%ì Librarian A09-30òô‹UkK°G½ŒUkK°GH5XBCommandsòEDIT0BErrors'ÄFlagsHELP.$Messages²TECO­6•ŒUkK°1 HELPD TECO's HELP command can be used to get information about TECO or to* access any standard OpenVMS HELP library. Format:1 HELP [[/LIBRARY]=[=]name] [key-1 [key-2 [...]]]E Using the =name qualifier selects a HELP library other than the TECOC library. The ==name format both selects the library for this HELPG command and makes it the default library for subsequent HELP commands. For example HELP ==HELP SYSTEM $ASSIGNG would select the system HELP li brary, establish it as the default, and6 tell you about the Assign I/O Channel system service.B The Key-n parameters obey the standard OpenVMS HELP syntax rules.ww­6•ŒUkK°1 TECOD You can invoke TECO with the traditional TECO commands, TECO, MAKE, and MUNG. Formats; TECO file-spec to edit an existing fileC TECO out-file-spec=in-file-spec to edit from one file to another7 MAKE file-spec to create a new fileA MUNG cmd-file-spec to execute a TECO command fileG MUNG cmd-file-spec text-arg as above, but passes a text argument5 in the text bufferE As these are not built-in DCL commands, you must define them in yourF LOGIN.COM file. You may define these as foreign commands, as follows:, TECO == "$SYS$SYSTEM:TECO32 TECO ", MAKE == "$SYS$SYSTEM:TECO32 MAKE ", MUNG == "$SYS$SYSTEM:TECO32 MUNG "H Alternately, you may define the command s as synonyms for the equivalent$ DCL EDIT/TECO commands, as follows: TECO == "EDIT/TECO"$ MAKE == "EDIT/TECO/CREATE"% MUNG == "EDIT/TECO/EXECUTE"? Note that interpretation of qualifiers depends on how you haveF defined the commands. The qualifiers documented in this section apply@ to the foreign command definition. For details on the EDIT/TECOF command, see the description of the EDIT command in this help library8 or EDIT/TECO in the main DCL help library, HELPLIB.HLB.2 InitializationD TECO decodes its commands with a built-in command decoder. If TECOC finds the logical name TEC$INIT, its equivalence string is assumedA to be either a TECO macro or, if the string starts with a dollar> sign ($), the rest of the string is assumed to be a file-specC containing a TECO macro to be executed every start up. To disable: the lookup of TEC$INIT, the qualifier /NOINI can be used. 3 ActionsA Your initialization TECO macro can request the following ac tions* by returning a bit encoded numeric value.1 1 => Load and start up VTEDIT.TEC (/VTEDIT)1 2 => Only inspect specified file (/INSPECT), 4 => Inhibit TECO's memory (/NOMEMORY)7 8 => Position to VTEDIT's position marker (/FIND)< 16 => Enable scope editing SEEALL mode (/VTEDIT:SEEALL)? 32 => Enable scope editing HOLD screen mode (/VTEDIT:HOLD)5 128 => Enable scope editing scroll mode (/SCROLL)6 256 => Inhibit automatic file creation (/NOCREATE)% 4096 => Initialization is complete- 8192 => Force TECO to update TECO's memory$ 16384 => Display file being edited< 32768 => Initialization used TECO's memory; TECO shouldn't 3 Conditions> When the initialization TECO macro is executed, the following conditions are in effect.& Text buffer User's editing command0 Q-register 0 Initialization TECO macro itself< Q-register 9 TECO's built-in command decoder data storage: Q-register Y TECO's built-in command decoder TECO macro>  The user's editing command in the text buffer can be modified" by the initialization TECO macro.? All other Q-registers are initially scratch and can be used or= loaded by the initialization TECO macro; their contents will subsequently be preserved. 3 ExampleC The following initialization TECO macro always disallows automatic? file creation (256) and, for scope terminals only (512 in ET),A enables scope editing scroll mode (128) in SEEALL mode (16) with1 immediate mode command outp ut turned off (-1EV).+ 256U0 ET&512"N Q0#128#16U0 -1EV ' Q0#4096C This initialization TECO macro would be defined as the equivalence+ string to the logical TEC$INIT as follows.@ $ DEFINE TEC$INIT "256U0 ET&512""N Q0#128#16U0 -1EV ' Q0#4096" 2 DefaultsG Your LOGIN.COM file can define the TECO command with preset qualifiersF if desired. The qualifiers /NOCRE, /NOINI, and /NOMEM are recognizedF by all TECO commands so that they can be preset at command definition: time. To disable all TECO start up actions you would use; TECO == "$SYS$SYSTEM:TECO32 TECO/NOCRE/NOINI/NOMEM", To disable only TECO's memory you would use/ TECO == "$SYS$SYSTEM:TECO32 TECO/NOMEM" Etc.2 Memory@ TECO automatically remembers the file being edited. The file's? name is stored in a process logical called TEC$MEMORY. If you? invoke TECO without specifying a file-spec, TECO will read its@ memory logical and re-edit the last edited file. TECO's memory< feature is completely inhibited by the /NOMEMORY qualifier. 2 Qualifiers/FINDC Initially position to (find) the last marked position in the input= file. Position is marked with the VTEDIT ESCape-F commands./INSPECT; Simply read the file-spec, don't create a new edited copy. /NOCREATEB Do not automatically create a new file if the file specified by a$ TECO command doesn't already exist./NOINI< Do not attempt to find or use TECO's private initialization logical TEC$INIT. /NOMEMORY> Do not read, create, or use TECO's memory logical TEC$MEMORY./SCROLLD Automatically enter split screen scrolling mode. The bottom 1/4 ofC the screen's lines are scrolled. The following qualifier keywords. can be used to initially set scrolling modes: /SCROLL:n+ Set the number of lines to scroll to n. /SCROLL:SEEALL# Set scrolling into SEEALL mode. /SCROLL:n:SEEALL; Set the number of lines to scroll to n and SEEALL mode./VTEDITC Automatically invoke the TECO keypad editor VTEDIT. The following> qualifier keywords can be used to initially set VTEDIT modes: /VTEDIT:HOLD% Set VTEDIT into hold screen mode. /VTEDIT:SEEALL Set VTEDIT into SEEALL mode.1 /VTEDIT:HOLD:SEEALL -or- /VTEDIT:SEEALL:HOLD6 Set VTEDIT into both hold screen and SEEALL modes.H Note: VTEDIT does not ship as part of the OpenVMS operating system, butF is available from various public sources including the DECUS library.ww­6•ŒUkK°1 EDITE You can invoke TECO with the standard DCL EDIT command by specifying the /TECO qualifier. Formats? EDIT/TECO file-spec to edit an existing fileG EDIT/TECO file-spec/OUTPUT=new-file to edit from one file to another; EDIT/TECO file-spec/CREATE to create a new fileE EDIT/TECO/EXECUTE=cmd-file-spec to execute a TECO command fileK EDIT/TECO/EXECUTE=cmd-file-spec text as above, but passes a text argument9  in the text buffer2 InitializationC If TECO finds the logical name TEC$INIT, its equivalence string isB assumed to be either a TECO macro or, if the string starts with aE dollar sign ($), the rest of the string is assumed to be a file-specC containing a TECO macro to be executed every start up. To disableB the lookup of TEC$INIT, the qualifier /NOCOMMAND can be used. To= explicitly specify a start up TECO macro file, the qualifier /COMMAND=file-spec can be used. 3 Actions A Your initialization TECO macro can request the following actions* by returning a bit encoded numeric value.= 1 => Load and start up VTEDIT.TEC (scope editing macro)3 2 => Only inspect specified file (/READ_ONLY), 4 => Inhibit TECO's memory (/NOMEMORY)/ 8 => Position to VTEDIT's position marker4 16 => Enable scope editing SEEALL mode (-1,3:W)9 32 => Enable scope editing HOLD screen mode (-1,5:W)7 128 => Enable scope editing scroll mode (2:W/4,7:W)6 256 => Inhibit automatic file creation (/NOCREATE)% 4096 => Initialization is complete- 8192 => Force TECO to update TECO's memory$ 16384 => Display file being edited< 32768 => Initialization used TECO's memory; TECO shouldn't 3 Conditions> When the initialization TECO macro is executed, the following conditions are in effect.& Text buffer User's editing command0 Q-register 0 Initialization TECO macro itself< Q-register 9 TECO's built-in command decoder data storage: Q-re gister Y TECO's built-in command decoder TECO macro> The user's editing command in the text buffer can be modified" by the initialization TECO macro.? All other Q-registers are initially scratch and can be used or= loaded by the initialization TECO macro; their contents will subsequently be preserved. 3 ExampleC The following initialization TECO macro always disallows automatic? file creation (256) and, for scope terminals only (512 in ET),A enables scope editing scroll mode (128)  in SEEALL mode (16) with1 immediate mode command output turned off (-1EV).+ 256U0 ET&512"N Q0#128#16U0 -1EV ' Q0#4096C This initialization TECO macro would be defined as the equivalence+ string to the logical TEC$INIT as follows.@ $ DEFINE TEC$INIT "256U0 ET&512""N Q0#128#16U0 -1EV ' Q0#4096" 2 Defaults@ Your LOGIN.COM file can define an EDIT/TECO command with presetB qualifiers if desired. The qualifiers /NOCOMMAND, /NOCREATE, andF /NOMEMORY are always recognized so that they can be preset at commandE definition time. To disable all TECO start up actions you would use7 TECO == "EDIT/TECO/NOCOMMAND/NOCREATE/NOMEMORY", To disable only TECO's memory you would use$ TECO == "EDIT/TECO/NOMEMORY" Etc.2 Memory@ TECO automatically remembers the file being edited. The file's? name is stored in a process logical called TEC$MEMORY. If you? invoke TECO without specifying a file-spec, TECO will read its@ memory logical and re-edit the last edited file. TECO's memory< feature is completely inhibited by the /NOMEMORY qualifier. 2 Qualifiers/COMMANDB /COMMAND, the default, will use the start up TECO macro described" by the logical TEC$INIT, if any.; /COMMAND=file-spec will use the start up TECO macro in the specified file.= /NOCOMMAND completely inhibits any special start up actions./CREATEA /CREATE, the default, will cause a new file to be created if the' specified editing file doesn't exist.0 /NOCREATE inhibits any automatic file creation./EXECUTE> /EXECUTE=file-spec causes the specified TECO macro file to be executed./MEMORYE /MEMORY, the default, will utilize TECO's memory logical TEC$MEMORY.4 /NOMEMORY competely inhibits TECO's memory feature./OUTPUT@ /OUTPUT=file-spec will cause the edited file to be written into= the specified file-spec instead of creating the next higher version of the same file. /READ_ONLY< /READ_ONLY will cause the specified editing file to be only' read; no output file will be created.ww­6•ŒUkK° 1 Commands< Most characters that can be typed at your keyboard are TECO commands. Use them with care.; All TECO commands are terminated with the character,9 which will echo as a "$" at your terminal. To execute a; command (or string of commands), type a second after9 the last command in the string. No TECO command will be< executed until two consecutive s are typed. may4 be labeled or on your terminal.2 J8 The "J" command is used to move the text pointer within6 the editing buffer. Common forms of the command are:, BJ Point to the beginning of the buffer& ZJ Point to the end of the buffer2 L6 The "L" command is used to move the text pointer from7 one line to another. Common forms of the command are:. L Move to the beginning of the next line1 0L Move to the beginning of the current line4 5l Move to the fifth line p ast the current line& -1L Move back to the previous line2 C3 The "C" command is used to move the pointer past a5 specified number of characters. Common forms of the "C" command are:1 C Advance the pointer to the next character( 3C Move forward by three characters+ -1C Move back to the previous character2 T6 The "T" command is used to type text from the editing. buffer. Common forms of the "T" command are:9 T Type text from the pointer to the end of the l!ine3 0T Type text from the beginning of the current line to the pointer3 5T Print the next five lines of text, starting from the pointer7 HT Print the entire contents of the editing buffer2 I8 The "I" command is used to insert text, starting at the. current pointer. The command is of the form: Itext-to-insert7 For example, to insert the text "This is a test", type IThis is a test$4 (Note that the key is echoed as a "$" sig"n at your terminal.)2 K9 The "K" command is used to delete lines of text from the2 editing buffer. Common forms of the command are:4 K Delete the text from the pointer through the end of the current line1 0K Delete the text from the beginning of the# current line to the pointer4 5K Delete the next five lines of text, starting from the pointer4 HK delete all of the text in the editing buffer2 D6 The "D" command is used to delete charact #ers from the2 editing buffer. Common forms of the command are:6 D Delete the character which follows the pointer1 5D Delete the next five characters, starting0 with the character following the pointer7 -1D Delete the character which immediately precedes the pointer2 P9 The "P" command is used to write the text in the editing9 buffer to the output file and read the next page of text9 from the input file to the editing buffer. Common forms of the comman$d are:3 P Write the current buffer to the output file and get the next page4 5P Write the current buffer, plus the next four6 pages from the input file, to the output file,3 then read the next page from the input file into the editing buffer2 A8 The "A" command is used to append the next page of text6 from the input file to the end of the current editing% buffer. The command is of the form:6 A Read the next page of text from the input %file4 and append it to the end of the current text buffer2 S8 The "S" command is used to locate a specified string of7 text in the current buffer. If the text is found, the8 pointer is positioned after the specified text. If the7 text is not found, an error message is printed and the/ pointer is set to the beginning of the buffer. The "S" command is of the form: Stext-to-locate9 For example, to find the text "find me", use the command Sfind m&e$: (Note that the key echoes as "$" at your terminal.)2 N< The "N" command is the same as the "S" command, except that; the search continues across page boundaries, if necessary,5 until the specified text, or the end of the file, is encountered. The "N" command is of the form: Ntext-to-locate: For example, to find the text "find me", which may appear- on a later page in the file, use the command Nfind me$9 (Note the the key echoes as "$" at 'your terminal.)2 FS4 The "FS" command is used to replace one string with7 another string. If the specified text is found, it is8 deleted and replaced with the new text, and the pointer8 is positioned at the end of the specified text. If the7 specified text is not found, the pointer is positioned at the beginning of the buffer.! The "FS" command is of the form:! FSold-textnew-text9 For example, to replace the next occurrence of "exumple" with "example", use the( command FSexumple$example$: (Note that the key echoes as "$" at your terminal.)2 EX8 The "EX" command is used to write the current buffer to9 the output file, copy the remainder of the input file to3 the output file, and exit from TECO. For example, EX$$9 (Note that the key echoes as "$" at your terminal,9 and that you must type the key twice to cause the command to be executed.)ww­G½ŒUkK°1 Flags6 TECO has a number of internal) mode flags which can be9 set and/or read to modify the standard TECO environment.! To read the value of a flag, use Fx7 where "F" is the name of the flag and "x" is a command" which accepts a numeric argument. To set the value of a flag, use xF7 where "F" is the name of a flag and "x" is a number or) a command which returns a numeric value.2 ED Value Meaning if Set7 1 ^ (up-arrow) in search arguments is a literal ^8 (If 0, ^ in search arguments m*eans that the next? character should be interpreted as a control character) 2 Disables Yank protection; (If 0, the Y, N, and _ commands are aborted if they( would result in data being lost)= 4 Disallow memory expansion when reading in a text page? (If 0, memory is expanded, if needed, so that the whole* text page fits in the text buffer). 8 Unimplemented by TECO under OpenVMS...: 16 Leaves buffer pointer unchanged on searc+h failures= (If 0, search failures move the buffer pointer to the% beginning of the text buffer)& 32 Enable immediate mode commands8 64 Only move the buffer pointer by one on iterative search failures8 (If 0, the buffer pointer moves by the length of7 the search string on iterative search failures)9 128 Disable scrolling's automatic text buffer display prior to TECO's prompt7 (If 0, the text buffer display is auto,matically: updated just prior to TECO's prompt when scrolling is enabled)/ Multiple values may be combined in the ED flag2 EHA The EH flag controls TECO's action when an error is encountered. Value Meaning if Set 0 Same as 22 1 Only the 3-character error code is printedB 2 The 3-character error code and a short message are printed: 3 The 3-character error code, a short message, and a: more detailed explanation of the error are p-rinted; 4 The command(s) which lead to the error are printed,0 simulating the effect of the "?" command? The 4 may be combined with either 0, 1, 2, or 3 in the EH flag2 ET Value Meaning if set$ 1 Type-out is in pass-all mode 2 Terminal is a scope2 4 Terminal has lower-case; accept lower-case 8 ^T reads with no echo 16 Cancels ^O on output9 32 ^T reads with no wait (^T returns -1 if no input). 64 Unimplemented by TECO under OpenVM.S.... 128 TECO aborts if an error is encountered3 256 Output is truncated to the terminal's width: 512 "W" commands are supported for this scope terminal. 1024 Unimplemented by TECO under OpenVMS.... 2048 Unimplemented by TECO under OpenVMS...% 4096 Terminal is an 8-bit terminal; 8192 Accept accent grave (`) as ESCape for command input1 32768 Traps CTRL/C's (reset if CTRL/C is typed)/ Multiple values may be combined in the ET flag2 EU Value Meaning6 0 Fl/ags lower case characters on output with "T" or "V" commands- >0 Flags upper case characters on output" <0 No case flagging on output2 ^X Value Meaning' 0 Either case matches in searches3 <>0 Exact case matches are required in searchesww­G½ŒUkK° 1 MessagesA TECO produces one informational and two warning messages. These; messages do not abort the command and execution continues.2 %Search fail in iter< Indicates that a search c 0ommand has failed inside< iteration brackets. A ; (semi-colon) command< immediately following the search command can< typically be used to suppress this message. After< printing the message, the iteration is terminated,+ i.e., TECO simulates a 0; command.2 %Exceeding disk quota< Indicates that the current output operation has< exceeded your disk quota. You may continue to do< output up to your quota 1 overdraft limit. It is< suggested that you exit from the current edit and< purge old file versions to free up some disk space. 2 [nnn pages]< This informational message tells you the size of< TECO's combined text buffer and Q-register storage in pages.ww­G½ŒUkK°1 Errors( All TECO error messages are of the form ?XXX Short text message$ and abort TECO's command execution.F Typing a question mark (?) immediately afte2r TECO's input prompt willE print the erring command string up to and including the error point.F Typing a slash (/) immediately after TECO's input prompt will print a! longer explanation of the error.2 BNI ?BNI > not in iteration< There is a close angle bracket not matched by an< open angle bracket somewhere to its left. (Note:< an iteration in a macro stored in a Q-register must, be complete within the Q-register.)2 CPQ ?CPQ 3 Can't pop Q-reg< A ] command has been executed and there is nothing0 saved on the Q-register push down list.2 DTB ?DTB Delete too big< An nD command has been attempted which is not+ contained within the current page.2 ERR ?ERR ID, text4 Some system service call failed. The error/ message ID and text explain the error.2 FNF& ?FNF File not found "filespec"< The requested input file coul4d not be located. If< this occurred within a macro the colon modified ER( or EB command may be necessary.2 IAA ?IAA Illegal A arg< The argument preceding a :A command is negative or 0.2 IEC ?IEC Illegal E character< An invalid E command has been executed. The E< character must be followed by an alphabetic to form, a legal E command (e.g., ER or EX).2 IFC ?IFC Illegal F character0 5 An invalid F command has been executed.2 IIA ?IIA Illegal insert arg< A command of the form "nItext$" was attempted.< This combination of character and text insertion is illegal.2 ILL ?ILL Illegal command< An attempt has been made to execute an invalid TECO command.2 ILN ?ILN Illegal number< An 8 or 9 has been entered when the radix of TECO is set to octal.2 IPA ?IPA I6llegal P arg< The argument preceding a P or PW command is negative or 0.2 IQC ?IQC Illegal " character< One of the valid " commands did not follow the ".2 IQN ?IQN Illegal Q-reg name< An illegal Q-register name was specified in one of! the Q-register commands.2 IRA ?IRA Illegal radix arg< The argument to a ^R radix command must be 8, 10, or 16.2 ISA ?ISA Illegal sea7rch arg< The argument preceding a search command is 0. This argument must not be 0.2 ISS" ?ISS Illegal search string< One of the search string special characters (^Q,< ^R, etc.) would have modified the search string$ delimiter (usually ESCAPE).2 IUC ?IUC Illegal ^ character< The character following an ^ must have ASCII value< between 100 and 137 inclusive or between 141 and 172 inclusive8.2 MEM ?MEM Memory overflow< Insufficient memory available to complete the< current command. Make sure the Q-register area< does not contain much unnecessary text. Breaking< up the text area into multiple pages might be useful.2 MRP ?MRP Missing )< There is a right parenthesis that is not matched by* a corresponding left parenthesis.2 NAB ?NAB No arg before ^_< The 9^_ command must be preceded by either a< specific numeric argument or a command that returns a numeric value.2 NAC ?NAC No arg before ,< A command has been executed in which a , is not( preceded by a numeric argument.2 NAE ?NAE No arg before =< The =, ==, or === command must be preceded by< either a specific numeric argument or a command& that returns a numeric value.2 NAP ?NAP : No arg before )< A ) parenthesis has been encountered and is not< properly preceded by a specific numeric argument or0 a command that returns a numeric value.2 NAQ ?NAQ No arg before "< The " commands must be preceded by a single numeric< argument on which the decision to execute the< following commands or skip to the matching ' is based.2 NAS ?NAS No arg before ;< The ; command must; be preceded by a single numeric< argument on which the decision to execute the< following commands or skip to the matching > is based.2 NAU ?NAU No arg before U< The U command must be preceded by either a specific< numeric argument or a command that returns a numeric value.2 NFI ?NFI No file for input< Before issuing an input command, such as Y, it is< necessary to open an input <file by use of a command such as ER or EB.2 NFO ?NFO No file for output< Before issuing an output command such as N search< or P it is necessary to open an output file by use' of a command such as EW or EB.2 NYA ?NYA Numeric arg with Y< The Y command must not be preceded by either a< numeric argument or a command that returns a numeric value.2 OFO0 ?OFO Output file already open "f=ilespec"< A command has been executed which tried to create< an output file, but an output file currently is< open. It is typically appropriate to use the EC or< EK command as the situation calls for to close the output file.2 PDO$ ?PDO Push-down list overflow< The command string has become too complex. Simplify it.2 POP ?POP Pointer off page< A J, C or R command has been e >xecuted which< attempted to move the pointer off the page. The< result of executing one of these commands must< leave the pointer between 0 and Z, inclusive. The< characters referenced by a D or m,nX command must, also be within the buffer boundary.2 SNI ?SNI ; not in iteration< A ; command has been executed outside of an open< iteration bracket. This command may only be, executed within ite ?ration brackets.2 SRH" ?SRH Search failure "text"< A search command not preceded by a colon modifier< and not within an iteration has failed to find the< specified "text". After an S search fails the< pointer is left at the beginning of the buffer.< After an N or _ search fails the last page of the< input file has been input and, in the case of N,< output, and the buffer is cleared. In the case of< @ an N search it is usually necessary to close the9 output file and reopen it for continued editing.2 STL ?STL String too long< A search or file name string is too long. This is< most likely the result of a missing ESCAPE after the string.2 UTC! ?UTC Unterminated command< This is a general error which is usually caused by< an unterminated insert, search, or filespec< argument, an unterminat Aed ^A message, an< unterminated tag or comment (i.e., unterminated !< construct), or a missing ' character which closes a' conditional execution command.2 UTM ?UTM Unterminated macro< This error is the same as the ?UTC error except< that the unterminated command was executing from a< Q-register (i.e., it was a macro). (Note: An< entire command sequence stored in a Q-register must, be complete wBithin the Q-register.)2 XAB ?XAB Execution aborted< Execution of TECO was aborted. This is usually due! to the typing of CTRL/C.2 YCA ?YCA Y command aborted< An attempt has been made to execute an Y or _< search command with an output file open, that would< cause text in the text buffer to be erased without< outputting it to the output file. The ED command controls this check.!++?! The help secCtion on TECO macros has been commented out since:! 1) It isn't complete yet.$! 2) The macros don't ship anymore.!-- ! 1 Macros! TECO macros... ! 2 LOCAL! LOCAL.TEC is... ! 2 SEARCHH! SEARCH.TEC is a TECO macro used to search files for one or moreC! character strings, and optionally replace them. It is invoked by:!! MUNG SYS$LIBRARY:SEARCH,! When run, it asks the following questions:! &! Output : Output log file)! Input <*.MAR>: Input file spDec(s)0! Lines <3>: Number of lines to verify.! (Absolute) Search: String(s) to search forC! Replace: Replace for found string (if /CHA specified)$! Detach : Run detached?! H! Defaults are shown in angle brackets ("<>"). The "Input" and "Search"C! questions are repeated until they are answered with a blank line.! 3 Input qualifiers! /ALLH! List all file names in main part of log whether they were match or ! no-match.! 3 Output qualifiers! E/CHAH! Change found string. This causes "Replace:" to be requested afterH! every search string. The changed version is logged in the log file, ! and the input file is updated.! /MATA! Report only files with matches (No end list of no-match files).! /ESCH! ESCape is the only delimiter for Search and Replace strings. NormallyH! a carriage return is used as the delimiter. Thus multi-line search or<! replacement strings must be entered using the /ESC option.! /DIR<! Compile a dire Fctory of the files now and use it to search.! /ABSH! Exact case matches are required and TECO special search matchH! characters must be entered as control characters (i.e., not with an ! uparrow). ! 3 Log fileH! For each file which contains at least one match, a banner is printedH! out, and each instance, along with the 3 (or the number requested byH! the user) lines before and after it. A header line identifying theH! page number is printed with each instance. Onc Ge all of the filesH! containing matches are logged, a list of files which do not containB! matches is printed (unless the user specifies "/MAT" or "/ALL").! 3 File specsH! SEARCH allows a list of file specifications terminated by a blank line=! to be requested. Any or all of these may include wildcards.! 3 Search stringsH! The search strings are entered as a list ending with a blank line andH! are terminated with a carriage return unless "/ESC" is specified. AnyH! of the TECO string matching constructs may be used. Unless "/ABS" isH! used, this includes "^" constructs for control characters, thus "^G"-! would search for a CTRL/G (bell) character.! 2 SQU! SQU.TEC is...! 2 TYPE! TYPE.TEC is... ! 2 VTEDIT! VTEDIT.TEC is...ww