C Copyright © Oracle Corporation 1995. All Rights Reserved. C This subroutine, called by the program SQL$DIST_TRANS.FOR, deletes C employee records from the Oracle CODASYL DBMS database. SUBROUTINE dbms_del (employee_id,tid) CHARACTER employee_id*5 INTEGER*4 id,tid(4) INVOKE(subschema = partss4, 1 schema = parts, 2 database = 2pcdbms) READ (employee_id, '(i5)') id EMP_ID = id ready (concurrent, update, transaction=tid) PRINT *, ' Fetching the record in 2pcdbms database' fetch (first, record=employee, set=all_employees, 1 using=emp_id) PRINT *, ' Deleting the record in 2pcdbms database' erase RETURN END