% Librarian I01-42|fKfK<p= 5 5  About_TFFCommandshEXIT HELP fK 1 About_TFF1 Terminal Fallback Facility (TFF)F The VMS Terminal Fallback Facility (TFF) provides table-drivenF character conversion for terminals. The conversion is doneF transparent to the application (unnoticed by the applicationF software unless explicit inquiries are made). You can chooseF character conversion tables from a master character library, located on the VMS system disk in: SYS$SYSTEM:TFF$MASTER. DATF This library contains all the character tables supported by TFF.F Conversions can be one character to many on output to a terminal,* and one to one on input from a terminal.F TFF can also perform character compose emulation on input.@ Furthermore, you can control which keys are auto-compose keys.F One of the applications of TFF is to allow users with NationalF Replacement Character (NRC) set terminals to use software developedF with the DEC Multinational Character Set (MCS). MCS is essentiallyF the ASCII character set plus 128 characters currently used by owners$ of NRC terminals around the world.F In addition, TFF also allows users to use 16-bit character setF terminals, such as DOOSAN Code and Telex Code Asian languageF terminals, for software developed with the Asian Language National Standard Character Set.wwfK1 HELPF This is the VMS Terminal Fallback Utility (TFU), the user interfaceF to Terminal Fallback Facility (TFF). The TFU supersedes the functionF served by the former (VMS Version 4.x) DCL SET TERMINAL/FALLBACK command.F Use the HELP command to display on the current default output device: (SYS$OUTPUT) information available in the TFU help file. Format: TFU> HELP [keyword ...]wwfK1 EXIT: To exit TFU, enter EXIT or CTRL/Z after the TFU> prompt.wwfK 1 CommandsF After you invoke TFU, you can enter any of the TFU commands. These6 commands follow the standard rules for DCL commands.F For example, to view the list of character tables on line, enter the following commands:- TFU> SET LIBRARY SYS$SYSTEM:TFF$MASTER.DAT TFU> DIRECTORY 2 DIRECTORYF Provides a directory of a TFF library file. You can specify/ selective, brief, or full directory listings.F If you specify a library name, that library becomes the current work library.& Format: DIRECTORY [library-name] 3 Parameter library-nameF Indicates the name of the library for which a directory listing isF requested. If you have already established a work library, theF library-name is optional. If you do not specify a library name, the0 default file specification is: SYS$DISK:[].DAT 3 Qualifiers/ALL /ALL) Lists all tables in the target library./COMPOSE /COMPOSEF Lists only compose sequence tables. You cannot use /COMPOSE( simultaneously with /ALL or /FALLBACK. /FALLBACK /FALLBACKF Lists only fallback tables. This is the default for the DIRECTORYF command. You can not use /FALLBACK simultaneously with /ALL or /COMPOSE./FULL /FULLF Displays more detailed table information. By default, only one line: of information is displayed about each table you select. 3 Examples< 1. TFU> DIRECTORY SYS$SYSTEM:TFF$MASTER.DAT/FALLBACK/FULL> Directory of TFF library SYS $COMMON:[SYSEXE]TFF$MASTER.DAT;1* Name Type Base Description* ---- ---- ---- -----------. ASCII Fbk MCS MCS for ASCII (US)H ASCII_OVST Fbk MCS MCS for hardcopy ASCII terminal (overstrike)J BRITISH Fbk MCS MCS for British NRC(BS 4730 [ISO 646 variant])I CANADIAN Fbk MCS MCS for French-Canadian NRC (CSA Z243.4-1985) .  . .> SWEDISH_D47 Fbk MCS MCS for Swedish NRC (old type D47)D SWEDISH_E47  Fbk MCS MCS for Swedish NRC (SEN 85 02 00 - E47)1 SWISS_VT102PY Fbk MCS MCS for Swiss VT102PYD TURKISH Fbk MCS MCS for Turkish NRC (partial ISO 6937/2)A VT100_MCS Fbk MCS MCS for VT100s with DEC-Supp in ROM#1B YUGOSLAVIAN Fbk MCS MCS for Yugoslavian NRC (JUS I B1.002) A total of 28 tables TFU>F This example shows how to produce a brief directory listing of all2 the fallback tables in the current work library.< 2. TFU> DIRECTORY SYS$SYS TEM:TFF$MASTER.DAT/FALLBACK/FULL? Directory of TFF library SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]TFF$MASTER.DAT;1. Name Type Base Description. ---- ---- ---- -----------, ASCII Fbk MCS MCS for ASCII (US)2 Table edit level: V1.0-0/ Size (in bytes): 11281 Table format version: 0F ASCII_OVST Fbk MCS MCS for hardcopy ASCII terminal (overstrike)2 Table edit  level: V1.0-0/ Size (in bytes): 13521 Table format version: 0I BRITISH Fbk MCS MCS for British NRC (BS 4730 [ISO 646 variant])2 Table edit level: V1.0-0/ Size (in bytes): 11281 Table format version: 0 .  . . .? VT100_MCS Fbk MCS MCS for VT100s with DEC-Supp in ROM#12 Table edit level : V1.0-0/ Size (in bytes): 14131 Table format version: 0@ YUGOSLAVIAN Fbk MCS MCS for Yugoslavian NRC (JUS I B1.002)2 Table edit level: V1.0-0/ Size (in bytes): 11281 Table format version: 0 A total of 28 tables TFU>F This example shows how to display full information about all; fallback tables in the library SYS$SYSTEM:TFF$MASTER.DAT.2 LOAD LOAD TABLEF Loads a table from the current work library into nonpaged dynamicF memory pool. Before you use this command, the fallback driver,F FBDRIVER, must be loaded into memory by means of the SystemF Generation Utility (SYSGEN) or SYS$MANAGER:TFF$STARTUP.COM. A tableF must be loaded into nonpaged dynamic memory pool before it can be used.F The following tables are always present and cannot be loaded or unloaded: ASCII  - Fallback' LATIN_1 - Compose sequence validation" Format: LOAD TABLE table-name 3 Parameter table-name/ Indicates the name of the table to be loaded. 3 Example" 1. TFU> LOAD TABLE HEBREW_VT100F This example shows how to load table HEBREW_VT100 into nonpaged4 dynamic memory pool from the current work library.2 SETF Defines or changes fallback libraries, tables, and terminal characteristics. Format: SET option3 DEFAULT_TA BLEF Establishes a default table for the system. Before you specify aF table as the system default, you must load the table into nonpagedF dynamic memory pool using the LOAD command. The SET DEFAULT_TABLEF command reads the table type (fallback or compose) from theF specified table's header and makes the target table the default for its type.? Before you enable any defaults, the following defaults apply: ASCII - Fallback# LATIN_1 - Compose validation* Format: SET DEFAULT_TABLE table-name 4 Parameter table-name: Indicates the name of the table to be the default table. 4 Examples* 1. TFU> SET DEFAULT_TABLE HEBREW_VT100 TFU> SHOW DEFAULT_TABLE% System default TFF tables are:4 HEBREW_VT100 (fallback)G LATIN_1 (compose sequence validation) TFU>F The command in this example established HEBREW_VT100 as the defaultF fallback table for the system. The table HEBREW_VT100 must be loaded prior to issuing this command.$ 2. TFU> SET DEFAULT_TABLE LATIN_1 TFU>F Because the LATIN_1 table is a compose sequence validation tableF rather than a fallback table, the command in this example makes the> LATIN_1 table the default compose sequence validation table. 3 LIBRARYF Allows you to declare a work library. Note that some commandsF implicitly declare a work library. If the library is located it becomes the new work library.( Format: SET LIBRARY library-name 4 Parameter library-nameF Indicates the name of the library to be made the current library.: You must specify a library with the SET LIBRARY command. 4 Example/ 1. TFU> SET LIBRARY SYS$SYSTEM:TFF$MASTER.DAT! TFU> LOAD TABLE HEBREW_VT100F In this example, the first command sets the library to beF SYS$SYSTEM:TFF$MASTER.DAT which is the default file name andF location. This command directs TFF to use character conversionF tables located in that file. The second command loads the table1 HEBREW_VT100 into nonpaged dynamic memory pool. 3 TERMINAL TERMINAL/FALLBACKF Enables or modifies TFF terminal parameters. The /FALLBACK qualifierF is required, but you can place it before or after the terminal-name parameter.F SET TERMINAL/NOFALLBACK takes no options and is equivalent to SET TERMINAL/FALLBACK=TABLE:NONE.F Format: SET TERMINAL /FALLBACK[=(Option,...)] [terminal_name]7 SET TERMINAL/NOFALLBACK [terminal-name] 4 Parameter terminal-nameF Indicates the target terminal for the set operation. If notF specified, your own terminal is used. Note that you can use TFF onlyF from local terminals; you cannot use terminal fallback on a remoteF terminal (RTAx), the fallback terminal device (FBA0), a PacketF Switch Interface (PSI) terminal (NVA 0), a disconnected virtualF terminal, or a terminal set for dynamic switching (DYNSWITCH) with DECnet.F You can use TFF locally and then use the DCL command SET HOST to access a remote system. optionF Modifies the terminal parameters. If you specify more than one,F enclose them in parentheses, and separate each with commas. You can? use the following options with the FALLBACK=option qualifier:# Option DefinitionF [NO]ACCEPT ! Enables input of 8-bit characters if theF terminal is capable of generating 8-bitF characters. The default is 7-bit characterF generation. 7-bit terminals, such as VT1xxF and LA1xx, should have this feature turnedF off whereas VT2xx terminals may have it onF (depending on the active table). The NOACCEPTC " option causes TFF to clear the eighth bit.F [NO]AUTOCOMPOSE Enables or disables all auto-compose keysF available for the fallback table associatedF with a terminal. The AUTOCOMPOSE andF NOAUTOCOMPOSE options override any keysF specified with the ENABLE and DISABLE options( described next.F DISABLE=(value[,...]) Disables one or more ac#tive auto-composeF keys. Keys are chosen from the list of keysF available for the fallback table associatedF with a terminal. The value argument is a listF of the decimal values of the keys to disable.F If you specify more than one value, separateF the values with commas and place them inF parentheses. SHOW TERMINAL/FA $LLBACK lists theF currently active keys and their decimal values.F ENABLE=(value[,...]) Enables one or more auto-compose keys. ChooseF keys from the list of keys available for theF fallback table associated with the specifiedF terminal. The value argument is a list of theF decimal values of the keys to enable. If youF % specify more than one value, separate theF values with commas and place them inF parentheses. SHOW TERMINAL/FALLBACK lists theF currently active keys and their decimal values.F GX_DEFAULT:gx-name Defines as the default character set the nameF of a character set, previously defined andF stored in Read Only Memory ( &ROM) of theF specified terminal. For example, VT100LDF specifies the line drawing alternateF character set available on VT100 terminals,F and DECSUPP specifies DIGITAL's supplemental' character set.F These options are available for a variety ofF incompatible terminals. For example, theF ' ASCII option applies to a special class ofF older DIGITAL terminals that do not have anF ASCII ROM that allows display of the fullF ASCII character set. These terminals have8 only the NRC set of characters.F Currently you can specify any of theF following character sets for the default:F ASCII (, CANADA, CANADA_2, DECSUPP, FINLAND,F FINLAND_2, FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, JIS,F NETHERLAND, NORDAN, NORWAY, NORWAY_2, SPAIN,F SPECIAL1, SPECIAL2, SPECIAL3, SWEDEN,> SWEDEN_2, SWISS, TCS, UK, or VT100LD.F For more information about available defaultF and alternate ROM-based character sets, seeF the docume )ntation for your specific" terminal.F [NO]SIGNAL Enables the output of a BELL character toF sound a terminal bell when an invalid composeF sequence is entered. This is the default. YouF can disable this feature for applicationsF that split escape sequences (for output) intoF two or more QIOs, because the BELL character5 * may destroy such a sequence.F [NO]SOFT_COMPOSE Enables software emulated compose, using theF terminal's compose sequence validation table.F You can enter compose sequences either byF pressing CTRL/K followed by the sequence, orF by pressing an auto-compose key followed by> the second character of the sequence.F [NO]SUSPEND + Suspends or resumes TFF intervention. InF command procedures that perform dataF transfers over the terminal line, use theF SUSPEND option to avoid having to rememberF which TFF parameters to be reset. The SUSPENDF option suspends TFF intervention until you+ specify NOSUSPEND.F TABLE:table-name Indicates the name of t,he fallback table toF enable. If you omit the table-name option andF the terminal does not yet have fallbackF enabled then the system default is used.F Otherwise, no change is made to theF terminal's table. Specify NONE for the tableF to disable fallback for the target terminal.F This is equivalen -t to SET- TERMINAL/NOFALLBACK.F Before you can enable it, the target tableF must be present in nonpaged dynamic memoryF pool. Use the SHOW TABLES command forE information about what tables are available.F TERMINAL:terminal_type Specifies the terminal type, as seen by TFF.F The terminal type controls part of the escapeF . sequence parsing done by TFF. Thus, youF should set this to the correct value. Use oneF of the following values: VT100, VT102, VT200,F or AL_ARABI. VT102 also includes theF terminals that are named VT100xy, such as! VT100WF. 4 Examples3 1. TFU> SET TERMINAL/FALLBACK=(ACCEPT, NOSIGNAL)F The command in this example enables f/allback using system defaults,F if they are not already enabled. The option ACCEPT enables input ofF 8-bit characters; NOSIGNAL disables the terminal bell that sounds- when invalid compose sequences are entered.: 2. TFU> SET TERMINAL/FALLBACK=(ACCEPT, TABLE:HANGUL_DS)F The command in this example enables fallback for the currentF terminal, using the 16-bit character fallback table i.e. HANGUL_DS, and input of 8-bit characters.2 3. TFU> SET TERMINAL TXB0: /FAL0LBACK=TABLE:NONEF The command in this example disables fallback for terminal TXB0.F This is the same as SET TERMINAL/NOFALLBACK TXB0. Note that you can? place qualifiers before or after the terminal-name parameter.2 SHOW; Displays information about fallback tables and libraries. Format: SHOW option3 DEFAULT_TABLE7 Displays the default fallback tables for your system.! Format: SHOW DEFAULT_TABLE 4 Example 1. TFU> SHOW DEFAULT_TABLE1$ System default TFF tables are:0 CANADIAN (fallback)C LATIN_1 (compose sequence validation) TFU>F The command in this example displays the default fallback andF compose tables as they were established before the command wasF entered. In this example, the table CANADIAN is the default fallbackF table, and the table LATIN_1 is the default compose sequence validation table. 3 LIBRARY62 Provides information about the current work library. Format: SHOW LIBRARY 4 Example 1. TFU> SHOW LIBRARY* %TFF-I-READIS, Current input library is & SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]TFF$MASTER.DAT;1 TFU>F The command in this example displays the current work library. In: this case, the default library TFF$MASTER.DAT is listed. 3 STATISTICSC Displays memory and other statistical information related to TFF. Format: SHOW STATISTICS 4 Example 3 1. TFU> SHOW STATISTICS TFF system statistics: Memory (bytes) - Fixed memory:9 FBDRIVER 5608 Loaded tables:9 Compose tables (0) 09 Fallback tables (2) 22882 Memory allocated by fallback terminals (0):9 FBKs 09 Replaced vectors 09 Total memory used 4 (bytes): 7896 Misc -( Total tables loaded since boot: 2! System default TFF tables are:+ CANADIAN (fallback)> LATIN_1 (compose sequence validation)F The command in this example displays information about TFF use. FromF this display you can see that two fallback tables have been loadedF (in addition to the default table), no new compose tables have beenF loaded, and no fallback terminals have mem5ory allocated to them.& Other information is also displayed.3 TABLES> Displays information about all loaded TFF conversion tables.K Format: SHOW TABLES 4 Example TFU> SHOW TABLES1 The following TFF tables are currently loaded9 Name Type Base Crefc Trefc9 ---- ---- ---- ----- -----5 ASCII Fbk MCS * 0 05 LATIN_61 Cmp MCS * 0 05 HEBREW_VT100 Fbk Hebr 0 05 CANADIAN Fbk MCS 0 05 %TFF-W-NOMORETAB, No more tables in wildcard scan TFU>F This example shows how to display a line of information about the8 table ASCII, loaded into nonpaged dynamic memory pool. 3 TERMINAL TERMINAL/FALLBACKF Displays TFF statistics about a specific terminal. The /FALLBACKF qualifier is required, but y7ou can place it before or after the terminal-name parameter.6 Format: SHOW TERMINAL /FALLBACK [terminal-name] 4 Parameter terminal-nameF Indicates the target terminal for the show operation. If excludedF your own terminal is used. Note that you can only use TFF from localF terminals; you cannot use terminal fallback on a remote terminalF (RTAx), the fallback terminal device (FBA0), a Packet SwitchF Interface (PSI) terminal (NVA0), a disconnected virt8ual terminal, or? a terminal set for dynamic switching (DYNSWITCH) with DECnet. 4 Qualifiers /ESCAPE_STATE /ESCAPE_STATEF Displays information about escape sequence parsing, and triggeringF Read Only Menories (ROMs). Use this information to debug your application./FLAGS /FLAGSF Displays which TFF terminal flags (options) can be set by the user& and displays any internal TFF flags./FULL /FULLF Displays full information about the termina9l. You cannot use this. qualifier with /ESCAPE_STATE or /STATISTICS. /STATISTICS /STATISTICS3 Displays statistics about the specified terminal./TABLES /TABLESF Displays THE names of tables assigned to the specified terminal,5 including auto-compose keys for the fallback table. 4 Example, 1. TFU> SHOW TERMINAL TXB0: /FALLBACK/FULL) TFF status for physical terminal _TXB0:  Active tables: ASCII (FALLBACK)2 LATIN_1 (comp:ose sequence validation) I Autocompose-keys (Parenthesized values are character's decimal value): None  Settable flags:B Nosuspend, Noaccept_8bit, Soft_compose, Signal, NoGR_terminal Internal state flags: None / Rom(s) that will trigger TFF I/O conversion: ASCII" Escape sequence parsing states:0 Input_state: Off (0), Output_state: Off (0)F Terminal graphic registers for the next character (setup = VT00): G0 = ASCII, ;G1 = ASCII Output mapping:1 GL = G0 (maps 7-bit; 8th bit is truncated) Output formatter expansion:= Received: 4579 Transmitted: 4579 Expansion rate: +0.0% ! Replaced vector sizes (bytes):( Port vector: 99, Class vector: 139) TFU>F This example shows how to produce a full display of TFF information for terminal TXB0.2 UNLOAD UNLOAD TABLEF Unloads a table from nonpaged dynamic memory pool, releasing allF memory used by th<e specified table. You can only unload tables thatF are not currently referenced by users and that are not the systemF default table. You must log out or enter SET TERMINAL/NOFALLBACKF from your terminal to release a table for unloading. Note that you- cannot unload the ASCII and LATIN_1 tables.& Format: UNLOAD TABLE table-name 3 Parameter table-name2 Indicates the name of the table to be unloaded. 3 Example# 1. TFU> UNLOAD TABLE HEBREW_VT100F The command in this example unloads table HEBREW_VT100 from nonpaged dynamic memory pool.ww