% Librarian I01-39Q m @ [[[5  BOL BOTTOM CHANGE_CASEChange_Window_Mode6Char,COLLAPSEhCommandtCOPYCUT  CUT_APPEND Define_Alias*Delete2 DELETE_EXPANDrDELETE_SELECTION_MARKDel_C4&End_Comment_Return- End_Define5 END_OF_LINE5Enter.( ENTER_COMMENT/Enter_Comment_Line0ENTER_PSEUDOCODE, ENTER_SPACEw ENTER_SPECIAL2EOLNE$*ERASE_START_OF_WORD GOTO_COMMAND SET_BUFFER_DIRECTIONX@ERASE_END_OF_LINE'6ERASE_END_OF_WORD!ERASE_NEXT_LINE6ERASE_NEXT_PLACEHOLDER8ERASE_NEXT_WORD7JERASE_START_OF_LINE$*ERASE_START_OF_WORD:zEXIT<EXPAND?FILLCFOCUSFGold GOTO_COMMANDGGOTO_DECLARATIONHdGoto_Decl_by_ContextI GOTO_SOURCEMHELPO^Help_IndQ INDENT_LEFTP INDENT_RIGHTSjLine= LSE_EXPANDU Move_By_LineCSEARCHE`SET_BUFFER_DIRECTIONSZSET_BUFFER_TEXT:EOLHelp_IndPREVIOUS_SCREENWord_SOURCENEXTQ INDENT_LEFTP INDENT_RIGHTzkeypad_captionsSjLineLK201_TemplateLK201_Wide_Template= LSE_EXPANDU Move_By_LineVt MOVE_DOWNZVMOVE_UPYDNEXT_CHARACTERf2 NEXT_ERROR[NEXT_PLACEHOLDER[Next_Placeholder_NoPseudocode\ NEXT_SCREEN^ NEXT_WINDOW`` Open_LinebPagecPASTEPATTERN_SEARCHX*PREVIOUS_CHARACTERdPREVIOUS_PLACEHOLDEReXPREVIOUS_SCREENSET_BUFFER_DIRECTIONSZSET_BUFFER_TEXTgPREVIOUS_WINDOWePrev_Placeholder_NoPseudocodeiQUOTElREDOllREFRESHnfREPEATpReplace,RESTOREmRETURNCSEARCHsSectu`SELECTrtSET_BUFFER_DIRECTIONSZSET_BUFFER_TEXTy. START_OF_LINEzSubs|Tab}TOP~ TPU_PromptUndoUnknownUntab VIEW_SOURCEJVT100_TemplateWord  @d 1 CUT_APPEND AppendN Removes (cuts) the current selected range (or found range) and adds it to theI end of the text you previously cut or copied. You can then reinsert all of this text elsewhere. Steps:3 1. Select or find the text you want to append. 2. Press the Append key.1 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to append more text.J 4. Use the Paste key to insert text you removed, copied, or appended.M By default, the text is appended to the $ PASTE buffer in character cell mode4 and to the DECwindows clipboard in DECwindows mode. Command Equivalent: CUT/APPEND Related Topics: Copy to Clipboard Cut to Clipboard PASTE Paste from Clipboard SEARCH SEARCH/PATTERN SELECT SET SELECT_MARK SUSTITUTEww@d 1 BOL Beginning-Of-Line5 Moves the cursor to the start of the current line.  Command Equival!ent:$ GOTO LINE/BEGINNING/REVERSE Related Topics: GOTO CHARACTER GOTO WORD END-OF-LINE CHARwwPd 1 BOTTOM Bottom6 Moves the cursor to the bottom of the current buffer.2 The bottom of the buffer is marked [End of file]. Command Equivalent: GOTO BOTTOM Related Topics: Features Windows GOTO CHARACTER GOTO SCREEN GOTO TOPwwPd 1 SET_press theRD HELP key in either keypad mode) show the GOLD key and each function it enables in reverse video.eE You can also use PF1 to repeat keypad functions. If you press PF1, oM followed by an integer (entered with the numeric keys on the main keyboard), M and then use a keypad function, LSE repeats the function the number of times you specified with the integer. r Command Equivalent: T NoneD C Related Topics: u DEFINE KEY/STATE  wwe Direction command to terminateH SEARCH or SEARCH/PATTERN commands so the search begins in the directionM opposite that of the current buffer. (See help on the SEARCH command.) ThisM does not affect the direction for commands in which you explicitly specify a7 direction qualifier, such as GOTO PLACEHOLDER/FORWARD. Command Equivalent: CHANGE DIRECTION Related Topics: SET FORWARD SET REVERSEwwPd 1 Change_Window_Mode# Toggle Between One and Two Windows : The Change Window Mode key controls the number of windows= displayed on the screen. If the screen has one window, this? key creates a second window and places the cursor in the newlyC created window. If the screen has two or more windows, the Change> Window Mode key removes the multiple windows and displays the% current buffer in the single window. Command Equivalent: CHANGE WINDOW_MODE Related Topics: DELETE WINDOW ONE WINDOW SET SCREEN WINDOW SPLIT WINDOWwwPd 1 Char CharacterI Moves the cursor one character at a time in the current direction of theB buffer -- either forward or reverse, as shown in the status line.L The Character key is similar to the Goto Character/horizontally/forward keyN or the Goto Character/horizontally/reverse key except the cursor moves in the' direction in which your buffer is set. Steps:D 1. If necessary, set the direction you want the cursor to move. 2. Press the Character key.F In forward direction, the cursor moves right one character. If thereF is no next character, the cursor moves to the start of the next line. E In reverse direction, the cursor moves left one character. If thereL is no previous character, the cursor moves to the end of the previous line. Command Equivalent:$ GOTO CHARACTER/HORIZONTALLY Related Topics: GOTO LINE GOTO WORDwwPd 1 CHANGE_CASE Change CaseJ Changes the case of the current character, selected range, or found text.H Uppercase letters become lowercase; lowercase letters become uppercase. Steps:A 1. Optionally, select or search for text you want to change. 2. Press the Chngcase key.D If there is no selected range, the Chngcase key changes the case ofC the current character, and the cursor moves to the next character.B If there is a selected range active, the Chngcase key changes theC case of each character in the selected range, and the cursor moves$ to the end of the selected range.  Command Equivalent: CHANGE CASE Related Topics: CAPITALIZE WORD LOWERCASE WORD SEARCH UPPERCASE WORD ww`d 1 COLLAPSE COLLAPSE0 Compresses text at the current cursor position.C Displays an overview of the text at the current cursor position. A Low-level detail lines are replaced by a si ngle overview line. B The cursor position is recorded before the text is collapsed for ! use with future EXPAND commands.@ The editor determines the relative level of detail of a line byD comparing the indentation of the line with the indentation of other@ lines. The editor's treatment of the indentation of a line is 4 influenced by indentation adjustment definitions. N In an SCA query buffer, if the cursor is positioned on a symbol that has been@ expanded, or on an occurrence within an expansion, the COLLAPSE- command causes the occurrences to disappear. Command Equivalent: COLLAPSE Related Topics: DEFINE ADJUSTMENT) DEFINE LANGUAGE/OVERVIEW_OPTIONS EXPAND FOCUS MODIFY LANGUAGE SET NOOVERVIEW SET OVERVIEW VIEW SOURCEww`d 1 Command CommandI Provides the LSE Command> prompt for you to issue LSE or SCA commands. H You can issue commands from the command line or from a buffer. You mayK specify a list of commands to be executed with the DO command. The DO/TPU: command directs LSE to execute VAXTPU program statements. Examples:+ 1. LSE Command> DO "GOTO LINE","PASTE"> Moves the cursor to the end of the line in the currentA direction and copies the contents of the $PASTE buffer or# clipboard at that position.3 2. LSE Command> DO/TPU "ERASE(MESSAGE_BUFFER)" C Invokes VAXTPU to erase the contents of the message buffer.@ Any messages that have accumulated at the bottom of your screen disappear.  Command Equivalent: GOTO COMMAND  Related Topics: CONTINUE+ DO/CONTINUE/PROMPT="LSE Command> "' DO/CONTINUE/TPU/PROMPT="TPU> "% DO/NOCONTINUE/PROMPT="LSE> "ww`d 1 COPY CopyE Copies text within the selected range and moves it into a designatedL buffer (by default, the $PASTE buffer or the clipboard in DECwindows mode).I The selected range is the text between the select marker and the currentF cursor position. If no select marker has been set, and the cursor isJ positioned on the current search string, then that string is moved to the buffer. Command Equivalent:  CUT/NOERASE Related Topics: PASTE SET SELECT_MARK SUBSTITUTE ww`d 1 CUT Cut2 Moves the selected range to the indicated buffer.F The Cut key removes text within the selected range or found range andH moves it into a designated buffer (by default, the $PASTE buffer or theK clipboard in DECwindows mode). The selected range is the text between theG select marker (see the SET SELECT_MARK command) and the current cursor position.  Command Equivalent: CUT Related Topics: PASTE SET SELECT_MARK SUBSTITUTEwwpd 1 GOTO_COMMAND DoI Provides the LSE Command> prompt for you to issue LSE or SCA commands. H You can issue commands from the command line or from a buffer. You mayK specify a list of commands to be executed with the DO command. The DO/TPU: command directs LSE to execute VAXTPU program statements. Examples:+ 1. LSE Command> DO "GOTO LINE","PASTE"> Moves the cursor to the end of the line in the currentK direction and copies the contents of the $PASTE buffer or clipboard at that position.3  2. LSE Command> DO/TPU "ERASE(MESSAGE_BUFFER)" C Invokes VAXTPU to erase the contents of the message buffer.@ Any messages that have accumulated at the bottom of your screen disappear.  Command Equivalent: GOTO COMMAND  Related Topics: COMMAND CONTINUE+ DO/CONTINUE/PROMPT="LSE Command> "' DO/CONTINUE/TPU/PROMPT="TPU> "% DO/NOCONTINUE/PROMPT="LSE> "wwpd 1 Define_Alias  Define AliasN Lets you assign an abbreviation for a long text string or identifier that youM want to enter repeatedly into your source code. You may then use the ExpandL key to produce the text string or identifier each time the cursor is at the end of the abbreviation. Command Equivalent: DEFINE ALIAS Related Topics: DEFINE LANGUAGE  EXPANDwwpd 1 Del_C Delete Character6 Deletes the character at the current cursor position. Steps:B 1. Move the cursor to the character that you want to delete. ) 2. Press the Delete Character key. A In insert mode, the character at the cursor position is deleted;L the rest of the line moves left. In overstrike mode, the deleted character< is replaced by a space; the rest of the line does not move.I At the end of a line, only the carriage return is deleted; the next lineH (if any) moves up, regardless of the mode. This is useful for deleting4 blank lines t o form paragraphs for fill operations.C To reinsert the deleted character, use the Undelete Character key.  Command Equivalent: # ERASE/TO CHARACTER/FORWARD  Related Topics:  ERASE CHARACTER ERASE LINE ERASE WORD UNERASE CHARACTERwwpd 1 ERASE_END_OF_LINE Delete End of Line D Deletes text from the current character to the end of the line, butH does NOT delete the carriage return at the end of the! line. The cursor does not move. Example:F The following example shows the effects of the Delete EOL key with/ three different cursor positions on a line:3 LSE stands for Language-Sensitive Editor.4 | | |5 (1) (2) (3)E (1) At the start of a line, deletes the entire line but does not$ delete the carriage return.M (2) In the middle of a line, deletes the "t" "in "Language-Sensitive" andF the rest of the line but does not delete the carriage return.J (3) At the end of a line, deletes the carriage return and deletes the next line, if any. 9 To reinsert what you deleted, use the Undelete Line key. Command Equivalent: " ERASE/TO LINE/END/FORWARD  Related Topics:  ERASE LINE ERASE WORD UNERASE UNERASE LINEww!e 1 ERASE_NEXT_LINE Delete #Line D Deletes a line of text at the current cursor position. The text onB the following line moves up to fill the space to the right of the cursor. Example:G The following example shows the effects of the Delete Line key with/ three different cursor positions on a line:3 LSE stands for Language-Sensitive Editor.4 | | |5 (1) (2) (3)E (1) At the start of the line, delet$es the entire line, including$ the carriage return at (3).K (2) In the middle of the line, deletes the "t" in "Language-Sensitive"H and the rest of the line, including the carriage return at (3).B (3) At the end of a line, deletes only the carriage return. 9 To reinsert what you deleted, use the Undelete Line key.  Command Equivalent: ( ERASE/TO LINE/BEGINNING/FORWARD  Related Topics:  ERASE ERASE WORD UNERA%SE UNERASE LINEww!e 1 ERASE_START_OF_WORD Delete Previous WordC Deletes the text at the left of the cursor to the start of a word. Example:H The following shows the effects of the Delete Previous Word key with/ three different cursor positions on a line:4 LSE stands for Language-Sensitive Editor.1 | | | | 1 (1) (2) (3)H (1) At the start of a l &ine, deletes only the carriage return at theF end of the previous line, if any; the current line moves up. G (2) Between words or on the first character of a word, deletes theE previous word. In this case, deletes "for". Spaces between> the cursor position and the deleted word are deleted.H (3) In the middle of a word, deletes to the start of that word. InF this case, deletes "Ed". Spaces or tabs between words are not deleted.9 To re'insert what you deleted, use the Undelete Word key. Command Equivalent:  ERASE/TO WORD/REVERSE  Related Topics:  ERASE ERASE LINE UNERASE UNERASE WORDww!e 1 Delete Delete Start of LineB Removes the text to the left of the cursor position and moves theO cursor (and any text to the right of the cursor) to the beginning of the line. Command Equivalent:( ERASE/TO LINE/BEGINNING/REVERSE R (elated Topics: UNERASE LINEww!e 1 ERASE_END_OF_WORD Delete Word A Deletes text from the current character to the start of the next word.A The Delete Word key removes a word from the current buffer. YouF can terminate a word by using tabs or characters not specified in theD /IDENTIFIER_CHARACTERS qualifier on the DEFINE LANGUAGE command. AE word can consist of identifier characters and trailing blanks, or it; can consist of a single nonblank, non)identifier character. Example:D The following shows the effects of the Delete Word key with four) different cursor positions on a line:4 LSE stands for Language-Sensitive Editor.5 | | | |6 (1) (2)(3) (4)H (1) On the first character of a word, deletes all of that word. In= this case, deletes "stands" and the trailing spaces.J (2) In the middle of a word, deletes *to the end of the word. In this4 case, deletes "or" and the trailing spaces.G (3) Between words, deletes the blanks from the cursor to the firstM non-blank character. In this case, deletes the spaces between "for"" and "Language-Sensitive".I (4) At the end of a line, deletes only the carriage return; the nextL line (if any) moves up. This is useful for deleting blank lines to- form paragraphs for fill operations.9 To reinsert what yo+u deleted, use the Undelete Word key. Command Equivalent:  ERASE/TO WORD/FORWARD  Related Topics:  ERASE ERASE LINE ERASE WORD UNERASE UNERASE WORDwwHe 1 Delete Delete1 Deletes the character to the left of the cursor. Steps:H 1. If necessary, set the mode to insert or overstrike, depending onG which you want to use. (See help on the CHANGE TEXT_ENTRY_MODE command.,) 2. Press the Delete key.F In insert mode, the rest of the line moves left. In overstrike mode,H the deleted character is replaced by a space; the rest of the line does not move. D At the start of a line, only the carriage return is deleted for theA previous line, if any, regardless of the mode. The current lineJ moves up. This is useful for deleting blank lines to form paragraphs for fill operations.C To reinsert the deleted character, use the Undelete Character key.- Command Equivalent: # ERASE/TO CHARACTER/REVERSE  Related Topics:  ERASE ERASE CHARACTER ERASE LINE ERASE WORD UNERASE UNERASE CHARACTERwwHe 1 ENTER_SPACE Enter Space? Inserts or overstrikes a space character at the current cursorE position, depending on whether the current editing mode is insert or) overstrike, as shown in the status line.A If the cursor is past the right margi.n and wrap mode is set, the> Enter Space key performs a line-fill operation on the currentA line. You can change the right margin with the SET RIGHT_MARGIN command. Command Equivalent: ENTER SPACE Related Topics: ENTER LINE SET WRAPwwHe 1 End_Define End DefineD Ends a body of text that begins with a DEFINE PLACEHOLDER or DEFINEL TOKEN command. The END DEFINE command also ends the sequence of keystrokesK that follow a DEFINE KEY/LEAR/N command. To use the END DEFINE command forD this purpose, you must issue the command by pressing a key you have" defined to be the End Define key. Command Equivalent: END DEFINE Related Topics: DEFINE KEY DEFINE PLACEHOLDER DEFINE TOKENwwQj 1 ENTER_COMMENT ENTER COMMENT/BLOCK> Specifies that the comment should be entered above the cursorB (or selected text range), formatting the comment according to the! placeholder LSE$BLOCK0_COMMENT. 9 You cannot specify both the /BLOCK and /LINE qualifiers. Command Equivalent: ENTER COMMENT/BLOCK Related Topics: ENTER COMMENT/LINE UNDO ENTER COMMENTwwQj 1 Enter_Comment_Line ENTER COMMENT/LINE? Specifies that the comment should be entered at the end of theH current line (or selected text range), formatting the comment according% to the placeholder LSE$LINE_COMMENT.9 You cannot specify both the /LINE and1 /BLOCK qualifiers. Command Equivalent: ENTER COMMENT/LINE Related Topics: ENTER COMMENT/BLOCK UNDO ENTER COMMENTwwQj 1 ENTER_PSEUDOCODE ENTER PSEUDOCODEG Inserts pseudocode placeholder delimiters and positions the cursor on J the first character of the right delimiter. The pseudocode placeholder 6 delimiters must be defined before using this command.< If the cursor is on a placeholder defined with the command G DEFINE 2PLACEHOLDER/PSEUDOCODE, then the command has the usual effects I of text insertion on the defined placeholders. The defined placeholder B is autoerased and, if it is a list placeholder, it is duplicated.; If the cursor is on a placeholder defined with the commandE DEFINE PLACEHOLDER/NOPSEUDOCODE, or is on a pseudocode placeholder, F then the command is not allowed and a warning message is displayed. K If the cursor is not on a placeholder, the command inserts the pseudocode  placeho3lder delimiter. Command Equivalent: ENTER PSEUDOCODE Related Topics: DEFINE LANGUAGE DEFINE PLACEHOLDER MODIFY LANGUAGEwwQj 1 EOL End of Line A Moves the cursor to the nearest end of a line, depending on the > current direction of the buffer, as shown in the status line. Steps:D 1. If necessary, set the direction you want the cursor to move.? (Press KP4 for forward or KP5 for reverse; or click MB412 on Forward or Reverse in the status line.)( 2. Press the End of Line key (KP2). G In forward direction, the cursor moves to the end of the current line.J If the cursor is already at the end of a line, it moves to the end of the next line, if there is one.H In reverse direction, the cursor moves to the end of the previous line, if there is one. Command Equivalent:  GOTO LINE/END  Related Topics:  CHANGE DIRECTION GOTO CHARAC5TER GOTO WORDwwxj 1 End_Comment_Return End Comment ReturnI Indicates that the second line should not be a comment. The End CommentF Return key inserts a carriage return at the current editing position,E terminating a comment and beginning a code line. This has no effect1 unless each of the following conditions are met:4 o The current buffer is associated with a language) o Comments are defined for the language- o The cursor is positioned within 6a comment* o Wrapping is set for the current buffer Command Equivalent:< DO "SET INDENTATION CURRENT","ENTER LINE/NOCOMMENT" Related Topics: ENTER SPACE SET WRAP wwxj 1 END_OF_LINE End of Line@ Moves the cursor to the end of the current line, unless you are already there. Command Equivalent: GOTO LINE/BOUND/FORWARD  Related Topics: GOTO CHARACTER GOTO WORD wwxj 1 Enter7 Enter G Terminates a prompt or selects a menu item during an expand operation.  Command Equivalent: None  Related Topics: None wwxj 1 ERASE_NEXT_PLACEHOLDER Erase PlaceholderA Deletes the text of a placeholder and related punctuation. LSE A moves the cursor to the next placeholder. If no placeholder is % found, LSE reports an error message.C After deleting the placeholder and any leading tabs or blanks, LSE@ then 8deletes any leading separator text or leading and trailingF punctuation. If the resulting line or line segment is now empty, LSE. then deletes the entire line or line segment. Command Equivalent:" ERASE PLACEHOLDER/FORWARD Related Topics: DEFINE PLACEHOLDER UNERASE PLACEHOLDERwwj 1 ERASE_START_OF_LINE Erase Start of LineJ Removes the text to the left of the cursor position and moves the cursor H (and any text to the right of the cur9sor) to the beginning of the line. Command Equivalent:( ERASE/TO LINE/BEGINNING/REVERSE Related Topics: UNERASE LINEwwj 1 ERASE_NEXT_WORD Erase WordE Erases all of the current word or all of the next word, depending on your cursor position. Example:G The following shows the effects of the Erase Word key with different cursor positions on a line:/ LSE stands for Language-Sensitive Editor.0 | | | : |1 (1) (2) (3) F (1) If you are on a word, deletes all of that word. In this case,1 deletes "stands" and the trailing spaces.< (2) Between words, deletes the next word. In this case,= deletes "Language-Sensitive" and the trailing spaces.: (3) At the end of a line, deletes the carriage return;( the next line (if any) moves up.8 To reinsert what you erased, use the Undelete Word key. C;ommand Equivalent: ERASE WORD/NEXT Related Topics: ERASE LINE UNERASE WORD wwj 1 EXIT ExitN Ends an LSE editing session and returns control to the calling process or theN OpenVMS command language interpreter. The Exit key saves your edits in a new+ file or a new version of an existing file.I When you press the Exit key, LSE saves (writes) the current buffer if itO has been modified. If there is no file specification for the buffe<r, that is,K if you invoked LSE or created the buffer without specifying an input file,# LSE asks for a file specification.K If you have modified other buffers and not yet saved them, LSE asks if youG want to write each of those buffers and, if necessary, asks for outputI file specifications. LSE will not write out buffers with the READ_ONLY attribute. Command Equivalent: EXIT  Related Topics:  ATTACH QUIT SPAWN  = WRITE wwj 1 EXPAND ExpandB Replaces placeholders, token names, alias names, or routine namesE at the current cursor position with the appropriate body of text or G code, if the cursor is not on an overview line. Replaces an overview H line with the underlying source lines, if the cursor is on an overview G line. Expands symbols to include their occurrences, if the cursor is  in a query buffer. Command Equivalent: EXPAND Related Topics:> COLLAPSE DEFINE ADJUSTMENT$ DEFINE LANGUAGE/EXPAND_CASE) DEFINE LANGUAGE/OVERVIEW_OPTIONS FOCUS MODIFY LANGUAGE SET NOOVERVIEW SET OVERVIEW UNEXPAND VIEW SOURCE wwj 1 LSE_EXPAND EXPAND/DEPTH=ALL= If the cursor is on an overview line, expands all subgroups  for the overview line.C If the cursor is not on an overview line or is in a query buffer, = behaves the s?ame as the Expand key. Replaces placeholders, A token names, alias names, or routine names at the current cursor= position with the appropriate body of text or code. Expands< symbols to include their occurrences, if the cursor is in a query buffer.  Command Equivalent: EXPAND/DEPTH=ALL Related Topics:  COLLAPSE DEFINE ADJUSTMENT$ DEFINE LANGUAGE/EXPAND_CASE) DEFINE LANGUAGE/OVERVIEW_OPTIONS FOCUS MOD@IFY LANGUAGE SET NOOVERVIEW SET OVERVIEW UNEXPAND VIEW SOURCE wwj 1 FILL FillF Reformats the current paragraph or selected range so that the maximum? number of words fits on a line according to the margins of the buffer.D The selected range is the text between the select mark (see the SETE SELECT_MARK command) and the current cursor position. If you do not= provide a selected range, the Fill key reformats the AcurrentD paragraph. The current paragraph includes the text on all previousF and subsequent lines until LSE encounters a completely blank line, orC a line that contains only a Runoff command in a buffer that is notF associated with a language. LSE preserves any blank lines you insert in the text.@ The Fill key reformats a block of text so that as many complete? words as possible fit on each line without exceeding the rightC margin. You can change the right margin with the SET RIGHT_MBARGIN@ command. Except in comments, pressing the Fill key indents the- reformatted text to the left margin setting.: When you press the Fill key, LSE treats spaces, tabs, andE carriage returns as word delimiters. LSE treats character sequences@ as whole words if it recognizes such sequences as placeholders. Steps:5 1. Optionally, select the text you want to fill. 2. Press the Fill key.? Filling a range keeps blank lines and page breaks as paragraphD boundaries, wChich is useful if you select several paragraphs or the entire buffer.G If the buffer is associated with a language, just the comment segments1 of the lines in the selected range get filled.  Command Equivalent: FILL Related Topics: DEFINE LANGUAGE SELECT SET LEFT MARGIN SET RIGHT MARGIN SET SELECT_MARK SET WRAP wwj 1 SEARCH FindM Prompts for a search string and movesD the cursor in the direction set to the next occurrence of the string. Command Equivalent: SEARCH Related Topics: CUT/SUBSTITUTE SET SEARCH SHOW SEARCH SUBSTITUTEwwj 1 SEARCH Find NextG Moves the cursor in the search direction to the next occurrence of the search string. Command Equivalent: SEARCH "" Related Topics: SET SEARCH SHOW SEARCHwwEj 1 FOCUS FOCUS> Displays an overview of the buffer. The current line remains3 visible, and the rest of the buffer is compressed.B Displays the current line and its surrounding text. The rest of ? the lines in the buffer are collapsed as much as possible and  represented by overview lines.@ The editor determines the relative level of detail of a line byD comparing the indentation of the line with the indentation of other@ lines. The editor's treatment of the indentation oFf a line is 4 influenced by indentation adjustment definitions.  Command Equivalent: FOCUS Related Topics: COLLAPSE DEFINE ADJUSTMENT) DEFINE LANGUAGE/OVERVIEW_OPTIONS EXPAND MODIFY LANGUAGE SET NOOVERVIEW SET OVERVIEW VIEW SOURCEwwj 1 SET_BUFFER_DIRECTION Forward 7 Sets the direction of the current buffer to forward. @ You can press a key defined as Forward to terminate the SEARCH 7 command so the search begins in that direction. This2 does not affect the direction for other commands. Command Equivalent:  SET FORWARD   Related Topics:  CHANGE DIRECTION SET REVERSE  wwj 1 Gold Gold G The GOLD key (PF1) gives every keypad key a second function, which you9 activate by pressing PF1 first and then the desired key.A The EDT and EVE keypad layout displays (shown when you Hj 1 GOTO_DECLARATION Goto Primary DeclarationD Displays the primary declaration for a symbol at the current cursorH position (or the text within the currently active selected range). LSEF displays the source code containing the symbol declaration in anotherM window and positions the cursor on the symbol declaration. If more than oneF declaration is to be displayed, LSE creates a new query to list those declarations. Command Equivalent:+ GOTO DECLARATION/IINDICATED/PRIMARY Related Topics: FIND GOTO QUERY GOTO SOURCEwwj 1 Goto_Decl_by_Context Goto Declaration by Context< Displays the declaration for a symbol at the current cursorH position (or the text within the currently active selected range). SCAI determines which declaration to display by using the following criteria:A o If the indicated occurrence of the symbol is a reference, SCAG displays the declaration specified by the compilerJ as bound to that occurrence of the symbol.> o If the indicated occurrence of the symbol is an associated6 declaration, SCA displays the primary declaration.: o If the indicated occurrence of the symbol is a primary; declaration, LSE displays the associated declaration.  Command Equivalent:+ GOTO DECLARATION/INDICATED/CONTEXT Related Topics: FIND GOTO QUERY GOTO SOURCEwwk 1 GOTO_SOURCE Goto SourceE Displays Kthe source corresponding to the current diagnostic or queryJ item. The Goto Source key has different actions depending on whether LSEM is in review or query mode. To display a query item, you must be using SCA. Review Mode:B LSE selects the diagnostic at the current position in the $REVIEW? buffer and a region for which source display is desired. This< becomes the current diagnostic. LSE highlights the currentC diagnostic and the current region, and displays in a second windowF ( Lwith the region highlighted) the file containing the current region.E When a diagnostic is selected in this way, the buffer containing the+ current region becomes the current buffer.B LSE may display a suggested error correction and prompt for a yesE (Y) or no (N) response; LSE makes the correction if you respond with a yes. Query Mode:E LSE selects the query item occurrence at the current position in theA current query buffer. This becomes the current query item. LSEC highlig Mhts the current query item and displays the file containing@ the corresponding source for the current query item in a secondB window. The buffer containing the source that corresponds to the/ current query item becomes the current buffer. Review and Query Modes:E If the source file corresponding to the current diagnostic region orC current query item is not in a buffer, LSE creates an unmodifiableF buffer and reads the source file specified in the diagnostics file orB SCA data file iNnto that buffer. If it cannot find that file, LSEC uses the list of directories specified by the SET SOURCE_DIRECTORY@ command to find the file. LSE uses CMS to access a file if theE directory for the file to be accessed is the same as the translation of CMS$LIB. Command Equivalent: GOTO SOURCE Related Topics: FIND REVIEW SET DIRECTORY SET SOURCE_DIRECTORY SHOW DIRECTORY SHOW SOURCE_DIRECTORYwwk 1 HELP HOelp ? Explains how to use commands and keys and other LSE functions. Examples:$ Command Purpose or EffectI ---------------------------------------------------------------------K HELP Displays the list of topics. You can then type the nameM of a topic for which you want help. To scroll through the. help, press the Return key.I HELP/KEYPAD Draws a diagram of the current keypad. GOLD key (PF1)8 (PF2) P combinations appear in reverse video.F You can then press the key for which you want help.A To end the HELP session, press the return key.7 HELP SEARCH Displays help on the SEARCH command. Command Equivalent:  HELP/KEYPAD   Related Topics: None  wwk 1 Help_Ind Help Indicated ? Causes LSE to display the help text associated with the token,: placeholder, or routine at the current cuQrsor position.  Command Equivalent:  HELP/INDICATED  Related Topics: HELP wwk 1 INDENT_RIGHT Indent ForwardM Moves the line that the cursor is on one tab increment to the right and setsJ the new indentation of the current line as the current indentation level.D If you press the Set Select_mark key to select a range of text, theI Change Indentation key moves each line of text in the selected range one tab increment to the riRght.  Command Equivalent: # CHANGE INDENTATION/FORWARD  Related Topics: & DEFINE LANGUAGE/TAB_INCREMENT ENTER TAB SET INDENTATION SET TAB_INCREMENT TAB UNTAB ww For example, you can find form feed characters as follows:. 1. Press the Search or Substitute key. l 2. Press CTRL/V.4 3. Press CTRL/L for the form feed character.P o If you use the Define Key command to define a typing key (letter, number, orN punctuation mark) or a control key, you can use the Quote key to enter theN character or control code normally bound to that key. For example, if youM defined the tilde to execute a procedure, you insert a tilde character by doing the following: 1. Press CTRL/V. 2. Type the tilde (~). Command Equiv malent: QUOTE Related topics: SET INSERT SET OVERSTRIKEwwPk 1 REFRESH RefreshG Clears and redisplays the screen, preserving all valid text, includingM messages in the message window. The cursor returns to its current position. Command Equivalent: REFRESH Related Topics: None wwPk 1 REDO RedoF A followup command to UNDO, the REDO command reverses the most recentB functnion that was undone and replaces the original function. TheF REDO replaces any LSE function except for the UNDO and REDO commands. Command Equivalent: REDO Related Topics: UNDO SET MAX_UNDO SHOW MAX_UNDO wwPk 1 RETURN Return K Inserts a carriage return at the current editing position, or terminates a command.L When editing text, pressing the Return key starts a new line at the current9 left margin. The curosor and any text moves down a line.K When issuing a command, pressing the Return key terminates a command. You2 can have the cursor anywhere on the command line.  Command Equivalent: 2 DO "SET INDENTATION CURRENT","ENTER LINE"  Related Topics:  ENTER SPACE SET NOWRAP SET WRAP wwPk 1 REPEAT Repeat Number ? Repeats the next command or keystroke as often as you specify. Steps:4 1. Press PF1 and typpe a number from 1 to 32767.= 2. Type a command or press a key that you want repeated,> for example, a typing key (such as the dash or hyphen)1 or a function key (such as the Line key).< If you want to cancel a repeat operation after pressing PF1 and a number, press CTRL/Z.  Command Equivalent:  REPEAT  Related Topics: GOLD 1 Repeat Repeat @ Repeats the next command or keystroke as often as you specify. Steps:5q 1. Press PF1 and type a number from 1 to 32767.> 2. Type a command or press a key that you want repeated,? for example, a typing key (such as the dash or hyphen)2 or a function key (such as the Line key).= If you want to cancel a repeat operation after pressing PF1 and a number, press CTRL/Z.  Command Equivalent:  REPEAT  Related Topics:  GOLD (PF1) ww`&l 1 Replace Replace N Replaces thre current selected range with the text you have copied or removed. Steps:0 1. Copy or remove the text you want to use.: 2. Select or search for the text you want to replace.) 3. Press the Replace key (PF1-KP 9).D You can repeat steps 2 and 3 to make another replacement elsewhere.B The replacement text is inserted from the $PASTE buffer in LSE orM the DECwindows clipboard, depending on your setting. The DECwindows default setting is CLIPBOARD.  Command Equiv#salent:  CUT/REPLACE  Related Topics:  PASTE SET SELECT_MARK SUBSTITUTE ww`&l 1 DELETE_SELECTION_MARK Reset * Cancels highlighting of a selected range. Command Equivalent:  CANCEL SELECT_MARK  Related Topics:  SET SELECT_MARK ww`&l 1 SET_BUFFER_DIRECTION Reverse A Sets the direction of the current buffer to reverse. All cursor+ movement keyst move toward the left and up.> You can press a key defined as reverse to terminate SEARCH orF SEARCH/PATTERN commands so the search begins in that direction. (SeeJ help on the SEARCH command.) This does not affect the direction for other commands. Command Equivalent:  CHANGE DIRECTION  Related Topics:  SET FORWARD SET REVERSE ww`&l 1 Sect Next/Previous Section H Scrolls vertically, moving the cursor to the next screeun of text in theH current direction of the buffer. The screen scrolls roughly the length of the current window. Steps:C 1. If necessary, set the direction for which you want to move.? (Press KP4 for forward or KP5 for reverse; or click MB12 on Forward or Reverse in the status line.)! 2. Press the Sect key (KP8).A In forward direction, the scrolling is towards the bottom of theA buffer. In reverse direction, the scrolling is towards the top. Commandv Equivalent:  GOTO SCREEN  Related Topics: None ww`&l 1 SELECT SelectO Selects text for an editing operation such as filling text or removing text.  Steps:= 1. Put the cursor where you want to begin the selection.3 2. Use the Select key (see list that follows).' 3. Move the cursor to select text.D In DECwindows, you can select text by pressing MB1 and dragging the& mouse, or by clicking MB1 as follows:% w2 Clicks selects the current word% 3 Clicks selects the current line* 4 Clicks selects the current paragraph' 5 Clicks selects the current bufferE You can then perform the following editing operations on or with the selected range:I Case changes, such as the LOWERCASE WORD command or the Chngcase key2 Edit, such as the Remove, Copy, or Append keys# Reformat, with the FILL command# Search, with the SEARCH command" Substitute, with the Subs key . OPEN SxELECTED, if you selected a file nameK To cancel the selection, press the Reset key or press the Select key againM or click MB1 once. Also, when using the mouse, moving the cursor out of the> selected range cancels a selection. (See help on the Mouse.) Command Equivalent:  SET SELECT_MARK  Related Topics:  Features MOUSE CANCEL SELECT_MARK wwpMl 1 ENTER_SPECIAL SpecIns H Enters a character or control code fromy the DEC Multinational Character8 Set by using the ASCII decimal value for the character. Steps:( 1. Press the Specins key (PF1-KP3).6 2. Type the decimal value for the character, suchG as 27 for the escape character or 181 for the micro symbol ().C The Specins key enters the character according to the current modeI of the buffer (insert or overstrike), as shown in the status line. (SeeL help on the CHANGE TEXT_ENTRY_MODE command.) Some control codes appear as az backwards question mark.G Alternatively, you can enter multinational characters with the ComposeH Character key. To enter control codes, such as escape, press the Quote key (CTRL/V). Command Equivalent:  ENTER SPECIAL  Related Topics:  QUOTE wwpMl 1 START_OF_LINE Start of LineB Moves the cursor to the start of the current line, unless you are already there.K When you type or recall a command, pressing a key defined as the {START_OF_@ LINE command moves the cursor to the start of the command line. Command Equivalent: GOTO LINE/BOUND/REVERSE  Related Topics: GOTO CHARACTER GOTO WORD wwpMl 1 Subs Cut/substitute? Erases the search string, replaces it with the contents of theB buffer, and finds the next occurrence of the string. The defaultB buffer is $PASTE or clipboard in DECwindows. You can specify any) other buffer with the /BUFFER qualifier.| Steps:0 1. Press the Select key at the command prompt.% 2. Type the new text in the buffer.H 3. Press the Cut or Remove key. This places the text in the indicated buffer. K 4. Press the Find key, and at the prompt type the text you want to search for and replace. 5. Press the Enter key. 6. Press the Substitute key.D Subsequently, each time you press the Substitute key, LSE makes oneA substitution and finds the next occurrence of the search string.}  Command Equivalent:  CUT/SUBSTITUTE  Related Topics:  PASTE SET SELECT_MARK SUBSTITUTE wwtl 1 Tab TabF Inserts blanks and tabs to move the cursor to the current indentationE level (if at the beginning of the line) or to move the cursor to theC next tab stop as set by the /TAB_INCREMENT qualifier on the DEFINE6 LANGUAGE command or by the SET TAB_INCREMENT command.E If the current indentation level ~is set to the beginning of the line= and the cursor is at the beginning of the line, the Tab key E inserts enough blank space to move the cursor to the first tab stop.; In contrast, the Enter Tab key has no effect when both theE cursor and the current indentation level are at the beginning of the line. Command Equivalent: TAB Related Topics: ENTER TAB SET TAB_INCREMENT UNTAB wwtl 1 TOP Top G Moves the cursor to the top of the current buffer (upper left corner), unless you are already there. Command Equivalent:  GOTO TOP  Related Topics:  GOTO BOTTOMwwtl 1 TPU_Prompt TPU Prompt TPU>I Provides the TPU> prompt for you to execute VAXTPU program statements. G The Do/Tpu key lets you issue commands from the command line or from aE buffer. You may specify a list of commands to be executed using the DO or DO/TPU commands. Example: TPU> ERASE(MESSAGE_BUFFER) ? Invokes VAXTPU to erase the contents of the message buffer.< Any messages that have accumulated at the bottom of your screen disappear.  Command Equivalent:' DO/CONTINUE/TPU/PROMPT="TPU> "  Related Topics: COMMAND CONTINUE% DO/NOCONTINUE/PROMPT="LSE> "wwtl 1 RESTORE Undelete Character@ Restores text erased by the previous Delete Character key. LSE> inserts the restored tee most recently executed LSE command, except for the UNDO and REDO commands. Command Equivalent: l UNDO  Related Topics: R REDOE SET MAX_UNDOP SHOW MAX_UNDO Wwwwwtl 1 RESTORE Undelete Line? Restores the text erased by the previous Delete Line key. LSE> inserts the restored text before the current cursor position. Command Equivalent:  UNERASE LINE  Related Topics:  ERASE CHARACTER ERASE LINE ERASE PLACEHOLDER ERASE WORD wwl 1 RESTORE Undelete Word? Restores the text erased by the previous Delete Word key. LSE> inserts the restored text before the current cursor position. Command Equivalent:  UNERASE WORD  Related Topics:  ERASE CHARACTER ERASE LINE ERASE PLACEHOLDER ERASE WORDwwl 1 Undo UNDO@ Reverses thl 1 Unknown Undefined key6 The key you pressed is undefined or unknown for HELP./ To define the key, use the DEFINE KEY command.F +-------------------------------------------------------------------+F | For a keypad diagram, press HELP. (With VT100 keypad, press PF2.) |F | For a list of defined keys, see help on Keys. |F +-------------------------------------------------------------------+wwl 1 RESTORE UneraseD Restore estores the token, placeholder, or alias that appeared2 at that position before you press the Expand key. Command Equivalent: UNEXPAND Related Topics: EXPANDAww ERASE LINE ERASE PLACEHOLDER ERASE WORDwwl 1 RESTORE Unerase PlaceholderA Restores text erased by the previous Erase Placeholder key. LSE4 inserts the restored text to its original position. Command Equivalent: UNERASE PLACEHOLDER Related Topics: ERASE PLACEHOLDERwwl 1 RESTORE Unerase Word8 Restores text erased by the previous Delete Word key.  Command Equivalent: UNERASE WORD Related Topics: ERASE CHARACTER ERASE LINE ERASE PLACEHOLDER ERASE WORDwwl 1 DELETE_EXPAND UnexpandA Reverses the effect of pressing the Expand key. LSE deletes theD range containing the text inserted when you last pressed the ExpandF key. It then rl 1 Untab UntabD Erases blanks and tabs to the left of the cursor, moving the cursor to the previous stop. Command Equivalent: UNTAB Related Topics: ENTER TAB TABwwl 1 VIEW_SOURCE VIEW SOURCE$ Displays an overview of the buffer.F Displays the top n levels of detail of the whole buffer. The editor D determines the relative level of detail of a line by comparing the C indentation of the line with the indentation of other lines. The B editor's treatment of the indentation of a line is influenced by & indentation adjustment definitions.  Command Equivalent: VIEW SOURCE/DEPTH=1 Related Topics: COLLAPSE DEFINE ADJUSTMENT) DEFINE LANGUAGE/OVERVIEW_OPTIONS EXPAND FOCUS MODIFY LANGUAGE SET NOOVERVIEW SET OVERVIEWwwl 1 PATTERN_SEARCH Wildcard FindF Searches for a pattern of text by using wildcards, and highlights theK found text. You can use ULTRIX or OpenVMS wildcards. (The examples that F follow are mainly for OpenVMS, which is the default.) For a list of * wildcards, use the SHOW WILDCARD command. Steps:' 1. Use the SEARCH/PATTERN command.K 2. Type the pattern you want to find. (See the examples that follow).H 3. If you are using the menu item, click on OK in the dialog box toH start the search in the current direction of the buffer. If youO typed the command or pressed the key, press the Return key to start theJ search in the current direction, or press a direction-setting key.J 4. To find another occurrence of the same string, press the Find Next key. Examples:J b%t Finds a B or b, followed by any single character and aK (OpenVMS) T or t, as in "batter," "bite," "butter," "rabbit," andD "robot." The percent sign (%) matches any si ngleF character on a line. The ULTRIX equivalent is the. period (for example, b.t).H b*t Finds a B or b, followed by any number of charactersI and a T or t, as in "blast," "bright," "be true," andI "by the" -- or the strings found by b%t. An asteriskC (*) matches any number of characters on a line.K b\[aeiou]t Finds a B or b, followed by a vowel and a T or t, as inK  (OpenVMS) "batch," "better," "rabbit," "robot," and "butter." TheH backslash and square brackets match any character inK the bracketed set. The ULTRIX equivalent is the square; brackets only (for example, b[aeiou]t).H August**31 Finds "August 31" separated by any amount of text orD whitespace (tabs, spaces, line breaks). The twoJ asterisks (**) match any number of characters cros sing line breaks.K August\>\<31 Finds "August" at the end of a line followed by "31" atF (OpenVMS) the start of the next line. A backslash and rightG angle bracket (\>) match end-of-line; backslash andE left angle bracket (\<) match start-of-line. TheC ULTRIX equivalent is the dollar sign and caret,; respectively (for example, August$^31). I 1\D\% Finds a string like "12%" or "10%." A backslash and DI match any decimal digit; a backslash and percent (\%)1 match an actual percent sign.H If the pattern is found in the opposite direction, LSE asks if you wantL go there. If you want to go there, simply press the Return key; otherwise," type No and press the Return key.G LSE highlights the found text, with the cursor at the beginning of theC string. You can then perform operations on the f ound text as on a selected range:J Change case, such as the LOWERCASE WORD command or the EDT Chngcase key4 Edit, such as the Copy, Remove, or EDT Append key0 Reformat, with the FILL or FILL RANGE command( Substitute, such as the EDT Subs key * OPEN SELECTED, if you found a file name6 To cancel the highlighting, move off the found range.H With OpenVMS wildcards, use \L (for lowercase) or \U (for uppercase) toG make the entire search case-sensitive. Otherwise, case-sensitivity is# the same as with the FIND command.  Command Equivalent:  SEARCH/PATTERN  Related Topics:  SEARCH SET SEARCH SHOW SEARCHwwl 1 Word Word J Moves the cursor to the first character of the current, next, or previousB word in the current buffer, depending on the direction specified.J If the current direction is forward, the cursor moves to the beginning ofF the next word. If the current direction is reverse, the cursor moves> to the beginning of the current word; if the cursor is at theE beginning of a word, it moves to the beginning of the previous word.F A word consists only of identifier characters and trailing blanks andA can be delimited only by tabs or characters not specified in theF /IDENTIFIER_CHARACTERS qualifier on the DEFINE LANGUAGE command. LSEC also considers all nonblank, nonidentifier characters to be words.  Command Equivalent:  GOTO WORD  Related Topics:  GOTO CHARACTER GOTO LINEwwl 1 VT100_TemplateK ~GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG~L _______________________________ _______________________________N |~UP~ |~DOWN~ | | | |~PF1~ | | | |N | | | | | | | | | |N |_______|_______|_______|_______| |_______|_______|_______|_______|N  | | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ | | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |_______|_______|_______|_______|N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ | | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ | | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |_______|_______|_______|_______|N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ | | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ | | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |_______|_______|_______| |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |_______________|_______|_______|& ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~J ~FFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ ~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~J ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ ~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~wwl 1 LK201_TemplateL ~GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG~F _______________________________ _______________________G |~F11~ | | | | |~F15~ | |G | | | | | | | |G |_______|_______|_______|_______| |_______|_______________|F _______________________G ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |~E1~ | | |G ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ | | | |G ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |_______|_______|_______|G ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |~E4~ | | |G ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ | | | |G ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |_______|_______|_______|? ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |~UP~ |? ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ | |F ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ _______|_______|_______G ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |~LEFT~ | | |G ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ | | | |G ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |_______|_______|_______|' ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFF~G ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ ~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~G ~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~ ~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~wwl 1 LK201_Wide_TemplateG ~GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG~M _______________________ _______________________________N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |~F15~ | | |~F17~ | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ | | | | |  | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |_______|_______________| |_______|_______|_______|_______|M ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ _______________________ _______________________________N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |~E1~ | | | |~PF1~ | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ | | | | | | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |_______|_______|_______| |_______|_______|_______|_______|N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |~E4~ | | | | | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ | | | | | | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |_______|_______|_______| |_______|_______|_______|_______|N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |~UP~ | | | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ | | | | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ _______|_______|_______ |_______|_______|_______|_______|N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |~LEFT~ | | | | | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ | | | | | | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ |_______|_______|_______| |_______|_______|_______| |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ ~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~ | | | |N ~FFFFFFFFFFFFF~ ~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~ |_______________|_______|_______|wwm 1 keypad_captionsH To get help on commands, type a command or ? and press the Return key.A To list all key definitions, type KEYS and press the Return key.ww>m [ LSE_BUILD CUT_APPENDBOLBOTTOMSET_BUFFER_DIRECTIONChange_Window_ModeChar CHANGE_CASECOLLAPSECommandCOPYCUT GOTO_COMMAND Define_AliasDel_CERASE_END_OF_LINEERASE_NEXT_LINEERASE_START_OF_WORDDeleteERASE_END_OF_WORD ENTER_SPACE End_Define ENTER_COMMENTEnter_Comment_LineENTER_PSEUDOCODEEOLEnd_Comment_Return END_OF_LINEEnterERASE_NEXT_PLACEHOLDERERASE_START_OF_LINEERASE_NEXT_WORDEXITEXPAND LSE_EXPANDFILLSEARCHFOCUSGoldGOTO_DECLARATIONGoto_Decl_by_Context GOTO_SOURCEHELPHelp_Ind INDENT_RIGHT INDENT_LEFT ENTER_SPECIALSET_BUFFER_TEXTLine Move_By_Line MOVE_DOWNPREVIOUS_CHARACTERNEXT_CHARACTERMOVE_UPNEXT_PLACEHOLDERNext_Placeholder_NoPseudocode NEXT_SCREEN NEXT_ERROR NEXT_WINDOW Open_LinePagePASTEPREVIOUS_PLACEHOLDERPrev_Placeholder_NoPseudocodePREVIOUS_SCREENPREVIOUS_WINDOWQUOTEREFRESHREDORETURNREPEATReplaceDELETE_SELECTION_MARKSectSELECT START_OF_LINESubsTabTOP TPU_PromptRESTOREUndoUnknown DELETE_EXPANDUntab VIEW_SOURCEPATTERN_SEARCHWordVT100_TemplateLK201_TemplateLK201_Wide_Templatekeypad_captionsm  LSE_BUILD DeleteSEARCHSET_BUFFER_DIRECTION NEXT_ERRORSET_BUFFER_DIRECTION ENTER_SPECIALRESTORERESTORERESTORERESTORERESTORE