RMU Facility Messages This document provides explanations and user actions for errors returned with the RMU facility code. These messages are generated by the Rdb Management Utility (RMU). RMU error messages frequently indicate syntactic or semantic errors. For information on related messages, type, print, or search the following file: SYS$HELP:RMU_MSG.DOC Note that from the DCL prompt, you also have the option of typing: $ HELP RMU RMU_ERROR or $ HELP RMU RMU_ERROR For example: $ HELP RMU RMU_ERROR AREABUSY Or, from DCL level, you can use the SEARCH command to display information about a particular message. For example: $ SEARCH/WINDOW=(0,10) SYS$HELP:RMU_MSG.DOC areabusy AREABUSY usage of storage area conflicts with a co-user Explanation: You attempted to ready an area that is already being accessed by another user, and that usage mode is incompatible with the usage mode you requested. User Action: Wait until the storage area you requested is available, and try again, or ready the area with the WAIT option. ABMBITERR, inconsistency between spam page and bit in area bitmap in larea page Explanation: An ABM (Area Bit Map) page may have a bit set for a SPAM (Space Management) page that does not manage the 1 RMU Facility Messages logical area described by that ABM, or the ABM page should have a bit set but does not. User Action: Use RMU REPAIR to rebuild the ABM pages. ABMBITSET, Bit set in area bitmap for nonexistent SPAM page. Corrupt bit is for logical area on page . Explanation: An ABM page can contain more bits than there are spam pages in an area. This message indicates that an ABM bit was set for a non-existent SPAM page. The logical area and page number in the message identify the page that has the bad bit set. User Action: User RMU REPAIR to rebuild the ABM page. ABMFILMBZ, area bit map page for logical area contains a filler field that should be zero expected: 0, found: Explanation: The area bit map pages contain some filler fields that are reserved for future use. These should contain all zeros. User Action: Correct the error with RMU Restore command and verify the database again. ABMFRELEN, area bit map page for logical area has an incorrect free space length expected: , found: Explanation: The free space count in the area bit map page contains a bad value. User Action: Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and verify the database again. ABMPCHAIN, larea ABM page points to page Explanation: An error occurred during verification of the ABM chain for the logical area. This message gives one link in the ABM page chain before the error occurred. You may use the series of these error messages to reconstruct the entire ABM chain up to the point where the error occurred. User Action: Verify the page manually, and check if the database needs to be restored. ABMVFYPRU, ABM page chain verification pruned 2 RMU Facility Messages Explanation: An error occurred during verification of an ABM page, so verification will not proceed any further for this ABM chain. User Action: Verify the ABM page manually, and check if the database needs a restore. ABORT, operator requested abort on fatal error Explanation: Operation terminated by user's request. User Action: ABORTCNV, fatal error encountered; aborting conversion Explanation: Errors were encountered that prevent the RMU conversion process from proceeding. User Action: Before aborting, RMU Convert should have displayed one or more error message. Correct the errors as indicated by each error message's user action and rerun the RMU Convert command. ABORTVER, fatal error encountered; aborting verification Explanation: The database is corrupted so badly that no further verification is possible. User Action: Correct the error with the RMU Restore command or the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again. ABSACTIVE, AIJ backup active or backup operations suspended on this node Explanation: After-image journal backup operations have already been suspended from this node. User Action: Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more information. ABSNSUSPENDED, AIJ backup operations not suspended on this node Explanation: After-image journal backup operations have not been suspended from this node. User Action: Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more information. ABSSUSPENDED, AIJ backup operations already suspended on this node 3 RMU Facility Messages Explanation: After-image journal backup operations have already been suspended from this node. User Action: Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more information. ACCVIO, access violation on read/write of user address Explanation: A readable parameter is not readable by the DBCS or a writeable parameter is not writeable by the DBCS. User Action: Pass good parameters to the DBCS. ACKTIMEOUT, Network error: Timeout waiting for Executor acknowledgement. Explanation: The client sent a request to the executor but did not receive an acknowledgement within a specific interval. User Action: Determine that SQL/Services is running on the server system and then retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact your Oracle support representative for assistance. ACLBUFSML, There is no more space for more ACE entries. Explanation: The space allocated in the root for RMU's access control list is full and cannot be extended either because the database is a single-file database or because the database is open for other users. User Action: If the database is a multi-file database, execute the command when the database is not open. If the database is a single-file database, then the only possible changes are to delete existing access control entries and then add new ones. ACLEMPTY, Access control list is empty Explanation: The specified database root file has no ACL. User Action: Use the RMU Set Privilege command to create a root file ACL for the database. ACLFETCHFAIL, Internal error - ACL fetch fail Explanation: The RMU Extract command was unable to fetch the access control lists. User Action: Contact your Oracle support representative for 4 RMU Facility Messages assistance. ACTMISMATCH, journal is for database activation