% Librarian I01-42LtfK8ufKN5AEXITfHELP4LOADQUITXSETtSHOWtfK1 EXIT6 Returns control from the XFC SDA extensions to SDA.wwufK1 HELPF The SDA extension commands for eXtended File Cache (XFC) enable you" to perform the following tasks:A . Display, in a convenient and readable format, various XFC data structures@ . Display, in a convenient and readable format, statistics2 that aid in tuning the extended file cache> . Control the types of events that are recorde# d by XFC's tracing feature.wwufK1 LOAD2 DSFJ Loads the symbols in the specified debug symbol file (DSF) for use with the SDA FORMAT command. Format LOAD DSF filenamewwufK1 QUIT6 Returns control from the XFC SDA extensions to SDA.wwufK1 SET3 Controls XFC's statistics collection feature(s).2 TRACED Controls the types of events that will be recorded by XFC's traceG facility and initializes the trace structures (to eliminate already- recorded events).3 DescriptionC The events that can be traced are organized into five categoriesH (Extent/Hash, Init/Common/Sys, Lock, LRU/Mem/MemMgt, and Read/Write),; which correspond to the organization of the XFC softwareF architecture. Within each type, the traceable events are organizedD by level of importance. With the /SELECT qualifier, the user canI select events to trace by type and leve l-within-type. With the /MASK D qualifier, the user can select arbitrary (groups of) events to be traced. Format+ SET TRACE [/SELECT= | /MASK=] [/RESET] 3 Qualifiers/SELECT% /SELECT={TYPE:type, LEVEL:level}5 Allows the user to control what is traced by named5 category. The value list should consist of paired9 type and level specifications, with the type preceding7 the level. If a TYPE specifier is not followed by a8 level specifier, trac ing for that type will be set to; the default level. If a LEVEL specifier is not preceded< by a TYPE specifier, the level will be set for all types. The default tracing level is:! 1 - standard XFC image 4 - MON image 4 - DEBUG image = An attempt to set the level above the maximum for any type? results in a warning and the level being set to the maximum.: The trace types and level selected in the value list of; one instance of the / SELECT qualifier enables tracing of6 those events and disables all others. (If multiple= SET TRACE/SELECT commands are used, only the selections of the last will take effect.)9 The LOCK category has 6 possible levels (1 through 6).= All other categories have 4 possible levels (1 through 4)./MASK /MASK=bitmask> Allows the user to select individual trace types by the bit? positions in bitmask that are set to 1. The /MASK qualifier. is incompatible with the /SELECT qualifier.$ The bit positions are as follows: 0 - Extent/Hash Level 1 1 - Extent/Hash Level 2 2 - Extent/Hash Level 3 3 - Extent/Hash Level 4# 4 - Init/Common/Sys Level 1# 5 - Init/Common/Sys Level 2# 6 - Init/Common/Sys Level 3# 7 - Init/Common/Sys Level 4" 8 - LRU/Mem/MemMgt Level 1" 9 - LRU/Mem/MemMgt Level 2" 10 - LRU/Mem/MemMgt Level 3" 11 - LRU/Mem/MemMgt Level 4 12 - Read/Write Level 1 13 - Read/Write Level 2 14 - Read/Write Level 3 15 - Read/Write Level 4 16 - (Reserved) 17 - (Reserved) 18 - (Reserved) 19 - (Reserved) 20 - (Reserved) 21 - (Reserved) 22 - (Reserved) 23 - (Reserved) 24 - Lock Level 1 25 - Lock Level 2 26 - Lock Level 3 27 - Lock Level 4 28 - Lock Level 5 29 - Lock Level 6 30 - (Reserved) 31 - (Reserved)/RESET? Initializes the trace buffer to eliminate all already-traced events.ww8ufK1 SHOWJ Displays information contained in various internal XFC data structures. 2 CONTEXTA Displays the contents of one or more XFC context blocks (CTX). Format8 SHOW CONTEXT [address] [/BRIEF] [/FULL] [/STALLING] 3 ParametersaddressD The address of a context block. If no address is specified, then$ all context blocks are displayed. 3 Qualifiers/BRIEFF For each context block, displays a brief summary that includes suchF contents as the I/O type, the start virtual block number (VBN), and the I/O block count./FULLG Displays the complete contents of each selected context block. This is the default. /STALLINGM Shows only contexts that are in a stalled state (i.e., have a stall reason$ code other than estrNotStalling). 2 EXTENT: Displays the contents of an extent control block (ECB). Format SHOW EXTENT address 3 Parametersaddress1 The address of the extent control block (ECB).2 FILE@ Displays the contents of one or more cache file blocks (CFB). FormatH SHOW FILE [address] [/BRIEF] | [/EXTENTS] | [/FULL] | [/STATISTICS]4 [/CLOSED] [/CVB=] [/ID=] [/OPEN] [/DISPLAY_NAME] 3 ParameteraddressJ The address of the cache file block (CFB). If no address is specified,H then all cache file blocks are displayed (subject to selection by the. /CLOSED, /CVB, /ID, and /OPEN qualifiers) . 3 Qualifiers/BRIEF> Displays summary information for each CFB: CFB address, CVBB address, access count, active I/O count, and file specificationA or ID*. The /BRIEF qualifier is incompatible with each of the/ /EXTENTS, /FULL, and /STATISTICS qualifiers.B *If the file specification is available, via LIB$FID_TO_NAME(),@ it is displayed; otherwise, the FID is displayed. Note that,> because the volume is accessed through its logical name, if? two volumes are mounted that have the same logical name (for@ example, one mounted /SYSTEM and one mounted privately, which@ results in the same logical name in two different access-mode? logical name tables), the incorrect file specification might be displayed./CLOSED1 Displays only CFBs whose access count is zero./CVB /CVB=address= Displays CFBs whose CVB address matches the specified one. /DISPLAY_NAME /DISPLAY_NAME (default) /NODISPLAY_NAME: Controls whether the file specification is displayed./EXTENTS /EXTENTSD Displays the cache extents held in cache for any displayed files.F This shows the primary and secondary cache extents along with theirG data state and VBNs. Also shows a summary of memory usage (pageletsB used and pagelets valid) for any displayed files. The /EXTENTS7 qualifier is incompatible with the /BRIEF qualifier./FULLA Displays all fields for each Cache File Block except for thoseB displayed by the /EXTENTS and the /STATISTICS qualifiers. This is the default.A If the file specification is available, via LIB$FID_TO_NAME(),@ it is displayed; otherwise, the FID is displayed. Note that,> because the volume is accessed through its logical name, if? two volumes are mounted that have the same logical name (for@ example, one mounted /SYSTEM and one mounted privately, which@  results in the same logical name in two different access-mode? logical name tables), the incorrect file specification might be displayed./ID /ID=file-idD Displays only information about files whose file ID match the oneF specified. The file id (FID) is the hex file number component in aI [file number, sequence number, relative volume number]-format file ID./OPEN> Displays only CFBs whose access count is greater than zero. /STATISTICS /STATISTICSF Displays more statistics about the specified file. The /STATISTICS7 qualifier is incompatible with the /BRIEF qualifier. 2 HISTORY0 Displays XFC activity in 20 minute intervals.2 IRPF Displays a subset of the contents of an I/O Request Packet that has relevance for XFC debugging. Format SHOW IRP address 3 ParametersaddressC The address of the IRP structure whose relevant fields are to be decoded and displayed. 2 MEMORY7  Displays information about memory used by the cache. Format" SHOW MEMORY [/BRIEF | /FULL] [/VERIFY] 3 Qualifiers/BRIEF3 Displays summary statistics on XFC memory usage./FULL= Displays full statistics on XFC memory usage. This is the default./VERIFY5 Displays detailed page distribution of memory use. 2 SUMMARY> Displays general information about the Extended File Cache. Format SHOW SUMMARY [/STATISTICS] 3 Q!ualifiers /STATISTICS/ Displays read and write activity by IO size. 2 TABLES@ Displays contents of both the extent hash table (EHT) and the file hash table (FHT) table. Format SHOW TABLES 3 Qualifiers/ALL> Displays the contents of both the EHT and FHT. This is the default./EXTENT) Displays the contents of the EHT only./FILE) Displays the contents of the FHT only.2 TRACEJ Displays all or selected portions of the XFC trace buffer starting with5 the most recent entry and moving backward in time. Format SHOW TRACE [/ALL] [/COUNT] [/CPU] [/LINENUMBER] [/LABEL]) [/P1][/P2][/P3][/P4][/PX] [/MATCH] 3 Qualifiers/ALL$ Displays the entire trace buffer./COUNT /COUNT=count? Restricts the display to the first 'count' matching records./CPU /CPU=cpu-num> Display only records from threads executing on CPU cpu-num./LABEL /LABEL=string; Displays only records for which the label field contains string. /LINENUMBER /LINENUMBER=linenumberC Displays only records from tracepoints at line linenumber in the relevant source files./MATCH* /MATCH[=[AND|OR]] (default /MATCH=OR)J Alters the sense of the match condition when multiple filter qualifiersI (/CPU, /LINENUMBER, /LABEL, /P1, /P2, /P3, /P4,# or /PX) are specified./P1 /P1=value: Displays only records for which the traced parameter P1 is equal to value./P2 /P2=value: Displays only records for which the traced parameter P2 is equal to value./P3 /P3=value: Displays only records for which the traced parameter P3 is equal to value./P4 /P4=value: Displays only records for which the traced parameter P4 is equal to value./PX /PX=valueC Displays only records where one or more of the traced parameters are equal to value. 2 VOLUME3 Displays cache information about cached volumes. Format9 SHOW VOLUME [address] [/FULL] [/BRIEF] [/STATISTICS] 3 ParametersaddressO The address of a specific volume descriptor (CVB), otherwise all volumes are displayed. 3 Qualifiers/BRIEFB Displays summary information for each volume: Volume label, CVB# address, number of cached files./FULLI (Default) Displays a complete list of information about the volume(s)./NAME /NAME=DISK$volume_label? Displays information for the volume with the specified name. /STATISTICS /STATISTICS; Displays the read and write IO activity for this volume. Incompatible with /BRIEF.ww