HP DECset for OpenVMS Language-Sensitive Editor for OpenVMS Release Notes December 2007 These release notes describe important general information, new and changed features, current restrictions, and documentation notes that pertain to the HP Language-Sensitive Editor Version 5.1-1 for OpenVMS software. Operating System Version: OpenVMS Integrity servers Versions 8.2-1 and 8.3 OpenVMS Alpha Versions 7.3-2, 8.2, and 8.3 Software Version: HP DECset Version 12.8 ECO1 for OpenVMS HP Language-Sensitive Editor Version 5.1-1 for OpenVMS Hewlett-Packard Company Palo Alto, California ________________________________________________________________ © Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Intel and Itanium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Java is a US trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Microsoft and Windows are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Printed in the US _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 General Information 1.1 Introduction.................................. 1-1 1.2 Associated Documents.......................... 1-1 1.3 Using HP LSE with DECwindows Motif............ 1-2 1.4 Installation Requirements..................... 1-2 1.5 Compatibility Issues.......................... 1-3 2 New Features 2.1 New Features in HP LSE Version 5.1-1.......... 2-1 2.2 New Features in HP LSE Version 5.1............ 2-1 2.2.1 Language Templates........................ 2-1 2.2.2 Extended File Specifications.............. 2-1 3 Problems Fixed 3.1 Problems Fixed in LSE Version 5.1-1........... 3-1 3.2 Problems Fixed in LSE Version 5.1............. 3-1 4 Known Problems 4.1 General....................................... 4-1 4.2 Documentation................................. 4-7 iii 5 Restrictions Tables 1-1 HP LSE Installation Requirements (Minimum)................................. 1-2 1-2 HP LSE Account Quotas..................... 1-3 iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface These release notes describe the HP Language-Sensitive Editor for OpenVMS, (HP LSE) Versions 5.1-1 and 5.1 software. These notes contain information that either supplements or supersedes the information in the HP DECset Version 12.8 ECO1 for OpenVMS (DECset) documentation set. Intended Audience These release notes are intended for users and system managers who need information about HP LSE. Document Structure These release notes are organized as follows: o Chapter 1 contains general information about this release. o Chapter 2 contains a description of the new features. o Chapter 3 describes the problems resolved. o Chapter 4 describes the outstanding issues. o Chapter 5 describes the restrictions. Related Documents For additional information about OpenVMS or DECset products and services, visit the following web address: http://www.hp.com/go/openvms v Reader's Comments HP welcomes your comments on these release notes. Please send comments to either of the following addresses: Internet openvmsdoc@hp.com Mail Hewlett-Packard Company OpenVMS Documentation, ZKO3-4/Y02 110 Spit Brook Rd. Nashua, NH 03062-2698 How To Order Additional Documentation For information about how to order additional documentation, visit the following web address: http://www.hp.com/go/openvms/doc/order Conventions The following conventions are used in these notes: ___________________________________________________________ Convention__________Description____________________________ $ A dollar sign ($) represents the OpenVMS DCL system prompt. Ctrl/x The key combination Ctrl/x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key, for example, Ctrl/Y or Ctrl/Z or a pointing device button. boldface text Boldface text represents the introduction of a new term. monospace boldface Boldface monospace text represents user text input in interactive examples. italic text Italic text represents book titles, parameters, arguments, and information that can vary in system messages (for example, Internal error number). vi ___________________________________________________________ Convention__________Description____________________________ UPPERCASE Uppercase indicates the name of a command, routine, the name of a file, the name of a file protection code, or the abbreviation of a system privilege. lowercase Lowercase in examples indicates that you are to substitute a word or value ____________________of_your_choice.________________________ vii 1 _________________________________________________________________ General Information The information in these release notes pertain to the HP Language-Sensitive Editor for OpenVMS, Versions 5.1-1 and 5.1 software. HP suggests that you upgrade your environment incrementally with each new release, however there is no technical requirement to do so. It is recommended that you review the release notes for each version because they capture important release-oriented information and advise you of changes between versions. 1.1 Introduction HP Language-Sensitive Editor Version 5.1-1 for OpenVMS is a patch release. 1.2 Associated Documents The following documents contain information related to HP LSE. The documents associated with HP LSE are: o HP DECset for OpenVMS Guide to Language-Sensitive Editor o HP DECset for OpenVMS Language-Sensitive Editor/Source Code Analyzer Reference Manual Also applicable are the general DECset documents: o HP DECset for OpenVMS Installation Guide o HP DECset for OpenVMS Software Product Description o HP DECset for OpenVMS Guide to Detailed Program Design o Using HP DECset for OpenVMS Systems o HP DECset for OpenVMS Guide to Source Code Analyzer General Information 1-1 In addition to the base HP LSE documentation, the DECset engineering team has also provided the HP DECset for OpenVMS Cookbook for an Integrated Product Development Environment. This document comprises a series of technical articles that describe how each of the component applications can be used in different programming environments. This document is available in PostScript (.PS), HTML (.HTML), and ASCII text (.TXT) formats from the following location after installing the software: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DECSET]DECSET_COOKBOOK.*" 1.3 Using HP LSE with DECwindows Motif To use HP LSE with the DECwindows Motif interface, one of the following product must be installed: o HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 1.6 o HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3-1 or 1.5 1.4 Installation Requirements Table 1-1 lists the installation requirements for HP LSE. Table_1-1_HP_LSE_Installation_Requirements_(Minimum)_______ Global Disk Space Disk Space Page/PageletGlobal Operating During After Sections System______Installation_Installation_Required____Required_ OpenVMS 51,000 37,000 20,000 30 Integrity pagelets[1] servers OpenVMS 44,500 30,000 8,600 15 Alpha pagelets[1] [1]Plus_the_size_(in_number_of_disk_blocks)_of_the_file____ SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE at installation ___________________________________________________________ Table 1-2 lists the account quotas for HP LSE. 1-2 General Information Table_1-2_HP_LSE_Account_Quotas____________________________ OpenVMS Integrity Resource_Name__servers____________OpenVMS_Alpha____________ ASTLM 24 24 BYTLM 13,000 13,000 ENQLM 30 30 FILLM 20 20 BIOLM 18 18 DIOLM 18 18 PRCLM 5 5 WSDEF 1,024 1,024 PGFLQUOTA 30,000[1] 30,000[1] [1]A_quota_of_40,000_pages_is_recommended_if_you_are_using_ the REPORT command ___________________________________________________________ 1.5 Compatibility Issues In versions prior to HP LSE V4.3, the UNDO command is implemented to reverse the effect of the last ENTER COMMENT command. This effect can still be achieved if the user specifies the following format: UNDO ENTER [COMMENT] General Information 1-3 2 _________________________________________________________________ New Features 2.1 New Features in HP LSE Version 5.1-1 There are no new features added to HP LSE Version 5.1-1. 2.2 New Features in HP LSE Version 5.1 The following enhancements have been added to HP LSE Version 5.1. 2.2.1 Language Templates The C, C++, COBOL, F95, and PASCAL Language Templates are up-to-date. The example HTML and JAVA Language Templates have been moved out of the examples directory and can now be optionally included during the installation of HP LSE. 2.2.2 Extended File Specifications VMSLSE supports Extended File Specifications functionality. For more information, see the OpenVMS Guide to Extended File Specifications. New Features 2-1 3 _________________________________________________________________ Problems Fixed This chapter lists the problems fixed with the HP LSE software. 3.1 Problems Fixed in LSE Version 5.1-1 The following problem is fixed in this release of LSE: o WFM ID: 3600036828-363 - The LSE editor does not to toggle between multiple buffers correctly. On ODS-5 disk, while working with multiple case- sensitive file buffers, the "next buffer" command does not toggle between buffers and displays the "Buffer already exists" message. 3.2 Problems Fixed in LSE Version 5.1 The following problems were fixed in HP LSE Version 5.1: o ID:2296 - Use of /INITIALIZATION may fail This was a temporary problem for HP LSE on Integrity servers and no longer occurs. o ID: 2301 - On OpenVMS Alpha systems, LSE DECwindows Interface crashes with symbolic stack dump By default, LSE DECwindows Interface starts with the previously opened file. However, when you start LSE without any file and you quit the session after creating and saving a new file, it results in a symbolic stack dump crash. o WFM 3216927230-322 - On OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 8.3, LSE fails when executing CMS commands Problems Fixed 3-1 On OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 8.3 systems, LSE application fails with an ACCVIO error when executing CMS commands and the following error is displayed: Error activating image CMSSHR This problem is caused by a new feature in the image management of OpenVMS I64 Version 8.3 systems. A patch image for IMAGE_MANAGEMENT.EXE is available that fixes this issue. 3-2 Problems Fixed 4 _________________________________________________________________ Known Problems 4.1 General The following known problem exists for HP LSE Version 5.1- 1: o ID:2298 - Unable to open files on ODS-5 disk using the DECwindows interface. On ODS-5 disks, you cannot open files using the DECwindows interface from the File -> Open menu. Selection of a file fails with "File not found" error message. However, from the DECwindows command line interface you can use the "GOTO FILE" LSE command to open the file successfully. The following known problems exist from HP LSE Version 5.1: o ID:2155 - Internal error compiling DECforms for OpenVMS program after an Ada program. LSE will crash with an internal error when attempting to follow the compilation of an Ada program with the compilation of DECforms source. The workaround is to compile the DECforms source first. o ID:2156 - SCA LOAD and ANALYZE command parameters do not default to current buffer. The file-spec[,..] parameter cannot be defaulted, the HELP information incorrectly says the default is the current buffer. o ID:2158 - Cannot define an ALT key sequence as the Gold key. LSE cannot accept an ALT key sequence as the Gold key. When an attempt is made, LSE accepts the key definition without errors, but does not recognize the ALT key sequence as the Gold key (this definition does however Known Problems 4-1 disable PF1 as the Gold key), however if you show the key definitions the newly defined key has the correct definition. Different results are apparent depending on whether the DECwindows interface to LSE is used or if the character- cell mode interface to LSE is used. For example, in the DECwindows mode, ALT/G can be defined as the Gold key. LSE accepts the key definition, but ALT/G is not recognized as the Gold key. However, if SHIFT/ALT/G is pressed then LSE recognizes it as the Gold key. In the character-cell interface not even SHIFT/ALT/G is recognized. Again, LSE accepts the definition of ALT/G as the Gold key without errors. The workaround is to define the key via TPU: LSE> do/tpu "set(shift_key,key_name('g',alt_modified) o ID:2164 - TPU$_WINDNOTMAPPED error reading TPU procedure into DECwindows LSE. DECwindows LSE may report the following error when trying to read in and compile a TPU procedure at start up: The window is not mapped to a buffer (TPU$_WINDNOTMAPPED). When this problem occurs, LSE will display an invalid window format (one that does not have a status line). The errors themselves will not be visible unless you display the contents of the message buffer. For example: DO LSE> GOTO BUFFER $MESSAGES ! a normal window is display for buffer $MAIN DO LSE> GOTO BUFFER $MESSAGES The workaround is to start LSE with the command LSE/COMMAND=DE_TAB.TPU and add the following line at the bottom of the DE_TAB.TPU procedure: LSE_NEW_KEY( "TAB", "TPU REM_TABS" ); This will automatically read in the TPU procedure, compile it, and define an LSE key to run it. 4-2 Known Problems o ID:2165 - DECwindows SET DEFAULT does not change the default disk after OPEN FILE. In the LSE DECwindows interface, the SET DEFAULT command does not change the default device when issued after using the OPEN FILE command. It correctly changes the default directory but not the device. Prior to calling OPEN FILE, SET DEFAULT works as required. When you exit LSE your default device is changed. The workaround is to perform the SET DEFAULT command before opening any files in the DECwindows interface or specify the default directory as the filter specification in the open file window. o ID:2174 - Cursor positioning across split screens. When splitting a file into two or more screens, the cursor correctly maintains its position when going back and forth between the windows. However, using the up or down arrows can cause the cursor to change column position to the same position in the other screen. This problem occurs only when moving up or down or the last operation is an up/down motion. For example, moving up in the top screen in column 30, then switching to the bottom screen and trying to move up in column 10: the cursor jumps to column 30. If you first move the cursor left/right or perform any other action, the cursor stays in the column expected. The problem only occurs when using the portable command language interface. o ID:2198 - Cannot access help text after using ENABLE VMS INTEGRATION. After issuing the ENABLE VMS INTEGRATION command, a HELP FIND returns "No help available for the topic specified". HELP GOTO DECLARATION has the same problem. The ENABLE VMS INTEGRATION command enables two additional command prefixes VMSCMS_ and VMSSCA_. The error occurs because there is a FIND routine associated with the VMSSCA_ prefix for which there is no help. The FIND routine associated with the VMSSCA_ prefix hides the standard FIND routine (associated with the default prefix LSE_). Known Problems 4-3 The help for the standard FIND routine can still be displayed if part of it's second key is also given as this makes it unique and stops it from being hidden (such as FIND OCCURRENCES). The real error is that there is no help for any of the VMSCMS_ or VMSSCA_ prefix commands. o ID:2216 - SET DIRECTORY DEFAULT not propagated to current compile sub-process. LSE's portable command language does not propagate changes in the default directory to an already existing compile sub-process; causing the next COMPILE REVIEW command to fail with "Error opening ". o ID:2220 - UNDO access violation changing lines using keys bound to TPU procedures. The fault can occur if user written TPU code is associated with a key. The fault can occur in the setting up of information required to support undo/redo processing for user written TPU code associated with a key. When the key is used the call of the associated code is not jacketed by any LSE code and cannot be protected against undo/redo problems. Four possible workarounds are: 1. Disabling undo/redo processing by means of the SET MODE UNDO (SET UNDO portable) command. 2. Setting the value of MAX_UNDO to zero for each buffer being edited; this may be done via a key definition: For example: LSE Command> DEFINE KEY "F17" "SET MAX_UNDO 0" 3. Defining all your keys using the LSE "DEFINE KEY" or "NEW KEY" commands. For example: LSE Command> DEFINE KEY _Key: "GOLD-Z" _String: "do/tpu """"" or: 4-4 Known Problems LSE> NEW KEY Key Name: GOLD-Z LSE Command: tpu "" 4. Making the TPU code to be executed by the defined key a parameter of the routine lse_tpu. This routine protects against undo/redo problems by deleting the undo/redo information for all buffers and inhibiting the setting up of any undo/redo information during the execution of the TPU code associated with the key. For example:- define_key("lse_tpu('position(buffer_begin)')", key_name("x",shift_key)) o ID:2228 - LSE may fail when executing user's TPU code via a pull-down menu or a user command language. This is similar to ID:2220. o ID:2229 - A spurious error message may be produced when the help command is issued for a long non-existent topic. For example: LSE> HELP Nonexistent_topic Error opening LSE$HELP as input No help available for the topic specified o ID:2231 - If a buffer which has been reviewed is deleted using the DELETE BUFFER command the REVIEW information associated with the buffer is not cleaned up. For example, following the deletion, the END REVIEW command does not produce the error "NO REVIEW IN PROGRESS". o ID:2243 - CTRL/C may not be correctly handled if issued while a DO command is processing a buffer. o ID:2245 - The VMS and portable syntax commands are not consistent in their generation of brief or full information. The /FULL qualifier does not always result in a full display and the /BRIEF qualifier does not always produce a brief display. o ID:2247 - Command mode prompt problem. Known Problems 4-5 The 'LSE>' prompt is at times improperly displayed when the 'LSE Command>' prompt for single command mode is expected. o ID:2254 - Unavailable SCA commands. The SCA commands IMPORT, SAVE QUERY and @file-spec are not available from LSE. o ID:2273 - Undo LF and CR character problem. Undo may not work correctly when applied to the deletion of a line feed, for example: aa Using pattern substitution replace a*a by bbb bbb Undo a The line feed character is lost and the a two a's are in different lines. Any carriage return characters adjacent to the line feed character would also be lost. o ID:2287 - Inclusion of a large file using the INCLUDE command can be very slow. The performance can be improved by switching off journaling or by using the similar READ command if this is appropriate (VMS command language only). o ID:2288 - There is no Portable Command Language equivalent of the VMS Command Language READ command. o ID:2295 - Use of DECwindows help can be slow. The poor performance is most noticeable after large help items have been displayed. The display of a large help item can also affect the time taken to exit from LSE. An example of a large help item is the 'Command Definitions' topic which is approximately 1500 lines long. o ID:2297 - Traceback is incomplete/wrong for Alpha & Itanium. Traceback for Alpha and Itanium is likely to be incomplete. 4-6 Known Problems 4.2 Documentation The following documentation problems are continued from HP LSE Version 5.1: o ID:2266 - Incorrect Language Definition Example The example in Section 4.1.1 of the HP DECset for OpenVMS Guide to Language-Sensitive Editor is incorrect, it contains: PLSE SET LANGUAGE FILE TYPES ".MEMO .FOO" ADD memo This should be: PLSE SET LANGUAGE FILE TYPES ".MEMO" ADD memo PLSE SET LANGUAGE FILE TYPES ".FOO" ADD memo This problem replaces ID:2196 which was raised against an incorrect use of the SET LANGUAGE FILE TYPES command. o ID:2276 - Missing documentation of LSE$$SOURCE Internally LSE uses the logical LSE$$SOURCE for source directories. LSE$$SOURCE is initialized from LSE$SOURCE. LSE$SOURCE is not updated when LSE$$SOURCE changes. Known Problems 4-7 5 _________________________________________________________________ Restrictions The following restrictions are continued from HP LSE Version 5.1: o ODS-5 features are not available for portable command language interface. o LSE does not support VT500 series terminals. A VT500 series terminal should be set to emulate a supported terminal such as a VT300 series terminal. o The UNDO operation has no effect for the LSE FOCUS command. When the FOCUS command is executed, the UNDO buffers will be reset. No previous operations can be undone. o No UNDO support for TPU commands. For example : TPU "erase (current_buffer)" (Portable) DO/TPU "erase (current_buffer)" (OpenVMS) When a TPU command is executed, the undo buffers will be reset. No previous operations can be undone. o UNDO and REDO commands are disabled in OVERSTRIKE mode. If the buffer is in OVERSTRIKE mode (not insert), initiating the UNDO or REDO command will have no effect. When the mode is changed to INSERT, undoing and redoing is possible again. o UNDO and REDO commands are disabled following a command that generates overview information. They can be re- enabled by deleting overview information, see Delete Overview command in the HP DEcset for OpenVMS Language- Sensitive Editor/Source Code Analyzer Reference Manual under Command Descriptions chapter. o Fortran for OpenVMS Systems - Fortran 90 Language Support. Restrictions 5-1 Automatic generation of continuation lines is not supported. o DECnet/OSI Phase V support. When using portable syntax commands, file names that start with a quote must be enclosed in quotes (single or double). Inner quotes of the same type as the enclosing quotes must be doubled up. For example: LSE> NEW FILE '"A&=BCD"::B.C' LSE> NEW FILE """AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA""::B.C" 5-2 Restrictions