% Librarian T01-31!3"5g AREA-PAGEATTACH fCOMMIT DEPOSIT#DEPOSIT_AREA_HEADER/ DEPOSIT_FILE3 DEPOSIT_ROOTEDETACHFDISPLAY_DISPLAY_AREA_HEADERf* DISPLAY_FILEk DISPLAY_ROOTuEXITxLOGyMAKE_CONSISTENT6MOVENOLOGOverviewHPAGE<RADIXROLLBACKR UNCORRUPTBVERIFYW- 1 AREA-PAGEB Specifies a storage area, a snapshot area, or a page in an area7 of the database to which you are currently attached. 2 DescriptionA Only one page of one area is accessible to RdbALTER at a time.D This command switches you from one page of the currently attached database to another page.C When you attach to a database, RdbALTER automatically makes areaB 1 the current area and page 1 of that area the current page. ToD work on any other area and page, you must use the AREA . . . PAGE command.@ If you specify AREA but not PAGE, RdbALTER makes the area you3 specify current and fetches page 1 of that area.A If you specify both AREA and PAGE, RdbALTER makes the area you@ specify current and fetches the page you specify from the new current area.? If you specify an area or page that does not exist, an error6 occurs and the current area and page do not change.B Use the PAGE option to switch from one page in the current area' to another page in the current area. 2 FormatP (B)0AREA qqwq> storage-area-name qqqwqwqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqwq>G mq> area-number qqqqqqqqqj mq> PAGE page-number qj 2 Arguments 3 storage-area-nameB Specifies a storage area of the current database by the storageA area name, which is the name defined in the SQL CREATE STORAGEB AREA statement. To specify a snapshot area, use the area-number  parameter. 3 area-numberD Specifies a storage area or snapshot area of the current database= by the area number, which is assigned when the database is< created and is given on the first line of a page display. 3 page-numberC Identifies the area page to be altered. Express it as an integer- from 1 to the number of pages in the area. 2 Examples Example 1A The following example specifies the area JOBS of the currentlyD attached database. No page number has been specified, so RdbALTER fetches page 1 of the area. RdbALTER> AREA JOBS Example 2; The following example is similar to Example 1, except itB specifies the area by its area number instead of its area name.C If area 4 is the area named JOBS in the database, either command produces the same result. RdbALTER> AREA 4 Example 32 The following example fetches area 3, page 100: RdbALTER> AREA 3 PAGE 100 wwW- 1 ATTACHD Attaches RdbALTER to a database, putting an exclusive update lockC on the database. No other user can access the database while the( RdbALTER ATTACH command is in effect.< The database specified by the root-file-spec parameter is< attached to RdbALTER. Then you can alter the pages of its@ storage area files. Area 1, page 1 of the database is fetched@ automatically and remains the current page until you issue an AREA . . . PAGE command. 2 DescriptionD If the RMU Alter command includes a root-file-spec parameter, theA database to which this root-file-spec refers is attached to asD part of the RdbALTER startup. In this case, the ATTACH command isB unnecessary. Otherwise, no commands changing database pages areB allowed until an ATTACH command naming that database is issued.C You can use the ATTACH command to attach to only one database atB a time. Before invoking another database for altering, you mustB use the DETACH comm and to detach from the current database. See> the help entry for the DETACH command for more information. 2 Format4 (B)0ATTACH qq> root-file-spec qqqq> 2 Arguments 3 root-file-specB Specifies the database root (.rdb) file whose pages you want to( alter. The default file type is .rdb. 2 Examples Example 1@ The following example enters RdbALTER command level, and then& attaches to the PERSONNEL database: $ RMU/ALTER  RdbALTER> ATTACH PERSONNELD %RMU-I-ATTACH, now altering database "DISK:[USER]PERSONNEL.RDB;1" Example 2C The following example enters RdbALTER command level and attaches5 to the PERSONNEL database, using a single command: $ RMU/ALTER PERSONNELD %RMU-I-ATTACH, now altering database "DISK:[USER]PERSONNEL.RDB;1" wwW- 1 COMMIT> Writes all page changes back to the database since the last/ COMMIT or last ROLLBACK command was entered. 2 Description? The results of DEPOSIT and MOVE commands are kept in virtualB memory until you issue a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK command. When youD issue a COMMIT command, all pages that you changed since the lastA COMMIT or last ROLLBACK command are written to the database in their new form.A Changes are not permanent until you issue a COMMIT command. If@ you issue an EXIT command while altered but uncommitted pagesC exist, an error results. You cannot issue the EXIT command until9 you first issue either a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK command.C Oracle Corporation recommends that you make a backup copy of the8 database after you issue the RdbALTER COMMIT command. 2 Format (B)0COMMIT qqq> 2 Examples Example 1C The following example commits all page changes entered since the( last COMMIT or last ROLLBACK command: RdbALTER> COMMIT wwhU 1 DEPOSIT= Alters specified data fields on the current database page. 2 Description@ The DEPOSIT command is the default at RdbALTER command level.@ If no other command is present following the prompt, RdbALTER> automatically parses the command line as a DEPOSIT command.C The specification of the field to be altered must be followed byC an equal sign (=) and a string of characters specifying the new value of the altered field.> Do not use the DEPOSIT command immediately after a ROLLBACK> command. The ROLLBACK  command removes current page context.> If you issue a DEPOSIT command immediately after a ROLLBACK? command, a warning message is returned indicating that there= is no current page. For this reason, you must specify yourD location again by using either the DISPLAY or the AREA . . . PAGED command immediately after a ROLLBACK command but before a DEPOSIT command. 2 FormatM (B)0qwqqqqqq>qqqqqwwq> STORAGE_AREA qqqqqqqwq> = value qq>9 mq> DEPOSIT  qjtq> CHECKSUM qqqqqqqqqqqu2 tq> COUNT qqqqqqqqqqqqqqu- tq> deposit-data qqqqqqqu- tq> deposit-entry qqqqqqu4 tq> FREE_SPACE qqqqqqqqqu- tq> deposit-index qqqqqqu- tq> deposit-line qqqqqqqu4 tq> LOCKED_SPACE qqqqqqqu2 tq> NUMBER qqqqqqqqqqqqqu4 tq> SPACE range qqqqqqqqu4  tq> TIME_STAMP qqqqqqqqqu4 tq> NEXT_AIP qqqqqqqqqqqu4 mq> AIP_ENTRIES qqqqqqqqj (B)0deposit-data = J qq> DATA qwqwqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqwqwqqqqqqq>qqqqqqwqwq> offset qq>B x t> /DECIMAL qqqqqu tq> /BYTE qqqqqu xB x m> /HEXADECIMAL qj tq> /LONGWORD qu x; x mq> /WORD qqqqqj x; mqq> /ASCII qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj (B)0deposit-entry = 6 qq> ENTRY qq> n qqqqwqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqwq>2 tq> ABM qqqqqqqqqqqu4 tq> LOGICAL_AREA qqu4 tq> PHYSICAL_AREA qu2 tq> ALENGTH qqqqqqqu2 tq> ANAME qqqqqqqqqu2 tq> TSN qqqqqqqqqqqu4 tq> RECORD_LENGTH qu2  mq> INUSE qqqqqqqqqj (B)0deposit-index = 5 qq> INDEX qq> n qqwq> OFFSET qqwq>* mq> LENGTH qqj (B)0deposit-line = > qqq> LINE qqqq> n qqqq> RECORD_TYPE qqqq> (B)0range = F wq> * qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq>F mq> lower-data-page-number qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwjE mq> : qq> higher-data-page-number qj 2 Arguments 3 STORAGE_AREA? Deposits a value for the 2-byte storage area identification. 3 CHECKSUM7 Deposits a value for the 4-byte page checksum field. 3 COUNTC Deposits a value for the 2-byte field showing the number of lineA index entries. If this number is 1, the page contains only the SYSTEM record. 3 DATA_offset@ Deposits the number of bytes specified. If you do not specifyA the HEXADECIMAL or the DECIMAL qualifier, the default radix is4 assumed. See the help entry for the RADIX commandB The BYTE, LONGWORD, and WORD qualifiers cannot be used with the ASCII qualifier. 3 ENTRY? Refers to an area inventory page (AIP) entry on the databaseD page. The value specified for n must be a number between zero and the number of AIP entries. 3 ABM> Deposits the new value on the first area bit map (ABM) page? for the specified AIP entry. The ABM value is contained in a longword. 3 LOGICAL_AREAD Deposits the new value for the number of the logical area for the< AIP entry. The LOGICAL_AREA value is contained in a word. 3 PHYSICAL_AREAA Deposits the new value for the number of the physical area forA the AIP entry. The PHYSICAL_AREA value is contained in a word. 3 ALENGTHC Deposits the new value for the length of the name of the logicalD area for the AIP entry. The ALENGTH value is contained in 1 byte.D The name of the logical area can be from 1 to 31 bytes in length. 3 ANAMEB Deposits the new value for the name of the logical area for theA AIP entry. The ANAME value is contained in a 31-character text field. 3 TSNB Deposits a value for the last transaction sequence number (TSN)B to enable snapshot (.snp) files for the logical area of the AIP entry.& NOTE9 Beginning in Oracle Rdb V7.0, Oracle Rdb stores any@ transaction sequence number that is larger than a longword> by using both the TSN field on the page and the page TSN> base. Oracle Rdb calculates the actual TSN by applying a@ formula to these two values. Oracle Corporation recommends> that you do not change a TSN value that is larger than a? longword. When a TSN is larger than a longword, a nonzero@ number is stored in the page TSN base (the page tail). TheB following example shows the location of the page TSN and the page TSN base:A 000A 00000003 0000 page 3, physical area 10< 9D091204 0006 checksum = 9D091204M 009A2C0F ED786D2E 000A time stamp = 23-MAY-1996 09:08:53.36A 0000 03C4 0012 964 free bytes, 0 locked/ 0001 0016 1 lineE 0005 03E4 0018 line 0: offset 03E4, 5 bytes6 page TSN -----> 00000000 001C line 0: TSN 0 .  . .F 2001 03E4 line 0 (10:3:0) SYSTEM recordG 00 0001 03E6 1 byte in 0 sets/dynamic items8 0000000000 03E9 padding '.....'= FFFFFFFF 03EE snap page pointer -1; 00000000 03F2 snap pointer TSN 01 0000 03F6 MBZ '..'? 00000000 03F8 page sequence number 08 page TSN base -------> 0000  03FC page TSN base 00 0000 03FE MBZ '..' 3 RECORD_LENGTHD Deposits a value for the length, in bytes, of the record size for@ an AIP entry. The RECORD_LENGTH value is contained in a word. 3 INUSED Deposits the new value for the AIP entry's in-use flag. The INUSE value is contained in 1 byte. 3 FREE_SPACEA Deposits a value for the 2-byte field indicating how much free space remains on the page.&  NOTE= In the next two parameters, the integers denoting INDEXA and LINE are zero based. For example, INDEX 0 refers to the8 first index, and LINE 3 refers to the fourth line.B References to INDEX and LINE are invalid if the current page@ is a space area management (SPAM) page, an AIP page, or an ABM page. 3 INDEX_n@ Deposits a value for the offset field or the length field forC the line index indicated by n. For example, if you enter DEPOSIT@ INDEX 3 OFFSET, the offset address field from the fourth-line index is deposited. 3 LINE_nB Deposits information for an individual storage segment. You can- deposit a value for the RECORD_TYPE field. 3 LOCKED_SPACEA Deposits a value for the 2-byte field indicating how much free; space is allocated for exclusive use by a recovery unit. 3 NUMBER5 Deposits a value for the 4-byte page number field. 3 SPACE SPACE range @ Deposits a value for a specified range of SPAM entries; it is@ valid only if the current page is a SPAM page. (The SPACE and@ DATA parameters are the only ones that you can use in DISPLAYA and DEPOSIT commands that access a SPAM page.) The range valueA can be an asterisk (*), referring to all entries, or a set of6 consecutive entries, which you describe as follows:3 lower-data-page-number[:higher-data-page-number]C Each entry on a SPAM page consists of 2 bits, contain ing a valueD 0 through 3 that represents a fullness threshold. For example, ifC the nth SPAM entry contains a 2, it means that the nth data pageD in the interval has reached a percentage of fullness greater thanC the second threshold for the area, but less than or equal to the third threshold. 3 TIME_STAMP= Deposits a value for the 8-byte time and date stamp field. 3 NEXT_AIPB Deposits a value for the page number of the next area inventory page (AIP!). 3 AIP_ENTRIES? Deposits a value for the number of area inventory page (AIP). entries on the current area inventory page. 3 valueC Specifies the new value of the field you are altering. The valueD is deposited in the default radix unless you specify otherwise in one of these ways:! o With a prior RADIX command.< o By specifying HEXADECIMAL or DECIMAL in a DEPOSIT DATA command.; o By enclosing ASCII data within quotation marks (" ").?" Timestamps must always be enclosed within quotation marks2 because they include punctuation characters. 2 Examples Example 1B The following example deposits a value of 1 for SPAM entries on- pages 2 and 3 of the current storage area: RdbALTER> AREA 6 PAGE 1 RdbALTER> DISPLAY SPACE 2:3> 0000000000000000000000000000000B 0016 page 2: threshold 3> page 3: threshold 2B pag#es 4-65: threshold 0 RdbALTER> DEPOSIT SPACE 2:3=1 RdbALTER> DISPLAY SPACE 2:3A 00000000000000000000000000000005 0016 pages 2-3: threshold 1B pages 4-65: threshold 0 Example 2D The following example deposits data 032C with a length of 2 bytes* into offset location 0012 (decimal 18):4 RdbALTER> DEPOSIT DATA/HEXADECIMAL/WORD 0012=032C Example 3> The following example deposits the new value of 0002 in the% storage a$rea identification field: RdbALTER> AREA 1 PAGE 1! RdbALTER> DISPLAY STORAGE_AREA1 0001 0000 area 1& RdbALTER> DEPOSIT STORAGE_AREA=0002! RdbALTER> DISPLAY STORAGE_AREA1 0002 0000 area 2< See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for more. examples of how to use the DEPOSIT command. wwhU1 DEPOSIT_AREA_HEADERD Stores the current database root Unique Identifier value into t %heA current storage area file or storage area snapshot file headerB for the storage area with the specified name or number when the) user executes the next COMMIT command.? Any changes to the area header Unique Identifier values willB only be written to the actual area files when the next "COMMIT"D command is executed at the "RdbALTER>" prompt. Any changes to theC area file headers since the last "COMMIT" command was issued canC be undone by executing the "ROLLBACK" comma &nd at the "RdbALTER>"B prompt. "COMMIT" and "ROLLBACK" are existing RMU/ALTER commandsD and affect any current uncommitted changes made in RMU/ALTER, notD just changes to the storage area header Unique Identifier values.? To execute the DEPOSIT AREA_HEADER command, the user must be? attached to the database which the root and areas belong to,D either by specifying the database name when issuing the RMU/ALTERD command or by executing the "ATTACH" command from the "RdbALTER>" ' prompt. 2 FormatZ (B)0qwqqqqqq>qqqqqwq> AREA_HEADER qwq> area-id qqqwqwqqqqqqq>qqqqqwqqqkV mq> DEPOSIT qj mq> area-name qj mq> SNAPSHOT qj xF lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER 2 Arguments 3 name_or_idB Specifies the name or number of the .rda or .snp file where youA are storing the current database root Unique Identifier value. ( 3 SNAPSHOTB Specifies that the file whose .rdb file fields you are changing is an .snp file. 3 Unique_Identifier> Specifies that you are storing the Unique Identifier in the4 storage area or the storage area snapshot header. 2 Examples Example 1> The following example shows that for Oracle Rdb single fileA databases, the Unique Identifier value can only be set for theC storage area snapshot file since the storage area is part of theA root fi )le. Therefore, the DEPOSIT AREA_HEADER command can only< specify the "SNAPSHOT" file or an error will be returned. $ RMU/ALTER PERSONNEL' %RMU-I-ATTACH, now altering database& "DEVICE:[DIRECTORY]PERSONNEL.RDB;1"5 DEPOSIT AREA_HEADER RDB$SYSTEM UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER@ %RMU-F-NOTSFDB, This command is not allowed for a single file database> DEPOSIT AREA_HEADER RDB$SYSTEM SNAPSHOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER Area RDB$SYSTEM:E (marked) Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-20*10 13:49:29.32" (00AA557869612643) COMMIT EXIT Example 2A Since the DEPOSIT ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER command always storesD the Unique Identifier value in ALL storage area file headers when@ the user executes the RMU/ALTER "COMMIT" command, it would beA redundant to execute the DEPOSIT AREA_HEADER UNIQUE_IDENTIFIERA command if a DEPOSIT ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER command is already? pending for the current RMU/ALTER session. Therefore, as the> following exa +mple shows, in this case a DEPOSIT AREA_HEADERC UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER command cannot be executed until the user ends9 the current session with a COMMIT or ROLLBACK command. $ RMU/ALTER MF_PERSONNEL' %RMU-I-ATTACH, now altering database* "DEVICE:[DIRECTORY]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1") DEPOSIT ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER = NEWE (marked) Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:31.72" (00AA55786ACFB115)9 DEPOSIT AREA_HEADER SALARY_HISTORY UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER5 %RMU-,F-COMROOTCOM, COMMIT or ROLLBACK DEPOSIT ROOT1 UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER command to use this command commit9 DEPOSIT AREA_HEADER SALARY_HISTORY UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER Area SALARY_HISTORY:E (marked) Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:31.72" (00AA55786ACFB115) COMMIT EXIT Example 3C The following example shows that RMU/ALTER is invoked specifyingD the database MF_PERSONNEL.RDB. The user then displays the currentA Unique Identifier val-ue in the root file. He then executes theB "deposit" commands to designate that the Unique Identifer valueB in the root file is to be moved to the DEPARTMENTS area storage? and the DEPARTMENTS area snapshot files, displays the Unique? Identifier value that is to be moved to the DEPARTMENTS area? storage and the DEPARTMENTS area snapshot files, and finallyB specifies "commit" to actually write the root unique identifierA value to the DEPARTMENTS area storage and the DEPARTMENTS . area= snapshot files. The display messages designate the pending> Unique Identifier value as "(marked)" until the user either@ executes "commit" to write out the Unique Identifier value orB "rollback" to restore the original Unique Identifier value. TheB user then verifies the database changes. The example shows thatD the user can use either the storage area name or the storage area@ identifier number in the root to designate the target storage area. $ RMU/ALTER MF_PE/SONNELN %RMU-I-ATTACH, now altering database "DEVICE:[DIRECTORY]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1"# DISPLAY ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIERG Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:28.34" (00AA557868CC9F7A)6 DEPOSIT AREA_HEADER DEPARTMENTS UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER Area DEPARTMENTS:E (marked) Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:28.34" (00AA557868CC9F7A)5 DEPOSIT AREA_HEADER 2 SNAPSHOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER Area DEPARTMENTS:E (marked) Root file uniq0ue identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:28.34" (00AA557868CC9F7A)6 DISPLAY AREA_HEADER DEPARTMENTS UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER Area DEPARTMENTS:E (marked) Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:28.34" (00AA557868CC9F7A)5 DISPLAY AREA_HEADER 2 SNAPSHOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER Area DEPARTMENTS:E (marked) Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:28.34" (00AA557868CC9F7A) COMMIT EXIT& $ RMU/VERIFY/ALL/NOLOG MF_PERSONNEL ww1y}1 DEPOSIT_FILEC Puts a new file specification into the database root (.rdb) file5 for a storage area (.rda) or snapshot (.snp) file. 2 FormatO (B)0qwqqqqqq>qqqqqwq> FILE qwq> area-id qqqwqwqqqqqqq>qqqqqwqkM mq> DEPOSIT qj mq> area-name qj mq> SNAPSHOT qj x= lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq SPECIFICATION = file-spec qq> 2 Arguments 3 area-id; Specifies2 the number of the .rda or .snp file whose file3 specification you are changing in the .rdb file. 3 area-name9 Specifies the name of the .rda or .snp file whose file3 specification you are changing in the .rdb file. 3 SNAPSHOTB Specifies that the file whose .rdb file fields you are changing is an .snp file. 3 SPECIFICATION SPECIFICATION = file-specC Specifies the file specification that the .rda or .snp file willD have. Use a full file s3pecification (including version number) ifC the .rda or .snp file is not in your default directory. The fileB must be in the location you specify, otherwise the DEPOSIT FILE command fails. 2 Examples Example 1B The following example deposits a new file specification for the@ JOBS storage area file. The word (marked) in the DEPOSIT FILEB display indicates that the JOBS storage area file is marked for the specified location. RdbALTER> DISPLAY FILE JOBS A4rea JOBS:? File specification is: "DISK1:[RICK.RDB]JOBS.RDA;1" Corrupt flag is: OFF% Inconsistent flag is: OFFC RdbALTER> DEPOSIT FILE JOBS SPECIFICATION=DISK1:[RICK]JOBS.RDA;1 Area JOBS:; (marked) File specification is: "DISK1:[RICK]JOBS.RDA;1"< See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for more3 examples of how to use the DEPOSIT FILE command. wwy}1 DEPOSIT_ROOT> Enters new file specifications for 5database files. The file? specification you enter will be the file specification after? the change is committed to the database. The change does notD occur until you have committed all changes and ended the RdbALTER session.& NOTE@ Prior to Oracle Rdb Version 6.0, you could use the DEPOSIT> ROOT command to alter an after-image journal (.aij) file? name. This is no longer an option; use the RMU Set After_ Journal command in 6stead. 2 Description@ The default is DEPOSIT ROOT SPECIFICATION if no other keyword$ follows the DEPOSIT ROOT command.A The DEPOSIT ROOT command allows a user to remove recovery-unit? journal (.ruj) file references from the database root (.rdb)> file, allowing access to the database. However, this action? will mark the database as "eternally corrupt," which results? in a warning message in all future system management (Oracle> RMU) functions against the database. 7The database is eitherC structurally corrupt, logically corrupt (violates a constraint),B or "user-data" corrupt (for example, balance is $250.00 instead of $300.00).? Removing the .ruj file references from the .rdb file permits? users to attach to the database in situations where the .ruj@ files have been accidentally deleted. Users must realize thatA the database is corrupt when they attach. The database must beB restored and recovered from clean backup files to guara 8ntee the( consistency of the database contents.? Use the USER n RUJ_FILENAME="" clause to remove an .ruj file reference from the .rdb file.& NOTE= After you commit a changed .rdb file name, the databaseA cannot be accessed until you copy it to the location (using> all the necessary qualifiers for the file specification)A that you specify with the DEPOSIT ROOT command. After that,7 users attach to the database at the ne9w location. 2 FormatY (B)0qwqqqqqq>qqqqqwq> ROOT qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq> = file-spec qq>C mq> DEPOSIT qj tq> SPECIFICATION qqqqqqquE mq> USER n RUJ_FILENAME qj 2 Arguments 3 SPECIFICATION6 Enters the new file specification of the .rdb file. 3 USER_n_RUJ_FILENAME> Enters the new file specification for the .ruj file for the< specified user. In this syntax, n i:s a valid user number. 3 file-specC Specifies the full file specification (including version number)C that the .rdb file will have after it has been committed and the RdbALTER session is complete.@ The file specification can be a set of double quotation marks8 ("") if you are removing the .ruj file specification. 2 Examples Example 1@ The following example enters a new file specification for the? .rdb file. You must specify a version number in the new ; fileD specification for the .rdb file. The word (marked) in the DEPOSIT> ROOT display indicates that the .rdb file is marked for the> specified location but has not been moved to that location. RdbALTER> DISPLAY ROOTL Root file specification is: "DISK1:[RICK.RDB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1"H RdbALTER> DEPOSIT ROOT SPECIFICATION="DISK1:[RICK]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1"H (marked) Root file specification is: "DISK1:[RICK]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1"< See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Ma<intenance for more3 examples of how to use the DEPOSIT ROOT command. 2 UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER> Enters a new unique identifier into the storage area headerD blocks of ALL active storage area and storage area snapshot files4 which are currently defined in the database root. 3 DescriptionA To ensure Oracle Rdb database security and integrity, a Unique> Identifier has been added to the database root file and the< database storage area file and storage area snapshot fileA = headers. The Unique Identifier in the root file must match theB Unique Identifier in the storage area file headers or a storage2 area cannot be accessed from the database root.> The Unique Identifier values are displayed both in VMS date: format surrounded by quotes and as a hexadecimal numberA surrounded by parentheses. The values displayed are the UniqueB Identifier values for the current RMU/ALTER session. The UniqueD Identifier values will not be written to the root or >storage areaC files until the user ends the current session with the RMU/ALTERB "COMMIT" command. If the user ends the current session with theB RMU/ALTER "ROLLBACK" command, the Unique Identifier values willB not be written to the root or storage area files and the Unique? Identifier values in effect at the start of the session justD ended will be restored for the new session. Any Unique IdentifierC values that have been changed during the current session will beD displayed ? as "(marked)" before they are committed or rolled back.? If "= NEW" is not specified, this command stores the current> database root Unique Identifier value into the storage area< header blocks of ALL active storage area and storage areaB snapshot files which are currently defined in the database root@ when the user executes the next COMMIT command. If "= NEW" isA specified, a new Unique Identifier value is created and storedA in both the root file and ALL active storage area@ file headers? when the user executes the next COMMIT command. Note that toC ensure database integrity, ALL storage area file headers will be updated.@ To execute the DISPLAY or DEPOSIT ROOT command, the user mustB be attached to the database which the root and areas belong to,D either by specifying the database name when issuing the RMU/ALTERD command or by executing the "ATTACH" command from the "RdbALTER>" prompt. 3 FormatW (B)0qwqqqqqq>qqqqqwq> [4AmROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER ( = NEW ) qqq> mq> DEPOSIT qj 3 Arguments 4 =_NEWD If "= NEW" is specified, a new Unique Identifier value is createdD and stored in both the root file and ALL active storage area fileD headers when the user executes the next COMMIT command. Note thatC to ensure database integrity, ALL storage area file headers willB be updated. Use the AREA_HEADER commands described elsewhere inD this chapter for storing the Bcurrent root Unique Identifier value( in specific designated storage areas.? If "= NEW" is not specified, this command stores the current> database root Unique Identifier value into the storage area< header blocks of ALL active storage area and storage areaB snapshot files which are currently defined in the database root2 when the user executes the next COMMIT command. 3 Examples Example 1C The following example shows how to enter a new unique_identifier valCue using RMU/ALTER. $ RMU/ALTER MF_PERSONNEL' %RMU-I-ATTACH, now altering database* "DEVICE:[DIRECTORY]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1") DEPOSIT ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER = NEWE (marked) Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:31.72" (00AA55786ACFB115) COMMIT EXIT Example 2C The following example shows that RMU/ALTER is invoked specifyingD the database MF_PERSONNEL.RDB. The user then displays the current> Unique Identifier value in the database D root, creates a newA Unique Identifier value in the database root, displays the new@ Unique Identifier in the root, and finally specifies "commit"@ to write the new Unique Identifier value to the database rootA file and ALL database storage area files. The display messagesB designate the pending new Unique Identifier value as "(marked)"? until the user either executes "commit" to write out the new@ Unique Identifier value or "rollback" to restore the original? Unique Identi Efier value. The user then verifies the database changes. $ RMU/ALTER MF_PERSONNELL %RMU-I-ATTACH, now altering database "DISK:[DIRECTORY]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1"# DISPLAY ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIERE Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:27.87" (00AA5578688428BB)) DEPOSIT ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER = NEWE (marked) Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:28.34" (00AA557868CC9F7A)# DISPLAY ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIERE (marked) Root filFe unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:28.34" (00AA557868CC9F7A) COMMIT EXIT& $ RMU/VERIFY/ALL/NOLOG MF_PERSONNEL wwy} 1 DETACHD Releases a previous database ATTACH command. The exclusive updateC lock is released, and other users can access the database again.A Any uncommitted transactions are rolled back. No database pageB alterations are allowed until another ATTACH command is issued. 2 Format (B)0DETACH qGq> 2 Examples Example 1; The following command detaches RdbALTER from the current database: RdbALTER> DETACH wwy} 1 DISPLAY; Requests display of data fields from a database page. AnA individual DISPLAY command can include only one of the displayB options shown. If no parameters are specified (you only specifyD DISPLAY), RdbALTER displays the last object of a PAGE, a DISPLAY, or a DEPOSIT command. 2 FormatL (B)H0q> DISPLAY qwqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqwqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq>< mq> page-number qj tq> * qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqquC tq> STORAGE_AREA qqqqqquA tq> CHECKSUM qqqqqqqqqquA tq> COUNT qqqqqqqqqqqqqu< tq> display-data qqqqqquC tq> FREE_SPACE qqqqqqqquA t Iq> HEADER qqqqqqqqqqqqu< tq> display-entry qqqqqu< tq> display-index qqqqqu< tq> display-line qqqqqquC tq> LOCKED_SPACE qqqqqquA tq> NUMBER qqqqqqqqqqqquC tq> SPACE range qqqqqqquC tq> TIME_STAMP qqqqqqqquC J tq> NEXT_AIP qqqqqqqqqquC mq> AIP_ENTRIES qqqqqqqj (B)0display-data = K qq> DATA qwqwqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqwqwqqqqqqq>qqqqqqwqwq> offset qq>C x tq> /DECIMAL qqqqqu tq> /BYTE qqqqqu xC x mq> /HEXADECIMAL qj tq> /LONGWORD qu x< x mq> /WORD qqqqqj x< mq> /ASCII qqwqqqqqq>qqqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqKj* mq> : qq> n qj (B)0display-entry = 5 qq> ENTRY qwqqq>qqwqwqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqwqq>- tq> n qu tq> * qqqqqqqqqqqqqu2 mq> * qj tq> ABM qqqqqqqqqqqu4 tq> LOGICAL_AREA qqu4 tq> PHYSICAL_AREA qu2 tq> ALENGTH qqqqqqqu2 tq> ANAME qqqqqqqqqu2 tq> TSN qqqqqqqqqqqu4L tq> RECORD_LENGTH qu2 mq> INUSE qqqqqqqqqj (B)0display-index = . qq> INDEX qwqqq>qqwqwqqqqq>qqqqqwqq>& tq> n qu tq> * qqqqqqu+ mq> * qj tq> LENGTH qu+ mq> OFFSET qj (B)0display-line = 2 qq> LINE qwqqq>qqwqwqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqwqq>* tq> n qu tq> * qqqqqqqqqqqu1 mq> * qj mq> RECORD_TYPE qjM (B)0range = F wq> * qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq>F mq> lower-data-page-number qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwjE mq> : qq> higher-data-page-number qj 2 Arguments 3 page-numberA Identifies the page whose information you want to display. The current page is the default. 3 *_(asterisk) Displays the entire page. 3 STORAGE_AREA3 Displays the 2-byte storaNge area identification. 3 CHECKSUM+ Displays the 4-byte page checksum field. 3 COUNT= Displays the 2-byte field showing the number of line indexB entries. If this number is 1, the page contains only the SYSTEM record. 3 DATA_offsetD Displays the number of bytes specified. If you do not specify theB HEXADECIMAL or DECIMAL qualifier, the default radix is assumed.B See the help entry for the RADIX command for information on how5 to set a default Oradix by using the RADIX command.A The value you specify for n is the number of bytes you want to@ display. The maximum value that can be specified for n is the@ size of the page minus the offset. If you do not specify n, 1 byte is displayed.B The BYTE, LONGWORD, and WORD qualifiers cannot be used with the ASCII qualifier. 3 FREE_SPACEC Displays the 2-byte field indicating how much free space remains on the page. 3 HEADER# Displays the entiPre page header. 3 ENTRY ENTRY n ENTRY *? Refers to an area inventory page (AIP) entry on the databaseB page. If you specify a value for n, it must be a number betweenB zero and the number of AIP entries. If you specify the asterisk= (*) parameter, the information you request with the otherB DISPLAY ENTRY parameters is displayed for each AIP entry on the database page. 3 asteriskC Displays the same information that is displayed when you specifyQ= the ABM, LOGICAL_AREA, PHYSICAL_AREA, ALENGTH, ANAME, TSN,' RECORD_LENGTH, and INUSE parameters. 3 ABMD Displays the first area bit map (ABM) page for the specified areaD inventory page (AIP) entry. The value is contained in a longword. 3 LOGICAL_AREA? Displays the number of the logical area of an AIP entry. The value is contained in a word. 3 PHYSICAL_AREA@ Displays the number of the physical area of an AIP entry. The value is contained inR a word. 3 ALENGTH@ Displays the length of the name of the logical area of an AIPC entry. The value is contained in 1 byte. The name of the logical, area can be from 1 to 31 bytes in length. 3 ANAMEC Displays the name of the logical area of an AIP entry. The value- is contained in a 31-character text field. 3 TSNC Displays the value of the last transaction sequence number (TSN)< to enable snapshots for the logical area of an AIP entry.& S NOTE9 Beginning in Oracle Rdb V7.0, Oracle Rdb stores any@ transaction sequence number that is larger than a longword> by using both the TSN field on the page and the page TSN> base. Oracle Rdb calculates the actual TSN by applying a@ formula to these two values. Oracle Corporation recommends> that you do not change a TSN value that is larger than a? longword. When a TSN is larger than a longword, a nonzero@ number is stored T in the page TSN base (the page tail). TheB following example shows the location of the page TSN and the page TSN base:A 000A 00000003 0000 page 3, physical area 10< 9D091204 0006 checksum = 9D091204M 009A2C0F ED786D2E 000A time stamp = 23-MAY-1996 09:08:53.36A 0000 03C4 0012 964 free bytes, 0 locked/ 0001 0016 1 lineE 0005 03E4 0018 l Uine 0: offset 03E4, 5 bytes6 page TSN -----> 00000000 001C line 0: TSN 0 . . .F 2001 03E4 line 0 (10:3:0) SYSTEM recordG 00 0001 03E6 1 byte in 0 sets/dynamic items8 0000000000 03E9 padding '.....'= FFFFFFFF 03EE snap page pointer -1; 00000000 03F2 snap pointer TSN 01 0000 03F6 MBZ '..'V? 00000000 03F8 page sequence number 08 page TSN base -------> 0000 03FC page TSN base 01 0000 03FE MBZ '..' 3 RECORD_LENGTHB Displays the value for the length of the record size for an AIPC entry. The length is expressed in bytes. The RECORD_LENGTH value is contained in a word. 3 INUSED Displays the AIP entry's in-use flag. The value is contained in 1 byte.& NOWTE= In the next two parameters, the integers denoting INDEXA and LINE are zero based. For example, INDEX 0 refers to the8 first index, and LINE 3 refers to the fourth line.B The integer n is optional. The present value of the relevant pointer is the default.B References to INDEX and LINE are invalid if the current page- is a space area management (SPAM) page. 3 INDEX_n@ Displays the offset field, the length field, or both from the? lXine index indicated by n. For example, if you enter DISPLAY@ INDEX 3 OFFSET, the offset address field from the fourth line? index is displayed. If you enter DISPLAY INDEX 3 LENGTH, the? length field from the fourth line index is displayed. If you> enter either DISPLAY INDEX 3 or DISPLAY INDEX 3 *, both the> offset and the length fields from the fourth line index are displayed. 3 INDEX_asterisk INDEX *? Displays the offset field and the length field for all inYdex nodes on a page. 3 LINE_n? Displays information from an individual storage segment. YouA can display the RECORD_TYPE field or the entire content of the' storage segment line indicated by n. 3 LINE_asterisk LINE *< Displays information from all storage segments on a page. 3 LOCKED_SPACE> Displays the 2-byte field indicating how much free space is2 allocated for exclusive use by a recovery unit. 3 NUMBER& Shows the 4-bytZe page number field. 3 SPACE SPACE rangeA Displays SPAM entries; it is valid only if the current page isC a SPAM page. The SPACE parameter is the only option that you canC use in DISPLAY and DEPOSIT commands that access a SPAM page. TheA optional range value can be an asterisk (*), referring to all@ entries, or a set of consecutive entries that you describe as follows:3 lower-data-page-number[:higher-data-page-number]? When you specify a range, you r [educe the output display. TheD specified range of SPAM entries is included in the display; otherD SPAM entries outside your specified range can also be included in the display.C Each entry on a SPAM page consists of 2 bits, containing a valueD 0 through 3 that represents a fullness threshold. For example, ifC the nth SPAM entry contains a 2, it means that the nth data pageD in the interval has reached a percentage of fullness greater thanC the second threshold for the ar\ea, but less than or equal to the third threshold. 3 TIME_STAMP( Displays the 8-byte time stamp field. 3 NEXT_AIPB Displays the page number of the next area inventory page (AIP). 3 AIP_ENTRIES? Displays a value for the number of area inventory page (AIP). entries on the current area inventory page. 2 Examples Example 14 The following example displays page 94 of area 1: RdbALTER> AREA 1 RdbALTER> DISPLAY 94C ] 0001 0000005E 0000 page 94, physical area 1> 7B429FB0 0006 checksum = 7B429FB0O 0093249F 9EBDB820 000A time stamp = 14-FEB-1990 10:42:35.81A 0000 0004 0012 4 free bytes, 0 lockedD FFFFFFFF 0016 next area bit map page -1> 00000000 001A max set bit index 05 00000000 001E MBZ '....'? 00001E60 0022 b^itvector count 7776G 00000000000000000000000000000000 0026 bitvector '................'? :::: (59 duplicate lines)C 000000000000000000000000 03E6 bitvector '............'5 00000000 03F2 MBZ '....'J 801F 03F6 bitmap page for logical area 319 0000000000000000 03F8 MBZ '........' Example 2C The following example displays the number of the curren_t storage area:! RdbALTER> DISPLAY STORAGE_AREA1 0001 0000 area 1 Example 3= This example displays the number of AIP entries on area 1,D page 2 of the mf_personnel database, and the value of the highestC snapshot-enabled TSN of AIP entry 14. This example also displays: the number of the next AIP in the current storage area. RdbALTER> AREA 1 PAGE 2 RdbALTER> DISPLAY AIP_ENTRIESB 0010 0022 16 lo`gical area entries! RdbALTER> DISPLAY ENTRY 14 TSN4 entry #14> 00000001 0386 snaps enabled TSN 1 RdbALTER> DISPLAY NEXT_AIPE 00000003 0016 next area inventory page 3< See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for more. examples of how to use the DISPLAY command. ww1 DISPLAY_AREA_HEADERB Displays the current storage area file or storage area snaapshotD file header Unique Identifier value for the storage area with the specified name or number.? To execute the DISPLAY AREA_HEADER command, the user must be? attached to the database which the root and areas belong to,D either by specifying the database name when issuing the RMU/ALTERD command or by executing the "ATTACH" command from the "RdbALTER>" prompt. 2 FormatZ (B)0qwqqqqqq>qqqqqwq> AREA_HEADER qwq> area-id qqqwqwqqqqqqq>qqqqqwqqqkVb mq> DISPLAY qj mq> area-name qj mq> SNAPSHOT qj xF lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER 2 Arguments 3 area_or_idA Specifies the name or number of the storage area for which you/ want to display the Unique Identifier value. 3 SNAPSHOT: Displays the Unique Identifier value for the .snp file. 3 Unique_IdentifierD Specifies that you are displacying the Unique Identifier value for7 the storage area file or storage area snapshot file. 2 Examples Example 1C The following example shows that RMU/ALTER is invoked specifyingD the database MF_PERSONNEL.RDB. The user then displays the currentA Unique Identifier value in the root file. He then executes theB "deposit" commands to designate that the Unique Identifer valueB in the root file is to be moved to the DEPARTMENTS area storage? and the DEPARTMENTS area dsnapshot files, displays the Unique? Identifier value that is to be moved to the DEPARTMENTS area? storage and the DEPARTMENTS area snapshot files, and finallyB specifies "commit" to actually write the root unique identifierA value to the DEPARTMENTS area storage and the DEPARTMENTS area= snapshot files. The display messages designate the pending> Unique Identifier value as "(marked)" until the user either@ executes "commit" to write out the Unique Identifier value orB "ro ellback" to restore the original Unique Identifier value. TheB user then verifies the database changes. The example shows thatD the user can use either the storage area name or the storage area@ identifier number in the root to designate the target storage area. $ RMU/ALTER MF_PESONNELN %RMU-I-ATTACH, now altering database "DEVICE:[DIRECTORY]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1"# DISPLAY ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIERG Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:28.34" (00AfA557868CC9F7A)6 DEPOSIT AREA_HEADER DEPARTMENTS UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER Area DEPARTMENTS:E (marked) Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:28.34" (00AA557868CC9F7A)5 DEPOSIT AREA_HEADER 2 SNAPSHOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER Area DEPARTMENTS:E (marked) Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:28.34" (00AA557868CC9F7A)6 DISPLAY AREA_HEADER DEPARTMENTS UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER Area DEPARTMENTS:E (marked) Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 1g3:49:28.34" (00AA557868CC9F7A)5 DISPLAY AREA_HEADER 2 SNAPSHOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER Area DEPARTMENTS:E (marked) Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:28.34" (00AA557868CC9F7A) COMMIT EXIT& $ RMU/VERIFY/ALL/NOLOG MF_PERSONNEL ww1 DISPLAY_FILE> Displays the file specification in the database root (.rdb)> file for a storage area (.rda) or snapshot (.snp) file. YouB can also use this command to display the currhent setting of the8 inconsistent flag or corrupt flag for a storage file.B If you specify the DISPLAY FILE command, but do not specify any@ parameters, RdbALTER will display the full file specificationA for the .rda or the .snp file of the storage area, the currentC setting of the inconsistent flag, and the current setting of the corrupt flag for .rda files. 2 FormatJ (B)0DISPLAY FILE qwqqqqqqq>qqqqqqwqwqqqqqq>qqqqqqwqk: tq> * qqiqqqqqqqu mq> SNAPSHOT qj x5 tq> area-id qqqu x5 mq> area-name qj x3 lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq> tq> INCONSISTENT qqu tq> SPECIFICATION qu mq> CORRUPT qqqqqqqj 2 Arguments 3 asterisk *3 Displays all file characteristics for all files. 3 area-idA Specifies the number of the storage area fojr which you want to* display information from the .rdb file. 3 area-name? Specifies the name of the storage area for which you want to* display information from the .rdb file. 3 SNAPSHOT= Displays information about an .snp file. If you select theC SNAPSHOT parameter, you can specify the SPECIFICATION parameter;D the INCONSISTENT and CORRUPT parameters are not valid options for .snp files. 3 INCONSISTENT> Displays the current setting of the iknconsistent flag. This( parameter applies only to .rda files. 3 SPECIFICATIONB Displays the full file specification (including version number)5 for the .rda or the .snp file of the storage area. 3 CORRUPTA Displays the current setting of the corrupt flag. This applies only to .rda files. 2 Examples Example 1@ The following example displays the file specification for the JOBS storage area file: RdbALTER> DISPLAY FILE JOBS Area JOBS:l? File specification is: "DISK1:[RICK.RDB]JOBS.RDA;1" Corrupt flag is: OFF% Inconsistent flag is: OFF ww1 DISPLAY_ROOT? Displays the current database root file specification or the@ current recovery-unit journal (.ruj) file specification for aB specific user of the database. You can use this statement to be9 sure you assigned the file specification you intended.D The DISPLAY ROOT SPECIFICATION command is the defaumlt if no other, keyword follows the DISPLAY ROOT command.& NOTE@ Prior to Oracle Rdb Version 6.0, you could use the DISPLAY@ ROOT command to display an after-image journal (.aij) fileB specification. This is no longer an option; use the RMU Show$ After_Journal command instead. 2 FormatA (B)0DISPLAY ROOT qqwqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqwqq>' tq> * qqqqqqqqqqqqqqu. tq> SPECIFInCATION qqu. mq> USER qwqqq>qqqwqj% tq> * qqu' mq> n qqj 2 Arguments 3 asterisk *@ Displays the current database root (.rdb) file specification. 3 SPECIFICATIONA Displays the current .rdb file specification for the database. 3 USER9 Displays the current recovery-unit journal (.ruj) file? specification for a user of the database. The USER parameter> woith no qualifier results in all users being displayed; theA USER parameter with the * qualifier results in all users beingD displayed; and the USER parameter with the n qualifier results inC a specific user being displayed, where n is a valid user number. 2 Examples Example 17 The following command displays the current .rdb file! specification of the database: RdbALTER> DISPLAY ROOTL Root file specification is: "DISK1:[RICK.RDB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1"p D This command displays the current database root Unique Identifier value. 3 DescriptionA To ensure Oracle Rdb database security and integrity, a Unique> Identifier has been added to the database root file and the< database storage area file and storage area snapshot fileA headers. The Unique Identifier in the root file must match theB Unique Identifier in the storage area file headers or a storage2 area cannot be accessed from the database root.> The Uniquqe Identifier values are displayed both in VMS date: format surrounded by quotes and as a hexadecimal numberA surrounded by parentheses. The values displayed are the UniqueB Identifier values for the current RMU/ALTER session. The UniqueD Identifier values will not be written to the root or storage areaC files until the user ends the current session with the RMU/ALTERB "COMMIT" command. If the user ends the current session with theB RMU/ALTER "ROLLBACK" command, the Unique Identi rfier values willB not be written to the root or storage area files and the Unique? Identifier values in effect at the start of the session justD ended will be restored for the new session. Any Unique IdentifierC values that have been changed during the current session will beD displayed as "(marked)" before they are committed or rolled back.@ To execute the DISPLAY or DEPOSIT ROOT command, the user mustB be attached to the database which the root and areas belong to,D eithesr by specifying the database name when issuing the RMU/ALTERD command or by executing the "ATTACH" command from the "RdbALTER>" prompt. 3 Format> (B)0DISPLAY ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER 3 Examples Example 1A The following example shows how to display a unique_identifier value using RMU/ALTER. $ RMU/ALTER MF_PERSONNEL' %RMU-I-ATTACH, now altering database* "DEVICE:[DIRECTORY]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1"# DISPLAY ROOT UNIQUE_I tDENTIFIERE Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:27.87" (00AA5578688428BB) EXIT Example 2C The following example shows that RMU/ALTER is invoked specifyingD the database MF_PERSONNEL.RDB. The user then displays the current> Unique Identifier value in the database root, creates a newA Unique Identifier value in the database root, displays the new@ Unique Identifier in the root, and finally specifies "commit"@ to write the new Unique Ide untifier value to the database rootA file and ALL database storage area files. The display messagesB designate the pending new Unique Identifier value as "(marked)"? until the user either executes "commit" to write out the new@ Unique Identifier value or "rollback" to restore the original? Unique Identifier value. The user then verifies the database changes. $ RMU/ALTER MF_PERSONNELL %RMU-I-ATTACH, now altering database "DISK:[DIRECTORY]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1"# DISPLAYv ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIERE Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:27.87" (00AA5578688428BB)) DEPOSIT ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER = NEWE (marked) Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:28.34" (00AA557868CC9F7A)# DISPLAY ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIERE (marked) Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:28.34" (00AA557868CC9F7A) COMMIT EXIT& $ RMU/VERIFY/ALL/NOLOG MF_PERSONNEL ww1 EXITA Twerminates the RdbALTER session and returns you to DCL command? level. You can also press Ctrl/Z to end an RdbALTER session.B If the EXIT command is issued and altered but uncommitted pages= exist, you are told to issue either a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK? command. RdbALTER does not exit until a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK1 operation has accounted for all altered pages.D The EXIT command performs an implicit NOLOG command if a log file is open. 2 Format= x ERROR: SDMLGEN failed to find entry for EXIT_S.RAGS (B)0EXIT 2 Examples Example 1A The following example exits RdbALTER command level and returns you to the DCL command level: RdbALTER> EXIT $ Example 2< The following example shows that you cannot exit from the< RdbALTER session if there are uncommitted changes in your database:F RdbALTER> DEPOSIT ROOT SPECIFICATION=DISK1:[RICK]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1H (marked) Root filye specification is: "DISK1:[RICK]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1" RdbALTER> EXITI %RMU-F-COMMITROLL, currently modified ROOT fields must be committed or rolled back ww1 LOGD Keeps an audit trail of all or part of an RdbALTER session. AfterC you specify the LOG command, RdbALTER commands and their results? are logged in the specified log file until you close the logD file by entering a NOLOG command, an EXIT command, or another LOG command. 2 For"zmat% (B)0LOG file-spec qqq> 2 Arguments 3 file-specD Specifies a file to contain the audit trail log. The default file extension is .lis. 2 Examples Example 1D The following command creates the file audit.lis and begins audit trail logging: RdbALTER> LOG AUDIT Example 2D The following command creates the file audit.trl and begins audit trail logging: RdbALTER> LOG AUDIT.TRL ww {1 MAKE_CONSISTENTA Resets an area's inconsistent indication flag, allowing you to use the database. 2 DescriptionA When a storage area is restored from backup files on a by-area> basis, it does not reflect data that has been updated since> the backup operation. The transaction level of the restoredB area reflects the transaction level of the backup file, not the@ transaction level of the database. Therefore, the transaction@ level of the restored area differs from t |hat of the database.B Oracle Rdb marks the area by setting a flag in the storage area file to inconsistent.@ You can perform a recovery by area to upgrade the transactionC level of the restored area to that of the database. (After-imageB journaling must be enabled in order to restore by area.) If youC are certain that no updates have been made to the database sinceC the backup operation, you can use the MAKE CONSISTENT command inB RdbALTER to change the setting of the fla }g from inconsistent to consistent.& NOTE; Beginning in Oracle Rdb Version 6.0, the capabilitiesA provided through this command are also provided through theA RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command. The RdbALTER MAKE CONSISTENT@ command might be removed in future versions of Oracle Rdb.? Therefore, Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the@ RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command instead of the RdbALTER MAKE< CONSISTENT command w~hen these capabilities are needed. 2 FormatK (B)0qwqqq>qqqqwq> CONSISTENT qwq> storage-area-name qqqwq>@ m> MAKE qj mq> storage-area-number qj 2 Arguments 3 storage-area-nameB Specifies a storage area by the storage area name, which is the; name defined with the SQL CREATE STORAGE AREA statement. 3 storage-area-number< Specifies a storage area by storage area number, which isB assigned when the database is created and is given on the first line of a page display. 2 Examples Example 18 The following example resets the indication flag from0 inconsistent to consistent for the area JOBS:! RdbALTER> MAKE CONSISTENT JOBS' ***** WARNING! *****2 BEWARE ATTEMPTING TO MAKE CONSISTENT A STORAGE- AREA WITHOUT FIRST VERIFYING IT USING THE RMU/VERIFY COMMAND.0 AN RdbALTER ROLLBACK COMMAND WILL LEAVE THIS AREA MARKED INCONSISTENT.# Area JOBS now marked consistent. ww1 MOVE@ Moves data (defined by beginning and ending offset addresses)? from one page location to another location on the same page. The number of bytes moved is:, (old-offset-end) - (old-offset-start) + 1B The sending field, defined by the old-offset arguments, remains unchanged.B The receiving field, defined by the new-offset argument and theB length of the sending field, is replaced by the contents of the sending field.. Other information in the page is unchanged. 2 FormatD (B)0MOVE old-offset-start:old-offset-end new-offsetq> 2 Arguments 3 old-offset-startD Specifies the hexadecimal offset address of the first byte in the data sequence to be moved. 3 old-offset-endC Specifies the hexadecimal offset address of the last byte in the data sequence to be moved. 3 new-offsetD Specifies the hexadecimal offset address of the first byte in the. sequence of bytes receiving the moved data. 2 Examples Example 1D The following example moves data from offset location 34A through. 34E to the starting offset location of 354: RdbALTER> MOVE 34A:34E 354< See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for more+ examples of how to use the MOVE command. ww1 NOLOG> Stops RdbALTER logging. The NOLOG command stops audit trailA logging if a previous LOG command is still in effect. The EXITC command performs an implicit NOLOG if LOG is still active; thus,A you need not enter a NOLOG command before exiting the RdbALTER session. 2 Format (B)0NOLOG qqq> 2 Examples Example 13 The following example stops audit trail logging: RdbALTER> NOLOG ww 1 OverviewB The RdbALTER utility provides a low-level patch capability that@ allows you to rep air corruption on Oracle Rdb database pages.A In addition, it allow you to relocate database root, area, and@ snapshot files to other disks or directories. This is helpfulA when you move a database from a single node to a VAXcluster or VMScluster environment.A You must have the RMU$ALTER privilege or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or$ BYPASS privilege to use RdbALTER.> RdbALTER can receive command lines through command files or% directly from the user's terminal.C You can abbreviate any ofthe RdbALTER command keywords. The onlyB restriction is that you must specify enough characters to avoid ambiguity.> RdbALTER interprets the exclamation point (!) as a comment? character. Any characters on a line following an exclamation% point are disregarded by RdbALTER. ww1 PAGEA Fetches a page from the current storage area. If you specify aC valid page number, that page is fetched from the current storageA area. If you enter the PAGE command without a page number, theA next page in the current storage area is fetched. If you enterD the PAGE command without a page number and you are already at theC highest numbered page of the storage area, page 1 of the storage area is fetched. 2 Format- (B)0PAGE qwqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqwq> mq> page-number qj 2 Arguments 3 page-numberB Identifies a page to be fetched in the current storage area. IfA you do not specify the page-number parameter, the next page inC the current area is fetched. If you do not specify a page number@ and you are at the highest numbered page in the storage area,1 page 1 of the current storage area is fetched. 2 Example Example 1? The following example fetches page 14 of the current storage area: RdbALTER> PAGE 14 Example 2? If the current page is page 15 of the JOBS storage area, the> following command fetches page 16 of the JOBS storage area: RdbALTER> PAGE ww1 RADIXC Sets the default radix for entering numeric data for the DISPLAY@ DATA command and determines how data values are parsed by the DEPOSIT DATA command.B If you do not use this command, RdbALTER expects data values to be entered as decimal values.= This command does not change the radix for specifying pageB offsets. Page offsets must always be specified as a hexadecimal radix number. " 2 Format5 (B)0RADIX qwq> DECIMAL qqqqqwq># mq> HEXADECIMAL qj 2 Arguments 3 DECIMALB Sets the default radix in decimal numbers. This is the default. 3 HEXADECIMAL1 Sets the default radix in hexadecimal numbers. 2 Examples Example 1D The following example sets the default radix for entering numeric data to hexadecimal: RdbALTER> RADIX HEXADECIMAL ww 1 ROLLBACKB Ignores all page changes since the last COMMIT or last ROLLBACK@ command. Altered pages are stored in virtual memory until youC issue a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK command. The ROLLBACK command tellsC RdbALTER to ignore all changes since the last COMMIT or the last ROLLBACK command was issued.B Do not follow a ROLLBACK command with a DEPOSIT command without@ first specifying your location again with a DISPLAY or a PAGE command.A RdbALTER does not allow you to issue an EXIT command until all5 altered pages are either committed or rolled back. 2 Format (B)0ROLLBACK qq> 2 Examples Example 1B The following example rolls back all page changes entered since7 the last COMMIT or last ROLLBACK command was issued: RdbALTER> ROLLBACK ww 1 UNCORRUPT? Resets the storage area's corruption indication flag (FILID_B CORRUPT_FLG), allowing you to use the uncorrupted sections of aA corrupted storage area. Storage areas are most often corruptedA by attempting an SQL (not RdbALTER) roll back with one or more9 storage areas opened in batch-update transaction mode.@ The UNCORRUPT command allows you to access a database that isC in an uncertain condition. Accordingly, the following message is( displayed when you enter the command:0 BEWARE ATTEMPTING TO UNCORRUPT A STORAGE AREA WITHOUT FIRST VERIFYING IT.& NOTE; Be ginning in Oracle Rdb Version 6.0, the capabilities= provided through this command are also provided through? the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command. The RdbALTER UNCORRUPT; command might be removed in future versions of Oracle@ Rdb. Therefore, Oracle Corporation recommends that you use? the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command instead of the RdbALTER; UNCORRUPT command when these capabilities are needed.B Use of the ROLLBACK or the COMMIT command is permitted with the RdbALTER UNCORRUPT command. 2 FormatA (B)0UNCORRUPT qqqqwq> storage-area-name qqqwq>/ mq> storage-area-number qj 2 Arguments 3 storage-area-nameC Specifies a storage area in the current database by storage areaC name, which is the name defined with the SQL CREATE STORAGE AREA statement. 3 storage-area-number@ Specifies an area of the current database by the storage area@ number, which is assigned when the database is created and is- given on the first line of a page display. 2 Examples Example 1B The following example resets the corruption indication flag for the EMPIDS_LOW area.! RdbALTER> UNCORRUPT EMPIDS_LOW' ***** WARNING! *****3 BEWARE ATTEMPTING TO UNCORRUPT A STORAGE AREA5 WITHOUT FIRST VERIFYING IT USING THE RMU/VERIFY COMMAND.2 AN RdbALTER ROLLBACK COMMAND WILL LEAVE THIS AREA MARKED CORRUPT.) Area EMPIDS_LOW now marked uncorrupt. ww 1 VERIFYD Verifies the current page. When the VERIFY command is issued, theC page header and page checksum are verified for the current page,D and error messages are issued if header or checksum corruption is found. 2 Format (B)0VERIFY qqq> 2 Examples Example 12 The following example verifies area 3 page 100: RdbALTER> AREA 3 PAGE 100 RdbALTER> VERIFYww