% Librarian I01-42ofKpfK 5 ANSWER CharacterstConference_Call DIAL* DIRECTORYEXITZ FACSIMILEHANGUPjHELPHOLDVMAILOverviewtPHONEPREJECT  Switch_hookZUNHOLD Usage_Summary bqpfK 1 OverviewD You can use the OpenVMS Phone utility (PHONE) to communicate withC other users on your system or with any other system connected toC your system by DECnet for OpenVMS. Phone is designed to simulateC some of the features of actual telephone communications, such as? the hold button, conference call, and telephone directories.B To invoke the Phone utility, enter the PHONE command at the DCL@ prompt and press Return. You can specify the user name of the? person with whom you want to communicate before or after youD enter the Phone utility. When you invoke the Phone utility, Phone; displays the Phone screen layout, known as the viewport. wwrpfK 1 CharactersB All normal ASCII text characters are displayed in the viewport.D Some ASCII control characters can be used for formatting (see the? following table) while other control characters are ignored.$ Control Key Formatting Function/ Del ete Deletes the previous character* Line Feed Deletes the previous word2 Return Starts a new line in the viewport. Tab Advances to the next tab stop> Ctrl/G Sounds the bell at both your terminal and the? terminal of anyone linked to the current Phone conversation2 Ctrl/L Clears all text from the viewportC Ctrl/Q Allows normal receiving of characters. Ctrl/Q also! negates a Ctrl/S ; Ctrl/S Freezes the characters currently on screen1 Ctrl/U Clears the current viewport line, Ctrl/W Refreshes the entire screen@ Ctrl/Z Equivalent to the HANGUP command if used duringB a conversation; equivalent to the EXIT command if9 used when no conversation is in progress wwrpfK1 Conference_CallA When setting up a conference call, one participant acts as theC operator. The operator establishes the conference by calling theB other participants in turn and waiting for an answer. A maximum: of six participants can take part in a conference call.@ Only users currently participating in the conference call can? bring in new participants with the DIAL or PHONE command. IfC you dial a person already participating in an ongoing conference5 call, you talk only to the participant you called. wwrpfK1 Usage_SummaryB You can use the Phone utility (PHONE) to communicate with other= users by simulating some of the features of real telephone? communications. To invoke the Phone utility, enter the PHONE@ command at the DCL command prompt using the following format: Format' PHONE [/qualifier] [phone-command]B To exit, enter the EXIT command. The system returnes you to theB DCL command prompt. If you are in the Phone utility but are not? currently engaged in a conversation, you can press Ctrl/Z to exit.; The HANGUP command is used to hang up your own phone. It< disconnects all current links but leaves you in the Phone? utility. Pressing Ctrl/Z during a conversation is equivalent" to entering the HANGUP command.? Phone can be used only on video terminals with direct cursorA positioning, such as the Digital VT52, VT100, VT200, and VT300> series terminals. The Phone utility uses the SCOPE terminal< characteristic to determine if it can support a terminal. ww rpfK 1 ANSWER? Answers the phone when you receive a call. If the call comes@ when you are not currently in the Phone utility, a message isD broadcast to your terminal. If you want to answer the call, enterC the PHONE command at the DCL prompt and then enter ANSWER at theC switch-hook (%) prompt. If you do not want to answer a call, you3 may reject the call by using the REJECT command.> If you are currently using Phone, a message that someone isA phoning you appea rs in Phone's standard message line, which is7 located under the command input line on your screen. Format ANSWER 2 Example %ANSWER; The ANSWER command establishes a link with the caller. wwrpfK1 DIALC Places a call to another user. You must include the user name ofB the person to whom you are placing the call. The user name mustD be preceded by a DECnet for OpenVMS node name if the person is onB another node. You cannot use node numbers or VMScluster aliasesA to access someone on another node; however, DECnet strings areB acceptable. A logical name can be substituted for the user name parameter.A When you enter the DIAL command, a message is broadcast to theA user's terminal to indicate that you are calling. This messageC flashes every 10 seconds until the user either answers the phoneB or rejects the call, or until you press any key on the keyboard" (this action cancels the call).@ If you enter a user name without a specific command, the DIAL command is assumed. Format DIAL [node::]username 2 Parameter [node::]usernameA Specifies the name of the user to be phoned and their node (ifA their node is not the same as your current node). Node numbersB cannot be entered when you are calling someone on another node.% DECnet access strings are allowed. 2 Example %DIAL TAURUS::SMITH< The DIAL command places a call to Smith on node TAURUS. wwrpfK 1 DIRECTORY@ Displays a list of those users with whom you can talk on yourA system or on any other system in the network. If you enter theB DIRECTORY command without additional information, users on yourD system are listed. If you enter the DIRECTORY command with a nodeC name, the users on that system are listed. If the node name that@ you enter is a member of a VMScluster, you will see all users@ logged in to that VMScluster, not just the node name that youD requested. You can substitute a logical name for the node name in the command line.A The directory is displayed on your screen, line by line, untilC the entire list has been displayed or until you press any key onC the keyboard. The process name, user name, terminal device name,, and phone status are shown for each user. Format DIRECTORY [node[::]] 2 Parameter node[::]> When a node name is specified, the users on that system are# listed. The colons are optional. 2 Example %DIRECTORY TAURUSC The DIRECTORY command lists all the users currently working on node TAURUS. wwrpfK1 EXITA Exits from the Phone utility. When you enter this command, the= HANGUP command is executed and you are returned to the DCL? command level prompt. (You can also use Ctrl/Z when there is no conversation.) Format EXIT 2 Example %DIAL PETERS . . . %HANGUP %DIAL FENTON . . . %EXIT $B This example illustrates the difference between the two PhoneC commands HANGUP and EXIT. At the first Phone prompt, Peters isB dialed. The phone connection to Peters is terminated with theD HANGUP command, but the user is still in the Phone utility. TheD phone connection to Fenton is terminated with the EXIT command,@ which causes an exit from Phone and a return to DCL command@ level. (Ctrl/Z could have been used instead of the HANGUP.) wwrpfK 1 FACSIMILE7 Allows you to include the contents of a file in your? conversation. The contents of the specified file are sent to( the current participants in the call.@ The file continues to be sent until it reaches the end of the3 file or until you press any key on the keyboard. Format FACSIMILE filespec 2 Parameter filespec1 Specifies the name of the file to be included. 2 Example %FACSIMILE WORK.DATB The FACSIMILE command specifies that the contents of the file= WORK.DAT be included in your current phone conversation. wwpfK 1 HANGUP@ Hangs up your phone. This disconnects all current links - theD current conversation, anyone you have on hold, and anyone who hasB you on hold. The HANGUP command does not cause an exit from the? Phone utility. (Compare this command with the EXIT command.)9 Pressing Ctrl/Z during a conversation is equivalent toA entering the HANGUP command. (Pressing Ctrl/Z when there is no< conversation is equivalent to entering the EXIT command.) Format HANGUP 2 Example %DIAL PETERS . . . %HANGUP %DIAL FENTON . . . %EXIT $? This example illustrates the difference between HANGUP and@ EXIT commands. At the first Phone prompt, Peters is dialed.A The phone  connection to Peters is terminated with the HANGUPC command, but the user is still in the Phone utility. The phoneD connection to Fenton is terminated with the EXIT command, whichA causes an exit from Phone and a return to DCL command level.A (Note that Ctrl/Z could have been used instead of the HANGUP command.) wwpfK1 HELPD Enables you to obtain online information about the Phone utility.A To obtain general Phone information, enter the HELP command at the switch-hook character.A To obtain specific information about individual Phone commandsC or topics, enter HELP followed by the command or topic name, for' example HELP DIAL, and press Return.D The information you request is displayed on your screen until allD information on the selected topic has been displayed or until youB press any key on the keyboard. (Pressing any key causes an exit from the Phone utility Help.) Format HELP [topic] 2 Parameter topic; Denotes a specific topic on which to supply information. 2 Example %HELP DIALB The HELP command displays information about the DIAL command. wwpfK1 HOLD; Enables you to put on hold other users who are currently? participating in a conversation with you. When you enter the@ HOLD command, everyone who is currently on the phone with you> (including anyone who has you on hold) is placed on hold. A@ message is sent to each terminal indicating that the user has been placed on hold.D You can make calls to other users while you have someone on hold. Format HOLD 2 Example %HOLDD The HOLD command puts anyone with whom you are having a current Phone conversation on hold. wwpfK1 MAIL< Allows you to send a short message to another person. For@ example, when you call someone who is not in, you can leave a message to call you back., The MAIL command requires two parameters:D o The user name of the person to whom the message is to be sent.D A logical name can be substituted for the user name parameter.C o The message, which must be enclosed in quotation marks (" "). Format+ MAIL [node::]username "short message" 2 Parameters [node::]usernameB Specifies the name of the user to receive the mail. Include theA node when the person you want to receive the message is not on your current node. "short one-line message"C Denotes the contents of the message to be sent. The message mustB be enclosed in quotation marks and cannot exceed a single line. 2 Example1 %MAIL TAURUS::SMITH "The meeting is at eleven."@ The MAIL command sends the message to Smith on node Taurus. wwpfK1 PHONED Is synonymous with the DIAL command. The two commands can be used interchangeably. Format  PHONE [node::]username 2 Parameter [node::]usernameB Specifies the name of the user to be phoned and the user's nodeD (if that node is not the same as your current node). Node numbersB cannot be entered when you are calling someone on another node.% DECnet access strings are allowed. wwpfK 1 REJECTD Allows you to reject a call from another user while you are usingB Phone. A message indicating that the call has not been accepted' is displayed on the caller's screen.B The REJECT command accepts the optional parameter EXIT. If this@ parameter is specified, the EXIT command is invoked followingB the rejection. This feature allows you to set up a personalizedD DCL command that can reject a call and return to DCL without yourA intervention. Such a personalized command might appear in your# login command file. For example:# $ REJECT :== "PHONE REJECT EXIT" Format REJECT [EXIT] 2 Parameter EXIT< Enables you to reject a call and exit from Phone with one command. 2 Example %REJECTB The REJECT command rejects a phone call from another user but3 does not cause an exit from the Phone utility. wwpfK1 Switch_hook? The switch hook (%) character is used to signal that you areC about to enter a command. Normally, all text typed is consideredB part of the conversation. However, when you type a switch hook,A all characters up to the next carriage return (or switch hook) are treated as a command.; The switch hook is optional if you are not carrying on a+ conversation when you enter the command.D The switch hook character is always displayed in column 1 of line4 2. The default character is the percent sign (%). wwpfK 1 UNHOLDB Reverses the most recently entered HOLD command. A user who wasD placed on hold by the previous HOLD command is removed from hold.D A user who was placed on hold before the most recent HOLD command remains on hold. Format UNHOLD 2 Example %UNHOLD? The UNHOLD command reverses the last HOLD command that was executed.ww