% Librarian I01-42 ^fK2fK`5M* @_ExecuteNBADDClassesDefault_Keypad^DEFINE_TDESELECT_tEXIT,lFieldsa.HELPb& INITIALIZEbMOVEdPANe&REFRESHeREMOVEqSAVEr SCROLLtSELECTuSET}WRITE `fK1 Default_Keypad* +--------+--------+--------+--------+I | Gold | Help |Refresh | Init | This diagram shows the defaultF +--------+--------+--------+--------+ numeric keypad definitions.* | Set | Set | Set | Set |F |Function|Function|Function|Function| Parentheses indicate stringE | Pan | Scroll | Move | Edit | equivalents with state setI +--------+--------+--------+--------+ to GOLD (key PF1 typed first).* |  | | Set | |* | Add | Remove |Auto_pos| |* | | |off (on)| |* +--------+--------+--------+--------+* | Set | Save | Write | |* +--------+--------+--------+ |* | | Select | |* | |(Desel) | |* +--------+--------+--------+--------+ww`fK 1 ClassesE You can ADD and REMOVE classes of information from the SHOW CLUSTER E display. Ea ch class consists of one or more fields. For example, theG SYSTEMS class displays fields that list information about all systems C in the cluster, such as their identification numbers, node names, ( hardware types, and software versions. 2 CIRCUITSH The CIRCUITS class contains information about the virtual circuits on aI system. This class includes fields such as local port name, remote portK type and number, number of connections on the circuit, circuit state, etc.3 CABLE_STATUS  H Status of the CI circuit paths A and B. Crossed cables are also noted. 9 The field applies only to the CI. Possible displays are:3 - Paths A and B are bad., A- Path A is good., -B Path B is good.4 A-B Paths A and B are good.0 CROSSED Cables are crossed.3 CIR_STATE 6 State of the virtual circuit. Possible displays are:/ CLOSED Circuit is closed.- OPEN Circuit is open.: ST_REC Circuit has a start received.6 ST_SENT Circuit has a start sent.3 LD_CLASS ( The circuit's current capacity rating.3 LPORT_NAME < Device name of the local port associated with the circuit  (PAA0, PAB0, PEA0).3 MGT_PRIORITY > Priority value assigned to the circuit by management action.3 NUM_CONNECTIONS = Number of connections on the circuit bet ween the local and  remote systems.3 PRIORITY A Circuit's current priority, which is the sum of the management C priorities assigned to the circuit and the associated local port.3 REM_STATE 2 State of the remote port. Possible displays are:% DISAB Remote port is disabled.$ ENAB Remote port is enabled.@ M_DISAB Remote port is in maintenance mode and is disabled.? M_ENAB Remote port is in maintenance mode and is enabled.A M_UNINIT R emote port is in maintenance mode and has not been  initialized.2 UNINIT Remote port has not been initialized.3 RP_FUNCTIONS # Function mask of the remote port.3 RPORT_NUM > Port number of the remote port associated with the circuit.  The field applies only to CI.3 RP_OWNER ' Port number of the remote port owner.3 RP_REVISION ; Hardware or microcode revision number of the remote port.3 RP_TYPE D Type of remo te port associated with the circuit. Examples of some C possible types might include: CIMNA, KFMSA, SHAC, SII, BVPSSP (a C BVP storage systems port), CI780, CI750, CIBCA-A and CIBCA-B, RF G and TF devices (for example RF73 or TF85), HSC devices (for example, B HSC65 or HSC90), Ethernet, PASSTH (port is in passthrough mode), and so on.3 SCS_WAITERS D Number of connections waiting to send SCS control messages on the  virtual circuit. 2 CLUSTERB The CLUSTER class contains ge neral information about the cluster.A This class includes information such as the time the cluster wasA formed, the time of the last transition, and the cluster quorum.3 CL_EXPECTED_VOTES @ The number of votes the cluster has ever seen (or could see), E as determined by the connection manager. The value is based on the C maximum value of CL_EXPECTED_VOTES, the value for EXPECTED_VOTES C that is specified by each node, and the sum of the cluster votes : (CL_VOTES). CL_QUORUM is der ived from CL_EXPECTED_VOTES.3 CL_MEMBERS 4 Number of processors participating in the cluster.3 CL_QDVOTES 1 Number of votes contributed by the quorum disk.3 CL_QUORUM G The number of votes that must be present for the cluster to function  and permit user activity.= CL_QUORUM is equal to (CL_EXPECTED_VOTES + 2) divided by 2.3 CL_VOTES B Total number of votes contributed by all members of the cluster  at any point in time.3 FORMED  E Time at which the cluster was formed, expressed as dd-mmm-yy hh:mm.3 LAST_TRANSITION D Last time at which a system left or joined the cluster, expressed  as dd-mmm-yy hh:mm.3 MEMSEQ B Membership state sequence number, which changes whenever a node  joins or leaves the cluster.3 QD_NAME & Full device name of the quorum disk.3 QF_VOTE E Indicates whether or not the quorum disk is contributing any votes  towards the cluster quorum.2 CONNECTIONSL The CONNECTIONS class contains information about the connection establishedJ over a virtual circuit. This class includes fields such as the names andC ID numbers of the local and remote processes, and the state of the connection.3 CON_STATE 4 The state of the connection. Possible displays are:- ACCP_SENT Accept request has been sent.% CLOSED Connection is closed.? CON_ACK Connect request has been sent and acknowledged.2 CON_RE C Connect request has been received.. CON_SENT Connect request has been sent.3 DISC_ACK Disconnect request is acknowledged.. DISC_MTCH Disconnect request is matched.5 DISC_REC Disconnect request has been received.1 DISC_SENT Disconnect request has been sent.2 LISTEN Connection is in the listen state.# OPEN Connection is open.% REJ_SENT Reject has been sent.+ VC_FAIL Virtual circuit has failed.3 LOC_CONID < Identification number of the local side of the connection.3 LOC_PROC_NAMR ; Name of the local process associated with the connection.3 REM_CONID > Identification number of the remote side of the connection. F This information does not apply for connections in the listen state.3 REM_PROC_NAME B Name of the remote process associated with the connection. This A information does not apply for connections in the listen state.3 SCS_STATE B SCS send blocked state. If the c onnection is waiting to send an B SCS control block message, the SCS send blocked state indicates D what kind of message it is waiting to send. Possible displays are:/ ACCP_PEND Waiting to send an accept request. CLEAR Not blocked.2 CON_PEND Waiting to send a connection request.$ CR_PEND Waiting to send credit.D DCR_PEND Waiting to send credit in preparation for a disconnect.2 DISC_PEND Waiting to send a disconnect request.. REJ_PEND Waiting to send a reject requ est. 2 COUNTERSA The COUNTERS class displays the counts for the total accumulatedG traffic over a connection for the life of the connection. This class F includes fields such as the number of application datagrams sent and E received, the number of application messages sent and received, and C the number of kilobytes sent and requested in block transfer mode.3 BDT_WAITS F Number of times this connection had to wait for a buffer descriptor.3 BLKS_REQ D Number of block-request data commands initiated to block transfer 2 data from the remote system to the local system.3 BLKS_SENT F Number of block-send data commands initiated to block-transfer data - from the local system to the remote system.3 CR_WAITS > Number of times this connection had to wait for send credit.3 DGS_DSCRD ? Number of application datagrams discarded by the port driver.3 DGS_RCVD D Number of application datagrams received by the local system over ; the connection from the remote system and given to SYSAP.3 DGS_SENT ; Number of application datagrams sent over the connection.3 KB_MAPPED 8 Number of kilobytes of data mapped for block transfer.3 KB_RCVD D Number of kilobytes of data received by the local system from the . remote system through request-data commands.3 KB_SENT @ Number of kilobytes of data sent from the local system to the + remote system through send-data commands.3 MSGS_RCVD G Number of application datagram messages received over the connection.3 MSGS_SENT C Number of application datagram messages sent over the connection. 2 CREDITSG The CREDITS class displays the send and receive credit counts for eachD connection. This class includes fields that indicate the minimum, $ current, and initial credit counts.3 INIT_REC @ Initial receive credit extended to the remote system when the  connection was made.3 MIN_REC > Minimum receive credit (minimum send credit required by the  remote system).3 MIN_SEND  Minimum send credit.3 PEND_REC 7 Receive credit not yet extended to the remote system.3 RECEIVE 9 Receive credit (send credit held by the remote system).3 SEND  Current send credit. 2 ERRORSK The ERRORS class displays a running count of the errors on each port alongG with the current number of reinitialization attempts remaining and the; maximum number of times reinitialization can be attempted.3 ERT_COUNT 5 Number of port reinitialization attempts remaining.3 ERT_MAX A Total number of times a recovery from fatal port errors can be B attempted by shutting down all virtual circuits and connections  and reinitializing the port.3 NUM_ERRORS ? Number of errors that have been logged on the port since the @ system was booted. This number includes errors encountered in @ reinitializa tion attempts as well as recoverable errors, such = as virtual circuit failure. This is the same error count as0 that displayed by the DCL command SHOW DEVICE.2 LOCAL_PORTSG The LOCAL_PORTS class displays information about the port interface onE the local system. This class includes fields such as port name, portH number, port status, and number of entries in the queues for each port.3 BUFF_DESCR & Number of buffer descriptors in use.3 CMDS_QUEUED D Total number of messages, datagrams, and port commands queued for - transmission at all priorities by the port.3 COUNTER_OWNER @ Name of the process currently using the port traffic counters.3 DGI_MAP B A 16-bit bit map displayed as four hexadecimal digits. Each bit B in the map represents a port in the cluster from which datagram  reception has been disabled.3 DG_OVRHD_SIZE @ Number of bytes of port header, SCS header, and DECnet header  in a datagram.3 DGS_FREE G Number of free datagram buffers currently queued for receive commands.3 FORM_CIRCS D Number of formative circuits (circuits in the process of opening)  from the port.3 FREE_BUFF / Number of CI buffer descriptors free for use.3 LB_STATUS C Loopback status of each cable from the port to the star coupler. 6 The field applies only to CI. Possible displays are:3 A-B Loopback tests pass on paths A and B., A-# Loopback tests pass on path A.,  #-B Loopback tests pass on path B.5 #-# Loopback tests failed on paths A and B.0 N/A Loopback tests are not being done.3 LOG_MAP D A 16-bit bit map displayed as four hexadecimal digits. Each bit in A the map represents a port in the cluster for which an error was C logged. Errors are logged when data provided by the configuration B database on the local system conflicts with data provided by the F remote system. When a conflict is discovered and an error is logged, D virtual circuits to the remote system can no longer be established.3 LP_LD_CLASS F Hard-coded capacity value of the port, based on the megabits/second ' rate of the interconnect of the port.3 LP_PRIORITY + Management priority assigned to the port.3 LP_STATUS A Status of the local port. The port is either online or offline.3 LP_TYPE ) Device type of the port (CI780, CI750).3 MAX_PORT C Largest port number to which a virtual circuit open is attempted.3 MSGS_FREE H Number of free message buffers currently queued for receives commands.3 MSG_HDR_SIZE = Number of bytes of port header and SCS header in a message.3 NAME Device name of the local port.3 OPEN_CIRCS 0 Number of virtual circuits open from the port.3 POOL_WAITERS > Number of processes waiting for nonpaged pool resources for  message buffers.3 PORT_NUM # Port number assigned to the port.3  PRT_MAP F A 16-bit bit map displayed as three hexadecimal digits. Each bit in D the map represents a port in the cluster that has been recognized  by the host system.3 RSPS_QUEUED D Total number of responses of all kinds received from the port but  not yet processed. 2 MEMBERSB The MEMBERS class contains information about the systems that areC actively participating in the cluster. This class includes fields< such as the system's clusterwide ID number and the syst em's" membership status in the cluster.3 ACK_LM C Maximum number of OpenVMS Cluster messages the remote system can + receive before sending an acknowledgment.3 ACKR_SQ ? Sequence number of the last acknowledgment received over the  cluster connection.3 CNX_STATE 9 State of the cluster connection. Possible displays are:. ACCEPT Initial connection is accepted.$ CLOSED Connection is closed.4 CONNECT Initial connection is being acc !epted.) DEAD No connection is possible., DISCONNECT Disconnection is in progress.A NEW No attempt to make a connection has been made yet." OPEN Connection is open.= REACCEPT Connection is accepting the reconnect request.5 RECONNECT Connection is attempting to reconnect.& WAIT Timeout is in progress.3 CSID C Cluster system identification number. This number is unique over E the life of the cluster. Unlike SYS_ID, this identif "ication number % may change when the system reboots.3 DIR_WT , Lock manager distributed directory weight.3 EXPECTED_VOTES A Maximum number of votes that an individual node can encounter. ? Used as an initial estimate for computing CL_EXPECTED_VOTES. @ The cluster manager sets this number using the EXPECTED_VOTES ? system parameter. It is possible for this field to display a B number smaller than the EXPECTED_VOTES parameter setting if the C REMOVE_NODE option was # used to shut down a cluster member or the B SET CLUSTER/EXPECTED_VOTES DCL command was used since this node ? was last rebooted. The dynamic value for EXPECTED_VOTES used A clusterwide is the CL_EXPECTED_VOTES field, which is described  in CLUSTER Class Fields.3 PROTOCOL E Protocol version number and ECO level of the connection management software.3 QDVOTES E Number of votes the remote system recommends be contributed by the D quorum disk. Normally, the$ cluster manager sets this number using ! the system parameter QDSKVOTES.3 QF_ACTIVE B Indicates whether the remote system's quorum file is accessible.3 QF_SAME C Indicates whether the local and remote systems agree about which  disk is the quorum disk.3 QF_WATCHER D Remote system has an active connection to the quorum disk and can G verify its connection for members unable to access the disk directly.3 QUORUM H Derived from EXPECTED_VOTES %and calculated by the connection manager. F It represents an initial value for the minimum number of votes that F must be present for this node to function. The dynamic QUORUM value B is the CL_QUORUM field, which is described in the CLUSTER class # category in CLUSTER Class Fields.3 RCVD_SQ H Sequence number of the last message received over the OpenVMS Cluster connection.3 RECNXINTERVAL G Displays the time (in seconds) that the connection manager will wait C be&fore timing out the corresponding connection. It is the maximumF of the value contained in the system parameter RECNXINTERVAL on the E local node and the amount of time it would take for the connection G manager on the remote node to discover that the connection is broken.3 SEND_SQ B Sequence number of the next message to be sent over the OpenVMS  Cluster connection.3 STATUS ; Status of the node in the cluster. Possible displays are: 4 blank 5 Syst'em is not being considered as a cluster member. 4 BRK_MEM H System is a member of the cluster, but the connection manager has lost communication with it. 4 BRK_NEW A System has just booted, but has not yet joined the cluster and 8 the connection manager has lost communication with it. 4 BRK_NON C Connection manager has lost communication with the system and the. system is no longer a member of the cluster. 4 BRK_REM @ Connection manager has lost communicat(ion with the system, and/ the system has been removed from the cluster. 4 NEW > System has just booted, but has not yet joined the cluster. > If this system would normally be a member of the cluster andC is displaying NEW in this field, you can expect that the display # will eventually change to MEMBER. 4 NON ( System is not a member of the cluster. 4 REMOVED + System has been removed from the cluster.3 SW_VERS 8 Indicator of the software ve)rsion running on the node.3 TRANSITION_TIME 9 Time of the system's last change in membership status.  (See the STATUS field.)3 UNACKED D Number of unacknowledged OpenVMS Cluster messages received by the  remote system.3 VOTES = Number of votes the remote node contributes toward quorum. : Normally, the cluster manager sets this number with the  system parameter VOTES.3 WARMCDRPS ) Number of CDRPs on the CDRP free queue. 2 SYSTEMSI T *he SYSTEMS class contains information about the systems in the cluster.F This class includes information such as the system ID, the node name,D the type of system, the type of software, the software version, the! number of virtual circuits, etc.3 DG_SIZE E Maximum number of bytes of application data in datagrams sent over  the circuit.3 HW_TYPE ? System hardware type (for example, VAXstation 3100 or HS70). ; (Enclose the system type between double quotation marks.+)3 HW_VERS B Hardware configuration and revision levels of the remote system.3 INCARNATION D Unique 16-digit hexadecimal number established when the system is booted.3 INCN_TIME ; Incarnation number expressed as a time (dd-mmm-yy hh:mm).3 MSG_SIZE D Maximum number of bytes of application data in messages sent over  the circuit.3 NODE E Node name of the remote system. Normally, the cluster manager sets B the node name using ,the system parameter SCSNODE. The node name A should be the same as the DECnet node name. (Note that SCSNODE & cannot be more than six characters.)3 NUM_CIRCUITS H Number of virtual circuits between the local system and remote systems.3 SOFTWARE D Name and version of the operating system currently running on the  remote system.3 SYS_ID C Identification number of the remote system. Normally, the cluster E manager sets this number using the system parameters -SCSSYSTEMID andH SCSSYSTEMIDH. This number should be the same as the DECnet node number. wwofK 1 FieldsK You can specify valid field names with the ADD, REMOVE, and SET commands. 2 ACKR_SQ9 Sequence number of the last acknowledgment received over the cluster connection. 2 ACK_LM= Maximum number of OpenVMS Cluster messages the remote system. can receive before sending an acknowledgment. 2 BDT_WAITS E Number of times this connection had to wait for a b.uffer descriptor. 2 BLKS_REQ3 Number of block-request data commands initiated to@ block transfer data from the remote system to the local system. 2 BLKS_SENT0 Number of block-send data commands initiated to@ block transfer data from the local system to the remote system.2 BUFF_DESCR % Number of buffer descriptors in use.2 CABLE_STATUS7 Status of the CI circuit paths A and B. Crossed cables2 are also noted. The field applies only to the CI." Possible displays are as fo/llows:$ #-# - Paths A and B are bad. A-# - Path A is good. #-B - Path B is good.% A-B - Paths A and B are good. CROSSED - Cables are crossed. 2 CIR_STATE @ State of the virtual circuit. Possible displays are as follows: CLOSED - Circuit is closed. OPEN - Circuit is open.* ST_REC - Circuit has a start received.& ST_SENT - Circuit has a start sent.4 VC_FAIL - Virtual circuit failure is in progress.2 CL_EXPECTED_VOTESB The n0umber of votes the cluster has ever seen (or could see), as A determined by the connection manager. The value is based on the B maximum value of CL_EXPECTED_VOTES, the value for EXPECTED_VOTES B that is specified by each node, and the sum of the cluster votes 9 (CL_VOTES). CL_QUORUM is derived from CL_EXPECTED_VOTES. 2 CL_MEMBERS3 Number of processors participating in the cluster. 2 CL_QDVOTES0 Number of votes contributed by the quorum disk. 2 CL_QUORUM= The number of votes tha1t must be present for the cluster to : function and permit user activity. CL_QUORUM is equal to & (CL_EXPECTED_VOTES + 2) divided by 2. 2 CL_VOTES9 Total number of votes contributed by all members of the  cluster at any point in time.2 CMDS_QUEUED ? Total number of messages, datagrams, and port commands queued 0 by the port for transmission at all priorities. 2 CNX_STATEC State of the cluster connection. Possible displays are as follows:1 ACCEPT - Initial connecti 2on is accepted.' CLOSED - Connection is closed.7 CONNECT - Initial connection is being accepted., DEAD - No connection is possible./ DISCONNECT - Disconnection is in progress.D NEW - No attempt to make a connection has yet been made.% OPEN - Connection is open.@ REACCEPT - Connection is accepting the reconnect request.8 RECONNECT - Connection is attempting to reconnect.) WAIT - Timeout is in progress. 2 CON_STATE? 3 The state of the connection. Possible displays are as follows:. ACCP_SENT - Accept request has been sent.& CLOSED - Connection is closed.@ CON_ACK - Connect request has been sent and acknowledged.3 CON_REC - Connect request has been received./ CON_SENT - Connect request has been sent.4 DISC_ACK - Disconnect request is acknowledged./ DISC_MTCH - Disconnect request is matched.6 DISC_REC - Disconnect request has been received.2 DISC_SENT - Disco4nnect request has been sent.3 LISTEN - Connection is in the listen state.$ OPEN - Connection is open.& REJ_SENT - Reject has been sent., VC_FAIL - Virtual circuit has failed.2 COUNTER_OWNER? Name of the process currently using the port traffic counters. 2 CR_WAITS= Number of times this connection had to wait for send credit.2 CSID< Cluster system identification number. This number is uniqueB over the life of the cluster. Unlike SYS_ID, this identific5ation - number might change when the system reboots. 2 DGI_MAPA A 16-bit bit map displayed as four hexadecimal digits. Each bit @ in the map represents a port in the cluster from which datagram reception has been disabled. 2 DGS_DSCRD> Number of application datagrams discarded by the port driver. 2 DGS_FREE> Number of free datagram buffers currently queued for receive commands. 2 DGS_RCVD C Number of application datagrams received by the local system over : the connect6ion from the remote system and given to SYSAP. 2 DGS_SENT: Number of application datagrams sent over the connection.2 DG_OVRHD_SIZE D Number of bytes of port header, SCS header, and DECnet header in a datagram. 2 DG_SIZE9 Maximum number of bytes of application data in datagrams sent over the circuit. 2 DIR_WT+ Lock Manager-distributed directory weight. 2 ERT_COUNT4 Number of port reinitialization attempts remaining. 2 ERT_MAX@ Total number of times a recovery 7from fatal port errors can be A attempted by shutting down all virtual circuits and connections  and reinitializing the port.2 EXPECTED_VOTES@ Maximum number of votes that an individual node can encounter. > Used as an initial estimate for computing CL_EXPECTED_VOTES. ? The cluster manager sets this number using the EXPECTED_VOTES > system parameter. It is possible for this field to display a A number smaller than the EXPECTED_VOTES parameter setting if the > REMOVE_NODE option was 8used to shut down a cluster member or @ the SET CLUSTER/EXPECTED_VOTES DCL command was used since this ? node was last rebooted. The dynamic value for EXPECTED_VOTES ; used clusterwide is the CL_EXPECTED_VOTES field, which is * described in the CLUSTER class category. 2 FORMEDD Time at which the cluster was formed, expressed as dd-mmm-yy hh:mm. 2 FORM_CIRCSC Number of formative circuits (circuits in the process of opening)  from the port. 2 FREE_BUFF. Number of CI buffer d9escriptors free for use. 2 HW_TYPE> System hardware type (for example, VAXstation 3100 or HS70). = Use double quotation marks before and after the system type. 2 HW_VERSA Hardware configuration and revision levels of the remote system.2 INCARNATION@ Unique 16-digit hexadecimal number established when the system is booted. 2 INCN_TIME: Incarnation number expressed as a time (dd-mmm-yy hh:mm). 2 INIT_REC? Initial receive credit extended to the remote system when the : connection was made. 2 KB_MAPPED7 Number of kilobytes of data mapped for block transfer. 2 KB_RCVD? Number of kilobytes of data received by the local system from 1 the remote system through request-data commands. 2 KB_SENT F Number of kilobytes of data sent from the local system to the remote # system through send-data commands.2 LAST_TRANSITIONC Last time at which a system left or joined the cluster, expressed  as dd-mmm-yy hh:mm. 2 LB_STATUS B Loopback status o;f each cable from the port to the star coupler. @ The field applies only to CI. Possible displays are as follows:2 A-B - Loopback tests pass on paths A and B.+ A-# - Loopback tests pass on path A.+ #-B - Loopback tests pass on path B.4 #-# - Loopback tests failed on paths A and B./ N/A - Loopback tests are not being done. 2 LD_CLASS' The circuit's current capacity rating. 2 LOC_CONID; Identification number of the local side of the connection.2 L <OC_PROC_NAME: Name of the local process associated with the connection. 2 LOG_MAP= A 16-bit bit map displayed as four hexadecimal digits. Each > bit in the map represents a port in the cluster for which an ? error was logged. Errors are logged when data provided by the @ configuration database on the local system conflicts with data > provided by the remote system. When a conflict is discovered ? and an error is logged, virtual circuits to the remote system  can no longer be establishe=d.2 LPORT_NAME ; Device name of the local port associated with the circuit  (PAA0, PAB0, PEA0).2 LP_LD_CLASS> Hard-coded capacity value of the port, based on the megabits-1 per-second rate of the interconnect of the port.2 LP_PRIORITY* Management priority assigned to the port. 2 LP_STATUSB Status of the local port. The port is either on-line or off-line. 2 LP_TYPE( Device type of the port (CI780, CI750). 2 MAX_PORTB Largest port number to which a virtual circuit >open is attempted. 2 MEMSEQA Membership state sequence number, which changes whenever a node  joins or leaves the cluster.2 MGT_PRIORITY= Priority value assigned to the circuit by management action. 2 MIN_REC8 Minimum receive credit (minimum send credit required by the remote system). 2 MIN_SEND Minimum send credit. 2 MSGS_FREE< Number of free message buffers currently queued for receive commands. 2 MSGS_RCVD; Number of application datagram messages receive?d over the connection. 2 MSGS_SENTB Number of application datagram messages sent over the connection.2 MSG_HDR_SIZE< Number of bytes of port header and SCS header in a message. 2 MSG_SIZE> Maximum number of bytes of application data in messages sent  over the circuit.2 NAME Device name of the local port.2 NODED Node name of the remote system. Normally, the cluster manager sets @ the node name using the system parameter SCSNODE. The node name@ should be the sam@e as the DECnet node name. (Note that SCSNODE % cannot be more than six characters.)2 NUM_CIRCUITS @ Number of virtual circuits between the local system and remote systems.2 NUM_CONNECTIONS< Number of connections on the circuit between the local and  remote systems. 2 NUM_ERRORS> Number of errors that have been logged on the port since the > system was booted. This number includes errors encountered in? reinitialization attempts as well as recoverable errors, such = as viArtual circuit failure. This is the same error count as / that displayed by the DCL command SHOW DEVICE. 2 OPEN_CIRCS/ Number of virtual circuits open from the port. 2 PEND_REC6 Receive credit not yet extended to the remote system.2 POOL_WAITERS= Number of processes waiting for nonpaged pool resources for  message buffers. 2 PORT_NUM" Port number assigned to the port. 2 PRIORITY@ Circuit's current priority, which is the sum of the management B priorities assignedB to the circuit and the associated local port. 2 PROTOCOL9 Protocol version number and ECO level of the connection  management software. 2 PRT_MAPB A 16-bit bit map displayed as three hexadecimal digits. Each bit : in the map represents a port in the cluster that has been recognized by the host system. 2 QDVOTES= Number of votes the remote system recommends be contributed < by the quorum disk. Normally, the cluster manager sets this- number using the system parameter QDSKVOTCES. 2 QD_NAME% Full device name of the quorum disk. 2 QF_ACTIVEA Indicates whether the remote system's quorum file is accessible. 2 QF_SAME< Indicates whether the local and remote systems agree about  which disk is the quorum disk. 2 QF_VOTE> Indicates whether or not the quorum disk is contributing any ! votes toward the cluster quorum. 2 QF_WATCHER? Remote system has an active connection to the quorum disk and @ can verify its connection for members unable to accesDs the disk directly. 2 QUORUM> Derived from EXPECTED_VOTES and calculated by the connection @ manager. It represents an initial value for the minimum number 9 of votes that must be present for this node to function.; The dynamic QUORUM value is the CL_QUORUM field, which is described in the CLUSTER class. 2 RCVD_SQ? Sequence number of the last message received over the OpenVMS  Cluster connection. 2 RECEIVE8 Receive credit (send credit held by the remote system).2 REC ENXINTERVAL< Displays the time (in seconds) that the connection manager ; will wait before timing out the corresponding connection. 8 It is the maximum of the value contained in the system = parameter RECNXINTERVAL on the local node and the amount of = time it would take for the connection manager on the remote 0 node to discover that the connection is broken. 2 REM_CONID= Identification number of the remote side of the connection. 8 This information does not apply for connections in thFe  listen state.2 REM_PROC_NAME< Name of the remote process associated with the connection. > This information does not apply for connections in the listen state. 2 REM_STATE< State of the remote port. Possible displays are as follows:' DISAB - Remote port is disabled.& ENAB - Remote port is enabled.B M_DISAB - Remote port is in maintenance mode and is disabled.A M_ENAB - Remote port is in maintenance mode and is enabled.: M_UNINIT - Remote port is inG maintenance mode and has $ not been initialized.4 UNINIT - Remote port has not been initialized. 2 RPORT_NUMA Port number of the remote port associated with the circuit. The  field applies only to CI.2 RP_FUNCTIONS" Function mask of the remote port. 2 RP_OWNER & Port number of the remote port owner.2 RP_REVISION: Hardware or microcode revision number of the remote port. 2 RP_TYPE> Type of remote port associated with the circuit. Examples of < some Hpossible types might include: CIMNA, KFMSA, SHAC, SII,< BVPSSP (a BVP storage systems port), CI780, CI750, CIBCA-A < and CIBCA-B, RF and TF devices (for example RF73 or TF85), = HSC devices (for example, HSC65 or HSC90), Ethernet, PASSTH * (port is in passthrough mode), and so on.2 RSPS_QUEUED: Total number of responses of all kinds received from the  port but not yet processed. 2 SCS_STATE> SCS send blocked state. If the connection is waiting to send : an SCS control block message, I the SCS send blocked state @ indicates what kind of message it is waiting to send. Possible  displays are as follows:1 ACCP_PEND - Waiting to send an accept request. CLEAR - Not blocked.4 CON_PEND - Waiting to send a connection request.& CR_PEND - Waiting to send credit.F DCR_PEND - Waiting to send credit in preparation for a disconnect.4 DISC_PEND - Waiting to send a disconnect request.0 REJ_PEND - Waiting to send a reject request.2 SCS_WAITERS? Number of cJonnections waiting to send SCS control messages on  the virtual circuit.2 SEND Current send credit. 2 SEND_SQ9 Sequence number of the next message to be sent over the  OpenVMS Cluster connection. 2 SOFTWARE? Name and version of the operating system currently running on  the remote system. 2 STATUS: Status of the node in the cluster. Possible displays are: 3 blank 4 System is not being considered as a cluster member. 3 BRK_MEM ? System is a member of tKhe cluster, but the connection manager has lost communication with it. 3 BRK_NEW < System has just booted but has not yet joined the cluster, ; and the connection manager has lost communication with it. 3 BRK_NON < Connection manager has lost communication with the system, 5 and the system is no longer a member of the cluster. 3 BRK_REM < Connection manager has lost communication with the system, 2 and the system has been removed from the cluster. 3 MEMBER ( System isL participating in the cluster. 3 NEW > System has just booted, but has not yet joined the cluster. > If this system would normally be a member of the cluster and B is displaying NEW in this field, you can expect that the display " will eventually change to MEMBER. 3 NON ' System is not a member of the cluster. 3 REMOVED * System has been removed from the cluster. 2 SW_VERS7 Indicator of the software version running on the node. 2 SYS_ID: Identification numberM of the remote system. Normally, the> cluster manager sets this number using the system parameters > SCSSYSTEMID and SCSSYSTEMIDH. This number should be the same  as the DECnet node number.2 TRANSITION_TIME= Time of the system's last change in membership status. (See  the STATUS field.) 2 UNACKED> Number of unacknowledged OpenVMS Cluster messages received by the remote system.2 VOTES; Number of votes the remote node contributes toward quorum. 2 WARMCDRPS( Number of CNDRPs on the CDRP free queue.wwfK 1 @_ExecuteE Requests the internal command interpreter to read subsequent commandF input from a specific file or device. The file can contain any validE interactive command. Command files can be nested to 16 levels. The file type defaults to .COM. Format: @file-specI If the logical name SHOW_CLUSTER$INIT is defined, SHOW CLUSTER uses the M directory defined by SHOW_CLUSTER$INIT to locate the command file specified.M If SHOW O_CLUSTER$INIT is not defined, SHOW CLUSTER looks for the command file" in the current default directory.F To execute a command procedure upon invoking SHOW CLUSTER, define theC logical name SHOW_CLUSTER$INIT to equate to the filespec you want : SHOW CLUSTER to execute. The file type defaults to .INI.wwfK1 ADDA Modifies the current display by including the specified field orC class in the display. The ADD command can also be used to includeH the following in the di Psplay: circuits that are in a particular state, H connections that are in a particular state or of a particular name, or @ systems of a particular node name, system ID, or hardware type.G Format: ADD class[,...] [/qualifier...] [field[,...]] [/qualifier...]7 Examples: ADD CIRCUITS,CONNECTIONS,LOC_CONID,REM_CONID9 ADD CIRCUITS/TYPE=ALL, CONNECTIONS/TYPE=NOOPEN 2 Qualifiers& Qualifiers apply only to class names.E The /ALL qualifier can be used to add all the fields in a p QarticularH class to the display. Additional qualifiers apply only to the SYSTEMS," CIRCUITS and CONNECTIONS classes.D For additional information, see help on ADD examples and ADD class.2 FieldB Specifies the field or fields to be added to the current display. Format: ADD field[,...]E NOTE: For a complete list of field names, type HELP FIELDS from the H command prompt. If the list of fields scrolls off your terminal, F enter SET SCREEN=132 or refer to the OpenVMS SystRem Management B Utilities Reference Manual. For a list of field names in a N particular class, type HELP CLASSES class-name from the command prompt.2 ClassC Specifies the class or classes to be added to the current display.* Format: ADD class[,...] [/qualifier,...]; NOTE: For a description of each class and the field namesE within each class, type HELP CLASSES from the command prompt. 3 CLUSTER' Adds the Cluster class to the display. 4 Qualifiers/ALL9S Adds all the fields in the Cluster class to the display. Format: ADD CLUSTER/ALL 3 SYSTEMS= Adds the Systems class to the display. Optionally, specific> systems can be added to the display. The systems to be added: can be specified by type, system ID number, or node name.& By default all systems are displayed.& Format: ADD SYSTEMS [/qualifier,...] 4 Qualifiers/ALL9 Adds all the fields in the Systems class to the display. Format: ADD SYSTEMS/ALL/ID@ Specifi Tes the system ID number of the system to be added to the? display. The system is assumed to be removed from the display; via the REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID or /NODE commands. To specify a? hexadecimal value as the ID number, precede the value with %X.B Optionally, ALL can be specified to restore all SYSTEMS that were@ previously removed via the REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID or /NODE commands.* Format: ADD SYSTEMS/ID=(system-ID[,...]) ADD SYSTEMS/ID=ALLD If only one system ID is specified, the p Uarenthesis can be omitted. Examples: ADD SYSTEMS/ID=101& ADD SYSTEMS/ID=(206,%XF2A)/NODEF Specifies the node name of the system(s) to be added to the display. E The system is assumed to be removed from the display via the REMOVE C SYSTEMS/ID or /NODE commands. Optionally, ALL can be specified to A restore all SYSTEMS that were previously removed via the REMOVE  SYSTEMS/ID or /NODE commands., Format: ADD SYSTEMS/NODE=(node-name[,...]). ADD SYSTEMS/NODE=("node- Vname"[,...]) ADD SYSTEMS/NODE=ALLD If only one node name is specified, the parenthesis can be omitted.= Quotation marks are optional except when specifying a system with a node name of "ALL."" Examples: ADD SYSTEMS/NODE=DARBY> ADD SYSTEMS/NODE=("DARBY","DOOLEY","ALICAT","ALL")/TYPEE Specifies the type of system to be added to the display. Systems of G the specified type are assumed to be removed from the display via the G REMOVE SYSTEMS/TYPE command. The typ We can be any of the valid system H types as displayed in the HW_TYPE field prior to their removal. If the D string which specifies the system type contains spaces, slashes or F hyphens, then the string must be delimited by double quotation marks.D If /TYPE=ALL is specified, then all nodes are added to the display.> Format: ADD SYSTEMS/TYPE=(system-type,"system-type"[,...])  ADD SYSTEMS/TYPE=ALLF If only one system type is specified, the parenthesis can be omitted. ' ExampleXs: ADD SYSTEMS/TYPE="VAX 8650". ADD SYSTEMS/TYPE=(HS90,"VAX 8800") 3 MEMBERS' Adds the Members class to the display. Format: ADD MEMBERS 4 Qualifiers/ALL9 Adds all the fields in the Members class to the display. Format: ADD MEMBERS/ALL 3 CIRCUITS> Adds the Circuits class to the display. Optionally, circuits= which are in a particular state can be added to the display.' By default all circuits are displayed.' Format: ADD CIRCUITS [/qualifier,...]Y 4 Qualifiers/ALL: Adds all the fields in the Circuits class to the display. Format: ADD CIRCUITS/ALL/TYPEE Specifies the type of circuits to add to the display. Valid circuit types are:- OPEN - Circuits in the open state.< NOOPEN - Circuits in the closed state or any of the? open-in-progress or close-in progress states.( ALL - All types of circuits.( Format: ADD CIRCUITS/TYPE=(type[,...])? If only one type is speciZfied, the parenthesis can be omitted.3 CONNECTIONS8 Adds the Connections class to the display. Optionally,7 connections in a particular state, or connections of a- particular name can be added to the display.+ By default, all connections are displayed.* Format: ADD CONNECTIONS [/qualifier,...] 4 Qualifiers/ALL= Adds all the fields in the Connections class to the display. Format: ADD CONNECTIONS/ALL/NAMEG Specifies the local process names of connections [that are to be added ? to the display. /NAME can specify the local process name of a H connection that was previously removed from the display via the REMOVE < CONNECTION/NAME command or ALL to restore all connections. @ Up to 16 characters of the local process name can be specified.B If abbreviated, all connections with local process names matching7 the characters specified will be added to the display.9 Format: ADD CONNECTIONS/NAME=(local-process-name[,...])" ADD CONNECTION\S/NAME=ALL? If only one name is specified, the parenthesis can be omitted.C Examples: ADD CONNECTIONS/NAME=(VMS$DISK_CL_DRVR,VMS$TAPE_CL_DRVR)$ ADD CONNECTIONS/NAME=VMS$/TYPE@ Specifies the type of connections to add to the display. Valid connection types are:* OPEN - Connections in the open state.F NOOPEN - Connections in the closed state, listen states, or any of F the connect, disconnect, accept, reject, or failed states.% ALL - All types of con!]nections.+ Format: ADD CONNECTIONS/TYPE=(type[,...])? If only one type is specified, the parenthesis can be omitted. 3 COUNTERS( Adds the Counters class to the display. Format: ADD COUNTERS 4 Qualifiers/ALL: Adds all the fields in the Counters class to the display. Format: ADD COUNTERS/ALL 3 CREDITS' Adds the Credits class to the display. Format: ADD CREDITS 4 Qualifiers/ALL9 Adds all the fields in the Credits cl%^ass to the display. Format: ADD CREDITS/ALL3 LOCAL_PORTS+ Adds the Local Ports class to the display. Format: ADD LOCAL_PORTS 4 Qualifiers/ALL= Adds all the fields in the Local_Ports class to the display. Format: ADD LOCAL_PORTS/ALL 3 ERRORS& Adds the Errors class to the display. Format: ADD ERRORS 4 Qualifiers/ALL8 Adds all the fields in the Errors class to the display. Format: ADD ERRORS/_ALLwwfK 1 DEFINEB The DEFINE command associates an equivalence string and a set of B attributes with a key on the terminal keyboard. /KEY is required.A For more information, see the DEFINE/KEY command in the OpenVMS 8 DCL Dictionary. Control keys can be defined as follows:0 Format: DEFINE/KEY key-name equivalence-string. Example: DEFINE/KEY CTRLW "REFRESH"/TERMINATEG The control-W key is defined by default as shown in the above example.G For additional inform`ation on other default key definitions, see help  on DEFAULT_KEYPAD.wwfK 1 DESELECT( Deselects a previously selected window.2 Deselecting a window while a the window is in the6 process of being moved manually will cause the window! to be moved to its new position.: For additional information, see help for SELECT and MOVE.wwfK1 EXITF EXIT returns the user to the DCL command level from /CONTINUOUS mode.G The original terminal characteristics a are restored and the terminal's G screen is cleared. The DCL prompt appears in the upper left corner of the screen. 5 Note: CONTROL-Z has the same effect as typing EXIT.B CONTROL-C restores the original terminal characteristics. H However, the screen is not cleared and the DCL prompt E will appear in the lower left corner of the screen.D CONTROL-Y causes SHOW CLUSTER to exit immediately. TerminalC characteristics bare restored upon image run-down.wwfK1 HELPH In addition to help for commands, you can get help for the following: 0 Classes - Lists the classes.F Classes class-name - Lists the fields in the specified class.J Fields - Lists the fields. (Do SET SCREEN=132 first.)< Fields field-name - Describes the specified field.C @ - Provides information about executing command procedures3 and using starctup initialization files.wwfK 1 INITIALIZEB Resets the display to a known state. The state of the display is2 set according to a set predefined default values.wwfK1 MOVE> The MOVE command allows a window to be manually repositioned.E To MOVE a window, it must be either selected or it must be the only G window in the display. AUTO_POSITIONING will be turned off since the I act of moving a window implies that the user does not want SHOW CLUSTER d I to determine window position. The window can then be repositioned using H MOVE commands. As MOVE commands are entered, an outline of the window I will indicate the new position. The original window will remain in its E original starting position. When the window is deselected or a new A window is selected, the window will move to its new position as C indicated by the outline. For additional information, see help on $ SELECT, DESELECT, and SET FUNCTION.4 Formats: MOVE UP value e MOVE LEFT value5 MOVE DOWN value MOVE RIGHT value9 Note: The arrow keys can be redefined as MOVE commands.ww fK1 PANG The PAN command pans the entire display by column or by line. The PAN F command functions in a way similar to the panning of a television or D motion-picture camera. By entering a PAN command, a portion of the F display that previously extended beyond the limits of the screen can G be brought into view. For more informaftion, see help on SET FUNCTION. Format: PAN UP value PAN DOWN value PAN LEFT value PAN RIGHT valueI The display description message at the top of the screen always remains = stationary. The arrow keys can be redefined as PAN commands.ww fK 1 REFRESHG Causes the entire screen to be repainted and all fields to be updated.? Note: Typing CONTROL-W has the same effect as typing REFRESH.ww fK 1 REMOVEG Mod gifies the current display by excluding the specified field or classF from the display. The remove command can be used to exclude circuitsF that are in a particular state, connections that are in a particular F state or of a particular name, or systems of a particular node name,  system ID, or hardware type.2 Field> Specifies the field or fields to be removed from the display. Format: REMOVE field[,...]E NOTE: For a complete list of field names, type HELP FIELDS from the H h command prompt. If the list of fields scrolls off your terminal, F enter SET SCREEN=132 or refer to the OpenVMS System Management B Utilities Reference Manual. For a list of field names in a N particular class, type HELP CLASSES class-name from the command prompt.2 Class? Specifies the class or classes to be removed from the display. Format: REMOVE class[,...]; NOTE: For a description of each class and the field namesE within each class, type HELP CLASSES firom the command prompt. 3 CLUSTER, Removes the Cluster class from the display. 3 SYSTEMS9 Removes the Systems class from the display. Optionally,> specific systems can be removed from the display. The system= to be removed can be specified by type, system ID number, or node name.6 By default, all systems are removed from the display.) Format: REMOVE SYSTEMS [/qualifier,...] 4 Qualifiers/ID@ Specifies the system ID number of the system to be removed from; the displayj. The system ID can be any of the valid IDs as? displayed in the SYS_ID field. To specify a hexadecimal value> as the ID number, precede the value with %X. Optionally, ALL9 can be specified to remove all systems from the display.- Format: REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID=(system-ID[,...]) REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID=ALLD If only one system ID is specified, the parenthesis can be omitted.! Examples: REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID=101) REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID=(206,%XF2A)/NODE= Specifies the node kname of the system to be removed from the8 display. The node name can be any of the node names as? displayed in the NODE field. Optionally, ALL can be specified( to remove all systems from the display./ Format: REMOVE SYSTEMS/NODE=(node-name[,...])1 REMOVE SYSTEMS/NODE=("node-name"[,...])! REMOVE SYSTEMS/NODE=ALLD If only one node name is specified, the parenthesis can be omitted.= Quotation marks are optional except when specifying a system with a node name of l "ALL".% Examples: REMOVE SYSTEMS/NODE=DARBYA REMOVE SYSTEMS/NODE=("DARBY","DOOLEY","ALICAT","ALL")/TYPEG Specifies the type of system to be removed from the display. The type J can be any of the valid system types as displayed in the HW_TYPE field. H If the string which specifies the system type contains spaces, slashes I or hyphens, then the string must be delimited by double quotation marks.H If /TYPE=ALL is specified, then all nodes are removed from the display.@ Fmormat: REMOVE SYSTEMS/TYPE=(system-type,"system-type"[,...]) ! REMOVE SYSTEMS/TYPE=ALL* Examples: REMOVE SYSTEMS/TYPE="VAX 9000"1 REMOVE SYSTEMS/TYPE=(HS70,"VAX 8300") 3 MEMBERS, Removes the Members class from the display. Format: REMOVE MEMBERS 3 CIRCUITS7 Removes the circuits class from the display or removes: circuits that are in a particular state from the display.* Format: REMOVE CIRCUITS [/qualifier,...] 4 Qualifiers/TYPE; Specifies tnhe type of circuits to remove from the display. Valid circuits types are:- OPEN - Circuits in the open state.< NOOPEN - Circuits in the closed state or any of the? open-in-progress or close-in-progress states.( ALL - All types of circuits., Format: REMOVE CIRCUITS /TYPE=(type[,...])? If only one type is specified, the parenthesis can be omitted.3 CONNECTIONS= Removes the connections class from the display. Optionally,6 removes c oonnections that are in a particular state or3 connections of a particular name from the display.- Format: REMOVE CONNECTIONS [/qualifier,...] 4 Qualifiers/NAME@ Specifies the local process name of connections which are to beC removed from the display. The name must specify the local processE name of a connection currently displayed in the LOC_PROC_NAME field.> /NAME=ALL removes all connections currently being displayed. @ Up to 16 characters of the local process name can be sp pecified.B If abbreviated, all connections with local process names matching; the characters specified will be removed from the display.< Format: REMOVE CONNECTIONS/NAME=(local-process-name[,...])% REMOVE CONNECTIONS/NAME=ALL? If only one name is specified, the parenthesis can be omitted.G Examples: REMOVE CONNECTIONS/NAME=(VMS$DISK_CL_DRVR,VMS$TAPE_CL_DRVR)2 REMOVE CONNECTIONS/NAME=VMS$VMScluster/TYPEB Specifies the type of connections to removed from to the qdisplay. Valid connection types are:) OPEN - Connections in the open state.E NOOPEN - Connections in the closed state, listen states, or any of E the connect, disconnect, accept, reject, or failed states.$ ALL - All types of connections.. Format: REMOVE CONNECTIONS/TYPE=(type[,...])? If only one type is specified, the parenthesis can be omitted. 3 COUNTERS- Removes the counters class from the display. Format: REMOVE COUNTERS 3 CREDITS, Removes ther credits class from the display. Format: REMOVE CREDITS3 LOCAL_PORTS0 Removes the Local Ports class from the display. Format: REMOVE LOCAL_PORTS 3 ERRORS+ Removes the Errors class from the display. Format: REMOVE ERRORSww fK1 SAVEA The SAVE command builds a command procedure based on the current? display. The command procedure can then be invoked at a laterC time to restore the display or it can be used as an initialization: file. The outpsut filename defaults to SHOW_CLUSTER.COM . Format: SAVE [file-spec]> For additional information, see the OpenVMS System ManagementC Utilities Reference Manual. For additional information on command * procedures, see the @_Execute help topic.ww fK 1 SCROLLF The SCROLL command allows you to quickly scan through a large window H without changing the current selection of information. The window must L either be selected or be the only window in the display. The window t can be M scrolled vertically or horizontally by a specific number of lines or fields.N When the window scrolls, the header remains stationary. The left, right, and L bottom border lines, as well as lines that separate fields where the lines O join the header portion of the window, indicate in which direction the window G has been scrolled. Pertinent information may not be currently visible.8 Formats: SCROLL UP value SCROLL LEFT value9 SCROLL DOWN value SCR uOLL RIGHT valueF If AUTO_POSITIONING is turned ON, other windows on the screen can be H repositioned as the selected window is scrolled. The arrow keys can be M redefined as SCROLL commands. For more information see help on SET FUNCTION.ww fK 1 SELECTK Selects a window to be scrolled or moved. Allows you to select a specific K window by specifying the SCS, CLUSTER, or LOCAL_PORTS window. Also allows L you to cycle through all windows on the screen, selecting each one vin turn.L Windows are selected in the order in which they first appear on the screen.J With the last window selected, entering the SELECT command will cause the> last window to be deselected before the cycle repeats itself.@ Selecting a new window while a previously selected window is in> the process of being moved manually will cause the previously- selected window to move to its new position.. For additional information, see help on MOVE. Format: SELECT [window-name]www fK1 SET= The SET command is used to change several options including:2 The characteristics of a particular field.- The automatic positioning of windows.' The function of the arrow keys.6 The number of seconds between display updates.2 The number of columns used by the display. Format: SET option2 Field3 Changes the characteristics of a particular field./ Format: SET field-name[,...] [/qualifier,...]E NOTE: For a complete list of xfield names, type HELP FIELDS from the H command prompt. If the list of fields scrolls off your terminal, F enter SET SCREEN=132 or refer to the OpenVMS System Management B Utilities Reference Manual. For a list of field names in a N particular class, type HELP CLASSES class-name from the command prompt. 3 Qualifiers/FORMATA Sets the radix to be used to display a particular field. FORMATB applies only to decimal and hexadecimal fields. Ascii fields can not bye changed.= Format: SET field-name[,...] /FORMAT=radix [/qualifier,...]? Note: The HW_VERS field can be displayed in hexidecimal only./WIDTHA Sets the number of columns to use to display a particular field.B Specifying a value less than the minimum allowed for a particularC field will set the number of columns for that field to the minimum> value. Specifying a value greater than the maximum number of> columns allowed for a particular field will set the number of- columns for t zhat field to the maximum value.< Format: SET field-name[,...] /WIDTH=value [/qualifier,...]2 AUTO_POSITIONINGD Enables or disables automatic positioning of windows on the screen.B By default, AUTO_POSITIONING is ON and windows are automatically H positioned based on their size and the order in which they were added. F Windows will be positioned so that they do not overlap, but they can D extend, fully or in part, beyond the physical limits of the screen.E Attempting to MOVE a window s {ets AUTO_POSITIONING to OFF and allows E windows to be positioned manually. To reposition a window, you must ? first SELECT the window to be moved if more than one window isD being displayed and then MOVE the window to its new position. WhenH you position windows manually, windows are allowed to overlap. For moreE information on moving windows manually, see help on SELECT and MOVE.! Format: SET AUTO_POSITIONING ON" SET AUTO_POSITIONING OFF: Note: The SET FUNCTION MOVE comm |and and the MOVE command/ implicitly set auto-positioning to off. 2 FUNCTIONH By default, the arrow keys function as editing keys to provide command G line recall and line editing. The SET FUNCTION command redefines the F function of the arrow keys on the terminal to one of three additionalK functions: PAN, SCROLL or MOVE. For example, by entering the SET FUNCTION J PAN command, the left arrow, right arrow, up arrow, and down arrow keys, B are defined as PAN LEFT 1, PAN RIGHT 1, P }AN UP 1, and PAN DOWN 1.E The SET FUNCTION SCROLL and SET FUNCTION MOVE commands redefine the G arrow keys in a similar manner. Command line recall and line editing ; can be restored by entering the SET FUNCTION EDIT command.$ Format: SET FUNCTION function-nameK Note: The SET FUNCTION MOVE command implicitly turns auto-positioning off. 2 INTERVAL= Specifies the amount of time to wait between display updatesA expressed in seconds. Using the SET INTERVAL commands overrides/ the~ /INTERVAL qualifier used at the DCL level. Format: SET INTERVAL = seconds 2 SCREEN> Sets the maximum number of columns to be used by the display. Accepted range is 1 to 511.9 Note: For certain types of terminals, character size is7 dependent on the number of columns per line and9 will change as the number of columns is increased or decreased. Format: SET SCREEN = widthww2fK1 WRITE3 The WRITE command outputs the current display to a3 file which is suitable from printing on a hardcopy; device. The output filename defaults to SHOW_CLUSTER.LIS.! Format: WRITE [/ALL] [filespec] 2 Qualifiers/ALLC The /ALL qualifier to the WRITE command indicates that the output H file should contain a display consisting of all classes and all fields.H The use of the /ALL qualifier to produce an output file or hardcopy is = recommended when reporting a cluster related problem to VSI.G Note: One display update occurs prior to the output of the file when B the /ALL qualifier is specified. This is required because G SHOW CLUSTER cannot currently have the information necessary toI display all the possible fields. This means that the output file G can differ from the display currently on the terminal's screen.ww