-- ++ -- -- COMPONENT: TR3_ADA_PACK -- -- COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: -- -- This is the TR3 Ada module, used as sample data for the PDF report tool. -- -- This is an example of a component that is part of another component. -- -- COMPONENT OF: TR1_ADA_FUNCTION -- -- INPUT/OUTPUT DATA: -- -- Just one item, p1. -- -- ALGORITHMS: -- -- This is a simple if statement. -- -- We don't make extensive use of variant records for this. -- -- ERROR HANDLING: -- -- No errors are handled. -- -- LOGIC FLOW: -- -- The logic flow for this component has yet to specified. -- -- REQUIREMENTS ALLOCATION: -- -- Testing of a lower level component that is a procedure. -- -- -- UNIT OF: TR3_ADA_PACK -- -- INPUT/OUTPUT DATA ELEMENTS: -- -- The same as for the csc. -- -- LOCAL DATA ELEMENTS: -- -- Just tr2_var_1. -- -- INTERRUPTS AND SIGNALS: -- -- None used. -- -- UNIT ALGORITHMS: -- -- Since this is the same as a csc, the algorithm is the same. -- -- UNIT ERROR HANDLING: -- -- Not much. -- -- UNIT DATA CONVERSION: -- -- USE OF OTHER ELEMENTS: -- -- No other elements are used. -- -- UNIT LOGIC FLOW: -- -- See above. -- -- DATA STRUCTURES: -- -- Numerous data structures are defined here. -- -- LOCAL DATA FILES: -- -- No local data files are used. -- -- LIMITATIONS -- -- No known limitations, except, of course, that this doesn't do anything. -- -- REQUIREMENTS ALLOCATED TO THIS UNIT: -- -- To be a good test low-level case. -- -- -- package tr3_ada_pack is -- ++ -- -- PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: -- -- This is a top level package that is used for testing the PDF report tool -- on Ada packages. -- -- -- type tr3_type_1 is (-- beginning of enumeration decl tr3_en_1, -- enumeration literal 1 tr3_en_2, -- enumeration literal 2 tr3_en_3); -- end of enumeration decl type tr3_type_2 is (-- begin second enumeration decl tr3_en2_1, -- enum lit 1 tr3_en2_2, -- enum lit 2 tr3_en2_3, -- enum lit 3 tr3_en2_4 -- enum lit 4 ); type tr3_type_3 is private; type tr3_type_4 is array (1 .. 10) of INTEGER; type tr3_type_5 is new integer range 2 .. 20; type tr3_type_6 is array (tr3_type_5) of integer range 1..5; type tr3_type_7 is digits 6; type tr3_type_8 is access tr3_type_5; subtype tr3_subtype_1 is tr3_type_5 range 2 .. 10; tr3_con_1 : constant tr3_type_3; tr3_con_2 : constant := 23; tr3_con_3 : constant tr3_subtype_1 := 6; tr3_var_1 : tr3_subtype_1 := 5; tr3_var_2 : array (tr3_subtype_1) of FLOAT; -- ++ -- FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: -- -- This is a function specification, for an exported function. -- -- FORMAL PARAMETERS: -- -- t1: -- parameter 1 to this function -- -- a1: -- parameter 2 to this function -- -- RETURN VALUE: -- -- tr3_type_7, a 6 digit floating result -- -- -- function tr3_func_1 (t1 : in tr3_type_5; a1 : tr3_subtype_1) return tr3_type_7; -- ++ -- -- FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: -- -- this is a procedure specification, for an exported procedure. -- -- FORMAL PARAMETERS: -- p1: -- parameter 1 to this procedure -- -- a2: -- parameter 2 to this procedure -- -- [design] -- -- procedure tr3_proc_1 (p1, a2 : in out INTEGER); private type tr3_type_3 is (tr3_en3_1, tr3_en3_2); tr3_con_1 : constant tr3_type_3 := tr3_en3_2; end tr3_ada_pack;