C Copyright © Oracle Corporation 1995. All Rights Reserved. ***************************************************************************** * This program calls one of 2 subroutines to either DISPLAY a resume of an * employee or STORE one for an employee who does not have a resume on file. * RESUME_STORE requires an input file. Create a sample file though an * editor and use input. * Compilation instructions: * * $FORTRAN SQL_RESUMES * $SFOR SQL_STORE_RESUMES * $SFOR SQL_DISPLAY_RESUMES * $LINK SQL_RESUMES,SQL_STORE_RESUMES,SQL_DISPLAY_RESUMES,SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$USER/LIB * $RUN SQL_RESUMES * ****************************************************************************** PROGRAM SQL_RESUMES CHARACTER*1 OPTION 100 FORMAT (A1) DO WHILE (OPTION .NE. '9') TYPE*, ' 1 To Display a Resume, 2 To Store One & 9 To Exit ' WRITE(6,150) 150 FORMAT(//' Select Option :',$) READ(5,100) OPTION IF (OPTION .EQ. '1') THEN CALL sql_display_resumes ELSE IF (OPTION .EQ. '2') THEN CALL sql_store_resumes ELSE IF (OPTION .NE. '9') THEN TYPE*, 'That is not an option ' ENDIF ENDDO END