% Librarian I01-42u"$5)<OverviewRMU_Statistics_Help "1 RMU_Statistics_Help ww" 1 Overview 2 Keyboard> [A]larm - specify a duration that a process must stall@ before it appears on the Stall Messages screen9 [B]ell - activates or deactivates the alarm bell& [B]rief - select brief display1 [C]onfig - configure the statistics screen. [E]xit - exit the Performance Monitor' [F]ilter - filter stall messages% [F]ull - select full display+ [G]raph - display a histogram graph [H]elp - display help8 [I]nput - displays the Select Input Control menu- [L]ockID - display submenu of lock IDs# [M]enu - display main menu> [N]ormal - puts you back into the normal screen display, [N]umbers - display numeric statistics( [O]ptions - display report options# [P]ause - pause the display* [P]ageInfo - display page information& [R]efresh - refreshes the sc reen& [R]eset - reset the statistics- [S]et_rate - set the display update rate@ [S]tep - advances by one record in the input file while in paused mode, [T]ime_plot- plot field's value by time0 [U]nreset - reverse effect of Reset option: [U]pdate - change the value of a database attribute- [W]rite - write the screen to rmu.scr, [X]_plot - plot rate of current field) [Y]ank - select statistics fieldD [Z]oom - display detailed information about a specific item' ! - invoke tools facility- $ - invoke DCL command facility4 # - display submenu for current screen- + - advance 'n' screens forward. - - advance 'n' screens backward ? - display helpD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2 or - display help= or - highlight a menu optio n: , or