Oracle[R]_Rdb_for_OpenVMS___________________________ New Features Document Release 7.1.x.x June 2007 ________________________________________________________________ Oracle Rdb New Features, Release 7.1.x.x for OpenVMS Copyright © 1984, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information of Oracle Corporation; they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability with other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. Oracle Corporation does not warrant that this document is error- free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Oracle Corporation. If the Programs are delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing or using the programs on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable: Restricted Rights Notice Programs delivered subject to the DOD FAR Supplement are "commercial computer software" and use, duplication, and disclosure of the Programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement. Otherwise, Programs delivered subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations are "restricted computer software" and use, duplication, and disclosure of the Programs shall be subject to the restrictions in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights (June, 1987). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications. It shall be the licensee's responsibility to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the Programs are used for such purposes, and Oracle Corporation disclaims liability for any damages caused by such use of the Programs. Oracle is a registered trademark, and Hot Standby, LogMiner for Rdb, Oracle CDD/Repository, Oracle CODASYL DBMS, Oracle Expert, Oracle Rdb, Oracle RMU, Oracle RMUwin, Oracle SQL/Services, Oracle Trace, and Rdb7 are trademark or registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... ix 1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 1.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 1-1 1.1.1 RMU Tape Support Added for SDLT600, LTO2, LTO3 Drives............................... 1-1 1.1.2 New RMU VERIFY Messages %RMU-E-BADCLTSEQALLOC, %RMU-E-BADCLTSEQMAXID, %RMU-E-BADCLTSEQUSED...................... 1-2 1.1.3 Sample of Rdb External Routine Access to Oracle RDBMS.............................. 1-3 2 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.5 2.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.5......................................... 2-1 2.1.1 Enhanced System Table Lookup in Multischema Databases..................... 2-1 2.1.2 Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.x.x New Features Document Name Changed..................... 2-2 3 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 3.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 3-1 3.1.1 SHOW DOMAIN and SHOW TABLE Have Better Formatting of DEFAULT Strings ............ 3-1 3.1.2 CALL Statement From Trigger Action Can Now Update Tables............................. 3-2 3.1.3 Enhancement to SQLCA...................... 3-3 iii 4 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 4.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 4-1 4.1.1 Enhancements to the ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN Clause............................. 4-1 4.1.2 New SHOW STATISTICS Command for Interactive SQL........................... 4-2 4.1.3 RMU Load and Unload Now Support Table and View Synonyms............................. 4-3 4.1.4 Enhancements to Concurrent DDL Statements................................ 4-4 5 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 5.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 5-1 5.1.1 /TRANSPORT Added to RMU/REPLICATE AFTER... 5-1 5.1.2 CASCADE Option Now Supported by DROP INDEX..................................... 5-1 5.1.3 Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.x.x New Features Document Added............................ 5-3 5.1.4 READER_THREAD_RATIO and RMU BACKUP........ 5-3 6 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 6.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 6-1 6.1.1 Support Added for ANSI C Comments......... 6-1 6.1.2 New Rdb Character Set GB18030............. 6-1 6.1.3 New GET DIAGNOSTICS Keyword............... 6-2 6.1.4 Buffer Memory Now Exported/Imported ...... 6-2 6.1.5 New RESTART WITH Clause for ALTER SEQUENCE.................................. 6-3 6.1.6 ALTER VIEW Statement...................... 6-4 7 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4 7.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4......................................... 7-1 7.1.1 Support for OpenVMS Version 8.2........... 7-1 7.1.2 RMU/BACKUP/PARALLEL/DISK_FILE Now Supports ALLOCATION_QUANTITY and EXTEND_QUANTITY... 7-1 iv 7.1.3 RMU/UNLOAD Now Supports /FLUSH and /[NO]ERROR_DELETE Qualifiers ............. 7-5 7.1.4 Altering COMPUTED BY and AUTOMATIC AS Columns................................... 7-6 7.1.5 Enhancements to CREATE and ALTER STORAGE MAP....................................... 7-8 7.1.6 RMU /UNLOAD /AFTER_JOURNAL /IGNORE OLD_VERSION Keyword....................... 7-12 8 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3......................................... 8-1 8.1.1 Dynamic Optimizer FAST FIRST Shortcut Termination............................... 8-1 8.1.2 RDMS$DEBUG_FLAGS_OUTPUT Now Substitutes the Process ID in Output Filename......... 8-4 8.1.3 Peephole Optimization for Hidden Key Retrieval................................. 8-4 Feature Overview........................ 8-6 8.1.4 New PROTOTYPES Qualifier for SQL Module Language.................................. 8-11 8.1.5 RMU /UNLOAD /AFTER_JOURNAL Performance Enhancement............................... 8-12 8.1.6 New GET DIAGNOSTICS Keywords.............. 8-13 8.1.7 New EXECUTE Syntax........................ 8-14 8.1.8 Bitmap Scan Performance Enhancements...... 8-23 Bitmap Scan for OR Index Retrieval...... 8-23 Processing of Unique Keys and Non-ranked Indices................................. 8-26 Enhanced Fast First Processing.......... 8-28 8.1.9 Enhancements to SQL SHOW Commands......... 8-32 8.1.10 Return EXCESS_TRAN with Distributed Transaction............................... 8-35 8.1.11 Dynamic SQL Enhancements.................. 8-38 v 9 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 9-1 9.1.1 Query Governor Enhanced to Timeout Executing Requests ....................... 9-1 9.1.2 SET QUERY Statement....................... 9-3 9.2 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 9-9 9.2.1 Rdb Optional Site-Specific Startup Procedure................................. 9-9 9.3 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2......................................... 9-9 9.3.1 New NVL2 Expression....................... 9-9 9.3.2 SET DEFAULT CONSTRAINT MODE Enhancements .......................................... 9-11 9.3.3 New Dialect ORACLE LEVEL2 Added........... 9-13 9.3.4 RMU/UNLOAD/AFTER_JOURNAL Output Flush..... 9-13 9.3.5 RMU /SHOW STATISTICS Enhanced to Show Large Memory Setting...................... 9-14 9.3.6 Statistics Collection Performance Improvement for AlphaServer GS Systems.... 9-14 9.3.7 RMU RECOVER Accepts Wildcard After-image Journal File Specifications and ORDER_AIJ_FILES Qualifier................. 9-16 9.3.8 RMU/SHOW STATISTICS Page Dump Content and Format Enhancements....................... 9-16 9.3.9 Enhancement to Prestarted Transaction Timeout................................... 9-17 9.3.10 New SET CONTINUE CHARACTER Statement for Interactive SQL .......................... 9-17 9.3.11 OPTIMIZE Clause Enhancements.............. 9-18 9.3.12 New Options for the OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL Qualifier ................................ 9-19 9.3.13 SET OPTIMIZATION LEVEL Enhancements....... 9-21 9.3.14 RMU Unload Now Supports SELECTIVITY Option for OPTIMIZE Qualifier ................... 9-22 9.3.15 New Options Supported for LOGMINER SUPPORT Clause.................................... 9-23 9.3.16 Changes to the IMPORT Command............. 9-23 9.3.17 ALTER MODULE Statement.................... 9-26 9.3.18 New RENAME Statement...................... 9-33 9.3.19 New Warning Generated When Row Size Exceeds Row Cache Length.................. 9-38 vi 9.3.20 Oracle Media Management V2.0 API for Oracle Rdb RMU............................ 9-39 Commands Accepting /LIBRARIAN........... 9-39 Opaque Archive Application.............. 9-40 RMU Backup Streams...................... 9-41 Parallel Backup Operations.............. 9-43 Data Stream Naming Considerations....... 9-45 /LIBRARIAN Parameters................... 9-45 Logical Names To Access LIBRARIAN Application............................. 9-47 SQL/Services Required for RMU Parallel Backup.................................. 9-48 Listing and Deleting Data Streams....... 9-48 9.3.21 Sanity Checks Added to RMU /VERIFY to Check TSNs and CSNs....................... 9-50 9.3.22 RMU /CLOSE /WAIT /NOCLUSTER Now Allowed... 9-51 9.3.23 Native 64-bit Virtual Addressing for Row Caches.................................... 9-51 Background.............................. 9-52 64-bit Addressing....................... 9-52 No Application or Database Changes Required................................ 9-53 Deprecated Attributes................... 9-53 Cache Size Limits....................... 9-54 Row Cache Feature Only.................. 9-54 System Parameters....................... 9-54 Additional Information.................. 9-55 9.3.24 Snapshots In Row Cache.................... 9-55 Background.............................. 9-55 Configuration........................... 9-56 Space Reclaimation...................... 9-57 Objects in Mixed Format Areas........... 9-57 SQL Syntax.............................. 9-57 RMU Syntax.............................. 9-58 Snapshot Cache Sizing................... 9-58 Performance and Operational Considerations.......................... 9-59 Statistics.............................. 9-60 Importance of the After-Image Journal... 9-63 9.3.25 Performance Enhancements for RMU /RECOVER with Optimized After-Image Journals....... 9-63 9.3.26 Enhancements to INSERT ... FILENAME for LIST OF BYTE VARYING Data ................ 9-68 vii 9.3.27 Index Estimation.......................... 9-69 How Estimation Is Performed............. 9-70 9.3.28 Hash Index Estimation..................... 9-77 9.3.29 New LIKE Clause Added to CREATE TABLE..... 9-79 9.3.30 Enhancements to Statistical Functions..... 9-83 9.3.31 RMU /VERIFY Enhanced to Detect Sequence Problems.................................. 9-85 9.3.32 Determining Which Oracle Rdb Options Are Installed................................. 9-86 9.3.33 New Procedure RDB$IMAGE_VERSIONS.COM...... 9-87 9.3.34 Oracle Rdb SGA API........................ 9-88 10 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.1 10.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.1......................................... 10-1 10.1.1 Scan Intrusion Security Now Supported..... 10-1 11 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 11.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 11-1 11.1.1 New Keyword SCREEN_NAME for RMU/SHOW STATISTICS/OPTIONS........................ 11-1 11.1.2 Zoom Option for "Process Analysis" Screen in RMU/SHOW STATISTICS.................... 11-1 11.1.3 New PRAGMA Clause Added to SQL Compound Statements................................ 11-2 11.1.4 New DECLARE Routine Statement............. 11-3 11.1.5 New AUTO_INDEX Option Added for SET FLAGS..................................... 11-8 12 Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity 12.1 Sampled Selectivity........................... 12-1 12.1.1 Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity............................... 12-1 12.1.2 Selectivity in the Optimization Process... 12-1 Fixed Selectivity Is Used by Default.... 12-2 Fixed Selectivity Can Sometimes Be a Poor Predictor.......................... 12-3 viii 12.1.3 Introducing Sampled Selectivity........... 12-3 Pros and Cons of the Different Selectivity Methods..................... 12-4 Requirements for Using Sampled Selectivity............................. 12-5 12.1.4 How to Enable the Various Selectivity Methods................................... 12-6 OPTIMIZE WITH Clause.................... 12-7 SET OPTIMIZATION LEVEL Statement........ 12-8 The SELECTIVITY Debug Flag.............. 12-9 SQL Precompiled and SQL Module Language Code.................................... 12-10 RMU/UNLOAD/OPTIMIZE..................... 12-10 12.1.5 Improving the Accuracy of Sampled Selectivity............................... 12-11 12.1.6 Details about the Sampled Selectivity Process................................... 12-12 12.1.7 Diagnostic Information about Selectivity Estimation................................ 12-13 How to Enable Diagnostic Output......... 12-14 How to Disable Diagnostic Output........ 12-15 Details about Selectivity Estimation Diagnostics............................. 12-15 Examples of Selectivity Estimation Diagnostics............................. 12-18 Examples 6-1 Changing the comment on a view............ 6-7 6-2 Changing the columns results of a view definition................................ 6-7 6-3 Changing the WITH CHECK OPTION constraint of a view definition...................... 6-10 9-1 Changing the comment on a module.......... 9-28 9-2 Revalidating all routines in a module..... 9-28 9-3 Replacing a routine in a module........... 9-29 9-4 Adding a new function to a module......... 9-34 9-5 Comparing the output of STDDEV_POP and STDDEV_SAMP............................... 9-85 9-6 Applying the FILTER clause................ 9-86 ix Tables 3-1 SQLCA SQLERRM[0] Values................... 3-3 9-1 Comparison between RENAME and ALTER statements................................ 9-37 9-2 Recommended Minimum Process Quotas........ 9-66 12-1 Settings for the SELECTIVITY Debug Flag... 12-10 12-2 Methods of Computing Selectivity.......... 12-16 12-3 Reasons That Selectivity Sampling Cannot Be Done................................... 12-16 x _________________________________________________________________ Preface Purpose of This Manual This manual contains the New Features Chapters for Oracle Rdb Release and prior Rdb 7.1.x.x releases. Document Structure This manual consists of the following chapters: ix Chapter 1 Describes enhancements introduced in Oracle Rdb Release Chapter 2 Describes enhancements introduced in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.5. Chapter 3 Describes enhancements introduced in Oracle Rdb Release Chapter 4 Describes enhancements introduced in Oracle Rdb Release Chapter 5 Describes enhancements introduced in Oracle Rdb Release Chapter 6 Describes enhancements introduced in Oracle Rdb Release Chapter 7 Describes enhancements introduced in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4. Chapter 8 Describes enhancements introduced in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3. Chapter 9 Describes enhancements introduced in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x. Chapter 10 Describes enhancements introduced in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.1. Chapter 11 Describes enhancements introduced in Oracle Rdb Release Chapter 12 Sampled Selectivity Feature x 1 _________________________________________________________________ Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 1.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 1.1.1 RMU Tape Support Added for SDLT600, LTO2, LTO3 Drives Oracle Rdb RMU support has been added for the VMS tape density and compaction values for the Super DLT600, Ultrium460 and Ultrium960 tape drives. This will allow the following new density values to be specified with the /DENSITY qualifier for RMU commands that write to Super DLT600, Ultrium460 and Ultrium960 drives. /DENSITY = (SDLT600,[NO]COMPACTION) - Super DLT600 /DENSITY = (LTO2,[NO]COMPACTION) - Ultrium460 /DENSITY = (LTO3,[NO]COMPACTION) - Ultrium960 The following shows examples of specifying density with or without compaction when backing up an Rdb database to one of these tape drives. $ RMU/BACKUP/DENSITY=SDLT600/REWIND/LABEL=(LABEL1,LABEL2) - MF_PERSONNEL TAPE1:MFP.BCK, TAPE2: $ RMU/BACKUP/DENSITY=(SDLT600,COMPACTION)/REWIND/LABEL=(LABEL1,LABEL2) - MF_PERSONNEL TAPE1:MFP.BCK, TAPE2: $ RMU/BACKUP/DENSITY=LTO2/REWIND/LABEL=(LABEL1,LABEL2) - MF_PERSONNEL TAPE1:MFP.BCK, TAPE2: $ RMU/BACKUP/DENSITY=(LTO2,COMPACTION)/REWIND/LABEL=(LABEL1,LABEL2) - MF_PERSONNEL TAPE1:MFP.BCK, TAPE2: $ RMU/BACKUP/DENSITY=LTO3/REWIND/LABEL=(LABEL1,LABEL2) - MF_PERSONNEL TAPE1:MFP.BCK, TAPE2: $ RMU/BACKUP/DENSITY=(LTO3,COMPACTION)/REWIND/LABEL=(LABEL1,LABEL2) - MF_PERSONNEL TAPE1:MFP.BCK, TAPE2: Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 1-1 1.1.2 New RMU VERIFY Messages %RMU-E-BADCLTSEQALLOC, %RMU-E-BADCLTSEQMAXID, %RMU-E-BADCLTSEQUSED Three new diagnostic messages have been added to RMU/VERIFY for detecting Oracle Rdb database corruption when verifying Client Sequences. These messages will be output for inconsistencies detected between the client sequence definitions in the database root and the client sequence definitions in the RDB$SEQUENCES system table. The %RMU-E-BADCLTSEQALLOC message is output if there is an inconsistency between the number of client sequences allocated in the database root and the number of client sequences defined in the system table RDB$SEQUENCES. The %RMU-E-BADCLTSEQMAXID message is output if there is an inconsistency between the number of client sequences allocated in the database root and the maximum Sequence ID value defined in the system table RDB$SEQUENCES. The %RMU-E-BADCLTSEQUSED message is output if there is an inconsistency between the number of client sequences in use in the database root and the number of client sequences defined in the system table RDB$SEQUENCES. The following example shows all three of these new messages. The %RMU-E-NOSEQENT message is not a new message but an existing message already output by RMU/VERIFY. 1-2 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release $ RMU/VERIFY/ALL DISK:[DIRECTORY]MF_PERSONNEL %RMU-E-BADCLTSEQALLOC, 32 client sequences allocated in the root is less than 55 client sequences defined in RDB$SEQUENCES. %RMU-E-BADCLTSEQMAXID, 32 client sequences allocated in the root is less than the maximum client sequence id of 55 in RDB$SEQUENCES. %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 33 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 34 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 35 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 36 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 37 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 38 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 39 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 40 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 41 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 42 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 43 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 44 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 45 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 46 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 47 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 48 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 49 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 50 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 51 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 52 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 53 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 54 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, sequence id 55 has no valid entry in the root file %RMU-E-BADCLTSEQUSED, 32 client sequences in use in the root does not equal 55 client sequences defined in RDB$SEQUENCES. All three of these messages show database corruption that will require a database restore and recovery of the database to the last state that does not show this corruption. 1.1.3 Sample of Rdb External Routine Access to Oracle RDBMS A set of files has been added to the SQL$SAMPLE directory which demonstrate the use of Rdb SQL external functions and procedures to access an Oracle RDBMS database. It includes PRO*C source code and build procedures along with an Rdb SQL script to define the external routines. The demonstration is composed of the following files: Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 1-3 o PRO_C_EXT_FUNC.COM o PRO_C_EXT_FUNC.OPT o PRO_C_EXT_FUNC.PC o PRO_C_EXT_FUNC.SQL The following interactive session shows how to build the shared executable and define the functions in a PERSONNEL database in an environment where ORAUSER.COM has been executed: $ set default MY_DEMO_DIR $ define PROCEXTFUNC MY_DEMO_DIR $ copy sql$sample:PRO_C_EXT_FUNC.* *.* $ Pro*C/C++: Release - Production on Fri May 11 19:34:32 2007 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. System default option values taken from: ora_proc20:pcscfg.cfg - Linking PRO_C_EXT_FUNC.EXE $ SQL$ SQL> at 'f personnel'; SQL> @PRO_C_EXT_FUNC.SQL SQL> commit; SQL> exit; $ The demonstration routines are designed to access the "EMP" table in the "SCOTT" schema in an Oracle RDBMS database. They allow data for this table to be retrieved, both with a singleton retrieval and using a cursor; to be updated; and to be inserted. The demonstration creates an Rdb stored module named ORA_ PRO_C_DEMO_FUNCS that contains the following external routines: o roif_connect - a function o roif_disconnect - a function o roif_commit - a function o roif_rollback - a function o roif_get_errmsg - a procedure 1-4 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release o roif_get_employee - a procedure o roif_open_emp_cursor - a function o roif_fetch_emp_cursor - a procedure o roif_close_emp_cursor - a function o roif_update_employee - a procedure o roif_insert_employee - a procedure Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 1-5 2 _________________________________________________________________ Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.5 2.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.5 2.1.1 Enhanced System Table Lookup in Multischema Databases In prior releases of Oracle Rdb, applications that attached to a multischema database had to explicitly query the Rdb system tables using the catalog and schema name RDB$CATALOG.RDB$SCHEMA. Otherwise, a SET SCHEMA statement by the application might cause these system queries to fail. This was particularly a problem with interfaces such as SQL/Services and the Oracle ODBC Driver for Rdb. With this release, Oracle Rdb will first try to locate the table in the default schema as established by the SET CATALOG, SET SCHEMA or ATTACH statements. If the lookup fails, Rdb will try RDB$CATALOG.RDB$SCHEMA. This lookup will apply to tables, sequences, functions and procedures for both system and user defined objects. The following example shows the successful query with this new functionality. SQL> attach 'filename db$:msdb'; SQL> SQL> set schema 'west'; SQL> SQL> select rdb$relation_name cont> from rdb$relations cont> where rdb$relation_name like 'JOB%'; RDB$RELATION_NAME JOBS JOB_HISTORY 2 rows selected SQL> Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.5 2-1 The same query in an older version would fail. SQL> attach 'filename db$:msdb'; SQL> SQL> set schema 'west'; SQL> SQL> select rdb$relation_name cont> from rdb$relations cont> where rdb$relation_name like 'JOB%'; %SQL-F-RELNOTDEF, Table RDB$RELATIONS is not defined in database or schema SQL> This problem has been corrected in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.5. 2.1.2 Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.x.x New Features Document Name Changed The file name of the Rdb Release 7.1.x.x New Features document has been changed from NEWFEATURES_71xx to RDB_ NEWFEATURES_71xx in order to follow standard naming conventions. This document is included in saveset A of the Rdb kit and is available in postscript, text and PDF format. This document provides customers with one document to reference to find out about all new features that have been added to the Rdb 7.1 releases. 2-2 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.5 3 _________________________________________________________________ Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 3.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 3.1.1 SHOW DOMAIN and SHOW TABLE Have Better Formatting of DEFAULT Strings The output from the SHOW DOMAIN and SHOW TABLE command has changed with respect to the DEFAULT values that are strings. In prior versions, the default string was displayed without delimiters which made it hard to read, especially if the default value was all spaces. Additionally, strings from different character sets were not identified. This release of SQL now displays these strings in quotes and prefixes it with the character set name, unless the character set is the session default. The following example shows the revised output. SQL> show domain STREET_NAME; STREET_NAME CHAR(40) Oracle Rdb default: '>>' SQL> SQL> show table (column) PERSON; Information for table PERSON Columns for table PERSON: Column Name Data Type Domain ----------- --------- ------ LAST_NAME CHAR(50) Oracle Rdb default: ' ' LATIN_NAME VARCHAR(30) ISOLATIN1 30 Characters, 30 Octets Oracle Rdb default: ISOLATIN1' ' SQL> Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 3-1 3.1.2 CALL Statement From Trigger Action Can Now Update Tables Bug 2421356 In prior releases of Oracle Rdb, the CALL statement could only SELECT data from other tables. With this release of Rdb, the CALL statement may INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE tables as well as CALL other routines. The following restrictions apply to the actions of the routines activated by the CALL statement: o The table which is the target for the trigger, known as the morphing table, may not be updated (meaning INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE) by any stored procedure or function called within the scope of the trigger activation. Morphing table updates must be done within a trigger definition so that anomalies can be detected and avoided. Attempts to update the morphing tables will result in a runtime error such as the following: %RDB-E-READ_ONLY_REL, relation T was reserved for read access; updates not allowed -RDMS-E-RTN_ERROR, routine "SET_LENGTH" generated an error during execution -RDMS-F-INVTRGACT_STMT, invalid trigger action statement - can not modify target table As far as the stored procedure is concerned, the morphing table is a read-only. o If a stored routine action causes a different trigger to be activated and that then causes the same routine to be called, then an error similar to the following will be raised: %RDB-F-ACTIVE_RTN, routine "CAST_VALUE" is already active -RDMS-E-NORECURSION, no recursive routine calls permitted ________________________ Note ________________________ A stored routine may only be called from a trigger if it has been analyzed by Oracle Rdb. This step is automatically done by CREATE and ALTER TRIGGER ... ADD statements. If the routine was not recently created in the database (since Oracle Rdb Release 7.0.6), then use the ALTER MODULE ... COMPILE option to recompile any routines. ______________________________________________________ 3-2 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 3.1.3 Enhancement to SQLCA The following enhancements have been made to the SQLCA with this release: o The SQLCA field SQLERRM[0] is now updated with the statement type by the PREPARE statement for all dialects. These numeric codes are listed in the table below. In previous releases, SQLERRM[0] was set only for ORACLE LEVEL1 and ORACLE LEVEL2 dialects. o If the statement being prepared is a SELECT statement containing an INTO clause, then SQLCA field SQLWARN6 will contain the character "I". Such singleton SELECT statements can be executed without using a cursor. Table_3-1_SQLCA_SQLERRM[0]_Values__________________________ Symbolic_Name+__________________Value_______SQL_Statement__ 0 Statement is unknown SQL_K_OCTRDB_CONNECT -1 Rdb Connect SQL_K_OCTRDB_ATTACH -2 Rdb Attach SQL_K_OCTRDB_DISCONNECT -3 Rdb Disconnect SQL_K_OCTRDB_CREATE_MODULE -4 Rdb Create Module SQL_K_OCTRDB_ALTER_MODULE -5 Rdb Alter Module SQL_K_OCTRDB_DROP_MODULE -6 Rdb Drop Module SQL_K_OCTRDB_CREATE_DOMAIN -7 Rdb Create Domain SQL_K_OCTRDB_ALTER_DOMAIN -8 Rdb Alter Domain SQL_K_OCTRDB_DROP_DOMAIN -9 Rdb Drop Domain +The_positive_values_are_defined_for_compatibility_with____ Oracle 10g. Not all statements are supported by Oracle Rdb, therefore not all values will appear in the SQLCA. Negative values are Oracle Rdb specific values. (continued on next page) Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 3-3 Table_3-1_(Cont.)_SQLCA_SQLERRM[0]_Values__________________ Symbolic_Name+__________________Value_______SQL_Statement__ SQL_K_OCTRDB_CREATE_CATALOG -10 Rdb Create Catalog SQL_K_OCTRDB_ALTER_CATALOG -11 Rdb Alter Catalog SQL_K_OCTRDB_DROP_CATALOG -12 Rdb Drop Catalog SQL_K_OCTRDB_ALTER_SCHEMA -13 Rdb Alter Schema SQL_K_OCTRDB_DROP_SCHEMA -14 Rdb Drop Schema SQL_K_OCTRDB_SET_SESSION -15 Rdb Set Session Authorization SQL_K_OCTCTB 1 create table SQL_K_OCTINS 2 insert SQL_K_OCTSEL 3 select SQL_K_OCTCCL 4 create cluster SQL_K_OCTACL 5 alter cluster SQL_K_OCTUPD 6 update SQL_K_OCTDEL 7 delete SQL_K_OCTDCL 8 drop cluster SQL_K_OCTCIX 9 create index SQL_K_OCTDIX 10 drop index SQL_K_OCTAIX 11 alter index SQL_K_OCTDTB 12 drop table SQL_K_OCTCSQ 13 create sequence SQL_K_OCTASQ 14 alter sequence SQL_K_OCTATB 15 alter table SQL_K_OCTDSQ 16 drop sequence +The_positive_values_are_defined_for_compatibility_with____ Oracle 10g. Not all statements are supported by Oracle Rdb, therefore not all values will appear in the SQLCA. Negative values are Oracle Rdb specific values. (continued on next page) 3-4 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release Table_3-1_(Cont.)_SQLCA_SQLERRM[0]_Values__________________ Symbolic_Name+__________________Value_______SQL_Statement__ SQL_K_OCTGRA 17 grant SQL_K_OCTREV 18 revoke SQL_K_OCTCSY 19 create synonym SQL_K_OCTDSY 20 drop synonym SQL_K_OCTCVW 21 create view SQL_K_OCTDVW 22 drop view SQL_K_OCTVIX 23 validate index SQL_K_OCTCPR 24 create procedure SQL_K_OCTAPR 25 alter procedure SQL_K_OCTLTB 26 lock table SQL_K_OCTNOP 27 no operation SQL_K_OCTRNM 28 rename SQL_K_OCTCMT 29 comment SQL_K_OCTAUD 30 audit SQL_K_OCTNOA 31 noaudit SQL_K_OCTCED 32 create database link SQL_K_OCTDED 33 drop database link SQL_K_OCTCDB 34 create database SQL_K_OCTADB 35 alter database SQL_K_OCTCRS 36 create rollback segment SQL_K_OCTARS 37 alter rollback segment SQL_K_OCTDRS 38 drop rollback segment +The_positive_values_are_defined_for_compatibility_with____ Oracle 10g. Not all statements are supported by Oracle Rdb, therefore not all values will appear in the SQLCA. Negative values are Oracle Rdb specific values. (continued on next page) Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 3-5 Table_3-1_(Cont.)_SQLCA_SQLERRM[0]_Values__________________ Symbolic_Name+__________________Value_______SQL_Statement__ SQL_K_OCTCTS 39 create tablespace SQL_K_OCTATS 40 alter tablespace SQL_K_OCTDTS 41 drop tablespace SQL_K_OCTASE 42 alter session SQL_K_OCTAUR 43 alter user SQL_K_OCTCWK 44 commit SQL_K_OCTROL 45 rollback SQL_K_OCTSPT 46 savepoint SQL_K_OCTPLS 47 pl/sql execute SQL_K_OCTSET 48 set transaction SQL_K_OCTASY 49 alter system switch log SQL_K_OCTXPL 50 explain SQL_K_OCTCUS 51 create user SQL_K_OCTCRO 52 create role SQL_K_OCTDUS 53 drop user SQL_K_OCTDRO 54 drop role SQL_K_OCTSER 55 set role SQL_K_OCTCSC 56 create schema SQL_K_OCTCCF 57 create control file SQL_K_OCTATR 58 alter tracing SQL_K_OCTCTG 59 create trigger SQL_K_OCTATG 60 alter trigger SQL_K_OCTDTG 61 drop trigger +The_positive_values_are_defined_for_compatibility_with____ Oracle 10g. Not all statements are supported by Oracle Rdb, therefore not all values will appear in the SQLCA. Negative values are Oracle Rdb specific values. (continued on next page) 3-6 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release Table_3-1_(Cont.)_SQLCA_SQLERRM[0]_Values__________________ Symbolic_Name+__________________Value_______SQL_Statement__ SQL_K_OCTANT 62 analyze table SQL_K_OCTANI 63 analyze index SQL_K_OCTANC 64 analyze cluster SQL_K_OCTCPF 65 create profile SQL_K_OCTDPF 66 drop profile SQL_K_OCTAPF 67 alter profile SQL_K_OCTDPR 68 drop procedure SQL_K_OCTARC 70 alter resource cost SQL_K_OCTCSL 71 create snapshot log SQL_K_OCTASL 72 alter snapshot log SQL_K_OCTDSL 73 drop snapshot log SQL_K_OCTCSN 74 create snapshot SQL_K_OCTASN 75 alter snapshot SQL_K_OCTDSN 76 drop snapshot SQL_K_OCTCTY 77 create type SQL_K_OCTDTY 78 drop type SQL_K_OCTARO 79 alter role SQL_K_OCTATY 80 alter type SQL_K_OCTCYB 81 create type body SQL_K_OCTAYB 82 alter type body SQL_K_OCTDYB 83 drop type body SQL_K_OCTDLB 84 drop library +The_positive_values_are_defined_for_compatibility_with____ Oracle 10g. Not all statements are supported by Oracle Rdb, therefore not all values will appear in the SQLCA. Negative values are Oracle Rdb specific values. (continued on next page) Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 3-7 Table_3-1_(Cont.)_SQLCA_SQLERRM[0]_Values__________________ Symbolic_Name+__________________Value_______SQL_Statement__ SQL_K_OCTTTB 85 truncate table SQL_K_OCTTCL 86 truncate cluster SQL_K_OCTCBM 87 create bitmapfile SQL_K_OCTAVW 88 alter view SQL_K_OCTDBM 89 drop bitmapfile SQL_K_OCTSCO 90 set constraints SQL_K_OCTCFN 91 create function SQL_K_OCTAFN 92 alter function SQL_K_OCTDFN 93 drop function SQL_K_OCTCPK 94 create package SQL_K_OCTAPK 95 alter package SQL_K_OCTDPK 96 drop package SQL_K_OCTCPB 97 create package body SQL_K_OCTAPB 98 alter package body SQL_K_OCTDPB 99 drop package body SQL_K_OCTCDR 157 create directory SQL_K_OCTDDR 158 drop directory SQL_K_OCTCLB 159 create library SQL_K_OCTCJV 160 create java SQL_K_OCTAJV 161 alter java SQL_K_OCTDJV 162 drop java SQL_K_OCTCOP 163 create operator +The_positive_values_are_defined_for_compatibility_with____ Oracle 10g. Not all statements are supported by Oracle Rdb, therefore not all values will appear in the SQLCA. Negative values are Oracle Rdb specific values. (continued on next page) 3-8 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release Table_3-1_(Cont.)_SQLCA_SQLERRM[0]_Values__________________ Symbolic_Name+__________________Value_______SQL_Statement__ SQL_K_OCTCIT 164 create indextype SQL_K_OCTDIT 165 drop indextype SQL_K_OCTAIT 166 reserver for alter indextype SQL_K_OCTDOP 167 drop operator SQL_K_OCTAST 168 associate statistics SQL_K_OCTDST 169 disassociate statistics SQL_K_OCTCAL 170 call method SQL_K_OCTCSM 171 create summary SQL_K_OCTASM 172 alter summary SQL_K_OCTDSM 173 drop summary SQL_K_OCTCDM 174 create dimension SQL_K_OCTADM 175 alter dimension SQL_K_OCTDDM 176 drop dimension SQL_K_OCTCCT 177 create context SQL_K_OCTDCT 178 drop context SQL_K_OCTASO 179 alter outline SQL_K_OCTCSO 180 create outline SQL_K_OCTDSO 181 drop outline SQL_K_OCTAOP 183 alter operator SQL_K_OCTCEP 184 create encryption profile +The_positive_values_are_defined_for_compatibility_with____ Oracle 10g. Not all statements are supported by Oracle Rdb, therefore not all values will appear in the SQLCA. Negative values are Oracle Rdb specific values. (continued on next page) Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 3-9 Table_3-1_(Cont.)_SQLCA_SQLERRM[0]_Values__________________ Symbolic_Name+__________________Value_______SQL_Statement__ SQL_K_OCTAEP 185 alter encryption profile SQL_K_OCTDEP 186 drop encryption profile SQL_K_OCTCSP 187 create spfile from pfile SQL_K_OCTCPS 188 create pfile from spfile SQL_K_OCTUPS 189 merge SQL_K_OCTCPW 190 change password SQL_K_OCTUJI 191 update join index SQL_K_OCTASYN 192 alter synonym SQL_K_OCTADG 193 alter disk group SQL_K_OCTCDG 194 create disk group SQL_K_OCTDDG 195 drop disk group SQL_K_OCTALB 196 alter library SQL_K_OCTPRB 197 purge user recyclebin SQL_K_OCTPDB 198 purge dba recyclebin SQL_K_OCTPTS 199 purge tablespace SQL_K_OCTPTB 200 purge table SQL_K_OCTPIX 201 purge index SQL_K_OCTUDP 202 undrop object +The_positive_values_are_defined_for_compatibility_with____ Oracle 10g. Not all statements are supported by Oracle Rdb, therefore not all values will appear in the SQLCA. Negative values are Oracle Rdb specific values. (continued on next page) 3-10 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release Table_3-1_(Cont.)_SQLCA_SQLERRM[0]_Values__________________ Symbolic_Name+__________________Value_______SQL_Statement__ SQL_K_OCTDDB 203 drop database SQL_K_OCTFBD 204 flashback database SQL_K_OCTFBT 205 flashback table +The_positive_values_are_defined_for_compatibility_with____ Oracle 10g. Not all statements are supported by Oracle Rdb, therefore not all values will appear in the SQLCA. Negative values are Oracle Rdb specific values. ___________________________________________________________ Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 3-11 4 _________________________________________________________________ Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 4.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 4.1.1 Enhancements to the ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN Clause Bugs 2170476 and 4874525 The ALTER COLUMN clause has been enhanced with this release of Oracle Rdb and now allows columns to be altered to and from COMPUTED BY, AUTOMATIC and IDENTITY special columns. o ALTER COLUMN may now change an AUTOMATIC column to a normal updateable base column even if there exists constraints and indices, as long as the data types are the same. In prior releases, the presence of a database wide collating sequence prevented this action. o A non-computed base column can now be altered to be an AUTOMATIC column. The old data is retained and the column is made read-only. o A non-computed base column can now be altered to be a COMPUTED BY column. The old data will not be accessible (a warning is issued for interactive SQL) and references to that column will evaluate the COMPUTED BY expression. If indices or constraints reference this column, then the ALTER TABLE statement will fail. Note that altering the column back to a base, or automatic, column will allow older versions of the row data to be visible (any rows inserted while the column was a COMPUTED BY column will return NULL). o Prior versions of Rdb allowed ALTER COLUMN to define a NOT NULL constraint for a COMPUTED BY column. In existing databases, this is harmless but Rdb now enforces the restriction that a COMPUTED BY column may not have constraints defined. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 4-1 o The IDENTITY syntax is now supported by ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN clause. If the table has no existing IDENTITY column, a new sequence for the table will be created. Care must be taken to ensure that the IDENTITY will not generate existing values for the column as this would cause INSERT to fail. Use the parameters on IDENTITY to specify an appropriate START WITH value, or modify the sequence using ALTER SEQUENCE. If the table has an existing IDENTITY column then an error is raised. o In some prior versions, a computed column (AUTOMATIC, IDENTITY) could be converted to a non-computed column. However, the dependency rows were never erased from the RDB$INTERRELATIONS table. This is now handled correctly. This is not a serious problem but it may cause unexpected errors when future ALTER and DROP statements are used for those referenced objects. Please contact Oracle Support for assistance if this problem arises. o If an IDENTITY column is converted to a base column, a COMPUTED BY column, or AUTOMATIC column, then the special sequence is automatically dropped. o If a column has a DEFAULT (base column or AUTOMATIC UPDATE AS column) and it is converted to a COMPUTED BY, AUTOMATIC AS or an AUTOMATIC INSERT AS column, then the DEFAULT value is removed (as these types of columns are incompatible with DEFAULT). 4.1.2 New SHOW STATISTICS Command for Interactive SQL This release of Oracle Rdb adds a SHOW STATISTICS command to Interactive SQL. This command displays some simple process statistics for the current process and is used primarily to compare resource usage and elapsed time for different queries. The following example shows the output after performing a typical query. 4-2 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release SQL> select count (*) cont> from employees natural full outer join job_history; 274 1 row selected SQL> show statistics; process statistics at 5-MAR-2006 05:57:48.28 elapsed time = 0 00:00:00.16 CPU time = 0 00:00:00.05 page fault count = 430 pages in working set = 22768 buffered I/O count = 26 direct I/O count = 83 open file count = 12 file quota remaining = 7988 locks held = 138 locks remaining = 16776821 CPU utilization = 31.2% AST quota remaining = 995 SQL> The statistics are reset after each execution of SHOW STATISTICS. 4.1.3 RMU Load and Unload Now Support Table and View Synonyms Bug 4018104 This release of Oracle Rdb adds support for table and view synonyms for the RMU Load and RMU Unload commands. In prior releases of Rdb, the synonym name was not understood by RMU and resulted in an error. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 4-3 $ SQL$ SQL> show tables User tables in database with filename db$:personnel CANDIDATES COLLEGES CURRENT_INFO A view. CURRENT_JOB A view. CURRENT_SALARY A view. DEGREES DEPARTMENTS EMPLOYEES JOBS JOB_HISTORY RESUMES SALARY_HISTORY WORK_STATUS EMPS A synonym for table EMPLOYEES $ rmu/unload db$:personnel emps emps %RMU-E-OUTFILDEL, Fatal error, output file deleted -RMU-F-RELNOTFND, Relation (EMPS) not found These tools now translate the synonym to the base object and process the data as though the base table had been named. This implies that the unload interchange files (.UNL), or record definition files (.RRD) that contain the table metadata will name the base table or view and not use the synonym name. Therefore, if the metadata is used against a different database, you may need to use the /MATCH_NAME qualifier to override this name during RMU Load. 4.1.4 Enhancements to Concurrent DDL Statements Bug 4761143 In prior versions of Oracle Rdb, attempts to run several ALTER TABLE ... ADD CONSTRAINT commands in different sessions in parallel would either stall waiting for another transaction to finish or fail with a deadlock as shown in the following example. 4-4 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release SQL> alter table ORDER_LINES cont> add constraint ORDER_LINES_FK cont> foreign key (order_number) references orders (order_number) cont> not deferrable cont> ; %RDB-E-DEADLOCK, request failed due to resource deadlock -RDB-E-NO_META_UPDATE, metadata update failed -RDMS-F-DEADLOCK, deadlock on client '........ORDE' 4544524F0000001F0000000400000055 This behavior occurs because of Rdb's locking of the target tables to ensure consistent data in all tables. For example, for the constraint in the example to validate, there must not be another transaction deleting rows from the ORDER_LINES table. Rdb ensures this by locking the metadata for each table referenced in a constraint definition. To provide better concurrency, this release of Oracle Rdb now allows the following statements to be used when the target table is reserved in DATA DEFINITION mode. o ALTER TABLE can now reference the table reserved for DATA DEFINITION MODE The following clauses are supported: - ADD CONSTRAINT - ALTER COLUMN ... CONSTRAINT - ENABLE CONSTRAINT, ENABLE PRIMARY KEY, and ENABLE UNIQUE (...) - DROP CONSTRAINT - ALTER COLUMN ... NULL - DISABLE CONSTRAINT, DISABLE PRIMARY KEY and DISABLE UNIQUE - DISABLE UNIQUE (...) The ADD and ENABLE CONSTRAINT are best suited to concurrent execution as they may require I/O to validate the constraint. o ALTER INDEX can now be used to build all or part of the index on a table reserved for DATA DEFINITION mode. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 4-5 The following clauses are supported: - BUILD PARTITION and BUILD ALL PARTITIONS - REBUILD PARTITION and REBUILD ALL PARTITIONS - TRUNCATE PARTITION and TRUNCATE ALL PARTITIONS - COMMENT IS clause The BUILD and REBUILD PARTITION operators are best suited to concurrent execution as they may require I/O to construct the new index partition. o ALTER VIEW and CREATE VIEW may now reference a table reserved for DATA DEFINITION mode. o COMMENT ON TABLE can now reference a table reserved for DATA DEFINITION mode. o The statement DROP CONSTRAINT can now reference a constraint on a table reserved for DATA DEFINITION mode. ________________________ Note ________________________ In prior releases, only the CREATE INDEX statement was permitted within a transaction that reserved a table in DATA DEFINITION mode. ______________________________________________________ Most ALTER TABLE clauses are now supported for tables reserved for SHARED DATA DEFINITION. The exceptions are those clauses that change the structure of the table: ADD COLUMN, DROP COLUMN and ALTER COLUMN which changes the data type. 4-6 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 5 _________________________________________________________________ Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 5.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 5.1.1 /TRANSPORT Added to RMU/REPLICATE AFTER Bug 4109344 The /TRANSPORT qualifier has been added to the RMU/REPLICATE AFTER START and CONFIGURE commands. This new qualifier allows the network transport to be specified. The valid values are "DECNET" and "TCPIP". The specified network transport is saved in the database. In previous releases, to use TCP/IP as the network transport for Hot Standby, the system-wide logical "RDM$BIND_HOT_NETWORK_TRANSPORT" had to be defined. See the following example of this new feature. $ RMU/REPLICATE AFTER CONFIGURE /TRANSPORT=TCPIP /STANDBY=REMNOD::DEV:[DIR]STANDBY_DB M_TESTDB 5.1.2 CASCADE Option Now Supported by DROP INDEX In previous versions of Oracle Rdb, the option CASCADE was not supported. This meant that a DROP INDEX of an index used in the PLACEMENT VIA INDEX clause in a storage map would fail. The following example shows the generated error when the EMPLOYEES_HASH is dropped from the EMPLOYEES table in the MF_PERSONNEL database. SQL> drop index EMPLOYEES_HASH; %RDB-E-NO_META_UPDATE, metadata update failed -RDMS-F-INDINMAP, index "EMPLOYEES_HASH" is used in storage map "EMPLOYEES_MAP" SQL> drop index EMPLOYEES_HASH cascade; SQL> Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 5-1 Syntax RDB_SQLRM$REF:DROP_INDEX.DRW Arguments o CASCADE Specifies that you want SQL to modify any storage map that uses this index to be a NO PLACEMENT VIA INDEX storage map. o IF EXISTS Prevents SQL command language from displaying error messages if the referenced index does not exist in the database. o index-name Identifies the name of the index you wish to delete. o RESTRICT Prevents the removal of an index if it is referenced by any other object within an Oracle Rdb database. RESTRICT is the default. Usage Notes o CASCADE will implicitly alter the storage map and change it to a NO PLACEMENT VIA INDEX storage map. o Any query outline that references the index being dropped will be marked invalid for both RESTRICT and CASCADE options of the DROP INDEX command. o In a multischema database, the DROP INDEX ... CASCADE statement will be used implicitly to support the DROP SCHEMA ... CASCADE statement. In previous versions of Oracle Rdb, this statement would fail if a storage map referenced an index that was to be dropped. 5-2 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 5.1.3 Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.x.x New Features Document Added A new document has been created which contains all of the New Features Chapters from all previous Rdb 7.1 Release Notes. This document will be included in saveset A of the Rdb kit. It is called NEWFEATURES_71xx and will be available in postscript, text and PDF format. This will provide customers with one document to reference to find out about all new features that have been added to the Rdb 7.1 releases. 5.1.4 READER_THREAD_RATIO and RMU BACKUP Prior to Oracle Rdb V7.1, RMU BACKUP created one reader thread to read each storage area in the storage area list that was assigned to a writer thread. This could cause a decrease in performance due to reader thread overhead caused by a larger number of reader threads competing for system resources, especially if a large number of storage areas was assigned to a writer thread. Starting with Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.0, a reader thread pool has been used by default with the RMU BACKUP of a database to enhance performance by lessening the reader thread overhead caused by having a larger number of reader threads executing at the same time. By default, 5 reader threads are created and assigned to each writer thread to read the storage areas assigned to that thread for backup. If fewer than 5 areas are assigned to a writer thread, one reader thread is created to read each storage area. If the user does not want to use the default of 5 reader threads for each writer thread on a database backup because this default does not give the best backup performance for a particular database the /READER_THREAD_RATIO = n qualifier has been added where "n" specifies the number of reader threads to be created and assigned to each writer thread. The default is 5 or the actual number of storage areas assigned to the writer thread if it is less than 5. If "0" is specified, a thread pool is not used. The pre V7.1 method is used where the number of reader threads created and assigned to a writer thread equals the number Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 5-3 of storage areas that writer thread is writing to the backup media. Therefore, the minimum value for using a thread pool is 1. There is no specific maximum number. If the specified maximum number of reader threads exceeds the number of storage areas assigned to a writer thread, it will be reduced to equal that number of storage areas. Therefore, no reader threads will be created without work to do. The following example shows /READER_THREAD_RATIO used with a database backup to specify that 2 reader threads are to be used with each writer thread instead of the default of 5. $ RMU/BACKUP/NOLOG/READER_THREAD_RATIO=2 MF_PERSONNEL MFP.RBF $ RMU/RESTORE/NEW/NOCDD MFP.RBF %RMU-I-AIJRSTAVL, 0 after-image journals available for use %RMU-I-AIJISOFF, after-image journaling has been disabled %RMU-W-USERECCOM, Use the RMU Recover command. The journals are not available. The following example shows /READER_THREAD_RATIO=0 used with a database backup to specify that one reader thread should be created for each storage area assigned to a writer thread and not a maximum of 5 (in other words, use the pre V7.1 behavior). $ RMU/BACKUP/NOLOG/READER_THREAD_RATIO=0 MF_PERSONNEL MFP.RBF $ RMU/RESTORE/NEW/NOCDD MFP.RBF %RMU-I-AIJRSTAVL, 0 after-image journals available for use %RMU-I-AIJISOFF, after-image journaling has been disabled %RMU-W-USERECCOM, Use the RMU Recover command. The journals are not available. 5-4 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 6 _________________________________________________________________ Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 6.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 6.1.1 Support Added for ANSI C Comments For several years, the ANSI C standard has included the "//" style comment in addition to the traditional "/* */" style comment. Until now, SQL$PRE/CC has only supported the later style. Support for the "//" style comment has been added. The following example shows comments in the old and in the newly supported style. /* * Traditional C style comments */ i0 += 1; /* add one to i0 */ // // Comments using the // style // i0 += 1; // add one to i0 6.1.2 New Rdb Character Set GB18030 Oracle Rdb has introduced a new Chinese character set, GB18030, which is defined by the GB18030-2000 standard as used by the People's Republic of China. GB18030 encodes characters in sequences of one, two, or four octets. The following are valid octet sequences: § Single-octet: %X'00'-%X'7F ' § Two-octet: %X'81'-%X'FE' + %X'40-%X'7E' %X'80-%X'FE'; § Four-octet: %X'81'-%X'FE' + %X'30'-%X'39' %X'81'-%X'FE' +%X'30'-%X'39' The single-octet characters comply with the standard GB 11383 (iISO 4873:1986). GB18030 has 1.6 million valid octet sequences. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 6-1 As GB18030 contains single-octet ASCII characters, it may be used as an Identifier Character Set. 6.1.3 New GET DIAGNOSTICS Keyword The following new keyword has been added to GET DIAGNOSTICS: - TRACE_ENABLED Returns an INTEGER value to indicate if the TRACE flag has been enabled using the statement SET FLAGS 'TRACE' or by either of the logical names RDMS$SET_FLAGS or RDMS$DEBUG_FLAGS. A zero (0) is returned if the flag is disabled, otherwise a one (1) is returned to indicate that tracing is enabled. The following example shows usage of this keyword in a compound statement. SQL> declare :x integer; SQL> begin cont> get diagnostics :x = TRACE_ENABLED; cont> end; SQL> print :x; X 0 SQL> set flags 'trace'; SQL> begin cont> get diagnostics :x = TRACE_ENABLED; cont> end; SQL> print :x; X 1 6.1.4 Buffer Memory Now Exported/Imported Bug 4213762 The Recovery Journal setting for Buffer Memory is now EXPORTed/IMPORTed. An example of the syntax follows: create data file rujmem; export data file rujmem into rujmem; drop data file rujmem; import data from rujmem file rujmem recovery journal (buffer memory is local); 6-2 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release This feature has been added in Oracle Rdb Release 6.1.5 New RESTART WITH Clause for ALTER SEQUENCE This release of Oracle Rdb,, includes support for the ALTER SEQUENCE ... RESTART WITH clause. RESTART WITH allows the database administrator to reset the sequence to a specified value. The value must be within the range of MINVALUE and MAXVALUE. This command requires exclusive access to the sequence. Once the ALTER SEQUENCE statement is successfully committed, applications using the sequence will start with a value based on the restarted value. ________________________ Note ________________________ TRUNCATE TABLE for a table with an IDENTITY column implicitly executed an ALTER SEQUENCE ... RESTART WITH on the sequence. Specify the MINVALUE if it is an ascending sequence or MAXVALUE if it is a descending sequence. ______________________________________________________ The following example shows the new RESTART WITH clause. SQL> show sequence NEW_EMPLOYEE_ID NEW_EMPLOYEE_ID Sequence Id: 1 Initial Value: 472 . . . SQL> SQL> alter sequence NEW_EMPLOYEE_ID cont> restart with 500; SQL> SQL> show sequence NEW_EMPLOYEE_ID NEW_EMPLOYEE_ID Sequence Id: 1 Initial Value: 500 . . . SQL> Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 6-3 6.1.6 ALTER VIEW Statement Description This statement allows the named view to be modified. Environment You can use the ALTER VIEW statement: o In interactive SQL o Embedded in host language programs o As part of a procedure in a SQL module o In dynamic SQL as a statement to be dynamically executed Format RDB_SQLRM$REF:ALTER_VIEW.DRW RDB_SQLRM$REF:SELECT_SELECT-EXPR.DRW RDB_SQLRM$REF:CHECK_OPTION_CLAUSE.DRW 6-4 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release Arguments o AS Replaces the view select expression and the definitions of the columns. The number of expressions in the select list must match the original CREATE VIEW column list. o CONSTRAINT check-option-name Specify a name for the WITH CHECK OPTION constraint. If you omit the name, SQL creates a name. However, Oracle Rdb recommends that you always name constraints. If you supply a name for the WITH CHECK OPTION constraint, the name must be unique in the schema. The name for the WITH CHECK OPTION constraint is used by the INTEG_FAIL error message when an INSERT or UPDATE statement violates the constraint. o COMMENT IS Replaces the comment currently defined for the view (if any). The comment will be displayed by the SHOW VIEW statement in Interactive SQL. o RENAME TO Renames the current view. The new view name must not exist as the name of an existing view, table, sequence or synonym. o WITH CHECK OPTION A constraint that places restrictions on update operations made to a view. The check option clause ensures that any rows that are inserted or updated in a view conform to the definition of the view. Do not specify the WITH CHECK OPTION clause with views that are read-only. (The Usage Notes describe which views SQL considers read-only.) o WITH NO CHECK OPTION Removes any check option constraint currently defined for the view. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 6-5 Usage Notes o You require ALTER privilege on the referenced view. o The ALTER VIEW statement causes the RDB$LAST_ALTERED column of the RDB$RELATIONS table for the named view to be updated with the transaction's timestamp. o Neither the column names nor their position may be modified using ALTER VIEW. Nor can columns be added or dropped for a view. These changes require both a DROP VIEW and CREATE VIEW statement to replace the existing definition. o RENAME TO allows the name of the view to be changed. This clause requires that synonyms are enabled in the database. Use ALTER DATABASE ... SYNONYMS ARE ENABLED. The old name will be used to create a synonym for the new name of this view. This synonym can be dropped if the name is no longer used by database definitions or applications. This clause is equivalent to the RENAME VIEW statement. o The COMMENT IS clause changes the existing comment on the view. This clause is equivalent to the COMMENT ON VIEW statement. o Changes to the column expression may change the column to read-only and prevent referencing routines, triggers and applications from performing INSERT and UPDATE operations on those columns. Such changes will be reported at runtime. Similarly, if the view select table expression becomes read-only, referencing queries may fail. SQL considers as read-only views those with select expressions that: - Use the DISTINCT argument to eliminate duplicate rows from the result table - Name more than one table or view in the FROM clause - Use a derived table in the FROM clause - Include a statistical function in the select list 6-6 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release - Contain a UNION, EXCEPT DISTINCT (MINUS), INTERSECT DISTINCT, GROUP BY, or HAVING clause o If the AS clause changes the view to read-only, or includes a LIMIT TO ... ROWS clause on the main query then the check option constraint is implicitly removed. Examples A comment can be added or changed on a view using the COMMENT IS clause as shown in this example. Example 6-1 Changing the comment on a view SQL> show view (comment) current_job Information for table CURRENT_JOB SQL> alter view CURRENT_JOB cont> comment is 'Select the most recent job for the employee'; SQL> show view (comment) current_job Information for table CURRENT_JOB Comment on table CURRENT_JOB: Select the most recent job for the employee SQL> The following view uses a derived table and join to collect the count of employees in each department. The view is used in several reporting programs used by the department and company managers. Example 6-2 Changing the columns results of a view definition (continued on next page) Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 6-7 Example 6-2 (Cont.) Changing the columns results of a view definition SQL> create view DEPARTMENTS_SUMMARY cont> as cont> select department_code, d.department_name, cont> d.manager_id, jh.employee_count cont> from departments d inner join cont> (select department_code, count (*) cont> from job_history cont> where job_end is null cont> group by department_code) cont> as jh (department_code, employee_count) cont> using (department_code); SQL> SQL> show view DEPARTMENTS_SUMMARY; Information for table DEPARTMENTS_SUMMARY Columns for view DEPARTMENTS_SUMMARY: Column Name Data Type Domain ----------- --------- ------ DEPARTMENT_CODE CHAR(4) DEPARTMENT_NAME CHAR(30) Missing Value: None MANAGER_ID CHAR(5) Missing Value: EMPLOYEE_COUNT INTEGER Source: select department_code, d.department_name, d.manager_id, jh.employee_count from departments d inner join (select department_code, count (*) from job_history where job_end is null group by department_code) as jh (department_code, employee_count) using (department_code) SQL> (continued on next page) 6-8 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release Example 6-2 (Cont.) Changing the columns results of a view definition The database administrator decides to create a column in the DEPARTMENTS table to hold the count of employees (rather than using a query to gather the total) and to maintain the value through triggers on EMPLOYEES and JOB_ HISTORY (not shown here). Now the view can be simplified without resorting to a DROP VIEW and CREATE VIEW. Alter view will preserve the dependencies on the view from other views, triggers and routines and so minimize the work required to implement such a change. SQL> alter table DEPARTMENTS cont> add column EMPLOYEE_COUNT integer; SQL> SQL> alter view DEPARTMENTS_SUMMARY cont> as cont> select department_code, d.department_name, cont> d.manager_id, d.employee_count cont> from departments d; SQL> SQL> show view DEPARTMENTS_SUMMARY; Information for table DEPARTMENTS_SUMMARY Columns for view DEPARTMENTS_SUMMARY: Column Name Data Type Domain ----------- --------- ------ DEPARTMENT_CODE CHAR(4) Missing Value: None DEPARTMENT_NAME CHAR(30) Missing Value: None MANAGER_ID CHAR(5) Missing Value: EMPLOYEE_COUNT INTEGER Source: select department_code, d.department_name, d.manager_id, d.employee_count from departments d SQL> Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 6-9 This example shows that a WITH CHECK OPTION constraint restricts the inserted data to the view's WHERE clause. Once the constraint is removed, the INSERT is no longer constrained. Example 6-3 Changing the WITH CHECK OPTION constraint of a view definition SQL> create view TOLIVER_EMPLOYEE cont> as select * from EMPLOYEES where employee_id = '00164' cont> with check option; SQL> insert into TOLIVER_EMPLOYEE (employee_id) value ('00000'); %RDB-E-INTEG_FAIL, violation of constraint TOLIVER_EMPLOYEE_CHECKOPT1 caused operation to fail -RDB-F-ON_DB, on database DISK1:[DATABASES]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 SQL> SQL> alter view TOLIVER_EMPLOYEE with no check option; SQL> SQL> insert into TOLIVER_EMPLOYEE (employee_id) value ('00000'); 1 row inserted SQL> 6-10 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7 _________________________________________________________________ Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4 7.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4 7.1.1 Support for OpenVMS Version 8.2 This version of Rdb, Release 7.1.4, supports HP's OpenVMS Version 8.2 Release. 7.1.2 RMU/BACKUP/PARALLEL/DISK_FILE Now Supports ALLOCATION_QUANTITY and EXTEND_QUANTITY The RMU/BACKUP/PARALLEL/DISK_FILE command, which creates multiple executor processes to back up an Oracle Rdb database to multiple disk RBF backup files, now supports the ALLOCATION_QUANTITY and EXTEND_QUANTITY qualifiers which set the number of blocks for the allocation of each disk backup RBF file and the number of blocks for the extension of each disk backup RBF file. These values have been added to the RMU Backup PLAN file and will be applied to each backup RBF file created by a single parallel database backup command. The following new syntax is now supported in the RMU parallel backup to disk PLAN file: Allocation_Quantity = 20480 Extend_Quantity = 2048 If these values are not specified, the defaults for these values will be used. The following example shows first the RMU/BACKUP/PARALLEL command which creates the PLAN file, then the RMU/BACKUP/PLAN command which executes the PLAN file, then a VMS TYPE command that shows the contents of the PLAN file with the entries for ALLOCATION_QUANTITY and EXTEND_ QUANTITY. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4 7-1 $ RMU/BACKUP/log - /parallel=(exec=4)- /LIST_PLAN=DEVICE:[DIRECTORY]rdbbackup.plan- /ONLINE - /NOEXEC - /LOCK_TIMEOUT=7200 - /DISK_FILE=(writer_threads=4) - /CRC=CHECKSUM - /ACTIVE_IO=5 - /BLOCK=65024 - /ALLOCATION_QUANTITY=20480 - /EXTEND_QUANTITY=2048 - MF_PERSONNEL - DEVICE:[DIRECTORY]RDB_DB1.RBF, - DEVICE:[DIRECTORY], - DEVICE:[DIRECTORY], - DEVICE:[DIRECTORY] $ RMU/BACKUP/PLAN rdbbackup.plan $ TYPE rdbbackup.plan Plan created on 24-SEP-2004 by RMU/BACKUP. Plan Name = RDBBACKUP Plan Type = BACKUP 7-2 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4 Plan Parameters: Database Root File = DEVICE:[DIRECTORY]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 Backup File = RDB_DB1.RBF Style = Multifile FixedDisks PromptAutomatic Active_IO = 5 Reader_Thread_Ratio = 5 Block_Size = 65024 Lock_Timeout = 7200 Allocation_Quantity = 20480 Extend_Quantity = 2048 Checksum_Verification CRC = Checksum NoIncremental Log Online Quiet_Point NoCompression NoRewind Statistics ACL End Plan Parameters Executor Parameters : Executor Name = COORDINATOR Executor Type = Coordinator End Executor Parameters Executor Parameters : Executor Name = WORKER_001 Executor Type = Worker Start Storage Area List MF_PERS_SEGSTR, EMPIDS_OVER, RDB$SYSTEM End Storage Area List Writer_threads = 1 Directory List DEVICE:[DIRECTORY] End Directory List End Executor Parameters Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4 7-3 Executor Parameters : Executor Name = WORKER_002 Executor Type = Worker Start Storage Area List DEPARTMENTS, EMP_INFO End Storage Area List Writer_threads = 1 Directory List DEVICE:[DIRECTORY] End Directory List End Executor Parameters Executor Parameters : Executor Name = WORKER_003 Executor Type = Worker Start Storage Area List EMPIDS_LOW, JOBS End Storage Area List Writer_threads = 1 Directory List DEVICE:[DIRECTORY] End Directory List End Executor Parameters Executor Parameters : Executor Name = WORKER_004 Executor Type = Worker Start Storage Area List EMPIDS_MID, SALARY_HISTORY End Storage Area List Writer_threads = 1 Directory List DEVICE:[DIRECTORY] End Directory List End Executor Parameters 7-4 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4 7.1.3 RMU/UNLOAD Now Supports /FLUSH and /[NO]ERROR_DELETE Qualifiers The RMU/UNLOAD command by default deletes the Unload and Record Definition files if an unrecoverable error occurs which causes an abnormal termination of the unload command execution. The /[NO]ERROR_DELETE qualifier has now been added to RMU/UNLOAD to allow specifying whether or not the Unload and Record Definition files should be deleted on error. The RMU/UNLOAD command by default flushes any data left in the internal RMS file buffers only when the Unload file is closed. A new /FLUSH=BUFFER_END qualifier has been added to flush the internal RMS buffers to the Unload file after each RMU/UNLOAD buffer has been written to the Unload file. A new /FLUSH=ON_COMMIT qualifier has been added to flush the internal RMS buffers to the Unload file just before the current RMU/UNLOAD transaction is committed. More frequent flushing of the internal RMS buffers will avoid the possible loss of some Unload file data if an error occurs and the Unload file is not to be deleted on error. Note that additional flushing of the RMS internal buffers to the Unload file can cause the RMU/UNLOAD to take longer to complete. If /DELETE_ROWS is specified, the defaults for these qualifiers are /NOERROR_DELETE and /FLUSH=ON_COMMIT. This is to allow the Unload and Record Definition files to be used to reload the data if an unrecoverable error has occurred after the delete of some of the unloaded rows has been commited. Otherwise the defaults are /ERROR_DELETE and to flush the RMS buffers only when the unload files are closed. Note that even if the Unload file is retained, it may not be able to reload the data using RMU/LOAD if the error is severe enough to prevent the RMU error handler from continuing to access the Unload file once the error is detected. The following example shows that if /FLUSH=ON_COMMIT is specified, the /COMMIT_EVERY value must be equal to or a multiple of the /ROW_COUNT value so the commits of unload transactions occur after the internal RMS buffers are flushed to the Unload file. This prevents loss of data if an error occurs. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4 7-5 $ RMU/UNLOAD/ROW_COUNT=5/COMMIT_EVERY=2/FLUSH=ON_COMMIT MF_PERSONNEL - _$ EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEES %RMU-F-DELROWCOM, For DELETE_ROWS or FLUSH=ON_COMMIT the COMMIT_EVERY value must equal or be a multiple of the ROW_COUNT value. The COMMIT_EVERY value of 2 is not equal to or a multiple of the ROW_COUNT value of 5. %RMU-F-FTL_UNL, Fatal error for UNLOAD operation at 27-OCT-2004 08:55:14.06 The following examples show that the Unload file and Record Definition files are not deleted on error if /NOERROR_ DELETE is specified and that these files are deleted on error if /ERROR_DELETE is specified. Note that if the Unload file is empty when the error occurs, it will be deleted. $ RMU/UNLOAD/NOERROR_DELETE/ROW_COUNT=50/COMMIT_EVERY=50 MF_PERSONNEL - EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEES.UNL %RMU-E-OUTFILNOTDEL, Fatal error, the output file is not deleted but may not be useable, 50 records have been unloaded. -COSI-F-WRITERR, write error -RMS-F-FUL, device full (insufficient space for allocation) $ RMU/UNLOAD/ERROR_DELETE/ROW_COUNT=50/COMMIT_EVERY=50 MF_PERSONNEL - EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEES.UNL %RMU-E-OUTFILDEL, Fatal error, output file deleted -COSI-F-WRITERR, write error -RMS-F-FUL, device full (insufficient space for allocation) 7.1.4 Altering COMPUTED BY and AUTOMATIC AS Columns Prior releases of Oracle Rdb did not allow COMPUTED BY or AUTOMATIC AS columns to be altered. Specifically, the computed expression was set when the column was defined. An ALTER TABLE ... DROP COLUMN followed by an ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN was required to change the expression. This was inconvenient when the column was referenced by other columns (DEFAULT, COMPUTED BY or AUTOMATIC AS expressions), routines, triggers, or constraints. Such references prevented the ALTER TABLE ... DROP COLUMN clause from succeeding. 7-6 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4 With this release of Oracle Rdb, SQL will allow the COMPUTED BY or AUTOMATIC AS column expression to be revised by the ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN statement. To accommodate changes in data type and length of the data, a new row version is created for the table. If the column is an AUTOMATIC AS definition, then the previously stored data will be converted to the new data type upon retrieval. The following example shows the changes now allowed by ALTER TABLE. SQL> create table ttt (a integer, c computed by CURRENT_USER); SQL> insert into ttt (a) values (10); 1 row inserted SQL> select * from ttt; A C 10 SMITH 1 row selected SQL> SQL> show table (column) ttt Information for table TTT Columns for table TTT: Column Name Data Type Domain ----------- --------- ------ A INTEGER C CHAR(31) UNSPECIFIED 31 Characters, 31 Octets Computed: by CURRENT_USER SQL> SQL> alter table ttt cont> alter c cont> computed by upper (substring (current_user from 1 for 1)) cont> || lower (substring (current_user from 2)); SQL> SQL> show table (column) ttt Information for table TTT Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4 7-7 Columns for table TTT: Column Name Data Type Domain ----------- --------- ------ A INTEGER C VARCHAR(31) UNSPECIFIED 31 Characters, 31 Octets Computed: by upper (substring (current_user from 1 for 1)) || lower (substring (current_user from 2)) SQL> SQL> select * from ttt; A C 10 Smith 1 row selected SQL> This problem has been corrected in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4. Only the value expression can be altered; the type of computation cannot be changed. That is, a COMPUTED BY column cannot be changed to an AUTOMATIC AS column, an AUTOMATIC INSERT AS column cannot be changed to an AUTOMATIC UPDATE AS column, and so on. 7.1.5 Enhancements to CREATE and ALTER STORAGE MAP With this release of Oracle Rdb, the CREATE STORAGE MAP and ALTER STORAGE MAP statements will create a SQL routine that matches the WITH LIMIT OF clause for the storage map. This new routine will automatically be created in a special system module RDB$STORAGE_MAPS (use SHOW SYSTEM MODULES to view). The storage map name will be used to name the mapping routine (use SHOW SYSTEM FUNCTIONS to view). These routines will be used by future releases of Rdb to validate the storage map definition. They are also available for customer applications that wish to process inserted data and determine the partition number of the new row. The mapping routine returns the following values: o Zero (0) if the storage map is defined as RANDOMLY ACROSS. This routine is just a descriptive place holder. 7-8 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4 o Positive value representing the storage map number (the same value as stored in RDB$ORDINAL_POSITION column of the RDB$STORAGE_MAP_AREAS table). These values can be used with the PARTITION clause of the SET TRANSACTION ... RESERVING clause to reserve a specific partition prior to inserting the row. o A -1 if the storage map has no OTHERWISE clause. This indicates that the row cannot be inserted as it doesn't match any of the WITH LIMIT OF clauses. The following example shows the created routine from CREATE STORAGE MAP. SQL> create table EMPLOYEES ( cont> EMPLOYEE_ID CHAR (5), cont> LAST_NAME CHAR (14), cont> FIRST_NAME CHAR (10), cont> MIDDLE_INITIAL CHAR (1), cont> ADDRESS_DATA_1 CHAR (25), cont> ADDRESS_DATA_2 CHAR (25), cont> CITY CHAR (20), cont> STATE CHAR (2), cont> POSTAL_CODE CHAR (5), cont> SEX CHAR (1), cont> BIRTHDAY DATE VMS, cont> STATUS_CODE CHAR (1)); SQL> SQL> create storage map EMPLOYEES_MAP cont> for EMPLOYEES cont> comment is cont> ' employees partitioned by "00200" "00400"' cont> store cont> using (EMPLOYEE_ID) cont> in EMPIDS_LOW cont> with limit of ('00200') cont> in EMPIDS_MID cont> with limit of ('00400') cont> otherwise in EMPIDS_OVER; SQL> SQL> commit work; SQL> SQL> show system modules; Modules in database with filename MF_PERSONNEL RDB$STORAGE_MAPS Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4 7-9 SQL> SQL> show system functions; Functions in database with filename MF_PERSONNEL EMPLOYEES_MAP SQL> SQL> show system function EMPLOYEES_MAP; Information for function EMPLOYEES_MAP Function ID is: -2 Source: return case when (:EMPLOYEE_ID <= '00200') then 1 when (:EMPLOYEE_ID <= '00400') then 2 else 3 end case; Comment: Return value for select partition - range 1 .. 3 Module name is: RDB$STORAGE_MAPS Module ID is: -1 Number of parameters is: 1 Parameter Name Data Type Domain or Type -------------- --------- -------------- INTEGER Function result datatype Return value is passed by value EMPLOYEE_ID CHAR(5) Parameter position is 1 Parameter is IN (read) Parameter is passed by reference The ALTER STORAGE MAP command will remove any old mapping routine and redefine it when either the STORE clause is used or if the new COMPILE option is used. 7-10 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4 SQL> alter storage map EMPLOYEES_MAP cont> store cont> using (EMPLOYEE_ID) cont> in EMPIDS_LOW cont> with limit of ('00200') cont> in EMPIDS_MID cont> with limit of ('00400') cont> in EMPIDS_OVER cont> with limit of ('00800'); SQL> SQL> show system function (source) EMPLOYEES_MAP; Information for function EMPLOYEES_MAP Source: return case when (:EMPLOYEE_ID <= '00200') then 1 when (:EMPLOYEE_ID <= '00400') then 2 when (:EMPLOYEE_ID <= '00800') then 3 else -1 end case; The ALTER STORAGE MAP ... COMPILE statement can be used after installing this release of Rdb to create these mapping routines for the storage map. Format Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4 7-11 RDB_SQLRM$REF:ALTER_STORAGE_MAP.DRW ________________________ Note ________________________ If a routine already exists with the same name as the storage map, the mapping routine will not be created. If the storage map includes a STORE COLUMNS clause, that is a vertically partitioned map, then several routines will be created and uniquely named by adding the vertical partition number as a suffix. ______________________________________________________ 7.1.6 RMU /UNLOAD /AFTER_JOURNAL /IGNORE OLD_VERSION Keyword The RMU /UNLOAD /AFTER_JOURNAL command treats non-current record versions in the AIJ file as a fatal error condition. That is, attempting to extract a record that has a record version not the same as the table's current maximum version results in a fatal error. There are, however, some very rare cases where a verb rollback of a modification of a record may result in an old version of a record being written to the after image journal even though the transaction did not actually complete a successful modification to the record. The 7-12 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4 RMU /UNLOAD /AFTER_JOURNAL command detects the old record version and aborts with a fatal error in this unlikely case. The RMU /UNLOAD /AFTER_JOURNAL command now accepts a new keyword to partially work around this case. The /IGNORE qualifier has been enhanced to include the keyword OLD_ VERSION. When this keyword is present, the RMU /UNLOAD /AFTER_JOURNAL command displays a warning message for each record that has a non-current record version and the record is not written to the output stream. The OLD_ VERSION keyword accepts an optional list of table names to indicate that only the specified tables are permitted to have non-current record version errors ignored. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.4 7-13 8 _________________________________________________________________ Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8.1.1 Dynamic Optimizer FAST FIRST Shortcut Termination When the optimizer chose to use a dynamic retrieval strategy and the FAST FIRST retrieval strategy was used, query execution could involve redundant index scans and unnecessary I/O. The FAST FIRST tactic will now execute a type of shortcut termination to avoid unnecessary I/O. When the retrieval strategy uses the FAST FIRST dynamic tactic, query execution starts by scanning the first background index. As dbkeys are read from the index, the rows are retrieved and if the row satisfies all the conditions on the query, the row is delivered. This continues until 1024 rows have been delivered. If 1024 rows are delivered, the FAST FIRST tactic is abandoned. The remaining index scans are executed and a complete dbkey list is constructed which is used to fetch the rows during the final phase of query execution. During the final phase of execution, the complete dbkey list is first sorted and then each dbkey is processed by first checking to see if the FAST FIRST tactic may have already delivered that row. If the row has not already been delivered it is fetched, and if the row satisfies all the conditions on the query, the row is delivered. This optimization is used in the case where the FAST FIRST tactic has not been abandoned. If a complete index scan has been performed, a type of shortcut termination is used to avoid unecessary I/O's. The following example shows a query using the old behavior. Notice that the condition on birthday can never be true so the FAST FIRST tactic is going to fetch rows but never deliver any as no rows completely satisfy the query. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-1 SQL> set flags 'strategy,detail,execution' SQL> select * from employees where last_name>'L' and employee_id>'00200' cont> and birthday<'01-Jan-1900'; ~S#0006 Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Leaf#01 FFirst 0:EMPLOYEES Card=100 Bool: (0.LAST_NAME > 'L') AND (0.EMPLOYEE_ID > '00200') AND (0.BIRTHDAY < '1-JAN-1900') BgrNdx1 EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID [1:0] Fan=17 Keys: 0.EMPLOYEE_ID > '00200' BgrNdx2 EMP_LAST_NAME [1:0] Fan=12 Keys: 0.LAST_NAME > 'L' ~Estim EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID Sorted: Split lev=2, Seps=1 Est=17 ~Estim EMP_LAST_NAME Sorted: Split lev=2, Seps=3 Est=46 ~E#0006.01(1) Estim Index/Estimate 1/17 2/46 ~E#0006.01(1) BgrNdx1 EofData DBKeys=63 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0 #Bufs=24 ~E#0006.01(1) BgrNdx2 EofData DBKeys=30 Fetches=1+2 RecsOut=0 #Bufs=14 ~E#0006.01(1) FgrNdx FFirst DBKeys=0 Fetches=0+10 RecsOut=0`ABA ~E#0006.01(1) Fin Buf DBKeys=30 Fetches=0+10 RecsOut=0 0 rows selected The execution trace shows that the first background index (BgrNdx1) is scanned first. This means that the EMP_ EMPLOYEE_ID index is scanned to find the dbkeys for all rows where EMPLOYEE_ID > '00200'. As each of the 63 dbkeys are read from the index, the FAST FIRST tactic means that the rows would be fetched and all the conditions for the query checked. In this case, there are no rows that satisfy the condition on birthday so no rows are delivered. The second background index is then scanned to find the dbkeys for rows that have LAST_NAME > 'L'. The dbkeys from this index scan are only retained if they were also returned from the first index scan. At this point there are no more indexes to be scaned, so FAST FIRST (FgrNdx) is abandoned. The final (Fin) phase then uses the final dbkey list to fetch all the rows, test them, and if necessary deliver them. During the first index scan, all rows where EMPLOYEE_ID > '00200' were fetched, tested and if possible delivered. So there is no possibility that any further rows need to be delivered. Any additional work performed to scan a second 8-2 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 index or to fetch and filter records during the final (Fin) phase is redundant. The dynamic optimizer has been enhanced to detect this case and avoid the unnecessary work of additional index scans and to avoid the final phase where FAST FIRST tactic is still running. The following example shows the same query using the enhanced behavior. SQL> set flags 'strat,detail,exec' SQL> select * from employees where last_name>'L' and employee_id>'00200' cont> and birthday<'01-Jan-1900'; ~S#0003 Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Leaf#01 FFirst 0:EMPLOYEES Card=100 Bool: (0.LAST_NAME > 'L') AND (0.EMPLOYEE_ID > '00200') AND (0.BIRTHDAY < '1-JAN-1900') BgrNdx1 EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID [1:0] Fan=17 Keys: 0.EMPLOYEE_ID > '00200' BgrNdx2 EMP_LAST_NAME [1:0] Fan=12 Keys: 0.LAST_NAME > 'L' ~Estim EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID Sorted: Split lev=2, Seps=1 Est=17 ~Estim EMP_LAST_NAME Sorted: Split lev=2, Seps=3 Est=46 ~E#0003.01(1) Estim Index/Estimate 1/17 2/46 ~E#0003.01(1) BgrNdx1 EofData DBKeys=63 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0 #Bufs=24 ~E#0003.01(1) FgrNdx FFirst DBKeys=0 Fetches=0+23 RecsOut=0`ABA ~E#0003.01(1) Fin Buf_Ini DBKeys=0 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0`ABA 0 rows selected Notice that because FAST FIRST was still running when the first index scan completed, no further indexes were scanned. In addition, the final phase is abandoned because no further work is productive. This enhancement should significantly reduce I/O and CPU costs where the FAST FIRST tactic is used and less than 1024 rows are delivered. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-3 8.1.2 RDMS$DEBUG_FLAGS_OUTPUT Now Substitutes the Process ID in Output Filename Enhancement 3633426 With this release of Oracle Rdb, the RDMS$DEBUG_FLAGS_ OUTPUT logical name now allows substitution of the process id (PID) within the filename of the opened log file. When this logical name is translated, the result string is now processed and the first occurrence of the string _PID is replaced by the current OpenVMS process id. This string can appear in the directory, filename and file type portions of the file specification. The file specification can be in upper or lower case. This change allows a system or group wide definition of the RDMS$DEBUG_FLAGS_OUTPUT logical name but also have each version of the log file identified by the executing user. The following example shows the definition of the logical name. $ Define RDMS$DEBUG_FLAGS_OUTPUT mf_personnel_pid.log In the resulting log filename, the _PID is replaced by "_" and the process id in hexidecimal notation. MF_PERSONNEL_220456C4.LOG;1 8.1.3 Peephole Optimization for Hidden Key Retrieval In Oracle Rdb today, there are some operations which when executed on an indexed column, effectively hide that column from use by the optimizer and thus cause the optimizer to use a full scan instead of index lookup retrieval. This problem is found in the OCI applications where the performance degrades significantly when most of the queries apply these type of operations that do not transform the data type of the underlying result data. It is most noticeable on data dictionary view queries because OCI requires space trimmed VARCHAR (31) result type. Queries on these views are forced to do full index scans, which on a database with many tables and views can slow down the application startup. 8-4 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 For example, the following simple query exhibits the desired strategy of index lookup: SQL> select last_name from employees where last_name = 'Smith'; Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Index only retrieval of relation 0:EMPLOYEES Index name EMP_LAST_NAME [1:1] Keys: 0.LAST_NAME = 'Smith' LAST_NAME Smith Smith 2 rows selected When a CAST function is applied to the base indexed column, the optimizer switches to use a full scan [0:0] instead of index lookup [1:1] as in the above example: SQL> select last_name from employees where cast (last_name as varchar (31)) = 'Smith; Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Conjunct: CAST (0.LAST_NAME AS VARCHAR (31)) = 'Smith' Index only retrieval of relation 0:EMPLOYEES Index name EMP_LAST_NAME [0:0] LAST_NAME Smith Smith 2 rows selected Even though the CAST function changes the original data type of the column "last_name" from CHAR (14) to VARCHAR (31), the underlying result data remains as a string of CHAR data type, filled with trailing spaces that is done by the equal operator before the comparison. Due to the fact that the underlying result data remains the same as the base indexed column, the optimizer should apply index lookup retrieval [1:1] for index search. Another function that does not transform the underlying result data is TRIM (TRAILING), as seen in the following example: Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-5 SQL> select last_name from employees where trim (trailing from last_name) = 'Smith'; Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Conjunct: TRIM (TRAILING ' ' FROM 0.LAST_NAME) = 'Smith' Index only retrieval of relation 0:EMPLOYEES Index name EMP_LAST_NAME [0:0] LAST_NAME Smith Smith 2 rows selected Although the function TRIM (TRAILING) seems to transform the result data by trimming the trailing spaces, the equal operator fills the string back with the trailing spaces before comparison and thus the resultant data remains the same as the original data type CHAR (14) of the base indexed column. Beside the equal operator, the following is a complete list of operators that blank fill the string with trailing spaces before comparison: o equals (=) o greater than (>) o less than (<) o greater or equal (>=) o less or equal (<=) o IS NULL o IS NOT NULL Feature Overview A new feature of peephole optimization is implemented to peek into the predicate to see if these operators are present (may be deeply nested) and to use the hidden base column, if detected, as the index retrieval. Our current approach is implemented inside the optimizer by finding the hidden base column and, if found, creating the index retrieval block (CRTV) accordingly for the predicate involving the hidden base column. 8-6 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 SQL> select last_name from employees where cast (last_name as varchar (31)) = 'Smith; Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Conjunct: TRIM (TRAILING ' ' FROM 0.LAST_NAME) = 'Smith' Index only retrieval of relation 0:EMPLOYEES Index name EMP_LAST_NAME [1:1] Hidden Key Keys: 0.LAST_NAME = 'Smith' LAST_NAME Smith Smith 2 rows selected Note that the notation "Hidden Key" is displayed to indicate that the key is retrieved by the index lookup scan performed on the index key (ikey) of the base column hidden under the CAST function. It is important that this optimization should be performed specifically for CAST and TRIM (TRAILING) functions on the base indexed column of either CHAR or VARCHAR data type with the following operators that blank fill the string for comparison: o equals (=) o greater than (>) o less than (<) o greater or equal (>=) o less or equal (<=) o IS NULL o IS NOT NULL The expression "CAST (v1 as CHAR (n)) = v2" is equivalent to "v1 = v2" when the CHAR_LENGTH (v1) is less than the length of the CAST data type (n). Here the = operator blank fills v1 up to the length n before comparison. The expression "TRIM (TRAILING from v1) = v2" is equivalent to "v1 = v2". Here the spaces are removed (trimmed) from v1 but the = operator just adds them back. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-7 STARTING WITH and LIKE are the operators that are exceptions from the above blank filling characteristic, but they are also allowed for peephole optimization even though these operators do not blank fill the string before comparison. The fixed leading characters of the pattern string are applied as the Boolean filter. For example, the following query exhibits the desired strategy with STARTING WITH: SQL> select last_name from employees where where last_name starting with 'Smith'; Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Conjunct: 0.LAST_NAME STARTING WITH 'Smith' Index only retrieval of relation 0:EMPLOYEES Index name EMP_LAST_NAME [1:1] Keys: 0.LAST_NAME STARTING WITH 'Smith' LAST_NAME Smith Smith 2 rows selected When a CAST function is applied to the indexed column, the optimizer should not switch to use a full scan [0:0] as below: SQL> select last_name from employees where where where cast (last_name as varchar(31)) starting with 'Smith'; Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Conjunct: CAST (0.LAST_NAME AS VARCHAR(31)) STARTING WITH 'Smith' Index only retrieval of relation 0:EMPLOYEES Index name EMP_LAST_NAME [0:0] LAST_NAME Smith Smith 2 rows selected With the new feature Peephole Optimization for Hidden Column Retrieval, the query will apply the index lookup retrieval, as follows: 8-8 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 SQL> select last_name from employees where where where cast (last_name as varchar(31)) starting with 'Smith'; Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Conjunct: CAST (0.LAST_NAME AS VARCHAR(31)) STARTING WITH 'Smith' Index only retrieval of relation 0:EMPLOYEES Index name EMP_LAST_NAME [1:1] Hidden Key Keys: 0.LAST_NAME STARTING WITH 'Smith' LAST_NAME Smith Smith 2 rows selected In this case, a low key value is constructed as '.Smith' from the pattern string 'Smith' and a high key value is constructed by adding one to the last byte of the low key value, e.g. '.Smiti'. These low and high key values are used in index lookup scan to find the range of index keys. The LIKE operator will also be optimized in a similar way as follows: SQL> select last_name from employees where where where cast (last_name as varchar(31)) like 'Smith'; Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Conjunct: CAST (0.LAST_NAME AS VARCHAR(31)) LIKE 'Smith' Index only retrieval of relation 0:EMPLOYEES Index name EMP_LAST_NAME [1:1] Hidden Key Keys: 0.LAST_NAME LIKE 'Smith' 0 rows selected In this case, the low and high key values are constructed in the same way as in the case of STARTING WITH and the Boolean predicate of LIKE is applied as the filter after the index lookup scan [1:1]. Here is another interesting example with a multi-segmented index where all of the segment columns are used in index lookup scan as [3:3] as expected: Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-9 SQL>create index emp_last_first_mid on employees (last_name, first_name, middle_initial); SQL>select last_name, first_name, middle_initial from employees where last_name = 'Smith' AND first_name = 'Roger' AND middle_initial = 'R'; Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Index only retrieval of relation 0:EMPLOYEES Index name EMP_LAST_FIRST_MID [3:3] Keys: (0.LAST_NAME = 'Smith') AND (0.FIRST_NAME = 'Roger') AND ( 0.MIDDLE_INITIAL = 'R') LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME MIDDLE_INITIAL Smith Roger R. 1 row selected However, if we now apply TRIM (TRAILING) to all of the segment columns, the strategy will change to index full scan [0:0], as in the following example: SQL>select last_name, first_name, middle_initial from employees where TRIM (TRAILING FROM last_name) = 'Smith' AND TRIM (TRAILING FROM first_name) = 'Roger' AND TRIM (TRAILING FROM middle_initial) = 'R'; Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Conjunct: (TRIM (TRAILING ' ' FROM 0.LAST_NAME) = 'Smith') AND (TRIM (TRAILING ' ' FROM 0.FIRST_NAME) = 'Roger') AND (TRIM (TRAILING ' ' FROM 0.MIDDLE_INITIAL) = 'R') Index only retrieval of relation 0:EMPLOYEES Index name EMP_LAST_FIRST_MID [0:0] LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME MIDDLE_INITIAL Smith Roger R. 1 row selected With this new feature, the above query still does not change the original index lookup [3:3] applying the 'Hidden Key' retrieval strategy: 8-10 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 SQL>select last_name, first_name, middle_initial from employees where TRIM (TRAILING FROM last_name) = 'Smith' AND TRIM (TRAILING FROM first_name) = 'Roger' AND TRIM (TRAILING FROM middle_initial) = 'R' ; Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Conjunct: (TRIM (TRAILING ' ' FROM 0.LAST_NAME) = 'Smith') AND (TRIM (TRAILING ' ' FROM 0.FIRST_NAME) = 'Roger') AND (TRIM (TRAILING ' ' FROM 0.MIDDLE_INITIAL) = 'R') Index only retrieval of relation 0:EMPLOYEES Index name EMP_LAST_FIRST_MID [3:3] Hidden Key Keys: (0.LAST_NAME = 'Smith') AND (0.FIRST_NAME = 'Roger') AND ( 0.MIDDLE_INITIAL = 'R') LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME MIDDLE_INITIAL Smith Roger R. 1 row selected This feature is always enabled by default. A new SQL flag called 'HIDDEN_KEY' is introduced to disable the feature in case the customer runs into some unexpected problem caused by this feature. 8.1.4 New PROTOTYPES Qualifier for SQL Module Language With this release of Oracle Rdb, the SQL Module Language compiler supports a new /PROTOTYPES qualifier. This qualifier replaces the /C_PROTOTYPES qualifier from prior releases and supports prototypes (routine declarations) generation for C (C++), Pascal and BLISS. o /PROTOTYPES[=prototypesfile] The PROTOTYPES qualifier uses the LANGUAGE clause from the module to generate routine declarations for the following languages: C (C++), Pascal and BLISS. The qualifier is ignored for all other language values. The prototypes file specification defaults to the same device, directory, and file name as the module language source. The file types default to .h for C, .PAS for Pascal and .REQ for BLISS. The default is /NOPROTOTYPES. o /C_PROTOTYPES qualifier is now deprecated and is now a synonym for /PROTOTYPES Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-11 o Language BLISS has been added. It is similar to LANGUAGE GENERAL. The /PROTOTYPES qualifier will generate EXTERNAL ROUTINE declarations for each SQL module language procedure. o Language PASCAL support has been added. The generated external procedure declarations are suitable for inclusion either in a Pascal program or module. Structured types (RECORD ... END RECORD), SQLDA and SQLCA used by the SQL module language procedures are declared as UNSAFE arrays of bytes to simplify passing structures via these external definitions. However, care must be taken as this form of declaration disables the Pascal strong typing checks. o The output for LANGUAGE C has been enhanced to include pre-processor directives to conditionally include C++ "extern C" syntax and also allow multiple #include references. 8.1.5 RMU /UNLOAD /AFTER_JOURNAL Performance Enhancement The RMU /UNLOAD /AFTER_JOURNAL command buffers all content for a transaction as the after-image journal is read. When a "commit" record is found, all records for the transaction are sorted to allow duplicate removal such that the final record content is returned. After the sort phase, only those records selected for extraction are returned to the output stream. In some cases of processing transactions that perform modifications to record types (including index nodes) not selected for extraction, the overhead of buffering, sorting and removing the records not selected can become excessive. The impact of this situation has been reduced. The LogMiner is now able to more effectively filter records that cannot be extracted as they are being read from the after-image journal. This filtering improves performance by avoiding buffering and sorting of those records that are known to not match the selection criteria. 8-12 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8.1.6 New GET DIAGNOSTICS Keywords The following new keywords have been added to GET DIAGNOSTICS: - LIMIT_CPU_TIME Returns an INTEGER value for the session's execution CPU time limit in seconds. If zero (0) is returned then that is equivalent to no CPU time limit. This value is established by either the logical name RDMS$BIND_QG_ EXEC_CPU_TIMEOUT or the SET QUERY EXECUTION LIMIT CPU TIME statement. - LIMIT_ROWS_FETCHED Returns a BIGINT value for the session's row limit. If zero (0) is returned then that is equivalent to no row limit. This value is established by the logical name RDMS$BIND_QG_REC_LIMIT. - LIMIT_ELAPSED_TIME Returns an INTEGER value for the session's execution elapsed time limit in seconds. If zero (0) is returned then that is equivalent to no elapsed time limit. This value is established by either the logical name RDMS$BIND_QG_EXEC_ELAPSED_TIMEOUT or the SET QUERY EXECUTION LIMIT ELAPSED TIME statement. The following example shows usage of these keywords in a compound statement. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-13 SQL> set flags 'trace'; SQL> set query execution limit elapsed time 10 minutes; SQL> begin cont> declare :row_limit integer; cont> declare :elapsed_limit integer; cont> declare :cpu_limit integer; cont> get diagnostics cont> :cpu_limit = LIMIT_CPU_TIME, cont> :row_limit = LIMIT_ROWS_FETCHED, cont> :elapsed_limit = LIMIT_ELAPSED_TIME; cont> trace 'LIMIT_ROWS_FETCHED: ', :row_limit; cont> trace 'LIMIT_CPU_TIME: ', :cpu_limit; cont> trace 'LIMIT_ELAPSED_TIME: ', :elapsed_limit; cont> end; ~Xt: LIMIT_ROWS_FETCHED: 0 ~Xt: LIMIT_CPU_TIME: 0 ~Xt: LIMIT_ELAPSED_TIME: 600 SQL> Dynamically executes a previously prepared statement. 8.1.7 New EXECUTE Syntax The EXECUTE statement is a dynamic SQL statement. Dynamic SQL lets programs accept or generate SQL statements at run time, in contrast to SQL statements that are part of the source code for precompiled programs or SQL module language procedures. Unlike precompiled SQL or SQL module language statements, such dynamically executed SQL statements are not necessarily part of a program's source code, but can be generated while the program is running. Dynamic SQL is useful when you cannot predict the type of SQL statement your program will need to process. If a program needs to dynamically execute a statement more than once, the statement should be prepared first with the PREPARE statement and executed each time with the EXECUTE statement. SQL does not parse and compile prepared statements every time it dynamically executes them with the EXECUTE statement. You can use the EXECUTE statement: o Embedded in host language programs to be precompiled 8-14 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 o As part of a procedure in an SQL module RDB_SQLRM$REF:EXECUTE.DRW Arguments INTO DESCRIPTOR descriptor-name Specifies an SQLDA descriptor that contains addresses and data types that specify output parameters or variables. The descriptor must be a structure declared in the host language program as an SQLDA. If the program is precompiled and uses the embedded SQL statement INCLUDE SQLDA, the name of the structure is simply SQLDA. Programs can use multiple SQLDAs, but must explicitly declare them with names other than SQLDA. Programs can always use the INTO DESCRIPTOR clause of the EXECUTE statement whether or not the statement string contains output parameter markers, as long as the value of the SQLD field in the SQLDA corresponds to the number of output parameter markers. SQL updates the SQLD field with the correct number of output parameter markers when it processes the DESCRIBE statement for the statement string. INTO parameter INTO qualified-parameter INTO variable Specifies output parameters or variables whose values are returned by a successful EXECUTE statement. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-15 When you specify a list of parameters or variables, the number of parameters in the list must be the same as the number of output parameter markers in the statement string of the prepared statement. If SQL determines that a statement string had no output parameter markers, the INTO clause is not allowed. statement-name statement-id-parameter Specifies the name of a prepared statement. You can supply either a parameter or a compile-time statement name. Specifying a parameter lets SQL supply identifiers to programs at run time. Use an integer parameter to contain the statement identifier returned by SQL or a character string parameter to contain the name of the statement that you pass to SQL. If the PREPARE statement for the dynamically executed statement specifies a parameter, use that same parameter in the EXECUTE statement instead of an explicit statement name. USING DESCRIPTOR descriptor-name Specifies an SQLDA descriptor that contains addresses and data types of input parameters or variables. The descriptor must be a structure declared in the host language program as an SQLDA. If the program is precompiled and uses the embedded SQL statement INCLUDE SQLDA, the name of the structure is simply SQLDA. Programs can use multiple SQLDAs, but must explicitly declare them with names other than SQLDA. Programs can always use the USING DESCRIPTOR clause of the EXECUTE statement whether or not the statement string contains input parameter markers, as long as the value of the SQLD field in the SQLDA corresponds to the number of input parameter markers. SQL updates the SQLD field with the correct number of input parameter markers when it processes the DESCRIBE statement for the statement string. USING parameter USING qualified-parameter 8-16 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 USING variable Specifies input parameters or variables whose values SQL uses to replace parameter markers in the prepared statement string. When you specify a list of parameters or variables, the number of parameters in the list must be the same as the number of input parameter markers in the statement string of the prepared statement. If SQL determines that a statement string had no input parameter markers, the USING clause is not allowed. Usage Notes o You must use at least one USING or one INTO clause in an EXECUTE statement. If the statement has no parameters then use the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement instead. o You may mix parameters with DESCRIPTOR structures within the EXECUTE statement. That is, you may use INTO DESCRIPTOR to hold the results of the dynamic statement, but use USING with a list of parameters to provide the input values. o When you issue the EXECUTE statement for a previously prepared statement, you might want to obtain information beyond the success or failure code returned in the SQLCODE status parameter. For example, you might want to know how many rows were affected by the execution of an INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, FETCH, or SELECT statement. SQL returns this information in the SQLERRD[2] field of the SQLCA. However, when you use an SQLCA parameter to prepare a statement, you must also use an SQLCA parameter when you execute that statement. For example, using SQL module language calls from C, your code might look like the following where the SQLCA parameter is passed to both procedures: static struct SQLCA sqlca; /* ... */ PREPARE_STMT(&sqlca, statement, &stmt_id); /* ... */ EXECUTE_STMT(&sqlca, &stmt_id); Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-17 For more information about the SQLCA, including the SQLERRD[2] field, see Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual. Examples Example 1: Executing an INSERT statement with parameter markers These fragments from the online sample C program sql_ dynamic illustrate using an EXECUTE statement in an SQL module procedure to execute a dynamically generated SQL statement. The program accepts input of any valid SQL statement from the terminal and calls the subunit shown in the following program excerpt: . . . /* **---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Begin Main routine **---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int sql_dynamic (psql_stmt, input_sqlda, output_sqlda, stmt_id, is_select) char *psql_stmt; sqlda *input_sqlda; sqlda *output_sqlda; long *stmt_id; int *is_select; { sqlda sqlda_in, sqlda_out; /* Declare the SQLDA structures. */ int rowcount, status; int param; /* Declare arrays for storage of original data types and allocate memory. */ mem_ptr output_save; mem_ptr input_save; /* * If a NULL SQLDA is passed, then a new statement is being prepared. */ if ((*input_sqlda == NULL) && (*output_sqlda == NULL)) { new_statement = TRUE; 8-18 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 /* * Allocate separate SQLDAs for input parameter markers (SQLDA_IN) * and output list items (SQLDA_OUT). Assign the value of the constant * MAXPARMS to the SQLN field of both SQLDA structures. SQLN specifies * to SQL the maximum size of the SQLDA. */ if ((sqlda_in = (sqlda) calloc (1, sizeof (sqlda_rec))) == 0) { printf ("\n\n*** Error allocating memory for sqlda_in: Abort"); return (-1); } else /* set # of possible parameters */ sqlda_in->sqln = MAXPARAMS; if ((sqlda_out = (sqlda) calloc (1, sizeof (sqlda_rec))) == 0) { printf ("\n\n*** Error allocating memory for sqlda_out: Abort"); return (-1); } } else /* Set # of possible select list items. */ sqlda_out->sqln = MAXPARAMS; /* copy name SQLDA2 to identify the SQLDA */ strncpy(&sqlda_in->sqldaid[0],"SQLDA2 ",8); strncpy(&sqlda_out->sqldaid[0],"SQLDA2 ",8); /* * Call an SQL module language procedure, prepare_stmt and * describe_stmt that contains a PREPARE and DESCRIBE...OUTPUT * statement to prepare the dynamic statement and write information * about any select list items in it to SQLDA_OUT. */ *stmt_id = 0; /* If <> 0 the BADPREPARE error results in the PREPARE.*/ PREPARE_STMT (&SQLCA, stmt_id, psql_stmt); if (SQLCA.SQLCODE != sql_success) { printf ("\n\nDSQL-E-PREPARE, Error %d encountered in PREPARE", SQLCA.SQLCODE); display_error_message(); return (-1); } Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-19 DESCRIBE_SELECT (&SQLCA, stmt_id, sqlda_out); if (SQLCA.SQLCODE != sql_success) { printf ("\n\nDSQL-E-PREPARE, Error %d encountered in PREPARE", SQLCA.SQLCODE); display_error_message(); return (-1); } /* * Call an SQL module language procedure, describe_parm, that contains a * DESCRIBE...INPUT statement to write information about any parameter * markers in the dynamic statement to sqlda_in. */ DESCRIBE_PARM (&SQLCA, stmt_id, sqlda_in); if (SQLCA.SQLCODE != sql_success) { printf ("\n\n*** Error %d returned from describe_parm: Abort", SQLCA.SQLCODE); display_error_message(); return (-1); } /* Save the value of the SQLCA.SQLERRD[1] field so that program can * determine if the statement is a SELECT statement or not. * If the value is 1, the statement is a SELECT statement.*/ *is_select = SQLCA.SQLERRD[1]; . . . /* * Check to see if the prepared dynamic statement contains any parameter * markers by looking at the SQLD field of sqlda_in. SQLD contains the * number of parameter markers in the prepared statement. If SQLD is * positive, the prepared statement contains parameter markers. The program * executes a local procedure, get_in_params, that prompts the user for * values, allocates storage for those values, and updates the SQLDATA field * of sqlda_in: */ 8-20 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 if (sqlda_in->sqld > 0) if ((status = get_in_params(sqlda_in,input_save)) != 0) { printf ("\nError returned from GET_IN_PARAMS. Abort"); return (-1); } /* Check to see if the prepared dynamic statement is a SELECT by looking * at the value in is_select, which stores the value of the * SQLCA.SQLERRD[1] field. If that value is equal to 1, the prepared * statement is a SELECT statement. The program allocates storage for * rows for SQL module language procedures to open and fetch from a cursor, * and displays the rows on the terminal: */ if (*is_select) { if (new_statement == TRUE) /* Allocate buffers for output. */ { /* assign a unique name for the cursor */ sprintf(cursor_name,"%2d",++cursor_counter); if ((status = allocate_buffers(sqlda_out)) != 0) . . . /* * If the SQLCA.SQLERRD[1] field is not 1, then the prepared statement is not a * SELECT statement and only needs to be executed. Call an SQL module language * procedure to execute the statement, using information about parameter * markers stored in sqlda_in by the local procedure get_in_params: */ { EXECUTE_STMT (&SQLCA, stmt_id, sqlda_in); if (SQLCA.SQLCODE != sql_success) . . . The SQL module language procedures called by the preceding fragment: Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-21 . . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Procedure Section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This procedure prepares a statement for dynamic execution from the string -- passed to it. It also writes information about the number and data type of -- any select list items in the statement to an SQLDA2 (specifically, -- the sqlda_out SQLDA2 passed to the procedure by the calling program). -- PROCEDURE PREPARE_STMT SQLCA :DYN_STMT_ID INTEGER :STMT CHAR(1024); PREPARE :DYN_STMT_ID FROM :STMT; -- This procedure writes information to an SQLDA (specifically, -- the sqlda_in SQLDA passed to the procedure by the calling program) -- about the number and data type of any parameter markers in the -- prepared dynamic statement. Note that SELECT statements may also -- have parameter markers. PROCEDURE DESCRIBE_SELECT SQLCA :DYN_STMT_ID INTEGER SQLDA; DESCRIBE :DYN_STMT_ID OUTPUT INTO SQLDA; PROCEDURE DESCRIBE_PARM SQLCA :DYN_STMT_ID INTEGER SQLDA; DESCRIBE :DYN_STMT_ID INPUT INTO SQLDA; 8-22 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 -- This procedure dynamically executes a non-SELECT statement. -- SELECT statements are processed by DECLARE CURSOR, OPEN CURSOR, -- and FETCH statements. -- -- The EXECUTE statement specifies an SQLDA2 (specifically, -- the sqlda_in SQLDA2 passed to the procedure by the calling program) -- as the source of addresses for any parameter markers in the dynamic -- statement. -- -- The EXECUTE statement with the USING DESCRIPTOR clause -- also handles statement strings that contain no parameter markers. -- If a statement string contains no parameter markers, SQL sets -- the SQLD field of the SQLDA2 to zero. PROCEDURE EXECUTE_STMT SQLCA :DYN_STMT_ID INTEGER SQLDA; EXECUTE :DYN_STMT_ID USING DESCRIPTOR SQLDA; . . . 8.1.8 Bitmap Scan Performance Enhancements Several enhancements have been made to the dynamic optimizer when the bitmap scan feature is enabled. These enhancements can improve I/O and CPU times in various situations when the bitmap scan feature is enabled. Bitmap Scan for OR Index Retrieval Enhancement 3321352 The ability to use bitmap scan functionality has been enhanced to include queries that previously used a static "or" tactic. During query compilation where the query contains conditions combined using the OR keyword, the optimizer can decide that the conditions in the query can be satisfied by scanning multiple indexes and combining the results. This is termed "or index retrieval" or "static or". Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-23 The following example shows a query that uses a static OR tactic. SQL> create index sexi on employees (sex) type is sorted ranked; SQL> create index addi on employees (address_data_1) type is sorted ranked; SQL> commit; SQL> set flags 'stratgey,detail' SQL> select count(*) from employees cont> where address_data_1 starting with '1' or sex='M'; Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Aggregate: 0:COUNT (*) OR index retrieval Conjunct: 0.ADDRESS_DATA_1 STARTING WITH '1' Get Retrieval by index of relation 0:EMPLOYEES Index name ADDI [1:1] Keys: 0.ADDRESS_DATA_1 STARTING WITH '1' Conjunct: NOT (0.ADDRESS_DATA_1 STARTING WITH '1') Get Retrieval by index of relation 0:EMPLOYEES Index name SEXI [1:1] Keys: 0.SEX = 'M' 81 1 row selected During query execution of a static or, the first index is scanned and these rows are delivered. When the second index is scanned, all rows are fetched, but only those rows not already delivered by the first scan are delivered. Rdb places a test on the second (and any subsequent) index scan to exclude rows that would have been delivered by previous indices. In this case, the test on the second index is (NOT (0.ADDRESS_DATA_1 STARTING WITH '1')). In this way, any rows that satisfy both of the OR conditions will be fetched twice. In addition, the rows are read in the order that they appear in the index, which most often means that acess to the data is physically random. By using a bitmap scan, an in-memory BBC bitmap is constructed for dbkeys from the first index scan. A second BBC bitmap is constructed for dbkeys from the second index scan. These two bitmaps are then combined using a logical OR operation. The resulting bitmap is used to retrieve the rows. This has the advantage of retrieving all the rows selected only once, and in addition, since bitmaps 8-24 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 are logically sorted, rows are fetched in order of their physical location (dbkey). In the following example, we can see that with bitmap scan enabled the strategy chosen is a dynamic tactic with multiple "or" indexes and that bitmapped scan is being used. SQL> set flags 'bitmapped_scan' SQL> select count(*) from employees cont> where address_data_1 starting with '1' or sex='M'; Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Aggregate: 0:COUNT (*) Leaf#01 BgrOnly 0:EMPLOYEES Card=100 Bitmapped scan Bool: (0.ADDRESS_DATA_1 STARTING WITH '1') OR (0.SEX = 'M') BgrNdx1 ADDI [1:1] Fan=9 Keys: 0.ADDRESS_DATA_1 STARTING WITH '1' OrNdx1 SEXI [1:1] Fan=19 Keys: 0.SEX = 'M' 81 1 row selected In the past, this type of query would have been executed using an alternate tactic. In most cases, this would have been a static "or" tactic. The use of bitmap scan had previously required an additional condition with an "and" on an index field. As with other bitmap scan strategies, the strategy depends on the presence of at least one index of TYPE IS SORTED RANKED. In this example, the use of bitmap scan reduced the number of I/O's from 81 to 54. This represents an approximate 30% reduction in I/O for this simple query. The use of bitmap scan is best explained in the Rdb Journal article titled "Guide to Database Performance and Tuning: Bitmapped Scan". Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-25 Processing of Unique Keys and Non-ranked Indices When scanning an index that did not have BBC duplicates, either because the index was not of TYPE IS SORTED RANKED, or because the index was unique, the dynamic optimizer would add one dbkey at a time into an in-memory BBC. This proves to be very CPU intensive. The following example shows the execution trace from a query where bitmap scan is enabled. SQL> set flags 'strategy,execut,bitmapped_scan,detail(1)' SQL> select a1,f0,f1 from t cont> where a1<30 and a2<30 and a3=1 cont> and f0>5 and f0<11 cont> optimize for total time; ~S#0001 Tables: 0 = T Leaf#01 BgrOnly 0:T Card=3000 Bitmapped scan Bool: (0.A1 < 30) AND (0.A2 < 30) AND (0.A3 = 1) AND (0.F0 > 5) AND (0.F0 < 11) BgrNdx1 I3 [1:1] Fan=1 Keys: 0.A3 = 1 BgrNdx2 I1 [0:1] Fan=17 Keys: 0.A1 < 30 BgrNdx3 I2 [0:1] Fan=17 Keys: 0.A2 < 30 ~Estim I3 Hashed: Nodes=0, Est=1 Disabled IO=0 ~Estim I1 Ranked: Nodes=1, Min=29, Est=29 Precise IO=2 ~Estim RLEAF Cardinality= 2.9380000E+03 ~Estim I2 Sorted: Split lev=1, Seps=29 Est=29 Precise ~E#0001.01(1) Estim Index/Estimate 1_1 2/29 3/29 ~E#0001.01(1) BgrNdx1 FillMap2 DBKeys=1 Fetches=1+0 ~E#0001.01(1) BgrNdx1 FillMap2 DBKeys=1 Fetches=0+0 ~E#0001.01(1) BgrNdx1 Or__Map2 DBKeys=2 Fetches=0+0 ~E#0001.01(1) BgrNdx1 FillMap2 DBKeys=1 Fetches=0+0 ~E#0001.01(1) BgrNdx1 Or__Map2 DBKeys=3 Fetches=0+0 . . . ~E#0001.01(1) BgrNdx1 FillMap2 DBKeys=1 Fetches=0+0 ~E#0001.01(1) BgrNdx1 Or__Map2 DBKeys=19 Fetches=0+0 ~E#0001.01(1) BgrNdx1 EofData DBKeys=19 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0 #Bufs=0 ~E#0001.01(1) BgrNdx2 FtchLim DBKeys=0 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0 8-26 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 A1 F0 F1 6 6 test 7 7 test 8 8 test 9 9 test ~E#0001.01(1) Fin Bitmap DBKeys=19 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=5 10 10 test 5 rows selected Notice from the index estimation execution trace line that the first background index, I3, is of TYPE IS HASHED. Since a hashed index does not have BBC duplicates chains, each dbkey is added one at a time into an in-memeory BBC. The new in-memory BBC is then logically OR'ed with dbkeys previously fetched and the two old BBCs are deleted. Rdb now detects the case where there is no BBC in the index being scanned and reads the dbkeys into an in-memory buffer of 1024 dbkeys. When the index scan completes or when the 1024 dbkey buffer fills up, the dbkeys are sorted and rolled into an in-memory BBC. The next example shows the same query with the enhanced behavior. This example starts at the execution estimation summary line as all prior information is the same as the preceeding example. ~E#0001.01(1) Estim Index/Estimate 1_1 2/29 3/29 ~E#0001.01(1) BgrNdx1 EofData DBKeys=19 Fetches=1+0 RecsOut=0 #Bufs=0 ~E#0001.01(1) BgrNdx1 Bld_Map2 DBKeys=19 Fetches=0+0 ~E#0001.01(1) BgrNdx2 FtchLim DBKeys=0 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0 A1 F0 F1 6 6 test 7 7 test 8 8 test 9 9 test ~E#0001.01(1) Fin Bitmap DBKeys=19 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=5 10 10 test 5 rows selected The new behavior shows the first background index is scanned to completion. Because the index is hashed, the dbkeys are collected in the in-memory buffer. Only when the index scan completes are the dbkeys sorted and then rolled into an in-memory BBC. This is shown by the BgrNdx1 Bld_ Map2 execution trace line. This can significantly reduce Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-27 the CPU time used during bitmap scans on indexes that do not have BBC duplicates chains. Tests have shown a 75% reduction in CPU time for some queries. Where the index being scanned is of TYPE IS SORTED RANKED and the index contains a mixture of unique and duplicate keys, each duplicate will be handled by building an in-memory BBC for the dbkeys of the duplicate key and logically OR'ing that with previously fetched dbkeys, as before. However, where the dbkey is unique, it will be added to the in-memory dbkey buffer until the scan completes or the dbkey buffer fills up. At that time, the dbkey buffer will be rolled into an in-memory BBC and logically OR'ed with any existing in-memory BBC. Enhanced Fast First Processing In the fast first tactic (FFirst), Rdb attempts to deliver the first 1024 rows as quickly as possible. To do this, the first background index is scanned and as each dbkey is fetched from the index scan, it is passed to foreground (Fgr). Foreground will fetch the row, check that all conditions on the query are met, and if necessary deliver the row. Foreground maintains a list of all delivered dbkeys in an in-memory 1024 dbkey buffer. If this buffer fills up, then foreground is abandoned (ABA) and execution reverts to a background only tactic (BgrOnly). The foreground dbkey list is retained to ensure that already delivered rows are not delivered a second time. In the past, Rdb has always retained a background dbkey list. This could be an in-memory 1024 dbkey buffer or a temporary file on disk depending on how many dbkeys had been fetched from the index. With bitmap scan, this was maintained as an in-memory BBC bitmap. Since dbkeys are processed one row at a time, these dbkeys must be inserted into the background dbkey list one at a time regardless of the index type and structure being scanned. If the background index scan completes and fast first is still running, we can be sure that all rows necessary have been delivered by foreground, so execution is abandoned. In this case, the background dbkey list was not used. 8-28 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 If 1024 rows are delivered by foreground then fast first is abandoned. In this case, the background dbkey list is completed by finishing the index scan. The final phase (FIN) uses the background dbkey list to fetch the rows that are not in the foreground dbkey list and, if necessary, delivers the rows. However, dbkeys in the background dbkey list at the time that fast first was abandoned have already been fetched and delivered by foreground. By retaining them in the background dbkey list, we potentially cause the final phase to do extra work to re-fetch and filter these rows. When using the bitmap scan feature, Rdb no longer maintains a background dbkey BBC if fast first is running. In this way, a potentially large amount of CPU is saved on BBC operations and the number of dbkeys needing to be processed by FIN is reduced. There is one exception to this. When using the bitmap scan feature, Rdb can use an OR index list for an index scan. In the example below, both of the indexes return the same dbkey for the Alvin Toliver row. In this case, background must maintain the background in-memory BBC to ensure that the same row is never delivered twice. So each new dbkey is inserted into the existing BBC as it is read. Before being inserted, the BBC is checked to ensure that this dbkey has not already been delivered. If it has already been delivered by a previous "or" index, it is ignored. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-29 SQL> select * from employees cont> where last_name='Toliver' or first_name='Alvin'; ~S#0005 Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Leaf#01 FFirst 0:EMPLOYEES Card=100 Bitmapped scan Bool: (0.LAST_NAME = 'Toliver') OR (0.FIRST_NAME = 'Alvin') BgrNdx1 EMP_LAST_NAME [1:1] Fan=12 Keys: 0.LAST_NAME = 'Toliver' OrNdx1 EMP_FIRST_NAME [1:1] Fan=14 Keys: 0.FIRST_NAME = 'Alvin' ~Estim EMP_LAST_NAME Sorted: Split lev=1, Seps=1 Est=1 Precise ~Estim EMP_FIRST_NAME Ranked: Nodes=1, Min=2, Est=2 Precise IO=0 ~E#0005.01(1) Estim Index/Estimate 1/2 ~E#0005.01(1) BgrNdx1 EofData DBKeys=1 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=1 #Bufs=0 EMPLOYEE_ID LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME MIDDLE_INITIAL ADDRESS_DATA_1 ADDRESS_DATA_2 CITY STATE POSTAL_CODE SEX BIRTHDAY STATUS_CODE 00164 Toliver Alvin A 146 Parnell Place Chocorua NH 03817 M 28-Mar-1947 1 ~E#0005.01(1) Or Ndx1 EofData DBKeys=1 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=2 #Bufs=0 ~E#0005.01(1) FgrNdx FFirst DBKeys=2 Fetches=0+1 RecsOut=2`ABA ~E#0005.01(1) Fin Bitmap DBKeys=0 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=2`ABA 00405 Dement Alvin B 101 Second St. Sanbornton NH 03269 M 7-Aug-1931 1 2 rows selected If the first background index is not an "or" index list, then background does not retain a dbkey list while fast first is running. If the first background index is an "or" index list then the BBC is maintained; however, it is discarded if foreground is abandoned. FIN will use foreground's 1024 dbkey list to ensure that no row is delivered twice. In the following example, we see where fast first is abandoned (ABA). Both the indexes used are made unique by including the field F3 as a second field in the index. Note that 2000 rows are selected by this query. 8-30 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 SQL> set flags 'strat,detail,exec,bitmap' SQL> select * from t1 where f1=1 and f2=1; ~S#0007 Tables: 0 = T1 Leaf#01 FFirst 0:T1 Card=2000 Bitmapped scan Bool: (0.F1 = 1) AND (0.F2 = 1) BgrNdx1 I11 [1:1] Fan=14 Keys: 0.F1 = 1 BgrNdx2 I12 [1:1] Fan=14 Keys: 0.F2 = 1 ~Estim I11 Ranked: Nodes=88, Min=713, Est=1696 IO=1 ~Estim RLEAF Cardinality= 2.0000000E+03 ~Estim I12 Ranked: Nodes=88, Min=713, Est=1696 IO=2 ~E#0007.01(1) Estim Index/Estimate 1/1696 2/1696 F1 F2 F3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 . . . 1 1 1022 1 1 1023 ~E#0007.01(1) FgrNdx FFirst DBKeys=1024 Fetches=0+15 RecsOut=1024`ABA ~E#0007.01(1) BgrNdx1 Bld_Map2 DBKeys=1 Fetches=1+8 ~E#0007.01(1) BgrNdx1 EofData DBKeys=975 Fetches=0+13 RecsOut=1024 #Bufs=0 ~E#0007.01(1) BgrNdx1 Bld_Map2 DBKeys=975 Fetches=0+0 ~E#0007.01(1) BgrNdx1 Or__Map2 DBKeys=976 Fetches=0+0 ~E#0007.01(1) BgrNdx2 FtchLim DBKeys=1007 Fetches=1+9 RecsOut=1024 1 1 1024 1 1 1025 1 1 1026 . . . 1 1 1997 1 1 1998 1 1 1999 ~E#0007.01(1) Fin Bitmap DBKeys=976 Fetches=0+11 RecsOut=2000 1 1 2000 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-31 2000 rows selected SQL> First we observe delivery of the first 1024 rows using the fast first tactic. During this phase, background is not maintaining a dbkey list. When the 1025th dbkey is fetched, foreground is abandoned (ABA). The 1025th dbkey must be retained because it has not been delivered, so an in-memory BBC is constructed (Bld_Map) with 1 dbkey. The first 1024 dbkeys have been discarded. The first background index is scanned to completion (EofData) accumulating a further 975 dbkeys. The dbkeys are sorted and rolled into a BBC (Bld_Map). The one dbkey from fast first termination is logically OR'ed with the 975 dbkeys from background (Or__Map) giving 976 dbkeys. The second background index is scanned and reaches fetch limit (FtchLim) after 1007 dbkeys. Because this index is unique and less than 1024 dbkeys were read, these dbkeys would have been stored in a 1024 dbkey buffer. Since the index scan was aborted due to fetch limit, the dbkey buffer is discarded. The final (Fin) phase delivers the remaining 976 rows using the background BBC from the first index scan. This query shows an improvement of 71% in elapsed time and 78% in CPU time with the bitmap scan enhancements. 8.1.9 Enhancements to SQL SHOW Commands This release of Oracle Rdb makes the following changes to the SHOW commands of Interactive SQL. o New: SHOW SYSTEM TRIGGERS The SHOW SYSTEM TRIGGERS statement displays only those triggers created for use by the database system or layered applications such as the OCI Services component of SQL/Services. o New: SHOW ALL TRIGGERS The SHOW ALL TRIGGERS statement displays both system and user defined triggers. o New: SHOW SYSTEM MODULES 8-32 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 The SHOW SYSTEM MODULES statement displays only those modules created for use by the database system or layered applications such as the OCI Services component of SQL/Services. o New: SHOW ALL MODULES The SHOW ALL MODULES statement displays both system and user defined modules. o New: SHOW SYSTEM FUNCTIONS The SHOW SYSTEM FUNCTIONS statement displays only those functions created for use by the database system or layered applications such as the OCI Services component of SQL/Services. o New: SHOW ALL FUNCTIONS The SHOW ALL FUNCTIONS statement displays both system and user defined functions. o New: SHOW SYSTEM PROCEDURES The SHOW SYSTEM PROCEDURES statement displays only those procedures created for use by the database system or layered applications such as the OCI Services component of SQL/Services. o New: SHOW ALL PROCEDURES The SHOW ALL PROCEDURES statement displays both system and user defined procedures. o SHOW now supports SQL wildcards in the object names Most SHOW commands allow a fully specified object name, or * to display details of all objects of the given type. With this release of Rdb, the LIKE wildcards "%" and "_" can be used to select a subset of object names. For instance, the following query will display all tables with the string "JOB" in the name. SQL> show table (comment) %JOB% Information for table CURRENT_JOB Comment on table CURRENT_JOB: View to provide the current job for employees Information for table JOBS Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-33 Comment on table JOBS: Possible jobs in the company Information for table JOB_HISTORY Comment on table JOB_HISTORY: Employment history within the company SQL> ________________________ Note ________________________ This support is not currently available for multischema databases. ______________________________________________________ Refer to the documentation on the LIKE clause for information on the wildcard characters "%" and "_". The escape character is defined implicitly for SHOW commands as "\". o SHOW allows synonyms to be used to identify the object to be displayed. The following example creates a sequence and a synonym for that sequence, and uses SHOW SEQUENCE with the synonym. 8-34 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 SQL> create sequence department_id_sequence; SQL> create synonym dept_id_s for department_id_sequence; SQL> show sequence Sequences in database with filename personnel DEPARTMENT_ID_SEQUENCE DEPT_ID_S A synonym for sequence DEPARTMENT_ID_SEQUENCE SQL> show sequence DEPT_ID_S DEPT_ID_S A synonym for sequence DEPARTMENT_ID_SEQUENCE Sequence Id: 1 Initial Value: 1 Minimum Value: 1 Maximum Value: 9223372036854775787 Next Sequence Value: 1 Increment by: 1 Cache Size: 20 No Order No Cycle No Randomize Wait SQL> ________________________ Note ________________________ This support is not currently available for multischema databases. ______________________________________________________ 8.1.10 Return EXCESS_TRAN with Distributed Transaction When Oracle Rdb is using distributed transactions and receives a SQL command to start a transaction while another transaction is in progress, it waits for the existing transaction to complete prior to starting the new transaction. This is necessary because of a race condition which can occur in DECdtm and which can result in Rdb returning an %RDB-E-EXCESS_TRANS error even though the prior transaction commit or rollback has been started. An undesirable side effect of the wait described above is that if a second transaction is started without committing or rolling back the first (which is an error), Rdb will hang in an LEF wait state rather than returning an %RDB-E- EXCESS_TRANS error. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-35 To deal with this problem, Oracle Rdb has been enhanced so that if a new distributed transaction is started, it checks to see if any current one has begun the two phase commit (2PC) or rollback processing. If so, it enters a wait state until the previous transaction is complete (as previously). But, if the transaction is not being ended, it pauses for a while to see if the transaction end processing begins and, if it does not, it returns an %RDB-E-EXCESS_ TRANS error. A new configuration file parameter, called SQL_TRANS_START_WAIT, has been added to specify the number of seconds Rdb will wait for the end transaction processing before returning an %RDB-E-EXCESS_TRANS error. Rdb will pause in 500 millisecond intervals and recheck the existing transaction for up to the number of seconds specified by SQL_TRANS_START_WAIT, with a default of 3. SQL_TRANS_START_ WAIT is defined in the client configuration file but may be specified for both the client and server sides of a remote connection. The following example shows the new behavior of Oracle Rdb based on the setting of SQL_TRANS_START_WAIT. Suppose the RDB$CLIENT_DEFAULTS.DAT file contains the following entry: SQL_TRANS_START_WAIT 4 Consider the following code fragment from a precompiled C source file which uses DECdtm system calls and explicitly passes distributed transaction context IDs to SQL: struct { long version; long type; long length; char global_tid[16]; long end; } context1, context2; long status; short iosb[4]; long flag = 2; exec sql declare alias filename personnel; 8-36 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 context1.version = 1; context1.type = 1; context1.length = 16; for ( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) context1.global_tid[i] = 0; context1.end = 0; context2.version = 1; context2.type = 1; context2.length = 16; for ( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) context2.global_tid[i] = 0; context2.end = 0; status = sys$start_transw( 0, /* efn */ flag, /* flags */ iosb, /* iosb */ 0, /* astadr */ 0, /* astprm */ context1.global_tid /* tid */ ); status = sys$start_transw( 0, /* efn */ flag, /* flags */ iosb, /* iosb */ 0, /* astadr */ 0, /* astprm */ context2.global_tid /* tid */ ); exec sql using context :context1 set transaction read write; exec sql using context :context2 set transaction read write; In the above example, the second "set transaction" should result in an %RDB-E-EXCESS_TRANS error because Rdb does not allow more than one concurrent transaction. But, because a distributed transaction is involved, it would have hung in an LEF wait state. With the SQL_TRANS_START_ WAIT parameter set to four seconds, it will check to see if the first transaction's end processing has begun every 500 milliseconds for four seconds and then return an %RDB-E- EXCESS_TRANS error. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-37 8.1.11 Dynamic SQL Enhancements The following enhancements have been made to the Rdb Dynamic SQL interface. o The EXECUTE statement now supports INTO with a list of output host variables. In prior versions, only an INTO SQLDA was supported. See Section 8.1.7 for more details. o DECLARE is now supported for creating local variables. Refer to the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual, DECLARE Variable Statement. This statement is currently described as available in Interactive SQL only but is now available for dynamic SQL applications. These local variables will exist until a successful UNDECLARE or until the image runs down. o UNDECLARE is now supported for deleting local variables. Refer to the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual, UNDECLARE Variable Statement. This statement is currently described as available in Interactive SQL only but is now available for dynamic SQL applications. o The PREPARE statement now sets values in the SQLCA to report the number of input and number output parameters for a statement. These values allow memory to be allocated for input and output SQLDA structures. Assuming that the SQLERRD array is zero based, SQL will set SQLERRD[2] to the count of output parameters and SQLERRD[3] to the count of input parameters. The values may possibly be zero and CALL parameters of INOUT type will appear in both the input and output count. The following simple program shows the effect of the new SQLCA support. #include #include exec sql declare alias filename 'db$:mf_personnel'; exec sql include SQLCA; char * s1 = "begin insert into work_status values (?, ?, ?);\ select count(*) into ? from work_status; end"; 8-38 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 void main () { int i; SQLCA.SQLERRD[2] = SQLCA.SQLERRD[3] = 1; exec sql prepare stmt from :s1; if (SQLCA.SQLCODE != 0) sql_signal (); printf( "SQLCA:\n SQLCODE: %9d\n", SQLCA.SQLCODE); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) printf( " SQLERRD[%d]: %9d\n", i, SQLCA.SQLERRD[i]); } The results below show that there are 3 input arguments and 1 output argument. SQLCA: SQLCODE: 0 SQLERRD[0]: 0 SQLERRD[1]: 0 SQLERRD[2]: 1 SQLERRD[3]: 3 SQLERRD[4]: 0 SQLERRD[5]: 0 Please note that the SQLCA was not set prior to Rdb Release 7.1.3 so Oracle recommends that the SQLERRD[2] and SQLERRD[3] values be set to a known value (such as -1) prior to the PREPARE call. Then if the values remain as -1 the application must estimate the counts itself. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.3 8-39 9 _________________________________________________________________ Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 9.1.1 Query Governor Enhanced to Timeout Executing Requests Bugs 809183 and 3240288 This release of Oracle Rdb introduces the ability to timeout long running database requests. A database request may include SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE and INSERT statements executed singly or as part of a compound statement, and includes any constraints or triggers associated with such actions. Some database requests may take an excessive amount of time or system resources to execute. This feature provides the ability to have a request return an error if the request exceeds a defined limit for CPU or elapsed time. Oracle Rdb provides the following interfaces to this timeout facility. - SQL Interface New SQL syntax has been added to support this ability. An updated syntax diagram for SET QUERY is shown in Section 9.1.2, SET QUERY Statement. This new syntax is supported from both interactive and dynamic SQL interfaces. The following example establishes a 5 minute query timeout for the session. SET QUERY EXECUTION LIMIT ELAPSED TIME 5 MINUTES; For smaller intervals, the keyword SECONDS can be used, and is the default unit for this statement. SET QUERY EXECUTION LIMIT CPU TIME 30 SECONDS; - Logical Name Interface Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-1 Additionally, logical names may be used to define the timeout values. For example, to limit any database request that requires more than one second of CPU time or two seconds of elapsed time the following logical names can be defined. $ DEFINE RDMS$BIND_QG_EXEC_CPU_TIMEOUT 1 $ DEFINE RDMS$BIND_QG_EXEC_ELAPSED_TIMEOUT 2 When the timeout limit has been exceeded, Oracle Rdb will return an RDB-E-EXQUOTA error with a secondary error of RDMS-E-MAXTIMLIM. For example: SQL> DELETE FROM EMPLOYEES; %RDB-E-EXQUOTA, Oracle Rdb runtime quota exceeded -RDMS-E-MAXTIMLIM, query governor maximum timeout has been reached - RMU/SHOW STATISTICS Interface Requests may also be canceled using the RMU/SHOW STATISTICS utility. If a particular database user has a database request that is taking an excessive amount of time, it may be canceled by a database administrator. The RMU/SHOW STATISTICS tools menu provides a mechanism to cancel a long running request. The tools menu is invoked by the "!" command. That menu contains the option "Terminate request". When that option is selected, RMU/SHOW STATISTICS prompts for the target user's process identifier (PID) and stream identifier. (The stream identifier is necessary if the user has more than one attach in that database.) The target process is then told to abort the currently running request. When the request is terminated, an RDB-E-EXQUOTA error is returned to the application; the secondary error code is RDMS-E-REQCANCELED. For example: SQL> DELETE FROM EMPLOYEES; %RDB-E-EXQUOTA, Oracle Rdb runtime quota exceeded -RDMS-E-REQCANCELED, request canceled If an application receives a timeout error, it may continue to execute new database requests. The current transaction does not have to be terminated. New requests are still subject to the declared timeout limits. 9-2 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Note that this timeout applies to the execution of a single database request. The timer is restarted for each new database request. A compound statement or stored procedure is treated as a single database request therefore, if a compound or stored procedure contains multiple statements or calls to nested stored routines, then all of the statements will be treated as a single database request. Timeouts are not nested. If a compound statement includes an external function call and that external function issues a database request, the new database request issued by the external function becomes the current request being timed. When that external function returns, the compound statement that invoked the external function is no longer being timed. The exception is when the external function uses the BIND ON SERVER clause to force a separate server process to be used for the function invocation. The timer is implemented using a low-overhead polling mechanism. That means that the timer is not completely accurate. For example, if a timeout is declared to be five seconds, a request may timeout in as little as five seconds but may not timeout for as long as ten seconds. Timeouts are not applied to external routines which do not execute queries on the database. For instance, a compute bound function doing no I/O will not execute the polling required to terminate the request. Such external routines will not be terminated even if it exceeds the timeout values specified. However, once control returns to the calling request then the expired timer will be detected and the request terminated. Timeouts only apply to basic query and data manipulation statements. Timeouts do not apply to database operations such as data definition statements (DDL). For example, a CREATE INDEX or an ALTER DATABASE operation will not timeout. 9.1.2 SET QUERY Statement The SET QUERY statement is used to control query execution within a SQL session. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-3 Environment You can use the SET QUERY statement: o In interactive SQL o Embedded in host language programs to be precompiled o As part of a procedure in an SQL module o In dynamic SQL as a statement to be dynamically executed Note that some options for the SET QUERY command may only be used in interactive SQL. Syntax: RDB_SQLRM$REF:SET_QUERY.DRW Arguments: - CONFIRM Lets you preview the cost of a query, in terms of I/O, before any rows are actually returned. For example: SQL> SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES; Estimate of query cost: 52 I/O s, rows to deliver: 100 Do you wish to cancel this query (No)? YES %SQL-F-QUERYCAN, Query cancelled at user's request 9-4 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Some queries can result in Oracle Rdb performing a large number of I/O operations, retrieving a large number of rows, or both. The SET QUERY CONFIRM statement causes SQL to display estimated query costs. If the cost appears excessive, you can cancel the query by answering Yes; to continue, answer No. The SET QUERY CONFIRM statement is only available for interactive SQL. - NOCONFIRM Disables the query confirm dialog that was previously enabled using SET QUERY CONFIRM. The SET QUERY NOCONFIRM statement is only available for interactive SQL. - LIMIT Sets limits to restrict the output generated by a query. The mechanism used to set these limits is called the query governor. The following gives you three ways to set limits using the query governor: * ROWS rows_value You can restrict output by limiting the number of rows a query can return. The optimizer counts each row returned by the query and stops execution when the row limit is reached. The default is an unlimited number of row fetches. Dynamic SQL defaults are inherited from the compilation qualifier for the module. * TIME time_value [ SECONDS | MINUTES ] You can restrict the amount of time used to optimize a query for execution. If the query is not optimized and prepared for execution before the total elapsed time limit is reached, an error message is returned. The default is unlimited time for the query compilation. If you omit the SECONDS and MINUTES keyword then SECONDS is the default. ________________________ Note ________________________ Specifying a query time limit can cause application failure in certain circumstances. For instance, an application that runs successfully during off-peak Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-5 hours may fail when run during peak hours due to the load on the database. ______________________________________________________ * CPU TIME time_value [ SECONDS | MINUTES ] You can restrict the amount of CPU time used to optimize a query for execution. If the query is not optimized and prepared for execution before the CPU time limit is reached, an error message is returned. The default is unlimited CPU time for the query compilation. If you omit the SECONDS and MINUTES keyword then SECONDS is the default. Dynamic SQL options are inherited from the compilation qualifier for the module. Use a positive integer for the number of rows and the number of seconds; negative integers are invalid and zero means no limits. If an established limit is exceeded, the query is canceled and an error message is displayed. When you set both a time limit and the row limit, whichever value is reached first stops the output. Application developers can use this feature to prevent users from overloading the system. The database administrator can manage system performance and reduce unnecessary resource usage by setting option limits. - NOLIMIT This option removes a limit imposed by the SET QUERY LIMIT command. Use one of the following options. * TIME * CPU TIME * ROWS NOLIMIT is equivalent to assigning a limit of zero to any of the options using SET QUERY LIMIT. - EXECUTION LIMIT 9-6 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x This option imposes elapsed and CPU time limits on executing queries. This command affects all subsequent queries executed within the Rdb server process. You must be attached to a database to execute this statement. This statement affects all attaches for the current process, not just the current connection. * ELAPSED TIME time_value [ SECONDS | MINUTES ] * CPU TIME time_value [ SECONDS | MINUTES ] You can restrict the amount of elapsed time or CPU time used to execute a query. If the query is not complete before the elapsed or CPU time limit is reached, an error message is returned. The default is unlimited time for the query execution. If you omit the SECONDS and MINUTES keyword then SECONDS is the default. Dynamic SQL options are inherited from the compilation qualifier for the module. ________________________ Note ________________________ Specifying a query time limit can cause application failure in certain circumstances. For instance, an application that runs successfully during off-peak hours may fail when run during peak hours due to the load on the database. ______________________________________________________ Use a positive integer for the number of seconds or minutes; negative integers are invalid and zero means no limits. If an established limit is exceeded, the query is canceled and an error message is displayed. When you set a CPU time limit, elapsed time limit and a row limit (using SET QUERY LIMIT), whichever value is reached first stops the query. Database administrators and application developers can use this feature to prevent users from overloading the system by executing long running, and probably unproductive queries. The database administrator can manage system performance and reduce unnecessary resource usage by setting option limits. - EXECUTION NOLIMIT Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-7 This option removes a limit imposed by the SET QUERY EXECUTION LIMIT command. Use one of the following options. * ELAPSED TIME * CPU TIME EXECUTION NOLIMIT is equivalent to assigning a limit of zero to any of the options using SET QUERY EXECUTION LIMIT. - time_value This argument represents the number of seconds or minutes specified for the SET QUERY statement. It can be a numeric literal, a parameter name (for interactive SQL), or a parameter-marker (for dynamic SQL). - rows_value This argument represents the number of rows specified for the SET QUERY statement. It can be a numeric literal, a parameter name (for interactive SQL), or a parameter-marker (for dynamic SQL). Examples This example shows the syntax for establishing a row limit within an interactive SQL session. SQL> set query limit rows 10000; SQL> show query limit; QUERY LIMIT TIME is OFF QUERY LIMIT ROWS limit is 10000 rows QUERY LIMIT CPU TIME is OFF SQL> set query nolimit rows ; SQL> show query limit; QUERY LIMIT TIME is OFF QUERY LIMIT ROWS is OFF QUERY LIMIT CPU TIME is OFF This example uses SET QUERY to establish a 2 second elapsed time limit for a query, and shows the error message that is displayed. 9-8 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x SQL> set query execution limit elapsed time 2 seconds; SQL> delete from EMPLOYEES; %RDB-E-EXQUOTA, Oracle Rdb runtime quota exceeded -RDMS-E-MAXTIMLIM, query governor maximum timeout has been reached SQL> set query execution nolimit elapsed time; 9.2 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 9.2.1 Rdb Optional Site-Specific Startup Procedure The Oracle Rdb startup procedure RMONSTART(xx).COM now supports an optional site-specific startup procedure to be executed after the Rdb Monitor (RDMMON) process has been started. If the file SYS$STARTUP:RDB$SYSTARTUP(xx).COM (where xx indicates the version number for multi-version Rdb kits) is found, it is executed as a DCL command procedure by the RMONSTART(xx).COM procedure. SYS$STARTUP:RDB$SYSTARTUP(xx).COM is intended to contain site-specific tasks to be executed after the Rdb monitor procedure has completed. Such tasks might include opening databases or starting layered products that depend on the Rdb monitor process having been started. If a site wishes to use this capability, the RDB$SYSTARTUP(xx).COM procedure must be created in SYS$STARTUP (either in the common SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP] directory or a node-specific SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP] directory. The Rdb installation procedure does not provide or replace this file. 9.3 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2 9.3.1 New NVL2 Expression This release of Oracle Rdb adds a new conditional function, NVL2, which can simplify complex queries which require testing of values for NULL. Syntax NVL2 (value_expression, value_expression, value_ expression) Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-9 Description NVL2 lets you compute a value based on whether a specified expression is null or not null. If the first value expression is not null, then the second value expression is returned as the function result. Otherwise, the final value expression is returned. The data type of the NVL2 function is derived as a common data type of the second and third value expressions. For example, when the JOB_END date in JOB_HISTORY is NULL then that indicates the current job for that employee. The following example uses NVL2 to annotate the output from a query on JOB_HISTORY displaying either "current job" or "prior job" based on the NULL attribute of the JOB_END column. SQL> select employee_id, job_start, job_end, cont> NVL2 (job_end, 'prior job', 'current job') cont> from job_history cont> where employee_id < '00180' cont> order by employee_id, job_start; EMPLOYEE_ID JOB_START JOB_END 00164 5-Jul-1980 20-Sep-1981 prior job 00164 21-Sep-1981 NULL current job 00165 1-Jul-1975 4-Sep-1977 prior job 00165 5-Sep-1977 7-Apr-1979 prior job 00165 8-Apr-1979 7-Mar-1981 prior job 00165 8-Mar-1981 NULL current job . . . The following example shows whether the income of some employees is made up of SALARY plus COMMISSION, or just SALARY, depending on whether the COMMISSION_PCT column of EMPLOYEES is null or not. 9-10 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x SQL> SELECT last_name, salary_amount, cont> NVL2 (commission_pct, cont> salary_amount + (salary_amount * commission_pct), cont> salary_amount) as Income edit using SALARY cont> FROM employees e, salary_history sh cont> WHERE last_name like 'B%' cont> and e.employee_id = sh.employee_id cont> and salary_end is null cont> ORDER BY last_name; E.LAST_NAME SH.SALARY_AMOUNT INCOME Babbin $20,150.00 $20,956.00 Bartlett $14,817.00 $15,261.51 Bartlett $38,223.00 $38,987.46 Belliveau $54,649.00 $55,741.98 Blount $63,080.00 $64,341.60 Boyd $30,275.00 $30,275.00 Boyd $24,166.00 $24,166.00 Brown $50,357.00 $50,357.00 Burton $23,053.00 $23,053.00 9 rows selected SQL> 9.3.2 SET DEFAULT CONSTRAINT MODE Enhancements This release of Oracle Rdb enhances the SET DEFAULT CONSTRAINT MODE statement. This statement is used to establish the session default constraint evaluation mode. In prior versions, this statement was only supported in Interactive SQL but it can now be used in Dyanmic SQL. In addition, the argument passed to this statement can now also be a parameter or host variable, allowing the value to be provided at runtime in both Dynamic and Interactive SQL. Format RDB_SQLRM$REF:SET_DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT.DRW Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-11 RDB_SQLRM$REF:RUNTIME_OPT.DRW Arguments o IMMEDIATE ON This requests that during the next transaction, all constraints defined as DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED be evaluated as though defined as DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE. ON is synonymous with IMMEDIATE. o DEFAULT OFF This requests that during the next transaction, all constraints defined as DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED be evaluated as originally specified in the constraint definition. OFF is synonymous with DEFAULT. o DEFERRED Currently this is synonymous with DEFAULT. However, in a future release of Oracle Rdb this keyword will change meaning. Within a transaction, the constraint mode can be set temporarily using the SET ALL CONSTRAINTS statement. When a COMMIT or ROLLBACK is done, the mode will revert to that established by SET DEFAULT CONSTRAINT MODE. If using runtime-options, the passed character value must be one of the keywords: ON, OFF, IMMEDIATE, DEFERRED, or DEFAULT. The following example shows how this can be done in Interactive SQL. 9-12 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x SQL> show constraint mode Statement constraint evaluation default is DEFERRED (off) SQL> declare :c_mode char(10) = 'IMMEDIATE'; SQL> set default constraint mode :c_mode; SQL> show constraint mode Statement constraint evaluation default is IMMEDIATE (on) SQL> 9.3.3 New Dialect ORACLE LEVEL2 Added This release of Oracle Rdb introduces a new dialect: ORACLE LEVEL2. This dialect is designed to be used in conjunction with SQL*Net for Rdb to provide better compatibility with the latest Oracle RDBMS releases. ORACLE LEVEL2 includes all the semantics associated with ORACLE LEVEL1 with the following additions: o Implicitly enabled SQL99 dialect semantics. o Permits concatenation of non-character values. Each non- character value is implicitly CAST as a VARCHAR value before concatenation. Enhancement 2948230 o Date subtraction now results in a floating value with fractional portion. In ORACLE LEVEL1, the result is always a fixed point value with no fractional part. Subsequent releases of Oracle Rdb may add to the list of features available in the ORACLE LEVEL2 dialect. 9.3.4 RMU/UNLOAD/AFTER_JOURNAL Output Flush Bug 2832044 When using both the "OUTPUT" and "STATISTICS_INTERVAL" qualifiers with the RMU/UNLOAD/AFTER_JOURNAL command, the output stream used for the log, trace and statistics information is now flushed to disk (via the RMS $FLUSH service) at each statistics interval. This enhancement helps make sure that an output file of trace and log information is written to disk periodically. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-13 9.3.5 RMU /SHOW STATISTICS Enhanced to Show Large Memory Setting Bug 2903442 Previously, the RMU /SHOW STATISTICS "Buffer Information" screen did not display the setting of the global buffers "LARGE MEMORY IS ENABLED" setting. This problem has been corrected in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2. The RMU /SHOW STATISTICS "Buffer Information" screen now indicates the database global buffers "LARGE MEMORY IS ENABLED" setting. 9.3.6 Statistics Collection Performance Improvement for AlphaServer GS Systems NUMA (non-uniform memory access) is an attribute of a system in which access time to any given physical memory location is not the same for all CPUs. Given this architecture, consistently good location is important (but not necessarily 100 percent of the time) for highest performance. In the AlphaServer GS series, CPUs access memory in their own quad building block (QBB) faster than they access memory in another QBB. The OpenVMS operating system treats the hardware as a set of resource affinity domains (RADs). A RAD is a set of hardware components (CPUs, memory, and I/O) with common access characteristics. On AlphaServer GS80/160/320 systems, a RAD corresponds to a QBB. Previously, a single copy of Oracle Rdb statistical information was maintained in a per-database memory structure (located in the database shared memory section). There was one copy of the statistical information for each database for all users on one OpenVMS system. Under heavy loads, the NUMA effect while maintaining statistics information could reduce the absolute performance of an application using Oracle Rdb due, in part, to increased memory access latency and CPU cache flushes. The impact of this effect has been reduced. On AlphaServer GS series systems with more than one QBB configured with physical memory, the Oracle Rdb monitor process creates one global section per RAD that contains physical memory for the statistical information memory structure. These per-RAD global sections are created as "resident" and are requested to be allocated in physical memory by RAD. As each user 9-14 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x attaches to the database, the user's OpenVMS defined "home" RAD is used to determine which global section to use for statistics collection for the user. The statistics global section is always mapped into the process' P0 virtual address space (ie, this global section is not controlled by SHARED MEMORY IS SYSTEM or LARGE MEMORY IS ENABLED). ________________________ Note ________________________ The global section creation requested in physical memory of a specific RAD is simply a "hint" to OpenVMS. Memory may be obtained from other RADs if no free memory is available at the time of allocation. ______________________________________________________ The RMU /SHOW STATISTICS utility maps all statistics global sections for a database. At each statistics collection interval, the statistical counters from each of the RAD- specific global sections are accumulated before display. Adding several copies of the statistics values together potentially increases the CPU consumption of the RMU /SHOW STATISTICS utility at each sample interval. However, the run-time performance gain by all database users should out- weigh the additional CPU cost of the RMU /SHOW STATISTICS utility. Using a less-frequent update interval in the RMU /SHOW STATISTICS utility will result in less CPU consumption as well. The virtual memory consumed by processes attached to databases, the Oracle Rdb monitor (RDMMON) and the RMU /SHOW STATISTICS utility will increase on those systems with more than one QBB containing physical memory. This is due to the mapping of multiple statistics shared memory global sections. However, because these sections are physically resident in memory, additional working set quota should not be required. The amount of additional virtual address space consumed is proportional to the number RADs configured in the system, the number of storage areas, the number of logical areas and the number of row caches configured in each database. ________________________ Note ________________________ OpenVMS support for RADs is available only on the AlphaServer GS series systems. For more information Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-15 about using RADs, refer to the OpenVMS Alpha Partitioning and Galaxy Guide. ______________________________________________________ 9.3.7 RMU RECOVER Accepts Wildcard After-image Journal File Specifications and ORDER_AIJ_FILES Qualifier Bug 3032437 Starting with Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2, the RMU /RECOVER command accepts wildcard after-image journal file specifications. File specifications containing the OpenVMS wildcard characters "%" and "*" are now parsed and processed. By default, after-image journal files are processed in the order that they are presented to the RMU RECOVER command (either explicitly or as returned from OpenVMS when using wildcards). The new ORDER_AIJ_FILES qualifier specifies that the input after-image journal files are to be processed in ascending order by sequence number. This can be of benefit when you use wildcard (* or %) processing of a number of input files. The .AIJ files are each opened, the first block is read (to determine the sequence number), and the files are closed prior to the sequence number sorting operation. 9.3.8 RMU/SHOW STATISTICS Page Dump Content and Format Enhancements Bug 2899761 Starting with Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2, the RMU /SHOW STATISTICS utility displays the database page content, including the content of rows on the page in the "PageInfo" display, if the user has the OpenVMS BYPASS privilege enabled. The display of the page content is now also consistant with the output format of the RMU /DUMP command. 9-16 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9.3.9 Enhancement to Prestarted Transaction Timeout Bug 2439694 Oracle Rdb Release 7.1 introduced the ability to timeout "prestarted" transactions. That functionality has been enhanced to also force a process to obtain a new transaction sequence number (TSN) if the same TSN has been reused throughout the duration of the prestarted transaction timeout interval. When a READ WRITE transaction does not make any modifications to the database, Oracle Rdb will reuse the TSN for the next transaction. If a user rarely or never makes any database modifications then the TSN for the user will become old. This can cause snapshot files to grow excessively. This enhancement provides the ability for processes that constantly reuse TSNs to periodically obtain a new TSN, thus preventing excessive snapshot growth. This problem has been corrected in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2. 9.3.10 New SET CONTINUE CHARACTER Statement for Interactive SQL Interactive SQL treats the minus sign (-) as the default continuation character. Unfortunately, this character is commonly used as the minus sign and if scripts are generated with minus at the end of the line then the results are unexpected. In most cases, lines do not need to include a continuation character as most SQL statements are terminated with a ';' character and interactive SQL will continue to prompt until a valid statement is processed. This release of SQL allows the database administrator to redefine the continuation character for interactive SQL. By selecting a little used character, the database administrator avoids problems with the minus sign and is still not required to use a continuation character in scripts. The SET CONTINUE CHARACTER statement could be included in the SQLINI file for the process. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-17 The following example shows the effect of defining an alternate continuation character. SQL> declare :val integer; SQL> -- the trailing minus is assumed to be a continue character SQL> begin cont> set :val = :val - cont> (select count (*) from work_status); (select count (*) from work_status); ^ %SQL-F-LOOK_FOR, Syntax error, looking for ;, found ( instead SQL> end; end; ^ %SQL-F-LOOK_FOR_STMT, Syntax error, looking for a valid SQL statement, found END instead SQL> SQL> set continue character '\'; SQL> show continue character Continue character is '\'. SQL> SQL> -- now the trailing minus is not used as a continue character SQL> begin cont> set :val = :val - cont> (select count (*) from work_status); cont> end; Usage Notes o The continuation character must be a valid SQL language terminator. These characters are: '#', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', ':', ';', '?', '[', '\', ']', '{', |, and '}'. o Currently only single octet values are supported by Interactive SQL. o Use the SHOW CONTINUE CHARACTER to display the current continuation character. 9.3.11 OPTIMIZE Clause Enhancements This release of Oracle Rdb introduces new controls for enabling optimizer selectivity using the OPTIMIZE clause on SELECT, INSERT ... SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE and compound statements (on the outermost BEGIN ... END). 9-18 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Format RDB_SQLRM$REF:OPTIMIZE_CLAUSE.DRW The enhanced syntax for OPTIMIZE now includes a WITH clause to select one of three optimization controls: DEFAULT (as used by previous versions of Rdb), AGGRESSIVE (assumes smaller numbers of rows will be selected), and SAMPLED (which uses literals in the query to perform preliminary estimation on indices). The following example shows how to use this new clause. SQL> select * from employees where employee_id < '00170' cont> optimize with sampled selectivity; Please refer to Section 12.1.1 for more information. 9.3.12 New Options for the OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL Qualifier This release of Oracle Rdb introduces new controls for enabling optimizer selectivity using the OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL qualifier on the SQL precompile or SQL Module Language compiler. This qualifier is used to establish default values for TOTAL TIME, FAST FIRST and the new SELECTIVITY clause. SELECT, INSERT ... SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE and compound statements (on the outermost BEGIN ... END) will inherit these settings during compile of the module. See the Section 9.3.13 for similar functionality that can alter the defaults for Interactive SQL and Dynamic SQL. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-19 Format RDB_SQLRM$REF:OPTIMIZATION_OPTIONS.DRW The enhanced syntax for the OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL qualifier now includes two new options: AGGRESSIVE_SELECTIVITY (assumes smaller numbers of rows will be selected), and SAMPLED_SELECTIVITY (which uses literals in the query to perform preliminary estimation on indices). You can choose one of these options and one of the options TOTAL_TIME or FAST_FIRST. Use a comma to separate the keywords and enclose the list in parentheses. Only one of the options TOTAL_TIME or FAST_FIRST may be selected. Only one of the options AGGRESSIVE_SELECTIVITY or SAMPLED_SELECTIVITY may be selected. No other options may be include if DEFAULT is selected. DEFAULT will set the module to the current Oracle Rdb defaults: FAST FIRST and DEFAULT SELECTIVITY. The following example shows how to use this new functionality with the SQL Module Language compiler. $ SQL$MOD/OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=(TOTAL_TIME,SAMPLED_SELECTIVITY) APPCODE.SQLMOD The following example shows how to use this new functionality with the SQL pre-compiler. $ SQL$PRE/SQLOPTIONS=OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=(TOTAL_TIME,SAMPLED_SELECTIVITY) APPCODE.SC ________________________ Note ________________________ Any query which explicily includes an OPTIMIZE WITH or OPTIMIZE FOR clause is not affected by the settings established using the OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL qualifier. ______________________________________________________ Please refer to Section 12.1.1 for more information. 9-20 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9.3.13 SET OPTIMIZATION LEVEL Enhancements This release of Oracle Rdb introduces new controls for enabling optimizer selectivity using the SET OPTIMIZATION LEVEL statement. This statement is used to establish default values for TOTAL TIME, FAST FIRST and the new SELECTIVITY clause. Subsequent SELECT, INSERT ... SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE and compound statements (on the outermost BEGIN ... END) will inherit these settings in Interactive and Dynamic SQL. See the Section 9.3.12 for similar functionality that can alter the defaults for SQL Module Language and the SQL precompiler. Format RDB_SQLRM$REF:OPTIMIZATION_OPTIONS.DRW RDB_SQLRM$REF:RUNTIME_OPT.DRW The enhanced syntax for SET OPTIMIZATION LEVEL now includes two new options: AGGRESSIVE SELECTIVITY (assumes smaller numbers of rows will be selected), and SAMPLED SELECTIVITY (which uses literals in the query to perform preliminary estimation on indices). The runtime-options, either a literal value or parameter, can contain a formatted string containing the keyword DEFAULT, or one of TOTAL TIME or FAST FIRST, and one of AGGRESSIVE SELECTIVITY or SAMPLED SELECTIVITY. Use a comma to separate the clauses. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-21 Only one of the options TOTAL TIME or FAST FIRST may be selected. Only one of the options AGGRESSIVE SELECTIVITY or SAMPLED SELECTIVITY may be selected. No other options may be included if DEFAULT is selected. A blank string will cause an error to be reported. DEFAULT will set the session to the current Oracle Rdb defaults: FAST FIRST and DEFAULT SELECTIVITY. The following example shows how to use this new functionality: SQL> set optimization level 'total time, sampled selectivity'; SQL> select * from employees where employee_id > '00200'; ________________________ Note ________________________ Any query which explicitly includes an OPTIMIZE WITH or OPTIMIZE FOR clause is not affected by the settings established using SET OPTIMIZATION LEVEL. ______________________________________________________ Please refer to Section 12.1.1 for more information. 9.3.14 RMU Unload Now Supports SELECTIVITY Option for OPTIMIZE Qualifier The /OPTIMIZE qualifier for RMU Unload now supports a new SELECTIVITY qualifier so that the Rdb query optimizer can be influenced to use different selectivity values. Please refer to Section 12.1.1 for more details. The SELECTIVITY option accepts the following keywords: o AGGRESSIVE - assumes a smaller number of rows will be selected (compared to the default Rdb selectivity) o SAMPLED - uses literals in the query to perform preliminary estimation on indices o DEFAULT - uses default selectivity rules The following example shows the new syntax. $ RMU/UNLOAD/OPTIMIZE=(TOTAL_TIME,SELECTIVITY=SAMPLE) - _$ SALES_DB CUSTOMER_TOP10 TOP10.UNL This option is most useful when the RMU Unload command references a view definition with a complex predicate. 9-22 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9.3.15 New Options Supported for LOGMINER SUPPORT Clause The LOGMINER SUPPORT clause for CREATE DATABASE, IMPORT DATABASE, and ALTER DATABASE now allows the continuous mode for LogMiner to be enabled and disabled. o LOGMINER SUPPORT IS ENABLED (CONTINUOUS) Enables continuous LogMiner. o LOGMINER SUPPORT IS ENABLED (NOT CONTINUOUS) Disables continuous LogMiner, but leaves LogMiner enabled. o LOGMINER SUPPORT IS DISABLED Disables LogMiner, including disabling continuous LogMiner. Please refer to the Oracle Rdb RMU Reference Manual for more information about the Rdb LogMiner feature. 9.3.16 Changes to the IMPORT Command In prior releases, the IMPORT command would display messages about the database. This is no longer true starting with Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2. An example follows: SQL> export data file mf_personnel into x; SQL> drop data file mf_personnel; SQL> import data from x file mf_personnel; However, there is still the ability to generate these informational messages. A new clause, BANNER, has been added to the IMPORT command. Now, to enable informational messages to be displayed (hence the old behavior), simply specify BANNER on the IMPORT command line. Here is an example: Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-23 SQL> import data from x file mf_personnel BANNER; Exported by Oracle Rdb X7.1-00 Import/Export utility A component of Oracle Rdb SQL X7.1-00 Previous name was mf_personnel It was logically exported on 29-MAY-2003 12:32 Multischema mode is DISABLED Database NUMBER OF USERS is 50 Database NUMBER OF CLUSTER NODES is 16 Database NUMBER OF DBR BUFFERS is 20 Database SNAPSHOT is ENABLED Database SNAPSHOT is IMMEDIATE Database JOURNAL ALLOCATION is 512 Database JOURNAL EXTENSION is 512 Database BUFFER SIZE is 6 blocks Database NUMBER OF BUFFERS is 20 Adjustable Lock Granularity is Enabled Count is 3 Database global buffering is DISABLED Database number of global buffers is 250 Number of global buffers per user is 5 Database global buffer page transfer is via DISK Journal fast commit is DISABLED Journal fast commit checkpoint interval is 0 blocks Journal fast commit checkpoint time is 0 seconds Commit to journal optimization is Disabled Journal fast commit TRANSACTION INTERVAL is 256 LOCK TIMEOUT is 0 seconds Statistics Collection is ENABLED Unused Storage Areas are: 0 System Index Compression is DISABLED Journal was Disabled Unused Journals are: 1 Journal Backup Server was: Manual Journal Log Server was: Manual Journal Overwrite was: Disabled Journal shutdown minutes was 60 Asynchronous Prefetch is ENABLED Async prefetch depth buffers is 5 Asynchronous Batch Write is ENABLED Async batch write clean buffers is 5 Async batch write max buffers is 4 Lock Partitioning is DISABLED Incremental Backup Scan Optim uses SPAM pages Unused Cache Slots are: 1 9-24 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Workload Collection is DISABLED Cardinality Collection is ENABLED Metadata Changes are ENABLED Row Cache is DISABLED Detected Asynchronous Prefetch is ENABLED Detected Asynchronous Prefetch Depth Buffers is 4 Detected Asynchronous Prefetch Threshold Buffers is 4 Open is Automatic, Wait period is 0 minutes Shared Memory is PROCESS Unused Sequences are: 32 The Transaction Mode(s) Enabled are: ALL IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: RDB$SYSTEM IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: DEPARTMENTS IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: EMPIDS_LOW IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: EMPIDS_MID IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: EMPIDS_OVER IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: EMP_INFO IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: JOBS IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: MF_PERS_SEGSTR IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: SALARY_HISTORY IMPORTing table CANDIDATES IMPORTing table COLLEGES IMPORTing table DEGREES IMPORTing table DEPARTMENTS IMPORTing table EMPLOYEES IMPORTing table JOBS IMPORTing table JOB_HISTORY IMPORTing table RESUMES IMPORTing table SALARY_HISTORY IMPORTing table WORK_STATUS IMPORTing view CURRENT_SALARY IMPORTing view CURRENT_JOB IMPORTing view CURRENT_INFO It is also valid to specify NO BANNER on the IMPORT command line. Specifying NO BANNER is equivalent to specifying the IMPORT command with no clauses; that is informational messages about the database will not be displayed. In the following example, note that no informational messages are displayed: SQL> import data from x file mf_personnel NO BANNER; Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-25 Warning and error messages will continued to be displayed as in prior releases. 9.3.17 ALTER MODULE Statement Description This statement allows the named module to be modified. Environment You can use the ALTER MODULE statement: o In interactive SQL o Embedded in host language programs o As part of a procedure in an SQL module, or other compound statement o In dynamic SQL as a statement to be dynamically executed Format RDB_SQLRM$REF:ALTER_MODULE.DRW RDB_SQLRM$REF:ALTER-MODULE-CLAUSES.DRW RDB_SQLRM$REF:DROP-ROUTINE-CLAUSE.DRW Usage Notes o You require ALTER privilege on the referenced module. o The ALTER MODULE statement causes the RDB$LAST_ALTERED column of the RDB$MODULES table for the named module to be updated with the transactions timestamp. 9-26 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x o The COMPILE option forces the Rdb server to recompile all the stored (SQL) functions and procedures. External routines in the module are not affected. Use COMPILE when a routine has been made INVALID by the execution of a DROP ... CASCADE operation. This mechanism should be preferred over the SET FLAGS 'VALIDATE_ROUTINE' method available in previous versions. The first routine which cannot successfully be compiled will be reported and the ALTER statement terminated. o The ADD clause allows new functions and procedures to be added to the module. Please refer to the CREATE MODULE statement for details. The END MODULE clause must be used to end the ALTER MODULE clause to provide an unambiguous statement termination. o RENAME TO allows the name of the module to be changed. This clause requires that synonyms are enabled in the database. Use ALTER DATABASE ... SYNONYMS ARE ENABLED. The old name will be used to create a synonym for the new name of this module. This synonym can be dropped if the name is no longer used by applications. This clause is equivalent to the RENAME MODULE statement. o The DROP FUNCTION and DROP PROCEDURE clauses will drop the named routines from this module. All DROP clauses are executed prior to the COMPILE and ADD clauses in this ALTER statement. The named function or procedure must be part of the module being altered. o The COMMENT IS clause changes the existing comment on the module. This clause is equivalent to the COMMENT ON MODULE statement. ________________________ Note ________________________ In this release, no LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE definitions for the module are visible to the ADD FUNCTION or ADD PROCEDURE clauses. This restriction will be lifted in a future release of Rdb. ______________________________________________________ Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-27 Examples A comment can be added or changed on a module using the COMMENT IS clause as shown in this example. Example 9-1 Changing the comment on a module SQL> alter module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE cont> comment is cont> 'routines to add and remove employee rows' cont> / 'Fix: also record the employees birthday'; SQL> SQL> show module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE; Information for module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE Header: EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE Comment: routines to add and remove employee rows Fix: also record the employees birthday Module ID is: 7 Routines in module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE: ADD_EMPLOYEE IS_CURRENT_EMPLOYEE REMOVE_EMPLOYEE The COMPILE clause can be used to check each stored procedure or function to ensure that it can be executed. If the compile fails, it will report the first reason, in this example a missing table. Example 9-2 Revalidating all routines in a module SQL> alter module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE compile; %RDB-E-NO_META_UPDATE, metadata update failed -RDB-E-OBSOLETE_METADA, request references metadata objects that no longer exist -RDMS-F-BAD_SYM, unknown relation symbol - ARCHIVE_EMPLOYEES 9-28 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x The following example creates a simple module and shows the effect of DROP TABLE ... CASCADE. i.e. the procedure REMOVE_EMPLOYEE is marked as invalid. The COMPILE clause is used to attempt to re-validate the procedure, however, a referenced table no longer exists. After replacing the table, the COMPILE completes successfully. Example 9-3 Replacing a routine in a module SQL> set dialect 'sql99'; SQL> attach 'file PERSONNEL1'; SQL> SQL> create table EMPLOYEES cont> (employee_id integer, cont> last_name char(40), cont> first_name char(40), cont> birthday date, cont> start_date date default current_date); SQL> SQL> create table ARCHIVE_EMPLOYEES cont> (employee_id integer, cont> last_name char(40), cont> first_name char(40), cont> archive_date date default current_date); SQL> SQL> create module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE cont> cont> procedure REMOVE_EMPLOYEE (in :employee_id integer); cont> begin cont> -- take copy of the old row cont> insert into ARCHIVE_EMPLOYEES cont> (employee_id, last_name, first_name) cont> select employee_id, last_name, first_name cont> from EMPLOYEES cont> where employee_id = :employee_id; cont> -- remove the old row cont> delete from EMPLOYEES cont> where employee_id = :employee_id; cont> end; cont> cont> procedure ADD_EMPLOYEE (continued on next page) Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-29 Example 9-3 (Cont.) Replacing a routine in a module cont> (in :employee_id integer, cont> in :last_name char(40), cont> in :first_name char(40), cont> in :birthday date); cont> insert into EMPLOYEES cont> (employee_id, last_name, first_name, birthday) cont> values (:employee_id, :last_name, :first_name, :birthday); cont> cont> end module; SQL> SQL> show module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE Information for module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE Header: EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE Module ID is: 7 Routines in module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE: ADD_EMPLOYEE REMOVE_EMPLOYEE SQL> SQL> drop table ARCHIVE_EMPLOYEES cascade; SQL> SQL> show procedure REMOVE_EMPLOYEE; Information for procedure REMOVE_EMPLOYEE (continued on next page) 9-30 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Example 9-3 (Cont.) Replacing a routine in a module Current state is INVALID Can be revalidated Procedure ID is: 8 Source: REMOVE_EMPLOYEE (in :employee_id integer); begin -- take copy of the old row insert into ARCHIVE_EMPLOYEES (employee_id, last_name, first_name) select employee_id, last_name, first_name from EMPLOYEES where employee_id = :employee_id; -- remove the old row delete from EMPLOYEES where employee_id = :employee_id; end No description found Module name is: EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE Module ID is: 7 Number of parameters is: 1 Parameter Name Data Type Domain or Type -------------- --------- -------------- EMPLOYEE_ID INTEGER Parameter position is 1 Parameter is IN (read) Parameter is passed by reference (continued on next page) Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-31 Example 9-3 (Cont.) Replacing a routine in a module SQL> SQL> -- COMPILE reports the missing table SQL> alter module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE compile; %RDB-E-NO_META_UPDATE, metadata update failed -RDB-E-OBSOLETE_METADA, request references metadata objects that no longer exist -RDMS-F-BAD_SYM, unknown relation symbol - ARCHIVE_EMPLOYEES SQL> SQL> create table ARCHIVE_EMPLOYEES cont> (employee_id integer, cont> last_name char(40), cont> first_name char(40), cont> birthday date, cont> archive_date date default current_date); SQL> SQL> -- new table definition is compatible SQL> alter module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE compile; SQL> SQL> alter module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE cont> comment is cont> 'routines to add and remove employee rows' cont> / 'Fix: also record the employees birthday' cont> cont> drop procedure REMOVE_EMPLOYEE if exists cont> cont> add procedure REMOVE_EMPLOYEE (in :employee_id integer); cont> begin cont> -- take copy of the old row cont> insert into ARCHIVE_EMPLOYEES cont> (employee_id, last_name, first_name, birthday) cont> select employee_id, last_name, first_name, birthday cont> from EMPLOYEES cont> where employee_id = :employee_id; cont> -- remove the old row cont> delete from EMPLOYEES cont> where employee_id = :employee_id; cont> end; cont> end module; SQL> (continued on next page) 9-32 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Example 9-3 (Cont.) Replacing a routine in a module SQL> show module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE; Information for module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE Header: EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE Comment: routines to add and remove employee rows Fix: also record the employees birthday Module ID is: 7 Routines in module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE: ADD_EMPLOYEE REMOVE_EMPLOYEE In this example, the ADD clause is used to add a new function to an existing module. 9.3.18 New RENAME Statement Description This release of Oracle Rdb 7.1 includes a new RENAME statement and support for the RENAME TO clause for most ALTER statements. The RENAME statement allows the database administrator to change the name of a database object. This new name is then available for reference in other data definition statements, as well as from queries and routines. ________________________ Note ________________________ The RENAME statement may require that synonyms are enabled for the database. Please reference the SYNONYMS ARE ENABLED clause of the ALTER, CREATE and IMPORT DATABASE statements. ______________________________________________________ Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-33 Example 9-4 Adding a new function to a module SQL> alter module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE cont> add function IS_CURRENT_EMPLOYEE (in :employee_id integer) cont> returns integer; cont> return (case cont> when exists (select * cont> from EMPLOYEES cont> where employee_id = :employee_id) cont> then 1 cont> else 0 cont> end); cont> end module; SQL> SQL> show module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE; Information for module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE Header: EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE Comment: routines to add and remove employee rows Fix: also record the employees birthday Module ID is: 7 Routines in module EMPLOYEES_MAINTENANCE: ADD_EMPLOYEE IS_CURRENT_EMPLOYEE REMOVE_EMPLOYEE Environment You can use the RENAME statement: o In interactive SQL o Embedded in host language programs o As part of a procedure in an SQL module o In dynamic SQL as a statement to be dynamically executed 9-34 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Syntax RDB_SQLRM$REF:RENAME.DRW oldname is the name of an existing object in the database. If the object type keyword is specified then an object must exist of that type. The name may also be a synonym for an object of the specified type. newname is the new name for this object. This name must not already exist in the database for this object type, nor be the name of a synonym. The one exception is when the synonym references the oldname object. See the usage notes for further discussion. If this is a RENAME TABLE, RENAME VIEW or RENAME SEQUENCE then the newname cannot be the name of an existing table, sequence or view. USAGE NOTES o You must have ALTER privilege on the database to rename a DOMAIN or OUTLINE. You must have ALTER privilege on the table, view, sequence, module, function or procedure to alter its name. If the procedure or function is part of a module, then you will require only ALTER privilege on the containing module. You must have SECURITY privilege on the database to alter the name of a USER, ROLE or PROFILE. You must have ALTER privilege on the referencing table to rename a CONSTRAINT or TRIGGER. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-35 o The names of the database objects are stored in the Rdb system tables as both column values (for instance RDB$SEQUENCE_NAME) as well as encoded in binary definitions (such as RDB$VIEW_RSE and RDB$VIEW_SOURCE). The RENAME clause will modify all column values to reference the new name. However, the encoded values and original SQL source code are not modified by this command. To support these encoded definitions, as well as previously compiled applications, the old names are used to create synonyms that reference the new name of the object. The RENAME statement will create a synonym for the old names of domains, functions, modules, procedures, sequences, tables and views. These synonyms can be dropped if they are not used. ________________________ Note ________________________ It is not possible to create synonyms for OUTLINES, CONSTRAINTS, PROFILES, ROLES, TRIGGERS, or USERS. Therefore, RENAME does not create synonyms for these objects. Care should be taken if the old names appear in module definitions or application code. ______________________________________________________ o If a synonym already exists and references the same object, then it will be removed as part of the RENAME statement. For example, if you rename a table and wish to return to the previous oldname, there will be an existing synonym with this name. Rdb will implicitly remove this synonym during the rename operation. o The object type is optional. If no object type keyword is provided then Rdb will search for a matching name in this order: 1. table or view 2. domains 3. function or procedure 4. module 5. sequence 9-36 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 6. trigger 7. constraint 8. outline 9. user 10. role 11. profile o When an IDENTITY column is created for a table, a sequence with the same name as the table is implicitly created. You may not use RENAME SEQUENCE on the identity sequence. Please use RENAME TABLE instead to alter the name of the table and its identity sequence. o You may not RENAME an Rdb system table, system view or system sequence. o The following table compares the ALTER commands to the equivalent RENAME statement: Table_9-1_Comparison_between_RENAME_and_ALTER_statements___ RENAME Equivalent statement___ALTER_statement__Is_a_synonym_created?_________ RENAME ALTER No CONSTRAINT CONSTRAINT ... RENAME TO RENAME ALTER DOMAIN Yes DOMAIN ... RENAME TO RENAME ALTER FUNCTION Yes FUNCTION ... RENAME TO RENAME ALTER MODULE Yes MODULE ... RENAME TO RENAME ALTER OUTLINE No OUTLINE ... RENAME TO RENAME ALTER PROCEDURE Yes PROCEDURE ... RENAME TO (continued on next page) Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-37 Table 9-1 (Cont.) Comparison between RENAME and ALTER __________________statements_______________________________ RENAME Equivalent statement___ALTER_statement__Is_a_synonym_created?_________ RENAME ALTER PROFILE No PROFILE ... RENAME TO RENAME ALTER ROLE ... No ROLE RENAME TO RENAME ALTER SEQUENCE Yes SEQUENCE ... RENAME TO RENAME ALTER TABLE ... Yes TABLE RENAME TO RENAME ALTER TRIGGER No TRIGGER ... RENAME TO RENAME ALTER USER ... No USER RENAME TO RENAME No equivalent Yes VIEW_______________________________________________________ 9.3.19 New Warning Generated When Row Size Exceeds Row Cache Length Bug 2909840 When a table's row length exceeds the size allocated for the associated logical area row cache, Rdb generates a warning to alert the database administrator of a possible problem with the row cache. Rows can change size when ALTER TABLE adds a new column or alters an existing column's data type. An existing column can also be implicitly altered by ALTER DOMAIN, as the domain change is propagated to all referencing tables. The following example shows the new warning message. SQL> alter table NEW_EMPLOYEES alter column MIDDLE_INITIAL varchar(20); %RDB-W-META_WARN, metadata successfully updated with the reported warning -RDMS-I-RCHLENEXC, new row length exceeds size of row cache - check cache attributes 9-38 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Note that this ALTER TABLE operation succeeded. The warning is generated because rows that are too long to fit in the cache will not benefit from fast in-memory access. However, it is also quite possible that row compression will continue to result in compressed rows that still fit within the row cache. The database administrator will need to evaluate the change in light of the database design. 9.3.20 Oracle Media Management V2.0 API for Oracle Rdb RMU The Oracle Media Management V2.0 API is supported by Oracle Rdb for RMU commands which accept the /LIBRARIAN qualifier. This support permits backing up to and restoring from, data archiving software applications supporting this interface. Examples of such applications include: o Archive Backup System for OpenVMS from Hewlett- Packard Corporation on the world-wide-web at o LEGATO NetWorker(R) from LEGATO Systems, Inc. on the world-wide-web at o Archive Backup Client (ABC) for OpenVMS from STORServer Inc. on the world-wide-web at More information on these products is available from the vendors. Commands Accepting /LIBRARIAN The Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2 RMU commands which accept the /LIBRARIAN qualifier for storing data to this interface are: o RMU /BACKUP o RMU /BACKUP /AFTER_JOURNAL o RMU /OPTIMIZE /AFTER_JOURNAL The Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2 RMU commands which accept the /LIBRARIAN qualifier for retrieving data from this interface are: o RMU /RESTORE o RMU /RESTORE /ONLY_ROOT o RMU /DUMP /AFTER_JOURNAL Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-39 o RMU /DUMP /BACKUP_FILE o RMU /RECOVER RMU only supports the retrieval using the /LIBRARIAN qualifier for data that has been previously stored by RMU using the /LIBRARIAN qualifier. In addition to the /LIBRARIAN qualifier used with existing RMU commands, there is a new RMU /LIBRARIAN /LIST command to list data streams stored in a LIBRARIAN implementation that have been created by RMU from a backup filename and a new RMU /LIBRARIAN /REMOVE command to delete data streams stored in a LIBRARIAN implementation that have been created by RMU from a backup filename. _________ Oracle Media Manager V2.0 Interface _________ Only applications that conform to the Oracle Media Manager V2.0 specification can be called using the /LIBRARIAN qualifier or the new RMU /LIBRARIAN commands. ______________________________________________________ RMU commands used with the /LIBRARIAN qualifier may not specify a list of tape or disk devices. It accepts a backup file ( "rbf file") name. Any disk or device specification and version number specified with the backup file name is ignored for the backup file name specified to the archive. For example, "device:[directory]FILENAME.RBF;1" is specified as "FILENAME.RBF " when the backup file data is stored in or retrieved from the archive. Opaque Archive Application The archive application is effectively an opaque "black box" in regards to RMU and the backup file name is the identifier of the stream of data stored in the archive. The utilities and command procedures specific to the particular LIBRARIAN application must be used to associate devices with the stream of data sent to or retrieved from the archive by RMU. Since the LIBRARIAN application is an opaque utility to RMU that stores and manages data, device specific qualifiers such as /REWIND, /DENSITY or /LABEL cannot be used with this interface. 9-40 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x RMU Backup Streams Each writer thread for a backup operation or reader thread for a restore operation manages its own stream of data. Therefore, each thread uses a unique backup file name generated from the backup file name specified on the command line. A number is incremented and added to the end of the backup file extension (the extension defaults to ".RBF") specified to the archive (except for the first) representing a unique data stream. This number is the equivalent of the volume number associated with non- LIBRARIAN RMU backups and restores. For example, if $RMU /BACKUP /LIBRARIAN=(WRITER_THREADS=3) /LOG DB FILENAM.RBF is specified for a backup command, the backup file data stream names FILENAME.RBF FILENAME.RBF02 FILENAME.RBF03 are specified to the archive to identify the three streams of data stored in the archive by the three writer threads which together represent the stored database. Since each data stream must contain at least one database storage area and a single storage area must be completely contained in one data stream, if the number of writer threads specified is greater than the number of storage areas, it will be set equal to the number of storage areas. When $RMU /RESTORE /LIBRARIAN=(READER_THREADS=3) /LOG FILENAM.RBF is specified to restore the database, these same three data stream backup file names, one name specified by each of the three reader threads, will be generated by RMU and sent to the archive application to retrieve all the data associated with the database. If the number of reader threads is less than the number of backup writer threads, one or more restore reader threads will restore more than one data stream. If the number of reader threads specified is greater than the number of backup writer threads, the number of reader threads will be set equal to the number Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-41 of backup writer threads so that all restored data is retrieved. Therefore, the same number of reader threads in the example was specified on the restore as writer threads on the backup to generate all the stream names which represent the database. The user does not have to specify the same number of reader threads on the restore as writer threads specified on the backup. If a smaller number of reader threads on the restore is specified than the number of writer threads specified in the backup of the database, the data streams to be retrieved will be divided among the specified reader threads using an algorithm which assigns the data streams so that each thread will have an approximately equal amount of work to do. If a greater number of reader threads is specified on the restore than was specified on the backup, the number of reader threads will be automatically changed to equal the number of writer threads used in the backup. The /VOLUMES qualifier cannot be used on the RMU/RESTORE command if the /LIBRARIAN qualifier is used. RMU automatically determines the number of data streams stored in the LIBRARIAN implementation based on the backup file name specified for the restore command and sets the volume number to the actual number of stored data streams. This helps to ensure that all data streams which represent the database are retrieved. The default value for both WRITER_THREADS and READER_ THREADS is "1". The WRITER_THREADS parameter can only be specified with the /LIBRARIAN qualifier for the RMU/BACKUP database command. The READER_THREADS parameter can only be specified with the /LIBRARIAN qualifier for the RMU /RESTORE database and the RMU /DUMP /BACKUP commands. All other RMU commands that accept the /LIBRARIAN qualifier only use one writer thread or one reader thread representing one archive data stream. 9-42 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Parallel Backup Operations The /LIBRARIAN qualifier can be used for parallel backup operations where backup threads can execute in multiple processes distributed among one or more nodes in a cluster. The database backup command can be invoked as a parallel command which uses multiple processes but the other RMU commands which accept the /LIBRARIAN qualifier do not support parallel processes but execute in one process. The following lines in the backup PLAN file used to specify the parameters for parallel backup operations relate directly to the LIBRARIAN feature. Backup File = MF_PERSONNEL.RBF Style = Librarian Librarian_trace_level = # Librarian_trace_file = FILE.TRACE Librarian_logical_names = (- logical_name_1=equivalence_value_1, - logical_name_2=equivalence_value_2) Writer_threads = # The backup file name must be the same file name specified for the restore and the style must be set to "Librarian" indicating a backup to the LIBRARIAN. The "Librarian_ logical_names" entry is a list of logical names and their equivalence values. This is an optional parameter provided so that any logical names used by a particular LIBRARIAN application can be defined as process logical names before the backup or restore operation begins. For example, some LIBRARIAN applications provide support for logical names for specifying catalogs or debugging. "Librarian_trace_ level = #" and "Librarian_trace_file = FILE.TRACE" are optional parameters specified with the /LIBRARIAN qualifier and passed to the LIBRARIAN application to be used for diagnostic purposes. The "Writer_threads = #" specifies the number of writer threads which will be used by each worker executor process. If this number exceeds the number of database storage areas assigned to a worker process, it will be set equal to the number of storage areas specified for that worker process. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-43 If the backup is a parallel operation, a PLAN file is created and executed as part of the existing RMU /BACKUP /PARALLEL and RMU /BACKUP /PLAN command syntax. The following is an example of a parallel backup and non- parallel restore (the restore is always non-parallel and executes in a single process) using the /LIBRARIAN qualifier. $RMU /BACKUP /PARALLEL=EXECUTOR=3 /LIBRARIAN=WRITER_THREADS=3- /LIST_PLAN=FILENAME.PLAN /NOEXECUTE /LOG DATABASE FILENAM.RBF $RMU /BACKUP /PLAN FILENAME.PLAN $RMU/ RESTORE /LIBRARIAN=(READER_THREADS=9) /LOG FILENAME.RBF In this example, the first backup command creates the PLAN file for a parallel backup but does not execute it. The second backup command executes the parallel backup using the PLAN file. Note that 3 worker processes will be used and each process will use the 3 writer threads specified with the /LIBRARIAN qualifier. Each writer thread in each process will write one stream of backup data to the LIBRARIAN. Therefore 9 streams will be written to the LIBRARIAN archive. The streams will be given the names: FILENAME.RBF FILENAME.RBF02 FILENAME.RBF03 FILENAME.RBF04 FILENAME.RBF05 FILENAME.RBF06 FILENAME.RBF07 FILENAME.RBF08 FILENAME.RBF09 To retrieve the same 9 data streams which represent the backed up Rdb database on the non-parallel restore, a READER_THREADS=9 parameter can be specified with the /LIBRARIAN qualifier to use 9 threads to execute the restore, or if a READER_THREADS value between 1 and 8 is specified (1 is the default), RMU will determine the number of data streams actually stored by querying the LIBRARIAN implementation and distribute the data streams among the requested reader threads. If a READER_THREADS value is specified that is greater than "9", RMU will set it to "9" so that the restore does not attempt to retrieve data streams which do not exist. 9-44 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Data Stream Naming Considerations Since data stream names representing the database are generated based on the backup file name specified for the RMU backup command used with the /LIBRARIAN qualifier, the user must either use a different backup file name to store the next backup of the database to the LIBRARIAN implementation or first delete the existing data streams generated from the backup file name before the SAME backup file name can be reused for the next backup. To delete the existing data streams stored in the LIBRARIAN implementation, a LIBRARIAN management utility can be used or the RMU /LIBRARIAN /REMOVE command described below can be used with just the backup file name to delete all the data streams generated based on that name. The user can incorporate the date or some other unique identifier in the backup file name when he does each backup to make it unique if he wants to avoid deleting a previous backup to the LIBRARIAN which used the same backup file name. Many LIBRARIAN implementations allow the user to specify an automatic deletion date for each data stream stored in their archives. /LIBRARIAN Parameters The /LIBRARIAN qualifier accepts the following parameters. o WRITER_THREADS=# Use # writer threads to write # backup data streams to the LIBRARIAN. The database storage areas will be partitioned among the database streams. The streams will be named BACKUP_FILENAME.EXT, BACKUP_FILENAME.EXT02, BACKUP_FILENAME.EXT03, up to BACKUP_FILENAME.EXT99. BACKUP_FILENAME.EXT is the backup file name specified in the RMU command excluding any specified device, directory or version number. The default extension name is ".RBF". The "WRITER_THREADS" parameter can only be specified for parallel and non-parallel database backups. The default is 1 writer thread. The minimum is 1 and the maximum is 99. This parameter cannot be specified for other RMU commands which accept the /LIBRARIAN qualifier for write operations such as RMU/BACKUP/AFTER_JOURNAL/LIBRARIAN since these commands only allow 1 writer thread which creates 1 database Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-45 stream. This value will be set equal to the number of database storage areas if it exceeds that number. o READER_THREADS=# Use # reader threads to read all the backup data streams from the LIBRARIAN created for the backup filename. The streams will be named BACKUP_FILENAME.EXT, BACKUP_ FILENAME.EXT02, BACKUP_FILENAME.EXT03, up to BACKUP_ FILENAME.EXT99. BACKUP_FILENAME.EXT is the backup file name specified in the RMU command excluding any specified device, directory or version number. The default extension name is ".RBF". The "READER_THREADS" parameter can only be specified for database restores and dumps of databases stored by RMU in the LIBRARIAN. A reader thread value of 1 is used for all other RMU commands that read data from the LIBRARIAN. The minimum READER_THREADS value is 1 and the maximum is 99. The default value is 1. The number of READER_THREADS for a database restore from the LIBRARIAN should be equal to or less than the number of WRITER_THREADS specified for the database backup or the number of reader threads will be set by RMU to be equal to the number of data streams actually stored in the LIBRARIAN by the backup. If the READER_THREADS specified for the restore are less than the WRITER_ THREADS specified for the backup, RMU will partition the data streams among the specified reader threads so that all data streams representing the database are restored. Therefore, each reader thread may read more than one data stream. o TRACE_FILE=file_specification The LIBRARIAN application which supports the MEDIA MANAGEMENT API V2.0 will write trace data to this file, if specified, as defined in the MEDIA MANAGEMENT API V2.0 specification. o LEVEL_TRACE=# The level number of the trace data written by the LIBRARIAN application which supports the MEDIA MANAGEMENT API V2.0 as defined in the MEDIA MANAGEMENT API V2.0 specification (levels 0 through 2) or a higher 9-46 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x level as defined by the LIBRARIAN application. Level 0 (trace all error conditions) is the default. o LOGICAL_NAMES=(logical_name=equivalence_value,...) This parameter allows the user to specify a list of process logical names which the LIBRARIAN application may use to specify particular catalogs or archives for storing or retrieving backup files, or LIBRARIAN debug logical names, etc. See the LIBRARIAN specific documentation for the definition of these logical names. The list of process logical names will be defined by RMU prior to the start of the backup or restore operation. Logical Names To Access LIBRARIAN Application The following VMS logical names are for use with a LIBRARIAN application. These logical names need to be defined before the RMU backup or restore command is executed and should not be specified with the list of logical names specified with the /LIBRARIAN qualifier. o RMU$LIBRARIAN_PATH This logical name must be defined to the file specification for the sharable LIBRARIAN image to be loaded and called by RMU backup and restore operations. The translation must include the file type ( ".EXE" for example) and must not include a version number. The shareable LIBRARIAN shareable image referenced must be an installed ( "known") image. See the LIBRARIAN implementation documentation for the name and location of this image and how it should be installed. For a parallel RMU backup, RMU$LIBRARIAN_PATH should be defined as a system-wide logical name so that the multiple processes created by a parallel backup can all translate the logical. $ DEFINE /SYSTEM /EXECUTIVE_MODE - RMU$LIBRARIAN_PATH librarian_shareable_image.exe o RMU$DEBUG_SBT This logical name is not required. If defined to any value, RMU will display debug tracing information messages from modules that make calls to the LIBRARIAN shareable image. This information may be helpful for support analysts from Oracle or your librarian vendor Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-47 when analyzing problems. See the LIBRARIAN documentation for any other logical names or setup procedures specific to the particular LIBRARIAN implementation. For a parallel backup, RMU$DEBUG_SBT should be defined as a system logical so that the multiple processes created by a parallel backup can all translate the logical. SQL/Services Required for RMU Parallel Backup Oracle Rdb V7.1 SQL/Services is required for RMU parallel backup operations. However, no special changes are required to SQL/Services specific to RMU parallel backup operations to the LIBRARIAN. The LIBRARIAN should be installed and available on all nodes on which the parallel backup operation executes. As long as non-LIBRARIAN Rdb V7.1 parallel backup operations are currently working, no LIBRARIAN specific changes to the SQL/Services setup should be needed. Listing and Deleting Data Streams The RMU /LIBRARIAN command enables the user to list or delete data streams stored in the LIBRARIAN implementation based on the backup file name used for the RMU backup. The LIST and REMOVE options cannot be used together in the same RMU/LIBRARIAN command. RMU /LIBRARIAN /LIST=(OUTPUT=disk:[directory]listfile.ext) FILENAME.RBF RMU /LIBRARIAN /REMOVE=([NO]CONFIRM) FILENAME.RBF FILENAME.RBF is the backup filename. Any device, directory or version number specified with the backup file name will be ignored. The backup file name must be the same name previously used for an RMU backup to the LIBRARIAN. A default file type of ".RBF" is assumed if none is specified. The following command qualifiers are supported: o /LIST=(OUTPUT=disk:[directory]listfile.ext) "/LIST" used alone will display to the default output device. If the "OUTPUT" option is used, output will be displayed to the specified file. All data streams existing in the LIBRARIAN that were generated for the specified backup name will be listed. The information listed for each data stream name include: o The backup stream name based on the backup file. 9-48 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x o Any comment associated with the backup stream name. o The creation method associated with the backup stream name. This will always be STREAM to indicate creation by a backup operation. o The creation date and time when the stream was backed up to the LIBRARIAN. o Any expiration data and time specified for deletion of the stream by the LIBRARIAN. o The media sharing mode which indicates if the media can be accessed concurrently or not. This is usually the case for disks but not tapes. o The file ordering mode which indicates if files on the media can be accessed in random order or sequential order. o Any volume label(s) for the media which contain the backup stream. _______________ Implementation Specific _______________ Not all of these items will be listed depending on the particular LIBRARIAN implementation. ______________________________________________________ o /REMOVE=([NO]CONFIRM) "/REMOVE" deletes all data streams existing in the LIBRARIAN that were generated for the specified backup name. This command should be used with caution. The user should be sure that a more recent backup for the database exists in the LIBRARIAN under another name before using this command. The "CONFIRM" option is the default. It will prompt the user to confirm that he wants to delete the backup from the LIBRARIAN. The user can then reply "Y(ES)" to do the deletion or "N(O)" to exit the command without doing the deletion if he wants to confirm that a more recent backup for the database exists in the LIBRARIAN that was generated using a different backup name. The user must specify the "NOCONFIRM" option if he does not want to be prompted. In this case, the deletion will be done with no confirmation prompt. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-49 The following additional optional keywords can be specified with either the /LIST qualifier or the /REMOVE qualifier. They must be specified and have no defaults. These are the same options discussed earlier for the /LIBRARIAN qualifier used with other RMU commands such as /BACKUP and /RESTORE. o TRACE_FILE=file_specification The LIBRARIAN application which supports the MEDIA MANAGEMENT API V2.0 will write trace data to this file, if specified, as defined in the MEDIA MANAGEMENT API V2.0 specification. o LEVEL_TRACE=n The level number of the trace data written by the LIBRARIAN application which supports the MEDIA MANAGEMENT API V2.0 as defined in the MEDIA MANAGEMENT API V2.0 specification (levels 0 through 2) or a higher level as defined by the LIBRARIAN application. Level 0 (trace all error conditions) is the default. o LOGICAL_NAMES=(logical_name=equivalence_value,...) This parameter allows the user to specify a list of process logical names which the LIBRARIAN application may use to specify particular catalogs or archives for listing or removing backup files, or LIBRARIAN debug logical names, etc. See the LIBRARIAN specific documentation for the definition of these logical names. The list of process logical names will be defined by RMU prior to the start of the list or remove operation. 9.3.21 Sanity Checks Added to RMU /VERIFY to Check TSNs and CSNs Bug 2551131 Checks have been added to RMU /VERIFY to ascertain if the Transaction Sequence Numbers (TSNs) and Commit Sequence Numbers (CSN) have acceptable values. This verification is performed while verifying the root. 9-50 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Three sanity checks have been added to achieve this. They are: o Highest Active TSN is less than the TSN that will be assigned to the next transaction. If this check fails the following kind of error message is displayed. %RMU-E-HIGHTSNINV, Highest active TSN (1024:1024) is higher than the TSN that will be assigned next (0:256). o Last Committed TSN is less than the TSN that will be assigned to the next transaction. If this check fails the following kind of error message is displayed. %RMU-E-LASTCMTSNINV, Last Committed TSN (1024:1024) is higher than the TSN that will be assigned next (0:256). o Highest CSN is less than the next CSN that will be assigned. If this check fails the following kind of error message is displayed. %RMU-E-HIGHCSNINV, Highest CSN (1024:1024) is higher than the CSN that will be assigned next (0:256). These checks will be available starting with Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2. 9.3.22 RMU /CLOSE /WAIT /NOCLUSTER Now Allowed Bug 976101 In the past, if the /WAIT qualifier was used with RMU /CLOSE then it implied /CLUSTER. Specifying /NOCLUSTER was not allowed. This restriction has been lifted. It is now possible to specify /NOCLUSTER in conjunction with the /WAIT qualifier. This provides the ability to have database shutdown complete on the local node before RMU returns to the DCL prompt. Specifying the /WAIT qualifier without the /NOCLUSTER qualifier will still imply /CLUSTER, as it has in prior releases. 9.3.23 Native 64-bit Virtual Addressing for Row Caches Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2 provides enhancements to the Row Cache feature to utilize the native 64-bit virtual memory addressing capabilities of the Alpha processor and OpenVMS. Utilizing these enhancements, applications are now able to more easily access row caches with significantly larger numbers of records being cached. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-51 Background Within Oracle Rdb, the VLM (Very Large Memory, or "LARGE MEMORY IS ENABLED") feature was created circa 1995 for Rdb release 7.0 to allow access to more than 32 bits worth of virtual address space (the traditional VMS address space size). This interface was implemented because, at the time, programs on OpenVMS Alpha did not have the ability to directly access memory outside a 32-bit virtual address space. In addition, the "SHARED MEMORY IS SYSTEM" feature was implimented to help reduce consumption of process virtual address space in the "program region" (P0 region). By moving database shared memory sections from P0 to "system" (S0/S1) address space, additional program code and buffers could be stored in P0 address space. However, even this additional virtual address space was limited to something less than 2 GB (gigabytes) of usable memory. Starting with OpenVMS Alpha V7.0, the operating system provides native support for a 64-bit virtual address space, defined by the Alpha architecture. This capability makes 64-bit virtual address space available to applications. OpenVMS and Current Alpha architecture implementations support 8 TB (terabytes) of virtual address space. Previously, the Oracle Rdb Row Cache feature was limited to something less than 33 million total cached rows per database. This limitation was due primarily to storing row cache related data structures in 32-bit address space. Even with the "LARGE MEMORY IS ENABLED" attribute, some data structures had to be located in 32-bit virtual address space and lead to this restriction. 64-bit Addressing Starting with Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2, the Row Cache feature utilizes the native 64-bit virtual addressing support within the Alpha processor and OpenVMS. Various data structures related to the Row Cache feature are now created in the OpenVMS "P2" 64-bit virtual address space. The existing Row Cache memory mapping features "LARGE MEMORY IS ENABLED" and "SHARED MEMORY IS SYSTEM" have been eliminated and replaced with this native 64-bit virtual addressing. Row caches on Alpha processors are now always mapped in 64-bit process virtual address space. 9-52 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x No Application or Database Changes Required There should be no user or application visible effects due to the Oracle Rdb implementation of native 64-bit virtual addressing for Row Caches. If the "RESIDENT" attribute is specified for a row cache, the cache will be created as a memory-resident global section utilizing OpenVMS "shared page tables" (potentially with granularity hints). The OpenVMS "shared page tables" capability for memory-resident global sections can help reduce physical memory consumption by allowing multiple processes to share page table entries for the global section. For very large global section, "granularity hints" allow ranges of pages to be mapped by a single translation buffer entry within the Alpha processor leading to improved translation buffer hit rates. When the shared memory section for a row cache is to be memory-resident, the pages for the section are always resident in physical memory. The pages are not placed into the process' working set list when the process maps to the global section. The pages are also not charged against the process' working set quota or against any page-file quota. Pages within memory-resident global sections are not backed by the pagefile or by any other file on disk. The user must have the rights identifier VMS$MEM_RESIDENT_USER to create the memory-resident global section. Deprecated Attributes The row cache memory mapping features "LARGE MEMORY IS ENABLED" and "SHARED MEMORY IS SYSTEM" have been replaced with the "RESIDENT" attribute. If the "LARGE MEMORY IS ENABLED" or "SHARED MEMORY IS SYSTEM" attributes are specified for a row cache, the cache is considered to be set "RESIDENT". Though deprecated, the "LARGE MEMORY IS ENABLED" and "SHARED MEMORY IS SYSTEM" attributes are internally considered as synonyms for "RESIDENT". The following Oracle Rdb Row Cache attributes have become deprecated in SQL: o "LARGE MEMORY IS ENABLED" o "SHARED MEMORY IS SYSTEM" o "WINDOW COUNT" Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-53 The following Oracle Rdb Row Cache attribute keywords have become deprecated with the "RMU /SET ROW_CACHE /ALTER" command: o WINDOW_COUNT=n o SHARED_MEMORY=TYPE=SYSTEM The "LARGE MEMORY IS ENABLED" and "SHARED MEMORY IS SYSTEM" attributes remain supported and functional for database and global buffer shared memory configuration. Cache Size Limits In this release of Oracle Rdb, the total number of rows for any individual cache (the combination of "live" rows and snapshot rows) is limited to 2,147,483,647. This restriction may be relaxed in a future Oracle Rdb release. Row Cache Feature Only This change to utilize native 64-bit virtual addressing is specific to the Row Cache feature in this release of Oracle Rdb. Rdb database global buffers, for example, continue to be mapped into 32-bit virtual address space and continue to support the "LARGE MEMORY IS ENABLED" and "SHARED MEMORY IS SYSTEM" attributes. No additional support for 64-bit virtual addressing (including via callable interfaces such as SQL) is provided in this release of Oracle Rdb. Oracle is considering additional possible uses for native 64-bit virtual addressing within Oracle Rdb for future releases. System Parameters Shared memory sections using the "LARGE MEMORY IS ENABLED" or "SHARED MEMORY IS SYSTEM" features were previously not created as OpenVMS global sections and were not directly effected by the global section system parameters (specifically GBLSECTIONS, GBLPAGES and GBLPAGFIL). Because all row cache shared memory sections are now global sections on OpenVMS, it is possible that the global section system parameters may have to be increased in order to map large caches that previously relied on the "LARGE MEMORY IS ENABLED" or "SHARED MEMORY IS SYSTEM" features. ______________ Reserved Memory Registry ______________ The Reserved Memory Registry allows an OpenVMS system to be configured with large amounts of memory set 9-54 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x aside for use within memory-resident sections or other privileged code. This release of Oracle Rdb does not support use of the OpenVMS Reserved Memory Registry for registering Oracle Rdb shared memory sections. This restriction may be relaxed in a future Oracle Rdb release. ______________________________________________________ Additional Information Refer to the following documents for additional information about Alpha processors and OpenVMS addressing and memory management: o OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual o OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual o OpenVMS Calling Standard o OpenVMS System Manager's Manual o OpenVMS Alpha Partitioning and Galaxy Guide o Alpha Architecture Handbook 9.3.24 Snapshots In Row Cache Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2 provides enhancements to the Row Cache feature to allow snapshot copies of rows to be stored in Row Cache shared memory rather than in the on- disk snapshot storage areas. Utilizing these enhancements, applications are now able to more easily access and modify rows with reduced database I/O and locking operations. These features are enabled and configured on a per-cache basis. Background A row cache is a section of globally accessible memory that contains copies of rows. Row caching provides the ability to store frequently accessed rows in memory, reducing disk I/O. The rows remain in memory even when the associated page has been flushed back to disk. A row cache can contain index structures as well as table data. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-55 The snapshot mechanism in Oracle Rdb allows read-only transactions to see a consistent view of the database while other transactions update the database. The previous versions of rows are written to special snapshot areas of the database by the transactions that update the rows. By default, snapshot copies of rows are stored in database snapshot storage area files. The "Snapshots in Row Cache" feature allows snapshot rows to be stored in a designated section of shared memory. With this enhancement, read- only transactions can quickly read snapshot copies of rows from memory and read-write transactions can quickly write snapshots. The reading and writing of the snapshot information can be accomplished with no database page I/O or associated database page locking. Configuration Each defined row cache for a database can be designated to allow a specified number of snapshot rows to be stored in the cache. The number of snapshot rows allowed is specified in addition to the number of database rows that can be stored in the cache. Because many versions of a row may be stored in the snapshot portion of the cache, the number of snapshot rows and cache rows are specified independently. As the snapshot portion of the row cache is effectively an extension of the row cache itself, most attributes of the cache are shared with the snapshot portion. These attributes include: o The maximum row size (as is specified with the ROW LENGTH is n BYTES parameter) o Memory location specification (SHARED MEMORY IS PROCESS, SHARED MEMORY IS SYSTEM, LARGE MEMORY, and so on) o Allocate Set count 9-56 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Space Reclaimation A snapshot copy of a database record must be maintained until there are no transactions in the database older than the transaction that stored the snapshot copy of the record. As the oldest transactions in the database commit, space used to store snapshot records (either in the snapshot storage areas or in the snapshot portion of a cache) may be re-used for storing newer snapshots. By keeping transactions relatively short, the number of snapshot rows that need to be stored can be reduced. Objects in Mixed Format Areas With this release of the "Snapshots in Row Cache" feature, only objects (index nodes and data records) stored in uniform-format storage areas utilize the ability to store snapshots in a row cache. Objects stored in mixed format storage areas are unable to have snapshot copies stored in a row cache. This restriction results from internal mechanisms used to perform sequential scans in the database and interactions with the retrieval of snapshot information. This restriction is expected to be relaxed in a future Oracle Rdb release. SQL Syntax The SQL "ALTER DATABASE ... ALTER ROW CACHE", "ALTER DATABASE ... ADD ROW CACHE", and " CREATE DATABASE ... CREATE ROW CACHE" commands can be used to set parameters for the snapshot portion of a row cache. The syntax to support snapshots in cache is "ROW SNAPSHOT [ IS ] { DISABLED | { ENABLED [ ( CACHE SIZE IS N ROWS ) ] }". o The "ROW SNAPSHOT IS DISABLED" option disables storing snapshot copies of rows within the cache. o The "ROW SNAPSHOT IS ENABLED (CACHE SIZE IS n ROWS)" option enables storage of snapshot copies of rows within the cache and specifies the number of snapshot "slots" to allocate for the cache. If you do not specify the CACHE SIZE clause for the ROW SNAPSHOT IS ENABLED option, Oracle Rdb creates a cache that can contain up to 1000 snapshot rows. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-57 The following example demonstrates using SQL to modify the "C1" cache to disable storage of snapshot rows in cache and to modify the "C5" cache to enable storage of snapshot rows in the cache with a snapshot cache size of 12345 rows: SQL> ALTER DATABASE FILE X$ cont> ALTER CACHE C1 cont> ROW SNAPSHOT IS DISABLED; SQL> ALTER DATABASE FILE X$ cont> ALTER CACHE C5 cont> ROW SNAPSHOT IS ENABLED (CACHE SIZE IS 12345 ROWS); RMU Syntax The "RMU /SET ROW_CACHE" command can be used to set parameters for the snapshot portion of a row cache. The "/ALTER=(...)" qualifier accepts a "SNAPSHOT_SLOT_COUNT=n" keyword. The value specified on the SNAPSHOT_SLOT_COUNT keyword sets the number of snapshot slots in the cache. A value of zero disables the snapshot portion for the specified cache. The following example modifies the database MYDB to set the snapshot slot count for the cache "EMPL_IDX" to 25000 slots and disables snapshots in cache for the "SALES" cache: $ RMU /SET ROW_CACHE DGA0:[DB]MYDB.RDB - /ALTER=(NAME=EMPL_IDX, SNAPSHOT_SLOT_COUNT=25000) - /ALTER=(NAME=SALES, SNAPSHOT_SLOT_COUNT=0) Snapshot Cache Sizing Because the application and workload behaviour determine the number of database rows that are modified and the transaction length, it is not reasonable to make specific recommendations for sizing the snapshot portion of caches for all application and database types. The ratio of the size of the snapshot cache to the main cache may be similar to the ratio of the database snapshot storage area to the live storage area. The snapshot portion of a row cache may be larger (may contain more rows) than the "main" row cache itself. The snapshot portion of a row cache may also be much smaller. 9-58 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x If an application has long running transactions and active read-write transactions modifying data, many snapshot copies of the modified data may need to be maintained. This can require caches with many snapshot rows for those caches with heavy update activity. When the snapshot portion of a cache fills and no slots are available for re-use (due to the age of the oldest transaction in the database), read-write transactions may need to "overflow" snapshot records from cache to disk. This overflow operation can be quite costly in terms of CPU time and disk I/O operations. When a snapshot cache is discovered to be full and a read-write transaction must store a new snapshot copy of a row, all existing snapshot copies for that row must be written from the cache to the snapshot storage area on disk. And all future snapshot operations to the cache must also be written to disk. When the snapshot portion of a row cache is marked as being "full", the row cache server (RCS) process periodically checks the cache to see if space is available for reuse. Similar to the algorithms governing space recollection in snapshot storage areas, this space only becomes available when the oldest transaction in the database commits. When the RCS process finds reclaimable space in the snapshot portion of a cache that is marked "full", it will clear the "full" indicator to permit new snapshot copies to be stored in the cache by read-write transactions. Performance and Operational Considerations When a row is removed from the cache (due to it becoming fragmented, growing too large for the cache, or from a TRUNCATE TABLE operation), all snapshot copies for the row must be written from cache back to the snapshot storage area on disk. This can be a relatively costly and slow operation. This can usually be avoided by insuring that caches are sized with slots large enough for the data being stored. At certain times during normal database operations, all modified rows must be written from cache(s) back to the physical database storage areas. Events that require writing all modified data back to the database include: o Database close Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-59 o RMU /VERIFY o RMU /BACKUP Prior to "Snapshots in Row Cache", it was unlikely that very many modified rows would remain in cache memory when database snapshots were enabled. Now, for those caches configured with snapshots in cache, the cache itself may have many more modified rows. When there are many modified rows in memory, it may take a significant amount of time to write all of these rows back to the database. You may need to plan based on the amount of time required to, for example, initiate backup operations, if there may be a large number of modified rows in cache. By removing delays introduced by disk I/O operations, applications may tend to experience improved performance. Some systems, however, may see a significant reduction in system idle time due to the reduction in I/O waiting. Presumably, this will be reflected in an increase of overall application performance as the computer system is now being more effectively utilized. Statistics The "Row Cache Status" display of the RMU/SHOW STATISTICS utility provides information about the state of a single row cache and now includes status information about the snapshot portion of the cache. 9-60 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Node: CLICK (2/2/2) Oracle Rdb Perf. Monitor 17-FEB-2003 22:20:39.61 Rate: 3.00 Seconds Row Cache Status Elapsed: 00:00:31.79 Page: 1 of 1 DISK$DEMO1:[RDBDEMO]OLTP.RDB;1 Mode: Online ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Cache: TRD_IDX1 Statistic.Name Stat.Value Percent Total slots: 2000 100.0% Slot Length: 1000 Hash slots: 2048 Slots full: 876 43.8% Use: 225 25.6% Slots empty: 1124 56.2% Rsv: 132 11.7% Marked Slots: 347 17.3% Hot: 347 100.0% Cold: 0 0.0% Clean Slots: 1653 82.6% Hot: 0 0.0% Cold: 1653 100.0% Used Space: 876k 43.8% Wstd: 0k 0.0% Free Space: 1124k 56.2% Hash Que Lengths: Empty:1245 1:730 2:73 3:0 4+:0 Cursor position: 1008 of 2000 wrapped 0 times Cache latched: No Cache is full: No Cache modified: Yes Snapshot is full: No Number of checkpoints: None Cache Recovery: 0:3577 Snap Slots: 500 100.0% Ful: 399 79.8% Rcl: 393 78.6% Snap Cursor: 45 of 500 (slot 2045) wrapped 2 times ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following fields provide information about the snapshot portion of the cache. o Snapshot is full - If snapshots within cache are enabled for the row cache, indicates if the cache has been flagged as having no snapshot slots that can be used to store snapshot records until the oldest transaction in the database commits and allows snapshot slots to be "reclaimed" for re-use. o Snap Slots - Indicates the number of snapshot slots configured. o ...Ful - How many of the slots contain snapshot records. o ...Rcl - How many of the slots contain snapshot records that can be "reclaimed" for re-use. o Snap Cursor - Indicates the current cursor position within the snapshot portion of the cache; processes allocating slots in the cache start searching for available space at this cursor position. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-61 o ...wrapped - How many times the entire snapshot portion of the cache has been scanned and the allocation cursor was reset to the beginning of the cache. In this example display, the row cache itself is configured with 2000 slots and the snapshot portion of the cache is configured for 500 slots (the snapshot portion of the cache can be configured to be larger or smaller than the cache itself). The current "Snap Cursor" position is at slot 45 within the 500 snapshot slots. Within the RMU/SHOW STATISTICS utility, the "Zoom" sub- screen of the "Hot Row Information" display can be used to examine the actual in-cache contents of a row. On this display, the sign (positive or negative) of the "SnapPage" value indicates if the snapshot pointer references a page on disk in the snapshot storage area (a positive value) or a slot number within the snapshot portion of the cache (a negative value). For example, the following display shows a "Zoom" sub-screen for the record in cache with a database key of 56:662:0. Node: MARVEL (1/1/1) Oracle Rdb Perf. Monitor 3-FEB-2003 23:11:06.27 Rate: 3.00 Seconds Hot Row Information Elapsed: 04:14:58.28 Page: 1 of 6 DGA127:[T]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;587 Mode: Online --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Cache: N1 (unsorted) Area:Page:Ln #Users State Length SlotNo Area:Page:Ln #Users State Length Empty 0 0 0 Empty 0 0 +-- DBK=56:662:0 LEN=17 TSN=0:132 SnapPage=-101 VNO=2 -----------------+ | | | 001E 0000 line 0 (56:662:0) record type 30 | | 00 0001 0002 1 byte in 0 sets/dynamic items | | .... 12 bytes of static data | | FC0000820200008201000102 0005 data '...........ü' | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ In this example, the snapshot pointer is -101 indicating, because it is negative, that the first entry in the snapshot chain can be found in snapshot slot 101 within the cache. Note that a snapshot pointer of -1 indicates the end of a snapshot chain in this context. 9-62 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x The RMU /DUMP /ROW_CACHE command can also be used to format and display the in-memory cache contents for a row cache of an open database. In this display output, negative snapshot pointer values also indicate snapshot pointers within the row cache. Importance of the After-Image Journal Any time the Oracle Rdb "Fast Commit" feature is utilized, the after-image journal (AIJ) is the only place where changed database records are known to be written to persistent storage when a transaction commits. Protecting the after-image journal file(s) is thus very important. Oracle encourages use of data protection features such as disk volume shadowing and especially the Oracle Rdb Hot Standby feature to help ensure the safety of the contents of the AIJ. The Row Cache "backing store" (also known as .RDC) files are also important to ensure rapid database recovery after a system failure. These files contain the modified row content of caches as of the most recent row cache server (RCS) checkpoint operation. Oracle encourages use of data protection features such as disk volume shadowing to help ensure the safety of the contents of the "backing store" files. 9.3.25 Performance Enhancements for RMU /RECOVER with Optimized After-Image Journals Several enhancements and performance improvements have been made to the creation and processing of optimized after- image journal files. These changes should result in a significant reduction in elapsed time when using optimized after-image journals for recovery. The RMU /OPTIMIZE /AFTER_JOURNAL command optimizes a backed up after-image journal (.AIJ) file for database recovery (rollforward) operations by eliminating unneeded and duplicate journal records, and by ordering journal records. An optimized after-image journal file created by the RMU /OPTIMIZE /AFTER_JOURNAL command can provide better recovery performance for your database than a non-optimized after-image journal. A potential benefit of this improved recovery performance is that the database is made available to users sooner. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-63 By default, the RMU /OPTIMIZE /AFTER_JOURNAL command orders the after-image journal records by ascending physical DBKEY. The order of records in an optimized AIJ file determines the sequence that pages are accessed by a subsequent RMU /RECOVER command. Sorting AIJ records by physical DBKEY can improve I/O performance at recovery time by reducing disk head motion. However, an ascending physical DBKEY sequence also causes the database to be recovered sequentially, one storage area at a time. This typically results in only one disk device being accessed at a time, often with sequential disk read and write operations. Significant enhancements have been made to the optimization and usage of optimized after-image journals. These changes include the "/RECOVERY_METHOD" qualifier for the RMU /OPTIMIZE /AFTER_JOURNAL command to allow an alternate record ordering to be used, and asynchronous read-ahead and write-behind for database access during recovery using an optimized after-image journal. The "/RECOVERY_METHOD" qualifier for the RMU /OPTIMIZE /AFTER_JOURNAL command allows two possible order types: o SEQUENTIAL - AIJ records are ordered by physical DBKEY in a AREA:PAGE:LINE sequence. This is the traditional method used by the RMU /OPTIMIZE /AFTER_JOURNAL command and is the default. o SCATTER - AIJ records are ordered by a sort key of PAGE:AREA:LINE (page number, area number and line number). This order often allows the RMU /RECOVER command to perform much more effective I/O prefetching and writing to multiple storage areas simultaneously (typically where storage areas of the database are distributed among multiple disk devices). SCATTER ordering tends to allow more disk devices to be active during the recovery process. This, in turn, should help reduce idle CPU time and allows the recovery to complete in less time. However, because database configurations vary widely, Oracle recommends that you perform tests with both SCATTER and SEQUENTIAL ordering of the optimized after-image journals to determine which method produces the best results for your system. 9-64 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Note that because an optimized AIJ file is not functionally equivalent to the original AIJ file, the original AIJ file should not be discarded after it has been optimized. You cannot use optimized AIJ files with the following types of recovery operations: o By-area recovery operations (recovery operations that use the RMU Recover command with the Areas qualifier). o By-page recovery operations (recovery operations that use the RMU Recover command with the Just_Corrupt qualifier). o RMU Recover commands with the Until qualifier. The optimized AIJ does not retain enough of the information from the original AIJ for such an operation. o Recovery operation where the database or any storage areas (or both) are inconsistent with the optimized AIJ file. A database or storage area will be inconsistent with the optimized AIJ file if the transaction sequence number (TSN) of the last committed transaction of the database or storage area is not equal to the TSN of the last committed transaction in the open record of the AIJ file. The last committed TSN in the optimized file represents the last transaction committed to the database at the time the original AIJ file was created. As a workaround for these restrictions against using optimized AIJ files in these recovery operations, use the original, unoptimized AIJ files in these situations instead. Oracle recommends that you do not discard the original AIJ file after it has been optimized. When using an optimized after-image journal for recovery, the optimal number of buffers specified with the "/AIJ_ BUFFERS" qualifier depends on the number of "active" storage areas being recovered. For those journals optimized with "/RECOVERY_METHOD=SEQUENTIAL" (the default), a buffer count of perhaps 250 to 500 is usually sufficient. When using journals optimized with "/RECOVERY_ METHOD=SCATTER", reasonable performance can usually be attained with a buffer count of about five times the number of "active" storage areas being recovered (with a minimum of perhaps 250 to 500 buffers). Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-65 "Active" storage areas refers to those areas that have records with modifications reflected in the optimized after-image journal. If only a small number of storage areas are actively modified, less recovery buffers may be needed. The CPU cost of using "excessive" numbers of buffers tends to be relatively small. When using non-optimized after-image journals for recovery, the RMU /DUMP /AFTER_JOURNAL command can be used to suggest an optimal number of recovery buffers. In effectively all cases though, the default of 20 buffers is probably not sufficient for best performance. Oracle suggests specifying a buffer count of at least 5000 for most databases as a reasonable starting point. The number of asynchronous prefetch (APF) buffers is also a performance factor during recovery. For recovery operations of optimized after-image journals, the RMU /RECOVER command sets the number of APF buffers (also known as the APF "depth") based on the values of the process quotas ASTLM, BYTLM and the specified "/AIJ_BUFFERS" value. Specifically, the APF depth is set to the maximum of: o 50% of the ASTLM process quota o 50% of the DIOLM process quota o 25% of the specified "/AIJ_BUFFERS" value Further, accounts and processes that perform RMU /RECOVER operations should be reviewed to ensure that various quotas are set to ensure high levels of I/O performance. Table 9-2 lists suggested quota values for recovery performance. Table_9-2_Recommended_Minimum_Process_Quotas_____________________ Quota_______Setting______________________________________________ DIOLM Equal to or greater than half of the count of database buffers specified by the "/AIJ_BUFFERS" qualifier. Minimum of 250. BIOLM Equal to or greater than the setting of DIOLM. (continued on next page) 9-66 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Table_9-2_(Cont.)_Recommended_Minimum_Process_Quotas_____________ Quota_______Setting______________________________________________ ASTLM Equal to or greater than 50 more than the setting of DIOLM. BYTLM Equal to or greater than 512 times the database buffer size times one half the value of database buffers specified by the "/AIJ_BUFFERS" qualifier. Based on a 12 block buffer size and the desire to have up to 100 asynchronous I/O requests outstanding (either reading or writing), the minimum suggested value is 614,400 for a buffer count of 200. WSQUOTA, Large enough to avoid excessive page faulting WSEXTENT FILLM 50 more than the count of database storage areas and ____________snapshot_storage_areas.______________________________ The RMU /DUMP /AFTER_JOURNAL command indicates the type of optimization (sequential or scattered) when dumping an optimized after-image journal file. The first record in the after-image journal is an "Open" record and contains an indication that the journal is optimized and what type of optimization was specified as shown in the following example (the line reading "Type is Optimized"): Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-67 1/1 TYPE=O, LENGTH=510, TAD=27-MAY-2003 08:25:31.67, CSM=00 Database DPA86:[AIJOPT]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 Database timestamp is 10-DEC-1996 10:17:31.13 Facility is "RDMSAIJ ", Version is 711.1 Database version is 71.0 AIJ Sequence Number is 17231 Last Commit TSN is 0:1384096 Synchronization TSN is 0:0 Journal created on VMS platform Type is Optimized (Scatter) Open mode is Initial Journal was backed up on 27-MAY-2003 08:26:26.25 Backup type is Quiet-Point I/O format is Block Commit-to-Journal optimization disabled Switchover by process 2023D558 AIJ journal activation ID is 00A207B1F9111F6B LogMiner is enabled 9.3.26 Enhancements to INSERT ... FILENAME for LIST OF BYTE VARYING Data Enhancement 2738471 The INSERT INTO CURSOR ... FILENAME statement loads the contents of the specified file into the LIST OF BYTE VARYING column. In prior versions, the user could specify BINARY or TEXT as the type of data being inserted. This release of Oracle Rdb V7.1 now includes a new type, CHARACTER VARYING. - BINARY Used to load unformatted data such as images, audio files, etc. The contents are broken into 512 octet segments during INSERT. - TEXT Used to load text, a terminator is added to each segment loaded. The contents are written one line to a segment with trailing terminators carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF). - CHARACTER VARYING Used to load text but with no terminator. The contents are written one line to a segment. 9-68 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x In addition, this release allows the TEXT and CHARACTER VARYING source to contain segments of up to 65500 bytes in length. In prior releases, the upper limit was 512 octets. Interactive SQL now also reports the number of segments inserted and the length of the longest segment. To disable this output, use the SET DISPLAY NO ROW COUNT statement. The following example shows a sample session that inserts a large text file into a single LIST OF BYTE VARYING column. SQL> create table samples (a list of byte varying); SQL> SQL> declare a insert only table cursor for select a from samples; SQL> declare b insert only list cursor for select a where current of a; SQL> SQL> open a; SQL> insert into cursor a default values; 1 row inserted SQL> SQL> open b; SQL> insert into cursor b cont> filename 'WEEKLY_REPORT.DAT' as character varying; 47706 segments inserted (maximum length 270) SQL> close b; SQL> SQL> close a; This statement can only be used in interactive SQL and dynamic SQL. 9.3.27 Index Estimation Predicate estimation is being used increasingly in the Rdb optimizer to determine the cost and productivity of various index scans. When a particular query is executed, the conditions in the record select expression, the "where" clause of an SQL statement, determine which rows will be selected. These conditions, or predicates, can be used to limit the parts of an index that are scanned to find data records. Consider the following SQL query. SQL> SELECT * FROM employees WHERE last_name='Toliver' cont> and first_name='Alvin'; Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-69 If there were an index on first_name and a second index on last_name, then Rdb would have to decide which of the two indices would be most efficient for retrieving the data. To do this, Rdb examines each index to find out roughly how many rows would be found through that index. For example, how many 'Toliver' rows would be found in the last_name index. Historically, Rdb uses estimation in the dynamic optimizer. The dynamic optimizer uses estimation to calculate costs of index scans on competing indices. This information is used to ensure the most efficient indices are scanned first. During request compilation, the Rdb optimizer uses the selectivity of each expression to help cost various retrieval strategies to determine the most efficient method for retrieving the data. Where an expression compares a literal value (e.g. WHERE field1=42), and an index exists on that field, the static optimizer can use estimation to obtain from the actual data an estimate for that predicate. In other words, how many rows would actually have the value forty-two in the field called "field1"? This feature is called Sampled Selectivity and is described in Section 12.1.1. How Estimation Is Performed Normally, Rdb performs estimation on indexes of TYPE IS SORTED and TYPE IS SORTED RANKED by descending the index structure to locate the index node where the selected range spans more than one key value in the node. This is termed the split level. The REFINE_ESTIMATES flag can be used to modify the behaviour of the estimation process. For a complete description of the estimation process, including the new features, please refer to the Rdb Technical Note available through MetaLink. The REFINE_ESTIMATES flag does not change the behaviour of the estimation process for indexes of TYPE IS SORTED. 9-70 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x For ranked indexes of TYPE IS SORTED RANKED, the REFINE_ ESTIMATES flag allows estimation to descend beyond the split level to obtain a far more accurate estimate and enables rules to be enforced for how far estimation should proceed. In addition to the new functionality, the execution trace has been significantly enhanced. In particular, the use of SET FLAGS 'EXECUTION,DETAIL(1)' will display significantly more information about the estimation process. In the following example, the indexes contain the unique values 1 to 100,000. Index I21 is TYPE IS SORTED and index I22 is TYPE IS SORTED RANKED. A cursor is opened selecting a range of exactly two keys for two records. In the first open, the keys are such that the estimation descends all the way to the level one node and therefore correctly estimates the number of records from each index as two. However, in the second open, the keys were chosen such that they happened to span a separator in the index root node. So even though the query would only find two rows in the index, the estimation was erroneously high. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-71 SQL> set flags 'strategy,detail(1),exec' SQL> declare :a,:b,:c,:d int; SQL> begin cont> set :a=1; set :b=2; set :c=1; set :d=2; cont> end; SQL> declare c1 cursor for select count(*) from t2 cont> where f1 between :a and :b cont> and f2 between :c and :d; SQL> open c1; ~S#0003 Tables: 0 = T2 Aggregate: 0:COUNT (*) Leaf#01 BgrOnly 0:T2 Card=100000 Bool: (0.F1 >= ) AND (0.F1 <= ) AND (0.F2 >= ) AND (0.F2 <= ) BgrNdx1 I21 [1:1] Fan=17 Keys: (0.F1 >= ) AND (0.F1 <= ) BgrNdx2 I22 [1:1] Fan=17 Keys: (0.F2 >= ) AND (0.F2 <= ) ~Estim Ndx1 Sorted: Split lev=1, Seps=2 Est=2 Precise ~Estim Ndx2 Ranked: Nodes=1, Min=2, Est=2 Precise IO=3 ~Estim RLEAF Cardinality= 1.0000000E+05 ~E#0003.01(1) Estim Index/Estimate 1/2 2/2 ~E#0003.01(1) BgrNdx1 EofData DBKeys=2 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0 #Bufs=1 ~E#0003.01(1) BgrNdx2 FtchLim DBKeys=0 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0 ~E#0003.01(1) Fin Buf DBKeys=2 Fetches=0+1 RecsOut=2 SQL> close c1; SQL> begin cont> set :a=35287; set :b=35288; set :c=6207; set :d=6208; cont> end; SQL> open c1; ~Estim Ndx1 Sorted: Split lev=4, Seps=1 Est=5534 ~Estim Ndx2 Ranked: Nodes=309, Min=0, Est=6205 IO=0 ~Estim RLEAF Cardinality= 1.0000000E+05 ~E#0003.01(2) Estim Index/Estimate 1/5534 2/6205 ~E#0003.01(2) BgrNdx1 EofData DBKeys=2 Fetches=1+0 RecsOut=0 #Bufs=1 ~E#0003.01(2) BgrNdx2 FtchLim DBKeys=0 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0 ~E#0003.01(2) Fin Buf DBKeys=2 Fetches=0+1 RecsOut=0 SQL> close c1; 9-72 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x The next example shows the difference in the ranked index estimate on I22 when refinement is enabled. SQL> select count(*) from t2 cont> where f1 between :a and :b cont> and f2 between :c and :d; ~S#0004 Tables: 0 = T2 Aggregate: 0:COUNT (*) Leaf#01 BgrOnly 0:T2 Card=100000 Bool: (0.F1 >= ) AND (0.F1 <= ) AND (0.F2 >= ) AND (0.F2 <= ) BgrNdx1 I21 [1:1] Fan=17 Keys: (0.F1 >= ) AND (0.F1 <= ) BgrNdx2 I22 [1:1] Fan=17 Keys: (0.F2 >= ) AND (0.F2 <= ) ~Estim Ndx1 Sorted: Split lev=4, Seps=1 Est=5534 ~Estim Ndx2 Ranked: Nodes=2, Min=2, Est=2 Precise IO=2 ~Estim RLEAF Cardinality= 1.0000000E+05 ~E#0004.01(1) Estim Index/Estimate 2/2 1/5534 Notice that, in this case, the estimate for index I22, which is background index 2, is now precisely two even though the previous query indicated the split level for the same range was very high in the index. The ranked estimation is more accurate because estimation refinement descended the index beyond the split level until a reasonable estimate was obtained. The estimate for sorted index I21 is still inaccurate because estimation refinement is only available for ranked indices. Refinement rules allow control of the estimation process by limiting the total IO based on the smallest estimate obtained for each execution of a request. If the first index estimates that 10 rows will be returned, the estimation process can be limited to 10 IO's, on the assumption that fetching the records should take not more than ten IO's. The ranked index estimation refinement rules are: o REFINE_ESTIMATES(1) - Use IO to limit the descend to split level. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-73 o REFINE_ESTIMATES(2) - Use IO to limit the refinement, where we read beyond the split level. o REFINE_ESTIMATES(4) - Limit refinement until the known true branches of an index contain more records than branches of the index that are not completely included in the range selected. o REFINE_ESTIMATES(8) - As each node in the index is processed for estimation, the error in that estimate is calculated. This rule terminates estimation once the calculated error in the estimate is less than ten percent of the estimate. o REFINE_ESTIMATES(16) - Enable refinement. If this rule is the only refinement rule enabled, refinement will attempt to obtain a precise estimate regardless of the cost. If other refinement rules are also enabled, those rules will be enforced and this rule is not required. Estimation refinement rules can be combined by adding their values. In this way, all ranked estimation refinement rules can be enabled by using SET FLAGS 'REFINE_ESTIMATES(15)'. The REFINE_ESTIMATES(16) refinement rule is not required when any of the other rules are enabled. The following examples show how refinement rules affect estimation on the two ranked indices I22 and I23. SQL> select count(*) from t2 where f2 between 6207 and 6208 cont> and f3 between 1 and 2; ~S#0003 Tables: 0 = T2 Aggregate: 0:COUNT (*) Leaf#01 BgrOnly 0:T2 Card=100000 Bool: (0.F2 >= 6207) AND (0.F2 <= 6208) AND (0.F3 >= 1) AND (0.F3 <= 2) BgrNdx1 I22 [1:1] Fan=17 Keys: (0.F2 >= 6207) AND (0.F2 <= 6208) BgrNdx2 I23 [1:1] Fan=17 Keys: (0.F3 >= 1) AND (0.F3 <= 2) ~Estim Ndx1 Ranked: Nodes=2, Min=2, Est=2 Precise IO=4 ~Estim RLEAF Cardinality= 1.0000000E+05 ~Estim Ndx2 Ranked: Nodes=0, Min=0, Est=12250 Descend IO limit IO=4 ~E#0003.01(1) Estim Index/Estimate 1/2 2_12250 9-74 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Because the estimate for the first background index is two rows, the estimation process is limited to two IO's. The second background index does not get estimated because estimation on the first index has already used 4 IO's. SQL> select count(*) from t2 where f2 between 6207 and 6208 cont> and f3 between 1 and 2; ~S#0004 Tables: 0 = T2 Aggregate: 0:COUNT (*) Leaf#01 BgrOnly 0:T2 Card=100000 Bool: (0.F2 >= 6207) AND (0.F2 <= 6208) AND (0.F3 >= 1) AND (0.F3 <= 2) BgrNdx1 I22 [1:1] Fan=17 Keys: (0.F2 >= 6207) AND (0.F2 <= 6208) BgrNdx2 I23 [1:1] Fan=17 Keys: (0.F3 >= 1) AND (0.F3 <= 2) ~Estim Ndx1 Ranked: Nodes=2, Min=2, Est=2 Precise IO=0 ~Estim RLEAF Cardinality= 1.0000000E+05 ~Estim Ndx2 Ranked: Nodes=154, Min=0, Est=3103 Descend IO limit IO=2 ~Estim RLEAF Cardinality= 1.0000000E+05 ~E#0004.01(1) Estim Index/Estimate 1/2 2/3103 Because we immediately repeat the same query, the first index is again estimated at two rows, but because the previous query already read these index nodes, this did not cost any IO's because the nodes remained in our buffer pool. This meant that two IO's could be used to begin estimation on the second background index. The estimate is not very accurate because we could only descend a short way into the index structure in two IO's. In the following example, you will see that we descend further and further down the index on each execution and the estimate becomes progressively better on each execution. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-75 SQL> select count(*) from t2 where f2 between 6207 and 6208 cont> and f3 between 1 and 2; ~S#0005 Tables: 0 = T2 Aggregate: 0:COUNT (*) Leaf#01 BgrOnly 0:T2 Card=100000 Bool: (0.F2 >= 6207) AND (0.F2 <= 6208) AND (0.F3 >= 1) AND (0.F3 <= 2) BgrNdx1 I22 [1:1] Fan=17 Keys: (0.F2 >= 6207) AND (0.F2 <= 6208) BgrNdx2 I23 [1:1] Fan=17 Keys: (0.F3 >= 1) AND (0.F3 <= 2) ~Estim Ndx1 Ranked: Nodes=2, Min=2, Est=2 Precise IO=0 ~Estim RLEAF Cardinality= 1.0000000E+05 ~Estim Ndx2 Ranked: Nodes=1, Min=0, Est=10 Descend IO limit IO=2 ~Estim RLEAF Cardinality= 1.0000000E+05 ~E#0005.01(1) Estim Index/Estimate 1/2 2/10 ~E#0005.01(1) BgrNdx1 EofData DBKeys=2 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0 #Bufs=1 ~E#0005.01(1) BgrNdx2 FtchLim DBKeys=0 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0 ~E#0005.01(1) Fin Buf DBKeys=2 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0 0 1 row selected SQL> select count(*) from t2 where f2 between 6207 and 6208 cont> and f3 between 1 and 2; ~S#0006 Tables: 0 = T2 Aggregate: 0:COUNT (*) Leaf#01 BgrOnly 0:T2 Card=100000 Bool: (0.F2 >= 6207) AND (0.F2 <= 6208) AND (0.F3 >= 1) AND (0.F3 <= 2) BgrNdx1 I22 [1:1] Fan=17 Keys: (0.F2 >= 6207) AND (0.F2 <= 6208) BgrNdx2 I23 [1:1] Fan=17 Keys: (0.F3 >= 1) AND (0.F3 <= 2) ~Estim Ndx1 Ranked: Nodes=2, Min=2, Est=2 Precise IO=0 ~Estim RLEAF Cardinality= 1.0000000E+05 ~Estim Ndx2 Ranked: Nodes=1, Min=2, Est=2 Precise IO=0 ~Estim RLEAF Cardinality= 1.0000000E+05 ~E#0006.01(1) Estim Index/Estimate 1/2 2/2 In this case, after three executions the estimate obtained is precisely two. 9-76 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x It is anticipated that refinement rules will become the default in a future version of Oracle Rdb. 9.3.28 Hash Index Estimation In addition to the functionality described in Section 9.3.27, the index estimation process has been enhanced to support estimation of indexes of TYPE IS HASHED. For a complete description of this feature, please refer to the Rdb Technical Note available through MetaLink. By default, Rdb does not allow estimation of hashed indexes. As with the new features for TYPE IS SORTED RANKED, this feature is controlled using the refine estimates flag. The values that effect the behaviour on hashed indexes are: o REFINE_ESTIMATES(32) - Enable estimation on hashed indexes. o REFINE_ESTIMATES(64) - Use the smallest estimate obtained for this execution of the request to limit the IO consumed during estimation. The values can be combined with those affecting ranked indices by adding them together. In the following query, index I32 is TYPE IS SORTED RANKED and index I33 is TYPE IS HASHED. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-77 SQL> set flags 'strategy,detail(1),exec,refine_estimates(111)' SQL> select count(*) from t2 where f2 between 6207 and 6208 cont> and f3 in (1,2); ~S#0004 Tables: 0 = T2 Aggregate: 0:COUNT (*) Leaf#01 BgrOnly 0:T2 Card=100000 Bool: (0.F2 >= 6207) AND (0.F2 <= 6208) AND ((0.F3 = 1) OR (0.F3 = 2)) BgrNdx1 I23 [(1:1)2] Fan=1 Keys: r0: 0.F3 = 2 r1: 0.F3 = 1 BgrNdx2 I22 [1:1] Fan=17 Keys: (0.F2 >= 6207) AND (0.F2 <= 6208) ~Estim Ndx1 Hashed: Nodes=0, Est=2 Precise IO=5 ~Estim Ndx2 Ranked: Nodes=0, Min=0, Est=12250 Descend IO limit IO=5 ~E#0004.01(1) Estim Index/Estimate 1/2 2_12250 The hashed index is background index 1 and is estimated to return precisely two rows. The Refinement rules are in place for ranked indexes so the estimation on the ranked index I22 is not performed. By repeating the same query, so that some index nodes are already buffered, we can see that estimation on the ranked index will proceed. Please note that this example has been edited for brevity. SQL> select count(*) from t2 where f2 between 6207 and 6208 cont> and f3 in (1,2); ~Estim Ndx1 Hashed: Nodes=0, Est=2 Precise IO=0 ~Estim Ndx2 Ranked: Nodes=163, Min=0, Est=3284 Refine IO limit IO=2 ~Estim RLEAF Cardinality= 1.0000000E+05 ~E#0005.01(1) Estim Index/Estimate 1/2 2/3284 ~E#0005.01(1) BgrNdx1 EofData DBKeys=2 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0 #Bufs=1 ~E#0005.01(1) BgrNdx2 FtchLim DBKeys=0 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0 ~E#0005.01(1) Fin Buf DBKeys=2 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0 9-78 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 0 1 row selected SQL> select count(*) from t2 where f2 between 6207 and 6208 cont> and f3 in (1,2); ~Estim Ndx1 Hashed: Nodes=0, Est=2 Precise IO=0 ~Estim Ndx2 Ranked: Nodes=10, Min=0, Est=190 Refine IO limit IO=2 ~Estim RLEAF Cardinality= 1.0000000E+05 ~E#0006.01(1) Estim Index/Estimate 1/2 2/190 ~E#0006.01(1) BgrNdx1 EofData DBKeys=2 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0 #Bufs=1 ~E#0006.01(1) BgrNdx2 FtchLim DBKeys=0 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0 ~E#0006.01(1) Fin Buf DBKeys=2 Fetches=0+0 RecsOut=0 0 1 row selected SQL> select count(*) from t2 where f2 between 6207 and 6208 cont> and f3 in (1,2); ~Estim Ndx1 Hashed: Nodes=0, Est=2 Precise IO=0 ~Estim Ndx2 Ranked: Nodes=2, Min=2, Est=2 Precise IO=0 ~Estim RLEAF Cardinality= 1.0000000E+05 ~E#0007.01(1) Estim Index/Estimate 1/2 2/2 Unlike estimation on sorted indexes, estimation of indexes of TYPE IS HASHED is performed even where the index has more than one partition. Estimation on hashed indexes is also supported for range list queries. A range list query, such as the one shown above, provides multiple key values to be retrieved from the same index. This occurs where the query has a condition such as KEY=42 OR KEY=6 or KEY IN (1,5,9). 9.3.29 New LIKE Clause Added to CREATE TABLE Description The CREATE ... LIKE statement allows a database administrator to copy the metadata for an existing table and create a new table with similar characteristics. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-79 Syntax RDB_SQLRM$REF:CREATE_TABLE.DRW RDB_SQLRM$REF:TABLE-BODY.DRW Usage Notes o The table name provided by the LIKE clause must be a base table, a global temporary table, or a local temporary table that currently exists in the current database. Specifying a synonym for a base table or temporary table is also permitted. The following attributes of the table are copied: - The names and ordering of all columns - For each column, the data type, DEFAULT, IDENTITY, COMPUTED BY clause, AUTOMATIC AS clause, COMMENT and domain will be inherited. - Display attributes such as DEFAULT VALUE, QUERY NAME, QUERY HEADER and EDIT STRING clauses. - The table comment is inherited, unless overwritten by a COMMENT IS clause. - If the source table includes an IDENTITY column then the LIKE clause will result in a new sequence being created with the same name as this new table. 9-80 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Other table attributes such as referential constraints, triggers, storage maps and indices are not inherited and must be separately created. ________________________ Note ________________________ If a COMPUTED BY expression uses a subselect to reference the current table, then this information is inherited unchanged by the new table. You should perform a subsequent ALTER TABLE statement to DROP and redefine the COMPUTED BY column. ______________________________________________________ o You cannot reference a system table or a view with the LIKE clause. SQL> create table my_sys like rdb$database; %RDB-E-NO_META_UPDATE, metadata update failed -RDMS-E-NOMETSYSREL, operation illegal on system defined metadata o The referenced table name can be followed by a set of additional column names and table constraints. These are added to those inherited from the referenced table. See the example below. Example: Using the LIKE clause to make a copy of a table definition This new table will be used to record the EMPLOYEES details after they are retired from the company. An extra column, RETIRED_DATE, is added to record the date of the retirement and a new CHECK constraint is added to ensure that the employee is not listed in both the EMPLOYEES table and this new RETIRED_DATE column. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-81 SQL> set dialect 'sql99'; SQL> SQL> create table RETIRED_EMPLOYEES cont> like EMPLOYEES cont> (retired_date DATE_DOM cont> ,primary key (EMPLOYEE_ID) cont> ,check (not exists cont> (select * from EMPLOYEES e cont> where e.employee_id = RETIRED_EMPLOYEES.employee_id)) cont> initially deferred cont> ); SQL> SQL> show table RETIRED_EMPLOYEES; Information for table RETIRED_EMPLOYEES Columns for table RETIRED_EMPLOYEES: Column Name Data Type Domain ----------- --------- ------ EMPLOYEE_ID CHAR(5) ID_DOM LAST_NAME CHAR(14) LAST_NAME_DOM FIRST_NAME CHAR(10) FIRST_NAME_DOM MIDDLE_INITIAL CHAR(1) MIDDLE_INITIAL_DOM ADDRESS_DATA_1 CHAR(25) ADDRESS_DATA_1_DOM ADDRESS_DATA_2 CHAR(20) ADDRESS_DATA_2_DOM CITY CHAR(20) CITY_DOM STATE CHAR(2) STATE_DOM POSTAL_CODE CHAR(5) POSTAL_CODE_DOM SEX CHAR(1) SEX_DOM BIRTHDAY DATE VMS DATE_DOM STATUS_CODE CHAR(1) STATUS_CODE_DOM RETIRED_DATE DATE VMS DATE_DOM Table constraints for RETIRED_EMPLOYEES: RETIRED_EMPLOYEES_CHECK1 Check constraint Table constraint for RETIRED_EMPLOYEES Evaluated on COMMIT Source: CHECK (not exists (select * from EMPLOYEES e where e.employee_id = RETIRED_EMPLOYEES.employee_id)) 9-82 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x RETIRED_EMPLOYEES_PRIMARY1 Primary Key constraint Table constraint for RETIRED_EMPLOYEES Evaluated on UPDATE, NOT DEFERRABLE Source: PRIMARY key (EMPLOYEE_ID) Constraints referencing table RETIRED_EMPLOYEES: No constraints found Indexes on table RETIRED_EMPLOYEES: No indexes found Storage Map for table RETIRED_EMPLOYEES: No Storage Map found Triggers on table RETIRED_EMPLOYEES: No triggers found SQL> 9.3.30 Enhancements to Statistical Functions This release of Oracle Rdb V7.1 adds the following new statistical functions to the existing functions COUNT, MAX, MIN, AVG, SUM, STDDEV, and VARIANCE: o VAR_POP This function calculates the variance for the population. It is equivalent to VARIANCE with degrees of freedom fixed at 0 (for example SET FLAGS 'VARIANCE_ DOF(0)' which is the default setting). o VAR_SAMP This function calculates the variance for a subset or sampling of the population. It is equivalent to VARIANCE with degrees of freedom fixed at 1 (for example SET FLAGS 'VARIANCE_DOF(1)'). By convention, one degree of freedom is used when the sampling of the population is performed. o STDDEV_POP This function calculates the standard deviation (the square root of the variance) for the population. It is equivalent to STDDEV with degrees of freedom fixed at 0 (for example SET FLAGS 'VARIANCE_DOF(0)' which is the default setting). Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-83 o STDDEV_SAMP This function calculates the standard deviation (the square root of the variance) for the subset of sampling of the population. It is equivalent to STDDEV with degrees of freedom fixed at 1 (for example SET FLAGS 'VARIANCE_DOF(1)'). By convention, one degree of freedom is used when the sampling of the population is performed. These functions are based on the proposed new SQL Database Language standard. The SET FLAGS 'VARIANCE_DOF' option does not change the result of these functions and is only applied to the STDDEV and VARIANCE functions. In addition, a new FILTER clause is provided for all statistical functions. This clause can be used to limit the values included in the COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG, STDDEV and VARIANCE functions. Syntax RDB_SQLRM$REF:AGGREGATE_FUNCTION.DRW Usage Notes o The keywords ALL and DISTINCT are not permitted when using the VAR_POP, VAR_SAMP, STDDEV_POP and STDDEV_SAMP statistical functions. o The function COUNT(value-expr) is equivalent to COUNT(*) FILTER (value-exp IS NOT NULL). 9-84 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x If you apply FILTER to COUNT(value-expr) then it will implicitly include an IS NOT NULL restriction. This might be seen when using the STRATEGY and DETAILS option of SET FLAGS. o The FILTER predicate may not include subselect clauses or references to statistical functions. Examples The following example shows the differences in results when using these two functions. Use of either function will depend on the application and data being processed. It may be that processing as a sampling might yield a better standard deviation. Example 9-5 Comparing the output of STDDEV_POP and STDDEV_SAMP SQL> select stddev_pop (salary_amount), stddev_samp (salary_amount) cont> from SALARY_HISTORY; 1.777268393871476E+004 1.778488626348816E+004 1 row selected SQL> FILTER can be used to eliminate data from the statistical function so that the generated report can process the data in a single pass. 9.3.31 RMU /VERIFY Enhanced to Detect Sequence Problems RMU /VERIFY has been enhanced to detect two sequence problems. Each sequence that is created has an CLTSEQ entry and a row in the system table RDB$SEQUENCES corresponding to it. RMU /VERIFY now makes sure that each row in the RDB$SEQUENCES table has a matching CLTSEQ entry in the root, and each CLTSEQ entry in the root file that is marked "Reserved" (i.e. it is associated with a sequence that is being used) has a matching row in the RDB$SEQUENCES table. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-85 Example 9-6 Applying the FILTER clause SQL> select cont> max (salary_amount) filter (where salary_end is null), cont> max (salary_amount) filter (where salary_end is not null), cont> min (distinct salary_amount) filter (where salary_end = salary_start), cont> min (distinct salary_amount) filter (where salary_end > salary_start) cont> from cont> salary_history cont> where cont> employee_id = '00164' cont> group by cont> employee_id; 51712.00 50000.00 NULL 26291.00 1 row selected SQL> On finding these problems, messages of the following type will be generated: %RMU-E-NOSEQROW, Sequence id 1 has an entry in the root file but no row in RDB$SEQUENCES %RMU-E-NOSEQENT, Sequence id 1 has no valid entry in the root file This RMU /VERIFY enhancement is available starting with Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2. 9.3.32 Determining Which Oracle Rdb Options Are Installed When installing Oracle Rdb Server on OpenVMS you can choose from five components to install: 1. Oracle Rdb 2. Programmer for Rdb (Rdb Compilers) 3. Hot Standby 4. Power Utilities 5. Common Components Starting with Rdb 7.0, you can determine what Rdb options were selected during the installation of Rdb by running the program SYS$SYSTEM:RDBINS.EXE. For example: 9-86 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:RDBINS71 Installed: Oracle Rdb,Rdb Compilers,Hot Standby,Power Utilities Previously, however, the output of the RDBINS program could not easily be redirected. Attempts to redefine SYS$OUTPUT would not allow the program output to be captured. This problem has been resolved. The RDBINS program now allows redirection of the output to SYS$OUTPUT. The RDBINS program also creates a DCL symbol RDB$INSTALLED_SELECTIONS containing the same output string as is displayed to SYS$OUTPUT. 9.3.33 New Procedure RDB$IMAGE_VERSIONS.COM The command procedure RDB$IMAGE_VERSIONS.COM is supplied in SYS$LIBRARY by the Rdb installation procedure. The RDB$IMAGE_VERSIONS command procedure can be used to display the image identification string and image link date/time from various Oracle Rdb or potentially related images in SYS$SYSTEM, SYS$LIBRARY and SYS$MESSAGE. This procedure can be used to determine exactly what images are installed on the system. RDB$IMAGE_VERSIONS.COM accepts an optional parameter. If passed, this parameter specifies a specific file or wildcard to lookup and display information for. By default, filenames starting with RD*, SQL*, RM*, and COSI* and ending with .EXE are searched for and displayed. The following example shows how to use the RDB$IMAGE_ VERSIONS command procedure. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-87 Decrdb RTA1:> @RDB$IMAGE_VERSIONS SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]RDB$NATCONN71.EXE;1 SQL*NET V7.1-55 8-MAY-2002 15:56 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RDBINS.EXE;4 ORACLE RDB V7.0 14-NOV-2002 17:20 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RDBINS70.EXE;33 ORACLE RDB V7.0 7-MAR-2003 15:30 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RDBINS71.EXE;5 ORACLE RDB V7.1 9-APR-2003 10:58 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RDBPRE.EXE;5 V7.0-65 10-SEP-2002 16:02 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RDBPRE70.EXE;37 V7.0-7 28-FEB-2003 23:24 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RDBPRE71.EXE;5 V7.1-101 8-APR-2003 16:49 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RDBSERVER.EXE;9 RDB/RSV V7.0-65 5-SEP-2002 21:01 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RDBSERVER70.EXE;41 RDB/RSV V7.0-7 27-FEB-2003 17:29 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RDBSERVER71.EXE;5 RDB/RSVV7.1-101 7-APR-2003 17:43 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RDMABS.EXE;5 RDB V7.0-65 10-SEP-2002 16:01 . . . 9.3.34 Oracle Rdb SGA API Oracle Rdb maintains an extensive set of online performance statistics that provide valuable dynamic information regarding the status of an active database. The system global area (SGA) application programming interface (API) described in this document provides a way to retrieve these database performance statistics. The SGA API automates retrieving database statistics available only through the RMU Show Statistics command. The SGA API provides the only way to retrieve statistics for Oracle Rdb databases from an application. Using the SGA API provides fast access to the data without affecting the execution of the server. Previously, the Oracle Rdb SGA API was available as a separate software option to be downloaded, installed and maintained independently of the Oracle Rdb kit. Each time a new version of Oracle Rdb was installed, the SGA API would have to be updated. If the SGA API was not updated, it would in many cases fail to work correctly. This problem has been partly resolved. Most of the contents of the SGA API separate software option are now automatically provided in the RDM$DEMO directory during the Oracle Rdb kit installation procedure. Please refer to the SGA API documentation available in RDM$DEMO in various formats as SGAAPI.PS, SGAAPI.HTML and SGAAPI.TXT for additional information. 9-88 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x Existing Users of the SGAAPI May Have to Modify Procedures Existing users of the Oracle Rdb SGA API should refer to the documentation as there will be some minor changes required. In particular, the KUSRMUSHRxx.EXE sharable image is now provided in SYS$LIBRARY and the KUSRMUSHRxx.OPT linker options file has been updated to reference this sharable image in its new location. ______________________________________________________ Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2.x 9-89 10 _________________________________________________________________ Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.1 10.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.1 10.1.1 Scan Intrusion Security Now Supported Oracle Rdb now supports intrusion detection via the OpenVMS Security Services. See the "OpenVMS Guide to System Security" manual for more information on this feature. This change is available in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.1. Customers are encouraged to upgrade to this version to pick up this security enhancement. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.1 10-1 11 _________________________________________________________________ Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 11.1 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 11.1.1 New Keyword SCREEN_NAME for RMU/SHOW STATISTICS/OPTIONS Bug 2395102 Most RMU Show Statistics screens have a Write option. The use of this option enables the user to capture the current screen to a file named RMU.SCR. The use of the new keyword Screen_Name option allows you to identify the screen capture by screen name. For example, if you issue an RMU Show Statistics/Option=Screen_Name command, the screen capture is written to a file that has the name of the screen with all spaces, brackets, and slashes replaced by underscores.The file will have a .SCR extension. For example, if you use the Option=Screen_Name option and select the Write option on the screen Transaction Duration (Read/Write), the screen is written to a file named TRANSACTION_DURATION_READ_WRITE.SCR. This feature is available in Oracle Rdb Release 11.1.2 Zoom Option for "Process Analysis" Screen in RMU/SHOW STATISTICS Bug 2395153 A "Zoom" option has been added to the "Process Analysis" screen in RMU/SHOW STATISTICS. The user will now be able to zoom-in on PIDs on this screen. This feature is available in Oracle Rdb Release Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 11-1 11.1.3 New PRAGMA Clause Added to SQL Compound Statements A new PRAGMA clause has been added to the compound statement to simplify programming in the SQL Precompiler. Format compound-statement = --+-----------------------+-> BEGIN --+--------------------+---+ +-> : -+ +-> pragma-clauses --+ | +------------------------------ <------------------------------+ +-+----------------------------+--+ ++--> variable-declaration -++ | +---------- <--------------+ | +------------- <------------------+ +-+-------------------------------+--> END --+--------------------+--> ++-> compound-use-statement -++ +-> : -+ +---------- <-----------------+ pragma-clauses = --+-+-> pragma-option --+------------------+---> | +------- <---------+ | +-> PRAGMA ( -+-> pragma-option -+-> ) -+ +-------- , <-------+ pragma-option = --+-> ATOMIC ----------------------+--> +-> NOT ATOMIC ------------------+ +-> ON ALIAS -------+ +-> with-clause -----------------+ +-> optimize-clause -------------+ with-clause = ---> WITH --> HOLD -+-------------------------------+-> +-> PRESERVE --+-> ON COMMIT ---+ +-> ON ROLLBACK -+ +-> ALL ---------+ +-> NONE --------+ 11-2 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release RDB_SQLRM$REF:OPTIMIZE_CLAUSE.DRW USAGE NOTES o The SQL Precompiler also supports the syntax BEGIN DECLARE SECTION. This clause is ambiguous because of the BEGIN DECLARE of the compound statement. Therefore, within the EXEC-SQL compound statement only one pragma clause can be selected. The use of the PRAGMA list allows all options to be specified. o The clauses ON ALIAS, OPTIMIZE and WITH HOLD must only appear on the outermost BEGIN of a compound statement. 11.1.4 New DECLARE Routine Statement Declares a routine as forward reference for database definition statements. A routine is either a function or a procedure. Description The declared routine acts as a template for calls to the function or procedure in DDL statements such as CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, and CREATE MODULE. The template allows Rdb to validate that the routine is correctly named, is passed the correct number of parameters, and that those parameters are passed compatible arguments. For functions, the returned data type is used to calculate data types for COMPUTED BY, AUTOMATIC, and other stored value expressions. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 11-3 Environment You can use the DECLARE FUNCTION and DECLARE PROCEDURE statements: o In interactive SQL o Embedded in host language programs to be precompiled o As part of a procedure in a SQL module o In dynamic SQL as a statement to be dynamically executed. Format DECLARE --+-> FUNCTION ---+-> ------------------+ +-> PROCEDURE --+ | +----------------------------- <-----------------------------+ +-+--------------------------------+-------------------------+ +-> STORED NAME IS -+ | +--------------------------- <-------------------------------+ +-> ( -+-----------------------+-> ) ------------------------+ ++-> parameter-list --+-+ | +-------- , <--------+ | +--------------------------- <-------------------------------+ +-+-------------------+--> --+------------------+----------------> +-> returns-clause -+ +-> LANGUAGE SQL --+ parameter-list = -+----------+-+-------------------+-+-> data-type -----+----------+ +-> IN ----+ +> + +-> -+ | +-> OUT ---+ | +-> INOUT -+ | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ +-+---------------------------+--+---------------------+----------+ +-> DEFAULT value-expr -----+ +-> mechanism-clause -+ | +------------------------------<---------------------------------+ ++---------------------------------+-------------------------------> +-> COMMENT IS -+-> 'string' ---+-+ +------ / <-----+ 11-4 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release mechanism-clause = ----> BY --+-> DESCRIPTOR -+---> +-> LENGTH -----+ +-> REFERENCE --+ +-> VALUE ------+ returns-clause = ---> RETURNS -+> result-data-type -++---------------------+--> +> ----++-> mechanism-clause -+ Usage Notes o If an additional DECLARE statement is executed with the same routine name, then it must be identical to the existing definition. o The routine that is created using CREATE FUNCTION, CREATE PROCEDURE, or CREATE MODULE statements must match exactly the number of parameters, the data types (domains can be replaced with the base data types), passing mechanism (BY VALUE, BY REFERENCE, BY LENGTH, BY DESCRIPTOR), and mode (IN, OUT and INOUT). o The DEFAULT clause on parameters must be specified so that the minimum and maximum parameter counts can be calculated for the routine. However, this DEFAULT value is not used and may be specified as NULL, i.e. a placeholder. o A declared routine remains part of the session until it is replaced by a CREATE FUNCTION, CREATE PROCEDURE, or CREATE MODULE statement. If a CREATE FUNCTION, CREATE PROCEDURE, or CREATE MODULE statement is rolled back, then any declared routine it replaced is also eliminated. Therefore, a new DECLARE will be required in such cases. o If the session is disconnected before a CREATE statement has defined the true routine body (stored or external), then attempts to use the database objects which reference those routines will fail. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 11-5 This is similar to the behavior observed after using DROP ... CASCADE. i.e. there are unresolved references which must be corrected by creating those objects. o Tools such as SQL EXPORT and IMPORT and RMU Extract use the DECLARE routine facility to allow forward references in generated database definition operations. For RMU Extract, the Item=Forward_References qualifier must be used to enable the output of the DECLARE statements. For SQL EXPORT, this is the default setting which can be disabled using the NO FORWARD_REFERENCES clause with the EXPORT or IMPORT commands. Example Consider this simple definition of a domain and referencing external function. SQL> create domain MONEY as integer (2); SQL> SQL> create function INTEREST_PAID cont> (in :amt MONEY) cont> returns MONEY; cont> external cont> language C cont> parameter style GENERAL; SQL> SQL> alter domain MONEY cont> add cont> check (INTEREST_PAID (value) > 0) cont> not deferrable; Once the ALTER DOMAIN is completed, neither the function nor the domain can be defined before the other. Here is an excerpt of the result of executing the output from the RMU Extract command. 11-6 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release SQL> create domain MONEY cont> INTEGER (2) cont> check((INTEREST_PAID(value) > 0)) cont> not deferrable; %SQL-F-RTNNOTDEF, function or procedure INTEREST_PAID is not defined SQL> SQL> commit work; SQL> create function INTEREST_PAID ( cont> in :AMT cont> MONEY cont> by reference) cont> returns cont> MONEY by value cont> language SQL; cont> external cont> language C cont> parameter style GENERAL cont> deterministic cont> called on null input cont> ; %SQL-F-NO_SUCH_FIELD, Domain MONEY does not exist in this database or schema SQL> commit work; This problem is avoided for RMU Extract by adding the Forward_References item to the command line: $ RMU/EXTRACT/ITEM=(ALL,FORWARD_REFERENCES) databasename/OUTPUT=script.SQL The script now contains a forward declaration of the function INTEREST_PAID so that execution of the script can succeed. Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 11-7 SQL> declare function INTEREST_PAID ( cont> in :AMT cont> INTEGER (2) cont> by reference) cont> returns cont> INTEGER (2) by value cont> ; SQL> SQL> create domain MONEY cont> INTEGER (2) cont> check((INTEREST_PAID(value) > 0)) cont> not deferrable; SQL> SQL> commit work; SQL> create function INTEREST_PAID ( cont> in :AMT cont> MONEY cont> by reference) cont> returns cont> MONEY by value cont> language SQL; cont> external cont> language C cont> parameter style GENERAL cont> deterministic cont> called on null input cont> ; SQL> commit work; 11.1.5 New AUTO_INDEX Option Added for SET FLAGS This release of Oracle Rdb includes a new AUTO_INDEX option for the SET FLAGS statement and RDMS$SET_FLAGS logical. This option can be used to have CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE create indices for any PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY or UNIQUE constraint added to the table. ________________________ Note ________________________ This feature is part of a prototyping facility and is not intended to replace database design and management. Many example scripts, such as the PetStore demonstration for JDBC, assume that adding constraints will also implicitly create indices for performance. 11-8 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release In such examples, simply include SET FLAGS 'AUTO_ INDEX' in the script that creates the database. ______________________________________________________ The following example shows actions of AUTO_INDEX: SQL> set dialect 'SQL92'; SQL> set flags 'AUTO_INDEX,INDEX_STATS'; SQL> create table PERSON cont> (employee_id integer primary key, cont> manager_id integer references PERSON (employee_id), cont> last_name char(30), cont> first_name char(30), cont> unique (last_name, first_name)); ~Ai create index "PERSON_PRIMARY_EMPLOYEE_ID" ~Ai larea length is 430 ~Ai storage area (default) larea=57 ~Ai create sorted index, ikey_len=5 Sort Get Retrieval sequentially of relation PERSON ~Ai create index partition, node=430 %fill=0 ~Ai create index "PERSON_FOREIGN1" ~Ai larea length is 215 ~Ai storage area is shared: larea=57 ~Ai create sorted index, ikey_len=5 Sort Get Retrieval sequentially of relation PERSON ~Ai create index partition, node=0 %fill=0 ~Ai create index "PERSON_UNIQUE1" ~Ai larea length is 215 ~Ai storage area is shared: larea=57 ~Ai create sorted index, ikey_len=62 Sort Get Retrieval sequentially of relation PERSON ~Ai create index partition, node=0 %fill=0 SQL> SQL> show table (index) person Information for table PERSON Indexes on table PERSON: PERSON_FOREIGN1 with column MANAGER_ID Duplicates are allowed Type is Sorted Key suffix compression is DISABLED Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 11-9 PERSON_PRIMARY_EMPLOYEE_ID with column EMPLOYEE_ID No Duplicates allowed Type is Sorted Key suffix compression is DISABLED Node size 430 PERSON_UNIQUE1 with column LAST_NAME and column FIRST_NAME Duplicates are allowed Type is Sorted Key suffix compression is DISABLED SQL> Usage Notes o All indices which are created for constraints are of type SORTED. If the database SYSTEM INDEX default is SORTED RANKED then this same default is used by the AUTO_INDEX option. o If a suitable index already exists, then it will be used in preference to creating a new index. o All indices are created in the DEFAULT storage area. There is no facility to add storage maps for these indices during their creation. o The index is given the same name as the constraint for which it was created. When the constraint is dropped, the index will remain and must be dropped manually. It is possible that the index is used by multiple constraints. o Use the INDEX_STATS option with AUTO_INDEX to see a description of the indices which are created. 11-10 Enhancements Provided in Oracle Rdb Release 12 _________________________________________________________________ Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity 12.1 Sampled Selectivity 12.1.1 Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2 introduces a new optimizer feature called sampled selectivity. Use of sampled selectivity can improve the performance of certain database queries by giving the Rdb optimizer more accurate information about the distribution of data in tables. The role of the Rdb optimizer is to decide how to execute a query on an Rdb database in the most efficient manner. To accomplish that, the optimizer considers different ways of joining results from various tables and different methods of retrieving the data for each table. The result of the optimization process is a query strategy. The choice of query strategy depends primarily on its cost, based on estimating the number of disk I/O operations that will be done when the query is executed. This might be mitigated by constraints placed on the query, such as, fast first execution and query outlines. 12.1.2 Selectivity in the Optimization Process Most of the time the Rdb optimizer does an excellent job of choosing query strategies. However, query optimization is not an exact science; and in a small number of cases the chosen strategies are sub-optimal (the queries take longer to perform than one might expect). Sometimes the reason for this can be traced to dramatically inaccurate estimates of the number of data rows that will be processed. Sampled rather than static computation of selectivity might help correct this. Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity 12-1 Part of computing the I/O cost involves breaking down a SQL query's WHERE clause into individual predicates. For instance, A.LAST_NAME = B.LAST_NAME is a predicate that specifies a join condition on two tables. Another example is the predicate EMPLOYEE_ID = '00164', where a column value is restricted to a range, or in this case, to a single value. The purpose of such predicates is to limit the number of rows to be retrieved. Each predicate specifies some condition that allows only those rows that qualify to be selected. The ratio of the number of qualifying rows divided by the total number of rows is called the selectivity factor. The Rdb optimizer determines predicate selectivity in different ways. For example, given a join condition, such as, A.LAST_NAME = B.LAST_NAME, the selectivity is computed as some function of the cardinality of the two tables. For predicates of the form EMPLOYEE_ID = '00164' (more particularly "column-name relational-operator literal- value" or "column-name IS NULL"), the optimizer assigns a fixed value to the selectivity, as described in the next section. It is for this second type of expression, when an index exists on the column, that sampled selectivity can be employed. Fixed Selectivity Is Used by Default For predicates of the form "column-name relational-operator literal-value" or "column-name IS NULL", the optimizer assigns a selectivity factor whose value depends on the operator used in the expression. In the example EMPLOYEE_ID = '00164', the default behavior of Rdb is to assign the equals operator a fixed selectivity factor of 3.125%. If the EMPLOYEES table has 100 rows in it, the equals operation is assumed on average to return three rows (which is 3%). This selectivity value is fixed and does not depend on the value '00164' in the predicate. If instead the predicate were EMPLOYEE_ID = '00273', the optimizer would still predict that three rows in the EMPLOYEES table would match that selection criterion. Rdb provides two choices for fixed selectivity values; the first is the default set for Rdb and the other choice uses aggressive selectivity values that predict fewer rows will be returned than do the standard Rdb values. Given an 12-2 Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity estimated cost for retrieving all the data in a selected table column, selectivity is used to reduce that cost to some fraction representing the subset of data that is of interest. Fixed Selectivity Can Sometimes Be a Poor Predictor Selectivity is used to predict cardinality (the number of rows to be processed), and predicted cardinality is used to estimate I/O cost. However, fixed selectivity can be a poor predictor given certain distributions of data. For example, if a table of 100 rows has a COUNTRY column and all values in the table for that column happen to be 'SWITZERLAND', the true selectivity of the predicate WHERE COUNTRY = 'SWITZERLAND' should be 100%, not 3%. This is a case where the distribution of column values over the range of possible values is very narrow. Such a data distribution is said to be highly skewed. 12.1.3 Introducing Sampled Selectivity Oracle Rdb Release 7.1.2 introduces another way to calculate selectivity. This can be done by sampling the data in a table's index and estimating the cardinality from the actual distribution of data. Given an estimate of a predicate's cardinality and given the number of rows in a table, one can estimate the selectivity factor. Tests have shown that, on average, selectivity estimation done by sampling data in an index is more accurate than by simply using a fixed value. Execution of the Rdb optimizer is divided into a static optimization phase and a dynamic optimization phase. The role of the static optimizer is to choose the "best" query strategy. For certain types of queries the dynamic optimizer processes several competing indices. When multiple indexes on a table exist, the dynamic optimizer accesses those which are useful to see which is the most productive. Different executions of the query can thus adapt to changing input parameters and use the best index. The first step in dynamic optimization involves sorting background indexes in order by the number of expected returned keys. The number of index entries to be processed is estimated by sampling each candidate index. The static optimizer now uses that same method of sampling an index Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity 12-3 to estimate the cardinality of a result and from that to compute the selectivity. Pros and Cons of the Different Selectivity Methods Sampled selectivity computation is usually more accurate than using a fixed selectivity value because it is based on the actual distribution of data in a table. A sorted, ranked index gives better overall results than does a sorted, non-ranked index because cardinality information is stored within a sorted, ranked index. For any given data value, any one of the three methods (fixed, sorted, ranked) might yield the most accurate result. Typically, ranked indexes give the best results and fixed selectivity gives the least accurate results. The following is a simple range query on the EMPLOYEES table in the sample PERSONNEL database. SQL> select employee_id from employees where employee_id > 'nnnnn'; There are 100 rows in the EMPLOYEES table. The values in the EMPLOYEE_ID column are unique and range from '00164' to '00471'. The worst estimates for all three methods occur when 'nnnnn' = '00164'. The fixed selectivity method predicts 35 rows, so it is too low by 65 rows. The sorted, unranked index method predicts 34 rows, so it is too low by 66 rows. The ranked index method predicts 84 rows, but it is only wrong by 16 rows. Sampled selectivity comes with a small cost. In order to get the more accurate estimates, the optimizer must sample indexes during query compilation; and this might require I/O operations to be performed depending on how many of the index nodes are already in memory. If the indexes used for the estimation are also used during query execution, there might be no additional I/O if the same index nodes must be referenced again as the index information will typically remain buffered. Also, if the query is compiled once but executed many times, any additional I/O to perform the estimation might be insignificant. There is no evidence to show that enabling aggressive selectivity for all queries will result in overall better query strategies than by using the standard (default), fixed Rdb values. Aggressive selectivity is best used 12-4 Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity for specific queries where it is shown to help and where sampled selectivity cannot be used. Requirements for Using Sampled Selectivity When the feature is enabled, sampled selectivity estimation is attempted only for certain forms of predicate and only under the right set of circumstances. For example, if a table has no indexes, selectivity cannot be estimated by sampling since there are no indexes on which to sample the data. The following is a set of rules that define when sampled selectivity estimation can and cannot be performed. o Predicate Form The predicate must be one of the following types: column = literal column <> literal column > literal column >= literal column < literal column <= literal column IS NULL For all but the IS NULL case, the operands can be transposed, for example, literal = column. When predicates use variables instead of literals, estimation by sampling cannot be done because the value is unknown at query compilation time. o Base Table Column The column reference must be to a base table column, such as the EMPLOYEE_ID column in the EMPLOYEES table, or to a view column that maps one-to-one with such a column. o Column Is First Index Segment At least one sorted or sorted, ranked index on the table must exist with the predicate's column as its first segment. The index may have more than one segment. o Hashed Index not Used For an index to be useful in the estimation process, it must be either a sorted index or a sorted, ranked index. Hashed indexes are not used for sampled selectivity estimation. Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity 12-5 o Single Partition Index For an index to be considered useful, it can only have a single partition. o Ascending Key Values In the candidate indexes, all columns must be sorted in ascending order. o No Explicit Collating Sequence The column used for the first index segment must not have any explicit collating sequence specified. o No Mapping Values The first index segment must not be mapped (see the MAPPING VALUES clause in the SQL CREATE INDEX statement). In the future it might be possible to relax or eliminate some of the preceding restrictions given sufficient interest in so doing. 12.1.4 How to Enable the Various Selectivity Methods Rdb uses several different methods for estimating predicate selectivity. These methods are shown in Table 12-2. Two of those methods, (Fixed) and (Index), can now be influenced by you. If you do nothing, by default Rdb will use it's standard set of values for assigning (Fixed) selectivity to predicates. There are several ways to specify the method to be used: o For individual queries By including the optional OPTIMIZE WITH clause on INSERT ... SELECT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and compound statements (only on the outermost BEGIN-END block), you can specify the type of selectivity computation to use for individual queries. See Section o For queries made within the current SQL session You can avoid having to include the OPTIMIZE WITH clause on each SQL query by establishing a default method for selectivity calculation. For interactive and dynamic SQL see Section, which describes the SET OPTIMIZATION LEVEL statement and Section, which describes the SET FLAGS statement. For pre-compiled SQL 12-6 Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity and for SQL module language code see Section to read about compiler switches that affect selectivity estimation and Section for a description of the SET FLAGS statement. o For all query sessions See Section for the use of the RDMS$SET_FLAGS logical name. o For RMU/UNLOAD A qualifier has been added to the RMU/UNLOAD command that allows you to specify how selectivity is to be evaluated. See Section OPTIMIZE WITH Clause The INSERT ... SELECT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE and compound statements (only at the outer BEGIN-END block) have an optional clause, OPTIMIZE WITH, that specifies what type of selectivity computation method is to be used. The OPTIMIZE FOR, OPTIMIZE USING, and OPTIMIZE AS forms of the OPTIMIZE clause are already described in the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual. Format RDB_SQLRM$REF:OPTIMIZE_CLAUSE.DRW When using the OPTIMIZE WITH clause, you can specify one of three options. If you choose sampled selectivity, the Rdb optimizer will use the index sampling method for selectivity estimation wherever possible. For those predicates where this is not possible, the norm is to use standard, fixed selectivity values. If you choose aggressive selectivity, the Rdb optimizer will use the fixed, aggressive values for selectivity computation. Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity 12-7 Finally, if you choose to use default selectivity for the query, this specifically means that index sampling and aggressive selectivity will not be used. The following example shows how to use this new clause. SQL> select * from employees where employee_id < '00170' cont> optimize with sampled selectivity; SET OPTIMIZATION LEVEL Statement New options have been added to the SET OPTIMIZATION LEVEL statement, options that allow you to specify default selectivity behavior for your INSERT ... SELECT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE and compound statements within the session. The FAST FIRST, TOTAL TIME and DEFAULT options of the SET OPTIMIZATION LEVEL statement are described in the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual. Format RDB_SQLRM$REF:OPTIMIZATION_OPTIONS.DRW RDB_SQLRM$REF:RUNTIME_OPT.DRW If you choose other than the DEFAULT behavior, you may pick one of either FAST FIRST or TOTAL TIME and/or you may choose one of the selectivity options. For selectivity computation the chosen default is applied to each INSERT ... SELECT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and compound statement in the SQL session provided that those statements do not explicitly have the OPTIMIZE WITH clause, described in Section 12-8 Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity If you set optimization level for sampled selectivity, the Rdb optimizer will use the index sampling method for selectivity estimation wherever possible. For those predicates where this is not possible, Rdb will revert to using standard, fixed selectivity values. If you set optimization level for aggressive selectivity, the Rdb optimizer will use the fixed, aggressive values for selectivity computation. The SELECTIVITY Debug Flag Yet another way that you can declare how selectivity is to be computed is by setting the SELECTIVITY debug flag. You can do so in one of two ways. One is by defining the OpenVMS logical name, RDMS$SET_FLAGS. The other is by using the SQL SET FLAGS statement. The RDMS$SET_FLAGS logical name and the SET FLAGS statement are described in the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual. When you define selectivity using the RDMS$SET_FLAGS logical name, it affects queries for all SQL sessions which are run within the scope of that logical name. Doing so can be useful when trying to debug query performance problems. When you define selectivity using the SET FLAGS statement, its effect lasts for the duration of the database attach. The SELECTIVITY debug flag lets you specify default, aggressive, or sampled selectivity behavior, just as you can using the OPTIMIZE WITH clause. In addition, the SELECTIVITY flag lets you enable both aggressive and sampled behavior, something that is not allowed with the SET OPTIMIZATION LEVEL statement nor the OPTIMIZE WITH clause. The SELECTIVITY debug flag affects queries that do not otherwise have a selectivity mode specified. It can also affect partial query outlines, triggers, constraints, and internal Rdb queries. The SELECTIVITY debug flag takes a numeric argument, with a value of from 0 to 3. For example, $ DEFINE RDMS$SET_FLAGS "SELECTIVITY(2)" or SQL> SET FLAGS 'SELECTIVITY (2)'; Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity 12-9 Table 12-1 shows the numeric values for the SELECTIVITY debug flag and their meanings. Table_12-1_Settings_for_the_SELECTIVITY_Debug_Flag_________ Selectivity Debug Flag_Setting_______Meaning_________________________________ SELECTIVITY (0) Default selectivity SELECTIVITY (1) Aggressive selectivity SELECTIVITY (2) Sampled selectivity SELECTIVITY_(3)____Sampled_+_aggressive_selectivity________ SQL Precompiled and SQL Module Language Code Optimizer selectivity controls can also be enabled using the OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL qualifier on SQL precompiled or SQL Module Language compiled code. In addition to being able to establish default values for TOTAL TIME versus FAST FIRST optimization, the OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL qualifier can now indicate the type of selectivity estimation to perform by default. SELECT, INSERT ... SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE and compound statements (on the outermost BEGIN ... END) will inherit these settings during compilation of the module. Format RDB_SQLRM$REF:OPTIMIZATION_OPTIONS.DRW RMU/UNLOAD/OPTIMIZE A SELECTIVITY option has been added to the RMU/UNLOAD/OPTIMIZE command. By specifying the SELECTIVITY option you can direct how the optimizer will estimate predicate selectivity values during RMU/UNLOAD operations. 12-10 Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity Syntax: RMU/UNLOAD/OPTIMIZE=(SELECTIVITY:selectivity-option) selectivity_option = {DEFAULT, SAMPLED, or AGGRESSIVE} If you choose sampled selectivity, the Rdb optimizer will use the index sampling method for selectivity estimation wherever possible. For those predicates where this is not possible, the norm is to use standard, fixed selectivity values. If you choose aggressive selectivity, the Rdb optimizer will use the fixed, aggressive values for selectivity computation. Finally, if you choose to use default selectivity, this specifically means that index sampling and aggressive selectivity will not be used. 12.1.5 Improving the Accuracy of Sampled Selectivity Sampled selectivity estimation using a sorted, ranked index can be done with varying degrees of accuracy. More accuracy might require that more I/O be spent during the index sampling process depending on how many of the index nodes are resident in memory. Sampling accuracy is controlled by the REFINE_ESTIMATES debug flag. For more information about refining estimates on sorted, ranked indexes, see Section 9.3.27. When sampled selectivity is being computed with refined estimates in effect, there is no specific numeric limit placed on the number of I/O operations to be performed. That being the case, there are three refinement rules (as defined in Section 9.3.27) that can affect the calculation of sampled selectivity: o Rule 3-Limit refinement to the TRUE/MIXED cardinality case. To enable this refinement rule, SET FLAGS 'REFINE_ ESTIMATES(4)' or DEFINE RDMS$SET_FLAGS "REFINE_ ESTIMATES(4)". o Rule 4-Limit refinement so that the error in the estimate is within ten percent. To enable this refinement rule, SET FLAGS 'REFINE_ ESTIMATES(8)' or DEFINE RDMS$SET_FLAGS "REFINE_ ESTIMATES(8)". o Rule 5-Try to provide precise estimates. Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity 12-11 To enable this refinement rule, SET FLAGS 'REFINE_ ESTIMATES(16)' or DEFINE RDMS$SET_FLAGS "REFINE_ ESTIMATES(16)". Rules 3 and 4 can be combined by setting the value of the REFINE_ESTIMATES flag to 12. Rule 5 is only needed if you want no other limits on the refinement process and want the most precise estimates. 12.1.6 Details about the Sampled Selectivity Process This section gives details about the operation of the Rdb optimizer as it performs sampled selectivity computation. In an early stage of query compilation the static optimizer scans each WHERE clause in the query, locates each leaf predicate, and assigns it a selectivity factor. Consider the following: WHERE LAST_NAME = 'Toliver' AND FIRST_NAME = 'Alvin'. Also, assume there exist sorted indexes on the LAST_NAME and FIRST_NAME columns. The leaf predicates are (1) LAST_NAME = 'Toliver', and (2) FIRST_NAME = 'Alvin'. There is a higher-level predicate, the AND of two expressions, which is not a leaf predicate. In this example, sampled selectivity estimation is only performed for the two leaf predicates. The key steps in this process are: 1. Validate the predicate format The form of the predicate must be one of those described in Section 2. Avoid Redundant Estimation To avoid unnecessary I/O, the optimizer maintains a list of up to 100 predicates for which estimation by sampling has already been done. The list only applies to the current query. If two predicates are the same and are for the same table, the second predicate is given the already-computed selectivity value of the first one. 3. Verify the Presence of One or More Useful Indexes The table in which the predicate column exists must have one or more indexes which could be used for sampled selectivity estimation. What determines that an index is useful is explained in Section 4. Choose the Best Index for the Job 12-12 Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity A table can have multiple indexes, and several indexes might be valid for doing the estimation. The optimizer looks at each such index and chooses one using the following criteria. 1. Ranked over Non-Ranked First, a sorted, ranked index is assumed to give more accurate estimates than an index that is not. 2. Unique over Duplicates Allowed If both indexes are equal thus far, and if one index is unique and the other index allows duplicates, the unique index is chosen as likely to give the more accurate results. 3. Shorter index key Length All other things being equal, an index with a shorter index key length is chosen. 5. Estimate Cardinality by Sampling the Index Once the optimizer chooses an index it scans the index to estimate the expected cardinality for the predicate. Cardinality is then used to compute selectivity. 6. When Sampled Estimation Fails If sampled selectivity estimation is attempted and fails for whatever reason, the optimizer reverts to using the fixed selectivity values. 12.1.7 Diagnostic Information about Selectivity Estimation If you are interested in seeing details about selectivity estimation there is an option to do so. For each query that is compiled you can see what selectivity values were used, what methods were chosen to derive those values, and cardinality predicted for each predicate (where appropriate). Another option will show you the following: either (1) the name of the index used to estimate selectivity, or (2) the reason(s) that selectivity could not be estimated by sampling. Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity 12-13 How to Enable Diagnostic Output Normally, diagnostic information is not shown. To see information about the optimizer's query estimation process, you must enable the ESTIMATES flag. That capability has been available in Rdb for many years. To view details about predicate selectivity computation, you must also enable the DETAIL flag, as described in the following paragraphs. To set these flags, either define the RDMS$SET_FLAGS logical name or use the SET FLAGS statement in SQL. Normal query estimation summary: To enable standard output about the query estimation process, define the RDMS$SET_FLAGS logical name as follows: $ DEFINE RDMS$SET_FLAGS ESTIMATES or SQL> SET FLAGS 'ESTIMATES'; Examples of the output you might see for this and other flag settings are shown in Section Query estimation summary plus predicate selectivity: To enable detailed output about the query estimation process, define the RDMS$SET_FLAGS logical name as follows: $ DEFINE RDMS$SET_FLAGS "ESTIMATES,DETAIL(2)" or SQL> SET FLAGS 'ESTIMATES,DETAIL(2)'; With these settings you will see for each query the standard summary about query estimation plus, for each predicate, the selectivity values used, what methods were chosen to derive those values, and cardinality predicted (where appropriate). Query estimation summary plus predicate selectivity and more: By using DETAIL(3) in place of DETAIL(2) in the preceding statements, you will also see either (1) the name of the index used to estimate selectivity, or (2) the reason(s) that selectivity could not be estimated by sampling. 12-14 Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity How to Disable Diagnostic Output To disable output about the query estimation process, you can either use the RDMS$SET_FLAGS logical name or use the SET FLAGS statement in SQL. By de-assigning the RDMS$SET_FLAGS logical name, you undo any previously set flags. Among other things, this disables the output of query estimates. $ DEASSIGN RDMS$SET_FLAGS If you want to continue using sampled selectivity but no longer need to see query estimates, do the following instead: $ DEFINE RDMS$SET_FLAGS "SELECTIVITY(2)" When redefining the RDMS$SET_FLAGS logical name, you have to include those flags you still want to remain in effect. By contrast, in interactive or dynamic SQL you do not have to refer to flags you want to remain in effect. SQL> SET FLAGS 'NOESTIMATES,NODETAIL'; The preceding disables query estimates but leaves other flags unchanged. Details about Selectivity Estimation Diagnostics The method for selectivity computation appears in parentheses on the output line showing estimated selectivity (see examples in Section Table 12-2 shows the various methods: Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity 12-15 Table_12-2_Methods_of_Computing_Selectivity________________ Method___________Meaning___________________________________ (Average) Selectivity was computed using some average statistical value known about the table or an index, e.g., an index segment group factor. (Cardinality) Selectivity was computed as some function of current table cardinality. (Fixed) A fixed value for selectivity was chosen (either standard or aggressive). (Index) Selectivity was computed by sampling an index. (Index) (Dup) Selectivity computation was avoided. The predicate is a duplicate of one elsewhere in the query, one for which selectivity _________________was_computed_by_sampling_an_index.________ When selectivity cannot be determined by index sampling, and when the level of detail in the diagnostic output is properly set (see Section, messages can appear in the output to explain the reason(s). These messages and what they mean are listed in Table 12-3. Table_12-3_Reasons_That_Selectivity_Sampling_Cannot_Be_Done Message____________________Meaning_________________________ Column has an explicit This is explained in collating sequence Section Sampled selectivity is This is self-explanatory. disabled Error during index scan It was not possible to perform the index scan. For example, under unusual circumstances a buffer overflow can occur. (continued on next page) 12-16 Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity Table 12-3 (Cont.) Reasons That Selectivity Sampling Cannot ___________________Be_Done_________________________________ Message____________________Meaning_________________________ Exception error An unexpected error occurred. This indicates that a design or implementation problem exists in the Rdb optimizer. The problem should be reported to Oracle. Expression not supported See Section to see for sampled selectivity which expressions are acceptable and which are not. Indexes not valid for For selectivity to be computed sampled selectivity by sampling, the predicate column's table must have an index with appropriate attributes, as explained in Section Internal error ... An unexpected error occurred. This indicates that a design or implementation problem exists in the Rdb optimizer. The problem should be reported to Oracle. Operator not supported See Section to see for sampled selectivity which operators are acceptable and which are not. Selectivity is fixed for The selectivity of an outer join outer join Booleans Boolean predicate is fixed at 1.0 (i.e., 100%). Table has no indexes For selectivity to be computed by sampling, the predicate column's table must have an index with appropriate attributes, as explained in ___________________________Section_12.1.3.2._______________ Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity 12-17 Examples of Selectivity Estimation Diagnostics This section shows examples of what you might see when you ask for query estimation diagnostics. Example 1: Normal diagnostics for the query estimation process The following example shows a simple query and the normal summary one can see for the query estimation process. This occurs when the level of detail is not specified (equivalent to detail level 0). The output of the estimates summary is described in the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Performance and Tuning, Section C.4, Displaying Optimization Statistics with the O Flag. SQL> set flags 'estimates'; SQL> select last_name from employees where employee_id > '00400'; Solutions tried 2 Solutions blocks created 1 Created solutions pruned 0 Cost of the chosen solution 3.3090658E+00 Cardinality of chosen solution 3.5000000E+01 Example 2: Detail level 2 estimates There is no difference between detail levels 0 and 1 for the estimation diagnostics. At detail level 2, prior to the normal estimates, Rdb displays information about the predicates in the query, in this case, the predicate EMPLOYEE_ID > '00400'. First, each table is listed along with a correlation number. Below, the EMPLOYEES table is given as table 0. Next, each predicate is shown (this query has only one). 0.EMPLOYEE_ID signifies the EMPLOYEE_ID column in table 0, i.e., EMPLOYEES. Following the listed predicate is a line showing the predicate selectivity, the method by which that selectivity value was derived (Index, in this case), and the estimated cardinality for the predicate. Estimated cardinality and selectivity are related by the formula: selectivity = estimated cardinality / table cardinality 12-18 Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity The notation (Index) means that predicate selectivity was calculated by sampling an index (sampled selectivity). SQL> set flags 'estimates,detail(2)'; SQL> select last_name from employees where employee_id > '00400' optimize with sampled selectivity; ~Predicate selectivity and cardinality estimation: Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Predicates: 0.EMPLOYEE_ID > '00400' Selectivity 5.9999999E-02 (Index) Estimated cardinality 6 Solutions tried 2 Solutions blocks created 1 Created solutions pruned 0 Cost of the chosen solution 1.9074016E+00 Cardinality of chosen solution 6.0000000E+00 Example 3: Detail level 3 estimates At detail level 3, the output includes additional information: either (1) the name of the index used to estimate selectivity, or (2) the reason(s) that selectivity could not be estimated by sampling. In this example there are two predicates. For the first predicate, selectivity is computed by index sampling and the name of the index used is shown. For the second predicate, selectivity cannot be computed by sampling because there is no useful index for doing so. Although there is an index on the EMPLOYEE_ID column, there is none on the LAST_NAME column. Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity 12-19 SQL> set flags 'estimates,detail(3)'; SQL> select last_name from employees cont> where employee_id < '00180' and last_name > 'W' optimize with sampled selectivity; ~Predicate selectivity and cardinality estimation: Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Predicates: 0.EMPLOYEE_ID < '00180' Selectivity 1.6000000E-01 (Index) Estimated cardinality 16 Index EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID used 0.LAST_NAME > 'W' Selectivity 3.4999999E-01 (Fixed) Estimated cardinality 35 Indexes not valid for sampled selectivity Index EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID is not useful First index segment is not predicate column Solutions tried 2 Solutions blocks created 1 Created solutions pruned 0 Cost of the chosen solution 2.4074016E+00 Cardinality of chosen solution 5.5999999E+00 Example 4: Example showing the (Average) Method for Computing Selectivity For a predicate of the form column = value, selectivity is determined by sampling if possible, that is, the (Index) method. If this cannot be done and if the table has a single segment index on that column, the method used is (Average). That is, an average value is used for the entire index. 12-20 Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity SQL> set flags 'estimates,detail(3)'; SQL> select employee_id, last_name from employees cont> where employee_id = '00250'; ~Predicate selectivity and cardinality estimation: Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES Predicates: 0.EMPLOYEE_ID = '00250' Selectivity 9.9999998E-03 (Average) Estimated cardinality 1 Sampled selectivity is disabled Solutions tried 2 Solutions blocks created 1 Created solutions pruned 0 Cost of the chosen solution 1.6474016E+00 Cardinality of chosen solution 1.0000000E+00 Example 5: Example showing the (Cardinality) Method for Computing Selectivity For some predicates, the selectivity is a function of table cardinality. SQL> select e.employee_id, e.last_name, d.department_name cont> from employees e, departments d cont> where e.employee_id = d.manager_id; ~Predicate selectivity and cardinality estimation: Tables: 0 = EMPLOYEES 1 = DEPARTMENTS Predicates: 0.EMPLOYEE_ID = 1.MANAGER_ID Selectivity 9.9999998E-03 (Cardinality) Expression not supported for sampled selectivity Solutions tried 10 Solutions blocks created 4 Created solutions pruned 1 Cost of the chosen solution 4.5832439E+01 Cardinality of chosen solution 2.6000000E+01 Improving Query Performance Using Sampled Selectivity 12-21