/* FDVDEF.H * Include file for FDV symbols */ /* COPYRIGHT (c) 2004 BY HEWLETT PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY L.P., THIS SOFTWARE IS FURNISHED UNDER A LICENSE AND MAY BE USED AND COPIED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF SUCH LICENSE AND WITH THE INCLUSION OF THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. THIS SOFTWARE OR ANY OTHER COPIES THEREOF MAY NOT BE PROVIDED OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE TO ANY OTHER PERSON. NO TITLE TO AND OWNERSHIP OF THE SOFTWARE IS HEREBY TRANSFERRED. THE INFORMATION IN THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A COMMITMENT BY HEWLETT PACKARD. HEWLETT PACKARD ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OR RELIABILITY OF ITS SOFTWARE ON EQUIPMENT WHICH IS NOT SUPPLIED BY HEWLETT PACKARD. */ /* Author: S.P.Simon */ /* Modification History: -002, 14-Mar-1986, James T. McCartney III. Added additional procedures and status return values for FMS V2.3 -003, 28-Oct-2004, B.P Vidya. Added prototype declarations for FDV$ functions for FMS V2.5 */ /*******************************************/ /* FMS form driver Routines */ /*******************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif int fdv$adlva(int *); /* Alters data line video attributes. */ int fdv$afcx(int *,int *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Alters field context. */ int fdv$afva(int *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Alters field video attributes. */ int fdv$aterm(struct dsc$descriptor_a *,int *,int *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Attach terminal. */ int fdv$awksp(struct dsc$descriptor_a *,int *); /* Attach from workspace. */ int fdv$bell(void); /* Ring terminal bell. */ int fdv$cancl(void); /* Cancel Call.*/ int fdv$cdisp(struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Clear screen and display form. */ int fdv$clear(int *,int *); /* Clear screen. */ int fdv$clear_va(void); /* Clear video attributes. */ int fdv$del(struct dsc$descriptor_s *); /* Remove form from memory-resident form list. */ int fdv$dfkbd(struct dsc$descriptor_a *,int *); /* Define keyboard. */ int fdv$disp(struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Display form. */ int fdv$dispw(int *); /* Display loaded form. */ int fdv$dpcom(int *); /* Define comma as decimal point. */ int fdv$dterm(struct dsc$descriptor_a *); /* Detach terminal. */ int fdv$dwksp(struct dsc$descriptor_a *); /* Detach from workspace. */ int fdv$fchan(int *); /* Return free channel. */ int fdv$fix_screen(void); /* Repair over-written lines of terminal screen. */ int fdv$get(struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Get value for specified field. */ int fdv$getaf(struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Get value for any field. */ int fdv$getal(struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Get value for all fields. */ int fdv$getdl(struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *,int *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *); /* Get data line from terminal. */ int fdv$getsc(struct dsc$descriptor_s *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Get current line of scrolled area. */ int fdv$iltrm(int *); /* Return illegal termiantors. */ int fdv$lchan(int *); /* Set channel for form library file. */ int fdv$lclos(void); /* Close form library. */ int fdv$ledof(int *); /* Turn terminal LED off. */ int fdv$ledon(int *); /* Turn terminal LED on. */ int fdv$load(struct dsc$descriptor_s *); /* Load form without display. */ int fdv$lopen(struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Open form library. */ int fdv$ndisp(void); /* Mark form in current workspace as not displayed. */ int fdv$pft(int *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *,int *); /* Process field terminator. */ int fdv$print_screen(int *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *); /* Write screen to print file. */ int fdv$put(struct dsc$descriptor_s *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Output value to specified field. */ int fdv$putal(struct dsc$descriptor_s *); /* Output value to all fields. */ int fdv$putd(struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Output default to specified field. */ int fdv$putda(void); /* Output default values to all fields. */ int fdv$putl(struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Output line to screen. */ int fdv$putsc(struct dsc$descriptor_s *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *); /* Output data to current line of scrolled area. */ int fdv$read(struct dsc$descriptor_s *,struct dsc$descriptor_a *,int *,int *); /* Read form into memory. */ int fdv$ret(struct dsc$descriptor_s *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Return value for specified field. */ int fdv$retal(struct dsc$descriptor_s *); /* Return values for all fields. */ int fdv$retcx(int *,int *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *,int *,int *,int *); /* Return current context. */ int fdv$retdi(int *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *); /* Return named data by index. */ int fdv$retdn(struct dsc$descriptor_s *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Retrun named data by name. */ int fdv$retfl(int *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *,int *); /* Return form line. */ int fdv$retfn(struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Return current field name. */ int fdv$retfo(int *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Return field names in order. */ int fdv$retle(int *,struct dsc$descriptor_s *,int *); /* Return length of the specified field. */ int fdv$rfrsh(void); /* Refresh screen. */ int fdv$scr_length(int *); /* Set screen length. */ int fdv$scr_width(int *); /* Set screen width. */ int fdv$sigop(void); /* Signal operator. */ int fdv$spada(int *); /* Set keypad to application mode. */ int fdv$spoff(void); /* Turn supervisor only mode off. */ int fdv$spon(void); /* Turn supervisor only mode on. */ int fdv$ssigq(int *); /* Set signal to quiet mode. */ int fdv$ssrv(int *,int *); /* Specify status reporting variables. */ int fdv$stat(int *,int *); /* Return status from last call. */ int fdv$sterm(struct dsc$descriptor_a *); /* Set current terminal. */ int fdv$stime(int *); /* Set field entry timeout. */ int fdv$swksp(struct dsc$descriptor_a *); /* Set current workspace. */ int fdv$tchan(int *); /* Set terminal channel. */ int fdv$user_refresh(struct dsc$descriptor_p *); /* Set up user refresh routine. */ int fdv$wait(int *); /* Wait for operator. */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /*******************************************/ /*************************/ /* FMS terminator codes: */ /*************************/ #define FDV$K_FT_NTR 0 /*Enter (i.e. end GETs)*/ #define FDV$K_FT_NXT 1 /*Next field */ #define FDV$K_FT_PRV 2 /*Previous field */ #define FDV$K_FT_ATB 3 /*Automatically move to next field*/ #define FDV$K_FT_XBK 4 /*Exit scrolled area backward*/ #define FDV$K_FT_XFW 5 /*Exit scrolled area forward*/ #define FDV$K_FT_SNX 6 /*Scroll forward to next field */ #define FDV$K_FT_SPR 7 /*Scroll backward to previous field*/ #define FDV$K_FT_SFW 8 /*Scroll forward*/ #define FDV$K_FT_SBK 9 /*Scroll backward*/ #define FDV$K_FT_ILG_NXT 11 /*Illegal context for next field */ #define FDV$K_FT_ILG_PRV 12 /*Illegal context for previous field */ #define FDV$K_FT_ILG_ATB 13 /*Illegal context for auto move to next field*/ #define FDV$K_FT_ILG_XBK 14 /*Illegal context for exit scrolled area backward*/ #define FDV$K_FT_ILG_XFW 15 /*Illegal context for exit scrolled area forward*/ #define FDV$K_FT_ILG_SFW 16 /*Illegal context for scroll forward*/ #define FDV$K_FT_ILG_SBK 17 /*Illegal context for scroll backward*/ /********************************************************/ /* Function key terminators returned from GETs and WAIT */ /* Also used as FDV keycodes for use with DFKBD. */ /********************************************************/ #define FDV$K_AR_UP 99 #define FDV$K_AR_DOWN 100 #define FDV$K_AR_RIGHT 101 #define FDV$K_AR_LEFT 102 #define FDV$K_PF_1 103 #define FDV$K_PF_2 104 #define FDV$K_PF_3 105 #define FDV$K_PF_4 106 #define FDV$K_KP_NTR 107 #define FDV$K_KP_COM 108 #define FDV$K_KP_HYP 109 #define FDV$K_KP_PER 110 #define FDV$K_KP_0 112 #define FDV$K_KP_1 113 #define FDV$K_KP_2 114 #define FDV$K_KP_3 115 #define FDV$K_KP_4 116 #define FDV$K_KP_5 117 #define FDV$K_KP_6 118 #define FDV$K_KP_7 119 #define FDV$K_KP_8 120 #define FDV$K_KP_9 121 #define FDV$K_GAR_UP 227 #define FDV$K_GAR_DOWN 228 #define FDV$K_GAR_RIGHT 229 #define FDV$K_GAR_LEFT 230 #define FDV$K_GPF_1 231 #define FDV$K_GPF_2 232 #define FDV$K_GPF_3 233 #define FDV$K_GPF_4 234 #define FDV$K_GKP_NTR 235 #define FDV$K_GKP_COM 236 #define FDV$K_GKP_HYP 237 #define FDV$K_GKP_PER 238 #define FDV$K_GKP_0 240 #define FDV$K_GKP_1 241 #define FDV$K_GKP_2 242 #define FDV$K_GKP_3 243 #define FDV$K_GKP_4 244 #define FDV$K_GKP_5 245 #define FDV$K_GKP_6 246 #define FDV$K_GKP_7 247 #define FDV$K_GKP_8 248 #define FDV$K_GKP_9 249 #define FDV$K_FK_E1 33 #define FDV$K_FK_E2 34 #define FDV$K_FK_E3 35 #define FDV$K_FK_E4 36 #define FDV$K_FK_E5 37 #define FDV$K_FK_E6 38 #define FDV$K_GFK_E1 161 #define FDV$K_GFK_E2 162 #define FDV$K_GFK_E3 163 #define FDV$K_GFK_E4 164 #define FDV$K_GFK_E5 165 #define FDV$K_GFK_E6 166 #define FDV$K_FK_F6 49 #define FDV$K_FK_F7 50 #define FDV$K_FK_F8 51 #define FDV$K_FK_F9 52 #define FDV$K_FK_F10 53 #define FDV$K_FK_F11 55 #define FDV$K_FK_F12 56 #define FDV$K_FK_F13 57 #define FDV$K_FK_F14 58 #define FDV$K_FK_HELP 60 #define FDV$K_FK_DO 61 #define FDV$K_FK_F17 63 #define FDV$K_FK_F18 64 #define FDV$K_FK_F19 65 #define FDV$K_FK_F20 66 #define FDV$K_GFK_F6 177 #define FDV$K_GFK_F7 178 #define FDV$K_GFK_F8 179 #define FDV$K_GFK_F9 180 #define FDV$K_GFK_F10 181 #define FDV$K_GFK_F11 183 #define FDV$K_GFK_F12 184 #define FDV$K_GFK_F13 185 #define FDV$K_GFK_F14 186 #define FDV$K_GFK_HELP 188 #define FDV$K_GFK_DO 189 #define FDV$K_GFK_F17 191 #define FDV$K_GFK_F18 192 #define FDV$K_GFK_F19 193 #define FDV$K_GFK_F20 194 /********************************************/ /* FDV keyfunctions. For use in DFKBD call. */ /********************************************/ #define FDV$K_KF_DLCHR 1 #define FDV$K_KF_CRSRT 2 #define FDV$K_KF_CRSLF 3 #define FDV$K_KF_DLFLD 4 #define FDV$K_KF_INS 5 #define FDV$K_KF_OVR 6 #define FDV$K_KF_GOLD 7 #define FDV$K_KF_RESET 8 #define FDV$K_KF_RFRSH 9 #define FDV$K_KF_HELP 10 #define FDV$K_KF_NXT 11 #define FDV$K_KF_PRV 12 #define FDV$K_KF_NTR 13 #define FDV$K_KF_SBK 14 #define FDV$K_KF_SFW 15 #define FDV$K_KF_XBK 16 #define FDV$K_KF_XFW 17 #define FDV$K_KF_NONE 0 #define FDV$K_KF_DFLT (-1) /*************************************************************/ /* UAR return codes. These codes are returned UAR to FDV. */ /*************************************************************/ /* Field completion return codes */ /*********************************/ #define FDV$K_UVAL_SUC 1000 /*Field completion success */ #define FDV$K_UVAL_FAIL 1001 /*Field completion failure */ #define FDV$K_UVAL_END 1002 /*Field completion suc-stop UARs*/ /*************************/ /* Help UAR return codes */ /*************************/ #define FDV$K_UHELP_NO 2000 /*No help given, try next step */ #define FDV$K_UHELPED 2001 /*Help given, continue sequence */ #define FDV$K_UHELP_ALL 2002 /*Help given, repeat UAR */ /*********************************/ /* Function Key UAR return codes */ /*********************************/ #define FDV$K_UKEY_ERR 3000 /*Fn Key failure, FDV signals */ #define FDV$K_UKEY_TRM 3001 /*Fn Key success, normal f.k. */ #define FDV$K_UKEY_NXT 3002 /*Fn Key succ, treat as NEXT */ #define FDV$K_UKEY_NTR 3003 /*Fn Key succ, treat as ENTER */ #define FDV$K_UKEY_SUC 3004 /*Fn Key succ, ignore */ /****************************************************************************/ /* FDV status codes returned when FDV$... routines are called as functions. */ /* These codes are VMS status codes and can be signalled. They correspond */ /* one-to-one with the FMS status codes retrievable from FDV$STAT. */ /****************************************************************************/ #define FDV$_SUC 2719889 #define FDV$_INC 2719897 #define FDV$_MOD 2719905 #define FDV$_IMP 2719922 #define FDV$_FSP 2719930 #define FDV$_IOL 2719938 #define FDV$_FLB 2719946 #define FDV$_ICH 2719954 #define FDV$_FCH 2719962 #define FDV$_FRM 2719970 #define FDV$_FNM 2719978 #define FDV$_LIN 2719986 #define FDV$_FLD 2719994 #define FDV$_NOF 2720002 #define FDV$_DSP 2720010 #define FDV$_NSC 2720018 #define FDV$_DNM 2720026 #define FDV$_DLN 2720034 #define FDV$_UTR 2720042 #define FDV$_IOR 2720050 #define FDV$_IFN 2720058 #define FDV$_ARG 2720066 #define FDV$_INI 2720074 #define FDV$_STR 2720082 #define FDV$_IVM 2720090 #define FDV$_FVM 2720098 #define FDV$_ITT 2720106 #define FDV$_TCA 2720114 #define FDV$_STA 2720122 #define FDV$_WID 2720130 #define FDV$_NFL 2720138 #define FDV$_IBF 2720146 #define FDV$_NDS 2720154 #define FDV$_UDP 2720162 #define FDV$_UAR 2720170 #define FDV$_UNF 2720178 #define FDV$_CAN 2720194 #define FDV$_KIF 2720202 #define FDV$_KEX 2720210 #define FDV$_KTW 2720218 #define FDV$_KIL 2720226 #define FDV$_TMO 2720234 #define FDV$_LLI 2720242 #define FDV$_VAL 2720250 #define FDV$_IFU 2720258 #define FDV$_SYS 2720266 #define FDV$_INA 2720274 #define FDV$_IOO 2720282 /****************************************************************************/ /* FMS status codes returned when FDV$STAT routine is called. */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Success codes. */ #define FDV$K_SUC 1 #define FDV$K_INC 2 #define FDV$K_MOD 3 /* Failure code */ #define FDV$K_IMP (-2) #define FDV$K_FSP (-3) #define FDV$K_IOL (-4) #define FDV$K_FLB (-5) #define FDV$K_ICH (-6) #define FDV$K_FCH (-7) #define FDV$K_FRM (-8) #define FDV$K_FNM (-9) #define FDV$K_LIN (-10) #define FDV$K_FLD (-11) #define FDV$K_NOF (-12) #define FDV$K_DSP (-13) #define FDV$K_NSC (-14) #define FDV$K_DNM (-15) #define FDV$K_DLN (-16) #define FDV$K_UTR (-17) #define FDV$K_IOR (-18) #define FDV$K_IFN (-19) #define FDV$K_ARG (-20) #define FDV$K_INI (-21) #define FDV$K_STR (-22) #define FDV$K_FVM (-23) #define FDV$K_IVM (-24) #define FDV$K_ITT (-25) #define FDV$K_TCA (-26) #define FDV$K_STA (-27) #define FDV$K_WID (-28) #define FDV$K_NFL (-29) #define FDV$K_IBF (-30) #define FDV$K_NDS (-31) #define FDV$K_UDP (-33) #define FDV$K_UAR (-34) #define FDV$K_UNF (-35) #define FDV$K_CAN (-39) #define FDV$K_KIF (-40) #define FDV$K_KEX (-41) #define FDV$K_KTW (-42) #define FDV$K_KIL (-43) #define FDV$K_TMO (-44) #define FDV$K_LLI (-45) #define FDV$K_VAL (-47) #define FDV$K_IFU (-48) #define FDV$K_SYS (-49) #define FDV$K_INA (-50) #define FDV$K_IOO (-51)