% Librarian I01-42`hKEhK5 PEEhK 1 PE commandB This command executes the PEDRIVER specific SDA extension imageC which is a collection of PEDRIVER specific commands which mirror8 the display functions of SYS$SYSTEM:SCACP.EXE in SDA.C By default this image is loaded from SYS$SHARE. However, it can, be redirected with the following logical:% $ define pe$sda [dir-spec]pe$sda.exe Format: SDA> PE command2 BUS> Displays PEDRIVER bus data. Each bus is a local LAN device7 on the system being used for NISCACP communications.* This is an alias of the PE LAN command. Format PE BUS 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers/ALL /ALL Includes all bus data./BUS /BUS=(bus1,bus2,...)C Includes specific buses (LAN devices). The default is all busesB included. Bus names are displayed by the PE BUS command. Each7 bus name may be preceded by "NO" to exclude the bus.; /BUS=ALL includes all buses. /BUS=NOBUSn, equivalent toA /BUS=(ALL,NOBUSn), includes all buses except BUSn. /BUS=BUSn,5 equivalent to /BUS=(NOALL,BUSn) selects only BUSn./SUMMARY /SUMMARY? Includes bus summary data. This is the default if not other selection is made. /COUNTERS /COUNTERS( Includes bus counters and error data./n /n Includes page number n. 3 Example SDA> PE BUS/COUNTERS/BUS=EWB Displays counters maintained by PEDRIVER for the EW devices, as6 well as the LAN device counters for the EW devices. 2 CHANNELD Displays PEDRIVER channel data. Each channel is a single NISCACPD communications path between the local system and a remote system,2 between a local bus and a bus on a remote node. Format PE CHANNEL 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers/ALL /ALL Includes all channel data./CHANNEL# /CHANNEL=(channel1,channel2,...)F Includes specific channels (LAN communications paths). The defau ltC is all channels included. Channel names are displayed by the PEA CHANNEL command. Each channel name may be preceded by "NO" to exclude the channel(s).G /CHANNEL=ALL includes all channels. /CHANNEL=NOCHANNELn, equivalentG to /CHANNEL=(ALL,NOCHANNELn), includes all channels except CHANNELn.E /CHANNEL=CHANNELn, equivalent to /CHANNEL=(NOALL,CHANNELn) selects only CHANNELn.D Channels are identified by the local bus, remote bus, and VC nameF (name of the remote node), separated by underscores. Bus names mayC be up to 3 characters long. VC names may be up to 6 characters.2 Each may be wildcarded with * and % characters. D Selecting all local and remote buses for the VC to node FOO wouldC be specified as *_*_FOO, but this may be abbreviated as FOO. InF addition, the remote bus may be omitted, so EWA_*_FOO is equivalent to EWA_FOO. /COUNTERS /COUNTERS" Includes channel counters data./SUMMARY /SUMMARYB  Includes channel summary data. This is the default if no other selection is made. /IPCHANNEL /IPCHANNEL% Includes IP channel summary data. /LANCHANNEL /LANCHANNEL) Includes LAN channel summary data. /n /n Includes page number n. 3 Example& SDA> PE CHANNEL/CHANNEL=EWA_%%%_FOO> Displays channel summary data for all channels defined with? local bus EWA, any remote bus, and remote node name starting with FOO. 2 LAN_DEVIC EA Displays PEDRIVER LAN device data. Each LAN device is a localB LAN device on the system being used for NISCACP communications. Format PE LAN_DEVICE 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers/ALL /ALL Includes all LAN device data. /LAN_DEVICE, /LAN_DEVICE=(lan_device1,lan_device2,...)A Includes specific LAN devices. The default is all LAN devicesA included. LAN device names are displayed by the PE LAN_DEVICED command. Each LAN device name may be preceded by "NO" to exclude the LAN device.H /LAN_DEVICE=ALL includes all LAN devices. /LAN_DEVICE=NOLAN_DEVICEn,B equivalent to /LAN_DEVICE=(ALL,NOLAN_DEVICEn), includes all LANF devices except LAN_DEVICEn. /LAN_DEVICE=LAN_DEVICEn, equivalent to< /LAN_DEVICE=(NOALL,LAN_DEVICEn) selects only LAN_DEVICEn./SUMMARY /SUMMARYG Includes LAN device summmary data. This is the default if not other selection is made. /COUNTERS /COUNTERS/ Inc ludes LAN device counters and error data./n /n Includes page number n. 3 Example, SDA> PE LAN_DEVICE/COUNTERS/LAN_DEVICE=EWB Displays counters maintained by PEDRIVER for the EW devices, as6 well as the LAN device counters for the EW devices.2 IP_INTERFACEG Displays PEDRIVER IP pseduo device data. Each IP device is a pseduo> device on the system being used for NISCACP communications. Format PE IP_INTERFACE 3 Parameters None. 3  Qualifiers/ALL /ALL" Includes all IP interface data. /IP_INTERFACE2 /IP_INTERFACE=(ip_interface1,ip_interface2,...)E Includes specific IP interfaces. The default is all IP interfacesD included. IP interface names are displayed by the PE IP_INTERFACEF command. Each IP interface name may be preceded by "NO" to exclude the IP interface. /SUMMARY /SUMMARYH Includes IP interface summary data. This is the default if not other selection is made%. /COUNTERS /COUNTERS1 Includes IP interface counters and error data./n /n Includes page number n. 3 Example0 SDA> PE IP_INTERFACE/COUNTERS/IP_INTERFACE=WEC Displays counters maintained by PEDRIVER for the WE devices, as8 well as the IP interface counters for the WE devices.2 TRACE Displays PEDRIVER trace data. Format PE TRACE 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers/CHANNEL# /CHANNEL=(channel1,channel2,...)F  Includes specific channels (LAN communications paths). The defaultC is all channels included. Channel names are displayed by the PEA CHANNEL command. Each channel name may be preceded by "NO" to exclude the channel(s).A /CHANNEL=ALL includes all channels. /CHANNEL=(ALL,NOCHANNELn)> includes all channels except CHANNELn. /CHANNEL=(CHANNELn)9 (equivalent to (NOALL,CHANNELn) selects only CHANNELn.D Channels are identified by the local bus, remote bus, and VC nameF  (name of the remote node), separated by underscores. Bus names mayC be up to 3 characters long. VC names may be up to 6 characters.2 Each may be wildcarded with * and % characters. D Selecting all local and remote buses for the VC to node FOO wouldC be specified as *_*_FOO, but this may be abbreviated as FOO. InF addition, the remote bus may be omitted, so EWA_*_FOO is equivalent to EWA_FOO./CONTEXT /CONTEXT& Displays PEDRIVER event definition./EVENT /EVENT=(event1,event2,...)H Enables trace display of specific events. The default is all events.C Event names are displayed by the PE TRACE/CONTEXT command. Each; event name may be preceded by "NO" to exclude the event.F /EVENT=ALL includes all events. /EVENT=(ALL,NOEVENTn) includes allE events except EVENTn. /EVENT=EVENTn (equivalent to (NOALL,EVENTn) selects only EVENTn./SORT /SORT /NOSORT (default) @ Returns trace data sorted across channels by sequence number.A The default is trace data returned for channels and VCs one atB a time, in order for the channel or VC, but not across channels and VCs./VC /VC=(vc1,vc2,...)D Includes specific VCs (set of LAN communication paths between twoG nodes). The default is all VCs included. VC names are displayed by> the PE VC command. Each VC name may be preceded by "NO" to exclude the VC.G /VC=ALL includes all VCs. /VC=NOVCn, equivalent to /VC=(ALL,NOVCn),G includes all VCs except VCn. /VC=VCn, equivalent to /VC=(NOALL,VCn) selects only VCn. 3 Examples 1. SDA> PE TRACE/CONTEXT* Displays trace settings and definition." 2. SDA> PE TRACE/EVENT=CC_EVENT* Displays trace data with type CC_EVENT.2 HELPB This command displays help data for the PEDRIVER SDA extension.2 VC> Displays PEDRIVER virtual circuit data. Each VC is NISCACP< communications path between the local system and a remote) system co#mprised of a set of channels. Format PE VC 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers/ALL /ALL Includes all VC data. /COUNTERS /COUNTERS Includes VC counter data./SUMMARY /SUMMARY> Includes VC summary data. This is the default if not other selection is made./VC /VC=(vc1,vc2,...)D Includes specific VCs (set of LAN communication paths between twoG nodes). The default is all VCs included. VC names are displayed by> the PE VC command. Each VC name may be preceded by "NO" to exclude the VC.G /VC=ALL includes all VCs. /VC=NOVCn, equivalent to /VC=(ALL,NOVCn),G includes all VCs except VCn. /VC=VCn, equivalent to /VC=(NOALL,VCn) selects only VCn./n /n Includes page number n. 3 Example SDA> PE VC/ERRORS/VC=FOOG Displays VC error counters for all VCs whose name (remote node name) starts with FOO.ww