% Librarian I01-42-gKBgK45 5jADDDELETEEXITHELPMODIFYRELOADRESTARTSET&SHOW2gK1 ADD 2 DEVICE@ Allows you to add a new device to the collection of known USB devices. Requires SYSPRV privilege. Format ADD DEVICE device-name: 3 Parameter device-name:D The name of the device whose characteristics are to be added. The device name has the form ddcu where:= dd is the device code-for example, LP. (The driver nameA corresponds to the device code; in this case, the driver%  name would be SYS$LPDRIVER.)> c is the controller designation A through Z; unless UCM= specifies a different letter, all USB devices are A.- u is the unit number (0 through 9999).? OpenVMS device names are made up of the two-character device@ code, followed by the controller designation, the unit numberD (which can be 1 to 4 characters long), and, finally, a colon (:). 3 Qualifiers /BUS_NUMBER /BUS_NUMBER=number@ Specifies t he USB bus number of the device. This parameter is@ required to identify a particular device on a system that has@ multiple USB buses. If you do not use this qualifier, the bus number defaults to zero.' The number can be from 0 through 25. /PATH! /PATH=(n1[.n2.n3.n4.n5.n6])@ Specifies the path to the device on the bus. The path is used> to identify a device uniquely if the device does not have aD serial number. The path specification is a series of six or f ewer nonzero numbers, where:A n1 is the number of the port on the root hub (at tier 0).D n2 through n6 are port numbers for downstream hubs at tiers 1,C 2, 3, 4, and 5. (If you do not specify trailing9 zeros, the UCM server supplies them.)@ For example, /PATH=1.4.3 indicates that the device is pluggedC into port 3 of the second tier hub, which is plugged into port 4D of the first tier hub , which in turn is plugged into the root hub 1.> For a more detailed explanation of path specifications, see> (tiers) and the text that introduces the figure. /UNIT_NUMBER /UNIT_NUMBER=numberB Unit numbers can be between 0 and 9999. By default, UCM selects? the next available unit number. This qualifier allows you to- change the unit number to suit your needs. 3 Example $ UCM9 Universal Serial Bus Configuration Manager, Version V1.0  UCM> SHOW DEVICE /UNCONFIGURED DEVICE* DEVICE_TYPE TENTATIVE$ DEVICE_NAME_ROOT AGA" UNIT_NUMBER 0" BUS 1, PATH END_DEVICE UCM> ADD DEVICE AGA0:( UCM> SHOW DEVICE /PERMANENT /FULL AGA0: DEVICE* DEVICE_TYPE PERMANENT$ DEVICE_NAME_ROOT AGA" UNIT_NUMBER 01 DRIVER SYS$AGDRIVER.EXE" BUS_NUMBER 1, PATH HID_USAGE_DATA 65540 BEGIN_INTERFACE& HID_USAGE_DATA 65540 END_INTERFACE END_DEVICE UCM>7 In this example, the first UCM command SHOW DEVICE= /UNCONFIGURED indicates that the device has not yet beenA configured. It displays only the information that appears inA the generic list: the device name root, the unit number, the bus, and the path. B After the ADD DEVICE command, the second SHOW DEVICE command,; with the /PERMANENT and /FULL qualifiers, displays theB information in the permanent list. The list includes the nameB of the driver assigned to the device, the bus number; and theB Human Interface Device (HID) usage data number, which is usedB to configures devices in the HID interface class. Examples of; HID devices are keyboards, mice, joysticks, and so on. ww2gK 1 DELETE 2 DEVICE= Allows you to remove a device from the the permanent list. Requires SYSPRV privilege. Format DELETE DEVICE device-name: 3 Parameters device-name:B The name of the device whose characteristics are to be deleted.% The device name has the form ddcu, where:= dd is the device code-for example, LP. (The driver nameA corresponds to the device code; in this case, the driver% name would be SYS$LPDRIVER.)> c is the controller designation A through Z; unless UCM= specifies a different letter, all USB devices are A.- u is the unit number (0 through 9999).? OpenVMS device names are made up of the two-character device@ code, followed by the controller designation, the unit numberD (which can be 1 to 4 characters long), and, finally, a colon (:). 3 Example $ UCM9 Universal Serial Bus Configuration Manager, Version V1.0" UCM> SHOW DEVICE /PERMANENT AGA0: DEVICE* DEVICE_TYPE PERMANENT$ DEVICE_NAME_ROOT AGA" UNIT_NUMBER 0" BUS 1, PATH END_DEVICE UCM> DELETE DEVICE AGA0:" UCM> SHOW DEVICE /PERMANENT AGA0:7 %USB-E-NOSUCHDEV, Device name or device unit not found UCM>B In this example, the first SHOW DEVICE AGA0: command displays@ information about the device that is in the permanent list.B After the DELETE DEVICE AGA0: command, the second SHOW DEVICE@ AGA0: command displays an error message indicating that the/ device is no longer in the permanent list. ww2gK1 EXIT@ Stops the execution of UCM and returns control to DCL commandA level. You can also press Ctrl/Z to perform the same function. Format EXIT ww2gK1 HELP3 Provides online help for using the UCM commands. Format HELP [command-name] 2 Parameter command-nameB The name of a UCM command. When you enter the HELP command withB a command name, UCM displays a list of all the command keywords used with the command. 2 Example UCM> HELP RESTART RESTART: Restarts the configuration server. Use this commandJ only if the server is no longer responding to configuration requests? or if the server does respond to client commands. To use7 this command, you must have the CMKRNL privilege. Format RESTART# Additional information available: Qualifiers /CONFIRM RESTART Subtopic?> The HELP RESTART command describes the command, shows itsD format, and indicates what additional information is available,> such as qualifiers. It then prompts you to enter the name@ of the /CONFIRM qualifier to display information about this qualifier. wwBgK 1 MODIFY 2 DEVICEC Allows you to modify the path and unit number of a device in the6 permanent list. The changes take place immediately. Requires SYSPRV privilege. Format MODIFY DEVICE device-name: 3 Parameter device-name:C The name of the device whose characteristics are to be modified.% The device name has the form ddcu, where:= dd is the device code-for example, LP. (The driver nameA corresponds to the device code; in this case, the driver%  name would be SYS$LPDRIVER.)> c is the controller designation A through Z; unless UCM= specifies a different letter, all USB devices are A.- u is the unit number (0 through 9999).? OpenVMS device names are made up of the two-character device@ code, followed by the controller designation, the unit numberD (which can be 1 to 4 characters long), and, finally, a colon (:). 3 Qualifiers /BUS_NUMBER /BUS_NUMBER=number@ Specifies the USB bus number of the device. This parameter is@ required to identify a particular device on a system that has@ multiple USB buses. If you do not use this qualifier, the bus number defaults to zero.2 The number can be any number from 0 through 25. /PATH! /PATH=(n1[.n2.n3.n4.n5.n6])@ Specifies the path to the device on the bus. The path is used> to uniquely identify a device if the device does not have aD serial number. The path specification is a series of six or fewer numbers, where:> n1 is the number of the root hub (at tier 0).D n2 through n6 are port numbers for downstream hubs at tiers 1,# 2, 3, 4, and 5.@ For example, /PATH=1.4.3 indicates that the device is in turn@ plugged into port 3 of the second tier, which is plugged intoC port 4 of the first tier, which in turn is plugged into the root hub 1. /UNIT_NUMBER /UNIT_NUMBER=number: Unit numbers can be between 0 and 9999. By default, theB configuration code selects the next available unit number. This> qualifier allows you to change the unit number to suit your needs. 3 Example $ UCM9 Universal Serial Bus Configuration Manager, Version V1.0 UCM> SHOW DEVICE /UNCONFIGURED DEVICE* DEVICE_TYPE TENTATIVE$ DEVICE_NAME_ROOT AGA" UNIT_NUMBER 0" BUS 1, PATH END_DEVICE UCM> ADD DEVICE AGA0:# UCM> MODIFY DEVICE AGA0:/UNIT=9999+ UCM> SHOW DEVICE /PERMANENT /FULL AGA9999: DEVICE* DEVICE_TYPE PERMANENT$ DEVICE_NAME_ROOT AGA% UNIT_NUMBER 99991 DRIVER SYS$AGDRIVER.EXE" BUS_NUMBER 1, PATH HID_USAGE_DATA 65540 BEGIN_INTERFACE& HID_USAGE_DATA 65540 END_INTERFACE END_DEVICE UCM>@ The first SHOW DEVICE command displays information from theB generic list about the unconfigured AG device. The ADD DEVICEB command adds the device to the permanent list, and the MODIFY> DEVICE command changes the unit number of the device. The5 second SHOW DEVICE command displays this change. wwBgK 1 RELOADC Forces the configuration server to reload the configuration dataA from the generic and permanent device files and to rebuild the? lists. This allows you to add a new device type and lets the3 server find out about it without restarting UCM. Requires SYSPRV privilege. Format RELOAD wwBgK 1 RESTART% Restarts the configuration server.& NOTE? Use this command only if the server no longer responds to0 configuration requests or client commands. Requires CMKRNL privilege.  Format RESTART 2 Qualifier /CONFIRM /CONFIRM (default) /NOCONFIRMB Asks you to confirm the restart of the configuration server. If@ you answer yes, the configuration server is restarted. If you- answer no, the operation is not performed. 2 Example $ UCM UCM> RESTART Restart UCM Server? [N]: yes) Waiting for UCM Server image to exit...., Waiting for UCM Server image to restart....A %USB-S-SRVRRESTART, Identification of new UCM Server is 00000217 UCM>C Following the RESTART command, UCM prompts you to confirm thisC command. The system assigns a new identification number to the! UCM server when it restarts. wwBgK1 SET 2 AUTO> Changes the setting of auto-load, auto-perm, or exclude andC include lists. When used with no qualifiers, this command causes9 the UCM server to reload the saved settings from disk.& NOTE<  Once a device is made a permanent device, it is always? configured and loaded, regardless of the settings for SETA AUTO. To remove a permanent device, you must use the DELETE DEVICE command. Format SET AUTO 3 Qualifiers /ENABLE /ENABLE=(LOAD,PERM) /DISABLE=(LOAD,PERM)> The /ENABLE and /DISABLE qualifiers allow you to disable or@ selectively enable automatic loading and automatic permanence? for all non-permanent devic !es. The two qualifiers have these meanings: Qualifier Explanation@ /ENABLE Allows you to selectively enable automatic loading< permanence. Automatic permanence is ignored ifD automatic loading is disabled. However, you can enableA automatic loading and disable automatic permanence.? This allows devices to be configured but does notC add them to the permanent database. Also, the OpenVMS/ device n"ame cannot be persistent.B /DISABLE Allows you to disable device loading on a per-device basis.B Explanations of the keywords LOAD and PERM are in the following table:% KeyworTerm Explanation? LOAD Automatic Allows the device to be automaticallyB loading configured-that is, the device driver isA loaded and an OpenVMS device is created! for it.A PERM Automatic # Causes the UCM to add the device to theD permanence permanent database. Once a device is addedA to the permanent database, each time itA is connected to the system it will haveD the driver loaded and the device name willD always remain the same-that is, it will be% persistent.@ By default, automatic loading (LOAD) and automatic permanenceC (PERM$) are enabled. Automatic permanence is ignored if automaticA loading is disabled. However, you can enable automatic loading> and disable automatic permanence. This allows devices to beC configured but does not add them to the permanent database. (The= OpenVMS device name might not be persistent in this case.) /EXCLUDE /EXCLUDE=() /INCLUDE=()A The EXCLUDE and INCLUDE qualifiers allow more explicit control7 over which devices will be automatically configured %.C You can give each qualifier one or more device names, or partial< device names. When you provide a partial device name, theB trailing characters are wildcarded. You can include an explicit( "*" wildcard to indicate all devices.A UCM examines the EXCLUDE list before automatically configuringC a device that is not in the permanent database. If the device isB on the EXCLUDE list, UCM examines the INCLUDE list to determine@ if the device is explicitly included for loadin&g. This allowsB you to specify a broad range of devices in the EXCLUDE list andB to specify a narrow set of devices in the INCLUDE list (see the following example). 3 Example $ UCM( UCM> SET AUTO/EXCLUDE=*/INCLUDE=(tx,dn) UCM> SHOW AUTO AUTO LOAD ENABLED AUTO PERM ENABLED EXCLUDE = (*) INCLUDE = (TX, DN)A In this example, all devices are excluded with the exceptionC of TX and DN devices. A joystick using AGA0, for example, w 'illC not be configured, but a disk DNA0 will be configured, as will TXC2. 2 LOGD Tells the configuration server to create a new log file. You must, use the /NEW qualifier with this command. Requires OPER privilege. Format SET LOG /NEW 3 Qualifier /NEWD Creates a new SYS$MANAGER:USB$UCM_EVENTS.DAT file. This qualifier( is required with the SET LOG command. wwBgK1 SHOW 2 AUTOA Displays the cu!(rrent settings of auto-load, auto-perm, and any exclude or include lists. Format SHOW AUTO 3 Example $ UCM UCM> SHOW AUTO AUTO LOAD ENABLED AUTO PERM ENABLED EXCLUDE = (*) INCLUDE = (TX, DN)C This SHOW AUTO example indicates that all devices are excluded- with the exception of TX and DN devices. 2 DEVICE& Displays information about devices. Format SHOW DEVICE device-name: 3 Param)eter device-name:D The name of the device whose characteristics are to be displayed.% The device name has the form ddcu, where:= dd is the device code-for example, LP. (The driver nameA corresponds to the device code; in this case, the driver% name would be SYS$LPDRIVER.)> c is the controller designation A through Z; unless UCM= specifies a different letter, all USB devices are A.- u is the unit number (0 through 9999.)*? OpenVMS device names are made up of the two-character device@ code, followed by the controller designation, the unit numberD (which can be 1 to 4 characters long), and, finally, a colon (:). 3 Display_Qualifiers /BRIEF /BRIEF (default)0 Displays summary information for each device. /FULL1 Displays complete information for each device. 3 Selection_Qualifiers /ALL /ALL (default)8 Displays all device entries, including +those that theB /CONFIGURED, /GENERIC, /PERMANENT, /PHYSICAL, and /UNCONFIGURED qualifiers display. /CONFIGURED? Displays all the devices connected to the bus that have been configured successfully. /GENERIC< Displays the devices that are on the generic device list. /PERMANENT@ Displays the devices for which the system automatically loads0 device drivers if the devices are plugged in. /PHYSICAL= Displays the devices that are connected t,o the bus even if, drivers for these devices are not loaded. /UNCONFIGURED> Displays devices that are attached to the bus and that have? drivers, but that do not have entries in the permanent list./ (These are also known as tentative devices.)? You must execute an ADD DEVICE command to make these devicesD part of the permanent list. Once the drivers have been added, theA device is automatically configured the next time it is plugged in. 3 Example $- UCM( UCM> SHOW DEVICE /PERMANENT /FULL DNA3: DEVICE0 DEVICE_TYPE PERMANENT* DEVICE_NAME_ROOT DNA( UNIT_NUMBER 37 DRIVER SYS$DNDRIVER.EXE0 USB_CONFIG_TYPE INTERFACE+ VENDOR_ID 3519* PRODUCT_ID 768+ RELEASE_NUMBER 4352( BUS_NUMBER 12 PATH . DEVICE_CLASS 0( DEVICE_SUB_CLASS 0( DEVICE_PROTOCOL 0( NUMBER_OF_INTERFACES 1( CONFIGURATION_VALUE 2( NUMBER_OF_CONFIGURATIONS 17 SERIAL_NUMBER 2B0301060D97A4C8* MANUFACTURER_STRING QTS; PRODUCT_STRING USB 2.0 ATAPI Bridge( CONFIGURATION_NUMBER 0 BEG/IN_INTERFACE( INTERFACE_CLASS 8( INTERFACE_SUB_CLASS 6) INTERFACE_PROTOCOL 80 END_INTERFACE END_DEVICE? In this example, the SHOW DEVICE command displays complete information about DNA3:. 2 EVENTS< Displays important events that occur on the USB bus. DataA displayed can include information about device events, such asC removals, connections, unrecognized devices, new devices, and so o0n. Format SHOW EVENTS 3 Qualifiers /BEFORE /BEFORE=timeB Selects events that occurred before the specified time. You canA specify time as an absolute time, as a combination of absolute@ and delta times, or as the keyword TODAY (default), TOMORROW,B or YESTERDAY. Times are expressed in standard OpenVMS date/time format. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-name@ Writes the selected events to the specified file. By default,@ output is1 sent to the current SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal).A You cannot use the /OUTPUT qualifier with the /PAGE qualifier. /PAGE /PAGE /NOPAGE (default)B Controls how information is displayed. /PAGE displays events on one screen at a time.A You cannot use the /PAGE qualifier with the /OUTPUT qualifier. /PRIORITY /PRIORITY=(keyword[,...])< Selects the event priorities to display. By default, onlyB CRITICAL aand NORMAL event 2priorities are displayed. Additional< messages are available as INFORMATIONAL or debug priority information.> The keywords in the following table are valid. CRITICAL and NORMAL are the defaults.! Keyword Description5 CRITICAL Errors and critical information9 NORMAL Normal event reports such as device# configurationD INFORMATIONAL Additional informational messages from drivers or UCM3/ DBG1 Debug level 1 information/ DBG2 Debug level 2 information/ DBG3 Debug level 3 information* ALL All event priorities /SINCE /SINCE=timeD Selects only those events that occurred on or after the specifiedC time. You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination ofA absolute and delta times, or as the keyword TODAY (default) or YESTERDAY. /TYPE /TYPE=event-typeC Sel4ects only the specified type of events. Valid event-types are the following:, ALL All event-types (default).7 CONFIGURED Device was recognized and configured.2 DECONFIGURE Device was removed from the bus. DRIVER Driver events.$ UCM UCM server events.; UNCONFIGURE Device was recognized but not configured.( UNKNOWN Event type is unknown. /VALUE /VALUE=event-number> Selects only the events specified by the event number. In a? future version of this product, you will be able to use this@ qualifier as an alternative to the /TYPE qualifier for events( that do not have an assigned keyword. ww