% Librarian I01-42C\gK ^gK=>)))5+_+ ANSWERHATTACH|BACK#COMPRESS(COPY-CURRENT2DEFINE?DELETED" DIRECTORYTEDITZERASE[0EXIT[dEXTRACT`FILEFileseNFIRSTDFoldersjFORWARDtGetting_StartedHELPKeypadLASTNMAIL > MAIL_CommandsMARKMOVENEXTOverviewPRINTPURGEQUITREADREMOVEREPLYSEARCH*SELECTPSEND n Usage_Summary j\gK 1 Overview? You can use the OpenVMS Mail utility (MAIL) to send messages> to other users on your system or on any other computer thatA is connected to your system. You can also read, file, forward,@ delete, print, and reply to messages that other users send to you. ww j\gK 1 FoldersD All mail files are subdivided into folders. By default, your mail@ file (MAIL.MAI) contains a folder named MAIL. The MAIL folderB contains messages  that you have already read. New mail messagesF automatically enter a folder named NEWMAIL, unless the recipient's A folder name is specified by the send item code using external E mail program to send the mail. After you read the messages in the C NEWMAIL folder, Mail moves them into the folder named MAIL. The G NEWMAIL folder disappears after you have read all new mail messages 6 and either select another folder or exit from Mail.; A folder name can be 1 to 39 characters i n length. ValidB characters for folder names are alphanumeric characters, dollar? signs ($), and underscores (_). If your folder name containsD lowercase letters, spaces, or special characters, the folder name- must be enclosed in quotation marks (" ").@ When you delete a message, Mail moves it into the WASTEBASKETC folder. Deleted messages collect in the WASTEBASKET folder untilB you empty it. To empty the WASTEBASKET folder, enter either the? EXIT command (if AUTO_PURGE  is set) or the PURGE command. If@ there are no deleted messages, you will not see a WASTEBASKET folder.D You can create as many folders as you want. You can use the COPY,B FILE, or MOVE command to create folders. Mail displays the nameB of the folder that you are currently in at the top right corner> of the screen when you enter the READ or DIRECTORY command.A You can enter the DIRECTORY/FOLDER command to see a display of@ the existing folders in the current mail file. You can remove@ a folder by deleting all the messages it contains. Enter HELP> DELETE at the MAIL> prompt for more information on deleting messages. ww j\gK1 Files? You can create files to organize your mail messages. You useC the same commands to create a mail file that you use to create aD folder: COPY, MOVE, and FILE. After Mail prompts you for the nameC of the folder, it also prompts you for a file name. If you enterC a new file name at the File:  prompt, a new mail file is created.D For example, to move the current message into a folder named FEED6 in the ACCOUNTS file, enter the following commands: MAIL> MOVE _Folder: FEED  _File: ACCOUNTS B The MOVE command creates the mail file ACCOUNTS.MAI (if it does> not already exist), moves the current message into the FEEDD folder, and deletes the message from its current folder and file.B To work within a mail file other than the default file  (usually? a file called MAIL), use the command SET FILE to specify theA alternate file. The command SHOW FILE displays the name of theB current mail file. When you change mail files, Mail deletes theA messages in the WASTEBASKET folder of the current mail file ifC AUTO_PURGE is set, and closes the mail file that you were using. ww0\gK1 Usage_SummaryD To use Mail interactively, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ MAIL7 The Mai l utility responds with the following prompt: MAIL>C Once Mail is invoked, you can enter any of the Mail commands. To> exit from Mail, enter the EXIT command at the MAIL> prompt. MAIL> EXITA You can also exit from Mail by pressing Ctrl/Z or entering the QUIT command. ww0\gK1 MAIL_Commands@ To enter Mail commands, invoke Mail at the DCL prompt ($) andA then enter commands at the MAIL> prompt. These commands can be@ abbreviated to uniq ue, shorter forms (usually as short as one? letter). Note that D is the short form of the DELETE commandC (not the DIRECTORY command) and R is the short form of the REPLY" command (not the READ command).> Mail provides commands that enable you to do the following:& o Read and organize mail messages.. o Exchange mail messages with other users. o Delete mail messages.# o Tailor your Mail environment.A o Exit from Mail or transfer control to another proces s while still in Mail.' o Make hardcopies of mail messages.? The following table lists all the available Mail commands by functional category:/ Reading Messages Organizing Messages BACK COPY% CURRENT DIRECTORY FIRST FILE LAST MOVE$ NEXT SET FILE0 READ SET WASTEBASKET NAME% SEARCH SHOW FILE1 SELECT  SHOW WASTEBASKET NAME SHOW NEW_MAIL_COUNT- Exchanging Messages Removing Messages$ ANSWER COMPRESS" FORWARD DELETE! MAIL ERASE REPLY EXIT! SEND PURGE Tailoring Mail; Environment Exiting or Transferring Control" DEFINE/KEY ATTACH EDIT EXIT HELP QUIT! SET AUTO_PURGE  SPAWN SET CC_PROMPT SET COPY_SELF= SET FORWARD Mail Commands for System Managers SET MAIL_DIRECTORY" SET PERSONAL_NAME REMOVE- SET SIGNATURE_FILE SET FORWARD/USER=. SHOW ALL SHOW FORWARD/USER=4 SHOW AUTO_PURGE SHOW PERSONAL_NAME/USER= SHOW COPY_SELF SHOW FORWARD SHOW MAIL_DIRECTORY SHOW PERSONAL_NAME SHOW SIGNATURE_FILE! Making Copies of Mail Messages PRINT EXTRACT ww0\gK 1 ANSWERD Sends a reply to the sender of the message that you are currently@ reading or to the sender of the last message you read. If youC do not specify the name of a file to be sent as your reply, Mail* prompts you for the text of your reply.7 You can use the ANSWER command and the REPLY command> interchangeably because they work the same way. You must be+ reading a message in order to answer it. Format ANSWER [file-spec] 2 Parameter file-spec8 Indicates the name of the file to be sent as a reply. 2 Qualifiers /CC_PROMPT /CC_PROMPT /NOCC_PROMPTA Enables the prompt for the CC: line in the mail header. At theA CC: prompt, enter the names of other users to whom you want to# send a copy of the mail message.? The /NOCC_PROMPT qualifier disables the CC: prompt. The /CC_D PROMPT and /NOCC_PROMPT qualifiers override the SET CC_PROMPT and SET NOCC_PROMPT commands. /EDIT /EDIT /NOEDITB Invokes a text editor to edit the reply you are sending. Unless= you have entered the SET EDITOR command, the TPU-based EVE? editor is invoked. When you exit from the editor, Mail sends? the edited message. To cancel sending the message, enter theB command to quit. If you enter the DCL command MAIL/EDIT=(REPLY)@ and then decide that you do not want to invoke the editor for2 your response, enter the command ANSWER/NOEDIT. /EXTRACTA Invokes an editor to enable you to edit the current message to? which you are replying. Unless you have selected a different/ editor, the TPU-based EVE editor is invoked. /LAST@ Specifies that the last message you sent will be used as textA for the reply to the message that you are reading. You can useC the /LAST qualifier with the /EDIT qualifier to edit the message before sending it. /PERSONAL_NAME /PERSONAL_NAME=name /NOPERSONAL_NAMEA Specifies a personal name to be used when answering a message.A A personal name is a field of text that is appended to the endB of the From: field of mail messages you send. You can fill this6 field with your full name or any other information.C The /PERSONAL NAME qualifier overrides the default personal name@ specified with the SET PERSONAL_NAME command for this messageC only. The /NOPERSONAL_NAME qualifier sends a message with a null personal name field. /SELF /SELF /NOSELFC Determines whether Mail sends a copy of the response to you. TheB default qualifier is /NOSELF unless you have used the SET COPY_D SELF command to specify that copies be sent to you automatically.B The /NOSELF qualifier overrides the SET COPY_SELF SEND command. /SIGNATURE_FILE! /SIGNATURE_FILE[=file-name] /NOSIGNATURE_FILE@ Specifies a file to be appended to the end of a mail message.B The signature f ile contains text and has a default file type of@ .SIG. An example of a signature file is a text file formattedA as business card, containing the user's company name, address,# telephone, and Internet address.B Specify the /SIGNATURE_FILE qualifier when you want to overrideD the default established by the SET SIGNATURE_FILE command (if youD want to send a signature file that is different from that default> specification). If there is no default setting, specify theA /SIGNAT URE_FILE qualifier to interactively include a signature' file with a particular mail message.C To determine if the SET SIGNATURE_FILE command is in effect, use/ the SHOW SIGNATURE_FILE or SHOW ALL command.B When you use the /SIGNATURE_FILE qualifier, note the following:> o When you create a mail message that includes a signature@ file, that message requires more temporary disk space than@ a conventional message because temporary files are created< during the  operation. After the message is sent, those" temporary files are deleted.C o If you do not specify a directory, the Mail utility looks for0 the signature file in your mail directory.B o If you do not specify a file, the Mail utility uses the file@ specification in your user profile. If there is no default? signature file in the profile, Mail will send the message without one.> o If a specified signature file does not exist, the system displays an error message.? Specify the /NOSIGNATURE_FILE qualifier when you do not want> to include a signature file with a particular mail message.; Specifying this qualifier overrides the current setting,5 including any specifications in your user profile. /SUBJECT /SUBJECT="subject-text"@ Enables you to specify a different subject when replying to aC message. Use quotation marks (" ") around the subject heading toC include more than one word, to print in lowercase letters, or to4 include any spaces or nonalphanumeric characters. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> ANSWER To: AUTUMN::GREGG Subj: RE: Nova ScotiaN Enter your message below. Press Ctrl/Z when complete, or Ctrl/C to quit:C This example shows how to use the ANSWER command to respond to9 a message sent by a user named GREGG on node AUTUMN. 2.MAIL> ANSWER/EDIT To: ARCTIC::SWENSON Subj: RE: SIAM [End of file]F Buffer MAIN  |Insert | Forward? This example shows how to use the /EDIT qualifier with the= ANSWER command to respond to a message from a user namedB SWENSON on node ARCTIC. When you use the EVE editor, the [End; of file] sign moves down the screen as you enter text. ww0\gK 1 ATTACHA Switches control of your terminal from your current process to another process.C The ATTACH command allows you to move between processes that youD create with the SPAWN command. For example, while you are editingB a file, use the SPAWN command to move to a subprocess (Mail) toA read a new mail message. Then enter ATTACH to move back to theA editing session. If you want to read another new mail message,C enter the ATTACH command to move back to the Mail subprocess you already created. Format ATTACH [process-name] 2 Parameter process-name< Indicates the name of the subprocess to which you want to; connect. If the subprocess name contains spaces, specialC characters, or lower-case letters, then the subprocess name must" be enclosed in quotation marks. 2 Qualifier /PARENTB Indicates that you want to attach to the parent process of yourC current process. If you did not access the Mail utility by using@ the SPAWN command, Mail displays an error message. You cannotA specify the process-name parameter with the /PARENT qualifier. 2  Examples 1.$ EDIT VACATION.TXT . . . Command: SPAWN MAIL MAIL> READ . . . MAIL> ATTACH MAGNANI . . . Command: SPAWN MAIL MAIL>@ This example shows how to spawn a subprocess (MAGNANI_1) to@ invoke Mail and use the ATTACH command to move between Mail@ (MAGNANI_1) and a TPU editing session (MAGNANI). The ATTACHA command allows you to transfer control between subprocesses.& NOTE@ Always enter the SPAWN command to create a new process and= the ATTACH command to connect to a process that already: exists. For more information on the SPAWN and ATTACHB commands, exit from Mail and enter HELP SPAWN or HELP ATTACH at the DCL prompt. ww@\gK1 BACKB Displays the message preceding the current or last-read message? when the last command issued wa s READ. When the last command@ issued was DIRECTORY, the BACK command displays the preceding# screen of the directory listing. Format BACK 2 Qualifier /EDIT> Invokes a text editor. Unless you have selected a different; editor by entering the SET EDITOR command, the TPU-basedA EVE editor is invoked. Use your editor to peruse the last read? message. When you are done, enter the appropriate command toD quit from your selected editor. If you deci!de to edit the messageA and want to keep a copy of the newly edited message, enter the@ appropriate command to exit (use the EXIT command in EVE) and supply a file name. /PAGE /PAGE[=keyword] /NOPAGE (default)5 Controls the display of information on the screen.? You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:B CLEAR_SCREEN Clears the screen before each page is displayed.: SCROLL Displays information one line at a time. "C SAVE[=n] Enables screen navigation of information, where n2 is the number of pages to store.D The /PAGE qualifier allows you to navigate through a maximum of 5D screens containing up to 255 columns of information. When you use? the /PAGE qualifier, you can use the following keys as well:( Key Sequence Description0 Up arrow (^ ), Ctrl/B Scroll up one line.2 Down arrow (v ) Scroll down one line.4 Left arrow (< - ) # Scroll left one column.5 Right arrow (- > ) Scroll right one column.? Find (E1) Specify a string to find where the6 information is displayed.: Insert Here (E2) Scroll right one half screen.9 Remove (E3) Scroll left one half screen.7 Select (E4) Toggle 80/132 column mode.B Prev Screen (E5) Get the previous page of information.> Next Screen (E6), Get the next page of info$rmation. Return, Enter, Space" F10, Ctrl/Z Exit.@ Do (F16) Toggle the display to oldest/newest" page.1 Ctrl/W Refresh the display. ww@\gK 1 COMPRESSA Makes an indexed mail file smaller by recovering space that is? left by deleted mail messages. When you compress a file, the following steps occur:? 1. A temporary file named MAIL_nnnn_COMPRESS.TMP is created.4 %(nnnn is a hexadecimal, 4- or 8-digit number.)A 2. The contents of the file to be compressed are copied to the@ temporary file, and the temporary file is then compressed.@ 3. The original uncompressed file is renamed with a file type .OLD./ 4. The newly compressed file is renamed from7 MAIL_nnnn_COMPRESS.TMP back to its original name. Format COMPRESS [file-spec] 2 Parameter file-specD The name of the mail file to be compressed.& If a file name is notC specified, Mail compresses the mail file that is currently open.B If there is no open file, Mail opens and compresses the default mail file. 2 Qualifier /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=out-file-spec? The name of the compressed file. Note that if you specify anD output file, the mail file is compressed and renamed. This leavesA you with 2 copies of your mail file: the original uncompressedD version and the new compressed version that has the' name that you4 specified when you entered the /OUTPUT qualifier. 2 Examples 1.$ MAIL MAIL> COMPRESSF %MAIL-S-CREATED, DISK$FUN:[SMITH]MAIL_08C8_COMPRESS.TMP;1 createdJ %MAIL-S-COPIED, DISK$FUN:[SMITH]MAIL.MAI;1 copied to DISK$FUN:[SMITH]) MAIL_08C8_COMPRESS.TMP;1 (2 records)L %MAIL-S-RENAMED, DISK$FUN:[SMITH]MAIL.MAI;1 renamed to DISK$FUN:[SMITH] MAIL.OLD;2I %MAIL-S-RENAMED, DISK$FUN:[SMITH]MAIL_08C8_COMPRESS.TMP;1 renamed to DISK$FUN: ([SMITH]MAIL.MAI;1D This example shows how to compress the contents of your default mail file (MAIL.MAI). 2.MAIL> COMPRESS trips.maiF %MAIL-S-CREATED, DISK$FUN:[SMITH]MAIL_08C8_COMPRESS.TMP;1 createdK %MAIL-S-COPIED, DISK$FUN:[SMITH]TRIPS.MAI;1 copied to DISK$FUN:[SMITH]) MAIL_08C8_COMPRESS.TMP;1 (2 records)M %MAIL-S-RENAMED, DISK$FUN:[SMITH]TRIPS.MAI;1 renamed to DISK$FUN:[SMITH] TRIPS.OLD;2I %MAIL-S-RENAMED, DISK$FUN:[SMITH]MAIL_08C8_COMPRESS.TMP);1 renamed to DISK$FUN:[SMITH]TRIPS.MAI;1D This example shows how to compress the contents of a file named TRIPS.MAI. ww@\gK1 COPYB Copies a message to another folder without deleting it from the@ current folder. If the specified folder does not exist, it is created.A If you want to copy a message to a sequential file (outside of< Mail) instead of to a mail file, use the EXTRACT command.C If you decide (after entering the COPY co*mmand, pressing Return,A and supplying a folder name at the prompt, but before pressing@ Return again) that you do not want to copy the message, pressA Ctrl/C. Ctrl/C aborts the operation and keeps you within Mail. Format! COPY foldername [file-spec] 2 Parameters foldernameA Indicates the name of the folder to which the message is to be? copied. If the specified folder does not exist (and you haveB not entered the qualifier /NOCONFIRM), Mail ask +s if you want toD create it. If you respond with Y, Mail creates the new folder. IfC you specify /NOCONFIRM, Mail creates the folder and displays the8 message: %MAIL-I-NEWFOLDER, folder foldername created; A folder name can be 1 to 39 characters in length. ValidB characters for folder names are alphanumeric characters, dollar? signs ($), and underscores (_). If your folder name containsD lowercase letters, spaces, or special characters, the folder name- must be enclosed in, quotation marks (" "). file-spec> Indicates the name of the mail file to which the message isB copied. If the specified mail file does not exist, Mail creates; it. If you do not specify the /NOCONFIRM qualifier, Mail> asks if you want to create the file, but creates the folderD automatically. If you omit the file name, Mail copies the message/ to the specified folder in the current file. 2 Qualifiers /ALL? Indicates that all of the currently selecte-d messages are to> be copied to another folder, file, or both. Select a folder= by entering the SELECT command followed by the name of theC folder. See the SELECT command for more information. If the /ALL< qualifier is omitted, only the current message is copied. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM@ Determines whether Mail prompts you to create a new folder or+ file. The default qualifier is /CONFIRM. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> 2 MAIL> COPY . _Folder: MEMOS _File: MAIL>@ This example shows how to put a copy of a mail message into? another folder (MEMOS) in the default mail file. If folder= MEMOS does not exist, you receive the following message:# Folder MEMOS does not exist.6 Do you want to create it (Y/N, default is N)? Y/ %MAIL-I-NEWFOLDER, folder MEMOS created. ww@\gK 1 CURRENTC Displays the beginning of the message you are currently reading./A If you are reading a long mail message and want to display the> first part of the message again, enter the CURRENT command. Format CURRENT 2 Qualifier /EDIT> Invokes a text editor. Unless you have selected a different? editor by entering the SET EDITOR command, the TPU-based EVED editor is invoked. Use your editor to peruse the current message.@ When you are done, enter the appropriate command to quit fromC your selected editor. If you decide t0o edit the message and wantD to keep a copy of the newly edited message, enter the appropriateB command to exit (use the EXIT command in EVE) and supply a file name. /PAGE /PAGE[=keyword] /NOPAGE (default)5 Controls the display of information on the screen.? You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:B CLEAR_SCREEN Clears the screen before each page is displayed.: SCROLL Displays information one line at a time.C 1 SAVE[=n] Enables screen navigation of information, where n2 is the number of pages to store.D The /PAGE qualifier allows you to navigate through a maximum of 5D screens containing up to 255 columns of information. When you use? the /PAGE qualifier, you can use the following keys as well:( Key Sequence Description0 Up arrow (^ ), Ctrl/B Scroll up one line.2 Down arrow (v ) Scroll down one line.4 Left arrow (< - ) S 2croll left one column.5 Right arrow (- > ) Scroll right one column.? Find (E1) Specify a string to find where the6 information is displayed.: Insert Here (E2) Scroll right one half screen.9 Remove (E3) Scroll left one half screen.7 Select (E4) Toggle 80/132 column mode.B Prev Screen (E5) Get the previous page of information.> Next Screen (E6), Get the next page of informat3ion. Return, Enter, Space" F10, Ctrl/Z Exit.@ Do (F16) Toggle the display to oldest/newest" page.1 Ctrl/W Refresh the display. wwP\gK 1 DEFINEB Defines a key to execute a command. This enables you to press a= key to enter a command instead of typing the command name. Format" DEFINE/KEY key-name "string" 2 Parameters key-nameD Specifies the n 4ame of the key you are defining. Use the following key names when defining keys:5 Key Name VT100 VT52 LK2013 PF1 PF1 red key PF13 PF2 PF2 blue key PF23 PF3 PF3 black key PF33 PF4 PF4 - PF4: KP0, KP1-KP9 keypad 0-9 keypad 0-9 keypad 0-9: Period period key period key period key9 Comma comma 5key comma key comma key9 Minus minus key minus key minus key9 Enter ENTER key ENTER key ENTER key@ E1,E2 - - Find,Insert Here= E3,E4 - - Remove,Select? E5 - - Previous Screen; E6 - - Next Screen@ Help,Do - - Help(15), Do(16)= F17-F20 - 6 - Function Keys& NOTE@ You cannot redefine the arrow keys or the function keys F1 to F14. "string"C Specifies the string you want entered when you press the definedA key. "String" can be a Mail command, for example, DIRECTORY or SET FILE. 2 Qualifiers /ECHO /ECHO /NOECHOD Specifies whether the command line is visible on the screen after@ you press the defined key. Yo7u cannot define a key specifying< both the /NOECHO and /NOTERMINATE qualifiers. The default qualifier is /ECHO. /IF_STATE /IF_STATE=state_list /NOIF_STATED Specifies a list of states, any one of which must be set in order@ to enable the specified key definition. If you omit or negate. this qualifier, the current state prevails.< States are used to increase the number of key definitions? available on your terminal. The same key can be assigned anyA 8 number of definitions as long as each definition is associated> with a different state. State names can be any alphanumeric string. /LOCK_STATE /LOCK_STATE /NOLOCK_STATE@ Retains the state specified by the /SET_STATE qualifier untilC you use the /SET_STATE qualifier again to change it. The default qualifier is /NOLOCK_STATE.< States are used to increase the number of key definitions? available on your terminal. The same key can be assigned anyA9 number of definitions as long as each definition is associated> with a different state. State names can be any alphanumeric string. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG@ Specifies whether informational messages are displayed. TheseD messages signal successfully created key definitions. The default qualifier is /LOG. /SET_STATE /SET_STATE=state /NOSET_STATEA Associates a state with the key you are defining. A state name= can be any alphanumeric: string. If you omit or negate thisD qualifier, the current state remains unchanged. You cannot defineB a key specifying both the /SET_STATE and /TERMINATE qualifiers.< States are used to increase the number of key definitions? available on your terminal. The same key can be assigned anyA number of definitions as long as each definition is associated with a different state. /TERMINATE /TERMINATE /NOTERMINATE@ Determines whether the specified command ;string executes whenB you press the key. When you use the /NOTERMINATE qualifier, you? must press the Return key to execute the command string. YouD cannot define a key specifying both the /SET_STATE and /TERMINATE qualifiers. 2 Examples% 1.MAIL> DEFINE/KEY PF1 "DIRECTORY"? This example shows how to define the keypad key PF1 as theA DIRECTORY command. To enter the DIRECTORY command, press PF1 followed by the Return key.+ 2.MAIL> DEFINE/KEY KP6 "EDI<T" /TERMINATEC This example shows how to define the keypad key 6 (KP6) as theC EDIT command. The /TERMINATE qualifier causes the EDIT command@ to execute when you press KP6; you do not have to press the Return key.2 3.MAIL> DEFINE/KEY PF2 "SET "/SET_STATE=ALTERED= MAIL> DEFINE/KEY PF3 "FILE" /IF_STATE=ALTERED /TERMINATE@ In this example, the PF2 key is defined as the SET command,A with the state name ALTERED. Then, the PF3 key is defined to@ out =put the string FILE when the state ALTERED is specified.C The /TERMINATE qualifier is used to end the command line. WhenA you specify the /TERMINATE qualifier, you can avoid pressingA the Return key to execute the command line. After you defineA PF2 and PF3, you can use them together. Press PF2 to produce> the first half of the command line (SET) and press PF3 to$ finish the command line (FILE).3 4.MAIL> DEFINE/KEY PF4 "SET " /SET_STATE=ALTERED= MAIL> DEF >INE/KEY KP7 "FILE" /TERMINATE /IF_STATE=ALTERED@ MAIL> DEFINE/KEY KP8 "FORWARD" /TERMINATE /IF_STATE=ALTEREDD MAIL> DEFINE/KEY KP9 "WASTEBASKET" /TERMINATE /IF_STATE=ALTERED= This example shows how to define four different keys and/ associate them with a state named ALTERED:C 1. The first definition defines the key PF4 as the SET command; and associates this key with a state named ALTERED.D 2. The second definition defines the keypad key 7 as "FILE" and ?C makes it dependent on a state named ALTERED. When you press@ PF4 followed by keypad key 7, Mail executes the SET FILE command.B 3. The third definition defines keypad key 8 as "FORWARD" andD also makes it dependent on the ALTERED state. When you pressC PF4 followed by keypad key 8, Mail executes the SET FORWARD command.C 4. The fourth definition defines keypad key 9 as "WASTEBASKET"B and also makes it dependent on the ALTERED@ state. When youA press PF4 followed by keypad key 9, Mail executes the SET WASTEBASKET command. wwP\gK 1 DELETE> Deletes either the message you are currently reading or the< message you just read. Deleted messages are usually moved? to a folder called WASTEBASKET; however, you can rename yourC WASTEBASKET folder by entering the SET WASTEBASKET_NAME command.C If you enter the SET AUTO_PURGE command, your WASTEBASKET folder? is emptied Aautomatically when you exit from Mail or select aC different Mail file. Otherwise, you must enter the PURGE command$ to empty your WASTEBASKET folder.B To recover a message accidentally deleted (while it is still inC the WASTEBASKET folder), select the WASTEBASKET folder, read theD desired message, and enter the MOVE command to move it to another folder.B Usually you delete only one mail message at a time, but you mayA also delete several mail messages at one time usingB one DELETE? command. You may specify a range or a list of messages to be deleted. Format? DELETE [message-number][-message-number][,message-number] 2 Parameter message-numberA Indicates the number of the message to be deleted. The message> number represents the position of a message in a folder. IfB you specify a number greater than the number of messages in the7 folder, Mail deletes the last message in the folder. 2 Qualifier /ACLLB Deletes all of the currently selected messages. Select messagesB by entering the SELECT command. See the SELECT command for more information. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> DIRECTORY; MAIL) # From Date Subject+ 1 MOON 11-DEC-1994 Asteroids . . .) 5 MARK 11-DEC-1994 The Yen* 6 MARK 11-DEC-1994 The Buck MAIL> 5 D MAIL> DELETE MAIL> 6 MAIL> DELETE MAIL> DIRECTORY; MAIL) # From Date Subject+ 1 MOON 11-DEC-1994 Asteroids . . . 5 (Deleted) 6 (Deleted)D This example shows how to delete messages 5 and 6 from the MAIL folder after reading them. 2.MAIL> DELETE 1,3,5-7,9:11 MAIL>B This example shows how to delete mail messages E1, 3, 5, 6, 7,@ 9, 10, and 11. The hyphen and colon are used to designate a range of numbers. 3.MAIL> DELETE 24 MAIL>C This example shows how to delete message number 24 by entering8 the number of the message after the DELETE command. wwP\gK 1 DIRECTORY< Displays a list of the messages in the current mail file,> including message number, sender's name, date, and subject.A Mail creates a new set of selected messages every time yoFu use# any of the following qualifiers: /BEFORE /CC_SUBSTRING /FROM_SUBSTRING /MARKED or /NOMARKED /NEW /SINCE /SUBJECT_SUBSTRING /TO_SUBSTRING Format DIRECTORY [foldername] 2 Parameter foldernameB Specifies the name of the folder from which to select messages.B If you omit the foldername, the folder to be used is determined in the following order:C 1. The current folder is used, if anyG (unless the /NEW qualifier is specified)$ 2. The NEWMAIL folder is used if:' o You specify the /NEW qualifier< o You omit selection qualifiers and you have new mail 3. The MAIL folder is used. 2 Qualifiers /BEFORE /BEFORE=dateA Selects messages received before the specified date. If you do> not specify a date, Mail displays a listing of all the mailA messages received before the current day (today). You can also= specifyH the keywords YESTERDAY and TODAY. For example, theA command DIRECTORY/BEFORE=YESTERDAY would give you a listing of/ all mail messages received before yesterday. /CC_SUBSTRING /CC_SUBSTRING=textB Selects messages containing the specified text in the CC: fieldB of the message, where the specified text is usually a node name or user name. /EDITB Invokes a text editor using the output of the DIRECTORY command? as input to the editor. Unless you have sIelected a different9 editor, the TPU-based EVE editor is invoked. The /EDIT> qualifier enables you to find messages by scrolling through folders or searching text. /FROM_SUBSTRING /FROM_SUBSTRING=textD Selects messages containing the specified text in the From: fieldB of the message, where the specified text is usually a node nameB or user name. This command searches only the node name and userB name of the sender; it does not search the personal name field.J /FOLDERA Displays a listing of all the folders contained in the current Mail file. /FULL@ Displays the number of records in the message and whether you? have replied to the message. External message identificationB numbers (for messages larger than 3 blocks) are also displayed. /MARKED /MARKED /NOMARKEDB Selects messages that have been marked. The /NOMARKED qualifier( selects messages that are not marked. /NEW< SelecKts the NEWMAIL folder and displays new mail messages@ received while you are in Mail. If there are no new messages,B Mail displays the message "%MAIL-W-NONEWMAIL, no new messages".C When a mail file other than your default mail file is open, Mail4 closes the file and opens your default mail file. /PAGE /PAGE[=keyword] /NOPAGE (default)5 Controls the display of information on the screen.? You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:B L CLEAR_SCREEN Clears the screen before each page is displayed.: SCROLL Displays information one line at a time.C SAVE[=n] Enables screen navigation of information, where n2 is the number of pages to store.D The /PAGE qualifier allows you to navigate through a maximum of 5D screens containing up to 255 columns of information. When you use? the /PAGE qualifier, you can use the following keys as well:( Key Sequence Description M0 Up arrow (^ ), Ctrl/B Scroll up one line.2 Down arrow (v ) Scroll down one line.4 Left arrow (< - ) Scroll left one column.5 Right arrow (- > ) Scroll right one column.? Find (E1) Specify a string to find where the6 information is displayed.: Insert Here (E2) Scroll right one half screen.9 Remove (E3) Scroll left one half screen.7 Select (E4) Toggle 80/132 column Nmode.B Prev Screen (E5) Get the previous page of information.> Next Screen (E6), Get the next page of information. Return, Enter, Space" F10, Ctrl/Z Exit.@ Do (F16) Toggle the display to oldest/newest" page.1 Ctrl/W Refresh the display. /REPLIED /REPLIED /NOREPLIED< Selects messages that have been replied to with the REPLYB command. The /NOREPLIED qualifiOer selects messages to which you have not replied. /SINCE /SINCE=dateA Selects mail messages received on or after the specified date.B The format for the date is dd-mmm-yyyy. If you do not specify aB date, Mail displays a listing of all the mail messages receivedB on the current day. You can also specify the keywords YESTERDAY@ and TODAY. For example, the command DIRECTORY/SINCE=YESTERDAY? would give you a listing of all mail messages received since yestePrday. /START /START=start-point> Indicates the first message number you want to display. ForD example, to display all the messages beginning with number three,@ enter the command DIRECTORY/START=3. Use the /START qualifierC with the /FOLDER qualifier to indicate the first folder name you@ want to display. For example, to display all the folder namesC alphabetically following PLEAT, enter the command line DIRECTORY /START=PLEAT/FOLDER. /SUBJECT_SUBSTRIQNG /SUBJECT_SUBSTRING=textD Selects messages containing the specified text in the Subj: field of the message. /TO_SUBSTRING /TO_SUBSTRING=textB Selects messages containing the specified text in the To: fieldB of the message, where the specified text is usually a node name@ or user name. The /TO_SUBSTRING qualifier will not search the personal name field. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> DIRECTORY; R MAIL+ # From Date Subject+ 1 MARK 11-DEC-1994 The Yen, 2 MARK 11-DEC-1994 The Buck- 3 BILL 13-DEC-1994 The Pound. 4 BILL 13-DEC-1994 The Dollar, 5 BILL 14-DEC-1994 The Cent, 6 MARK 17-DEC-1994 The DimeD This example shows how to display a listing of all the messages: in the current folder by using the DIRECTORY command.& 2.MAIL> DIRECTORY/SINCE=13-DEC- S1994; MAIL+ # From Date Subject- 1 BILL 13-DEC-1994 The Pound. 2 BILL 13-DEC-1994 The Dollar, 3 BILL 14-DEC-1994 The Cent, 4 MARK 17-DEC-1994 The Dime@ This example shows how to use the /SINCE qualifier with theD DIRECTORY command to display a listing of all the mail messagesB in the current folder received on or after December 13, 199T4.- 3.MAIL> DIRECTORY/SUBJECT_SUBSTRING= POUND; MAIL+ # From Date Subject- 1 BILL 13-DEC-1994 The PoundC This example shows how to use the /SUBJECT_SUBSTRING qualifierA with the DIRECTORY command to find messages that contain the substring POUND. 4.MAIL> DIRECTORY/FOLDER2 Listing of folders in DISK$:[BACON]MAIL.MAI;1' Press Ctrl/C to cancel listing4 U MAIL NEW_HIRES6 PROJECTS SALES_LEADSC This example shows how to display a listing of all the folders in the current mail file. ww`]gK1 EDITC Invokes an editor and enables you to edit a file before you sendA it. Unless you have selected a different editor, the TPU-based EVE editor is invoked. Format EDIT [file-spec] 2 Parameter file-spec) The namVe of the file you want to edit. 2 Qualifiers /COMMAND /COMMAND=ini-file-specB When you select EDT as your text editor, the /COMMAND qualifierA indicates the name of an EDT startup command file (EDTINI) forB ini-file specification. If you do not specify a startup command? file for ini-file specification, the default EDTINI.EDT fileC set up for the DCL command EDIT/EDT takes effect. This qualifierA cannot be specified if you are using an editor other thanW EDT. /CREATEC The /CREATE qualifier is used to create a file. Mail prompts youB for a file name when you do not specify one on the EDIT command line. /JOURNAL /JOURNAL=jou-file-specB When you select EDT as your text editor, the /JOURNAL qualifier> specifies jou-file-spec as the name of a journal file. ThisA qualifier cannot be specified if you are using an editor other than EDT. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=out-file-specB Specifies out-f Xile-spec as the name of the output file. Use theD /OUTPUT qualifier when you want to save the current file as a new" file that has a different name. /READC The /READ qualifier indicates that neither a journal file nor anA output file will be created. If you do not specify an existingB file and you are using the EVE editor, Mail creates a new file.B If you do not specify an existing file with the /READ qualifierC and you are using the EDT editor, Mail displays "Input fi Yle does? not exist" and returns you to the MAIL> prompt. When you useA the /READ qualifier, enter the QUIT command to end the editingA session. If you enter the EXIT command, you are prompted for a file specification. /RECOVERB When you select EDT as your text editor, the /RECOVER qualifier@ indicates that you want to recover a previous editing sessionD that was prematurely terminated. The /RECOVER qualifier will workC only if there is an existing .JOU file. This Zqualifier cannot be7 specified if you are using an editor other than EDT. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> SET EDITOR EDT/ MAIL> EDIT/COMMAND=EDTFUN.EDT FILENAME.DATD 1 This is the first line of text in FILENAME.DAT. [EOB] * . . . * EXIT2 DISK$MEGAWORK:[BURTON]FILENAME.DAT;1 13 lines MAIL>@ This example shows how to invoke the EDT editor and executeD the commands in an EDT startup command file named[ EDTFUN.EDT toD edit an already existing file named FILENAME.DAT before sending it. 2.MAIL> EDIT/READ _File: EXISTS.TXT . . .F Buffer MAIN |Insert | Forward Command: QUIT D This example shows how to use the /READ qualifier with the EDITA command and how to end the EVE editing session with the QUIT command. wwp-]gK1 ERASE Clears your scree\n. Format ERASE wwp-]gK1 EXITC Exits from Mail. You can also exit from Mail by pressing Ctrl/Z.C When you enter the EXIT command, any messages in the WASTEBASKETC folder of the current Mail file are deleted unless you issue the SET NOAUTO_PURGE command. Format EXIT wwp-]gK 1 EXTRACTD Places a copy of the current message into a sequential text file,B which Mail places in your current default directory], unless you specify otherwise. Format EXTRACT file-spec 2 Parameter file-spec@ Specifies the name of the output file to which the message isD copied. The default file type is .TXT. By default, the device and5 directory match your current device and directory. 2 Qualifiers /ALLA Copies all of the currently selected messages to the specified2 file. Each message is separated by a form feed. /APPENDA Adds the selected ^ message to the end of the specified file. IfD the file does not exist, Mail creates it. When you do not specify7 the /APPEND qualifier, Mail creates a new text file. /MAIL; Specifies that the output file will be a sequential mail? file with the default file type .MAI and the protection code= (S:RW,O:RW,G,W). The operating system places the .MAI file? in your top level mail directory. By default, the protectionB codes of the device and directory match those of your_ mail fileB directory. Like the /APPEND qualifier, the /MAIL qualifier adds9 the selected message to the end of the specified file. /NOHEADERC Removes the header information (To:, CC:, From:, and Subj:) from the mail message. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> DIRECTORY; MAIL) # From Date Subject . . .0 5 JOAN 11-DEC-1994 Spelling Tests . ` . . MAIL> 5 MAIL> EXTRACT GRAMMAR MAIL> EXIT $ DIRECTORY . . . GRAMMAR.TXT;1 . . .B This example shows how to place a copy of a mail message in a! text file named GRAMMAR.TXT. 2.MAIL> EXTRACT/ALL/NOHEADER _File: OUTER.DAT> %MAIL-I-CREATED, DISK$MEGAWORK:[CROWN]OUTER.DAT;1 created MAIL>? This example shows how to place a copy of all the messages= in athe currently selected folder into a text file called; OUTER.DAT. The /NOHEADER qualifier prevents the headerC information from being copied. A form feed is inserted between each message. wwp-]gK1 FILEA Moves the current message to the specified folder. You can use@ the FILE command and the MOVE command interchangeably because? they work the same way. Note, however, that the FILE command@ deletes the message from the original folder, unlike th be COPY command, which leaves a copy.< If (after entering the FILE command, pressing Return, andD supplying a folder name at the prompt, but before pressing Return? again), you decide that you do not want to file the message,> press Ctrl/C. Ctrl/C terminates the operation and keeps you within Mail.@ If you omit the folder and file name parameters, Mail promptsA you for both. If you supply only the foldername, Mail uses the? current mail file and does not prompt you fcor the file name. Format! FILE foldername [file-spec] 2 Parameters foldername@ Indicates the name of the folder to which the current message? is to be moved. If the specified folder does not exist, MailB asks whether you want to create it. If you respond with Y, Mail creates the new folder.; A folder name can be 1 to 39 characters in length. ValidB characters for folder names are alphanumeric characters, dollar? signs ($), and underscores (_d). If your folder name containsD lowercase letters, spaces, or special characters, the folder name' must be enclosed in quotation marks. file-specC Indicates the name of the mail file to which the current messageD is to be moved. If you omit the file name, Mail moves the message/ to the specified folder in the current file. 2 Qualifiers /ALL@ Moves all of the currently selected messages to the specified folder. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM e /NOCONFIRMD Determines whether you are queried about creating a new folder or+ file. The default qualifier is /CONFIRM. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> 2 MAIL> FILE _Folder: WINNERS _FILE: # Folder WINNERS does not exist.4 Do you want to create it (Y/N, default is N)? y. %MAIL-I-NEWFOLDER, folder WINNERS created MAIL> SELECT WINNERS) %MAIL-I-SELECTED, 1 message selected MAIL> DIRECTORY> f WINNERS) # From Date Subject4 1 BURK 11-DEC-1994 Early American Art MAIL>= This example shows how to use the FILE command to move aA message to a new folder named WINNERS and the SELECT command) to move to the newly created folder. wwp-]gK1 FIRST< Displays the first message in the current selected set of messages. Format FIRST 2 Qualifiers /EDIT> Inv gokes a text editor. Unless you have selected a different? editor by entering the SET EDITOR command, the TPU-based EVEB editor is invoked. Use your editor to peruse the first message.@ When you are done, enter the appropriate command to quit fromC your selected editor. If you decide to edit the message and wantD to keep a copy of the newly edited message, enter the appropriateB command to exit (use the EXIT command in EVE) and supply a file name. /PAGE /PAGE[=kheyword] /NOPAGE (default)5 Controls the display of information on the screen.? You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:B CLEAR_SCREEN Clears the screen before each page is displayed.: SCROLL Displays information one line at a time.C SAVE[=n] Enables screen navigation of information, where n2 is the number of pages to store.D The /PAGE qualifier allows you to navigate through a maximum of 5D screens conta iining up to 255 columns of information. When you use? the /PAGE qualifier, you can use the following keys as well:( Key Sequence Description0 Up arrow (^ ), Ctrl/B Scroll up one line.2 Down arrow (v ) Scroll down one line.4 Left arrow (< - ) Scroll left one column.5 Right arrow (- > ) Scroll right one column.? Find (E1) Specify a string to find where the6 information is displayed.: Ins jert Here (E2) Scroll right one half screen.9 Remove (E3) Scroll left one half screen.7 Select (E4) Toggle 80/132 column mode.B Prev Screen (E5) Get the previous page of information.> Next Screen (E6), Get the next page of information. Return, Enter, Space" F10, Ctrl/Z Exit.@ Do (F16) Toggle the display to oldest/newest" page.1 Ctrl/W Refresh tkhe display. wwp-]gK 1 FORWARDA Sends a copy of the message you are currently reading (or haveA just read) to one or more users. Mail prompts you for the nameD of the user or users to whom you want to forward the message, and for a subject.D If you change your mind about forwarding a message after you haveA already entered the FORWARD command, press Ctrl/C to abort the* message. The MAIL> prompt is displayed. Format FORWARD 2 Qlualifiers /CC_PROMPT /CC_PROMPT /NOCC_PROMPTA Enables the prompt for the CC: line in the mail header. At theA CC: prompt, enter the names of other users to whom you want to# send a copy of the mail message.? The /NOCC_PROMPT qualifier disables the CC: prompt. The /CC_D PROMPT and /NOCC_PROMPT qualifiers override the SET CC_PROMPT and SET NOCC_PROMPT commands. /EDIT@ Invokes a text editor to edit the message you are forwarding.A Unless myou have selected a different editor, the TPU-based EVE editor is invoked. /NOHEADER? Enables you to forward a message without the original header@ information supplied by the user that sent it. The default is /HEADER. /PERSONAL_NAME /PERSONAL_NAME=name /NOPERSONAL_NAMEA Specifies a personal name to be used when answering a message.A A personal name is a field of text that is appended to the endB of the From: field of mail messages you snend. You can fill this6 field with your full name or any other information.C The /PERSONAL NAME qualifier overrides the default personal name@ specified with the SET PERSONAL_NAME command for this messageC only. The /NOPERSONAL_NAME qualifier sends a message with a null personal name field. /SELF /SELF /NOSELF@ Determines whether Mail sends a copy of the forwarded message@ to you. The default qualifier is /NOSELF unless you have usedB the SET CoOPY_SELF command to specify that copies be sent to youC automatically. The /NOSELF qualifier overrides the SET COPY_SELF SEND command. /SIGNATURE_FILE! /SIGNATURE_FILE[=file-name] /NOSIGNATURE_FILE@ Specifies a file to be appended to the end of a mail message.B The signature file contains text and has a default file type of@ .SIG. An example of a signature file is a text file formattedA as business card, containing the user's company name, address,# t pelephone, and Internet address.B Specify the /SIGNATURE_FILE qualifier when you want to overrideD the default established by the SET SIGNATURE_FILE command (if youD want to send a signature file that is different from that default> specification). If there is no default setting, specify theA /SIGNATURE_FILE qualifier to interactively include a signature' file with a particular mail message.C To determine if the SET SIGNATURE_FILE command is in effect, use/ the SHOW SIGN qATURE_FILE or SHOW ALL command.B When you use the /SIGNATURE_FILE qualifier, note the following:> o When you create a mail message that includes a signature@ file, that message requires more temporary disk space than@ a conventional message because temporary files are created< during the operation. After the message is sent, those" temporary files are deleted.C o If you do not specify a directory, the Mail utility looks for0 the signature file in your m rail directory.B o If you do not specify a file, the Mail utility uses the file@ specification in your user profile. If there is no default? signature file in the profile, Mail will send the message without one.> o If a specified signature file does not exist, the system displays an error message.? Specify the /NOSIGNATURE_FILE qualifier when you do not want> to include a signature file with a particular mail message.; Specifying this qualifier overridses the current setting,5 including any specifications in your user profile. /SUBJECT /SUBJECT="subject-text"> Prompts for the subject of the mail message to be sent. UseC quotation marks (" ") around the subject heading to include moreB than one word, to print in lowercase letters, or to include any( spaces or nonalphanumeric characters. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> 3 From: PRESTON To: MARLEY Subj: Snakes) Beasts,t under the earth, crawling... MAIL> FORWARD/NOHEADER To: SOUND::BURTON Subj: Snakes Again . . . MAIL> READ From: MARLEY To: SOUND::BURTON Subj: Snakes Again) Beasts, under the earth, crawling...: This example shows how to forward a message to a userC (SOUND::BURTON) without the original header information (From:( PRESTON, To: MARLEY, Subj: Snakes). 2.MAIL> 7 MAIL> FuORWARD/EDIT To: FOLEY" Subj: The Thatched RoofH (The text of mail message 7 is displayed here, ready to be edited.)D This example shows how to edit a mail message before forwarding* it by using the FORWARD/EDIT command. wwT]gK1 Getting_Started= To become familiar with the Mail utility, use the commandsA discussed in the following examples. These commands enable youA to move around within the Mail utility. Some of these evxamplesA contain brief exercises to assist you in getting started using the Mail utility.8 The following commands are discussed in the examples:5 SEND READ[/NEW] FORWARD REPLY6 DIRECTORY DELETE MOVE SELECT4 EXTRACT PRINT HELP EXIT= For complete information on these commands, enter the HELP< command followed by the command name at the MAIL> prompt. 2 SEND 1.MAIL> SEND To: PIERC wE Subj: SailingK Enter your message below. Press Ctrl/Z when complete, Ctrl/C to quit:0 This example demonstrates the SEND command.A Try sending a message to yourself. Enter the SEND command atC the MAIL> prompt and press Return. Enter your own user name atC the To: prompt and press Return. Enter a subject when prompted and press Return again.= When you finish entering the text of your message, pressB Ctrl/Z. Because you are sending the messaxge to yourself, MailD displays a message that you have received new mail. The message+ displayed is similar to the following:) New mail on node FLAXEN from PIERCE. 2 READ 1.MAIL> READ/NEW4 This example shows how to use the READ command.> To read the message that you sent to yourself in the SENDD command example, enter the READ command with the /NEW qualifier and press Return.C You must specify the /NEW qualifier with the READ command wyhen@ you want to read new mail that arrives while you are in the? Mail utility. When you are not in the Mail utility and you@ receive new mail, invoke Mail to read the new message. WhenB reading messages in the NEWMAIL folder, if you wish to read aC new message that you have already read, you can enter the READ( command without the /NEW qualifier. 2 FORWARD 1.MAIL> FORWARD To: PIERCE, This example shows the FORWARD command.@ You can f zorward a copy of a mail message to another user by> entering the FORWARD command at the MAIL> prompt. You areB prompted for the name of the user to receive the message. Try? forwarding a copy of the message you just received back toB yourself. Enter your own user name and press Return. Supply aA subject when prompted and press Return. You will be signaledB that you have just received a new message. Enter the READ/NEW+ command to read the forwarded message. {2 REPLY 1.MAIL> REPLY To: FLAXEN::PIERCE* Subject: Re: Using the REPLY commandK Enter your message below. Press Ctrl/Z when complete, Ctrl/C to quit:5 This example shows how to use the REPLY command.@ When you receive a message and want to respond to it, enterA the REPLY command at the MAIL> prompt and press Return. MailD displays the header information automatically, as shown in this example.@ When you finish typing your response, pre|ss Ctrl/Z. You areD signaled that you have just received a new message. To read the) message, enter the READ/NEW command. 2 DIRECTORY 1.MAIL> DIRECTORY5 # From Date SubjectA 1 FORBES 1-JUN-1994 How to Write a Memo? 2 STELLA::BERT 2-JUN-1994 Using the Printer: 3 FROST::BASTIEN 4-JUN-1994 Chicken Kiev9 This example shows how to use the DIRECTORY command.B When yo}u want to see a list of all the mail messages that areB in your current folder, enter the DIRECTORY command and pressB Return. Mail displays a list similar to the previous example. 2 DELETE 1.MAIL> DELETE 2C This example shows how to remove the second message in a list.? When you want to remove a message, use the DELETE command.B You can either enter the DELETE command while you are reading@ the message or you can enter the DELETE command followed by~B the number of the message you want to remove (as shown here).A The number of the mail message can be found on the directory listing. 2.MAIL> DIRECTORY5 # From Date SubjectA 1 FORBES 1-JUN-1994 How to Write a Memo 2 (Deleted): 3 FROST::BASTIEN 4-JUN-1994 Chicken Kiev@ If you enter the DIRECTORY command after you have deleted a@ message (or messages), you will see the messages marked for deletion, as shown here.B When you exit from Mail, the messages marked for deletion areD deleted if AUTO_PURGE is set. If you set NOAUTO_PURGE or if youA exit from mail by entering the QUIT command, messages marked3 for deletion remain in the WASTEBASKET folder. 2 MOVE 1.MAIL> 2 MAIL> MOVE _Folder: WINNERS _FILE: . %MAIL-I-NEWFOLDER, folder WINNERS created0 This example demonstrates the MOVE command.D  The Mail utility allows you to organize messages by moving them@ into folders. To move a message to a folder, enter the MOVEB command (while you are reading the message) and press Return.D You are prompted for a folder name. Type any name, for example,B REVIEWS or JOKES or STATUS_REPORTS. You are also prompted forC a file name. You can specify the default mail file by pressing@ Return. In this example, the folder name is WINNERS and the$ default mail file is specified. 2 SELECT 1.MAIL> SELECT WINNERS) %MAIL-I-SELECTED, 1 message selected2 This example demonstrates the SELECT command.D Once you have created folders, you can move among them. To moveD from one folder to another, use the SELECT command. If you wantB to move to the folder named WINNERS, enter the command SELECTB WINNERS as shown here. Mail displays a message indicating the& number of messages in the folder. 2.MAIL> SELECT JOKES) %MAIL-I-SELECTED, 1 message selectedA This command line shows how to move to a folder named JOKES.= You can enter the DIRECTORY command to see a list of the. messages in the folder you just selected. 2 EXTRACT 1.MAIL> EXTRACT _File: GAMES.DAT7 %MAIL-I-CREATED, DISK:[BERGMAN]GAMES.DAT;1 created MAIL>7 This example shows how to use the EXTRACT command.C To move a mail message from your mail file to a text file thatB you can access from DCL level, use the EXTRACT command. Enter@ the EXTRACT command (while you are reading the message) andD press Return. Mail prompts you for the name of a file. When youA exit from Mail, the file is listed in your current directory@ unless you specify otherwise. This example shows how to use? the EXTRACT command to move a mail message to a file named GAMES.DAT. 2 PRINT 1.MAIL> 47 #4 4-AUG-1994 09:39:20 MAIL From: SPARTA::SMITH To: MARSTON Subj: Rydell's ReasonsD In reference to the meeting of July 26, I would like to explain# Rydell's opinion more fully... MAIL> PRINT5 This example shows how to use the PRINT command.C To make a hard copy of a mail message, enter the PRINT commandA while you are reading the message and press Return. When you@ exit from Mail, the message enters the default print queue.B This example shows how to print a hard copy of message number 4. 2 HELP 1.MAIL> HELP FOLDERS: You have already started using the HELP command. ThisA example shows how to get help on the topic FOLDERS. For more@ information about each command, you can keep using the HELP! facility provided with Mail. 2 EXIT 1.MAIL> EXIT+ Job 790 entered on queue ATLAS_PRINTA When you are ready to leave Mail, enter the EXIT command andB press Return. If AUTO_PURGE is set, Mail deletes any messages? marked for deletion. In this example, the message that wasA marked for printing enters the default print queue after you enter the EXIT command. ww{]gK1 HELP< Enables you to obtain information about the Mail utility.B To obtain information about all of the Mail commands, enter the following command: MAIL> HELPC To obtain information about individual commands or topics, enter: the HELP command followed by the command or topic name. Format HELP [topic] 2 Parameter topicA Indicates a topic about which you want information. To displayD the list of available topics, enter the HELP command at the MAIL> prompt. ww{]gK 1 Keypad@ Mail defines the following default keypad on the VT100/LK201:9 +---------+---------+---------+---------+9 | PF1 | PF2 | PF3 | PF4 |9 | | | | |9 | GOLD | HELP |EXT/MAIL | ERASE |9 | |DIR/FOLD | EXTRACT |SEL MAIL |9 |---------|---------|---------|---------|9 | 7 | 8 | 9 | -- |9 | | | | |9 | SEND | REPLY |FORWARD |READ/NEW |9 |SEND/EDIT|RP/ED/EX |FRWD/EDIT|SHOW NEW |9 |---------|---------|----- ----|---------|9 | 4 | 5 | 6 | , |9 | | | | |9 | CURRENT | FIRST | LAST | DIR/NEW |9 |CURR/EDIT|FIRS/EDIT|LAST/EDIT|DIR MAIL |9 |---------|---------|---------|---------|9 | 1 | 2 | 3 |ENTER |9 | | | | |9 | BACK | PRINT | DIR | |9  |BACK/EDIT|P/P/NOTI |DIR/9999 | |9 |---------+---------|---------| ENTER |9 | 0 | . | SELECT |9 | | | |9 | NEXT | FILE | |9 | NEXT/EDIT | DELETE | |9 +-------------------+---------+---------+ ww{]gK1 LAST1 Displays the last message in the selected set.  Format LAST 2 Qualifier /EDIT> Invokes a text editor. Unless you have selected a differentA editor, the TPU-based EVE editor is invoked. Use the editor toD peruse the last message. When you are done, enter the appropriate> command to quit from your editor. If you decide to edit the? message and want to keep a copy of the newly edited message,B enter the appropriate command to exit from your editor (use the< EXIT command with the EVE editor) and supply a file name. /PAGE /PAGE[=keyword] /NOPAGE (default)5 Controls the display of information on the screen.? You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:B CLEAR_SCREEN Clears the screen before each page is displayed.: SCROLL Displays information one line at a time.C SAVE[=n] Enables screen navigation of information, where n2 is the number of pages to store.D The /PAGE qualifier allows you to n avigate through a maximum of 5D screens containing up to 255 columns of information. When you use? the /PAGE qualifier, you can use the following keys as well:( Key Sequence Description0 Up arrow (^ ), Ctrl/B Scroll up one line.2 Down arrow (v ) Scroll down one line.4 Left arrow (< - ) Scroll left one column.5 Right arrow (- > ) Scroll right one column.? Find (E1) Specify a string to find where the6 information is displayed.: Insert Here (E2) Scroll right one half screen.9 Remove (E3) Scroll left one half screen.7 Select (E4) Toggle 80/132 column mode.B Prev Screen (E5) Get the previous page of information.> Next Screen (E6), Get the next page of information. Return, Enter, Space" F10, Ctrl/Z Exit.@ Do (F16) Toggle the display to oldest/newest"  page.1 Ctrl/W Refresh the display. ww{]gK1 MAILD Sends a message to one or more users. The MAIL command works like the SEND command.D Mail first prompts you for the name of the user or users that you want to receive the message. MAIL> MAIL To:: You reply with the user names or with the file names of. distribution lists in the following format:6 [[nodename::]username(s),...] [,] [@listname[,...]]A Next, M ail prompts you for the subject of the mail message. ToC avoid the Subj: prompt, specify the /SUBJECT= qualifier with theC MAIL command, and enclose the subject string in quotation marks.A You can include a file specification with the MAIL command. IfB you specify a file name with the MAIL command, the text in thatD file is sent to the specified users. If you do not specify a file7 name, Mail prompts you for the text of your message.C Enter the message that you want to send; then press Ctrl/Z. NoteA that once you type a line and press Return, there is no way to@ edit it. If you decide not to send the message you are typingB but want to stay within the Mail utility, press Ctrl/C to abort? the message. You then receive the MAIL> prompt. You can alsoC enter CTRL/Y to cancel sending a mail message, however note thatD CTRL/Y will also quit your Mail process and return you to the DCL prompt. Format MAIL [file-spec] 2 Parameter file-spec@ Indicates the file name and file type of the file to be sent. 2 Qualifiers /CC_PROMPT /CC_PROMPT /NOCC_PROMPTA Enables the prompt for the CC: line in the mail header. At theA CC: prompt, enter the names of other users to whom you want to# send a copy of the mail message.? The /NOCC_PROMPT qualifier disables the CC: prompt. The /CC_D PROMPT and /NOCC_PROMPT qualifiers override the SET CC_PROMPT and SET NOCC_PROMPT commands. /EDIT /EDIT /NOEDITD Invokes a text editor to edit the message you are sending. Unless: you select a different editor, the TPU-based EVE editor@ is invoked. The /NOEDIT qualifier overrides the /EDIT default6 qualifier if you entered the DCL command MAIL/EDIT.C You can use the /EDIT qualifier with the /LAST qualifier to edit! the message before sending it. /LAST@ Specifies that the last message you sent will be used as textC for the message you are currently sending. You can use the /LAST@ qualifier with the /EDIT qualifier to edit the message before sending it. /PERSONAL_NAME /PERSONAL_NAME=name /NOPERSONAL_NAMEA Specifies a personal name to be used when answering a message.A A personal name is a field of text that is appended to the endB of the From: field of mail messages you send. You can fill this6 field with your full name or any other information.C The /PERSONAL NAME qualifier overrides the default personal name@ specified with the SET PERSONAL_NAME command for this messageC only. The /NOPERSONAL_NAME qualifier sends a message with a null personal name field. /SELF /SELF /NOSELF> Determines whether Mail sends a copy of the message you areC sending to you. The default qualifier is /NOSELF unless you haveC used the SET COPY_SELF command to specify that copies be sent toC you automatically. The /NOSELF qualifier overrides the SET COPY_ SELF SEND command. /SIGNATURE_FILE! /SIGNATURE_FILE[=file-name] /NOSIGNATURE_FILE@ Specifies a file to be appended to the end of a mail message.B The signature file contains text and has a default file type of@ .SIG. An example of a signature file is a text file formattedA as business card, containing the user's company name, address,# telephone, and Internet address.B Specify the /SIGNATURE_FILE qualifier when you want to overrideD the default established by the SET SIGNATURE_FILE command (if youD want to send a signature file that is different from that default> specification). If there is no default setting, specify theA /SIGNATURE_FILE qualifier to interactively include a signature' file with a particular mail message.C To determine if the SET SIGNATURE_FILE command is in effect, use/ the SHOW SIGNATURE_FILE or SHOW ALL command.B When you use the /SIGNATURE_FILE qualifier, note the fo llowing:> o When you create a mail message that includes a signature@ file, that message requires more temporary disk space than@ a conventional message because temporary files are created< during the operation. After the message is sent, those" temporary files are deleted.C o If you do not specify a directory, the Mail utility looks for0 the signature file in your mail directory.B o If you do not specify a file, the Mail utility uses the file@ specification in your user profile. If there is no default? signature file in the profile, Mail will send the message without one.> o If a specified signature file does not exist, the system displays an error message.? Specify the /NOSIGNATURE_FILE qualifier when you do not want> to include a signature file with a particular mail message.; Specifying this qualifier overrides the current setting,5 including any specifications in your user profile. /SUBJECT /SUBJECT="subject-text"> Prompts for the subject of the mail message to be sent. UseC quotation marks (" ") around the subject heading to include moreB than one word, to print in lowercase letters, or to include any( spaces or nonalphanumeric characters. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> MAIL To: TERA::LINDEN Subj: VacationN Enter your message below. Press Ctrl/Z when complete, or Ctrl/C to quit:= This example shows how to use the MAIL command to send a1 message to a user named Linden on node TERA. 2.MAIL> MAIL REPORTS.TXT To: TERA::LINDEN% Subj: Monthly Petty Cash ReportsN Enter your message below. Press Ctrl/Z when complete, or Ctrl/C to quit:B This example shows how to use the MAIL command to send a file; named REPORTS.TXT to a user named Linden on node TERA. ww]gK1 MARK: The MARK command sets a flag in the message header thatB identifies the current message or message-identification number> as marked. Marked messages have an asterisk (*) in the leftA column of the directory listing. A marked message can serve asC a reminder of important information. The /ALL qualifier sets all) currently selected messages as marked.? The UNMARK command clears the flag in the message header andA unmarks the current message or message-id number; that is, the asterisk is deleted. Formats" MARK [/ALL] [message-number]$ UNMARK [/ALL] [message-number] 2 Parameter message-numberD Indicates the number of the message to be marked or unmarked. TheC message number represents the position of a message in a folder.A If you specify a number greater than the number of messages in9 the folder, Mail marks the last message in the folder. 2 Qualifier /ALL2 Sets all currently selected messages as marked. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> DIR MISC= # From Date SubjectJ 1 MARS::SMITH 11-DEC-1994 Training Information; 2 JUPITER::COLLINS 22-DEC-1994 Ideas= 3 JUPITER::PETERS 24-DEC-1994 Meeting MAIL> MARK 2 MAIL> DIR= # From Date SubjectJ 1 MARS::SMITH 11-DEC-1994 Training Information; * 2 JUPITER::COLLINS 22-DEC-1994 Ideas= 3 JUPITER::PETERS 24-DEC-1994 Meeting@ In this example, message 2 in folder MISC is marked with an asterisk. 2.MAIL> UNMARK 2 MAIL> DIR= # From Date SubjectJ 1 MARS::SMITH 11-DEC-1994 Training Information; 2 JUPITER::COLLINS 22-DEC-1994 Ideas= 3 JUPITER::PETERS 24-DEC-1994 Meeting2 In this example, message 2 has been unmarked. ww ]gK1 MOVEB The MOVE command is synonymous with the FILE command. Moves the> current message to the specified folder. Note that the MOVE? command deletes the message from the original folder, unlike) the COPY command, which leaves a copy.D If you omit the folder and file name parameters, you are promptedA for both; if you supply only the folder name, the current Mail; file is used and you are not prompted for the file name.< If (after entering the MOVE command, pressing Return, andD supplying a folder name at the prompt, but before pressing Return? again), you decide that you do not want to move the message,A press Ctrl/C. Ctrl/C aborts the operation and keeps you within Mail. Format! MOVE foldername [file-spec] 2 Parameters foldernameC Indicates the name of the folder to which the current message isC moved. If the specified folder does not exist, Mail asks whetherA you want to create it. If you respond with Y, Mail creates the new folder.; A folder name can be 1 to 39 characters in length. ValidB characters for folder names are alphanumeric characters, dollar? signs ($), and underscores (_). If your folder name containsC lowercase letters, spaces or special characters, the folder name' must be enclosed in quotation marks. file-specC Indicates the name of the mail file to which the current message? is moved. If the specified file does not exist, Mail createsA it. If the file name is omitted, Mail moves the message to the( specified folder in the current file. 2 Qualifiers /ALL= Moves all the currently selected messages to the specified folder. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRMB Determines whether you are prompted to create a new folder. The! default qualifier is /CONFIRM. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> 2 MAIL> MOVE _Folder: WINNERS _File: # Folder WINNERS does not exist.4 Do you want to create it (Y/N, default is N)? y. %MAIL-I-NEWFOLDER, folder WINNERS created MAIL> SELECT WINNERS) %MAIL-I-SELECTED, 1 message selected MAIL> DIRECTORY> WINNERS) # From Date Subject4 1 BURK 11-DEC-1994 Early American Art MAIL>= This example shows how to use the MOVE command to move a+ message to a new folder named WINNERS.> First, you enter the MOVE command to transfer the current> message to a new folder. Then, specify a name for the new@ folder and press the Return key to retain the default file.C Then enter the SELECT command, followed by the name of the newC folder (WINNERS) to move to the new folder. Finally, enter theB DIRECTORY command to see the transferred message in the newly created folder (WINNERS). ww]gK1 NEXTD Skips to the next message and displays it. This command is useful? if while reading through your messages, you encounter a long, message that you would like to skip over. Format NEXT 2 Qualifier /EDIT> Invokes a text editor. Unless you have selected a different? editor by entering the SET EDITOR command, the TPU-based EVEA editor is invoked. Use your editor to peruse the next message.@ When you are done, enter the appropriate command to quit fromC your selected editor. If you decide to edit the message and wantD to keep a copy of the newly edited message, enter the appropriateB command to exit (use the EXIT command in EVE) and supply a file name. /PAGE /PAGE[=keyword] /NOPAGE (default)5 Controls the display of information on the screen.? You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:B CLEAR_SCREEN Clears the screen before each page is displayed.: SCROLL Displays information one line at a time.C SAVE[=n] Enables screen navigation of information, where n2 is the number of pages to store.D The /PAGE qualifier allows you to navigate through a maximum of 5D screens containing up to 255 columns of information. When you use? the /PAGE qualifier, you can use the following keys as well:( Key Sequence Description0 Up arrow (^ ), Ctrl/B Scroll up one line.2 Down arrow (v ) Scroll down one line.4 Left arrow (< - ) Scroll left one column.5 Right arrow (- > ) Scroll right one column.? Find (E1) Specify a string to find where the6 information is displayed.: Insert Here (E2) Scroll right one half screen.9 Remove (E3) Scroll left one half screen.7 Select (E4) Toggle 80/132 column mode.B Prev Screen (E5) Get the previous page of information.> Next Screen (E6), Get the next page of information. Return, Enter, Space" F10, Ctrl/Z Exit.@ Do (F16) Toggle the display to oldest/newest" page.1 Ctrl/W Refresh the display. ww]gK1 PRINT? Sends a copy of the message you are currently reading to theB default print queue. The files created by the PRINT command are? not actually released to the print queue until you exit fromB Mail, so that multiple messages are concatenated into one printD job (unless you specify the /NOW or /PRINT qualifier). Enter HELP= PRINT at the DCL prompt for more information and examples. Format PRINT 2 Qualifiers /AFTER /AFTER=time@ Requests that the job not be printed until a specific time of6 day. You can specify either absolute or delta time. /ALLA Indicates that all the currently selected messages be printed. /BURST /BURST=keyword /NOBURST? Controls whether Mail inserts a burst page before printing aA message. The /BURST qualifier can take either of two keywords:B ALL or ONE. The ALL keyword indicates that each file in the jobC is to be preceded by a burst page and flag page. The ONE keywordD indicates that a burst page applies only to the first copy of the first file in the job. /CANCELA Cancels all messages that have been queued for printing during the current session. /COPIES /COPIES=nA Indicates the number of copies of the print job to be printed. /FEED /FEED /NOFEED@ Controls whether the PRINT command automatically inserts formD feeds when it nears the end of a page. The /FEED qualifier is the default. /FLAG /FLAG=keyword /NOFLAGC Controls whether a flag page is printed preceding a message. TheC /FLAG qualifier can take either of two keywords: ALL or ONE. TheA ALL keyword indicates that each file in the job is preceded byB a flag page. The ONE keyword indicates that a flag page applies7 only to the first copy of the first file in the job. /FORM /FORM=form-nameA Specifies the name or number of the form that you want for the? print job. Enter the DCL command SHOW QUEUE/FORM to list the available forms. /HOLD /HOLD /NOHOLDC Controls whether the message is available for print immediately.B The print job is not released for actual printing until you use9 the DCL command SET QUEUE/ENTRY/RELEASE to release it. /NAME /NAME=job-name/ Defines the name string to identify the job. /NOTIFYD Indicates that you are to be notified by a broadcast message whenB the file or files have been printed. The /NONOTIFY qualifier is the default. /NOWA Sends all messages that have been queued for printing with theC PRINT command during this session to the printer. Allows the jobC to print without exiting mail. This qualifier is synonymous with the /PRINT qualifier. /PARAMETERS$ /PARAMETERS=(parameter[, ...])B Specifies from one to eight optional parameters to be passed to the job. /PRINT> The /PRINT qualifier is synonymous with the /NOW qualifier.A Releases all messages previously queued with the PRINT commandB to the print queue. If you do not specify the /PRINT qualifier,> messages are not released to the print queue until you exit@ from Mail. PRINT/PRINT does not queue the current message forD printing. Also note that the only other qualifier you can specify with /PRINT is /NOTIFY. /QUEUE /QUEUE=queue-name? The name of the queue to which the message is to be sent. If@ the /QUEUE qualifier is not specified, the message is sent to? the default queue specified with the SET QUEUE command or to@ the SYS$PRINT queue. If you enter the PRINT command more thanA once and specify a different queue name, any previously queuedA messages are released to the previously specified print queue. /SPACE /SPACE /NOSPACE, Controls whether output is double-spaced. /TRAILER /TRAILER=keyword /NOTRAILER? Controls whether a trailer page is printed at the end of theC message. The /TRAILER qualifier can take either of two keywords:B ALL or ONE. The ALL keyword indicates that each file in the jobB is followed by a trailer page. The ONE keyword indicates that aB trailer page follows only the last copy of the last file in the job. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> 5! MAIL> PRINT/QUEUE=LMNO_PRINT MAIL> EXITC Job MAIL (queue LMNO_PRINT, entry 333) started on LMNO_PRINT $< This example shows how to add message number 5 to queue LMNO_PRINT. 2.MAIL> PRINT/PRINT* %MAIL-E-NOMSGPRI, no messages printed . . . MAIL> 14 MAIL> PRINT MAIL> 23 MAIL> PRINT MAIL> PRINT/PRINTE Job MAIL (queue QUASAR_PRINT, entry 333) started on QUEUE$LPA0D The first part of this example shows how Mail displays an errorC message when you enter the /PRINT qualifier before you use theC PRINT command alone. The second part shows how to release mailC messages (14 and 23) to the print queue by entering the /PRINT qualifier. 3.MAIL> 2 MAIL> PRINT MAIL> 7  MAIL> PRINT MAIL> 9$ MAIL> PRINT/QUEUE=WRITERS_PRINTB Job MAIL (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 148) started on QUEUE$LPA0 MAIL> 24 MAIL> PRINT MAIL> 31$ MAIL> PRINT/QUEUE=READERS_PRINTF Job MAIL (queue WRITERS_PRINT, entry 149) started on QUEUE$LPA0 MAIL> EXITF Job MAIL (queue READERS_PRINT, entry 152) started on QUEUE$LPB0C This example shows how mail messages are released to the print@ queue when you use the /QUEUE qualifier. The system message? specifying the name of the queue your job is started on isD printed only if you have changed the name of the queue from the previous job. ww]gK1 PURGE? Deletes all the messages in the WASTEBASKET folder. When youC EXIT from Mail or enter a SET FILE command (to select a new mailD file), an implicit PURGE is done to empty the WASTEBASKET folder,B unless you have entered the SET NOAUTO_PURGE command. The PURGE0 command overrides the SET AUTO_PURGE command.D Purged message space is not available for reuse by OpenVMS Record> Management Services (OpenVMS RMS) until you enter the PURGE@ /RECLAIM command. An automatic PURGE/RECLAIM is done when the? amount of deleted space in a mail file exceeds 32,767 bytes.< (Mail uses the Convert/Reclaim utility to reclaim space.) Format PURGE 2 Qualifiers /RECLAIM@ Releases deleted message space back to OpenVMS RMS for reuse.C Because your mail file is locked while PURGE/RECLAIM is running,< you cannot receive new mail. Users attempting to send you? mail while PURGE/RECLAIM is running receive an error messageD indicating that their message has not been sent successfully. YouB cannot access your own Mail files while a PURGE/RECLAIM command is running. /STATISTICSD Indicates the amount of released deleted message space in a short9 statistics display when you use it with PURGE/RECLAIM. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> PURGE/RECLAIM MAIL>A This example shows how to enter the PURGE/RECLAIM command toB delete all the messages in the WASTEBASKET folder and release= the deleted message space back to OpenVMS RMS for reuse.# 2.MAIL> PURGE/RECLAIM/STATISTICSG %MAIL-I-RECLPLSWAIT, reclaiming deleted file space. Please wait... Reclaim statistics:' Messages deleted: 3( Data buckets scanned: 31' Data buckets reclaimed: 1' Index buckets reclaimed: 0' Total buckets reclaimed: 1 MAIL>D This example shows the kind of information that the /STATISTICSB qualifier displays about the reclaimed deleted message space. ww]gK1 QUITB Exits you from Mail without emptying the WASTEBASKET folder. If@ you enter the QUIT command to exit from Mail, queued messagesA will be printed. If you enter Ctrl/Y, queued messages will notC print. If you enter the QUIT command or Ctrl/Y, deleted messagesA are not purged; they will be purged only if you enter the EXIT+ command or Ctrl/Z and AUTO_PURGE is set. Format QUIT 2 Example MAIL> 2 MAIL> DELETE MAIL> 6 MAIL> DELETE MAIL> QUIT $ MAIL MAIL> SELECT WASTEBASKET& %MAIL-I-SELECTED, 2 messages selected MAIL> DIRECTORY4 WASTEBASKET( # From Date Subject1 1 FRANCO 11-DEC-1994 Swiss Chocolates0 2 ZEUS 12-DEC-1994 Austrian Pastry< This example shows how to use the QUIT command to avoid% emptying the WASTEBASKET folder. ww]gK1 READ Displays your messages.> The READ command can be entered with or without parameters.C Pressing the Return key is the same as entering the READ commandA without parameters. If you press Return immediately after Mail= is invoked, Mail displays the first unread mess age in your@ NEWMAIL folder. If all messages have been read or you have noD new messages, Mail displays the first message in the MAIL folder.C Each time you enter the READ command without parameters or press* Return, Mail displays the next message.A If a new message arrives while you are in Mail, enter the READC /NEW command to read the message and then return to the previous Mail activity.C You create a new set of selected messages every time you use any of the following qualifiers: /BEFORE /CC_SUBSTRING /FROM_SUBSTRING /MARKED or /NOMARKED /NEW /SINCE /SUBJECT_SUBSTRING /TO_SUBSTRINGC If no folder selection has been made when you enter one of these> qualifiers, Mail will select messages from the MAIL folder. Format( READ [foldername] [message-number] 2 Parameters foldernameB Specifies the name of the folder from which to select messages.B If you omit the foldername, the folder to be used is determined in the following order:C 1. The current folder is used, if any (unless the /NEW qualifier is specified)$ 2. The NEWMAIL folder is used if:' o You specify the /NEW qualifier< o You omit selection qualifiers and you have new mail 3. The MAIL folder is used. message-number> Indicates the number of the message to be read. The message> number represents the position of a message in a folder. IfB you specify a number greater than the number of messages in theC folder, Mail displays the last message in the folder. Therefore,B to read the latest message in a folder, specify a large message$ number or enter the LAST command. 2 Qualifiers /BEFORE /BEFORE=date> Selects all the mail messages received before the specified> date. If you do not specify a date, Mail selects all of theA mail messages received before the current day (today). You canB also specify the keywords YESTERDAY and TODAY. For example, the? command READ/BEFORE=YESTERDAY would select all mail messages received before yesterday. /CC_SUBSTRING /CC_SUBSTRING=textB Selects messages containing the specified text in the CC: fieldB of the message, where the specified text is usually a node name or user name. /EDIT> Invokes a text editor. Unless you have selected a different? editor by entering the SET EDITOR command, the TPU-based EVED editor is invoked. Use your editor to peruse the current message.@ When you are done, enter the appropriate command to quit fromC your selected editor. If you decide to edit the message and wantD to keep a copy of the newly edited message, enter the appropriateB command to exit (use the EXIT command in EVE) and supply a file name. /FROM_SUBSTRING /FROM_SUBSTRING=textD Selects messages containing the specified text in the From: fieldB of the message, where the specified text is usually a node nameB or user name. This command searches only the node name and userB name of the sender; it does not search the personal name field. /MARKED /MARKED /NOMARKEDB Selects messages that have been marked. The /NOMARKED qualifier( selects messages that are not marked. /NEW< Selects the NEWMAIL folder and displays new mail messages@ received while you are in Mail. If there are no new messages,B Mail displays the message "%MAIL-W-NONEWMAIL, no new messages".C When a mail file other than your default mail file is open, Mail4 closes the file and opens your default mail file. /PAGE /PAGE[=keyword] /NOPAGE (default)5 Controls the display of information on the screen.? You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:B CLEAR_SCREEN Clears the screen before each page is displayed.: SCROLL Displays information one line at a time.C SAVE[=n] Enables screen navigation of information, where n2 is the number of pages to store.D The /PAGE qualifier allows you to navigate through a maximum of 5D screens containing up to 255 columns of information. When you use? the /PAGE qualifier, you can use the following keys as well:( Key Sequence Description0 Up arrow (^ ), Ctrl/B Scroll up one line.2 Down arrow (v ) Scroll down one line.4 Left arrow (< - ) Scroll left one column.5 Right arrow (- > ) Scroll right one column.? Find (E1) Specify a string to find where the6 information is displayed.: Insert Here (E2) Scroll right one half screen.9 Remove (E3) Scroll left one half screen.7 Select (E4) Toggle 80/132 column mode.B Prev Screen (E5) Get the previous page of information.> Next Screen (E6), Get the next page of information. Return, Enter, Space" F10, Ctrl/Z Exit.@ Do (F16) Toggle the display to oldest/newest" page.1 Ctrl/W Refresh the display. /REPLIED /REPLIED /NOREPLIED< Selects messages that have been replied to with the REPLYB command. The /NOREPLIED qualifier selects messages to which you have not replied. /SINCE /SINCE=date< Selects all of the mail messages received on or after the= specified date. The format for the date is dd-mmm-yyyy. If: you do not specify a date, Mail selects all of the mailA messages received on the current day. You can also specify the> keywords YESTERDAY and TODAY. For example, the command READA /SINCE=YESTERDAY would select all mail messages received since yesterday. /SUBJECT_SUBSTRING /SUBJECT_SUBSTRING=textD Selects messages containing the specified text in the Subj: field of the message. /TO_SUBSTRING /TO_SUBSTRING=textB Selects messages containing the specified text in the To: fieldB of the message, where the specified text is usually a node name@ or user name. The /TO_SUBSTRING qualifier will not search the personal name field. 2 Examples+ 1.MAIL> READ/SUBJECT_SUBSTRING= MEETINGS MAIL) # From Date Subject3 1 BILL 11-DEC-1994 Future MeetingsC This example shows how to use the /SUBJECT_SUBSTRING qualifier< with the READ command to find messages that contain the substring MEETINGS." 2.MAIL> READ/BEFORE=11-DEC-1994A This example shows how to use the /BEFORE qualifier with theA READ command to display all the mail messages in the current. folder received before December 11, 1994.! 3.MAIL> READ/SINCE=11-DEC-1994@ This example shows how to use the /SINCE qualifier with theA READ command to display all the mail messages in the current3 folder received on or after December 11, 1994. 4.MAIL> READ/NEWC This example shows how to read new mail received while you are in Mail. ww]gK 1 REMOVEB Removes a user record from the system's Mail profile data file.> You need SYSPRV privilege to remove a record. If you try toD remove a user name not in the user profile, you receive a message similar to the following:) %MAIL-E_NOSUCHUSR, no such user as XYZ Format REMOVE username 2 Parameter usernameA Specifies the name of the user to be removed from the profile. ww]gK1 REPLYD The REPLY command is synonymous with the ANSWER command. It sendsC a message to the sender of the message you are currently readingC or to the sender of the message read last. If you do not specifyD the name of a file to be sent as your reply, Mail prompts you for the text of your reply.C Note that you must be reading a message in order to reply to it.< If you change your mind about replying to a message after@ entering the REPLY command, press Ctrl/C to abort the message" and return to the MAIL> prompt. Format REPLY [file-spec] 2 Parameter file-spec8 Indicates the name of the file to be sent as a reply. 2 Qualifiers /CC_PROMPT /CC_PROMPT /NOCC_PROMPTA Enables the prompt for the CC: line in the mail header. At theA CC: prompt, enter the names of other users to whom you want to# send a copy of the mail message.? The /NOCC_PROMPT qualifier disables the CC: prompt. The /CC_D PROMPT and /NOCC_PROMPT qualifiers override the SET CC_PROMPT and SET NOCC_PROMPT commands. /EDIT /EDIT /NOEDITB Invokes a text editor to edit the reply you are sending. UnlessA you have selected a different editor, the TPU-based EVE editorC is invoked. When you exit from th e editor, the edited message isC sent. To cancel sending a message, enter the appropriate commandB to quit from your selected editor. If you enter the DCL commandC MAIL/EDIT=(REPLY) and then decide that you do not want to invoke@ the editor for your response, enter the command REPLY/NOEDIT. /EXTRACTA Invokes an editor to enable you to edit the current message to? which you are replying. Unless you have selected a different/ editor, the TPU-based EVE editor is invoked. /LASTD Specifies that the last message you sent will be used as text forD the reply to the current message. You can use the /LAST qualifierB with the /EDIT qualifier to edit the message before sending it. /PERSONAL_NAME /PERSONAL_NAME=name /NOPERSONAL_NAMEA Specifies a personal name to be used when answering a message.A A personal name is a field of text that is appended to the endB of the From: field of mail messages you send. You can fill this6 field with your full name or any other information.C The /PERSONAL NAME qualifier overrides the default personal name@ specified with the SET PERSONAL_NAME command for this messageC only. The /NOPERSONAL_NAME qualifier sends a message with a null personal name field. /SELF /SELF /NOSELFC Determines whether Mail sends a copy of the response to you. TheB default qualifier is /NOSELF unless you have used the SET COPY_D SELF command to specify that copies be sent to you automatically.B The /NOSELF qualifier overrides the SET COPY_SELF SEND command. /SIGNATURE_FILE! /SIGNATURE_FILE[=file-name] /NOSIGNATURE_FILE@ Specifies a file to be appended to the end of a mail message.B The signature file contains text and has a default file type of@ .SIG. An example of a signature file is a text file formattedA as business card, containing the user's company name, address,# telephone, and Internet address. B Specify the /SIGNATURE_FILE qualifier when you want to overrideD the default established by the SET SIGNATURE_FILE command (if youD want to send a signature file that is different from that default> specification). If there is no default setting, specify theA /SIGNATURE_FILE qualifier to interactively include a signature' file with a particular mail message.C To determine if the SET SIGNATURE_FILE command is in effect, use/ the SHOW SIGNATURE_FILE or SHOW ALL command. B When you use the /SIGNATURE_FILE qualifier, note the following:> o When you create a mail message that includes a signature@ file, that message requires more temporary disk space than@ a conventional message because temporary files are created< during the operation. After the message is sent, those" temporary files are deleted.C o If you do not specify a directory, the Mail utility looks for0 the signature file in your mail directory.B o If you d o not specify a file, the Mail utility uses the file@ specification in your user profile. If there is no default? signature file in the profile, Mail will send the message without one.> o If a specified signature file does not exist, the system displays an error message.? Specify the /NOSIGNATURE_FILE qualifier when you do not want> to include a signature file with a particular mail message.; Specifying this qualifier overrides the current setting,5 including any specifications in your user profile. /SUBJECT /SUBJECT="subject-text"@ Enables you to specify a different subject when replying to aC message. Use quotation marks (" ") around the subject heading toC include more than one word, to print in lowercase letters, or to4 include any spaces or nonalphanumeric characters. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> REPLY/EXTRACT To: FLAXEN::STARCK Subj: RE: Verbosity1 This text was mailed to a user named STARCK. [End of File] . . . Command: EXIT& DISK$:[STARCK]MAIL.TMP;1 17 lines MAIL>A This example shows how to use the /EXTRACT qualifier to editC your response before sending it to a user named STARCK on node FLAXEN. 2.MAIL> REPLY/SELF To: FLAME::CORSTAN, HOWE Subj: RE: EcologyK Enter your message below. Press Ctrl/Z when complete, Ctrl/C to quit: . . .&  New mail on node MARBLE from HOWED This example shows how a user named HOWE on node MARBLE replies? to a user named CORSTAN on node FLAME. The /SELF qualifier= enables Mail to return a copy of the reply back to HOWE. 3.MAIL> READ From: ADAMS To: JEFFERSON# Subject: Meeting in Washington$ Don't forget the meeting today. . . .% MAIL> REPLY/SUBJECT="What time?" To: ADAMS Subject: What time?K Enter your message below. Press Ctrl/Z when complete, Ctrl/C to quit: What time was that meeting? . . .= This example shows how to specify a different subject inB response to a message. User JEFFERSON receives a message fromD user ADAMS with the subject Meeting in Washington. In response,B user ADAMS wants to change the subject line to What time? The4 RE: prompt does not appear on the subject line. ww^gK 1 SEARCHD Searches the currently selected folder for the message containing5 the first occurrence of the specified text string. Format SEARCH search-string 2 Parameter search-stringD Indicates the text string that Mail searches for in the currentlyA selected messages. The search starts from the beginning of theB messages in the currently selected set. If search-string is not@ specified, Mail searches for the previously specified string,@ starting after the message you are currently reading (or have just read). 2 Qualifier /NEXTA Searches for the next mail message that contains the specified string. 2 Example MAIL> SEARCH "under the" From: BURT To: ANTON Subj: Coal Mines They commute under the earth... MAIL>D This example shows how to search for the string "under the". ToC continue searching for other occurrences of "under the", enter= the SEARCH command without entering a new search-string. ww^gK 1 SELECTA Establishes a set of messages that you can manipulate. You canA copy or move selected messages from one folder to another. YouD can read, delete, search, or extract a set of messages. After youD select a set of messages, you can then use the following commands to affect them: COPY DELETE DIRECTORY EXTRACT FILE MOVE READ SEARCH> You can also use the SELECT command to move from one folder? to another. If you select a folder that does not exist, Mail/ displays a message similar to the following:= %MAIL-E-NOTEXIST, folder "foldername" does not exist Format SELECT [foldername] 2 Parameter foldernameB Specifies the name of the folder from which to select messages.B If you omit the foldername, the folder to be used is determined in the following order:C 1. The current folder is used, if any (unless the /NEW qualifier is specified)$ 2. The NEWMAIL folder is used if:' o You specify the /NEW qualifier< o You omit selection qualifiers and you have new mail 3. The MAIL folder is used. 2 Qualifiers /BEFORE /BEFORE=date> Selects all the mail messages received before the specified> date. If you do not specify a date, Mail selects all of theA mail messages received before the current day (today). You canB also specify the keywords YESTERDAY and TODAY. For example, theA command SELECT/BEFORE=YESTERDAY would select all mail messages received before yesterday. /CC_SUBSTRING /CC_SUBSTRING=textB Selects messages containing the specified text in the CC: fieldB of the message, where the specified text is usually a node name or user name. /FROM_SUBSTRING /FROM_SUBSTRING=textD Selects messages containing the specified text in the From: fieldB of the message, where the specified text is usually a node nameB or user name. This command searches only the node name and userB name of the sender; it does not search the personal name field. /MARKED /MARKED /NOMARKEDB Selects messages that have been marked. The /NOMARKED qualifier( selects messages that are not marked. /NEW< Selects the NEWMAIL folder and displays new mail messages@ received while you are in Mail. If there are no new messages,B Mail displays the message "%MAIL-W-NONEWMAIL, no new messages".C When a mail file other than your default mail file is open, Mail4 closes the file and opens your default mail file. /REPLIED /REPLIED /NOREPLIED< Selects messages that have been replied to with the REPLYB command. The /NOREPLIED qualifier selects messages to which you have not replied. /SINCE /SINCE=date< Selects all of the mail messages received on or after the= specified date. The format for the date is dd-mmm-yyyy. If: you do not specify a date, Mail selects all of the mailA messages received on the current day. You can also specify the@ keywords YESTERDAY and TODAY. For example, the command SELECTA /SINCE=YESTERDAY would select all mail messages received since yesterday. /SUBJECT_SUBSTRING /SUBJECT_SUBSTRING=textD Selects messages containing the specified text in the Subj: field of the message. /TO_SUBSTRING /TO_SUBSTRING=textB Selects messages containing the specified text in the To: fieldB of the message, where the specified text is usually a node name@ or user name. The /TO_SUBSTRING qualifier will not search the personal name field. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> DIRECTORY/FOLDERS: Listing of folders in DISK$APEX:[MACDONALD]MAIL.MAI;1# Press Ctrl/C to cancel listing MAIL JUNK# NEWMAIL WASTEBASKET MAIL> SELECT WASTEBASKET*  %MAIL-I-SELECTED, 3 messages selected MAIL> DIRECTORY6 WASTEBASKET+ # From Date Subject3 1 MORRIS 11-DEC-1994 Venus Fly Traps, 2 MORRIS 21-DEC-1994 The Aloe* 3 BURT 22-DEC-1994 ScalesB This example shows how to use the SELECT command to move from/ the MAIL folder to the WASTEBASKET folder.$ 2.MAIL> SELECT/BEFORE=12-DEC-1994* %MAIL-I-SELECTED, 2 messages selected MAIL> DIRECTORY/ MAIL+ # From Date Subject( 1 MARTY 10-DEC-1994 Food( 2 BART 11-DEC-1994 Soup< This example shows how to display all the mail messages' received before December 12, 1994.* 3.MAIL> SELECT/SUBJECT_SUBSTRING=report* %MAIL-I-SELECTED, 3 messages selected MAIL> DIRECTORY/ MAIL/ # From  Date Subject4 1 MARSHALL 11-DEC-1994 Final Report< 2 CARBONE 15-NOV-1994 November 1994 Report5 3 BARTEN 23-OCT-1994 Annual report@ This example shows how to use the SELECT command to display@ mail messages containing the string "report" in the subject field of the message. 4.MAIL> SELECT/NEW? This example shows how to select all the new (unread) mailA messages. Because NEWMAIL is the implied folder name, you do' not need to specify a folder name. ww>^gK1 SENDC Sends a message to one or more other users. You can use the SENDA command and the MAIL command interchangeably because they work the same way.> Mail prompts you first for the name of the user or users toB receive the message. Reply with the user names or with the file; names of distribution lists, using the following format:< [[node-name::]user-name,...] [,] [@lis tname[,...]]B If you entered the SET CC_PROMPT command or used the /CC_PROMPTA qualifier, you can specify names of users to receive copies of! the message at the CC: prompt.C Next, Mail prompts you for the subject of the mail. To avoid the= Subj: prompt, specify the /SUBJECT qualifier with the SEND command.A You can include a file specification with the SEND command. IfC you do, the text in that file is sent to the specified users. IfC you do not specify a file , Mail prompts you for the text of your message.D Enter the message you want to send, then press Ctrl/Z. Note that,A once you type a line and press Return, there is no way to edit? it. Using the /EDIT qualifier enables you to edit the entire> message before you send it. The /LAST qualifier enables you> to send the last message. The /LAST qualifier used with theA /EDIT qualifier enables you to edit the last message you sent.A If you decide not to send a message you are typing but want toC stay within the Mail utility, press Ctrl/C to abort the message. Ctrl/Y exits you from Mail. Format SEND [file-spec] 2 Parameter file-spec- Indicates the name of the file to be sent. 2 Qualifiers /CC_PROMPT /CC_PROMPT /NOCC_PROMPTA Enables the prompt for the CC: line in the mail header. At theA CC: prompt, enter the names of other users to whom you want to# send a copy of the mail message.? The /NOCC_PROMPT qualifier disables the CC: prompt. The /CC_D PROMPT and /NOCC_PROMPT qualifiers override the SET CC_PROMPT and SET NOCC_PROMPT commands. /EDIT /EDIT /NOEDITD Invokes a text editor to edit the message you are sending. UnlessA you have selected a different editor, the TPU-based EVE editorD is invoked. The /NOEDIT qualifier overrides the SEND/EDIT command, if you entered the DCL command MAIL/EDIT. /LAST@ Specifies that the last message you sent will be used as textC for the message you are currently sending. You can use the /LAST@ qualifier with the /EDIT qualifier to edit the message before sending it. /PERSONAL_NAME /PERSONAL_NAME=name /NOPERSONAL_NAMEA Specifies a personal name to be used when answering a message.A A personal name is a field of text that is appended to the endB of the From: field of mail messages you send. You can fill this6 field with your full name or any other information.C The /PERSONAL NAME qualifier overrides the default personal name@ specified with the SET PERSONAL_NAME command for this messageC only. The /NOPERSONAL_NAME qualifier sends a message with a null personal name field. /SELF /SELF /NOSELFC Determines whether Mail sends a copy of the response to you. TheD default qualifier is /NOSELF unless you entered the SET COPY_SELFC command to specify that copies be sent to you automatically. The> /NOSELF qualifier overrides the SET COPY_SELF SEND command. /SIGNATURE_FILE! /SIGNATURE_FILE[=file-name] /NOSIGNATURE_FILE@ Specifies a file to be appended to the end of a mail message.B The signature file contains text and has a default file type of@ .SIG. An example of a signature file is a text file formattedA as business card, containing the user's company name, address,# telephone, and Internet address.B Specify the /SIGNATURE_FI LE qualifier when you want to overrideD the default established by the SET SIGNATURE_FILE command (if youD want to send a signature file that is different from that default> specification). If there is no default setting, specify theA /SIGNATURE_FILE qualifier to interactively include a signature' file with a particular mail message.C To determine if the SET SIGNATURE_FILE command is in effect, use/ the SHOW SIGNATURE_FILE or SHOW ALL command.B When you use the /SIGNATU RE_FILE qualifier, note the following:> o When you create a mail message that includes a signature@ file, that message requires more temporary disk space than@ a conventional message because temporary files are created< during the operation. After the message is sent, those" temporary files are deleted.C o If you do not specify a directory, the Mail utility looks for0 the signature file in your mail directory.B o If you do not specify a file, the Mail u tility uses the file@ specification in your user profile. If there is no default? signature file in the profile, Mail will send the message without one.> o If a specified signature file does not exist, the system displays an error message.? Specify the /NOSIGNATURE_FILE qualifier when you do not want> to include a signature file with a particular mail message.; Specifying this qualifier overrides the current setting,5 including any specifications in your user profile. /SUBJECT /SUBJECT="subject-text"> Prompts for the subject of the mail message to be sent. UseC quotation marks (" ") around the subject heading to include moreB than one word, to print in lowercase letters, or to include any( spaces or nonalphanumeric characters. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> SEND To: FLIGHT::WRIGHT Subj: MeetingK Enter your message below. Press Ctrl/Z when complete, Ctrl/C to quit:C We will have our meeting on Monday, August 31st, as scheduled.% Please make sure you are prompt. . . .( % MAIL_E_SENDABORT, no message sent MAIL> SEND/LAST/EDIT To: FLIGHT::WRIGHT" Subj: Meeting date correctionE We will have our meeting on Friday, September 4th, as scheduled.% Please make sure you are prompt. . . . [End of file]F Buffer MAIN |Insert | Forward Command:EXIT MAIL>C This example shows how to edit the last message before sending@ it to user WRIGHT on node FLIGHT. To make a change in text,A enter Ctrl/C and invoke the editor by entering the SEND/LAST? /EDIT command. Edit the message you were in the process of8 entering, and send it by entering the EXIT command.* 2.MAIL> SEND/SELF/SUBJECT="Good Harbor" To: DAPPER::WAYNE CC: JACKSONK Enter your message below. Press Ctrl/Z when co mplete, Ctrl/C to quit:B This example shows how to send a mail message to a user namedD WAYNE on node DAPPER and a copy of the message to user JACKSON.@ The /SELF qualifier enables Mail to send a copy of the sameD message back to you. The subject of the message is Good Harbor.> Because the /SUBJECT qualifier was specified, there is no Subject: prompt. 3.MAIL> SEND# To: BAKER,MARSTON,@SUPERVISORS Subject: Handling StressK Enter your message below. Press Ctrl/Z when complete, Ctrl/C to quit:? This example shows how to send a mail message to two users? (BAKER and MARSTON) and a distribution list (SUPERVISORS). 4.MAIL> SET EDITOR EDT MAIL> SEND/EDIT To: WAMPUS Subject: Duck Activities . . . . . .E $ EDIT/RECOVER/JOURNAL=SYS$SCRATCH:MAIL.JOU SYS$SCRATCH:DUCK.TMP . . . Command: EXIT, DISK$WRITERS:[FLYNN]DUCK.TMP;1 14 lines $ MAIL MAIL> SEND DUCK.TMP To: WAMPUS Subject: Duck Activities> This example shows how a user named FLYNN recovers an EDTC editing session after being interrupted by Ctrl/Y. A temporary@ file named DUCK.TMP is created, which user FLYNN then sends< to a user named WAMPUS. The /RECOVER qualifier may work+ differently with your selected editor. wwe^gK 1 SET-SHOWB The SET command is used with other commands to define or changeA characteristics of the Mail utility. The SHOW command displays= information about the characteristics. You can display all> of your settings by entering the SHOW command with the /ALL qualifier. 2 AUTO_PURGEB Determines whether Mail empties the WASTEBASKET folder when youC enter the EXIT or SET FILE command. When you use the SET NOAUTO_? PURGE command, you must enter the PURGE command periodically@ to delete the messages in the WASTEBASKET folder. If you have> disabled automatic purging, you should also enter the PURGE@ /RECLAIM or COMPRESS commands periodically to release deleted message space.D The default you establish with the SET AUTO_PURGE command remains: in effect until you enter the SET NOAUTO_PURGE command.B The SHOW AUTO_PURGE command indicates whether you have used the SET AUTO_PURGE command. Formats SET AUTO_PURGE SET NOAUTO_PURGE SHOW AUTO_PURGE 3 Examples 1.MAIL> SET AUTO_PURGE MAIL> SHOW AUTO_PURGE0 Automatic deleted message purge is enabled.@ This example shows how to use the SET AUTO_PURGE command toA enable Mail to delete the messages in the WASTEBASKET folderC every time you enter the EXIT command or the SET FILE command.C The SHOW AUTO_PURGE command displays whether automatic purging is enabled. 2 CC_PROMPTA Sets the default for determining whether the copy (CC:) prompt" appears when sending a message. Formats SET CC_PROMPT SET NOCC_PROMPT SHOW CC_PROMPT 3 Example MAIL> SET CC_PROMPT MAIL> SEND To: Smith CC: Jones Subject:A This example shows how to set the copy prompt. A copy of the message is sent to JONES. 2 COPY_SELF? Sets the default for determining whether the SEND, REPLY, orD FORWARD commands return to the sender a copy of the message being sent.D  By specifying the NOSEND, NOREPLY, or NOFORWARD keywords with theD SET COPY_SELF command, you can clear any default copying you have. established with the SET COPY_SELF command.C The SHOW COPY_SELF command displays which commands (SEND, REPLY,? or FORWARD) automatically send a copy of the message to you. Format& SET COPY_SELF command [,command] SHOW COPY_SELF 3 Parameter commandD The command parameters can be any of the following: SEND, NOSEND,= REPLY, NOREPLY, FORWARD, or NOFORWARD. You can use NOSEND,? NOREPLY, and NOFORWARD to reverse previous settings of SEND, REPLY, or FORWARD. 3 Examples 1.MAIL> SHOW COPY_SELF. Automatic copies to yourself are disabledC This example shows the message Mail displays when you have notD used the SET COPY_SELF command and you enter the SHOW COPY_SELF command.$ 2.MAIL> SET COPY_SELF SEND, REPLY MAIL> SHOW COPY_SELF. Automatic copy to yourself on SEND, REPLY? This example shows how to use the SET COPY_SELF command toC enable copies of mail messages you send to be returned back toD you. The SHOW COPY_SELF command indicates that you have enabledA automatic copying when you enter the SEND or REPLY commands. 2 EDITOR; By default, the TPU-based EVE editor is invoked when youA isssue the EDIT command. You can use the SET EDITOR command toA select a different editor to edit messages and files.! The SHOW2 EDITOR command displays the name of the editor. Formats SET EDITOR editor-name SHOW EDITOR 3 Parameter editor-nameD Indicates the name of the editor. You can use any callable editor available on your system. 3 Example MAIL> SHOW EDITOR Your editor is TPU MAIL> SET EDITOR EDT MAIL> SHOW EDITOR Your editor is EDT MAIL> SEND/EDIT To: WHITE::STAFFORD Subject: Manufacturing OfficeA This example shows how to change the editor from the default= TPU EVE editor to the EDT editor. Enter the command SEND= /EDIT to edit the text of a message. Send the message by pressing Ctrl/Z. 2 FILEC Establishes (or opens) another file as the current mail file. ByA default, your mail file is MAIL.MAI. Use the COPY command, theD FILE command, or the MOVE command to create other mail files (forD example, JOKES.MAI or HISTORY.MAI). You can then use the SET FILE" command to open the mail files.A When you enter the SET FILE command, the WASTEBASKET folder ofD the current mail file is emptied (if AUTO_PURGE is set), the file; is closed, and the specified (alternate) file is opened.C The SHOW FILE command displays the name of the mail file that is currently open. Format SET FILE file-name SHOW FILE 3 Parameter file-name7 Indicates the name of the mail file you are opening. 3 Examples 1.MAIL> SHOW FILE5 Your current mail file is DISK$:[ARAS]MAIL.MAI;2 MAIL> 2 MAIL> COPY _Folder: LIMERICKS _FILE: JOKES0 File DISK$:[ARAS]JOKES.MAI; does not exist.4 Do you want to create it (Y/N, default is N)? y5 %MAIL-S-CREATED, DISK$:[ARAS]JOKES.MAI;1 created MAIL> SET FILE JOKES MAIL> SHOW FILE4 Your current mail file is DISK$:[ARAS]JOKES.MAI? This example demonstrates how to use the SHOW FILE command@ to display the name of the mail file that is currently openB (MAIL.MAI). The COPY command creates a new folder (LIMERICKS)C and a new mail file (JOKES) and copies message 2. The SET FILE> command opens the mail file named JOKES.MAI that you just@ created. Note that you must be reading a message to copy it& or you get the following message:7 %MAIL-E-NOTREADIN, you aren't reading a message. 2 FOLDERD Establishes a set of messages that you can affect as a group. YouD can copy or move this set of messages from one folder to another.B You can also read, delete, search or extract a set of messages.D After you enter the SET FOLDER command, you can use the following, commands to affect the selected messages: COPY DELETE DIRECTORY EXTRACT FILE MOVE READ SEARCHD For more information on the above commands, enter HELP command at the MAIL> prompt.B You can also use the SET FOLDER command to move from one folderD to another. If you use the SET FOLDER command to move to a folder< that does not exist, Mail displays the following message:7 %MAIL-E-NOTEXIST, folder "foldername" does not exist@ The SHOW FOLDER command displays the current folder name. YouA cannot specify any parameters or qualifiers with this command. Format SET FOLDER [foldername] SHOW FOLDER 3 Parameter foldername? When using SET FOLDER, specifies the name of the folder from# which messages will be selected.> If you omit the folder name when specifying SET FOLDER, the4 folder used is determined in the following order:C 1. The current folder is used, if any (unless the /NEW qualifier is specified).$ 2. The NEWMAIL folder is used if:( o You specify the /NEW qualifier.= o You omit selection qualifiers and you have new mail. 3. The MAIL folder is used. 3 Qualifiers /BEFORE /BEFORE=date> Selects all the mail messages received before the specified> date. If you do not specify a date, Mail selects all of theA mail messages received before the current day (today). You can> also specify the keywords YESTERDAY and TODAY. For example,@ the command SET FOLDER/BEFORE=YESTERDAY would select all mail& messages received before yesterday. /CC_SUBSTRING /CC_SUBSTRING=textB Selects messages containing the specified text in the CC: fieldB of the message, where the specified text is usually a node name or user name. /FROM_SUBSTRING /FROM_SUBSTRING=textD Selects messages containing the specified text in the From: fieldB of the message, where the specified text is usually a node nameB or user name. This command searches only the node name and userB name of the sender; it does not search the personal name field. /MARKED /MARKED /NOMARKEDB Selects messages that have been marked. The /NOMARKED qua lifier( selects messages that are not marked. /NEW< Selects the NEWMAIL folder and displays new mail messages@ received while you are in Mail. If there are no new messages,B Mail displays the message "%MAIL-W-NONEWMAIL, no new messages".C When a mail file other than your default mail file is open, Mail4 closes the file and opens your default mail file. /REPLIED /REPLIED /NOREPLIED< Selects messages that have been replied to with the REPLYB com mand. The /NOREPLIED qualifier selects messages to which you have not replied. /SINCE /SINCE=date< Selects all of the mail messages received on or after theA specified date. The format for the date is dd-mmm-yyyy. If you? do not specify a date, Mail selects all of the mail messagesA received on the current day. You can also specify the keywords; YESTERDAY and TODAY. For example, the command SET FOLDER@ SINCE=YESTERDAY would select all mail messages received  since yesterday. /SUBJECT_SUBSTRING /SUBJECT_SUBSTRING=textD Selects messages containing the specified text in the Subj: field of the message. /TO_SUBSTRING /TO_SUBSTRING=textB Selects messages containing the specified text in the To: fieldB of the message, where the specified text is usually a node name@ or user name. The /TO_SUBSTRING qualifier will not search the personal name field. 3 Examples 1.MAIL> DIRECTORY/FOLDERS ; Listing of folders in DISK$APEX:[HARRINGTON]MAIL.MAI;1# Press Ctrl/C to cancel listing MAIL NEWMAIL WASTEBASKET CLASSES! MAIL> SET FOLDER WASTEBASKET* %MAIL-I-SELECTED, 3 messages selected MAIL> DIRECTORY6 WASTEBASKET) # From Date Subject3 1 MORRIS 19-DEC-1994 Venus Fly Traps, 2 MORRIS 21-DEC-1994 The Aloe* 3 BURT 22-DEC-1994   ScalesA This example shows how to use the SET FOLDER command to move4 from the MAIL folder to the WASTEBASKET folder.( 2.MAIL> SET FOLDER/BEFORE=12-DEC-1994* %MAIL-I-SELECTED, 2 messages selected MAIL> DIRECTORY/ MAIL) # From Date Subject( 1 MARTY 10-DEC-1994 Food( 2 BART 11-DEC-1994 Soup< This example shows how to display all the mail messages' received before December 12, 1994. 3.MAIL> SET FOLDER/NEW? This example shows how to select all the new (unread) mailA messages. Because NEWMAIL is the implied folder name, you do' not need to specify a folder name. 2 FORM@ The SET FORM command sets the default print form field in theA user profile. The print form is changed only for printing done= within the Mail utility. The SET NOFORM command clears the default print form.B See your system manager for valid forms on your system or enter# the DCL command SHOW QUEUE/FORM. Format SET FORM form-name SET NOFORM SHOW FORM 3 Parameter form-name> Indicates the name of the default form to be used. See yourA system manager for valid forms on your system or enter the DCL command SHOW QUEUE/FORM. 3 Examples 1.MAIL> SET FORM 80_COL MAIL> SHOW FORM& Your default print form is 80_COLA This example shows how to set your default print form to 80_B COL. Enter the SHOW FORM command to verify your default print form. 2 FORWARD? Sets a forwarding address for your mail. After you enter theA SET FORWARD command, the address you specify will receive mail messages.D The default you establish with the SET FORWARD command remains in4 effect until you enter the SET NOFORWARD command.> The SHOW FORWARD command displays the name of the specified forwarding address.@ If you have SYSNAM privilege, you can set and show forwarding addresses for other users. Format SET FORWARD address SET NOFORWARD SHOW FORWARD 3 Parameter address? Indicates the address (NODE::USERNAME) to which your mail is forwarded. 3 Qualifiers /ALL@ The /ALL qualifier lists forwarding information or displays aB message if the specified user does not have forwarding enabled.@ You must have SYSNAM privilege to use the /ALL qualifier. TheC /ALL qualifier is valid only when used with the /USER qualifier. /USER /USER=user-nameA Indicates the name of another user for whom you are setting or@ showing a forwarding address. You can use the /USER qualifierD only if you have SYSNAM privilege. With the SHOW FORWARD command,B there are two ways to show a user's forwarding address: you canB specify the user name or you can use the wildcard characters (*@ or %) to search for nam es with a particular string in common. A By default length of the user name is 31 characters long. Set B Bit 5 of DCL_CTLFLAGS to avail this longer user name length of  255 characters long.# NOTE? Once this bit is set, user name length is set to maximum of B 255 characters long. Even if this bit is cleared, the behavior < remains unchanged, that is, supports user name length of < 255 characters long, but there is no way to reset it to  31 characters long. 3 Examples" 1.MAIL> SET FORWARD NEXUS::LARS MAIL> SHOW FORWARD1 Your mail is being forwarded to NEXUS::LARS. MAIL>; This example shows how a user named LARS establishes aB forwarding address on node NEXUS with the SET FORWARD command> and displays the forwarding address with the SHOW FORWARD command.# 2.MAIL> SHOW FORWARD/ALL/USER=C*/ Username Forwarding address0 CARTON VIOLET::CARTON& COLLINS None1 CRUTHERS GREEN::CRUTHERS. CULLIN GRAY::CULLINC This example shows a wildcard search for all users whose namesA begin with the letter C. Because the /ALL qualifier has beenC specified, all users are listed, even if they have not entered= a forwarding address. This is the case for user COLLINS.A Because COLLINS has not specified a forwarding address, None2 appears under the Forwarding address heading.$ 3.MAIL> SHOW FORWARD/USER=BENNETT. BENNETT has not set a forwarding address.@ This example shows how to display the forwarding address ofD user BENNETT. Because BENNETT has not set a forwarding address, the message is output. 2 MAIL_DIRECTORY= Specifies that all .MAI files be moved from your SYS$LOGIN+ directory to the specified subdirectory.D The SET NOMAIL_DIRECTORY command specifies that all .MAI files be@ moved from the subdirectory back to your SYS$LOGIN directory.B The SHOW MAIL_DIRECTORY command displays the name of the device0 and directory containing all your .MAI files. Format- SET MAIL_DIRECTORY [.subdirectory-name] SET NOMAIL_DIRECTORY SHOW MAIL_DIRECTORY 3 Parameter [.subdirectory-name] ; Specifies the name of the subdirectory in your SYS$LOGIN5 directory to which all .MAI files are to be moved. 3 Qualifier /LOG? Displays a listing of the .MAI files moved from the previous+ directory to the specified subdirectory. 3 Examples! 1.$ SHOW TRANSLATION SYS$LOGIN8 SYS$LOGIN = "DISK$:[DALTON]" (LNM$PROCESS_TABLE) . . . MAIL> SHOW MAIL_DIRECTORY/ Your mail file directory is DISK$:[DALTON]% MAIL> SET MAIL_DIRECTORY [.MAIL]1 %MAIL-I-CREATED, DISK$:[DALTON.MAIL] created MAIL> SHOW MAIL_DIRECTORY4 Your mail file directory is DISK$:[DALTON.MAIL] . . . $ SET DEFAULT [DALTON.MAIL] $ DIRECTORYC This example shows how to create a subdirectory containing allC your .MAI files. The DCL command SHOW TRANSLATION displays theB logical name for your default top-level directory, SYS$LOGIN. 2 PERSONAL_NAMEA Enables you to append a field to the end of the From: field ofA mail messages you send. You can fill this field with your full! name or any other information.A The SET NOPERSONAL_NAME command clears any name you previously0 specified with the SET PERSONAL_NAME command.B The SHOW PERSONAL_NAME command displays a user's personal name. Format% SET PERSONAL_NAME "text-string" SET NOPERSONAL_NAME SHOW PERSONAL_NAME 3 Parameter "text-string"B Specifies the string following your node name and user name for> the From: field of mail messages you send. You must enclose@ the string in quotation marks; otherwise, Mail converts it toB uppercase letters. You must begin the string with an alphabeticA character and avoid two consecutive embedded spaces within the> string. The length of the text string should not exceed 127 characters. 3 Qualifiers /ALL@ Used with the SHOW PERSONAL_NAME command to allow a user with< SYSNAM privilege to list personal name information set by@ other users or to display a message if a user has not enteredC a personal name. The /ALL qualifier is valid only when used withA the /USER qualifier and works only with the SHOW PERSONAL_NAME command. /USER /USER=name@ Used with the SHOW PERSONAL_NAME command to allow a user withD SYSNAM privilege to list personal names set by other users. ThereA are two ways to show a user's personal name. The user name canC be specified, or you can use the wildcard characters (* or %) toA search for names with a particular string in common. The /USERC qualifier works only with the SHOW PERSONAL_NAME command and not& with the SET PERSONAL_NAME command. 3 Examples2 1.MAIL> SET PERSONAL_NAME "Catherine the Great" . . . MAIL> SEND . . .F New mail on node FLAXEN from ALPHA::BELLINI "Catherine the Great" . . .B From: ALPHA::BELLINI "Catherine the Great" 19-APR-1994 15:34 To: FLAXEN::STARCKB Thi s example shows how a user named BELLINI sets her personal! name to Catherine the Great.* 2.MAIL> SHOW PERSONAL_NAME/ALL/USER=A*N* Username Fullname) ACKEN Joe Joe0 ANDERSEN Hans Christian& ARON None? This example shows a wildcard search for users whose namesC begin with A and end with N. Because user ARON has not entered> a personal name, None appears under the Fullname heading.) 3.MAIL> SHOW PERSONAL_NAME/USER=NELSON( NELSON has not set a personal name.@ This example shows how to display the personal name of userD NELSON. Because NELSON has not set a personal name, the message is displayed. 2 QUEUEB The SET QUEUE command sets the default print queue field in theC user profile. When you enter the PRINT command, your job is sentB to the print queue you have defined with the SET QUEUE command.A See your system m anager for the print queues available on yourA system. The queue is changed only for printing done within the@ Mail utility. SET NOQUEUE clears the previously defined printB queue and sets the queue to SYS$PRINT, the default print queue.9 The SHOW QUEUE command shows your default print queue. Format SET QUEUE queue-name SET NOQUEUE SHOW QUEUE 3 Parameter queue-name6 Indicates the name of the default queue to be used. 3 Examp!les 1.MAIL> SHOW QUEUE* Your default print queue is SYS$PRINT MAIL> SET QUEUE LMNO$PRINT, Your default print queue is LMNO$PRINT. MAIL> 4 MAIL> PRINT MAIL> exit@ Job MAIL (queue LMNO$PRINT, entry 22) started on LMNO$PRINT MAIL> SET NOQUEUE+ Your default print queue is SYS$PRINT.> This example shows how to set your default print queue to@ LMNO$PRINT and send a message to the new default queue. The@ SET NOQUEUE command clear "s the previously defined queue and. sets the queue to SYS$PRINT, the default. 2 SIGNATURE_FILE> The SET SIGNATURE_FILE command enables you to automatically> append a file to the end of a mail message whenever you use@ the ANSWER, FORWARD, MAIL, REPLY, or SEND command. An exampleA of a signature file is a text file formatted as business card,> containing the user's company name, address, telephone, and Internet address.C The SHOW SIGNATURE_FILE command shows wheth #er you have specifiedD a default signature file and displays the name of that file. (The> SHOW ALL command also displays signature file information.)A The SET NOSIGNATURE_FILE command disables the default setting.? No signature file will be appended automatically to any mail> messages until you re-enter the SET SIGNATURE_FILE command.< If you want to temporarily disable or override (to append= a different signature file) the default setting only while@ sending a particula $r mail message, use the /SIGNATURE_FILE or> /NOSIGNATURE_FILE qualifier with the ANSWER, FORWARD, MAIL, REPLY, or SEND command.? You can also set, disable, or override the default signature8 file at the DCL level by using the /SIGNATURE_FILE or9 /NOSIGNATURE_FILE qualifier with the DCL command MAIL.; Note that when you create a mail message that includes aB signature file, that message requires more temporary disk spaceB than a conventional message because temporary fil%es are createdC during the operation. After the message is sent, those temporary files are deleted. Format" SET SIGNATURE_FILE file-name SET NOSIGNATURE_FILE SHOW SIGNATURE_FILE 3 Parameter file-nameD Specifies the name of the default signature file (text) that will$ be appended to each mail message.? When specifying the signature file name, note the following:= o If you do not specify a file type, the default is .SIG.> & o If you do not specify a directory, the Mail utility will; search for the signature file in your mail directory. 3 Examples/ 1.MAIL> SET SIGNATURE_FILE BUSINESS_CARD.SIG6 In this example, the user specifies that the fileC BUSINESS_CARD.SIG is to be appended to every mail message sent5 using the FORWARD, MAIL, REPLY, or SEND command. 2.MAIL> SHOW SIGNATURE_FILE6 Your default signature file is BUSINESS_CARD.SIG.B This example shows how to use ' the SHOW SIGNATURE_FILE command7 to determine if a signature file is currently set. 2 WASTEBASKET_NAME@ Enables you to change the name of the WASTEBASKET folder. The? WASTEBASKET folder contains messages selected to be deleted.? You can delete all the messages in the WASTEBASKET folder byD entering either the PURGE command or by entering the EXIT command? if AUTO_PURGE is set. You can avoid deleting messages in the@ WASTEBASKET folder by entering the QUIT command o(r by setting NOAUTO_PURGE.< When you change the name of a WASTEBASKET folder while it@ contains deleted messages, these deleted messages move to the" newly named WASTEBASKET folder.= The SHOW WASTEBASKET_NAME command displays the name of the WASTEBASKET folder. Format% SET WASTEBASKET_NAME foldername SHOW WATEBASKET_NAME 3 Parameter foldername@ Indicates the name that replaces the name WASTEBASKET for theC folder containing delet)ed messages. You can use any alphanumeric< string for the new WASTEBASKET folder name except MAIL or NEWMAIL.; A folder name can be 1 to 39 characters in length. ValidB characters for folder names are alphanumeric characters, dollar? signs ($), and underscores (_). If your folder name containsD lowercase letters, spaces, or special characters, the folder name' must be enclosed in quotation marks. 3 Examples' 1.MAIL> SET WASTEBASKET_NAME GARBAGE MAIL> S,HOW WASTEBASKET_NAME, The wastebasket folder name is GARBAGE.A This example shows how to change and display the name of the WASTEBASKET folder. ww ^gK1 SHOWC The SHOW commands are used to display information about the MailD utility set up. For additional SHOW commands, enter HELP SET-SHOWB at the MAIL> prompt. The following commands can only be used toC display information; these commands cannot be used to set up the Mail utility. +OverviewPRINTPURGEQUITREADREMOVEREPLYSEARCH*SELECTPSENDSET-SHOW)SHOW6SPAWN n Usage_SummaryNEXT* Usage_Summary-2 ALLC Displays detailed information about the state of the user's Mail utility settings. Format SHOW ALL 3 Examples 1.MAIL> SHOW ALL0 Your mail file directory is DISK:[SIMPSON].I Your current mail file is DISK$DOCUMENT:[SIMPSON.NEWMAIL]MAIL.MAI;1.& Your current mail folder is MAIL., The wastebasket folder name is GARBAGE.8 Mail file DISK$DOCUMENT:[SIMPSON.NEWMAIL]MAIL.MAI;10 contains 0 deleted message bytes. You. have 3 new messages.+ You have not set a forwarding address., Your personal name is "Louise Simpson". Your editor is EDT. CC prompting is disabled./ Automatic copies to yourself are disabled.0 Automatic deleted message purge is enabled.+ Your default print queue is SYS$PRINT.1 You have not specified a default print form.6 Your default signature file is BUSINESS_CARD.SIG.A This example shows how a user named Louise Simpson displayedB t/he following information about Mail by entering the SHOW ALL command:B o The name of her mail file directory (see the SET DIRECTORY command)B o The current mail file and folder (see the SET FILE and SET FOLDER commands)D o The name of the WASTEBASKET folder (see the SET WASTEBASKET_ NAME command)+ o The amount of deleted message spaceB o The number of any new (unread) messages (see the DIRECTORY /NEW command)< 0 o Her forwarding address (see the SET FORWARD command)= o Her personal name (see the SET PERSONAL_NAME command)> o Her default editor is EDT (see the SET EDITOR command)B o Whether she receives a CC: (copy) prompt when sending mail' (see the SET CC_PROMPT command)B o Whether she receives copies of mail messages when she uses6 SEND or ANSWER (see the SET COPY_SELF command)A o Whether Mail empties the WASTEBASKET folder when she uses9 1EXIT or SET FILE (see the SET AUTO_PURGE command); o The default print queue (see the SET QUEUE command)@ o The default print form when she prints her mail messages" (see the SET FORM command) 2 DELETEDC Displays the amount of deleted message space in the current mail file. Format SHOW DELETED 3 Examples 1.MAIL> SHOW DELETED6 Mail file DISK$NOE:[TORTELLINI.NEWMAIL]MAIL.MAI;13 contains 2452 deleted message byt2es.@ This example shows how a user named TORTELLINI displays the% number of deleted message bytes. 2 KEYB Displays the key definitions created by the DEFINE/KEY command. Format SHOW KEY [key-name] 3 Parameter key-nameB Specifies the name of the key for which you want to display theA definition. See the DEFINE/KEY command for a list of the valid key names. 3 Qualifiers /ALL@ Displays all of the key definitions i3n the specified state or1 states. You do not need to specify a key name. /BRIEFB Displays the key definition only. If you do not specify /BRIEF,? all of the qualifiers associated with the key definition are displayed by default. /DIRECTORY@ Displays the names of all the states for which keys have been@ defined. If you have not defined any keys, SHOW KEY/DIRECTORYA displays the DEFAULT and GOLD states (for the default and GOLD' key definitions on the Mail k4eypad). /STATE" /STATE=(state,state, . . . )< Specifies the name of a state for which the specified key> definitions are to be displayed. If you specify two or moreA state names, separate them with commas and enclose the list in parentheses.< States are used to increase the number of key definitions? available on your terminal. The same key can be assigned anyA number of definitions as long as each definition is associated with a different state. 5 3 Examples 1.MAIL> SHOW KEY PF4 DEFAULT keypad definitions:% PF4 = "read" (echo, terminate)B This example shows how to use the SHOW KEY command to displayA the definition of the PF4 key. When the PF4 key was defined,: two qualifiers (/ECHO and /TERMINATE) were specified. 2.MAIL> SHOW KEY/ALL DEFAULT keypad definitions:/ PF1 = "directory" (echo, state = FOLDER)% PF2 = "HELP" (echo, terminate)' PF3 = "select" (echo, termina6te)% PF4 = "read" (echo, terminate)% PF5 = "NEXT" (echo, terminate)B This example shows how to use the SHOW KEY command to display> all of the key definitions that you have created with the DEFINE/KEY command. 2 NEW_MAIL_COUNT/ Displays the number of unread mail messages. Format SHOW NEW_MAIL_COUNT 3 Examples 1.MAIL> SHOW NEW_MAIL_COUNT You have 3 new messages.D This example shows how the SHOW NEW_MAIL_COUNT co7mmand displaysC the number of unread mail messages. In this example, there are three unread messages. ww ^gK1 SPAWNB Creates a subprocess of the current process. The context of theA subprocess is copied from the current process. You can use theC SPAWN command to leave Mail temporarily, perform other functionsC (such as displaying a directory listing or printing a file), and then return to Mail. Format SPAWN [command] 2 8 Parameter command@ Specifies the DCL command string that executes in the context= of the created subprocess. When the command completes, the> subprocess terminates and control is returned to the parent? process. If this parameter is not specified, a subprocess is7 created that transfers control to DCL command level. 2 Qualifiers /INPUT /INPUT=file-spec= Specifies an input file containing one or more DCL commandC strings to be executed by t9he spawned subprocess. If you specifyC a command string along with an input file, the command string isC processed before the commands in the input file. Once processing- is complete, the subprocess is terminated. /LOGICAL_NAMES /LOGICAL_NAMES /NOLOGICAL_NAMESC Specifies that the logical names of the parent process are to beC copied to the subprocess. When you do not want the subprocess toC use the logical names of the parent process, enter the qualifie:r3 /NOLOGICAL_NAMES. The default is /LOGICAL_NAMES. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-spec? Identifies the output file to which the results of the SPAWNA operation are written. Whenever you use the /NOWAIT qualifier,= you should also use the /OUTPUT qualifier to specify a newD output destination. Doing so prevents output from being displayedA while you are specifying new commands. If you omit the /OUTPUTD qualifier, output is written by default to the current SYS$OUTP;UT device. /PROCESS /PROCESS=subprocess-nameB Specifies the name of the subprocess to be created. The default? name of the subprocess is USERNAME_n. If the subprocess nameD contains spaces or special characters, or is case-sensitive, then; the subprocess name must be enclosed in quotation marks. /SYMBOLS /SYMBOLS /NOSYMBOLSD Determines whether the system passes DCL global and local symbols. to the subprocess. The default is /SYMBOLS.< /WAIT /WAIT /NOWAIT< Controls whether the system waits until the subprocess is? completed before allowing more commands to be specified. TheA /NOWAIT qualifier allows you to specify new commands while the? specified subprocess is running. If you specify /NOWAIT, youD should also use the /OUTPUT qualifier to direct the output streamB to a file, rather than displaying it on your terminal. Doing soB prevents your terminal from being used by more than one= process simultaneously. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> SPAWN SHOW TIMED This example shows how to create a subprocess that executes the4 DCL command SHOW TIME while you are using Mail.* 2.MAIL> SPAWN /NOLOGICAL_NAMES SET HOST _Node: MARS . . . $ LOGOUT CRAMMER logged out at ...1 %REM-S-END, control returned to node _BETA:: MAIL>@ This example shows how to use the SPAWN command to create aD subprocess in which you SET HOST to another node. When you wantA to leave node MARS and move back to node BETA, enter the DCL@ command LOGOUT. The /NOLOGICAL_NAMES qualifier prevents theA logical names of the parent process from being copied to the subprocess.ww