HP DECset for OpenVMS Module Management System for OpenVMS Release Notes December 2007 These release notes describe important general information, new and changed features, current restrictions, and documentation notes that pertain to the HP Module Management System Version 3.8-2 for OpenVMS software. Operating System Version: OpenVMS Integrity servers Versions 8.2-1 and 8.3 OpenVMS Alpha Versions 7.3-2, 8.2, and 8.3 Software Version: HP DECset Version 12.8 ECO1 for OpenVMS HP Module Management System Version 3.8-2 for OpenVMS Hewlett-Packard Company Palo Alto, California ________________________________________________________________ © Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Intel and Itanium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Java is a US trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Microsoft and Windows are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Printed in the US _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 General Information 1.1 Introduction.................................. 1-1 1.2 Associated Documents.......................... 1-1 1.3 Associated Products........................... 1-2 1.4 Using HP MMS with DECwindows Motif............ 1-2 1.5 Installation Requirements..................... 1-3 2 New Features 2.1 Enhancements in Version 3.8-2................. 2-1 2.2 New Features in HP MMS Version 3.8............ 2-1 2.2.1 Extended File Support..................... 2-1 2.2.2 .EXTENDED_SYNTAX directive................ 2-1 3 Problems Fixed 3.1 Problems Fixed in HP MMS Version 3.8-2........ 3-1 3.1.1 General Information....................... 3-2 3.2 Problems Fixed in HP MMS Version 3.8.......... 3-3 4 Known Problems iii 5 Restrictions Tables 1-1 HP MMS Installation Requirements (Minimum)................................. 1-3 1-2 HP MMS Account Quotas..................... 1-3 iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface These release notes describe the HP Module Management System for OpenVMS (HP MMS), Versions 3.8-2 and 3-8 software. These notes contain information that either supplements or supersedes the information in the HP DECset Version 12.8 ECO1 for OpenVMS (DECset) documentation set. Intended Audience These release notes are intended for users and system managers who need information about HP MMS. Document Structure These release notes are organized as follows: o Chapter 1 contains general information about this release. o Chapter 2 contains a description of the new features. o Chapter 3 describes the problems resolved. o Chapter 4 describes the known problems. o Chapter 5 describes the restrictions. Related Documents For additional information about OpenVMS or DECset products and services, visit the following web address: http://www.hp.com/go/openvms v Reader's Comments HP welcomes your comments on these release notes. Please send comments to either of the following addresses: Internet openvmsdoc@hp.com Mail Hewlett-Packard Company OpenVMS Documentation, ZKO3-4/Y02 110 Spit Brook Rd. Nashua, NH 03062-2698 How To Order Additional Documentation For information about how to order additional documentation, visit the following web address: http://www.hp.com/go/openvms/doc/order Conventions The following conventions are used in these notes. ___________________________________________________________ Convention__________Description____________________________ $ A dollar sign ($) represents the OpenVMS DCL system prompt. Ctrl/x The key combination Ctrl/x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key, for example, Ctrl/Y or Ctrl/Z or a pointing device button. boldface text Boldface text represents the introduction of a new term. monospace boldface Boldface monospace text represents user text input in interactive examples. italic text Italic text represents book titles, parameters, arguments, and information that can vary in system messages (for example, Internal error number). vi ___________________________________________________________ Convention__________Description____________________________ UPPERCASE Uppercase indicates the name of a command, routine, the name of a file, the name of a file protection code, or the abbreviation of a system privilege. lowercase Lowercase in examples indicates that you are to substitute a word or value ____________________of_your_choice.________________________ vii 1 _________________________________________________________________ General Information The information in these release notes pertains to the HP Module Management System for OpenVMS, Versions 3.8- 2 and 3.8 software. HP suggests that you upgrade your environment incrementally with each new release, but there is no technical requirement to do so. It is recommended that you review the release notes for each version because they capture important release-oriented information and advise you of changes between versions. 1.1 Introduction HP Module Management System Version 3.8-2 for OpenVMS is a patch release. 1.2 Associated Documents The following documents contain information related to HP MMS. The document associated with HP MMS is: o HP DECset for OpenVMS Guide to the Module Management System Also applicable are the general DECset documents: o HP DECset for OpenVMS Installation Guide o HP DECset for OpenVMS Software Product Description o HP DECset for OpenVMS Guide to Detailed Program Design o Using HP DECset for OpenVMS Systems In addition to the base HP MMS documentation, the DECset engineering team has also provided the HP DECset for OpenVMS Cookbook for an Integrated Product Development Environment. This document comprises a series of technical articles that describe how each of the component General Information 1-1 applications can be used in different programming environments. This document is available in PostScript (.PS), HTML (.HTML), and ASCII text (.TXT) formats from the following location after installing the product: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DECSET]DECSET_COOKBOOK.* 1.3 Associated Products The HP DECset Clients for CMS and MMS software provides access from a desktop personal computer (PC) to the HP CMS libraries and HP MMS features residing on OpenVMS Alpha only. Note that the HP DECset Clients for CMS and MMS software is packaged and distributed separately from the HP DECset for OpenVMS, HP CMS and HP MMS products. HP DECset Clients for CMS and MMS can be used from a personal computer running Microsoft Windows; see the associated Software Product Description for information on supported versions. Connection to a HP CMS library from the PC is possible once the server software (provided with the client) and the HP CMS for OpenVMS software are installed at the server site. The main DECset Client windows offer menu access to most of the HP CMS and HP MMS functions. DECset Client commands can also be performed by clicking the command buttons on the toolbar. In addition, DECset Client supports drag-and- drop functionality for manipulating data within the DECset Client window. For configuration management, a set of files is stored in a HP CMS library on the OpenVMS system. These files can be fetched, reserved, and replaced in either the PC environment using the HP CMS Client or the local OpenVMS environment using HP CMS. As a result, a common configuration can be maintained regardless of the operating environment. 1.4 Using HP MMS with DECwindows Motif To use HP MMS with the DECwindows Motif interface, one of the following product must be installed: o HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 1.6 1-2 General Information o HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3-1 or 1.5 1.5 Installation Requirements Table 1-1 lists the installation requirements for HP MMS. Table_1-1_HP_MMS_Installation_Requirements_(Minimum)_______ Global Disk Space Disk Space Page/PageletGlobal Operating During After Sections System______Installation_Installation_Required____Required_ OpenVMS 11,000 7,000 3,600 10 Integrity pagelets[1] servers OpenVMS 7,500 4,500 1,900 6 Alpha pagelets[1] [1]Plus_the_size_(in_number_of_disk_blocks)_of_the_file____ SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE at installation ___________________________________________________________ Table 1-2 lists the account quotas for HP MMS. Table_1-2_HP_MMS_Account_Quotas____________________________ OpenVMS Integrity Resource_Name__servers____________OpenVMS_Alpha____________ ASTLM 14 14 BYTLM 13,000 13,000 ENQLM 30 30 FILLM 20 20 PGFLQUOTA 20,000 20,000 PRCLM_______________2__________________2___________________ General Information 1-3 2 _________________________________________________________________ New Features 2.1 Enhancements in Version 3.8-2 There are no new features added to HP MMS Version 3.8-2. 2.2 New Features in HP MMS Version 3.8 2.2.1 Extended File Support HP MMS Version 3.8 supports ODS-5 specific file names (provides Extended File Support) that is long file names, deep directory structure and special characters in file names. It can also preserve case for file names and directories. 2.2.2 .EXTENDED_SYNTAX directive A new directive .EXTENDED_SYNTAX can be specifed in the description file. This will have the same effect as specifying /EXTENDED_SYNTAX in the MMS command line. This feature allows you to enable extended syntax features of MMS without specifying the /EXTENDED_SYNTAX qualifier in the MMS command line. New Features 2-1 3 _________________________________________________________________ Problems Fixed 3.1 Problems Fixed in HP MMS Version 3.8-2 The following problems are fixed in HP MMS Version 3.8-2: o WFM 3218906332-326 - MMS fails to find a source for the specified target and displays the "%MMS-F-GWKNOPRN" error message. Although, the file is located in the specified location, MMS parses the description file and fails to locate the source file as MMS is not case- sensitive. The parsing logic is modified to support the case- sensitivity feature. To identify the file names preserved in various cases, you can set the /PARSE_ STYLE and /CASE_LOOKUP qualifiers on the command line as follows: $SET PROCESS /PARSE_STYLE=EXTENDED /CASE_LOOKUP=SENSITIVE o WFM 2214647294-222 - HP MMS Version 3.8 is not case- sensitive and fails to support mixed case characters in an expression. To support mixed case characters, you can set the /PARSE_STYLE and /CASE_LOOKUP qualifiers on the command line as follows: $SET PROCESS /PARSE_STYLE=EXTENDED /CASE_LOOKUP=SENSITIVE o WFM 1216411619-121, 3219666994-322 - When MMS calls a CMS callable routine, which returns the time of creation of a file, the CMS callable routine returns incorrect time. MMS fails with the "%SYSTEM-F-IVTIME, invalid time" message because of the interoperability between MMS and CMS. Problems Fixed 3-1 o WFM 1217457347-122 - MMS fails while parsing a FORTRAN source file and displays the following error message: $ mms define fort$include [] FORTRAN /NOLIST/OBJECT=t.OBJ T.FOR USE k ..........^ %F90-E-ERROR, Error in opening the Library module file. [K] at line number 2 in file A03_1:[WORK]T.FOR;1 This problem has been fixed and the default build rules are modified to parse the Fortran sources with the extended file system. o WFM 218912656-323 - Although, the source is saved to the specified location, MMS parses the description file and fails to locate the source file as MMS is not case- sensitive and displays the following message: %MMS-F-LFSBADFP, Cannot find source for target ODIR:TEST.*;0 The parsing logic is modified to support the /PARSE_ STYLE and /CASE_LOOKUP qualifiers, which can be used with the SET PROCESS on the command as follows: $SET PROCESS /PARSE_STYLE=EXTENDED /CASE_LOOKUP=SENSITIVE o WFM 1217425586-121 - MMS file processing does not execute all the dependencies. The parsing logic is modified to support the /PARSE_STYLE and /CASE_LOOKUP qualifiers that can be set with the SET PROCESS command. This provides the backward compatibility to run the scripts on ODS-2 disks. 3.1.1 General Information HP MMS Version 3.8-2 can be used on both ODS-5 and ODS-2 disks. The file name parsing and case sensitivity behavior will depend on the parameters set for the /PARSE_STYLE and /CASE_LOOKUP qualifiers. On ODS-5 disks: o To parse the file name in a traditional method without extended file specifications, set the following on the command line: $SET PROCESS /PARSE=TRADITIONAL /CASE=BLIND 3-2 Problems Fixed o To parse the file name with extended characters, long names without considering the case of file names, set the following on the command line: $SET PROCESS /PARSE=EXTENDED /CASE=BLIND o To parse the file name with extended characters, long names considering the case of the file names, set the following on the command line: $SET PROCESS /PARSE=EXTENDED /CASE=SENSITIVE o MMS scripts written for ODS-2 disks can be used on ODS-5 disks either by setting $SET PROCESS /PARSE_ STYLE=TRADITIONAL, or by setting $SET PROCESS /PARSE_ STYLE=EXTENDED /CASE_LOOKUP=BLIND. On ODS-2 disks: o To parse the file name in a traditional method without extended file specifications, set the following on the command line: $SET PROCESS /PARSE=TRADITIONAL /CASE=BLIND 3.2 Problems Fixed in HP MMS Version 3.8 The following problems were fixed in HP MMS Version 3.8: o WFM 1206984909-123 - MMS/GENERATE does not handle COBOL syntax correctly. MMS does not identify the dependency indicated by COPY statements that occurs after END-CALL statement in the program segment. Hence, any changes in the file referred by the COPY statement are not reflected in the executable build using the generated DESCRIP.MMS file. If we have these lines in a program: CALL "HELLOWORLD" END-CALL. COPY "SAMPLE.TXT". .... MMS/GENERATE does not add SAMPLE.TXT in the dependency list for MAINPROG. The problem has been corrected. Problems Fixed 3-3 o WFM 1206984909-125 & 1206984909-124 - MMS/GENERATE unnecessarily flags for errors with standard functions in SQL (for PASCAL and COBOL) - COMMIT - ROLLBACK - DECLARE (example Cursor) - SET (transaction) - WHENEVER (SQLWARNING) The problem has been corrected. o WFM 1209470042-122 - The problem that caused the MMS to output the message: %DCL-W-IVQUAL, unrecognized qualifier - check validity, spelling, and placement \XREF_DATA\ For F90 (FORTRAN 90) MMS aborts when executing the command: $MMS/IGNORE=WARN/SKIP/MACRO=AXP=1/SCA/DESCRIP=T The problem has been corrected. o WFM 3215227906-322 - MMS-F-LBRNOELEM error on library element .MAIN: MACRO language allows module names to begin with ".", using the .title declaration. The parsing logic has been corrected and MMS supports the MACRO source module names beginning with a period whenever MMS is invoked for compiling and linking the application. 3-4 Problems Fixed 4 _________________________________________________________________ Known Problems The following known problems exist from HP MMS 3.8: o ID:42 - Installation: HP Forms Management System for OpenVMS (FMS) related linker warnings when DECwindows is not installed. Installing HP MMS on systems without DECwindows, but with FMS, may cause linker warnings to occur. The link- time warnings are generated at installation time due to undefined FMS symbols, the warnings include: fdv$$plidispatch sys$common:[syslib]starlet.olb fdv$$plitrm sys$common:[syslib]starlet.olb The warnings can safely be ignored. o ID:143 - The HP MMS description file generator does not create the correct actions in the description file for a Pascal source file that is referenced as an environment module if the source file does not contain the ENVIRONMENT attribute. Ensure that all source files referenced as environment modules contain this attribute. Known Problems 4-1 5 _________________________________________________________________ Restrictions The following restrictions apply to HP MMS Version 3.8-2: ODS-5 Related Restrictions: o On ODS-5 disks, the file name suffixes are not case- sensitive when /CASE_LOOKUP=SENSITIVE and /PARSE_ STYLE=EXTENDED are set. For example, the rules for building ".OBJ" and ".obj" files will be the same. The description file can define only one suffix ".OBJ" and defining ".oBj" (or in any mixed case format) will display the following message: %MMS-I-ALRINSUFFLST "Already in suffix list" The following restrictions apply from HP MMS 3.8: ODS-5 Related Restrictions: o Following special characters are not allowed in file names: ; ( ~ " o MMS aborts due to the following Linker warning when the object file name is longer than the traditional 39.39 (File name length.File type length) characters. %LINK-W-MAXNAM Work around: Use /name= qualifier with Link command. For example: $Link/name=Hello o MMS displays the following warning %MMS-W-GWKACTNOUPD, Actions didn't update MMS$OLB.OLB When the object file name is longer than traditional 39.39 (File name length. File type length) characters. Restrictions 5-1 o For OpenVMS files, CMS elements, library elements, and CDD entities, MMS can establish date and time of sources and targets. For any other kind of object, rules must be supplied in the description file to instruct MMS how the date and time of this object can be determined. You must supply a rule in the description file named `kind_ GETTIME, which enables MMS to determine the date and time associated with these objects. While using this with ODS-5 support version of MMS, keywords _GETTIME and _FIRST must be given in either upper or lower case. o ODS-5 support version of MMS does not recognize sources from CMS library if the case of element is different. The case of source name in the DESCRIP file has to match with the case of element name in the CMS library. o Specifying more than one description file, separated by commas or plus signs, is not supported with the DECwindows interface. Only the first description file listed is displayed in the description file area. Only the first description file is used in the HP MMS command. o Restriction on size of search list HP MMS propagates to the subprocess. The problem is not really within HP MMS, but rather in DCL, which has an undocumented restriction on the size of a process logical name search list that can be successfully copied to a subprocess. Use of the SPAWN command would show the message: %DCL-W-SYMTOOLNG, symbol is too long to copy to subprocess The problem can be worked around by using several smaller logical name search lists, or by putting the logical names in a job-wide logical name table, which is shared with (not copied to) the subprocess. o Changing fonts may cause buttons to disappear in the Sources, Additional Link Libraries, and Options Files dialog boxes. 5-2 Restrictions o The following restrictions apply to HP MMS for support of the HP Forms Management System for OpenVMS (FMS) libraries. - Support in HP MMS for FMS libraries is determined during the installation of HP MMS. If FMS is installed on the system when HP MMS is being installed, HP MMS will contain support for FMS. If FMS is not installed on the system when HP MMS is being installed, HP MMS will not contain support for FMS. - If FMS is installed on a system after HP MMS has been installed without FMS support, then HP MMS will have to be reinstalled in order to contain FMS support. - If FMS is removed from a system, HP MMS will have to be reinstalled in order to remove FMS support. HP MMS will access violate if there is an attempt to use FMS libraries. - If a new version of STARLET.OLB is installed on a system, HP MMS will have to be reinstalled so it reflects any changes in the new version of STARLET.OLB. HP MMS may access violate if FMS has not been installed with the new version of STARLET.OLB. - HP MMS with FMS support may crash with an access violation if the FMS shareable images are not installed as known images. If HP MMS fails to run correctly when FMS is installed on the system, ensure that the FMS shareable images are installed as known images; this is achieved by executing the commands: $install add/open/share SYS$LIBRARY:FDVSHR $install add/open/share SYS$MESSAGE:FDVMSG Both of the shareable images must be installed in order for FMS to function properly. Restrictions 5-3