**** ADDIN_README.TXT **** This CDSA example is an addin module written to the CDSA CSP Service Provider Interface (with integrity checking). It would be 'loaded' and 'attached' by an application, in the same way that the des examples do, using CSSM_ModuleLoad, CSSM_ModuleAttach, etc.. It's purpose is to demonstrate the mechanics of developing a CDSA addin module (which on OpenVMS is a shareable image). It also provides the necessary CDSA code files that would be necessary to build an addin module. The installation procedure will verify that it is built correctly. It will attach the module and execute RegisterCDSAModule(), (the definition of INSTALL_ENTRY_NAME). ******************** ** Special Note ** ******************** Sys$common:[syshlp.examples.cdsa]readme.txt contains general information that applies to all of the example programs that are signed. The necessary files to build the example on OpenVMS are included, with the exception of modselfkey.h. This include file must be generated from the certificate created for the addin module(s). See the OpenVMS book "Open Source Security for OpenVMS, Volume 1: Common Data Security Architecture", CDSA Programing Concepts, for complete instructions. Special attention should be paid to the section on Signed Application Development. A signed CDSA application will not execute until the proper credentials are generated. The ADDIN example files are: ACC_CRED.C CSM_CNTX.H ADDIN_BUILD.COM CALLOUTS.C CSM_CSPI.H ADDIN_SIGN.COM CSM_CNTX.C CSM_DYNMDS.H ADDIN_INSTALL.COM CSM_CSPI.C CSM_KEYMGR.H STUBCSP.OPT CSM_KEYPARSE.C CSM_KEYPARSE.H CSM_SESN.C CSM_SESN.H CSM_VECT.C CSM_VECT.H FUNCSTUBS.C MAF_ACL.H KMGR_CALLOUTS.C MAF_API.H MAF_COLLECTN.C MAF_CALLOUTS.H MAF_DBG.C MAF_COLLECTN.H MAF_DLLMAIN.C MAF_CONFIG.H MAF_INTEG.C MAF_DBG.H MAF_MDS.C MAF_INCLUDE.H MAF_MISC.C MAF_INTEG.H MAF_VALIDATE.C MAF_INTERFACE.H MODINSTALL.C MAF_LIST.H MAF_MDS.H MAF_MISC.H MAF_UTIL.H MAF_VALIDATE.H MDS_UTIL.H (MODSELFKEY.H not provided, user generated) After performing the steps to generate the application credentials and the include file, modselfkey.h, the ADDIN example program can be built by copying the example files to a local build area, and executing the ADDIN_BUILD command file, as follows: $ define/trans=conceal cdsa_tempdir :[.] $ set default cdsa_tempdir:[addin] $ copy SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.CDSA.ADDIN]*.* [] $ copy CDSA_SYSDIR:[SIGN]MODSELFKEY.H [] $ @ADDIN_BUILD The resulting shareable image is STUBCSP300_SHR.EXE. ************** On the SIGNING SYSTEM run the command procedure to generate the manifest. ************** $ @ADDIN_SIGN Finally back on the development system run the command procedure to install the module. $ @ADDIN_INSTALL The addin module is now ready to be invoked by an application program.