%ì Librarian I01-42ÞØ\ófK°æ_ófK°œ¼5 üCLEAR RCommandsVCONNECT‡æCOPYŒ:DEFINE…H DISCONNECTˆzEVENTS¤EXITHELP,LISTŽˆLOADŸ>LOOP¾ PARAMETERS Promptingj2PURGE´ÂSETeöSHOWTELL‘HTRIGGER—^ZERO ­þ&]ófK°1 HELPIThe Network Control Program (NCP) is the utility program system managers Cand operators use to configure and control DECnet networks. System Gmanagers can also use NCP to monitor network resources and test network components. JUse the HELP command to display information at various levels of detail. IFor example, each HELP display includes a list of command words under an I"Additional Information Available" section. These command words serve as Itopics for the next level of information accessible by the HELP command. FIn the general format of the HELP command shown below, the topic is a command word from the list: NCP>HELP [topic...]FYou can abbreviate command words when you issue the command. Once you Benter a particular level of detail, that level becomes the currentHlevel for accessing information. Through the use of the prompts "TOPIC?"Iand "SUBTOPIC?" you can return to a higher or lower level of information,=respectively. The highest level of information is the general!description of the help facility. 2 Parameters topic...A Specifies one or more topics that indicate what information youC want. Information is located in a hierarchical manner, depending' on the level of information required.A If you specify an asterisk (*) in place of any topic, the HELP; command displays all information available at that level.? If you specify an ellipsis (...) after any topic, you obtain, everything in the help file at that level.B You can specify percent signs (%) and asterisks (*) in the topic as wild card characters.! ww­þ&]ófK°1 EXIT8To exit NCP, enter EXIT or CTRL/Z after the NCP> prompt.ww­þ&]ófK° 1 PromptingBNCP prompts for required components and parameters if they are notEsupplied when you issue the command. Each prompt is either a list ofBadmissible keywords for that position in the command syntax or the<name of a parameter and a description of the value required.EPrompting will not occur when NCP receives input from a command file.5Parameter keywords must be supplied in command files.GEach prompt consists of two parts: the component or parameter desired,5and its format. The format of prompts is as follows: Component (Format):@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 2 Format_of_prompts@The component part i ndicates the name of either the component orEparameter. The format part indicates the range of acceptable values.@The format part presents keywords in uppercase, value classes inClowercase as descriptive strings, and numeric ranges as two numbersGseparated by a hyphen. Commas indicate alternatives which are mutually exclusive. 2 Exiting_the_Prompting_SequenceCYou can exit a prompting sequence by responding with CTRL/Z for theDprompt. This returns you to the NCP> prompt where you can  then issueAanother NCP command. You can exit NCP directly from the prompting-sequence by responding with CTRL/C or CTRL/Y.@Responding to a parameter prompt or query with "_DONE" skips the>remainder of the prompts or queries and performs the requestedFfunction with the parameters which have been entered up to that point. 2 ExamplesCThe following examples illustrate three types of prompting that NCP provides.5Prompts to supply missing command component keywords: NCP>CLEA R 6 (LINE, CIRCUIT, LOGGING, KNOWN, NODE, OBJECT):FNo component is specified for the CLEAR command. The prompt format isBa list of admissible component keywords separated by commas. Note7that the plural keyword KNOWN is included in this list.#Prompts to supply parameter values: NCP>CLEAR LINE  LINE ID (dev-c-u.t):HNCP prompts for the line-id for this component since it is not provided with the command.BThe following example shows variatio ns of the prompting scheme forparameter values: NCP>SET EXECUTOR 2 Node address (1.1-63.1023): 2.110 State (ON, OFF, SHUT, RESTRICTED): ON ...1 Pipeline quota (0-65535 bytes):6000"Prompts to select parameter names: NCP>CLEAR LINE ( Line ID (dev-c-u.t): DMC-1" All line parameters (Y,N):CNCP prompts for the selected parameter names whose values are to beIremoved from the database.  In this case, no parameter name was given; Jconsequently, NCP asks if all values should be removed. Y indicates Hthat all values should be removed. N causes NCP to provide a different response. For example,% NCP>CLEAR NODE BOSTON $ All node parameters (Y,N): N$ Host node (Y,N): Y$ Identification (Y,N): N ...$ Service password (Y,N): Y$ Tertiary loader (Y,N): NFSince N is the response to the first prompt above, NCP prompts for allof the parameter names.! ww­þ&]ófK° 1 CommandsBThe command syntax has four parts: a command keyword, a component@keyword(s), one or more parameters, and, optionally, one or more&qualifiers. The command keywords are:;SET Change parameters in the volatile database.<DEFINE Change parameters in the permanent database.8CLEAR Remove components or parameters from the2PURGE volatile or permanen t databases.;SHOW Display information about components in the2LIST volatile or permanent databases.HCONNECT Connect local terminal to remote node console interface.8DISCONNECT Disconnect logical links with processes.2COPY Copy one node database to another.3LOOP Test lines or connections to nodes.$LOAD Downline load nodes.6TRIGGER Initiate bootstrap sequence of a node.2TELL Establish temporary executor node.7ZERO Zero counters for the specified entity.@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 2 SyntaxBThe command syntax has four parts: a command keyword, a componentAkeyword(s), one or more parameters, and, optionally, one or morequalifiers. For example,C Command Keyword Component Parameter QualifierD SHOW ACTIVE CIRCUITS CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id1  KNOWN CIRCUITS COUNTERS/ CIRCUIT line-id STATUS0 SUMMARYAFor each command, you must supply a keyword, a component, and one<or more parameters from the parameter list. In general, theDorder in which you specify parameters makes no difference. Braces Daround keywords and parameters indicate that you must choose one of Ethe options. Lowercase letters indicate user-supplied component and parameter values .2 Issuing_commandsEYou enter NCP commands as keywords and parameters separated by spacesDor tabs. Use the standard continuation line convention--a hyphen asFthe last character in the line--to continue a long command to the nextDline. If the first character of a line is an exclamation point (!),Dthe line is ignored by NCP as a comment line. Hyphens within and at?the end of a comment line are ignored. Lines beginning with anDexclamation point, however, are not ignored if they follow a commandline ending with a hyphen.BWhen entering an NCP command, you can abbreviate any command verb,Bcomponent keyword, or parameter name to its fewest unique letters.ww­þ&]ófK° 1 PARAMETERSEMany parameters and components require user-supplied information whenCyou issue an NCP command. For the most part, their syntax follows aFstandard set of rules. Exceptions to these rules are documented in theFdescription of the parameter for which they apply. For the list below,G all numeric values are in decimal and have a range of 0 to 65535 unlessotherwise specified.@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 2 account EA string of up to 39 alphanumeric and hyphen characters. Currently, 6VMS systems do not use this string for access control. 2 addressFA string of 12 hexadecimal digits, represented by 6 bytes separated byChyphens, for example, AA-00-04-00-AB-04. The string indicates the physical address. 2 area_numberFA decimal value in the range 1 to 63 to be specified in the beginning Eof the node-spec and separated from the node number by a period. If Fyou do not specify an area number, the area number of the executor is 4used. The default area number for the executor is 1. 2 circuit_idAA string of characters whose exact syntax is that for a DECnet orX25 circuit identification.8For DDCMP circuits, the circuit identification is in the%form dev-c-u.t, for example, DMP-0.1.@For Ethernet circuits, the circuit identification is a string in#the form dev-c, for example, UNA-0.AFor FDDI circuits, the circuit identification is a string in the form dev-c, for example, MFA-0.!A!For Token Ring circuits, the circuit identification is a string '!in the form dev-c, for example, TRN-0.>For X25 circuits, the circuit identification is a string of up'to 15 characters beginning with "X25-". 2 count A decimal numeric value. 2 cpu_type :A string of characters consisting of one of the following: DECSYSTEM20 PDP11 PDP8 VAX 2 dest_name GAn identification string consisting of 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters. 2 device_typeEA string of characters representing the mnemonic name for the device.Devices include the following.3 BNA CEC CI DMB DMC DMF- DMP DSF DSW EBA EIA EGA* ELA ERA ETA EWA FPA FZA$ ISA L LA MFA MNA MXE QNA% SVA TRA TRE TRP TT TX  UNA VLA2 dte_addressAA string of up to 15 decimal digits. See VAX PSI Public Network IInformation Cards for the exact format of this parameter on your network. 2 event_listGA list of event types for a given class in the format class.type. When Fspecifying an event list, you may specify only one class; however, youHcan specify a range of types by using commas and hyphens, for example, C4.3-5,7-10. You can use an asterisk wildcard character in an event Glist, but only to replace an event type. For example, 4.*, identifies #all event types for class 4 events.+See HELP EVENTS for a list of valid events. 2 file_spec@A VMS file specification string in the following general format:0node-id::device:[directory]filename.type;version;Logical names are permitted. The maximum length for a fileDspecification in DECnet for OpenVMS is 127 characters. Refer to the=OpenVMS DCL Concepts Manual for the format of an OpenVMS fileBspecification, and the Guide to OpenVMS File Applications for more#information about specifying files. 2 hex_byte)A string of exactly 2 hexadecimal digits.2 hex_password'A string of up to 8 hexadecimal digits. 2 hex_value(A string of up to 32 hexadecimal digits. 2 id_stringHA string of up to 32 characters. If the string includes spaces or tabs,"enclose it within quotation marks. 2 line_id AA string of characters whose exact syntax is that for a DECnet or?X25 line identification. For VMS the line identification takes9one of the following forms dev-c or dev-c-u, for example UNA-0 or DUP-0.2 millisecondsA decimal numeric value.2 network_nameHFor X25 circuits, specifies a 1 to 16 character alphanumeric identifier &that indicates the network to be used.2 node_addressGA numeric value in the range of 1.1 to 63.1023, composed of area numberHto the left of the period followed by a node number to the right of the Cperiod. If the area number is not supplied, the area number of the0executor is used. The default area number is 1. 2 node_id%Either a node-name or a node-address.2 node_name DA string of up to 6 alphanumeric characters containing at least one alphabetic character.2 node_spec @A node-name or node-address followed by optional access control -information as specified for VMS in the form:!node-id"user-id password account"EThe total length of user-id, password, and account must be less than or equal to 39 characters.2 node_type :A string of characters consisting of one of the following: ROUTING III NONROUTING III ROUTING IV NONROUTING IV AREA 2 number A decimal numeric value. 2 object_name*A string of up to 16 printable characters. 2 password@A string of up to 39 printable characters. The total length of @user-id, password, and account must be less than or equal to 39 characters.2 privilege_list<A list of VMS privilege names delimited by space characters. 2 secondsA decimal numeric value. 2 sink_nameDA string of alphanumeric characters. The logging console name is a 8string in the form TTcnn: (if a terminal) or a VMS file Dspecification if a file receives the events. The logging file name Cis a VMS file specification. The logging monitor name is a 1 to 9 Ccharacter name. If the string contains spaces or tabs, enclose it in quotation marks.ASee file-spec for a description of valid VMS file specifications. 2 software_id A string of up to 16 characters.2 software_type:A string of characters consisting of one of the following: SECONDARY LOADER TERTIARY LOADER SYSTEM2 tributary_address)A numeric value in the range of 0 to 255. 2 user_idDA string of up to 39 alphanumeric and hyphen characters. The total Jlength of user-id, password, and account must be less than or equal to 39 characters.! w w­N]ófK°1 CLEAR@Use the CLEAR command to remove or reset selected parameters or Icomponents from the volatile database on the local node or DTE. Use the CPURGE command to remove selected parameters or components from the ,permanent database on the local node or DTE.! 2 CIRCUITDThe CLEAR CIRCUIT command resets circuit parameters in the volatile Jdatabase to the default value (if any), or removes them from the volatile "database on the local node or DTE.EThe PURG!E CIRCUIT command always removes circuit parameters from the ,permanent database on the local node or DTE.-CLEAR KNOWN CIRCUITS (parameters...) CIRCUIT circuit-idFAll underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces when $parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 KNOWN CIRCUITSBResets to the default value (if any) or removes from the volatile /database the parameters for all known circuits.3 CIRCUIT_circuit-idBResets to the default value (if any) or re"moves from the volatile Idatabase the parameters for a specific circuit. Circuit-id specifies the &name of the circuit you want to clear. 3 ACTIVE BDifferentiates between the active, inactive and dying DDCMP timer parameters.4 BASEGApplies only to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. Resets to its default value the+ACTIVE BASE value in the volatile database. 4 INCREMENTHApplies only to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. Resets to its default value the0ACTIVE INCREMENT value in the volatile database.#3 ALLERemoves from the volatile database the specified circuit or all knownGcircuits. The circuit must be in the OFF state before you can specify this parameter.3 BABBLE TIMERHApplies only to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. Resets to its default value the,BABBLE TIMER value in the volatile database.3 COUNTER TIMERJCancels the logging timer. This cancellation prevents any further circuit6counter logging for the indicated circuit or circuits.3 DEAD THRESHOLDHApplies only to DDCM$P CONTROL circuits. Resets to its default value the.DEAD THRESHOLD value in the volatile database.3 DYINGBDifferentiates between the active, inactive and dying DDCMP timer parameters.4 BASEHApplies only to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. Resets to its default value the*DYING BASE value in the volatile database. 4 INCREMENTHApplies only to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. Resets to its default value the/DYING INCREMENT value in the volatile database. 4 THRESHOLDHApplies only to DDCMP CONT%ROL circuits. Resets to its default value the/DYING THRESHOLD value in the volatile database. 3 INACTIVEBDifferentiates between the active, inactive and dying DDCMP timer parameters.4 BASEHApplies only to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. Resets to its default value the-INACTIVE BASE value in the volatile database. 3 INCREMENTHApplies only to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. Resets to its default value the2INACTIVE INCREMENT value in the volatile database. 3 THRESHOLDHApplies only to DDCMP &CONTROL circuits. Resets to its default value the2INACTIVE THRESHOLD value in the volatile database. 3 MAXIMUMBThis modifier indicates an upper limit on a variety of parameters. 4 BUFFERSHApplies only to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. Resets to its default value the/MAXIMUM BUFFERS value in the volatile database. 4 RECALLSIApplies only to X25 DLM circuits. Resets to its default value the limit on the number of call retries. 4 ROUTERSDApplies only to broadcast circuits. Resets to' its default value the.MAXIMUM ROUTER value in the volatile database. 4 TRANSMITSHApplies only to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. Resets to its default value the1MAXIMUM TRANSMITS value in the volatile database. 3 NETWORKCApplies only to purging X25 PVCs and X25 DLM circuits. Removes the9circuit's network parameters from the permanent database.3 RECALL TIMERIApplies only to X25 DLM circuits. Resets to its default value the RECALL%TIMER value in the volatile database.3 ROUTER PRI(ORITYEApplies only to broadcast circuits. Resets to its default value the 9priority assigned to the router in the volatile database.3 TRANSMIT TIMERHApplies only to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. Resets to its default value the.TRANSMIT TIMER value in the volatile database. 3 Examples NCP>CLEAR CIRCUIT DMC-0 ALL? This command removes all parameter entries for circuitC DMC-0 in the volatile database. As a result, the circuit ; no longer exists for the ex)ecutor DECnet software.! 2 EXECUTORCThe CLEAR EXECUTOR command resets to the default the value (if any)Eor removes selected local node parameters from the volatile database Fon the local node. The PURGE EXECUTOR command removes selected local >node parameters from the permanent database on the local node.GYou can not clear the BUFFER SIZE or STATE parameters from the volatile database.'CLEAR EXECUTOR (parameters...)@All underscores found in parameters must be re*placed with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 ALIASEIndicates that the parameter is among the set used for alias control. 4 INCOMINGGRemoves from the volatile database the ALIAS INCOMING parameter for the local node.4 MAXIMUM LINKSIRemoves from the volatile database the ALIAS MAXIMUM LINKS parameter for the local node.4 NODECRemoves from the volatile database the ALIAS NODE parameter for the local node.3 ALLAApplies only to purging the executor+. Removes from the permanent!database all executor parameters.3 AREA CIndicates that the parameter is used to control area routing. The @possible parameters are AREA MAXIMUM COST and AREA MAXIMUM HOPS. 4 MAXIMUM5 COSTEResets to its default value the AREA MAXIMUM COST value for the localnode in the volatile database.5 HOPSEResets to its default value the AREA MAXIMUM HOPS value for the localnode in the volatile database.3 BROADCAST ROUTING TIMERDResets to its defa,ult value the BROADCAST ROUTING TIMER value in thevolatile database. 3 BUFFER SIZEAApplies only to purging the executor. Removes from the permanent#database the BUFFER SIZE parameter.3 COUNTER TIMERHRemoves the volatile database the logging timer to prevents any further +circuit counter logging for the local node.3 DELAY4 FACTORFResets to its default value the DELAY FACTOR value for the local node in the volatile database.4 WEIGHTFResets to its default value the DE-LAY WEIGHT value for the local node in the volatile database.!3 DNS! !4 INTERFACE>!Removes from the volatile database the EXECUTOR DNS INTERFACE !parameter.! !4 NAMESPACE>!Removes from the volatile database the EXECUTOR DNS NAMESPACE !parameter.!3 IDENTIFICATIONERemoves from the volatile database the identification string for the local node.!!3 IDP?!Removes from the volatile database the EXECUTOR IDP parameter.3 INACTIVITY TIMERDResets to its default value th.e INACTIVITY TIMER value for the localnode in the volatile database. 3 INCOMING4 TIMERBResets to its default value the INCOMING TIMER value for the localnode in the volatile database.4 PROXYBResets to its default value the INCOMING PROXY value for the localnode in the volatile database. 3 MAXIMUM 4 ADDRESSCResets to its default value the MAXIMUM ADDRESS value for the localnode in the volatile database.4 AREA@Resets to its default value the MAXIMUM AREA value for the/ localnode in the volatile database. 4 BROADCAST 5 NONROUTERS<Resets to its default value the MAXIMUM BROADCAST NONROUTERSvalue in the volatile database. 5 ROUTERS<Resets to its default value the MAXIMUM BROADCAST ROUTERS inthe volatile database. 4 BUFFERSCResets to its default value the MAXIMUM BUFFERS value for the localnode in the volatile database. 4 CIRCUITSCResets to its default value the MAXIMUM CIRCUIT value for the localnode in the volatile database.4 COST0AResets to its default value the MAXIMUM COSTS value for the localnode in the volatile database.4 DECLARED OBJECTSBResets to its default value the MAXIMUM DECLARED OBJECTS value for(the local node in the volatile database.4 HOPS@Resets to its default value the MAXIMUM HOPS value for the localnode in the volatile database.4 LINKSAResets to its default value the MAXIMUM LINKS value for the localnode in the volatile database. 4 PATH SPLITSBResets to its default value, the M1AXIMUM PATH SPLITS value for the$local node in the volatile database.4 VISITSBResets to its default value the MAXIMUM VISITS value for the localnode in the volatile database.3 NONPRIVILEGED_itemFRemoves from the volatile database the specified nonprivileged access Dcontrol information. Specify any or all of the following items for removal: ACCOUNT USER PASSWORD 3 OUTGOING4 PROXYBResets to its default value the OUTGOING PROXY value for the localnode in th2e volatile database.4 TIMERBResets to its default value the OUTGOING TIMER value for the localnode in the volatile database.3 PATH SPLIT POLICYDResets to its default value the PATH SPLIT POLICY parameter for the $local node in the volatile database.3 PRIVILEGED_itemBRemoves from the volatile database the specified privileged accessDcontrol information. Specify any or all of the following items for removal: ACCOUNT USER PASSWORD3 RETRANSMIT FACTORERe3sets to its default value the RETRANSMIT FACTOR value for the localnode in the volatile database.3 ROUTING TIMERGResets to its default value the ROUTING TIMER value for the local node in the volatile database.3 SEGMENT BUFFER SIZEGResets to its default value the SEGMENT BUFFER SIZE value for the localnode in the volatile database.3 STATEBApplies only to purging the executor. Removes from the permanent database the local node's state.3 SUBADDRESSESFRemoves from the v4olatile database the value of the range of local DTE subaddresses. 3 Examples+ NCP>CLEAR EXECUTOR NAME IDENTIFICATIONF This command removes the local node's name and identification+ string from the volatile database.$ NCP>CLEAR EXECUTOR DELAY FACTORE This command removes delay factor from the volatile database< which causes the software to use the default value.! 3 NODEIThe CLEAR EXECUTOR NODE command clears the default executor 5designation Ifor all NCP commands. The executor of commands becomes the local node. 1The TELL prefix cannot be used with this command.HAfter you issue the CLEAR EXECUTOR NODE command, NML, linked with NCP onIthe local node, will perform all NML operations. NML uses the privilegesFof your current process instead of the default nonprivileged accounts.CLEAR EXECUTOR NODE 4 Examples# NCP>SET EXECUTOR NODE TRNTO ... NCP>CLEAR EXECUTOR NODE!  62 LINEBUse the CLEAR LINE command to remove line parameters (or reset theBparameters to their default values) from the volatile database on Ethe executor node. For an X25 line, the default value depends on the@NETWORK parameter in the permanent database. Use the PURGE LINE@command to remove line parameters from the permanent database onthe executor node. + CLEAR KNOWN LINES (parameters...) LINE line-id@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with 7spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 KNOWN LINES@Resets to the default (if any) or removes the parameters for all'known lines from the volatile database.3 LINE line-idFIdentifies the specific line whose parameters are to be reset to their>default values (if any) or removed from the volatile database.3 ALLIRemoves the specified line or all known lines from the volatile database.DThe line must be in the OFF state before you specify this parameter.3 COUNTER TIME8RAResets the logging timer to zero. This prevents any further line*counter logging for the indicated line(s).3 DEAD TIMER BApplies only to DDCMP lines. Resets to its default the DEAD TIMER#parameter in the volatile database. 3 DELAY TIMERCApplies only to DDCMP lines. Resets to its default the DELAY TIMER#parameter in the volatile database.3 ECHO 4 DATA@Applies only to FDDI lines. Resets to its default the ECHO DATABparameter in the volatile database. Permanent d9atabase operations&cannot be performed on this parameter.4 LENGTHBApplies only to FDDI lines. Resets to its default the ECHO LENGTHBparameter in the volatile database. Permanent database operations&cannot be performed on this parameter.4 TARGETBApplies only to FDDI lines. Resets to its default the ECHO TARGETBparameter in the volatile database. Permanent database operations&cannot be performed on this parameter.3 HANGUPDApplies only to asynchronous DDCMP lines. Removes from th:e volatile&database the HANGUP state of the line. 3 INTERFACEBApplies only to X25 lines. Resets the INTERFACE parameter to the default value of DTE. 3 LINE SPEEDCApplies only to asynchronous DDCMP lines. Removes from the volatile"database the Line Speed parameter.3 MAXIMUM RETRANSMITSHApplies only to X25 lines. Resets the maximum number of retransmissionsJof a frame to the default value for the specified line or all known lines in the volatile database. 3 NETWORKBApplie;s only to X25 lines. Removes the NETWORK parameter from thepermanent database. 3 NIF TARGETGApplies only to FDDI lines. Resets to its default value the NIF TARGETCparameter in the volatile database. Permanent database operations &cannot be performed on this parameter.3 RECEIVE BUFFERSFApplies only to DDCMP lines. Resets to its default value the RECEIVE +BUFFERS parameter in the volatile database.3 REQUESTED TRTGApplies only to FDDI lines. Resets to its default value the R<EQUESTED 'TRT parameter in the volatile database.3 RESTRICTED TOKEN TIMEOUTGApplies only to FDDI lines. Resets to its default value the RESTRICTED1TOKEN TIMEOUT parameter in the volatile database.3 RING PURGER ENABLEHApplies only to FDDI lines. Resets to its default value the RING PURGER*ENABLE parameter in the volatile database.3 SCHEDULING TIMERIApplies only to DDCMP lines. Resets to its default value the SCHEDULING )TIMER parameter in the volatile database.3 SIF =4 CONFIGURATION TARGET=Applies only to FDDI lines. Resets to its default value the >SIF CONFIGURATION TARGET parameter in the volatile database. DPermanent database operations cannot be performed on this parameter.4 OPERATION TARGET<Applies only to FDDI lines. Resets to its default value the8SIF OPERATION TARGET parameter in the volatile database.DPermanent database operations cannot be performed on this parameter.3 STREAM TIMEREApplies only to DDCMP lines. Resets to its default va>lue the STREAM )TIMER parameter in the volatile database.3 SWITCHEApplies only to asynchronous DDCMP lines. Removes from the volatile database the SWITCH parameter.3 TRANSMIT PIPELINEDApplies only to DMR11 lines. Removes from the volatile database theTRANSMIT PIPELINE parameter.3 VALID TRANSMISSION TIMEBApplies only to FDDI lines. Resets to its default value the VALID5TRANSMISSION TIME parameter in the volatile database. 3 Examples NCP>CLEAR LINE DMC-0 ALLD? This command removes line DMC-0 from the volatile database.. NCP>CLEAR KNOWN LINES MAXIMUM RETRANSMITSF This command resets the maximum number of retransmissions of C a frame for all known lines in the volatile database. The1 parameter is reset to its default value.! 2 LOGGINGCUse the CLEAR LOGGING command to remove logging parameters from theFvolatile database on the executor node. Use the PURGE LOGGING commandHto remove logging paramete @rs from the permanent database on the executornode.#CLEAR KNOWN LOGGING ALL1 LOGGING CONSOLE EVENTS event-list, LOGGING FILE KNOWN EVENTS0 LOGGING MONITOR AREA area-number2 CIRCUIT circuit-id, LINE line-id- MODULE name $ NAME, NODE node-id0 ASINK EXECUTOR4 NODE node-id@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 ALLFIndicates that all logging parameters for the specified component are Hto be removed from the database. The component is no longer recognized by the network.3 EVENTS event-list@Identifies the class and types of events to be removed from the database.+See HELP EVENTS for a list of valid eventsB.3 KNOWN+Introduces a plural parameter or component.4 EVENTSDIndicates that the event filter is to be removed from the specified logging component. 4 LOGGINGFIndicates that the parameters for all known logging are to be removed from the database.3 AREA area-numberIIndicated the area to which the events apply. Events will not be logged for this source.3 CIRCUIT circuit-idFIdentifies the circuit to which the events apply. Events will not be logged for this source.C3 LINE line-idJIdentifies the line to which the events apply. Events will not be logged for this source. 3 CONSOLECIndicates that the parameters for logging to the console are to be removed from the database.3 FILEFIndicates that the parameters for logging to a file are to be removed from the database.3 MODULEIntroduces a MODULE parameter. 4 X25-ACCESS DRemoves all logging parameters for the specified logging source fromthe data base. 4 X25-PROTOCOL DRemoveDs all logging parameters for the specified logging source fromthe data base. 4 X25-SERVER DRemoves all logging parameters for the specified logging source fromthe data base. 4 X29-SERVER DRemoves all logging parameters for the specified logging source fromthe data base. 3 MONITORFIndicates that the parameters for logging to a monitor program are to be removed from the database.3 NAMEFIndicates that the NAME parameter is to be removed from the database. 9This is the Ename of the console, file or monitor program.3 NODE node-idCIdentifies the node to which the events apply. Events will not be logged for this source.3 SINKCIdentifies the node where the event logger runs to log the events. There are two possibilities:,NODE node-id identifies the node at which( events are being logged.-EXECUTOR identifies the executor node.:Only events being logged to this node are removed from the=database. If this parameter is Fomitted, the executor node is%assumed to be the sink node affected. 3 Examples& NCP>CLEAR LOGGING FILE EVENTS 2.*B This command clears logging for all class 2 events to the logging file.!  2 MODULE 'Introduces the various module entities.3 CONFIGURATORAUse CLEAR MODULE CONFIGURATOR command to remove from the volatile<database the Ethernet module configurator parameters for all'circuits. The word MODULE is optional.0 CLEAR MODULE CONFIGURATOR G KNOWN CIRCUITS ALL 3 X25-ACCESS CUse the CLEAR MODULE X25-ACCESS command to remove from the volatile?database network names and parameters used by the host node to @access a specified X25 network or networks through a multi-host Anode. The multi-host node serving as a gateway to the specified ?X25 network must be a VMS node with VAX PSI multi-host softwareCinstalled. Use the PURGE MODULE X25-ACCESS command to remove these?same network names and parameters from the permanent datHabase. C CLEAR MODULE X25-ACCESS NETWORK network-name ACCOUNT? KNOWN NETWORKS ALLD PASSWORD@ USER@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 ACCOUNT @removes the account from the data base for the specified networkor all known networks. I4 ALL =Removes all parameters for the specified network or all knownnetworks in the data base. 4 KNOWN NETWORKS Identifies all known networks 4 NETWORK network-name >Identifies the network whose parameters are to be removed fromthe data base. 4 PASSWORD ARemoves the password from the data base for the specified networkor all known networks. 4 USER DRemoves the user identification from the data base for the specifiednetwork or all known networks. ! 3 X25-PR JOTOCOLFUse the CLEAR MODULE X25-PROTOCOL command to remove the parameters of 9the Protocol Module component from the volatile database.E CLEAR MODULE X25-PROTOCOL DTE dte-address NETWORK network-name? KNOWN DTES KNOWN NETWORKS; CALL TIMER< CLEAR TIMER> COUNTER TIMER@ K INTERRUPT TIMER? MAXIMUM CLEARS? MAXIMUM RESETSA MAXIMUM RESTARTS< RESET TIMER> RESTART TIMER5 GROUP group-name ALL, KNOWN GROUPS5 NETWORK net-Lname ALL. KNOWN NETWORKS@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 ALLFCan be used with DTE, GROUP or NETWORK. It removes all parameters for Bthe specified component or for all known DTEs, groups or networks.4 KNOWN,Can be used with DTES, NETWORKS and GROUPS. BKNOWN DTES selects all known DTEs on the network specified or all known networks. *KNOWN NETWORKS selects allM known networks.&KNOWN GROUPS selects all known groups.4 DTE dte-addressDRemoves parameters for the specified DTE. If you use this qualifier Byou must associate it with the NETWORK parameter or KNOWN NETWORKS?parameter to identify the network or networks to which the DTE belongs.5 GROUPS+Remove the parameters for all known groups.4 NETWORK network-nameECan be used as a qualifier or as a parameter in conjunction with the DTE qualifier.BAs a qualifier it removes all NDTEs, groups and parameters for the 2specified network. The ALL parameter is mandatory.4 DTE dte-address7The DTE address is a decimal integer of 1 to 15 digits.4 GROUP group-nameDSpecifies the closed user group (CUG) or bilateral closed user group(BCUG).4 COUNTER TIMER CResets the counter timer to zero for the specified DTE or all known DTEs in the volatile data base. 4 CALL TIMER EIf used with the CLEAR command, resets the call timer in the volatile?data base to its O default value; if used with the PURGE command,Aresets the call timer in the permanent data base to 0. This meansDthat the call request will not time out at the local DTE, but may becleared by the network. 4 CLEAR TIMER =If used with the CLEAR command, resets the clear timer in the?volatile data base to its default value; if used with the PURGEEcommand, resets the clear timer in the permanent data base to prevent8retransmission of a request to clear a virtual circuit. 4 MAXIMUM P 5 CLEARS EIf used with the CLEAR command, resets the maximum number of attemptsEto clear a circuit to the default value in the volatile data base; ifDused with the PURGE command, resets the maximum number so that there*is no maximum in the permanent data base. 5 RESETSEIf used with the CLEAR command, resets the maximum number of attemptsEto reset a circuit to the default value in the volatile data base; ifDused with the PURGE command, resets the maximum number so that there*is no ma Qximum in the permanent data base. 5 RESTARTS EIf used with the CLEAR command, resets the maximum number of attemptsAto restart a virtual circuit to the default value in the volatileDdata base; if used with the PURGE command, resets the maximum number8so that there is no maximum in the permanent data base. 4 RESET TIMER EIf used with the CLEAR command, resets the timer in the volatile dataEbase to its default value; if used with the PURGE command, resets the?timer in the permanent dRata base to prevent retransmission of areset. 4 RESTART TIMER EIf used with the CLEAR command, resets the timer in the volatile dataEbase to its default value; if used with the PURGE command, resets the?timer in the permanent data base to prevent retransmission of a restart. !  3 X25-SERVER @Use the CLEAR MODULE X25-SERVER command to remove the parameters5of the X25 Call Handler from the volatile data base. . CLEAR MODULE X25-SERVER COUNTER TIMER S X29-SERVER A DESTINATION dest-name ACCOUNT= KNOWN DESTINATIONS ALLC CALL MASKD CALL VALUEH CALLED ADDRESSH EXTENSION MASKI EXTENSTION VALUE? GROUPJ INCOMING ADDRESSA NETWORKB PASSWORDB PRIORITYG RECEIVING DTEI REDIRECT REASON UI SENDING ADDRESSF SUBADDRESSES> USERAFor additional help see the CLEAR MODULE X25-SERVER command which?is identical in format to the PURGE MODULE X25-SERVER command. @All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 ACCOUNT DRemoves the account from tVhe data base for the specified destinationor all known destinations. 4 ALL ARemoves all parameters for the specified destination or all knowndestinations in the data base. 4 KNOWN DESTINATIONS "Identifies all known destinations.4 DESTINATION dest-name BIdentifies the destination whose parameters are to be removed fromthe data base. 4 CALL5 MASK :Removes the call mask from the data base for the specified'destination or all known destinations. 5 VALUE ;Removes Wthe call value from the data base for the specified'destination or all known destinations. 4 CALLED ADDRESSBRemoves from the volatile database the called DTE address for the 0specified destination or all known destinations. 4 COUNTER TIMER )Resets the module counter timer to zero. 4 EXTENSION5 MASK>Removes from the volatile database the extension mask for the 0specified destination or all known destinations.5 VALUE?Removes from the volatile database the eXxtension value for the 0specified destination or all known destinations.4 GROUP ;Removes the group name from the data base for the specified'destination or all known destinations. 4 INCOMING ADDRESS@Removes from the volatile database the incoming address for the 0specified destination or all known destinations. 4 NETWORKFRemoves from the volatile database the network name for the specified &destination or all known destinations. 4 PASSWORD ERemoves the password from the Ydata base for the specified destinationor all known destinations. 4 PRIORITY EResets the priority to the lowest value for the specified destinationor all known destinations. 4 RECEIVING DTEERemoves from the volatile database the receiving DTE address for the 0specified destination or all known destinations.4 REDIRECT REASONDRemoves from the volatile database the redirect reason code for the 0specified destination or all known destinations.4 SENDING ADDRESS CZRemoves from the volatile database the sending DTE address for the 4specified destination or for all known destinations.4 SUBADDRESSES ARemoves the subaddress range from the data base for the specified'destination or all known destinations. 4 USER DRemoves the user identification from the data base for the specified'destination or all known destinations. !  3 X29-SERVER@Use the CLEAR MODULE X29-SERVER command to remove the parameters7of the X.29 Call Handler from the pe [rmanent data base. . CLEAR MODULE X25-SERVER COUNTER TIMER X29-SERVER A DESTINATION dest-name ACCOUNT= KNOWN DESTINATIONS ALLC CALL MASKD CALL VALUEH CALLED ADDRESSH \ EXTENSION MASKI EXTENSION VALUE? GROUPJ INCOMING ADDRESSA NETWORKB PASSWORDB PRIORITYG RECEIV]ING DTEI REDIRECT REASONI SENDING ADDRESSF SUBADDRESSES> USERAFor additional help see the CLEAR MODULE X29-SERVER command which?is identical in format to the PURGE MODULE X29-SERVER command. ! 2 NODEFUse the CLEAR NODE command to remove node parameters^ from the volatileGdatabase on the executor node. Use the PURGE NODE command to removeAnode parameters from the permanent database on the executor node.(CLEAR KNOWN NODES (parameters ...) NODE node-id@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 KNOWN NODES;Indicates that the specified parameters for all known nodes$are to be removed from the database.3 NODE node-id;Identifies the node whose pa_rameters are to be removed from the database.3 ALL7Indicates that parameters for the specified node or all4known nodes are to be removed from the database. The1component is no longer recognized by the network. 3 CIRCUIT:Indicates that the loop node parameter associated with the+circuit is to be removed from the database.3 COUNTER TIMER<Indicates that the counter timer value is to be removed from the database.3 CPU=Indicates that the node's CPU identification is to be `removedfrom the database. 3 DIAGNOSTIC FILEERemoves from the volatile database the identification of the downlineloading diagnostics file.3 DUMP 4 ADDRESS>Removes the up-line dump address of the adjacent node from the data base. 4 COUNT2Removes the up-line dump count from the data base.4 FILEARemoves the up-line dump file identification from the data base. 3 HARDWARE ADDRESS8Removes from the volatile database the hardware address.3 HOST;Indicates that the iadentification of the host node is to beremoved from the database. 3 INBOUNDGApplies only to nodes on dynamic asynchronous DDCMP circuits. Removes (the INBOUND parameter from the database.2 3 LOAD 4 ASSIST 5 AGENT=Removes from the volatile database the identification of the )VMS image used to assist a downline load. 5 PARAMETERBRemoves from the volatile database the identification of the value&to be passed to the load abssist agent. 3 LOAD FILE9Indicates that the identification of the downline loading(file is to be removed from the database.3 MANAGEMENT FILE<Removes from the volatile database the identification of the-downline loading management information file.3 NAME;Indicates that the node name parameter for the node address#is to be removed from the database.3 NONPRIVILEGED9Indicates that the specified nonprivileged access control/information is to be removed from the database.'cACCOUNT, PASSWORD, and USER can follow. 3 PRIVILEGED6Indicates that the specified privileged access control/information is to be removed from the database.'ACCOUNT, PASSWORD, and USER can follow.3 RECEIVE PASSWORD<Indicates that the receive password expected from the remote6node during a Routing initialization sequence is to beremoved from the database.3 SECONDARY LOADER;Indicates that the identification of the secondary downline0loading file is to be removed from the databasde. 3 SERVICEIntroduces a service parameter.@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 DEVICE<indicates that the service device type is to be removed from The database. 4 CIRCUIT=Indicates that the circuit parameter associated with the node7for downline loading purposes is to be removed from the database.4 NODE VERSION:Indicates that the service node version parameter is to beremoved from the databasee. 4 PASSWORD9Indicates that the password parameter required to trigger;the bootstrap mechanism is to be removed from the database. 3 SOFTWARE Introduces a software parameter.4 IDENTIFICATION:Indicates that the identification of the software is to beremoved from the database.4 TYPE;Indicates that the initial load software program type is tobe removed from the database.3 TERTIARY LOADER:Indicates that the identification of the tertiary downline0loading file is to be refmoved from the database.3 TRANSMIT PASSWORD<Indicates that the transmit password sent to the remote node9during a Routing initialization sequence is to be removedfrom the database. 3 Examples NCP>CLEAR NODE TRNTO ALLE This command removes all parameter entries for node TRNTO in@ the volatile database. As a result, the node no longer- exists for executor DECnet software." NCP>CLEAR NODE 14 NAME DENVER ... NCP>SET NODE 15 NAME DEgNVERH The first command disassociates the name DENVER with node 1.14.F The second command associates the same name with node 1.15. C Note that the default area number 1 is assumed if no area  number is specified. ! 2 OBJECTAUse the CLEAR OBJECT command to remove object parameters from theEvolatile database on the executor node. Use the PURGE OBJECT command8to remove object parameters from the permanent database.-CLEAR KNOWN OBJECTS (pharameters...) OBJECT object-name@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 KNOWN OBJECTS9Indicates that parameters for all known objects are to beremoved from the database.3 OBJECT object-name8Identifies the object whose parameters are to be removedfrom the database. 3 ACCOUNTCRemoves from the volatile database the account control information.3 ALIAS 4 INCOMING?Removes from the volatile daitabase the ALIAS INCOMING parameterAfor the specified object or all known objects. Does not apply toVAX PSI. 4 OUTGOING?Removes from the volatile database the ALIAS OUTGOING parameterAfor the specified object or all known objects. Does not apply toVAX PSI.3 ALLHIndicates that parameters for the specified object or all known objects Aare to be removed from the database. The component is no longer recognized by the network.3 FILEIRemoves the name of the object's startup cjommand file from the data base.3 OUTGOING CONNECT PRIVILEGESKRemoves the privileges required to make outbound connections to the object.Does not apply to VAX PSI. 3 PASSWORDCRemoves the password access control information from the data base. 3 PRIVILEGESHRemoves the privileges required to access the object from the data base.Does not apply to VAX PSI.3 PROXYGRemoves the proxy access information for the object from the data base.Does not apply to VAX PSI.3 USER?Removeks the user access control information from the data base. 3 Examples NCP>CLEAR OBJECT DTR ALLF This command removes all parameter entries for the DTR objectE in the volatile database. As a result, the object no longer! exists for the executor.! ww­Nê]ófK°1 PURGEAUse the PURGE command to remove selected parameters or componentsfrom the permanent database.! 2 CIRCUITDUse the PURGE CIRCUIT command to remove circuit paramelters from the Hpermanent database on the local node or DTE. See the description of theCCLEAR CIRCUIT command for a description of the parameters which may be removed.-PURGE KNOWN CIRCUITS (parameters...) CIRCUIT circuit-id@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 KNOWN CIRCUITS>Indicates that the parameters for all known circuits are to beremoved from the database.3 CIRCUIT circuit-id>Idmentifies the circuit whose parameters are to be removed from the database. 3 Examples NCP>PURGE CIRCUIT DMC-0 ALLE This command removes all parameter entries for circuit DMC-0# in the permanent database.! 2 EXECUTORGUse the PURGE EXECUTOR command to remove selected local node parametersCfrom the permanent database on the local node. See the descriptionFof CLEAR EXECUTOR for a list of the parameters which may be specified.'PURGE EXECUTOR (pnarameters...) 3 Examples5 NCP>PURGE EXECUTOR IDENTIFICATION INCOMING TIMERD This command removes the local node's identification string> and incoming timer value from the permanent database.% NCP>PURGE EXECUTOR COUNTER TIMERE This command removes the local node counter timer value from the permanent database.! 2 LINEGUse the PURGE LINE command to remove line parameters from the permanentIdatabase on the local node or DTE. See othe description of CLEAR LINE for0a list of the parameters which may be specified.'PURGE KNOWN LINES (parameters...) LINE line-id@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 KNOWN LINES;Indicates that the parameters for all known lines are to beremoved from the database.3 LINE line-id;Identifies the line whose parameters are to be removed from the database. 3 NETWORK@This parameter removpes the NETWORK parameter from the permanent $database. Applies only to X25 lines. 3 Examples NCP>PURGE LINE DMC-0 ALLF This command removes all parameter entries for line DMC-0 in! the permanent database.! 2 LOGGINGCUse the PURGE LOGGING command to remove logging parameters from theHpermanent database on the local node or DTE. See the description of theJCLEAR LOGGING command for a list of the parameters which may be specified.#PURGE KNOWN LOGG qING ALL1 LOGGING CONSOLE EVENTS event-list, LOGGING FILE KNOWN EVENTS0 LOGGING MONITOR AREA area-number2 CIRCUIT circuit-id, LINE line-id+ MODULE name$ NAME, NODE node-id0 SINK EXECUTOR4 NODE node-id 3 Exramples& NCP>PURGE LOGGING FILE EVENTS 2.*F This command clears logging for all class 2 events to the logging file.!  2 MODULE 'Introduces the various module entities.3 CONFIGURATOROUse the PURGE MODULE CONFIGURATOR command to remove from the permanent databaseGat the local node the Ethernet configurator module component parametersDfor the circuit or circuits specified. The word MODULE is optional.. PURGE MODULE CONFIGURATOR KNOWN CIRCUITS ALLs CIRCUIT circuit-id 3 X25-ACCESS ?Use the PURGE MODULE X25-ACCESS command to remove network names<from the permanent data base or to remove individual network parameters.C PURGE MODULE X25-ACCESS NETWORK network-name ACCOUNT? KNOWN NETWORKS ALLD PASSWORD@ USERE For additional help see the CLEAtR MODULE X25-ACCESS command whichC is identical in format to the PURGE MODULE X25-ACCESS command. ! 3 X25-PROTOCOLFUse the PURGE MODULE X25-PROTOCOL command to remove the parameters of :the Protocol Module component from the permanent database.E PURGE MODULE X25-PROTOCOL DTE dte-address NETWORK network-name? KNOWN DTES KNOWN NETWORKS; CALL TIMER< u CLEAR TIMER> COUNTER TIMER@ INTERRUPT TIMER? MAXIMUM CLEARS? MAXIMUM RESETSA MAXIMUM RESTARTS< RESET TIMER> RESTART TIMER5 v GROUP group-name ALL, KNOWN GROUPS5 NETWORK net-name ALL. KNOWN NETWORKS! 3 X25-SERVER @Use the PURGE MODULE X25-SERVER command to remove the parameters6of the X25 Call Handler from the permanent data base. . CLEAR MODULE X25-SERVER COUNTER TIMER X29-SERVER A DESTINATION dest-name ACCOUNT= w KNOWN DESTINATIONS ALLC CALL MASKD CALL VALUEH CALLED ADDRESSH EXTENSION MASKI EXTENSION VALUE? GROUPJ x INCOMING ADDRESSA NETWORKB PASSWORDB PRIORITYG RECEIVING DTEI REDIRECT REASONI SENDING ADDRESSF y SUBADDRESSES> USERAFor additional help see the CLEAR MODULE X25-SERVER command which?is identical in format to the PURGE MODULE X25-SERVER command.  !  3 X29-SERVER@Use the PURGE MODULE X29-SERVER command to remove the parameters7of the X.29 Call Handler from the permanent data base. . CLEAR MODULE X25-SERVER COUNTER TIMER X29-SERVER A z DESTINATION dest-name ACCOUNT= KNOWN DESTINATIONS ALLC CALL MASKD CALL VALUEH CALLED ADDRESSH EXTENSION MASKI EXTENSION VALUE? { GROUPJ INCOMING ADDRESSA NETWORKB PASSWORDB PRIORITYG RECEIVING DTEI REDIRECT REASONI | SENDING ADDRESSF SUBADDRESSES> USERAFor additional help see the CLEAR MODULE X29-SERVER command which?is identical in format to the PURGE MODULE X29-SERVER command. ! 2 NODEGUse the PURGE NODE command to remove node parameters from the permanentEdatabase on the executor node. See the description of the CLEAR NODE<command for a list of the parameters w}hich may be specified.&PURGE KNOWN NODES (parameters ...) NODE node-id@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 KNOWN NODES;Indicates that the specified parameters for all known nodes$are to be removed from the database.3 NODE node-id;Identifies the node whose parameters are to be removed from the database. 3 Examples NCP>PURGE NODE TRNTO ALLF This command removes all parame~ter entries for node TRNTO in! the permanent database.$ NCP>PURGE NODE 1.14 NAME DENVER ...% NCP>DEFINE NODE 1.15 NAME DENVERH The first command dissociates the name DENVER with node 1.14.D The second command associates the same name with node 1.15.! 2 OBJECTKUse the PURGE OBJECT command to remove object parameters from the permanentBdatabase on the executor node. See the CLEAR OBJECT command for a.list of the parameters which may be specified.-PURGE KNOWN OBJECTS (parameters...) OBJECT object-name@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 KNOWN OBJECTS9Indicates that parameters for all known objects are to beremoved from the database.3 OBJECT object-name8Identifies the object whose parameters are to be removedfrom the database. 3 Examples NCP>PURGE OBJECT DTR ALLF This command removes all parame€ter entries for the DTR object# in the permanent database.! ww­^^ófK° 1 CONNECTAUse the CONNECT command to enable a local terminal to act as the console for a remote system.2 NODEDUse the CONNECT NODE command to set up a logical connection between Dthe host node and the console interface on a specified target node. DBoth the host node and the target node must be on the same broadcast circuit. 9Use the SET NODE command to initially specify the defaultFvalues for the SERVICE CIRCUIT, SERVICE PASSWORD, and HARDWARE ADDRESSBparameters for the target node. Once set, you can override these Fdefault parameters for the target node by specifying new parameters inthe CONNECT command. (CONNECT NODE node-id (parameters ...)@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 PHYSICAL ADDRESS FSpecifies the physical address of the target node. This parameter is Erequired. T ‚he value is the physical address the target node has set Afor itself or, if the target has not set a physical address, the AHARDWARE ADDRESS parameter associated with the target node in theBexecutor node's volatile database. The address is a string of 12 ?hexadecimal digits represented by 6 bytes separated by hyphens.3 VIA DSpecifies the circuit to be used to create the logical link between Dthe host node and the target node. This circuit must be a broadcast circuit. 3 SERVICE ƒPASSWORD CIdentifies the password required to create the logical link betweenBthe host node and the target node. The password is a hexadecimal *number in the range 0 to FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. 3 Examples@ NCP>CONNECT NODE RTRDEV SERVICE PASSWORD FEFEFEFEFEFEFEFE -3 _ VIA UNA-0 PHYSICAL ADDRESS AA-00-04-00-38-00F This command connects the host node to the console interface C on the target node RTRDEV specifying the service password > FEFEFEFEFEFEFEFE, the„ service circuit UNA-0, and the , physical address AA-00-04-00-38-00.2 VIACUse the CONNECT VIA command to set up a logical connection between Bthe host node and the console interface on a target node using theFspecified circuit. Use the CONNECT VIA command instead of the CONNECTGNODE command if the node address of the target node is not known. BothHthe host node and the target node must be on the same broadcast circuit.*CONNECT VIA circuit-id (parameters ...)@All unde…rscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 Examples= NCP>CONNECT VIA UNA-0 PHYSICAL ADDRESS AA-00-04-00-38-00E This command connects the host node to the console interfaceE on the target node by specifying the circuit over which theB connection is to be made and the physical address of the  target node.3 PHYSICAL ADDRESS FSpecifies the physical address of the target node. This p†arameter is Erequired. The value is the physical address the target node has set for itself.3 SERVICE PASSWORD CIdentifies the password required to create the logical link betweenBthe host node and the target node. The password is a hexadecimal *number in the range 0 to FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. ! ww­^^ófK° 1 DISCONNECTFUse the DISCONNECT command to disconnect logical links active on theexecutor node.,DISCONNECT KNOWN LINKS WITH NODE node-id L‡INK number@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 2 KNOWN LINKS0Indicates that all links are to be disconnected. 2 LINK number:Identifies the particular logical link to be disconnected.(Use a number in the range of 1 to 65535.2 WITH NODE node-id:Identifies the node with which all logical links are to be9disconnected. The node-id is either a node name or a node8address. This is only valid when used with KNOWˆN LINKS. 2 ExamplesNCP>DISCONNECT LINK 1840#This command disconnects link 1840.*NCP>DISCONNECT KNOWN LINKS WITH NODE TRNTO=This command disconnects all active links to remote nodeTRNTO.! ww­^^ófK°1 COPYCThe COPY KNOWN NODES command updates the node database on the localDnode. You can copy the volatile or permanent database from a remoteCnode to either or both the volatile and permanent databases on the Elocal node. You also have the option of c‰learing or purging the nodeBdatabase on the local node before the copy operation is performed.EOnly the node name and address are copied. A node entry will not be Dcopied into the node database if it would result in the association =of two names with one address of two addresses with one name./ COPY KNOWN NODES FROM node-id USING 2 TO4 WITH @All undersŠcores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 2 KNOWN NODESGKNOWN NODES indicates that all nodes defined on the remote node are to ?be copied (with the exception of loop nodes) to the local node.2 FROM node-id<Specifies the remote node from which the copy is to be made.2 USING optionDSpecifies the node database on the remote node from which the infor-5mation is to be copied. The two possible options are5 VOLATILE Indi‹cates that the volatile database on the remote node is to be copied7 PERMANENT Indicates that the permanent database on the remote node is to be copied. The default is VOLATILE. 2 TO optionFSpecifies the node database on the local node to which the information0is to be copied. The three possible options are8 VOLATILE Indicates that the information is to be copied. to the volatile database on the local node.9 PERMANENT Indicates that the information is to be copiedŒ/ to the permanent database on the local node.5 BOTH Indicates that the information is to be copied/ to both the volatile and permanent databases on the local node. The default is VOLATILE. 2 WITH optionDClears or purges the node database on the local node before the copyBoperation is performed. Retains the executor node characteristicsFand the name and address of the remote node from which the node infor-Emation is to be copied. The node database to be cleared or purged isDthe local database to which the information will be copied. The twoEoptions are listed below (note that you can actually specified either6CLEAR or PURGE for either database or both databases).7 CLEAR Clears the volatile database at the local node.7 PURGE Purges the permanent node database at the local node.@ If the WITH qualifier is not specified, the node entries copied, are added to the existing node database(s). 2 Examples0 NCP>COPY KNOWN NODES FROM LARK USING ŽPERMANENT- _ TO PERMANENT WITH PURGE+ %NCP-I-NMLRSP, listener response - Success Remote node = 2.21 (Thrush)( %NCP-I-RECDELET, Database entry deleted+ %NCP-I-NMLRSP, listener response - Success Remote node = 2.22 (Lark)( %NCP-I-RECDELET, Database entry deleted+ %NCP-I-NMLRSP, listener response - Success Remote node = 2.20 (Robin)( %NCP-I-RECDELET, Database entry deleted7 This copy command copies the node information from the8 permanent node database on node LARK into the permanent9 node database on the local node (ROBIN). The node data-3 base is purged before the copy operation is begun.! ww­n8^ófK°1 LOADAUse the LOAD command to downline load software to a target node.2 NODEFUse the LOAD NODE command to downline load software to a target node.IThis command loads the software either via the identified circuit (ifHspecified) or via the circuit obtained from the volatile database. AnyFparameter left unspecified in the command defaults to whatever entry;is specified in the volatile database on the executor node.(LOAD NODE node-id (parameters ...)@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 ADDRESS node-address;Identifies the address that the target node is to use (when it comes up).C3 CPU 5Identifies the target node's CPU type. There are fourpossibilities: ‘DECSYSTEM1020 PDP11 PDP8 VAX3 FROM file-spec2Identifies the file specification of the load file5containing the system software to be downline loaded.3 HOST node-id:Identifies the default host that the target node is to use(when it comes up).3 LOAD 4 ASSIST 5 AGENTISpecifies the VMS image that will define the system software for downlineloading and adjacent node. 5 PARAMETERJSpecifies a parameter to be passed to a load assist agent. The’ load assist=agent can be used to tailor the system software to be loaded.3 MANAGEMENT FILEGSpecifies a file containing management information for downline loadingto an adjacent node.3 NAME node-name;Identifies the name that the target node is to use (when it comes up).3 PHYSICAL ADDRESS address;Applies only to broadcast circuits. Specifies the physical<address that the target node to be loaded downline currentlyuses to identify itself. 3 SECONDARY LOADER file-spec7Id“entifies the file specification of a secondary loader3program which performs the downline load operation. 3 SERVICEIntroduces a service parameter.@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 DEVICE device-typeDIdentifies the target node's line controller for the service circuitAover which the operation is to take place. The possibilities are as follows. + BNA CEC DA DL DLV DMB* ” DMC DMF DMP DMR DMV DP+ DQ DSB DSF DSW DTE DU + DUP DV DW4 DZ EIA EGA& ELA ERA ETA EWA FPA FZA & ISA KDP KDZ KL LLA MFA & MNA MXE PCL QNA SVA TRA  TRE TRP UNA VLABOnly the synchronous port on the DMF service device may be used. 4 PASSWORD hex-password9Identifies the password required to trigger the bootstrap<mechanism on the target node. The password is a hexadecimalAnumber. F•or DDCMP circuits, it is in the range of 0 to FFFFFFFF;Afor broadcast circuits, it is in the range 0 to FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. 3 SOFTWARE Introduces a software parameter.@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 IDENTIFICATION software-id6Identifies the ID of the software to be to be downlineloaded.4 TYPE software-type9Identifies a particular file type to be loaded. There arethree possibilities: – MANAGEMENT FILE SECONDARY LOADER TERTIARY LOADER SYSTEM3 TERTIARY LOADER file-spec6Identifies the file specification of a tertiary loader2program which performs the downline load function.3 VIA circuit-id?Identifies a circuit over which the loading sequence is to takeplace. 3 Examples, NCP>LOAD NODE NYC HOST BOSTON VIA DMC-5F This command initiates a downline load operation for node NYCI over circui—t DMC-5. When loaded, node NYC will have node BOSTON+ as the default host specification. NCP>LOAD NODE BANGORF This command initiates a downline load operation for nodeF BANGOR. Any required default information is retrieved from4 the volatile database on the executor node.2 VIAFUse the LOAD VIA command to downline load software to a target nodeHvia the specified circuit. The target node identification is obtainedHfrom the volatil˜e database on the executor node. If the target node isHon a broadcast circuit, the PHYSICAL ADDRESS parameter must be specifiedin this command.+LOAD VIA circuit-id (parameters ...)@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 ADDRESS node-address;Identifies the address that the target node is to use (when it comes up).3 CPU cpu-type5Identifies the target node's CPU type. There are fourpossibilities:™ DECSYSTEM1020 PDP11 PDP8 VAX3 FROM file-spec2Identifies the file specification of the load file5containing the system software to be downline loaded.3 HOST node-id:Identifies the default host that the target node is to use(when it comes up).3 LOAD 4 ASSIST5 AGENTISpecifies the VMS image that will define the system software for downlineloading and adjacent node. 5 PARAMETERJSpecifies a parameter to be passed to a load assist šagent. The load assist=agent can be used to tailor the system software to be loaded.3 MANAGEMENT FILEGSpecifies a file containing management information for downline loadingto an adjacent node.3 NAME node-name;Identifies the name that the target node is to use (when it comes up).3 PHYSICAL ADDRESS address;Applies only to broadcast circuits. Specifies the physical<address that the target node to be loaded downline currently<uses to identify itself. The value is the physical› address9that the target node has set for itself or, if the target9node has not set a physical address, the HARDWARE ADDRESS<parameter if associated with the target node in the executornode's volatile database.3 SECONDARY LOADER file-spec7Identifies the file specification of a secondary loader3program which performs the downline load operation. 3 SERVICEIntroduces a service parameter.@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used iœn NCP commands. 4 DEVICE device-typeDIdentifies the target node's line controller for the service circuitAover which the operation is to take place. The possibilities are as follows. + BNA CEC DA DL DLV DMB* DMC DMF DMP DMR DMV DP+ DQ DSB DSF DSW DTE DU + DUP DV DW4 DZ EIA EGA$ ELA ERA ETA EWA FPA FZA$ ISA KDP KDZ KL LLA MFA& MNA MXE PCL QNA SVA TRA  TRE TRP UNA VLABOnly the synchronous port on the DMF service device may be used. 4 PASSWORD hex-password9Identifies the password required to trigger the bootstrap<mechanism on the target node. The password is a hexadecimalAnumber. For DDCMP circuits, it is in the range of 0 to FFFFFFFF;Dfor broadcast circuits, it is in the range of 0 to FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. 3 SOFTWARE Introduces a software parameter.@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parametžers are used in NCP commands. 4 IDENTIFICATION software-id6Identifies the ID of the software to be to be downlineloaded.4 TYPE software-type9Identifies a particular file type to be loaded. There arethree possibilities: MANAGEMENT FILE SECONDARY LOADER TERTIARY LOADER SYSTEM3 TERTIARY LOADER file-spec6Identifies the file specification of a tertiary loader2program which performs the downline load function.Ÿ 3 Examples NCP>LOAD VIA DMP-0.4F This command initiates a downline load operation over circuitE DMP-0.4. Any required default information is retrieved fromD the volatile database on the executor node. NCP scans the B node database until it finds a node whose service circuit" matches the load circuit.6 NCP>LOAD VIA DMC-0 SOFTWARE TYPE SECONDARY LOADERF This command initiates a downline load operation over circuit:   DMC-0, commencing with the secondary loader file.: NCP>LOAD VIA UNA-0 PHYSICAL ADDRESS AA-00-04-00-07-04G This command initiates a downline load operation over EthernetE circuit UNA-0, to the target node whose physical address is " specified in the command.! ww­n8^ófK°1 LOOP>Use the LOOP CIRCUIT, LOOP EXECUTOR, LOOP LINE, and LOOP NODE <commands to test specified components in the network. Each >command causes test blocks of data to ¡be transmitted over the Aspecified components. The parameters can be entered in any orderBand are optional, except in the case of broadcast circuit loopbackCtests which require a parameter to define the loopback destination..LOOP CIRCUIT circuit-id (parameters ...) EXECUTOR  LINE line-id  NODE node-id  2 CIRCUIT?Use the LOOP CIRCUIT command to test a specified circuit in the<network. This command does not ¢apply to X25 circuits. The 8parameters are optional and can be entered in any order.>LOOP CIRCUIT circuit-id ASSISTANT PHYSICAL ADDRESS address2 ASSISTANT NODE node-id( COUNT number* HELP help-type) LENGTH number( NODE node-id4 PHYSICAL ADDRESS address WITH# MIXED" £ ONES$ ZEROES @All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 ASSISTANT4 PHYSICAL ADDRESS address=Applies only to broadcast circuits. Identifies the physical ;address of the node that will perform the role of loopback @assistant for third-party loop testing. This parameter must be Bspecified if HELP is included in this command. The address cannot ?be a multi ¤cast address. This parameter can be used instead of the ASSISTANT NODE parameter.4 NODE node-id?Applies only to broadcast circuits. Identifies the name of the=node or the address of the node that will perform the role of@loopback assistant for broadcast third-party loop testing. This?parameter can be used instead of the ASSISTANT PHYSICAL ADDRESS parameter.3 COUNT number9Specifies the number of blocks to be sent during loopback6testing over the circuit. The count must be a d ¥ecimal<integer in the range of 1 through 65535. If the parameter is"omitted, only one block is looped.3 HELP help-type=Applies only to broadcast circuits. Indicates the amount of ?assistance to be provided during broadcast loopback testing by ?the assistant node, whose address is specified in the ASSISTANT>PHYSICAL ADDRESS or node-id as specified in the ASSISTANT NODE9parameter. There are three possible values of help-type:9 TRANSMIT The assistant node relays the request to the ¦< destination node, which replies directly to the executor node.@ RECEIVE The executor node sends the request directly to the< destination node, which relays the reply to theB assistant node for transmission to the executor node.@ FULL The assistant node relays the request and the reply@ between the executor node and the destination node.>If HELP is specified, ASSISTANT PHYSICAL ADDRESS or ASSISTANT NODE must also § be specified. 3 LENGTH number8Specifies the length (in bytes) of the blocks to be sent6during loopback testing. The length must be a decimal6integer in the range of 1 through 4096. Note that the<LENGTH parameter must be less than 50 for the DMC-11 circuit5operating in either controller loopback mode or cable9loopback mode (a DMC-11 with an attached loopback cable).BIf the parameter is omitted, a block length of 4096 bytes is used.3 NODE node-idDApplies only to broadcast ¨circuits. Identifies the destination node Cto be used for loopback testing of the specified broadcast circuit.6Can be used instead of the PHYSICAL ADDRESS parameter.3 PHYSICAL ADDRESS address<Applies only to broadcast circuits. Identifies the physicalCaddress of the destination node to be used for loopback testing of the specified broadcast circuit.3 WITH data-type:Specifies the type of binary information to be sent during)testing. Three types of data can be sent: © MIXED ONES ZEROS<If omitted, a combination of ones and zeros (MIXED) is sent. 3 Examples- NCP>LOOP CIRCUIT DMC-0 COUNT 5 LENGTH 20J This command initiates a circuit-level loopback test over circuitJ DMC-0. The software loops five messages, 20 bytes in length with" mixed binary information.) NCP>LOOP CIRCUIT UNA-0 NODE 224 F This command initiate an Ethernet circuit-level loopback teªstE with a node whose address is 224. In this example, the NODEB parameter with a node-id of 224 was used in place of the ( PHYSICAL ADDRESS parameter. 2 EXECUTOR?Use the LOOP EXECUTOR command to test the executor node in the ?network. The parameters are optional and can be entered in any>order. You can supply explicit access control information for?the LOOP EXECUTOR command. This command does not apply to VAX PSI.%LOOP EXECUTOR ACCOUNT acco«unt" COUNT number# LENGTH number' PASSWORD password) USER user-id  WITH MIXED ONES ZEROS 3 ACCOUNT =Identifies the user's account for access control verificationfor the executor node.3 COUNT 9Specifies the number of blocks to be sent during loopback;testing over the executor node. The count mu¬st be a decimal<integer in the range of 1 through 65535. If the parameter is"omitted, only one block is looped. 3 LENGTH 8Specifies the length (in bytes) of the blocks to be sent5during loopback testing. The length must be a decimal;integer in the range of 1 through 4096. If the parameter is.omitted, a block length of 4096 bytes is used. 3 PASSWORD >Identifies the user's password for access control verificationfor the executor node.3 USER 7Specifies the user's identification ­for access control #verification for the executor node.3 WITH :Specifies the type of binary information to be sent during)testing. Three types of data can be sent: MIXED ONES ZEROS<If omitted, a combination of ones and zeros (MIXED) is sent. 3 Example NCP>LOOP EXECUTORE This command initiates a loopback test on the executor node.2 LINECUse the LOOP LINE command to initiate loopback testing of X25 line ®sConly. The parameters are optional and can be entered in any order.BBefore beginning loopback testing of an X25 line, use the SET LINECcommand to set the STATE SERVICE and CONTROLLER LOOPBACK parametersBfor internal loopback testing or the STATE SERVICE and CONTROLLER &NORMAL for all other loopback testing.(LOOP LINE line-id COUNT number+ LENGTH number WITH# MIXED" ¯ ONES# ZEROS3 COUNT 9Specifies the number of blocks to be sent during loopback2testing over the line. The count must be a decimal<integer in the range of 1 through 65535. If the parameter is"omitted, only one block is looped. 3 LENGTH 8Specifies the length (in bytes) of the blocks to be sent5during loopback testing. The length must be a decimal<integer in the range of 1 through 65535. If the parameter is,omitted, a block length of 40 bytes is used.°3 WITH :Specifies the type of binary information to be sent during)testing. Three types of data can be sent: MIXED ONES ZEROS<If omitted, a combination of ones and zeros (MIXED) is sent. 3 Examples  NCP>LOOP LINE DUP-0 @ This command initiates a line-level loopback test over D X25 line DUP-0. The software loops one message, 4096 bytes2 in length, with mixed binary information.+ NCP±>LOOP LINE DUP-1 COUNT 10 WITH ONES? This command initiates a line-level loopback test overD X25 line DUP-1. The software loops 10 messages, 4096 bytes5 in length, with all binary ones information.2 NODEBUse the LOOP NODE command to test a specified node (other than theCexecutor node) in the network. The parameters are optional and canAbe entered in any order. You can supply explicit access control 'information for the LOOP NODE command. 4To test the ²executor, use the LOOP EXECUTOR command.*LOOP NODE node-id ACCOUNT account' COUNT number( LENGTH number, PASSWORD password. USER user-id  WITH" MIXED! ONES" ZEROS 3 ACCOUNT =Identifies the user's account for access control verificationfor the designated n³ode.3 COUNT 9Specifies the number of blocks to be sent during loopback=testing over the node. The count must be a decimal integer in;the range of 1 through 65535. If the parameter is omitted, only one block is looped. 3 LENGTH 8Specifies the length (in bytes) of the blocks to be sent5during loopback testing. The length must be a decimal;integer in the range of 1 through 4096. If the parameter is.omitted, a block length of 4096 bytes is used. 3 PASSWORD >Identifies the user'´s password for access control verificationfor the designated node.3 USER 7Specifies the user's identification for access control %verification for the designated node.3 WITH :Specifies the type of binary information to be sent during)testing. Three types of data can be sent: MIXED ONES ZEROS<If omitted, a combination of ones and zeros (MIXED) is sent. 3 Example& NCP>SET NODE TESTER CIRCUIT DMC-0 NCP>LOOP NOµDE TESTER . . ." NCP>CLEAR NODE TESTER CIRCUIT@ The first command creates a loop node name (TESTER) for@ the associated circuit, the second command initiates a B node-level loopback test with the loop node name, and theC third command removes the loop node name from the volatileO database when the loopback is completed. ww­~_^ófK°1 SETCUse the SET command to create or¶ modify parameters or components inCthe volatile database on the executor node. Use the DEFINE commandFto create or modify parameters or components in the permanent databaseon the executor node. 2 CIRCUITBUse the SET CIRCUIT command to create or modify circuit parameters<in the volatile database. Use the DEFINE CIRCUIT command to.create or modify permanent circuit parameters.-SET KNOWN CIRCUITS (parameters ...) CIRCUIT circuit-id@All underscores found in param·eters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 KNOWN CIRCUITS>Indicates that the specified parameters for all known circuits.are to be created or modified in the database.3 CIRCUIT circuit-id?Identifies the circuit for which specified parameters are to be$created or modified in the database.3 ALLCUse the SET CIRCUIT ALL command to update the volatile copy of theCdatabase on the executor node with all the circuit parameters@stored for a p¸articular circuit in the permanent database on theexecutor node.3 ACTIVEBDifferentiates between the active, inactive and dying DDCMP timer parameters4 BASE;Applies to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. This value sets the base<priority of an ACTIVE tributary after the tributary has been>polled. You can set a separate base for each of the indicated?polling states. base must be a decimal integer from 0 to 255. 9If not specifically set, the ACTIVE BASE default is 255. 4 INCREMENT:Appl ¹ies to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. This parameter sets the@increment value added to the ACTIVE tributary priority each timeAthe scheduling timer expires. Increment must be a decimal integer=from 0 to 255. If not specifically set, the ACTIVE INCREMENTdefault is 0. 3 BABBLE TIMER?Applies to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. It represents the number of<milliseconds that a selected tributary or remote half-duplex?station is allowed to transmit. Milliseconds must be a decimal8integer in the range 1 tºo 65535. The default is 6000 (6 seconds). 3 CHANNEL number DApplies only to X25 PVCs. Identifies the logical channel number for<the X25 PVCs. Specify a value in the range 0 to 4095. This@parameter is mandatory when you specify an X25 PVC for the firsttime. 3 COUNTER TIMER;Specifies the number of seconds that the Network Management:counter timer will run. When the counter timer expires, a@circuit counter logging event occurs. Seconds must be a decimal!integer in the range 0 t »o 65535. 3 COSTASpecifies the transport routing cost of the circuit. Cost must be=a decimal integer in the range 1 to 63. Messages will travel;between nodes along the path with the smallest total cost. 3 DEAD THRESHOLD<Applies to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. It defines the number of<times to poll the active, inactive or dying tributary before:changing that tributary's polling state to dead because ofAreceive timeouts. Count must be a decimal integer in the range 0 to 255. The defaul¼t count is 8. 3 DTE dte-addressCApplies only to X25 PVCs and DLM circuits. It identifies the local ADTE for the circuit. Specify a decimal integer of 1 to 15 digits.CThis parameter is optional for DLM circuits and mandatory when you &specify an X25 PVC for the first time.3 DYING BDifferentiates between the active, inactive and dying DDCMP timer parameters4 BASE;Applies to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. This value sets the base;priority of an Dying tributary after the tributary h½as been>polled. You can set a separate base for each of the indicated?polling states. Base must be a decimal integer from 0 to 255. 6If not specifically set, the DYING BASE default is 0. 4 INCREMENT:Applies to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. This parameter sets the?increment value added to the DYING tributary priority each timeAthe scheduling timer expires. Increment must be a decimal integer<from 0 to 255. If not specifically set, the DYING INCREMENTdefault is 16. 4 THRESHOLD>Appl ¾ies to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. It specifies the number of>times to poll the active or inactive tributary before changing:that tributary's polling state to dying because of receiveAtimeouts. Count must be a decimal integer in the range 0 to 255.The default count is 2. 3 HELLO TIMER ;Specifies the frequency of Transport Hello messages sent toAadjacent nodes on the circuit. Seconds must be a decimal integerin the range 0 to 65535. 3 INACTIVEBDifferentiates between the active, i¿nactive and dying DDCMP timer parameters4 BASE;Applies to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. This value sets the base>priority of an INACTIVE tributary after the tributary has been>polled. You can set a separate base for each of the indicated?polling states. Base must be a decimal integer from 0 to 255. +If not specifically set, the default is 0. 4 INCREMENT:Applies to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. This parameter sets the=increment value added to the INACTIVE tributary priority each>time the sÀcheduling timer expires. Increment must be a decimalDinteger from 0 to 255. If not specifically set, the default is 64. 4 THRESHOLD>Applies to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. It specifies the number of7times to poll the active tributary before changing that8tributary's polling state to inactive because of no dataAresponse. Count must be a decimal integer in the range 0 to 255.The default count is 8. 3 MAXIMUM 4 BUFFERS<Applies to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. It specifies the maximum>nu Ámber of buffers from a common buffer pool that the tributary>can use. If you do not set this parameter, there is no common;buffer pool and the higher level will explicitly supply the?buffers. Count must be a decimal integer in the range 1 to 254or the keyword, UNLIMITED. 4 DATA countAApplies only to X25 PVCs and DLM circuits. Specifies the maximum Bpacket size for the X25 circuit. This value must be at least five Gbytes less than the MAXIMUM BLOCK value that you specify in the SEÂT or DDEFINE LINE command, and must be a power of two. Specify a value in the range 16 to 4096 bytes.ABy default, packet size takes the value specified by the PROFILE ;parameter of the SET or DEFINE MODULE X25-PROTOCOL command.4 RECALLS countDApplies only to X25 DLM Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs). Specifies Athe maximum number of call retries generated automatically on an outgoing DLM circuit. 4 ROUTERSEApplies only to broadcast circuits. It specifies the maximum numbÃer Eof routers (other than the executor itself) allowed on the circuit byDRouting for circuits that are owned by the executor node. The value/must be a decimal integer in the range 0 to 33. 4 TRANSMITS<Applies to DDCMP CONTROL circuits. It specifies the maximum<number of data messages that can be transmitted at one time.;Count must be a decimal integer in the range 1 to 255. Thedefault count is 4. 4 WINDOW countEApplies only to X25 PVCs and X25 DLM circuits. Specifies the mÄaximum Fwindow size allowed for the X25 circuit - that is, the maximum number Fof packets for which outstanding acknowledgments are allowed. Specify a value in the range 1 to 127. @By default window size takes the value specified by the PROFILE ;parameter of the SET or DEFINE MODULE X25-PROTOCOL command.3 NETWORK network-nameEApplies only to X25 PVCs and X25 DLM circuits. Specifies the network Cthat the circuit runs through. If only one network is set up, this Aparameter is not Å required. Otherwise, the parameter is mandatory.3 NUMBER dte-address>Applies only to X25 DLM Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs). For Coutgoing circuits, specifies the remote DTE address and subaddress Fthat this DLM circuit will call. For incoming circuits, specifies the Daddress of the remote DTE from which this circuit will accept calls.DIf the NUMBER parameter is not specified for an incoming circuit, a Dcall from any remote DTE can be directed to this circuit. Specify a "decimal inÆteger of 1 to 15 digits.3 OWNER EXECUTOR BApplies only to X25 DLM circuits. Identifies the circuit owner as>the Routing Layer. This parameter is mandatory for an X25 DLM circuit. 3 POLLING STATE>Identifies the multipoint polling state of the tributary. The7default is AUTOMATIC. There are five possible states: < AUTOMATIC The tributary's state varies according to the % operation of the polling algorithm.7 ACTIVE The tributary is locked in the ACTIVE state.; INÇACTIVE The tributary is locked in the INACTIVE state.5 DYING The tributary is locked in the DYING state.3 DEAD The tributary is locked in the DEAD state.3 RECALL TIMER @Applies only to X25 DLM circuits. Sets a timer whose expirationDcauses a remote DTE to be called again during an attempt to set up aADLM circuit. Specify a decimal integer in the range 1 to 65535. 3 ROUTER PRIORITYGApplies only to broadcast circuits. Specifies the priority this routerB(the executor Ènode on this circuit) is to have in the selection ofGdesignated router for this circuit. Use a value in the range 0 to 127.The default value is 64. 3 SERVICE=Specifies whether or not service operations (loading and loop=testing) are allowed for the circuit. There are two possiblemodes: , DISABLED The circuit may not be put into service state and may not perform service functions.' ENABLED The circuit may be put into service state and perform service functionÉs.3 STATE:Specifies the circuit's operational state. There are threepossible states: # OFF The circuit is not in use.$ ON The circuit is available for" normal use or service functions.% SERVICE The line is available for service functions only.3 TRANSMIT TIMER@Defines the number of milliseconds to delay between data messageAtransmits. Milliseconds must be a decimal integer in the range 0to 65535. The default is 0. 3 TRIBUTARYADefines the Data Link Êphysical tributary address of the circuit. >Trib-address must be a decimal integer in the range 0 to 255. 3 TYPE X25 DApplies only to X25 circuits. Specifies the type of circuit. For8circuit names starting with "X25-", TYPE is always X25. 3 USAGE ?Applies only to X25 circuits. Defines the usage type of an X25+virtual circuit. The possible values are: 1 INCOMING Applies only to X25 DLM SVCs.2 The circuit is used only for$ inËcoming calls. 3 OUTGOING Applies only to X25 DLM SVCs. 2 The circuit is used only for$ outgoing calls. 4 PERMANENT This parameter is mandatory 1 for X25 PVCs. The circuit is5 permanently connected to a remote1 DTE, and does not need to be * switched dynamically. 3 VERIFICATIONDApplies only to synchronous and asynchronous circuits. Requires Ìthe 8remote node to send its routing initialization password.There are three options: I DISABLED does not require the remote node to send its routingF initialization password. This is the default.O ENABLED Requires the remote node to send its routing initialization$ password. O INBOUND Applies to any DDCMP point-to-point circuit. SpecifiesK that the executor node expects to Íreceive a routingN initialization password for verification from a remoteK node before a connection is made between the nodes.K The executor is prohibited from sending its routingJ initialization password to the remote node. This I parameter is specified automatically for dynamic F asynchronous DDCMP circuits. If VERIFICATION H INÎBOUND is specified for a circuit, the INBOUND B parameter must be set for the remote node. 3 Examples* NCP>SET CIRCUIT DMC-0 COST 3 STATE ON> This command sets up the first DMC-11 for normal use.$ NCP>SET CIRCUIT DMC-0 STATE OFF* NCP>SET CIRCUIT DMC-0 COST 1 STATE ON; These two commands change the relative cost of the first DMC-11.! 2 EXECUTORBUse the SET EXECUTOR command to create or modify parameters in theFÏvolatile database which controls the network on the executor node. UseAthe DEFINE EXECUTOR command to create or modify parameters in theBvolatile database which controls the network on the executor node.(SET EXECUTOR (parameters ...)@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 ALLFUse the SET EXECUTOR ALL command to update the volatile copy of theHexecutor node's database with all the local node parÐameters stored for$that node in its permanent database.SET EXECUTOR ALL 3 ADDRESS:Establishes a node address for the local node, in the form area-number.node-numberAwhere the area-number is in the range 1 to 63 and the node number@is in the range 1 to 1023. If the area-number is not specified,>a default value of 1 is assumed. You need not supply the areaEnumber in the node-address if your node is in area 1. This parameter.is required when you configure the local node. Ñ3 ALIAS 4 INCOMING>Specifies whether the local node is willing to accept incoming=requests directed to the alias node identifier specified for Athe local node. The alias node identifier is described under the@ALIAS NODE parameter. There are two options for ALIAS INCOMING:? ENABLED Specifies that the local node will accept E incoming connect requests directed to the alias @ node identifier. This is the default if an> Ò alias node identifier has been specified.< DISABLED Specifies that the local node will not : accept the incoming connect requests ; directed to the alias node identifier.4 MAXIMUM LINKS@Specifies the maximum number of logical links for the local nodeCthat can use the alias node identifier. The alias node identifier Dis described under the ALIAS NODE parameter. The maximum value for 7ALIAS MAXIMUM LINKS is 200. The default val Óue is 32. 4 NODE@Establishes a cluster alias node identifier for use by the localBnode. The node-id is a DECnet node identifier that can be either Aa node-name or a node-address. This alias permits the local nodeAto be associated with a cluster node identifier common to some orBall the nodes in a cluster, in addition to its own unique node-id.DIf this parameter is not specified, the local node is not associatedCwith a cluster alias node identifier. If a node-name is to be used?as tÔhe alias node-id, the node-name must previously have been defined in the database.3 AREA 4 MAXIMUM 5 COST ?Applies only to an executor node whose type is AREA. Specifies<the maximum total path cost allowed from the executor to any?other level 2 routing node. You can specify a decimal value in0the range 1 to 1022. The default value is 1022.5 HOPS ?Applies only to an executor node whose type is AREA. Specifies>the maximum number of routing hops allowable from the execut Õor=to any other level 2 routing node. You can specify a decimal0value in the range 1 to 30. The default is 30. 3 BROADCAST ROUTING TIMER=Specifies the maximum amount of time allowed between Routing ?updates on broadcast circuits. When the timer expires before a@routing update occurs, a routing update is forced. The routing Aupdate produces a routing configuration message for each adjacentAnode. Routing uses this timer to enforce a minimum delay betweenDrouting updates. You can Öspecify a number in the range 1 to 65,535.The default value is 40.3 BUFFER SIZE ?Specifies the size of the line buffers and thereby controls the@maximum segment size, including the transport header, of all NSPmessages received. 3 COUNTER TIMER @Specifies a timer whose expiration causes a line counter loggingevent. 3 DEFAULT ACCESS;Assigns the default access to all nodes which do not have a@specific node ACCESS entry in the volatile data base. There arefour options:  F× INCOMING Allows logical link connections from the remote node. D OUTGOING Allows the local node to initiate connections to theE remote node; but does not allow connections from the  remote node.F BOTH Allows incoming and outgoing logical link connections.$ This is the default.F NONE Does not allow incoming or outgoing logical link ) connections to this node.3 DELAY4 FACTOR>SpecifØies the number by which to multiply one sixteenth of the>estimated round trip delay to a node to set the retransmission@timer to that node. Use a number in the range 16 to 255. The default value is 80.4 WEIGHT<Specifies the weight to apply to a new round trip delay data>point when updating the estimated round trip delay to a node. ?Use a number in the range of 1 to 255. The default value is 5.!3 DNS! !4 INTERFACEA!Specifies whether the local node will use DNS to update the nod ÙeA!information in the volatile database. There are two options for!EXECUTOR DNS INTERFACE:!A! ENABLED Enable this interface only if you have begun@! migration to a DECnet/OSI network and a DNSA! namespace is available to the executor node.>! This specifies that the first time a nodeA! not present in the volatile node database is?! referenced, DNS will be used to search forA! Ú the node information. This node information:! will be retained in the volatile node-! database for future use.!?! DISABLED Specifies that the local node will not useA! DNS to search for node information. The DNS6! interface is disabled by default.! !4 NAMESPACEB!Specifies the DNS namespace used by the DNS interface. This is aD!string of 1 to 256 alphanumeric characters. Dollar sÛigns, hyphens,0!and underscores are also acceptable characters.!3 IDENTIFICATION@Is a text string that describes the executor node (that is,?"Host System"). The string can be a maximum of 32 characters. =If it contains blanks or tabs, you must enclose the string inquotation marks. !!3 IDPC!Specifies the IDP of the ISO address. This is a string of 1 to 22!hexadecimal digits.3 INACTIVITY TIMERASpecifies the maximum duration of inactivity (no data in eitherAdirectio Ün) on a logical link before the node checks to see if the;logical link still works. If you do not set this parameter,?NETACP will supply a default value. It is recommended that you$allow NETACP to supply the default. 3 INCOMING4 PROXY BIndicates whether proxy login requests present on incoming logical@links are to honored. There are two options for INCOMING PROXY:F DISABLED: Ignores all incoming proxy requests andK instead relies Ýexclusively on access controlK information supplied in the connect requests< to validate the logical link.F ENABLED: Invokes the appropriate proxy, based onJ the source user, source node, and supplied C access control information (if any).4 TIMERADefines the maximum duration between the time a connection is;received for a process and the tim Þe that process accepts or>rejects the connection. For very busy systems, use a value in;the range of 45 to 60 seconds. Otherwise use a value of 30 seconds. 3 MAXIMUM 4 ADDRESS>Defines the largest node address and, consequently, theAgreatest number of nodes that can be addressed by the local node.=Use as small a number as possible. If you receive an "INVALID>VALUE" error, you probably have not allocated enough nonpaged Apool space. You must lower the MAXIMUM ADDRESS valuße or increaseAthe VMS NPAGEDYN value. See Chapter 5 of the Guide to Networking!for some guidelines on NPAGEDYN. 4 AREA?Applies only to an executor node whose type is AREA. Specifies>the largest area number and, therefore, the greatest number ofCareas that can be known about by the executor node's Routing layer.BYou can specify a decimal value in the range 1 to 63. The defaultis 63. 4 BROADCAST 5 NONROUTERSCSpecifies the maximum total number of nonrouting nodes (end nodes) àDthe executor node can have on its broadcast circuits. Use a number .in the range of 0 to 1023. The default is 64. 5 ROUTERS@Specifies the maximum total number of routing nodes the executorCnode can have on its broadcast circuits. Use a number in the range#of 0 to 65,535. The default is 32. 4 BUFFERS>Specifies the total number of buffers in the transmit@buffer pool. The value must be larger than that for the MAXIMUMACIRCUITS parameter. Use a value that is 15 times the ásquare root>of the number of lines. Increase this value if you experiencecongestion loss. 4 CIRCUITS>Defines the maximum number of transport circuits that the@local node can use. Number must be in the range 1 to 32. If youAreceive an "INVALID VALUE" error, you probably have not allocatedAenough Non Paged Pool space. You must lower the MAXIMUM CIRCUITS?value or increase the VMS NPAGEDYN value. See Chapter 5 of the5Guide to Networking for some guidelines on NPAGEDYN. 4 COâSTASpecifies the maximum total path cost allowed from the local node@to any node. The path cost is the sum of the line costs along aApath between two nodes. Use as small a number as possible in therange of 1 to 1023. 4 DECLARED OBJECTS;Specifies the maximum number of objects that processes may ?declare. Use a number in the range of 8 to 16383. The defaultis 31.4 HOPS=Specifies the maximum routing hops from the local node to any?other reachable node. A hop is the logical dis ãtance over a lineAbetween two adjacent nodes. Use as small a number as possible inAthe range of 1 to 31, and be sure that this value is less than orAequal to the MAXIMUM VISITS parameter. If you receive an "INVALID>VALUE" error, you probably have not allocated enough Non Paged>Pool space. You must lower the MAXIMUM HOPS value or increase=the VMS NPAGEDYN value. Refer to Chapter 5 of the Guide to /Networking on for some guidelines on NPAGEDYN. 4 LINKS?Specifies the maximum logica äl link count for the local node. A0reasonable range for most networks is 25 to 50. 4 PATH SPLITS=Indicates the maximum number of equal cost paths for a given ?destination node among which the packet load may be split. The default is 4.4 VISITS?Specifies the maximum number of nodes a message can visit prior?to being received by the destination node. Use a number in the>range of 1 to 255. The value must be greater than or equal to?the value for the MAXIMUM HOPS parameter. It åis suggested that;you specify a number that is twice the MAXIMUM HOPS value. 3 NAME>Specifies the node name to be assigned with the executor node @identification. Only one name can be assigned to a node addressor node identification.3 NONPRIVILEGED >Specifies nonprivileged inbound access control information for0the node. The following items can be specified:@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 ACCOUNæT account=Identifies the user's account for access control verificationfor the designated node.4 PASSWORD password>Identifies the user's password for access control verificationfor the designated node.4 USER user-id8Identifies the user's ID for access control verificationfor the designated node. 3 OUTGOING 4 PROXYGIndicates whether proxy login may be used on outgoing connect requests.)There are two options for OUTGOING PROXY:N DISABLED: Specifies çthat proxy invocation is not requested< on any outgoing logical links.M ENABLED: Specifies that proxy invocation is requested on9 all outgoing logical links.4 TIMERASpecifies a time out value for the duration between the time a7connection is requested and the time that connection isAacknowledged by the destination node. It is recommended that you.use a value in the range of 30 to 60 seconds. 3 PATH è SPLIT POLICYFSpecifies the policy for equal cost load splitting of network traffic.*There are two values for PATH SPLIT POLICYE INTERIM: Specifies that all traffic will be split D over all equal cost paths while forcing F individual network sessions over the same E paths in order to guarantee that packets E will be received by the destination node E é in the correct order. The INTERIM value F should be set if some of the nodes in the G network do not support out-of-order packet G caching. (VMS version 4.5 and earlier VMS A releases do not support out-of-order % caching).E NORMAL: Specifies that all traffic will be split C equally over all e êqual cost paths to a F destination node. All nodes must support 7 out-of-order packet cachingB (VMS Version 4.6 or later), otherwise,E network performance may suffer. This is D the default value for PATH SPLIT POLICY.3 PIPELINE QUOTA;Specifies the maximum number of bytes of nonpaged pool that?DECnet will use for transmission over logical links. Use thëis .parameter for multibuffering at the NSP level. 3 PRIVILEGED ?Specifies privileged inbound access control information for theCnode. This parameter is not needed unless the PRIVILEGES parameter*is used explicitly in the object database.@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 ACCOUNT account =Identifies the user's account for access control verificationfor the designated node.4 PASSWORD password>Iden ìtifies the user's password for access control verificationfor the designated node.4 USER user-id8Identifies the user's ID for access control verificationfor the designated node.3 RETRANSMIT FACTOR:Defines the maximum number of times any given message@(except a connect initiate message) will be retransmitted before9the logical link is disconnected. If you do not set thisAparameter, NETACP will supply a default value. It is recommended-that you allow NETACP to supply the defa íult. 3 ROUTING TIMERASpecifies the maximum duration before a routing update is forced.?The routing update produces a routing configuration message forEeach adjacent node. You can use a number in the range of 1 to 65535.=If you don't set this parameter, NETACP will supply a default=value. It is recommended that you allow NETACP to supply the default. 3 SEGMENT BUFFER SIZECSpecifies in bytes the maximum number of transmit buffers, thereby=controlling the maximum size NSP mes îsage segment that can be =transmitted. (This value is the maximum size message the EndCCommunication layer can transmit; it does not include Routing layerDor Data Link layer overhead.) Use a value in the range 1 to 65,535.>The default value is equal to the value of the BUFFER SIZE if (specified; otherwise the default is 576.3 STATE=Specifies the operational state of the local node. There arefour possible states: % OFF Allows no new logical links, terminates existing linkïs, and stops route-through traffic ON Allows logical links* RESTRICTED Allows no new inbound links from other nodes% SHUT Allows no new logical links, does not destroy existing links, and goes to the OFF state when all logical links are gone3 SUBADDRESS range 8Applies only to VAX PSI. Specifies a range of local DTEBsubaddresses that the Routing Layer will accept as X25 DLM calls. >VAX PSI will route all incoming X25 calls within the specifiedBsubaðddress range to the Routing Layer to be handled as DLM calls. 3 TYPE AIndicates the type of the executor node. Possible node types are ROUTING IV NONROUTING IV AREA>The default depends upon the DECnet license installed. If theEfull function kit is installed, the default is ROUTING IV; if the end?node kit is installed, the default (and only possible value) isNONROUTING IV.FA routing node has full routing capability. Añ nonrouting node (or end?node) can deliver packets to or receive them from any node, butCcannot route packets from other source nodes through to destinationnodes.FAn area node is a level 2 router that can route packets between areas. 3 Examples0 NCP>SET EXECUTOR ADDRESS 11 BUFFER SIZE 576I This command sets the executor node's address to 1.11 and buffer size to 576 bytes. NCP>SET EXECUTOR STATE ONG This command sets the executor node's ope òrational state to ON.! 3 NODEFUse the SET EXECUTOR NODE command to set the default executor for allFNCP commands. The executor is the node on which the Network:Management Listener (NML) runs to perform these commands.FNote that the NODE keyword must appear as the third keyword whenFentering the command. The remaining information may appear in anyForder thereafter, except the node-spec which must follow the NODE1keyword. Access control information is optióonal.?SET EXECUTOR NODE node-spec ACCOUNT accountA PASSWORD password< USER user-id@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 ACCOUNT account>Identifies the user's account for access control verification at the designated executor node.4 NODE node-spec?Specifies a node name or address optionally follôowed by access 9control information as specified for VMS. Use one of thefollowing formats: node-id" node-id"user password account"4 PASSWORD password?Identifies the user's password for access control verification at the designated executor node.4 USER user-id@Identifies the user's ID for access control verification at the designated executor node. 4 Examples NCP>SET EXECUTOR NODE 14 ... NCP>CLEAR EXECUTOR NODEH The first command õ sets the executor to node 1.14. (The defaultH area number 1 is assumed if the area number is not specified inH the node address.) The second command resets the executor to  the executor node.& NCP>SET EXECUTOR NODE 14"LOW JBL"F This command uses access control information to set the$ executor node to node 1.14.6 NCP>SET EXECUTOR NODE TRNTO USER LOW PASSWORD JBLF This command uses an alternate access control format to ö set$ the executor to node TRNTO. 2 PROXIESEThe SET KNOWN PROXIES ALL command clears the contents of the volatileIproxy database and rebuilds the volatile proxy database from the contents of the permanent proxy database./ SET KNOWN PROXIES ALL! 2 LINE FUse the SET LINE command to create or modify line parameters in theHvolatile database on the executor node. Use the DEFINE LINE command toEcreate or modify line para÷meters in the permanent data base on theexecutor node.(SET KNOWN LINES (parameters ...) LINE line-id@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 KNOWN LINES;Indicates that the specified parameters for all known lines.are to be created or modified in the database.3 LINE line-id<Identifies the line for which specified parameters are to be$created or modified in the database.3 ALL@Use the øSET LINE ALL command to update the volatile copy of the@database on the executor node with all the line parameters=stored for a particular line in the permanent database on theexecutor node. 3 BUFFER SIZEFSpecifies in bytes the size of receive buffers for the specified line,Fthereby controlling the maximum size of NSP message segments that can Ebe received from or forwarded to an adjacent node which has accepted Bthe line buffer size. Use a value in the range 1 to 65,535. For ùDbroadcast lines, a default value of 1498 bytes is provided. For allCother types of lines, the default is the executor BUFFER SIZE valueD(as specified in the SET EXECUTOR command). This parameter does notapply to X25 lines. 3 CLOCK mode?Specifies the hardware clock mode for the line. The values forclock-mode are:3 INTERNAL For software controllable loopback use of* the clock. This causes the line device) to supply a clock signal such that all* transmitted messages can úbe looped back) from outside the device. Note that in, order to use this parameter, the operator) may have to connect a loopback plug in place of the normal line.0 EXTERNAL For normal clock operating mode. The ) clock signal is supplied externally to the controller. 3 CONTROLLER9Specifies the controller mode for the line. There are twopossible modes:. LOOPBACK is the internal device1 loopback mode for testing5 NORMûAL is the normal operating mode.3 COUNTER TIMER seconds8Specifies a timer whose expiration causes a line counterlogging event.3 DEAD TIMER milliseconds@Specifies the number of milliseconds between polls of one of the>set of dead tributaries. Applies only to DDCMP CONTROL lines."The default is 10000 (10 seconds).3 DELAY TIMER milliseconds=Specifies the minimum number of milliseconds to delay between=polls. If not set, there is no delay. Applies only to DDCMPCONTROüL lines.3 DUPLEX9Specifies the hardware duplex mode of the line. There aretwo possible modes: HALF half-duplex FULL full-duplex3 ECHO 4 DATA hex_byteBApplies only to FDDI lines. ECHO LENGTH number of bytes of value CECHO DATA will be used to compose the next echo request frame whichEwill be sent to the address specified by ECHO TARGET. Hex_byte must Fbe a string of exactly two hexadecimal digits. The default ECHO DATA Eis 55. ECHO DATA can be ý set in the volatile database, but it cannot %be defined in the permanent database.4 LENGTH countAApplies only to FDDI lines. ECHO LENGTH number of bytes of type CECHO DATA will be used to compose the next echo request frame whichEwill be sent to the address specified by ECHO TARGET. Count must be Ea decimal value from 0 to 4478. The default ECHO LENGTH is 1. ECHO ELENGTH can be set in the volatile database, but it cannot be defined in the permanent database.4 TARGET address þDApplies only to FDDI lines. Specifies the address to which the next<echo request frame will be sent. The default ECHO TARGET is>00-00-00-00-00-00. The ECHO TARGET can be set in the volatile=database, but it cannot be defined in the permanent database.3 HANGUP optionFApplies only to asynchronous lines. Indicates whether the connection Fbetween the dialin node (the local node) and the remote node is to be 9broken when the line is turned off. Possible values are: ENABLED DISABLE ÿDGFor dynamic lines the value of this parameter is dependent upon whetherGthe terminal characteristic in the DCL command SET TERMINAL was set to =HANGUP or NOHANGUP. If HANGUP was specified, the default is LHANGUP ENABLED; if NOHANGUP was specified, the default is HANGUP DISABLED. 0For static lines the default is HANGUP DISABLED.3 INTERFACE codeEApplies only to X25 lines and the ISO8208 profile. Specifies the way Ein which the processor acts when uses the line. There are two values for the code:4DTE specifies that the processor operates as a DTE4DCE specifies that the processor operates as a DCEThe default code is DTE.3 LINE SPEED speedEApplies only to asynchronous lines. Specifies the speed of the line.BThis parameter must be set to the same value on both sides of the Jasynchronous connection. The default is equal to the current speed of theline. 3 MAXIMUM 4 BLOCK countFApplies only to X25 lines. Specifies the maximum size in bytes of th e Dframe for the line. This value must be at least 5 bytes larger than Bthe maximum packet size you specify in SET CIRCUIT (for PVCs and EDLM circuits) or SET MODULE X25-PROTOCOL (for SVCs). Specify a value in the range 21 to 4103.BBy default the size of the frame takes the value specified by the 9PROFILE parameter of the SET MODULE X25-PROTOCOL command.4 RETRANSMITS count ;Applies only to X25 lines. Specifies the maximum number ofDretransmissions of a frame on the specified line. Specify a value inCthe range 1 to 255. By default, the retransmission value takes theBnetwork value specified by the NETWORK parameter of the SET MODULEX25-PROTOCOL command. 4 WINDOW count1Applies only to X25 lines. Specifies the maximum Fwindow size allowed for the X25 circuit - that is, the maximum number Fof packets for which outstanding acknowledgments are allowed. Specify a value in the range 1 to 127. @By default window size takes the value specified by the PROFILE ;parameter of the SET or DEFINE MODULE X25-PROTOCOL command.3 MICROCODE DUMP file-spec@Applies only to X25 lines. Dumps the microcode of the specified CKMS-11/KMV-11 device to the indicated file. By default, the output file takes the format: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSERR]file-id.DMPBThe KMS/KMV Dump analyzer (PSIKDA) is the utility program used to >process the dump file created by the MICROCODE DUMP parameter.3 NETWORK net-nameFApplies only to X25 lines. Specifies the network to which the line is Gconnected. If only one network is set up, that network is the default. -Otherwise the NETWORK parameter is mandatory.3 NIF TARGET addressEApplies only to FDDI lines. Specifies the address to which the next FNIF request frame will be sent. The default Neighborhood Information GFrame (NIF) target is 00-00-00-00-00-00. NIF TARGET can be set in the Fvolatile database, but it cannot be defined in the permanent database. 3 PROTOCOL BSpecifies the line protocol for data link protocol operation. Thepossible protocols are: 7 DDCMP CONTROL Specifies a DDCMP multipoint ) control station. ; DDCMP POINT Specifies a DDCMP point-to-point  line. 6 DDCMP TRIBUTARY Specifies a DDCMP multipoint # tributary. 8 DDCMP DMC Specifies a DDCMP point-to-point8 line in DMC compatibility mode. 8 ETHERNET Specifies that the line uses the5 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 protocol.8 FDDI Specifies that the line uses the' FDDI protocol. 7 LAPB Specifies that the line uses 6 the X25 level 2 protocol. 7 LAPBE Specifies that the line uses 9 the X25 level 2 protocol with, extended sequencing.@Default line protocols are based on the line names listed below: BNA ETHERNET CEC ETHERNET* CI No protocol specified DMB DDCMP POINT DMC/DMR DDCMP POINT DMF DDCMP POINT DMP DDCMP POINT DMV DDCMP POINT DSB DDCMP POINT DSF DDCMP POINT DSV DDCMP POINT DSW/DW4 DDCMP POINT DUP/DPV LAPB EBA ! ETHERNET EIA ETHERNET ELA ETHERNET ERA ETHERNET ETA ETHERNET EWA ETHERNET FPA FDDI FZA FDDI ISA ETHERNET KMV LAPB KMX LAPB KMY LAPB MFA FDDI MNA ETHERNET MXE ETHERNET QNA ETHERNET  SVA ETHERNET TRA ETHERNET TRE ETHERNET TRP ETHERNET UNA ETHERNET VLA ETHERNET3 RECEIVE BUFFERS number7Specifies the length of the line's receive queue. Use a:number in the range of 1 to 32. A value in the range of 27to 4 is adequate for line speeds of less than 56K bits.;Megabit line speeds may require 8 or more buffers dependingon the observed error rate.3 REQU ESTED TRT microseconds?Applies only to FDDI lines. Specifies the requested value for =the token rotation timer in microseconds. Microseconds must :be a decimal integer in the range of 4000 to 167772. The default is 8000 microseconds.'3 RESTRICTED TOKEN TIMEOUT milliseconds>Applies only to FDDI lines. Specifies the limit on how long a?single restricted mode dialog may last before being terminated.;Milliseconds must be a decimal integer in the range of 0 to)10000. The default is 1 000 milliseconds.3 RETRANSMIT TIMER milliseconds?Specifies the maximum amount of time allowed to elapse before a>retransmission is necessary on a multipoint line. This is the=amount of time a control station will wait for a tributary to?respond. Milliseconds must be a decimal integer in the range 1to 65535. The default is 3000.3 RING PURGER ENABLE option3Applies only to FDDI lines. The option values are:7 ON Participate in the Ring Purger election and, 9  if elected, perform the Ring Purger function.  This is the default.: OFF Do not participate in the Ring Purger election. @This parameter is to allow operation when certain non-conforming<stations are on your ring; except for that case it should be&left ON for improved ring reliability.3 SCHEDULING TIMER milliseconds;Specifies the number of milliseconds between re-calculation7of tributary polling priorities. Applies only to DDCMP"CONTROL lines. The default is 50. 3 SERVICE TIMER milliseconds6Specifies the maximum amount of time allowed to elapse6before a receive request completes while doing serviceoperations on a line. 3 SIF4 CONFIGURATION TARGET address?Applies only to FDDI lines. Specifies the address to which theGnext SIF configuration request frame will be sent. The default Status DInformation Frame (SIF) configuration target is 00-00-00-00-00-00. BSIF CONFIGURATION TARGET can be set in the volatile database, but /it cannot be defined in the permanent database.4 OPERATION TARGET address@Applies only to FDDI lines. Specifies the address to which the <next SIF operation request frame will be sent. The default GStatus Information Frame (SIF) operation target is 00-00-00-00-00-00. ASIF OPERATION TARGET can be set in the volatile database, but it ,cannot be defined in the permanent database.3 STATE7Specifies the line's operational state. There are threepossible states:/ OFF The line is not in use.1 ON The line is available for# normal use.2 SERVICE The line is available only. for service functions.3 STREAM TIMER milliseconds8Specifies the number of milliseconds a tributary or half7duplex remote station is allowed to hold the line. Thedefault is 1000 (1 second).3 SWITCH optionIApplies only to asynchronous DDCMP lines. Allow the line currently beingIused as a DECnet asynchronous communications line to be converted back to3a terminal line. The two values of the option are: ENABLED DISABLEDGThe default for dynamic lines is SWITCH ENABLED; the default for staticlines is SWITCH DISABLED. &3 VALID TRANSMISSION TIME microseconds@Applies only to FDDI lines. Specifies the maximum time between ?arrivals of a valid frame or unrestricted token. Microseconds <must be a decimal integer in the range of 2500 to 5222. Thedefault is 2621 microseconds. 3 ExamplesG NCP>SET LINE DMC-0 RECEIVE BUFFERS 3 PROTOCOL DDCMP POINT STATE ON> This command sets up the first DMC-11 for normal use.! NCP>SET LINE DMC-0 STATE OFF2 NCP>SET LINE DMC-0 RECEIVE BUFFERS 5 STATE ONF These two commands increase the number of receive buffers for the first DMC-11.! 2 LOGGINGEUse the SET LOGGING command to create or modify logging parameters inBthe volatile database on the executor node. Use the DEFINE LOGGING?command to create or modify logging parameters in the permanentFdatabase on the executor node. The STATE and NAME parameters are validFonly for the executor node (i.e., the SINK parameter should specify ordefault to the executor).*SET KNOWN LOGGING (parameters ...) LOGGING CONSOLE LOGGING FILE LOGGING MONITOR@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 ALLFUse the SET LOGGING ALL command to update the volatile copy of theDdatabase on the executor node with all the logging parameters storedFfor the logging component in the permanent database on the executor node. 3 EVENTS event-list$Specifies those events to be logged.+See HELP EVENTS for a list of valid events.3 KNOWN+Introduces a plural parameter or component.4 EVENTS+Indicates that all events are to be logged. 4 LOGGINGGIndicates that the specified parameters for all known logging are to be$created or modified in the database.3 CIRCUIT circuit-id9Identifies the circuit for which events are to be logged.3 LINE line-id6Identifies the line for which events are to be logged. 3 CONSOLEFIndicates that the specified parameters for the logging console are to'be created or modified in the database.3 FILEFIndicates that the specified parameters for the logging file are to be$created or modified in the database. 3 MODULE :Introduces a MODULE parameter. Possible module names are: X25-PROTOCOL X25-SERVER X29-SERVER X25-ACCESS 4 X25-ACCESSFIndicates that the logging parameters for the specified source are to (be created or modified in the data base.4 X25-PROTOCOL EIndicates that the logging parameters for the specified source are to)be created or modified in the data base. 4 X25-SERVER EIndicates that the logging parameters for the specified source are to)be created or modified in the data base.  4 X29-SERVER EIndicates that the logging parameters for the specified source are to)be created or modified in the data base. 3 MONITORFIndicates that the specified parameters for the logging monitor are toCbe created or modified in the database. If no NAME parameter, the default monitor is OPCOM.3 NAME file-nameCIdentifies the name of a console, file, or monitor program to whichevents will be logged.?If no NAME parameter is specified for the monitor sink, events Awill be sent to the default monitor, OPCOM. If no NAME parameter@is specified for the console sink, events will be sent to OPA0:.3 NODE node-id6Identifies the node for which events are to be logged.3 SINK<Identifies the node that is to receive events. There are twopossibilities:1 EXECUTOR identifies the local node" (default).0 NODE node-id identifies a node in the network.3 STATEESpecifies the operational state of the sink. There are three possiblestates:3 HOLD The sink is temporarily unavailable, and events should be queued.5 OFF The sink is unavailable for receiving events.3 ON The sink is available for receiving events. 3 Examples) NCP>SET LOGGING MONITOR KNOWN EVENTS% NCP>SET LOGGING MONITOR STATE OND These two commands enable normal event logging using OPCOM.C  To receive the formatted events at a terminal, use the DCL' command, REPLY/ENABLE=NETWORK.) NCP>SET LOGGING CONSOLE KNOWN EVENTS4 NCP>SET LOGGING CONSOLE NAME [SYSMGR]EVENTS.DAT) NCP>CLEAR LOGGING CONSOLE EVENT 4.14% NCP>SET LOGGING CONSOLE STATE OND These commands enable formatted logging of all events but @ the node reachability change event to file EVENTS.DAT.& NCP>SET LOGGING MONITOR STATE OFFA This command sets the operational state of logging to+ OPCOM on the executor node to OFF.! 2 MODULE 'Introduces the various module entities.3 CONFIGURATORJUse the SET MODULE CONFIGURATOR command to create or modify the parametersIof the Ethernet configurator module component in the volatile database atEthe local node on an Ethernet circuit. A qualifier must be specified #following the configurator keyword. , SET MODULE CONFIGURATOR KNOWN CIRCUITS ALL+ CIRCUIT circuit-id SURVEILLANCE control@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 ALLFCopies the configurator module information from the permanent database-into the volatile database at the local node.4 SURVEILLANCE controlGIndicates whether or not a list of active systems is to be kept for theFEthernet circuit or circuits specified. There are two control values: : DISABLED The list is not to be kept. This is the default.! ENA BLED The list is to be kept. 3 X25-ACCESS CUse the SET MODULE X25-ACCESS and DEFINE MODULE X25-ACCESS commandsEto associate the host node with the specified multi-host node for theBpurpose of accessing a specified X25 network. The multi-host node>connected to the specified X25 network is a VMS node with VAX "PSI multi-host software installed.C SET MODULE X25-ACCESS NETWORK network-name ACCOUNT? KNOWN NETWORKS ALL@  NODED PASSWORD@ USER@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 ACCOUNT <Identifies the user account for use by incoming calls to the:network. Specify a string of from 1 to 39 characters. Bydefault, no account is used. 4 ALL BCopies all X25-ACCESS parameters from the permanent data base intothe volatile data base.4 KNOWN NETWORKS Identifies all known networks 4 NETWORK network-name <Identifies the network whose parameters are to be set in the data base. 4 NODE node-id CSpecifies the node address or name used of the multi-host node that>is connected to a specified X25 network. When you specify an CX25-ACCESS network for the first time, this parameter is mandatory. 4 PASSWORD @Specifies the password for use by incoming calls to the network.DSpecify a string of from 1 to 39 characters. The default is that nopassword is used. 4 USER BSpecifies the user identification for use by incoming calls to the;network. Specify a string of from 1 to 16 characters. The/default is that no user identification is used.! 3 X25-PROTOCOL?Use the SET MODULE X25-PROTOCOL command to create or modify the@parameters of the Protocol Module component in the volatile dataDbase. Use the DEFINE MODULE X25- PROTOCOL command to create or modifyEthe parameters of the Protocol Module component in the permanent database. FUse separate SET MODULE X25-PROTOCOL commands to a specify a DTE with Fits associated parameters, a group with its associated parameters and the network profile.E SET MODULE X25-PROTOCOL DTE dte-address NETWORK network-name? KNOWN DTES KNOWN NETWORKS4 ALLC ! CALL TIMER seconds> CHANNELS listD CLEAR TIMER secondsF COUNTER TIMER secondsC DEFAULT DATA bytesE DEFAULT WINDOW count? INTERFACE codeH " INTERRUPT TIMER seconds= LINE line-idG MAXIMUM CIRCUITS countE MAXIMUM CLEARS countC MAXIMUM DATA bytesE MAXIMUM RESETS countG MAXIMUM RESTARTS countE MAX #IMUM WINDOW countD RESET TIMER secondsF RESTART TIMER seconds9 STATE ON: OFF; SHUT5 GROUP group-name ALLA KNOWN GROUPS DTE dte-addressB $ NETWORK net-nameE NUMBER group-number@ TYPE BILATERALF NETWORK net-name PROFILE profile-name. KNOWN NETWORKS @All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 ALLFCan be used with DTE, GROUP or NETWORK. It selects all parameters for Bthe spec%ified component or for all known DTEs, groups or networks. 4 CALL TIMERFSpecifies a timer that starts when a request to set up an X25 virtual Gcircuit is transmitted, and whose termination clears the request if no Bresponse has been received. Specify a value in the range 1 to 255.FBy default the timer takes the network value specified by the PROFILE parameter. 4 CHANNELS ISpecifies a list of logical channel numbers (LCNs) reserved for outgoing Dcalls. The list can consist of one & or more LCNs. Separate LCNs with Ehyphens to indicate ranges, or with commas to indicate separate list ;items. Specify a value in the range 0 to 4095 for each LCN.CIf a DTE is to make outgoing calls you must specify this parameter when defining the DTE. 4 CLEAR TIMERDSpecifies a timer that starts when a request to clear an X25 VirtualCcircuit is transmitted, and whose termination retransmits the clearCrequest if not response has been received. Specify a value in the >range 1 to 2'55. By default, the timer takes the network value#specified by the PROFILE parameter.4 COUNTER TIMERBSets a timer whose expiration causes a DTE counter logging event. 3Specify a decimal integer in the range 1 to 65,535. 4 DEFAULT5 DATAASpecifies the default packet size for X25 virtual circuits. This Evalue must be at least 5 bytes less than the MAXIMUM BLOCK value you Dspecify in the SET LINE command and must be a power of 2. Specify a $value in the range 16 to 4096 bytes.(@By default packet size takes the network value specified by the PROFILE parameter.5 WINDOW countESpecifies the default window size for X25 virtual circuits, that is, Dthe maximum number of packets for which outstanding acknowledgments 3are allowed. Specify a value in the range 1 to 127.ABy default, window size takes the network value specified by the PROFILE parameter.4 DTECIdentifies a local DTE. If you specify the DTE qualifier, you must associate with it: NETWOR)K network-name or KNOWN NETWORKS4 KNOWN,Can be used with DTES, NETWORKS and GROUPS. BKNOWN DTES selects all known DTEs on the network specified or all known networks. *KNOWN NETWORKS selects all known networks.&KNOWN GROUPS selects all known groups.4 INTERFACE codeFSpecifies the way in which the processor operates. This parameter can Eonly be used with the ISO8208 profile. The parameter can take one of the following values:.DTE The processor operat*es as a DTE..DCE The processor operates as a DCE.DNEGOTIATED The processor can operate either as a DTE or DCE. The N processor automatically selects the correct method of operation.The default is DTE.4 INTERRUPT TIMER secsEThis is the interrupt timer (ISO T26 timer). This parameter can only Dbe used with the ISO8208 profile. Specify a value in the range 1 to G255. If you do not specify a value there is no time limit on interrupt acknowledgments.+4 LINE line-idDIdentifies the line associated with the DTE. Specify a line name in Dthe format dev-c[u]. This parameter is mandatory when you specify a DTE for the first time. 4 MAXIMUM5 CIRCUITS countFSpecifies the maximum number of circuits for the DTE. By default, the maximum is 255.5 CLEARS countASpecifies the maximum number of attempts to clear an X25 virtual Ecircuit. Specify a value in the range 1 to 255. By default the value 8is the network value specified by th,e PROFILE parameter. 5 DATA bytesASpecifies the maximum packet size for X25 virtual circuits. This Evalue must be at least 5 bytes less than the MAXIMUM BLOCK value you Dspecify in the SET LINE command and must be a power of 2. Specify a $value in the range 16 to 4096 bytes.ABy default the value taken is the network value specified by the PROFILE parameter.5 RESETS countASpecifies the maximum number of attempts to reset an X25 virtual /circuit. Specify a value in the range 1 -to 255.GBy default, the count takes the network value specified by the PROFILE parameter. 5 RESTARTS countCSpecifies the maximum number of attempts to restart an X25 virtual /circuit. Specify a value in the range 1 to 255.GBy default, the count takes the network value specified by the PROFILE parameter. 5 WINDOW countESpecifies the window size allowed for X25 virtual circuits, that is, Dthe maximum number of packets for which outstanding acknowledgments 3are allowed.. Specify a value in the range 1 to 127.EBy default, the window size takes the network value specified by the PROFILE parameter.4 GROUPCIdentifies a closed user group (CUG) or bilateral closed user group&(BCUG) or specifies all known groups. 5 DTE dte-address >Identifies the local DTE associated with the group name. This.parameter is mandatory when creating a group. 5 ALL ACopies the group parameters from the permanent data base into the@volatile data base. (Used only with/ the SET MODULE X25-PROTOCOL command.) 5 NUMBER group-number BSpecifies the CUG or BCUG number. Specify a two-digit number for aECUG and a four-digit number for a BCUG. You can omit leading zeroes.3This parameter is mandatory when creating a group. 5 TYPE BILATERAL CSpecifies the user group as a BCUG. Omit this parameter if the usergroup is a CUG. 4 ALL CCopies the network parameters from the permanent data base into the@volatile data base. (Used only with the SET MODULE 0X25-PROTOCOL command.) 4 NETWORK net-nameIdentifies a network.4 PROFILE profile-nameESpecifies a profile to be used on the network. The profile-name is a Echaracter string of up to 32 characters. This parameter is mandatory.4 RESET TIMER secsESpecifies a timer that starts when a reset is transmitted, and whose Ctermination retransmits the reset if no response has been received.&Specify a value in the range 1 to 255.FBy default the timer takes the network value specifi1ed by the PROFILE parameter.4 RESTART TIMER secsGSpecifies a timer that starts when a restart is transmitted, and whose Ftermination retransmits the restart if no response has been received. &Specify a value in the range 1 to 255.GBy default, the timer takes the network value specified by the PROFILE parameter.4 STATE dte-state6Specifies the operational state of the DTE as follows:/ON The DTE is available for normal use!OFF The DTE is not in useGSH2UT The DTE is to be closed down when all present activity has  ceased 5 PROFILE@Specifies a profile to be used on the network. The profile-name@is a character string of up to 32 characters. This parameter is mandatory. 4 CALL TIMER seconds @Specifies a timer that starts when a request to set up a virtualEcircuit is transmitted, and whose expiration clears the request if noEresponse has been received. Specify a value in the range 1 to 255. ByCdefault, the tim3er takes the network value specified by the NETWORK parameter. 4 CLEAR TIMER seconds ?Specifies a timer that starts when a request to clear a virtualBcircuit is transmitted, and whose expiration retransmits the clearArequest if no response has been received. Specify a value in the=range 1 to 255. By default, the timer takes the network value$specified by the NETWORK parameter. ! 3 X25-SERVER@Use the SET MODULE X25-SERVER command to create or modify the Bparameters of the 4X25 Call Handler in the volatile data base. Use Athe DEFINE MODULE X25-SERVER command to create or modify the ?parameters of the X25 Call Handler in the permanent data base. ;The components contain records that identify a destination,=specify parameters for this destination, specify the maximum>number of circuits that each module (that is, all destinations?for a particular module) may have, and specify the state of themodule. 8Specify the module parameters and the destinations u5sing@separate SET or DEFINE MODULE X25-SERVER or X29-SERVER commands.Format: !SET MODULE X25-SERVER ALL - X29-SERVER COUNTER TIMER seconds. MAXIMUM CIRCUITS count$ STATE ON # OFF% SHUT > DESTINATION dest-name ACCOUNT accountB KNOWN DESTINATIONS CALL MASK hex-valueC 6 CALL VALUE hex-valueI CALLED ADDRESS dte-addressH EXTENSION MASK hex-stringI EXTENSION VALUE hex-string? GROUP group-nameK INCOMING ADDRESS dte-addressC NETWORK network-name; 7 NODE node-id? OBJECT object-id@ PASSWORD password@ PRIORITY priorityH RECEIVING DTE dte-addressC REDIRECT REASON codeJ SENDING ADDRESS dte-addressA SUBADDRESSES 8range< USER user-id @All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 ALL DCopies the Call Handler parameters from the permanent data base intoAthe volatile data base. (Used only for the SET MODULE X25-SERVER/command or the SET MODULE X29-SERVER command.) 4 KNOWN DESTINATIONS!Specifies all known destinations.4 COUNTER TIMER seconds DSets a timer whose expiration causes9 a server module counter logging<event. Specify a decimal integer in the range 1 to 65,535. 4 MAXIMUM CIRCUITS count BSpecifies the maximum number of circuits that the module (that is,=all destinations) may have. By default, the maximum is 255. 4 STATE ESpecifies the operational state of the server module. This parameter#takes one of the following values: 3 ON The module is available for normal use. % OFF The module is not in use. E SHUT The module is t :o be closed down but only when all D present activity has ceased. (The SHUT value applies only@ to the SET MODULE X25-SERVER or X29-SERVER command.) E For the X25 server module, the default state is ON. For < the X29 server module, the default state is OFF. 4 CALLED ADDRESS dte-addressAFor redirected calls, this parameter identifies the DTE that was Goriginally called. The parameter value is used to select a destination for a redire;cted call."By default, no called DTE is used.4 DESTINATION dest-name =Identifies a destination or specifies all known destinations.DDest-name is an id string. Associate parameters with the destinationor destinations, as follows: 4 ACCOUNT account <Identifies the user account for use by incoming calls to the>destination. Specify a string of from 1 to 39 characters. Bydefault, no account is used. 4 CALL5 MASK hex-value ASpecifies the mask applied to the incoming call da<ta before it isAtested. Hex-value is a string of 2 to 32 hexadecimal digits. Bydefault, no mask is used. 5 VALUE hex-value DSpecifies the string used to test the incoming call data. Hex-valueCis a string of 2 to 32 hexadecimal digits. By default, no value isused. 4 EXTENSION 5 MASK hex-stringAProvides a mask for the called address extension facility. Using Elogical AND, the mask is merged with the called address extension in Fthe incoming call and the result is compared= with the extension value.%By default no extension mask is used.5 VALUE hex-stringGProvides a value for the called address extension facility. This value Cis compared with the address extension in the incoming call (after (merging as described in EXTENSION MASK).&By default no extension value is used.4 GROUP group-name CIdentifies a closed user group (CUG) or bilateral closed user groupC(BCUG). The group-name is an id string. By default, no group name is used. 4 IN>COMING ADDRESS dte-addressFIdentifies the address of the DTE receiving the call (as specified in the call packet).4 NETWORK net-name3Specifies the network for which calls are accepted.$By default, no network name is used.4 NODE node-id?Identifies the host node which is to be the destination of the incoming X25 call. 4 OBJECT object-id =Identifies the object that is activated when an incoming callBarrives. The object-id is an id string. If the object name looks@li ?ke a number, enclose the string in quotes. This parameter is=mandatory when you specify a destination for the first time. 4 PASSWORD password DSpecifies the password for use by incoming calls to the destination.DSpecify a string of from 1 to 39 characters. The default is that nopassword is used. 4 PRIORITY priority ?Specifies the priority of the destination record and is used toCselect one of a set of destinations for which the incoming call mayBbe valid. Specify a value in the @range 0 to 255, where 255 is the<highest priority. By default, priority takes a value of 0. 4 RECEIVING DTEGIdentifies the local DTE. IT is used to select a destination for calls received on the local DTE.%By default, no receiving DTE is used.4 REDIRECT REASON codeFIdentifies a reason for redirecting an incoming call. The reason code %can take one of the following values:CBUSY The original DTE was busy and could no accept any  more calls.A3OUT OF ORDER The original DTE was out of order.ASYSTEMATIC All calls to the original DTE are automatically  rerouted.BThe reason code is used to select a destination for a redirected $call. By default, no reason is used.4 SENDING ADDRESS dte-addressFIdentifies the address of the remote DTE that originated the call. By default, no sending DTE is used.4 SUBADDRESSES range ?Specifies the range of local DTE subaddresses that identify the?destinatio Bn for the incoming call. Range consists of one or two>subaddresses. Subaddress is a decimal integer in the range 0 Dto 9999. Separate two subaddresses with a single hyphen to indicate Ba range. The second subaddress must be greater than the first. By&default, no subaddress range is used. 4 USER user-id BSpecifies the user identification for use by incoming calls to the?destination. Specify a string of from 1 to 16 characters. The/default is that no user identification is used. 3 X2 C9-SERVER@Use the SET MODULE X29-SERVER command to create or modify the Cparameters of the X.29 Call Handler in the volatile data base. Use Athe DEFINE MODULE X29-SERVER command to create or modify the @parameters of the X.29 Call Handler in the permanent data base. ;The components contain records that identify a destination,=specify parameters for this destination, specify the maximum>number of circuits that each module (that is, all destinations?for a particular module) may havDe, and specify the state of themodule. 8Specify the module parameters and the destinations using@separate SET or DEFINE MODULE X25-SERVER or X29-SERVER commands.Format: !SET MODULE X25-SERVER ALL - X29-SERVER COUNTER TIMER seconds. MAXIMUM CIRCUITS count$ STATE ON # OFF% SHUT > DESTINATION dest-name ACCOUNT accountB E KNOWN DESTINATIONS CALL MASK hex-valueC CALL VALUE hex-valueI CALLED ADDRESS dte-addressH EXTENSION MASK hex-stringI EXTENSION VALUE hex-string? GROUP group-nameK INCOMING ADDRESS dte-addressC F NETWORK network-name; NODE node-id? OBJECT object-id@ PASSWORD password@ PRIORITY priorityH RECEIVING DTE dte-addressC REDIRECT REASON codeJ G SENDING ADDRESS dte-addressA SUBADDRESSES range< USER user-id ?Please refer to help on SET MODULE X25-SERVER for more details.! 2 NODEHUse the SET NODE command to create or modify node parameters in theHvolatile database on the local node. Use the DEFINE NODE command toHcreate or modify node parameters in the permanent database on the localnode.+ SET KNOWN NODHES (parameters ...) NODE node-id@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 KNOWN NODESFIndicates that the specified parameters for all known nodes are to be$created or modified in the database.3 NODE node-idFIdentifies the node (local or remote) for which specified parameters.are to be created or modified in the database.3 ALLFUse the SET NODE ALL command to update the volatile database Ion theFexecutor node with all the parameters stored for a particular node in,the permanent database on the executor node.3 ACCESSFSpecifies the allowed logical link connections for the node. There are four options:F INCOMING Allows logical link connections from the remote nodeF OUTGOING Allows the local node to initiate connections to theF remote node; but does not allow connections from the remote nodeF BOTH Allows incomJing and outgoing logical link connections.# This is the defaultF NONE Does not allow incoming or outgoing logical link( connections to this node3 ADDRESS node-addressFSpecifies the address of the node to which you want the database entry to refer.3 CIRCUIT circuit-idFIdentifies a loop node and specifies the identification of the circuit,to be used for all traffic to the loop node.3 COUNTER TIMER secondsFSpecifies a timer whose expKiration causes a node counter loggingevent.3 CPU cpu-type<Identifies the node's CPU type. There are four valid types: DECSYSTEM1020 PDP11 PDP8 VAX3 DIAGNOSTIC FILE file-specGApplies to nodes on broadcast circuits. Identifies the file to be readFwhen the adjacent node has been downline loaded and has requestedFdiagnostics. The file-spec is interpreted according to the file systemof the executor node.3 DUMP4 ADDRESS numberFIdentifies the aLddress in memory to begin an upline dump of theadjacent node. 4 COUNT numberFSpecifies the default number of memory units to upline dump from thethe adjacent node. 4 FILE file-specFIdentifies which file to write to when the adjacent node is dumpedFupline. The file-spec is interpreted according to the file system ofthe executor node. 3 HARDWARE ADDRESS addressEIdentifies the address originally assigned to the controller for Bthe system on the adjacent node. M Used during operations such as Fdownline loading to communicate with the system before the system has set up its physical address.3 HOST node-idFIdentifies the host node. For an adjacent node, the host address is aFparameter that the adjacent node receives when it is loaded downline.:If no host is specified, the default is the executor node.3 INBOUND node-typeFRequired for nodes when the VERIFICATION INBOUND parameter isFspecified for the circuit over which the connectio Nn is to be made.FSpecifies the type of the node. The node-type is checked by theFexecutor node if the specified node attempts to form a dynamicFconnection with the executor node. If VERIFICATION INBOUND is notFspecified for the circuit, the INBOUND parameter for the node is)ignored. The two possible node-types areF ENDNODE Allows the remote node to be connected only if it is( configured as an end nodeF ROUTER Allows the remote nOode to be connected whether it is4 configured as an end node or a router3 LOAD4 ASSIST AGENTISpecifies the VMS image that will define the system software for downlineloading and adjacent node.4 ASSIST PARAMETERJSpecifies a parameter to be passed to a load assist agent. The load assist=agent can be used to tailor the system software to be loaded.4 FILE file-specFSpecifies a file containing the system software for downline loadingto an adjacent node.3 MAPNAGEMENT FILEGSpecifies a file containing management information for downline loadingto an adjacent node.3 NAME node-nameFSpecifies the node name to be associated with the node identification.FOnly one name can be assigned to a node address or a lineidentification.3 NONPRIVILEGED itemFSpecifies nonprivileged inbound access control information for the node, whereF ACCOUNT account Identifies the account for the default non-F priv Qileged DECnet account on the designated nodeF PASSWORD password Identifies the password for the default non-F privileged DECnet account on the designated nodeF USER user-id Identifies the user name for the default non-F privileged DECnet account on the designated node3 PRIVILEGED itemFSpecifies privileged inbound access control information fRor the node,whereF ACCOUNT account Identifies the account for the default priv-F ileged DECnet account on the designated nodeF PASSWORD password Identifies the password for the default priv-F ileged DECnet account on the designated nodeF USER user-id Identifies the user name for the default priv-F ileged DECnet account on the designated node3 RECEIVE PASSWORD hex-passwordFDefines thSe password (1-8 characters) that is expected from the remoteGnode during a Routing initialization sequence. Does not apply to nodeson an broadcast circuit.3 SECONDARY LOADER file-specFSpecifies a file containing the secondary boot loader for downlineloading to an adjacent node. 3 SERVICEIntroduces a service parameter.@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 CIRCUIT circuit-idDEstablishes the circuit Tto be used for downline loading. This is theGdefault value for the VIA parameter of the LOAD and CONNECT commands. 8The node identification must be that of the target node.4 DEVICE device-typeDIdentifies the target node's line controller for the service circuitAover which the operation is to take place. The possibilities are as follows. + BNA CEC DA DL DLV DMB* DMC DMF DMP DMR DMV DP+ DQ DSB DSF DSW DTE DU + U DUP DV DW4 DZ ELA ERA+ ETA EWA FPA FZA ISA KDP+ KDZ KL MFA MNA MXE PCL+ QNA SVA TRA TRE TRP UNA VLABOnly the synchronous port on the DMF service device may be used. 4 NODE VERSION version@Specifies the DECnet software version of the node which downlineDloads its software to a target node. The two possible versions are1PHASE III and PHASE IV. The default is PHASE IV.4 PASSWORD hex-passwordDDeVfines the password required to trigger the bootstrap mechanism onDthe target node. The password is a hexadecimal number. For DDCMPEcircuits, the password is in the range 0 to FFFFFFFF; for broadcastDcircuits, it is in the range 0 to FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. The defaultis 0. 3 SOFTWARE Introduces a software parameter.@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 IDENTIFICATION software-id0Is the ID of the softwarWe to be downline loaded.4 TYPE software-typeDIdentifies a particular file type to be loaded. There are threepossibilities: MANAGEMENT FILE SECONDARY LOADER TERTIARY LOADER SYSTEM3 TERTIARY LOADER file-specFSpecifies a file containing a tertiary boot loader for downlineloading to an adjacent node.3 TRANSMIT PASSWORD passwordFSpecifies a password (1-8 characters) sent to the remote node during@a Routing initialization sequence. Does not apply tXo nodes on abroadcast circuit. 3 Examples! NCP>SET NODE 5.14 NAME DENVER? This command sets the node name of node 5.14 to DENVER.  NCP>SET NODE 2.11 - _ NONPRIVILEGED - _ USER NETNONPRIV - _ PASSWORD NONPRIV - _ PRIVILEGED - _ USER NETPRIV - _ PASSWORD PRIVF This command establishes default privileged and nonprivileged1 access control information for node 2.11. NCP>SET NODE 14 ADDRESS 2F This c Yommand associates the information for node 1.14 with aF new node whose address is 1.2. This example assumes that the executor is in area 1.8 NCP>SET NODE LARK HARDWARE ADDRESS AA-00-03-00-00-00G This command associates with the node LARK the hardware G address originally assigned to the DEUNA controller at F node LARK. This information in the volatile database canF be used during downline loading of target node LARK Zover an Ethernet circuit.! 2 OBJECTHUse the SET OBJECT command to create or modify object parameters in theHvolatile database on the local node. Use the DEFINE OBJECT command toHcreate or modify object parameters in the permanent database on the local node.1 SET OBJECT object-name (parameters ...)@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 KNOWN OBJECTSFApplies only to VAX PSI. In[dicates that the specified parameters are applicable to all known objects.3 OBJECT object-nameFIdentifies the object for which specified parameters are to be createdFor modified in the database. For VAX PSI, specify the object nameusing an id-string.3 ALLFThe SET OBJECT ALL command to updates the volatile database on theFlocal node with all the object parameters stored for a particular3object in the permanent database on the local node.3 ACCOUNT accountFIdentifi \es the default user's account for access control on inboundFconnects to the object when no access control is specified by theFremote node. For VAX PSI, identifies the user account for use byEincoming X25 calls to the object; if not specified, no account isused.3 ALIAS 4 INCOMING optionFSpecifies how a particular object responds to incoming connectFrequests directed to the alias node address. The alias node addressFis established using the SET EXECUTOR co ]mmand. There are two optionsfor ALIAS INCOMING:F ENABLED Allows a specified object to receive incoming connectF requests that have been directed to the alias nodeF address. An object such as PHONE which uses a protocolE that depends on multiple links should not be enabledF for ALIAS INCOMING. By default, if an alias nodeF identifier has been specified, ALIAS INCOMING is9 en ^abled for all objects except for PHONE.F DISABLED Does not allow a specified object to receive incomingF connect requests that have been directed to the aliasF node address. An object whose resources are notF accessible clusterwide should not have ALIAS INCOMINGF disabled. If an attempt is made to connect to anF object that does not have ALIAS INCOMING enabled, the: status message _ NO SUCH OBJECT is returned.4 OUTGOING optionFSpecifies whether a particular object uses the alias node identifierGspecified in the SET EXECUTOR command in its outgoing connect requestsBand other protocols. Specify either of the following two options:F ENABLED Allows a specified object to use the alias nodeF address in its outgoing connect requests. An objectF such as PHONE which uses a protocol that depends onF multip`le links should not have the ALIAS OUTGOINGF parameter enabled. By default, only the object MAIL+ has ALIAS OUTGOING enabled.F DISABLED Does not allow a specified object to use the alias> node address in its outgoing connect requests.3 FILE file-specFSpecifies the command file containing the command procedure used to=start the indicated object. If not specified, the default is SYS$SYSTEM:object-name.COMFFor VAX aPSI, this parameter specifies the command file containing theFcommand procedure used to activate a user program or task. When youBspecify an object for the first time, this parameter is mandatory.3 NUMBER numberFSpecifies the object number. Use a number in the range of 0 to 255,Fexcept for those reserved. When you specify an object for the firstFtime, this parameter is mandatory. For VAX PSI, specify this parameteras 0.,3 OUTGOING CONNECT PRIVILEGES privilege-listFSpecifies bthe privileges that a user must possess in order to make?outbound connections to the object. Refer to the Guide toGSetting Up a VMS System for a complete list of privileges and their%meanings. Does not apply to VAX PSI.3 PASSWORD passwordFIdentifies the default user's password for access control on inboundFconnects to the object when no access control is specified by theFremote node. This password must match the password established forFthe account. For VAX PS cI, this parameter is mandatory. It identifies@the user's password for use by incoming X25 calls to the object.3 PRIVILEGES privilege-listFSpecifies those privileges normally required by the object. A userFwith those privileges may be supplied with default outbound privilegedFaccess control information when connecting to the object. Refer to theGGuide to Setting Up a VMS System for a complete list of privileges /and their meanings. Does not apply to VAX PSI.3 PROXY option FdAssigns the proxy login access defaults to individual objects. Specify"one of the following four options:1 INCOMING Allows proxy login to the object.: OUTGOING Allows the object to initiate proxy login.F BOTH Allows both incoming and outgoing proxy login access.+ This is the default option.F NONE Does not allow incoming or outgoing proxy login access.3 USER user-idFIdentifies the default user's identificatione for access control onFinbound connects to the object when no access control is specified byFthe remote node. For VAX PSI, this parameter specifies the userEidentification for use by incoming X25 calls to the object; thisFparameter is mandatory when you specify an object for the first time. 3 Examples) NCP>SET OBJECT NML FILE NML NUMBER 19> This command an object number, 19, for the NML object. NCP>SET OBJECT NML- _ PRIVILEGES OPER DIAGNOSE - f _ USER NET_NONPRIV - _ PASSWORD NET_NONPRIVF This command establishes default access control informationF for the NML object and sets those privileges required to connect to this object.! ww­þ—_ófK°1 SHOWFUse the SHOW command to display information from the volatile databaseBon the executor node. Use the LIST command to display information1from the permanent database on the executor node.@All underscores found in parameters must bge replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 2 CHARACTERISTICS5Indicates that static information is to be displayed. 2 COUNTERS9Indicates that error and performance statistics are to be=displayed. Valid for circuits, lines, the executor and nodes.2 EVENTS9Indicates that logging event filters are to be displayed.%Valid only with SHOW or LIST LOGGING.2 STATUS6Indicates that dynamic information is to be displayed. 2 SUMMARY8Indicates that only the mohst useful information is to bedisplayed. This is the default. 2 TO file-id;Specifies the output file. If none is specified, SYS$OUTPUTis the default.! 2 AREA?Use the SHOW AREA command to display area information from the 5volatile database available to the local node or DTE.;SHOW ACTIVE AREAS CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id$ AREA area-id COUNTERS" KNOWN AREAS STATUS# SUMMARY@All underscores found in piarameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 ACTIVE AREAS CIndicates that information for all active areas is to be displayed.3 AREA area-idFIdentifies a particular area for which information is to be displayed. displayed. 3 KNOWN AREASBIndicates that information for all known areas is to be displayed. 3 Examples NCP>SHOW KNOWN AREAS STATUSE This example displays status information for all known areas in the jnetwork. NCP>SHOW AREA 11 SUMMARY D This example displays only the most useful information for area 11 in the network.! 2 CIRCUITFUse the SHOW CIRCUIT command to display circuit information (from theGvolatile database) available to the executor node. Use the LIST CIRCUITGcommand to display circuit information (from the permanent database)available to the executor node.ISHOW ACTIVE CIRCUITS CHARACTERISTICS ADJACENT NODE node-id>LIkST KNOWN CIRCUITS COUNTERS TO file-id" CIRCUIT circuit-id STATUS# SUMMARY@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 ACTIVE CIRCUITS;Indicates that information for all active circuits is to be displayed.3 KNOWN CIRCUITS:Indicates that information for all known circuits is to be displayed.3 CIRCUIT circuit-id>Identifies a particular circuit for which inlformation is to be displayed.3 ADJACENT NODE node-id9Indicates that the display of a list of circuits is to be5restricted to those circuits leading to the specifiedadjacent node. 3 Examples$ NCP>SHOW CIRCUIT DMC-0 COUNTERS? This command displays circuit counter information for ) circuit DMC-0 on the SYS$OUTPUT device. NCP>SHOW ACTIVE CIRCUITS? This command displays circuit status information for ) all circuits that are in the ON state.m! 2 EXECUTOR6Use the SHOW EXECUTOR command to display executor node6information (from the volatile database). Use the LIST;EXECUTOR command to display executor node information (fromthe permanent database).:SHOW EXECUTOR CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id LIST COUNTERS STATUS SUMMARY 3 Examples& NCP>SHOW EXECUTOR CHARACTERISTICS ... NCP>F This command displays local nnode characteristics on the SYS$OUTPUT device. NCP>SHOW EXECUTOR ... NCP>F This command displays local node status information. This is the default.* NCP>SHOW EXECUTOR COUNTERS TO NET.LOGF This command writes node counter information for the local node to file NET.LOG.! 2 LINEFUse the SHOW LINE command to display line information (from theGvolatile database) available to the executor node. Use thoe LIST LINEDcommand to display line information (from the permanent database)available to the executor node.:SHOW ACTIVE LINES CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id LIST KNOWN LINES COUNTERS LINE line-id STATUS SUMMARY@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 ACTIVE LINES8Indicates that information for all active lines is to be displayed. 3 KNOWN LINES7Indicaptes that information for all known lines is to be displayed.3 LINE line-id;Identifies a particular line for which information is to be displayed. 3 Examples! NCP>SHOW LINE DMC-0 COUNTERSF This command displays line counter information for line DMC-0" on the SYS$OUTPUT device. NCP>SHOW ACTIVE LINESF This command displays line status information for all lines" that are in the ON state.! 2 LINKSFUse the SHOW LINKS command qto display link information (from the5volatile database) available to the executor node.CSHOW KNOWN LINKS CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id. KNOWN LINKS WITH NODE node-id STATUS/ LINK number SUMMARY@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 LINK number+Displays information about a specific link. 3 KNOWN LINKS7Indicates that information for all knownr links is to be displayed.3 WITH NODE node-id:Indicates that information for all links to the designatednode is to be displayed. 3 Examples NCP>SHOW KNOWN LINKSF This command displays link status information for all links% active on the executor node.4 NCP>SHOW KNOWN LINKS WITH NODE TRNTO TO NET.LOGF This command writes link status information for all active: links with remote node TRNTO to the file NET.LOG.! 2 LOGGINGsFUse the SHOW LOGGING command to display logging information (from the@volatile database) available to the executor node. Use the LISTBLOGGING command to display logging information (from the permanent*database) available to the executor node. 3SHOW ACTIVE LOGGING CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id:LIST KNOWN LOGGING EVENTS SINK NODE node-id4 LOGGING CONSOLE STATUS KNOWN SINKS LOGGING FILE SUMMARY LOGGING MONITOR@All underscores fountd in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 ACTIVE LOGGING:Indicates that information for all active logging is to be displayed.3 KNOWN+Introduces a plural parameter or component. 4 LOGGING9Indicates that information for all known logging is to be displayed.4 SINKS7Indicates that information for all known sinks is to be2displayed. If unspecified, only the executor node is displayed. 3 CONSOLE;Indicates that informationu for the logging console is to be displayed.3 FILE8Indicates that information for the logging file is to be displayed. 3 MONITOR;Indicates that information for the logging monitor is to be displayed.3 SINK NODE node-id:Identifies a particular sink node for which information isto be displayed. 3 Examples' NCP>SHOW KNOWN LOGGING KNOWN SINKSF This command displays logging status information for all* known logging at all known sinks.1 NCPv>SHOW LOGGING FILE EVENTS SINK NODE TRNTOF This command displays events that are currently being logged+ to the logging file at node TRNTO.! 2 MODULEIntroduce the MODULE entities.3 CONFIGURATOR@The SHOW MODULE CONFIGURATOR command shows information about theDEthernet configurator module from the volatile database at the local:node. Use the LIST MODULE CONFIGURATOR command to display7the information stored in the permanent database. Note,the word MODULE is o wptional.7 I SHOW MODULE CONFIGURATOR KNOWN CIRCUITS CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id5 LIST CIRCUIT circuit-id STATUS6 SUMMARY@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 KNOWN CIRCUITS?Applies only to Ethernet circuits. Indicates the configurator @information should be displayed for all known Ethexrnet circuits. 4 CIRCUIT@Applies only to Ethernet circuits. Indicates that configurator >information should be displayed only for the Ethernet circuit identified by circuit-id.4 CHARACTERISTICS@Indicates that dynamic information on all active systems on the <specified Ethernet circuit or circuits is to be displayed. 8(Characteristics and Status result in a similar display)4 STATUS@Indicates that dynamic information on all active systems on the <specified Ethernet circuit or ciyrcuits is to be displayed. 8(Characteristics and Status result in a similar display) 4 SUMMARYCIndicates that the only information to be displayed is the list of Acircuits being monitored and the length of time surveillance has +been maintained. This is the default type.4 TODSpecifies the output file. If none is specified, SYS$OUTPUT is the default. 3 X25-ACCESS CUse the SHOW MODULE X25-ACCESS command to display the parameters ofCthe Access Module from the volatile data b zase. Use the LIST MODULEBX25-ACCESS command to display the Access Module parameters storedin the permanent data base. : SHOW MODULE X25-ACCESS CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id& LIST STATUS' SUMMARYO NETWORK network-name CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id; KNOWN NETWORKS STATUS< SUMMARY@All underscores found in{ parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 CHARACTERISTICS!Displays static line information.4 NETWORK name5Displays information for the specified network only. 4 KNOWN NETWORKS-Displays information for all known networks. 4 STATUSDDisplays dynamic module information. (Used only with the SHOW MODULEX25-ACCESS command.) 4 SUMMARY>Displays only the most useful module information. This is thedefault display type. 4 TO fil|e-idBSpecifies the output file. If you omit this parameter, the defaultfile is SYS$OUTPUT. 3 X25-PROTOCOLFUse the SHOW MODULE X25-PROTOCOL command to display the parameters ofFthe Protocol Module from the volatile data base. Use the LIST MODULEFX25-PROTOCOL command to display the Protocol Module parameters storedin the permanent data base. Format:1 SHOW MODULE X25-PROTOCOL CHARACTERISTICS ) LIST COUNTERS' } STATUS( SUMMARY- TO file-specB DTE dte-address NETWORK net-name@ KNOWN DTES KNOWN NETWORKS1 GROUP groupname 1 KNOWN GROUPS 9 5 NETWORK network-name/ KNOWN NETWO~RKS@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 CHARACTERISTICS!Displays static line information. 4 COUNTERSCDisplays DTE error and performance statistics. (Used only with the#SHOW MODULE X25-PROTOCOL command.) 4 DTE dte-address1Displays information for the specified DTE only. 4 GROUP name3Displays information for the specified group only. 4 KNOWN 5 DTES)Displays information for all known DTEs. 5 GROUPS*Displays information for all known groups.4 STATUS>Displays dynamic module information. (Used only with the SHOWMODULE X25-PROTOCOL command.) 4 SUMMARY>Displays only the most useful module information. This is thedefault display type. 4 TO file-idCSpecifies the output file. If you omit this parameter, the defaultfile is SYS$OUTPUT. ! 3 X25-SERVERFUse the SHOW MODULE X25-SERVER and SHOW MODULE X29-SERVER commands toEdisplay the parameters of the X€25 and X.29 Call Handlers stored inFthe volatile data base. Use the LIST MODULE X25-SERVER and LISTEMODULE X29-SERVER commands to display the parameters of the X25 andFX.29 Call Handlers stored in the permanent data base. Note thatkeyword MODULE is optional.Format:7 SHOW MODULE X25-SERVER CHARACTERISTICS TO File-id% LIST X29-SERVER COUNTERS# STATUS$ SUMMARYJ DESTINATION name CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id6 KNOWN DESTINATIONS STATUS7 SUMMARY@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 CHARACTERISTICS!Displays static line information. 4 COUNTERSEDisplays module error and performance statistics. (Used only with the;SHOW MODULE X25-SERVER or SHOW MODULE X29-SERVER command.) 4 DESTINATION name9Displa‚ys information for the specified destination only. 4 KNOWN DESTINATIONS1Displays information for all known destinations. 4 STATUSDDisplays dynamic module information. (Used only with the SHOW MODULE/X25-SERVER or SHOW MODULE X29-SERVER command.) 4 SUMMARY>Displays only the most useful module information. This is thedefault display type. 4 TO file-idBSpecifies the output file. If you omit this parameter, the defaultfile is SYS$OUTPUT. ! 2 NODEFUse the SHOW NODE c ƒommand to display node information (from theGvolatile database) available to the executor node. Use the LIST NODEDcommand to display node information (from the permanent database)available to the executor node.ISHOW ACTIVE NODES CIRCUIT circuit-id CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id3LIST ADJACENT NODES CIRCUIT circuit-id COUNTERS2 KNOWN NODES CIRCUIT circuit-id STATUS3 LOOP NODES SUMMARY NODE node-id  EXEC„UTOR@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 ACTIVE NODESAFor a Routing node, indicates that information for all reachable Anodes is to be displayed. For a nonrouting node, indicates that 0information is to be displayed for the executor. 4 CIRCUITESpecifies that the display of a list of nodes is to be restricted to .those nodes adjacent to the specified circuit.3 ADJACENT NODES 9Indicates that information… for all adjacent node id to be<displayed. Adjacent nodes are those the executor perceives <Routing can reach that are separated from the executor by a single circuit. 4 CIRCUITESpecifies that the display of a list of nodes is to be restricted to .those nodes adjacent to the specified circuit. 3 EXECUTOR9Indicates that information for the executor node is to be displayed. 3 KNOWN NODES7Indicates that information for all known nodes is to be displayed. 4 CIRCUITESpecif†ies that the display of a list of nodes is to be restricted to .those nodes adjacent to the specified circuit. 3 LOOP NODES6Indicates that information for all loop nodes is to be displayed.3 NODE node-id;Identifies a particular node for which information is to be displayed. 3 Examples! NCP>SHOW KNOWN NODES SUMMARYF This command displays node summary information for all known nodes.$ NCP>SET NODE TEST CIRCUIT DMC-0 NCP>SHOW LOOP NODESF ‡ The first command establishes a loop node name (TEST) for theI associated circuit DMC-0. The second command displays loop nodeF status information for all loop nodes established by the SET NODE command.! 2 OBJECTFUse the SHOW OBJECT command to display object information (from theAvolatile database) available to the executor node. Use the LISTAOBJECT command to display object information (from the permanent *database) available to the executor noˆde. BSHOW KNOWN OBJECTS CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id&LIST OBJECT object-name STATUS' SUMMARY@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 KNOWN OBJECTS9Indicates that information for all known objects is to be displayed.3 OBJECT object-name:Identifies a particular object for which information is to be displayed. 3 Examples# NCP>SHOW KNOWN OBJECT‰S SUMMARYF This command displays summary information for all known objects.! ww­æ_ófK°1 EVENTSCThe following is the list of events that can be reported with eventGlogging. Not all events are generated by DECnet for OpenVMS, but if a EDECnet for OpenVMS system acts as a sink node for another system, it may report any of these events.0.0 Event records lost0.1 Automatic node counters0.2 Automatic line counters0.3 Automatic line Šservice0.4 Line counters zeroed0.5 Node counters zeroed0.6 Passive loopback0.7 Aborted service request0.8 Automatic counters0.9 Counters zeroed2.0 Local node state change2.1 Access control failure3.0 Invalid message3.1 Invalid flow control3.2 Data base reused!4.1 Node unreachable packet loss"4.2 Node out-of-range packet loss4.3 Oversized packet loss4.4 Packet format error 4.5 Partial routing update loss4.6 Verification reject 4.7 Circuit‹ down, circuit fault4.8 Circuit down&4.9 Circuit down, operator initiated 4.10 Circuit up4.11 Init failure, line fault4.12 Init failure%4.13 Init failure, operator initiated4.14 Node reachability change4.15 Adjacency up4.16 Adjacency rejected 4.17 Area reachability change4.18 Adjacency down'4.19 Adjacency down, operator initiated"5.0 Locally initiated state change#5.1 Remotely initiated state change15.2 Protocol restart received in maintenance mode5.3 Send errŒor threshold5.4 Receive error threshold5.5 Select error threshold5.6 Block header format error5.7 Selection address error5.8 Streaming tributary5.9 Local buffer to small5.13 Line initialization error5.14 Send failure on line5.15 Receive failed on line*5.16 Collision detect check failed on line 5.17 DTE up 5.18 DTE down 5.19 Retransmit maximum exceeded5.20 FRMR received5.21 Illegal frame received7.0 DTE state change7.1 Illegal packet received7.2 Invalid LCN7.3 Flow control invalid 7.4 Restart 7.5 Clear 7.6 Reset7.7 Diagnostic 7.8 Reject#7.9 Retransmission maximum exceeded7.10 Call failed7.11 State change 128.1 DAP CRC error detected%128.2 Duplicate Phase 2 address error128.3 Process created128.4 Process terminated! ww­æ_ófK°1 DEFINEFUse the DEFINE command to create or modify parameters or components inAthe permanent database on the executor node. See the SET command4description for the formatŽ and allowable parameters.! ww­æ_ófK°1 LISTGUse the LIST command to display information from the permanent databaseFon the executor node. See the SHOW command description for the format-and possible parameters for the LIST command.! ww­æ_ófK°1 TELLFUse the TELL prefix to identify the executor node for a particular NCPFcommand. TELL sets the executor for only one command and must prefixFthe command for which it is intended. This command  allows youFoptionally to specify access control information in one of two ways:3as part of the node-spec or as distinct parameters.'TELL node-spec ACCOUNT account) PASSWORD password$ USER user-id@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 2 node-spec7Specifies a node name or address optionally followed by8access control information as specified for VMS. Use oneof the following formats: node-id& node-id"user password account"2 ACCOUNT account0Identifies the user's account for access control-verification at the designated executor node.2 PASSWORD password1Identifies the user's password for access control-verification at the designated executor node.2 USER user-id;Identifies the user's ID for access control verification atthe designated executor node. 2 Examples% NCP>TELL 3.5 SET KNOWN LINES ALL‘H This command sets the executor to node 3.5 where the SET KNOWN$ LINES ALL command executes.. NCP>TELL TRNTO"LOW JBL" SHOW KNOWN LINESF This command uses access control information to set theF executor to node TRNTO where the SHOW KNOWN LINES command executes.> NCP>TELL TRNTO USER SYSTEM PASSWORD MANAGER ZERO EXECUTORF This command uses an alternate access control format to setF the executor to node TRN’TO where the ZERO EXECUTOR command executes.! ww­æ_ófK° 1 TRIGGERBUse the TRIGGER commands to trigger the bootstrap mechanism of aFtarget node such that the node will load itself. Use this command to:initiate the loading sequence for an unattended system.2 NODEFUse the TRIGGER NODE command to trigger the bootstrap mechanism of aFtarget node such that the node will load itself. Use this command to:initiate the loading sequence for an unattended “ system.8TRIGGER NODE node-id SERVICE PASSWORD hex-password & VIA circuit-id0 PHYSICAL ADDRESS address@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 NODE node-id7Identifies the node whose bootstrap is to be triggered.3 PHYSICAL ADDRESSDApplies only to nodes on broadcast circuits. Specifies the physical@address that the target node currently use to identify itself.” >The value is the physical address the target node has set for Bitself, or, if the target node has not set a physical address, theDHARDWARE ADDRESS parameter if associated with the target node in the"executor node's volatile database.3 SERVICE PASSWORD hex-password9Identifies the password required to trigger the bootstrapmechanism on the target node.3 VIA circuit-id:Identifies the circuit over which the operation is to takeplace. 3 Examples NCP>TRIGGER NODE NYC•F This command triggers the bootstrap mechanism on node NYC to, initiate a downline load operation.9 NCP>TRIGGER NODE NYC SERVICE PASSWORD F0F0 VIA DMC-5F This command provides a service password in order to triggerF the bootstrap mechanism on node NYC and initiate a downline+ load operation over circuit DMC-5.! 2 VIAFUse the TRIGGER VIA command to trigger the bootstrap mechanism of aFtarget node such that the node will load it–self. Use this command to:initiate the loading sequence for an unattended system.FThis command triggers the target node via the specified circuit. TheEtarget node identification is obtained from the volatile database onthe executor node.8TRIGGER VIA circuit-id SERVICE PASSWORD hex-password3 PHYSICAL ADDRESS address@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 SERVICE PASSWORD h —ex-password9Identifies the password required to trigger the bootstrapmechanism on the target node.3 PHYSICAL ADDRESSDApplies only to nodes on broadcast circuits. Specifies the physical@address that the target node currently use to identify itself. >The value is the physical address the target node has set for Bitself, or, if the target node has not set a physical address, theDHARDWARE ADDRESS parameter if associated with the target node in theFexecutor node's volatile database. Th˜is parameter must be included if3a broadcast circuit is specified in VIA circuit-id.3 VIA circuit-id:Identifies the circuit over which the operation is to takeplace. 3 Examples NCP>TRIGGER VIA DMC-5F This command triggers the bootstrap mechanism on the node$ connected to circuit DMC-5.! ww­æ_ófK°1 ZEROFUse the ZERO commands to reset counters for circuits, lines, nodes andthe local node. 2 EXECUTOR;Use the ZERO EXECUTOR comm™and to reset all counters for the local node. ZERO EXECUTOR COUNTERS 2 CIRCUIT=Use the ZERO CIRCUIT command to reset circuit counters on theexecutor node.ZERO KNOWN CIRCUITS COUNTERS CIRCUIT circuit-id@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 KNOWN CIRCUITS?Indicates that counters for all known circuits are to be reset.3 CIRCUIT circuit-id<Identifies a particular circuit for šwhich counters are to bereset.2 LINE7Use the ZERO LINE command to reset line counters on theexecutor node. ZERO KNOWN LINES COUNTERS LINE line-id@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 KNOWN LINES<Indicates that counters for all known lines are to be reset.3 LINE line-id9Identifies a particular line for which counters are to bereset.2 MODULEIntroduces a MODULE parameter.3 ›X25-PROTOCOL9Zero the counters for a particular DTE or all KNOWN DTES.The command for is :=ZERO MODULE X25-PROTOCOL DTE address NETWORK network-name6 KNOWN DTE KNOWN NETWORK@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 DTE dte-address/Zeroes the counters for the specified DTE only. 4 KNOWN DTES'Zeroes the counters for all known DTEs. 3 X25-SERVER+Zero the counters for the X2œ5 Call Handler. 3 X29-SERVER,Zero the counters for the X.29 Call Handler.2 NODE7Use the ZERO NODE command to reset node counters on theexecutor node. ZERO KNOWN NODES COUNTERS NODE node-id@All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces)when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 KNOWN NODES<Indicates that counters for all known nodes are to be reset.3 NODE node-id9Identifies a particular node for which counters are to bereset. 3 Examples! NCP>ZERO NODE TRNTO COUNTERS7This command resets all node counters maintained on the$executor node for remote node TRNTO.!! end of NCPHELP.HLP!ww