% Librarian I01-42ړgKgK*5@Overview SET_Command ( SHOW_CommandWWIDsgK 1 OverviewA SANCP is a an OpenVMS system management utility which allows aC suitably privileged user to perform various Storage Area NetworkE tuning and monitoring tasks. The user must have the OPER privilege3 authorized, but it need not be currently enabledF SANCP will execute the command passed to it on the command line or,A if invoked without a command, will prompt until a QUIT or EXIT command or ^Z is enteredwwgK1 WWIDsC To SANCP, the term "WWID", unless otherwise qualified, refers toB the system's view of the set of all paths to a single port on aA SAN storage device without regard to which drivers provide theA paths. When a WWID is modified with the SET command, all paths are affectedD More generally, WWIDs are World-Wide unique Identifiers which areE assigned to a FibreChannel port by its device's manufacturer. EachD port will have a Node WWID and a Port WWID - since the Node WWID D can be used to group Port WWIDs on the same device, only the Port2 WWID is guaranteed to be unique within a Fabric2 WWID_FormatsE A WWID passed to SANCP can be in any of the formats in which WWIDs@ are commonly displayed, so the output of any of the followingA commands can be easily cut & pasted into a SANCP command line: SDA> FC SHOW STDT " WWID format 50001FE1000180b1 SDA> FC SHOW WTID% WWID format 5000.1FE1.0001.80A0" $ SHOW DEVICE $1$DGA342 0 /MULTI* WWID format PGC0.5000-1FE1-0011-B15CC The port specification in the SHOW DEVICE format will be ignored2 WWID_WildcardsC A WWID term is a sequence of hex digits delimited by a period, a- dash or the beginning or end of the stringD "%" can be used any number of times, up to the legal length of a' term, to wildcard a single hex digitE "*" can be used once within a term to wildcard 0 to N hex digits,H but sequences of "*" will be collapsed to a sin gle use and count as 1 Legal wildcard uses: 50*1000180b1 *.*FE1.%%01.80A% PGC0.5%%0-1*1-0011-B15* Illegal wildcard uses:: 50*001*080b1 - too many multi-char wildcards; 5000.%%%%%.0001.80A0 - too many single-char wildcardswwgK1 SHOW_Command Shows WWID characteristics/ SHOW WWID /PRODUCT_ID= /PORT= 2 /PORT=E Select WWIDs to display by fully matching t he specified Port WWID.%2 /PRODUCT_ID=A Select WWIDs to display by fully matching (including case) the> specified substring to any portion of the WWID's product IDwwgK1 SET_Command Sets WWID characteristics. SET WWID /PRODUCT_ID= /PORT=  /CAP= /[NO]WAIT /DEFAULTS2 /PORT=D Select WWIDs to modify by fully matching the specified Port W WID.# /PORT may not be used with /NODE%2 /PRODUCT_ID=@ Select WWIDs to modify by fully matching (including case) the> specified substring to any portion of the WWID's product ID 2 /CAP=C Specifies the maximum number of I/Os which will be allowed to beC active at any time across all paths to all LUNs on the selected E WWIDs. SANCP and the port drivers will enforce minimum and maximum< values, are currently 8 and 65,535 (decimal) respectively F Changing a WWID's I/O cap to other than the stock value can greatlyE impact I/O performance, so, to ensure that only intended WWIDs areF modified, unless /DEFAULTS is used /CAP is only supported with some/ combination of /PORT, /NODE and /PRODUCT_ID 2 /[NO]WAIT1 /WAIT and /NOWAIT are only supported with /CAPE /WAIT - the I/O cap value set with /CAP will not take effect untilF at least one Queue Full has been seen on the selected WWIDs; if theF Queue Full count is non-0 when this qualifier is processed, the cap will take effect immediately> /NOWAIT - the I/O cap value set with /CAP will take effect  immediately 2 /DEFAULTS? Restore default values for all fields of the selected WWIDs.% /DEFAULTS cannot be used with /CAPww