ELF 2èH,4H8@88 p p °°dd €XXICÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ$! FC$CP: SYS$ASSIGN to device %s failed with status 0x%X $! FC$CP: Ambiguous command "%s" $ FC$CP: Unrecognized command "%s" $ FC$CP: Enable mask may only have bits 0 and/or 1 set $ FC$CP: Delay must be less than 64 $ FC$CP: Response count must be less than 256 $! FC$CP: IO$_ACCESS SYS$QIOW failed with status 0x%X $! FC$CP: IO$_ACCESS SYS$QIOW iosb [1] 0x%X, iosb [0] 0x%X $! Port %s Current IC Parameters: $! Coalesce On ............... %d $! Coalesce Delay in MS ...... %d $! Coalesce Response Count ... %d $! $! Interrupt Coalescing is a functional option implemented in KGPSA firmware $! which allows the adapter to reduce the number of interrupts seen by a host. $! Given a response count and a delay time (in ms), the adapter can defer $! interrupting the host until that number of responses is available or until $! that amount of time has passed, whichever occurs first; this also makes each $! interrupt seen by the host more cost-effective because it will generally $! process more responses per interrupt than without Interrupt Coalescing. $! $! This program allows a privileged user to read or modify the Interrupt $! Coalesce parameters on an Emulex FibreChannel adapter. The format of the $! the command line is: $! $! $ MCR SYS$ETC:FC$CP FGx [] [] $! $! 1) Enables bit 1 = Response Coalescing, bit 0 = Interrupt Coalescing $! 2) Delay is in milliseconds and can range from 0 to 255 decimal $! 3) Response count can range from 0 to 63 decimal $! 4) Any negative value leaves a parameter unchanged $! 5) Values returned are those which are current after any changes $! $! Recommended command line: $ $ MCR SYS$ETC:FC$CP FGA 2 1 8 ! Or FGB, etc. $HM€à€H@„x0 €b pÀ<B@€|„ x !<0#‘P`?#IHàx„?#C?~F(„ x ?#ðBÀ„hD!À„B`„ À)˜€C<2/ˆ P8¡!`‚1B P„ 8N`˜ Àœ,`0YHPÈ$° ,X PT!HU€e„@€€„HM€àHY !ð`8 @Ä @†1à<0 €x„P!PC B!0à‡",0 , pø rì! &0ðƒ~F XD kPCÈ$°¬,˜ PÈ$° H P„˜ P T!B! H XñC`XY ÑD?#À_‰"/h PT!€ ,€Ä˜€ "à@â €"Dˆ #€ C P!ÑD?# (,  XðE`XX - Œ °D(ø P F€¨B H@E0  !  BÀ0HÒ HÿÿJA&!HÀ h$ÀL`„¨ PT!@â“~Fà@P 0á &@@ +0L€CÑD?#H @X XL!ÀbŠ (À°,ÈP ñI?# H P„ XH`XY¸P T! áF!PBŽ",Hp(ñ€CáF!P2H @ G@XÈ$° BxP8 $¨B H`@œaàCX!F!0 , 3 h F еB`ZÐH€`YhP†8¨BC ñE?#p"ˆ (@œ€0`CM!H€„X!xPÈ$°¢H P„xP T! ñE?#@(‰ + H0 B H€ ,E€ @à!€  †8€ ,ÀþÿJ ñE?#  ˆ ((‰0€`CÈ$ÀÂŒB`…6„¸PÈ$°¢H P„¸P T!ñE?#€ c )˜ 8DP”0 à8Y @J˜€=•2/à„)˜8N C!B! H XáC`XYØP(AJ! b P„ €#J™PCÈ$°‚˜BØPÈ$°¢H P„ØP T!(!J!€ c J0 B ÀJ™ÀC1B! H XÑC`XYøP(aJ!ø! b P„ @#J™PCÈ$°œBøPÈ$°¢H P„øP T!(!J! € c J0 B ÀJ™àCAB! H XB`XYPý$P•B P„#J™! ``C N! H`„PÈ$°¢H P„P T! (!J!”0  @!€•2/ ÑI?#úþKa„ ÁE?#0@0(@a„H $°1B 51€XADA1B 3ýŒ0aM?#À´, à ¡$0!0#$˜ðH %˜°¬,ÀE„"˜P Hp ( P„@C`O!H€@XX!èPÈ@ G!Œ À„ ñF?#àP€C!G!0€œB 3`FЄ,`„À°,xP0ñG?# úþK P„ L ‰@ ñI?#@‘ +8@È$°B(PÑD?#H`=„ T!Àˆ À°,øPÈ$°BB P„ØP(áJ!H`…?„ T!`B”0(À˜,¨P!JH`: „ T!€YxP(JH`…< „ T!€(YHPÈ$°‚B P„(P T! ÑI?# H 0!H2@°€,èPXH H P„°¬,èP@$¨Bª`€!@€€„€€LÄ@ B 0 ,xP@$ˆBª€€„ x &A<0(`€€`€ x` &A<0(`€€`€ x  &A<0(`€€`€ xà &A<0(`€€`€ x &A<0(`€€`€ x` &A<0(`€€`€ x  &A<0(`€€`€ x &A<0(`€€`€ x€ &A<0(`€€`€ xÀ &A<0(`€€`€ x &A<0(`€€`€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿHÀ xÀ  ˜0 à°¨±)a(Àáÿÿÿÿÿøÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ0 à°¨±)a÷À0° ±!*ICICIC$! $! $! ÿÿÿÿ%%%%%%%X% %%%%0Ð`ÜäÇiK05`ÆÜäÇiK°M`K` /`H1`3`=`?`O`€ A`  `%`#`I`À`ËlciK0 %`#`I`À`€`E`@­ÞDECC$SHRSYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS  p€ psX pH pq( p– p p{p¢À p#° ph p8 p/Hm`mxoXo˜o ÐoÐfIPF/VMSFC$CPjIPF/VMSFC$CPgIPF/VMSX-4 iIPF/VMSXE2I-M5D-000000eIPF/VMSÆÜäÇiK°hIPF/VMSLinker I02-37$kIPF/VMSÆÜäÇiK°€4X-4lIPF/VMSÆÜäÇiK°.shstrtab.strtab.note.dynstr*! (&€ !