]E DEFINE COMMAND command_name Not directly supportedA value Use ENABLE GRAMMAR> capabilities orE Use Alias capabilitiesD with the LSE languageD DEFINE KEY key_name LSE_ NEW KEY key_name LSE_6 command commandI  /DIALOG saved_dialog:= lse$$x_use_5 dialogG SET PROMPT WINDOW DIALOGG NEW KEY key_name commandH lse$$x_use_dialog:=saved_5 dialogE /LEARN NEW LEARN KEY key_nameG /LEGE ND=legend_string NEW KEY key_name commandB "" "" legend_stringD /IF_STATE=GOLD NEW KEY gold/key_name6 commandG /NOSTATE NEW KEY key_name commandG /REMARK=remark_string NEW KEY key_name command? "" remark_stringH /STATE=GOLD  set (shift_key, key_name,B "tpu$key_map_list")G /TOPIC=topic_string NEW KEY key_name command; topic_string< DEFINE KEYWORDS Not supportedI DEFINE LANGUAGE language_name NEW LANGUAGE language_nameG /CAPABILITIES= SET LANGUAGE DIAGNOSTICSA DIAGNOSTICS on [language_name]G /CAPABILITIES= SET LANGUAGE DIAGNOSTICSB NODIAGNOSTICS off [language_name]C /COMMENT=ASSOCIATED=NEXT SET LANGUAGE COMMENT? ASSOCIATION NEXT> [language_name]C /COMMENT=ASSOCIATED= SET LANGUAGE COMMENTC PREVIOUS ASSOCIATION PREVIOUS>  [language_name]E /COMMENT=BEGIN= string_ SET LANGUAGE BRACKETEDE list COMMENTS begin_string1? /COMMENT=END= string_ end_string1 [add? list [language_name]]E SET LANGUAGE BRACKETEDE COMMENTS begin_string2?  end_string2 [addC [language_name]] ...A /COMMENT=FIXED= SET LANGUAGE FIXEDE (string,column) COMMENTS string columnD [add [language_name]]I /COMMENT=LINE= string_ SET LANGUAGE LINE COMMENTSF list string1 [add [language_5  name]]I SET LANGUAGE LINE COMMENTSF string2 [add [language_9 name]] ...D /COMMENT=TRAILING= SET LANGUAGE TRAILINGD string_list COMMENTS string1 [add? [language_name]]D SET LANGUAGE TR AILINGD COMMENTS string2 [addC [language_name]] ...C /COMPILE_COMMAND= string SET LANGUAGE COMPILEH COMMAND string [language_4 name]G /DIAGNOSTICS=on SET LANGUAGE DIAGNOSTICSA on [language_name]G  /DIAGNOSTICS=off SET LANGUAGE DIAGNOSTICSB off [language_name]B /EXPAND_CASE= expand_ SET LANGUAGE EXPANDG case_keyword CASE expand_case_keyword> [language_name]F /FILE_TYPES=string_list SET LANGUAGE FILE TYPESF string1 [add [language_5  name]]F SET LANGUAGE FILE TYPESF string2 [add [language_9 name]] ...H /FORTRAN=ANSI_FORMAT SET LANGUAGE ANSI FORTRANA on [language_name]H /FORTRAN=NOANSI_FORMAT SET LANGUAGE ANSI FORTRANB o ff [language_name]H /HELP_LIBRARY=file_spec SET LANGUAGE HELP LIBRARYH file_spec [language_name]H /NOHELP_LIBRARY SET LANGUAGE HELP LIBRARYA "" [language_name]F /IDENTIFIER_CHARACTERS= SET LANGUAGE IDENTIFIER@ string CHARACTERS string> [lang uage_name]C /INITIAL_STRING=string SET LANGUAGE INITIALG STRING string [language_4 name]G /LEFT_MARGIN=integer SET LANGUAGE LEFT MARGINF integer [language_name]I /LEFT_MARGIN= CONTEXT_ SET LANGUAGE LEFT MARGIN 0> DEPENDENT [language_name](  /OVERVIEW_OPTIONS =D MINIMUM_LINES=integer SET LANGUAGE OVERVIEWD MINIMUM LINES integer> [language_name]H TAB_RANGE=(int1, int2) SET LANGUAGE OVERVIEW TABI RANGE int1 int2 [language_4 name]- /PLACEHOLDER_DELIMITERS=D  OPTIONAL= string_list SET LANGUAGE OPTIONALG DELIMIT leading trailing> [language_name]I OPTIONAL_LIST= string_ SET LANGUAGE OPTIONAL LISTG list DELIMIT leading trailing> [language_name]F PSEUDOCODE= string_ SET LANGUAGE PSEUDOCODEG  list DELIMIT leading trailing> [language_name]D REQUIRED= string_list SET LANGUAGE REQUIREDG DELIMIT leading trailing> [language_name]I REQUIRED_LIST= string_ SET LANGUAGE REQUIRED LISTG list DELIMIT leading trailing>  [language_name]G /PUNCTUATION_CHARACTERS= SET LANGUAGE PUNCTUATION@ string CHARACTERS string> [language_name]C /QUOTED_ITEM=ESCAPES= SET LANGUAGE ESCAPESE string string [language_name]I /QUOTED_ITEM=QUOTES= SET LANGUAGE QUOTES string> string  [language_name]H /RIGHT_MARGIN= integer SET LANGUAGE RIGHT MARGINF integer [language_name]I /TAB_INCREMENT= integer SET LANGUAGE TAB INCREMENTF integer [language_name]? /TAG_TERMINATORS= SET LANGUAGE TAGA string_list TERMINATORS string>  [language_name]F /TOPIC_STRING= string SET LANGUAGE HELP TOPICE string [language_name]C /VERSION=string SET LANGUAGE VERSIONE string [language_name]C /WRAP SET LANGUAGE WRAP on> [language_name]D /NOWRAP SET L ANGUAGE WRAP off> [language_name]G DEFINE PACKAGE package_name NEW PACKAGE package_nameG /HELP_LIBRARY=file_spec SET PACKAGE HELP LIBRARYG file_spec [package_name]C /LANGUAGE=language_name SET PACKAGE LANGUAGE@ language_name add= [package_name ]D /PARAMETER_EXPAND=string SET PACKAGE PARAMETERF EXPAND string [package_4 name]I /ROUTINE_EXPAND=string SET PACKAGE ROUTINE EXPANDD string [package_name]E /TOPIC_STRING=string SET PACKAGE HELP TOPICD string [package_name]<  DEFINE PARAMETER parameter_ Not supported nameE DEFINE PLACEHOLDER place- NEW PLACEHOLDER place-: holder_name body_line holder_nameH SET PLACEHOLDER BODY LINEE body_line description_E string indent_keyword,H indent_value indent_type_E  keyword same_next_lineE [add [placeholder-name@ [langauge-name]]]C /AUTO_SUBSTITUTE SET PLACEHOLDER AUTOD SUBSTITUTE ON [place-E holder_name [language_5 name]]C /NOAUTO_S UBSTITUTE SET PLACEHOLDER AUTOE SUBSTITUTE OFF [place-E holder_name [language_5 name]]C /INDENTATION= (indent_ SET PLACEHOLDER MENUG keyword, integer, indent_type_ LINE string description_D keyword) string keyword (text,B pla ceholder, token)E list_boolean (on, off)E [add [placeholder-name@ [language-name]]]G SET PLACEHOLDER TERMINAL? LINE string [add@ [placeholder-name@ [language-name]]]J  /DESCRIPTION=string SET PLACEHOLDER DESCRIPTIONG string [placeholder_name? [language_name]]J /DUPLICATION= dupl_ SET PLACEHOLDER DUPLICATIONI keyword dupl_keyword [placeholder_D name [language_name]]E /LANGUAGE=language_name NEW PLACEHOLDER pla ce-G holder_name placeholder_A type language_nameF /LEADING=string SET PLACEHOLDER LEADINGG string [placeholder_name? [language_name]]F /PLACEHOLDER= defined_ SET PLACEHOLDER INHERIT@ placeholder_name [placeholder_nameD  [defined_placeholder_5 name]]I /PSEUDOCODE SET PLACEHOLDER PSEUDOCODEC on [placeholder_name? [language_name]]I /NOPSEUDOCODE SET PLACEHOLDER PSEUDOCODED off [placeholder_name?  [language_name]]H /SEPARATOR=string SET PLACEHOLDER SEPARATORG string [placeholder_name? [language_name]]I /TOPIC_STRING=string SET PLACEHOLDER HELP TOPICG string [placeholder_name? [language_name]]G /TRAI LING=string SET PLACEHOLDER TRAILINGG string [placeholder_name? [language_name]]E /TYPE=placeholder_type NEW PLACEHOLDER place-G holder_name placeholder_C type [language_name]G DEFINE ROUTINE routine_name NEW ROUTINE routine_name= parameter  [package_name]D SET ROUTINE PARAMETERC parameter1 optional_C or_required passing_G mechanism [add [routine_D name [package_name]]]D SET ROUTINE PARAMETERC  parameter2 optional_C or_required passing_G mechanism [add [routine_H name [package_name]]] ...D /BY_DESCRIPTOR SET ROUTINE PARAMETERE parameter optional_or_G required DESCRIPTOR [addF  [routine_name [package_6 name]]]D /BY_REFERENCE SET ROUTINE PARAMETERE parameter optional_or_F required REFERENCE [addF [routine_name [package_6 name]]]D /BY_VALUE SET ROUTINE PARAMETERB  parameter optional_E or_required VALUE [addF [routine_name [package_6 name]]]F /DESCRIPTION=string SET ROUTINE DESCRIPTIONC string [routine_name> [package_name]]D /OPTIONAL  SET ROUTINE PARAMETERA parameter OPTIONAL@ passing_mechanismF [routine_name [package_5 name]]G /PACKAGE=package_name NEW ROUTINE routine_name; package_nameE /TOPIC_STRING=string SET ROUTINE HELP TO PICC string [routine_name> [package_name]]< DEFINE TAG tag_name Not supportedC DEFINE TOKEN token_name NEW TOKEN token_nameD token_type [language_4 name]H /INDENTATION= (indent_ SET TOKEN BODY LINE body_B keyword, intege r, indent_ line indent_keywordC type_keyword indent_value indent_F type_keyword same_next_D line [add [token_name@ [language_name]]]D /DESCRIPTION SET TOKEN DESCRIPTIONA string [token_name? [la nguage_name]]C /LANGUAGE NEW TOKEN token_nameD token_type [language_4 name]F /PLACEHOLDER SET PLACEHOLDER INHERITI placeholder_name [defined_A placeholder_name]]C /TOPIC_STRING SET TOKEN HELP TOPICA  string [token_name? [language_name]]@ DELETE ADJUSTMENT adjustment_ DELETE ADJUSTMENTI name adjustment_name [language_4 name]@ /LANGUAGE=language_name DELETE ADJUSTMENTH adjustment_name language_3  nameF DELETE ALIAS alias_name DELETE ALIAS alias_name> [language_name]F /LANGUAGE=language_name DELETE ALIAS alias_name< language_name8 DELETE BUFFER buffer_name No change< DELETE COMMAND command_name Not supported8 DELETE KEY key_name No changeG /IF_STA TE=GOLD DELETE KEY gold/key_name< DELETE KEYWORDS keyword_list_ Not supported name8 DELETE LANGUAGE language_name No changeC DELETE LIBRARY library_name OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_F DELETE LIBRARY library_3  nameC DELETE MODULE module_name OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_H DELETE MODULE module_name8 DELETE PACKAGE package_name No change< DELETE PARAMETER parameter_ Not supported nameA DELETE PLACEHOLDER place- DELETE PLACEHOLDER?  holder_name placeholder_name> [language_name]A /LANGUAGE=language_name DELETE PLACEHOLDERI placeholder_name language_3 nameC DELETE QUERY query_name OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6  VMSSCA_F DELETE QUERY query_nameF DELETE ROUTINE routine_name DELETE ROUTINE routine_B name [package_name]F /PACKAGE=package_name DELETE ROUTINE routine_@ name package_name< DELETE TAG tag_name Not supported< /LANGUAGE=language_name Not supportedF  DELETE TOKEN token_name DELETE TOKEN token_name> [language_name]F /LANGUAGE=language_name DELETE TOKEN token_name< language_name8 DELETE WINDOW No changeA DO EXECUTE BUFFER LSEA /TPU EXECUTE BUFFER TPU< END DEFINE  Not supportedC END REVIEW CLOSE BUFFER $REVIEW8 ENLARGE WINDOW number_of_lines No change8 ENTER COMMENT No changeB /BLOCK ENTER COMMENT blockA /LINE ENTER COMMENT line8 ENTER LINE No change9 /BEGINNING ENTER LINE9 /COMMENT ENTER LINEC /COMMENT/END lse$enter_line(1, 1)C /NOCOMMENT lse$enter_line(0, 0)C /NOCOMMENT/END lse$enter_line(0, 1)C /END lse$enter_line(1, 1)8 ENTER PSEUDOCODE No change8 ENTER SPACE No change8 ENTER SPECIAL ascii_code No change8  ENTER TAB ENTER TAB8 ENTER TEXT string No change8 ERASE CHARACTER No change> /CURRENT ERASE CHARACTERC /FORWARD ERASE NEXT CHARACTERC /INDICATED ERASE NEXT CHARACTERG /REVERSE ERASE PREVIOUS CHARACTER> /TO  ERASE CHARACTER8 ERASE LINE No changeK /BEGINNING if current_direction=forwardH then lse_erase_next_line;G else lse_erase_start_of_4 line;5 endif;> /BEGINNING/FORWARD ERASE NEXT LINEB  /BEGINNING/REVERSE ERASE START OF LINE9 /CURRENT ERASE LINEK /END if current_direction=forwardE then lse_erase_end_of_4 line;G else lse_erase_previous_4 line;5 endif;@   /END/FORWARD ERASE END OF LINEB /END/REVERSE ERASE PREVIOUS LINE> /FORWARD ERASE NEXT LINE9 /INDICATED ERASE LINEB /REVERSE ERASE START OF LINE9 /TO ERASE LINE8 ERASE PLACEHOLDER No change@ /CURRENT ERASE! PLACEHOLDERE /FORWARD ERASE NEXT PLACEHOLDERH /GOTO_PLACEHOLDER ERASE NEXT PLACEHOLDER onI /NOGOTO_PLACEHOLDER ERASE NEXT PLACEHOLDER off@ /GOTO_PLACEHOLDER ERASE PLACEHOLDER /CURRENTD /NOGOTO_PLACEHOLDER ERASE PLACEHOLDER off /CURRENTH /GOTO_PLACEHOLDER ERASE NEXT "PLACEHOLDER on /FORWARDI /NOGOTO_PLACEHOLDER ERASE NEXT PLACEHOLDER off /FORWARDI /GOTO_PLACEHOLDER ERASE PREVIOUS PLACEHOLDER1 /REVERSE onI /NOGOTO_PLACEHOLDER ERASE PREVIOUS PLACEHOLDER2 /REVERSE offI /REVERSE ERASE PREVIOUS PLACEHOLDER8 # ERASE SELECTION No change8 ERASE WORD No change9 /CURRENT ERASE WORD@ /FORWARD ERASE END OF WORD9 /INDICATED ERASE WORD> /NEXT ERASE NEXT WORDB /PREVIOUS ERASE PREVIOUS WORDB /REVERSE ERASE START OF WORD$9 /TO ERASE WORD@ /TO/FORWARD ERASE END OF WORDB /TO/REVERSE ERASE START OF WORD8 EXIT No change8 EXPAND No change1 orD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_5 % EXPAND; /DEPTH=depth EXPAND depth5 /GOTO_PLACEHOLDER EXPAND< /NOGOTO_PLACEHOLDER Not supported8 EXTEND procedure_name No change5 /INDICATED EXTEND8 EXTRACT ADJUSTMENT adjustment_ No change nameA /LANGUAGE=language-name EXTRACT ADJUSTMENTH & adjustment_name language_3 nameE /NEW EXTRACT NEW ADJUSTMENTI adjustment_name [language_4 name]8 EXTRACT ALIAS alias_name No changeG /LANGUAGE=language-name EXTRACT ALIAS alias_name< ' language_nameG /NEW EXTRACT NEW ALIAS alias_A name language_nameB EXTRACT KEYWORDS keyword_list_ EXTRACT NEW PACKAGE; name package_name8 EXTRACT LANGUAGE language_name No change< /NEW Not supportedC EXTRACT MODULE OpenVMS systems onlyD ( ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_= EXTRACT MODULE8 EXTRACT PACKAGE package_name No changeB /NEW EXTRACT NEW PACKAGE; package_name< EXTRACT PARAMETER parameter_ Not supported name8 EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER place- ) No change holder_nameB /LANGUAGE=language-name EXTRACT PLACEHOLDERI placeholder_name language_3 nameF /NEW EXTRACT NEW PLACEHOLDERH placeholder_name language8 EXTRACT ROUTINE routine_name No changeG /LANGUAGE=language-name EXTRACT R *OUTINE routine_A name language_nameB /NEW EXTRACT NEW ROUTINEE routine_name language_3 name< EXTRACT TAG tag_name Not supported8 EXTRACT TOKEN token_name No changeG /LANGUAGE=language-name EXTRACT TOKEN token_name< + language_nameG /NEW EXTRACT NEW TOKEN token_A name language_name8 FILL No changeA /COMMENT_COLUMN=number FILL column_numberF FIND symbol_name FIND OCCURRENCES symbol1 orC OpenVMS systems only,D ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_3 FIND? /INDICATED FIND OCCURRENCESG /THE_REST OpenVMS systems only-SCA6 command8 FOCUS No change5 GOTO BOTTOM BOTTOM8 - GOTO BUFFER buffer_name No changeE /CREATE NEW BUFFER buffer_nameE /CREATE/READ_ONLY NEW BUFFER buffer_nameI SET BUFFER CLOSE read_onlyE /CREATE/WRITE NEW BUFFER buffer_nameD SET BUFFER CLOSE saveF /READ_ONLY GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameI . SET BUFFER CLOSE read_onlyF /WRITE GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameD SET BUFFER CLOSE save GOTO CHARACTERK /CURRENT if current_direction=forwardG then lse_next_character;A else lse_previous_9 / character;5 endif;= /FORWARD NEXT CHARACTER= /FORWARD/HORIZONTALLY NEXT CHARACTER8 /FORWARD/VERTICAL MOVE DOWNK /HORIZONTALLY if current_direction=forwardG then lse_next_character;A else lse_previous_9 0 character;5 endif;A /REVERSE PREVIOUS CHARACTERA /REVERSE/HORIZONTALLY PREVIOUS CHARACTER6 /REVERSE/VERTICAL MOVE UPK /VERTICALLY if current_direction=forward@ then lse_move_up;B else lse_ 1move_down;5 endif;8 GOTO COMMAND No change8 GOTO DECLARATION symbol No change1 orC OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_? GOTO DECLARATIONC 2 /ASSOCIATED OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_J GOTO ASSOCIATED DECLARATIONC /CONTEXT OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_G 3 GOTO CONTEXT DECLARATION? /INDICATED GOTO DECLARATION1 orC OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_I GOTO INDICATED DECLARATIONC /PRIMARY OpenVMS systems onlyD 4 ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_G GOTO PRIMARY DECLARATIONB GOTO FILE file_name OPEN FILE file_nameA /CREATE NEW FILE file_nameB /NOCREATE OPEN FILE file_nameG /MODIFY SET BUFFER MODIFIABLE onH /NO5MODIFY SET BUFFER MODIFIABLE off< /NEW Not supportedB /READ_ONLY VIEW FILE file_nameD /WRITE SET BUFFER CLOSE save GOTO LINEK /BEGINNING if current_direction=forwardF then lse_next_start_of_4 line;G 6 else lse_previous_start_7 of_line;5 endif;K /BOUND if current_direction=forwardD then lse_end_of_line;F else lse_start_of_line;5 endif;K /BREAK if 7current_direction=forwardD then lse_next_end_of_4 line;G else lse_previous_start_7 of_line;5 endif;K /END if current_direction=forwardD then lse_next_end_of_4 8 line;H else lse_previous_end_of_4 line;5 endif;K /CURRENT if current_direction=forwardF then lse_next_start_of_4 line;G else lse_previous_start_97 of_line;5 endif;A /FORWARD NEXT START OF LINEA /FORWARD/BEGINNING NEXT START OF LINE: /FORWARD/BOUND END OF LINE? /FORWARD/BREAK NEXT END OF LINE? /FORWARD/END NEXT END OF LINEE /REVERSE PRE:VIOUS START OF LINE< /REVERSE/BOUND START OF LINEC /REVERSE/END PREVIOUS END OF LINE8 GOTO MARK marker_name No change GOTO PAGEK /CURRENT if current_direction=forwardB then lse_next_page;F else lse_previous_page;5 ; endif;8 /FORWARD NEXT PAGE< /REVERSE PREVIOUS PAGE GOTO PLACEHOLDERH /ALL NEXT|PREVIOUS PLACEHOLDERK /CURRENT if current_direction=forwardI then lse_next_placeholder;A else lse_previous_; < placeholder;5 endif;? /FORWARD NEXT PLACEHOLDERG /NOPSEUDOCODE/FORWARD lse$$move_by_placeholder7 (1, off)G /NOPSEUDOCODE/REVERSE lse$$move_by_placeholder7 (0, off)C /REVERSE PREVIOUS PLACEHOLDERC = GOTO QUERY OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_9 GOTO QUERY8 GOTO REVIEW No change GOTO SCREENK /CURRENT if current_direction=forwardD then lse_next_screen;H > else lse_previous_screen;5 endif;: /FORWARD NEXT SCREEN> /REVERSE PREVIOUS SCREEN8 GOTO SOURCE No change1 orD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_: ? GOTO SOURCE: /READ_ONLY GOTO SOURCEI SET BUFFER CLOSE read_only: /WRITE GOTO SOURCED SET BUFFER CLOSE save2 GOTO TOP TOP GOTO WORDK /CURRENT if current_direction=forwardB @ then lse_next_word;F else lse_previous_word;5 endif;8 /FORWARD NEXT WORD< /REVERSE PREVIOUS WORD8 HELP topic No change= /INDICATED HELP INDICATED: /KEYPAD HELP KEYPADF /LANGUAGE A=language_name Not directly supported;I requires forming the topic> string manuallyC /LIBRARY=file_name user_library := get_G info (system, 'lse$help_8 library')I set help library file_name9 B help topicI lse_set_help_library(user_7 library)< /PACKAGE=package_name Not supportedE INCLUDE file_name INCLUDE FILE file_nameF /BUFFER=buffer_name GOTO|NEW BUFFER buffer_3 nameE INCLUDE FILE file_nameC I CNSPECT OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_6 INSPECT8 LINE integer No changeC LOAD OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_: D LOAD MODULE8 LOWERCASE WORD LOWERCASE8 LSE command No changeB MODIFY LANGUAGE language_name See DEFINE LANGUAGE9 qualifiers8 NEXT BUFFER No change8 NEXT ERROR No changeG NEXT ITEM OpenVMS systems only-SCA6 E commandG NEXT NAME OpenVMS systems only-SCA6 commandC NEXT OCCURRENCE OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_> NEXT OCCURRENCEC NEXT QUERY OpenVMS systems onl FyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_9 NEXT QUERYE NEXT STEP lse$key_next_error_or_4 query1 orD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_8 G NEXT STEPC NEXT SYMBOL OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_: NEXT SYMBOL8 NEXT WINDOW No change8 ONE WINDOW No change8 OTHER WINDOW No change8 PRE HVIOUS BUFFER No change8 PREVIOUS ERROR No changeG PREVIOUS ITEM OpenVMS systems only-SCA6 commandG PREVIOUS NAME OpenVMS systems only-SCA6 commandC PREVIOUS OCCURRENCE OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 I VMSSCA_B PREVIOUS OCCURRENCEC PREVIOUS QUERY OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_= PREVIOUS QUERYE PREVIOUS STEP lse$key_prev_error_or_4 J query1 orD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_< PREVIOUS STEPC PREVIOUS SYMBOL OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_> PREVIOUS SYMBKOL8 PREVIOUS WINDOW No change8 QUIT No change8 QUOTE No changeE READ file_name INCLUDE FILE file_nameF /BUFFER= buffer_name GOTO|NEW BUFFER buffer_3 nameE INCLUDE FILE file_name8 RECALL L No change8 RECOVER BUFFER file_name No change8 REDO No change? /ALL RECOVER BUFFER *8 REFRESH No changeC REORGANIZE OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_9 R MEORGANIZE8 REPEAT count command No changeC REPLACE OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSCMS_6 REPLACEG /VARIANT OpenVMS systems only-CMS8 qualifierC REPORT N OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_5 REPORTC RESERVE element_name OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSCMS_C RESERVE element_nameE REVIEW [buffeOr_name] REVIEW BUFFER [buffer_4 name]D /FILE=file_name REVIEW FILE file_name8 SAVE ENVIRONMENT file_name No changeI /ALL SAVE ENVIRONMENT file_nameG /NEW SAVE ENVIRONMENT CHANGES8 file_name8 SAVE SECTION file_name No changeE P /CHANGES_ONLY lse$save_section(file_D name, "changes_only")E /DEBUG_NAMES SAVE SECTION file_nameE /NODEBUG_NAMES lse$save_section(file_F name, "no_debug_names")@ /NODEBUG lse$save_section(< /NOPROCEDURE_NAMES file_name,F Q /CHANGES_ONLY "NO_PROCEDURENAMES",C /IDENT=ident "NO_DEBUG_NAMES",A "CHANGES_ONLY",: "IDENT",8 ident)F /IDENT=ident lse$save_section (file_4 name,A "ident", ident) RE /PROCEDURE_NAMES SAVE SECTION file_nameE /NOPROCEDURE_NAMES lse$save_section(file_I name, "no_procedurenames")8 SEARCH SEARCH ""8 SEARCH string No changeH /DIALOG saved_dialog:=lse$$x_use_5 dialogG S SET PROMPT DIALOG WINDOWI Appropriate SEARCH commandH lse$$x_use_dialog:=saved_5 dialogD /PATTERN PATTERN SEARCH string8 SELECT ALL No changeG SET AUTO_ERASE SET BUFFER AUTO ERASE onE /BUFFER=buffer_name T saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameG SET BUFFER AUTO ERASE onF lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 buffer)H SET NOAUTO_ERASE SET BUFFER AUTO ERASE offE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_ U5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameH SET BUFFER AUTO ERASE offF lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 buffer)C SET CMS OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 V VMSCMS_6 SET CMS8 SET CURSOR motion_setting No changeD SET DEFAULT_DIRECTORY SET DIRECTORY DEFAULT8 directory directoryB SET DIRECTORY directory SET DIRECTORY CLOSE= directory saveB /READ_ONLY SET DIRECTORY CLOSEB W directory read_onlyB /WRITE SET DIRECTORY CLOSE= directory save8 SET FONT BIG No change8 SET FONT CONDENSED No change8 SET FONT LITTLE No change8 SET FONT NORMAL No changeC SET FORWARD SET BUFFER DIRECTION6 X FORWARDE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameC SET BUFFER DIRECTION6 forwardF lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 buffer)E S YET INDENTATION indentation_ SET BUFFER INDENTATION@ level indentation_levelE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameE SET BUFFER INDENTATION@ indentation_levelF Z lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 buffer)E SET INSERT SET BUFFER TEXT INSERTE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameE SET BUFFER TEXT INSERTF lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 [ buffer)G SET JOURNALING SET BUFFER JOURNALING onF SET JOURNALING buffer_name GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameG SET BUFFER JOURNALING onE /ALL eve_set_journaling_allH SET NOJOURNALING SET BUFFER JOURNALING offF SET NOJOURNALING buffer_name GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameH \ SET BUFFER JOURNALING offG /ALL eve_set_nojournaling_allB SET LANGUAGE language_name SET BUFFER LANGUAGE< language_nameE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameB ] SET BUFFER LANGUAGE< language_nameF lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 buffer)E SET NOLANGUAGE SET BUFFER LANGUAGE ""E /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_name ^E SET BUFFER LANGUAGE ""F lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 buffer)E SET LEFT_MARGIN column SET BUFFER LEFT MARGIN5 columnG SET LEFT_MARGIN CONTEXT_ SET BUFFER LEFT MARGIN 0 DEPENDENTE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_ _5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameE SET BUFFER LEFT MARGIN5 columnF lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 buffer)C SET LIBRARY OpenVMS systems onlyD E `NABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_: SET LIBRARYC SET NOLIBRARY OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_< SET NOLIBRARYA SET MARK mark_name NEW MARK mark_nameB SET MAX_UNDO=number a SET MAX UNDO number> SET MODE BELL=ALL SET BELL ALL onD SET MODE BELL=BROADCAST SET BELL BROADCAST onE SET MODE BELL=NOBROADCAST SET BELL BROADCAST off? SET MODE BELL=NONE SET BELL ALL offE SET MODE KEYPAD keypad_name SET KEYPAD keypad_name< SET MODE MENU GRAPHICS Not supported< SET MODE MENU NOGRAPHICS Not supbportedD SET MODE PENDING_DELETE SET PENDING DELETE onE SET MODE NOPENDING_DELETE SET PENDING DELETE offC SET MODE TABS=INVISIBLE SET TABS VISIBLE offB SET MODE TABS=VISIBLE SET TABS VISIBLE onC SET MODE TABS=NOVISIBLE SET TABS VISIBLE off? SET MODE TABS=HARD SET TABS HARD on@ SET MODE TABS=NOHARD SET TABS HARD off: c SET MODE UNDO=ON SET UNDO on; SET MODE UNDO=OFF SET UNDO offG SET MODIFY SET BUFFER MODIFIABLE onE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameG SET BUFFER MODIFIABLE onF d lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 buffer)H SET NOMODIFY SET BUFFER MODIFIABLE offE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameH SET BUFFER MODIFIABLE offF lse_goto_ ebuffer (saved_6 buffer)E SET OUTPUT_FILE file_name SET BUFFER OUTPUT FILE8 file_nameE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameF SET BUFFER OUTPUT file_3 f nameF lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 buffer)H SET NOOUTPUT_FILE SET BUFFER OUTPUT FILE ""E /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameH SET BUFFER OUTPUT FILE ""F g lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 buffer)I SET OVERSTRIKE SET BUFFER TEXT OVERSTRIKEE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameI SET BUFFER TEXT OVERSTRIKEE h lse_goto_buffer(saved_6 buffer)E SET OVERVIEW SET BUFFER OVERVIEW onE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameE SET BUFFER OVERVIEW onF lse_g ioto_buffer (saved_6 buffer)F SET NOOVERVIEW SET BUFFER OVERVIEW offE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameF SET BUFFER OVERVIEW offF lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 j buffer)I SET READ_ONLY SET BUFFER CLOSE read_onlyE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameI SET BUFFER CLOSE read_onlyF lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 k buffer)C SET REVERSE SET BUFFER DIRECTION6 reverseE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameC SET BUFFER DIRECTION6 reverseF l lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 buffer)F SET RIGHT_MARGIN column SET BUFFER RIGHT MARGIN5 columnE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameF SET BUFFER RIGHT MARGIN5 m columnF lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 buffer)I SET SEARCH AUTO_REVERSE SET SEARCH AUTO REVERSE onF SET SEARCH NOAUTO_REVERSE SET SEARCH AUTO REVERSE2 offH SET SEARCH CASE_SENSITIVE SET SEARCH CASE SENSITIVE1 n onH SET SEARCH NOCASE_SENSITIVE SET SEARCH CASE SENSITIVE2 offH SET SEARCH DIACRITICAL_ SET SEARCH DIACRITICAL on SENSITIVEI SET SEARCH NODIACRITICAL_ SET SEARCH DIACRITICAL off SENSITIVE8 SET SEARCH PATTERN pattern_ No change nameG SET SEARCH SPAN_SPACE SET SEARCH SPAN SPACE onH o SET SEARCH NOSPAN_SPACE SET SEARCH SPAN SPACE offE SET SCREEN BALANCE_WINDOWS SET BALANCE WINDOWS onF SET SCREEN NOBALANCE_WINDOWS SET BALANCE WINDOWS offA SET SCREEN HEIGHT integer SET HEIGHT integerB SET SCREEN MAXIMUM_WINDOW_ SET MAXIMUM WINDOWS6 NUMBER integer integerH SET SCREEN MINIMUM_WINDOW_ SET MINIMUM WINDOW LENGTH6 p LENGTH integer integer@ SET SCREEN WIDTH integer SET WIDTH integerD SET SCREEN WINDOW integer SET NUMBER OF WINDOWS6 integerE SET SCROLL_MARGINS top bottom SET SCROLL MARGINS top5 bottomA SET SELECT_MARK NEW SELECTION MARKC SET SOURCE_DIRECTORY SET DIRECTORY SOURC qE= directory_list directory_listB /AFTER Reenter the commandC with the full set of: directoriesB /BEFORE Reenter the commandC with the full set of: directoriesF SET NOSOURCE_DIRECTOR rY SET DIRECTORY SOURCE ""G SET TAB_INCREMENT integer SET BUFFER TAB INCREMENT6 integerE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameG SET BUFFER TAB INCREMENT6 integerF s lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 buffer)A SET WRAP SET BUFFER WRAP onE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameA SET BUFFER WRAP onF t lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 buffer)B SET NOWRAP SET BUFFER WRAP offE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameB SET BUFFER WRAP offF lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 u buffer)D SET WRITE SET BUFFER CLOSE saveE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_buffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameD SET BUFFER CLOSE saveG SET BUFFER MODIFIABLE onF v lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 buffer) SHIFTK /CURRENT if current_direction=forwardD then lse_shift_right;C else lse_shift_left;5 endif;: /FORWARD SHIFT RIGHT9 /REVERSE SHIFT LwEFT8 SHOW ADJUSTMENT adjustment_ No change nameF /LANGUAGE=language_name SHOW ADJUSTMENT adjust-F ment_name language_name8 SHOW ALIAS alias_name No changeF /BRIEF SHOW ALIAS * [language_4 name]D /FULL SHOW ALIAS alias_name> x [language_name]D /LANGUAGE=language_name SHOW ALIAS alias_name> [language_name]8 SHOW BUFFER buffer_name No change< /ALL_BUFFERS SHOW BUFFER *< /BRIEF SHOW BUFFER *F /FULL SHOW BUFFER buffer_nameC /SYSTEM_BUFFERS SHOW SYySTEM BUFFER *< /USER_BUFFERS SHOW BUFFER *C SHOW CMS OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSCMS_7 SHOW CMS; SHOW COMMAND OpenVMS only> SHOW DEFAULT_DIRECTORY SHOW ATTRIBUTES> SHOW DIRECTORY z SHOW ATTRIBUTES8 SHOW KEY key_name No change9 /BRIEF SHOW KEY *@ /FULL SHOW KEY key_name< SHOW KEYWORDS keyword_list_ Not supported name8 SHOW LANGUAGE language_name No change> /BRIEF SHOW LANGUAGE *F /FULL SHOW LANGUAGE language_3 { nameC SHOW LIBRARY OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_; SHOW LIBRARYC /BRIEF OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_ |A SHOW BRIEF LIBRARYC /FULL OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_@ SHOW FULL LIBRARY8 SHOW MARK mark_name No change: SHOW MARK SHOW MARK *: /BRIEF S}HOW MARK *B /FULL SHOW MARK mark_name> SHOW MODE SHOW ATTRIBUTES< SHOW MAX_UNDO SHOW MAX UNDO8 SHOW ROUTINE routine_name No changeG /BRIEF SHOW ROUTINE * [package_4 name]H /FULL SHOW ROUTINE routine_name= ~ [package_name]< /LANGUAGE=language-name Not supportedH /PACKAGE SHOW ROUTINE routine_name; package_nameE SHOW SCREEN SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTESC SHOW MODULE OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSC A_: SHOW MODULEC /BRIEF OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_@ SHOW BRIEF MODULEC /FULL OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6  VMSSCA_? SHOW FULL MODULE8 SHOW PACKAGE package_name No change= /BRIEF SHOW PACKAGE *H /FULL SHOW PACKAGE package_name< SHOW PARAMETER parameter_name Not supported8 SHOW PLACEHOLDER placeholder_ No change nameA /BRIEF SHOW PLACEHOLDER *>  [language_name]? /FULL SHOW PLACEHOLDERA placeholder_name -> [language_name]? /LANGUAGE=language-name SHOW PLACEHOLDERA placeholder_name -< language_nameC SHOW QUERY  OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_9 SHOW QUERYE SHOW SEARCH SHOW SEARCH ATTRIBUTES> SHOW SOURCE_DIRECTORY SHOW ATTRIBUTES8 SHOW SUMMARY No change8 SHOW TOKEN No change; /BRIEF  SHOW TOKEN *D /FULL SHOW TOKEN token_name> [language_name]D /LANGUAGE=language-name SHOW TOKEN token_name> [language_name]8 SHOW VERSION No change8 SHRINK WINDOW number_of_lines No change8 SPAWN command No change< SPELL  Not supportedD SPLIT WINDOW number_of_window NEW WINDOW number_of_5 window8 SUBSTITUTE search_str replace_ No change strD /ALL SUBSTITUTE search_str> replace_str allG /CASE_MATCHING EXACT SUBSTITUTE search_>  str replace_strG /CASE_MATCHING/ALL EXACT SUBSTITUTE search_B str replace_str allG /CASE_MATCHING/CONFIRM EXACT SUBSTITUTE search_> str replace_strG /CASE_MATCHING/SINGLE EXACT SUBSTITUTE search_E str replace_str singleD /CONFIRM SUBSTIT UTE search_str: replace_strH /DIALOG saved_dialog:=lse$$x_use_5 dialogG SET PROMPT DIALOG WINDOWI Appropriate SEARCH commandH lse$$x_use_dialog:=saved_5 dialogI  /PATTERN PATTERN SUBSTITUTE search_> str replace_strI /PATTERN/ALL PATTERN SUBSTITUTE search_B str replace_str allG /PATTERN/CASE_MATCHING PATTERN EXACT SUBSTITUTEE search_str replace_strI /PATTERN/CONFIRM PATTERN SUBSTITUTE search_>  str replace_strI /PATTERN/SINGLE PATTERN SUBSTITUTE search_E str replace_str singleD /SINGLE SUBSTITUTE search_strA replace_str single8 TAB ENTER TAB5 TOGGLE SELECT MARK SELECT8 TPU command  No change8 TWO WINDOWS No changeC UNDO ENTER COMMENT DELETE ENTER COMMENT6 UNERASE RESTORE@ UNERASE CHARACTER RESTORE character; UNERASE LINE RESTORE lineB UNERASE PLACEHOLDER RESTORE placeholder@ UNERASE SELECTION RESTORE selection; UNERASE WORD  RESTORE word< UNEXPAND DELETE EXPANDC UNRESERVE OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSCMS_8 UNRESERVE9 UNTAB DELETE TAB8 UPPERCASE WORD UPPERCASEC VERIFY  OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_= VERIFY LIBRARYC /RECOVER OpenVMS systems onlyD ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX6 VMSSCA_> RECOVER LIBRARYG  VIEW Call_TREE OpenVMS systems only-SCA6 command8 VIEW SOURCE No changeD /DEBUG VIEW DEBUGGING SOURCE@ /DEPTH=depth VIEW SOURCE depth8 WHAT LINE No changeB WRITE file_name SAVE FILE file_nameE /BUFFER=buffer_name saved_b uffer:=current_5 bufferF GOTO BUFFER buffer_nameE SAVE FILE AS file_nameF lse_goto_buffer (saved_6 buffer)H /DIALOG saved_dialog:=lse$$x_use_5 dialogG  SET PROMPT DIALOG WINDOWE SAVE FILE AS file_nameH lse$$x_use_dialog:=saved_5 dialogG /SELECT_REGION SAVE SELECTION file_name8 UNDO No changeE /VISIBLE SAVE VISIBLE file_name@ /VISIBLE/SELECT_REGION  lse$save_visible_I ________________________________selected(file_name)_______ww C  LSE_BUILD PatternsALIGNATTACHBALANCE_WINDOWSBOTTOMBOX_COPY BOX_CUT_PADBOX_CUTBOX_DRAW BOX_LOWERCASEBOX_PASTE_OVERSTRIKE BOX_PASTE BOX_UPPERCASE CAPITALIZE CENTER_LINE CHANGE_CASECHECK_LANGUAGE_DEFINITIONSCHECK_LANGUAGE_HELPCLI CLOSE_BUFFER CLOSE_FILECLOSECOLLAPSECOMPILE_REVIEWCOMPILE COPY_APPENDCOPY CUT_APPENDCUTDELETE_ADJUSTMENT DELETE_ALIASDELETE_BUFFER_OVERVIEW DELETE_BUFFER DELETE_EXPAND DELETE_KEYDELETE_LANGUAGE DELETE_MARKDELETE_MENU_ENTRYDELETE_MENU_LABELDELETE_MENU_SEPARATORDELETE_PACKAGEDELETE_PLACEHOLDERDELETE_ROUTINEDELETE_SELECTION_MARK DELETE_TAB DELETE_TOKEN DELETE_WINDOWDISABLE_GRAMMAR_PREFIX DISABLE_VMS_INTEGRATION_COMMANDSENABLE_GRAMMAR_PREFIXENABLE_VMS_INTEGRATION_COMMANDS END_OF_LINEENLARGE_WINDOW ENTER_COMMENT ENTER_LINEENTER_PSEUDOCODE ENTER_SPACE ENTER_SPECIAL ENTER_TAB ENTER_TEXTERASE_CHARACTER ERASE_COMMENTERASE_END_OF_LINEERASE_END_OF_WORD ERASE_LINEERASE_NEXT_CHARACTERERASE_NEXT_LINEERASE_NEXT_PLACEHOLDERERASE_NEXT_WORDERASE_PLACEHOLDERERASE_PREVIOUS_CHARACTERERASE_PREVIOUS_LINEERASE_PREVIOUS_PLACEHOLDERERASE_PREVIOUS_WORDERASE_SELECTIONERASE_START_OF_LINEERASE_START_OF_WORD ERASE_WORDEXACT_SUBSTITUTEEXECUTE_BUFFER_LSEEXECUTE_BUFFER_PLSEEXECUTE_BUFFER_TPUEXITEXPANDEXTENDEXTRACT_ADJUSTMENT EXTRACT_ALIASEXTRACT_LANGUAGEEXTRACT_NEW_ADJUSTMENTEXTRACT_NEW_ALIASEXTRACT_NEW_LANGUAGEEXTRACT_NEW_PACKAGEEXTRACT_NEW_PLACEHOLDEREXTRACT_NEW_ROUTINEEXTRACT_NEW_TOKENEXTRACT_PACKAGEEXTRACT_PLACEHOLDEREXTRACT_ROUTINE EXTRACT_TOKENFETCHFILLFIND_OCCURRENCESFOCUS GOTO_BUFFER GOTO_COMMANDGOTO_DECLARATION GOTO_MARK GOTO_REVIEW GOTO_SOURCEHELP_INDICATED HELP_KEYPADHELP_KEYHELP INCLUDE_FILE INDENT_LEFT INDENT_RIGHTLINE LOWERCASELSE MOVE_DOWNMOVE_UPNEW_ADJUSTMENT NEW_ALIAS NEW_BUFFERNEW_FILENEW_KEY NEW_LANGUAGE NEW_LEARN_KEYNEW_MARKNEW_MENU_ENTRYNEW_MENU_LABELNEW_MENU_SEPARATOR NEW_PACKAGENEW_PLACEHOLDER NEW_ROUTINENEW_SELECTION_MARK NEW_TOKEN NEW_WINDOW NEXT_BUFFERNEXT_CHARACTERNEXT_END_OF_LINE NEXT_ERROR C k LSE_BUILD NEXT_PAGENEXT_PLACEHOLDER NEXT_SCREENNEXT_START_OF_LINE NEXT_WINDOW NEXT_WORD ONE_WINDOW OPEN_FILEOPEN_SELECTED_FILEOVERVIEW_SOURCEPASTEPATTERN_EXACT_SUBSTITUTEPATTERN_SEARCHPATTERN_SUBSTITUTEPLSEPREVIOUS_BUFFERPREVIOUS_CHARACTERPREVIOUS_END_OF_LINEPREVIOUS_ERROR PREVIOUS_PAGEPREVIOUS_PLACEHOLDERPREVIOUS_SCREENPREVIOUS_START_OF_LINEPREVIOUS_WINDOW PREVIOUS_WORDQUIT QUOTE_KEYNAMEQUOTERECOVER_BUFFERREDOREFRESHREPEATREPLACERESERVERESTORE REVIEW_BUFFER REVIEW_FILEREVIEWSAVE_ASSAVE_ENVIRONMENT_CHANGESSAVE_ENVIRONMENT SAVE_FILE SAVE_SECTIONSAVE_SELECTION SAVE_VISIBLESEARCH SELECT_ALLSELECTSET_ADJUSTMENT_COMPRESSSET_ADJUSTMENT_COUNTSET_ADJUSTMENT_CURRENTSET_ADJUSTMENT_INHERITSET_ADJUSTMENT_OVERVIEWSET_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN SET_ADJUSTMENT_PREFIX_ADJUSTMENT!SET_ADJUSTMENT_PREFIX_INDENTATIONSET_ADJUSTMENT_SUBSEQUENTSET_ADJUSTMENT_UNITSET_ALIAS_EXPAND_TEXTSET_BALANCE_WINDOWS SET_BELL_ALLSET_BELL_BROADCASTSET_BUFFER_AUTO_ERASESET_BUFFER_CLOSESET_BUFFER_DIRECTIONSET_BUFFER_INDENTATIONSET_BUFFER_JOURNALINGSET_BUFFER_LANGUAGESET_BUFFER_LEFT_MARGINSET_BUFFER_MODIFIABLESET_BUFFER_OUTPUT_FILESET_BUFFER_OVERVIEWSET_BUFFER_RIGHT_MARGINSET_BUFFER_TAB_INCREMENTSET_BUFFER_TEXTSET_BUFFER_WRAP SET_CLIPBOARDSET_COMMAND_LANGUAGE SET_CURSORSET_DIRECTORY_DEFAULTSET_DIRECTORY_READONLYSET_DIRECTORY_SOURCESET_FONT SET_HEIGHT SET_KEYPADSET_LANGUAGE_ANSI_FORTRANSET_LANGUAGE_BRACKETED_COMMENTS SET_LANGUAGE_COMMENT_ASSOCIATIONSET_LANGUAGE_COMPILE_COMMANDSET_LANGUAGE_ESCAPESSET_LANGUAGE_EXPAND_CASESET_LANGUAGE_FILE_TYPESSET_LANGUAGE_FIXED_COMMENTSSET_LANGUAGE_FORTRANSET_LANGUAGE_HELP_LIBRARYSET_LANGUAGE_HELP_TOPIC"SET_LANGUAGE_IDENTIFIER_CHARACTERSSET_LANGUAGE_INITIAL_STRINGSET_LANGUAGE_LEFT_MARGINSET_LANGUAGE_LINE_COMMENTSSET_LANGUAGE_OPTIONAL_DELIMIT"SET_LANGUAGE_OPTIONAL_LIST_DELIMIT#SET_LANGUAGE_OVERVIEW_MINIMUM_LINESSET_LANGUAGE_OVERVIEW_TAB_RANGESET_LANGUAGE_PSEUDOCODE_DELIMIT#SET_LANGUAGE_PUNCTUATION_CHARACTERSSET_LANGUAGE_QUOTES C d LSE_BUILD SET_LANGUAGE_REQUIRED_DELIMIT"SET_LANGUAGE_REQUIRED_LIST_DELIMITSET_LANGUAGE_RIGHT_MARGINSET_LANGUAGE_TAB_INCREMENTSET_LANGUAGE_TAG_TERMINATORSSET_LANGUAGE_TRAILING_COMMENTSSET_LANGUAGE_VERSIONSET_LANGUAGE_WRAPSET_MAXIMUM_WINDOWS SET_MAX_UNDOSET_MENU_LABELSET_MENU_MNEMONICSSET_MINIMUM_WINDOW_LENGTHSET_NUMBER_OF_WINDOWSSET_PACKAGE_HELP_LIBRARYSET_PACKAGE_HELP_TOPICSET_PACKAGE_LANGUAGESET_PACKAGE_PARAMETER_EXPANDSET_PACKAGE_ROUTINE_EXPANDSET_PENDING_DELETESET_PLACEHOLDER_AUTO_SUBSTITUTESET_PLACEHOLDER_BODY_LINESET_PLACEHOLDER_DESCRIPTIONSET_PLACEHOLDER_DUPLICATIONSET_PLACEHOLDER_HELP_TOPICSET_PLACEHOLDER_INHERITSET_PLACEHOLDER_LEADINGSET_PLACEHOLDER_MENU_LINESET_PLACEHOLDER_PSEUDOCODESET_PLACEHOLDER_SEPARATORSET_PLACEHOLDER_TERMINAL_LINESET_PLACEHOLDER_TRAILINGSET_PRIMARY_SELECTION_MODELSET_PROMPT_ABORTSET_PROMPT_ALTERMINATORSET_PROMPT_DIALOGSET_PROMPT_EXPANDMENUSET_PROMPT_KEYPADSET_PROMPT_TERMINATORSET_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTIONSET_ROUTINE_HELP_TOPICSET_ROUTINE_PARAMETERSET_SAVE_RELATED_BUFFERSSET_SCROLL_MARGINSSET_SEARCH_AUTO_REVERSESET_SEARCH_CASE_SENSITIVESET_SEARCH_DIACRITICALSET_SEARCH_PATTERNSET_SEARCH_SPAN_SPACE SET_TABS_HARDSET_TABS_VISIBLESET_TOKEN_BODY_LINESET_TOKEN_DESCRIPTIONSET_TOKEN_HELP_TOPICSET_TOKEN_INHERITSET_UNDO SET_WIDTH SHIFT_LEFT SHIFT_RIGHTSHOW_ADJUSTMENT SHOW_ALIASSHOW_ATTRIBUTES SHOW_BUFFERSHOW_KEYSHOW_LANGUAGE_ROUTINE SHOW_LANGUAGE SHOW_MARK SHOW_MAX_UNDOSHOW_PACKAGE_ROUTINE SHOW_PACKAGESHOW_PLACEHOLDERSHOW_PROMPT_ATTRIBUTESSHOW_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTES SHOW_SUMMARYSHOW_SYSTEM_BUFFER SHOW_TOKEN SHOW_VERSIONSHOW_WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES SHRINK_WINDOWSPAWNSPELL START_OF_LINE SUBSTITUTETOGGLE_INSERT_OVERSTRIKETOPTPU TWO_WINDOWSUNDO UNRESERVE UPPERCASEVIEW_DEBUGGING_SOURCE VIEW_FILE VIEW_SOURCE WHAT_LINECommand_Definitions7Commands_for_Compiling_Source_Code_and_Reviewing_ErrorsCross_Reference_CommandsCursor_Movement_Commands Editing_Session_Control_Commands%File_and_Buffer_Manipulation_Commands C  LSE_BUILD Help_and_Status_CommandsLanguage_Modification_CommandsProgram_Design_CommandsRepository_CommandsScreen_Manipulation_Commands&Commands_for_Tailoring_the_EnvironmentText_Manipulation_CommandsParameter_Glossary New_FeaturesCustomizing_Command_Language3Getting_Started_with_Portable_LSE_for_OpenVMS_UsersEntering_Commands Release_Notes About_LSE VMSLSE_Command_Translation_Table C  LSE_BUILD Help