RDO Facility Messages This document provides explanations and user actions for errors returned with the RDO facility code. These messages are generated by the VAX Rdb/VMS Relational Database Operator (RDO) Utility. RDO error messages frequently indicate syntactic or semantic errors. For information on related messages, type, print, or search the following files: SYS$HELP:RDB_MSG.DOC SYS$HELP:RDMS_MSG.DOC Note that within RDO, you also have the option of typing: RDO> HELP ERROR For example: RDO> HELP ERROR RDB DEADLOCK Or, from DCL level, you can use the SEARCH command to display information about a particular message. For example: $ SEARCH/WINDOW=(0,10) SYS$HELP:RDO_MSG.DOC fldnotinrel FLDNOTINREL, is not a field in relation, Explanation: The field you specified is not part of the named relation. User Action: Check the relation definition for the correct field name, or specify another relation. FLDNOTREFD, defined field, , is not used in VALID IF clause Explanation: You defined a field with a VALID IF clause that does ABSACTIVE, AIJ backup active or backup operations suspended on this node Explanation: After-image journal backup operations have already been suspended from this node. User Action: Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the 1 RDO Facility Messages database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more information. ABSNSUSPENDED, AIJ backup operations not suspended on this node Explanation: After-image journal backup operations have not been suspended from this node. User Action: Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more information. ABSSUSPENDED, AIJ backup operations already suspended on this node Explanation: After-image journal backup operations have already been suspended from this node. User Action: Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more information. ACCVIO, access violation on read/write of user address Explanation: A readable parameter is not readable by the DBCS or a writeable parameter is not writeable by the DBCS. User Action: Pass good parameters to the DBCS. ACENOTFND, no matching access control entry found Explanation: In a protection statement that refers to an existing access control entry, there was no existing entry that matched the input. User Action: Use SHOW PROTECTION to see what the ACL currently looks like, and correct your statement. ACLNOTIMP, ACL not imported for Explanation: The ACL contained in the RBR file could not be imported to the named object (database/relation/field) User Action: If you really want it, you must either obtain the needed privileges (BYPASS) or import the database under the account of the former owner (which may not be sufficient anyway). If you do not care about the restoration of protections you can ignore the message or import the database using the NOACL parameter which will cause all privileges and protections in the RBR file to be ignored. 2 RDO Facility Messages ACTMISMATCH, journal is for database activation